THE STAR OF THE NORTH. It. H. Hearer Proprietor.] VOLUME 7. THE STAR OF THE NORTH IS PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING BT 11. W. WEAVER, OFFICE— Up stairs, in the new brick build ing, on the south side o] Main Steert, third square below Market. TERMS :—Two Dollars per annnm, if paid within six months from the time of sub scribing ; two dollars and filly cents if not paid within the year. No subscription re ceived for a less period than six ntonths; no discontinuance permitted until all arrearages are paid, unless at the option of the editor. ADVERTISEMENTS not exceeding one square will be inserted three times for One Dollar and twenty-five cents for each additional in sertion. A liberal discount will be made lo those who advertise by the year. ORIGINALI^TRY. For the "Star oj the North." DE KIND. Oh ! would'st thou have a happy heart Free from dull care and woe I If thou thyself would'st happy be Strive to make others so. To best enjoy life's richest gems And treasures, is to share Those blessings with our fellow men, And help their woes lo bear. Then let us raise the drooping head And dry the falling tear; And whisper words of hope and peace The lonely heart to cheer. How oft have our hopes vanished too, Like mist before the sun, Like flowers nipned by the frost when they To live had just begun. How sweet seemed one consoling word, Fresh Iroin the heart's pure spring ; Like dew-drops on the thirsting flower VVhal freshness did it bring! Oh ! friendly woids!—they soothe and bless The weary care-worn 60ul, Then spare them not: for they may make A broken spirit whole. buchhorn,Pa. F.FFIE. THE BAREFOOT BOY. BY JOHN G. WHITTER. Blessings on thee little man! Barefoot boy, with cheek of tan ! With thy turned up pantaloons, And thy merry whistled tunes— With thy red lip reddej still, Kissed by strawberries on the hill— With the sunshine on thy face— Through thy torn brim's jaunty grace ; From my heart 1 give thee joy— For I was once a barefoot boy ! m*- ' l'rioce thou arl— the grown up man Only is republican. J* Let the milliori-dollared ride— Barefoot trudging at his side, Thou hast more than he can buy, In the reach of ear and eye— Outward Shine, inward joy ; Blessings on thee, bareioot boy ! Oh ! for boyhood's painless play, Sleep that wakes in laughing day; Health that mocks the doctor's rules; Knowledge never learned of schools, Of the wild bee's morning chase, Of the wild flower's time and place, . Flight of owl and habitude Of the lenaniß of the wood, How the tortoise bears bis shell, How the woodchuck digs his cell, And the gtour.d'-rtiole sinks his well; How the robin feeds her young, How the oriole's n'ost is hung; Where the whitest lilies blow, Wbere the freshet berries grow, Where the gtound-nht trails in vine. Where the wood-grape's clutters shine; Of the black wasp's cunning fray, Mason of his walls of clay, And the architectural plans Of grey hornet artisans ! For, eschewing books and tasks, Nature answers all he asks; Hand in hand with her he talks, Face to face with her he walks, I'art and parcel of her joy— Blessings on thee barefoot boy ! Oh! for boyhood's time in June, Crowding years in one brief inoon, When all things I heard or saw, Me, their master, waited for. I was rich in flowers and trees, Hummingbirds and honey bees; For my sport the squirrel played, Plied (he snouted mole his spade ; For my taste the blackberry cone Purpled over hedge and stone; Laughed the biook for my delight, Through the day and through the n'gbt, Whispering at tue garden wall. Talked with me from fall to fall; Mine the sand rimmed pickerel pond, Mine the walnut slopes beyond, Mine the bending orchard trees, Apples of Hesperides! Still as my horizon grew, Larger grew my ricnes too ; Seemed a complex Chinese toy, Fashioned lor the bareioot boy 1 Oh! lot festal dsinlies g[ffead, Like my bowl of milk and bread— Pewter spoons and bowls of wood, On the door atone, gray and rude! O'er me like a regal tent, Cloudy-ribbed the sunset bent, Purple-curtained, ffinged with gold, Looped in many a wind-swung fold; While for music came the play Of the pied frogs orchestia; And, to light the noisy choir, Lit the fly his lamp of Are. I was monarch; pomp and ioy Waited on the barefoot boy 1 Cheerily, then, my little man, Live and laugh as boyhood can ! Though the flinty slopes be hard, Stubble-speared the new-mown award, Every morn shall lead thee through Freeh baptisms of the dew; . Every evening from thy feet Shall the cool winds kiss the heat; AH too soon these feet must hide, la the prison cells of pride- Lost the freedom of the sod, Like a colt's for work bethod. Made to tread the mills of toil, Up and down in oeasless moil— K Happy if tbeir track be found r Never on forbidden ground— P Happy if they sink not in f Quick and treacherous sands of sin. Ah! that thou could'et know the joy, Ere it passes, barefoot boy! JOT GEN. SIMON CAMERON has offered to give §IOOO towards securing the location of the Farmers' High School iu Dauphin couu ty, Pa. < ' BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA., THURSDAY. AUGUST 9, 1855. TRUTH WELL STATED. We print to-day the main portion of a let ter of I'rof. LONGSTREET, and desiie to call the attention of our readers to it, as a bold and manly exposition of the infamous and corrupting tendencies of Know-Nothingism. Professor L. is one of the most eloquent and popular divines in the south western Slates, and has long been considered the head of the Methodist Church in that sec tion of the country. He exposes, with a boldjmd masterly hand the awful consequen ces that must inevitably follow the success of this God defying, infidel combination. In Jul} last, 1 bad just heard of a new or ganization in the country —secret in its move ments, and going under the name of Know- Nothings. Its principles 1 understood to be in opposition to Catholics and foreigners, to be planned in the dark, strengthened by oaths, and manifested at the ballot box. It filled me with alarm. I saw in it the elements of rapid expan sion and awful explosion. I exhibited them to the class that giaduated in that month, and forewarned them to have nothing to do with it. Had I been inspired, 1 could hard ly have foreshadowed its history more ac curately than 1 did. Of my prediction noth ing remains to be fulfilled but the outpour ing oi more blood. My forecast in relation to it ought to insure rasped lor my judge ment, in and about Oxford at least ; but it is the very forecast which is raising a buzz of discontent against me in tins vicinity now. This is the sin which brought out against me the recondite presses which I have nam ed übove. It is called "dabbling in politics," but its true name is "Unpalatable Truth."-r- This is the sin for which 1 am soon per cbanca to be sacrificed. They that stoned the prophets of old are yet alive, and why should I expect a better fate than theirs?— Well, 1 do not know that a better use could be'made of'my old carcass than the offering of it upon the alter of this "American'- Baal. An incense might arise Irom it that would do more to purify the Church and the Stale' from this modern abomination than anything which can emanate from my poor, frost cov ered brain. The public has now (lie sum to tal of tny political 6ins, public and private.— 1 shall spoak at large of the new order in appeal to my Church at 6ome future day. If I may be allowed to do so. I am commit ted against it, and 1 shall oppose it forever— not in the class-room, but everywhere else ; not as a partisan, hat as a Christian. This the patrons of the university should know.— For all the honors and emoluments of earth I could not be induced to assume a position of neutrality in regard to it. II all experience he not a falsehood, and all its history a fahle it will throw this country into ceaseless con vulsions if it be not crushed, and that speed ily. In my view, every man who has a scru ple's influence should rise against it now, immediately, ere it be forever 100 late. In deed it allows no neutrality. With its pro fessed Americanism it assumes an absolute dictatorship. It will allow no man to ques tion its purity or its policy. It gathers with in its pale men of and piety, preachers and teachers, and with them the most depraved, abandoned, desperate, God defying sinners upon earth ; binds them by oaths in bonds of fellowship, and sets them all to work in politics, and nothing but poli ties. I find a Christian brother among them ; I read to him II Cor. vi. 14 and on, and I implore him to come out from such connexions; and il addressed me in tones of despotic authority on this wise : "Sir my r.ame is politics! "Right," cries my broth er; "old man, you'll ruin yourself if yon meddle with politics I" I say to him, "Your oaths are against the laws of God and your Church." "Sir," it responds, " do you thus tfenounce the pious of my order! Have you no respect for the Church or your place?"— I denounce the sinners of the band, and the saints reprove me. I reprove the saints, and the sinners denounce me! The saints shield the sinner, and the sinner the saint.— If such a combination is not enough to make the Church and Slate both shudder, I know not what would. * On me the new order besrs with intolera ble pressure. It rises before mo like the ghost of Banquo at my every step in the pathway of duty. lam a preacher. If I preach upon the •anctity of oaths, it regards itself insulted and attacks me accordingly. If I preach to Chris tians to come out from the wicked, it insults me for assailing know-nothings. If I preach that the love of Christ is not bounded by Slate lines, it charges me with attacking the article of its creed against foreigners. lam a teacher. If I teach that unlawful promises are not binding, I shall be charged with justifying the exposure of know-nothing secrets. If I set ihe lesson to my pupils wherein J. B. Say, says that every accession of a man to a country is an accession of treasure, I am to be published to the world, as indoctrinating my pupils in anti know-nothing politics. As lam ever to be gored by this young mad bull, 1 had as well lake it by the horn at once. Let the order keep its hands off me, the churoh, and the constitution, and I will never disturb it ;but when it creeps from its den, under the name of politics, with one arm around a Methodist preacher, and the other round the desperate demagogue, and introduces them to me as united by triple oaths in indissoluble bands of wedlock, I sball not atop to inquire wheth er its name suits its character, or what the delieaoies of my oalting demand*of roe; but under my Christian impulses of honor, 1 will pronounce the union adulterous by the prior espousal of the one, and the utidt pros titution of the other,! will warn the first, by the shade of Wesley, lo return to his first love ere his candle slick be removed out of its place; and I will warn the other, by the shade of Washington, to tepent and return lo the principles ot that great man, ere he made republicanism a stench in the nostril of all true patriots. And if they hear me not, 1 will, with God's help, drive them out of the land, though it cost me my life to do it. When it throws its lasso into my lec ture room and drags from it to its cave one of my foster children, and there indoctri nates him in random swearing, disorganizing plots, religious persecution and shocking e'.bics, I shall not stop lo consult the dignities of phrase or place, or to segregate its holy from its vile; but from the instincts of my nature, I will cry aloud "Thou double faced monster, spare the young—For God's sake spare the young I I have taught them frank ness, openness, independence of thought and action, modesty, prudence, reverence lor age, and courtesy to all. Do not, I implore you, substitute for this teaching your cavern tactics, your bandit-like oaths, and signs, and grips, and passwords and nonsensical forms. Teach them not to sunder all other lies from those of theKnow-Notbings. Throw one sacred element into your combustible combination that shall prevent it from set ting fire to our schools and colleges," Mis sippians—fathers--Whig hihett—Knout-Noth ing fathers—picture lo yourselves your son, not yet out of his teens, standing amidst a motley group, gatheied from every grade of society, with one hand on the left breast and the otlftr up bearing the flag of bis country, while some wretch, perchance from the sinks of society fetters him with oaths, which are to seal his independence, freedom of speech, freedom of action and freedom of suffrage forever! If tjiis does not drive Christians out of the order, welcome be they to their religion I If this does not unite every father in solid phalanx against it, let no man covet a place in a school or collage in Mississippi. Yes, verily, I am in my "dotage," I am a raving madman, or the Church and State are on the high road to ruin. Such is the order of whioh I may not speak at all, or only in court phrases! Now gentlemen editors, and Know-Noth ings, you have something sensible and tan gible lo harp upon without resorting to ru mor. lam against you for life. You pegk at me as though you supposed it would disfl tress me sorely to lose my place. You mistaken, sirs; I was twice on the point of resigning it, but by earnest entreaty was in duced lo retain it. Be assured, gentlemen, after filling five chairs for dive years, and performing duties enough to wear out most men in that time it will not cost me a sigh to relinquish it. Never will I hold it upon con dition that 1 must treat Know-Nolhingim with respect. Nations, like men run mad at limes, and nothing but time and blood-letting can cure them. Still, while there is hope, all good men should strive to relieve them. My course is taken—carefully, thoughtfully, prayerfully taken. lam no Catbolio. Put Methodism and ltomanisra on the field of fair argument, and I will stake my all upon the issue ; but I am not such a coward as to flee the field of honorable warfare for sav age ambush fighting, or a fool as to believe that a man's religion is to be formed by har assing his person. Nor am I quite so blind as not to see that when the work of crush ing churches is begun in the country, it is not going to stop with the overthrow ol one., All Protestantism almost will be against me —two thirds of my own church I judge, will be against me—the trustees will be against me—'.he trustees will be alarmed for the in terest of the college, my colleagues of the faculty will be uneasy, my best friends will be pained, but I have an abiding confidence that nothing will be lost by my course in the end. It will be madness in men to with draw their sons from the able teaching of my colleagues for my fault—to attack the college to injure me; but these are days of madness, and ibis is the way in which ob noxious professors are commonly attacked. Be it so. I have done my duty, and I leave the consequence with God. And here I sign my name to what I deem the best lega cy that I could leave to my children-—a rec ord proof that neither place, nor policy, nor temporal interest nor friendships, norr.huroh, nor threatening storms from every quarter, could move their father for an instant from prinoiple, or awe him to silence when the cause of God and his oountry required him to speak. AUGUSTUS B. LONOSTREBT. FASHION.— The present iashion for ladies' dresses is as many flounces as can be tacked on between the wais) and the lower extrem ity of the extended skirt. In fact a fashion ably dressed lady in the streets is nearly all flounces. The short mantilla looks like flounce number one, and from its lower edge downward, the dress resembles a series of pyraraidical steps—a silken stair case up wbicb a cat or a enpid might easily climb. Of course the lower oircumference of this mass of furbelows is enormous, and the iili putian hat. scarcely visible at the apex oftha cone, gives one an idea that the figures has no bead; a notion wbioh onr Yarioh cruelly suggests, in some instances, is not far from the truth. JENNY LIND and her husband, it is said,M| harmoniously and actively engaged in ing out her plant for the establishment publio schools in Sweden. She keepe up her correspondence regularly with the iriendt j she made in (hie country during bet profee eional vieit. Truth and Right (tod and our Country. I,oilers from Watering Places.—No. 1. Fashionable watering places—What they are— Who there— What they eat, drink and wear— What they dn there—New bath house—Great preparation for stmoing away children, nurses and single gentlemen—The horses and car riages—Fresh food and miik—Chaiacters niet—l)o the ladies paint /—High prices of air, Ifc. —The writers Jbr the dailies out-Her abl-ed. Hurrah I Hurrah I! DUSTV HOLLOW, J mile from Sand Hill, j New Jersey, July, 1855.. j Aa per arrangements made with you, I write from this fashionable watering place, that you may be posted up in the doings of the fashionable world in summer, as well as the dailies—but, believe me, 1 tremble when I assume the task, knowing us I do, that the writers for the dailies have used all the Po etry and the Dictionary up in describing the favorite resorts, but as you pay me and not the landlords, I am in duty bound to give you a truthful picture, if nothing else. I arrived here per boat, and notwithstand ing the kind offers ol a dozen seedy gentle men I met on the wharf to carry my port fo lio, I declined all attention for fear I should commit myself to the place or people, and walked off to the hotel. On my anival there, I called aloud for the book, and having writ ten my name, John Crankey, Esq. and the name of your valuable sheet as large as possible, and having tipped the book-keeper, the w ink upon giving it the finishing touch, I expected of course that the freedom of the house would at once be presented to me in the landlord's snufT-box, but judge of my isurprise and indignation, when the stupid jdlow returned a vacant stare as much as to say, " Well, vot of it, who are you V I im mediately, upon discovering this cool treat ment, demanded a room and commenced this thrilling letter. The seasou cannot be said to be fairly opened yet, as the house is only half full of folks, but the absence of the other half is fully made up by the pleniidtte of bed-bugs, so that after all the house may be considered full. Great preparations are being made for the crowd daily expected , two Bmall six by twelve,and one four)panes-of-glass-windowed room, over the oven and cook-house, are being white-washed for Bingle gentlemen.— The wood-shed has been cleaned up and bedded a week ago for children and nurses, and in fact, we may be said to be almost ready for a rush of visitors. All the old hor. see that could be bought on time, together with those turned out to die upon the com< mon, are in the stable living on half rations untill the fashionables arrive. All the old worn out city hacks too, that could be collec ted at a small outlay, aro under the shed, loftily designated the carriage house. Well, some of them look fine, being newly lined with chintz and newly lamp-blacked,butlhen very little profit accrues to the stable keep ers, as they only ask from three to five dol lars for the use of a team two hours. Cheap! you would say on beholding the turn-out. The excellent advantages for bathing, so modestly mentioned in the " card" of this house, have also been looked to. The broken glass that had been thrown into the stream on the " bathing ground" this spring, is sup posed to have sunk, as the bottom is a soft mud, and hence no danger to the feet may be anticipated. The.little fellow wko lacer ated his fool yesterday while bathing, did it when he foolishly waded of! the ground The bath-house is new ; any one could tell that by '.he hair being still on the boards just as they come from the saw-mill. The table is very good—cherry and pice— but 1 can't say much for what they put on it to eat. I have been green enough to suppose (you know that this is my first season at these fashionable resorts) that the boarders at fash ionable watering places lived upon fresh veg etables and fruits, and good meats and fresh fish—may be tbey do 1 but every time the boat arrives at Dusty Hollow baskets of stale vegetables, and meats, and even fish, and cans of oity distilled milk, arrive from- ifew- York. Well, a ohange of who seeks health, the we here tbey are yon for only the at the rooms are stiflingly with clam shells and care for all this, is sbow they have it here ; if yon don't come down every day for a weak int9MH ternoon and seethe ladies promenade-Igttees something in the way of busts and belles are missed all the mom- HfWna for the first day or two 1 supposed [hey wore in their rooms, bat I did them in justice ; they spend their mornings in ram bling over the hills, else where do tbey get ' that extraordinary on their cheeks when tbey come to the dinner table. I felt sorry for one poor yonng lady yesterday; she had been here only a week, and as she brought only fourteen different dresses with her, which had exhausted the samples of ba reges at Stewart's, she was compelled to leave as she had worn two a day and had ex hausted her trunk, and as the boarders had seen all of her dresses, she has gone to spend a week at Newport ; and so she will week it at different places, I suppose, the whole season —poor thing I how she is knocked about I Geo. Frederick Tiptop Swell is here with his "'oss" and buggy ; the roads don't alto gether suit him, but an occasional smile from the lady, up to her ears ir. flounces, who promenades the piazza with him, re conciles him to his damnation fate. Old Mr. Sioutbugg, president of the Thundering Lumber Association of Wall street, is here' with his three daughters. I don't see much of him as he goes to "the street" every morning and returns at night. Mrs. Stout bugg is managing for the daughters. Sever al young gentlemen, in stunning cravats and white stockings, arrived yesterday, and I no ticed that some of tbem, in attempting to take out their toothpicks alter dinner, acci- 1 dentally showed a pair el scissors from their I vest pockets. Can they all be editors! 1 reckon not, as I heard an animated discus sion on the price, style and importer of the goods in the dress of the lady who was ponr i ingover the Picayune on the balcony. ! We are going to have a hop in a day or two, and if anything occurs worthy of note, | you will hear again from your loving corres pondent, JOHN CRANKEY, Esq. A Powerful Delineation. The following is an extract from the ad dress of Judge Johnson, of Georgia, in sen tencing G. D. Cornet to death, for the mur der without piovocation of W. W. Hailes: " Nor shall the place be forgotten in which occurred this shedding of blood. It was in one ol the thousand ante-chambers of hell, which mar like plague spots the fair face of our State. You need not be told that I mean a tippling shop—the meeting place of Satan's minions, and the font cess-pool which by spontaneous generation breeds and nurtures all that is loathsome and disgusting in profan ity, and babbling, and sabbath breaking. I would "not the owner of a groggery for the prico of'this globe convert ed into precious ore. For the pitiful sum of a dime, he furnished the poison which made Hie deceased ji fool, and converted this trem bling . ilprit into a demon. How paltry this price ot two human lives! This traffic is tol erated by law, and, therefore, the vender has commuted an ofTence not cognizable by eart , tribunals: but in sight of Him who is utier.nig wisdom, he who deliberately fur nishes the intoxicating draught which" in flames to anger and violence and bloodshed, is parlieeps criminis in the moral turpitude of the deed. Is it not high time thafctkeee sinks of vice and crime should be held rigidly ac countable to the laws of the land, and placed under the ban of an enlightened and virtuous public opinion 1" VST The following specimen of gable elo quence purports lo have been delivered in a colored meeting house situated somewhere in the " outequirts " of this city. Messrs. Chapin, Beecher, Cuyler, and others ol that class, must look to their laurels. The topic would seem to be the depravity of the hu man heart, and one of the strong "pints'* ot I the argument is thus illuslrared : " Bredern, when I was in Virginny, one day de ole wo man's kitchen table got broke, and I was sent into de woods lo cut a tree to make a new leaf for ir. So I look de ax on de shoul der, and 1 wander into the depths of de for est. All nature was beautiful as a lady go ing to de wedding. De leaves glistened on de maple tree like new quarters in de mis sionary box, de sun shone as brilliant and nature looked as gay as a buck rabbit in a parsley garden, and de little bell around de ole sheep's neck tinkle softly and musically in de distance. I seed a tree suitable for de purpose, and ( raised de ax to out into de trunk. It was a beautiful tree I De branch es reach to de four corners of de earth, and ' rise up high in de air above, and the sqnirls hop about the limbs like little angels flopfrthg deir wings in de kingdom ob heavens Dat tree was full of promise, my friends, jest like a great many ob you. Den I cut into de trunk, and make de chips fly de mighty scales drooping from Paul's dyes. Two, three cut I gave dat tree, and alas I it was holler in de butt I Dat tree was much like you, my friends, full of promise outside, but holler in de bull I The groans from the Amen cornet of the room were truly connile and ef fecting, and we will venture a small wager that was the most practical sermon preMfred Rial day at least.-^flultay ENUINCKRS igJrom officers ussian army are sir army in the Crimea is teir finest troops and they skill and desperation. Their nal to the "Chasseurs de Vin a dead shots as all admit." imittee to examine tfies for le Agricultural College, have postpone ! me time foureceivingpropositions, until tho 12th of Se|mmber. A number of of offers have been made, and quite a spltit is moused. A Pi.ft!JH of £SO a year has just been granted by tbe British Government, from the civil list, to the well known and popular au thor of many works of Christ ran philosophy and literature, Dr. Dick. Why he Married an IrUh Ulrl . B* MBS. MARY C. ▼AUOHXft. "My son," said Mr. N., " how could yoo marry an Irish girl?" " Why, Father," saic the boy, " I'm not able to keep two women —if I'd married a Yankee girl, I'd have had to hire an Irish girl to take care of her." There is a biting sarcasm and a fe&rful Unth hidden in the above little scrap which we have caught as it floated on the surface ol the tide of newspapers. Who can wondet while looking at the pale-faced, languid wo man one meets on every side, that a man would feel it a terrible risk to take such a one for a wife. Lotions, and cosmetics, and rogues cannot conceal entirely >he pallor of disease, or the languor born of enfeebled even though these creatures of hair-cloth and grass-cloth, and padding, and laces, with their sweeping robes of cosily tis sues, affect a matchless form of rarest grace. Many of them would look upon a natural waist as an actual deformity; and so with their murderous appliances of steel and whale bone, and silken cords deadly as the hang man's rope, they bind down the elastic frame work of their bodies, ar.d press the delicate organs of life, that henceforth cry continually in their own fearful language of pains and tremors and sleeplessness, and indigestion, "give, give, give room, give air, or we per ish and you perish with us." God pity these women, say we—those sui cides—they have placed themselves beyond mortal aid. Suffering is their lot, and help lessness, and continual reproach if they have dated to think. What creatures for wives and mothers! Ah, these are the mothers of the little whey faced, or sallow puny creatures who tricked out from behind closed windows upon the passers by or walk sulemnly behind their nur ses in the streets. There is nothing of the activity and hilarity of childhood about these little beings, whose flue light hair tortured in to curls and the unnatural blueness of whose complexion tell of a scrofulous diathesis.— They look prematurely old—they soon fade away—the fashionable mammas look inter esting for a little time on their mourning weeds--little graves accumulate in the church yards and cemeteries—and thd newspapers have lengthy disquisitions upon the terrible mortality of infants. Of course, if a man "marries a Yankee girl he must hire an Irish girl to take care of her." Fortunate man if one Irish girl suffi ces for the demands of the feeble, helpless creature. And it is refreshing to look from the pale mistress to the rosy Irish girl,%ven though she may be coarse or even a little gross in appearance. Health bounds in her veins. There is strength and power in her They have been developed by hardier exercise than (humming the harp or fingering the pianoforte. But the men—at least the younger ones— full two-thirds of them, are as puny as the women. What the next generation would be—other than a generation of mouldering little bodies in tiny graves, it is difficult to say, unless some oi the young men, like that sensible fellow chronicled above, do marry with these healthy Irish and German girls who can net only lake care ol themselves, but their houses, their husbands and their children. They cannot be more ignorant of the laws of life than most of their educated sisters, and they have the advantage of healthy con stitutions. The ignorance of physiological and hygienic laws among educated women would be amusing were it not pitiful. If by a strange accident one of the poor creatures happens to have anything so useful, she is ashamed to have any person awere of the fact. No lady who possessed canaries would be ashamed to know their wants—what food was proper for tbem—what treatment necessary during the process of moulting and incuba | tion—what care demanded for tho well-being 'ot the little fledgings, Sic., Sic. But to know I anything of the anotomy and physiology of the human body—how indelicate I To know what food and treatment is best adap ted for the children by the fireside—how im proper! We are amttßand yet pained to bear a few days siuqfpKtbe remarks of a lady mo ving in the best circles of this city, whose bame, among other influential ones, had been lent as trustee of a Hospital for Women. She] acknowledged in a whisper to a lady physi cian that Bhe was mnch interested in physi ology, but she would not have her physician know it for the world, nor one of her social circle. And she is a sickly woman whom a little knowledge acquired years since, might have saved from those long years of suffer ing. And with all her wealth, her refine ment and education, not one bit happier is Be, not one bit belter fitted for many of the duties of life than the " Irish "lakes care of her." IHTCOOD DAY'S WORK.— Mr. John W. Bit-' MR, of West Ear| township, Lancaster coun ty, on Saturday week, cut ten acres of very heavy wheal on his own farm, with one of Hussey's Reapers, and two horses, in eight hours. It took six men to bind the sheaves frnm the reaper. There were 12 large font horse loads of the wheat, averaging, it was thought, about 35 dozen to the load. £#" GOVERNOR BIQLER has accepted an in vitation to deliver the annual address at the Agricultural Exhibition to be held at Powel ton, 24$ ward of Philadelphia, on the Uth, 12th 13lh and 14th of September next. GT A soldier was whipped to death at Fort M'Henry last week by a surgeon. [Tiro Dollars per Abaki NUMBER 2R AUGUST. Our Anglo-Saxon grand father* called Atr- GUST the Arn-Moiiat, because it was the month for filling the barns with the prodabt* of the land. The weather la stiii sultry and hot, nbf need we anticipate a very marked change in the thermometer, frotn the fact tiiat thq same sun that ruled during thb months of June and July, continues to pour down hie scorching rays, sometimes so powerful hn& persistent as not to effect vegetation alone, by parching it Up, but making such impres sion upon spring and rivulet as to cause in tense suffering to beasts, and make man at last to pray with the Poet, "Rend, oh! yo lightnings! the sealed firma ment, And flood a parching world. Rain! rain f pour! pout! Open—ye windows of high heaven ? and lot The mighty rain drops comfc!" The season is approaching when there is a stronger predisposition to bilious coljoj bilious remittent fevers, and Intestinal dis eases than atthnd the months of winter and spring. These diseases are nffl unfrequerit ly of very grave character, and they occur much oftoner than they would wSro there more strict regard paid to the usual precau tions of health. Becaustuf the too general neglect of common prudential maxims Au ggjst has received the appellation of the sick liest month of the year. In this latitude it is the month of cucumbers and gum fruit.— And he that indulges to any extent In either will make himself liable to be awake in the night! with all the paiits and horror of bili ous colic, or the cramps and vomitings and purgings of cholera morbus. Beware! be ware ! and while you are on yotir guard in reference to yourselves, see to it that you caution your children against making free ports of their stomachs to all the trashy fruit, illy cooked vegetable's, and cucuitlbers they can possibly devour, for depend upon it, much, very much of ihe trouble from worms and tho concomitant disorders Of digestion with which they are so generally afflicted during this season df thd year originates from this dangerous habit; Ts> the use of good, ripe fruit—the ma tured production of a tree or shrub, in which tlie saccharine matter is properly evolved and distributed through the pulpy part—we have no objection; These are tho gifts of Nature intended for man's refresh ment. But to cull early, green apples and pears—little shriveled peaches—plums as hard as bullets, etc., fit articles tb eat, is to be guilty of uttering a libel against POMONA, und so the goddess teaches vbry many of those daring to indulge in them. No, we afflriti that, no matter how power ful your constitutions, dr how strong your powers of digestion ; belong you to town or country; be you man, woman or child, yoil cannot eat with impunity, much less with advantage, vegetable matters which have not been softened and changed by culinary processes; nor fruit which has not acquired its ultimate degree of maturity in flavor and softness, or which has not undergone a some what analogous change by the action of fire, as in boiling, stewing, roasting, etc. If, then dear reader, yod "would escape many of the ills so comiaonly incident to this month, attend to these friendly cautions and suggestions.— Medical Reformer. t A Drink ol Water. The day has been hot and sultry—the mcr : cury in the thermometer standing at blood heat. We were fatigued, having just re turned from a long ride among our patients, and from onr exposure to the parching rays of the sun wo felt the need of a good cool drink of " Water—pure and bright In its liquid light'' . From our noble well. And now that we have had it, and feel re freshed—as the printer demands more copy to fill this page—we'll indulge in a few ramb ling remarks respecting DKIKK. Drink is one of the very important essen tials to the healthy operations of the animal machinery. It is intended to lubricate, di lute, moisten, cool, and to supply wastes; and what more useful, what more necessary for the filling of all these important ends than Water? In looking aboutwe find it to be the natural "drink" for both the vegeta ble and the animal creation; and innumera ble facts ar.d inferences might be adduced to prove it to be the drink for man; that "There's nothing so good For pure, healthful blood that no other so powerfully contributes to physical strength, a#B endurance of labor and fatigue, ondjpthe vigor and clearness of the that unlike those who " apply Hot and rebellion* to their blood," "Their equal days Feel not th' alternate fits of feverish mirth And sick digestion,— Blest with divine immunity from ails, Long centuries they live; their only fate To ripe old age, and rather sleep than death." No oilier liquid is so adapted to every age and temperament—every season andclimate, —none so exhilarating—none so refreshing. In health or sickness, whether exhausted and fatigued from exercise, or whether parched with "burning fever," what so cooling, what 'so relished as water* Ah there it is that wo aro able to appreciate the meaning of Proc tor. " In sickness, or when frame and spirit sank, 1 turned me to thy crystal stream and drank Invigorating draughts." Then let the votaries of the goblet revel in the halls of Bacchus, if revel they will; let them indulge ia the " cheerful glass," and chauntthe virtues of "rosy wine," but as for you kind patrons and friends! beware 1 " melancholy, sloth, severe disease, Memory confused, and sorely troubled soul, Death's harbingers, lie latent in the bowl." Medical Reformer
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers