| en it* Uieasaaa hlgha-t imfißttsue/ito mar ' (led people, 01 thee* enn - lemplating marriage. Sy WILLIAM YOCNO, M. D. fS&iSX&ttlSft sy K ia^tstn^atxrz:: Mad Mfc wilheuT reading tbf Aemeulepio. Let Uo onesoffit' from ■ haefcnied Cough Pem in Ibe Bide, resiles* nights, nervous folding*, end Ibe whole train of Deepeptie eensatious, and given op by their physicians. So another movent Without consulting the SESUULA HOI Been the married, or (bote about to be BMIM en? impediment, read thia truly woeful ee it Ma been the mean? of earing thou of unfortunate cretuica from the very jawe of death. ' An? perron rending twenty fire cenle, an dfciad in a letter*will reeeiro one copy of thia book, by anall, or Are copiee trill he eent for one dOlter. Addreaa. Ur. W. Young, No. /St Spruce street, Philadelphia.' Poetpeid.^ - . No Its Spruce Bt., Philadelphia. Sep. let, 1854-ty. 5T BTAUFFEB A LIAR LEY Cheap Wnlcbes Ac Jewelry. WHOLESALE and RETAIL, at the Philadelphia Watch and Jewelry Store, No 96 North Second Street corner of Quarry, Philadelphia. Gold Lorei Watohee, full jewelled, 18 ca rat case., 828 00 OoM Lapine 18 Ic. 24 00 <ilver Lever full jewelled, 12 00 Silver Lapiae jewel*, 9 00 Superior qttattiore, 7 00 S3d Spectacle*, 7 00 Floe Silver do, J 60 Gold Bracelet*. 3 00 Lodiea' Gold Pencils. \ I 00 Silrei Tea spoons, aol. 5 00 Gold Pen* with Pencil & Silver holder, t 00 Gold finger Ring* 37 J cents to SBO ; watch Glaseon, plain, 12} cents; Patent, 18# ; Lu net, 25; other article# in proportion. Ail UDode warranted to bn whet thev are aold STAUFFER A HARLEY. On hand, aoma Gold and Silver Levers and Lepinea, etill lower than the above pri -o#fla September 21*1, 1834—1y. SOUTHERN MILITARY ACADEMY LOTTERY*!! (By Authority of the State of Alabama) Conducted op the Havana plan. . ■ CLASS G—TO BE DRAWN 30:b of No?, out PRIZE TO 20 vicxrrt — AND REMEHBE*, EVERY PRIZE DRAWN! Camata. 16,000 A< 5.000 * " 4,000 3,000 , 2,000 ' • 1,600 - * 1,100 IW 6of 81,000 * 6,000 Id Ml (501 prize*, amounting to 860,000 Ticket* 810,00-- Halve* and quarter* in pro portion. *' • Every prize drawn at each drawing. "CBrrent bill* of any bank received at par." All eommunicationa strictly confidential. SAMUEL BWAN, Agent and Manager, Sign of the Bronze Liona Montgomery, Alabama, June 20, 1854. ~ ZINC TAINTS- Owe Third cheaper than White Lead, and free from ail Poieonout qualiliee. THE NEW JERSEY ZINC COMPANY Having greatly enlarged their worka, anu im proved the quality of thrir pruduclt, are pr pared to ezecute olden for their SHJFH3BirOS FAHOT*. Dry end Ground in oil, aaanrted packegea of from 26 to SOU pound* ; alto DRY, in bairaia, of 300 pounda each. Their White Zine. which ie aold dry or around in oil ia warranted pure end uoearpeaa ed for body and enifnrm whiteness. A method of preparation bea recently been discovered, which enable* 'he Company to war rant their painta to keep fraah and oft in the fr any reasonable liiae. la this reaped their paint* will be auparior to any other in the Brown Zinc Paint which ia aold at a low pice, end can only be maJ* front tine area from New Jartey is now well known for ite crolective qualities when epplied to iron or pther n.etailic aoifacea. Their tfuuie Color Point poaaeeaee ell the properties of the Brown and i* of an egreeahla color for painting Cottage*, Depot*. Out.build inga Bridges. Ac, llealci* supplied on liberal terms by their FRENCH St RICHARDS, Whole vain Paint Dealer* an Importer*, N. W, cot. of 10th & Market Sir. Phila. 6m. Rrjfiafrailott Crlrt Mehtrs For ilia use of clergyluun.juiiticee, pbyai iano and other persona in registering marria go* ahd deaths as required by the new Ac Assembly, eon be sad at the office of the Star of the North." * MELICK, ■MANUFACTURES AND DEALERS IN J-H,STOVES, TINWARE Ac—Establish mem on Main street, next building r.bove he Court-boute. . • '( -piRAWER GOODS, Spotted Swiss. Bog | IA /©">• Mull, Cambric, Swiae Muslin Bifbdpxawha, sale Bard Muslin juat receiv ed at the Store of MENDENHALL k MENSCH yaiiAaiLrau 1 T%f anofactorer of wrong Tinware, Copper, ■LUrTm and Zine Battling Tabs, Betting Pan*, and every, kind of bainiag apparatus. Also dg|4 and paper boa#*. , u - ~ Prorrjpt amotion given to ordered work, and good# ea'ffolly lorwarded on order*. ISSO, , -• k .rvJS r<feIVEBAL iMfce f Dr. JAMS He- J Cfntnck'a celebrated Family Medicines. , PECTORAL SIBBP -This inralua- Syrup, which ieeotiaeiy vegerable in Ua com position, boa been employed with wonderful •ureses for many year* in ibe cure 0 7 diseases ( of the Aiv Psesages in the Lungs. The moat common disease* of thsae organs eie Inflation and Ififlsmmalion of the Mucous Membrane which tinea the air tube* of the thteut, wind pipe and lung*. For any of these forma of disease, wheather showing themselves as cough. Tickling of the Throat, Beriee of light net* of the Thioat, Spitting of Blood Difficulty of Breathing, Hoarseness or Los* of voice, and Hectic Fever, its use will be attended wilh the happiest reaulta. It i* recommended as one of the beat and safest msdieinee for all forms of Bronchitis end Consumption. N. B„ No Laudanum or preparation of Opi- 1 uin In any shape in thia Hyrup. Price in pint 1 bottles, fit. 1 Cold and Cough Mixture for lecent Cough* and Cold*. P. ice 25 cants. Asthma and 'Vhooping Cough remedy. Price 50 cents per l.ottle, Dia.ihea Remedy end Cholera Preventive Price 25 and 60 cant* Tonic Alterative Hyiup for purifying the 1 blood. Price fit per bottle. Vrgeta'lt and Purgative Pill* for Coalive neaa, Headache, Ac. Price 25 cent* per box, , Ann Billioua Pill* for I.iver Complaints, Disordered ection of the Bowels, Ac. Price 35 enls. Dyspeptic Elixer for indigestion, Heart. Dixaineea, Ptice fit per bottle. Rheumatic Liniment for Rheumatic burae Neuralgjc pains- Price 60 cetls per bottlund Rhetnnstie Mixture for internal uee in Rhen tnaliem. Gout, Neuralgia, Ac, Price 50 cent*. |ier bottle. Anodyne Mixture for instantly relieving Toot Ache, ard ell pain wherever found.— Piice 50 cents per bottle. Fever and Ague Specißc for Ague or Inter mittent Fever* in all form*. Piice fit pet bot. lie. H, H. 8. ELLIOTT. Agent for Pennsylva nia, to whom all wholesale order* mutt be ad. dreated, North-west corner of 9th and Filbert •treete, above Market Street. Philadelphia. Agents in Columbia county. E. P. Lutx, Bloomaburg. John Van Liew. Livht Street. Jacob Harris, BucMiorn. May lltb 1854-6 m. _________ PREMIER ARTISTE IN HAIR, 1 77 Chestnut Street, PHILADELPHIA, In ventor of iho Celebrated Gossamer Ventila ting Wiganit Ealstic Band Troupee*. Inatrue lions to enubie Ladies and Gentlemen to measure Iheit own heads with accuracy. For ft'igl. Inckee. No. 1 The round of the head. 2 From forehead over the head to neck. 3 From eat to ear over the top. 4 From eat :o eat around the forehead. Taupect If Scalpt. Inches. No. 1 Krutn forehead to back as far as bald. * 2 Over forehead, as far aa required. 3 Over the crown of the head. R. Dollard has always ready for sale a splendid stuck of Gentlemen's Wigs, hall Wig's, Frizots, Biaid*, Curls, etc., beautifully manufactured, and its cheap as any estab lishment in the Union. Dullard,* llerbanian Extract, or Lustrous Hair Tonic, prepared from South American hetbs and roots, the most successful article ever produced lot preserving the hair from falling out or changing color, restoring and preserving it in a healthy and luxuriant state. Among other reasons why Dollard'* Hair Cutting Saloon maintain* its immense pnpulAriiy, is Ibe fact that his tonic is ap plied to every head of hair cut at hi* estab lishment, consequently, it is kept in better . preservation than under any other kuowti ap plication. (t being thus prao'toally tested by thousands, offers the greatest guaranty of its efficacy. Sotd wholesale and retail at his old rslabj lishment, 177 Chestnut Street, opposite the State House. ... R. Dollard has at last discovered the na plus ultra of HAIR DYE; and announce* it lor sale, with perfeot confidence in its far oassing every thing ol the kind now in use. It colore thy hair either black or brown, aa may be desired, and is used without any in-' jury to the hair or akin, either by stain or otherwise, can be washed off ten minutes after application,- without detracting from in efficacy. Persona visiting the city are in vited to give him a call. Letters addressed to R. Dollard, IT7 Chestnut Street, Pkiladel phia, will receive attention. Philadelphia, Out. 12th, 1854— 1y. 1000 ROOK AGENT WANTED, TO Canvass for the beat and most sala ble Books published. They are writ ten by the most popular Authors of the day, including among others, T. S ARTHUR, of whbse last area! work, TEN NIGHTS IN A BAR ROOM, 11,000 copies have been told within a month of publication. These book* are beautifiully illustrated, (many of them with finely colored plaiea) and are printed and bound in the beet man ner. Agents will Rod a pleasant and profitable employment hi their circulation. For par ticular* address (post paid) , - JJ, W. BRADLEY, PuairsHea, No. 48 North Fourth Street, Philadelphia. I September 31, 1853-Sm. • I Sale of Heal Kstatc. rJE subscriber nflora for sale hi* farm In jMounlpleasanl township, Colombia co., [ B *y ""S'PiwL hy him, and now by Eliza- ' both Gilbert. It ia sitnated a nolle and three quarter* from Light Street, end about four 1 The tract contain- about 1 cultivation. e bank bam, stnd ell ncee*ry out buUd- ] and"l he^e'i* on 'tfcw J l *® l, j| at Bloomafurg'to B AMURt. Fb " Bloomaburg, Oct. >d u , MffABLE CDTUBY—A bpiendid aaaor M meat reoeived and now on hand at M MENDENHALL A MENSGH*S ' .7 •MAM KNOW TtTMLP t An invaluable Book ftr 28 ete.—/Je rry Family should hate a Copy." v&VAH a#;//,. 100.000 COPIES sni.p IN LESS THAN a year a -jjjy new edition, rvviocd *nd improved, just A N INVALUABLE BOOK, ONLY 35 ct. A COPY—MAN KNOW THYBELF Dr, Hunter's Medical Mirtoel and Hand BmA for the Affiicted, Containing aa oatline of the Origie, Pregreaa, Treatmet t and earn of every form of disease, contracted by Premie aaous Saxnel It.lercouru, by Sclf-sbusr, or by Sexual Rxeaaa, with advice for their preven tion. Written In a familiar style, (voiding all aiediral technicalities, end everything Ihtl would offend the car of decency, wilh en out line of complaint* incident to remalfs.fWim the result of some twenty year* successful practice, exclusively devoted to the cure of diaeaaes of a deli* ate or private nature. To which if added receipts for the enre of the 'above disease*, and a treaties on the ceases, symptom* end cure of lb* qnd Ague, Testimony of the Professor of Obste trics, in Penn College, Philadelphia. "DR. HUNTXK'S MEDICAL MANUAL." —The author of this work, uultke the majority of those who advertise 10 cure the diseases of wbirh it treats i 1 graduate of one of the best Colleges in lbs United Slates, It affords me laasurs to recommend him to the unfortunate, l*r to the victim of mal-practtce. as a successful n nd experienced practitioner, in whose honor *n.l integrity they may pliee I'm greatest coufi a'nee. . JOHN 8. I.OIXOSIHRE, M. D. From A, n'ondward, M. D. of Pent 1. University, Philaelelpkio. It give* me pleasure to add toy testimony to the professional ability of the author of the "Medical Msnual," Numerous cases of disease of the arnitai organs, soma of them of long standing, have come under my notice, in which bis skill hst been manifest in restoring to per feet health in so me cases where the patient b*a been considered beyond medical aid. In tbe treatment of seminal weakness, or disarrange ment of tbe functions produced bj eelf-ebus* | or excess of venery, I do not know bis superi or in thepiofesainn. I have been acquainted with the author some thirty years, and deem it no more then j'jstiee to him e* well as kiiidneas to the nnforlnnatr victim of early indiscretion to recommend him ae one in whose professional skill and integrity they may safely couUde themselves. ALFRED WOODWARD, M. D. ••This is, without exception, the most com prehensive sod intelligible work published of the close of diseases of which it treats. Avoi. ding all technical terms, it sddrssee* itself to the reason of it* reads-* it i* free Irom all Objectionable matter, and ne parent howeter fastidious can object to placing it in the ban d of hie sane. The author hse devoted many years to the treatment of the retinas complaints treated of, with too little breath to puff, ami too little piesumption 10 impose, ha hi*offered to the world, ar the merely nomieil price of 35 rente., the fruit of some twenty years' most successful practice."—[Herald^ •-No teacher 01 parent should be without the knowledge imparted in this valuable work. It would save yedrs of pain, m iitlflratino and soirow to the yoath under their charge.*' [People's Adoc*le. A Presbyterian clergyman in Ohio, drriting of "Hunter's Medical Manual'' says.—'■ Thou, sands upon thousands of our youth by evil ax ample, and influence of the passions, have been led into tbe habit of self-pollution, without r*. alixing the sin and, fearful consequences upon themselves end their posterity, Th* con.titu* tione of thousand* who are raising families hare been enfeebled, if "not broker, down and tbey dotiol know the cause or th* cur*. A oy ihtog that can be dune solo enlighten and in fluence the public mind *e to check, end uly mitrly to remove this wide spread source of hum tn wretchedness, would confer the greatest blearing next to the religion of Jesus Christen the present coining generation. Intemperance, 01 the use of Intoxicating drinks, though it has slain thousands upon thousands, is nut a* great er scourge to the human race. Accept my thanlu on behalf of the afflicted, apd believe me your co-worker in the good work yon oreao actively engaved in. One copy, aeenrely enveloped, will be forwar ded, free of postage, to any pert of the United B-.iteefoi twenty-five cents, etx copies for one dollar. Address, (Ospaid, COSOKN AGO. Publishers or 'Bos 196 Philadelphia. • N. U. Booksellers," Canvasser* and Book Agent*supplied on the most liberal larma, December *8 1853 . 49—ly ' LEAtHER AND FINDINGS. TIHE subscriber respectfully Invitee the at tention of detleis end others, to his Isrge and well selected stnak of Leather and Find > logs, which is kept constantly trash by repeated drafts upon tbe manufacturers of thia country and of Europe, and which i* made up in pari of the following eillelet, via . The best Oak and Red Bole ; Slaughter, tlkirting and Dsmag. Ed do ; Harness, Bridl", Bend and Welt Leath er ; Thong and Lacing do. • Wax Upper. 800 l Grain, Bnff and Split do.; Ully Slsug, K>ps Halted end Culler do.; City. Country, French and Patent Catf Hk'na; Boot Lag Morocco*. Duck Skins. Pad skins.Chamois,arid Momeco-; Binding* and Lining* of almost every descrip tion ; Shoe Thread, Patent. Thipgd, Hi Ik, Boot Cord, Lice, aid Hi A and Union Oalleona; Black aitd Colored English Lasting. Worsted Upper*, and Criinped Fronts and fooiinge j Awls Tacks, Needles, Eyelet end Crimptnc Machines end Eyeless; Steel, tree. Copper and Zinc Neil*, Files, Rasps, Knives; Rubbers, Pegs, Bristle*; and Boot Web; Hammers, Boot and HhoeTsae*, Last*, Crimps, Clamps, Handle*. Gum, Color, Cod Liver and Tanner* Oil; Shoe Tools and Currier's Tootsot all kinds, ready fur o**, be sides many other articles not enumerated above, til of which will be tela at the lowest mwkst rates, by JOHN WUII E, Importer end Dealer, 497 Market Street, Above 13th, Philadelphia. Tin-Ware &. Stove! Establishment. rpHf. UNDERHIUNED. respectfully in. A form r hie ohl friend* hod customer*, thai he ha* purchased his brothei'e interest in the ebo* SMahlteUment, and lbs concern will here after be conducted hy himself exclusively He J, has just received end offats far .vie the m*a largest and most atlonaivo assortment ment -t FANUY HTOVEB eseriiiua dueej into this market. tltovepipe and Tinware constantly on hand and manufactured to order, AU kinda Of im pairing done, as usual, on abort notice, wsstssaessaa'-' *•* A. M. RUPERT. J Ujeoguhurg Jan, Ur UMk j AUURISmTOK*B XOTICE. ,j WTOTTCE ia hereby given that letters of ' ifi administration opou th* estate of Wil flam Eserat, tee of Omn-'e tdumshin, Col- 1 umbu countv, rieeeatbd. have been grmieif to the undersigned, rebiding in OratrgeviMe All persoo* indebtSd to thu said eatule rue re- 1 queued to make immediate naynrem, and hose having account* to pruMiit l.lrfrh for t letllement to JACOB D. KLINE. ' orMnaav wbTrtfpe^ > " l , Euvelopeg, Fens, Ink, Writing aand.Ae ■ in be TouM at tbe cheap Book store of * JOSEPH SWARTZ, o ■gggggHagi ■ ! i inr ii._nmai. HENRI'S nrriOOMTtlHi COBVt AL. Pr*i7 *■ ito Thlslnvsliisbl# cordial it extracted from herbs and roots which hae Iwd found if. ter years ftf experience, by the moat skillful physicians to ha MiMtHii "f qualifies the m int hetieiftcial ie the discuses for which it ia ree ommanUrd. and Ueoce while it ia presented to the public aa an cflieteious remedy, it ■ alao Known Id be of that character on which reli ance may be pieced aa te ite safety. In oaaaa of iaapoiency, Hemorrhages, Dieorderad Mtsrll ily, Menstruation, or Bup|>iaaaiei of the Men ace, Flaor Albus or Whiles, or for DEBILITY, arising from any eaaae, fuch aa weakneaa from aickneaa, where the patient haa bean confined l lied for tome time, for females after uonfiue manl. abortion or miscarriage, thin cordial can not be.entiled it lie ealutery effe Is : or in the lota <-f muacular energy, irrilibilite, physical proat- nlion, seminal weakneaa, palpitation o tba heart, indication, atuggiahneaa, decay o the piocrcitire functions, nerroeaneaa' Ac. where a torio medicine ia required, it will hj fuurui equal, if not aupcrior to any compounri TO FEMALES. II enry*a invigorating cordial ia one of the moat Invaluable medicinea in the many oomplainla to which femalea are aubjecl. It eaaiata nature In brace '.he Whole avatem,chcck etceaaea and cre ates renewed health and happiness. Lees auf. firing, disease end unhappinrss among ladies would exist, were they getier-lly to adopt the uao of this"sordioU Ladies who are deb.iilatsd by those 01-atructi.ini which Cetnalrs ere Table to, are res'ored by tha-useuf a bottle 01 two, to bloom and argot. I B ■ M. YOUNG MEN. That aolitary practice, so fatal to the existence •o faial to the existence of men, and it ia the young who are moat lihriy to become its vic tims, from an ignorancs of the danger to whhh they subject themselves, cauaea NERVOUS DEBILITY. weakneaa of the system, and premature decay, many of yoo may r.ow be suffering, a ialed at to the causa or source of disease. To those, then who by excess base brought on themselves premature impoteacy.involuntary seminal emit aiona, weakneaa and drivelling of ths genital niguna, Nervous Aflfcclicn, or any other conse quences of nhresteainrd indulgence of tne sen sual paesionf, occasioning the necessity of re nouncing the felicities of MARRIAGE, Iraeaning both mental and bodily capacity, hold Henry's Invigoratinff Cordial, a medicine that ia purely vegetable, will aid nature to restore those important functions to a healthy stale and will prove of ear sice to you. It possesses rare virtues, ie a geneial remover of disuaae end slrengtbener of the system. AS A TONIC MEDICINE. it is qrenrpsseed. We do not place this Cordial on a footing with quack medicines, end. as ie customary, append a long hat uf -rconrmsndt tiona, Ac., beginning with 'hear whet ihn prea cher arys," and such like; it is not necessary, for Henry's invigorating cordial aniy needs a trial t<> prove ell that we say. THE GENUINE "HENRY'S INVIG ORATING CORDIAL," a pot up in & ox Pannei Bottle. ■ and it eaeilv recognixed by the manufacturer's signature on the iobtl of web Bottle, (to counterfeit which is forgery.) CTSold for Si per Bottle: six fir $8 ; #l6 per dozen. Prepared only by S. E Honrs, No. 3 Frank lin Kow, Vipe at., below Eighth Pbiltdelpbin . Ph.. to whom all orders must be addressed. For , Sale by all the respectable Druggists and Mer chant# throughout the country. T. W. DY'fTT A 80N8, No. 132 North Id at., Philadelphia, 8o!e Agents for Panntyivae nio. January 29. 1831. 1-—ly I'emiNt Ivtinln Wire Work*. No. 21 Arch St.. nhooe Front. PHILADELPHIA. fITHE Subscribers have on hand, and ire * coneiatnlv manufacturing. SIEVES. KID- Di.ES, SCREENS, WOVEN WIRES, of all meshes ond u-ulthe. Alao nil kinds nf plain and lanoy Wire work. Braan and Iron Wirn Steves of all kinds ; Brass and Cop per Wire Cloth for Paper Makers, kc. Cyl inders and Dnr.dy Roils covered in the beat manner. Heavy Twilled Wire for Spark Catchers, Sieves for Brew and Iron Founders, Screen Wire, Window Wire, Safe*, Trope, Dish Covers. Coal and Sautl Screens, Ac. - BAVLISS, DARBY k LINN. August 17th, 1851. To Country Merch ants. fenit onb foufertioncirn,' RUBINCAM & SELLERS. witut.RRALB MANcramtasaa AND DKAI.BHS IN CONFECTIONARY OF ALL SIX US. Nu. 113 North Third Mb, below Race, PHILADELPHIA. *TIHE attention nf Dealers ia requested to * an exetniiigiioa of their stock, which will bo found to be at least equal to any in this any. FOREIGN FRUIT of all kinds in season. K. 6. Orders by mail or otbeiwise frorpptly attended to. August 17th, 1834. Plktlirm Scaler. OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, SUITABLE FCR RAILROADS, An., for weighing HAY, COAL. ORE. and MERCHANDISE t tfeiioraliv. Perutinsors run as risk, every i sculo is GUARANTEED CORRECT, and if, after trial, not found tattsfaoiory, uau be , returned without charge., „ ■* I BP"Factory atthe Cfld Star.d, eaiaSnalieo lor more than twenty year-, corner of NINTH 1 and MELON Streets, Phlladelphiv. ABBOTT A Co. Successors to Llluot if Abbott I Philadelphia, A "J. I, 1854. Philadelphia A Reading Rail JUa4. PASSENGER TRAINS Par Pettsvtlle, Reading Ac. A. MORNINGS LINES. Leave Philadelphia and Puttaville at 7$ o'- clock, P. M. except Suuoaya AFTERNOON LINES. ] Lea via Philadelphia and Puttsville at 3} o'clock P. M Bleep! Sundays, < FARES. Ist Cms* 2d Cu. J Betweew Philad'a k P<mvilte,3 79 tfsS • lint wean "Philed'a & Bvqding, IT# I 4ft 60 iba. Baggage allowed to each passen- > iter. s ON 641* DAY—OneTmih, leaves Thiladal- )hik at t| o'clock A. Af Stnl returns from ' Pottaviliß at 4 o'clock, P. M. taking ho bag- FAIIK FOR THE EXCURSION", #l. r ' All Tickets must be purchased befoti* I **- frrint the Chi*,- K J* '* c '' DBPOT ie Philadelphia, Comer of Broad hnd V-no Streets. a -I'isd22: 0 - u A NY Justice of the Peace wishing to pur phqa® a cooy of Purdoo'a Digegt, cau be by at be this Ik offre | fb TBECfetATEST DISCO VEttE! tHE t . / . 1 A certain core for Consumption, Bronchitis and aQ diseases of iha , Live*. An In- SSMTEMft- K&SSlff !SZ'<SZ sauffs from an untimely grave, 42 eases have heeocured act of 61 wtthir. i moaths, in Philadelphia city and county. Eighteen ot the' above eaves have been given up by their physician*, and pronounced ineureeble, and they are now healthy; Tba medicine ia simple and Botanic, and can be ga'heied from every farm and at alt times of tba year. Thin receipt with printed djiections and ear itHcateiof cures Iron a number of distin guished individuals in the eitjr of Philadel phia, wilt b forwarded ta any parson in the Uhited States, free by enclosing two dollars in a letter poat-petd to Dt D. E. COLE, Burlington, N. J. [May iftth !854-6m. Second -Arrival NEW GOODS.. EVANS S APPLEMAN Have just received a r resh stock of new Summer Goods, to which thsy iuvite :hn attention of the people. Their assort ment is now litll again, and ihey can fur nish any thing in the department of Dry Goods, Hardware, Groceries, Queensware Crockery or Cedarwrre, at the lowest prices' Bloomsbnrg, June Ist 1854. ~FttEDKICKS AXD BROOKS, AT THI NF-W FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP ; In Cattawieea, VV7ILL make lo order every kind of cesl * * ins the*, mav be deeired. They have atld will keep on hand I STOVES AND PLOUGHS, of different styles ; and will manufacture lo order Threshing Machines, Corn Shelters and other agricultural implement#, aud every va- 1 riety of machinery. They are prepared to make castings of any pattern lo order. They will also do turning and boring in iron ; and will repair machinery of any bind. Tltt'it establishment is on the first square above Market Street, near the Methodist Church. > ' i GEORGE FREDRICKS, SAMUEL BROOKS. Cattawisfa, July 8, 1854. ■ JYOTICE IVOTICE ia hereby given that the undet -1 ™ vigiied citizens nf Btownsburg Columbia Cnnnty Pennsylvania, will apply to the next legislature lor a Charier lor a Bank lo be Inca'ed el lilonntxburu la be Qalled the '• BIXiOMSBUKG Rank" with banking priyilige* of isme, dist-nont and depnsM, with a capital of two buudred thousand dol lars. Daniel Snyder; Wm. Robiaoa, L. B. Rupert, J. Ramsey, Wrtt. Sii)tlet, R. B. Arthur, E. M-n-letihull, Ephraiin P Lutz, A. J. Sloan, Joseph Sharpless, Lloyd Paxton, Wm. Sloan, Geo. Weaver, S. Meudeabail. Bloomsburg 22d,—1854. J. STEWART DEPOT, AT 223 North Second Street, below Callowhill, Philadelphia ; has on hand a splendid assortment of Velvet, Tapestry, Brussels. Three Play, Ingrain z and Veuitian CARPETS: beside* Drug- 2 -* gets. Canton and Cocoa Mattings, f V\ WINDOW SHADES. Door Malls,Floot O S and Table OIL CLOTHS, Stair Rode, £ Heartli Rugs, &c. Alao, the same at H < his other Store, corner of Bth and <-> Spiing Garden dt., under the Spring ' Garden House,—^Wholesale aud Re tail. April 13ih 1854.-fitn SKEafES & SELTZERS' WHOLESALE No. Thrd St., (Above Callowhill,) Wwaav pniLni:LPuik, A GENERAL ASSORT3AETOF BRANOIKX, WINES, TOROIaII, Aud Liquors of ororj description I . x. encrfz- *. e. e*i.Tz*a JOHN WOOII:S Agenf. STOVES! STOVES! AHARrLEgS - HELIOK HAVE opened a new Stove and Tinware Establishmeitl, on Main street one door above the Court-house, where they are pre pared to furnish goods in their line such as Tin. Sheet Iron. Ihllom Ware. Brute KettUt, Cast Iron Sinks, Frying | Pane. Stove Piprt, all kinds \ of Tin Ware, Broom. Wire , 4'C.. at extremely low Prices. Among their • na rie'y of ' mi smsrmi, may he lound the Home Air Tight, Wilbam Petin. Globe. Coal Mo-tntain, Miners' Choice Van Leer'e Kitchen Comfort, Double Oven, the celebrated Raub Conking Stove for coal or wood, end others, too nomefOue to men tion. Also Parlor Grates, Office and I* A MOP Moves, 1 in great variety. Tin Ron fine, Gutters, Lead- , era, and all kinds of work made 10 order, at J the sbnru -l notice. Repairing of all kind* attended to. Bloomsburg, April 27th 1854.-lf. REMOVAL. yj-icftt i tmur i M. B. DYOTT to KENT Have removed le ibeir NevJ Htorf and Factory, No. 74 South Second Street Philadelphia, (Five doors betew their old atand.) 1 ised facilities, e offar to Mar- ® chants anil mhsrs, OAS FIXTURE'S end , LAMPS nf every tlsserii tiee, end at the low- „ eat Manufacturer's prices, sad uaauposeed in quality ur appearance by any in tne Country. £ Our Stock embraces Djoil's Patent Pine Oil Lamps','(the best tn tha world,) Bernii.g Fluid end Hoist Lard Lergpt, Chandeliers, tor Gas, Pins Oil, Molar Lard, and Fluid, Hall and Pat- _ en: Hpri-.g Hand Lenlhorns Globes. GJaaoei, Wicks, Pist Oil end FluiJ, Wtroterste and Retail. Merchants and others will find it to their - f advantags to caff and axaetina ear Su>ok and i Prices. v KT Particulir attention given te ffttoeg up if Cberqhes ai d udter public buildings- gi Philadelphia, Sept It*. 1854.—Ssi, ft' - BLANKS IB LAKES 1 1 BJLABKSI! J and loper end deetrabfoforaaffo- or u ice of the "St ato f the North/' ill 'r II fTPim" i-|j- I i tr jL TO THE FSSIIONABLE AND <S>U>aQOBIXISB fpNE ondartigoed, having inst received th* * latest Paii* and New York Faahiooa, would again bog leave to in form bio numar oaa friend* and all the world about Bleems bufg, that lie is now bettor prepared than ov er to aeoomiqodata any ono with the neatest, easiest and beat filling suite of Clothe* that hao boon tli Ared ont lately; and not only that, but be will also do them up in the best order, upon the lowest term*. Hi* shop is at the old • wan it, (too woll known to need luither notion) where lie may at ail time* be found, seated upon the batik of repentance, steadily drawing not the Ikrtitd of affliction, bopeing it may in the end prove advantageous to Itian and hta customers. Ue wottid also advise hi* friend* to bear in mind that poot, afflicted tailors must live, or-they can't he expected to Work. Therefore, Wheat, Bve Corn. Oala, Potatoes, and with all upw am': iliei: a little CASH will come mighty handy from those who ate back-standing on h:e boob; • Remember, gentlemen, that in all cases " the laborer is worthy of hie biro." BERNARD RUPERT. Bloomsburg, April Utb, 1853. The Walter Scoff of ticrmai.y NOW READY 7 -A\ ap j Q B A NO*WEUIA \ AND LAPLAND TALE] ' Ol , AND LOVE IN NORWAY. Translated from the German of Theodore Mugge, by EDWARD JOY Mounts, author OR '•Travels in the Eaat," '-The Turkish Em pire," &c. Price iu cloth, ft,25 In two parts, paper, Si rpHE Murgenbhitt, a high authority in Bell* l.ettre criticism in Germany, says oftbiv work : "This popular writer haa again displayed hi* ganiiis in a graphic and interesting nar ration of entirely new and attractive scenes. His romance introduces us to a region with ' which lie i* thoroughly acquainted from per sonal observation, bin which i* a rare and almost untrodden field of fiction—the re mote neighborhood of the North Pole, aqd those ley, desert steppes, where the Laplan- I der pursue* his wandering life of privation and suffering. Hl* life-like descriptions of the manner* aud customs of this curious people, and the Norwegian settlers on the coasts are drawn with such power as to a wukvn the keenest interest in his brilliant story, and to keep the attention of the reader intensely excited from the first to the last page. The charurters are portrayed with a rare skill and fidelity to nature, and the whole composition cannot fail to augment the reputation of ibe author, and to place bim in thg iruat rank of Geruiau historical novelists." The reader will discover, in bis perusal of this beautiful work of genius, that this praise i* fully merited; and he will not fail to re mark the high moral lone mid pu-e senti ment which pervades the whole composition —the more striking from its contrast with ihe depraved taste and oorrupting influence of so many of the works of fiction of the present day. The great success of ''Alraja" in Germany, -where it has rapidly passed through several 'editions, proves that the popular rnirtd has not lost its partiality for those who seek to refine and elevate the imagination, and to base their hopes ef success oil au appeal to the higher feelings of our nature. !T Copies sent by mail, free of postage, at the above price*. Addres* LINDSAY A BLAKISTON. Oct. 19tb, Publishers, Philadelphia PHONOGRAPHY. "Had Phonography been known forty years ago, it would bave saved mn twenty years of bard labor.— Jlon. That. 11. Beaten. ' Soma of our students, not twenty years nf ego, are making more money by Pho nography than the Principal of .the High School, after having given himself for more than twenty-years ro his profession." John Hart. Principal of the High School, Phitada. This beautiful and uselul system of short hand tauahl through the mail, by William Tebbs, Phonographic Teacher, Providence, R. I. Terms for a course of 12 lev on*, in cluding full explanatory oorrectieua ve all exercises, 25. Any newspaper, periodical, &., giving bis advertisement two insertions, (including this notice) and torwardiug a copy as above will receive ihu lessons aforesaid. Oc<. 2d 1851—21. REEVE I. KKIGIITi (Successor to Hartley 4" Knight.) BEDDING AND CARPET WAREHOUSE, No. 148 South Second Street, Five doore above SPRUCG STRICT, PHILADELPHIA, Where ha keep* constantly on band a full as sortment of every article in hit line of huaineee. Feathers, Featherbed*, Patent Spring Ma Urea sea Curled hair, Most .Corn Husk and tin aw Mattresses, Velvet Tapeatry, Tapealry, Brua. tela, Three.Ply, Ingiaio, Venetian, List, Reg end Hemp Caipctings, Oil Clothe, Canton Mat, tiirga. Cocoa and Hpentsh Mattings, Floor and Stair Druggets, Hearth Roge, Door Mats, Ti lde and Piane Covers, t-> which he respectfully invito Ibe attention of purchasers. Philadelphia Sept. Ist, 1854.—1y. _J; \ Cash paid for straw. The subscriber will pay cash for Straw de livered/at 4tla<M*l>ar Mill at Mktyreve, Mat < Light Siree'i,-Bt the following rate* to wit ! Short siraw 26 50 per ion. long etraw 27 per ton. These rats* will be paid for either Wheat, Rys ar Oat* straw in good dry con dition. j For flax, after ibe seed ie threshed off, lie will pay 910 per ten. THOMAS TRENCH. Millgrove, April Bth 185-I.—tf. t APHINIS.TIATOHI NOTICE* mrOTICE is hereby givrn that iei,e; of AT edmitiislratien :;p irl tll „ estate of John " He'tier, late of Mifflin township, Columbia . county, deceased, have been granted to the ' undersigned, residing also in Mifflin town- k -hip. All person* indebted lo ih* eatate of * said decedent are hereby requested to make payment wilboot daisy, ami those having " account* bim t* present them for settlement v to STEPHEN H MILLER, C JOHN C. HETrLER. V Mifflin, September 20<h, 1854 —At. ADMINISTBATOS'B NOTICE. 1 NOTICE I* hereby given iftat letter* of Administration upon the estate of Dy-Ji nd Johnson, late ol Mounipleasant town •hip. Columbia county, docaased, have boon J trtnteil to the undersigned, residing in " Vloentpleaaant. All perimts indebted to tb* „ istato are rtrparited to make immediate , bcco,idw ' ,o s JOHN JOHNSON. P; MrmntpHhiant, Sept/Bth, * FANCY GOODS, of ovary deecription and w ariaty, naw style*. and (rash Iron Now York w ind Philadelphia, for saloat h# eheap atom M'KELVY, NEALITCQ #. E. BKADLET.PrKIcjAI W..J NEE.BMAUI.Ey, AartJll. The ensuing SESSION will comaenoo _ ' . •* EMM p.-f The academte year consists of 44 vt'*nlA The price ol tuition per quarter it pat* JUNIOR DEPARTMENT. Spelling.Reading Wrjtle&ane Second ClHA#.—Arithmetic eomfnueff '' to SENIOR DEPARTMENT. Elocution, Penumanship, English Grant mar, Arithmetic coirtoMteiL Book-Keeping be •.mule entry, Geography, History, J 7g !rt'±r f ' jp £■• Latin, Greek, German and French, 26*00 " Drawing Extra " j 20B " Painting in Water Color*. " 23 02 do da Oil, " 55 ou vJ Teachers' Closes will be ohanixed lor the accommodation at those who are pre paring to leach. To this class special in sirucimn will be given in reference to the manner of teaching aa well as the branches to ba taught. Every Scholar, unlesa specially excused is expected to attend to Composition and Elocution. ■ NOTX.—It is important that acholare enter school at the beginning of the term aud be regular in their atteudance. Persona desirous of attending to ana branch of learning taught in the school, and whose arrangements, will not permit them to be present during all the regular eobeo honre, can study at home and ooere in at the time ol recitation. s.-c,i. W Good boarding oan be obtained in axis vate families at 22 00 per weak. Bloomsburg, June 28th, 18$4. 03DLaa<ajacEk6BTJK)uaasg3 Cabinet Rooms, 8. C. SHITE RESPECTFULLY invites the ATREMIEEER ol the Pnblto to bis extensive aaanrt mem of Cabinet Furniture and Chair*, whieb he will warrant made of good tnaleriaieaed in a workmanlike mauner. At hi* Establish. mem, can always be found a aood ment of Fashfonabto Fnroilw. Which is equal in alyle and finish lo tbei ef Philadelphia Of Now York cities, iflf{ k |g low prices. He has Sofas of riiffereet style and prices, from 825 !o 260. Divans, loo*, ces, Waihut acd Mahogany Parlor ehaire, Rooking and easy chair*, Piano alool*, aud a variety of upholstered work, with Dreesieg and parlor bureaus, sofa, card, centre and pier tables, detaahus, cheffenjars, whatnot# and comodea arid all kinds,of fashionable work. Hi* etoek of buMaoe, enclosed aba common washstands, dreaa-tablea, cornet cupboards, solas, dining 2nd breakfast ta bles, bedsteads can*' teat and eomtamx nhairs, it the largest in this section of tb*r noumry. He will also keep a good amort ment of iooking-glassev with fancy gilt And common frames. He will tlso furnish Spring mattraaae* fitted to any aixed bedstead,which are superior for durability and comfort M any bed in u*4. - tf. fT Bloomsburg, April 6th 1854. *1 HITTER'S FANILY HBD> I CINE - V RITTER'b COMPOUND SYRUP OF TAR. WILD CHERRY AND WOOD NAPHTHA.—For Coughs, Colds, Ar|hmn* Bronchitis, Weeping Cough, god diaaaamr tending to PULMONARY CONSUMPTION. . Is one of the best preparations ef the 4ef for all itiaeaset of the Throat and Laega, ea thousands can testify. It codeine ne MS eotic, it can be given with pet feat aetagr tu the youngest child. Price tweaty-fire cents per bottle. BlTTKa's A SOMATIC DPFKCR CORDIAL. For the cure of Dyspeptic, Diarrhoea, ley bp'rils, Nervousness, General Debility, lie. This cordial will be found highly benefi cial in the above disorders; it la pleasant to the lasie, aud will relieve in a abort lima alt those distressing feelings to whioh dtapep tics are liable, A few dotes will atop the most obstinate Diarhrosa. Procure a Dottle andjbe cured at once. Price fifty Cents yyir SITTER'S PECTORAL SYRUP AID CAIXIXALTTH This preparation has bean in us* Car ever .•evenly years in Philadelphia; it was form erly manufactured by the grandfather of the present proprietor, and me a soothing apt up IIRS Mood unrivalled. It quiokly relieve* colicy pains, and promote* natural sleep hep infants. Price twenty-five cent* pet botfle. VANSWCITEH'S oa BLACK PILL*. Attn known as Moravian Pills, Huify Pill*. Dutch Pill*, ar* safe Purgative an 4 Ami-Billions Pill and no family should be without them. Price tweuty-five cents pet bob. The above Medicicea can be obtained gf the tola proprietor. r m I. L RITTEtL ,A , No. 9 South Front Street Philadelphia. N. li. A liberal discount lo Druggists 'add Storekeepers. . i. . i ml ii Frost Street Wire Maaentctery. WATSON Sc. COXi Sieve, Riddle, Wire Cloth Mowfo^ort No. 46 NORTH FROBT SratHcy, Cornet bf Comb's Alley, Between Malta*' and Mulburry (Arph) Streets. PR it A DELPHI A. Brae* and Copper Wire Cloth for Paper fial kers, ha. Cylinder* and Dandy Roll* ebvi ered in tha best manner. L ] Heavy TwiUed Wire for'gperlc' Cataßete. i Steves for Bras, Md Iron Founders, Sere*. • Wire, Window Wire, Safes, Traps, Qiatr Covers, Coal and Sand Screens, if f,. Wire Works of every dereripUon, ' August 10, 1854*3ih. r ' aP33arN3MMsquaL\rw H. O.HOWaR. Ladies end okntlemwE ? s Bloomsburg and vicinity. Ha la prepared gim tlWnd lo all tb* various operabqo* in Qeft JS6s"SLSSS ivjaatf*'""" 1 ' 1 " A superior artiolb of Tooth Powder*, bt trays on hand. All eperatioua on lbs teeth irarranted. t BF Office near the Academv. Bloom* burg, Nov, iofiSitt' r
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers