STAR OF THE NORTH. ft. W. WEAVER, EDITOR. Uloonsfiarp, A R N O M E R, ox vSlll^^oujtTr, DEMOCRATIC COUNT* CONVENTION. IN accordance with the role of the Demo cratic party, the Democratic votera of the nrveial election districts of Columbia county will meet at their reepective places of holding the general election, on SATURDAY the 36th day o( August next, between the hour* of 3 and 7 o'clotk in the afternoon to choose two delegates from each township, to meet in Ogunty Convention at the Court Houae in " "Dioomaburg on MONDAY, tho 37th day of August next, at \ o'clock, P. M., for the put nose of making the annual nominations of tho Democratic party. The Democrata of tha several townships are enjoined to elrict vigilance that none but Drm orrats participate in theae election*, and tho rucccaa and integrity ot the party imfieiativcly requires that Know-Nothings cannot end shall not have a voice either aa votera, officers or delegates in the formation of • ticket which 1 they would not support when formed, unless i by son* unfoi lunate accident some of their j own kind should be on it. 7he Democratic party accords to these men the same right which it claims for itaalf to support men of i their own principles; but they must do it in i their own household, and not attempt to force them on the people under the name of Dem ocrats. Although it may la difficult in all cases to know who belong to the Secret Order, | the precedent of the Democratic fclate Con- ] venlion seems to be tho only safe one—that (hu tree must lis judged by its fru it, and that ' those twn who year after year openly and no- i loriously oppose Democratic nominaiion* ond , euppoil Whig and Know-Nolhing candidates are not Democrata. and can have no just or honorable claim to control or direct the policy of a patly which they have refused to support and vainly attempted to destroy. JOHN . STERNER, I JACOB D. KLINE, JOHN H. Dcwirr, I HENRY MET*, ISAIAH JOHN, | Standing Committee. HIE HEEDEK CASE. We have carefully read the report of the ' Acting Commissioner of Indian Affairs and i the delenee of Governor Feeder, and it is very clear that the Governor has acted at Jeaat imprudently and improperly for his po sition. It appears thai '.he Indians from whom the Governor proposed to purchase lands bad only a usufructury interest in them, and held tbem as reserves but not in fee simple. I Treaties with the Pottawatomie tribe in 1832 i and with the Sac and Fox half-breeds in 1824 are referred to as similar in provision to the treaty with the Kansas half-breeds.— But in those cases after (be Indians conveyed I •way their interest, a special act of Congress i was passed conveying the additional interest of the United States. Under President Jack son's administration Attorney General (now Chief Justice) Taney gave it as his opinion dhat in these cases of Indian reserves the "Indians have only a usufructury interest in the land reserved, and the remaining title is ' in the United Slates. w j It appears also that an application vnis ■ made in April 1852 by Hon. J. S. Phelps, of' . the House of Representatives, United States, on behalf of J. R. Chenault, Esq., for the ap proval of a deed to Clement Lessen, from Moses Bellmond and Adele his wife, for the identioal section of land now proposed to be conveyed to Governor Reederand associates. The response of the Isnd office to that ap plication was made to Hon. Mr. Phelps un der date of 20th May of th year.jhat "the half-breeds provided for in the treaty refer red to possess only a usufructary interest, therefore it is not competent for them to con vey an estate in fee in the same. Besides, these lands being situated within the Indian country, their alienation could not be sanc tioned without violating the long-settled pol icy of the government, which ta to exclude, as far ■■ possible, the settlement of whites within what is called the Indian country." Tho deed was returned "unapproved" by the government. Subsequently in July 1854 a similar reply was given by the government to inquiries made by Mr. E. H. Norton, Esq., in refer encs to these lands, and it was added that ''the Indian title must first bo extinguished before they (tlie reservers) can be subject to settlement or tale as public lan Jo." Still later two trading Companies informed the officer of the United Stales gover'tiTtent that whenever it pleased the government 10 oiler these for sale, they were willing to, give the one six and the other four dollars, per aero for the whole twenty-three eection of those which Governor Reeder's company to purchase tha moat valuable partmr tbree dollars per acre This would indicate that these trading Companies wall knew the ultimate title of theae lands to be in the government. Now if the President had approved the contracts of the half-breeds witb Reader those gentlemen and who had previ ously offeied a higher for the same lands would btve haJMMHttfed reason to complain at the of lbs government, more cause than Gpvsrnor Reed^^BrnMpL friends can now have. N The government regards the Indians as its tivards, and with commendable humanity has passed laws to protect them ngainst the superior craft and sagacity of the white man. Jn other ages aud countries great wrongs have been perpetrated on reces occupying such a position as the Indians do toward the guardian government Human nature has been the same since the d%y when the Ro man governors oppressed distant provinces, and when Hastings and Clivs ruled for Eng- Jgnd in India. A man in the position of a governor should be the first to proteet these tribes, and the |ast to weaken the safeguards of the law. The Union Argue is the title of a new pa per started at Lewis burg. It is published by Means. Ziebach and Stout, and ia wall got up. In po'itioe it professes to be Democrat] jg, OP Hie malicious abuse in the last Dtm ocrat will fall harmless where the spirit of its editor is known, but we may just re mark as a sample of its falsity that in the transaction at the Prothonotary's office, we neither went in to watch for a job nor solic ited the advertisement from Mr. Bittcnben der. We went in to procure some records, and staid no longer than that business re quired. Nor nro wo, as falsely stated, a member of the Lutheran church. In defenco we havo been compelled to address the fol lowing letter to its pastor, which wiU ex plain our position and the wrong attempted toward us. REV. E. A. SIJARRETTS ; Dear Sir —With as much regret as you can feel iu the case, I find my sense of self-respect requires me to call your attention to a most unjust, unchristian and unprovoked attack upon me from a mem ber and officer of the Church over which you preside as pastor. Coming as it does i from his position in and connection with that Church 1 feel required to know whether the Church encourages dY permits such con duct from its members and officers. 1 enclose you accordingly on article pub- i lished in a newspaper of this place from I which you will see thnt Michael F. Eyerly j one of tho members and officers of your i Church has furnished for publication a ma-! licious and landerous imputation for an I attack on me. attempting to justify and ex cuse an injury to my private business, be cause I have "refused to give anything to your support." Now, sir, you know that in the first place tho charge is Jalse . For you can bear wit ness to the fact that though I am not a mem ber of your church 1 did contribute to your support last year. If 1 refused to subscribe this year when approached and told that I "must 'J feel that is not to my reproach. But the imputation is malicious as well as false. When the very deacon of your church who now attempts to revile me needed mon ey for your support in traveling he came to me after I had subscribed to your support, to ask ma for the sum subscribed and for an additional loan for your use, and 1 free ly paid and loaned all he asked for, though I hail use for it in my" business and to pay my debts. He took his own time to repay me, and I never desired, asked or received any recompense for this act which I did from a spirit of kindness and friendship alone. 1 can hardly believe that lie would first have gone to a truly ungenerous man, or to one unfriendly to you for this favor. And not only in this private but in a pub lic manner upon more than otto occasion 1 have done all* 1 could to servo you, as this whole community can bear witness. How much I have this year subscribed to two other churches of this town without being a member of either of them 1 scorn to parade, here, for I havo yet to learn that in this Christian republic a citizen is to be ostra cised and attacked in his private business because he may not every year contribute to every church, or to just such particular church as the malevolence of some individ ual may indicate. If it lias come to this that a deacon of a chufch sj.mll bo permitted to sot himself up as a ceusqr and to break down and malign every man who will not pay to the censor's church, or not pay as much as the censor shall decide in his mind to be right, 1 wish to know thnt fact, so that hereafter I may reserve my contributions to encourage truly religious and Christian missionaries to come into this community. For with the same right this regulator of other men's business may next presume to hold mo or any other man up to the reprobation of your church-members because we may not spend money for our dress, eating or travel to euit his mind, or may not spend it where he thinks we ought —perhaps because he might think we spent too much for one and too little for the other —perhaps because we did not spend it with the members of hit church, but of some oth er denomination. But, my dear sir, it may occur to you that if it were possible for some regulator to be found with the same Bpirit in some other Christian denomination he might have as good a claim lodirect men's diet and dress as the deacon of your church; mid as their minds might and doubtless would very oft en differ, this community under such a fog ulator would bu in a very unfortunate and i perplexed condition. If it can be a cause of regret to me that I did not on any occasion contribute more I to any church or clergyman it would be ful iy justified in my conscience by the feeling and kncfwlcdge that I would sometimes have "iven rootle if Ihose who are indebted to me had pesid their honest debtssothat I might havo teen AMKLI have always tried to ! e foy being generous, and mani who proudly vaunts of his prere(aed charity be fore he is honest is a hypocrite- You will see that this false and malicious accusation has been furnished by this mart to be thrown by public print into a political coo test as an appeal to the feelings of (be mem bers of your church and your friends. It mi furnished when it was known that suob use was designed to be made of it. The jol lifying fact tpas withheld that I had both in. private and in publio done acts .of friendship and service to you by hand and heart mind, and only the falsehood was out that I had refused to give your support. This has been will see, by this person in virtue of edge, position and connection as an in yon, ohurch, and wiifetfee being yonr especial frientT A worthy an/i | respectable gentleman (Mr. I had hit friendship and interest f ut m 6) p oi . soned by the malicious imptjhtlioo as you will 1 see by the extract, and lb* wrong that would steal away the respeot it good man is no light or trivial offenoe syainst the proprieties of life —much more against the spirit of Christian brotherhood. * I cannot allow myaelf to enquire whether you encourage or permit thii wrong to be done under the sanction of your personal friendship; for the uprightness and exempla ry rectitude of your life and character, so far as I have known you, forbid me to doubt vour regret that tbis outrage has been done so near to you, and your disapprobation of the spirit that prompted it. But I feel required to de mand whether the church *of which you are the pastor, encourages or permits its member* and officers to thus use their position, knowl edge and connection to injure men in the pur suits of private life, and to drag such appeals to the leelings of the church into the arena of a political contest. Can a person who thus dregs the high and holy feelings of men's re ligion to a connection with private malevo lence, injury, passion and political prejudice be permitted to remain a member and officer of your church when his conduct is thus brought, as now, to its knowledge for repro bation or sanction. A person in my position with a conscious ness of rectitude has learned only to pity the infirmity ofhumun nature when the common slanderer spits his venont; and therefore when I have been accused r,f such acts as joining a po j litioal societj at Phil'a. a; a time which proved | to be the Sabbath when 1 was attending church in this town, I let there harmless falsehoods pass by me as the idle wind which I regard not; and only remember them "moro in sor row than in anger," just as I do the Recounts I have read of reptiles who waste their ven om in the desert wilds. But when names of respectability are dragged from the sanctity of private life to give a clonk and a covering to the n.slice of the bolTand the bad—when religion find the church Rre appealed to for aid iu public aitackson men's private charac ters Rnd business, it is a different cae ; and a sense of the common decencies and proprie ties of life demands that the outrage be rebu ked by every right-thinking aud right-feeling man in the community. With sentiments of the most respectful per sonal consideration towards you. 1 remain ." Truly, your friend, R. W. WEAVER. 41 luit a Know-Nothing Thinks. The editor of the Louisville (Ky.) Courier joined the order of Know Nothings a short lime since, aud after remaining a member i .for some two or three weeks, walks nut of j the camp, throws downffiis regimentals, and I thus delivers himself: "We never attended a single Council meeting ; but the few weeks experience since our connexion with the order has con vinced us that no man who has any self-re spect or independence can belong to it twelve months without sacrificing both. It contains features which sooner or later must cause every one who has a particle of manliness in bis composition to revolt at the organization and leave it with disgust. It is an organiza tion which may suit unscrupulous politicians to use for their own selfish purposes, but it will drive from it all good men, and will in fallibly fall from its own weakness. Not even the glorious principles which caused its rise can long prevent its downfall. True Americanism, to succeed, must do so under other auspices, and Ihejaau'er there is a re organization of the jH0 f the better for the country." Ltqnor Law Decisions. The nw prohibitory Liquor Law has been in force about one month in New York, and the following is a summary of the decisions pronounced upon its constitutionality thus far: By Birdss'lj Nsw York, Justice Marine Court, July 11—That selling imported li quors by the g'ass is a violation of the law. By Court of Sessions, Buffalo, 13th —That a constable cannot ba compelled to testify to its violation, when his evidence would crim inate himself. By Recorder of New York, 19th—That im ported liquors may be retailed in any quanti ties. By Court of Sessions, Buffalo, 20th—That imported liquor is only exempt from the pro visions of the law, while in the hands of the importer. By Justice Morris, Supreme Court, Sarato ga, 22d—That a person arrested lor selling may give bail to await indictment, and can r.ot be compelled to go to trial before a call, ed jury. By Congor, Justice of tho Peace, ytioa, 25. That the law is "unconstitutional. By Waldron, Jnslico of the Peace, Buffalo, 25th—'Thai the law does not authorize the apprehension of a man for being drunk in hi* own house. By Justice Johnson, Supreme Court. Corl landville, 30th—The grand juries shonld not presume the law to be unconstitutional, but do their part towards its enforcement. By Justices' Court, Rochester, 31st—That lager beer is an intoxicating liquor. Alabama Election. MONTGOMERY, ALA., Aug. 9 —Perry Walk er, Know-Noiliing, it elected to Congress in the Mobile District. Further returns of the vote for Governor show a large majority for Winston, Hem., and although Shortbridge grains largely in some places, Winston is probably elected. Kentucky Election, LOUISVILLE, August 10th.—fn 80 Counties, Morehead's (K. N.) majority amounts to 9,- 480. The remaining counties to be heard from save Pierce for the Presidency 1,222 For Congress, are chosen, while doubt. FlecjH j|<IMiWE, Aug. 12. papers, tec,y # <j mail resent the result In the Sixth gressional districts as being Both parties claim the didjUflj. -- Democrat has openly gone overm its keepers and feeders, the Whigs and Know- Nothings, and refuses to publish the call of the Democratic Standing Committee for a Convention. Lately its editor was mad be cause no convention was called—now be re fuses to publish the oall for one. EDUbATIONAL. TOT the " Star of the North." FRIHD WEAVSS : May • teacher of several years experience be permitted, through the columns of the "Star," to offer a few brief remarks upon some very material deficien cies, heretofore, as well as at present, exist ing in the Schools of some entire Districts in this County. If the present County Super intendent has had sufficient opportunity du r ing the comparatively brief period of time since his appointment, to visit all the Schools in the county, while in operation during the last term, he is doubtless aware of his defi ciencies alluded to; and the consequent dis advantages resulting ihereltom, both to teach er and pupils; such as, first the promiscuous variety of Class-books, in use,in the Schools; secondly,the absence or want of Black-boards, for the purpose of illustration, examples, &c. In the districts alluded to, it is io vain for in dividual luachers to crge upon the attention, of either the citizens or School Directors, the necessity or importance of an improvement, or alteration hi such matters; as they can see no more neoessity for a change from the es tablished and long cherished usages and ous toms of their Fathers, than the Pope of Rome could for the- innovations of Martin Luther, i in the sixteenth century. And notwjihptffnding the many excellent Legislative enactments, for the improvement and prosjjiechy of -** i cherished School sys tem, a uniformity of class books, and the in troduction of some other indispensable school room appanages, which, it is believed, ought to have beefl incorporated in the prea- Scbool law, appear to have beer, overlooked, as matters ofminor importance. The Legislature, like tho prophet of the Turk, having thus " left the point at large," and the poweis of the County Superintendent in the premises, being perhaps,only advisory, may we not hope to see the matters alluded to, taken up for discussion, at the next ses sion of our Counly educational Convention, ar.d its importance urged upon the immedi ate attention of School, directors throughout the with ar. earnest, but respectful request for tiieir prompt and ef ficient action in the premises ; and thus prevent a recurrence of the formal, barren, and irk some ruotine of drudgery, that has heretofore characterised the School exercises, in some of j our district Schools. A TEACHER. If "A Teacher" will refer to those who have attended to the meetings of the Associ ation he will find that what he suggests has already been done by that body. In the an nual report of the County Superintendent for this year he will find the matter referred to, and also the suggestion as to uniformity of books urged in the circular to Directors as published last week. But we are glad to have him help to keep the subject before the people.—ED. OP THE STAB. Monthly Decisions. 1. Directors not Superseded by County Super• intendent: The creution of the office of Coun ty Superintendent was to aid Directors, and ! not to release them from the performance of any duty Bulged npon them lyr the School law. Instead d causing Directors to rest up on their oays, ijmt leave every thing to the Superintendent, who has enough to do with out encroaohing upon the jurisdiction of Di reotors, it should rather arouse them to in creased energy and efficiency, and induce them to cordially unite with him in mutual efforts ol the improvement of the Schools, and the promotion of the cause of education. 2. Fuel, repairs, Ijrc.: Directors are not j prohibited from employing some one in the vicinity of each School house, as their agent, to take care ol the house, provide fuel, and attend to the incidental repairs. It is often manifestly impossible for Directors to take charge of minor details of this description, in person particularly, in large Districts. Hence they are at liberty, when neaessary, to select agents for these purposes, who should, how ever, be held to a strict accountability. 3. Lands cannot be taken for School houses, without owner's consent: When the citizens of a District refuse either to sell, lease or donate lands on whioh to erect a School house, the Directors are without remedy. Tbey have no legal power to enter upon lands, against the consent of ffie owner, lor the purpose of erecting a School house, in the manner that railroad and canal companies take land for their corporate purposes. . 4. Collector's right to sue Jor tax ; In all ca ses where taxes are due and unpaid to the collector of School tax, after the expiration of his warrant, when suoh collector has not been legally exhonefaled therefrom, every such cof lector, his executors, administrators or any of them, has full right and power to sue for and recover the same with interest thereon, after the expiration of bis warrant aforesaid, from all and every person and per sons, bodies politic and corporate, owing the same, as debts of like amoant are now by law recoverable. 5. Collector! must give security as suck: Un der ihe 32J section of the School law of 18- 54, who ever is appointed collector of School tax—whether he be the treasurer, conatable, or aome third person—should furnish securi ty as collector. The official bond of the treas urer or constable as such, does not cover the liabilities of collector. ■rest: A collector to arrest iout of such tax, Wer „ ft be ot unsound as single freemen: tccupation or oall txed fifty cents, as erwise. assessors for copy naive doty of the Ornish Directors a valuation, and the tany otberaouroe, or to pay aseessots for a copy thereo^^^M 9. School Apparatus i Persons and especially children, learn and UUHIH much more perfectly and permanently WJMH tbey see than what tbey acquire in any othei —- ■ ' .i —p way. The more extensively, therefore, black boards, nape, charts, models, globes, tee., are used in a School by a competent Teach er, the more attractive and successful will be the School. These appliances are ot vast importance to the efficient -Teaoher and the progress of Pupils. Though there Is no royal road to knowledge, there is a natural road to it; and the more the nature of things is ex hibited in the course, of teaching, the more rapid and thorough will be the progress of the Pupil. It is therefore the earnest advice and injunction of the Department, that Diiec lors made timely and adequate provision for the Schools in this respect. It is manifestly within the general line of their duty, as well as the express terms of the second division ol the 23d section of the law. l/ 10. Female Teachers : Academies & Sem inaries, in various parts of the Stats, every year turns out a large number of intelligent fetnales, many of whom have been eduoated expreasly for Teachers. These seek employ ment in our Common Schools, under the very influenoe that induces young men to seek other employments,in preference to teaching —that is, the pay ia better than most females can get in any other employment of equal re spectability. These already form a large ttnd important class of Teachers, and the number ia constantly increasing, and if properly en couraged tbey will soon exercise a beneficial influence upon the system. Directors can seldom do better than employ a well educa ted and experienced female Teacher. The greater purity of character, the higher moral and religious standard, so truly the character-, istic of the sex, will ever constitute a power ful recommendation in her favor, and se cure for her the respect and obedience of her Pupils. 11. Constable, only, compelled to serve as Col lector : According to the terms of the 12lh section of the Supplement, tbe Constable of the District is the only person who can be compelled to serve as colleotor of School lax, under the penally of fifty dollars,.imposed by the proviso to the 31st section of the law 1854. Gen. Sam. Houston. NEW OBLEANS, Aug. 7. —Gen. Sam. Hous ton has written a letter fully endorsing tbe views ot the Know Nothings. Governor of Kansas. WASHINOTO*, Aug. 10.—The President to day appointed Wilson Shannon, of Ohio, Gov ernor of the Territory of Kansas, in place of John L. Dawson, wbo declined tbe appoint ment. Mr. Shannon was a member of the last Congress, and • supporter of the Kansas- Nebraska bill. Kentucky Election. LOUISVILLE, Aug. 9 —We have returns from 52 counties in this State, in which Morebead, (American,) for Governor, gains upwards of 5000 over the vote for Scott in 1852. Six American Congressmen are elected, and two Democrats. Two others are in doubt. Both branches of the Legislature are largely American' , IMS Carolina ku.ii—. RALEIOR, Ang. 9. —The mLjority for Cling man, Dem., in the Eighth District, is about one thousand. CAPITAL PUKISHMEKT —The people of Wisconsin some lime ago abolished capital punishment. Last week, a young man, na med Debar, murdered a family of the name of Meyer, to get possession of #BO. The in dividual was tried and convicted of murder in the first degree. The mob took him and hung him by the heels till he was dead.— This ict of Lynch law may have peen ac quiesced in by only a small part of the peo ple of the State, a majority of whom approved of abolishing the death penalty ; but it is a strange act to be committed in a State, (he people of which have declared themselves to be too be 100 humane to allow • man to be bung according to law.—Ledger. QT The neft Comnr.ander-in Chief of ihe Briliith forces in (he Crimea, it is said, will be Sir Harry Smith, once connected with the Caffir war, in the command of which he was superseded by General Sir George Cathcart, who was killed at Inkermann. Sir Harry Smith distinguished himself in the campaigns in India against the Sikhs. Whether he has the abilities of a commander-in-chief will soon be determined after he reaches the Cri mea. POTATOES —At Syraouse potatoes are sell ing at 37 cents a bushel. We hear that one oMur householders has contracted for bis potatoes lor the ooming year, at fifteen cents per bushel.— Syracuse Standard. And we are informed that a party In this city has contracted for several thousand bu shels In Monroe County for fourteen cents per bushel. The day of high prices of pro visions is fast passing away.— Albany Ex press- KEEPING A " FAST HORSE."—' The New Or leans (La.) Delta telis of a young man who stole SII,OOO from his employ#, and then fled toHavanna, and concludes the statement with this significant remark "He went often to the Lake with a East Horse." Vr bat a sermon might be from that text I HEALTH or HON.ABSOTTLAWRIECB.—Bos ton, Aug. 11 .—Hon. Abbott Lawrence passed a restless night, but is rather more composed this morning. Although very weak and low, he is perfectly conscious, and resigned to the change which is evidently near at hand. OT A. Q. Herrington is announced as a , oandidate for Assembly in Montour oounty. The democratic convention meets next Mon- DESTRUCTIVE INSECTS. General Sutter, the veteran pitneer of California, is said to have austsihod a damage of SIO,OOO this year by grasshoppers. ARRIVAL of lie BALTIC ONE WEEK LATERFROM EUROPE. New York, Aug.B—Tbe tfeamship Baltic hai arrived from Liverpool, with dates to lb* 28th all- The new* from the teat of war U not tory important. Tho Baltic bringa.2oo passengers. The next assault upon Sebastopol, which ia to be by land and aea, will be made by men on land, and by 100 ahipa. The Ruaaian fire on the night of July 13th, demoltahed the new French battery between the Mamelon and Malaltoff rowers. The deapatchea from the Crimea apeak de spondently of the immense efforts of tho Rus sians in strengthening the defences and erec ting stronger fortifications. The German Diet accepts the Austrian propositions, with three additional points sub mitted by Prussia. The present attitude of Austria causes much disqnietnde in the Cabinets of the Western Powers. Accounts from Warsaw slate that the pro hibition to export Corn has been rescinded by Russia. The Russo Austrian frontier is again free. The Dutch authorities at the Hague have forbidden the enlistment of the foreign le gion, and some of the recruits hare been ar rested. The English have commenced tbe con struction ofaoitadel at Heliogoland. An Italia* legion is forming at Navarre for the Crimea. It is rcmored that General Simpson and Omar Pasha have resigned their commands. The positions occupied by the Allies and the Russians in the open field are unchang ed. The British fleet in the Sea of Azoff has destroyed the bridge of boats at Genitscb, without incurring any loss. The operations in the Baltic have not been important. The preparations for a campaign on the Danube continue. Tbe Bushi-Bazorks at Constantinople have mutined and committed great excesses. A formidable insurrection has occurred among the Arabs in Tripoli. The Russians remain near Kara, but have not invested the city. The French loan has been all taken. The Vienna journals, on authority of let ters from Odessa, report the death of Gen. Totleben, the Chief Engineer at Sebastopol, and slate that Gen. Melnikoff has been ap pointed to aucc.eed him in the defence of Se bastopol. The report needs confirmation, as Totleben was said to be only slightly wounded in the calf, not enough to interfere with hia duties. OREGON —Tb9 report lhal a majority of the people of Oregon had voted, at their recent election, in favor of a Convention to lorm a State Government ia incorrect. A very large vote has unexpectedly been cast against it in Jackson county, which county has twioe de feated tbe proposed Slate organization. Most Important to the Ladles. Dr. GKISSNER'S Celebrated Menstrual Pill a have been long and widely known as invari ably certain in removing any stoppage-, irreg ularity, or suppression of the menses. In the female hofbitals in Vienna, Paris, I fane Benin, tdey haveanafaeM superseded me use of all other remedies; because,-where a cure is attainable by medicinal agencies, they are certain of success. Their astonish ing efficacy would be almost incredible, if not voqphed for by indubitable testimony, in numerous instances producing returns of the monthly period alter all hope had been aban doned. # In every case, from whatever cause the ob struction may arise, as also lo prevent preg nancy where the health will not admit ol in crease of family, they are always efficient; for which reason they must not be used du ring pregnancy, though always mild, healthy, safe and certain in their effects. Married ladies will find particular instruc tions in the directions, iu which are stated the variona symptoms by which the cause of the suppression may be determined. Price, One Dollar per Box, containing ex plicit directions. Eaob box will be signed by Dr R.G. Geiss ner. Principal Office, 127) Liberty Street, New York City. Responsible agents will be appointed for their sale as soon at practicable. In the mean lime, all orders are lo be addressed to Dr. R. G. Geissner, 127) Liberty Street, New York City, or to box 2456 N. Y. Post Office, and a box will be sent by return mail, as tbey are put up in sealed envelopes, and can be sent with the strictest privacy to auy part of the United States. CAUTION TO LADIES. As various not only ineffective bat injuri ous compounds purporting to be Female Pills," under all kind* of names as " Iron Pills," "Silver Pills," "Golden Pills," " Peri odical Pills," kc. are attempted to be palmed off upou tbe credulous or unwary, it is only necessary for ladies to be ou their guard against the attempted imposition, and in all oaaes where there is no authorized agent lor the tale of Dr. Geissner's Menstrual Pills," to order direct from him by mail, hy return of which a box will be sent. [29—ly "'PROQLAKATL6WR" T NOTICE ia hereby given that the several Courts of Cotnmom Pleas, Gon ernl Quarter Sessions of the Pesce, and Orphans' Court, Court of Oyer and Terminer and Jail Delivery, in and for the County of Columbia, tocommenoe at the Coutt House in Bloomtburg , on Monday, the 2d day of September next, to continue one week The Coroner, Justice* of the Peaco & Constable;, ', n #n j f or the county of Co- I'-Swia.are requested to be then and (here in their proper persons, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, and other remem brances, to do those things to their sev eral offices appertaining o be done. And all whnoasea prosecuting in behalf of the Commonwealth against any pris oner, are also requested and commanded to be then and there attending in their pro per persons to prosecute against him, at shall be just-grand not to depart wilhout leave at Iheir peril. Jurora are request ed to be punctual in their attendance, at the lime appointed agneabie to their no tices, Given nnder my hafld at Bloomtburg the 12th day of April, in the year f our J,ord one thousand eignt hundred and fifty five, and tbe Independence of the United Stales of America the 771h. JOHN SNYDER. Sh'jT. (God save the CommonweaiihO Mil (Ohio) Enquirer says that the corn and potato cropa wire never so gtorieea as tboy are this season. Potatoes are to plentiful that they are expected to be down to 12) cents per bnahal. . .. AEAATATAAO On Sunday, August Oth, in Orangeville, by the Rev. W. Goodrich, Mr. Brbw- , en, to Miss Hcnhicita Douulas, both of thi* onnnty. In Dixon, Lee connty, 111. on tbe 17th of May inet., Mr. Ai.Ohzo'M. Baldwin, ol Beb ton "township, Colombia) connty, and Misa Amy T. Godson, of Hontingtou township, Luzerne county, Pa. On the 17th alt., by Elder Lane, Mr. At race Fowler, of Jansaville, Carbon county* Pa., and Miss Susannah Peai.ek, ol Pishing creek township, Columbia oonory. ~ In Berwick, on Thursday eveniug last, af ter 12 mos. illness, William L aon of Cha lon and Mary Hopler, aged 2 years, 8 months and 8 days. Angust 2d, at Fowlersville, Clemm, young est son of G. H. and Catharine Fowler, aged 4 years and 4 months. List of Letters REMAINING In tbe Post Office at Blooms burg, Pa., August 15tb, 1885. Davis William Rogers James 1 Dawson Hannah Shurkley Cbs. C Fouat Wm. L. Thirston Sarah M Foust Hannah J. Tinaley Lewis Harden Wm. WilToox Abram E Hanes J. M. Wykofl Ssrah J Kistler Pbilip Weiss Pbebe Linaley Jobn Werimao Henry Mulaney Sarah Williams John Malcom Andrew Si Co Young David F Man/. L. M. Evans Oliver Ship Oaks Henry Hughes David do Price Mary A. Persons calling lor the above Letters, w'rff pleats say they are advertised. PHILIP UNANGST, P. M. JONAS FAHRIN6ER, OF locust township, will be a candidate lor COUNTY COMMISSIONER this fall, subject to the decision of the Democratic county convention. J A COB HARRIS, OF Hemlock township, will be a candidate for COUNTY TREASURER this fall, subject to the decision of tbe Democrat!!) county convontion. ' STEP HEN H. MILLER, OF Mifflin township, will be a candidate for SHERIFF this fall,subject to the de cision of the Democratic county conven tion " SHERIFF SALE. riy virtue of several writs of testatum vendi *-*lioni exponas from the District Court of the city and county of Philadelphia there will be wposed to public sale atthe Couri jjfluss in floomsburg on Thursday, the 6ili dafcjtf Semember next, at two o'clock P. M., All those six certain tracts of land in Beaver township, Col. oounty, bnumlaHj and described as follows : No. 1. csllsflj " BALBEC," beginning at a post, thence lands of Jas. McNeal, north 12 degrees, west three hundred and forty-two perches to a chestnut oak, thence by land of Wm. Gray, and Wm. Steedman, south seveniy-eight de grees west 179 perches to a pott, thence by lands of Jeremiah Jackson, south 12 degress, east 410 perches to a post, thence by lands of Richard Biook, north 78 degrees east, 73per ches to a dogwood, north ljLftegrees west, 15 perches to a post, nortn 78 degrees, east 82 perches to a black oak, theitce by an old | survey, north 12 degrees, wesr2s perches to a farekury, and north 32 degrees, east 34 pev-' cites to th place of beginning, containing four hundred and twelve and one-half icrea and allowanoa of six per cent, for roads to., on which are erected two log houses and two stables, and about twenty five acres of cleared land. Another of them called "PAL MYRA," beginning at a post, thence by land ol Robert Gray, north 12 degrees, west 410 perches to a post, thence by land of Wm. Steedman, south 78 degrees, west 160 per ches to a post, thence by land ol John Brady, south W degrees, east 410 perches to a post, and thence by land of Jobn Wild and Rich aid Brook, north 78 degrees; east 166 perch es toibe place of beginning, containing four hundred and one acres and one quarter, and allowance of six per cent, for roads, &c.— Aeniberof them called "STONE HALL," beginning at a post, tbenco by land of John Brady, north 12 degrees, west 263 perches to a post, thence by land of Chas. Hall, south 78 degrees, west 271 perches to a chestnut, thence by land of Catharine LongenberSer, south sixteen degrees and a quarter, east 276 Strobes to a stone, and thence by lands of eborah Stewart and Thomas Brooks, north 78 degrees, east 249 perches to the place of beginning, containing four bundrsd arid thir ty. eight acres and a half, ahd allowance of six per cent, lor roads fee., be ibe same mora or less, on which is erected a stone house, and about half an acre of cleared land.— There is also a vein of stone coal opened on this fact—Another called "FARMERS' DE LIGHT," beginning at a post, thence by land ofWm. S'eedman, north 160 degree* am) three quarters, west 310 perches to a Spanish oak, thence by land of Wm. Webb, south 74 degrees, west 162 perches to a black oak, ihence by land of Thomas Say, south 16 de gress, east 20 peiphes to a chestnut, thenca by land of Chaa. Hall, south 8 degree* and • half, east 362 perches to a post, thenoe by land of John Brady, north 78 degrees, east,' 130 perches loan ash, north 12 degrees, weal 80 perches to a white oak and north 78 de grees, east 80 perches to the place of begin ning, containiug four hundred and eighteen acres, and allowance of six per cent, for roads Sic. —Another of tbem called "TROY," be ginning at a post, thence by land of Jeremi ah Jackson, north 12 degrees, west 410 per ches to a post, thenee by land of W. P. Bra dy, south 78 degrees, weai 80 perches to a white oak, south 12 degrees, east 80 perohe* to an ash, soqlb 78 degrees, west 130 porches to a post, ihence by land of John Reese, south 12 degrees, east 263 perches to a post, thenca by land of Thomas Brook, north 78 degreed east eighty perches to the plaoe of beginning* containing four hundred and twenty-nig? acta* and a quarter, ahd allowance of aiy per cent, for roads &c.. and the other of then called "MAINE," beginning a) a peak* thence by land of Wm. P. Brady, north Bde grees mud a half, west 362 perches toacbea nut tree, thence by land* of Thorny* Say ami Jesse Budd, south seventy-four degrees, wysl one hundred and eighty eight perches to a post, ihence by lanuof Thomas Bellas, south 55 degrees, east 89 perches to achestnai oak, thence by the same ami land of Jobn Long enberger, south ono hundred ami eighty eight perches to a chestnut oak, thence by land of the said John Longanberger, south seventy six degrees and a quarter, west 124 perches to a post, south 16 degrees and a quarter, east 104 perches to a chestnut bee, and thence by land of Jobn Reese' north 78 degrees, east 271 perches to the place of bo ginning, ooateiniog Ibrea handled and eighty i one acre* and three quarter*, and allowanoa of six per cant, for roads fee. I Seized taken in execution and (o be sob) as tbe property of Jaoob Loose. 1 Conditio**.—Cash. JOHN SNYDRR, SHERirr's Office, 1 SherSf. Bloomtburg, July 16, 1856. J A*
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers