THE STAR OF THE NORTH. R. Weaver Proprietor.] VOLUME 7. ADVERTISEMENTS. PUBLIC NOTICE. New Gram Duchy of Baden . lattery Loan. Capital 11,000,000 Florins THIS LOAN is guaranteed by lhe govern ment, and will be drawn in different prizes, as follows: 14 of 50.000 Fls. I 54 of 40.000 Fls. 12of 35.000Hs 230f 15.000 lis 2ot 12 000 lis 55 ' 10,000 •' 40 ' 5.000 ' 2 ' -f.900 ' 58 ; 4,000 ' 36(5 ' 2,000' 19il< 1,000 ' &e. &e. Sic. The lowost prize being 42 Fls. 12 Florins are equal to five dollars. The next drawing lakes place at CarLruhe, 'tinder the Direction of the Baden Govern ment, on,/Ae 31A4/ of August, 1855, w hen every drawn number musi obtain or.e of the above-mentioned Prizes, which will be paid in cash, at tho oflices of the undersigned.— Those fortunate shareholders not residing on the spot, will have their amount of Prizes tiaiued paid to them through an established Bank. The Lists of the result will be sent to each shareholder, KIIII the successful num bers published hi the newspapers. The price of one ticket is Two Dollars. The following advantages are given by ta king a number ot rickets, viz: 11 Tickets cost S2O I 50 Tickets cost 380 23 ' ' 40 .1 100 ' ' 150 | The price of tickets can be sect in Bank Notes or Draff*, payable in any of the com mercial towns of Germany, Holland, France, England. Scotland, or Ireland. For tickets anil Prospectuses apply to the undersigned Banking-house, which is ap pointed" for the sale of Tickets : MOKIZ STIEBEL SONS, JJ takers. Fraukfort-on-lhe-Maine, Germany. I B.—Letters to be directed "per Steamer Vm Liverpool," to Moriz Sliebel Sous, Bank ers, in Frankfott-on the-A.'aine. Remittances which arrive after the Day of Drawing, will be returned, or invested in the next drawing, at the option of the send er The Prospectus of this Distribution can be iuspeeled at the office of this paper, where also Tickets may be obtained. July 5, 1853. Trusses ! Trusses ! Trusses! Cm H. ITEEDISS, TRUSS AND BRACE ESTABLISHMENT, E. W. COR. OF 12-111 ASD NACE STREETS, PHILADELPHIA, IMPORTER of fine French Truss--—JSpJ es, combining extreme lightness. ease ant* durability with correct construction. Hernial or ruptured patients can be suited by remitting amounts, A- below Sending number of inches round the hips, and stal ing side affected. Cost of Single Truss, £2, £3, 34, 85. Double, 35, ?6, SB, and 10. Instructions a* to wear, and how to effect a cure, when possible, sent with the Tru'is. Also lor sale, in great vatiety, Dr. Ban ning's Improved Patent Body Brace, for the cure of Prolapsus Uieri; Spinal Props and Supports, Patent Shoulder Braces, Chest ex panders and Erector Braces, adapted to all with eloqp shoulders and weak lungs; English) Elastic Abdominal Belts, SuspeDsorie-*, Syr inges—male and female. Ladies' rooms, with lady attoiulants. August 2, 1855. * Anderson's Academy T OF DRAWING AND PAINTING, At the "Exchange Building." m s "Any person who can learn lo write can learn t aaflraw. 4 ' # THE Ladies and Gentlemen of this place are invited to calkand inspect the Collection ot Paintings, now on view, most of which are original Sketches from Nature. Many persons labor under tlia idea that a talent for drawing is necessary. This is wrong, and therefore Mr. A. invites all who think so to call at his rooms, and he will prove to them the fallacy of such an opinion by teaching the pupils to execute, in a lew lessons, what cannot be accomplished by ny other sy*.em. Each pupil guarantied i 0 Draw and Paint Irom Nature, and if unsuc cessful, no charge will be made. Gentlemen engaged through the day, can receive instruction at night. But one clas will bo taught in this place. Bloomsburg, July 2fi, 1855. Arthur's Patent Self paling Cans. For Preserving Fresh Fruit, Tomatoes Aj-c., by Flermetical Sealing. THESE cans, which are scaled by the house keepers without the aid of a tinner, and open easily with >ut injury to the esq, are rapidly coming into general use. Full directions for putting up fruit accompanying the cans, and the worF is so easily performed, that by their use, every family may have fiesli fruit and tomatoes on their tables alt winter, at summer prices. PRICES.— Pint Cans $2.00; quart $2.50; Half-gallon $3.50;* thiee quarts $4.25; gallons $5-00 per dozen. The different sizes nest, in order to secure economy in transportation.— Country Btorekeepeis wilt find this new article one of ready sale. Manufactured and eolu by ARTHUR, BURN HAM 81 CO. No. 60 South Tenth St., Philadelphia. July 26,1853. —3m. leatWhT Fritz, Hendry & Co., No. 29 NORTH 3d ST., PHILADELPHIA, MOROCCO MANUFACTURERS, CURRIERS & IMPORTERS OF FRENCH CALF-SKINS, and dealers in Red and Oak SOLE LEATHER & Ktpr. Feb. 9, 1855. I—y* BLANKS fllL ANKSTTDTANKS !! DEEDS. SUMMONS, EXECUTIONS, SUBPfENAS, AND JUDGMENT NOTES, pa iter and desirable forms, fo- sale at the office of the '"Rar of the North." Justices of the Peace * ND CONSTABLES can find all kind of bniks desirable for their use,in proper form- a* the office of the STAR or THE NORTH. Fancy Paper, Envelopes, Pens, Ink, Writing sand. &e an be found at the cheap Book store ol JOSEPH SWARTZ, " EXCHANGE NEWSPAPERS Jy Tie hundred 'or sale at 'hie office. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA., THURSDAY. AUGUST 23, 1855. ! THE STAR OF THE NORTH I IS PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING BY . XV. WRAVEK, j OFFICE —Up stairs, in the new brick build ing, on the south side of Main Steert, third square below Market. TERMS Two Dollars per annjim, if paid within srx months from the lime of sub scribing ; two dollars and fifty cents if not paid "within the year. No subscription re ceived for a lees period than six months ; no discontinuance permitted until all arrearages are paid, unless at the option of the editor. ADVERTISEMENTS not exceeding onesquare j villi be inserted three times for One Dollar nd twenty'five-cents for each additional in sertion. A liberal discount will be made to those who advertise by the year. J)I{IUNALPImRVr For the " Star of the North." A DAY DREAM. On a bright day in summer I slooJ by Uio ocean, Arid long did I gaze on each light dancing wave: My sorrowing heart swelled wild with emo tion, M'hen I thought of the thousands who found there a grave. 1 thought of the friends who had long since departed. Of brother and sister and parent so kind: Of the brave and the fair, and the generous hearted Who have found their lest rest and left me behind. Slowly raising my eyes, I beheld a fair maid en ; On her beautiful head bright sea-flowers she wore, With rich spaikling gems and rare shells she was laden: "Come with me,'' cried the sea-maid "and leave this dull shore." " Come with me to the beautiful caves 'nea.h the waters I'll show thee the treasures hiJ far in the deep, I Thou shalt see the glad sports of old ocean's fair daughters And visit the graves where thine honored | Iriends sleep." I Oh! no fairest maiden, replied I with emo tion, j I cannot so with thee unto thy dark cave, j Too many dear triends now lie deep iu the ocean, Too long hast thou lured there the true and the brave. \ Depart now fair maiden, I wish not to cherish A thought of thy luring or glitter of wealth; In thy gilded halls I wish not now to perish; Give mejhe green fields and lhe blessings of health. She cabt her W ta eyes iSpitn ma, and then turning And dashing the water, away with hbr wand, , She sank from my gaze and the land she was spurning, And waved an adieu with her beautiful hand. And now oft I stroll by"the side of the water And gather the pebbles on th'm lonely shore; But that lovely sea-nymph—old Neptune's lair daughter— -'** I watch for in vain—l shall see her no more. Buck Horn, Pa. EFFIE. HOLY MEL*'. The beaoty of holy life constitutes the most eloquent uud effective persuasive to re ligion which one human being can address to the other. We have many ways of doing to onr fellow creatures, but none so effica cious as leading a virtuous, upright and well ordered lite. There is an energy of moral suasion in a good man's life, passing the highest efforts of the orator's genius. The seen, but silent beauty of holiness speaks more eloquently of God, and duty, than the tongue of men and angels. Let parents re member this. The best inheritance a parent can bequeath a child is a virtuous example, a legacy of hallowed remembtanan and as sociations. The beauty of holiness, beam ing through the life of a loved relative or friend, is more effectual to strengthen such as do stand in virtue's ways, and raise up those that are bowed, than precept, com mand, entreaty or warning. Christianity it self, I believe, owes by far the greater part of its moral power, not to the precepts or parables of Christ, but to his charaoter. The beauty of that holiness which is enshrined in She four brief biographies oT the Man of Naz areth, has done more, and will do more, to regenerate lhe world, and bring it loan ev erlasting righteousness, than all other agen cies put together. It has done more to spread his religion in the world than all that has ev er been preached or written on the eviden ces of Christianity. Honest Labor. Labor, honest labor, is mighty nnd beauti ful. Acliv ity is the ruling element of life, and its highest relish. Luxuries and conquests are the result of labor, we can imagine noth ing without it. The noblest man of earth is he who puts hands cheerfully and proudly to honest labor. Labor is a business and ordi nance ol God. Suspend labor and where is the glory and pomp of earth—the fruit fields and pa'aces, and fashioning of matter for which men strive and war I Let the labor ecorner look around him, look to himself, and learn what are the trophies of toil. From the crown of hit head to the 010 of his fool, un less he is a Carib, made as the beast, he is debtor and a slave of toil. Where is the gar menting and equipage? Let labor answer. Labor—which makes music in the mine and ■the furrow, and at the forge. O, scorn labor, do you—man who never yet earned a morsel of bread. Labor pities you proud fool, and laughs you to scorn. You shall pass to dust forgotten; and labor will liva on forever, glo rious in its conquests and monumenta. Tho victor iu an argument can afford to yield tho "last word." * . I- 1 ' " -■-* " Trutb and Right God aa'd#ftir Country. Pennsylvania Politic*—Letter Irom Wra. B- Heed, Ktq. To the Hon. A. G. Curtin, Chairman of the Whig State Committee, s llarriibuig. BEAR SIR : I beg to resign my position AS 1 n member of the Suite Committee, and de lire to state tile reasons which have led me >to this conclusion. [ am quite aware that | these motives may have no interests either j to nty late colleagues or to the public, but I ; am not less satisfied that there is something ' in existing political relations calculated to af fect personal character, and which admonish es every honorable man to be perfectly inge nuous and unreserved as to what he does.— In this communication 1 mean, to be so,- and I shall be very glad, if I atn in error on any matter of fact that yua will correct me. I was appointed a member of the State I Committee by the Whig Convention of 1854, I which nominated Mr. Pollock and Mr. Dur sie. To us was confided the duly of promo ting the success of that ticket in its integrity '•—Mr. Darsie's success as much as Mr. Pel lock's. we were bound in honor to do all we could for both these gentlemen, and I can confidently asume that if any human being, in or out of the Convention or the Commit tee, bad hinte'd the idea that one ol these can didates was to be sacrificed, it would have been met bj a most indignant rebuke. There even an undercurrent of intolerance then. These wero Whig en trusted to the honor of a Whig Committee. OH receiving the intelligence of tny ap pointment, I immediately wrote to the Presi dent of the Convention, begging, for personal and official reasons, to be excused Irom ser- Had I dreamed of what has since oc curred, my withdrawal would have been per emptory, and I should have been spared of the mortification of seeing the party, with which I have acted for thirty years,endanger ed, if not destroyed, by sinister and secret in fluences which I could not control and with which I might seem to be implicated. Yield ing, however, to the urgency ol old and kind friends, who seemed, to think I might render some set vice, f consented to act. In or.e re spect, and but one, (aside Irom the pleasant personal association we have had,) am 1 glad 1 served. It enabled me, and in this my col leagues of the Committee and ourcandidates cordially co-operated, to aid in assuaging the asperities of politcal conflict, and so to direct the canvass of that little or no personal feel ing mingled in it. Sure lam thai'r.o word of personal renroach or ur.kindness to Gov. Bigler, or any individual member of the Dem ocratic parry, emanated Irom the .Stale Com mittee. It was in this particular a most dec orous contest. Having agreed to act, I look, as you are aware, my full share of duly, and. attended every meeting of the Committee, one of which was held three hundred miles from my home. You will excuse this recapitulation. It is necessary to the illustration of painful, anil in my judgment, most discreditable se quel to what was so propitiously begun. In the winter and spring.of 1854, two incidents of public interest occurred, which in my opin- j ion were attended with the worst conseqnen- > cos—the passage of the Consolidation Bill, 1 and the first election under it. Toconsolida- j tioo, in every form in which it was present-1 ted, I am not proud to say I always was, and j yet am, resolutely opposed. The principle was wrong and delusive—the detailsof the I measure, as has been abundantly proved, j were incongruons and imperfect—the ma- i chin.ery rickerty—and the manner in which J it was forced on the public, no one ventu ring to resist the spurious sentimenf that was j moat unfortunate. Its' sad results no or.e now , | questions. The most sanguine enthusiast of. this great speculation can do no more than hope for the very distant future. In the long j run, (to use a favorite phrase,) it may sue-; ceed, but it will be a very long run indeed, of | suffering and dishonor, and asocial disorgan- j ization and imminent bankruptcy. Every] one of these results has in point of fact al- j ready er.sued. A large municipality has been created which Ihus far cannot manage itself. Ite Legislature is a miniature Uarrisburg, translated to Philadelphia. The treasury is 1 bankrupt. The credit of the community has ; been narrowly saved, so far as the payment of mere funded interest is concerned, but is prostrate in everything else. New loans are J familiarly talked of. New taxes are inevita-1 ble, and yet no one ventures to propose them, j These I affirm to be the consequences—the ! bitter and the natural fruits of this consolida- j tion scheme. In May of last year occurred the first elec tion under the new system. It was at this election that, for the first lime was develnped anew and most dangerous el ement of political action, which has been run ning a short race of triumph ever since, but which now, I am happy lo believe, is near its appropriate end. I ofcourse le fer to Know Nothingism or secret Americanism. How, or where, or exactly when it originated, no one knows—at least, no one out of its Coun cils, and, I suspect, not very many of thern. Il is believed lo have had a very impure ori gin out of this State, and to have been trans planted hither by hands already stained with a good many black political spots, bankrupts iu fortune and character, spirits congenial to any devices of fraud that might,* tinder a cloak of secrecy, be perpetrated with safely. Such f believe to have been its origin,though I atn equally well satisfied that much person al respectability and honest, though misdi rected, sentiment has been infused in it since. No matter, however, how or where it began, the disease broke out with great virulence in thie city in lhe spriog of 1854. Hundreds and thousands of sturdy Wbigs, who had ' l>een fighting open Americanism all their lives, and as many fierce Democrats, rushed into these lodges—were initiated by some n.otk ceremony and swore that they would or assist or aid, members of one Christian denomination—that they would pro scribe every naturalized citizen; swjre, too, though nominal Whigs or Democrats, that they would break faith with aneient friends and abide by the decisions of secret lodges— swore further to a code of disingenuousness which required them to'deny their member ship. Its mystery made it attractive and seemed to make it safe. Many a man who was ashamed publicly to preach intolerance and proscription, could do it safely in a se cret council room. This system of denial and equivocation—a cardinal pfinciple of Know-Nothiugism—led to soma instances of personzi degradation in thie city which I do not like lo think of. It was not long after this election when the glory of triumph was brightest, that the Whig State Committee met for the first time in this city. I ant confident in the belief that at that time this secret parly had no considerable foothold in our Committee. I have no idea of recapitulating the acts or counsels of the Committee then or thereafter. You will do mo the justices to say, that from first lo last, iu every form and guise, I opposed all affin ity to this new pariyjand I atn glad to do you the justice, that yon were equally decided and resolute on the same side. We worked together most harmoniously. The'n, 100, it was, that the question of onr duty to George Darsis was considered and discussed, and then we were, or seemed to be, unanimous, that it was a matter of duty and honor to sup port him. The fact is now confessed, I regret to say, that some of our Committee, thus pledged in fairness and honor, recognizing tho superior obligation of a Know-Nothing oath, voted for Mr. Molt, the Democratic can didate, believing him to belong to the order. Tim same subject of discussion arose at our meeting in Pittsburg, with the same apparent result, though I have no doubt the scheme of sacrificing Mr. Daraio was in the meantime matured. It certainly was most systemati cally perfected, and thus one of the ablest and most upright men in the Commonwealth who, in spite of hiFnativity and a few years of infaney in Scotland, had been a Pennsylvania legislator for nearly fifteen years, was sacrificed at the bidding of a se cret oath-bound association, composed, to a large extent o! individuals who openly claim- , ed popimui.ioii ivgb i, betray- llow little the State Committee could do to avert this discredit, you very well know.— The secret iufiunucc was around them,.and upon ilium, and within them, and those who, like myself and others, were open and can did in their condemnation of this secret ac tion and organization, were riot fairly met or answered. The secret order was satisfied with rapid recruiting. Their oaths prevent ed discussion or lair play, It was confident ly alleged and assumed that Fir. Pollock himself joiAed the order. F'rom his own lips I have it thai, al the time o( his election, lie was not a member of any party whose organ ization required him to proscribe any pottiou of his fellow-citizens, and rely ing on that as surance, I continued my exertions, and voted fur him. I voted for the Whig ticket at the lall election. I voted for Mr. Tyson for Con gress, after-he obtained the Whig nomination, though I contess I was perplexed by many rumors that he. too, had joined the order, and taken the requisite oaths. I could not per suade myself thai a man at his Tune of file, who had pronouced so many elaborate dis courses in favor of religious toleration, and who venerated with a faith so sincere and professing, the name of William Penn—the friend and favorite of England's Roman Cath olic King—l could not persuade myself that he tißd abjured the principles of his educa tion, and sworn to this new allegiance. Had I lived in the first Congressional District, I should have no doubt have voted for Mr. Morris, for they would have needed much more than rumor lo convince me that he, the aneient antagonist of Native Americanism, (which was at last a manly party,) had re tracted, iftid joined the secret order. If these were errors on my part, they* were errors on the side of fidelity to my friends and parly. After thu month of September, 1854, the State Committeo never met. Gov. Pollock and Mr. Molt were elected, and those of us who felt we were excluded from the, new communion, had scarcely the heart to rejoice —the means ot triumph in onr opinion being so unworthy—and nothing lo console ua but the dim hope that things might turn out bet ter than we leared. In January, ol this year, the new adminis tration was inaugurated and the new Legisla ture met. Of the doiugs of that Legislature I need not speak, and especially of that scene of impotent intrigue, the canvass for United States Senator. Though there was a nomi nal Whig majority, the very name of Whig was ignored. The caucus was one of " Se cret Americans" from which Whig Senators and Representatives were excluded—and within and upon that caucus, everything be ing veiled by what was thought to be safe secrecy, the influence of corruption, person al, pecuniary and political, were thought to be brought to bear. What better illustration, (I now appeal toyourown observation,)could there be of the miechievious capabilities of this secret organization that Gen. Cameron's success in the "American cnucus?" I do not unite in the denunciation heaped on that gentleman. I think—aside of course, from all questions from right and wrong—that his conscmate skill and capacity of accommoda ting himself to an emergency, deserved bet- ter success fhau he attained. Ho fought his enemies with their own weapons and beat them. If they mined, ho counterminded.— If they plotted and organized in secret lodges, he constituted lodges of his own, or went in to theirs, and beat them even at mystery. If they renounced past political fidelity, Whig or Demccralic, he, without any effort, renoun ced too. If they swore eternal enmity to Catholics and naturalized citizens, he swore as hard as they. It was with them a!l "Death to the Romans." Punic sympathy and Pu- j nio faith. 1 confess I do not see how any " Know Nothing" can find fault with Mr. j Cameron. And this accounts, in my poor i judgment, for the feeble result of the seoes- I sion which took place from lhe Senatorial caucus. The deserters carried with them, as marks of shame in Know Nothing eyes, the fragments of their broken oaths, oaths ol fi delity to secrecv and obedience. They had on Ihe'ir breasts the " Scarlet Letter," and they could not get rid of it, or hide it. And thus .it ended. lam sorry to refer to all these mat ! tern, filled as they are with painful memories, ! j but they are 100 illustrative of the domination j J of this secret and dangerous party to be pass ed in silence. During all this lime, the State Committee Wi.s not called together, and if it had been could have done liltlo good. The melancholy fact had by this lime developed itself, that out : of the thirteen, of which number the Commit tee consisted, seven it was beleived had join ed the secrel order, some cheerfully and readily, ami from congeniality of feeling and opinion ; ojhers I venture to say, reluctantly, blushing!)*, and under what seemed an over bearing necessity. Whether hereafter, wheil the account for these misdoings comes to be settled, any distinction will be made between those who readily and those who unwillingly bartered away ancient political opinion, it is not for me to say. I confess that, during this spring, I was anxious that our Committee should meet, if only to enable some ol us to speak out, and ( to let an organized body iu Pennsylvania I have the honor of striking the first blow at j the secret party. The elections in New York ! arid \ irginia, and the local spring elections i in this ci'y* occurred first, and gave the wound j from which the life blood of the organization ' is flowing away. Nothing could bo more | creditable to the nation— more fatal to this i new party, than the almost contemporaneous I election of Senator Seward and Governor! "Wise, the one it northern Whig, the other a southern Demuprat ; teen of widely different opinions, but on this great question standing shoulder to shoulder in defence of the Con btituliott, religious liberty, and equality ol | political rights. It was proved lo bo beyer.d the power of any secret conclave or its mis sionaries of mischief, effectually to rally through the length and breadth of the lnd the secret rebellion to lhe Constitution. On the 23d ol July, ten months after we separated al Pittsburg, the Committee met in this city, and then I determined, and vou well know, made no secret of my resolution, to bring this matter ol Know Nothingism before the Committee, and ask its action in tho way ,ol distinct and emphatic repudiation. I felt ■it my duty as a maitercf self-respect. I be lieved that my Philadelphia fellow citizens, j whom I immediately represented, expected of me, and I think, having tried long to de ' serve their confidence, and havjng earned it, a!id being very proud o( il, I properly esti mate public opinion on this point. Here, In i Philadelphia, this secret party drew its first j breath and gained its firet victory ; and here, ! in Philadelphia it has met its first reverse and will breathe its last, No one can mis take its coming docm. j What occurred iu the Committee you I know. To the proposition to call a Whig 1 Convention I cheerfully assented, meaning, j so soiin as the call wus determined on, lo I to ask the Committee, by a manly declara | noii o! principle, to free that Convention on its inception from the suspicion which since this secret party has existed, has hung round every political body that has met 1 there fore offered and asked the Committee to adopt the following brief but comprehensive resolutions, every word of which had been well considered, and for every word of which I am willing to be responsible. ltesalvedj By ilm Whig Executivb Com mittee of the State of Pennsylvania, that an address be issued by this Committee culling the Convention to meet at Harrisbttrg on , and asserting the following principles of ac tion : 1. Disapproval in the clearest and strongest form of all secrel political associations as im moral and unconstitutional, opposed to the principles of our republican form of govern ment, and utterly subversive of die confi dence which ought to subsist among politi cal Iriends. 2. Condemnation especially of that form of secret political association which pro scribes American citizens on account of their religious opinions or their place of birth, this Committee and the Whig party recogni zing in Its broadest sense, the constitutional principle that every man has a right to wor ship God according to the dictates of his own conscience, and that organized political pro scription on account of religious belief would be an interference with that right. 3. Disavowal by this Commiieecollective ly and individually of any connexion with or sympathy with ahy such secret political or ganization. 4- The assertion of the feeling commori lo every Whig of Pennsylvania, and to very many of other organizations, that the Nebras ka and Kansas measures ol the last Congress, the abrogation of the Missouri compromise line, and, as a part of the same system, the lawless and violent conduct of individuals since in Kansas, especially are abhorrent to the .people of the North, and ought to be re dressed. 5. That these measures were a wanton re newal of sectional agitation, for which in no serfle are the Wjiigs of the North, and espe cially tho Whigs of Pennsylvania, responsi ble. 6. That the restoration of the Missouri compromise line ought to be demanded and insisted on as a matter of right. 7. The reassertion of the Whig principles— the value of which every hour is confirming I —of protection in some form to American I industry, and especially to the *taple inter j ests of Pennsylvania yet struggling iriti exis tence—the policy of peace and neutrality on the part ol the general government, and res olute abstinence from ull schemes of foreign aggrandizement and sympathy or affinity to foreign politics. These resolutions, after a free discussion, were laid on the table, my own vote being the only one recorded in their favor; and yet I hope I may he permitrcJ to say there were few of the Committee who did not, in their hearts and consciences, agreo to every word in them. It is due to my colleagues to add that some of them put their votes on the res olutions strictly on the ground of inexpedi endy and a doubt as to Hie powers of the Committee. With them, however, readily united those others of our colleagues who are not ashamed to avow that they are Know- Nothings, and, as such, under a paramount if not exclusive allegiance. During that discussion one of these gen., tlemen, as you will recollect, said with em-' phasis, and without a word leading to it, that if these resolutions passed he should resign. Till then no no word which, by any possibil ity could be construed into a threat,had been whispered—certainly not by me. But the feeling and resolution were all ulofig cher ished that, if, after all that had occurred, the sacrifice of Mr. Darsie, the discredit of last winter al Harrisburg, the insolent abandon ment of the very name of the Whig party, and, above all, the prevalent suspicion that affected every one, these resolutions, or some thing like them, wero not passed, my dulv as a gentleman was very clear, to vacate, as I now do, my position. It iB a resolution, I assure you, not lightly formed or which can be reconquered. T"he resolutions affirmed this secret organ, ftation, with its proscriplive and evasive oaths, to be noL only unconstitutional, but im moral ! I deliberately reiterate that opinion, be its value what it may, without agitating another grave question, whether these com binations and these extra judicial oaths are not strictly unlawful. It is a very safe kind of swearing for easy consciences when no penalties of perjury urn risked, lam by* ed ucation and principle, opposed to all extra judicial oaths—Having beeh taught long ago by one of the greatest lawyers Pennsylvania ever produced—one, too, whose memory 1 most affectionately nourish, that the admin istering or the pronouncing of any oath, ex cept by authority of law, is an offence against the law. The example of this se cret party is making them fearfully common —this taking in vain the Almighty's name*— "this rash swearing nolrequired by tho mag istrate" which the wisdom of more than one Pioiestanl church condemns. I am free to say that oaths of exculpation are nearly as repugnant a 9 oaths of initiation and proscrip tion. Aside, I repeat, from all question of law, the whole secret organization is immor al, and degradingly so in this, that it exacts evasion and sometimes the denial of truth.— If it does not now, it certainly did so once, in its prime of youth and pride of victory.— The obligation once wis, and I fear is yet, to evade tl.e confession of membership it possible and if not, expressly to deny it; and I have inyseif seen instances of this degra ding prevarication which makefile use of the word 'immoral' almost too gentle. One other word, and I have done. I shall look with deep interest to tVie constitution anil action of the Convention is summon ed to meet at Uarrisburg m September. I trust its action may be unreserved in the enunciation of principles—conciliatory to those who agree lit principle and republican iu evory sense—and most so icl this, that no whisper shall be uttered, no intimation given, that can be construed iuto an interfe rence with religious liberty, which tho Con stitution guards, or with social or political rights, which the Constitution recognizes.— 1 am very respectfully, yours, VVM* B. REED. Ladles' Dresses. The present fashion, indulged by the la dies, of wearing their skirts the size of a hogshead, is putting the bolter part of crea tion to their wit's ends to secure the desired condition of stick-outativeness about their dimity. Cbrds, grass cloth, coffe bags, starch and even hoops, it is whispered, have been put in requisition for the accomplishment of the desired object. The fashion seems des tined, too, lo effect important changes in or chitecture, doors will have lo be widened, and church pews made more capacious lo accomodate the obtrusive drygoods of the feminines. We saw an exhibition last eve ning that afforded an indication of the kind of scenes that may be expected from the present fashion. Two washer-women were taking home as many dresses, and to pre vent the garments from being rumpled and losing their fullness of appearance, they were carrying them aloft on sticks ! The unusu al sight attracted much attention, and one lit tle ehaver, who was a pretty fair specimen [two Dollars per Annua NUMBER 31. s of Voting Ametica, ehobted out, " say, gocd i women, what have you dona with them bra ■ women's heads V' \\ o remember aom'o years since a great • eicitemon' that was created by the report i that a ghost was to be seen on certain nights in the yard of St. Peter's Church, at the cor ner of third and Pine streets. Crowds went regularly to see the visitor from the spirit land, and ahhongh many were disappointed, others swore stoutly that they had seen a tall figure, clothed in white, cross the graveyard, and enter the rear of the church. it was fi lially discovered that the ghostly visitor was no other than the clergyman's laundress, iwho was in the habit of carrying his white rbbea from the back part of his dwelling to the church, the vestments elevated upon a pole to prevent their becoming rumpled. | Rapping spirits are now very common, end I wo may look soon to see moving substantial ghosts n while frequenting our streets at all hours, unless tlio ladies ' take in a reef aud keep their 6kirts within reasonable dimen j siotts.— Philadelphia Bulletin. fltJlcsl Summary. tF Tlio cholera has been raging with destructive violence in the Capital fo Russia. Dr. Orin Davis has establish ed an "Eclectic Therapeutic Institute" at Attica, N. -S. If. Potter, M.D., Professor of Surgery and Obstetrics in the Syracuse Medical College, and Eilitdr of the American Medical and Surgical Journal, is about issu ing a \Vork upon the "American Practice of ! Medicine." From the Catalogue and Announcement of the Female Department of the Penn. Medical University of Philadel phia, wo lcam that there were 36 ladies in attendance during the last session, sof whom graduated. The Boston Physicians are advocating the necessity of increasing the price of their fees. Tho present high cost of living is the reason.—Military Surgeons are very scarce in France. Most of those in Paris have been ordered to the Crimea.— Dr. Isaac Drafor, a native of Mas&, surgeon in the Russian service, died af Sevastopol on the 20th of March, of typhus fever. He was 32 years old. Prof. Agassi'/, has in the progress of preparation, as the fruit of , his researches in the natural history of this country, materials sufficient for ten quarto volumes, to bo entitled "Contributions to tlio Natural History of the United States." The first part is ready for press. -Dr. Charles ■H. Browne has jiist received 816.000, dam ages from the N. Y fc New Haven R. R. Co., as compensation for personal injuries sus tained by tho rail road accident at Norwalk, |in May, 1853. The prospects of the Ec lectic Medical College of Pennsylvania, for tho coining season, are very flattering. The fatal number of deaths in Chicago last year was 3,827, of which 1,434 were from cholera.——The population of London is two aiul a half millions; out of this number 73,697 persons died in 1854.— Medical Reformer. Gen. Jackson n Gentleman. Instead of being a rude and unpolished man, as many have erroneously supposed, General Jacksoti was considered by all who knew hirtt intimately, as the very perfection of a gentleman. His musuere were courte ous in the extreme, and to illustrate this fact Mr. Buchanan related a striking incident.— He said, on one occasion, he received a Jpller from an American lady, who had a daughter married to an individual of high rjnk umong the English nobility. In her note to Mr. Bu chanan, she informed him site bore h mes sage to the President of the United Stales, from William IV., and she desired him to accompany her to the White House in order that she might present it in person. Mr. B. obeyed her request, and they went to the President's mansion. He excused himself for a few moments and went to the private room of the President, where he found bith in the most wretched disabille. He was clad in lite old gr'.'y surlout coal, a dirty shirt, his beard was long and to crown all, was smoking an old blackened pipe. Mr. B. ac quainted hi in with the fact that Mrs, was in another part of the mansion, with a message to him from the King of England. He was fearful the old General might walk down stairs to receive hts visitor In that sor ry plight, and therefore suggested to him whether he bad not better arrange his dress and shave. His reply was ; " Buchanan, I once knew man who made a forluue by minding his own business— go down stairs and say to Mrs, ■ I shall be happy to watt or, her presently." He left the apart ment, and in a very short time the old gen tleman gracefully entered the room, dressed in a suit ol black clotb, clean shaved, with his And head of tit hue hair carefully brushed, and received the lady with the greatest ease and polish of manners. She bore to bim the kind salutations of the King with the request that he would, tther the expiration of his Presidential term, visit England. On their return from the White House, the lady ex* preessed her high gratification, and the pleasure she had derived from the interview, and said she had visited every priccipai court in Europe, and mingled with those of the highest rank, but that Gen Jackson in all the attributes of gentlemanly conrtssy, and highly refined manners, excelled every other man shn ever met. Tv A clergyman catechising the youths of his church put the first question from the catechism to a girl: " What is your consolation in life end death f" The poor girl Bmiled but did not answer. The {meat insisted. "Well, then," said she, "since I must toll it is the young printer on Third street."
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers