6 "BI.OOD WILL TELL" The Heroes of the War "Blood will tell," is an axiom that in all the ages has never been gain s-ail. Every man who does a brave, in * oic act carries within his veins a <l" ility of blood that urges and sus ta! is him. Xo matter whether he in herits it from a long line of famous an .estors or from the sound and hi ilttiy constitution of bis immediate parents, whose only distinction is hon orable toll and a simple, virtuous life. it matters little where or how you obtain it, but it matters all the world that by some means you possess good bleod. Good blood is lirst, last and always the making of manly men and w<manly women. It is the source of all courage, virtue and happiness. A new man'enn be made out of one that's "used-up," bilious and dyspep tic. It's done by Dr. Pierce's Golden Modieal Discovery, It starts the torpid HVer ipto healthful action, purities and enriches the blood, cleanses, repairs, ard strengthens the system, and re stores health and vigor. As an appe tising. restorative tonic it sets at work all the processes of digestion and nu trition. and builds up tlesh and strength. It's the only Blood and 1.1 ver Remedy, that's guaranteed, in < very case, to benefit or cure. If it doesn't do all that's claimed for it, the money is promptly refunded. But it keeps Its promises—that's the rea nm it can be sold in this way. It is not a secret remedy for its in gredient* are printed on wrapper. You only pay for the good you get. "Discovery" strengthens Weak l.ungs. relieves Shortness of Breath, Bronchitis. Severe Coughs, ami kin dred affections. I'REE. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, bound in cloth, is sent free on receipt of 31 one-cent itamps to pay expense of wrapping and mailing only. Address: Doctor Pierce, Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y. SAVING LIVES / Mjk Father John's Medicine Best for Colds, Throat and Lungs. Builds you up. No Alcohol or dangerous drugs. CAMEO JEWELRY Brooches, from $3.50 up: Laval lieres, from $3.00 up. Scarf Pins, from Toe up; Kings, from $4.00 up. JOS. D. BRENNER Diamond Mrrelmnt nuil Jeweler Ko. 1 Xortli Third St. *• 1 The Cigar Tha Gift Lists For 23 Years Pretty safe to give a smoker a cigar with such a reputation! Some persons who select gift cigars "fall"' for fancy bands and fussy packages. . A smoker can't enjoy these things— he wants qual ity tobacco —and he gets it when you give him a box of King They don't have any frills, but each one is stuffed as full of quality as Santa's pack is full of good things. You surely can profit by whmt others have been doing for 23 years. Box of 25, $1.15 Box of 50, $2.25 Box of 100, $4.50 INMMMN I THE CHRISTMAS! M BIBLE GIVING PLAN GJ I r "COUPON 1 |S | A MAGNIFICENT 1 ggj B \ BIBLE M SELF-PRONOUNCING TEXT LARGE CLEAR TYPE " ■ flp • BOUND IN GENUINE FRENCH J MOROCCO, ABSOLUTELY Wl ™ NI:W SERIES OF HELPS, ILLUSTRATIONS AND MAPS jgK BRING THIS COUPOH to our office with 98 cent« (which covers cost of packing, transportation from factory, checking, clerk hire and other expense items), and this Bible will be delivered to you. If the Bible is to tMH jjPIQ be mailed, send IS cents extra for postage. v jH| 2$ THE HARRiSBUKti TELEGRAPH HE TUESDAY EVENING, Gay Elephant and Monkey Troops Chase Up and Down New Hosiery Rainbow Blend Shading Into This and That Can Be Seen in Shops Throughout the City The Christmas shopping; season daily ■ brings out a lot of bewilderingly in-: tereyting displays in feminine hosiery; the department store counters are! heavily laden with them. From wee girlhood to the use that begets reticdncc as to birthdays, ml- j lady's stocking receives especial con sideration at Chrlstmaa-time. Dolls j and dishes and things ' that fill "the I stocking; are of less importance to the j grown-up daughter of the house, how- |i ever, than the stockings themselves.; Father and brother nowadays are ex pected to include this form of gilt in ; i heir lists and the hosiery shops are particularly helpful with suggestions. Before France dispensed with frivol- [ ity and went to war the silken crea tions that the dainty Parisienne nf fected offered an attractive choice. I'ncele Sam's wife and daughter and sister and niece and wife-to-be are not without a wide variety to select from, however. CUT MIES OF NEARBY POSTMASTERS [Continued From First Page] sponsible for the falling off of postal receipts ami as the salaries of the presidential post office appointees are regulated by the amount of business transacted the federal postmasters must bear their share of the slim times. The cut authorized yesterday applies only to post offices of the sec olid class, although it is said that the larger cities are to be affected in time also. My the committee's action Steelton's postmaster will get SIOO a year less, .Middletown SIOO, Alechanlcsburg S3OO, Carlisle S3OO, Chambersburg S4OO, Get tysburg sloo, Columbia SIOO, Sunbur.v S2OO, Shaniokin S3OO and Palmyra SSOO. The complete list of Pennsyl vania towns affected, showing the cuts by comparison with the old salary, follows: Old New Salary. Salary Ambler $2,700 $2,500 Ardmore 2,500 2,000 Athens 2,200 2,000 Bangor 2,400 2,000 Bethlehem 2,000 2,500 Braddock 3,000 2,500 Bradford 3,200 2,500 Bristol 2.500 2,000 Bryn Mawr 2,600 2,000 Canton 2.200 2,000 Carbondale 2,T00 2,500 Carlisle 2,800 2,500 Catasauqua 2,300 2.000 < 'hamhersburg 2,«00 2,500 Coatesville . 2.500 2,500 Columbia 2,G00 . 2.500 ConshohocUen 2,500 2,000 Danville 2,400 2,000 Darby 2,400 2,000 Do.vlestown 2,400 2,000 Kast Stroudsburg 2,100 2,000 Galeton 2.200 2,000 Gettysburg 2,600 2,500 Hanover 2.600 2,500 Haverford 2.2 00 2,000 lionesdale 2,500 2,000 Jenkintown 2,200 2,000 Jersey Shore 2,100 2.000 Kennett Square 2,200 2,000 Ijinsdale .. .' 2.200 2,000 I Of course, there are the silky, web by fabrics of black; there are stock ings of pink and gold and bronze and blue and green and orange and the hundred and one shades between; there are stockings, sans the old-fash ioned clocks, made fascinating instead by troops of embroidered monkeys and | shaggy Newfoundlands and gay ele ' pliants and pink parrots chasing each other up and down and around on silken backgrounds of ilamlng crim son, glaring green, noisy blue, de mure gray; then there is the rainbow blend, beginning with pale pink toe and shading on up through delicate violet, orange and the other colors of the spectrum to crimson at the top. Mere man, who appears to be the most generous purchaser, has ceased to puzzle and pbnder upon one effect of most of the styles—thai problem of why the gaiety only begins six or eight inches above the ankle. Below 'tis all demurely plain. Lansdowno 2,000 2,500 Lansford 2,'00 • 2,000 Lehighton 2,200 2,000 Lewisburg 2,300 2,000 Lewistown 2,600 2,500 Utitz 2,100 2,000 Lock Haven 2,<>00 2,500 Mnhanoy City 2.500 2,000 Alaucli Chunk 2."00 2.000 Mechanicsluirg 2,300 2,000 Media 2,4 00 2,000 Middletown 2.100 2,000 Montrose ( . 2,100 2,000 Mount. Carmel .' 2,400 2,000 Muney 2,300 2,000 Xanticoke 2(200 2,000 Xaxareth 2,200 2.000 .Northampton 2,000 2,500 Palmyra 2,500 2.000 Philipsburg 2,400 2,000 Pittston 2,800 2,500 Plymouth 2.300 2,000 Pottstown 2,900 2,500 Kenovo 2,200 2,000 Tto.versford 2,300 2,000 Sayre 2,400 2,000 Shaniokin 2,800 2,500 Shenandoah 2.500 2,000 Shippensburg 2,300 2,000 Slatington 2,;i00 2,000 Steelton 2,1i00 2,500 Stroudsburg 2,400 2,000 Sunbur.v 2,700 2,500 Susquehanna 2,200 2,000 Swarthmore 2,200 2,000 Tamaqua 2.400 2,000 Wa-ytte r . 2,300 2,000 Waynesooro 2,700 2,300 Welisboro 2,500 2,000 West Grove 2.500 2,000 WANT SALOONS ItKDVCGI) San Francisco, Dee. 15.—Upon the theory expressed by its members that "the liquor men are killing the goose that lays their golden eggs," a. com mittee of the Chamber of Commerce has begun the formulation of a plan to regulate and I educe the number of saloons in San Francisco. Its plans extend to legislative action at Sacra mento this winter, "with a view to harmonizing regulation in the State." ONE OF KVIORY TKY GIST AID Chicago. Dec. 15.—One out of every ten persons in Chicago receives aid from public charity, according to re ports to-day of the retiring presi dent of the board of county commis sioners. The report states that during the current year partial or coihplete support was given at public expense to 250,000 residents of Cook county. The total population of the county is approximately 2,500,000. Those who know say that sunny iii is the ideal place for automobiling; for golf, tennis and other outdoor sports. There are more I miles of oiled high ways here than in any other section of. U. S. A. Just the i place to bring your touring car. Bring along your golf clubs, too, and keep on playing when Eastern links are snowbound. * Go "Santa Fe all the way" The California Limited is an all-steel train exclu sively for first-class travel Tkree other daily Santa Fe train* to California ; and the Santa Fe de-Lux«, weekly in winter. Fred Harvey meal service. On your way visit the Grand Canyon of Arizona. Nineteen-fifteen is Exposi tion year at San Francisco and San Diego. Write to C.L.Scatfrarei. Gen.Colonization Agent. 2301 Railway Exchange. Chicago, for Arizona and San Joaquin Valley land booklets. ®A»k me (or Panama Exposition*. California Limited and Grand Canyoa booklets. 8. B. St. John, 0. 711 Chwtnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. IC\ HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH IKINL ACTS il ESSENTIAL State Board Will Obviate Neces sity of Enacting Changes to Some Labor Legislation Plans arc being made at the Capitol for meetings of a number of the spe cial committees of the State industrial Board in charge of drafting of rules for safety and sanitation to meet in January and sumblt suggestions to the State Industrial Board. Several com mittees connected with foundries, iron and steel mills and similar plants are to meet next month. It is believed that through these recommendations the State board will be able to promulgate a series of rules which will obviate any necessity for changes In laws rela tive to inspection. The railroad men's ideas in regard to safety laws will be discussed at meetings beginning to-day and lasting until Thursday. The chief matter will be to organize the light to retain the lull crew bill on the statute books. The committees will confer with State public service and other ottlcials. Thursday's hearing on compensa tion acts Is expected to develop the urevailing sentiment in regard to in surance features. The industrial ac cidents commission members will re submit (he act of litis with a few changes, but plan to listen to any sug gestions for changes. Several new bills are expected to make their ap pearance. • The State commission to select a site and drav.- up a plan for a State in stitution i'or the care of inebriates and drug victims will meet at the Capitol <>n Friday to prepare its report. The State building coda commission is also getting its report ready and the State engineers' license commission will ask an extension of time. U. S. LEADS IN TRADE WITH 20 REPUBLICS [Continued From First I'agc] their exports were $1,539,123,597 and imports $1,325,752,027, leads Big Countries In this trade, according to Mr. Bar rett, the I'nited States, contrary to general opinion, led the United King dom, Germany and France with large margins. I'nited States exports to 837,345; the I'nited Kingdom at $322,- 837,345; the United Kinkrom at. $322,- 228,073; German, $217,97«,202, and France, $10,484,385. Imports front Latin-America were: I'nited States, $477,028,500: United Kingdom, $321,- 358,313; Germany, $178,156,172; Franco, $128,323,008. These figures, Mr. Barrett declared, would surprise American exporters and importers and should encourage those who had be lieved there was little opportunity for them in i.atln-Anierlcan trade be cause of European competition. Growth Rapid "Although," he continued, "the bal ance of Latin-American trade is, ac cording to the figures, in favor of Latin-America and against the United States to the value of $151,791,155, while that of the United Kingdom and Germany is more evenly divided, It must bo remembered that this bal ance against the United States is large ly made up of such articles as coffee and other raw products, which In the course of being converted into manu factured products, in the industries of the United States, employ American capital and labor and hence ultimate ly in their sale as tlnished products make the tinai balance actually In favor of instead of against the United States. "A comparison of the figures of Latin-American trade in 1897 with those of 1913 show what a remarkable rapidity of growth has characterized Latin-American commerce and points conclusively to the potentialities of its future. In 1897' the total foreign com merce of the twenty Latin-American countries was valued at $910,422,499; now it stands at $2,864,876,224, an as tonishing: and almost marvelous in crease in only a decade and a half of 11.954,453,726, or approximately 350 per cent." AT TUBS VICTORIA TOO A V Full of adventurous episodes, piling one breath-retardinK incident upon an other, and so sincerely acted that its events' seem real in "The Mystery of the Poison Pool,' In five reels, which heads to-day's hill at the Victoria Theater, 223 Market street. Few mo tion- picture productions have been as superbly handled as this powerfully dramatic photoplay of the wilds of Africa. It is full of realism which adds to the effectiveness of its por trayal. Among the scenes which have made lasting impressions on audiences which have seen the play is that of ;the poisoned pool, at the brink of which dead animals and bones are seen. Here two men, parched with thirst, crawl to the water's edge and are I about to drink when they realize their [danger and one saves his partner after a terrific tight. Another dramatic I scen»j of unusual power Is when a large I snake is seen crawling down a rope, ion which a fugitive from cannibals Is I making his, escape. | Another thriller at the Victoria to day is the Keystone Comedy featuring [Charlie Chaplin and Keystone Mabel. | It is a scream and well up to the stan dard of recent Keystone features shown | at the Victoria.—Advertisement. SAVIXCJ ALL PARTS OF THF, PICTURE. This is the purpose of the sulphite of soda, to I'Ct as a preservative. Thus we have the developing trium virate: the reducing agent, the pre servative and the accelerator. It Is obvious that by changing their pro portions the action of the developer jean be materially affected. More [carbonate will give greater speed in development and more density, while, i more sulphite will decrease tho ten dency of the developer to turn red on Icontact with the air. Conversely, less [carbonate will give less 'density and ' less sulphite will permit more oxy- Idation in the air and more satin In [the negative. Many photographers Uirc very particular about the exact I amount of this color, believing that it afTects the print materially. Others abhor it and use a clear working <agent, almost any other than pyro, to Klve a negative practically free from [color. Since proper density and color 'are the principal thinns to be ob tained by varying the proportions of preservative and accelerator, we may [thus readily understand the old photo praphtc maxim: "Carbonate for den sity and sulphite for color."—January OUTING. X HINT FOR PHOTOO R APHICRS Carbonate of soda ii an accelerator for the. reducing agent. With most developers, when they are dissolved alone in water, the image will ulti nwltely appear, but It will come very slowly. And a strong solution of car bonate of soda to the reducing agent and water and the Image will fairly leap at you. The reduction of the bromide of silver has been tremen dously hastened and It also more thorough and complete, the negative having much greater" renslty. This Is the sole mission of carbonate of soda in the developer. It is to speed thinns up end complete the action. —January OUTING. ■EdDOSE«C]E3G]Q]fSHHO[!]QSQOB BGMEMQ ■ iflni-ffflran ■ 008 fWHroiffISSPRERSIff 1U BETTER MERCHANDISE FOR [ESS MONEY U | Record Breaker Sale j DRESSES JF I SUITS—COATS | Last week s sales were so enormous, we had to again call on our manufacturers to supply us with this season s 01 01 most wanted sport coats, plushes, gabardines, corduroys, fur trimmed garments, etc. Q H They have sent us this merchandise which we will place g on sale to-morrow at prices never before known in Harris burg. The garments our manufacturers have sent us are the desirable models of the season. So come to this store early to-morrow and secure fashionable winter garments that are Q 30% below manufacturers* cost. D 1 §2*l. $5.95] Coats $10.95 | Q Skinner satin lined, Broadcloth, COAIS Sport coat, Cordu- Q n 1 i* r i Tvr* roys, Plushes, Foxtrot coats, pi Gabardine, Lordurovs, Mixtures: .. . , , ' m , , , ' Zibehnes, Astrakhans; all colors; fcJ H st - vhsh and c,ever; va,ues "P and sizes. Thev arc wonderful • H 0 $25.00. $30.00 value. g y' s ■ EtanOSEBGinGimHnHOaQaQH ■ HEMElMMMraiPliami-ini 5 WIT A REAL, LIVE BABY FOR CHRISTMAS? [Continued I rom First Page] the older It gets the better you'll like It See There are many children in the.or phan homes that are longinK for mothers and fathers and there are many men and women who are long inn to be mothers and fathers. So the logical thing for folks to do is to get the homeless child for a Christmas present and make a home for the baby the whole year, says Mrs. Mlddleton. Mrs. Mlddleton said that she will Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach tfc# diseased portion of the ear. There Is only one way to curs deafness, and that Is by constitution al remedies*. Deafness la caused by an Inflamed condition of the mueons lining of the Eustachian Tuhe. When this tube Is Inflamed you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing, and when It Is entirely closed Deafness 1m the result, aud unless the Inflammation can be tnken out aud tills tube restored to Its normal condition, hear ing: will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which ia nothing but an Inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will glre Ona Hundred Dollars for any case ct Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circu lar*, free. p j p nENKy QQ Toledo> 0# Sold by Druggists, 75c. Tike Hall's Family Pills for constipation. AMUSEMENTS r 1 Photoplay Today "THE PRODIGAL," 2-art Ivntrni with Tom Moore and Marguerite Conrtot. "THE HOUSE OK D'OK." --nr» I.ubln. '•MYSTERIOUS MR. DAVEV." Vltagrnph. FRIDAY "THE NAKED TRUTH" S Aeta. The Story of a BK.ll, Woman. /■ \ FRENCH IVORY A beautiful assortment at one half the regular price. JOS. D. BRENNER Diamond Merchant aud Jeneler So. 1 .North Third St. V "1 Banished All Signs of Superfluous Hair Forever" Saj« a Speelal Correspondent A new medical treatment called Mrs. Osgood's Wonder has been devised that never falls to remove all traces of humiliating hair growths wherever ap plied. It Is extremely effective even in the longest standing cases and cannot Injure the skin or complexion. Mrs. Osgood's Wonder can be obtained at Kennedy's Drug Store or other drug:-' gists on a signed Money-Back Guaran tee found In every package. Its use coats nothing If it falls.—Advertise ment. SCARF PINS > Diamond, from $3.00 up; Solid Gold, from »1.00 up: Gold Filled, from 50c up. JOS. D. BRENNER Diamond Merchant and .lender No. 1 North Third St. DECEMBER 15. 1914. furnish a*y one with a babjr to help br'Kliten Iheir home for not only Christ mas, but for all the time. She declared there are many children In the industrial and orphan boms who would be only to glad to have somo one to call "papu" or "mama".*' She told of several cases In which people have already asked for children to care for over the holiday season and of others who asked for boys or nirls this Christmas and intend to give them a home. Married folks who have AMCSKMKNTS AMUSEMENTS Palace Theater TO-DAY ROBERT LEONARD and ELLA HALL IX KIIIST l\ STA I.MUXT VXIVKHS.VI, SPECIAI, FKATI'KB, /mM MING WILSON / (jjtn} Vyf Thrill intf Storryr. V JJ) ix TWO nI:I:I.S. Coamofuto Film Company preaeuta our of thr unil dromalli' anil tlmel-r thrrr-ml featured, "KN(iI,AM)'S MENACE." Clara llorton nnil Stanlrj- Walpole la an Eclair drama. "A FRIEXD IX' XKKII." ADMISSION. 10c. , CHILDREN, 3r. ■ - ' ' » 11 ■■ *TT— IIIrIi Claaa Vnmlrtlllr, 2.1.1 anil 8.1.1 Vniirirvlllr and Flcturea, 2.1.1, 7 A t> ROTARY WEEK CT FI M 0 BENEFIT OF U1 • Mmd Mai 1* JL V/ Belgian War Sufferers "" T ""; "" T, " E '"" 111 it Slion —Xo Increaae In Prlcei. ■/# fxf /I HBIUG WAXX 9 FARBKK tJIItI.S ,w. JOB JACKSON loeludln* the I.OHAINE * DUDLEY /• I • 1 II n Three Olher tiood Acta an.l | LlttlC lIODCy DCCS EuropeanWarPictures ni "'" t show *»T~*.re .. «u. World for the Money. Sent* «»r«lere<l by telephone intuit .. .. i-t - , ... be culled for before IJW anil 7.0U Matlneea, 5c and 10c| Evening lttc o'clock. IS «'- I l —^ \ A 2 2-°" I ■ ■ U f%.10.»0AM.T0 I I.PM. J. SPECIAL TO-DAY Keyston« Mabel & Charlie Chaplin In tlie acreamlng Keyatone cowed}-. "GETTING ACHI'AIXTED," Other featurea to-day—"WHO SHOT BID WAI.TOX," 2 parta. "THE MYSTERY OF THE POISOX POO 1.." A powerful drama of the Heart of Africa la live parta with nn nll-atar caat. Including Jamea Gordon. Hetty Haate. E. A. Turner and Frank Nldewell. | v * never had any children or whose chil dren have died can make up for tho lews by sehdintf their names to the office of the Aid Soolet.v for a baby to whom they are willing to be mother and father. Any unmarried businesswoman or bachelor who wants to have a real Christmas and a real home can have the necessary child to make up for tho loneliness and silence just for the ask ing. too, Mrs. Middleton assures the public.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers