STATE WIETBAE fire insurance company. UAIUUSBUKG, PA. Guarantee Capital over SIOO,OOO Surplus Cash " 25,000 riMHS Company has been doing business .1. about ten months and has accumulated uu earned capital of over $125,000 above nil losses and oxpenses with a* surplus of ovet $25,000 on hand. v The nremiiinrtarcnsTow good and respoftsibl# The themselves to lire sa- | fest class of pro]|frty, and no risk to exceed $2500 in one loc|lilyy(with a few eXeep- I tions.) The profits are wholly dialed to the ; members, which offers (owners of sale prop- j erly,) inducements over most companies in j lire Slato. , DIRECTORS. John P. Rutherford, John B. Packer. Albert J, Gillett, Philo C Sedgwick, Samuel T.Jones, Alon/.o A. Carrier, Robert Klotz, , J. P. RUTHERFORr, President, A. J . GILI.KTT, Secretary. . R. W. WEAvea, Agent , Bloomshurg. The Directors have the liberty to refer to the following gentlemen : lion. A. L. llusselt, Secretary of Common wcftiih • lion John Laporle, late Surveyor General. James A Weir, Esq., Cashier of Hamsbnrg Bank. . Ilobt. J. Ross, Esq., Cashier Dauphin Dcpos ite Bank. John M. Bickel, Esq , Stale Treasurer. ' A. J. Jones, Esq , P. M„ Harrisburg. Col. Israel I'aioler, Canal Commission 0r,,, ... Messrs. Jno. Wallower & Son, Commission Merchants, Harrisburg, John 11. Braut, Esq., Commission Merchant, Harrisburg. Bloomsburg, June 251h, 1851 THIS WAT GENTLEMEN. RESPECTFULLY announces lo the citi izens of Ikloomaburg in general and his old patrons in particular, besides the rest of mankind, That he has again opened his tai lor-shop whore ho will be pleased to i Ornish the best of clothing, cut according to the la lest fashions, and mado m the best manner. He receives the city fashions, and feels cer tain that his work will look weli and wear bet- Cr l lis shof is on main street of Bloomsburg next door below Lulz's Drug store. In pay for work, he will take cash, store order, or even GOER DOLLARS. Bloomsburg Nov. 21, 1850. New Spriug and Summer Goods* r|MIE subscriber announces lliat he has A just received and opened a new and general assortment' of Spring and summer Goods, at his old stand ou Main sheet, to which lie invites the attention of every person desiring AND CHEAP UOODS. His Block includes LAWNS, GINGHAMS, SILKS, & PRINTS of ull styles and prices; and he has a care lully selected stock of G-8.CG5E8.1E5 3 CEDAR WARE. HARDWARE, QUEEP*S WARE, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS if SHOES, Jlosirrv a nil Gloves, which he will sell at the lowest prices for casho, country prod^^^VPAYP.U. Rloemsburg, April 30, 1850. IttENDEKHAIdL & MENSCJH lIAVE JUST RECEIVED AND OPENED A NEW STOCK Of Spring anil Stinsine • C£2> CE> 3JE> e Which they offer to their old patrons and new ones at the best of bargains. T bey can be found at their old stand on Main and Market streets, and their stock will be found to be selected with care, and to embrace every kind of gocds fashionable and de * sirable for the season. They have ftencb, English and American cloths, casstmeres, satinets and jeans for men's wear, and a va riely of Lawns and Gingham's ol the most fashionable styles for ladies. They have also, Groceries, Hardware, Queensware, Cedar ware, llats and Caps, and, in short, every thing Usually kept in a country store. ijs Call and see that we do sell cheap ■lor cash or country produce. liloomsburg, April 23d, 1851. ORANGEVILLE FOUNDRY AND IN ACHING .SHOP. THE subscriber lias now in active opera ! lion the new FOUNDRY and Machine Shop recently erected at Orangeville, and will be ! ready to furnish castings of every size and description, and every desirable kind of machinery. Castings for Mills, Plough irons, Stoves or every kind, Kettles, Boilers and all other kinds of Hollow-ware will bo furnished by him at the lowest prices. lie lias also on hand, and will make to ; order, TriRKSHING MACHINES AND j PLOUGHS ready r or use, and equal to the , best made in this region of the country. Farmers in need of Castings or machine ry will find it to their advantage to visit his j establishment. He will keep on hand a lot of articles manufactured by him, ofit ol . which u fair selection can always be made. Fv ry description of machinery neatly re- | paired on the shortest notice and most rea- j sonablo terms. Old metal taken In pnyment for work. B. F.H AYHURST. Orangeville, July 291h 1850. ANOTHER SCIENTIFIC WONDER ! PEPSIN, the True Digestive Fluid, or Gastric Juice I A great Dyspepsia Curer, prepared from Ren et, or the fourth Stomach of the Ox, after direction of Baron Liobig, the great Physi ological Chemist, by J. S. Houghton, M. D., No. 11 North Eighth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. This is a truly wonderful remedy for Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Liver Com plaint. Constipation, and Debility, ouring after Nature's own method, by Nature's own agent, the Gastne Juice. See Adveitisement in anolhor column. Wonderful News! Jnst received ar.d for sale by the subscri ber aJournal of thl Bufferings and hnriUhiqs of Tarker H. F'rench's Overland Expedition to Caittornta, which left New York city May 13 1850, and landed at San F'roncisco Dec. 14," by William Miles of- Cerlise, Pa. All lovers of California news, will call soon and buy, as we have but a few copies of this highly interesting work on hands. JOSEPH SWARTZ. May 22, 1851 Fancy Paper, Envelopes, Pens, Ink, Writing sand &c., can be found at the cheap Book store of JOSEPH SWARTZ. ANOTHER SCIENTIFIC WONDER I sp m IP s a ss 8 THE TRUE DIGESTIVE FLUID, mi OTETSGSa A Great Dyspepsia eurer, Prepared from LLTNNKT. or the fourth Stomach of the Ox, alter directions of Baron Liobig, tho great 1 Physiological Chemist, by J. S. Houghton, M. I)., No.ll, N'oyU Eighth Street, Phila delphia. Pa. This is n truly wonderful remedy for Indi geslion, Djspepsia, Jaudico, Liver Com plaint. Constipation, and Debility, Curing i after Nature's own method, by Nature's owu i agent, the Gaslrjc Juice. | tV Half a spoontul of this Fluid, infused I in water, will digest or dissolve, Fife Founds lof Roast Reef in about two hours, out of the I stomach. DIGESTION, j Digest'tpn is Chiefly performed in the i stomach by the aid of a fluid which freely j exudes from the inner coat of tiiat orgai*) j when in a state ol health, called the Gastric 1 Juice. This fluid is the Great solvent ot the Food, the Purifying, Preserving, and Stimula ting Agent of the stomach and intonstines. Without it there will bo no digestion,—no conversion of food into blood, and no nu trition of tho body; but rather a foul, torpid, painful, t mid destructive condition of the whole digestive apparatus. A weak, half dead, or injured stomacli produces no good Gastric Juice, and hence the disease, dis ressand debility which ensue. 5 PEPSIN AND RENNET.—Pepsin is the cine element, or great Ijgesling Principle bf the. Gastric Juice. It is found in great abun dance in the soHU parts of the tmmau storm aoh after do till, and sometimes causes the stomach to digost itself, or eat itself up. It is also found in the stomach of animals, as the ox, calf, &c. It is the material used by farmers in lrmkirg cheese, called Rennet, the effect of which has long been tho spe cial wonder of the dairy. Tho curdling ot milk is the first process of digestion. Run net possesses astonishi"g power. Tho slom uch of a calf will curdle nearly one thou sand fimcs ils own jxeiglit otmilk. Baio Liebig stales that, 'One part "f Pepsin ills solved in sixty thousand parts of water, wil digest meat mid other food." Diseased stomachs produce no good Gastric juice llennbt or Pepsin. To show that this want may be perfectly supplied, wo quote the following SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE! BARON LIEUIG, in Lis celebrated work on j 'limal Chemistry, says: "An Artificial Di j estive Fluid analago us to the Gastric Juice, I may be readily prepared from the nncoos i gmembrane ot the stomach of the Call, which various articles of food, as meat and eggs! will be softened, changed, and diges ted, just in tho same manner as they would be in the human stomach." Dr. l'ercira in his famous treatise on "Food and Diet," published by Fowlers & I Wells, New York, page 35. states the same ] great fact, and describes the method of prep | arnlion. There are few higher authorities I than Dr. l'ercira. ! Dr Combe, in his valuable writings on 1 ho "Physiology of Digestion," observe j that "a•diminution of the due quantity o I the Gastric Juice is a prominent and all pre vailing cause of Dyspopsia;" and lie slate, that "a distinguished professor of medicine in Loudon, wlio was severely afflicted w h this complaint finding every thing els B to fail, had recourse to the Gastric Juice, ob tained from the stomach of living animals which proved completely successlul." I Dr. Graham, author of the famous work I ou "Vegetable Diet," says : "it is a remar kable fact in physiology, that the stomuchs ' of animals, macerated in water, impart to I the fluid the oroperty of dissolving various articles of food, and of effecting a kind of artificial digestion of them in no wise dif ferent from the natural digestive process." Dr. Simon's great work, the "Chemistry of Man," (Lea & Blanchard, rhila., 1846, pp. 321-2): "The discovery of PEPSIN i fo ins a new era in the chemical history of Di geslion. From recent experiments we I know that food is dissolved as ra'pidly in an , artificial digestive fluid, prepared from Pep- I sin, as it is in the natural Gastric Juice it | g6!fi" Professor Dnnglison of the Jefferson Col ! i e g e Philadelphia, in his great work oil Hn mail' Physiology, devotes more than fifty I pages lo an examination of litis subject. llis experiment? villi Dr Beaumont, on the ! Gastric Juice, obtained from the living hu . man stomach and fro.u animals are well known. "In all cases," ho say®, "digestion ' occurred aa perfectly in tho artificial as the ' natural digestions." As a DYSPEPSIA CUHER, Dr Houghton's preparation of Peysin has produce.!- the most marvellous effects, curing cases of tiility, Emaciation, Nervous Decline, ami dispcptic Consumption, supposed to bo on < tiie very verge ol the grave. It is imposs- Lle to gjve the details of cases in the limit of tins advertisement —but authenticate [ certificates have been of more than two hun- > tired Remarkable Cures, in Philadelphia, New- York, ami Boston alone. Hiese were nearly all desperate cases, and the cures w ore not only rapiil and wondcrlui, hut per manent. It is a great Nervous ami par ticularly useful for teudqncy to ..billious dis 'ordur, Liver Complaint, Fevor and Ague, or badly treated Favor and Ague, and the ev il cflects of Quinine, Mercury, and other drug upon the Digestive organs, after a long sick ness. Also, for excess in eating, and the too free use of ardent spirits. It almost rec onciles Heajth with Intemperance. OLD STOMACH COMPLAINTS. —There is no form of Old Stomach Complaints which it does not seem to reach and remove at once. No matter how bad they may be, it gives Inslont J'.eticf! A single dose removes all the unpleasant symptoms, and it only needs to bo repeated, tor a short time, to make these good effects permanent, l'urity of Wood and Vigor of body, follow at once. It i- particularly excellent in cases of Nausea Vomting, Cramps, Soreness of the pit of the Stomach, distress after eating, low, cold state of the Blood, Heaviness, Lowi'oss of Spirits, Despondoncy, Emanciatiou, Weak ess, tendency to Insanity, Suicide, &c. I'rice, ONE DOLLAR per bottle. One bottle will often eflect a lasting cure. PEPSIN IN POWDERS, 1!F Sent by Mail Free of Postage. For convenienco of sending to all parts o the country, the 1 igestivo Matter of the Pep sin isputup in the form of Powders, with directions to be dissolved in water or syrup, by the pntient. These powders contain just the same matter as the bottles, but twice the quantity for the same price, and will be son by mail, Free of l'ostnge, for One Dollar sent (post-paid) to Dr J S Houghton, No 11 North Eighth street Philadelphia, Pa. Six packages for five dollars. Every package and bottle bears the written signa ture of J S HOUGHTON, M D., Sole Proprie tor. Sold by agents in every town in the Unl ted Slates, and by respectable dealers in Medicines generally. Agents for Bloomsburg, JOHN R. MOY ER, E. P. LUTZ. Books! Books!! Joseph Swartz has just received a new lot of Literary Historical, Religious, Poetical, Miscellaneous and Sohool books, to which he iuvites the attention of the reading public of Bloomsburg. CHERRY PECTORAL^ For the Cure of COUGHS, GOLDS, HOARSENESS, BRON CHITIS, CROUP, ASTH •MA, WHOOPING-COUGH AND CONSUMPTION. In offering lo llio community this jutlly cel ebrated remedy for di.casc. of the throat and lunga, it l#nol our wish to trifle -.villi the live 01 hoaith of tbo afflicted, but f-arkly lo lay bo fore them tho opinions of distinguished men <s -of the ovidencc- of its success, ftp vviiclt they can judge for themselvcß. We sin cerely pledge ourselves to mako no wild asser linns or false statements of its efficacy, nor will we hold out any hope to Buffering humanity which fuo's will not warrant. Many proofs are here given, and wo solicit on inquiry from the public into all we publish, fee ling assured they will find thetn perfectly relia hie, and tho medicine worthy tho;r best cenfi dcnce and patronage. PROF. CLEVELAND, of Bowdoin ol lege, Maine, Wriles—have witnessed tho effects of your 'CHERRY PECTORAL' in my own family and that uf%fj fttemls. olid it give* nie ualis . faction to ata-.e in its favor that no medicine I hsvo ever known has proved so cniiucntly suc cessful in cuirtll* of the throat and lungs." REV. DR, OSGOOD # Writes—"That he considers 'Cherry roctoral* the best medicine, for Pulmonary Affcctious ev er given to thu public,' and states that "his daughter after being obliged to keep the room four months with a severe settled accom panied by raising of blood, night sweats, and the attendant symptoms of Consumption, com menced the use ef the 'Cherry Pectoral,' and had completely recovered," EX—CHANCELLOR KING, fNew York rays. "I have been u grcol suffer er with Brnnclietia, anil t>ul lor the use of the I 'CBSKIIT PKCTOHAL' might havo continued j l>o BO for many years to conic, hut that has cured mo and I ain happy to boar testimony to its cfi i cocy," I From atich testimony wo ask the public to I judge lor themselves, I HEAR THE PATIENT, | Dr, Aycr—Deer Sir; For two years I was I fllictcd with a very scveie cough, accompanied i v spitting of blood and profuse night sweats. ! y the advice of toy attending physiriua I was | induced to use your Cherry Pectoral, and enn ! tinuoj to do so till I considcied myself cured, 1 and aaeribe the cfl'cct to your preparation, JAMES RANDALL, Hamden ss. Springfield, Nov. 27, 1848, This day appeared the above named James 1 Knndall, and pronounced the above statement [ true in every respect. LORENZO NORTON, Justice. THE REMEDY THAT CURES. POUTLAHII, Mc , Jan. 10,1847. Dr. Ayer; 1 hive been long afllicted with Asthma which grew yearly worse until laßt au- I tumn, it brought on a cough which confined me in my chamber; and began to assume the alarm ing symptoms of consumption. 1 had tried the best advice and the best medii'ne to no purpose, , until I used your Oheiry Pectoral, which has > clued ma, and you may well believe me. Gra'c il ullv yours, J.D.PHELPS, If there is any value in the judgment of the wiae, who speak from experience, herai* a med icine worthy of the public confidence, Prepared by C. Ayer, Lowell. Ittass., mold 0y E I* LUTZ, ILOomsbnrg AB WILSON, Berwick Jan, 10,1851.-4 m. AN ADVERTISEMENT THAT AI'OEALB TO THE SOUNII SENSE OF TIIE COMMUNITY. Standard Medicines, I I The following unequalled scriea of Family - Medicines may he depended npon with the ut most confidence, They havo the approbation |of tho best physiciana in the country, and are recommended hy nil who have used them as j superior to any family medicines known. They have been been before tho Public For Five Years, during which time moro than 5,000 certificates have been teccivcd from emi nent public men and others, and are now on file ! in the Company's Office. Tlicy are Compounded with the ut ! most caic and skill, and the ingredients arc thor oughly tested by scientific chemists, so that medicines of a uniform and reliable quality are j guaranteed in all cases. Tho Gricfenbcrg VEOETAHLE PILLS, Aro par- I tr'jnlarly valuable for the prevention and cure of Fa. g 1 " 1 ®" 1 '- all Billious and M.ivcr Com plainti, Jau')i ce > Geneial Debility, Common and 1 Sick Headache, Dyspepsia,. Heart Burn, Coa | tiventss, Griping, Urirutrv Diseases, Obstruc- I lions of tho Menses. Influenza, Aslhurs, and for a vuriety of other Chronic DiscJue; in Ufin j for all orJintry family uses. Full directions for the various Disea- J ses accompany each box, Price 25 {!*• j u boa?. TUe Oracfcnbcrg Rj sen t e r y Syrup, A speedy end infallible remedy in | Diarrhoea, Dyselftory, Dloody Flux. Cholera i Morbus, Cholera ln/iMi'utn, and the Asiatic , Cholera, if taken with the £rst symptoms, viz . j vomiting and diarrhoea. It neve." fail* ® ure I the worst possible cases of bowel cou.iprS'nts, generally in a lew hours, seldom beyond a day. j It ib Purely Vegetable, at d taken in almost any | quantity is perfectly harmless. Tho Giaefcnberg Green Mouiitnlu Ointment- Invaluable for Burns, Wounds, Sprains, Chillblains, Coma, Boies, Swellings of all kinds, Rheumatism, Erysipelas, Bronchitis Scrofula, ' leers, Psirrs in the Sido and Back, imuicdiatey relieved, inflammation-of tho Bow els, and for all cases where there is inflammation. TIIE GUAEFENBERG MANUAL OF HEALTH, A Complete hand-bouk of medicine for fami lies. I'tice 50 cents. * Office 214 Broadway, N. Y. CAUTION. The public is requested to bear in mind that everything prepared by tho Uraefcnbcig Com pany has their seal upon it. Hpusious articles have been issued closely re sembling tho genuine in every particular except tho seal, and the utmost care should be observed before purchasing. AGENTS,— Thomas Ellis, and E. P. Lutz, Hloomsburg; Benjamin Bei ber, Cattawissa, Peter Ent, Light Street, Bloomsburg, Jan. 23, 1851-6 m, TAILORING IN LIGHT sHuSET JAMES SMITH Invites'lhe attention of the fashionable in Light Street to hi stsie of cutting garments He makes them in the best and most tasty manner, and can can ensure satisfaction in his warkmanihip. He receives the latest fashions, and when culling onlp is desired, the work is raarkod carofnlly for the maker. UT" All kinds of country produce taken e xchage for work. Light Street; Feb- 14, iB6O. Price Reduced! VAUGHN'S LITHONTEIPTIC MIXTURE ! Largo Bottles —Only One Dollar. rile Proprietor of ttio Great American Remedy " Vat'ciim'! ViaitTAß Liriiorntirmc IfixTrßK,*' induced by the nrftcnt HolicitftUom of hii A genu, ihroafhomt the United Slates aud Canada, baa now Reduced the Price of Ilia popular and well Known artiste; and from thifl date, bent Worth, ' low '" l' ut n P but one size only, r- bis quart bottle*: ths retail price will bo 1 • ONE DOLLAR. Thopublie may rest assured that the character of the Mcdi cine, its strength, and curative properties WILL KKMAIN UNCHANGED, and tite same care will be bestowed in pre paring U as heretofore. As tits medicine, tinder its reduced price, will be purchased by those who have not iiiihcrto mnde themselves acquainted , with its virUtes, the proprietor would beg to intimate that his 1 article i* not to be classed with the vast amount of " Remedies of the dsy " it claims for itself a greater healing power, in all disease?, than anp other preparation now before the world; raid lias sustained itself for eight years by its supedoi medical virtues, and, until this commanded double llie price of any other article in this line. Nn u t PARTICULARLY, this article acts with great lieai ing power and certainty, upon Ihe Blood, Livor, Kidneys, Longs and all otker organs, upon tiie proper action of which life and lieslth depend. This medicine has a justly high repute as a remedy for Dropsy and Gravel, and all diseases of that nature. It may be relied upon when the intelligent phyekian has abandoned his patient, and for these distressing diseases, more especially DROPSY, the propri etor would enrpestly and honestly recommend It. At its present price it is oasM* obtained *)y nil, and the trial will prove | tiie article to be the Cheapest Medicine in the World! C*y I'lewaik fefyamnWlgU agent* ilvjhtm away they contain over sixteen page* or rcocipt*, (in addition to In) medical matter) valuable for household purposes, and wliicl will save many dollars per year to practical housekeepers. These receipts are introduced to make the book of great value, aside from its character as an advertl*ing*inedmm fw the medicine, the testimony in favor of which, in the form of letters from all parts of the country, may be relied upon. ty" "Vaughn's Vegetable Lithontriptic Mixture" —the Great Americnu Remedy, now for sale in quart bottles at $1 each, email bottles at 50 eta each. No small bottiea will be issued after stock is disposed or. Principal Office, Buffalo, N. Y., 207 Main Btreet, O. C. VAUGHN. Sold Wholesale and Retail by OLCOTT McKESSON & CO., 127 Maiden Lane, New York City. N. B.—All letters (excepting from agents and dealers witn whutn lie trt.isacta business) must be post paid, orno attention will be given to tliem. AGENTS.—E. P. LUTZ, Hloomsburg ; O. F Moore, Danville; Jno. W. Filling, Sun bury, M A M'Cay, Northumberland ; John Sharpless, Cattnvvissa ; J K Millard, Espy town ; A. Miller Berwick ; Charles Seyberl lleach Haven. Oct. 31, 1860.-ly S-EJCPa CSaoanilcsiiii'es -PANACEA. The afflicted nre invited to call and ace Mi Isaac Brooks, Jr., at the corner of Third and VVileox streets, and. Miss Chiistiana Sands, Beach street below Spruce street, m the Scbuyl | kill. These two persons havo been snatched from the very jaws of the destroyer through 'he agency of that inost potent of all medicines, DR. CULLEN'S INDIAN VEGETABLE PANACEA. Dr Cullen's Panacea is the only cartain cure foi Scrofula or King's Evil, Tetter, Erysipolas, Old Sores and Ulcers, Mercurial Diseases, and all other affestions, cutaneous or otherwise, arising from impurities of the blood. In the extraordinary cure of Mr. Brooks, peo ple who visit him, hold up their hunda in as tonishment, that ANY medicine could have ar rested ins disease— go away resolved to re commend Dr Cullen's Indian Vegetable Pana cea to every one they hear of who has need or a purifying medicine. So with Christiana Sands—hex cuje of Scrof ulous soie throat was quite as extraordinary as Mr. Brooks', when we reflect that from the dis ease her tea or eoflTen would frequently pons out of her cars, when attempting to drink, [See her certificate.] The people are beginning to understand, too that Iho various Syrupa of Sariaparills are little belter than molasses, and that it is madness to throw away money on articles which, under the most favorable circumstances, do not produce any impression on the system until severs! gal ons liavo been swallowed. One bottlo of Dr. Cullen's Panacea seldom faila to produce con viction in the minds of patients that a radical cure is certain. Thus hope, [so necessary, an ally to medi cine.] springs up at the outset, and Iho patient is cured before any other preparation could have made the slightest impression upon the disease ! In fact, tho twelve ounce bottles of Dr. Cul len's I'snscca, compared with the pint and quart bottles of other purifiers, are valuable about in the proportion of gold to copper. Those who wnule prefer a penny to a half eagle, on eccoun t of its size, would make a pour selection to sa the least. Sarsaparilla a good purifier! Dr. Cullen's Panacea contains its oztract in its most concen trated form." Added to this ere other extracts, more active and powerful, and which effect in combination with the tSarsaparills, what the Ist tcr article, or combined with tho most powerfu poisons, cannot alone accomplish. It has cured where everything else had failed and this in a multitude of cases—not in Europe or in the moon, (where so many great cuics have been performed,) hut in Philadelphia and other pafts of the union. And be it distinctly understood that we do not obtain our extracts by "boling 400 gallons down .to ono," it being *known to eve y druggist's apprentice that boiling ' destroys the etsenlial virtues of medicinal plants and r,?°h. ROVv'AN'P & WALTON, Proprietors, Wholesale aid retail, No. 21 North SIXTH street; or E. 1. Lutf. -Bloomsburg; M C Grier, Danville; I'eler Ltff; Light„streot, Rickets and Stewart, Orange I'tho; Cyrus Barton. Espy town ; J Schmidt, CailuWius?; M G Snoemaker, Buckhorn. Steam Iron Hailing; 9lOJt*< AND GALLiUUEB, Corner of Ridge Road and Broad Street, PHILADELPHIA, WOULD call the attonUOl of purchasers lo their elegant assortment of Wrought and Cast Iron Railing for CEMETERIES, UALCONIES, VERANDAS, Hailing for Churches, Public anil Private Buildings, Public Squares, &c., together with all kinds of Plain and ornamental Iron work. MOIIE & GALLAGHER'S POOK.OF ©JBIMHHJAII jsaeiKßsysa Containing the best selection of designs that has ever been issued, will be sent to any person who may wish lo make a selection. Feb. 20, l51-3m Fire Insurance. THE Delaware Mutual Safety Insurance ComDany, have appointed the undersigned an Agent, lo make insurances in Columbia county. The Company ia in good credit,and is conducted upon sound principles. Persons insured by the Company are entitled to the rights of membership therein, are elegible as Directors of the Corporation, hut without any individual liability for the losses or expenses of the Company. The amount of premium and policy paid when insured is the extent of liability. Persons desirous of eßeoting an insurunce upon property, can call upon the undersigned, at his Office in Bloomsburg. CHARLES tt. BUCKALEW. May 32, 1850. ~WINDSOR AND COMMON CHAIR made to order of any desirable style at tk chair manufactory of B. HAOENBUCH Bloomsburg, May 16tli 1850. ASTROLOGY.— HIE CELEBRATED Dr. C. W. ROBACK, Professor of Aerology Agronomy Phrenology, and Gcomancy, cortl* i binod with COW JURATION from fcSwcedeu, I office No. 0 While Street New York City, of- ] feu hie services to the citizens of Bloomabutg* j He has been consulted by oil ihe crowned heads of Europe, and erjoys a higher reputation as on Astrologer than any one living. Nativities cnl culated acCotdifig to Oeomancy—l.pdies £3 Geutlemen $5, Person! at n distance can, hav their nativities drawn by sending the date of the day of their birth. All letters containing Iho above fee will receive immediate attention, and Nativities sent to any part of tho world written on durable p.npcr ; and he is prcptrcd to make use of his power by conjuration on any of the following topics; advice given for the successful accomilßiineiit of a.wealthy mar riage; he has the power to redeem such fas are given to the free use of the bottle; otiu for all cases .of hazard, and for the recovery of stolen or lost property, and the purchasing of lottery tick cts. Thousands of the abve named cases have been dour in this city and ilf vicinity, and in the United States, to the full satisfaction of all. 10,- i) 00 Nativities ot Horoscopes have been cast du ring the last four years while he r a. Letters will answer every purpose, and will do as well as to call in person, and the mail is now so safe that persons r.eed not fear trust money through the Post Office. Dr Hoback receives from 500 to luOOMctlfcrs monthly, and has never missed one. Ml letters will he religiously attended to, if For more pai'.iculars call at the of the "Star of tho and' get an Aslrolo. gical Almanuc gratis. C. W. ROGAUK, Na, 6 White street, New City. Ue particular to mention the Post-oflfce coun ty and State. All communications kept relig outuy secret. THE UNITED STATES MONTHLY LAW MAGAZINE, Estnblilied in Jnnnnry, 1850. Thia work, so well known to the profess ion, contains: I Judicious essays upon legal topics, the most uselul and interesting to the profession. 11. Biographical sketches of distinguished lawyers, now living, with well executed por traits^ 111. Early notes of the more able and im portant decisions of the courts, in America and Great Britain. IV. Monthly alphibelical digest of all ca ses ot general interest in the Superior Courts J of law and equity, both ill the United Stales and England, properly classified and arrang ed for reference. V. Critical notices of new books, and a list of all new law publications—together with a record of the events of the month, and a general miscellaneous survey of sub | jects ol interest to the profession as well as to the general reader. Terms of the Monthly Law Magazine. The work is published regularly on the first of every month. Each number contains at least 104 octavo pages, printed in the best manner, on superior paper. Twelve gtnm bers will make two volumes of 1248 pages, lor which indexes and litle-pages will be prepated. The price of the work is FIVE DOLLARS a year, payable in advance ; the ex- ■ tremely low terms on which it is furnished, make a strici adherence to this rule indispen sable. All moneys may be sent by mail, post paul, at the Publisher's risk, and the postmas ter's certificate will be considered suificiont evidence of the mailing of subscriptions. Postmasters are the publisher's only agents. All letters must be addressed to JOHN MVINGSTON, Editor and Proprietor, 157 Broadway N. Y. tSF The twelve back numbers, compri sing the first and second volumes, can be furnished. ©or Bprinn anil Bnmmcr. W£o. £fl(D Effl&vsr <£ ©@o TT ave just received and opened a large as "sortrnent of new spring and summer goods, which they oflfer to their old custo mers and new ones at the lowest pricps. Their stock is large, and selected to suit the wants of this region of country. It compri ses every tliiug of DRY GOODS, GROCEUIES, HARDWARE QUEENS WARE, CEDAR WARE, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES; and those who have long patronised them are the .best judges of their mode ot doing I business; and the longcontiueil confidence of the commmunity is the best recommenda tion they can offer to new patrons. Their slock of goods will be kept up by by the re ceipt of new parcels from the city, nearly every week during the summer. Bloomsburg, April 22d, 1851. Spring nnb Sntnmet goobs. All new and €licnp. AARON* KLINE Tnvites the attention of the good people of A Bloomsburg to his stock ol new and fash ionable spring and summer goods which he has just opened in the Brick Block third door above the Exchange Hotel in Bloomsburg, and which he will sell CHEAPER THAN THE CHEI-EST, He has an assortment of jtry Goods, Fancy Goodn, READY WADE CLOTHING, And a full variety of dress-goods for la dies and gentlemens' wear and fancy. ©©©l© Can bo made by p;:ieba<3?' will call and examine his goods, for flv W'- > ai , sell 20 per cent, loss than the goods viH bought elsewhere in town. Bloomsburg, April 23d, 1851. BLANKS!! DEEDDS. SUMMONS, EXECUTIONS, SUBPtENAS, and JUDGMENT NOTES, o' S roper and desirable forms, for sale at the fice the "Star of the North." IN LIGHT STREET. PETER ENT Announces, to the people of Light Street, that he has just received and opened a spleu ded lot of new and fashionable Spring and Summer Goods, which he offers at rates that cannot fail to suit and please all who wish a good chance for cheap purchasers. He has every thing usually kept in a country store, Dry Goods, Groceries, Hard ware, Queenaware, Cedar Ware. . Dress Goods and Fancy Goods, of styles to please ail taßts, and at prions t° suit all purses. Call and see before the be is gone. HP Country produce taken in pay, and cash not refused. Light Street, Apri sth, 1851. PHILADELPHIA MEDICAL MOUSE, r.STALISHEU FIFTEEN YEAKS AGO, BY Jtll. KINKEMN, Comer of Third anil Union sts., ' between Spmce Phe streets, PUILJiDELEHLi. Fifteen years qf extensive and uninterrupted practice spent in this city have rendered • • tho moat expert and successful priC'd'otK and near, in the treatment ol all diseases of - private nature. Persona afflicted with ulcers on the body, throat or legs, flain* in the head or bones, or reercurial rheumatism, strictures, gravel, disoaso arising from youthful excesses or impurities of the blood, wlwrehy the consli. tution has bccorffe enfeebled, aro all treateJ with success. He who places himself undei the rare of Dr. K. may religiously confide in his honor as a gentleman, and confidently rely upon bis skill as a physician. Take Particular Notice, Voung men who have injured theinsolvcs by a certain practice indulged in, n habit frequently learned from evil companions or at school, the effects of which aro nightly ftp, even vSlicn asleep and destroy 1 oth mind and body, should apply immediately. Weakness and constitu tional debility x loss of muscular energy, physical lassitude and general prostration, irralibrlity und all nervous affections, indigestion, sleggishiiesa of the liver, and every disease in any way con nected with the disorder of the procrcative func tions cured, and full vigor reslurcd. ! Yoiilli and Manlio'od A Vigorous Life or a premature Death, KINKELIN ON SELF PRESERVATION, ONLY TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. This book jußt published is filled with useful information on the infirmities and diseases of the generative orguns. It addrusacs itself oliko to youth, manhood and old age, and should be read by all. The valuable advice aifd impressive warning it gives, will prevent years of misery and 6uf feeing and save annually thousands of live*. Parents by reading it will learn how to pre vent he destruction of their children. A remittance of 25 cents enclosed in a letter addressed to Dr. Kinkclin, N W corner of Ttiird and Union streets, between Spruce and Pine, in Philadelphia will ensure a buck under envelope per return of mail. Persons at a distance may address Dr. K by letter, (post paid) arid he cured at home. J Packugeo of medicines, directions, dec. for warded by sending a remittance, and put up sc- I curd from dumage or curiosity. booksellers, News Agents, Pedlars, Canvas sers and all others supplied with the above work at very low rates. Jy DOCTOR YOURSELF. FOR 25 CENTS!! ®Uy means of the pocket ' Eeculapius, or every unu his own Physician! thir tieth edition, with up wards of a hundred engra vings showing private dis eases in every shape and j form, and malformations of the generative system, ay WM.YOUNO, M.D. j The time has now a riv- j ed, that persons suffering from secret disease, need nn mure become the i victims of quackery, as by the prescriptions con- \ mined in this book any one moy cur, himself, j without hindrance to business, 01 tbo knowledge , of the most intimate friend, and with one tenth the usual expense. Iri addition to the general routine of private disease, it fully explain, the cause of manhood's eaily decline, with observa tions on marriage—besides many other derange ments which it would not be proper to enumerate in the public prints. Any person sending twenty five cents, en closed in a letter, will receivo one copy of this book, by mail, or five copies will lie sonl for one dollar. Address. l)r. W. Young, No. f52 Spruce street. Philadelphia.' Post paid. 137* Dr. Young, can be consulted on, any of the Diseases described in his different publications at his offices, 152 Spruce slreet, every day, between 9 and 3 o'clock, (Sun. j days excepted.) Philadelphia, March 23, 1850-I2m Sheriff's Sale. |>Y virtue of a writ of vendition exponas, " will be exposed to public sale at the Court-house in Bloomsburg on Saturday the 19th day of July next, at one o'clock. P. M., the following real estate, to wit: A certain lot of ground situate in Bloom township Co lumbia county, containing one acre more or less, bounded by lands of Jacob Eokert,- Andrew Criveling, Solomon Hsckman aud others, whereon is erected a one story log house, a log stable, and other out buildings, and a well of water at the door, with the appurtenances. Seized ami taken asthc property of Stephen C. Johnson- PETER BILLMEYER, Sheriff's Office, ' Sheriff. Bloomsburg, June 18, 1851. Tho above sale stands adjourned to Mon day the 18th day of August next, at One o' clock I'. M., property to bo sold at the Court house in Bloomsburg on that day. PETER BILLMYER Sheriff. Sheriff's office, Bloomsburg July 19 1851. Land I'or Bale rplIE undersigned Executor of Jacob Good, deceased, offers to to sell at privato sale, 30 Acres of the Heal Estate. of said deceased, situate on Kishingcreek and in Fishing Creek township, adjoining other fands of the Estate, and lands of Mi chael Rabor ami others. The laud is valua ble—is mostly improved aud is in a fa vorable situation The sale is made under a power in the will of Jacob Good, and the title is unquestionable. Conditions made known by the undersigned resident in Huntington, Luzerne county, or by James MeHenry resident near the premises. K. WADS WORTH, j U ,;j 12, 1850. JExecuior of Jacob Good. ' BOOKS!! Read! Read! Announces to lite reading world in general', and the good people of BToomsburgh in par ticular that he has removed h'.s Bookstore to the lower corner of Biggs Brick Block oppo site the Court House, where he has a full variety of Books for ail manner ol men and women kind. He has all tho popular works of the day upon Morals, Religion, History, Literature, Politics aud Travels ■ and a gen eral selection of all school books, English, Classical, German aud French, lie has ulso a sweet lot of Confectionaries, Caution. Whereas my wife Ruth Cox left my bed and board on the 28th day of June last without just cause or provocation. 1 hereby caution all persons against giving her credit on my account as I will pay no debts of her contracting after that date. DAVID COX. Madison township, July 12, 1851—3w. Toys and Jewelry. So that every kind of taste can be gratified by a selection of something Irom his stock Bloomsburg, April 15th, 1861 The Gen test Because the Best Fam ily Medicine ia the World IS W&RSDKLLS VEGETABLE RESTOR ATIVE PILLS, they have succeeded ia curing some of the worst cases, of, diseases ever recorded, and nrd daily accomplishin the restoration of persons after having tried in vain to obtain relief from any other source. One of the Proprietors is a regular physician of extensive experience, who de votes hie time exclusively to their prepera tif>. For FEVER & AGUE, they have nev er yet failed. At least ore thousand£casaa in the neighborhood of Philadelphia, bavt. been cured since tho first of Sept, last. In Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, Liver Complaints t,>rofitla, for Worms, and all other disease, of cL'hlren, they aro unequalled by anything ere." prepared for the purpose, while for the various diseifes of Females there iB no me dicine can compare with them. The is more of them sf'o —they are in greater de mand than another pill—and when once introduced family, thev need no other medicine. Each box Fifty Pills, renders them the elieapest wti Je they are decidedly the best, as well as the milueit in action, pi any now in the market. The Editor of the "City Item,'' thus speaks of them'. j f t3T REAPER, you a;? suffering from fever and ague, and you have tfever - tried Wors deU's Vegetable Restorative Pills. Shake no more. There is still hope for you—you may yet be cured - Go, or send at once to A. Weeks & Co., 70 North Eighth street., anil procure a box of those tinrivaled pills, which are a sovreign antidote for this distressing; complaint. Col. Forney of the Pennsyloanian, says : \VORSPK!,I,'S PILLS. —This excellent family medicine is daily winning new triumphs over disoase, and consequently in the high road to public favor. In the removal of tW every day ills thut flesh is heir to, we know of no belter compound. We heard the oth . er day of a desperate case of scrofulous e ruptions of the head and face being enirely cured by thq|g. DM Solle of the "Times," says : 137* The great popularity of Worsdell's Vegetable Pills, is attributed to the just mer ; it which they really possess. They have beelf quietly gaining the fame they now have, by the force- of their own virtues. The means usually employed to give eclat to new remedies tiave not been adopted by " the proprietors. They have been content fo . let their medicine speak for itself. It is now doing it in every section of the country. They are for sale by most of the Store i Keepers throughout the Country,and in quae i titles at reasonable rates, at the Laboratory No 70, North Eighth Street. A. WEEKS Si Co., Proprietors. Agenls, JOflN RFA/OYER, Bloomsbtrrg: E. Lazarus, Orange ville, M. G. Shoemaker, Buckhorn, • Funston & Diefenbach, Jersey town, | M. C. Grier, Danville, C. L'artman & Co., Cattawissa, and j most merchants throughout the uountry. MEW SAJJDLER SHOP- The subscriber announces to the public *. J that he has just opened a Saddler Shop in the j central part ol' Bloornsburg, on Main street, i one door above Rupert's Store, where he will keep constantly on hand and make to | order all kinds of HARNESS, SADDLES, TRUNKS, VALIECES, And every other article in his line of busi ness. Ho will also attend to TRIMMfNG carriages anil buggies, in every desirable , style, and will turn off all his work neat and , good ; and at the lowest pricos. Those who , wish work in his line will do well to give' him a call. rat-Hides, country produce, and even gold dollars will be taken in payment for work. W. M'K. THORNTON. Bloornsburg, May 15, 1849. FIATS AND CAPS. THE subscriber respectfully informs his friends and customers, that he has just re | ceived from the city, a large and select as ' sortmcut of FASHIONABLE Hats and Caps, of , DURABLE MAKE AND IMPROVED 1 STYLE, which he offers for cash sales very cheap, at his old stand, on Main Street, sec ond door South of the C ourt house. IV He continues to manufacture Hats to I order as usual. THOMAS WILLITS. I Bloornsburg, Nov. 15, 1849. ! NEW WEEKLY MAGAZINE, Tlic "North American Miscellany." Issued weekly, in elegant style, with forty eight large octavo pages, or two thocsand four hundred and ninety-six a year, will be delivered the residence of each subscri ber, for SIX AND A QUARTER CENTS A NUMBER. THE CNTENTS—Choice Miscellane-f ous Selections from lita current Literature o tins Country and of Europe—comprising Historical and other Hales, and Romances of high literary ehoracler. Sketches of the cele brated Dead or Living, Essays, Anecdotes, Reviews. I'oetry, Criticisms, Movoments of Distinguished Individuals, Current Events, etc., will bo properly edited and selected. BV ISSUING WEEKLY wo shall present our readers one, two aud three weeks earlier titan we could do in a mothly form with the inosl interesting selections from Foreign Lit erature brought by every steamer. THE "NORTH AMERICAN MISCELLA NY" will equal in tasteful appearance any magazine published, aud the four numbers a month, costing but 25 cents for the four will 1 -""Haiti a considerably larger quantity of reading Maui.' ! han an y jtff" monthly t\ America. THE REST ARTICLES WILL BE SE LECTED Irom all of the following publica tions, which sustuiu the highest character for Literature, Humor arid Wit, amOng the Pe riodioals of England, to whioh will be ad ded frequent origin Translations from the Literature of France and Germany, all sev eral weeks earlier than could be presented in a Monthly Publication. OUR OBJECT in issuing weekly is that our readers may receive the choicest selec tions from the current literature at short in tervals, in a form more elegant and better adapted to preservation thau that of a news- | paper. A. PALMER & CO., Publishers, 111 Chesnnt street, Philadelph. A NEW LOT OT BOOKS, JUST received aud opened at the 8100 m burg Book Store by JOSEPH SWARTZ. Bloomsburg, April 15th, 1851. ' Novels, School Books* Blank Books, Ledgers, Day books aud Journals: Gift books, Keepsakeq &c., for sale at tho Bloomsburg Book Store by • Joseph Swartz,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers