& IMPORTANT IO THE LADIES JU Dr. GXISSNKR'S Celebrated Menstrual Pills have been long and widely known as invati ably certain in removing tiny stoppage, irreg ularity, or suppression ol the menses. In the female hospitals in Vienna, Paris, and Betlui, Ibey have entirely superseded the use of all other remedies; because, where a core ia attainable by medicinal agencies, they are certain of success. Their astonish ing efficacy would be almost incredible, il not vouched for by indubitable testimony, in numerous instances producing returns of the monthly period alter all hope had been aban doned. In every case, from whatevercause the ob struction may arise, as also ro prevent preg nancy where Ine health wilt not admit ot in crease of family, they are elways efficient; for which reason they most not be used du ring pregnancy, though always mild, healthy, aale and ceuain in their effects. Married ladies will find particular instruc tions in the directions, in which are slated the various symptoms by which the cause ol the suppression may be determined. Price, One Dollar .per Box, containing ex plicit directions. Each box will be signed by Dr R. G Geiss ner. Principal Office, 127J Liberty Street, New Yotk Coy. Responsible agents will be appointed for their sale as soon as practicable. In the mean lime, all otders ure to be addres?e I to Dr. R. G. Geissuer, 1274 Liberty Street. New- York City, or to box 2456 N. Y. Post Office, and a box will be sent by return mail, as ( they are pnt up in sealed envelopes, and can be sent with the strictest privacy to any part cf the United States. CAUTION TO LADIPS. As various not only ineffective hut injuri ous compounds purporting to be " Female Pills," under all kinds of names as " Iron Pills." "Silver Pills," "Golden Pills," " Peri odical Pills," &c. are attempted tote palmed off upon the credulous or unwary, it is only necessary for ladies to be on their guard against the attempted imposition, and in all cases where there i no authorized agent lor the sale of Dr. Geissner's Menstrual Pills," to order direct from him by mail, by return of which a box will be sent. f29 —Iv Agents— Geo. Ross, Lebanon ;E. T. Mil ler, York; S. Austrian, Harrisburg; It R. Jones & Co., Harrisburg ; C. Weighty, Mill bad). ~~££aa.Si3?.JSi££Ga _ On the I till inst by the Rev. W. H. Coop er. Mr. FITCH H. BUNNELL to Mis? HARRIET FRANCES DOEBLEU, both of Williamsport. In Bloomshurg, on Thursday, the sth inst, by the Rev. I. Balil, Mr. CHARI.ES W. HB SXRD, and ELIZABETH ISSIER, both of the for mer place. On Saturday last, by tho same, in Briar creek Mr. DANIKI. WENNER, and Miss RE BECCA KOPE, both of Fishingcreek township, Col. Co., Pa. At the same time and place by the sarre, Mr. ANTHONY HCNSMCEA, and MARY ANN ADAMS. At the same time and place, by Ihe same, JACOB RAUB, and SILOXA BERGER, all of Fishingcreek township, Col. i'.b. Pa. In Bloomsburg. on Monday of last week, Mr. JOHN CLAYTON, aged about 55 years. In Orange township, Col. ro., on the 2nd inst., Mr. DAMEL LOW KEY, aged 73 years, 6 months and 12 days. lit Bloomsburg on Sabbath morning, the k 9th inst., MARY ELLEN, Infant daughter ol Joseph and Mary Ellen Sharpless, aged 10 month? and 23 tlays. In Lewisbttrg. on Sunday, the 9;l> of Sept.. at half past 9 o'clock, Mrs. MARY MARIA GE~S NER, surd about 33 years, consoit of Francis Joseph Gessner. On Ihe same day at halt past eleven o'clock, FRANCIS JosErtt GESSNER, oged 36 year-—both of Dysentery. Mrs. Gessner died about two hears before his death. A short time before bis death ! e was carried to Iter bed, end on afkitig if she kr.ew him site replied, "You 3re my dear hus band." After her spirit was gone, she was carried, at his request to his bed and laid be side him. Taking Iter bend in ids, and call ing her by name, he said, '• I will soon be wilh you then requesting the bystanders to carry tier away, he sank calmly to his rest, retaining his senses to the last. The fnneral of both took place at two o'- clock, P. M , on Monday. An address by- Prof. Bliss, was delivered in Ihe Methodist Chapel. Thence the procession, composed pf the body of Free Masons, lite Singing As sociation—of which Mr. Gessner w a? leader —and such n (rain of men and women a* is scarce ever beheld at arty time, moved to the Cemetery. Wide must t.ave been Ihe Infill euro and strong the sympathy which could gather such a crowd to bury the dead. He was consigned according to the rite# of Free Masonry, His Honor, Judge Jordan, reading the burial srtvice, and the Singing Asncia lion sang their farewell, over all that rental: - ed ol him they loved. Mr. Gessner, with his family emigrated from Durkheim, Bat aria in 1838. Union Ar gut. Candidate Tor Sheriff. 7'o the free Elect us ef Columbia County. Fiirro's and fellow citizens:—At tho solid ration of many friends and in coneonsnce with my own wishes. I Hi <ll bo a Volunteer Can ilidste for tho (flice of rtllElilFF or Columbia County, at tho gtneiul LUction in Ortolan ' next, for which I irsyet(fully solicit yoursuf ftsses. promising, that if elected, 1 will dts , •? duties of sa d cflfi-e with fidelity siioigi ii, " ~>v ability. •no to tiio bent ot m. " V DER HUGHES. ALEX/v.. Btiercrcek twp.. Sept 6, 185t>. . County Treasurer. THE subscriber, at the urgent solicitation of many of bis Fellow Citizens, respectfully offers himsell as in independent randidate for Hie office of < OUNTY TREASURER, at Iheensuing election. I pledge myself if elec ted to discharge the duties of said office to the best ol my ability. WILLIAM COLE. Benton, Sept. 6, '55. PERRY & ERETY, S. VV. COR. or 4TH & RACE ST., PHILADELPHIA, 4 XOOKSF.LLERS, STATIONERS, PUB *> li-hers and Blank Book Manufacturers. P. K E. have constantly OH band an assort ment of Impot'ed and American Books and Stationery of the finest quality, which can be supplied AS LOW AS BY ANY Of HER ESTABLISHMENT in the City. Having an KXTENBIVE BINDING connected wilh o!'r business we are enabled to furnish BLANK BOOKS either Irom the shelves or made to order 31 the lowest manu facturer's prices. . Persons wishing to purchase to Philadel phia will Aud il to their advantage to give ue • call befote making their selections. All orders by mail promptly attended to. Jpt. 20, 1856— fim. 2X3EAHOT HOTEL AM) It. H. OMNIBI'S LINE.! riMIE undeisignej reupeoilaily informs his -I Iriends urn) the |iit<lio OIHI lie bus taken THE EXCHANGE HOTEL, /.V ULOOMSBURG. InoatH on Main Sheet. directly opposite lite Court House, which has been Ihorouishly re paired end improTed, where he is prepared to accommodate his customers wilh good fare and to general satisfaction. lie has uiso in connection with the EX CHANGE HOVEL. an eeellont GDss3D.aafntooa.S3 EEaGixia&g, running regularly several limes per day, to HIM! from llio Depot on the arrival of the Cats, by which passengers will be pleasant ly conveyed to the Depot fetation, or taken Irom and returned to their residences, il de sired. Ho will always be happy to entertain end accommodate hit friends to the ut most of his abilities. JOHN SNYDER. Bloomsburg. Sept. 20, 1855. lioiiCE. fjnHE advertiser would respectfully an- XI. nourice to his cusiomers and the public generally that he continues to supply ihe va rious MAGAZINES named below at the pri ces annexed, per ae.nnm. Harpers $2 25; Putnam 82 25 ; Knickerbocker 82 25; House hold Words #2; Blackwood 5-2 25; Godey 52 25: Graham 52 25; Horticulturist, colored plates 53 60; Horticulturist, plain edition, SI 63; Liltell's Living Age 85; Frank Leslie's Gazette of Fashions 82 25; Ballon's Pictorial 82 50; Lathes' Repository (Cincinnati) 82 63; Peterson 81 63: National 81 63; Arthur's Homo Magazine $1 63. He is prepared also to fill orders for stand ard tint? miscellaneous books and the current literature of the day. whether from Ihe trade or persons in oilier walks ol industry. Hav ing had an experience of fifteen years in the Book and Periodical Trade, he believes that tie can give entire satisfaction to fall parlies intrusting him with otders. Specimen numbers of the Magazines sent on receipt r.f six Post Office Letter Stamps for the S3 or 82 Magazines, and lor twelve such ! stamps a sample of the 85 or 86 works will be sent. Letters of iuqniiy must contain a stamp for the return postage. Books sent post-paid, on receipt of publisher's advertised prices. Address WILLIAM PATTON. Bookseller, Hoboken, New Jersey. RT Publishers of Newspapers giving the above advertisement, wilh this notice, a few insertions and sending marked copy to adver tiser, will be entitled to any one of the Peri odicals in the above list for one yoar. Sept. 6 ELECTION PROCLAMATION. 3R\'HEKEAS, by Ihe laws of this Commo n* v wealth it is made "the doty of the Sher iff of every county to give notice ol the gen eral elections, by publication in ono or more newspapers nt the county, at least twenty days | before the election" and to enumerate there in "the officers to be elected." and to "desig nate the place at which the election is to be held 'Therefore, I, JOHN SNYDER. High Sherifi of Colombia county, do hereby make known and proclaim to the qualified electors ol Columbia, that a GENERAL ELECT ION will be held throughout said county, on 'IUESDA Y, the MM 11 tiny of OCT HER, being the second Tuesday m said month, at Ihe several district# within the county to wit : | Benton twp nt the house of F.zekipl Cole. ! Beaver township at the house of Christian I Shtiman. | Bloom township at the Court house in i Bloomsburg. I Briaicreek tp. at the townhouse in Berwick, i Cattsiwi-sa township at the house of Stacy I Margeium in Cattawis.-a. | Centre township at the house of Jeremiah He#?. deceased. Fishingcreek township at the house of ! Abraham Kline, now occupied by William Long. Greenwood township at the.house of JOB. Potion. Hemlock township at the Bitckltorn. Jarksoti township at the house of Joshua Savage. Locust township at the houee of David Reittbold. Franklin township at the house of Benja min Drum. * Mifflin twp. at the house of John Keller. Madison township nt Ihe house of Jacob Welliver, now occupied by Fulper. Mount pleasant township at the house of the late Frederick Miller. Montour township at the house of John Richards now occupied by Jesse Hullins heatl. Main township at Ihe house of Isaac Tel ler. Rnaringcrcek township at the house of G. W. Driesbtioh. Orange township at the bouse of Peter P. Kline. Pino township at the house of Albert Hun ter. Sugarloaf township at the house of Linas Cole. Scott township at the house of Henry Trernbyin Kspytown. It is further directed that the election at the a tid several district# shall be opened be tween the limits ot 8 and 10 o'clock in the Inretioon. and shall continue open without ciertupiion, or adjournment until 7 o'clock in tge evening when the polls aliall be clo sed. The officers to be elected at the time and places ulorernid, are A CANAL COMMISSIONER, A MEMBER OF ASSEMBLY, A SHERIFF, A COUNTi TREASURER, A COUNTY COMMISSIONER. A COUNTY AUDITOR, A COUNTY AUDITOR FOR 1 YEAR. It is lutlherdirected that tin' meeting of the return judges, at the Court House in Bloomsburg to make out the general re'urns, shall be on the fir-t Friday succeeding the general election, which will be die 12th day ol October. The return judges of Columbia and Mon tour counties will meet at the Court Houso in Bloomsburg, on Tuesday the 16th day of nc.tober next to make out teturnhior Member .pmbly. ol /. bv the said arl, I am further And in a- *• "that every person directed to give >. nj-roe, who shad excepting justices ol n.- H ' ' .irofit or hold any olfioe or appointing. ' ljni ';d trust under the Government of Iht. i , Slates, or of this State, or of any city or . corporated district, whether a contmisnoned officer or otherwise, a subordinate officer or agent, who is, or shall be employed under the legislative, or executive or judiciary de parimenl of this Sato, or of any incorporated district, ami also that every member ol Con gress, and of the lelect or common council ot any city, commissioners of any incorporated district, is by law incapable of holding ot ex ercising at the same time the office or ap pointment of Judge, inspector or clerk of any election of this commonwealth, and that no , inspector, judge or any other officer of any such election shall be eligible to any office then to ba voted for.' Given under my hand at my office HI Bloomsburg, this 6th day of September, A. D. 1865. JOHN SNYDER, bloomsburg. Sept. 6. 1865. Sheriff. -FANCY GOODS, of everv description and variaty new styles, and fresn Irom Now York and Patludelpiiia, for sale at the cheap atore V M'KELVY, NEAL k CO, BOOKS FOR THE SONS OF AMERICA. | A. VOICE TO AMERICA; Or, the Model Republic, its Gloiv or it* F.dl: with ateview of lite Causes ol the Dee ne I and Failure of the Reunifies nl S. Amer ica, Mexico, and the Old World;. applied to the Present Crisis in the United States. One volume, J2mo., about -100 pages, cloth gill, 81 25. Contents of the. ff'ork. The U. S Prospective and Retrospective. Ttie Ancient Republics—Early Civilization. Sparta and Athens. The Fall of Rome. Italian Liberty in the Middle Ages. Mexico, apd the South American Slates. The Heroes of Liberty. The boundaries ot countries—how established The Angle Saxon race, the only one capable of sustaining Freedom. The rights of Conscience. < Religious Toleration. The Bible, the Charter of Liberty. The Principles and Perils of our Common Ed ucation. What constitutes Ihe light to vote. The right of the Majority to rule. The effects of Romanism and Proteslautism on civilization. The Political power of the Pope. Romanism and Freedom. j Folly of supposing American Institutions need no safeguards. American Citizens—mativo or adopted— Romanist or Protestant equally interested in resisting foreign influence. Evils of Military organizations exclusively of nalmalized citizens. Secret Societies, their use and abuse. The Citizens of a Republic. Naturalization laws of the United States. American Nationality. The Common Cause. This work, written ill an earnest American spirit, by able and experienced writers se lected (or their eminent fitness for the tusk, will be found worthy the attentive pe rusal of the whole American people. Il condense# a prodigious amount ol most val i cable information relating to our social and political economy, and the dangers to which our civ il and national liberties are exposed, together with illustrations drawn from the his tory of the classic and modern republics.— This production must become the great text book lor American citizens; since it is so thor ough in its investigations, and of such deep, stirring interest, that it cannot fail in making its direct appeal to the heatls ot Ihe people. 11. THE NATIONAL IIISTORf of ihe U. S.; Comprising the Colonial, Revolutionary and Constitutional Records ol the Country ; ba sed upon, and including the Documents of the Federal Government, &e. By Benson J. Lossing and Edwin Williams. In two volumes, royal Bvo., profusely illus trated with fine engravings on steel and wood, muslin gilt, Seven Dollars. It is a work unique in its character and of intrinsic value as it standard authority for.lhe statesman, historian and general reader; and i:o less important as the exponant of the po litical ethics and progress of the Confedera cy. It will be regarded as the National histo ry of the country during its three grsal epochs —Colonial, Revolutionary and Constitutional, condensed from the national archives. The work is splendidly illustrated by original views ' ot the national buildings, offices ol state, &c. 1 Now Ready: The Statesman's Manual; Containing the President's Messages, inaug ural, annual and special, Irom those of Washington to the present lime : witn their Memoirs and Histories of their Adminis trations. Also, valuable Documents and Statistics, Complied from official sources, by Edwin William*. The new edition brought down to the present time. 4 volumes Bvo., with portraits of all the Presidents, cloth, exlia gill, 510 00. This great national work lias received the highest commendation from the Press throughout the country, as well as from some ol the most distinguished personages connec ted with the Federal & State Governments. It is iiulispensable to ail persons in any way con nected with official or governmental affairs. A full analytical Index accompanies the work by which immediate reference can be made to any great question—political, social, or le gal. A new and enlarged edition (.'.he 20 th thousand) OF DR. 1)0W LING S HISTORY Of Itomnnism; Com pile J Itoiu Romish A uitionties : with Supplement, bringing the history down to the present time: with 50 engravings. 1 vol. Bvo., 800 pages, cloth gill, S3. The American and Odd- FLLLOUS' LITERARY MUSEUM; Containing Gems of Literature, prose and verse, by eminent writers: with over thirty engravings on steel. 2 volumes Bvo. muslin gilt, $5 00. A nobler compendium of choice literature could hardly be collected—an elegant bonk (or the centre-table and (or presentation—it is equally fitted lor the librury.-A'. I'. Mirror. tjf Active and responsible Agents for the above works, wanted in every State of the Union—who will please address EDWARD WALKER, Ptddishe r, Aug. 30. 114 Fulton St.. New York. The Scientific American. The Eleventh Annual Volume of this use ful publication commences oil the 17tb day of September next. The Scientific American is an illustrated periodical, devoted chielly to the promulga tion of information relating to the various Mechanic and ChemicArts, Industrial Man ufactures, Agriculture, Patents, Inventions, Engineering, Millwork, and all interests which the light of Practical Science is calcu ated to advance. Reports of U. S. Patents granted are also published every weelc, including Official cop ies of all the Patent Claims, together with news and information upon Thousands ot other Subjects. The Contributors to the Scientific American are among the most Eminem Scientific and practical men of the times. The Editorial Department is universally acknowledged to be conducted with great ability, and to be distinguished not only for the excellence and truthluluesH of its discussions, but for the learlessness with which error is combated and tulse theories are exploded. Mechanics, Inventors, Engineers, Chem ists, Manufacturers, Agriculturalists, and people ol every profession in lite, will find the Scientific American to be of great value in the.r respective callings. Its counsels and suggestions will save them hundreds of dol lars annually, besides affording them a con •:„ual source ot knowledge, the experience '<• ■i, ig Jyevond pecuniary estimate, of whin.. r. Antfricon is published once a The Scisufi/s.. gpiitaine eight large week ; every numb*.. u„ a oO , n ,,| eU , quarto pages, forming am.- ... . , RVBfa | and splendid volume, ilhisirated v. hundred original engravings. BP" Specimen copies sent gratis. BP* TERMS —Single subscriptions, S2 a year, or Sf for six months. Five copies, for six'month* S4 ; lor a year, iB. For further Club rates and for eiatemenl of | the fourteen large cash prizes, offered by the publishers, see Scientific Amerioan. Southern, Westerri and Canada money, or Post Office Stamps, taken at par for subscrip tions. Letter* should be directed (pot paid) to MUNN & Co., 128 Fulton street, N. York. OT Messrs. MUNN & Co. have been for many year* extensively engaged in procu ring patent* for new inventions; and will ad vise inventors, without charge, in regard to the novelty of their improvements. STARTLING, BUT THUE! WARNING TO EVERY SENSIBLE WOMAN. WHY FEMALES SI'EEEII IST IIEAI.TH. K"o woman of dcltawy l wIIHup to d!*rlG*e thr |y r iv liar Incident to her aex, oven to a moat inllinato fumlly ]>iyl<.tnn. . , , . . TLi* T'lodchtv and delicacy la by nature, NN.L neither ID>UUI Rr NEED be *ulfrrtl to the rudo Kliorkfl lno\liable In uu'.klr.ff known to the other BOX tho*> ailment* 1 clungim; wrclinivi y to the femtile. Kxoept In cxlime enact, lur * i.tdtlveneva will anen flic her health rathor than her delicacy. The conoequuucee aro ecrlouf, lumen table, and lifo lon*. Tim* what nt flret could bnve been en-lly rcmniWNl, or ]>erliut>(i U tier ulil not incurred, become* a comul!- oation or dlwarn*, not only rulnin* the hesiith of thn mother, and embittering her day* hv elcki.ee* and euf ferlnp, hut ei.tallhi* broken conßtltuiloL* upon her children, an.t emharrnMlng, if not dlntrviMlntf, the hunl noH* and pecuniary pronpecla of the huaboml. IsCt every eoiudhlo woman TAKE WARNING IN TIME, (an thourand* have done) by tho hitter experience nnd autlbrtnge of other*, of the dreadfhl con-wiuencea the entalla upon hereelf and tho*e endeared to her, bv her Ignorance of the ulinpleet aud plalneat rule* of health na connected with tho marriage plate, the violation of which entalla dlaenaC, auft'erinir, and misery. liow many are fluttering from obetructione or irrcgti larltlea peculiar to the female ayatem, which ondennlno the health, the effect* of which they are Ignorant, and for whlob their delicacy forbid* aeeklug inndical ad vice I How many Buffer from proltibans uteri (falling of the womb), or from Jiuur < dbut (weakneea, debility, fcc )l How many aro In constant agony for many inor.tha pre ceding confinement I How many have difficult, if not dangerous deliveries,and alow auu uncertain recoveries! To the question, how are those to be prevented! what •bail be done? the answer I* HI tuple. I*'t every woman ascertain lor herself, without vlo- If 11 cc to her delicacy, the nature and character of tho ailment (to which she aa a female Is subject), the causes from which It may arise, and tho proper remedies for its cure and future prevention. Tills she OHM do by posseting a little volume (already iWM-w d by tbousandsX WHICH TEUUi EVER V WOMAN WHAT IS Till: MATTER, ASI) TELLS rih'li WIIAT TO DO FOR IT, in aimplo but cbasto wo:.U, and -. ii su alio can undersUnd. Tide little volume la entitled THE MARRIED WOMAN'S PRIVATE MEDICAL COMPANION, BY DR. A. M. MAURICEAU, paorvasoß or maiAars or WOMEV. One Hundredth Edition (500,0GC) 13 m0., pp. 250. • (ON rI MR TAPIR, SXTRA BIKDINO, sloo.] A standard work of established reputation, found classed In tho Catalogues of the Trade galea In New York, Philadelphia, and other cities, and sold by ♦he principal hook-eflers In tie United States. It was nrat published In 1847, since which time FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND COPIES I have been sold, of which thero wore upwards of ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND SENT BY MAIL , attesting th*high estimation in which It la held aa THE | OSLY RELIABLE, popular nu'dloal BOOK FOR EVERY FEMALE, the author having devoted, and still devotes, his exclu sive attention to the treatment of complaints peculiar to female*, in respect to which ho is y?arly consulted by thousands, both In person and by letter. Here every woman can discover, by comparing her own symptom* with tin*o described, tho nature, charac ter, causes of, and the proper remedies for her com plaints. The wlfo about rtccontinara mother lins often reed of Instruction and i dvlcc of the utmost Importance to b.cr future I.eelth, will find sueh instruction mid advice, and aipo explain many symptom* which otherwise would occaaien anxiety or alann, us all the peculiarities inch dent to her situation are doaerlled. It 1* of course impracticable to convey fully the va rious subjects tieated of, as they are of a nature strictly Intended for tho married or tltoee contemplating mar riage. Tho revelation* contained in its pages hve proved a bieViiig to thousands, H the innumerable let ters received by tho author (which ho i* permitted bjj the writers to publish) will attest. Extract of a Utter from a gtntieman in Dayton, Ohio. DAYTON, May 1, 1847. Dr. A M. Mauriceau: "My wife has been perceptibly sinking for some three years or more, in consequence of her great anguish and fluttering soine months l<ofuro and during confinement: every successive one more nrd more debiiita*ed and prostrated her, putting hor lifo In Imminent danger, and which was on the last occasion despaired of. 1 u pi toned tliat this state of things was lur v. table, and resigned myself to meet tho womt. At tlda timo (now about two months), I heard your book highly spoken of, as con taining some matters renchiug my rate. On It* receipt , and perusal, I cannot express to you tho relief itrrt'ordud | my distressed mind, and the joy its rages imparted to my wife, on learning that the groat discovery of M. M. | Ilesnmeaux provided a remedy. It opened a prospect to me which I little conceived was possible. No pecu niary consideration cau ever repay tho ohllgntions 1 am under to you, for having been t-e means of unnartlni? to n- the :natlore contained in "The Married Woman's Private Medical Companion." Hut f<r this, ore another year would have passed over my head, lu all human probability my wile would have been In her grave aud my children 1 eft motherless.*' In consequence of the universal popularity of the work, as evidenced by its extraordinary hale, various'm position* have been attempted, as well on IM-OlD oiler* ua on tbo public, by liidlothms of tide pace, s|Mirlou> edi tions, nnd surreptitious Infringement* oi' copyright, and other devices anu deception*, ll Lu* been iound necessary therefore TO CAUTION THE PUBLIO to buy ro bock unless tho words "Dr. A. M. MAURI CRAC. 12U Ltbci ty street. N. YJ* 1* on (and the entry iu tho Clerk's Office on the back of) the tide page; aud buy only of respectable and honorable dealer*, or send by mail, and address to Dr. A. M. Mauriceau. Mir Upon receipt of Ono DoL'ar " THE IdARF.IED WOMAN'S PRIVATE MEDICAL COMPANION" ia sent (mailed fret) to any part of the United States, the Canada*, and British Provinces. All Letters most be post-paid, and addrcesed to Dr. A. M. MAURICEAU, box 1224. New-York City. Publishing Office, No. 129 Wberty Street, Now-York. J]gents in Pennsylvania. T. B. Peterson, J. M. Moss & Bro., and T. Cowpeithait, Philadelphia—Mrs. Cynthia Williams, Honcsdale—Wentz & Stark, Car hondale—E. Flint. Williamsporl—S. Tuck, Wilkesharre—S. Leader, Hanover—B. Hall, Fil'sion—J. S. Nickson and A. K. McClure, Clutnbersbiirg—E. Benner, Sumiieylown— Joseph Swariz,- Bloomsbnrg—G. W. Earle, Waynesboro—J. H. Cornelius, New Berlin— G I). Main, Mainsburg—Potter & McMann, lleilloute—H. A. Lance, Reading. July 20, 1858.—6 m. Public Sate of Ileal Estate, rpHE heirs of Jonathan Hasronbuch deceas- I ed will on SATUHDAY, Ihc C>lh thy of October next, expose to public sale upon the premises A TRACT OF I. AN D, situate in Centre township, Columbia county, bounded by lands of John Hagenbneh on the East, of Datiiel Hagenbueh on the North and West and of Dauiei Neyhard ou the South, contuininß AIiOUT SEVENTEEN ACRES more or less, whereon are a frame ilwellina house, a barn, a shop, a good apple orchard and a well of good water. The property is situate in the iron ore region. There will also be sold at the same lime and place a I,ot of Woodland, containing 2 ncres more or |ps* annate in the same township, adjoining lands of Jeremiah Hagenbueh oil the Eal, Jacob llageribuch on the South, John lliigenhneh on the West ami Henry Delong on the Noith. The land is well timbered. The widows dswer will remain in all the land. Sale will commence at 1 o'clock P. M., when the tern.s will be made known EMANUEL HAGENBUCH. for tiie heirs of Jonathan Hagenbueh. Centre twp., Sept. 5, 1855. PUBLIC SALE of REAL ESTATE. WILLbe exposed to sale at public vendue upon the piemixes, in Centre township, Cnlu rnbia county, on B.VI UKDAY, 13th day of Oct olier next, tho following described valu able real estate as the properly of Delila Boone and 1 fauna tehive, and late tho estato of Ben. jamin Baone. deceased, viz: A FARM AND PLANTATION, aituatein Centre twp., Columbia county, lying netween the Wusquehanna river and Lime Ridge, through which the public road 4" North Branch Canal, pataes fiom Bloomsburg to Ber wick, uoar 4 Milled above lh first named place, containing about SEVENTY FOUR ACRES, all of wtiij' l '* improved and iu a high state of 1-- lime kiln, and other auitabla outbuildings ted upon the piemises. ALSO, Two good Orchards, and a novcr-failing spring of water near the ddor, with a running stream through l K e meadow, some twenty.acrea of which ia excellent meadow land. Bale to commence et 1 o'clock, P. M.,on said day. when attendance will be given and terms n ade known by \ 8. C. SHIVE. Bloomaborg, Sept- 8,1855. TO THOSE WANTING CHEAP GOODS! Srjnom nrtrr^.vtyry. HAVE just received nnd opened their slock of merchandize for Fajt and Winter sales, which comprises the LARGEST, CHEAPEST, and HANDSOMESP assort mm. I now offered in thislTOWN! Huvin^-paid great attention to the selection of tnetr entire s.oclc, as to price and quality, lliey flatlet themselves that they can compete with Jbe cheapest, and all those wishinir to buy cheap, oan 6ave money bv giving us a call. \\ e have all kinds of Goods und Wares to supply the wants or the People. A very largo lot ot ladies dress woods, French merinocs, wool plaids, alpacas, bombazines, de bages, poplins, parametta cloths, mohair lustres, tntisliti de laines, Persian cloths, Ginghams, Calicoes, &c. WHITE GOODS OF ALL KINDS, Sieves. Collars, Spencers, handkerchiefs, flouncing*, hands and trimmings, laces and edjing*, bonnet ribbons, in large variety, vel vet ribbons, and braids, kid, cotton, and lisle thread gloves, mohair milts, &c., All kinds of SHAWLS, broehe, Bay State, Waterville, black silk, cashmere, Embroder ed, &c. Also a very large assortment of cloths, cassitners, eattinelts, vesting*, tweeds; jeans, beaver cloths, coating velvet, &c. BOOTS AND SHOES, OF ALL KINDS t( SIZES FOR MEN WOMAN f CHILDREN We have a large assortment of Hats and Caps of latest fashions. We have also Hard ware, Queensware, Cedarwara. &c. Very cheap carpets, carpet bags, floor, table and car riage oil cloths, mats nigs, baskets, &c. Muslins flannels, tickings, diapers, towelings, drillings. &c., in abundance. We invite our friends and the public generally to give us a call before purchasing el-e --where. We have bought ourgoods at Lowest Cash Prices and will not be undersold by anybody, or the rest of mankind. Bloomsburg, October 28, 1855. Ss3a.caacE>m EE>upcsa£PaQSSSß <£S <33®, HAVE RECEIVED A NEW LOT OF Fashionable Spring and Summer Clothing ! tn the Exchange Block next to Sivartz's Book Store. They have on hand a large and full assortment of FROCK, DRF.SS, BOX, SACK. G UM AND OIL CLOTH COATS, of all sorts and sizes, that the present enlightened age knows any thing about. Of Pants and Vests they have every color o( the rainbow, besides some black, blue, grey, striped and fancy ; Vests of satin, silk, bull, casimere. Marseilles, linen and worsted of all fash ionable cuts and colors ; Working Pants and boys clothing. Also fine while, figured and striped shirts, Pocket and Neck Handkerchiefs, Stocks, Ties, Scarfs, ail kinds of gentle man's dress goods ; Hats, Caps, Trunks, Traveling Bags and Umbrellas ; and ?££££ I They have Undersleves, Spencers, Collars, Rignlelt, Gloves, Mitts. Ladies'a bead-hag I Handkerchiefs, &c., &c. Also Jewelry and Noiions'sai has Rings, Rrenst pins, Gold and Silver Pens and Pencils, Medallions, Vest and Fob chains, Porlmmue.*, Spectacles, Knives Razors and a well selected assortment of Aecordeons BP* Remember the cheap store iu the "Exchange Block" opposite the Court house. Bloomsburg, May 18th 1855. 8. DREIFUSS, Si Co. 1855 New Fall and Winter Goods! 1855 DAVID LCWEHEZ3ILG' INVITES attention to his slock of cheap and fashionale vlothing at his stum on Market street, two doors above the "American House," where he has a fuli assortment of inen and boy'a wearing apparel, including gox, sack, frock, gum and oil cloth coata of all sorts and sizes, pants of all colore, shawls stripes and figure, vests, shirts, cravats, stocks, collars, handkerchiefs, gloves, suspenders and fancy articles. N. B. * He will also make to order any article of clothing at very short notice and in I the best manner. All his clothing is made to wear, and most of it is of home manufac- I lure. Bloomsburg, Sept. 20th 1855-3 m. WASHBURN'S INDIAN AMPUI lUEATKE & URCCS I WASHBURN'S Great Indian Amphithe atre and Citcus, the largest and most splendid establishment in the World, com prising a large company of Indians, com posed of Chiefs, Warriors, Brave 9, and Fe males, from the" Plains and beyond the Rocky Mountains, together with the most talented Troupe of white Equestrians of the age, who offer the mo-l interesting and in structive Exhibition ever witnessed by the American people, given under an immense Pavtliion, accommodating 5000 persons, will exhibit in Bloomsburg, on Friday. September 2 Isf, 1855; at Berwick, Sept. 20th; Danville, Sept.22d. The Chiefs accompanied by their Warriors will make a Grand Entree iqjolownatlO o'clock, A. M., mounted on their Indian Horses, dressed iu full native costume, pre ceded by Hick Willis' Bugif Band, the largest and most complete travelling Orchestra in the World. The Chiefs and Warriors will appear within the Pavillion in datiug Equestrian Feats, Feme of Strength, Foot Races, Prize Shooting with bows nnd arrows, Ceremonies, Historical Scenes, &c. Among the large Troupe of while Equestrians may be found the celebrated AYMAU FAM ILY, with a reputation unpquelled in the annals of Eqnestiianism,consisting of WAL TER B. AYMAU. the onlv baro-back rider in the World; WM. T. AYMAU, the great arobatio leaper, the only person in the World who can throw a somerset over ten horses; ALBERT AYMAR, the intrepid and daring perlormer on tho double bridge of ropes, also scenic and gymnastic rider; FRED. SYL- I VF.STER, late of Frunconi's Hippodrome, Paris and NHW YO.V: JOB. HAZhLErr, TRM I originator ot the douole somerset: Mrs. W R. DF.UU i" the great hurdle Act de Mange: Mr. W. R. DF.UR, the great trainer ol horses, FRANK- C. PHELPS ami four Pupils, in a beautiful act of Posturing; also, the Great American Clown, GEO. O. KNAPP, the lather ol all fun, who will make an audience laugh and grow fat with his old sayings, trite aphorisms, touches on the ,imes, Come one, come all, and witness the great est Exhibition ever given in the World. WILLIAM AYMAR, the Greatest Perform ing Clown of the Age. Admission to the great Double Combina tion, only 25 cents. Doors open at 2 and 7 o'clock P. M. For full particulars *ee bills at hotels. C. C. BACKUP, Agt. Public Sale of Real Estate. rplU'-RF. will be sold at public sale upon -A the premises, on FRIDAY, the ttSth day if September next, at I o'clock, P. M., the lol luwiog real estate, to wit : A VALUABLE FARM, situate in Franklin township, Colutr.biaceun ty, adjoining lands of Conrad Fensiermacher, Thomas Clayton, Daniel Yetier, Jacob Cus tenbauder, John Hower und others, contain ing r Ja.L83333 more or less. There are erected on the prem ises a two story frame DWELLING HOUSE, a good BARN, Grain Houses, Cider house, and various other buildings; and Fruit Trees of all kinds. A never-failing Spring of Water is at the doot. About 110 acres in good (ar ming order, and thn balance in firslrate tim ber. About 10 acres are gooJ meadow. The property will be sold as the Estate of William Clayton deceased, by order of hie w.mam y T H OM AS CLAYTON, • SAMUEL ENT, Franklin twp.. Aug. 25, '55 Executors. TRON STEEL, and every kind of Hard '"'"'W, NEALfcCo 100,000 COPIES ! Steamboat Pinasters on the Western Waters, and Steamboat Directory, fl> H C undersigned have now in course of X preparation a new Steamboat Directory, w hicli will be issued in October next, the book will contain over two hundred pages, ib "lustraled in the best style, and neatly bound in a durable manner. It will be one of the most interesting books ever published, and will be a book that will be iiiterealing to all classes of people. The Steamboat Directory will contain a complete list and description of all the Steamboats now atlnut in the Weitorn and Southern waters. The length, model, speed, power and tonnage of.cach boat, where and by whom built, the name of the L-oat, with the trade she has in. Also, the names of Captains and otficars, her age, &e. The Directory will contain a History of .Steamboats nnd Steambonling on the Western waters, since tbo application of steam: also, a sketch of the tirst boat built for the Ohio River, with the name of the builder, commander and own *'• ' • . The River Directory will contain a list and description of alt the Steamboat Disasters that have occurred oil the Western and South em waters, beautifully illustrated, with a list of all those who have pcri-hed by tllcir burn ing, sinking and exploding, on the western and southern wilers. The Directory will contain Mops of the Ohio, Mississippi, Mis snuri, Illinois, Arkansas, Wliile, Bed, Ouachita, Yazoo, and other rivers, with tho towns and cities laid down, with coirect distances; also, many other River and Commercial item, 0 f interesi to the people at large. The w j|| | contain tbe cento of the various U. S. Mail ' Boats, with the trade they are in, &c. The '. Directory will also contain a complete list of I all the responsible Steamboat License.l Org. I vera, their ploccs of residence, &c. <fcc., the I new steamboat law its lequireiuei la, with ( comments, showing wherein it benefits the in l competent officer, and injures the competent officer, &c. &n., and all tho important U. S. Supreme Court steamboat (Incisions up to date; tbe Rates and important Commercial . Privileges, Bills of Lading, important decis [ ions of the various U. 8, Courts in regard to I Freights Lost and Damaged, dec. &c., with i many other things of interest, j The Directory will tie illustrated in the beet style, and printed in the best manner. *J'| )e author lias for ail years been gathering together all the facts und items in regard to the numerous steamboat disasters on 'he Western and Houihern waters, and now intends pub lishing* them in book Grin. The price of the work will be put at tbe low tun) of One Dollar. Ten thousand copies will be issueJ for the boutmei.; all others desirous of subscribing, will hvu to do so at once, as none will bo priuleil unless ordered in advance. Tnie work is destined to have a circulation of over eight thousand copies, as the publishers are receiv ing la rge numbers of aubsciibera, per mail, from ull parts of the country, daily. Some of the oldest boatmen, as well as most scientific men of the times, aro contributors to the Steamboat Dnectory. I The Directory will be issued in October, und will be an ornament to the parlor as well as steamboat. By remitting Ono D.dlsr, post paid, you will receive a copy of the above work. All communiculions and letters should be addressed to J AS. T. LLOYD + CO. Post Office Building, Cincinnati, Ohio. July 12, 1855. Stray Mi oat! CAME to the premises of the subscriber in Greenwood township about the 15th of July last, a stray spoiled barrow, weighing about 8(J pounds. The owner is requested to prove property, pay chargea and take it away, or it will be sold according to law. ' JAMES V. FERGUSON. Greenwood, Sept. 6, 1855.—3t. Fresh Arrival! ANEW lot of cheap muslins and print* just received by railroad and for sale by A. C. MENSCH. Fancy Paper* Envelopes, Pane, Ink, Wtitingeand.lt* M be found .tthe cheag Book^eof. Let as Reason Together. PM WHY ARE WE SICKf It his been the lot of the humin race to bo neighed down by disease and suffeiing. HoU lowoy'a Piils are specially adapted to the relief of the Weak, the Ncrvons. the Delicate, and tho Infirm, of all ciimee, ages, sexes, and eon atilutinne. Professor Hulloway personally su perintends tho manufacture of hia medicines in the United States, mid offers thein 'o a bee and enlightened people, aa tho beat remedy the world ever aa v for the removal of disease. These PHls Purify the Blood. These famous pills are expressly combiners operate on the stomach, the liver, the tho lungs, '.he skin, and the bowels, correcting any derangement in'thcir functions, purifying the blond, the very fountain ot life, and thus cu ring disease in all its for.n f. Dyspepsia and Liver Complaints. Nearly half the human race have token these Pilla. It has been p'oved in all porta of the world, that nothing has lit en found equal In them in cases of disorders of tho liver, dyspep sia, oud stomoch cotnplninla generally. The* soon give a heathy tone lo these organs, how ever much deranged, and when all other means have failed. General Debility. 11l Health. Many of the most deapotiu Governments have opened their Custom Houses to the intro duction of these Piila, that they may become ' the medicinn of l lie masses. Learned Colleges , admit that this medicine is ihe best remedy ev er known for jiersons of delicate health, or where the system has been impaired, aa i s invigora ting properties never fail to afford relief. Female Complaints. No Female, young or old, ahoulJ bo without this celebrated medicine. It is correct and rrg ulatoa 'lie monthly courses at all periods, acting in many cases like a chaim. It it also the best and aafcat medicine that can. lie given lo chil dren of nil ages, and for any complaint: conse quently no family shoulu be without it.* Ilolloway's Pills are the best remedy j known in the world for the following Diseases. j \stbma Diarrliura Bowel Complaiutt Dropsy* Coughs Debility ConU Fever ami Ague Cheat Disease* Female Complaints Costivenes* Headache Dyspepsia Indigestion Influenza Inflammation Inward Weakness Liver Complaints Lowness of Spirits Piles , S'one and Gravel Secondary Symptona Venereal Affections Worms, of all kinds Sold at the Manufactories of Prof. HOLLO WAY, 80 Maiden Lane, ffew-York, and 244 Strand, London, and by all respectable Drug gists and Dealers of Medicines throughout the United Stales, and the civilized world, iu boxes, at 29 cents, 62j cents, and 31 each. IST There is a considerable saving by ta king the larger size. 1 N. B Directions for the guidance ot pa tients in every disorder are affixed to each Box SAVI\G IIMI OF THE~ I. 8. Insurance Annuity & Trust <o. S. E. cor. ol Third & Chestnut Sts., PHIL'S. CAPITAL 250,000. MONEY is received on deposit daily.— The amount deposited is entered in a Deposit Book and given lo the .Depositor, or if prelerred, a certificate will be given. All sums, large and small, nre received, and the amount paid back on demand, with out notice. Interest is paid at the rale of five per cent, commencing from thu day of deposit, and ceasing lourteen days previous lo lite with drawal of the money. On ihe first day of January, in each year, the interest of each deposit is paid to the depositor, or added to the principal, as be may prefer. The Company have now upwards of 3,- 50'J depositors in the City of Philadelphia alone. Any additional information will be given by addressing the Treasurer. DIRECTORS: S. R. Crawford, Pres't. Wen. D. Godwin, L. Johnson Vice Pres't. Paul B. Gotldard, A. VV. Thompson, George McHenry, Benj. VV. Tirigley, Jamea Devereux, Jacob L. Elorance, Go-tavua English. PLINY FISK, Secretary If Treasurer. J. C. OEHLSCHLAGEU, Teller tf Interpreter. September 6 1855.—1y. Orphans Court Sale of Real Estate- IN pursuance ol an order of the Orphan* Court of Columbia County, the uiitiur signed Tro'tee appointed by 6aid Court irt the matter of the Estate of Mary Applemanj deceased, will on SATURDAY, the 13th day if O tuber next, at 1 o'clock, in the afternoon, expose to public sale upon the premises a certein ! IECE AND LOT OF LAND situate in the town of Bloomsburg, Columbia coun ty, containing about ONE HALF ACRE, Irontii g on Third Street of said town,on the south side of said street, adjoining lane of Kobnrt B. Arthur on the east and south, and land of Daniel Shive'a beira on the west Conditions of sale.—Ten per cent, of lbs purchase money lo bo paid on the day of sale; one hail on the confirmation of the sale by court ; and the balance on the first day ol April next, with interest from the day ol confirmation. JOHN SNYDER, Bloomsbttrg. Sept. 13, 1855. Trustee. Private Sale! THE undersigned off.us for sale hia prop erty eitua'e in Mifllinvillo, Columbia county, unnai-ting of a dwelling house, store house and four contiguous LOTS OF GROUNDi being the same premises conveyed to him by Peter Billmyer, late Sheriff of said county, and now in the occupancy of Nathan Snyder. The properly will be aold reasonable and the terms made lo suit the purchaser, A good title and possession of Ihe premises will be given at any time the buyer may stipulate. Apply either personally or by address ot tho subscriber residing in Pelersville, North ampton county. JONAS SNYDER. Petersvfile, September 6. 1855. FALL MILLINERY 00i)8. JNO. STONE & SONS, No. 45 SECOND Street, Philadelphia, are now prepared to offer to their customers, and lo ihe trade, (of their own importation,) the largest ana handsomest assortment of Millinery Goode, in this city—consisting in part of Bonnet Silks. Ribbons, Velvets, Fancy Feathers, Flatters, Laces, d*c. tfc. Which will be sold at the lowest ptleee, on the most favorable term*. Philadelphia, Sept. 13, 1855.—am. 1 THIBET SHAWLS with aUk fringe, e . fine lot just and leby
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers