FIRST ANNUAL FAIR or THS COLUMBIA MATT iGKICtTLTURii, ARB HftKTICULTUKAL Mill, TO HELD AT RLMMiBVBfi,CTOBBB MAM, 18M. MET Off HORSEB. Beet Stallion, orr 4 fears old, St 40 do second do do 1 00 do staUkm ooder|4 years oM, 1 00 do Mars aod Colt, tOO do Sd do do 100 do "Pair match horses, 2 00 do Single horse foe hsrasssspd saddle t 00 CATTLE. Bert bull eewr Fyaars old, * 00 i do 2d do da do 1 00 do bolt undor 2 years old, 4 00 do 2d do do do 1 00 do Oevr, 2 00 do td do 1 00 do Toko of Oxen, 2 00 do 2d do do 1 00 do Heifer, 2 00 do 2d do I 00 do Fat Animal, 2 00 do >d do do 1 00 SWINE. Best Boar, * (00 do Sow, 1 00 do 2d do 00 do pair shoals over 4 mouths, 1 00 do 2d do do do do 00 do Litter of pigs under 2 moMbs, 100 SHEEP. Best Bam, t 00 do Ewe, 1 00 do Lamb, i 00 do Fat Sheep, 1 00 do Flock 6 sheep. POULTRY. Best pair Torkeys, 40 do do Geese, 40 do do Musk, ducks, 40 do do Paddle do 40 do pair large Asiatic Fowls, 1 00 do 2d do do do 90 do pair Bolton Greys or Creoles 40 do do Bantams, 60 do Collection, 1 00 GRAIN A POTATOES. Best bushel of Wheat, I 00 do do Core, 1 00 do do Rye, 50 do do Oats, 40 do do Buckwheat, 40 do do Potatoes, 40 VEGETABLES. Beat Beets, not less than 12, 40 do Carrots, 40 do Parsnip*, 40 do Turnips, 40 do Oyster Plsnt, 40 do Tomatoes, 40 do Celery, 50 do Onions, 40 do Cabbage, 90 do Squash, 90 do Sample of Bean crop, 90 do Field Peas, 90 dot Assortment ofGardsn Vegetables, I 00 FRUITS. Best Variety of Apples, 1 00 do Pear*, 90 do Peaobes, 90 do Quinces, 90 do Domestio Wine, I 000 2nd do 90 do 6 Bunches of Grapes, 90 do Watermelon,Mnskmelon,orCtlroo, 5U IMPLEMENTS., Best Threshing Machine, 2 00 do Reaper, * I 00 do Seed Drill, I 00 do Winnowing Mill, 1 00 do Corn Shelter, 1 00 do Plow, 1 00 do Cultivator, 1 00 do Roler, 1 00 do Slrrw Culler, 1 00 do Farm Wagon, 1 00 do Sett Harness, J 00 do Horse Rake, 60 do Grain Cradle, 90 DAIRY, AC. Best Butter, not leas than 9 pounds, 100 2nd do do " 90 do Honey, do " 50 do Loaf Bread, 3 " 90 do Ham Cured by Etbibiior, 90 de Six pounds Home-made Soap, 90 do u Quarts Apple-butter, 90 do " Preserve*, 50 DOMESTIC MANUFACTURES. Best Counterpane, 50 do Qnilt, 90 do Hearth Rng, - 90 do Pair Blankets, 50 do Twenty yds. Carpel, (0 do Tea do Cloth, 60 do Five do Flannel, 90 do Pair knit wool socka or rlockings 90 do do Gloves or mittons, 90 do 1 bl. Home-made Thread, 90 MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES. For Mechanical Inventions, tools, fucni tare and other artiolea not coming under any of the above heeds. Prises will be decreed according to the maoe of the Bociety and merita of the arti cles exhibited. Ploughing Match—best ploughman, SOO 2d best 2 00 2d best 1 00 tr Hen. DAVID TAOOABT will deliver an address ou Thursday, October 23d, at I P. M. HORSES. N. S. Prentiss, Bloomsburg, Jacob Dial, do Nathan Seely, Berwick, Samuel Melick, Soon, John K. Grotz, Bloomsburg, J. H. Vanderslice, Mt. Pleasant. CATTLE. Nathan Bomboy, Bloomsburg, Henry Holienanead, CaMawissa, EUw Dekerich, Montour, Emanttel Laxarue, Orange, M.G. Shoemaker, Buck born. SWINE. Jacob Melick, Scott, Joseph Henderabot, Bloom, John Hantaan, Hemlock, Nebemiah Reese, Briancreek, Herman Criveling, Scott, SHEEP. John Snyder, Orengevitle, Peter Meuaeb, Bloomsburg, Sylvester Pursell, ' Hemlock, Q. H. Willita, Mortour, , John Richards, Bloomsburg. GRAIN AND POTATOES. Reuben Wilson, Greenwood, George Eves, jr. de S. P. Partner. Franklin, John Deiterieb, Montour, John Shnman, * Seen. POULTRY. E. P. Lnu, Bloom two. J. M. Pension, Madison, Martin Rupert, Bloom, Dr. Cotner, Madison, Thee. EMlmon, Bloom. / - VEGETABLES - *** >: 1 E. Rodman Drinker, Bloom twp. L. L.Tate, do BsssaWiS: £ Mrs Will torn MeKelvy do FRUfIB. A. J. Sloan, Bloom twp. Dr. P. John, Greenwood, Isaac Pursell, Hemlock, William Boyder, Bloom, M. E. Jackson, Briarcreek. IMPLEMENTS. Dr. J. Ramsey, Meant twp. Frank Stewart, Brierareek, W. H. Wooden, At Dr. G. Lou, Orange, Joo. Mcßeynolds, Hemlock. DATRY, AC. Vanish Reese, Hemlock tp. Mrs. James En.milt, gt do Mrs. Elizabeth Smith, Bloom, Mtv. William Snyder, de Mrs. Dr. Ramsey, do DOMESTIC MANUFACTURES. Joseph Sends, George Vance, Mrs. 8. V. Hogenbucb, Mrs. L. B. Rupert, Bloom two. Mrs. L. H. Maast, do Mrs. L. L. Tate, de Mrs. D.MeKiney, do DISCRETIONARY, NO. (. E. Mendenball, Bloom twp. Alfred Criveling, Scott, S. L. Bettle. do Col. N. McCay, Madison, Samuel Creasy, Mifflin. DISCRETIONARY, NO. 2. John Sharpie**, Catawissa tp. Mra. S. B. Deimer, do Mra. D.J. Waller, Bloom, Miss Amelia Webb, do Mist Isabella £obison. do PLOUGHING MATCH. Caleb Barton, Jr., Bloom twp. Samuel Boone, do Joseph Mooter, Montour, George Yost, do Thomas Creviling, Scott. . Bloomsburg, Oct. 2, 1896. A RARE CHANCE, , And a good Opportunity to Responti ble Men to obtain Profitable and Healthy Employment TO AGENTS, CANVASSERS, COLPOR TEURS AND POSTMASTERS. Any person obtaining Subscribers for Firrv Comas ol either of the two following AMERICAN NATIONAL WORKS, and remitting the amount (less a targe Com mission) to lite Publisher, will be entitled to FIFTY DOLLARS* worth from the subjoined List of valuable Works at the fool of tbia advertisement. AMERICAN NATIONAL WORKS. I. THE NATONAL HISTORY OF THE UNI TED STATES: Colonial, Revolutionary, and Constitutional, chiefly from National Docnments. By J. B. Lossiao and EDWIN WILLIAMS. With numerous fine Illustra tions on Steel and Wood. 2 vols, imperial Svo., cloth gilt, 27.00. 11. THE STATESMAN'S MANUAL: contain ing the Lioes, Mutagen, and Administra tions of the Pruidtnls, from Washington to Pierce. With fine Portraits on Steel. 4 vols, large Bvo-, cloth gilt, 210 00. Popular and Valuable Jf'otjci, at Pre miumi to Agent*. A VOICE TO AMERICA: by Amer cans : 4th edition, Bvo_ cloth, 2100 DOW LING'S HISTORY OF ROMAN ISM : 40 illustration*, Bvo., cloth, 290 MRS. CHOICE WORKS FOR THE FAMILY ClßCLE,plates 2 vols. Bvo., cloth, 4 00 THE AMERICAN AND ODD-FEL LOWS' LITERARY MUSEUM, 30 Steel Engravings, 2 vols. Bvo., cloth, 5 00 GUIDE TO KNOWLEDGE, 300 plates royal Bvo., cloth, 2 50 WONDERS OF THE WORLD, 250 plates, 8 vo-, 2 oo t3F Agents wishing to engage in the good work of circulating these important Publica tions, will please address a line to the Pub lisher, EDWARD WALKER, 114 Fulton St., and the) will receive immediate attentiou with foil particulars of Commission, Ac. Address EDWARD WALKER, Lilt of Letter* REMAINING In lha Post Office at Blooms burg, Pa., October Ist, 1856. Appleman David R. Moper Dr. Armstrong Edward Maaet C A Allan Mills Mt>*ar Noah Beirds Jacob Moil Lott Blecher Peter Mayer Jacob Bennar Sarah McLsugblin Cboffee Danford O'Reilly John Cutter John B Oho Lovine Cogar Mary Overpeek Ann 2 Cox John Percci Henry Dildine Jacob Roaenthai J. Etdy Nancy ' Reader George Gorman John Btrants M H Hoover Samuel Strawser Sarah Johnston Thomas Thomas David C 2 King G hi Unger Mary Long John Unangsl C Lory Lydia Vainer William Mill Santos! Wink Metlie A Warer Elick. Persons calling for tbs above letters will please say they are advertised. PHILIP UNANGST, P. M. Bloomsburg, Oct 2, 1866. ' .!■ I - . T I Premium Improved SUPER-PHOSPHATE OF LIME. The toly surer Medal "VET awari.d by Agrionltnral Societies, was ghr# to this superior article, at the Pennsylvania State Fair, at Harriabnrg, as a Fertilizer of the Bast Quality for Wheat, Cera, Bate, Grass ft Petatees, Raising heavy crops, and greatly improvieg the aod. The eobecriber respectfully informs farmers and dealers that he ia prepared to supply the fall demand with this superior and well tested article. Agents Wanted. —A liberal discount allowed. ALSO. M. i PERUVIAN ft MEXICAN GUANO. Poudrette and Land Platter. Oil*, Candle*, Soap, Of the beet quality, at lowest market rates. JOHN L. POMEROY, Ninth and Tenth Wharves, below Mar ket Street, PhtlacPa. OT Farmers oan load si two private alleys, and avoid the crowded Wharf. Aogost 18,1896-3 m. saw 8 IN BLOOnSBVRU, EPHRAIM ARMSTRONG OAS taken charge of a new marble works U ! the corner of Main and Market St, Bloomsburg, where the pnblio oan be served Every kild of Marble Work, executed in the best style of the Art, and at the lowest Irving ptioee. Thankful for peat favors, Mr. Armstrong will execute all orders that may be left wiiK him CM TMhftMN, Tombs, MMHDMIhL Doorend Window Sills, steps sandstone, Mar.lks, or any thing elm in the department of marble m.roruy* l? e stock on Bane aod engaged consist* of the best ITALIAN AND AMERICAS MARBLE; and LETTERING will be dene in WrftVr German. E. ARMSTRONG Bloomsburg, Feb. 1, 1299. B SALAMANDER SAFES; CVANB ft WATSON, No. 26 Sooth Fourth St., PHILADELPHIA. ■ Great Fire, ChesftMt ft Fifth Streets, MONDAY MORNING, DECEMBER, 15th, 1854. EVANS b WATSON'S SALAMAN DER SAFES TRIUMPHANT, as they al ways are when put to the test. Philadelphia, Ok. 1 9th, 1854. Messrs. Evans it Watson, No. 26 south Fourth Street, Philadelphia.—Gentlemen:— We take pleasure in reoomnsending yonr Salamander Sates to merchants and others in want of a teeore means of preserving their books, nepers, fee., from ire, es the one we purchased from yen about aeven months sines has preserved oor books, pa pers, and cash in es good condition as they - ware when put into it, before the great fire of this morning, which destroyed the entire block of buildings corner of Chestnut end Fifth Streets. The above Safe was in nae in onr office, on the second floor of onr build . ing, from which place it fell into the cellar, and remained there until the fire was ont.— The safe was then removed, and oppaned in the presence el at least 1000 person*, who witnessed the good condition or the content*. Will voo please have the Safe and looks re- C aired, as we intend to put it in use again, aving perfect confidence in its fire proof qualities. Yours, respectfully, LACEY b PHILLIPS. Evans & Watson take pleaeuae m referring to the following, among the many hundreds, , who have their Safes m use:—U. S. Mint, Philadelphia; Fanners fe Mechanics' Bank, Philadelphia; Samuel Allen, E*q. : High Sher iff, Philadelphia: John N. Henderson, Oily Controller; Caleb Cope k Co., No. 183 Mar ket street; Richard Norris & Son, Locomotive builders, Philadelphia; Bancroft & Sellers, Machinists, corner 16th and Jamas streets; Franklin Fire Insurance Co., Philadelphia; Pennsylvania Railroad Co., Philadelphia; Lacey & Phillips, corner of sth and Minor street; Sharplese Bro., No. 82 south Second street; James, Kent & Santee, No. 147 north Third street. A large assortment of the above Safes al ways on hand {warranted to stand at least 14 per cent, more firs than any Herring's Sale now in use.] Evans & Watson also ' manufacture and keep for sale, Iron Shatters, 1 Iron Doors, and Iron Sub, for making fire proof Vaults, for Banks, stores, private and 1 public; Seal aod Letter Copying Presses; Patent Slate Lined Refrigerator*, Jut. Please give n* a call at No. 26 Sooth' 4th street Philadelphia. • EVANS & WATSON. March 27, 1856. TONICS WON'T DO. rft HEY never did do more than give tempo rary relief and they never will. It is be cause they don't touch the cause of (he die ease. The cause of all ague and billions dis eases is the atmospheric poison called Mias ma or Malaria. Neutralize this poison by its NATURAL ANTIDOTE, and ail diseases caused by it disappears al once. Rhodes' Fever and Ague Care it this Antidote to Malaria, and moreover it ia a perfectly harmless medicine. The certificate of the celebrated chemist, I. R. Chilton, of New York, to this effect, is attached to every bottle ; therefore if it does no good it can do no harm. i This is more than oan be said of Qnioine, Arsenic, or any tonic in existence, as tbeir use is rninons to tbe constitution and brings t on DUMB AGUE, which never allows a per son to feel perfectly well for a single moment. I In illustration of these troths I annex some extracts from a letter jnst received from a I Physician: Georgetown, Ohio, March 17, '56. I J it. A. RHODES, Esq.—Dear Sir: Yours of - 2d inst. is at band. The Cure arrived late ■ last yesr and the difficulty in getting any one , to try it was greatly increased from the fact i that a remedy had been nflrodnced which was growing in favor with the public, as be ing tetter than using Quinine, —not knowing ■ I presume that the remedy they needed to escape taking Quinine, contaiued the DRUG ITSELF! This remedy, (known es "Smith's Tonic,") would invariably BREAK an agna, but it did not CURE it, and it wonhl ofteu return with renewed vigor. The one circnmstancq I deemed in yonr favor, if I could institute a test comparison between it aod yonr CURE. Tbe following ia tbe result: Three persons look your "Cure," all of which ware caaes of "Quotidian Intermit tent Fever," of many weeks standing. They bad tried Quinine, and other remedies, ocos slbnatly missing a chill, bnt it was, (as in all such cases,) slowly wearing them out, and laying the foundation of other alid severer maladies. I did succeed in effecting a radi cal cure of ell three of these casee with your remedy, and they have not bed a obill since. In all three of tbese oases the "Smith's Too ic" bad been used, and would, as before sta ted, break the chili, bnt after a period or two had elapsed it wopld return. I think there will be no difficulty now in 1 giving to yonr "Care" the ventage ground of any other remedy now in use here, br. be. WILLIAM BUCKNER, M. D. RHODES' FEVER and AGUE CURE, or Antidote to Malaria, the only harmless reme dy in existence, is equally certain as a PRE , VENTIVE. as a "CURE." Take it when yon feel the obill coming on, and yon will never have a single one. , • . JAMES A. RHODES, Proprietor. Providence, R. I. i For sale by Druggists generally. ■ Jane 18, 1856. \ New Wboleiale Draft Store, No. 20 South Second Street, PHHADDLPBIA N SPENCER THOMAS, IMPORTER • Manufacturer, aod Dealer ic Drags* ' Medicines, Chemicals, Acids, Dye Staffs, Phials, Oils, Cetera, White Lead, French end Amerioau White Zinc, Window Glass, Glassware, Varnishes. Brashes, Instru ments, Ground Spioes, Whole Spices, end all other articles usually kept by Druggists, in cluding Borax, Indigo, Qlue, Shellac, Potash, kc. be. be. All orders by mail or otherwise , promptly attended to. COUNTRY MERCHANTS ere invited to eall end examine our stock be fore purchasing elsewhere. to GOODS sent to any of the Wharves or Rail Road Stations. Prioee low and goods warranted, i Philadelphia, March 6, !866.-ly. PENNSYLVANIA ! No. 80 Arch St. bet. Second fir Third, (Opposite Bread Street,) PHILADELPHIA: ; OIEVES, RIDDLES, SCREENS, WOVEN " Wire ol all mashes and widths, with ell kinds of plain and faney wire work. Heavy Twilled Wire far Spark Catchers; Coal, Sand ' end Gravel Screens; Piper M*ker', Wire; ' Cylindet end Dandy Rolfs, covered ia tbe ' Sieves. All hinds of Iron Ore Wire and Sieves. BAYLISS, DARBY & LYNN. < August 20, IBM.-3m, :A -"*S A i ? n *. Business Directory. Bloomrtttvg* pa- HIlASfw. TMOIMTOL 114 ERCH ANT.—Store on the Booth sid-o <rf , i'i. Main Sitae), second square below Mst ket. DAVID LOWENBEBC). fJLOTHING STORE, on Main street, two doors above the 'American House." > SIMON DIEIFCSS, & Co. ' pLOTHING STORE in the 'Exchange | Block,'opposite the Coort house. [ ~ A. J. ETANB. , 'MERCHANT.—Store on the upper part . of Main street, nearly opposite the r Episcopal Charch. ! I B. C. BUIVB. I 'MANUFACTURER OF FURNITURE i ANI) CABINET WARE.—Wareroom ■ in Sbive'i Block, on Main Street. • A.M. BUFEKT, ' rpINNER AN© BTOVE DEALER.— ' A Shop on South side of Mein street, be ; low Maeket. f; R. W- WEAVER. A TTORNEY AT LAW.—Office on the ■c\- first floor of the "Star" Building, on j Main street. • JOSEPH SHARPLESB. | ROUNDER ANfr MACHINEST, Build . A ingsonthaeliey between the "Exchange r and "Amerioan House." i BARNARD RUPERT, i r | iAILOR. —Shop on the South Side of Main I A Street, first square below Market. ; A ,C. MENSCH, ; \f ERCHANT.— Store North West corner ' -"A 0 f Main and Market S'reete. HIRAM C. HOWEB, ' cjURGEON DENTIST.—Office near the ! W Academy on Third Street. ' M'KELVT, REAL A CO* | T*| ERCH ANTS/—Northeast corner of Main I AfA and Market streets. 1 JOSEPH SHARPLESS, i MANUFACTURE AND DEALER IN . •"•ASTOVES, TINWARE Ire.—Establish ment on Main street, next ouiiding above he Court-house. PORDON'S BIR8T. ANY Justice of the Peace wishing to pur chase a copy of Pardon's Digest, can be accommodated by applying, at be this | offre THE POCKET MBCULAPIUS; , HIS OWN PHYSICIAN. ®rTHE FIFTEITH -A Edition, with One hundred Engrevingt, showing Diseases and Mal formations of the human System in every shape and form . To which is added t Treatise on the Diseases of Femsles, being of the highe-t impoitsnce to mor. vied people, or those con tsmplsting marriage. 3y WILLIAM YOVNG, M. D. Let co father be sshamed ihe present scopy [ of the Aeseulspius to his child. Ilmsy save bim from an early grave. Let no young man or woman enter into the secret obligations of mar . rled life without reading the Pocks Aesculapius Let no one.uffer from a hacknied Cough. Pain 1 in the Side,restless nights, nervous feelings, j and the whole train of Despeptie aensaUoos, 1 and given up by their phyaiciana, he another 1 moment without 'consulting the AESCfJLA ' PIUS. Have the married, or those about to be ! married any impediment, read tbia troly useful | bonk, as it hss been the means of saving thou ' sands of unfortunate creatures from the very jaws of death. ) Any person sending twenty five cents, en ' closed in e letter, will receive one copy of this J hook, by mall,or five copies wiilbs sent for one I dollar. Address, Dr. W. Young, No. /58 Spruce > street, Philadelphia.' Postpaid. • No 1S Sprues St., Philadelphia. f Sep* at, 1854-ly. £j3aaca) acta sb "Qooa ops' • Cabinet Ware Rooms, r esSn 8. C. SHITE II F.SPECT FULLY invitee the attention of ' MA ef the Publto to hie extensive assort ment of Cabinet Furniture and Chairs, which ' he will warrant made of good materialaand in a workmanlike manner. At hia Establish ment, can always be found a good assort } ment of FaihiMaUe FarßiUu, Whioh is equal in style and finish to that of r Philadelphia or New York citiea, aod at as . few prices. He ha* Sofaa of different sly]* . and prices, from 825 to 860. Divan*, Loun , gee, Walnut acd Mahogany Parlor chairs, I Rocking and easy chairs, Piano stoola, and a variety of upholstered work, with Dressing and parlor bureaus, sofa, card, centre and . pier tables, delaahua, cheSeniors, whatnots and comodes and all kinds of fashionable work. His staok of bureaus, enclosed and common withstands, dress-tables, oorner cupboards, sola*, dining and breakfast ta bles, bedsteads, eane seat and common obairs, is the largest in this section of the country. Ho will also keep a good assort' ment of tooking-gleeea* with fancy gift and > common frames. He will also furnish spring mattresses fitted to any sized bedstead,which aw superior for durability and comfort to any bad in use. Btoomsburg, April 6th 1854. tf.. ! Trusses t Trasses I Trusses * Q|, SC. TRUSS AND BRACE ESTABLISHMENT, s. w. cob. or 12ih asd back stkcktb, PHILADELPHIA. " IMPORTER of fine French Truss—l es, combining extreme lightness, j ease and durability with correet construction. ' f Hernial or ruptured patients can be suited ' i by remitting amounts, as below: —Sending number of inches round the bipe, and etat- ' ing side affected. < Coat Of Single Trues, 82, 83, $4, 86. - Double, 85,86, 88, and 10. Ihe tractions as to wear, and how to effect g ears, when possible, sent with the Truvs. Also for sale, in great variety, Dr. Ban- i ning's Improved Patent Body Brace, for the . cure of Prolapsus Uteri? -Spinal Props and Supports/ Parent Shoulder Braces, Cheat ex- . I panders and Erector Braede, adapted lb ail ' with rtoon shobldera and weak lung*; English ' Elastic Abdominal Beits, Suspensories, Byr < I tngee—male and female. ! Ladies' rooms, with lady attendant*. August 8, 1866. | > Fancy GOODS, of nvery description sod variety, new styles, acd freshlrom New York and Philadelphia, for sale at the cheap store | M'KELVY, NEAL T CO ! Phtlad'H. nud Rending *• *• u BR!HMjn.M£r' i ASASTKMENI 3B ° Greet Northern and Western U. 8. Mail Route*. ' Speed inereaeed and fare reduced. Little ScbuylkiU, Cattawissa, Sunbury and Erie, William *port and Elmira Railroad. Through to Buffalo, in 16 hours. " Niagara Fall*, ' Ht " " Detroit, ' 24 " " Chicago, * 84 " " St. Louie, * 43 " BP Ticket Office—N. W.cOrrrerSieth and Chaetnut streets, and Philadelphiand Read ing R. R. Depot, corner of Broad and Ninth streets. On end after Monday, May 7th, Three Pas senger Trains will leave the Philadelphia acd Reading Railroad Depot, corner of Brood end Vine streets, -daily, (Sunday's excepted,) a* follows: DAY EXPRESS- 6 A. M. Stopping at PfKE nix villa and Reading only. Connecting with the Catlewissa, Williams port, and Erie, and Williamsport and Elmira Railroad; arriving at Elmira at 4 o'clock P. M., connecting with New York and Erie aod Buffalo; end from thence, via. Steamers on Lake Erie, or on Lake Shore Railroad, to Cleveland, Toledo, Monroe, Sandusky and Detroit. Also, with Elmira, Canandaigua with New York Central Railroad, East and Watt, and at Suspension Bridge with the Great Western and Michigan Central Railroad for Detroit, Chicago, St. Louis, aod ail points in Canada and \veatem States. Only oneohange of Baggage between Phil adelphia and Canada or the Lakes. DAY EXPRESS—Breakfast at Port Clin ton and Dinner at Williamsport. NIGHT EXPRESS—Tea at Port Clinton. Passengers purchasing Tickets by this Line have the privilege of stopping at any of the above points, and resuming their seats at pleasure. Fare from Philadelphia to Tavneque, 82 95 Cattawissa, 4 35 Rupert. 4 40 Danville, 4 60 Milton, 5 16 Willlvnsport 5 90 Elmira, 7 00 Jeffereoe, 7 66 Starkey, 7 95 Penn Yon, 8 00 Gotham, 8 00 Geneva via. Gotham, 8 00 " Steamer J. Arodt,) 8 00 Canandaiuua, • 8 00 Honeoye Fail*, 8 60 Caledonia, 8 8C Le Roy, 8 Balaria, 9 ou Rochester, 8 60 Buffalo, via. N. Y. and E., and Buffalo and N. Y. City, . 10 Buffalo, via. Tonawanda, 10 Niagara Faffs, via. Elmira, Canandai gua St Niagara Falls R. R. . 10 " " via. Buffalo, 10 00 Suspension Bridge, • 10 oO Cleveland, 11 70 Toledo, 14 78 Cincinnati, 10 no Detroit, via. Rail, 10 00 " Buff. & Lake, 16 00 Chicago, via. Great Western & Mich igan Central R. R. - . 20 00 Chicago, via. Buffalo and Lake Shore Mich. Southern R. R., . to 00 Chicago, via. Buff., Lake and Mieh. Central R. R. - 20 00 Rook island, 28 00 E. T. HUBBELL, Ticket and Freight Agent, N- W. comet Sixth and Chestnut sts. G. A. Nicolls, Superintendent Philadelphia and Reading Railroad. T. KcKibsock, Superintendent Caliawisss, Williamsport and Erie Railroad. 1 Henrt Covvin, Superintendent Williams -1 port and Elmira Railroad. , July 19, 1855.—tf. : THE WEST BRANCH INBVRANCECO. I OF LOCK HAVEN, Pa. I Insures Detached Buildings, Stores, Mej , chtfndize, Farm Properly, and other build ings, and their contents at moderate rate*. CAPITAL, $300,000. ; CHARTER PER P E TUAL. DIRECTORS. , Hon. John J. Pearce, Hon. G. C. Harvey, John B.Hall, T.T.Abrams, Charles A. Mayer, D. K. Jackman, Charles Crist, W. White, Peter Dickinson, Thomas Ri/cben, Hon. G. C HARVEY, Pres'l. T. T. Abramb, vice Pres. ■ Thos. Kitchcn, Sec'y. H. CHAS. ULMAN, Gen'l Ag't. REFEKENOEB. Samuel H. Lloyd, Thomas Bcwnan, D. D. A. A. Winegardner, Wm. Vanderbelt, • Mickey, Wm. Fearon, A. White, Dr. J. S. Crawford, James Quiggle, A. Updegraff, J°hnW. Maynard, James Armstrong, Hon. Simon Cameron Hon. Wm. Bigler. WESLEY WIRT, Agent, Btoomsburg, June 18, 1856.-6 m. Wrought & Cast Iron Bed- STEADS, RAILING,SETTEES, TREE BOX es, Stands, Verandas, fito.. Cemetery Lou En closed with either cast or'Wsoßgbt Iron Rail ing, No. 385 M*axet, Strict, (2 doors below Ninth,) PHILADELPHIA. March 87, 1856. aoaaooaas <aaa-ar a E. 0. HOTTER, —v- "O EBPECTFULLY ofltra hia fIMMn * l ' professional services to 4J - Lr the Ladies and Gentfemen of Bloomsburg and vicinity. He ia prepared to attend to all ihe various operations in Den tistry, and is provided with the lateet im proved PORCELAIN TEETH, which will be inserted on pivot or gold plate, to look a* well as natural. A iuperior artiole of Tooth Powders, al ways on hand. All operations on the teetb warranted. W Office near the Academy. Bloom sbuig, Nov. 89,1861. BRUT nrpuwEiL JUlCleck se4 WrtehmaherFit South tide of Mam Street, ok one the Railroad* i"* '■: TkIFFiCULT watch repairing done in tb* ** BEST MANNER, and SPECTACLES of all kinds for sale. Bloomberg, March 20, 1850. t A C ND';i.kMBNTTO?'F. 3 , paper and desirable forma, fo* sale at the 1 office of the "Star of the North?; TERRIBLE DISCLOSURES Secret* I'or Are HUHton! A most Wossdstfid and Invaluable Publication Br. Inters MttUeat Haul) vWUViJM/j, HEING AN ORICI- I ' ° NALand popular ' Treatise on MAN and , WOMAN: tbeirfhjrs- 1 ■el'Wi Functions and ; Sexual Disorders of ''W/flm ovatjr kind, with ov --•r failing Remedial for the speedy cure of all diseases of a private and delicate character, incident to tba violation of tbo Laws of Na tnra and of Natures Ood. PRICE TWENTY-FIFE CENTS. < Tac Author of the above volume is a gradu ate of one or tba first medical schools in the 1 United Stalls, sad having deveted a quarter of t a century to the study end treatment ofHyphiHi 1 and kindred disorders as e speciality, he hae become possessed of most rnvshietrte infoimi. (ton in regard to the eagte, and it able to com pass into vade mcctrm compass the very quint essence of medical science on Ibis important subject; da the result of the ecpericnoe of the moat eminent physician in Europe and Amer ica is thoroughly demonstrated in his own highly successful practice in the treatment of se-Ttt diseases in many thousands of carafe the City of Philadelphia alone. The | taction of Or, Hunter has long boen, and still is literally unbounded, but at the ear nest solicitation of numerous persons, he hae been induced to extend the sphere of his pro feaeiunsl usefulness to the community et large, through the medium of hie "Medi el Manual i Hand-Book for the Atßic'ed.*' It ia a volume that sboald be in the hand of , every family in the land, whether used ee e | preventive of secret vice, or as a gaide for tha < alleviation of one of the moat earful and de- i stractive scourges ever visited upon mankind i for the sins of eeneuality and impurity of every j kl li lt is a volume that has received the unquali- | find recommendation of the Brat physicians in , the land, while many clergymen, fathers, moth- , era, | hiianthropists and humanilariacs, have , moat freely extended its circulation in all soar- , ten where its powerful teachings would be like ly to bo instrumental in the moral purification , end phvai-ml healing of mnltitudei of our poo. pie, among the young, volatile and indiacreat, otherwise the pride and flower of the nation. The aathot argues particularly, aeoat strongly against every spoeies of aelfsMileiaeot, and warns parents and guardians, in re arching terms, to guard tha young of both sexes from the terrible consequences concomitant of their ignorance of phyiologieal laws and sexual imd purities sod irregularities, whether exhibits r>y precocious development or arising fiom the visctons and corrupting examples of their school. main or otheiwise. To those who have lieax already ensnared to the "paths that take held on hell,'' a clear and explicit way ia shown by whichthey may aeenre a telurn of sound health and a regeneration of the rani from its terrible pollution- It ia well known that thoasanJa of victims are annually sacrificed at the shrine of Quick cry—especially those saflisiiag from Venereal or Syphilitic diseases—Htrictures, Seminal Weak -1 neaa, Nervous Debility, and the numerous" mal i adlea which spring directly or less remotely > from the indulgence of carnal passions and se i cret violations of Nature. I In view of these facta, and when it ia also I considered that about 169, ODD parsons dieannu- I ally in tbe United States of Conoumption—a large majority being the victims of the voluput- I one indiscretion of their progenitors, tgreeably to the Scriptural enunciation, that the sins of I the parents are visited upon the children, even to the third and fourth generation. Tha Author, I imbued with sentiments of enlarged philbnthro- I py.will scarcely be censure J for any effort to restrain the vices of the age, by the hnmble in atrumrntalitv pf his Medical Manual, One copy, securely enveloped, will be forward* , ed free of poe>ageto any part ofthe United States for 25 cents, or 6 copies for (I, Atldre-.s, pA paid, OOBDBN * CO.. PuaLtauxas, ' Box 197, Philadelphia var Booksellers, Canvassers one Book Agents supplied on the most liberal terms. 1000 jrONSNo. 1 , SUPER-PHOSPHATE OF LIME, DEBURG'S Original and Genuine, warraot . Ed of superior quality, the cheapest manure in tbe world. Farmers and dealers supplied at low prices. EXTRA QUALITY LAND PLASTER. 5,000 barrels Extra Quality Ler.-J Plaster, . selected for its fertilize g quality. 10,000 buabels of same in bulk. 10,000 barrels best quality Ordinary Land Plaster, equal to the beet uaualy sold, at the low price of 20 cents per boshei, or St.lo per barrel, with a deduction lor large lots. 25,000 bushels of same in balk. 1,000 barrels Calcined Plaster. 1,000 " Cesling " 500 Dentist " 5,060 " Hydraulic Cement. 1,000 " True Roman " Peruvian Ctaano. This article we offer in confidence to our customers, as eqnet to any imported, and far superior to moat in the market. 10,000 bags of this superior Goano, for sale, el the lowest market rates. Also, Poudrelte, Mexican Guano. Ground Charcoal, &c. &c. FRENCH, RICHARDS & CO. At the Steam Plaster Mills, junction York Avenue and Cailowbifl Street, Philadelphia. February 14, 185fl. JOSEPH A. ' Manufacturer of WIRE,SILK * H AIR C LOTH S EI VES COURSE, medium and fine in mesh; large, middie-eixed and smell in diameter. Metallic Clothe or Woven Wire, Of tbe beet qualities, various sizes of mesh, from Nos. 1 to 80 inclusive, end frees one to > six feet ie width. They are nambered se many spines to e lineal mob, and ont to suit. Tbe subscriber also keeps constantly on hand 3<3S£Z2ZJB ÜB£?SB9 For Cosl, Sand, Ore, Lime, Grain, Gravel, Guano, Sumac, Sugar, Salt, Bone, Coffee Spioe, Dtugs, Dye Stuffs, Ac. Together with an assortment of t Bright tin J Annealed Iron Wire. ' All of the above sold wholesale or retail. ' by J. A. NEEDLES, ; 54 North Front Street, Phiiad'a. 1 May 28. 1856-ir. Wml'l tMJMMMtI IrM Warks, RIDGE AVENUE, PHILADELpAIA. I THE attention of the inhabitants of Penn sylvania are invited to lha extensive Msnufuc. I tory and Ware room, of the subscriber, who is I prepared to furnish at tho shortest notice, Iron l Railing of every description, for Cemeteries, public sod private buildings, afso Verandahs, Fountains', Chairs, Betters, Lions, Dogs sad 1 other ornamental iron works of decorative char acter. Purchasers m*j rsiy on hiving all ar ticles carefully boxed and shipped to their des. , Itnelion. A booh of designs will bo fernrahvd to those wishing to make selections. ROBERT WOOD, September 27, 1855. THOMAS BUTLER, No. 1 fhaik Seventh Street, PHUrABELPHIAi ; atfSETz of strong Tinware, Cojjper, t Pans.aUVreryMndtf!' 1 Also deed and paper boxes. Prompt attention g'ven to ordered work, I and goods carefully lorwptced on orders. 1 Philadelphia, August 17th, 1951. 6 SATIS, 6SATIS, GRATIS, GJtITIS, A FREE OIFI TO ALL MISERY SELIEYEI. '■Nature's Guide," a new and popular wtfifc is distributed without cbsrgo, Sua forward id by matt to buy Post Office in tbe U. Suite, en receiving an Order enclosing two stamps for postage. - PHILADELPHIA MEDICAL HOUSE fistablisbed 20 years ago by Dr. XINKRUN, corner of Third and Union streets, between Sprnee end Pine, Philadelphia, Pa. INVALIDS Ate apprised tbat Or. KfNtfctAN confines Ims practice to a particular branch of merit cine, which engage* bis indiVMeel affection. He eanrions the ccfsrnniie against the a buae of mareury; thousands are annually merouTialixed ont of life. Reoent affections era piomptly extinguished. TWENTY YEARS'EXPERIENCE In tbe treatment of a class of diseases hith erto neglected and imperfectly understood, has er-aWed Dr. KINKELIN, Aether of A work en Self Preservation, to prove bet man tenths of tbe enoses of nervous debility, lo cal and constitutienel wsakoese, mental and physical suffering, are ftaoeeble to oetUiil habits, forming the most secret yet deadh ead land springe of domestic misery and premature mortality. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE, There ie an evil habit sometimes indulged in by boys, in solitude, and which, if ootid formed in due lime, not only begeu serionl obstacles to matrimonial happiness,but give* rim to a aeries of protracted, insidious, end devastating afflictions. Few ol thoUU who give way to this pernicioui practice ewe ware el tba censeqeenoes, mttM they fled the nervous system shattered, feel strange and unaccountable fooling*, nd vague fears in the mind. The unfortunate thai affected becomes fee ble, ie enable le labor with aeouetomed vig or, or to apply trie mind to study; bis eteplfi lardy and week, he is dull, irresolute, Mid engages iu his sport with less energy than usual. If be emancirate himself before the prac tice has done its worst, mod enter matrimony, his marriage is unfruitful, and hia sense fella him that this ia caused by hia early follies These are coneideratiooa which should awa ken tbe attention of those similarly allueied MARRIAGE Requires the fulfillment of several conditions in order that it may bs really the cause of mutual happiness. Could the veil which covers tbe origin of domestic wretchedness be raised, and its true source in every in stance disclosed—in bow many could it be traced to physical disqualifications and their attendant disappointments! Apply thoo while it is yet time, in order to bavo yoor unstrung and relaxed organization rebraeed, revivified and strengthened. REMEMBER, He who plaeaa himself under Dr. Kinkelin's treatment may religiously confide in his hon or as a genteman, and rely upon the assur ance, that the secrets ol Dr. Kfe patients will never be disclosed. Young man—let no false modesty deter you from making your case Known to sne who, from edocation and respetiabilily, can befriend yon. Too many think they will conceal the se cret in their own hearts, and cure themaelvrs. Alas! bow often is this a fatal delusion, and how many e promising young man, wHb might have been an ornament to society, baa faded from the earth. Strictures of the urethra are rapidly re moved by the application of a new thera peutical agent, used only by Dr. K. Weak ness and Constitutional Debility promptly cured, and lull vigor restored. "/am a man and deem nothing which relate* to man foreign to myfeelings." ■fMPBVB. youth and manhood lunliJH Av ' 8°""" Li f' or u Pr< - jggSggflfly mature Do th. KINKKLIN ON SELF-PRESERVATION. Only twenty-five cents, or tha value in post age stamps, wtfi onsow a copy of this book, prepaid, per return of mail. Persons at a distance may address Dr. KINKELIN by letter, enclosing a remittance, and be cured at home. Packages of Medicines, with plain direc tions, packed secure from damage or curios ity, are forwarded by Mail or Express to any part of tbe United Stite*. REMEMBER, Dr KINKELIN'S residence has bean for the last twenty years at the N. W. Comer ol Third and Union Streets, Philadelphia, Pa. July 2d, 1856.—if. ■ 653 CPQBg AOAIN THS The only Safe which, in every instance, preserved the entire contents at the late Extensive fires. AT THE BURNING OF THE ARTIEAN BUII.DJNGS, April 10th, and in the gssat firs in Market Street, May Ist, 1888, tbe gen uine Hsaaiao Savc preserved the Jewelry of George W. Simms k Bro.; Books, Papers Ire. of Fisher k Bro. sod Edward Semsns & Co., after remaining exposed in the burning ruins for nearly Forty Hours, and proving conclu sively what we have always claimed for thorn, their great superiority over all ffWi ties known. In these fires, the HERRING'S SAFE, Standing tide by side with those advertised as "warranted to stand 10 per oeai. mere fire that) Herring's," came forth the acknowledg ed victor, not only pteserviux their coolants in excellent order, but being themselves in a condition to go through another ordeal, while tbe boasted "Saiemandere" of other makers were badly used up in ovary instance, ami in some cases tbeir entire contents completely destroyed. To the peblie we would simply say, thai, during the fourteen years of the Herring's Safe has bean before them, more then two hundred have passed through aooideatal files without the occurrence of a single lots. We would, therefore, camion purchasers against the misrepresentation of interested' parties The Herring's Paten! is the only Fire-proof Sola made iu this city whioh \d protected by a PVtent Right, and we will guarantee it to resist more (ban double the Sole Manufacturers in this Stats of V Herring's Patent Champion BS ifuf 34 Walnut St., PhtfedV N. B— ' Evans k Watson's Improved Sal amanders," "Oliver Evan's," "C.J. GeylerV' and '-Boon's Abestos," Iron Cheats, (e large assortment having been taken >n pert pay ment for "Herring's,") will be soitf at low prices. . _ ** ■-• '"f* £*• •bangs Hotel opposite the Cobrt House • Blowaaburg, March, rat, '55. (RON STEEL, and every kind el Hern wate or sale by McKEf.YV, NEAX & Co,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers