THE STAR OF THE NORTH. Ii W. Wearer, Proprietor.] VOLUME 8. THE STAR OF THE NORtn IT POBUBIIED EVER? WEDNESDAY MORNING BY n. W. WEAVER, OfflCK— Up stairs, in the neio brick build ing, on the south side of Main Street, third square be.'ow Market. TERMS Two Dollars per annum, if ptid within six months from the lime of sub scribing ; two dollars and fifty cents if not paid within the year. No subscription re ceived for a less period than six months ; no discontinuance permitted until ail arrearages •re paid, unless at the option of the editor. ADVERTISEMENTS not exceeding one square will be inserted three times for One Dollar | •nd twenty-five cents for each additional in sertion. A liberal discount will be made to those who advertise by the year. DAVID WILIUUI TUK AUULIIIUN. ISTS (IF 1840. Wilmot is more emphatically an abolition -Ist in these daye than moat of the.Fremont leaders. And yet, this man, now so ready to denounce the Constitution, nnd to lake part in negro meetings, and to cut-frenzy the wildest fanaticism, was in 1840, sixteen years ago, convinced that a very mild type of anti-slavery agitation would separate the Union. This man, who would now prevei t every friend of this vory Union from opening hit lips or casting a ballot in its defence, if he could—whocniries his political prejudices even upon the Bench, where he should sit aa an impartial Judge, and who knows no language 100 violent and no extreme too dangerous, in order ro show his treasonable hatred to the great instrument made by our fathers—sixteen years ago headed a meeting to expel anti-slavery speakers from Bradford county, and was ready, in order to effect this, to resort to personal violence—and indeed did encourage his friends lo break up an anti elavery meeting w hen it was held in Tnwan da, where he si ill resides. Not only thin, but in 1810 he was full of affection "Inr our Southern brethren," and openly justified and applauded the burning of Pennsy I van is Hall in the city of Philadelphia. The following extraordinary accouut of Wilmot'e sentiments and coupe of action in 1840, is authentic and undoubted, and will not be denied by Wil mot himself. We dare and defy him to prove its incorrectness in a single particu lar. Mark the contrast produced by a few years! ! Matk the course lo which he it now. corn- ; milled in order to gratify Iris feeling of per- j eonal disappointment and revenga. Behold j the revolution and the fanaticism lo which i lie now lends his aid and his counsel. When ! there is real danger to the Union—when the | whole country is threatened by sectional abolition and infidel despotism—when (if- ! teen States are sought lo be outlawed and cut ■ off by this same despotism—when Great Britain shouts for joy over the prospect of a dissolution—when our " Southern brethren" ! are filled with indignation and alarm—David Wilmot helps on the insane and dangerous crusade, and assists to push the crisis in which the Union is now trembling into a ca tastrophe such as the civilized world never saw ! Such ia the difference presented by the treachery and inconsistency of a single reckless and unprincipled agitator. Had the Wilmot of 1840 detected the Wilmot of 1856 in Towauda he would have tied him to the •take and burned him lo ashes! The following is the expose of Wilmot's course in 1840. From Ihe Spectator, publish ed by Post & Worden, at Monitors, Susque hanna county, Pa , the following copies have been made by a reliable and intelligent gen tlemen, We believe that A. L. Post, Esq., one of the editors of the Spectatoi , is now liv ing in Witmoi's neighborhood. It will he observed that a number of Wilmot's present followers acted with him at the meeting which the lecturer regarded as mobneratic, while such men as Means, Elwell, Stock well, Baird, icc., stanJ now where they stood in 1840: At a meeting of the citizen* of tlio Borough of Towtnda, convened at the Court-house on Monday evening. January 221, 1810, for the purpose of expressing their view* in rpgunl to the contemplated Anti-Slavery Convention, propoaed to be holden in this borough on the 20lh and 30th inn. . Jeaae Woodruff, Esq., was called to the Chair, and D. L. Scott ap pointed Secretary. On motion, the following named gentle men were appointed by the Chair, a Com mittee to prepare a preamble and reaoluiiona, end to report to an adjourned meeting to - morrow evening: DAVID WILMOT, Chairman ; I. H. Sta pheqs, C. Toucey, E. S. Goodrich, Burton Kingsbury, Henry J5. Mereur, Nathan Tnttle, N. N. Bella, J. P. Means, O. R. Tyler, E. S. Caetle, D. Vsndercook, O. D. Bartlett, E. W. Morgan, Elhaualn Smith, Wot. Elvvell, Dan iel Bartlett, Charles S'ockwell, David Cash, E. W. Baird, Silas Noble, Wilson Scott, Abra ham Goodwin, S. S. Bailey, and E. L. Fuller. On motion the meeting adjourned. Thursday evening, the meeting having been called to order by the Chair, the Com mittee, through their Chairman, David Wil mot, Esq., then reported the following pre amble and resolutions, which were unani mously adopted ; . Whefeas, we.have seen with surprise and murtifieation, a notice through the medium of the publio papers, that this place is fixed npon for the holdingof an Abolition Conven tion-cut, the 20th end 30th instated have heard with much regret that efforta are being made to procure a numerous attendance from abroad— among others, the notorious Abolition agitator, Gsrrit Smith— and whereas, we are earnestly desirous of preserving the quiet and good order of our village, and also of saving such as may have contemplated attending eeid Convention, the trouble end expense of their journey, therefore, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1856/ Resolved, That the citizens of this Borough are one and ell opposed to the agitation of the slavery que,lion, believing it calculated in rend asunder the bonds of brotherhood and good feeling which at present so hapiljr prevails among us, creating diesontions and animosities, and strife in neighborhoods, churches and families, endangering the prop erly, happiness and lives of our brethren of the South, and even the safely and stability of our beloved Union. | Resolved, That we have on one occasion, in a polite and conrteous manner signified to rhe Abolitionists onr desire that they would not attempt publicly to prnmolgate their in- I cendiary doctrines among us; and that they well know that we would be opposed to holding their convention here; nod therefore, wo understand the notice as a direct insult offered to thiscommonity. Resolved, Unanimously, That we will use our best efforts to PREVENT the holding of said Convention within the limits of the Borough of Townnda. the threats of the Abolitionists that they will bring a force here sufficient to overpower us, to the contrary notwithstanding. Resolved , That a committee of three be ap pointed to call upon ilia persons having charge of the churches and other public building', a-d request of tbem that the buildings under their charge be not offered far the holding cf said Convention, Abraham Goodwin, F.. S. Goodrich, and I. H. Stephens were appointed said commit tee. Resolved, That the proceedings of this meeting be signed by the officers and pub lished in the Banner and Democrat and Brad ford Argus. Signed, JF.SSE WOODRUFF, Pres't. D. L. SCOTT, Sec'y. CopieJ from Spectator, published by Post & Worden, at Montrose. January 30, 1840. Copied from the Spectator of February 21. 1839, n letter from Wm. M. Chase, an anti slavery lecturer, addressed to Albeit L. Post, one of ttie cdiiorsof said Spec'ator, in answer j to lire inquiry, a< <othe result of said Chase's tour through Bradford county. 1 Tuesday, 12th inst, I accompanied Dr. Hortou to Towanda, to attend the annual mreting of the Bradford county Anti-Slavery Society. Permission was granted the Society to occupy the Court-house. In the evening at half past six o'clock, the meeting was called to order. Prayer was offered by a member of the Society; Mr Gamble read the annual report. The President then intro duced me to the audience, and after occupy ing the time ot the meeting about twenty minutes, I proposed lo the President, that if the Society would agree, I would now give way for any one having objections to our principles or measures lo be heard, at the same time announcing my intention after wards to finish what I had to say. Belnre any vole had been taken that the ! opposition side be heard, Mr! Wilmot, a member of the bar, srose and commenced speaking. Trusting to his sense of propriety and manliness, 1 waited patiently nearly an hour to hear what he hud to say, when find ing that not only as regarded time, he was paying no heed to either, but that his speech was directly calculated to excite the evil passions of the mobocratic portion of the audience, I rose to u point of order, which was, that Mr. Wil rnnt had not been invited to speak, and as the County Anti-Slavery Society was occupying the Court-house at that time, it was their pre rogative to say who should speak, and how long. Tho moment I attempted lo speak, about one hundred boys and men set up such a screech as would have hushed Stentor him self. Mr. Wilmot faded from sight, and left the tail to do what the head failed of After -repeated attempts to be heard, in which I was prevented by the hallooing of these ''friends of the Union and free discussion," I sat don nio await the result. Alter waiting more than half an hour for the tumuli lo subside, the Society adjourned. Such was the treatment we received for giving our opponents an opportunity to pre sent their arguments and objections to our proceedings. Previous to the tnobocratio declamation of Mr. Wilmot, sotne disturb ance was made occasionally, such as throw ing a brickbat against the door, anil nit at tempt by one of the disturbers to imitate the barking of a dog, but nothing which prevent ed my being distinctly heard ; bot after Wil mnt's misrepresentations of .our measures and objects, his declaration that he found it in his heart to palliate the feelings which led to the burning of Pennsylvania Hall, although he deprecated the act, and his statement of supposed cases in which it would be justifia ble to remova a speaker by torce from the bouse. After he had directed against me the whole force of the feelings around by his supposed cases of Treason and Fanny Wright ism,the succeeding outrages lollowed as quite a natural consequence. I believe that, had it not been for Mr. Wilmot's speech, the meeting of the Bradford County Anti-Slavery Society would not have been broken up by such lawless proceedings." Signed, VVM. M. CHASE. TUB SOUTH LOOSES—NOT GAINS nt THE THREE-FIFTHS VOTE. We have bad occasion several timea da ring oar political labors, says the Ohio Stales man, to correct the misrepresentations of the Democratic: party in relation to the provision of the United States Constitution in regard to the three-filths basis of the slave population in the South. When the South agreed to this provision she greatly weakened her rep resentation in the Honae of Congress, and it is used in the north only for agitation, end |to mislead the public mind. We have heard ; men go so far in their propagation ot mis chief and falsehood as to assert that a South erner holding five slaves, had four voles, his own and three for his five slaves. And it is just auch a system of false electioneering that our opponents expect to prepare the public mind, not only against the South, but against the Constitution of their country also, so that when the hour arrives to throw off all disguise and declare for a dissolution of the Union, their followers will be sufficiently ex asperated arid intensified to go any length.— Hence the importance of using the political priests on Sabbath days, to warm up the pre judices of the brethren, that during "week days" they may refuse to receive troth to modify their aroused enmities on Sunday. We copy from the Chicago J'imes the fol lowing upon the aubject of the three-fifths vote which may be read with interest: "EVERT SLAVEHOLDER HAS FIVE VOTES."— One of the most common of all the fraudu lent statements made by the orators of the opposition is, that owing to the peculiar na ture of the institution o( slavery, every slave holder has five vole, while a Northern man has but one vote. Strange as it may appear, ' we met a man the other day who was willing to wager that such was the fact. We need r.ol add, that lie was eloquent upon the out rageous advantages slaveholders have over f r ee while men at the North. This misrep lesentation has been exposed often ; but as it is often thrown in the face of the Democ racy by these "freedom shtiekers," we will explain the (ruth of the matter again : The subject is regulated by the Constitu tion which, in Article 1, Section 2, has the following: "Repiesentalives and direct taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which ! may be included within the Union, according 1 to their respective numbers, which shall be ; determined by adding to the whole number of free persons, including those bound to ser vice lor a nnmber ol years, not including Indians, not taxed, three-fifths of all other persons." A few words will explain the practical op-- eration of this provision. Ic the Slate of Illi nois, all persons, men, women and children, including all negroes, are included in that population which is made the basis of repre sentation in Congress. Supposing the ratio of the Representatives was one member of ; Congress for each one hundred thousand in-' habitants, and that Illinois '.lad a population ! of one million whites and three hundred : thousand negroes, yet, as the negroes of llli-1 nois are free, Illinois would be entitled to thirteen members of Congress. But change the scene to Kentucky. But that Kentucky has a population of the same number, and divided in the same proportion between whites and blacks—yet because her negroes are slaves, she is not entitled to thirteen Rep resentatives. She would be entitled to ten, ! for her million of whiles*; but her 300,000 , negroes only count 180,000 as federal popu ■ Islion, and are less than sufficient lo entitle | her to two Representatives. Three hundred ! thousand negroes in a Iree State, conot, in ; the apportionment ol Representatives, as so ; many while persons; but the same number | of negroes in a slave State, are only counted, : for a liko purpose, as one hundred and eighty i thousand persons. The result is, that the slave States lose, under this provision of the ; Constitution, two-fifths of their negro popula j tinn, in the apportionment of Represents , lives. The negro population at the North is ! but small, when compared with that of the ! South. But, in proportion that the negro population ol the South is greater than at the North, so is the loss of the South in the mat ter or representation. Estimating tho slave population ol the Southern States at the fig ( tires furnished by the census of 1850, we find |it stated lo be 3,198,321. This population is, < numerically, nearly equal lo tltul of the six | New England States and the Sates of Mich | igan and California added. The aggregate population of these eight States was, in 1850, 3,208,367. Their aggregate representation 1 in the House of Representatives is thirty-five members. While every man in these eight States, black and white, is counted in the appor tionment of Representatives, the same num- Der of persons at the south suffer a'reduction of twelfths. The advantage of this provi sion in the constitution is wholly on the side of the North. Where the advantage is, can he distinctly seen by inquiring what lite ef fect of its repeal would be. Abolish this dis tinction, and the North retains its present condition; but the federal population of tho South wonld be increased in the proportion of two fifths of the slave population. The voters in the Slate of Illinois are, ex clusively, tho white male citizens above the age of 24 years. These men vole for them selves, for the women, children, and all the negroes in the State- The voters in South Carolina nre the white citizens above the age of twenty-one years, and they vote just as the voters of Illinois do, for all the men, wo men, children, antl negroes in the Slate. The only difference between the people ol this Slate and South Carolina it, that ninety-three thousand seven hundred negroes will give us a repAeillative in Congress, while at the South it requires over one hundred and fifty thousand persons of that charaoter to entitle a State to • representative in Coogresa.— When an abolitionist tells you that slave owners vote three votes for five negroes in their States, answer him that the only difer ence between the free Stales and the Slave is, that at the South, five negroes couot as but three persona, while here they count as five. Truth and Bifht God and our Country. A 111 I,l—-F)U THE HBTTI-BMENT OF TIL£ KANSAS DIFFICULTIES. The following bill, for the admission of Kansaa in the Union, was passed by the U. S. Senate, an'd rejected by the Black Repub licans of the House: The first section of the bill provides for the appointment of five commissioners, to be appointed by the President and confirm ed by the Senate, and prescribes the oath to be taken. SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That it shall be the duly of said commissioners, un der such regulations as the Secretary of the Interior may prescribe, lo cause lo be made a full and faithful enumeration of the legal voters resident in each county in the said Territory on the fourth day of July, eight teen hundred and fifty-six, and make returns thereof during the month eUAtfgust next, or as soon thereafter aa practicable, one of which returns shall be made to the office of the Secretary of the Interior, and one to the Secretary of the Territory of Kansas, and which shall also exhibit the names of all such legal voters, aiassed in such manner as shall be prescribed by the regulations of the Secreta-y ol the Interior. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Inte rior, immediately after the passage of this act to prescribe regulations and forms to bo ob served in making ibe enumeration aforesaid, and to furnish the same with all necessary printed blanks to eaoh of the commissioners as soon as may be after their appointment; and the commissioners shall meet without delay at the seat of government in Kansas Territory, and proceed to the discharge of the duties herein imposed upon them, and appoint a Secretary lo the bosrd, and such other persons as shall be necessary to aid and assist them i.l taking the enumeration herein provided for, who must also be duly sworn faithfully, impartially, and truly to discharge the uuties assigned them by the commissioners. SEC. 4th provides for the division of the State into fifty-two representative districts on the basis of tbe census. Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That the said board, immediately after the apportion ment of the members of said convention, shall cause a sufficient number of copies thereof and of the returns of the census (specifying the name of each legal voter in each county or district) to be published and distributed among the inhabitants of the several counties, and shall transmit one copy of said apportionment and census, duly au tUoniMaittU by to caeit ch>rfc' of a court ol record within the Territory, who shall file the same, and keep open for inspection of every inhabitant who shall desire to ex amine it, and shall also cause other copies to be posted up in at least three of the most public places in each voting precise!, to the end that every inhabitant may inspect the same, and apply to the board to correct any error he may find therein, in the manner hereinafter provided. SEC. 6. And be it further enacted, That'said board shall remain in session each day, Sun days excepted, from the time of making said apportionment until the twentieth day of October next, at such places as shall be most convenient to the inhabitants of said Terriiory, and shall proceed to the inspection of said returns, and hear, correot, and finally determine according to the facts, without un reasonable delay, under proper regulations to be made by the board for the ascertain ment of disputed facts concerning said enu meration, all questions concerning the omis siou of any person from said returns, or the improper insertion of any name on said re turns, oi any other question affecting the in tegrity or fidelity of said returns, and for this purpose the said board ami each member j thereof shall have the power to administer oaths and examine witnesses, and compel their attendance in such manner ss said board shall deem necessary. i SEC. 7. And be it further enacted, That as coon as the said lists of legal voters shall have been revised and corrected, it shall be the duty ol said board to cause copies there to be printed and distributed generally a the inhabitants of the proposed State, and one copy shall be deposited with the clerk of each court of record within the limits of the proposed State, and one copy delivered to each judge of the election, and at least three copies shall be posted up at each place of voting. SEC. 8. And be it further enacted, That an election shall be held for members of a con vention to form a constitution" for the State of Kansas, according to the apportionment to be made aforesaid, on the Ist Tuesday af tor lite Ist Monday in November, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, to be held ut such places and to be conducted in such manner, both to persons who shall superintend such election end the returns thereof as the board of commissioners shall appoint or direct, ex cept in cases by this act of otherwise provi ded: and at such election no person shall be permitted to vote unless his name shall ap pear on said corrected lists. SEC. 9. And be it further enacted, That the board of commissioners shall have power, and it shall be their duty, to make all needful rules and regulations for the conduct of the said election and the returns thereof. They shall appoint three suitable judges of the election at each place of voting, and prescribe the mode of supplying vacancies. They shall cause copies of the rules and regulations, with a notice of the places of holding elections, and the names of the judges, to be published end distributed in every eleotiou district or preoinct ten days before the dsy of election, end shall transmit i a copy thereof to the clerk of each court of record, and one copy to each judge of elec tion. SEC. 10. And be it further enacted, That the jodges of election, shall each, before enter ing on the discharge of his duties, make oath or affirmation that he will faithfully and impartially discharge the duties of judge ol 'the election according to law, which oath may be administered by any officer authori zed by law to administer oaths. The clerks of election shall be appointed by the judges, and shall take the like oath or affirmation, to be administered by one of the jndges or by any of the officers aforesaid. Duplicate returns of election shall bo made and certi fied by the judges and clerks, one of which shall be deposited in the office of the clerk of the tribunal transacting county business for (he county in H.ich the election is held, and the other shall be transmitted lo the board of commissioners, whose duty it shall be to decide, under proper regolations to ba made by themselves, who are entitled to certificates of election, and to issue tificatea accordingly, to the persons who, upon examination of the returns ami of such proofs as shall be adduced in case of a con test, shall appear to have been duly elected in each county or district: Prnvided, In case of a tie or contest, in which it cannot be sat isfactorily elected, said commissioners shall order a new election in like manner as is herein provided. Upon the completion of these duties the said commissioners shall return to Washington, and report their pro ceedings to the Secretary of the Interior, whereupon the said commission shall cease and detetmine. SEC 11. And be it further enacted Thai ev- I ery while mule citizen of the United States j over 31 years of uge, who may be a bona fide inhabitant ol said Territory on the fourth day*of July, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, and who shall have resided three months next before said election in the county in which he offers to vole, and no other person whatever shall be entitled to vote at said election, and any person qualified as a voter mny be a delegate to Faid convention, and no others, and all persons who shall possess the other qui.lification lor voters under this act, and who 6hall have been 6onn fide in habitants of raid Territory at any time since its organization, sud who shall have absent ed themselves therefrom in consequence of the disturbances therein, and who shall re turn before the first day of October next and become bono fide inhabitants of the Territory with the intent of making it their permanent home, and shall present such satisfactory evidence of these facts to the board of com missioners, shall be entitled to vote at said election, and to iiave their names placed on said corrected list of voters for that purpose; and to avoid all conflict in the complete ex ecution of this act, all other elections in said Territory are hereby postponed until such time as said convention shall appoint. SEC. 12. And be it further enacted, That the said commissioners, and all persons appoint ed by them to assist in taking the census, shall have power to administer oaths and examine persons on oath in all Cases where it shall be necessary to the full and faithful performance of their duties under this act; and the secretary shall knep a journal of the proceedings of said board, and transmit cop ies thereof from lime to time to the Secretary ol the Interior; and when said commisioners shall have completed the business of their appointment, the books and papers of the i board shall be deposited in the office of the Secretary of the Territory, and there kept as records of the office. The 13'.h, 14lh and 15ih sections impose severe penalties of fine and imprisonment for interrupting or übusing the right of sul frage. Sic. 16. And be it further enacted, That the delegates thus elected slia'l assemble in con vention at the capilol of said Territory on the first Monday in December next; and when eo assembled, shall first determine by a majority of the whole number of members elected whether it be or be not expedient at that time to form a constitution and State gnvernment, and if deemed expedient shall proceed to form a constitution and State gov ernment, which shall be republican in its form, for admission into the Union on an equal footing with the original States in all respects whatever, by the name of the State of Kansas, with the following boundaries, to wit: beginning on the western boundary of the State of Missouri, where the thirty-seventh parallel of north latitude crossess the same, then west on said parallel to the one hundred and third meridian of longitude, then north on said meridian of the fortieth parallel of latitude to the western boundary of the Stale of Missouri, then southward with said boun dary to the beginning; and until the next congressional apportionment the said State Bhall have one representative in the House of Representatives of the United States. Section 17th provides for compensation oi Commissioners. Sac. 18. And be it further enacted, Ttiit in aamuoli of the Constitution of the United Statej and the organic act of said Territory h se cured to the inhabitants thereof certain inal ienable rights, of which they cannot be de prived by any legislative enactment, there fore no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust; no law shall be in force or enforced in said Territory respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise there of; or abridging the freedom of speech or the press, or of the right of the people peace ably to assemble, and petition for the redress of grievances; the right of the people to se cure in their persoos, homes, peps re and ef- fects against unreasonable searches and seit urea, shall not be violated; and no warrant ■ball iaue but upon probable cause, support ed by oalh or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the person or thing, to be seized ; nor shall the rights of the people to keep and bear arms be infringed. No person shall be held to an swer for a capital or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury; nor shall any parson be sub ject for the same offence to be twice pnt in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be com pelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law ; nor shall private properly be taken for public use without just compensation. In all criminal persecution!, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and pubiic trial by an im partial jury of the district wherein the crime shall have been (committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law ; end to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process of obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the'assistance of conn eel for his defence. The privilege of habeas cerpus shall not be suspended unless, when in case of rebellion or invasion, (be public safety may require it. In suits of common law, where the value in controversy shall ex ceed twenty dollars, the right oflSial by jory shall be preserved, and no fact tried by jnry shall be otherwise re-examined in any court of the United Stales than according to the rules of the common lew. Excessive bail shall not be required, nor exceseive tinea im posed, nor ciuel and unusual punishments ir.flicled. No law shall be made or have force or effect in said Territory which shall require a test oath or oath to support any act of Congress or other legislative act as a qual ification for any civil office or public trust, or for any employment or profession, or to serve as a juror or vote at an election, or which shall impose any lax upon or condition to the exercise of the right of suflrage by any qual ified voter, or which shall restrain or prohibit the free discussion of any law or subject legislation in the said Territory, or the free expression of opinion thereon by the people of 6aid Territory. From the Sunbury Gazelle. 1 UK'PACIFICATION DILL. On the 23d of June last, Mr. Toombs, of Georgia, presented his bill for the admission of Kansas as a State, a measure which would at once have prevented the interfe rence in the affairs of that territory by out siders from both sections of the Union, which every one will concede has been the cause of the difficulties in Kansas. The Black Republicans, previous to the presen tation of this bill, were urgent for the ad mission of the territory as a State. They said that it was the only act that would do justice to tho people of the territory; the sole means of preventing Kansas falling a victim to the slave power. Nine-tenths of the inhabitants, urged their loaders in Con gress, are in favor of freedom, and if they are allowed a chance of immediate admis sion, they would adopt a tree Constitution. The Democrats in the Senate were wil ling to meet them in this view. Accord ingly, Mr. Toombs presented a bill which offered such fair terms to the opposition that the members of the Black Republican party who are really sincere in the opinions they entertain upon the Kansas question, must be at a loss to know why their leaders did not accept it. We publish the bill in another column, that all may become ac quainted with the terms it offered. It provided that five Commissioners should be appointed by the President, who should go immediately to Kansas and take an offi cial enumeration of all the actual, bona fide inhabitants who were in the territory on the 4th of July, 1856. The regulations govern ing the taking of the enumeration will be found in the bill we publish. Then, after taking the enumeration or lists of legal vo ters, an election of delegates to a Conven tion to frame a Constitution for the new State, was to be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November," at which election none would be allowed to vote but those whoso names were down on the offi cial lists of voters. The regulations govern j ing the election, will beTound in the bill. I Then, after the oleciion of the delegates to the Convention for framing the Constitution, that Convention was to meet at the Capitol of he Territory on the first Monday in De ecember, 1806, and decide whether it was expedient to be admitted yet ns a Stato, and if they thought it was expedient to ask for admission, then they were to determine upon such a Constitution as accorded with the will of the majority of the legal voters of the Territory. Here was a bill held out. by the Demo crats to the Black Republicans in compli ance with their wish, repeatedly expressed that Kansas should be speedily admitted as a Stato, and the terms of this peace offering were so fair and just, so well calculated to settle the vexed question, that John C. Hale, the Abolitionist from New Hampshire, ex pressed his approval of it in the following words "But, fir, I do not want lo dwell on that aubjeci, but to apeak a very few words in reference to this bill which has been intro duced by the Senator from Georg;a. 1 take thit occasion to say that the bill, at a whole, does great credit to the magnanimity, to the patriotism, and to the sense of justice of the honorable senator who introduced it. It Is s much fairer bill than I ex pooled from that [Two Dollars per Annua. NUMBER 37. fatitude. f say ao became fam always Wil ling sod determined, when I hsveoecssion to speak anything, to do ample justice. I think the bill is almost unexceptionable.'- Mr. Hale spoke thia on the spur of lb* moment. He had nbt been subjected b,'par ty drill, which afterwards compelled bun to oppose the bill which,Jn hia better judgment, he pronounced as almost unexceptionable. The Black Republicans at once saw that if this bill was passed the troubles in Kansas would be terminated, and lha only means by which tbey hoped to iarfy tbt Presidential election would be removed. Tbey Were bound to oppose it, although tbeir opposition lo it placed them befoie the country as a set of hypocritical agitßtors, who were crying aloud far peace in Kansas, and lamenting over the w/ongs inflicted upon the penpte at that territory, and yet rejected the only plan proposed for terminating the difficulties, and rendering to the inhabitants of the territory a full measure of right and justice. Objections were raised immediately to the bill, firstly, that the lawa of the territory re strain free discussion on the subject of sla very, and impose te'. oaths for suffrage and office, and consequently the pro slavery par ty in Kansas would have the advantage. The friends of the bill met them by the assurance that all such laws should be abolished by the provisions of the very bill. Ths last section of the bill abolishes such laws. See 18th section of the bill which we publish. In the second place it was objected that many of tho Free State men had been driv en out of tho Territory, leaving a majority of pro-slavery men to vote at the elootion, and therefore, the bill would make Kansaa a Slave State. This objection, with a spirit of accommodation which characterized the Democrats through the entire discussion, was promptly met by an amendment to the 11th section, giving all who had left the ter ritory on account of the disturbances an op portunity of retiring, and of having their names registered on tho lists of legal voters at any time before the Ist of October, thus giving them nearly three months, from the 4th of July to the Ist of October, in which they might return. See 11th section of the bill published. Now mark the hypocrisy of this objection. Up till within a day previous to the offering of this bill the Black Republicans in Con gress urged the immediate admission of Kansas. They said that nine tenths of the inhabitants were opposed to slavery, and it was outrageously unjust to prevent their coming in as a free Sta'e. But no sooner than was ttds bill offered, which would have given them an opportunity of coming in as a free State, and which would have settled the civil war, the Black Republicans object ed to it upon the ground that many free State men had been driven out. If them was any truth in this, the bill gave them am ple time to return, but the Black Republi cans had previously insisted that nine tenths, of the inhabitants were Free State men, and thnt without any interference from Missou ri they would be able to establish a free Constitution. The bill prevented interfer ence from Missouri, and from every where else, by permitting none to vote except those whose names would be found upon lists ta ken of bona fide voters residing in the Ter ritory three months previous to the elec ion, or those who had been driven out from the Territory and had returned and registered their names one month previous to the elec tion. The third objection to the bill was that the penalties for abusing and obstructing the right of suffrage were too light. The penal ties were immediately increased to meet this objection. The last objection was, that the President, with the consent of the Senate, had the right to appoint the commissioners, and they had no confidence in this appointing power. To meet this difficulty, General Cass rose in his place and gave them a pledge, on the part of tho President and the Senate, that the Commissioners should be selected from both political parties, and all be men of the high est integrity and ability. Thus was every objection to this bill an swered by conceding everything that could serve as a ground of opposition to it. Ev ery defect, real or Imagined, was readily amended, and so sincerely were the project ors of the bill disposed to surmount every opposition, and satisfy every objection, that had the opposition assisted them in their project for settling the troubles in Kansas, and providing a measure for its speedy ad mission as a Stat, a u the difficulties would now be settled, and Kansas, by the first of lanuary, 1857, would have been admitted as a Free Stale, for they themselves asserted before the offering of the bill, that nine tenths of the real inhabitants were Free State men, and the bill prohibited voting by any but by real inhabitants. But after these hypocritical objections had been met by tho most liberal offers, tlio Black Republicans rejected the bill entirely, and a motion was made by Senator Wilson of Massachusetts, that the entire bill be stricken out, and a single section inserted abolishing all the laws now in force in Kan sas, both tho good laws necessary for the government of the Territory, as well as the bad ones, which every ene will admit were passed by the Legislature, leaving the peo ple in anarchy and confusion. This was what they wanted. Civel war, blood and anarchy were to be the means of their suc cess in the Presidential election, and Ut bring about this end all laws were to be abolished. The bill for the settlement of the difficulties, although it abolished the obnoxious laws of which they have com-
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