COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. Saturday Morning, Nov. 11, GG. fiST Mr. Wm. II SxEUNJin. has erect til a large Urick Dwelling House, on Mar kct Street bulow Fourth Street, Iilooiiis burg. 1ST Htv. DanikIj M. Hauiier, a well known Presbyterian Clergyman, died last rriir nt MlWnn , wctK at wiiton. T ,, -- ... , . j;v Ttnnn Ilnt,i,v S nf f li I a nl i nn ' w, offers (or talc on Saturday Nov. 18th. a Ilouto and lot tituato in east Hloomsburg, also at the same timo and placo his entire pcrtonal proprrty. SfSr Mr. Titos Kxuiui.of 13!oom twp. on Tuctdny lutt, received u tomcwhat se rious, but vc hope not dacgcroii3 injury Irom a fall of several feet upon his barn Uoor. BfiT Uikutiful Iloota and Shoos w'th childrcii'B Hoots and Gaiters, to bo had at the now Store of Savkuy & Kkum, in Mr, FLive's Block, on Main street, Blooms burg. C' lion. Vltlr Est & Sons, have put their Blast Furnaco in operation at Light Street, lhoy are worthy gentlemen nml strictly honest and honorablo in all their bushicta-transactions. Cffy Cnpt , Tuos, CiiaM'a.nt, hasdrcca ed out in beautiful new and neat type that exci llC'tit o'd democratic sheet, iho Dan ville ltitilligeticcr. -rt- . C6T S Bnucu Uoluman, Jq , Junior Editor of iho Jersoy-hore Herald, paid us a viit last week. Olir VOliriLf friend ifl I''1'1' )r"r- 'I'1"' bcl clna of atu.lcnn may iiiva U1 ri0UI,b ",L"a ,H.rlabl) be found here, and all ita a.aOLlation. are Aral looking well at.d renin ts nroyresi in be half of thi? Herald. It is a sound demo cratic journal aud deserves suceisj. STlf rce John says he is in favor of Andrew Johnson. No doubt he is so far a.-that appointment conduces to liii in terest. But, if so, generally, why does he not give his leaders toiuetliing con cerning tnc rrohiui'iit a policy in paruon- uuing ihc lliliels? ," , , ... -. 1 CC?" A auV OiOtV IH UraitgrViUC I) , K. Si.OAN, J'!sq., has erected unpbndiil iiiid commodious Stoic House in Oraiigi ville, cud 1,'m jut fl.lcd itttiih choice New (.ioods. Mr Sioan, is an cnterpriaiug t.uaiuess-inatj and a successful Merchant. He (ifiVrs rare bargains to purchaois. Tub I.ycomino OAZEm:, easts foiuo utigcntlrmaiily insinuations upon the Editor ol tho (JoLUMtu.i Di:mucuat, for the publication of on article from IialltT. Without tUC nropcr Oretlll, WUICll 1 , , ,, wi s puo islicit two wetlii ago, wtiittt wo waaab.'cnt in Wom'ng Valley. How Aur. You BucKWiir.AT ! The atMAon for these delieioui eakes is ;it liuuil, aud un irrepressible I'Obflict'' has been uomtnrnccd upon llitni, which prom- im' to if.suit in the tie id ol it iou of ten of thousiiLtlii iu and arouud UloouirLtirg. Wo i-hil distiiict'y understood that we me u Mild icr in the cobfbet. , C" Po'ctii John tnalics the Smut Ma chino aay, thut the Editor ci this journal, is 'looking awful tdncu the electiou."' Au bontat dctnocrat always uIooka awful' to a kill-sheep abolitiou dog, particularly af tcr he was dtiuctcd iu attempting to se duce bis ni'igLbur'fl wife. How arc you Mr. Dunn ? fcaT" Fall and winter is last approach- ' ing with iis accuttoniLd inclemency, j Many dread tho approach of tho monster,' and would postpone Lis coming How-1 ever any ouo secuuug a goou warm huh of winter clothes, at Evans aud Hart inun's Clutlnijr Store, ou Main Street, may feci peifecily at case, as ho will he prepared to face tho rough weather. B&y- JamUo S. McNixcii, Etq,, haviDg purcliusul tlio interest of his late partner, in the ytore at Catawi'sa, has renewed hia ' Slock of Good3, and now offers the public the ehoiee cf a select assortment of the' most fai-hionahlc Merchandize, at very I moderate prices. .Mr, McNincii is one ol'j the lest I'liMUCiS-nien iu our county, audi merits liberal patronage'. Sec his Cord in this Democrat. -a- - I fit2f" llev. W. Goi'imir ir, for tho last olcjcu years the devoted Pastor of (iermanj r.efonncd Church of Hloomsburg, has ro I signed his Pastoral charge. Mr. G., takes I chargoofa Church in Hagorstown, Md. He is a worthy cit'zen and carries with him thf goud wishes and kindly regards cf all hue who injoycd tho pleasure of his acquaintance. jjsay A Cold Wisteic Conixo Farmers, and otherwise pioploin the ru ral district'', predict an early winter, a long one and a strong one. One of the titrns is that birds early took their flii'ht, southward, and anolhor that tho busk of! growiug corn was very thiol; and covered tho ears to tho very ends, a never failing proof that overcoats and fuel will bo iu great demand. ley N. 0. ISakkluv, K.q., proposos by tho middle of November, to enlarge aud improo tho " Diiaratic UtaivlarU " It is now the ouly Dcmocratio 6heet in Pottsville, and is ably and spiritedly cou duotcd. Wo wish Mr. 11. great success, in his proposed investment, but confess that we cannot exactly sea how ho is to get his money hack in theso terrible times of terrible prioe in Ink and PapT, BUSINESS COLLEGE N. 13, Oor'. Tenth ami Chestnut Streets. PHILADELPHIA. Tlio moat complete nint thoroughly nppnlntod tluil neaaor t'ominerclnl Oolleiie In I li cmintry . Tlio only nno in tliu city poa.e.alii! ft hogl.trttlvr Cliallcr. nml Ihn nnlv not, in the. United Hlnte. tiutlinr MuT, nraln teal hy nulliurlly of l.nv Vo Meay trMtcl,'.u r ni1(,rnl ,.,wmn ,,,, exleiialvo ctprrlPiirn In Imalnc, nml nll'inllnc u ,,,,.11.,. i .i.... ... ........ r... .1... ,, - . . .. , . ... v.., . ..-. "7:.. . i I'i.ii.iui, tin, hum, u , ,,1,111,: iii.-ii . -ft 1IIU V liriIMM CI II 1 tics nml I'liiplnyiuctita nf Ijii i -. life. Tlll.uilY A 1 riiAL'TIUI. cotlDlNr.l) uy n sjficin in ACTUAL IIUSIMISS TRAIM.Vn original nml pri'-sinliirmly prnrllcal sivini; tlip mi dent in tho Klinrtcut Hum ufonip lulu inlulil Into Ilia cirncn nrarrnunt4, nrraMVi-ri nu.l putill.hud l.y Iho . i'i'iiMi ' mf iniiiniinii cxrUIV(!iy HIT 1114 ll II ' !ln. .Vlni. nn.. I.nlf n.n r ti . .. .1-.. . , ....b-.iHi. u.j ... n.iry i.t i Mir ill niu m i ui'iii amlRltinr lilni ncniniiletu kuunluilgu uf Uii prr.tllcu of the beat nccountatits. THE COMMIillCIAL C0U11SU EMniiA;i:s 1 Bookkeoping,Commercial Arithmetic, Pen- mansnip, uusincfs Uorrorpondence, Coiniiiercial Law, Jj-otures on Business AiTairs, Uoinmcr oial Customs, l-'onnj, and Actual Uusi ness Practice. Srr.ClAi, llttAN'UIIIM Wjfrtro am the Higher Malhtmallti, rhonnpinphv. Or namcnlitt Vrnmamhlji. Iht Wr( a hrluitiin Countnilt ,1jnry. .'nviintlii'i' Sur frying, JfnitgntiJii ami 'VtUgruiihltg . tiii.ihihapiiino. Tlir; nrranrintit for Trlccrtipliinc nrn lurc ail. vnucu of anyllilni; oftlm kind uvi'r oil rvil tu Hi" jmli lie. A rccular Telo rapli l.lni' ii ronnccli-il with tint 1 11 It mi uii hiIi twi nty branch .ilUm in varinuM parlt of lint cl y, wlnru public hunt nrx it trn rinrtc,l, nml in which 1 1 ijj utmlculs ol' tliH I iittli t ill i oil lire pi.r iniltfil to prnctictf. No ri uiilar iilliii' pr.ielici! can be liail in anv oilier school of instr uclinii in iho country, willnnil nhlih mi out: can obtain a pnjitiu'i an n ir:ic. Ileal operator. Young men are cantloneil nc ilnst Ui.i deceptive rcprceiiialioii; of Uhhj mm. any Kiich t'jcllitien, pretuml lntaili IVIecr.iplmig. I'ATIIONAOU. Tlilo liiktltutlon la now (nloviiii! tin lareot o ilmn troiiuci. ever belaonuil upon any Uonniiercul aclmol in , ll'ii Statu Over Ilvi liuinlrnr nnl,. nt Here in ctt ten I (I. I Iter the 111 at tear, mill neer .i.vii II hmi.t r...t cUsu. I.OHATIOV A.VI) Al'CO.M.MdDATlONSi. 'I III In-titiuitiu Incateil In lln nnil central part of Ho! cily. ainl it aiMiinuioilnliDiiK. fur vteni, ele- patai) and rum ncc, are iiiiniirpa-tcil All the roonn have been lit ted up intlie ery beat style with IIUrlVi:rJS DFI'IL'IIS (Jit UoU.STIN'ii llnrriBrl. TIll.KOItAlMl OlTlUi:, srATtoNAItY STDIIK, AND A t'.Lil-'l, lit inxit oi' DiU'd.-iir axi) isni.c, aitpli I Willi finely enqrnvi'd liilpisr.iphir nntea naed aa a i-lrcul.itl.i, lliuilleaa. luediuiii in lite it. p nt nuil ol Ai inal TO im ii,.Hire iho very i,.st raciinin. a I'raclic.'i I lulucilioii Jur IIiimhoss, m' pimraii tf a course M iiuruction no wln-rc flic 'in.illcil, wlp'.- Hit: rciiut.iliwu i.iht .l.iuliiij; ()f Hi,- i ii hi it ii uuii :i lining i,u-iuts uictj nmkc iittur "i1 ini'iit ttii1 Im nl I'lUGinirt tn fin IT..- ami niu run nt Ail coiitt iuiI:'hn c iUriH'! any I'ulU'yi. aro niv iitil tu tit-iiil lur an 1 1,1,1. ri i;. I'Mi GinC'UIiAll AND OA'I'AlitJtj l'F, V li'llli i f the College, t-nhtaiiiinu' coiiiplolu nilunur uuii full '.ifliLuUri nf i 're of nirtrili Hon terms, &c, L. FA Hi IAMi A. 31 l'reri ) il-tit. Cpf cinl Tuni in r :ithl ;Jui"t of Oflioi Uiiinpss, Nov. 4, 1m5- Jdm. Co url Pro dam alion , WIIHIII'.AH. the Ilns. Wii.ium Ci.oi i.i I'reanl, ill utiti'i. nt'tlir. (Yltlrl ..I IK. r n . I 'I'. r..i. -ni.l II..., eral J.ul J Iim ry, I I of Uoariir r- i of lln Peace anil Court ol I ' oitiiiKUt I'll ii ami (irnli, m's t'ourl in tin- Stilt i J'liln liMrn t. cuhiniji .I i ih- rnrj ttif nf (f,iiiiitiln.Hiilhmt an I oinini;. .nut Mi M n. J ilm M'lt''vn(iil-i Ht pln-ii lt.iltly.AMM rniniM. loa rftunf y,huvf tiH''t tli-i r pr n pi. ' ;n ii'r Mi i:i, iliiy uf M iy (u tli- vnr nt'unr I.t.I nnc t f ion -I -jhi j huuiln'il anil mty- live ;nnl to 1111 ihr' t il 1 1 huKiiiy .1 t'uiirt nf Oyrr am 't ruuiHT ami ti cn.' Jail tl( lis ff) , Ccm ral (iiiiMti r Hi'sshhi- nf tin I'rar.-, ( 'tiiiimtin hen? 1 nml Ornlian's Cnurt, in t'.ofmitl.iir, 111 tlu t-mttity nl C0I11111I11.1 on tli tir-l lui1H.1j , Jt iutliJ 4tli day; nl OtT. next, ti fonliiiiii' unc M'k. J Notir.' is li'-rt !j y ui vt'li. to ill t'nro:ior, til J u tti nf tin; Vatwv iiinl t'onlnlilt i nf tho km I miiM) nft'nl J unilna Unit Ilp-y t tli. ti anil t n in tin ir pn'i-tT p'-r f fnns at Mt u'el'ii k in tin fur'iini'ii ntV.uti day illi iln-ir r-'KifiU, iii'iailitm and nthrr r iiit'in h rnn t ( iU tlxe tli tiif: hu-li to their mUrr ,-im rtain tu IhmIihih Ami ttm-t' that ar1 h mn if hy n', t jir)Mi 11 ti, ajj.'tni'-t tin himhiiti- that arJ or iu.i ti in Hi.' Jail nt k.i ill I'liinity nf litniutji,i to lit; lih'ii ami tin n- in prune cute tin-in ag hliall Ijl'JiisI. Jurors an; r'iUi -IimI in Ik punctual in tin it .itteinlaiK ui:ri aMy loth tr ti.lnf -( K.iti'il at I'lnonmliurii, the M'lh tl.iy tt ih t. h. rf. in tin-yt-ar cl uar l"rl (iiic th.ii.aihl t-ijM ( v- ) 1 1 1 1 1 1 I r . -i t ami nl-tmr, .itnl in ttif i-UIiiy-nliith ji'ar oftliu linti-prii.t ncr nf tin Lnitt-il of America. ( tinii t-wi. iiik ri,;iMnNi;.uit. ) hajh;i:i. dim, Hiimir. tiloniiiiiir, Vnv. 4. Icii-J. Giand .luiors for Dec. Tinn. 1SU0. Ili iilon Willi.nn l,rlarcri,(.k-sMuilit.ii .Miilnal. I'or. Ilcrvvii'l; -I'.ml Kirkunilull. ncavor- Ji'liu lltller. I untro- Julio J ILiji'iilmrh lli inlock -Mathi;u .pili:iiian. Divi.l Arnittro;, IIliiIu'II lto'art Ji.cUs in J:i Mclli'iiry. Jr., 11 i.liti lioobiiia, Irani I),tr. .Montour Moyil rattan, H.un'i. l Oit'or Miiiiisoo-I.liali.t 't 1 1 .1 rt in 1 11 , - 1 lun iV.iturm. Miiiiio Julio A t-liiini in Oruiitru M I irtiylnirat. Jolin Mi'saui'I. ritoli Tinn. W I'dgiir. Jiinib Ki'l'i'r, Jacob Clone ii tfiinailoaf liav nl l.i'ivia, I Trim. Truvica Jurors for Dec. Term, 1;G5. Heaver Antlrcvv ."human, Jolin i'liuiinu. 11,'iilou I'liilin Sliultr. Ili'iij lioAull, .liruli.ini Voiui llriarciot-k lliiory Du.'Ui.-nck. llli i-lliniry Jill. C'at.uvi.a.i t'aau'r lllno, Jon llilcr. Ontri'-l'i'l'T IlLloug, Uco Low, rit'.'ilisu lluttnn. Hi nry t-iiall' r. l oiiyiitlnlVi P It U'olilfortli. I'Vanklni-Ji-as'i .Moiinli, Ja, taon l'l,'.iv,'r. l'lsliiiuirui k L'lt.irli; Ash, ri.iniAal Voat, Uroi'iiivooj Km. uuii I C'liiio r, I'. Ii-j 1 1 llnubiiii, Jo-iali Klino, Jno l.i latott. Win l!)i r. lli inlock Ju, o! ll.urla, Uuiiliou II I'uilil. Jin k.tou lli'i v 1. Locucl Aurou l.cviia, IVltr lliliii'r, t'L'try, Iliraui fool, iV'H'r ."iliiiiinn. .Moiiloiir llauii I k.i.liuur, John DitlloilcU, Mainu- llanii'l .N'uaa. Mailison Win Kreaiuer. UriiHgc John Piaher. I'yrua .V.i'lli'iuy, roinilnia Ui Una, iniiiH'l rrtt. Ko.innrriik - John I! Mnyors. IVu-r (,'iailiait. Jo-1!.!!) Kliinli'a, S.iinin I Ham k. Kuaatloal "l'ltilli II' a l.niro Mooto. Si'oit Win liaru.oii, I'Ii.ih I' rum, Win M Hut. List otTmiSfS for St'lil.Ti-rm IS3. I Clijali McJlurtili- llniluraee of Aaron Wulf va Chrij ti.tu W if 'J Jacob llama vtt IV(ir .'ai-oby. a UiipkcI I' Mokor, vs Win Ikolcr 4 Jarnb Hut-ka Lxra. u Ji ae Unci;. 5 Jonm r.iiiriiij.'i r jr v Kiii.iuuol Aaliloii. li ihipli Milii'inilila va I'cltr IJIiph.iul. 7 Aiuoa V I'rt'amir va Kaoi h lloinll. V Aiiioa y t'reami r v. Ilnmli lloivrll. 0 Jar 'li Sliuiiian v a I'atavv iaa ItJilroart Company. 10 11 P Id laturil v (ieii ralli-rum, (.t al. II (Jio A lli'trma i a I'll-r Milb r ivl Aaron lllooni va lli'iili ui tfitler i:i Julin .Mitliatl j va Jolin .lluliacl, K. 11 (;oiiiiiioiiivi.iiIIIi of IVnu.i at llii' ll. l.itiouof Uitmn It Klini' ul al ta U'oab'y lloivinaii it al 13 Jacob lieuiliy ta I'alt.ivvi.aa II It i n III lii'iijainiu Wt'ilioau va .M A Wnliaiui 1 AiUiii Diulencli va Ji,'iimli J .i"'y Idriiipluii llalily v. t'dllaivia-.i Willioiuapoit &. Lno II tl L'n III llatli'iul Jlorsun l.y her in'l l'n '0 W in II IIOJS- lauil va ItiLhaiJ Murtfau VO Win Lonsuili rsur a. Jna. AI-: M.-irny Li r or fleo l.uiiKuiitjur jf.r UtoM, v llusli W .McUuy- ct al, Jl Win I, l.aneo va Harmon Cn i, 'lag. e Viii I, l.uucu v. I lioi Crevclmi,' ,'t a '.I liiiiiu, lUiifiit I tL Co. vi Lev I Kut?.. '.'I Anna Hainara Dciguiuillcr. va 1 1. nry ll.'ielnuilli'r tli AJi.iinintralioni of Joseph Pattoii, iloc' l va W in j, l.Ulltl'. oq Hemlock twp., va lMlaa DietencU. 1065. PIUliADEltl'HlA 10G5.I WALL PAPERS. IIOWKLL lHH I.Ki:. fllaimiaciiirern ol" PAl'PIl IIAXtilMi.S and WINDOW SlIADUS, North East Corner Fourth and Market Streets, l'liir.AUUi.riiiA. N. II. Alay in Btore, a 'ar;'e Stock of LI NUN and OIL 311 AMP..--. Bent, 10, lili.1-3 inn, DOCKET DIAltlES.PHUTUGltAPH ALI1UMS k ALBUM TK TimUS -aellinj I rery low prio.f fot tairi iith t. iee? 0 W f t i. Itais 1'hiU 1U3CI3IPTS VOll OOTOBBK, TO TUB COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. :o; Tlio following payments liaro been mado to the Columbia Democrat office, during wiu inoDiii oi uoioiicr. lbiio ! I' Itnth (by V I,) JlnJ CK lluirhea tllilcnll rMetkcr nroti Ki'li SC, 50 lllnnni !chnol Nlmlct , li it) tiiiinii'l HiMiili-y 1 An im... a a to a On a On a iki Hatniiel llnnier 5 Ho j 1 1 1 li ry l.'rt.lz, a .vici.i v ii i:nt a Hit Mirhaal llritlnln 1 AO Jim pll Wl'Hl i uii Win uii i 1 Wi Annm rViillli Plate Aiir Hoclely 3 .Ml a On a .',o a On a oo a ah a u lo 00 ,i no a An 1 AO I On 1.', On I All A Oo f.i a no a im an on ,', oo Kwin. '". nniuci , ok,. iJJ . '. , P.I I I Net h.iri I. .5 do flu - NViliir.l i:,i,1i,,r'M.. k h,.,; 'v.,.,.,. , , ,, " " " ' '"'"r'ii .'I If ,l J ; ' "nl! I' .v. Y llikrolu oiir Mcllenrv l!.o I .'til linn J ( .'mi t it dim mi Xldiolaa Colli I'eler Kaao (!eo W I'atvef 'I'lmi II Ci.le Win I' Klkemlall Win II Kteaini! II It llniirberuer I! I. Klkemlall o Jnroli lloiiU Stephen l.i lir Albert C .Millard l.ietil 1' I' llrin.ka Levi Weaver llobt fruit Nnlli in I'leckctiftlnc IH on I' Mi l'ikn '-' Oo I, .V II II II I'll a Sit Hon W II Jacoby ! Il Abraham 11,11 'J Ho Jim J rMile II"! 53 1.11 Ik.ler .1 Ho Hon J.uob Hv.ina tf tlnrnoi i. It I'.roikiMiy .'I no Coliiiubla I'oinity a .'id ii f Tniit 1 a Jidin i' i',,ni, r i:..i 0.) a llolronl ilyl.'oimuCollviie."' HO I On John United I .VI a ill 11,1, Mini! I . I Ho llev II llluker !l A., Ill An II.... t . I r. ' joiiu Heat l.'l ol rnniiiel kltrhcii :i ."ill J.u-i I, i:J(.r i ,v, Jacobs i:vaii.((l) II Uo.Mo..., Uolf, i MM ""' ".igciiiituii a un i; II l.miu Ha i 5 IKON CITY CO.UMKHCIAL UUL- laEOH. AND XATIOXA I. TlXUtlltAl'll IXSTITUTH. I". W. Ji kis. ) J. C Emu ii A. M C I'rini Ipl.ia. Ami. LiiHiiv, Firsl Cotli'Ki- Itiiildlu. (.'orncr IVnu and Ht. Chlr,t!j , rjecond .. (I.l.l' MiiIIiIiiik r,ili.-t , l'"t'' " " X". ami -!i St. Cluir Sireit, .nitiVAt,. ro nn: mu; . sr,tc( mh 4, lcr", C Palmer Malta I'o tl. V II lllmr, l'all,,w 1 ' t.-t .1 Crafot, Co Pa I. ( iiniiluli.iiu I'litaliursh I'.i A V llolinoa lll' h Vill.-v Allealienyl'o 'a J H I luck PlttalmrKll P.l C Wi l I'iltabiirBli I'.i j'i on I va rd Cli 'i I in nt I'll uto pa I u a Co i ) J I' Miller V iitleuiliiiri! '.awrei I.o tj I! A I ee rl.ii'ilj Co'u.iiiinna Co ii c C ( had irk i iiliimlit i Ci nire I' I) D lllolip'.llli-inllle All. II Collid V I! ir l Coll. im r Ciiy.iva 1,'u tl U II liu lima, l'i.,iii,lni Vi n io'i Cn p.i rtsprin;'! r i lintou Alles li.-uy C p4 J I! 1'iiatei Ailama rii,.roiij Co I'.i U Co Una Youliiliin ii! CuO J A .Miille rtb muli l,e lalou Mitllm Co P.i SI V llortoii i H a T.'iiioi rv Kill l,'o I'.i li I! Hp. lieer l.cnnx ll l.ilni I i Co 1 1 J C Wal.on lluiii. lilf l.,.fiin I no i I! Merriniii ; Hpriuall 0,i J ir Harriet lliley i'litaimruli Pi J Uit.ia,,. t,, , , c, p., A Hiiirinaii Alh ille uy A le l,',i Pa. I. Mairen, a-berah II, 1 to U H KiPt CliHuullrei neCi i) J i I'orailk ilrim lll III" I' i)i! lie I,, () f " V' !il'"n-' 'ir.o naCoO Ii Mrkliiml I'm .Imrf li I'.i I' A 111 r llelil ,. i Hnri. Ill Co 1 1 J A (iri en I reeporl ll.nrio i I'o o J T lu-a ,. ii a.,l .,n p tj Co 'n A II Xel Ii,' v .at..,, I,,,,:, i;., II W io.ita J.iln, aluu n elierl'oPa Purler .. J S .Momi iu o lii s t;iii iiiiMirpriiiiiiiuti Co o, i'or kiioa and iiiirnialion loiirernln; i;u c,,!,-,.- alilli;, JtNKis., i-Mim &. Cmi.rx, Nov I Mil A J Uv .xt nn 1 . II nrMit Clolhiiig Emporium! 'J HIS WAY. UKXTLI2MEN Firm f Ev.r ,s I ilm i TK nrrivn! of Rill k Winter Cloth. 5 A iailli-ol.l uiil ol J. ;vvs, un ' Sti f-ct. IIIiniitt-htr I'llriliji'lla. Uut buat ariil latest .-t) I l ml I CLO TllES, C Iii iiliiii:r in Of -KS'b.'l lA'A'.V, .f. .f. , Ml-, (iiMill'"nni tia of nothing. 1 1 ii v 1 1 K 111 our i'ioil ii in., vv .-Il kiimvii .111 1 v i 1 r i l- j 1 r il 1 nn r. nr I'.I. lit nam., lurm r: .,1 Ciat.,11. ; (i'lfi'1 lii i- jii'irni. .'il, no 1 tnor.l.i. A i..o -1, iran ,n Mirl.ii' til ol K ',- Il ,ii COA I'rf, PAN I'S, VKSTS, Alan . an aanrlni in nl IIUUI'S, Hi . ci t. iVC . '.ii ',t in tlic Aim n apli'iiiii l aa-oiiiiii'i,t of Clothes and Cassamei'i, for rIu or loniik loi-rOrr I'.VaNS & It T.MAN. r.looiii.liiir. U'l.H, Ci.',. A"Mi. IS !' U AT U I ' ' S NOT J K . .','(' if ? twua ' At'cicM, !: J. 1 FjI'TI'IIS of Ad'iiitiistr.iti.iu on the,' of .-'aa.'ii'l Kitrli.'ii, lato of Sui.'irln.if tuivihi, I'.iliiin'ii.i ,.iniy. .i',','.-i.,"l, ii.iv,. I,,',-!, aian. ti'il II) llli' 1,1 UatiT ,.t I 'mIiho'ii.i I'.lUllty to tlm ti i . .1 r DISIu'il ; I'll " rima Ii inn! Llaioia al!.nnl 111.' r-l.,t" ol III ili'i uili'in ar.i ri"U '"I" I li pri'M nt llii'io In tli iiniluraisiii'il. ri".i.lnik. in J ., e l. r ,, n uoviiahii', vvi,h. out ilnl.iv. .111,1 all it,r.on iinl, tif,i to m.iku iniiiuuiil ion ii no. JAMES W KirCIIKN, Aihuintiliaor, Oct 14 l.'CJ -fiw i'l (Hi AUDI roll S NOTICE. A'.sIjiIc of Jc-si' .'i ns,tlc'Ctnc't. 'T 1 II II unili rai.'lii'.l, Auditor app iinti-.l by Un' orphan' I i oiirl of i' iiin'ii i roiioiy. i.i link ilivirili'iti'in ol tin' io Hi,- l.autl. i,i ,t u i- iii,'r, inluiiii'aiia lnr of J.', i;v ui-. Lit.' nl L.ii'.i.i iii iiainp, iu said i oil lit. dci ., ,1 ani.nif lliu ai vi ral In lli. of 111 ri'lii'i in in Hi., iird. r it,,Ui,h,',l by l.uv. will allcnd al Ilia ,'llin', in llliiiiiii-lnir", im 1 lima. lay. Hi,' -IM ilay ol Novi'iiiiii'r ni'it at 10 o'lIiii-s, A M. of mi, d..y, for 1 11 'll.i.l.' Ill m-ilvilin Dili lllaltllllltll'll. AM piTMUIt hat .us il'iuua or di'iiiaoda aeanirl iho i rlate id lb ib" i e Ii nl. ntn iini i!i"il i.ipnai'iii Homo to lb" Audilor on that il.iv or bu .icbarre.l coiniui; in f"r a ahato ol llie fuu.l. HOIIELIT P. CIjA UK , AuJitiir. Ult II, Idda - LvJ! 5,1 AUDITORS NOTICE. ,':lulc nf ' ,liv ub l)t,ci t.'rij usril, J III! uudi'rai.'iiuil ndiior app, doled b) Hi Oi l.'ourl ol l',,l itml'ia coiilily to in ike dltlriliutioun of Uu Ii-iI.iiici: hi Ii.iiuia ot I.i. it is t lii-r. ail.iuiii.iriitiir of J'i-, I, Dyer, l.iU' of I I,i I 'i ii l a i , low lulilp, iu a ltd lotiiiij, iiiuiLtil, mi. oi i: tin' iriiiitoraol ilioiltio ili'tit hi tlio in a r I'.i.iiilirii 'd Iy law, will ntiuinl in Ilia utile.' in lliooiiirliiiii:. on I bilrad.l) . tll.i '.Mdof.N'o i.'inln'r ii"ti, ai Ul oYlnck A. ..of .-aid day, lor Un iiiipui-'i nf oi ikno: id.' uiniriniiiioii Al. p iraou. hiv lii I'lni'iir or ilt'itiainla iieaiuai ibf ,'A.ii ' oftlm ,1,-t-,' -di'iil aro iiotiil"d lo pii-ai ul llli .ii In tint A ml il 'i mi that day or bo Wunarred imm coming iu for a ahare ol llie fund. KODEIIT P. CLAlUv, Auditor. ou ii. i-o.i --uv, a ,vi. Auditor's Notice Ui'a'r. of ytiJc.'iit Mr Utile, !cct:iiseti 'PI IE 111 f liy tlie tiiiili'is'noil Auditor, ntinoiutod I'riiliiua' court, ol I oluni'iii coiiutv ti 111. 1K11 Oirtriluitioii of llie lial'iiife in ih- Inula 1,1 IliiL'h I). .Mt liride, ndiiiiiiMrMnr ,d r.irnkliu .Mcllritlo late of 1 1 .-111 ni K ii'tvu.iiip iiiaaiu i-nuuiv, iicci um'iI,.iiiioii'.' Uiu M'Veral U"iia ol fhn d'-c 'di'til, in tin- onler ralrtli liale it U l.uv v lit utti'lid lit hi iillii-i', 111 Itlokini.liurt,', nn VrrunW. Till! 1 1 1 It dat of Ni t li, , u, vt, .1 10 1,',1.,,'U A. l , ol aaid day, lnr tin' porposi' of lil.iKliii: llii dialt iltu'ioii. All p, ratitta l.tit 111 clniltla or ,li iiianit. :ti:.iiiiai lh,- oat.iw of llie ilf, ,-, lent, urn no lllie.l 1,1 pt, i ul tiii'iu ti fie tinllliir on 1 il.iy, or Uo ilL'htitcd fioin ionium in for -i ah ire nf llie luii I 0. U. UAKKI.EY, Auditor. liliioiuahuri!. OlI. II 1113.-It ii. 50 ' Auditor's Notice. Estate of James IMellri'lc, (licensed, rjpUE iindi'i !fiii;d, Auditor appointed il lit 111 Orphan.' Court ef t'oluii'liiii triuiiiy, lo iu,iKo diatfiliutiiiu of ihn iMliince ju ilm hands ol llujih II Mrllritli . .idiuiNialra'.ir of J.iiuea .Mclliltle, lain of Ih iiilnik tnti nalnp. Iu p'u I cuuiily, ih-r, aaed, 1111111111; the aeveral luir- of lite ilecetli'iit iu llin'ord'-r eataMiah ed Ii v law will attend at hia ollice, hi Itl.n uthui tr, on ri.itiird.iv, tli" I Ilh day o'' Nuvi intu r ne it, .it 10 o t Im K, A. M., ol .aid day for Ilm puipoae of m.ihiuj- the ilia liiOulioii All pcrioua haviiiu ilaiuia or us ;n n -t the n.l.Uti oi'ihe tli cedent uro liotilled lo pre aeiil t II u in lo Mil' Auditor on day or Im ddurud fioin coining Ul lor a tharu o tloi fund. 0. Ci. UAKKLEY, Auditor. 0(1. II, J?i.V-lti S3 3". SA.'l : SALT.'! SALT! I rPIlE (ubii'ribtT ofiors tor salo at whole 1st ,li mil tllli Uv lint nrrl . , J II I1AK.MAN. II ,i ti Tt A ij'i-t It I Cu 3m 0 It E A T S A L E or Watches and Jewelry. $1,000,000 Worth to nr. hisi'oskd or AT ONE DO LI, Alt EAOHM Without regard In vnluitll Not to In pild for until yen kiimv you are to rucelvu 1 1 1 j y a. n ti o ir i:n v 6- ()., iAtt.nt. Tor Iho .Manufaciurcra ) No. at) Bceknian Street, Now Vork. C7" Kcad Hie followlnif Mat of Arllelea to bo sold 0i: IIOI.I.AU I1ACII : ICnOnld 11 il lit i tt i; Cnae Walchea, each SISAOI) IIHI Hold Wnliliv.. varloua atylua " 7a ml 100 l.mliea Hold Walcliea, si, nJJ Alio diver Walchea, rA., 3.',nii q m nn 1,0'in I. tenant .III i t ulnteil rnalnr ataml. 'u no in i i u"" " " rruii it caku llaak'a 1,100 aeltaof" Ten rlpoona, " a.Vill aetta of " Turku " a 000 Cobll ta, l imrnVed, II HUH pair iif'l'aldo ripniina, .Villi! pair of Halt Hpooiia. 4..MIU maJiiltiC'iit Xanklu Itliiiri. IA on to a.) on Him to ia nn f no tu IA nil loo In fin) A oo to H mi '.I oo to A o,l 4 III) in Ij.i) S.OI'II pair of Pendant Har llrona, fnaa'ort eilrolora) A 00 lo H nO n.nial ai t la of I.hIIc" Jewelry, im'tion Ivnry A 00 lo Bin) a.ADOHold l.ii(kela.i'li!ir,ived harka.lvatrli laic, perrell llnltaliiiu l.aillea Wntili Inuil 10,000 l.aillea' Haiti Comba, rlili ami ( niii'iu" puttt r. JOOtoSAOO i.tuvj .inn i.utMea i.oio. Jet, nilu Vilk'.inlle, A 00 in I A 00 fi.OOfl laleat t)l, Veal ft Neck Cli.ilna, A Oil to ail 00 A And Henia' California lllauiond Plm, Alio loan oil 4 mill California lli.iiuonil liropa, AliOtolOOO i.iniaiuru nun i.ii.'iineleil l.evolv nil! l nia. a.OoO Califoruia II amoiiil ,t lluaiiieled llent'a !c.irf Plm. Son to in oo i A 00 to 10 00 I .1 oo to lo oo ; i a oo lo ao oo u 00 to 10 Ul) A 00 to SO IH) I 00 ti) li ou , Hllll to 1,1 Oil' a io toio iii I ami to in oo j a oo to io oo I a oo to a oo . a.OOil .Maamiicau.l Huiblem Pun, a.Aooiiolil Hand llraetkts, engraved ami plain, a.Oiio Jet nml vloaalc llroochea a.UOH C.iiouo l.roi'iliea, rich pntterna, very taiy, a.otw Drop.. !.',(0tl l.a ilea' (.hat' liilueOlnina and (.'until I'll iio, fi OI'O Henla' Piua a .ptellilld ((..'limit I O'JOriolitiiiru Hleuvo liuttou., entirely new attic, 4.101 ftmla Mini rilipvo llultotn, in sella, very rli h A.Oufl Sleeve I iiiiona, plain, enaiiieled alio engraved. 10,000 plain ami li.iudauiuely cneraved llliiiia, a .mi to io no r HfiO i,e!i, I., double raae.ticlili- eiitrr.iveil a nil to in nn aella of I . ml ii a Jewelr), new anil Itlteat t)lea HIlOlolJOO . 000 li.imtaoui.. Heal lllni(, II mi in run a.Ollll aelta of lloaoiil StlliK, aAllto li lilt 1.0 "0 (Sol. I'ena i kI I i v'lioli li iddera, I.', uu In u.) I Ol.ii setajet Hold 1'eua ,v Hur Drop.i, li un in luoo a IIUUHolil Tlliliiblea, Ceiiola, Kr. 4 11,1 In lino li'.'Jinl ijuiii nciia ,t Ii iiiilaoui ail v ere i-ea, A no to m oo 10.000 " I'.b.iliv Hi I lera. AOllto Hull Tli" inclhoil nf diapn.lui! of thi;i' boo.Is at OXI! lllll.l.Ali e.i-ll ia na lollow.- t'ertill '.ilea, iiiiiuliii! each arlicto and ita value, nre pl.ieeil III aenled , nve upe and well limed. (Jim o IlK aei'iivel ipea w ill ho aunt by mall U any mldreai mi rec, ipt v.! ;) tent. It i Hie teceipt ol Hi" ( VrtiuVair ) on vv ill ace what ou are tniin; to li-iv e, then n la at our optiou to I Dm iloiinr ami tako l!iu arllrle or imt. I'urchia. era iiiii ttiiia oiit .in iiHolri W.ilch, Iii.iiiijiiiI I'liur, or mi) at t (if Jiiivelrt on our li at lnr Doe, and in no taae tan th't.v g t Iu than (iiie 1) ill. ir'a worth, aa there are no blanks. 'I lie price ol M aa t'lilloiv .- line ur 'Jo ci Ilia; live lnr 31 ; eleven fur i J, Unity lor 5'i ; n.Wy lite for I ui llnliara ; ooo huinlred for .I, The iti.tiitiiition is toudurteil fairly, ami all an eipiat chance of obtaiiiluK the valmilile pri.ea by pur c)i.iio4 ih i Certiiic.ites. '& entire aatla laitloo in all i'.i-. 'a Aeeut. w ante I in whom vve nlfer apeeial terms and preihiiima H. nd -li cetil for one CeitiHe.iu. nod our urt .oar with teiiua Addiea, A. II. lioWI.X & CO . I P. t). llo t'Jio, New York. "rt. 1 I-C.1 Or. Talbott's Pills. (AVI l'liVSI'l'TI(') ('or.ilioai-.-l of litlily I'tinri'iili.iti'J llxtrarta from UOOl'S AND UK KISS Of I tu ercit.'ht niftlicinnl al"h' pn yarcil from t ti miwinal prt. rripUnM nf tin n It tir.m l Dr. '1'allmll, anil iui n ti) iii in uuii ruirirk tl.ii cnct'3 tr twunly nidi.AHHs or tiii: i.i vi:it, or any itcrani'iMiiont nf TIIH l'liJKSTlVE OKGxVS. j 'Vhi'y liuio Diarrliooa, Dyspcpia, Scrof tila, .i:iuiiilioo,iiliou"!)ry.jivcr Joiuplaint. 1 Tin' well Minuti Hr. Mntt .tyi nf th."c Pills ! h.ic ii fill Un- formula frn.u utmli j-mr 1'ilN ari' in uij pr.n In' lor nv r 1-' --ari , tln-y It ivi' tin rm.'t i tl' i t ni'n lln l.lvi r ami iHiri'ttivr" ( irtniM nf any ini'iliciii" in tin wnrl' ami art Un.' inntt p'-rfei I j I'liryuliv" u huh ti,Mi'ff yet het-n mailt' ly tinjhnily. I Tin-) an' i-nf anl pl .iji int In take, 1'it p 'W' rful to curi. Tln-ir pnm'tathii: pmp rt iw ctiinul'itn Un i- ! tal aii it nt. m Un !)'!., rcntnvL tlm ulilrnrttons t i il s i a ii, purify tin lilntnl, ,im i v j II iliitcas. 'tli") pnrii1-' imii in imi iniiiir wniui nr-'i u an.; urnw ill"-ti-mpi'r. ftinml iti ltiL'L'ibh nr Jsnr ilereil nrL'aiiH into lln-ir natural ariinn, anil t.nti i.t a healthy lone mi htrt'liLMli In tliu w linh' .tfiit. N t nnlv tin tln-i lira ' tin fur day r' i-ViT l'niy. tnitaU.. tor in ii(;i !! ami tlan'ji'rn'ii ilii':ti".ii!ii ln'im; nrdy v 1 1 iLli ate I i'U frmn any i i-k tr harm Nn pen-nn who hit "llii' lK.t i tlli'i: I'l.U Mill ivi-r Im Ulll.'i it Ibfin.' Tln-y trt'.iti' pun- Utnl ami ruini' all nnpuritifs frnm Un- tti'iii, li -ncf art a pi"niv' un fur fevkm.s. hi;adi:hh. Pii,iis,Mi:u CUlilAL DISKASKS AND UKlt EL'ITAl'Y HUMOUS. OOril. - I'or mlulta. oni' Till in the iiiornin; i f r clnl ilroil iiinli r .".u ara, h ilf a Pill. Cy- Price One Dollar pt'r Isjs. Trade .-Ujiplied, or sent by Mail, poi-t paid, to my part ot the United blates orCanadas ,rtni f nf V ' t wn v.. 1.(1 w j-i li'iuc iKutMii. v mi out tho Tnlbott. V f'ai'iiuili: -iiuiuru ot V. Mott M. I) lOTl, TALBOT r & Co., FiiUuii 6t,, Now Y01U No C)' Hlia ,-lf i iy ISAAC K. SfAUFFER, No. 1-iS North St'i'ond St., rnr. tiftjuariy, V II I L D E L 1 II I A . An assortment of Watches, Jcvvlrr. Hilver and assortment of Watches, Jcvulry, Silver Mated ware contantly on hatm. ITv" Kp tiriti- of Waicliesi and Jwery prnmplly nt- li'lliled In Jami'try I In;.,. Iy. New (jloods ! fho 5ub.-uril)or ha.i innvi d to tlio ornntl H 1'oi'rs lielnw new .luii, ol llartmau's, and jual reccited a Zophyr.-i, 0 tton and Woolen Yum?, Coricts, Lauo?, Einbroidorios, Mus lin", Edycdiiifj.a, I)rt's Tiim mi ujis. iYc . ttc, it huh all nro inviled to call and ojiimine. ,. , A. II. WL'IIH. t'cl'ilier 7, lMil tsoliuol I joli -i. Hymn linnkt, lliiilr-?, Sllllil.iy ft hold linoKa Itlnl ll vanely of i Iher Hooka, lll.llll,. Atcouot lliuka, Vli'lllnr.inillllll Itoika, lllld lll.t rna lor I -i .i, III. ink ll.-edt and .H'lftii.iir'ia, and an aa. .oiiiin.-nt ol Taper and I'm-, lipea, to he louinl .it tlw Vi'W Hud, Mere, .'conil Ilunr llelillV ilurtiuau'a ,-ltire. Illooinahurg. A. II. Wllllll. inooiiikl uru, Oil. 7, Im'.j. Notice. SjHcifia J'lifoimtiticc, James RuCntotts .'.Mate. I'Ol.t'.MIII . t'OI'XTY, '---'- Tlio t'oininonivenllh of reiinaltnuia lo I j, ( Isaiah liiil it er, 'Manilla wi hi.v of James Iitil- '" nmu dee'd. Wilainiiin wid nv of ilobuil llal--.-w .ion, Jnini a. t lilt un mid Charles, Itllliora "ol Ihe aiuil Itobcrl, dee'd John li.llaloli, Win, Joaiali Kill, ton Amies luierioarried ttith .Mari'liul Hilverthorii rtiis'iu lull rm.iri led ttuh Mii,.a O. Abbott .Mnilli.i iiilennati led (icitrL'e ilei-neiiian II ml lleejiimin l1' il.irtiuau, Cuardisn of i:ii,.ilitili Itnl rli'ii a rraliil'iiniiuhlLrof iuv'alate, heira of raid James I (..i I r I en . ilec'tl Crui'lliiL'. tun and each of you arc hereby cited mill couimaudetl aa before you were, to he and pppe.'ir in your propei pernios in nil Orph.iua' Court to be holilen tit lllonuiahuri', in nml lor a,iii' Ciuinly ou llie llr.t Moml.iy of UI'.C'i:.MIIi;il next. Hun ami '.Here In niiMvei in. lull or peliliou ul II, Ir' llartiiiiiu aiiininiairalnr of tie Ja Ilea Itnl- stun dei 'tl. sellllii liifttl the .. died. JUni of lertai i f al en , ui s; I, ol .Muiili.ilr.i ille. I.ytot, wi lt J i ii i .i 1 1 liiilllter by nitiri Ihe Tourlh Il.iy "I rtbruar) ronvry llie s.iiuu iiulo said J" or aa.igua. And lo allow canst) why the rreo llie apei'illc i-rfoui.ince ' itifdiii; in the irmi lutein ui thai a cunt o) Jin" ha tiinile u t petitioner I" the aforesaid, J , iirtiulaes iu fee simple. SA.M! Oct. 15, I Hi;.!. tv.M. t:. iiAiitiitf, i:, n. ti. . WM. 0. 11 Al. - No 130 Buulli Hrcond St., i Manufacturers of V lok' Jupana nnd dealer Oil,, Tutiy, oakum, Taint' i IHC and l.ubiicalini! Coal Or 1 Imlllrl on lila to den .. Wept ii l!0j I , ' illita Italstoll dee'd . situate in the llor . county, nnd acn i'd if nreement, dateil 1) . Irl'i'.', lo seal and ,!i (iulliver, his heirs i l Court shall lint tie--uu .aid foutr.Ht lie liieuuiui; thereof uud r said decioe by your ui (iulliver of the said :i. SXYIIiat, Shcrill". i:, u. ii. iiuiimiy IS & CO. i nv C'lieitnut, Tlula, .ilclioa ...I h, i Whito Lend, zinc, dura and Tooli. Burn . II.I... N.rma.i., &?t Great Excitement IN Uglit Street! AT ENT'S STORE ! On Account of tlic New' Arrival nf Fall and "Winter Goods. nAS just received from tho Cillea i nil la liniv opening at tin) old eastern old aland a apicniini aaaoriiiieui ol wm boobs, Cniiaiatlnu of ev cry till nn grnurally krpt in n cnnnlry tori, whlrli will bo aold ( hcupcr limn Ike Ckcupisl, Call and aec and Judt'c for yoiiraclvca, llli atockcoiialatanf Ladies llresa (looili choicest atyloi nod latest lathlona (JalicoS., jMUslltlS, Ginghams, Flannels, Carpets, Sliatvls, Hosiery, Silks, UEAUY MADE CLOTHING. Cassimcrcs, Satinets, Cottouades, Kentucky Juans, Thread, iY,o. Queens ware, Cedarware, Hardware, McdieitiHS, Dru, Oils, Paints, vVc HOOTS, SHOES. HATS S (JAPS, c Tim patrnnaffn nfnlil Iri'-mls. ami Un; mtlilic L-ffm-tii. Iy, U rt'tpt cttiilly mt ii iu-il. 1 m tuiR'si mar Kct price pal i tor rnimtry proliirti PETE II ENT. I.lljlil Hired, Oct. 7, lcU5. E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO., llannfacturou of Fbotographic Materials, wiKLia.ta laD hat. 11 601 BROADWAY, N. Y. Inifttittontdour mn'o WinM ff t'HOTOOHAl'HIt jIA TLIU nt nre lieh-i gtiPtrtvr for the folluwifiR, vut fitoreoscopes and Stereoscopic Views Of tlioia n ti mi Immf itt Mturtmmt. lot ladle VIEWS OF THE WAR, Obt.lnr.1 .1 KTral .... and forming a enmr1la rnoTtioKAruio niaTuur orTiiitiir.KAT umi-jm cotksj Ball Ran, Dutch Oan, Yorktowa, Gottysburgh, Fair Oaks, Savage Station, Frodorlcksburgh, Fairfax, Richmond, Hoop Bottom, Monitors, Fort Morgan, Charleston, Florida. Pontoon Trains. Hanovor Junction. Lookout Mountain, Chickahomlny, City Point. HoihviUe, PoterBburgh, Bollo Plain, Chattanooga, Atlanta, Mobil?, Strawberry Plains, sc. sc. Atntrlran aM For.Va C'tlr, ana ln,l,ra.,, FUln. ry. A,., .dr. Al.o, lU.ulvli, Slrruri.., f..r j.ul.llr r tlilMlirti Our C.tal.i;',. will to Ut an y ralpl J bump. r Photographic Album's. Wa, fr.t tit Intro-lur. lhr., Int th. Oolt.l aial an-l vr innnurnctiira linmrn.a nu.nt'llr. In ert rarlotr. r.ia Infr in (.rlr. fr,,1, s I ft nu It 50. Our AI lll'VIS h.v. td. rl 9 Ltiuii nf lw!nir,u'rrli'r In tr,ilr .n 1 .1 irvbllltv . in etUr. TltJ will l. ., by m.ll, , lll.K,on rc.i,'t of'nrlr. ' tSTrixa Atnuvia mnc to nmiEn.J Iho Trade will find our Albums the most Saleable tl.ey can buy. I'AILO I'llllKIHKAl'llS. Our OUlei-i. ,i.", .ir Kiva T.iai. .an nljert, i(- will, li a I l.llnii, iiim roiiliouaily l,em til l.i . f tu.1 .Vnirri .ii,, V , li it it lOn Maj.l.rui. Iihi LU'til I I. rtnlvtc.n.n. lOOHrii; " 81 ""tlir, nrirr !3"lMnt,, ItS Coloiirl,, IS Navy lltl..r, lv.t Author., iOArl.iU. Illsl,c, if, 1'niinlnrnl Wiman. S,n,H. C. (t Work, of Art, !nrludln ro-r,l trll.-li, ..f Ol. moil r!lir.t..l runrarb.K., I'.lntuiri,. M.tii. Ac Catal' ru w rt, rpr.1,,1 of Sump. An orj.r tur llje D.itn I'l.'tji,'. fr. .11 .ur C.ial.'fn., will b flll.. on r.relit vt tl ai, n.l ut l.y mail, r... Phol" aii,l oihrrt tfr.Unnie c.hJ. C U II, will ptoaa. l.-nll twrnty-fi. p., r.nt of tb. with orj.r tlT rh pilcti ui J .piality ttl out (o-jd w.Q.1 Uii lo ulli Oil 7. Ifii), 7. Reeved Anibiosia I'E TMI3 IBlRBt Iir Original nnd Genuine Ambrosia is proiiHri'ilhy J. Am.ks lUvvus and j- t. r Wt-i h.tlr tlrt'va-in? ami prt M-rvativt- now in uf. It ytni t lit .an f.iihn;' nut rauis ittn:r w thick nml Imn: ami pri-vniti-it frnm turning prt maturely urt'.v. It rratlicatfh il'imlnilf, cl!.ui rjut. huaiiliht'4 ami rcmlrrs tin hair suit iil"--y ami rurly Paiy it. try it ami In mnviiict'il. Don't "in put nit with a jpuriotis article Ahk fur Itci'vi'' AmltnHi'i ami iak no other. I'or imiKKiMN ami tii'aii'ri in 1 .unv noa- every i u iif rt: rnce Vj cents per Imtim - i i.uu per Unz-n. Adilroaa. lil'.t.VI'.ri' A.MHIinslA IllU'uT. ii." rulton Hlri'i t. Nov York l ily. Oct.". Ici -J ,iu. -s II. tl. Tobacco A Vl Cigr Store At Stroitp's Old Stand, on Main Street r21flic umlcrsipnctl having opend tlio Store 3 fnrnierly nceunied hy ll.ivid Strnup, as a (Jrncery ; ami fiirnithed n mill a luru ami arietl asturtmuul ol cxreltent i TOUACCO AND OIGAUS. moat reapectfolly invitei. tliu patrouagit of tlio n li Zelia uf lllooni hurt. Hid vicinity 1 He ia prepared In aell .it wholesale nnd retail, upon the limit re taounlllil lerina, , .Mercliaiita. lintel keeper., and t.'roceryinen, would i do viell to ClV'e him a c.lll IT" All kinds oflhuttinj! and f-'iiiokini; Tobacco, I in l.iru-e lor t-alu inilnujll'iuanlies, con.tantly on hntnl nnJ ii ii. hunrhi:h(u:u llhiniK'nirp St pt 21, l"Ci Omoa NEW STOCK OF Groceries & Provisions "T UST rcrcivod at Kunyon's Provi-don tj STO Hi:, a lar-je iiaaortuient of(iUr)i'.l: AND r"jiOVIiJIO.N"-r,.ciniiliis ( all the luceaauuea of life iieuglii for C.i-h - uuii will bo wld In tlefy rouipelitioii. Ilulel Koepers iiiidi'iiunlry .Vler, haul., tumid do well to call and eiainiin. i-MoiA and I'iuvi-ioiib beforu pur cli lainj; elaett here. Aunuiiat the stuck ma) lie found Sl'OAUS.ol all iitadca. Mill.AtiUri nml sYULI'ti fioin low eat price to the beat gr.tdts. Grain it Ground CoIT-jo, of all qualities, Navy, Fiug, Twiai, Finu eut Chewing A Siuoliinj Tobaco, Younf; Hyson, Iiu porial, Gunpowder aud Oolong Tons C.'liocse.Oraokcrs,Fi!io Salt, Wooden Willow Ware, Matches, aud Cigar;, Canned Fruit of all hinds. C i? X L K T I W A Bt IMS, lilt I IH) I'ltUIT. No. I t S rtSU by the ll.nrl, one lialf or one fourth or one eie'itu Inirel. Ilerrii Coal Oil. ki' , 4.1 . all of tthlcli will be suld at loueal matketprl ''. Itlniitiialiiir-f. i li t -Jl. Hlii. the vi,)CKs ! (Clocks 1 ! rClocIis ! ! ! THE undorsif'ned re?ccifully informs Iho publie t'unerally that lie has opened ii ( i.tVG'A ES TJ1 R USllMEX T, in tli" riioin under tlio Ollico of llie Columbia lleino i nil. in Ill'-'Uiirliiiic. where ho has Just received it lariji- and select assortment of NEW CLOCKS including 31 and 8 day Clocks, of every stylo, which lie oilers i t sule on moderate leroii. 0T Hep iirini; Clocks doiio to ortlcr. Those from u distance rep.iireti immediately CC7" All work ttnrranted. Call nml oiauiiiio WII.l.l VM 1)011 MN Oct. 7, UU Canned Fruit. 200 Dozen Calm of Fruit, just received .ml nr .ale at whole. a and iitnl, al ltunyon'a Provnioa Stotr nioomilmij. Oct II lefiv SPECIAL NOTICES. CONQUEIt EARLY! The tendency to graynet. by promptly nllacklnj THAT OltKfVPENIJMY to pa rionl btuty, vvltli Ihe the day. moat popular article of j ' CnlBTADOUO'S HAM DYII, wliltli, tlk-j Bheriiiin's l,Mnn, knoiv.r no siicli word in. fall." Under IH (irpllffttion Till! III.AUKrtcoMIVODT hrllllaniljr, nml tlio hrnvvm of every aliiil npifiif. .Muiiiifactttrcil liy J.CKIa r.MlOltu, No. It Aitor llo 1.1 cvv.Voik, Solrl liy Drnsjlit., Apjilltil by all li'nlr' HfMPrt. Nov. 4, Tii-lm. ri jii; ;hi:ati;st DISCOV'Eltr Oh' TIIK AGH. Pnrinf ra, Paiuitic nml otticra cm pun Imae no rcme. dy C'liml to l)r. Tohl.n' Voui.'ti.iii llnluiiiit, for llya enti-ry. rollc ( roup.cnonic rlii uui itliiii. aoro lltro ila . t'li'llniiliu, i aickin aa, tula, liurua aviilliiica, ohl aona, Or illnia tii'iulachi, iiioa'pilto hiti'ti p.i in a Iu Iho llnil.ii, clicat.'.li.iik, fr.. If It not give rtliuf the liioncy will lio'ri'filiiileil. All that la naked la a trial, nml uto It acriinlliiK tntlia illrcctlnu- Im. ToiiiAa Dear Hlr : l hnvo mcil your VonrtUn Lliiliuent In my family for n niiiiilior of ye.ira, nml lit'. Ilcve itto be the beat article for vv hat it la roroiiiiui.'inl' eil that 1 have evt r Haul. Por ainlilen nltnck of r roup it ia Invaluable, 1 hive no lic.itntlon In reconiinen il lug it for all the me. II prnfeiaea In cure. 1 li.ivo sold it for I'liny yeara.aml it Hive, entire aaliaCulion, t.'IIAH. II. IP.IMMUt. Ut'aKtrtiovv",. .V. J , t'fiy C, IMS Nov. I, 'IO Im, MUNDI'UTirs PILLS. WIIOHIITIMIII.V l.'rfP.. H.N'tli:n I'llOVIUIlNCP.. II ASS Ol'THV UAVP.D 1.1 PP.. Theie celrbriled Vigelalilu l'llla nre no lie tv.u n t rl reintily ; tliry liavu been nai il .mil ifalnl in the Pn licit ' t-uii-a for Ibirly ycara, noil lire rtliril upon by lion, il rod h of tlioiiaaoiln of t.inilllca na iilmoal their anlr uicilitluo vv lieu alck, N'o caro or ctpi'iia ia apnrcil lo inelr prep.iri tlon, .m l it ia ci'rl.iinly ttue when 1 aa a'rt lint nn Kiii! e.iu have n nifiliciue aafer or surer than 1 1 r it : 1 1 1 r c 1 1 1 - a, l'llla. They prniluce a i;ooil olfcct upm iliaetlc almo.tini- i luciliait'ly vvlii u taken, lly aome luunterful rovvi-r. ' p? tli -i i a iiervnua iiillui'ni'C the proproaa of iliaeaaiol ii rliim ia atri'.teil ; vvliere vi atrhltiluraa an, I j pain h.iv ' been proai nt, the avati'iu l,ec me. 'iiii.tur.i ami the patient aoim olit.ilua relrealriu alci'i. I I bu eciiiiio,.' lilt M)lti; I'll PILL UO Ima upon Ita j im run statls (.'oviatx hunt rii'.tjir, vuin it I'.ltAMIKl.TIl in lute Lettera in tlie aauie. Nov. 4, 'li-'i. Im. Ktninit or iiifc IttMnunr Dfar Sir:-With your pertniion, I wMi l my t reailern ofynurpapnr that I w Ul utiiil, Vy reluni niiiil. tu all who Mth it. (frru) a lU'ci'ipt, w ilh full tliru tmn- for mukim; ami uhik a iimplii Vcgrtulilu Ihilm, that will etr tuairv reiuov1 in ten itayn, riiupUat. r.l.iUlic.s Tan, Fn rkhM. ami all luiptirilics oftlm skin, IcatlnK the ca.iu unfl, xmnnth ami bt-autlfat. I HI ateo in tit free to tlwio huvlti; M.itd Ilt a N, nr Ita r; i'.i con, impli dircctiiui ami infarimillnii that will i inlilo ihtfiit to start a lull growth nf I.uxitriau. 11 air, Wtilskurs. or a Moustaelii, in 1ei than thirty i!nyi. All npplicatiniH an?vcr': I by rttum mail without rlifire. Ite.i) 'ctfully ynuri. T1IO.S. P. L'llAl'MA.V.Clicmut. V'il llrnathiay, New-York. O.t. 14 IPG. 3nifi I 'I'O CnN-i'MiTAiUks.- Thn unlrii;:!ii t having hcen J p'flnruil to hualtli in a Uw m eeki ly a very Rim plo retiR'ily, allcr having i-uinr"'tl b. vl'mI years wittia fvcni lung aff-'ciioii, ami that dri'al diauase, Cuu stnnptimi is anxious m make Kikhmi to his fclluw , ci ill- r'if- tin; means t f cure To all who (l in: it, he will He ml rt copy of the prt rrrlptttiii used free "t thargc with tin. tiiri Uiinif (nr ' preparmiz ami uiii the tame, whitli they will llml u tLKir u'Ri. fnr ' niifiimpiititi, AthMiy, ItrntiLliiti.ColiN Cn'ihtt t tc 'J'he otilj olijctt nf the uihcrtiicr 1-t Kcinljiif; llin pn'fC'iptioii to In'in lit the atlhcte.l . ami 1 spre nl iiifnnmittnii which he conceives to he irualuaMe ami he hopes eery hUtlVrer will try hi remedy, as it w ill mtt thorn nn( hin,', ami may prove .1 ulcgsmg. I Parti (ja winning the pr.iHi ri ptimi ,v M ph'.iie aa'drcr-'' ! Kev. i:i)VAtll) A. Wll.SuN, ' Williauibtir- Kit.f:iiL'uunty. Oft. It, HV. amn New-Yorl- Ul Mason & Hamlin Cabinet Or- gain, fntty ttitleri'tit tj lei. at!fiptei to .acreil nnrl bccular music, for to $ i'0 eai h THIUTV-FIVIJ iil.l) or gll.YHU .MUUAI.r, nr nthrr flr-t preiiiiunn awardeit (hem. Illustrated Cal.ilnau free. Ailtlie-i4, MASOX HAMLIN. Dup ton, orM SON HUOTIIUltrf, New York. Hept ti, lrt..i y IT lie Grovestecn Piain Forte ftill retitniH it pn ndenr.u ami threat popularity. am! al'ier iiinli ruling gradual iiiipro.cnienti fr a pe riod pf thirly year, ii now prono tu ,ed hy the muMcnl world tti he immirp.'iKM'd an I even tmeual'ed in rich iiesH. voluiiiL' and purity or tone, durability aim cheap net-it. )nr nrw t-cale, l.rencli nrtimi , harp pjdal, Iron j frame, nver-elrun h.15-, seven oiUvn rnewnod pi anoi e are hellinj cheapr ny from S 100 in $JUU ' than tlio Minn Btj le nml finish are gold by any other tlrbt-cl.if-j inakeri 111 the cmintry. D-alers and all in want of good pi mos are inviled lo ten. I for our Oo j tacripuvc Cat-'i'iiirnc, whn'h enntains photographs of ' our tlitt'Titit btjlus, toethtir with prices. No nno j should pur' h.ifo a pimuo wiilmut set in ttiit t ala I log 1 w Medial .iliiio9t without miiuher, lma boeti J au ardfJ to the (Jrovectcen I'l um, and the Celebraluil I WorM'f air, thonli put in cump-'.itiou with otlnTa ' frtiiii nil p:irt of Europe and the I.'. S. it took the hiuhcft aw a d. 1 j l.ftMbiishi'd 13 J Grovestecn Co , 1 l.K imOADW Y, ni:v VOUK. July lrO.-. tl. II. 0. A. Ct. " rfi 'Tl. ?- mil w m bhI S W N rolls ready to bo noilod down, adapt- "'d for l.oiiH',., I'm toil' a nml lluildiufc'i of all kiuda louatlllcli d of .M.'lli'ri.'lla hove attnd til"' tost of fifteen yeiii s. anil in.'inuf.icturt'd ou an enjrely diller-i-nt ainl liellcr pi. in ill 111 any oilo r rotiipoaitiuu rnof iiEinue. Hururcil by p.iti'itl. Very dtiralilo a ml at I prite. circulars nml sainpiea eut rreo Uy linil, , lll.l)v l.lllJllvl. 10. No. ".I .Ma n i' I am , Ntvv Yuk. fcpf .10 l-i j I J. Deafness, Blindness Catarrh, i Treated Willi the iituint no'ceas by I)r J, HA ACS I Oculist mid Allrlst, .'formerly of l.eydetl No. 5T.I TlMlMreul, Thilndelphia. 'J'ealimoniala frui.i . the mo. i r, liable sourei s in Ihe City ,ni, country ran -bo seen at his olltce. The nieiin al fatult) are inviled tt at'compaiiy theit pain uls.n In tt.ta no aeerei in Ills praeiire. Alt'l'IITCI A I, UY r.rt inserted w illiout pmn , No idi.irgi! made ftit examination, , July 1,1, Int.",. I'm I ONE P1UCE CLOriUNG. JONAS' OI.II L'Bl'Alll.ISIIUII o A' u ii i o i: CLOTHING HOUSE, 604 Market street, (Above Sixth.) PHILADELPHIA. awoo.a v reacent tinn t rirn i.ioiiiiue t-iore, ine Invvrat aelliin; price ia marked in plain fuiurcs nn each aiiuie, uuii never varieo. .oi nwy niine, vvueiuer j il tl t; ti oruoi I lie slock ia noiieii up in a superior in. in ner, expre-aly for r t'ld ailaa. rl'ho.e warning n mind ult r lun 1 1 ul and faahiunablu article, slmiild not lull to (jo lo JOXES, 00 1 ;1tii.f Street, One Prico A'toro. May 13, 1-03. iy CO 2 M A 11 K 13 T STllERT, PHILADELPHIA, i!T(uiti;r ur (rleeinnii, French ainl English Toys, and Fancy Goods, Pipes, Canes, China Wares, ifcc. Septembers. eC5. Wanted. A fow lond. of Ptiinpkiiia, also, Corn XJsV I III? rimer, I i,fl 30 lets Tho Arfatic Cholera, is now in tho low- or Quarentino Buy, Nnv York, tan inileii fraill tho Citv. It. wa lirnnralif lUra li '. , ... ... ' uiu iiiuiuuiu.nuiii i ,iris. i xToniy oases or Cholera on board when it arrived. Tho City Councils ol Philadelphia, haro appropriated Si.'0,00l, for tho doferjie of the City against tho Cholera. tbSi" OaptHctiry Wirz, was hangotl, on yesterday, at Washington. t'aJ- Jr.rrKusoN is now said. will have fpeody trial Uy 1I10 Laws of his country. ESTABLISHMENT SAVERY & KRUM. iu:a Lints and MANurxcTunnnn or HOOTS AM) SHOES. Call Skins, French Calf Skint, Kid Morocco's, I!iudirign, Liuing, 3 boo Thread. Niiilt, Awls, I'cggn nnd snoic Fianixas a km: r all. All Kinds cf .llcn'sIloolsLidies'SIiocs f;jSj which wo olTlr chraper than tho I'avl rhuipi'.t. for i' nail or country prndilr 11 " tViijiri iircpar'it In inaku lo older lt iiiiidanf tvork til tin. altortr .t nclti. iT- fltoi on ,M,ini Stutt, liiSMve'. Illock, U'oom.. Iiurir. SAVUflY U KI1UM. Sejii. no, troy Liuiksrl',aiic yur& 1! " AT JOHN FAKE l HAS' ge'nrs ilHatEiifiictory, No. 718 Arch Slrct't. ubovo 'fflWWB 7th, I'hilodclphin.: Spf1 1 d.ivc fi' v in "lore of (ny own Im. iXA Sfi I'orlatiou and Mituiifitcture, nno of -'iAr2Zr" tlm largust nml molt beautiful ielo liotis of ? A !FiJ S V (r!UllSft for Clllltlroira Wi'itr. in tlie l-'lty, Alan, a lino nasort incut of Coil'a I'.i r (ilnvc and Coll.ira. 1 .110 cnaldt'd 10 diapoao of my yooda at very rnasonv . Ido pricoa, and I would tliPrcforo aollrit n cull Irom my tfit'iido In t.'oluiiiliia county, nod vicinity UJ- Ucineinbcr the name, iiii.nin.'r and alriict, John' i'. rt 1 it a, 7 1 rt Arch Street, nliov-o Till. onlli aid", l'hllarli'lphlri rT" I liavc no piitlncr nor roiineitlon with kny oilier a!or, Iu I'liiladclpliia. Hi'pt, .10, IK33- I hum. FHESlf.lR.IU VAL OF Fall and Winter A T 1 lfj iiiv;i a oiutu 711 1! aiiliacrllicr Iia Juat rctilnted from Ihc t;ilio. X vv illi aiioilier lerae nnd atlcct niioftmet of FALL AM) WINTER GOODS piirrlian d at riiiladelplil.i. nt llie Invvcrt lijure, hiA Ii i c ta tlmy nre ditei minert to aell ou aa uioiiL'Mle t no. aa can lie proiurid t'lsevtltore In Ulooinal'urb'. III. atork roinprlaea LdHJKv ih.s aoons, of clinical atjlea and Intel faaliion. imr auons, .urn nuucKiiiF.n. mnitt'.1HK HVK FJf IMRR, CF.n.iR iidi.lw iiviik lltOX, X.1ILS, HOOTS li illOKS 1I.1TS ; CiPS, cVe., .V.. tfc. In pltort ,'verthlns uau.illy kept in cot(titry Bior.a tu vvlnrli Im invite tliH piil.Uc gencrully. Tlie lliglical price pjnl for country produce. . II. MILLER. Uloomaliuri!. Oct. M, IMS. NOTICE IN PARTITION. Estate of Treileikk liwvsc, decerned. State of I'eonsjlvitnia, (Jolumbii County, :e. : ij i THE Couitiionwaalth of Punnayl- ' ' vnnia to Nancy Kuoiise, llaiuiah interiuar rled with I'eler Nnjile Catharine, iiilermatried with Adam I. ui7. ,lacdi Kuouae, iibruiu Ktiouae. Ptiiltp Kuouae, Waahiiiniou Kuxu-e, y ur petitioner. Jackoun Kuouae. Clar am Koooae. Alexander Knouan Haiuutl ivrioiiae. Marlha J.iiie Knouse ami Terry Kiiooae. Ilia larl tlirec named - f vt hoiu are still in their minority, andhivini! Irani lierr. )'."l aa iheir cu irnlau, ai li trn. Tlie tnid Hannah, intermarried ,tnh Teler N,i pie and Jackson Knotisc, reaido at llethel, in llraniii li'iiiniy, Michigan : nl' clnlilreil and lejal doscendenia of Treilerick Kuouae, deceased, and to iillolltersiiitcr t.ied, Greellll?. You arc hereby cited to be bdi! appear before Iho Judge of our orphnii'a Ctnut, io be held ot llliinnialitirR. in tain County, on tlie ti rat Monday Iu Ib'ci'iuber next, then and there lo ncceja or rcfu.o to take ilio real e.tute uf a i , I c'rederick Uoouse, deceaa ed, siltiiite iu Jackaon lotviiahip, in .aid county at Ihe nppraiaeil valuation put upon il by an luqueatdiily awarded '' the said Court ami returned hy tho Slier nfiin the lilth dat of Seiiieiuliei', A. I),, one thniiaand ciglit liiiiidredaud sixty four, or allow cauao why tlio same should nut be sold , and hereof fail not, tho Hon. William Elwull. Esq , Tresident of our auid Court nt Illoouisbnrf, tho lOtli day uf September, A. U., lei,0. JESSE COLEMAN, Clerk, O. C. octn, i?t'5.-cv. runs. FUHS. FL'HS. W holcsnlc and Retail. OIIAIUiES OAKFOKI) & SONS, SH'tfJ'jaSiWAIli EltD7i3IL Til I I. A II T. I.I1 II I A . Hare now opened thUr largo tnd rplendld nock ef i.Ai)it:a' run oats. COLLARS. .ML'Tl'3. JUrFr. IILOVHS. A VII HOOTc?. Also the fniCBt .-vasoliment of l'AFUY TL'U ROIIKrt. CAM. MUTn.UIIS. and (ii.uVU.-', ever b'-fora olfered i uy iii'-ii, ui. i, wine!, a e i, ui t iiinuH io in a, tuple scnletl, Shipping Furs IJought. Oit. 51, lr'03, Itill. is ill v ii r iia ii iv x roil lUluriicd Soldiers and All Others. AGENTS WANTED. i -, or p l . 7 ii-j rent K(e Oj JCWelnj Ulltl OUVCHVarc, Thf Arruudalo Great Gift Distribution. Our Asenta ore inaSiiis from Flvn to Thirty Dollar, per day, and w"i alii need more, l.aio invoices front Kuropo havo sivelletl our stock to over One .Million Hull u r 8. A apleinlid Esmtlnieui ol U'ntchea, Itinga, I, mill's' uud (ioiuleiuiieu'a Jetvelrv of all kinds, ofllm must f.iahi'iiiabla p uieriia, selling ut Jl each, Hen l '.'3 cenis for n rt riiilcato and you will see what vo.r nro entitled lo; or SI lor live ccrtiflcaiei, or $3 for Unit) , or nd n 'J cent stamp for our term to Ajenti w Inih nre ol the most llberul kind. Now is your tune ! AniMNDAI.n .t CO. No. Hi llrosittvsy, New York Nov. I, 16G3-9I! 3m II A, ti. Estray. Claino to tho premises of the undersigned residing; in Hujarloaf twion er about the lit of September last, u RED BULL, vvitlintlit in ihn left, Puppoicl to b ono vearold last spriu,'. Tlm owner Is ren.ue.ted lo cunio forward, prove property pay charge., and tftkt omi away or it ill be di.poi' tl ul tn'cordliij: t , ALINAS colk, III I I 1 "ll $1 ,11 mm Q
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