01ar of tlje Nortl). BLOOMSBURG: Thursday, August 14, 185 L ' " ' jFoxtage Lew. This law Wtat into oporatiou on the first day of July ttaJ wil ' °P oiale U) , lho ,ol ' lowing effect upon tho STAR OF THE NORTH, 1 Subscribers wilt receive it by mart, p Colatßbia County, < or ">STAOE. ff. For 4 distance uot exoeoding hjty miles, at Five CEETB pel quarter. 3 Over fifty and notexoooding three hun dred miles at TEN CERTS per quarter. 4 Over three hundred aud not exceeding rote thousand miles, at FIFTEEE CERTS pet gpOver one thousand and not exceeding two thousand miles, at TWERTT CERTS por Over two two thousand jmd not excee ding four thousand miles t TWENTY-FIVE i-Eirrs oer quarter. Those wlio desire n good, and decided Columbia couniy Democratio paper, fice of postage, should subscribe at once for tho olar of the North. Colo gel Uigler Certainly made a favorable impression upon tho people of this region, and we shall look for un auspicious result iu October, lie was here for tho most part the guost of Daniel Snyder wbo was a member of the legislature from this county when Col. Blglor was in tho Senate, snd both a legislative and personal ftiend of his. On Tuesday mormng*somo of ths citizens of Bloomeburg accompanied Col. Bigler to Berwick, where he was kindly and hospita bly received by thd people. A largo crowd soon gathered, ond after receiving the atten tions and calls of his fellow-citizens with his accustomed aflabilily, he a short and portinent address to the people collect ively;-and after dinner left undor charge of his Wilkesbarro friends. Fulton County, We are glad to notice that the Democrat io convention ef this county have uoraina tod John Cessna Esq. of Bedford for tho Slate Senate. Mr. Cessna was the Speaker of the last House of Representatives, and is one of tho most reliable Democrats in tho Shite. William T. Sohell Esq. of M'Connolsburg is urged by Fblton county for Assembly. The conferees to chooso delegates to tho state convention are instructed to vote for no man as delegare who is not reliabio for James Buchanan for President. Sartain's Magazine for September—in ad vance of all tlio other Philadelphia month lies—is upon our table. It is tho third prize number, and contains eighteen embellish ments and oighly pages of reading matter "S(. Cecilia" ond "'The Dow Drop" are beautiful engravings, worthy tho reputation the Riagaziuo has acquired, while the wood cuts ire very creditable specimens of art. We cannot find, in our number, tho illus tration of Tacony, to which tho reader is referred. A mistake of the binder, perhaps! Oue Term notion. The Democrats of Borke county last week held tlioir preparatory county meeting; and among others, a resolution was introduced that tire present incumbents of county oflices should not be voted fur in tiro coining con vention for reuoniiuation. It was discussed by Messrs. Charles Davis, Hotr. Henry A. Muhlenburg, Hon. VVm. Strong, Peter Fil bert, and John l'harp, aud finally negatived *y A number ol the most respectable citizens ol Muncy have held mi ante rowdy meeting to devise some means of repressing night broils, street fights, malicious mischief, &c., and to enforce tho laws against olfen. ders. ty The Ledger of Wednesday morning hua a telegraphic despatch say ing that Dixon tho Whig candidate for Governor in Kentuc ky is elected. OF The Camp-meeting about 2) miles from this place commences 10-moirow. Il rb iu Mountplcasaut township oil laud ol Mrs. Yaudorsliee. cy Mifliin couniy has chosen delegates lo the next Democratic state contention rpid instructed foi General Cass. Uy Telegraph l'rom Lew is burg, Tuesday, Aug. 12th —Tho Union County Whig Convention met at New Berlin yeslor day and nominated Not Middlcswotlh, for Senator, and the Hon. Joseph Casey for Pres ident Judgo. 17* The amount of coal takon to Sunbury, over tho Danville and Potlsvillo Railroad, .'roin the Shamokin mines, tho present sea ron, up to July 31st, was 11,225 tons. From the Pcnmyloauian The People oppo&cd to Uiin. AU of Governoi's JOHNSTON'S excrtionb will r.ot save him from a crushing defeat He is fore-doomed. His fate is scaled, and it requires no come lo judgment" o road the palpable signs ol the times. The Clinton Democrat has the following new evidence of his approaching overthrow. Let us add another to if—that of one of the most active and thorough going Whigs in Columbia county, long a louder, and well-known as an extensive manufacturer, who openly declares his de termination to support BTCLEH, CLOVER, and the whole Democratic ticket. We do not feol at liberty to mention his name, but bo w.ll, no doubt, speak for himself iu good season, lie will not support JUUNSTON and tho Whig ticket on account of Ibuir identity with Abolitionism, and ho begins to sco that ths Democratic policy is tho ouly policy of the country, and tho one most lo be do ponded on in the hour of dtfliruliy and o' gloom * Moan or THE SAME SOBT.—A few num bars ago we gave notice fact that our townsman, Benjamin l'erry, the great "iron King,'' a hard fisted workingman, and yet a man of extensive reputation, the man who cun niako iron in furnaces whero every body else has failed—is actively at work for Col. Bigler's election, although lie supported Johnston before. In to-day's paper, Col. | \V. J. Jones, of Youngwomanitown, wbo figures Under the norn deplume of "Joe,' I states the fact that, recently, in a crowd of iorty-six voters, he called the yeas and nays oil Uigler and Johnston, and lhaf Biglcr bad forty-three vote* and Johnston three ! Coll Jones is one of (ho most intelligent young whigs of this county, is an effeelivo slump sposker, too, and declares his readincs to lako the sturtlp this fall lor Higler if nded be. He cannot stomach Johnston's Abolitionism. IHKU. In Salem township, on Sunday of last week, Mr. Jossrtt WALTON, Jbed about 15 yours. At the same time and place, Miss KOSAN NA, (laughter of Enoch Walton, aged about 10 years. JESSE G. (LARK Of Bloom township will bn a candidate this fall fer REGISTER AND RECORDER, sub ject to the decision of the Democratic coun ty convention. JACOB tXAGCNBVCO Of Centre township will tie n candidate this i Tall for COUNTY COMMISSIONER, subject ! to the decision of the Democratic county | oonveiitiog. \ SAMUEL CIIEASY Of Mifllin township will be a candidate this fall for COUNTY TREASURER, subject to the decision of the Democratic county eon convention. A- AY KLIKE Esq. Of Fishingrrook township, will be a candi date lor I'ROTHONOTARY this fall subjoct to the decision of tho Democratio county Convention. DAfyICL LEE, Of Blonm township, will be a candidate fot REGISTER AND RECORDER this fall, subject to the decision of the Democratic county convention. trailtl Jurors for August Term* 1851. Bloom —Alfred McCluro, Leonard B. Ru pert, Samuel Boone. Heaver —lsaac Davis, Sr. liriarcreek —Josoplt Stackhnusn, Daniel Schlabuuh, Jacob W Deiltonch, Josiab Thom as. Callateissa —Benjamin 1\ Krick, rotor Beaver. Center —John Feller, James Wordtn. Fishing Creek —Alexander Cramer, Elias Poaler. Grecnwjod —Joseph Haycock, Thomas Da vis. Mount Pleasant —Goo. Kramer, John Ale. Mifflin— Samuel Creasy, Charles H. llcta Madison —Jamc3 Masters. Montour —Philip Kriim. Orange— Benjamin .Evans, Samuel Mc Henry. Traverse Jurors. Bloom —James Kester, Uoborl Riehart, William Drown, Alexander Enjuiitt. Heaver —Henry Lehr, Cornelius Rit'.on house, Charles Michael. Hriarercck —Tliumtw S. MuNuir, A lax an dor Lockard, Jesse Bowman, Mordecai Jack son. Benton —'Thomas Gibbons, John lkeler. Cattauissa —\V il Imm Fox. Center —John Hellncr. j Fishing Creek —Richard Bright, Isaac Sal mon, Simon Todd. Hemlock —lliram Applpman, Uouben Bom boy, Geo. 1.. Shoemaker. Jiuksou —lram Dorr, Thoodore Smith, John Mc Henry. Madison —Valentino Christian. Mount l'lcasaill —Joint Ruckle, Andrew Crawford. Mijjlin —Charles Klingman, Ceo. A Bow man, David Brown. Maine —Rudolph Shumait. Orange —John B Edgar, Henry Eyer, Sam ucl Henry. lioaring Creek —Samuel Eck. Sugarlo ij'• —lsaiah Colo. BLOOMSBURU AIADEJIY. A HIGH SCHOOL Fol Vouug Ludtea nod Gentlemen. J. E. liRADLEY, Principal. A sufficient number of competent AabiS tunts will at ull limes bo employed. Tito ensuing Full Session will corntnonco on MONDAY the Ist day ol September next and will continue 1(> weeks. TERMS. The academic year consists of 41 \\ocks. Titer price of tuition per quarter is as fol lows : For Reading, Penmanship, Grammar, A rithmotfc, Rook-Keeping by single entry, Geography, History of llio U. S. S3 25 For same, and Algebra, Geometry, Sur veying, Mensuration, Book Keeping by dou ble entry, General History, Natural History, Physiology, Philosophy, other English bran ches, and drawing. £4 50 For Latin. Greek, Gorman & French, 5 75 or Good boarding can bo obtainod in pri vate fumilhs at from $1 5U to $2 DO per weok. REVERENCES. —CoI. Joseph Buxton, Hon Stephen Baldy, Hon. Geo. Mack, Michael liiobet, Est]., John M'Roynolde, Est], ucd the Citizens of Rloomsburg. Bloonrsburg, Aug. 12, 1851. L\ LIGHT STREET„ PLILIJ LM Announces to tho people of Light Street, that he has just received and opened a splon ded let of new and fashionable Spriug and Summer Goods, which lie offers at rates that cannot fail lo buit and please all who wish a good chuuco for cheap purchasers. Ho lias eveiy thing usually kept in a country store, Dry Goods, Groceries, Haul ware, Gueonsware, Cedar Ware. DiCbS Goods and Fancy Goods, of styles to please all taste, and at prices to suit ull purses Call and t>oe before tho be is gone. t-r Country produce taken in pay, and cash not refused. Light Street, Apti sth, 1851. Caulion. Whereas my wife Ruth Cox left my bed and boaid on the 28th day ol Junft last without just cause or provocation. 1 hereby cuutiuu ull puisons aguiusl giving her credit on iny account as I will pay no debts of her contracting after that date. DAVID COX Madison township, July 12, 1851—3w. Toys and Jewelry. So that ovory kind of losto can lie gratified by a selection of something Irom his Block ■ Rloomsburg, Apl 15th, 1881. VALUABLE BOOKS. JUST RBNUSHED AND FOB SALE BY JUftlN S TAILOB, Bookseller and Publisher, 143 NASSUA STREET, NEW-YORK. The following books will bb.sent by mail, free uf postage, to ally part of the United States, on the receipt of the money for the same, which may Bo forwarded by mail, at the risk of the Publisher. THE SACREf) MOUNTAINS, By Rev. J T. Hoadley, 1 vol. lJmo., Illustrated, full cloth, $1,00; gilt edges, extra, $1,50. THE SACKED MOUNTAINS. By Rev. J. T. Hoadley, 1 vol. 18 mo., without the plates. Sunday School edition. 50 els. SACkF.D SCENES AND CHARACTERS, By llev, J. T. lieadley—l vol. 12m0., Illustrated, full cloth, $1 00; gilt edges, $1 DO. SACRED SCENES AND CHARACTERS. By Rev. J. T. Headley. 1 vol, 18mo., without the plates. Sunday School edi tion , 50 cts. HISTORY OF THE PERSECUTIONS AND BATTLES OF THE WALUENSES. Hy Rev. J. T Hoadley.—l vol. lßmo, Illus trated, full cloth, 60 cts. HISTORY OF THE VVALDENI'ES By Rov. J.T. Hoadley. 1 vol. 18 mo. Sun day School edition. 31 cts. NAPOLEON AND HIS DISTINGUISHED MARSHALS. By Rov. J. T. Headly.—l vol. 12m0., Illustrated, full cloth, 81. LU'I'HER AND CROMWELL. By Rov. J. T. Headley.— 1 vofc 12mo , Illustrated, full cloth, SI. RAMBLES AND SKETCHES. By Re*. J. T. lleadlsy—l vol. 12mo, Illustrated, full oloth, sl. rHE POWER OF BEAUTY. By Rov. J. T. Hoadley—l vol. 18mo., llloslrntod, full cloth, 50 cts ; gilt edges, extra, 75 cts. LETTERS FROM THE BACKWOODS AND THE ADRONIDACK. By Rov. J T. Hoadley —1 vol. 12mu., full cloth, 50 cts. • BIOGRAPHY OF THE SAVIOUR AND HIS APOSTLES. With U portrait of eatfll, on graved on stool. With an essay on tho Character of the Apostles, by Rev. J. T. Headly.—l vol' l'Jruo., 15 engravings, $); gil edges, extra, 75 cts. THE BEAUTIES OF REV J. T. HEADLEY. With his Lile.—l vol. 18mo , Illustrated, 50 cts; gilt edgos, extra, $1,50. HEROINES OF SACKED HISTORY.—By Mrs. Steele. Illustrated with splendid en gravings. 1 vol. ISmo; now, enlarged and revised edition, $1; gilt edges, extra, 81 50. THEOPNEtJSTY, OR THE PLENARY IN SPIRATION OF THE HOLY SCRIP TURES. By Professor Gnusson of Gene va. Translated by Kev. E. N. Kirk. A now and onlarged edition. 1 vol. 12010 , 410 pages, 81. SHANTY THE BLACKSMITH : A Tai.E ok Other Times. —By Mrs. Sherwood. 1 vol. IRmo., Illustrated, 50 ets. LILY OF THE VALLEY. By Mrs. Shor wood.—l vol 18mo., Illustrated, 60 cils. THE SHORTER CATECHISM OF THE REV. ASSEMBLY OF DIVINES. With Proofs thereof out of tho Scriptures, in words at lonth. Per 100, 83. Extrude from opinions of ths Press. Sacred Scenss ami Character* —By the HoYr J. T. Hcauioy. This work may be very properly considered a companion to tho '' Sacred Mouutains,' by tho same author. Jts objoot is to illustrato and "render more life-like" the sacrod writings. It is not the author's design to supersodo tho Bible. But his wish is excite a soliritudo to obtain, anil to become intimately acquainted any! per fectly familiar with its history, doctrines and laws; to know its truth to imbibe its spirit, feel its power, and partake of its salvation; in a word, to prize in sonrs measure as it doservds, this treasure which is indeed be yond price. We piediot for it a circulation tar beyond uny of the author's former vforks. [ The IVcu-s, Jon. Ith. Rambles and Sketches —By Rev. J. T. Head ley. We have not for a long time sat down to a book with more pleasing anticipations, • or found those anticipations nioro fully re alized, than in tho porusal of tho work be fore us, and wo know it will bo hailed with gratification by tlie many admirers ul the talented author. His "Napoleon anil his Marshals" was, pethaps, as popular arid found at least as many enthusiastic readers as any book that cau be mentioned. Wo | think the Rambles and Sketches aro des ! lined to be as popular at least as any of his previously published works. There is not a dull chapter in the work, filled as it is with "an infinite variety." The author has am ple room and Verge enough for the employ ment of his lino talents to great advantage, and most successfully has he accomplished the task. Tho biographical sketch of the author is interesting and "well considered," and adds much to the value of tho hook, i which is got up in a very neat and attractive etylu by the publisher.— See Portland Trans script, Dec. lath. Mr, lleadloy hi ono of tin r. t promising wri ters of this country, and wo imvo hero ono of his beat books—oi.o on which l.a can safely rost bio funny It possesses tho unfutigniiig charms of perfect simplicity and truth. There is graceful franknoseperVsifing the composition, which en gages the interest of the reader in lire uutlior ss well Us in the subject. His rumbles üboul Rome, l'aris und London exhibit a thousand Units of an | ingenuous notuie, upon which u mail of .tusto . wilt delight to linger. Wo predict for this a | salo equal to that ul any of tho uuthoi's woiks [Now York News. | The collection is ono of which no ruithor I need be ashamed. It consists, indeed, of aoino of Mr. Ileadlcy's most brilliant and highly'lin isbed compositions, of thoso specimens of bis abilities by winch ho may bo judged with tho ; greatest safety to his fame as o word-painter and thinker. [New York Tribune, N. I). The above books will he for warded to order at the pricus mentioned, fieo of pustugo, to uny purt of tho United States, on tho receipt of orders, with thenionoy. Money may bosout by marl at my risk- JOHN 8. 'TAYLOR, Publisher, 113 Nassau at, New York. Trial List, August Term 1851. 1 John P. T.oibrieh ot. al vs. Perry Dealt 4 1. Jacob Albright vs. Honry Mongol. 3. Montour County vs. Columbia county. 4. Columbia County vs. Amandns Lovers. 5 George Frederick at. ul. vs. Vuniah Rous. C>. B. P. Frick, ct. al. vs. Charlos F. Matin 1 Wm. W.Cook vs. Win. Edgar et. al. 8. Truman M. Hubblo vs. David J. Waller. 9. Samuel Achcubuch us. Honry C. Freas. It).lsaac Koonset. al. vs. Grand Bancroft. 11. A. B. Knabb vs. John ltobison. 12. Philip Kinase vs. William Koons. 13. Simon P. Knso vs.- Gourge D. Loib ot. al I t Daniel F. Seybert vs. Honry Rittenhouee. 15. Honry Wauich w. Mosea Coffman. 16 David L. Brooks vs. Lewis H Manso. 17. Virgil H. Ikoler vs. Rebecca lkelor. 18. Abraham Totwillogor vs. Jacob Uidloman SHEETS & SELTZER'S W HOLESALK No. 2J2 K. Third St , (Above Gallowbill,) puiudelpuu, A GENERAL ASSORTMETOF BR4KDIOI, WINES, CORDIALS, And Liquors of eve description t 1. K. SHEETS. ■ E. P. SKLTZJtR. John WoonvtDEE Agsnt. ¥>Y VIRTUE of a writ of venditioni expo '-'no* will be exposed to public sale at tho court-Loupe in Blootnsburg on Monday tbe 18th day of August next, at 1 o'clock P. M. tho following described property, to witA certain tract of land situa'o in Madison township, Columbia county, beginning at a atone corner of lends* of Borjamin Wiuter atoen, thenco by the same East 180 perciioe to a post on a line of James Popliard's land, thence by the same North 162.8 porches to a stone corner of land sold to David Miller, thence by the sumo West 1)5.7 perches to u stone corner of land Mold to Daniel Duirk, thence by the same South 98 perches to a chesnat, arid still by tho seme West 84.3 perches to a stone corner, thence by land sold to Thomas Cox and William Winter sleet South 64.8 perches to ike place Of be ginning, containing 124 Acres 13 Perches and allowance. ALSO, ono other certain tract of laud sit uate in Madison township, Columbia county, to wit: Beginning at a small chesnnt in u lino of Johti Low afid John Flack, thence by the same East 114.3 perchos to a stone heap thence by other land of which this a part South 98 perches to a chcanut, West partly by tho same, and partly by land sold to Thomas Cox North mid crossing n run, thence 98 perrhos to the place of beginning, containing 66 Acres and allowtauco. Seized and taken in nxneution and to, bo sold as tho property of Thomas Maeohal. ALSO, at the same tifng nnd place, by vir tue and pluco, by virtuo ol a writ of levari facias all that certain described lot or ploco uf laud situate ,in the township of Groonwond in the County of Columbia aforesaid. Be ginning at a Cliesnut Oak, tho south east corner ol land of Joseph Kvort, thence south seventeen degroca west fifty fivo porches to a post, licence by lui)ds. of Barnabas Watts, south eigtbty seven degrees, west ono hun dred und fifty six perches, and fivo tenths to a email maplo, thence by lands known by the Edgar lot, north sixteen nnd one half de grees, cast one hundred and Ftnmnty Olio nercltos to a post, ihcnco by lundFconvqyed to Georgo Girlou south seventy fivo and throe fourths degtees east, ono hundred and fifty nine und live tenths porches to a post, thence by the same south seventy four degrpov, east eighty two parclius to the beginning, con taining one bundled uml sixty live and one half acres. Seizod taken in nxcoution und to bo Bold as the property ol Benjamin Watts. PETER BILLMYKR, Sheriff. She rid'a office, Bloomshurg, July lGlli, 18el A NEW VOLUME or THE AMERICAN Fintr.- NOLOOICAI. JOURNAL commences Jirtyl, 1851. Now is tho timo to subscribe. Devoted to Phrenology, Physiology, Magnetism, Physi ognomy, Mechanism, Education, Agricul ture, tho Natural Sciencos, and General In telligence, profusely illusirated : it cannot fail to iutorost every class ot rnailers. Every family, and especially all young men and women, should have a copy. It is printed on tho first of every month, at Onrf Dollar a year. All letters should bo post-paid, and directed to FOWLERS & WELLS, 131 Nassau streot, N. V. TIIE WATER CURE JOURNAL—A New Vol ume of this "Journal of health" commences in July, 1851. Subscribers should sond in their uamos at onco. Tho Philosophy and Praotico of Hydropathy, Physiology and An atomy ol tho Human Body, Dietetics, Phys ical Education, the Chemistry of I.ilo, uml all other matters relating to Life, Health and Happiness, will be given in this Journal. Wo believe that man may proloug his life much beyond tho number .uf yeurd usuully attained. Wo propose to show ltow. Pub lished monthly, at Cue Dollar a year, in ad vance. PlOaso address all letters, post-paid, to FOWLERS & WELLS, 131 Nassau street, N. Y. Subscriptions to either of tho üboro vulu i ablo works received at tho "Star" ollico. July 26, 1851. The Housewife's Help and Husband's Joy t TIIE GERMAN WASHING FLUID TV)ES away entirely with that lnborions '-'task uf tubbing the Clothes upon tho washboard. It contains no ingredients what ever injurious to the finest fabric or tho jlesh. The proprietors wish every one to give it a trial, anu it it does not provo to be as re commended, the money, in every such oaso will be refunded. Full directions accompa ny each bottle. Retail prico 121 Cents per Bottle, suliiciuut to do two ordinary washings, and 6uving tho Clothes more by not rubbing them than tho cost of six bottles—besides removing stains ol fruit, &0., if there be any, and the time and label saved. Prepared only by I. P. HOYT & CO. •Philadelphia. J. K. F.NCAA, Bloomsburg, Agent tor Col umbia County. All orders received by him wholesale or retail, will he promptly attended to. FIRE PROOF CHESTS, FOR BOOKS, PAPERS, JEWELRY, Sio. F.VANSWA rsON, Firesnd thtf warranted to stand more beat than any other Uicsts in the country. Alan, Patent Air Cham ber IRON CUE I'll 170(1 now in uao. I'hay also continno to nisko (ho ordinary Kite Ptool'a at very low prices. We, llu uudwbigrctl'were present on tho 11 day of September, when Messrs, Evnns A Wat aen tested ono of their Salamander Vice I'roof Cherts, at which tinio they ronautnod live cords cf wood over it, commencing ol 0 A. M. and continuing until 3 o'clock, P. M., rooking , ve hours intense heat, amounting to a white hoot, Tho Chests remained in the fito until tho neil morning, when it was openc in our presotice, and all tho books end pnpers taken out, having been preserved entire. The above named Chest, together with tho hooka and papers, may be examined hy calling ai the Btorg of Evans & Watson, 63 Deck strict. THOd. 11 ANSEL!,, 13th at., above Arch. SAMUEL L. DAVIS, 111, N. Thltd at. WILLIAM HARPEIt, Jr, Messrs, Evans & Wutson : Gentlemen -Having been piescut when tho contents of tho Chest alluded to *tn.tke above certificate were exposed to view, I take pleasure in adding my testimony to the perfect security ol tho papers. No mark of fire was apparent on any of them. Respectfully, H. V- MERRICK. Philadelphia, Sent IC. BALTIMORE, dune 16. Measrs. Evans &. 'Valson, Philadelphia; Gentlemen—We have much ploasuie in re commending your Vito I'roof Cheats to the uo tice of tho public—the una we purchased from you having saved Out hooks and contents effec tually,after undergoing a very severe heal during the lire, which destroyed the entire block of buil dinga on Arch street wharf, on the Schuylkill, oil the 6th of Juno, 1640'. Yours, vory res ctf ullf. MUSSEL & GILLIN3. Seal and Letter Copying Presses, Kite proof Doors for Uauks and Stores; Patent Hlatc Lined warranted superior to all others, Water i'illcra, Truck VVugons for Stoics, Bborf ot Hatha of the best quality* June &th, 1851 .ly PROCLAMATION. NOTICE Is hereby giveh that iho several C'ourts of Counnoiti Pleas, Gen eral Quarter Sessions of the Peace, and Orphans' Court, Court of Oyer and Terminer arid Jail Delivery, in and for tlfu County of Columbia, loeotntneiico at the Coutt House iu lifoomsburg, on Mondtty the ISih day of Atigilsi next, to continue one week. Tho Coroner, Justices of tho Peace & Constables, ill and i'pr the county of Col umbia, are requested to betlionnnd there in their proper porsons, with their records, inquisitions, and other remem brances, to do those things to their sev eral nfiices nppartaining to be done. And all witnesses prosecuting %1 buhall of the Common wealth against any pris oner, are also requested nnd commanded to be then and there attending in their pro per persons to prosecute against him, as shall be just—und not to depart without ttonve at their peril. Jurors aro request ed to he punctual In their nUchdancc, nt the lime appointed agreeable to their no tices, Given tinder tny.hnnit at Bloomsburg the 10th day of July is tho yeAr of our Ilurd-one thousand eight hundred and fifty— and tho Independence of the U nilcd Slams of America the 74th. PETER DILLMYE#, SU'ff. (God save the Commonwealth.) LIST OF LETTERS, REMAINING ill the PostOlliceut Blooms burg, July Ist, 1851. BuA Henry Hill Jacob Briggs J Hamilton Alexander Blyiiot J Barker John II Ciouse Nelson Roster E (J Crary John Ci Kisler Geoigo Derr J F fi Kuorr Sarah Driblebiss Elius Lunteumuth Henry Douglass Elizabeth Miler Reuben Evans A J Packer James Felmy David lleazer J M Wilburn William Thompson Aaron Holliiiuu Joliaim Washburn J 3 , • Henry Nathaniel J. M. CHEMBERLIN, V. M l'Hasuugcre to tlio Westj |~|N and after June Ist 1851, n DAILY '-'LINE of. coaches will leave Ralston in connection with the cars from WiUiamsport ! lor Klmira. The proprietors have placed good learns und Troy coaches with curefiil (iriverHOn the route, and tho Travelling Pub lic may rost asshred that no pains will bo spared to mnke them comfoitublo ; ami.they will also have the advantage on this lonte of connecting with tho different trains on tho N. York & Erie Railroad. A car will leave VVil liamsnort (daily,) at 3 o'clock, V. M ; arrive at Rulston at 7, I'. M , remain all niget. Leave Ruleton at 3A. M. ; urrive ut Klmitu ?t 3P. M., whero passengers can take the evening train fof Pp"kirk, vt g train for Go tteva, oi a train fvr New York city. ?2"Bca gor will be receipted through only by tho Agent on tho car. F'nro, &3,50. Distance, 75 miles. AUSTIN BOYNTON, G.B. HAMILTON, Proprietors. VV'msport, June, 18, 1821. Pbiladelp hia & Reading Kail Road. RF.DIJ?TION of I'rieght on Merchaudizo, to commence March, I, 1851; RAILS OF Fit EIUH VRR R 100 LnS Between I'otlsvilL unit Philadelphia. Akticlcs TnAUBi'OHTKD,— Ist Class.—Bi tuminous Coal, Bricks, Ice, Iron Ore, Lime stone, Pig Iron, Plaster, Slale, Tiles, 9 cts. 2d Clitss. —Biootns, Burr Block*, Cement, Grindstones, Guano, Laths, I'ilch, Railroad Iror., heavy, Rosin, Salt, Sills, Shir.gles, Tar, Turpentine, Timber and Lumber, 10 cts. 3rd Class. —Ale, llecr, and Porter, Ashes, Pol St Pearl, Bark, Harloy, Bonos f: Horns, Coflbe, Cotton, Whiskey, & Domestic Li quors, Grain, Iron Castings, routth ; Rolled, bar or Hammered Iron, Boiler Plates, Flut Bar Rail Road Iron, Lead wtd Shot, Mo lasses, Potatoes, Nails & Spikes, Salt l'tovi sions, Sugar, Saltpetre, and Tobacco, un manufactured, 12j cts. Flour per barrel, 25 ets. 4th Class —Applos, Bran, Butler, Cheeso, Cordage, Earthen Ware, Eggs, Grocer is (except those slated) Hemp, Hardware, and Cutlery, Hollow wait) , f.ard, Leather, Live Slock, Maiiulucltires of Iron, as Machinery ; Oil, Oysters, Paints, Raw Hides, Rags, Rus sia Sheol Iron, Seeds, Steel, Sweet Potatoes, Tallow, Vinegar and Wire, 17 ets. 3th Class. —Bonks and Stationary, Boots & Shoes, Caifphine, nnd Spirit Oil, China, Gfrfis ami (Jucaiisware, Cigars, Confectionery, Dry Goods, Drugs, Fresh Fish, Meat & Fruit, Fo, reign Liquors, Hops; Spirits of Turpentine Teas, Wines and Wool 22 els. March 13, 1851. 800 1S & SHOES. W AI THE LOWEST rUICEB.fP^hgSP Respectfully announcoe to his friends and tho public that lie lias lakon tho Boot and Shoo Store lalely kept by Wairea Russel, wlierc ho has always on liand and makes to order all kinds of Boots aud Shoes ut the following prices; Mori's fine calf or morocco boots, JTI a 1 30 do' kip or cow hide, 3 25 do calf shoes 2 00 do cow hido, 1 75 do mineis', nailed, 2a 2 50 Ladies'gnitors, 2 a 2 25 " I.tico boots, 162 " Thick, eoleil slippers lal 37 " Pump'soled, 100 " Jenny Lind,s 125 a I 50 Boys', youths' and chihlrcn's sboos in pro portion. Ho manufactures Itis work of the best of stoek—warrants ii lo wear; nnd is dotcruiiued to soil il as low us others can their Yunkeo or eity work. Call and see lor yoursclvus. Shop on Mum st., uexl door below llnrlniau's Stoto. Bloomsbutg, April Ist, 1851. g® GLoass UrA ® :art> ® 3 HENRY ZUP RING Eli Invites tho altantiou ol the public to his stock of clocks, watches, jewelry, watch trimmings, glasses, keys, balance wheels, jewels auu , Gold Pons which ha continues to offer for sale at reasonable prices. He wilt also repair clocks, watches, and musical and optical instruments in a satis factory maimer- His shop is itt'the middle room of tho Ex. change block, nearly opposite to the Cour House. Bloomsburg, July 24, 1851. WINDSOR AND COMMON CHAIR made to older of any dcsirablo style at th chair manufactory of B HAOENBUCH Bloarasljurg, May IC;h IBSQ, . WHITE'S BONNET MANBFACTOB¥ NO. 41 SOUTH SECOND STREET, NOW conducted by Thomas White son of its late proprietor, at the Old Stand, where Dealers will ot all times find a slock of Foreign and Domestic Straw, J,nce, Fancy, Crape und Silk Bonnets. Pntiaiha, Palm Leaf, end every variety f Straw Hats, end J Artificial Flowers unequalled by any other for extent or besuty of manufacture, still at vety low prices, having facilities for preducihg these goods possessed by no other estab lishment. , , . i To the Ladies and Milliners generally, he would lender his grateful aeknowledgl inents for their kind,approval of the busi ness svstem of this house, shall be wacl yig, to merit a continuance of their liber al patronage, They will still he greeted with the same old familiar fin es, who will at all limes endeavour, to execute their commissions with fidelity end promptness. March 0, 18fil--3ro, ilcndlug R. R. Passcngei Trains ■y-t tjgnu iWpV O OFFICE OF THE PAU.ADELPiHA AND READING RAILROAD COMPA NY.—Philadelphia. Murcji 29, 1851.—SUM MER ARRANGEMENT, from Philadelnhia to Pollsvillc. Two PnssengersTrains daily (Sundays excoptdd.) On und after April t, 1851, two trains will be rutrOaelt way, dui ly, between Philadelphia and l'ollsvillo. MORNING LINE Loaves Philadelphia ut 7j o'clock, A. M., daily, except Sundays. Loaves Pultevillo at 7j o'clock, A. M., daily, except Sundays. AFTERNOON LINE Leaves Philadelphia at 3 o'clock, daily, except Sunday. I.eavoe l'ytlsvillo fit 34 o'clock, daily, except Sundays. Fifty pounds of liaggago will ba allowed to uaeh passenger in liuioo lines, end pns sougeis nro exprossly prohibited front taking anything us-baggngo but their own wdaring apparel, which wilt be at tbe tisk ot its own er. Bv order of the Board of Mann gets. March 29, 1851. S. BRADFORD, Scent,i mackakel. SIIA1), CODFISH, I Constantly SALMON. onhandfcfoi HERRINGS, >•,' aIH -V,J p()l>K | TaI.MR&CO. HAMS AND SIDES | 861 SHOULDERS, | Philadelphia LARD AND CHEESE, J March 6, 1851.-3 m, ESSENCE OF COFFEE. ATIOL'T iwO years ego a now discovery was madn in Europe, consisting of a substitute for the ordinury store coffee, called Essence of Coffee, which has gone into gen eral use with astonishing rapidity, not only among the poorer classes, who at once dis pensed with the use of the celebrated Cliick ory Coffee, but is now in general use in the wealthiest lamilios and the first hotels, and is. highly recommended by the medical fac ulty. f ft is extrncted from pure, wholesome veg etables. and excels all similar preparations that have ever bean offered to tlio public, cither in this country or in Europo. lis su perior quality has already been attested to in tho cities by eofne of tlio most omfncnf phys icians, and a number of tho most distinguish ed of the clergy and oilier highly respectable citizens. 'Coffee mado from this essence ac cording to the prescription obtains a moro delicious and ploasunt favor than the com mon 6toro entree, and is certainly more wholesome, especially for fieri oris in deli cate health, which will bo admitted by eve ry physician who w ill take the pains to test tho uatiito and properties of this essence, One paper costing only 12i cis., is oqnal to four pounds of store cotice, will be bright utid clear without the application of any oilier ingredient to clarify or settlo it. Tho public ure therefore invited to give this es sence at least a trial before they condemn it. A respectable merchant of Luzerne couu ty in writing of it says : "My ou&omcrs havo been using Of tho above Essence for some mouths past with grtffral taiisfaction ; and Ido not hubitato to recommend it lo die public. >.- ■ HENDERSON GAYLORD." Manufactured by G. Hummel. Holder &. Co., 71N Callowh'ilt struct Plnlanelpliia. For sale by GEORGE WEAVER, Hlooms burg, by whom merchants can bo supptid a'. manufacturers prieos—freight added. Iflooinsburg, July 31st, 18;1. —3 m. Fancy Chairs. BENJAMIN HAOENBUCH lias just re ceived from Philadelphia a now lot of FAN CY CHAIRS, of Birch and' Mahogany curl, ant) of tho most fashionable stylo, which he will sell at the lowtest prices for good puy. Bloomsburg, May 16th, 1850. Great Inducements. The boil is fairly opened , tho cammnign is commenced and as it is important to have Democratic doctrines und principles widely cireulaled nup fairly understood, wo oI !-jr the following inducements for subscribing to tho Star of the North, Irotn tho first of July, when the cheap postage* law will go ino op eration, until tho election in October next - One Copy, 00 ets. Five copies, #2 oo Eight " 3 00 Ten "* 3 50 Twonty " 0 00 IVTobo in all cases accompanied by the-cash. Wo hope our Democratic friends ■will take hold of this matter, und send us a few names— ; dach of you. TO Ul'R whig vnitNbs We will send the Star at the abovo taloe, to bo paid when Wm. Bici.ku is elected Gov ernor ! Send' on your orders. H. CJ. EOWSR, fSUEGUEOH ©JBJIMSt 1 , |> cspectfully offers his professional service •"To tho luifios and gumlomun of Blooms burg and vicinity. He id prepared to attend to ail tho various operations in DENTISTRY and is provided with tho latest improved porcelain teeth, which will be insetted on GOLD PLATE from one to an entire set. OFFICE—MEAK THE AC4DBMT Bloomsbnrg, April 30 1851 BLANKS!! DEEDDS, SUMMONS. EXECUTIONS, SUBI'tENAS, and JUDGMENT NOTES, ol propet and dcsirablo forms, for sale at the Ofice the "Star of the North " REGISTER'S NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given, to all lOgatee*; creditors and other persons interested in the estates of the respective decedents anil minors, that the following Administration and Guardian accounts have been tiled ih the Office of the Register of tbo County of Columbia, and will be preaelitcd for confir mation and allowance to tho Orphans' Court to be held at Bloontoburg, in and for the County aforesaid, gn, Wednesday the 20th day of live tj'cloak, P. M. 1. Tho atcSUnt orJoftn Ci Kinney,. Guar dian of j— ti m. child of. Esau (iirton, late of Col umbia coiintyytlso'd. jp 2. The account of John MorJan,. Admin istrator of the Estate of jotiri Crawford, late of Mount l'leasunt township, Columbia CO., decoased. 8. The. account of William N. Brown, Administrator of the estate of Samuel Jlrown', late of Mtflliu lowuslup, Columbia county, deceased. l)nal nccount ol Jesse Yocum, Guardian of Margaret, Martha turd Matilda Yocum, minor children of Joseph Yocum, late of Cuttawissu township, Columbia county, deceased. 6. The account of Jacob R. Howor, Ad minlstrator of the estate of Juhn Shearman, late of Beaver township, Columbia county ilecased. 0. The final account of John Lazarus, " Guardinu of the estate ot Lafayette Kessler, u minor sun of l'oter Kesslor, late of Briar crook township, deceased, filed by James S Woods. Administrator ot the estate of Joint Lazarus, decerned. 7. Tho account of Daniel Wolf, Executor of the last Will and Testnuuftit of Abruham Wolf, late of Millliu township, Colombia eo , deceased. B. Tho first and final account of Rotten Davidson, mini's of the estuto of Jane Kin ney, Into of Erutiklin township, Columbia co., deceased. t). Tho uccoonf ol Caleb Thomas, admin islrator with the Will annexed ol John Craw find, late of Deny township, Columbia to, deceased. 10. The nccount of Lot l'arkor & Coincli us Lttndy, Administrators of the estate ol Thomiis Lundy, iaH) ol Greenwood township, ColiHilbia Co., ileceased. 11 The acoount ol John S. llerf & Abrn hunt llori, Executors of thu lust Will uud Testament of John llerr, lata ot Derry town ship, Columbia co., deceased. 13. Tho account of Samuel Creasy, Ad miuivtralora of tho Estate of Daniel dutch ins, late of Millliu township, Columbia eo., deceased. 13. Tho account of liathara A Trumbow or, Administratrix of the estate ol Jnsoph Trumbo-xor, late ol Valley township, Colum bia co, deceased. 14. The first nntl final account of Robert Siiniiigton, Administrator of the estate .ot Kphrsitn Scott,, late of Liberty township, Columbia 00, deceased. 13. Tho account of liobeit B. Swaxay, Administrator of thu estate ol Andrew Kin ney, lato ot Franklin township, Columbia co, deceased. lfi. Tbo nccount ol Robert Moore & Hen ry Slioup, Executors of the lust VV.itl and Testament of Juhn Wilson, late ol Valley township, Columbia co, deceased. 17. Tho account of Jacob Sheep, Admin loi.'2'ol of tho Cfltuto of Abraham Bogart, lata ol jM'tdisou township, Columbia eo, de ceased.■ 18'. Tito account of William Clark, Exe cutor of tbo lust Will &0.. of James Clark, lain of Dorry township, Columbia county, deceased. JESSE G. CLARK. ' • Register. Ragiutor's Offico, Bluotnsburg, July Id, 1831. GIVE 'EM FWSII Peter 8 Leiily Can manufacture jusf ris neat and fashiona ble a suit of clothing as any other tailor irj those diggins. As a sample of his work mituship, ho refers you to tho 11KST FirtlNG COST To be found in tho town, which is quite ccr tain to have coiuo from Ids shop. lie regularly receives the latest city fash ions, und from Ids experience in the. busi ness Cau unsure satisfaction in his work. Ho has also on baud an assortment of CLOTH, CASSIMERKS, & TRIMMINGS, m At tho lowest prices, from which ho will make up to order coalf, pants, or vests of any desiritblo stylo. l3f'His shop is on the Nortli sido of Main Street, a fow doors above Ihu Court-house. Blootnsburg, Fob. 11, 1850. to tbc Public. |7 ROM the first (lay of July, IRSI. the pos *• luge on tbo Daily American Telegraph, Washington city, I). C., will bo por iu:\rtor in advance, us follows ; fifty miles or under, 25 cents ; over li'ty anil not three hundred, 50 cents; over throe hundred and not ex ceeding one thousand, 75 cents, &c. Any person wishing to lie served for three months lifter the above date, need only to pay hi* quartet's postage and sand us a gold dollar and u silver quarter in a smull leitor—pos tage paid, of course ; or live dollars, for a year, The Telegraph is independent in poli tics, polite, rn-jrnl, ngrooablo, and familiar, piumpt in tarnishing tho news, and a terror to nil evil ilners, ________ Siavcvon UONIUUL'S Orxics ev PA ) June 30, 1851. \ SOLOMON NCVIIAUD, Esquire, Surveyor of the County of Colunibiii: Sin:—'l ho net passed tha tenth day ot April, 1835, authorizing iho giadualion and valuiuion oi tho iHipatenlud lands in this Commonwealth, by tho Commissioners ot I the seveial countios, and which has been extended from Inuo to linio by suppteuien aty "C,s, expiios on the tenth day of l>e coaibor, 1851 (seo Painplilot Laws, 1349, page 38.) after wbiph time no abuicmont of any interest can be made on tho purchase nionoy duo on siloh lands. I have, there fore conceived il lo be toy duty to give this notice to aU the County Surveyors. You w ill take such measures as you may doom proper to circulate this fact, in order that those interested may nvail themselves of tho benefit of a law which favots those who owu unpatented lands very much. Tlture is no appropriation made to defray the expenses of publishing this nutico iu tho dilterenl counties, or else 1 should have ta ken that method of giving notice in tlie news papers. Very rospecifuly yours, J. PORTER BRAVVLEY, Surveyor (Jin. US'* The couuty Survevoi has atist of tho unpatented lauds within the county of Col* urnbiu. July 26, 1851.—3t. 11. W. , w EA V i: II , AiiTiT<Q)M£S IE iff-- AT-ILj AW' * BLOUMSDURU, COLUMBIA CO'., PA Orrtcs—Ort thA Eait side of Main Stteet three squares below Market. Llouse, sigu aud Oroaaleata Painting 'DONE to order in the best highly-finished Ipolain style,by U UAUENBUCH. ~~A SPLUNDW ASSORTMENT of Ladies Gaiters and Slippers just mnimfitctqred ami for sulo by AUGUSTUS WltSOfr
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers