- ft ** "• •*.-•*. wtokvilr, UWW.' Thmrwamr Ha*'. . INI, ". '•* " rmrtf- JlwFlrfWeJjfcUafstsveromjtd* ie oper*- tW*fosenlM> fcitwvery ward societies whicb, under the name of ''Coswiimiaisi. < < lcb" *hs!l ba an offsetlo ihe Rnow-Noth- Mngs;%hd'Aiall fevor lb a Democ ratio pari}, or raher bo a branch of it. "■■' W*bate no objection to anjr movement ■which shall strengthen the Democretio ,pa- Jy, bat bin'the imitation of a thing which ■we know to be wrong tie 101 Can two ■wrongs make a right J An J will not the organiZatioiibf Ciubj imitating the Know- NothuigpUe a_concetien thai tliere ie mer- It frfAmerican Jacobinism ? ' At rue De'rhocrat hat ro distrust in the battie of the people, even though it seller a momentary defeat. In 1846 the tariff hate ay looked more dangerous in our rank* then •anyiHing at tbia day. That waa a popular Jrncrr or misconception of a principle— the pre tarn la only a silly delusion which will, die whenever the people tee iidereL •Ope itself into any manifestation of, danger npiblipanisio. . ; The Democratic parly it Ikt Constitution al party -df thia country; aud the principles and history of Jeflerson furnish line beet answer that can be giver, to the proposition •of bigoted end iniolanatd Jesuitism. Truth da as hid ae the universe, and the history of the past can fntniah a reply to every revived Heresy. In the preaeot poaition of the Dem ocratic party there ia nqlbfug (bet cannot re- J K upon sound reason for ila vindication; and nothing that must especially rely upon the barrier of the constitution lav protection. The constitution, of the republic ia fonod-. ■ed on the same principles of popular an quality'which consliiuie the charm and ia vhiOTbiltly of the Democratic party; and when tbe constitution to appealed to for a barrios, it most only be because fanaticism ■or debsian is bursting onward with a hea vier shook than an eppfeal la cool reason' "•can withstand. The constitution ia the fix ed standard which deliberative Dimooraey baa established (o teat such measures at the •exjgen'ciai of the times, and the changes of the country shall ryquiro. Tivery new mea-urfl can easily be tried by riirototiehstone whether it will enlarge or contract individual liberty, [a every owen try there are two and pnly two pobltpai in fluences. Oie has confidence in the mats of the people,.antj tends to enlarged liberty it the Individual—the other fears and des pise* the turbuler.ee of the ropgh plsbiaui, and acta to give, all power iu the hands of ■fie goveruroeol and the favored u lasses,7- One ia the popular creed ot equalizing De moeraey—the other the patriarchal and pro tecl'we system pf. a patronizing feudalism. Aft politicall measures are oqly t the emena lions or developments of principles, aud cin easily be classified to the right party.— Id different countries these two antagonistic pimeipfea assume different shapes, tot] un der a monarchy Democracy is not very rjd icel, and in a republic the feudal or Feder al element is not very ultra—in ite profes aians at least. Corisfifulional Clubs may with propriety be formed to discuss and explain those prin ciple* toe be el and wisest man of our KepnbNc adopted in auch a shape that tem porary cVamor, or momentary delusion could not dastrhy them as our oaliogal guide. But theae must be auxiliary and ancillary to the grMt Democratic parly of the republic.— They may aid it, but tbey can a ever super cede it'. ; ~l JAe Dattte of Alasa, ' - Sicca tbe days of Napoleons there has beep no.auch body eontsated battle field as that of Aims- Thecoma*! was short, but blqodf, bnd waa rather a syste mttSo massa cre than a battle. The charge of the' allies was eae of those resistless onsets with which Nppotow teas wont to sweep- %#ay Jiif roc alios, as the moablam torrent sweeps awpg tbe snow. Relth* 40,000 allies were well asatehed by.tbe bravery of all tbe 34, 000 Busaiane, and the vtolovy was h fruit less nue i indeed almost seek a one as faked when he said "another such ■victory aud we are undone." Tbe Czar has an ally stronger than England and France, in thai climate WfxMC every breeze is dis earo M* death to hi* on.cclirbated ehem ies. Sebesiapof rosy fall, but that is only h slight wouod to a oouotrV of such unlimited add vstiquasafoOSees as Russia, ft wiH cost the allio aeasa nan and money to keep it than w aro topl to take it, and when'they once rnarab nerthward fhey will find their enemy' roojr strongly fondled by Ibe climate than ever,wa an army by iu intrertchment* One tenth the toe* of toed and money which the Caer can suffer Mth impbnhyy drill breed rebeUton, in England. lWend!* hot yah ' t Ui3i4i >■ J 1 '■■■* w ,-Aollewers- (>Ae* Beach llevea, .iM"**',** ,Odt. Ist, 4864. 11 W.Wbsvbb, Esq., •' i _j. J*.,l-1 :<)W'® , ;*-Tto amount or dfibl .Tofto and,, Fines oq|(!(ad, at tbto offlmrin Sepi. is a . ~ tio, 83 Anh- perUaw Repair," '* j3d,287 Z3 Whoto arn't.froto ttot Dad. Oti ill trntoto pariod last yeaf . itMSd 02 iarsieewwr stone pefd {est yr! flf.iiut'U jlilinggiLfull/ jfnm> T 40 /jf blttuo' nera ij/AWE ,i; ■llj s st.— U Bf - If> letose atiemhtine to'iihiitsi meqtotof tbnaßtowHsani fenilwsrf R •'to ( srhvlsfr! and M*. Bbe jsss to a ttfe tsssbet. - - ".toft# to" sniUl" " " ""*1 Ijl " '"• '■ ' fj+ fit mijj a£ Mi Anlwi>liinh> vft&l ,,u will be ß C# Tbutadsy, tba M of No way first, prin ted iu mist site. ■ r roeaeii iiitin |d i'i " eliadcl OTOH*. |ler bib ippo'triioifMt. Cbsttdk Lit.to, Nowry FnbJlo at NortLembu rla u tr J .. IPKMiUH'iy : We have latsly rsflected over the tMbtmy •enhia msntoqgec thf n tokniioudd hayadbne, luie. We may taMy sy "that eae ot the ctWle. Hi gato the best yoafs nf his fife, and the' strongest energise of hie bonsai mind end tree heart to Ihoir cause; and devoted himself ie it With a disinteres ted ardor that counted no cost and knew r.o sell":-.'mens. We have seen learned Judges - of the law listea to tgie impasaibned earnest -1 ness with deep interest untii midnight: and ■* they want sway Hwfing they bad learned strong truth. We have seen hint scourge i villainy until it hid its face irt shame, end while he knew that It bad an almost limitless power of retaliation. And then no than in any party (except ' George Darsie} waa ever worse treated by the men he had served. Men whs owed all their position 'in pdliliotl life to him were the firt to stab hire. Those wheih trie toil had lifted into power denied him even com. mon deference and respect; and lifted men m honorable notice over him who were i bankrupt in every trait of manliness end honor. 1 We watched the chase when he waa hounded down like a noble slag,'and turned ai bay open bis pursuers until it look drove of them to ,f bring down" their game. When he fsll many an ignoble cur was joyous to . thinik there might be a play-day for it to swrtl into greatness, and there waa none so low to de him reverence. Those whose v|. ces he had Scderged found their oIJ enemy powerless, and fell upon the prostrate ''war l.orse" with Ihe same impunity thnt the ass can kick die dead lion. His antagonists now closed the ears df the President agaiast ■ him ; and Governor Bigler rail undo; such associations that only a very bold man in his position would have been magniniuious. Mark, we do not intend to defend the ; o induct ol Mi Frazer in the late campaign, for it admits of tio defence. But he who will look to the ingratitude that first fattened up . on his toil and then poisoned (lie minds of i President and Governor against tbia man of noble moulJ and mind, and drove him from the party for whose success be had labored more earnestly and honestly than the beat of his persecutors, will at least cover his grror with the mantle of intelligent charity. Those who like us have seen his struggles against this fate; though they may not be ready to justify htm. oen at least feel that ' What's throe me panly may compute, But Jtrow not what's resisted." We do not believe the man- lost entirely to the canse of the people. His present as sociations, like bis position, are the reauh of force in circumstances, and not of bis own choice. They are as unnatural to him as tbey are unfortunate, and canuot last for good. No party pan afford to treat such men ee Reah Fraaer was with indifference, or ne glect ; aud.il should never be an objection to surli a man dial b kae dealt Uaavy and hard blows to his opponents and therefore may hgve enemies. The New York Election Came off on lest Tuesday, and thongh we have no returns at this tiroej'we feel certaih that Myron H. Clark, the candidele of the Seward ! Whige, is elected Governor. We counted up the -nominations he has received in tbto campaign from various factions until theae nutubsred ten,- and then we stopped in disgust. Hit mansger is Wm. H. Seward, and hat secured for his protege the i support of those Whigs known as the "Wolly head" braneh of the party, the Tern peranoe m4n, Strong-mintfed-women party, Anti-Renters, and Know-Nothing seceders The Silver Grey branch of the the Whigs , have adopted Daniel' UeUman who wis , nominated by the "original" Know Nothings. | Governor Seymour was supported by the , administration Democrats and the ami-Tern- | peranoe men. Green C. Bronson ie the ; the candidate of the Hards, or anli-Admin istzetion Democrats, and will most likely , come out third beet. In orderto Mill farther , distract the Democratic party, Seward has , indaced the "Liberty party which does not tb'.nk him ultra enough in hla abolitionism, and ihe "Practical Democrats," or efiti- , Know-Nothirge, iu nominate William Good ell. M dark to alerted Seward • will bb the , next Whig candidate for the Prraidency'; | end for-erah a*d cunning there is not his , equal among the politician* of the country. | Fill mars owed hi* nomination tor the Vice i Preeidency entirely to Seward, end certainly j treated his petven Shabbily after he became ( President. But he bed a conscience, and that was the dnly trouble (fetkreen him and Se ward, who to now detavmined that ha will not again be overreached by any man of Fillmora'a capacity. He will not-general 1 Iho respectable Kx-PreeiJetil twenty times ' before break feet. I —l'.'lhh ' The Scranlea am* Pleeroitoaig Hatlread. ( Professor W. F. Roberts has some Indian 1 re/ica, oblsined from tbe RtidmOnicl* Estate, * in Lnzeme county. They were excavated 1 in grading Ihe Scramou and Bloomsburg BadroaJ, and are interesting reminiscences of ihe Shawnee, tribe, which, wilh the Del aware Indilfes, inhabited the bdaUliful valley ' of Wyoming two centuries ego. Tbi* rail- c road, wbtob passes over some of the richest ' *nd largest deposits of anthracite coal in the 1 State, to rapidly progressing, and tbe Direc- 1 tore expect, within a year, to have tl com- 1 plated and famished with eight hundred coal ' sits, beaidea others for passengers, &o.— Most Of tlto'heavy grades ate nearly done',' and the wbolh Irne to under OOntract. u ■ i'-" iaetHA "< '■ —— ' , " jj Dnwor EDwisb B. hro**mc. Etc.— t >dwmd D." U. i eioner; anditoWy.'nff Sunday nijhl, of t apoplexy. Pf mcmbe rsof them Wei/ t phi* berhavb been id ttofeMbrtd Wi Weir, i Wrt, and lfdrfi toore 'tjitolngqiaHgU ti tobol- t and-toardeabto meaoers, wbtolv rosrin hi* SenereWy atototomf Mt. -i. boxt 60 ywmff.agp- -{3F*a phpgsj I bounty. , . j IIMTII Of lttlll, —' Til K EE wriytoa i ■ KVform York, w t3atkt The boeibarilmen! o! ceil on lilt., fioto two Igwdred pirn* cos of heavy artilfery. Omar Pacha baa gone to the Crimea to take past iu a Council of War, and it it be lieved hit forces will ba sent thiiher. The "Russian troop* nnder Menschikoff fchvf Jteed iaAtyiy reinloreed. * Reports have sgain been cireoleted sim ultaneously W Tieena ,Farto and lonftbn ot the toll ol and large etook ope rations were made en the'faith of the state ment, bnt the public were *ew ro hdfieve. The Government employers nay that se rious intelligence to net looked fer before ihelieginnihg of iNovember. dn'(lie-absence of actual opdtotidnl, the paper* are twainly filled with aeeottnta of fhe position dflbe troops end projected op erations of fhe verido* forces. Accounts from Odessa to the Bth wf Octo ber, say thmfGdrtscbsikoff wxt at thet place. In consequence of the correspondence found among the effects of Mcnachikoff captured it Alma, several important arrests have been mad* *t Yarnp. TWo British Meamers have keen ordered to the See of Azoff, to bombard the town of Kunch. Lord Reddlifle his eurcceeded in procuring a firman from the Potto, to suppress the trade in Cirohesiau and Georgian slave*. A large portion of the Frehcb Baltic fleet has returned to Cherbourg. A rumor i* current that the Danish. Gov ernitjeut will piu'oabiy permit the British fleet lo winter at Kiel. The Journal of St. Petersburg of tbe 14th October contains a telegraphic despatch from Vienna, Mating that the Cotnmistiooers of the Western Fowai* and Austria and Tur key met at Constantinople lo arrange the question of the Protectorate on the basis proposed by the Austrian Cabinet. Know-Not liters la Const- In a cam tried last week before the Court of Cotomon Pleas, at Lowell, (Maes,) Jua tice Wabop presiding, Mr. B F.Butler asked Hi C. Snow a witness on the stand, if he be longed lo the secret society Of Know Nolh ingsl At first Snow denied that he did, but Anally after Contultsng counsel, answered in the affirmative; and a long cross-examina tion elicitad further answers! He had bjgn a ralhibei* of the society foul 1 ot five months. Upon joining it he look an oath, "so help me God," There, are two degraat In the so ciety.' Had seen at the meetings Dr. Nor man Smith and Deacon John Pingree, two other witnesses in ihe case. Refused to tell the form of initiation, became it might crim inate him and expose him to punishment from the society. Judge Bishop said it was a startling revelation that men took secret oath* which they regarded as above the oaths administered in the courts. A. M- Gage, another witness, testified that he be longed to the secret order, but left it three months since. Dr Smith, above mentioned, admitted that be belonged to the Know Nothing society, and that it exercises a po litical aud religions influence; a Roman Catholic cannot be admitted, although tie be an American-born citizen. Could not tell the form of initiation because it. would ex pose him to punishment; and for the same ' reason could not tell what office he held at Grolon . . Mj' Arthur T. Lee, of the Bth infan. ry, was kill ed in Tex**, recently, by the Indiana. He wae about forty year* of age at the time of his- death, and wae a native of Northumberland, and besides being a brave aoldfer, had considerable reputa lion es a literary man and a landaoape painter. Ha hail been in the eervice of tbe United Stales about eighteen rears. Ex-GovtßNoa Johnston has authorized the Editor of (ba Pittsburg Gazette to con- 1 tradict the report that he wae a member ol the Knew Nothing order. dm,•*- —By some mean* an , unauthentic*ted st stamen! baa fopnd xs. -1 way iuto the papers, that tbe Governor bed ■ set apart Thursday (be 30 of November as a < day of Thanksgiving in tbi* Common wealth, it is n error. Tm fouitk Thursday in No- j vepibsr, being the 23d of the month, has | been the customary day of Thanksgiving ia f Pennsylvania, for many years, and the up** I al Proclamation of tJoGovernor setting epatt i that day is now published. A Hssnr C*ni)l/utz.— J. W. Barker, the Know-Nothing candidate fer Mayor in Nvw 1 York, endorsed lire platform of the "Prac- 1 tioal Democrats." Tbi* gave some diasetia- t faction to hie friend*, when Btrirer very cool- I ly publishes thist he signed the clfedlar with- < out having road it. Some of thg'-'pa'toTV' t quarry whether a men who eigne circulars without reading them to exactly qualified to take cbarge of the city's business. , 1 ;w-4l zor • nr , , ■ j Thz Uscrt Lxvr Rkpcalev in Enolxwd- , Tbe entire trdpeel of the usury lews in Groat t Britain has brrelr accomplished at L 4hk re cent session of Parliament. The act by which (hit wae effected to known a*ch. 90, 1 17 and 18 Victoria,' abd to now in operation. ! H is now lawfo' in Great Brrtaln to loan torA Bey at any rate of intertit and on any doocrip- 1 Hon of property, either real estate or otherwise. ' Cbtot' Ciip or Krirrdtict.-ifa some pkrts 1 Of Kot.iueky hogs are now selling for 82 50 ' per cwt. A short time sine* fhrtnyrs in Ibe ' *atno ieCtlbnS Wer* willing to sett their hogs %r almost price whioh buyqrs Wert j * Vkilling to off or. This that the ecru ctdp in that State" has turned ' out much better thah most people antioipa- ' ted. I "i; ; boko- / d q'lfl-I Hnl -r't 'i—-' i • -|{ Cooper, it is said, Will be aosndidele for U S. Senator. Mr. Cooper I hah many friend* m bfl)th r parvus who dto e serve td see him eleqted, 1. wwimr-fa- ■aa^ifcwMgc' ■Thete it no mm e <leubt,Wy<( fb# N. Y.-;fc>tArw,.thafaapM#£e <faler af-J^l>e^r (N■<rilil•g there iiiii niiipgfmwfjl and jietr*et ic ineo, whw have Joi#lho,*def (reps the -■' belief that ft offered thertgaartrmf WMWaiag ' the eorrepiMinsandWatßekrinFihe ofaNsrsa -1 at baseoerti ttf obr< politics. - It It wfl known thai ilm original scheme of ilia society van hoi 16 aai op caqdidaiaaqtl. its owti far •f- Cmal M j| i- *4, , ■i f T° ti rsrtlt #t A TwiJaw noiti i n ii'n uy iba various political parties Mali man ma •y>ol4 really possess the kif treat qualifica baiidr.a of character and talent, and elect . them. II ia due that a mistaken mod ui.juat proscription of foreign-boru cltixcns, simply becaoen foreign-born, was also a part of tbe plan, but are dre wiping lo presume that a great portion Ol the "Know Nothing were gov erned by an hdnestartil x, a'ous deeire for the public good. And as lung ai'fbeorder seem ed lb adhere'to this policy, it not only gain ed riotofiar at Are' local elections, but Car ried With it a certain moral influence, grow ing out of its apparent independence, and it* froedorfi from peraonil end selfish aima. , But now all thia is changed, and we see the Orde| unblushingly standing foufih not as the corrector of the old political partiee, but aa a new party, even more meanly and etmnptly managed than may elf tha oU ones. It now wis ftp In o>n candidate! From Scvogine'to Schaffer, from till man to Sttirrg, all either ehtonio spcculalore lti poli lies or hidiviJuale with regard b> Vr'nqm the entire poblic are Knew-Jiothioap. The pit iful tricks, the base inlrignea, the gross im positions on the masses, which hmye, noto riously narked tbe iecerit management pi 'h; Order, and which only form a part of the poKey ell along contemplated by its lead ers, have never been surpassed m the worst degradations Of Whig or Democratic wire- | pulling. If the Ordot bad a single respecta ble trait before,it has none new. it H not only committed political ipieide, but has done it in the least decent and credita ble manner. No man qf honesty and self rerpect can longer maintain any connection trim it or receive with eny, feeling bnl scorn and drsgnst the cqmmaqd to vole for the oandidaiee it bee been owed te pet in nominations. , TV The North branch Canel, from Pitts ton to the State line, ia not* under (he man agement of William Mo Maffet, Esq., an experienced and aMe engineer* and Ml. M. hat entire confidence that lite defective sec tions can be made reliable far season. Thus a water commuaieaiioh from WUkeabarM sad Plymonth will be effected with all the canals and lakes of Wealern New York and the greet West, which heretofore has only only had a down-fire* trade (or their canal. Thx Franklin Institute Exhibition which ia to be held in Philadelphia, at Dr. Jaime's new building, on Dock street, will be opened on Friday next for the reoeption of goods. It will be opened to visiters on Tuesday, the 14th instant. EDITORIAL NOTICES. OT Mayor Conrad lately refused to ae aept a tavern keeper as bail in a ease before him, although there was no objection so tlw gentleman's responsibility. . That it runniog the thing ia iba ground. ■ . . • TV Barrtnm haa taken trf innroript df hla autobiography from Red field and offers it to the highest bidder. He eays $75,000 has been bid for it. TV John Binns of Philadelphia, who wae for many years one of tha most influential Federal politicians of the country, haa ip ipraka a volume of his political recollections. —Washington, Afudiaon, Monroe, Harri son. Tyler, and Taylor' l were Episcopalians; Jeffeison, Adams, John Quinoy Adams gjyd Fillmore Were Unitarians, Jackson and Polk were Pmsbytericne; Mr. Van Bnren wae of the Dutch Reformed Church; and President Piaroa ia k Trtqiltriau Congregatioualiat. TV It u auMoacD that Boat Winnaa, pro prietor of the extensive Locomotive Works at Baltimore,, has dismissed two thirds of his work bom, net being ablatio obtain pri ces for work suftciftqdy high to warrant him to .paying the prqrtot rata of wagee. TV fiangi Bl'a, boat ler at Relabel'* Hotel;! in AHeMOWn, eras recently robbed 0f#271 wbieb he had lock ed up in aicbeat in IbrtataMe.. „ ■. y. TV Octbaokous B*mjiW. —The Mining Regular say* that some ten theoand dollars have been reoently <|itid pet the hands in SchwylkiM county, in fen dollar ndtee, pet porting to have been Issued by the Maeknn ycV Bank .nf Afcinjnbi fffMMw. > These- " notes ace •epetnad-to be wntlrely worth less, /■ H* "• M ;i. H. r fHf It appeals thfa though thdfk fi d'" majority agaioat the liqaor law qn the di rect vnte, a majority ol the Legialative Dia triots, both Senatorial' and repraherphtir'e, have voted ia favour ol the law. Thus th e constituents of 19 Seniors end $8 repirCMh-' tstives bats given majbrltlea for proibilion . TV The PotUviKe journal Mates that on Friday iba canal boatmen held a meeting, and resolved to advance the freight on coal for the balance of thq season. Tbe exact amount of (he adranoe is not stated, but the same $3 25 and |250 were named per ton, , • OT Hon -James M. Porter has ooramen-1 cede libel saiU. against M. F, Sttllwell at the AMfaatpfim farmr, for publishing.!!, belloue nuteleeiie fiat papev. The preaeew* lion ia a criminal one and the defaedaqt was held to.bail en the sees ef SSOO. f .i I ' TV- Tbe Bfaladelphta and Swrrimry rilp road wasoompleled jo Mt.Cwmelon Tues day last. -A. leoovaotive train passed ever It an that dep.' The regular paaaenger train will commence fanning over it M a few days, 'i td . •<#!/ m-. Lenls Drmtkri* eMlmaty* that within ana year flrobi'tiits ' dkifi, ihfre 1 •Ul be at teasf one kundteJ thonaand people In Hftriws, which vrill entitle the Territory lb aJmssrtem waflMM; ,°"' r ' , f3T* Four of tbe the Missouri are '•% fig," being edlqryota with the majority. and no ; party , has a. majority . Li , .. .. / - J ■ra ncidcnt or Trtt Bam .—A dirtmaeiehed flcmlemae frofaj the mterifaof the Slate, ! #ho waspcefant atthaiioniahdfaiM ball, madw the acqeainthnoe of a rharmifagygNin* ladyujrvd it is said faav lAtrimonHFpnpieef ts klmEty i tha reeujt: Tlw lady was captivated by Lis agreeable maanhrs ami Hue appsaraeae, * fc, cb nnl medhmat off by hie l*aoTsliit • trmJ If faWdsoa*#clothing atore. Me. TlrcßeamlfilrfllfiVofneT of Frenklia Piece. lIT V I Hcnbt's InvraoaATiNO CoaoiAt.-'The raer , .itakf Ah'* purely vegetable extract far tha remdvtll and Cure ol physical prostration , > genital debility, nervous affections, Ac., fcc., I • are fully described In slither celu.na Sf>fti i l paper, to which lite tedder ie referred. 82 i per bojlle, 3 bottles for $5; fax bottles for wff; sls per doreh. QFObaerve the marks of the genuine. .Prepared only by 6. E. Cohen, No. 3 Frank , tin Rotj, Vine St., pelow Eighth Philadelphia Pa., to whom all orders must be addressed, for Sale by all the respectable Druggists aad 1 Merohants throughout the ootin'ry. T. IV. Otott a Sons, No. 133 North 2nd St., 'Bhilztlelphia, Sale Aguuts for Pennayl- I vania. . I In Murrey Bornbgh, on the SRih u'X, by 1 (he Rev. Geo. C. Drake, Mr. Air kinds* ; Ykapls, of Fishing Creek, Columbia coon ly,. to Miaa Ciiablottc Rcimsn ruxß, of Wflitoy Creek ip., Lycoming coun'.y. At Clarion, Clarion county, 6n the 12th (vi w"S.^itt>F,4)>9 Kir, J. Monipomery, Col W. T. Alkxander, editt.tr of the Cla t'-ott-Democra'," to Mil* uariiibt Watcb*, formerly of Munoy. - In Hagerstown, Maryland, on the sth of October, by the Rev. Henry Funk, Mr. gILbrAM Snvosk, of Gfloomsborg, Pa., and iaa Mart A. Funk , of tbe (aimer place. ~'a&auga& a On the lsth'of October, in Cooper town ship, MomooV county, 91'ichacl Mdbswit, aged 37 yean, 10 months and 2 days, lea ving a wife and five young children. < In Danville, on tbe 25th of September, 1864, John Ki-hkl, formerly of Hemlock, now Cuoper township, aged 72 years, 6 month* and 27 days. OREENWOOD SEMINARY SfILLVILLE. COLUMBIA CO.. PA. Vsr ifomh of both Scicv. 'MM. BVRE, PRINCIPAL. rpHIS Institution which has been In euc- JL cesslal operation for several years has recently been enlarged to give better accom modations for boerdare and increased facili ties for Tuition, tie. j. The School year will consul of 44 weeks and vacation will occur during July and part of August, bat pupils will bo taken at any season. " Instruction is given in all the English branches usn.ally taught. Natural Philosophy and Autonomy will ha illustrated by appro priate apparatus and access given to a Li brary and the use of Mathematical instru ments. Books and Stationery will be pro vided fef *ll who desire. ttffl&saso FuitioN, $9, $4 and 85 per quarter, graded by the course of study. Boarding 81 50 per week. BoarJ, Tuition washing, lights, Sir.., 851 per quarter; or S4O for two quarters, If one half is paid in ad venee. For farther particulars address tbe princi pal. Millvilte, Nov. t, 1854. Register's Notice. NOTICE la hereby given, to all legatees, creditors and other persons interested in the estate* of the respective decedents and minors, that tbe following administration end guardian accounts have been filed in the office of the Register of the coutity of Co-' lumbia,and will be presented for confirma tion and allowance to the Orphans' Court, to be held at Blonmsbutg, in and for the Comi ty aforesaid, on Wednesday the 6,h day of December next, ai 2 o'clock, P. M. , 'T-. The account of Hirath Philips, Ail miiiialratOrof Enoch Crerelmg, late of Bloom • township, deceased, fifed by Henry Hollins head, Administrator, ol the aaid Htratn Phil ip?, now dee'd. 2, The account of George Hughes, trustee to sell the Real Estate ot Jane Clark, late of Caltawlsen, dee'd. The Supplementary account of AI- " exander Best and William ForsytUe. Admr's. de bonis non cum tcstamento annexo of Jatne* Laughead, late of Danville, dec d. 1 4. The first -and final account or Wil- 1 liam Hoffman and John Hill, Executor* of ' John Hoffman, late of Briarcmtk township, dee'd. ■ •■• ■ . . j 6- The account pf John M. Fitter, Ad ministralpr with the Will annexed of henry Irvlrin, late Of Caltawlsas township, dee'd. 6. The finsl aceonnl of James Stming ton. Adm'r., of the estate of WUliam B. Heu- j drickaon, deu'd. 7. The account of Michael, Jositlt and Peter Ritienboute, Ejt'ra,, qf Cornelius Rit teiihpnse, late of Bbitver township, deC'J. #, The final account of William Abbott, Guardian af Martha, -Benjamin, Xiargaret 5c .Mary Abboit,- mutor chttdrea of William & Salnula Abboit, dee'd. 0. The first and final account of James ' Wright, Adm'r., of WiUiam Wright, late of J Den villa, dee'd . - < 10, The flrstaitd final nceotr.it of Mich ael Eryt bf Aaron Fry, late of Mifflin 't lowmdiip, ucc'd. , 11.;i4ie aqoupt of WiHigqi Mather, j Ex'r., of Daniel Shultz, late pf tireeuwood t township, dee'd. 1$ The *ofa>nnl ef John Rnbison and . isaish B. Mallck, Adm'r*., of' the Estate of William M'Entite, late of Bloom townshify * Columbia county, dee'd. u , j >• - - A li. The pcqount of Daniel Keiffer, ' Guardian of the persons and Estate* ol Hen- t ry Miller and I.ydia Miller, minor children < of Henry- Miller, Idle ef- Maibe township, Col 00. dee'd. ld„ The account of Saatacl Ladwifif. Gnardisn qf the petsoaq and, qaiate* of Sam tiel, JHarldila, Rosabella anu William Rider, minor ctriMren ef Wiiltem' Rider, late of' I Blootn lownabtp, Columbia eo., dee'd*. > V* -'-i JESSE G. E*RKV Ktgitler 1 si ,n, Jtsfaeiiea's Orrrc*,' ). us Tj.nor Ie I BleeDfatwrg,,Nan.fitWM.. J. ~s>AdAit*t < ( KJECUTOB 1 ? HOTICK. ,! ATOTICE I* hdrdby given tfiabetter* leqt*- ivwnkttlajy open the eetite of John Crfatay,' " i late el township, Colambaa county, decaaeed, have, b*en : grattted to the under aigned residing,in Milfimville. fill persons haritrg accounts agatnvt tbe estate, ape re quested fa prevent them <0 him for tfaflle-' ' taertl, aad' those indebted to the decedent to - make payment without delay to ' ~ ~i jPfaMUJit. CREAiy.iu l $ Mifflinville, NoV. Bth, 1864.-0W: ***' - 1-1 i IS. I ■ 1-1 n lihHß# '( v I, , AJttJEEICAIf AKtyrr i | The At&KKXH Armani' lAimjf. ! ,1 pnc tfu fiy nhogrwm 10 the einaens of the i peeedf cultivating taste 'for the fine arts county, and with I -View jjtf family to iiiJjl of egeneryof —^K- By th* t'i.t AvtistA of th They have <1 starm in „p order Jo croete an I OS*for ViftlrßmaitHifyilMKMt only give employment to ajarge number < f aniats ana oiLere; bm inspire among our cotamryraen a taMe for works of art, to pre- MW UH purirfuMMa ,of iksir —gievmg, when 250,000 of which are sold S5-OOC> of ih v sfo'tnrtl co.'t of $150060. f ach puichaser tof a One L)oiler Eusraving, therefore, receives not only an fifthly worth the itiortey, but also a t'iftket which entitles hint to one of the'Gifta when they are distributed. .. For Five Dollar*, a highly finished Engra ving, beautifully painted in oil, and Five Gilt Tickets, will he sent; or five dollars worth of splendid Knfrsvings, can be seleo led from tbe Ca'alogoft, and sent by retnrn mail or czpios*. j A copy of the Catalogue, together with e specimen of one of .the the Engrariogs, can be seen tt the office of this paper. For each Dollar sent, an Engraving actu aliy worth that sum, and a Gift Ticket, will immediately bo forwarded. The Committee believing that the suc cess ol this Great, National Undertaking will be materially promoted by the energy and enterprise of intelligent and persevereiog Agtrm, have resolved to treat with euch on the mo*', libera I ttrm r. • Any perron wishing. i 0 become an Agent, by aendipg (post paid,Xl. will receive by return of mall, a one dollar engraving, a "Gilt Ticket," a Prospectus, a Catalogue and all other necessary hi formation.' > - - On tbe final completion of the sale, the the Gifts will be placed in the bands of a commd se of thft phrih seta to be distribu ted, doe notice of which will be given throughout the United States and the Cana d- ,v: tor 'al i List orctifti. 100 Marble busts of Washing ton pt '• ", SIOO SIO,OOO ioo „ 11 Clav, ioo 10,000 100 •' " Webatef, 100 lo.odo 100 " Calhoun.' 100 10,000' 90 elegant Oil Pamtingt' in ' i - • splendid gill frame*, sixe it 4 ft. each 100 6 000 100 elegant Oil Paintings, 2x3 ' ft. eioh, SO hOOO 500 tteel plate Engravings, brilliantly colored in oil, rich gilt frames slx3o in h, 10 5,000 11,000 elegant steel plate En grariogs. colored in oil, of the Washington Monument, 20x26 in. ea. 4 40,000 237,000 steel piste engravings, from 100 different plates now in possession of and owaned by the Artists' Un ion, ol the market value ol , from 50 cents tn $1 each. 41,000 1 first class dwelling, in N V City 12,000 22 Building Lots in 100 and 101 si sis ,N. Y. City, each , 25x100 ft. deep, at 1 000 22,000 100 Villa Sites, containing each 10,000 sq ft. in the suburbs of New York City, amt commacduig a magnificent view ol ibe Hudson River and Long Island Sound, at 500 50,000 20 perpetuals loans of cash, without imereraat, or se- • cunty, of $250 each 5,000 60 " " 100 " 5,000 100 , " r ' 60 " 5,000 250 " " 20 " 5,000 2 060 " " 6 " 'IO,OOO Re*rWe* in regard to the Real F-etale, F. J. Vssscnea & Co., Real Estate Brokers, Neva York. OtJers, (post paid,) with mon ey enclosed, to be addressed. J Vfr. HOLBROOKE; Seo'y, 509 Broadway, N. Y. ' OP The Engravings in the Catalogue ire now read delivery.. . it New York, Ner 91 hi J85,4-6an. Columbia €oiiiii)—Court of Common Pleat*. In Ikt Walter of tJu Jftyifw* Benjamßl War ner to knot safwaltion Entered dii ibe Re sort/ of Mortgage /lorn Daniel Letan fa Casper Miotics and benptmtn Corps. vrOI'ICR is hereby given to the widow. J.e and heirs of tbe said Casper Rhoades, and also of the said Benjamin Corps, and also to the widow and heirs ol Adam Corps, deceased, end aftpersons interested in bis- Estate, that depositions pi Witnesses to . provq the facts forth in said pejjfinii will be taken before Thomas ' Painter, Ed.j Com missioner appointed by the Cftn'H fair (He purpose at ms etfioe in Bloomsburg,. in raid County on 'Wednesday the 29th day of No vein her int., between tbe hours 0! 10 A.. M.&2P.M. By o'der of the Court.'' ~i i- JACOB EVERLY, Frdkonotary. Np* $, 1864. r hi ma.': 'to. rrebgiajtAirokL'' NrfTICE i* hereby given that the leveral Cotitl* of Commom Plea*,' Ge neral Quarter Sessions of the Peace, and Orphans' Court. Court ofOrer and Terminer and Jtfl Delivery, in Uiifi'for the Co ft nty of Columbia, to commence at the CetMt House In Rtoonekurg, on Mondrry tlir 4tW day of next, to ooittimia omt wttk Tbe Ceronev, Justices qf the Peace St t Consiableev ib aed for tbecottniy of Co- I iL'tnbia.ere requested to be (hen and there ip thqir jyoper persona, wilh their rolls, record*, inquisitjone, and remem brancea. to do tltoae things to their sev eral offices appertaining o be done. AnS all. Witnesses prosecuting in beh'all of the Commonwealth against any pris oncr, are'nijtr requested and commanded to Wei hen and there attending in their pro per pereoq# to agtiett htm, s•' shatt Wo jost—'ond 1 iMt to depart vellfreut 1 leaveat their peril. Jurors me ed lo be punctual in theiv attondoooe, P the tame appointed agreeabfeTo theit tmr tides, ' d? stii ' notif bsbna a GWqiF ander may ba iml mt Shmmebttrf HfiP day ot-i 'Noveaiiber, inthe year afoqe herd-one thoussml cigut Wundeed eaafi. fifty four. mI the ludetteudeoee rrf the UiM*we*ots4iseeiw the f.., ~.(fQHJK.MfIW*. (fed < ?°q"hP'D*eßUbA>oa n vltftinr Lb!Whft'iLwisbm"i QgBIOS, mtww oxookoii, IO a, It It! Bi>tinOW; iadsHj li(C y-iwa rotsso* oX. :.M "1,-^4 Jopo, and ileaSati^W^^f See of the ~<;> tar of the '*** '' '""I 1 r Z-. MHgg" etafwift jßrfiPki Drtwfif Ina - £ [OFASS^S7o *W a, * ef B 1 Mtnvttfulim jbl, f .Sr to prvacat,iti " te#Bost elegMt and available fornj,t week f '* f* r ? ry of notable eseota of the J ri *ilP r< Ah"ot are devoted toeriginai win, skt tchia ami poems by the best Aiaer- C kan Autborvaudihe crest* of tbe ih—ll 3 with wit | folly iUustrajed with numerous accurate on ' graving!, by eminent artiste, of notable ob • jecls, cu rreot events in ell narh bf ibe tts'rfff 1 and of men sud disnnert, altoge.ktTaJSl* paper entirely original in lia.jldlkuJll-^b pnpulonv mty il tbe. known. f buildings of notfjiu it.q.eastern or weatero r hemisphere, of ell the principal ships aak 1 steamers of ths navy and merchant service, I. • rcu ponrsiuv of evety ao -1 ted character tii the worfd, both male and fe. male. Sketches of beautifol scenery, takes • from life, will Mo be glvsn, -eith numerous 1 specimens ftum tho mviotal' ikiogiteaijtb* s bird, of the air .qui U. fiah dahe.aos. Ir is printed on fine aalin-sprfgce paiier. wub new 1 ant Beautiful type, pre,,,tiug [nits mTcl.ia icsl execution aii elSgstit specimen ol art. 1 It coulains fifteen buOdred and tixry-four , s qnate inches, giving * great amount of read - ing matter and illustrations—a mammotft . weekly paper ofsi.x'een octavo paees. I J Eli MS— lnpaHnkkf fit Advaatt. 1 subscriber, ona year, -■s| ; '- 2 subscriben, " " : 4 4 '• ' rr I 4 'f " , ' %,♦ One cony of the Flag of our UniMpUit, one copy of Gleason'a l'ictorial, one year fee' $4 00. —rtift . - I.'™! t3T The Pictorial Drawing Room Com. panion may be obtwned tt any ol the pfsi odtcal depots throughout the country, god of newsmen, at sis cents per single eonVV ' • Published ovary SmeMay, comer if TiW mont and BromfieM streets, by I—i .t . . i ~ Boston, Mas#. WIIOtESSLE AUENT*. 5 French, 15ft Nassau, corner of Spreee st , New York ; A. Winch. il6 ChaatnylaT Plnladelphia; W. & 11. Taylor, fir Balli- Baltimore; A. C. Bagley, corner of Kotirth and Sycamore streets, Cinoionali; tX ■ A, Roys. 43 Woodward Avenue, Deirott; |t. K. Woodwart, corner Fourik "and Chestnut srreets, St. Loon- Thomas Luno, 40 S. change l'Jace,New Orleans. f v< ' ' ' SeriesJ 8, " TFdC'HQME JOURWAL;'-' Moaats amd wiiw, F.DrToas. ' / ' ' Tlie first number of the new • series wUI be issued on tbe first of January* neat. New subscribers can to supplied from that dattt but immediate application wilt We MacmiiMV~~ lor such m desire to tregiu muh ||| beginning. A home is hardly complete; are thin k we may safelv venlqre to sey, vr|JW. ,k out tne Home Joutnsi, wbieh, besides being a chronicle ol Ibe times, abounds in ieM(£ ' aetata desiiued "to euliTeu;,wn American Home. Ifs editors (Ceo P 'Morris and N., P. devote their euu>e lime, skill and eapcrienedpto the leak of giving, 'eaftb week, everything worth knowing. They' particularly keep an >e,n_ all the whims and novelties of ibe day TheLutmoat psiw are taken to present the facts add out! nee of all news. I„ ibe literary depauineat-.we aim at sketchds and readable crithjism, tad in our condensatioosof the production* of the vast now.paper world,of Europe, wu eu.- deavour lu avoid the tiresome snd thy lyeet, - ~ and transfer io our colbm'ns the pi*< of Eng. lish information and brilliancy, while we en deavour to select with true sense ftf MMpw morals, true nit. and geuuioe bomour. .In addition to tub above, we have made new new erringembpl*Trtr a f e arttre thaf la aL 4 ways attractive in the family joemaL From several difisrenl sources we are to be eoo- • plied with the news and gossip of New-York Society. In a metropolis like oga, centre ■ ths mere sparkling elsmenls of the life' of " out country at targe, and collision and : at trition bring out much which would else be . dormant. Afloat, ip apeietr gauip, it * small world, of which the ordinay newspa pers tnake no report, alid of this we, (hint we can promise amusing photograpbaps.' l,i ' annoiiucing also, his Usual editorial labnrs, we olairr. the pnvileg of leaving them to.de ►ignatc their own atyle anil title as ibev ap pear. They are to be qiiite different Uon\ anything Wrick has rt-rf been published in this journal from hie pen, and W* are very sure > that (hey Ut4l. be no ten amaoiivj, * M y othy Quaint'' au t mherr, will be eeieitiiiubfl, We have aloe new correspondents 'in Lao don and Parts, who will send us much thak could uaver reach us through foreign journ als. . , ° , , v ' Tkaaft —frot dne ttopy, $2, Tor ftirftU ca pias, $8; or lor one copy (or three years, $$ ~ r —always tn aHvanca. Sphtcribe nrlffieuS delay. Addtess MORRIS It WILLIS, . , 197 Fulton street New-York. New York, Nor. 9th 1854. - JOHN 8. STBKNKH - . ! .. tw* JfterorMOtfl HWJtew >', v!I.l!I Foil Winter GOODS, I'T his store 6q T Mai(t'street, Bloamsbury, J\_ to which he Invites hi* old now customers. Among bis slock will be fonmla'f fusil assortment of t. . -m s LAbIES' IiRESS GOOrS, t <uc.h #s Silks, Merinoes, (Mams, r Mrttt[ Coburg cloths and Guig haras of avry ai|^e f .j and piiue. " " ..tr<A-aiffiitf WHITE GOODS of all kinds : Embroideries. Lac**, dress trimmings, handkerchief*,, figured, plasai , Swita, tnolj, oambric and • jooonet muslmse stapeedhy. goods. including bleached and brown goods,check* table diapers flapnels, tuikmga, Manchester andT.nncasWr-gthghams, oraKh fiftMue of alt kinds. " ' ' eiiOTHS,CABl.\lttft€Bl, afi. Veslincs, cottnuade and lititt for pan!*, hos iery ami gloves,: "> >, ,T {/. .•!. $ rr; rt IAA.IT.' BOOTS, ANDSHOSOS.J. \ tdsu for Ltulisa, Men, Missel, Buywand cAfldrma.: o-ft HATS AM) CAPS, GLASSfVA**ioS ' qUXEHSWARb\CBQaOUIY- i ? WARE. HARDWARE, Moligr. we, Sptemr, tobacco, candles, and lit ahwt,,s*fy article 3S! ,n Bloomsbiugvffoveftibisr-i, IMA '*■ •*■ v_#k*L-to n<Msa atlTT, ' : W IU ' received at the hotel qf JaAMe,' '#iuh lock and building a cotleotor's tmSS '.si .lajA-U'^P. ting. w. wiflirrrr tWr #- • Etwneer au.t heperinteudent - * ! 1 0 fowfriiflw- \ • ® 1* h . •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers