towiU|itfe*cd|>(l ds® <caie, v'iz-. ~ •' {jAdenl * situate b the tilreOTDf Jetrey*o*fl, Madison toteH." hip "Colombia OouftJYbouisiM *i|d descri faftyw* ttr wit; on tbe ouWH-weidlby fctpiet, eh the north* Bert <hd , eouthfeaat tiy land* ot Henry Siqiflt, anil on the (ojithewes| ,ty aft Alley, containing one Jourtb of'an apfo be It more or law, where iouMWi'eroon'il a Two Siory plank Dwell hsr%nee and a Blgck Smith Shop, with the SdStLlUfd taVrii In Execution as the prop- JrtyoT William Welliver, deceased, in. the hand! of Eliza oath Welliver hin Administra ttk. T ■* I ~v . AtSO, All thai certain tract of land, aitnata in Cat (ewivtta township Columbia county, bound ed and described a follows, to wit : on ihe 'berth It north-east by land* of William Fox, on thp cast by lands of Jacob Yeager, on the pntir by find* of William Beach, or. the dpulhwest by lands of Peter Harbtue, on the West by land# of John Hogknd. con taining ninety acre* be rite same more or 'leg, about forty acre* of which ia cleared land, atifl whereon is ererfrd a one and a half htflfy tog House, a Log Barn with the appurtenances. ' Seized and taken in Execution as the prop erty of John Glassmeyor. V , ALSO, a certain lot of ground situate in ihe (own of Btoomsburg Colombia onunty, fronting on Third street of said town adjoining a lot of Sarah Hageiibuch, on the east, Pine Alley, on the north and west, end Miller Alloy on the •oath and west numbered in Ihe plan of said town. SI. There is erected on the said lota two story Stone Honse, a Tancery con taining twnty-fou r vats, a frame Currying and Finishing shop and a Irame stable. Al so una other lot of ground situate in the town of Btoomsburg, aforesaid, fronting OS feet on Third street of said town, and extending lt4 fast 6-inohes back, adjoining Millers alley on the noth and east, and lot of Philip Christ man oh the north and west, tnl * lot of wid oyr |>feisbaoti cr. the south jfiin wedt, and tir ing part of lot numbered in the plot of said 'town No 52, Whereon is erected a frame Dwelling House one and a half story high, a large Brick-Moeee,-end house for grinding berk, with all the appurtenances. Seised and -taken iu Execution as the pro perty of Philip Christ man. Conditions ej suit —-The proper'y will be struck down on Monday, arid ten per cent of the purchase money must bs paid- si the striking dpwn of the property—the balance on Wednesday, follow ing, .. • - 1 JOHN JSNYDER, Sheriff. ' Sgnurr's Ornct. 1 (f , " Bloomsburg, Oct J3 Js; 1854. } Ui GBAID JIRORS, DECEMBER TERN, 1854. 'BrjprqruE—Jacob W..Deitteffch, William Le'nfdq, Jamea Jaboby, Henry Douk. Samuel Shiva. .Sntyer—Henry Una's. '•Centre— James Wardin, Stephen Me- Wuodnv f'rahitti—Joseph Hartman, Solomon Art —Philip Ryese, Joseph Patton. Hemlock— John Meßeynold*, Dennis Poi eei. W- " Locust— Parman Yost. " T Mifflin —George Bowman Malison —A. J. ftuiiyan. William Johnson, •Jahie l * ! VV<*lfTver, Hugh McCnllum. Mouhlptensint—Andraw DIULie. Ordng-e—Williaip* Fritz. Jioaringereek Dan fel Uearhart Sagarbaf— Ezra Stephens. Traferae Jurors. December Term. 1951. Bloom— Barnard Rupert, Henry G. Philips, Cjerd* FYy, Anthony Wiimari. Biwhrtek —Nathan Seely, Francis Evirts. Centre —Samu-I Bower, Henry Moyer. Eistungcrtek- —John Hess, Henry Baffin beodr( Nathan Ftdbkehstetn, James D. Mp- Henry Samuel Coleman. Fmrfdin —John bowr. Gjreentsood —lsaac Dewitl, Jonas Haytnau, Robert Razuer. Hemlock —Gahiil Neyhard. /aciAjv— Tboma Mr. Young, Hugh Shullz, Asa Torts, . " . . Locust —Saraitel Keller* George Fettermao, ,Midubn~-liobert Johnsryrij. Thomas A. FuOafon, WiU.iam B Welliver. Mifflin- —Sam del Sm oyer. Mam —Peter Fisher. /Nile—Abraham Barton, Joseph Shoema ker; Jacob Dritilebisn, Rojringcreek —Benjamin Hauck, Nathan Dibsbacls William Fox. Sughrlmf- —Joshua Brink, Elitha C. Hess. ■ jj, ■ - Trial UN t December Term 1854 Huber vs. Peter Bdl- Wilson, AJm'r. t*. C. F. i, 4i b i 5 5, Gilbert H, Fowler vs. Samuel F HFadSny. , -d ■ 4.M)yrns B. Rpefe ex. Robert Mont' 6, Reese t'4. Robert Montgo tnerf. fi.-Jacob Manning vs. Robert Montgo mery. • 7, Levi. Jlillar ei al v . Wm. Riuen house, ... , Montgomery vs. Reuben teogari et. al. ' f 0, Maxf Grsig'v*. Jacob Buxzard iit JaWluel Ruselle OS. Usorge Deal son, " r 11. l*Rc Buckslew#s. Bow msn,. If, jnis Rittenftodte et. gl.'trs; Barf "'J.'.'jjvtelShsUz'r. Ex. vs Daniel U Shullz et. a(- t i.lktwr MeUck's Committee vs. Sam-: ~el#r HestrttJV, 't. si. Ift'lTwiW HowVr flednifrger, !? RsehTel MSfrAs. Louisa" MdlsrV J aim Soil. 19. fauns Meltek if Lewis j.arish Exs. .of AndVew J|shhWß' r 4asie Ugjiman, 20 Sebasti.n Suytert, 2La JaU<m |IW -23 AA*m Gehringnr rx. John Kline, 2 3 .^ W nlvs.JobnS !!^ rhe ii m itmhtir. nod evefr hind of Uant "■'"laitpiis.; ■mi JDStoS ftTARIH TTlffijnfl opined "a new lot of Books, tfisft, AA (dttdr and note paper, portottee &*, whsetvie'-witftell at tHtrhwe prltel >t the BloorWibuf. Book Store. He has the Iband a oil School'Booka, nmt'a variety of the moM lieairaMehistortcal, relteiotis, setVh.ifie. pnh lieations of lite day. He has also a stock of the 03053xl s^Taatyoßllsa, Bhnk looks, Bibles, and Relljiotti works. A nur berof \ GOOD VIOLIHB, a slock of jewelry: and an assortment of canes, lamps, tops, perfumery, efo'nfeetlona idsa, kttlek knacks and tibtions fot satk. IST'lle will fntnish at .ahort nofico any \vork that may be d'exired and ordered. Btoomsburg, Oetobbr liift 1554. PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE Real Estate. I-BWHKRE wilt be nffered at public*sain On H the premises, on Thurnloy Ike 25 rlny of Novsntbsr next at 10 o'elook in the fnrenooi, the farm of the subscriber on which he now reeides, neat Orangville. Col umbia county. The tract contain* about SIT Acres of goefd fltrm ' lartd, of which nearly 200 acres is in a good slate of cultivation, and Ilia remainder well tim bered. It lata along Fishiugcreek, and is suitable for division into two farms. There are ou it TUP FARM HOUSES, Iwo sood barn", and all neccsiary ollior out building. There aro aba on it Two Apple Orchards, ami a number of other fruit treia. There will et the same tithe be s6ld a txaet of WELL TIMBERED WOODLAND, nontatning about 45 ncreu, and adjoining the above farm. yr Term* will b4 tbako knowrt On day of sale, and eflher or lioth of the tracts will be sold at private sain any day p'reViofl's, ir aiiplfcatidn bg made\o ~ ■JOHN ACIIEKBACH. Orange township, Oct. 12, 1854-(s. ~ A Ni:w lAbSuRTMO r OF Fall and W inter GOODS. MENDEXHALL 4* NEVBCH HA VE just received and opened a new lot ol Fall and winter goods, to which we invite the attention of purchaser*. A tnog_ their LADIES'DRESS GOODS, are Mack and fancy Silk*, black and changeable Alpacas, de Laines, Mennoes, Mous. de Bege, Bombazines, plain, figured and changeable Poplins, calicoes, ging hams, gloves, hosiery. 4"e., &c. GENTLEMF.NS' DRESS GOODS, such as fine black and brown French cloths, black Doeskin and fancy Casaimers, satin •and fancy Vesting*, black & Italian fancy Cravats, Suspenders, Qlovea; &c. HJTS JND MPS. . A large assortment of Men's and Boys' hats and caps, embracing every style and quality. Also,- a large and varied aseortmetit ol Parasol* and Ribbons. DOMESTICS. — Bleached & unbleached Mo-liii, Checks, Ticking*, Jeans, Drill#, Ta - ble-diuper, Bagging, Toweling, Table-lin en*. (to. BOOTSf SHOES— A large assortment of Men'*, Women's ft Children's Boots and Shoes, Jenny Lind & buskin Shoes 'at very low prioea.. Colored and white Carpet Chain. GROCERIES.— A large assortment of Grotkries, such as Sugar, Cofffee, Mottsaes, Rice, Teas, &0., &c. The attention of all who wish good bar gains i* solicited, for inducements tb pur chaßet* wilt be offered. BlouwusbufgjOctober, 29, 1854. •' BRIDGE LETTIXO. Sealed propoßals will be received At the honse of Adam Gairinger In OrangeVille until 1 o'clock P M. oh Friday Nov. 10th, for the erection of a county bring* across Green-Crefk, ne*r the residence of John B. Edgar. Said bridge to be an open truss bridgfe, sixty feet span, twelve feet high from fow Water mark; and to bs fourteen feet wide from out to out. Plan and specifica tion will be exhibited on the day ot letlitro BP" N. B. At the same time and place nil the old material of the bridge which lately stood near Ihe same place, will be offered for sale. By ohler bt the Commissioner's. DANIEL LEE, Cteik, CoMMiesmwfcit's OsvtdK, t • . Bloomsburg, Oct 19, 1854. j ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. is lierjsby given that Jetlersof gj- J-k minisfration upon the estate of VVilliam Hendershnt, late of Madison lownsfrip, Col. umbra county, deceased, have been granted to the under.-tuned rcsiqing u) Franklin trgp., [,yeomiti4 cotrrhy. Alf persdnlr' having ac oounts'akaiiist the ttid'debedeht are reqfles teJ to present thurti for seulerrtent, And those indebted le the eslale, to make payment withnu! delay to. The Administrator Will oh al Jetseytown on the2oth end 21st of NtfVembbf td meet such creditor* nod debtors as may have bu siness with trim. - ~ . JOHN D. RUN-VAN,- •o-J'- - 4 I Administrator. Madison twp Octl9, 1851. 6t. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. wOTICE i hereby given thai letlsr* of Tw administration ttpyn the estate of Chris tian Hess, tale of Benton lownabip, Cqlum bia county dvceasei). have been granteal lu .the urtijfihvyted residing at town , ship, Luzerne county. AH persoaa' havrug aocobhls against the decedent are requested m pfeSe'nl them for settietagnk. and ihpe in. >, debied to ttre ostuto to make paymont with out delay to , . ► -! .u Administrator. : Cirmbro„Oct. J9, 1554, * ♦' h f" MMBTR ATOR S NOT4CE.,, lf> m%oi Admjqi*iWiun upon tM> e.-, OfJlta of Centre , Corumpnt.oOrinty, deceased have lied to the ifnderug'ied residing al ' so itl the township of Centrei Ail persona Having aocount* against the enale are re mreßted ta Piegent lharo for setUenrent, and . E^s'itiii,!"- Administrator. t: .v.'Cenfrt, AgggalTßt|b, >, , ~rFAfiCY GOODBj Of every ffwfctmtitmwna I ;Virie*..w*VJllftlei 4Jrteh fw*m New YorJlr 4 ian4 J(bile(Mfbies Jet4aitMit Ore -etrejip atortt t S- T* 4 S. irm.tT* SEAL &CO FANNY FERN'S ©BtaAncfl.'*® f THO Mom KEMARKABHI Rook nfetbe Ags! .; ,* i. Just Pnbl tubed bar L MILLER, OBTOif AND MILLICAJf, AL'BUSN AND (KISSADO, N. V, Tire pubjifhyfa'nonfiJehfly cheaitftehd Seramd liaaiwnliqn. It m'com posed wbplly of or iginal matter, and amount of wit, pathos, hnmof, com moo Sehae, intelligence, anuifement and instwotiq.,wap4e*ar >•- wrapped up in four hunJfed i2mo pa- Fanny Fern is to-day, qnest'ion, •tot oftTy the most otiginal, bnt the mpaty*?- orons and spirit-stirrirm, as , she is also the most fascinating and oflecrtve writer, ei ther here or elsewherp. Her jwri is certainty a remarkable Histo ry, a* the sale of more than 150 000 cop ies ol her work* in lesSlban a yea|, pTgarly attests'; "arti! the Ooiitinned' demand -indi cate! n future still more brilliant. FANNY FERN'S HOOKS. TERN LEAVES FROM FANNYS .PORT FOLIO—FIRST Same*, 8 Illustrations by Cufiin, engraved by N. Orr, muslin, 400 PC 12mo. Si 26 THE SAME—muslin, gill edges and hill •'.ill sjdfi*. *2 00 LITTLE FERNS FOR FANNY'S LITTLE FRIENDS, 7 Illustrations, mqstin, 298 pp. IFI RAN/ K T- fa 75 THE SAME, muslin, gilt edges and sides, 81 00 FERN LEAVES F.ROM FANNY'S PORT FOLIO—SYCOSC SKRIKS, 8 Illustrations tv Coffin, engraved by N. Orr, muslin, 400 pp. 12mo. Si 25 THE SAME, muslin, gilt edges and full gilt sides, 52 00 MILLER, ORTON & MULLIGAN ALSO PUBLISH, About 20,0 varieties of popular and useful bonks, varying in price from 25 ceuli to £2,00 each, and embracing popular .Biogra phy. History, Agriculture, Narratives and Travels, Tempyranoe, Books for the Young, Miscellaneous^Works, in greet variety. Stan dard Poetry, &c., &c., —and from whioh a very liberal discount is made to Agents. Catalogues, Subscription Books, and In structions furnished by mail whenever re quested. We enumerate a fgw: Daniel Boone and the Hunters of Kentucky, by W, H.- Begert, with illustrations, mus lin, 390 pages, 12mo, 81 25 Life, Speeches, and Public Services of Hen ry Clay, by Sa'geaut and Greeley, with portrait on steel, tnusln, 633 pp.Svo #2 00 Life of George Washington, first Prisident of the United States, by Jared Sparkes, Id, P., with portrait ou steel, muslin, 674 pp. 1 2mo. 9.1 BD Lives of Mary and "Martha Washington,. Mother and Wife of George Washington, by Margaret C. Cnnkhng, with portraits on steel, muslin. 248 pp. l7mo. So 75 Life of Rev. Adoniram Judson, of the Bur man Mission, by J. Clenlent, steel por trait,^muslin, 336 pp.l2mo. Si 00 Lives of the three Mr*, Judsons, completed to the Death of Emily C., by Arabella M. Wilson, 2 portraits on steel, muslin, 371 pp. 12ino. 81 00 ' Lifn of Christ and his Apnetlss, by -Rev. J, Fleetwood, a new ehuiop, with an Intro duction by Prof. Soger, 6 illustrations, muslin, 461 pp. j2mo. Si .23 Minnie Herrnon, or; The Landlord's Daqgh ter, a Tale for the Times, by T. W. Brown, - Jidithr ot the "Caytli;a Chief," 4 itlnsira- Jinns, aiUNlin, 472 pp 12tno. pi 25 TemperanceTalesaud Hearthstone Reveries, by Thurloiv VV BrdWh, Editor of the '•Chyuga Chief," 5 illustratioiia and 0 par* -tmit bt the author, on steel, muslin, 374 pp. 12mo. SI 25 Gilt Book Tot young Ladies, or, Woman's Mission j being Familiar Letter* id a young Lady dH her Ainuseinenls. Employ, ineuts, Sturlies, Acquaintadees, &c., by Dr. W. A. Alcoi/, steel froiltispiece, mast tin, 307 pp. 12ruo. £0 75 Gift Book lor young men, or, Familiar Let ters o)i Self-knowledge, Female Soc.ely-,' Mat'nege, &0., by Dr. VV. A. Alcott, front ispiece, muslin, 312 pp. 12mo, £0 75 Youatl on the Hotsn, their Structure and DD easei, 60 illustrations, muslin, 483 pp. 12 tno. 81 50 American Lady's System df Criokkfy - com pHsthp every vathMj of iitfarmation for ordinary and holtcay occasions, -by Mr*, T. J. Crowen, illustrated, rntlsliu, 4b4 pp. 12mo. St 25 Any of our books may be procured of' ortS Agents tit-oUr LnWesl Prices, and where this cannot be done, we will send any book# that may be ordered, by mail, noslßge prepaid, to any Post Office in the United States, upon receipt ol the retail prioe, whicti may be.sent us by mod, in bank bills of hoy apscio-payin* bunk, and odd change ill specie or Office stamps. Catalogues, postage prepaid, sent on appU datict. ty AdrtTs? us either at Aubnrn or "Buf falo. MILLER, ORTON k MULLIGAN. FOR FALL AND WINTER! E\ im £ APPLEMAK. > HAVF. JUST reentxed undopened an en tita new and xp'etididi assortment *1 ©(3)®I2)S3 For Firtl anrf Winter at thoit Brick store op Main street aho'lron UraeL to which they invite tha at'.eniiou of the public. Their as sortment will Compare In price and quality with 1 any to be fbutid ou this tide of Philad elphia, and -includes . • L£>ua"ar (23.cE>£E>aD$S3 a QUE EN SIM RE, HARDWARE, GLASSWARE, HATS, CAPS, ,Hapfp%A'D SIfOES. . They h'ale' on htuid ivery de'airaMe and ob, TTQYO R LADIES' DRESS GOODS Shawls, Silks, Merir.oes, Delnins, gidghams, prints, and every •uhiold cif ' i llouit Frnihiikg Gopdv, Sbeetingg, tieking, check*, &• Their aloek' m-aetliiig fait, ann will be re plehiebed every-few weeks, for their motto Is ''xiriall profits snd quick safai." '- Cbtii and aee oor goods. We charge neffi- Ing for qho wing ihem, apt) will always take eountrypioduue in i the market prioea. Bloomaburg, pclobef 24, 1553-1; EXECCTDK^OTICE. T ETTERS testamentary upon Ihe estate Of BaOiuel ttealer, ia:e of Fishiugcreek ' townstdp, Columbia couety, ileceused, have been granted tr Samuel Bealer, residing in Fistijugeraefc township; Columbia couMy, and J. 8. Woods maiding tn -New Colum bus, Lnzeros oouuty. Ail-pMaoos indebted to the estate are requeued to make pay for settlement to J. 8. WOODS, m - SAMUEL J. 11F. ALE if, I . , Executors. Fisbingcraek, Oct, 2d, 1854. L ;< ; * By the bnndrvd for-ttii.M lbia office, 1; ; " • I ■ W**4iw<la,llherwr>p< A CJuki pmtttQmefoy, ran uu at Tfuc onwarr C4n rctv -at WW, B. ELTONMEAD'S, rvo. 184, South Second St., Belween'Pino end Cow. Wo Side, embtMss a Urjt emi srlsct •fu-k of 4n W trite JWoHilrm W*rJ, Atl-st* Ware, |tUt*d wkh 8dr, in Spoons, 'Forks, Radios, tie.—Jet Goofes, Fi ml Fsa .y Articles of ■ superior qu.Jily, deserving die exaininstion Of theee %lio iieelra to procure the ■ err ooOsn at the I.OWUT Cssa I'alcts. Waving a pmclifal knowledge of ine h'usioeva. and ull ava ileUa for and Manufacturing, the auhacnWr corißdonlly In* vitca purchagera, heliavlng that he can supply them .on tftr IDS .a# fajriiralde as an; other es tablishment ip either of tbe,AtU;i/ic Cities. All kinds of Diamond aiMl'oad Jaarelry and SiltcrWara miiiiufact'urod to oider, within a renn"al>)( time. ~ t Watches, Jewelry htX silver Wg>e faithful ly repaired. WM. B ELTONHEAD, No. 164 Sooth M St., a lew doors above the 3d St. Mattel, Wast Side. BF In.lbe Sogth Window at lha Slore.4i.gT be seen the fatuous Blßl} CLOCK, : t)vhj s "b commands the admiration of the scientific knd carious. September salt, 1864,—1y. ■■ , GRATIS f, JUST PUBLISHED A NEW Discovery in Medicine. A faf v " rrl ' 6 4" lh* rational tjpstment without I Medicine, hi Bperraetdtrhea, or local weakness, .Nervous Uebility, Low spirits, Lassitude, Weakness of the I.irobs and the Back. Indis position and Incapacity of Study and Labor, Dullness of Apprehension, Loss of Memory, Aversion to Society, f.ove of Solitude, Timid ity. Self-Dit<ust, DiMtness, He.lJ.lclie, invol untary Dischargee. J'eine it) ifie Side, Affec tion of the-tfyes, Piaeptiu on the Face, Sexual and other infttmitiea in Mao. Frout the French of Dr. B. Da Lanay, The important fact that theea alarming Com pMnts may easily kv removed without modi, cine; its, in this email tract, clearly demonstra ted, and the ontirelj rtew shd highly successful treatment, as sdopled by the author, fultV ex plained, by means of whioh every one is ena bled to cure, himself perfectly, si)d at llie least poaaible coat, nvoididin* thereby, alt the ad. vertiaed nostruma of the illy. dent to arty poat <fr*a, in a sealed envelope, by remitting (post paid) two postage stamps 10 Dr. B. De Li.t?y,No. 17 Llpsnsrd etrsst, Nw York', "-yf "6m. September 38th, 1894.. it. C, RIDGWir k CO. As itktirritrt and Dealers in Fot f ign rrnd DnirittHk WINES AND LIQUORS, No. 101 south Front Street, Pblln. BRANDIES- . LIQUORS. , . (of different hinds.) Win* Bitters, * f)ark arid Pale, Stooghtoh Bitters, Oiard, Dcpoy & Co. of Essence of Pepper viiious Vintages, miai;. Pinet,Ca#tillidn&Cq, Wild Cherry Brandy, of various ViiilageS, Raspberry Brandy, Maglorey, do Blackberry do ■ Hennas.y, do Lavender do Roche lie do Dinger do HOLLAND QIN. Curicoa 00 Swan Brand, . Extract D'Absihihe, Comet, do CORDIALS. Fi% do RoseCotdial, Anolior Braipl, Perietal Love, Cordial. Beyiium. do Annieeed, do WINKS. Lemon, do Superior old Sherry Peppermint, do Wine, wuiskbts. do do Madeira Wine Superior Old Monon- Port, of different gahel.i, kinds, Rye Whiskey, from I Tertehffe Wile, 10 16 years oM, Lisbon, do ftorbon Whiskey, Malaga, de iridh t do Muscatel, do , Sootch tin • Clatet, u do Old Jamaica. Spirits, Bulgiindy Port, Old Peach Brandy, Old Apple do' Aug. 17th, 1854. Cham, and Hock W. of various brands. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. TM'OTICE is. hereby given thai Idlers ol A* administration upon the estate of Dan iel Mosieller, let# of Maine township, Col umbia coutHjr deceased, heve been gtartfed io the.hndprsigtied ro.sjdingin Mifflin toJm ehip; Coluinoia bounty. All pjiraotis iudeb) ed 10 the estate are requeslbd to make par-, ment without delay; and those bating ac counts, to present them for settlement to AARON MOSTELLER, 3?. 1' 1 -t . • <fidm>iutrajßr. Mifflin rwft. Wt: ji rtsi bi. : r— ■ —' J -z~ —> —: Auditor's Notice* t Estate of Zackeriah Ross, deceased. THE creditors attd all other persons in-; terested in the estate of Zackeriah Ross late of Bloom township, are hereby notified ihnt the unietfigned lirs been Appoicted Auditor by the Orphans' Comt of said coun ty lo settleimd adjnsfthe rstes and propor tions of the assets in the hinds of Jcfm R. Moyer, the Administrator of the decedent, to and among (tie respective creditors ac cording to the order established by law, that he .will attend at his office nr Bloimsbitrg on Stiuidav the 11th day of November next, to perlorrn tbo duties of hit appointment. All peraons having claims agatnM the 'es tate are required to present them to the Au ditor at the time and place aforesaid. Or be corning in. for a shdre hf such assets dt fund. 7. Or FREEZE, ill ■ • ; > -r Auditor.' Bloomsburg, Oct. oth, 1844. . ■ 1 y • - ~ • NDTICiE. -t t„ sr- Is hereby given that the atfcoiiat of Jaoob Rishei and Miphanl Stechet jCummittee of: Michael Kinne}, a I.ttfiatic has been fded in the Court of Common Pleas of Colnmbia county, and.,will bO'praeanteil for confirms-i lion on the ffest Monday of December next, of whiph all persona interested are hereby By order cf the Coiffl, " , .7 JACOB EY-ERLr, , !? _ Pr/itaonotdry ■ 1 Itfoomsbnrg, November 2, (854 *. fix an .-xyl, ' ' yf ' s.t 1 M eLi * S* 0* ■BTOM, mmu^o -111 n' I -p KSPkCTFOTtY oflera hi* i rt prrofegsional services to ' the Ladtee ami (Jamiemen * Bloomsbur2 t apti vicjnit|, Re is ptapacpd 10 atteriFi,lo ali tjtw various operaupns iu, Dph, tistry, and is provided with the. Jafest im proved iTEE'FU, which, .mil Da inserted on pivot or gold plate, tojopk as ' A superior article; of Tooth Powders, al . Ways on (tana. Alt operations on tin; teeth ' warrpmed. . X mtmaait Of Office aear |he Academy.. ': , j , Blootpsbairg, re tABI,E CUTLERV A * tnffnt received and now on hahßef j- MENDENHA'LL It MENSCH'S c '[ V TO those waHtino cheap ooodsi i- offered in ihtsjfflWN! Having paid great Attention to jhe awerthn of tksw ewtimi_ s.<Wi as to price anAfesfitn they ftaftei thenlsaives that thdy eae oompe*n lb# ; and all.tUpee wiahine taHbny ehnap, Can save money by giving os a H. We have all kiodaof Good# end Wapaa lo sgpply Ha# wants of (he People., A vrty large lot of. LADIES DBESS GOODS, , French meriooes, wool plaids, elpacas, bembarines, deliagsa, poplins, paramatta cloths, •tohsir lusiree, mtislln de iauißS, Persian clotlta, Ginghams, fitc. WHIPE GOODS OF ALL KINDS, Sieve*. Collars, Spencers, liandkerchief*. Aoeneittga, bands and trimmings, laces an-l edging*, bonnet ribbons, in large variety, vat -1 vet ri t tioi e, and brnids, kid, c-mioti, and lisle thread stoves, mohair miffs, ficc , Alt kinds of SHAWLS, brootte, Bay Statu, Waterville, bjaek )? aijlf, oasbmvro, KmbroJer ed, fire. Also a vary large nssorlinent of olotbs, oassimers, sdtuaeus,, iwaeds; jeans, heaverelMhe, coating velvet, &o. , e ~ r . FOOTS AND SHOES. OF ALL KINDS AND SIXES FOR MEN WOMAN AND CHILDREN. . ' **. -i-.j ip'-wiP \ twrimmi * - • ;• We have a large assort men I of Hals end latest fashih ns. Wp. have also Dard wa're, Qneensware, Cedp'rwar*,' &e- Very clreap carpsta, carpet bags, Boor, table and car riage oil cloths, mats ftttie, baskets, fitc. Moslins nkniiels, tickings, diapers, lowellngs, drillings, fiic., in abundance. • We Invite our friend* and the. public generally In give ui a call before purchasing el e We have bought our goods at Lowest Cash Prices and will not be undersold by anvbpdy. or tha tesy.of mankind. Bloomsburg, Ootober 28, 1859. - , „ 1 1 . . 1 . . - c■' 1 _ BWfln-fftcmrn rm norma flfPnTkfthtta cC& CT3ODi , HAVE RECEIVED A NEW LOT OF FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING In the Exchange Block next lo Swartz'a Book Store. They have on hand a large end full assortment of., FROCK, DRESS, BOX, SACK. GUM AND OIL CLOTH COATS, of all so rts tfrd sizes, lhat the present enligh'ened age knows any thing abouf. Of Pants am' Vasts thev lia" e evefy crdor of the rainbow, besides some black, blue, grey, striped and fancv • Vss's ot* saf'". s>ilk, buff, oasimere, mprseilles, linen and worsted of all fash ionable outs anil colors ; Wortiog Pants and boyk clothing. Also fine white, figured and striped shirt's, Pocket and Neck Bfinu'&mchiefa .Stocks, Ties Bodrfs all kinds of gentle man's dress goods ; Hats. Caps, Trunks, Traveling Bags and Umbrellas j and &3UE 3222K Tltey have Underslevea, Fpencers, Collars, Rigaletls, Glove*. Mitt*, fjidiee'e bnad-bg' Handkerchiefs, &c., &c. Aleo Jewelry and Notions, each as Rings, Breast pins, Gold and 1 Silver Pens and Pencils, Medallions, Vest and Fob chains, Porimonies, Spectacles, Knives Razors end e well selected assortment of Accordeooa. OT Remember the cheap store in the "Exchange Block" opposite the Court honae. BfooinsWrg, May 18th 1844. S. DREIFUSS, & Co. IV'ew Ffill and Winter Clothing; DAVID LOTTBNBBRG INVITES at'enlion to his stock of cheap and fashionale vlolhing at his store ou Market street,' two doors above lite "American House," Where he has a full aaaortment of men nd boy's wearing apparel, including Box, Mfkj frock, gutn *nd oil cloth coats of all sorts and Rizen, pants of nl! colors, shado and figuro, vesia, shirts, cravals, stocks, collars, handkerchiefs, gloves, suspender and <4ncv articles. , N. B. " He also make to order any article of clothing at very short notice and in the best aiannjr. All bis clothing is made to wedr , and most of it is of home manufac ture. . r 4 Bloo.mwhiirgq MaV Ifi'h ' EVANS & WATSON, 1 No. 26 South Fourifi street, have on hand a large assortment ol PATENT SALAMAN DER FIRE and THIEF PROOF SAFES. Bank Vaults and Iron Doors for Banks and Gentlemen:—We lake much pleasure in rec ommending your FIRE PROOF SAFES to merchants and lyhetf, who may desire to purchase, wilh a view to the preservation of their Books and other valuables. The Safe we purchased of volt, and manufactured by EVAUS ft WATSON, of . Philadelphia, Pa., retnainetl in the fire at the burning of our store until the entire stock was consumed, the heal being intense, as you may suppose as there were about seventy barrels of liquor in the atore, besides some seventy thousand pounds of Tags and ropes, and other articles of highly combustible nftture. We bad the Safe o|iened sfter the fire had ceased and found our books and papers prutrutd ill perfect order. No. 116 Light street wharf, Please eeiiu fttahotherof yotti best Safe*, of the same sif-e, for our future use, and o blig'o " J - R. W. W. ISAAC, No. 91 Light street wharf, Baltimore BALTIMORE, Mn.j-May 17, 1844. MESSRS E. Si T. FAIRMNKS & Co.—Gem ilente'n It gives us fniiett pleasure td bear testimony to the efccellenco of your Fire Proof Safes. The olte I 'piirchtUed of yon, manufactured by Messers. Evans & Wat son, Philadelphia, Pa., saved nty books and I valuable papers, when everything else in the house was destroyed by fire, on the morning of tbe 14th ins*., at No. 116 Light street wharf. B. F. WILLIS. BALTIMORE Md;, May 17, 1854. Patent Slate Refrigerators, Seat and tatter ' Copying Presses, Fairbanks' Pisiform and ' Counter Scales. Sole Agency for Butlerworth's, Betlley's, ' Yales' m>u Jones' Patent Powder Proof Baak Locks Below are the name* of a few gentlemen artd Pnblto Institntom who have our Safes, in tide. Hundreds mora cart bo given : ' Farmers ft Mechanics Bank Philadelphie 1 12 Sales. U.S. Mint,' " U. , Ainettsl, five Safes California 3 in Phrlapelphit. State Treasurer Trenton, N. J. rt f R. Co., Philadelphia, ,* , [t i Locust Mountain Coal & Iron Co , Coal Run Improvement & U. R. Co., • Bell Garretson ft Co. Hankers, Hunting- Bell, Smith ft Co., Bankers, Johnstown Bryan, QerrW. ft., Altoeem, Pa,, GHM.iA H-Witsoe, HonuajdonyPa, t„ McKelcy, Ntralft Co.; Bldoriiebutgt " Geo Weaver, do Caleb Barioo. tH'i: alt do, " ' Philadelphia, Aigust 31. 1654-ly., * ■ ' * .a.—■ 1 - > AtfMTNIS , nUtdR , & NOTICE. NOTIGB us hereby given that letters of administration upon the estate of Wil-' 1 . roHvu uudersigngd residing also m taeswt townshjp, Afl persons diaving accounts at- I gainst ihe ssiJ decedent, st,e requeued to i present them for settlement, and . those , in* . debted to make payment .without delay to MICHAEL PHILLIPS, f ' :..,'i,Ltn Admmtlrutar, '< , Locust twp. Pot 19, 1654. . v:: i ti. -, , ..•'i v* PII B&flS ' 8 DIGEST. - A Justieo of (he Petted wlfihinjj to put -9 "obese a ftopy of Purdoq's nigest.psu bi aocomrpodstoiF bv applying at hi this offf e f ' I ttatSTOiOR vtmwsai as 9 VCnOHtNO lg*S THAN 2j OONCKS, FOR T(IE CURE OF HER.VIi , OR RCHTIRI'. 4 CKNOWLKDGED by the highes* medi ** cat authorities of .Pbiladalphia, incompar ably superior to any pther in u>e. Suffered will be gtctilled la learn that the, occasion now procure not only the 'lightest and m oat easy,' but as durable a Tiaae as any other, in lieu of ihecumbroua and uncomfortable article usually sold,' Theie in no difficulty attending the fitting, and whan the pad Is located, it will retain its position without change. Persons at a distance unable tit call on tbe Subscriber can hae the Truta sent to any ad. dreaa. or by lemitting Fire Dollars for the single Truua, or Ten for the double—with mgasure round the hips, and atatigg aide affected. It will be exchanged to suit if not fitting by re turning it at Once, unsniloj Fdr Sale by the Importer. CALEB H, NEEDLES. Cor. Iwtfflh fy Rate Street!, Philadelphia. QT Labi as, requiring the benefit of Me chanical Supports, owing tn the derangement of the Interact Organs, inducing Fading of the anomb, Voeal, Pulmonary, Dyspeptic, Nervous, ned Spinal Weakness, are informed that a com petent and JexperisneeJ La,bt will o in attend- Wce at the Rooms (aet aparpfor their agolusive use,) No, 114, Twelfth Bf*„ Ist fip or b e | ov| Usee. June 27, '.854—1y. , EE IV ROUTE TO PHi LADEL~PHIA\ Callattissx, Willinmsport and. Erie Railroad OPEN TO MILTON. 8J hours between Philadelphia * and Milieu. ON and after Monday, Sep). SSth, and until extension co YVilUamsport, pass enger train* will be run every day (Sunday* excepted) as follows : ' T Leaving M,Hon at 11 A, M., connecting with Reading Rail Road, t Port Clinton, ar riving at Philadelphia at 7 30, P! 41. Leaving Philadelphia, at 7 10, A. M : ar rive at Milton at 4 30 P. M. A Freight Train will leave Milioh,, on Monday, Wednesday A Fridhyj and Port Clinton on Tuesday, Thuredaf ahdSaturday, of each weak. . . ' Freight is carried to and .from Pltladeipbia wiihout transhipment, from Reading Rail Road Freight Depot corner of Broad and Cherry streets. p k -..i w. ~ T. McKISSOGK, Sept 59,1854—tf. NEW Q R IST-MILL ' llt li tJROVE! of)Acilber has refitted hie Orisl ■4 Mill Ht Mill (7 rove, hear lijght Street, Columbia county, and ia ready the do any Hod all kinds pf grinding, , He has three , run of gugips, a,nd the Mtll will work to era-1 satialaction. A competent miller has has charge of the caiabliabment, ami the jratrepage of the public ia respeotfully go vs ,r r* X!' THOMA3 TRKNCtI. Mill GWwc, ADMISJWTIUtOR'S mf&£ mrOTICEta hereby given that letters of administration uppo thw e-,taie ot Dan iel Stnve, tale ol Bloom sburg. Columbia county, deceased, have bain grunted to the undersigued, reshlin-f iK Bloornnbufg. All 4>rsuns having geooortts against the estate are requested to prevent them for settlement, ami those indebted to make payment with qui delay to SIMON C. StHJVE, Bloomabttrpr, Oct. 9th, !ss4—^" ,r^or ... FsArie So. ISO North Thud Street. abov a ' ,a "f*~ '■ SAMVEt, A limw. Gsoap* a, Brows. (June 8?h 1854-ty gr W ,iiw*iw—. vir,iri t■■ ,mf *- *■ , ... - ■ ■*- • <3B UU iJP BP • f. doors abova HeueeV ' - * -■-' :■■ -'"• ETAHB A APPLBMART. r. ]|f on the u|i(4w pert iTi of Main sireot, neatly* tW Episcopal Church. . : ~ m/rANUFACTI?RBK OF FURNITtJit "A AND CABINET WARE—Wntueequg in Shite'* Block, on Main &'est. A. JITWPKRTT TttJNF.R AND STOVft • DEALER Shoo on South side of Main street. bw lovr Market. JOSEPH SWASTZ. , Bookseller, store in the Exchange Block, first door above the Eaohaaaa Hal. . jri'KELVT, NEAL & CO., • - j|| F.RCH A NTS.—Nonhoaat corneraiof Ma end Market streets." JohN . STERNER. MERCHANT.— store on South, wdd * Main Street, secoud square below Mar ket. f SUAAPW'SS AMELICK, "" f. J7OUNDEBS ANb MACHINESTS. Bai!4 . ings on the alley between the "Exchange ■ and "American House." . .-v R. W- WEAVER. *T. Attorney at law—omee on it* first floor of lb "Star" Building, a* | Main street. kARNAfeoTIimT." TAILOR —Shep oil the South Sills of Maha Street, first aqoare below Market. ~~ MENDENRAI.L A MERISCH, MERCHANTS.— Store North Weat cornet of Main and Market Street*. T 1 lllinn kVJIOH'ER, -j~. £tU r .GF.ON DENTIST—Office near the !?> Academy on Third Street. Justices,*)!' (he, Pence AND CONSTABLES,ean find all kind f blank* desirable for their u*e, in proper form, at the office oftbe "Star or thcNort* BOOTS, Shoe* and ready made clothing cheap for ca*h by MENDENHALL& MENSCO*. '—7 —— ii i r mmj . , HAY & IinOTUFR, LAW PUBLISHERS AND BOOK SELLER® ,i WMOL3MI.E ANU RETAIt, 193 Market Street, three doors biota FVtk. PHILADELPHIA, rr. RF.SPHCTftj'ILY announce to the Pre' jesiiion and Students at tie, that they keep always on ha,ml,* wail selected stock of luw Books, comprising the Best Treati* ses extant in eve{y department of law, which ihey will sell sell aa cheap, if not cheaper, than, any other,this qiiy or New York. Being the publishers of several val uable works { they; ate.possessed of suefc la* ciliiips in obtaining their stocks* to enable Ibem to sell their hook* at very lour price*. KAY t BROTHER have the agency foe . the eale of Harri*' Ptattsyloama Slate Jib ports, for the eastern counties of the State. KAY & .BROTHER, PUBLISH , -1. Pnrdon's Digest of the Laws of Penn sylvania, from 1700 to J853, by Stroud and Brightly, new and Bth edi tion, in one convenient volume, Svo. Prioe 36.00. 1 i My Jt. ,i. 2. Sergeant & Rawle's Supreme Court Report*. 17 vole. 8. Penrose k Watt'* Supreme Court Re -1 port*. Vol*. 4. Watte' do do 10 rot*.' 5- " & Sergeants' do do 9 vol*. 6. Hartis' State Reports, 8 vols ' 7. BrtghllyU Nisi Ptioi Reports, I vol. ' 81 Mties' Reports of the District Court of Philadelphia. 2 vols. I 9. Baldwins' U. S. Circuit Court Reported | 1 vol. 10 Chief Justice Marshall'* Ci'cuit Curio Decisions, 2 vols., ' . 11. Sergeant on the Land Laws, of Penn'a, I 1 vel. 12. Sergeant on Foreign Attachment In 'J . Penn'a, 1 vol. i ■ 13 Sergeant on the Lien Law ef Penn'a, 1 vol. I 14. Desna on the Law of Landlord & Ten aat, 1 vol. i i IS. Duane on the Road Law* iq Penn'a. 1 xoh , . ' 18. Brightly on tha Law of Costs, l vol. 17. Grnydon's Forms—new and 4th edi tion, 1 vol. - . ' • 18. Hood oft the Law of Executors, | eel, 19. R.obvrls' Digest of British stato'a* in fprcl in renneylyanta —2d edition, 1 i VOL 80. Smith & Reed's Laws of Pennsylvania. rommnnrtng fttff'Otft. 1700, lOvoft— Die Blb, 9th and JOlh volumes told ~ separately. 21. Pamphlet' Laws—The complete aqt* oT the General Assembly' oTPeonlvl vpota, from the yenriSOß bf,ff,e ent time, iu 4l vols. C. m ptfei* seta ' ' of the Pamphlet Laws re vsrv ——A* 22. Wharton's America CrmiaJl3*! and 2d edition, j vo { ( 23. Wharton'# ' Of Indictments. I ?01. *• • * ♦ I 24. Morris on. , h e Law of Replevin in ifi. Units',* States, 1 vol. 25. Binr,*; Justice-—new and Bth edition, , r852 —By r. C. Brightly Esq—l vol. 86. rroubat on the Law of Limited pn nerstfip in the tlnited Slates, I vol.'-' '27. TrnuUM and Haly.' nrt* < third edition lh'2 thick volume* ■ i.vo, of otm 1700 pages. > 28. Urtahlly's Purdon's Annnal Cigs( fee 1864, price 60 cfenta, ,/i IN PREPARATION. d, • r Whatton and - i w ,„„i: v "'rV" 1 roy ,H v r; * Wutnoß iflfr frPy'Qttt' h} ffiktnf- I ctde wlih tfeporta of Cases, 1 voL Bartafl™Forrfpendintn of the Sbtt ■ '.."ST. 1 . I3P- S** Ksy k BroiheCa atsloj,, cf taw Public.iimns.for panjcplartd W- OrderaetKWr.i/,jqi,iry . torn .di*L • country promptly sttendedto August 17tb 1854 —ly.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers