ww wealth it is mada "the duty of the 8ml <f etety county to give Orifice or ihikenet'ai elections, by pyblictaiion In One or more newspapers of the county, at least twenty days before the election," and to enumerate therein "the officers to be elect ed," 1 find" tO"*'da*ignate .the plane at which the election la to be held."—Therefore I STEPHEN H. MILLER. High Sheriff 6f Co lumbia county, do heresy make known and proclaim to the qualified electors of Colom bia county that a GENERAL ELECTION will be held throughout said county, on TMMlaj, the 4th 4ay off Nov raker next at tfbieh time twenty-seven electors for a PRESIDENT AND VICE PRESIDENT ■ i of the United States are to be elected, I also hereby make known and give no tie that the places of ludding the atoreaaid general election in the several wards, bor oughs, dinners end township* within the county of Colombia eve ee Inflows, to Wit: _ Bewon Township, at the House of: BttekierCole. Beaver township at the house of Chris tian Shuman. Bloom township, at the Court House in Bloomsbmg. Urtarcreek township, at the town-house in Berwick. Caitewiata township, at the house of the IWa Ulscy Magcrum in Cattawieaa. OWfitvato wnship. at the hou*o.ef Jer •miah Hess, tko'd. TWirfffSfeek fownhhin. at the Itotise of Abraham Kline, now occupied by Greenwood tuwnsldp, at the house of Joseph Pattou. Hemlock township, at the Buckhorn. Jackson township, n't the house of Eae kiel Cole. -4eeekliiatdii ■mi*'*'' 1 Locust township, at the house of Da township, at Clayton's School house. Msffiiit township, at tho houee of John Keller. M'.)ADi>t; Madison township, at the house oi John Welliver, t Mount pleasant township, at lite house ef Williem Hutchinson. Montour township, at tho house o| John Rfcbakdi" liow occupied by Jesse Hcllingshead. Main township, at the house of Isaac Yeiter. Rosringcrrck town-hip, at the house of G* W. Dri^kftagj,v V, "ft: Orange totvtteltsp, a the itouse of Pe ter P. Kline* Pine township, at the house ol Albert Hunter. Stigarloaf towpship, at the house of Mre. Sarah Dole. , Seoll townshipi at the house of Enoch Howell, in Espviown. Ir it. lurliier directed dial llin efectftn'"i.t the satW-scveral districts -listl be opened be tween tbe hours of B end 10- o'clock in llie fflwnoou. ami siinli continue upon wultou! •BlrriUfittne. or utlyiuiiimeiii until 7 o'clock in the evening when the polls shall be closed. It is Umber throe led thai lira meeting of the return jedses, et tbe Court House in Bloootsburg to make nut the general returns, shall be on the first Friday succeeding lite general election, which will be the seventh day ot November next. And in ami by tlie said set, lam further directed to give notice 1 that every person excepting justices of the peace, who si tall hold any office or appointment ol profit or trust under the Govern uiefit of the United States, or of Ibis State, or oi any city or hi- [ rntport'ed disltiut, whether a commissioned officer or otherwise, ft subordinate officer or agent, who is, or shall tie employed under the legislative, or executive or judiciary de partment o! litis State; or ol any incorporated district, and also that every member ot Con. gross, and of the select or common council of any city, commissioners ol any incorporated district. Ie by Jaw Incapable ot holding or ex ercising at tire some unio the t.ffice or ap pointment of Judge, inspector or clerk of any eletbioii of ttree commi iivvealib, and that no inSpOotor, judge or auy other officer or any such etwouti shall ba.eligihle to any office then to be voted lor. '•The general, special, city, incorporated district Bad township 'elections, and all elec tions for electors of President and Vice pres ident of the Stales, abaft be held and eoriueicdoy Ins inspectors and judge elected as aloresajj, and by clerks ap|uiinted as hereinafter provided. "No person shall be permitted to vole at aoy etectidn tun a white freeman fif the age of twenty-one yeafs or more, Who shstf have resided in this State at lea*', one veer, and in the election district where ha oflers to vote, at least ieo (fays immeitiateiy preceding Buch election, and within two yesrs paid rjtjpe or county tax, which shall have been assess ed at lea ten days before the election. But a citizen of the United plates who has pre viously been a qualified voter of this State and (amoved therefrom and return, d, and who ahull have resided in tbo election dis met and psui taxes as afpretmij, shall be entitled to vpie aflei residing in ring Slate . six isoutbs: Trpvided, That lhe white free men, of the United States, belweeu tbe agesQi SI and 2'J yours, and who have resided in the election district leu days a aforesaid, sbsit be entitled to a vote although Ibey shall,pot havu paid, taxes. & person shall bo admitted to vote whose name is not contained tu the list of taxable inhabitants furnished by the com misatpuers, puloss, first, he produce a receipt to: the payment, within two years, ul a Stale w jcouoU lax, assessed agreeably to the constitution, and give satisfactory evi dence either on his own D|b or affiimatidn of number, that hp, hps paid such a lax, or t 'odune tfjceipt shall (pake path of the payment thereof, qz seceud, it he claim a vote by being an elector between tho age of 2I and 32 years, he aball depose oo oath or affirmation that he has resided in tbs State at least one year before his applica tion. ana make snch proof of his residence in the district as is requied by this act, and that he does vetlybelieve, from the accounts given him, that ha is of the age aforesaid, and give such other estdsoee us is required byrhip set, whereupon tbe name of the per , *un u admitted to wove, shell be jneued in the alphabetical list inspectors, and a ofSS sdls .aWy.mSv fcoM ihtt.sff or not,: i objected te by any qualified ottiaen it shall be the duly of the ntspectort te ee amine such. poison em his qualifi cations, and it lie olarins to have resided witbtt the State for eua year of more, his eaih sfcefl net -bd sumoieirt proof thereof, but shall make proof thereof by at Idas*, one competent witness, who shall be a qualified that hia bona fig# residence hi pursuance of ' his lawfitUalhng, ie within the district, and t hat he did not remove into said olstriel for * the purpose of voting therein. "Everv person qualified aa aforesaid, and who shall make due proof, if required, of bis residence and payment of taxes us alotUstd, shall be admitted to vote io the township, ward or district in which he shall teaide. "It shall be the duty of the several asses [ sera, respectively, te attend at the plaee ol _ holding every- general, special or township | election, daring the time said election is kept open, for the purpose of giving irtfor (nation to the inspectors and judge when called on, in relation to the right of any per -1 son assessed by them to vote at sutrli elec tions, or such other matters in relation to the amassment of voters aa the said inspector* or either ef them shall from lime to time require." Given under my b.and at my office in Bloomsbum, this 19th day ol October, A| 0. 1856. STEPHEN H. MILLER, Sheriff. -j. .Sheriff's Office, Blooms-I • be*, October 10, I 85. j ?ROSPSOTTJS ~ OF THK DAILY P^tfNSYLYAIWAN 4 DOUBLE SHEET MOIIMMI NKWSPAPEK. The Proprietor of the Philadl|>iiia "Daily , Pmineyhiatiian," in view ot tbe President it I Election, has made ample arrangements lor the improvement of that Journal in .all its venous departments. A double sheet, con stating of eight pages ef six column* each, printed on gond paper, with clear type, is issued daily. Nn pains are spared t'< do lull justice 10 every part ol that paper. Tbe Isr . gest telegraphic news from all parts of tha country will be found in iu columns; and at great expense, talented correspondents from whom highly interesting letters are received,' have been seemed, not only in Eagland, France, Washington and New York, but in many other parts ot the country. Great at tention is also paid to the mon°tary, com mercial, and especially the shipping list de partment of thi Journal, as well as to tbe local new* of the City. And while every desirable leMnre of a Ntiespaptr is thus eti grafteJ npott the Pennsylvaman, it will eoh i linue with redonWW energy and determine | linn to do battle for the Coustitntion and the Union. The editorial conduct Of The PaMsyhtanian has met with general approval, on account I of lite fearlessness with which it assailed the dangerous political heresies Introduced by an drcniiiziUinn acting In secret, and corrupting the whole moral structure of society. Abo litionism a'so, lias found in The Pcnnylvani an, an Unrelenting enemy becyuse the doc trine is subversive of the rights of onepor'ion of our country. That ol conr.-e tins been approved of by out party, and..intelligent citizens generally, is aUrsied by the prosperity of our estab lishment. Our subscription has increased . fnurloTd, and our advertising is a still greater mitQ. Ahead) hs our issue readied ten thousand; and at our present tale of progres sion, belnre the year 1855 shall haveexpited it will be double that number. The Propri j etor In ends 10 spare no expense, to make t Ihc Tcnii>ylvunian one of lite first journals of t'lr country in all its departments, and it) thin way ninr.t the patronage of a deserving public. Hie Opposition, fully aware of the tm menu* power and influence wielded by the prens, avail themselves of it to the fullest ex tent. The circulation of their organs are in creased by every possible means and tlie wtmle power of their or: animation is used to accomplish that object. . Tito speeches of Anr disunion orators, and other inceudiury docuuieiiis, arc sowo broadcast throughout the land, and obtrusively thtirst into lite hands of every vowr. Jbiu-e who havu so much holier a cause in advocate, and upon the suc cess ol whose labors rpgt she durability ol lite very comer.Stones Ufnm our happness isjomnled,—otvti and reitK'ppeliberty,—and the pVrprduati&rl ot tllh 'Utiidn itself, should j tint be lets active We appeal to the true j Democracy, and to all Caustitution loving I ritiZetis, to come forward and aid us in dis' seiDjuatius correct political information, and 'j exposing the nefarious designs of rinr uniag j onists We appeal ulike to the citizens of j the North, and ol the South to aid in the Cir- I culm urn of. those sentiments, and support of I ihnse mea-nres, whiob ure advocated by the only National Political organization now it; j existence. ! The Psdpiietorcan already boast of a large ! circulation in the Soiiltidfii States and he is I anxious tu increase the number ol his read j ers in that region, so that his hands taay be strengthened lor coming conflicts agaiust those who art not only the enemies ol the South, but the euemies of all true men in ever pnrtiM of the Uonlgdewdy. In Penn sylvania, arid the Northern and Western Stale*, hii increased circulation of ibis journal w ill do much as an antidote to the poisonous doctrine oi the Union-hating Black Republi cans, and tyianicai and corrupt know Noth ings. We therefore confidently calculate upon the hearty cooperation At our political friends to the extension ef Our circulation, and iaut eotifident that thta appeal will net be made to them in vain. 1 ' - T £ it Jl f A * I DAILY I'KNNsYLVANUNr Doubly She*, 96;00 per annum, if paid in advance, or >7 at the end of the year. TRI-VYEEKLY, 93,00 per annum, if paid io advance Ot 93,60 at the end ef the year. WEEKLY, *1 00 per unnura, invariably in advance. * jbv.aelwt t e' i- .r Tlie pnee for the WEEKLY "PENNSYL 'VANIAN, for * single yeer, is ONE DOLLAR per annum, but for the perpoae of further in creasing the circulation, we offer ike follow ing inducements to agents and others to raiae Clubs t One Copy one year, 91 00 ffix do do 5 00 Twelve do do 10 00 Eelghleen do 15 00 Tweipy-(ive do 20 00 THE CAMPAIGN WEEKLY. Persons who wish to receive the paper merely during the campaign, will have it sent on the following terms, for ais mouths from tha time of subscribing: 1 Cop*, . 0 60 M 5 copies tp cue address, 91 00 'id v ' ' 400 20 " " 8 00 30 •' " IS 00 40 " 't 16 00 50 " 20 00 100 " 40 00 Large Clubc in piopertiou— Qunhahoays in J real value ef such.* we are vH- If Ting for another year to tegt tbe experiment a of coniinuiugrte-WKliefll at ibis reduced price j in tire coafidem hope that, by an exieusive circulation, we may be secured from the j - heavy peconiary vactifioe which such au ex f penmeni involves. .- -•X , PosltuCkiars wilf confer a fitvot by sending r to one addtcts when eoeveitient. • ; .>*■ >*em*r s JflßtkMf(lie Ptncc It AND CONSTABLES can find ail -JtiridM e -"-banks desirablefor (heir use,in proper J miwo the office dCffie Sta* or tat NORTH. 4>LfMßtlß MALE AAI) I LIIALE rpHK Trustees of this Inetitutlon respectfully A announce, that it will b openeJ for the reception of Pupils, of both sexes, 00 Monday, October 20th next, under the immedicte care of Pro£ JAMES ANDERSON, as Principal. Me. A. ice gentlemen of 'extensive acquire, ments, end enlarged experience as an educator, soi has been connected with the most popular "High School" of Becks 00. for several years. He is also well and favorably known ss a con tributor to some of our leading educational,peri odicals. THE COURSE OK INSTRUCTION Will comprise Orthography, Definitions, Head ing. Pen tu en ship. Etymology. Geography, Eng. Grammar, Composition, Arithmetic Algebra, Geometry, Mensuration, Plane and Spherical Trigonometry, Surveying, Navigation, Astron omy, die. Book Keeping j History, Physiology, Natural, Intellectual, and Moral Philosophy, and Chemistry. Classes in the French, Spanish fy Latin Languages wiH be formed as oarly at practica ble, and instruction on Piano-Forte will be givenjfdesired. r WEEKLY LECTURES on the Natural Sciences, illustrated by appropriate apparatus will also be £iven. SPECIAL ATTENTION will be paid to young Lsdies and Gentlemen designing to qual ify themselves as Teachers. TERMS: f ■ •*'■ < J . FOUR, FIVE end BIX Uollaisper Quarter iu accordance with the studies pursued, plly able one half ie advance end tho balance at the olOst of the Quarter. -, 1 ,■ GOOD BOARD can be had in the village at a moderate price. UP Mr. A. will deliver an addteaa on Pbyd cal, Intellectual and Moral education, on the day of oommenceoient, when bis method of imparting instruction wiil be illustrated, and the discipline and management of the chool, fully explained. Parents, Guardians, and the friends of efluca lion generally, ere cordially invited to be pres- I). L. UHAPIN, | B. M. STEVENS. JOHNKOONg. N. D. STILES, SILAS DODSON, I JOHN YAPLB THOMAS PEALER, Columbus, Sept, 4, 1856. Trustees. SOWER & BARNE S limCtTIOML BOOK STORK NO. 33 NORTH THIRD STREET, East Siile, above Market, Philadelphia, Pa. PUBLISHERS of Pel ton'a System of Geng wphy, 'aught by the aid of six splendid outline maps, each oovhjing nearly 60square leet, and iormiug ait invaluable ae well as elegant ornaments for the school room. Children are delighted to study Geography by thin system. They lasrn so rapidly and receive such clear impressions ol the suhject Ihtl it is a pleasure to both teacher end na' pil 10 be engaged in it We all know thai a better and more lasting idea of u locality is obtained by looking at a bold and drMtnot drawing of it, than by volumes ol descrip tion. If a man wants to get an exact idea of a farm be has been purchasing, he learns more by one iook at the draft on the back of tbe deed, than by reading the description In side twenty times. This is the great princi ple of Pelton's system of Geography, and there are others equally practical combined with rt which entitle it to the reputation it sustains, ae the best and quickest mode of teach,nig Geography, vet introduced. PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY—including all tha invaluable discoveries in this science of Lieut. Maury and his coadjutors, is beeuti fully Ulustrsied by these maps ami the ac companying keys. The keys are to be used by the sohoiare, and cos! less than half the pi ice of a Geography and Atlas. SOWER & BARNES' also publish* San der'a New Readers, of which over two hun dred thousand were sold within six mouths of their publication- Their success has been wonderful, but their beautiful appearance ami evident superiority justifies it.—Prof. Sanders is u practical teacher of public schools, who lias made the suhject the study of his life. Eighteeu years ago lie published a se ries of Readers, whiffy.had, great popularity, but the new i-erjes on which he has bern en gaged ever since, are acknowledged by all to be the greatest advance yet made in Read ers. Eminent teaohers everywhere, who have been so bored by book agents that they were oiiwfflingly induced to look at them, have at once pronounced their excellence and introduced them over all k' n de, and tbe best which hid been published' before them. School Directors and Teachers are respect fully invited to write to us concerning School Books. A full assortment ef Miscellaneous and School Boobs, paper and StanouCry, inclu ding Blank Books, of all kinds, on hand and for sale at tbe lowest wholesale prices, in large or small quantities, to country Mer-* chants. SOWER & BARNES, 83, North Third Street, Philadelphia. Sept. 15, >856.—3c. I IMPROVED SUPER PHOSPHATE OF LIME. the subscriber informs Dealers and Farm ers that they have greatly improved the qnal ty of tjteir Super-Phosphate off Live, and now confidently recommend the article sunT'on' AT MEXICAN GUANO, Oil*, Candles, Soap, &c., at the lowest mark et rates. MITCHELL & CROASDALE, 'Successors to G W. Ridgway It Co. No/iao North Wharves, above Arch Street, PHILADELPHIA. OP* Paromra eon load on Water Street, and avoid die crowded wharf, Aug. 27, 1858— Im FOB SALE OR RENT. '|VHE subscriber offers for sale upon mod *- erate terms his property in Mifflinville, Columbia county, consisting of a Dwelling House, YORE HOUSE, and other outbuildings; with four lots of ground. If not aokl soon he will rent it for a term of years at a low rjnl Any person wishing to engage in the Mercantile business will find great inducements by applying soon io' JONAS SNYDER. Peteraville, Northampton Co., Sept. 11,''66. 7 Honse had Lot far Bale. ~ THE subscriber offers for sale a lot on Third Street iotfte lower end pf Bloomsbutg, on wbtoh is erected a , . FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, . which would make a cheep and good home for a mechanic or laborer of moderate means. K Hewitt sell it on very reasonable terms, for 1 learniog which apply to R, W. Weaver Esq., Bloomsburg, ot the owner at Mifflinville, ■ -**■ NOTICE. WHEREAS, I have this day purchased at Constable Sale as |h* property of Samuel , Mjusernve, the following properly, yi*j <fce light waggon, one brown, boise, three setts I of harness, five (on* of fiay, fit* aorea of buckwheat, six aorea of corn, ha.'f an acre of as I have left tbe sumo with Rutnuel Mus f grave duribg-% pleasure, r D. L CHAFIN. ; New Columbus, Sept. 30, 1858, •BOOK, CARD AND FANCY i THE PROPRIETOR OF THE * # STAR OF THE NORTH," !• Having added to the fixtures of the "STAR" Office good and extensive JOBBING MATERI AL. Is prepared to eieCvue all kipds of JOB PRINTING In tbe 1 * best CITY STYLE , and st short notice. Certificates of Stock and JJepotite, Constittttiorttfor Societies, Bank Cheeks, Promissory Notes, '■ Bail Boad and other Tickets, Catalogues, Paper Books, Bill-Heads, Check Rolls, Plain and Fancy Cards, Business ant other. Circulars, Posters Plain and m Colors. AWD PRUNING- OP ALL KINDS Can be Procured at the "Star" Job Office, AS PROMPTLY AND NKATLY PRINTED AS IN THE <CPUa<® dttaoaill UOLCBCFoDapomctaiFi^ A monthly periodical is published at this office in excellent style and workmanship, and with superior material. t m 1 The publio ere invited to call andtsee specimens, ae we are determined to merit patron age by strict atteotioo to bosinesa and superior workmanship. Bloomeburg, June 2, 1856. New Arrival of Spring and Summer Goods. sxs<a&nßaQ , aar*2P. CCB HAVE }st reoeived.and opened their flock bf merchandize for Spring and Snmmersalee which comprises the LARGEST, CHEAPEST, and HANDSOMEST assort mar. I now offered in Having paid great aUestion to the selecting of their entire stock ae to price and qoality, they flatter themselves that they can compete with the cheapest' and all those wishing to huy eheap,can save money by giving us a call. We have all kinds of Goods and Wgres to supply the wants of tbe People. A very large lot of LADIES DRESS ROODS, French merinoes, wool plaids, alpacas, bombazines, de bages, poplins, parsoietta cloths mohair lustres,muslin de laines, Persian cloths, Ginghams, Calicoes, &c. WHITE GOODS OF "ALL KINDS, Sieves. Collars, Spencers, handkerchiefs, flouncitigs, bands and trimmings, laces and edgings, bonnet ribbons, in large variety', vel vet ribbona. and braids, kid, cotton, and lislb thread gloves, mohair mitts, &c., All kinds of SHAWLS, broche, Bay State, Waterville, bldck silky cashmere, Embroifhr* rd, &c. Also a very large assortment of clolbs, caesimers, sattinettv, vestir.gs, tweeds jeans, beaver cloths, costing velvet, &c. HOOTS AND SHOES, OF ALL KINDS t SIZES FOR MEN WOMAN f CHILDREN We Lave a large assortment ol Hats ami Caps of latest fashions. We have also Hard ware, Queenaware, Cedarware, &o. Very cheap carpets, carpet bags, floor, table and car riage oil olot.be, mete rugs, baskets, &c. Muslins flannels, tickings, diapers, towelings drillings, &0., in abundance. We invhe our friends and the publio generally to give us a oall before purchasing el-e --where. We hsVe bought our goods M Lowest Cash Prices and will not be undersold by anybody, or the rest of mankind. Bloomsburg, October 28, 1855. if - ■ Li . SELLING OIT JIT COST ! 6S3a.ma<x>m ODapcseflfPoasass cCs C33<s>„ BEING desirous of closing up their business in Bloomsburg as early as practicable, offer for sale AT COST AND BELOW COST, their entire Gtock of Goods consist ilfg of a foil eassortment hf * ' . FROCK, DRESS, BOX, SACK, GUM AND OIL CLOTH COATS, of all sorts and eiaes, that (he present enlightened knows any thing about. Of Pants and Vests they have every color ol tbe rainbow, beside* some black, blue, grey, striped and fancy ; Vests of satin, silk, buff, casiroere, marseilles, linen and worsted of all fasb iooable outs and colors; Working Pantsand boys clothing. Also fine white, figured and striped shijuj Pocket and Neck Handkerchiefs, Blocks, Ties, Scarfs, all kinds of gentle man's dress gooffs'; Half. Caps, Trunks, Traveling Bags and Umbrellas ; and They have Undersleyes, Spencers, Collars, Rigalelts, Gloves, Mitts, Ladies'a bead-bag Handkerchiefs, &c., Btc. Also Jewglrv and Notions, each as Rings, Breast pins, Gold and Silver Pens and Pencils, Medallion*; Vest and Fob chains, Portmonies, Spectacles, Knives Razors and a well selected assortment of Accordeons. K3T Remember the cheap store in the "Exchange Block" opposite the Court house. Bloomsburg, April 3, 1856. S. DREIFUSS, & Co. v , . . ~ , , *••• ■ - • ~i. ; • , I New arrival of Fall and Winter Goods! DAT I D lOWBHTSIRG KNVITES attention to his stoek of cheap and fashionale vlothing at hi* store on Market street, two doors above the "Amerioan House," where he has a full assoriment of men and boy's wearing apparel, including M&I3DS (BODiilfSSp gox, sack, frock, gom and oil cloth coats of all sorts and sizes, pants of all colors shawls stripes and figure, vests, shirts, cravats, Stocks, collars, handkerchiefs, gloves, suspenders ana fancy articles. N. B. He will also make to order any article of clothing at very short notice and in the best manner. All his clothing is made to wear, and mosj of it is of home mauufau tnre. Bloomsburg, April 1, 1856. NOTICE To the Heirs of Daniel Zaner, Dec'd. TO Hannah Zaner, widow, Paul Zaner, John Zaner, Levi Zaner, Catharine Werkbetaer, late Zaner, and Charles Werkheisflr her husband, Julia Ann Eekroal, late Za-er, and John Eekroal her husband, Mary Ana Miller, late Zaner, and Daniel W. Miller her husband, heirs at laws of Daniel Zanerj late of Centre township, Colombia county, decerned. - You are hereby notified that an inquest of partition has been awarded by the Orphan's Court of Columbia county upon the teal es tate belonging to the said Daniel Zaner, to wit: A certain tract dfland situate in Centre township, Columbia county, bounded on tbo North by lands of John Hutchinson and Na than B. Fowler, on the East by lands of An- j drew Harman, on the South by lands of John Huttoa and Gilbert H. Fowler, and on the West by lands ot Stephen M'Cowan, con- I taiuing ' Fdrly-Eight Acrs, more or less; and that, ii) pursuance of said writ ol partition the undersigned, Sheriff of Columbia'cnouty witf proceed to hold an in quest of partition upon the said premises on FRIDAY, THE 1412/ OF NOVEMBER next at 10 o'clock, A. M., to make partition thereof among the hetrs and legal represen tatives of the said intestate in sucb manner , and in such proportions as by ike laws of Ibis Commonwealth is directed, tf such partition can be made without prejudice ip or spoiling - the whole; but if such partition cannot be made thereof then to ralne and appraise the same according to law; and further to in quire and ascertain whoitier the said reel es | tale wilt conveniently accommodate more 1 than one of the children or representatives of the Mid intestate, and if so how many of r the said children it will aocommodate ; of ; which proposed proceedings you will hereby lake notice. STEPHEN MILLER, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Blooms-1 1 burg, Oct. 14, 1850. j ; LIST OF LETTERS REMAINING IN the Post Offioe et Ctiawissa, Columbia county, Pa., for tb'elnird quarter euding i September 30lh, 1856, Fornwald Henry, Woget John, Tyson John, Smith Josish, 2 Smith Tbos. A. Hanrahau Thos. Harlman Mr. Hay man Jan. " MeNeal Mary, Manure Trucis. r Mr. H. Beer, - ' Persona calling for any of the above JcllCrs will please ay they are advertised. C. RAHN, p. M. Catawisea, 14, 1856* r v pji ■ j ss. £eSS, j - • bavins taken the entire a interest of bis late partner in f Ulpomaburg Foundry,sad* f a prepared to mauufeonan . I* ALL kinds on castings, J usually made in his line of business. - Thankful for the liberal custom heretofore awarded this eilabHehmenl, he ho pee to merit en Increase of public patronage. Kloontsburg, May 5, 185 OMNIBUS LINE AND ILVEKTISSTABLE. £2fo a=>ofcmaflg&ss3 IV OW runs a new om nibes between Blooms b?,g Bnd ,he Depot, which win take passengers from and to arty of (be residences of the iown,'6r the American House and Forks Hotel; and he will also furnish conveyances to all travellers who may wish to go into any part of the county. The omnibus will leave Bloomsburg twice 8t 10 ,°'"iock A. M., and at 4 o'clock P. M. tar"Fare I2j ceil a each way. He has also a large livery enable connected with ihe omnibus line, from which he can accommodate the public, with conveyances for travelling, pleasure excursions or busi ■ nets. Siand in the rear of Hoffman & Else's I establishment, near the eemre of the town. NOAH S. PRENTISS. Bloomsburg, June S, 1865 ly. lieiiHe nnd !,•( for Sale. <* riIHE subscriber offers for private sale the House and Lot on Third Street, Blooms burg, now occupied by him. The lot fronts 851 feet on Third Street, aud extendi I9B2eei back to an alley. There is on ii a double frame DWE LLI HOUSE, which ean be for two families, and some other outbuildings. The properly will sirable and cheap borne for any laborer or mechanic of moderate means. Terms will be made known upon applica tion to r rr- VALENTINE SMITH Bloomsburg, Aug. 13, 1866. " PERUVIAN UANr "EIXPEKIENCJS has taught the Farmer.ibat -■- 1 the only reliable Fertilizer i# the FjPRB^S^IW#!KA T GIiAKO. The subscriber Sole Agent in Philadelphia for me sale of it, has now pn baud a large siock PURE PERUVIAN QUA NO, which he will sell at the lowest Cash price, in lota to suit either dealers or farmers. ; Stteet ' .Wharves, and 97 North. Water Pbkadelphta, Augtsat 19, W6—3m. Tlnwar & Stove EsUbliihaent, ritllH UNUKftttKiNED respeotfuly ink -*• form* bis old friends and customers,tbvt he has pureheasd bin brother's interest in the shoe* estshiieftmem,■ nd the concern will hers, sftcr bs conducted by himself exclusively. He -*<■ has just received and offeis forsalotbe M largest and*oe< extensive assortment *KP mentvf FANCY BTDVGO eVerintro ducei into this market. ' ; *' Htovepiue and Tinware coustantiyon bind and manufactured loader., All kipis of ,ra patripg;done, as usual, On Aon nolle*, • -iS P' rofl H e t> t "(A Irien/eSnd new cus tomer soHoiHsf. &r J'± : O^MMtt^^amiHcrSwTsaftlu^b ahopUwt, S ae Bard Mtklihjustrcceiv ed at the Store of * ' '' A C. MENSCH w ■ ' ■ m "' The Medicine of the Million PHILOSOPHY AND FACT. The Exciting Cause ol SREIICM. Tne blood i* lha file sustaining agent, ft furnishes the components of flesh, bone, muscle, nerve and integument. The stomach ie its manufactory, the veins its distributors, and the inn-Mines the channel lh;ough which the waste matter rejected in its productions is expelled. Upon the stomach, the civcult tion and the bowels, these Pills Brl simulta neously, relieving indigestion, pnrifying the fluids, and regulali ig the excretions THE NATIONAL CODIPUIhT- Dytpensja is the most, common disease among all classes in this country. It assumes a thousand shape*, and is the primary source of innbmerabln dangerous maladies: but whatever ipt type or symptoms, ob stinate its resistance to ordinary preparations, it yields readily and rapidly to this searching and unerring remedy. BILIOUS AFFECTIONS. ! The quantity and cfuality of the bile are of vital importance to health. Upon the liver, 1 the gland which secretes this, fluid, these | Pills operate BReotficaHy, infallibly rectifying its irregularities, and effectually curing Jauu dim, Bilious fiemittants, and all the varieties 01 disease generated by an unnatural coudi , I tion ol the organ. , BOWEL rOIIt'LAINTS. Unless ihe bowels perform their functions properly, the whole body suffers. Tens of thousands die annually of pysentery, Diar rhma, Clwphie consutoptioo, and other dis eases of these waste pipes of the system.— The effect ol Ihe Pills upon all intestinal dis orders, whether casual or epicfomic, is a phenomenon in medicine. By following the printed directions, the mew alarming cases of bowel complaint are promptly controlled. A Word to Females. The local debility and irregularities which ate the especial annoyancea of the weaker sex, and which, when neglected, always shorten life, are rslieved foy the time being, and prevented for the lime to come, by a course of this mild but thorough alterative., . ■< HOLLOW ATS PILLS Are the best remedy known in the world for the following diseases: Asthma, Diarrhma, Bowel Complaints, Dropsy, Coughs Debility, Colds, Fever and Ague, Cheat Diseases, Female Complaints, Cosliveuees, Headaches, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Stone and Gravel Influenza Secondary Symptoms inflammation Venereal Afleotions Inward weakness Worms of all kinds Liver compiiiots Lowness of spirits Piles. Sold at thp manufactories of Prof. Hollo way, 80 Maiden Lane, New York, and 244 Strand London, by ell respeolable Druggists and dealers in medicine throughout the U. S. and the civilized world, iu boxes at 25 cents, 621 ols. and &1 each. CT"There is a considerable saving by tak ing the larger sizes. N. B. Directions for the guidance of pa tients in every disorder are affixed to each box. [Aug. 13, 1896. FIRST A It HIV A 1.1 OF SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS! AC ; MUNCH respectfully informs bis * friends, customers, aud the public gen erally that be has just received from Phila delphia the first goods of "the season, consist ing of a Urge assortment of choice and de sirable For the spring and summer trade comprising, for men's wear: Superior Black, and Colored French Cloths, Black French Doeskins and Caßsimere. Black Saiin add Fahdlr"Bilk Vesting*. Blue, Black, Brown and Green Casbraeretles. LA PI fig' WEAR. Elegant Blaok Silks, all qualities. Barege De Lainee and Cbaili Bareges. Plain, Ptnk, Blue and Green De Laines. Bombazine Finish Black Alpacas. 4 French, Scotch and Domestic Ginghams. Worked Collars, and Linen Handkerchiefs. Hosiery ef all kinds and qualities. Calicoes of all patterns and descriptions. FURNISHING GOODS. Linen and Cotton Sheeting. Bleached and Uablhaobed Muslins. Linen Damask, and Table Covers. Besides a lura assortment of Boots and Shoes, Sugar, Coffee, Teas, and ail kinds of Groceries, Hardware, &c., which will ba sold remarkably cheap. Call at ihe old stand, corner of Main and Market streets. I* FLOUR it FEED always on hand, and for agla at lha lowest marker price, for CASH. A. C. MENSCH. Bloomsbuig, April 2, >856. "Quick Returns aud Small Profits." A. J. EVANS, 11 AS just received and opened a new as **sortnient qf Seasonable goods from Phil adelphia, which he Is determined to sell quick anu cheap. He bee everything desir able for Ladies'and GENTLEMEN'S WEAR, and ail dry goods for domestic and house hold use, stitled for the FALL TRA DE. He has slso a full supply ot (ftieeaswere, Hard ware, Wood wart, Brooms, Looking Glasses, BOOTS AN It ,-,'HOKS, and a good stock of AT THE LOWEST PFLC^M^^IAR RET. lie will sell at the lowest living profits, and wilf make it to the interest of purchasers to deal with them. MfCall and see our Stock, .fiMi Bloomtbutg, Aug- 80, 1856. STOP. 37 B TOVBSI STOVES/ THE undersigned informs his friends ■K& and ihe public In general, (hatha has )JPP|lakßd thi entire interest 1n the Tinware anil Stove ISiiahliehmmt, on Main Brreat, one door above the Court House, Btoomabuig, wberf h# ts prepared to furnish Ttywam,. Stoves, Stovepipe, and """""" The New Ttanb and William Perm Cook ing Steve,'and slso a large assortment of V Parlor IN loves, constantly on hand and for sale at moderate pflaeA 2 ■ 3JUv .. CP Thankful lot former patronage, he re spectfully solicits a 'continuance of the same. fans and other rbhiowitl gOs and deaths as reqnire/j by the new Ac of ,he YWuVu 1 >JM|t 1 R, FI RY IY^TA 3 -I'MF/ijM.Msne", havin.jhk iti, A lat eat Paris ant* Raw Vdffc! FUbfons, would again bag leave to irfforratns burner er to'accorttmorfale any one*wiWlhe neatest, (easiest and best fitting suits of Clothes that have been turned ont lately; and,not only that, but he will alto do fhem up in'the best order, upon the ftJWhst terms. Bis shop is at the ofd stand, (100 wel • known 10 need furtherttwihb) where hatha* It at )l times be found, seated npoh the bench r, of repentance,steadily drawing hut ifie thread I) of affliction, hopeitrjf It may in the end drove r, advantageous to him add his customers. He lr would also advise his-friends ( 0 bear in mind g that poor, afHicted tailors foust live, or they 1- pan'l be expected to work. Therefore, Wheal, i- Ryf, Corn, Oats, Potatoes, a fid wifh all now e and then a little CASH Will come mighty handy from those who are back-standing on hie book. Remember, gentlemen, tbfet in al! cases "thelaborer is worthy of his hire." BERNARD RUPERT. Bloomsburg, April 14th, 1853. GREENWOOD SEMINARY ! HILLVILLE. COUMBIA Co., FA. Fr Youth of both Sexes. WW. BIJR43E9* PHINLTIUL ' rpHIS Institution wbioh has been In eoc i X ceseful operation lor several yeaiahas ' recently been enlarged to give betteraooom -1 modations for bnardprs and iucreased facili ' ties for Tuition, &c. Each quarter of the School yeiff consists of eleven weeks, and the next session will commence on the 13th of August, but pu pils wifl be taken at any season. ' „ .' c addition lo the constant aflention of the I Principal, the services of an experienced teacher have been procured, instruction will be given in all the English branches usually taught, ami also in Latin. of, Natural Philosophy ami Astronomy will be illustrated by appropriate apparatus and ac cass given to a Library aod tbe use of Math ematical instruments. Books and Statione ry will be provided for alt who desire SFESIEiECKSo TUITION, gJ.9O, 84 and 84.50 per quarter, graded by the course of study. .. Brarding, Tuition, Washing. Lights, A®-, 824 per quarter, one-half payable uuartetiv in advance. ;" ' BTFor further particulars address theptfet- Millville, JuJy 6, 1855. „ PuMlc Sale of Valuable Real Efttatc, ¥N pursuance of an order of (he Orphans' Court of Columbia county on Saturday, Ist of November, next, at to o'clock in the fomnooh, Jatob Demon, administrator, &c.. of Joseph Jones, late of Greenwood township, in said count*, deceased, will expose to sale by poblit vfen doe, opon the premises, a certain messuage and LOT OF GBOTfD, situate in the township of Greenwood afore said, adjoining land of Robert Montgomery on the (onth-west, Robert Robbina on the i east and on tbe west, and land of Jesse Rofr t bins on the north, containing NINETEEN ACRES, ' on which are erected a FRAME DWELLING HOUSE and a BARN. Late the Estate of said deceased, situate in the township of Greenwood and county aforesaid. -JACOB EYERLY, Clerk. Bloomsburg, Sep.L 1(^1856. LOST r AN English Silver Wfttcfi was tx lost on FRIDAY AUG. 28th, on the Elk public road along FsihiugcrheU betwsenthe Bridge of the Bloomsburg R. R. & iron j'b. and tbe house of Adam Albert. It luu( a red morocco strap attached, aod the face was a little cracked at tbe one edge. A reasona ble reward will be paid by delivering ft at tbe "Bockhorn" lo LAFAYETTE FAUSt. Buckhorn, Sept. 10, 1856. ESTATE NOTICE. ■ A LL persons having accounts with the te x late of Gabriel, Lutz, late of Miffint town ship, Colurabia county, deceased, are here by notified to meet the Administrator' at the late residence of the deceased, on Saturday, the 20th day of September instant td make settlement of all accounts in wbich the es tate is interested. STEPHEN H. MILLER, '■ ' AHntfnistralor ' Bloomsburg, Sept. 9, IBag. Auditor's Notice- ' ' Estate of Daniel Beltg, deceased. ' ,r THE undersigned auditor appoiuted, Ihe Orphans' Court of Columbia county, to settle and adjust the rales and proportions ot the suets ol Daniel Belig, late of Hemlock township, deceased, in the hands of Jacob Arnwme, administrator, among the respect ive creditors according to tbe order estab lished by law, will attend to the duties f hie appointment on Monday, November 10th, 1856, at 10 o'clock, A, M., at the office of Robert F. Clark, Esq., in Bloomsbnrg, at which lime and place all persons haviftg claims will present the same. ALEX. J. FKICK, Am/itor. Bloomsburg, del. 1, 1836. Teachers Wanted I FIVE teaohere for the common schools of Beaver lowuehip are wanted by. the Directors of that district. The schools hre th be open ed at such time in the esfly part of Novem ber as the teacher may desire. The pay will be according lo the qualifications of the applicant, and r.oue need apply without A certificate from the County-Superintendent. CHARLES MICHAEL, Pret't; Tilghman RrrreHNouse, Sec'ff. Beaver, Sept. 2, 1856. PUBLIC SALE VALUABLE REAL ESTATE THE onrksrsigned Executor of the aetata of Wesley Host denes ted will offer at public sale upon the premises oa Wednesday, the 19 th of Eonmber next, at 1 o'elook, P. M., the farm belonging t6 the said estate, situate in Henri oak township, Columbia aounty, containing - 135 ACRES AND M PERCHES, M ,I U^ W M IB p'; UB A of > HUSh oB, WO, JofiA MeßefhoMs Peier ApplemamCiteb Bartnu, end %Ivsster Pur B ]|. \ t •„ Ifhc Iron vc R^ion of Col,rnhi| oeo, B i y)(W( , mrteg lf9ra Bloomg ■ burg, Bucichorn. A branch of Hsirtlock Creek paae es through ihe premises, and the whole lofm 18 ln t fair state ol cultivation. The imprd*fi mvn'ts ute a largo new frame MAHSIW W and commodious flame tenant liquet, a large uaw qaok barn, a new wagon-house and (pffier outbuildings entirely new. {to sessfdn will ba grtan on the first of April '57. GTConditions will bo made koownr on tbe day Of sale by, 1 „ J, WftLlAßl NEAL, Executor. BloßWaSbrg, Sept. 23, 1856 '■AHIRET SHAWLS with silk IfjnaaLfa M. fiqa lot jusl received and for ajwhv A C. MENSCH.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers