%."'• Mr Pr?rWr.] '•■ *■>■**" v* 1 <■ -""v" v * Tiiitt fill Iflfflif .Mul or Cwitrji [Twi Milan pr *i*a . , f.. I* I Mil I I ttM-" 11 -., —■ —--^=^= = .— - , rr'TK I II 'it I T " '' *J' *i I* ' .; ■ :Vt t*<i-i' •' " ' sat - ItfoUME 6* iUMYHAIia UMIiMrWMB* ."it !* ■ SENATE. * 1. Philadelphia city—Eli * File*, W- -*• A CroM. J 2. Philadelphia county—W. Goodwin, L. ( | Foslkred, N. B. Browne. tl 3. Montgomery-—B Trtzk. . Chaster tod Delaware-/. J. Ltui*. g 8. Berks—W. M. Hieater. it , 4. Bswks-H.K.Ssger. ■ • Y-, Lancaster wid Lebanon—/. W. Kdlin- 3 gvr,/. O. Skummt. b 8. Northumberland and Dauphin— David # Tagmurt. < * #. Northampton sad Wrf|k~WiHim U Kip. ' ti )©. Carbon, Monro*, Pike and WayniP- p T. H. Walton. b ill Adam, and Franklin— D. Mellingir. a 1. York—Jaoob S. Haldtnan. fi ft. "Cumberland and Perry—Samuel | Wherry, -'/,.." AV C**tra, Lycoming, Sullivan and Clin, j ton—J. W. Quiggle. a 18. Mir, Cambria and Huntingdon—J. , Cromwell, jr. ' d 10. Luzerne, Montour and Columbia—C i R. Buck ale w. c it. Bradford, Suequehanna and Wyoming a —W. M Piatt. c Tioga, Potter, M'Kean, Elk, Clear- j ffoW, Jefferson and Forest—B. D. Hamlin. I 19. Meroer, Venango and Wsrrso—Thom aa Hog*. 1 90. Eri* U< Crawford— Jama Skimur. ' tl. Baifor, Beaver and L*wt*o*#—V*o. Ftrguton. 92. Allejhsnv—Geo. Dartit, Jonas R. M'- I Cftntoek. - rt • " , ? )$. Washington ami Green*— Join C. I /Wwfew. •4. Somerset, Bedford and Fulton—Fron- I t" Jordan. ' 25. Arniitrong, Indiana and Clarion—S. ' S. Jamison. 90. Juniata. Mifflin and Union— Jamei 11. I jyfrrr. 1 if 7. Westmoreland and Fayette—Wm. E. Fiazer. '9V. Schuylkill— John Htadridu. < Democrats 18—-Whigs, &c., 15. 1 . 1 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. ( Adame—Mome M'Clean. Allegheny—John Kirkpatrick, Jacob Guy, ] J. J. Stum, DAVID T- SMITH, C. 5. EraTae. Armstrong, Clarion and Jefferson, G. VV. 1 Zeigler, P Clorar, A. IF. Lain*. 1 Beaver, Butler and Lawrence— B. B 1 Ckambtrlin, IF. Strioart, R. B. ATCombt. Radford, Fulton and Cambria—William T. Dangberty, Gtorgt S. King. Burke—A. M. Ballade, Jeremiah Mangle, J. F. Linderman, Samuel Shearer. BUir and Huntingdon—George Lea., George Vmrt Bradford—B. Leporte, Judton Hokomh, Docks— E. G. Harrison, Watson P. MagiU Samuel F. Gierneer. Carbon and Lehigh—Thos. Craig, jr., J.S. Rom. Centra— D. M. Boat. Cbaeier— M. A. Hodgson, MJ. Fumy pack *r t |F#. JL Dooming. Clearfield, M'Kean and Elk—A.Caldwell. Clinton, Lyeomirg end Potter—Jiomar Wood, Wm. T. Ftaron. Colombia and Montour—Jamea G. Mar wad 1 Crawford— A. B Ross, Hcrwtfl Fowstt. Cumberland— Montgomery Donaldson, Q W.Cresnctll. Dauphin—John A. Slehley, Lot Btrgttrss str. Delaware— Thomas H. Maddotk. Erie— G.J. Ball, Jamea B. Thompson. Fayett* fori Woatmoraland—Clement Hubbe, Jeem Wedddl, Jaraee Foeter, S. B. Franklin—Jamea Orr, Janut "Low*. Greena—John M ttockdale. Indiana— Akzemim McConntll. >** Lanoaeter—Hugh M. North, Jacob L, Grgyi, JE, Jfranktin, D. W. 0 itmer, John F. Lebanon—W. A. Barry. Lazarna—A. B. Daeo'top, G. W. Palmer. Jlaeaer. Venanpo, and Warran—S P. M'* Caftawu, Daniel Lott, Ralpk Chff. Mifflin— E. Morrison. ' Monroe end Pike—Abraham Edinger. liantgomaty—Jaooh Fry, jr. H. N. Wide trskrn, tamo* JttMaehewr. KBPEampton— tl Johnson, M. Bn.h. Northnmbartand-G M. York.. ' Fftrt—firl Haines. T * , M city—M. V. Baker, 11 JT. Strong, Wm. R Worrit, Gtorgt R Smith. * Philadelphia eousty—lAlez- Cnmming., R. * CaiWe, * L WrtgJkt, E. W*TWt- Hotmu, NKH*LAa THoaaz, Cure. R- liu< coou, t. A- SihSaaW, TUOMM C. BTH.B, Hoaaar M. Fourr, J. S. FtarcHza. S. H Mhba u v. v r i v v.-'t <\,.\. i NNTNIFLBDIRDRDEJFOEI* WAM ,^^ yi 1 i > I il/MhL ; * D y jiwi •' BbpßefWMSiwaa-tWbbe* to 1 t :'ahiin 1, mt'etan WM I'." 3 A HfffNii oofo. in a. g)tu' foe. f the HpMyfwpk.; • r 3LOOMSBURG COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA., THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 9, 1854. ra" Detnl I. ot the llattu of lb* English paper, by tin Ailed with the detail, of the bntt. 0 Alma. Lord Raglin, la hi* official repi , "> deacribea graphically tb# poatllon the Rua * ■ian army aMumad, and th* advance at the English troops. Tb* position of the Russia ns crowed th* great road about *i mile* Iretn th* eea, and is very strong by nature. Th* bold and al most precipitous range of heights, of font 380 to 400 feet, that from the tea closely border tb* left bank of the river bar* ceas es and formed their left, and taming theno* sronnd a great ampitbaati* *c' wide eelley, terminate* at a aalient pinnacle where their right reeled, and wheno* the decent to the plain was more gradual. The fiont was a- j bout tno miles in extent. Across the mouth | of this great opening it a lower ridge at dif ferent heights, rarying from 60 to 180 fast, . parallel to th* river, and at a distance from { it of from 600 to 800 yards. The rirer itself ia generally fordable lot troops, but it* banks are extremely rugged, end in meet parts steep; the willows along it had bean cut down, in order to prevent them frotp .afford ing cover to lb* attacking party, and in fact everything had been done to deprive an ea sailant of any specie* of shelter. In front of th* position on lb* right bank, at about 900 yards fiom th* Alma, is the village of Bonlionk, and near it a timber bridge, Which hail been parity deaueyad by tb# anemy.— The high pinnacle and ridge before alluded to was the key #f the position, and eonse- ( qnantly there the areata*! preparation* had , been Made for defence- Half,, way down the height and teres* it* front was a trench of th# extent of some nuadred yards, to at ford cover against aa advance up th* even steep slope of the bill. On the right, and a t little retired, was a-powerful covered battery armed with heavy guns, which flaeked the whole of th* right of the position. Artillery, at the same lime, waa posted at the points tf.nl bear command the passage of the river and its approaches generally. On the slopes of these hills (forming a sort of table land j were placed dense masses of the enemy's infantry, whilst on the height* a bove was his great reserve, th* whole a monnting, it is supposed, to between 45,- 600 and 50,000 men. Th# combined arm ies advanoed, on tba same alignment, her Majesty'* troops in contiguous double col umns, with the front of two division# cove red by light infantry ar.d a troop of horee ar tillery; the second division, under Lieut. General Sir D* Lacy Evans, forming the right, and touching tb* left of the third di vision of the Frer.oh army, under bit Impe -1 rial Highness Prince Napoleon, and the light division, under Liegt. General Sir George Brown, the left; lb* £it being supported by the third division, under Usui. General Sir Richard England, and th* last by thn first division, commanded by Lieut. O*. bi# I Royal Highness the Dob* of Cambridge.— Th* fourth_Divi#ion, under Lieut. General Bir George Calk rait, and th* cavalry, under | the Major General th* Earl of Luoaw, w ere held in reserve to protect th* left flank and j rear against lirge bodies ot the enemy '* cp -1 valry, whieh had been teen in thoee diree none. v TUX OVCXATtOM Of TH* VSEIICH. Marshal St. Arnsud seuda the following account of the French operation intha bat* lie. to hi* government : On the 20th, front *>* o'clock in the mor ning, I carried jnto npeiation, with th* di vision ot Gen. Bosqnat, reinforeod by eight Turkish batalliere, a movement which turn ed tha left of the Russians and soma of their batteries. Gen. Bosquet manmuv red with as much imeUigttct and bravery. This movement decided the sueoes* of lb* day I had arranged that the English should ex tend thai 1 left, in order at the same time, to threaten the right of the Russians, whilst I occupy them in the centre, but their troop* did not astir Ain lino until hslf-pest-len.— They bravely mdde up for this delay. At balf-past twelve, th* liny of the allied army, occupying an axtent of mora than a league, arrived on t!\* Ajtpe, ynjl was received with a terrible fire from the titalleurs. In this movement, the hayd of thy eol omn of Ge nerai Bwquat appeared pa the heights, and J g*v# the signal for a general attack. The Alma waa oroeeed tat double quick time. Prince Napoleon, at th* bead of > hi* division, look possession of the large village ol Alma under the fire of tha Rbe [ sitn batteries. Tb* Prince showed himself j worthy of the gWkt name tic oeara. Wt then arrived at the foot of thy heights, un der the fir* qf tit* Russian batteries. Thar*, sire, commenced a real battle along *il lhe line—a battle with its ppisode# of brilliant fern# of vejqr. Your Majesty may bo proud of your soldiers: (bay have not degenerated; they are the soldiew pf, Aoatefli"* aodof 4*-, ns. At naif-poet 'our, Km French artny was a very when viotorieua All th* pOatflona: had hsi eairiaAas foa point of in* bayonet, tot)■i•*ywttoFleh'F■RlpeM■v, , ' Wpiek *e aoondrd throughout the day. A(fl o'oldek m th* eveoug we encamp adepdhe yaey htWai ot >tha Rusaisns— MjnVeat Wan the very spot where that of Prims* Msaaohik■€ ; stood lis the roosting, and whothhetgh hrmaelf sa auieof b—ting si (hat ha foil bieoarftage them. 1 have ta ken possession ol it, with bis pocket book and oarrtrspoodenae, and ahaU t*ko ad van ' tag* of lb* valoable informatico it oenlain- Tb* Raasiaa army will pnbably Mr Phi* to rally two leagues from this, sad I shall find it M-mepoT 4g foo fiaHcbebet betea and tlaiiaaknL giuli 'gjtfiarf inpy it full of " - "r - ' aider and aatbeaieepi-, - -,.t-1 II ■ ~ , v * TIM AWIK* At 1.88, our line of shirimab*fagot with in rang* of the battel) on tha big, arid im mediately the Russiana opened fir* at 1200 yards with cfiaot, tb* shot ploughing through lb# open line* of the riflemen, and falling intoth* advancing columns behind. Short ly arc this lima, dans* volumes of amok* rose from tba river and drifted along to the eastward, rather interforeing with the view of th * enemy on th* leu of oar position.— The B useians bad a*t the village en fire. It we* a lihir exercise of military rtlll—wa well executed—took plane at th* right time, and euccet.'ded in oocaeieuing a good deal of annoyanoe. Our droops baked when they 1 naared this Village, their left extending be* yond it by the vvrga of the stream; our right behind the burning cottage* and within rang* of the batteries. It. it said th* Rnaaians had tb* rang* of all tb* pvineipal point* in their front, and placed twig.s end nioka to mark them. In this they were assisted by tha post singnboards on the road. Tb* Rus sian* opened a furious fir* on th* whole of our line, but the French had not yet mad# t prog rasa enough to justify as in advancing. ' Tba rouad shot whiaxad ia a very diiaeiieo, dashing op the dirt and aand into tba faee* of tha ataff of Lord Raglan, who were alt* shelled severely, and attracted much of the enemy** fire: Still Lord Raglan waited p|l tieaily for th* davelopaieut of the frdneii attack. At length an id-d*-eamp earfl* ti him and reported th* French had crossed the Ahne, bat the had not aamMithed thprn salves auffiuicatiy te juatily u* ig an attack. The infantry ware, therefore, ordered to Jii ( down, and the army for a short timo was 1 quite paaaiva, only that our artillery poured forth en nneeaaiog fir* of ahaU, rockets, an d round shot, which- plunged through the Rus e'.aur, and caused them great lues. They Jid , nut waver, however, and replied to our ar tillery maufnlly, their shot falling among our ( men a* tbay lay, and.carryuig off leg* and arm* at every rounds Lord Raglan at laat became weary of this 1 inactivity—h'.s spirit was op—he looked a rour.d, and saw men on whom he knew he , might stake tha honor and fata #f Great Bri- | tain by bia s : da, and anticipating a little in a military point of view, tha triais ol aetion, . ha gave orders for our whole lias to advance. 1 Up rose th* aerrid masses, and passing < through a fearful shower of round, uasaahot, and shell, they daetied into th# Alma, and < "floundered" tbronh its waters which war* literally torn into foam by the deadly hail.— At the ottier side of tha river wera a num- 1 ber of vineyards, and to our surprise they were occupied by Russian riflemen Three 1 of the ataff weft here shot down, bar, led ' by Lord Raglao in person they advanced, 1 cheering an the man. And now came the turning point of tha battle, m which Lord Raglan, by hit sagacity and Military skill probably secured tha victory at a smaller sacrifice than would have bean otherwise the case. Ha dashed over the bridge fol lowed over by hia staff. From tha road o ver it, under the Russian guns, ha saw the state of the aetion. The British line, which ha ned ordered to advaaae, was struggling through the rivav, and up the height* in mas ses, firm, indeed; but mowed down by the mhrderous fire of the batteries, and by grapa, rpond shot, shall, eau later, case shot and musketry, from asms of tb* guns of tit* cen tral battery, and from an immense and com pact ana of Russian infantry. Then com • menced one of the moat bloody sad deter mined struggles in the annate of wer. Tb* 2d Divieion led by Sir D. Evans, in the most dashing manqer, crossed the stream on tha right. The 7ih Fusiliers, led by Col. Yey, were swept dowo be fifties. The 55th, 30th and 95th, led by Brig. Pennyfather, wfio wss in the Ihie hast of tba fight, cheering en hit men, again and again were cheeked indeed, but never drew back in their onward pro gress, whieh was marked by a fieroe roll of Mini* musketry, a f*i Brigadier Adams, with the 41st, 47th, and 49tb, bravely charged up tha hill and aided them in the battle Sir George Brown, conspicuous on. n grsy Horse, rode in front Of nW light division, ur ging them with voice and gesture. Gallant follow*l they ware worthy of soeb ea -gal lant chief. .The 7th, diminished by oae half foil back to reform their oolumaa test, for a time; the 23d, with eight officers dead and four wounded, were still rushing te the front, aidjid by the 15th, 83d, 77 dt, and 88th.— Down went Sit <f eorge ig a cloud of dast in frygf of the battery. He waseoon ap, and ahoutad "23d, I'm all right, be sure I'M re member this day," and led then* op again, but in tha shock produced by tb# foil of their Chfof, the gallant regiment aufiased terribly, while paralised for a moment. Met otime the Guards on th* right ol the light Divisioe, and th* Brigade of Highland **, war* storming the heights oc the leh' Their line waa almust as sagaUr as rttaagh 4hey wcr* fo Hysk Park. Suddenly a tern*, do of ronod and grape rushed than ugh From th* terrible battery, and a roar of musketry brain behind thinned their Iteet rants by du- Jen a. It was evident that trq warn just abfo to against the Rusaisns. favored aa ' thay wer# by a great position. t- At this vary liitte an immense ma* Of Russian infantry were eeen moving down towafdatbe b'atfory. They halted/ 'it waa the eriaia of ty day Sharp, angular, and aolid, tbay looked a* if ' wera out out of the solid rock. It was be yond alt doabt-that iT-Cur tnfantry harrasssd thinned M thay- wera, get into the .bgttevy, tba* ma*ld have to eaooquter again a forari the aituation He a*kpd if It would be poa rtble to gat a couple of guns 10 bear on these fflawH. Tb* rsply *u "Yes," and an artillery oflcar, whose nana I do not know, brought up two guna to fir* on tba Russian squares. Tba flrat abot missed, but tba oast, and tba next, and tba next, cut through tba raska aa cleanly and ao keenly, that at clear Una oou'd be aaan lor a ' mo ment through the square. Altar a lew rouAde tba coluws of the square became broken, wavered to and fro, and fled over the brow of the bill, tearing behind them aix or aeven dietinct linee of dead, ly ing at dote aa poesibfo to eaoh other, mark ing the passage of thq fatal meeeongere.— 1 Tbia act RELIEVED MM tefaairy of a deadly inou bue, andthoy ooutiuued tboir magnificent J and faarful program up tba hill. Tha Cuba ' encouraged bit men by voice and example, and proved himself worthy of hie proud 1 command and of tha royal race from which 1 off comae. "Highlander*," said Sir C. 1 Campbell, •."? thay came to the charge, ''J 1 am going to aak a faror of you; U i* that 1 yon wilt cat ao aa to justify ma in asking 1 parmiaaion af tba Queen for you to wear a 1 * boauet I Don't pall a trigger till you're 1 wHhlaa yard oftbe Sutsiane." They char- 1 gad, and w*Jl ibay obeyed their cbieflaio'e 1 wtth, fitr CoHn bad hia horaa abot under 1 him, but hie men took tba battery at a bound. J TtteSaaaUos mahadoui, and left muhitudaa or dead behind them. Tbe Guard* bad star mad the right of tba battery ara tba ' Highlander* got inta the left, and it ia laid j that tha Rdbts Fusilier Guards warn tba first ' to *ntbv. The leeopd ana Light Division 1 erewned tbe beightq. The Frenoh turned 1 tba genaea the biU attaiaat lb# flying Mass es, Which tbo cavalry in vain triad to cover. A few faint ttruggia* from tha scattered in- 1 femry, a few round* uf cannon and musket- 1 ry, and tba enemy fled to the southeast, lea ving 3' general*, drums, 8 guna, 700 priaon- ' ara, and 4000 wounded behind litem. Tbe battle af Alma was won. It ia won with a 1 loaa of nearly >OOO killed and wounded on our aide. Tba Russian*' retreat was aovai ad by their eavailry, but if ww bed an ade quate fierce we oouid bave captured many | guo* and multitudes of prisoner*. Not far from the French General Prince Napoleon, who made a moot brilliant dtbuit at tha battle of tha Alma; had a narrow es- | aapa from death, or at least greviou* injury. During tbo lima thru the sharpshooter* of hi* j 1 division war* ondeavoWg to dislodge tha Russian sharpshooters, a ball directed gainst ( out line struck tbe groand a few hundred | steps from the Prince, and bounding on, ] took the direction toward* him. General Thomas, luckily eaw thu ball, and seeing , the direction it was about to lako had time , to cry out, "Take care, sir." ; Th Prince , turued bis horse tapidly on one aide, and | the ball broke the leg of Sous fat unfold Lab. , lane, who was standing behind. Mr. Lab lane baa since been obliged to submit to , bare tba limb amy SCENES irrxa THX BATTLE. , It was a terrible and sickening sight to go over the banls field. Jill deprived of my horse 6y a chance shot I rode about to as certain, aa far aa possible, tha lo>* of our friends, and in doing sit, I wg* often brought to a standstill by tjifftcul'y of geniug through the piles of wounded Russians, mingled too odea wi b our own poor sol diers. The bill* of deenwich Park its fair lime ara not more densely covered With hu man being* than weed tha heights of tha Alma with dead and dying. On these Moody mounds fell 3194 finglbh officers and men, and upwards of 3000 Ksssians, while their western extremity was covered with the bo dies of 1480 gallant frenchman, aad of muse th<ui 3000 of ibetrfoet. Whan Lord Raglan and tiia staff, and tha Duke of Cara brid* rods round (ha too of. the hill, tha troop* efceetad them with thrilling efftct— a sbqut of'victory—whiih can never be for gotten. The enemy, wio was* flying in the distance, m ight almost bar* be Sid its eohea east rolled among the biHs. Our men bad indeed doe* their work well, for the ac tion. which commenced si 116 on our part, was over at about 4P. M. !u fact, tbe ac tsal olosf eontiouaa* filing did net last two hours. Many of tha Rutsian* warn shot ip tbre* or four places; few of Asm bad only oca wound. They seemed |o have a genetal i daa tbat they would pel murdered—possibly they bad bean told no qksrter would be giv ea, and several deplorable events look placa, in consequence. As out tr.eh were passing by, Two or lb foe of then! weft* shot or slab beJ bv men lying on thi ground, anil the cry WIS raised that - the wounded Russians" wars firing on our men. Thar* is a story, iudaad, that one officer was severely Injured by a men te whom ha Wat In tha vary set of administering succor, as h lag in agony •ntlfo fMd. Be this a* It may, them was at asm wine a near eWasce of ameaaaerer ta king nlaee; but tha man ware soon control led, and oonflnnd thiaseelves to the pillage which always lakesplaoe. en a battle flatd. One villein wi.b a r*d uoal. pa hi* beak, I regret IA fay, 1 epw go up t a wounded . Russian who was soiling aa the earth in the rear, of th*27tb ragimant, and before wa. could say a word b* dlvcharged hi* rifle tight through the wtetebed creature'# brains, Cal, ygg rode at lo qui btjn dpwn; but the follow excused himself bjr declaring tha Russian wq* going to shopt him. This, was tha single set of luhumqxpy I saw pp. tbd wowodad she ray had unquestionably en -1 daugarwd their live# by atsfo of farocroo* ftf ly. Many of tho Russians bad ttrull atoat c* and chant* around their nooks. Several were louud with Kerens in their knapsacks —moat probably recruit* from the Kasan Tartar*. Many af the officer* had portrait* al wives and miairamas. af mothers aod sisters, inside thai* aeatt. Tba privates wore what little money thay pasadasad in purges, fastanad below tbair left knees, and the man in tbair eager search after the money, often caused the wounded painful apprehensions that thay war* abaul to daatoy theui. last eight all thae* poor wratcbet lay in tbair agony; nothing oouhfbe dona to bolp ibam. Tba groans, the yails, tba cries of despair and sufforing, wara.a moomful oommaatary I on tha exultation of the victors and on tha 1 joy which reifhed along the bivouu fire* of I our men. t The attitudes of soma of the dead war* | awful. One man might b* seen resting on i on* knee, wish the arm* extended in tha form of taking aim, lb* brow compressed, the lips clenched—the vary expression of firing at an enemy stamped on hi* face and fixed there bv death, a ball had arrack thi* man in the ttesk. Physiologists anatomists must soul* tba real. Another wa* lying on hi* bscx with the tame expression, and bi* arm* raised in a similar attitude, the Mini* musket still grasped in hie hands undischar ged. Another lay ir. a perfect areb, hit head rastiog On one part *f tho ground and his fast on another, but the back raised high I above it. Many men wi'hout log* or arras warn trying to crawl down to tha waterside. 1 Some of the deed ley with * clalin, placed I smile mi the faoa, a* though thay war* in I soma delicious dream. I BQOTMCAT or TUX RUSSIAN SOLDIKX. I Tha Russian soldiers war* mostly stout, strong man. Several of tba regiments, 33d, i and IMb. for example, wore a black leather t hslnint, handsomely mounted witb|braM, < ami having a brass enwe on tb* top, with a I hole for the reception of tbe tuft, feadtyr or i plume, other* wore simply whits linen i foraging cap. They were all dressed in i long drab coats with brass buttons, bearing | the number of iba regiment. These coat* i fiiued loosely, were gathered in el lb* back by a small strap and button, descend te the i ankles, and seamed stent comfortable gar" I mania, though the cloib wee course in lex- i tore; the irowsefs of onorse blee staff, ware thrust insida a pair of Wellington hoots, o- j pen at the ton, to admit of their being com- i faWably leaked Js es live beets sees# Meat, i wall mad* and eervicaabl*. Their kuap- t tacks astonished our soldiers. On opsning l them, each wa* found to contain tbe drese I uniform coatee ol the man. blue or green ' with white facings, and siashee, like oar | own, a pair of clean drawers, a clean shirt, a pair of clean socks, a pair of atout mils, a ( ease containing a good pair of scissors mar- j kad "Sarun," an excellent penknife with , one large blade, of Rnetiah manufacture, a ! ball of twin*, a roll of leather, wax, thread, . needles and pina, a hair brueh and oomb, a •null looking gtaass. rstor, strop and soap, alio* brushes and blacking. Tha ganaral i remark of our men was that ilia Russian* , war* very "ofoan soldiers,'' and certainly tha men on the field had white fair akin* to justify the expression. Eaoh man had a loaf of dark brown bread, of a sour testa and disagreeable odor, in his kcapeack, and a linen roll, containing s quantity of brown course stuff broken into lump* *ad large grain*, which is crushed biscuit of hard granulated bread prepared with oil. Tbis, we were told by the prisoners, wa* the Sole food of lbs man. They eat the bread with onions tod oil, tbo powder it reserve ra tion; and ii they march thay may b* for day* without food, and remain hungry till tbey can get fratk loaves and rtflff "bread stuff." It is perfselly astounding to think thay ean keep together on such diet; and y*l tbey at* strong and moscular man •- nongb. Tba surgeons remarked that their tendency of lit* was very remarkable. Ma ny of them lived with wound* oaletilatatl to destroy tern or thro* ordinary men. The immense tuperioety of the Minis ri fle and bul let, not only over thai common musket but *v*a over the common rifle was incoi.lettibly proved at this battle. Many of out lei low* were ahgh'.ly wounded, hut none oi the.Russians were so. The Miufo ball majipe no slight wound. The affect on tho Russian*, judging from tbair dead, seamed awful. , Whan u struck, A tare and broke all helora.it. flouts of thair wounded told nt that men were wounded by the Mini* bul lata alter thpy had petard through tba bo die* of thair eomrade- Tb* immense ma jority of the enemy warn wounded through the head generally struck about tha throat or under tha chic, for tba maa fired upward* as thay war* aaoending the hill. Tba com mon muket bulla! at souh a range would harp dan* no great damage, but here the ball* had come out near tha top of tb* ekoll, rending thu bona paid dona by a hatchet— Tba wounds ware awful. CLASSICAL ASP PULITKI.—Tha aditor of tb* Columbus (Ohio) Statesman in order In avoid lb* ,: naiae and confusion," attendant upon the results of tha lata election, paid a visa to tha Stai* Fair whicn ha thus good hamoredly datfiibft"We pw the the Ayrestnr* bull, from Clinton county, that is wall entitled to tha Latin term l>, with a double i. Tha kink* in tha hair of his nSqk tf that b* any., sign of good blood, where I a* silken a* the ringlet* of a eemlnaty girl; . pud bi* eye—welt, we left when be looked at u*. Since the a taction wa can *f*M. *l-, mart btM thering lit thu arkrftt| r s noe* looked ihsecu.e, atfo wa ffiff notfllifo# hat that ha might have unsubdued pisjudi oas agawat Demoaratic editor* Tie* Girl whs was a MaavKxtmnreiaesy Adveotates aa a UeascasaM. Tha Albany Journal contain* the particu ara of the sir.qolal case mentioned in tb* ledger yesterday, where a girl emplojadaa (|om9*tio in the family in Schoharie coun try New"York, proved to be a man; A few month# ago, a robust looking pat •on, dressed in the becoming garb ol a fe male domestic made application at Butt'a intelligencs office in this city, for a aituation to do ordinary housework. Soon after a lady from Schoharie county spoiled for help bat all whom she selected Wer* unwilling to leave lowu. Tha domsstio above tsfered to, however, expressed a willingness to en gage, but the ladv did not like bar appear ance. But finally she waa reluctantly com pelled to accent of her service*. She accord ingly ordered her to appear with her trunk at the Mansion House, at 8 o'clock, th# fol lowing morning, where the _ found her in time quarrelling with th* carman, whom •be offered a sixpence—all the money aha •aid aha had—for conveying her box to lb* place ofnndaxvous. The lady settled the difficulty, plsoed her protege in the stage, and proceeded with ber to ber pleasant mansion in old Soliohari*. Nothing transpired for aevaral day* to disturb either mistress or servant. The litt ler took hold with most wounderful indut. try, rising at 4 o'clock every morning, and wotki ng to long as there was any work to he dona. Indeed, to a*s idiom was she that tha lady of the house leprovad ber for wor king harder and later than was afeeawry. Her only reply waa that sha could not fiatr to be idle, and would rather, work than play The first remark on eccentricities Was made by a little g<rl, who one morning en tered the parlor with open mouth and eye* exclaiming "Oh! grandma, what tto you think, that new girl cos* down the cellar stair# at a single jump!" But this was uot deemed sufficiently strange to exche any oibtr remark than that she waa "a smart girl!" New devalopamaots, however, wera 111 reserve, A few evening* after, when all the workmen about the premise* ware at supper— fifteen or twenty in number—the household was startled by a boisterfius laugh of th# men. On enquiring the cause, it ap peared that "Elizabeth" had on t banter, jumped spuare over th* broad table, dishes and all, at a bound, and offered 10 wager a ssvbouwsl thst lhe would 1 do tfiv same thing if a chair were placed on tha top of the table—only stipulating lot a aiiigla step backward. No onq, however, accepted the wager, but all concurred that "she was a lee tie the smartest critter in the diggius," In the course ot tiaa* a fellow servant girl (with whom the strings girl roomed) informed bar mistress that the could not rem eia any longer in the family if "Eliza beth did not leave. She refuted te aaeign any reason for this intimation; but "Eliza beth r " when arraigned, said th* other ser vant* wera angry with her became she "re fused to contribute a dollar to the priest." As tbia waa kuown to ba true, "Elizabeth" was told to go to ber work, aud the other to leave if persisted in bar demand. "Elizabeth" continued to grow in favour with all haqdq in spite of ber apparent stu pidity; but she wee particular intimate with one "Patrick" with whom abe often took e vening rambles. Her mistress cbitied ber for this intimacy, .warning ber against "all gay deueivers;" but she closed all reproof by the very nnexpected information that "Patrick and aba were engaged to he mar ried !"' No one suspaoted aaything amiss in "Eliz abeth," until one morning, on the return of tha-gentleman of the house after several weeks absenos. The family, coasistinf of sons, daughters, son-in-law, grandchildren, &c.,wete quietly seated at breakfast, with {' Elizabeth" serving at labia. Th* geetls man scrutinized has pretty closely, a* she retired, breakfast olid* waa startled by hia throwing down his-knife and fork aad exclaiming "That girl's a tnao-wdidu'l yen notioe her beard I" "Now don't h*. boyish with your nonsense," f;oai trie wife, and a heart y laugh from the whnle group, waa all the response h* received for bia wounderful discovery. " Elizabeth" ooutiuued to work with greater vigor and effect than any giri" ever did work before, and the family resu med their usual congratulations at their good luck in having picked up so "good a girl." In a week,or two, th* gentlemen of th# house faaq oration to leave home for a time, and was a boot to gel into a carriage, when It occurred to hint that (bar* might not be money enough in (he safe for household and business purposes until hi* return. He looked through hi* account "book aud found that :hers should be some 8375 in gold in the safe, besides seme paper money. On looking to see if he was right, ite found tb# paper money but the gold nod diatppeated liars was "a go." "Who w* the robhor ?'A was tba next question. He decided in his own mind that Iharo was but on* sarvavl in tb* bouse with wit enough ia get bold of (he key* aqd remove the money, unobserved. And aha was the favourL# and trusted nurse of tb* grandchildren wftsp* mistress was then absent, it waa determined, therefor#, 'hat she should be arrested, hsr trunks sear clred, ike. A search war rest era* according ly obtained, with direction* to the officer to •foftd.iif foadjn#*! • J>*n yot for. As tf to confirm the justness of these sus pieiorts, the girl informed the son-in-lagr, , who#* children sb* bad omted, that she waa going to leave, in a few day*-, although she had previously frequently eapsaaeM a deaWe 16 always five wnh the family, who hod ni>* fdrmJy treated her wiib kindfMCi j NUMBEK"'^ ' "What do yoo mean, Mar*, by.ihis auJdea determinktion V " I not a/ hero any longer. I shell lap** on Monday morning." So the offfosr was te|d fa ba on hand aarty Monday meraiog, jux before the stage left, so aa to bar* die ab sconding servant's trunk* seambsd. *t*Tfr ha came, however tha girl haraalf asked bar employer to search her trunk.. ThiTwl 1 "confirmation srrong ae he ty; writ - ' dust ah* was the tfcief. • Why do yon want mam march jrdbr think f" "To as* that OMW eon lain nothing bat what belong* to t" " Dkl yaw soppdse yen war* aoapactaXaf theft I" ffo; bnt I supposed } might ha." "Why ?" Because there are tbaaa a, hyat tha house who are stealing every thine they can lay their hand* on, and \ cannot stay where they are." " Why did yea keep thie information from u* 1" "Becaueo whan 1 went to t*U Mre. , aha raid sit* weald net listen to complaints from servants a boat aath other, and compelled me to be silent," "To whom do you refer ?" j 'Yo IfejiggSSfc' who hae been etealing something every day." She than proceeded to name articles which she knew "Elizabeth" had ktolen, and in j notify herself fbr tha course she bad veaoieed upan. This revelation changed the aspect of aft fairs; and the fact that the same day El jag bath trraoanoed her determination to leave the went morning, did render them any tlm lam internetmg, bot promised a more speed* dmwiwamr. than"lras anticipated. It ' wait again* her track that the search was now directed, just aa it was ready to ha plsaed an the Wage. -She demurred; bnt the law, at Hfc flag* ol proceedings, knows no darn errors, and its* trOrik Was uncovered. And eaeb an utocoverfftg ?' Kolts of "urn •ilk a dozen fine linen chemise, fin# "dWtoaa, pieces of cotton cloth, shoes, drossy lag yawns, laeei one man's linen ahtrt, hist emnigU for "daddy Lambert"ami other ktST dry commodities, indicating the wimiroheot an baireea rather than that of a cook.. The spectator* looked oh amazed, and the *jf terywes not rendered any the less a ntfs tery, by a -very badly written letter, to ihh following effect'— Dtar Xante—Hurry to ns, ae your moths? ■•dying When you aorae, f will do;a|J I promised. I have the money fOrypu; and if you havn't enough to get here with, if yonr friends will fonuife U. w will rains* m. Tbara will ba a wagon for yon at Lambert villa. Come immedirtely. This latter, afterwards It appeared, "aha had induced a servant in a neighboring family to write, saying >hat she wished to show it as an escus* lor bar dssir* t? leave so suddenly. "But." saye tha girl, " this wont have a post-mark, and thay will detect yon." "Oh ! yon leave that to me," was her reply; "when I hand th* letter 1 will lake it eot of the envelope." But the tetter wee found prematurely, and, in rpitp ol ber protestations, she was hurrtsd off to jail—tha officer believing when she saw the bare aha woekl relent and confess. But got •be! On entering tne cell, the looked around ratber complacently, and ordered up frsr baggage. Thia was refooed her, bat tui pre* is ted so resolutely that her request was , complied with,on the ground that she n only lake out What site required for bo* as* while in prison. On doing so, • razor and I strop fell out of a huddle, and of being told that aha could not retain vbclea ae tisnlads , to bar, ahe beggad piteously for them, aa I "the only things left by hat deer' deml frg; ' or" Of course, no bumsne pffioerof the law could disregard such a plea, and fill | was ajlowed to retain them. -- > As soon as tha errs si waa made pMttte, with the news that ber trunk bad beak found ' filled with stolen goods, the aasghtoNt With | whom sue bad associated with > ing to the house with all pane ol arifclfe, t which thay bad racaivsd from be? ad ptws , ems. Many of the articles warn rating ntoj , by the family , bet others- were not; bot enough were identified to made* the guilt ol the prisoner clear enough for a jury. Her trial earn* on when her counsel advfrad her to plead guilty . This at first she refused i '•>> but finally consented—not,however, until ahe bad remained o'er night ia custody df"* . the Under Sharif at hia house. He pwretfa ded ber to this, and took ao much interest It her case that very unkind aes&ieiona fan-ut , n iterance; how unjustly the sequel will show. In congelation of f.fr pig* * gh%V . Judge was very merciful, and sentenced her to three month, in ibf Albany Penneottoy. Here aha arrived a few days sce,ead"fth worthy matron reeeivgd.her .kindly iin rode- ivi ced her to the fejijflq depart meat and from thence into the bath ing. room, from whence a series of loud sort ami foe "Mr. Pillsbury" were soon heard; and on hia opt peering the matron hid her blushes, and, fa quested htm to "take that rnaq AwagrVwa ' ; 1 Mr. Pißdbu/y, like a gentleman a* he ieuw ° complied wMt this very reeaouabfe reqoeet,' had the laisty rascal cicpped and attiisd lb proper garmaots, set him to wash amorm t those of his own set, wbeve be new la, whh as prepek* crep ef beanies any man could desire, and such a crop aeits couM any day have had while f housemaid, and as he' would have bad bat for tbw eemi>daiiy to- " piicatigp of the cottar left him to hie "dear * dead lathat." The rsaoal refused to own to the of th* Mdd, being determined, doobtfoed, (F gel held of its* eooe aa bdis toUoimi born* " 3 ,'$W-pmeW*: quarter*. This J frniildinjjp'* ha* wonusrfolly mirmd ep the blood ofibw K* \ H • "4 a
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers