hi', m (St, ( 1 , i v -.4 ' !' if.- it i: Pfl! 1 1 HAD. A nHMfinn AT Xi 1 N&iS XSS " Our nonstitutlon cuard It tver' our giorioua union Hold 11 near' Our Many rlag fonako II never! The proud Oancasslan our only peer' EDITED BY LRV' t.. TATE, PROPRIETOR. BLOOMSBUR.G : I 1 I . ' I "'' iuu Saturday Morning, NOV. 11,J05 ( l,0 ''l cu or compromise ,l snowa nu oaseimss, u cowcia to no dunjer, It ppressos no weakness. Destructive only of dei.t.sm It Is the olo conservator of liberty, labor ami prop' ny. it u tho sentiment of ftucitom, f ,BW of ,,i,,u,u , xcnsaTcmraKanjWkae Organization of Congress. Tho Federal Congress U to meet on tho fourth day of next month. The throats uttered, whether in bluster or in earnest, inako that occasion ono of unusual con cern. Mr. Mcl'hcrson is, it appears on very good ovidence, determined to bar tho door of tho House of Kcprcsoutatives against tho restoration of the Union l What measures may be taken in tho case by tho Senate do not appcr ; but the course that we may apprehend in the House in vests the whole subject with sufficient im portance to entitle it to bomo thoughtful consideration. Tho rules of tbe IIoujc of Representa tives are good in law as far only as they comport with thciConstitution. Mr. Mc- Person, docs not exorciso the offioo of a judicial or legislative tribuu il. Such supposition wero ridiculous ; his duties aro neither more nor less, as his title declares, than those of a cleric, lie is bound not to declare, not to judge, not Jo onset, but simply to record. The names of all the gentlemen claiming to be Representatives according to the apportionment of the cen sus, and sustained by the prima facia evi denco usually held good in tho case, the Clerk is bound to enroll on the ground oi an cbioluto right. Ho is not tho judge of thoir qualifications. That office belongs by law to tho House. In even tho ease of a seat claimed by two or more persons, tho Clerk of tho House of lleprcsontatives would be guilty of outrageous imperti nence in presuming to go behind the pre sumption of tho ordinary certificate of election. Tho powers of tho House of Represen tatives over membership in its body arc well defined. Tho fifth section of the Constitution declares that ''each House shall bo tho judge of tho elections, returns, and qualifications of its own members." It cannot abdicate, in the case of that ex press duty, in favor of its Clerk. A ma jority vote of the body is necessary to givo effect to tho dcoisions made under that right of the Constitution. And this fact assigns limits to the scopo of thosa pow ers conferred in tho fifth section, on the House of Representatives. Prohibition is certainly not embraced within that scope; for while expulsion requires a vote of two thirds, tho more poruiptory power cannot bo held derivable under the vote of only a bare vvjority. 'Tho House of Reprcsontatives," says the first articlo of tbe Constitution, "shall be composed of members chosen every second year by tho people of the several Slitea." The States of tho South can, thereforo, bo no moro excluded from the floor of Congress than the States of tho West. If such a right wero supposod to exist in tho House ol Representatives tho majority on any subjeot could always car ry its purposes by tho simple exclusion, from seats, of all tho members of the mi nority I The supposition is absurd, too, in face of tho fundamental principle that tha right of taxation vests in the right of representation. As the presumption of a power so sweeping is clearly absurd, we must conclude that the power actually con ferred in tho case is one whoso application is somewhat narrower. The Ccnstitution deft nes tho powers of the House over individual members very olearly. That instrument sots them down as a right ol judgment touching their "elections, returns and qualifications." This ia the sum and eubstanco of its au thority over the three subjects of judgment which constituto tho whole, scopo of the rights of the House in such cases, Ono ia a simple question of formulary. Tho 'return" of the oleotion of any mornber of Congress is open to examination, under it, to tho simple extent ot its regularity and gcnuincnats, A duly prepared ccrti ficato in the usual form covers that point of tho inquiry fully. Tho question touch ing "qualification" mut bo conducted by tho Ilouie within the limits of the Con stitution, and oan, thereforo, not exceed tho inquiry. Is the Representative "tweu tyfour years of ago 1" has ho ''been sev en yoais a citizen of the United States V and was ho, "when elected, an inhabitant of the Stato in which ho was chosen ?" Tho question of "return and of qualifi. cation" is ruled by the Constitution with in very narrow limits. Tho right of inves tigation into tho "election" appears,at first eight, to open n broad field of inquiry, Tho fundamental law rules it, however, down to specifio dimensions. In the sec- ond section il condition. Hint tl,n i.i,. in oaoh State shall have tho qualifications reqsiito for electors of tho most numer- ous branoh of tbe State Legislature." Con- grcss ha., furthermore, authority to peci. fy, "tho tines, , plaoes.and manner of hold- log eleotions" for liepreientativos and, if '"a"' CSfirciscd thttt authority, Would,!, too clcotions had been carried out arooril- -.,, . . i , , , . , Mr. Editor : A writer in a provincial iugly. Horo, then, U tho beginning, nnd.lpapcr .g . "In a certain church in Vcr die and end of tho power of House of mont, tho other Sunday, the oinuors miclit o Itcprojontati ves to inquiro into tlio "eleo- tint.' of u moml.ora I Tha seonn of tl,n ,l..l,t f H,n Tt0,0 iUUtuiu: I 1. !.!!. I... I I ... I J ' uiui in luuiviuuni nictuucra WO IIB.VU BUUU to bo clearly limited. Tho words o( tho Constitution deoluro so plainly ; and usago 1.... .1 ! . . 1 1. civen wirm a iirmtaiinu wmcii i;anuoi dC(ucct from lL8 worjfl thouRli ovi- , 011 The author!- y 01 tllO UOUSO OVcr HS lllCUlUCrS Ua UCOll ' , , . , , . , . Confined, invariably, to thoSO Whoso (eats havo been contested by rival candidates. , a "orkis uicity y at f the rcBtrictod reading put thus upon the .... , . ,, , Constitution by custom ; lor it would be prcpostoroun to suppose a Home, made up ; This p0BTftv was sung to the tuno of of mombers, no ono of whom should bo "Itogus March," and sounded very 'ap couiidcred to hold his seat of right until pros' on tho sweet morning air : propounded upon by tho others I lrima mTv-mTvI'I 'fucie evidenco must receive currency ai a necessity of the caso ; and that evidence,! Doubtless iho reader will say, '-Pocta consisting ofduly authenticated certificates .niatiiar ct now fit." of tho State Irom which they havo been , sent, must bo held good in fact and in law, u l"u uuur -I""""" 1 , , , , ? ., .'havo you, nor your numerous rcadi-rs, whether by Clerk or Congress, until thitk that 1 am joking No, sir, nut for brought in question by the petition of a ri- no moment would 1 juko on so serious an yal candidate. Such is the law ; 6uch the 'affair as a JJ'ufted man having a fit, and usago : such the working necessity. !,B of lb , L?,VL striP,i at ,lU3t ' wh,'J ,,,, ni i f .i it i always said "if ho was drafted iik would The Clerk of the House may, however, , h(t HB W()u(1 Am, UQ ()ouU dare to do what passos beyond tho author- il0 would have gone right off, tb.it w, I ity of tho House itself. All laws onacted don't know exactly whsro, il he hail not uuder such circumstances would, we pre- sume, be null and void". Direct taxation . ., 0 ., , n , . in tho South by tho General Government will, wo believe, have become illegal from the moment at which the duly authorized Representatives of that section shall havo , . , i i . n been refused admission into CiiDcress T, , , u., uwjuuu iuwv uumuijuum-ca, u uau- not sec any power in the Constitution for the fit pop right at him, aud ct him, the ha- been proi-lamed in a portion of iho restrairiiog""tho majority of the House in said John, (although a very hearty stout Inland were arming for defence. Major a courno whioh is ueverthless, ono of bih- ma" 'l0 '0 ,rd'1 011 uli broad-hack, with i firncrol O'Connor commands the govern l.n,7o,l r.,lu,:n ti. -kis.s,. rti. hh Icfers drawn UP in rotjular fit-form, and I mcnt forces. . ..H... ... T'rrtJWloilf til llm f,i,l nnnnl. ,,.n,n.l President to tho funddinontal law does not appear to us to bo backed by any authori- . !.. .!. . I.... 1.! I.....M.. y ... uoau , uut ...a piru cuu u-ruiy be hold barren by the faction which has recently sustained the dangerous despot J r ( ism of tho war powers. The revolutionary refusal to admit the Representatives of ono Dart of the Union ' m il,a flnnr nf ii.a n.. ,.,i,ii I:., tinct act of treason to the Government nnrl ns tneh ven in nn. Ii.a nf l.m f...r , .,v v. ., .s.... wuu u uuuiuiuiiu nonuiar sunnnrt inr run 1.1 .1 ! , ., rr rI ... President m any summary measures which might meet tho d fficulty, by fling- ing Sumner, and Wilson, and Stuvens.aud all their followers down into tho very i deepest dunucous of tho Federal ''Has- tiles !" Andrew Johnson is not to be tri- flo.l -:t. . t- itri)i 1...1 i nnrn - Urn immi,i;(s ,..1.:1. VV.1..I1 v ,.u.uu ,,uu..w. 1 lullips would consign him may bo that of martyrdom. Soldiers Of Columbia County. ....... . The election is over and wo can no , . , , ... longer be accused of interested motives in speaking tq you about who aro your friends. The Republican party? To whom aro Government, offices given ? Dr. Johu, who has made all that he is worth while you were at tho front, has been rewarded for his" loyalty" by a fat po sition worth to him 5000 dollars a year. The Assistant Assessors and his Clerk aro all " loyal" stay at homo patriots. Tho Post Masters arc all of the same ilk, and yet you who ventured jjour liven, ind many havo como homo maimed or broken down in health, aro unthought of save at election limo. Nay, tou are even , . , . e , t. . cheated out of tho Pensions, Bounties. ' and Bounty Land which aro justly your duo while shoddy contractors ond these office holders are paid their claims as soon as presented. More than this tho party in power havo established a Freedmon's Bureau with a .Mrxinr nnrl ( l,.l . ,l. . r the ablo bodied as well as tho useless nc- tl.on .w'"108111 ls a reproach to any peo grod., and money is expended u largo , P J' tll0rcforD. ,.nnttn T sums to feed and clothe them, and to send i Andrew Johnson, Prc-ident of tho United them to places whore- they can Cud cm-1 States, do hereby rceoouimond to the peo ployment, yet tho whito man, even tho P' 'horcuf, that they do est apart apd ob white soldier, docs not receivo thn leait scrvc the first Thunday ol December bit of attention from theso cso lovalkts ' ' if they are your Pondor on it, and decide friends. Our Post-Ofllco Is certainly a creditable institution so far as convcnioneo and appearance is concern- J ed, hut wo would suggest to Mr. Bdcklcyj that if the postal regulations, prohibiting - unautbonzci nerfona from ntprnrimr vein. tho maila wero enforced, moro general t-atisfaotion would bo given. Nut only - 13 aro certain loungers and loafers to bo seen constantly behind " (Lo curtain," but in sotno instances they have made dis tribution of tho mail We also euo-gojl ihat all wait for their mail until tho whole be distributed, as tlio timo of some of the Leaguers L not more important than olh cr peoplo's time. Of oourso tho Post Master is not to bo diolatcil to by Democrats ; and they are perleetly willing for him to fold and sell his Abolition. tracts ero tboy can bo wait ed on, but they would auggest that as the t'ovcrnmont" kindly allows them the Pr,v,U'S of ,naili"K antl rccoiving letters, , y. ahoulJ Lavo somo Oonldorotlon at j ba'"laof tho 03t 3c ' j- Wo had anlndication of winter on ,ast Sunday, in Bloomsburg, in tho shape 0f Snow and Hail Storms. , Pur l.e Columbia nomoc.at. ho tcr'R 1 intrn innv. havo been hoard proclaiming a curious "tid cxoltiiiL', but not very nnrooablu en- t"!ulopioal I"'""" in tho following lino of 'Wn'll catch Hie fief Wo'll ca'ch Hie 11 (.'. Wn'll catch llic lleo tiiif? railing hour." uut this not more ludicrous) than an in viiucm wuiuii uixuuuu io tun writer, who ...1.1.. . 1 .1.. !.. . i ottering a clinp. l one day, heard three ith "(live mo a man tllve luu u man (live me a n uii slon In the sHci," But tho above arc cntirrly eclipsed by te ,fo.ll;,win? p".ik:a Aour niV W 7 . . . T . hundred miles from 'l'litler Town, in rjo'uiiibia county, l'u. IIr.I a nhail a fi-a fil. Jutt btfort rt rt-vorttne Jav " iw, Mr. iuitor, Id giving publinty ... ,1 I ! . T i i . . . hecii over-tuki n hy ihat pli uugy JU, which bad Dl!1 cn ,on for luu or txtc ycam befori', but had to come pi'pu rijht ck (1(jl0 bj'm JUjt u f(JW )tfofeo porting day ! -Inst think of that onoc. The awful Draft, how "it did give Pomo people fits," aud this (ho said John J'ccla could nvvo , ., , . , . . , r by In own nun, a good honest bo-,, who by hi own son, a good honest bo-,, who j was with his daddv iu tho field and saw was with his dadd v u tho fie d and saw Ljs 0 a wIlki a , a M liuki ,. , . . 1 ing like a ! elIla vocano spit,iDI; firc How lucky some men arc ! Well, hot I,.r mil, l.,nl, .!,.. .il. V, .v. . .u..u v. . ,u, vuu . f I'o sad yt had not been fo lucky a, .;.!,,! . i . .u i i. .; 1 i right place, and at tho right liwie, he cou'- not have ;)-odc tho tight-lit just before reporting day 1 lut lucky John, had all those prercqu1- sitfs, and heiioj ilie Union Army, (that , is, Union with tho iii''ir.cr) was deprived ol a brave stout t-oldiur. Rut his DtAU. r 1'AMII.Y Wero Still bleat With a hcaltllV I.i .1. ., .. . ... xamux wero sun uicai wun a ncaiiny -Li- I II . , auiu uouiuu iij.ri.inr: nnu sninn nntiir ; ......, wemuoiui iiau io u-avo u-s pooi jumuij B s..iu douu pmou m tho Uljiou' aDj a F, ' Hat ono mare shnrh-i.inier. sml Mmn mv non, for the nresent. There is some body in our co"nly, (I think it a sin to uauio i man i oaneu "iTuiissir retier, ' I have seen iho creature a few times, :. " . " " . It was uo great sgut( x ,ell s0i yir jjul tho Profis.or saw a ,lun called White- night, "all on elation day" and that was a ight woith seeing I tell you now. Bvit I forbear to give the particular of that in- tPr,-,ti., i,,re.,e oL.,. ,i,. n... I , ? V . , , -Dunn Heifers. '1 his Proloasor u oallt-d a 2etler. I don't metmid to know wl,t i,A undertakes lo Pal ; certainly not Wiirrt- Nionr. but pcrhap-t R man's LIcijcr, or iii nsa Doa s TAI1 ! OBSERVER. National Thanksgiving Day. Proclamation of the Pkesimst, Ar roiNTi.sa Deo., 7th. 11Y TUB .'uT.3inr.NT OF TIIC UNITI'.U STATUS--A PROULA.MTiON , , , , , . , . I1ERKAS, It has pleased almij-hty God during the year which is now coming to n eud, to relieve our beloved couutry lr0m th" fcful "0"rB ,f c,y'' and to permit u to secure tho blessings of nnn ,,.,i. -,i ., ,.,.- uu..j ...... t,,,t,wuj, n.iu.u.il IU- largcmcut of civil liberty ; aud Whereas, Our Heavenly Fathor has a'so during the year graciously averted 'f0111 u3 "l0 c'llamit'cs f foreign war, pes- alc fuU of the fruits of an abundant s.-Ti- son : and VhnrBa. Itml.lonimno., ,l,,l. o. ""I a9na Diy .f ?ati(,,,al ''nksi;ivi..g, to tbe Oreator of the Univurso for tbcsn deliverances and blessing. And I do- further recommend that on I that occasion the whole peoplo make con- I fession of our national sins against 11N ' i"tfi"il? g.n?ll"f', al1 wj.'h " art ami tho ways of lutioml virttio and holiness, In testimony whereof I havo horetinio sot .my liand, and oaused the seal of tbe I uu'icu oiates io oc amxuu. Done nt the city of Washincton. this 28th day of Oo'ober, in tho year of our Lord ono thousand right hundred ami sixty-five, aud of tha Independence of tho United States tho ninetieth. Hy the President ANDnnw Johnson. W.m II. Sewabd, Secretary of Stato t&- Oeu. W.m. Q. ArAi.r,ACE, laic Chief Clerk in tho Auditor (JcncraPs Offioo of Pennsylvania, has established an Office of Qenersl Agenoy in Harrisburg, for tho transaction of all business, publio and privato. Soldiers' Claims and other ao counts promptly collected. Gen Wallaoe possesses largo qualification! and offers very respectable references. tST- Rov. D. J. Waller, is erecting a largo Brick Dwolling House, nearly oppo site his now Mansion House, on Market Street. Vessels arriving from cholora ports at Portland, Me., aro to bo quarauiiued. JS Arrest of Election Officers. On Wodnosday last, Jacob Fishor Act inc Judso and Charles Lewis Inspector oi elections in tho middle ward, were arrest-1 ., .1 .1 A. i. 1... 1 . uunsiouer, to answer tho cuariro ot rcoeiv : ing votes knowing them io ho illegal j for those of Samuel Roberta i and John Udan, ' who havoo crbb'ps at ofthltigtou. On lllllrsday, Wallace Hcnucraiin tillll JOlin 1.8Ddom,'of upper Merion, Juilgo and in speetor, wuro bound over on lour distinct clinrcca nl iplimiiir to receive t iflvoWao . urultcd men who Iiau not reported. pcrmon S. .Irnkins, Eq , of tho Gwyncdd : cleotiou distriot uaaulco on Friday bound1 over to iiLswer tho charge of refusing to rceeivu tho vote of a qualified elector. On Tuesday, Samuel S. ltobeits and John Bonn of thi liorouah, wore arrested ; p . ----- -p - -- -- - and bound over io court in tho ru ol hiiii uuuuu uvt-r 10 uuuri in uiu eum ui $300, to answer tho ohargo of illrgal vol- lllg 111 the middle Ward Ol thO Uorougll Ot Norrislowtl. I Those prosecution havo bron initituied to test what tho laws really arc in relation to voting and to asertain who aro tho lc 1 gal voters of a disirict Regularly as clce- lions come around wo havo several votes brought home to the Borough, who reside out of it during tho whole year, with boarding, washing etc., out of the State. Y) arc opposed to potty prosecutions out of improper motives, but it is well enough to have tlic-o mattors promptly settled. It will bo fair for all parties in future. In the caso of tho upper .Merion Judg.i, no vote oertiiuly, could bo rejected Ihat wero qualified under tho State iaw i'orris town Republican. Sil'ifn 'i . tm'hi Ri. ...... l.HC flit'UtN. 1 , - The Mississippi Legislature and the ' Vieurgia UotlVCIltlOII hllVO IUC-llirilllZeu ill,. t'rp!lll-l,t I'.ir tlm r, ,,,l ,.f .t..ir...J -" " ' iuiuuii 'i UVIII.-U.I I Miola 'IM.r, r,,.,i,i.. It .1 M! . . U.ivis. llic petit on of Iho Miissipians ajsirtt that ihe gulf between the North . and South is not jet biidgji The nccro insurrection continues in Jamaica, and the insurrectionists aro comtnilinij ureal ntroeiiin. Mirtinl Inw commit nc ureal ntroeiiin... Rcv. M0r!,a nix, in a crnion in Trinity Chapel, in New York, on Sunday, said there was perfect unity between tliu ' ! UK lNorl1L.rt) ntl(1 bOUlhorn brnrbo of tho KpNropa! Oliurcli ntibo lain Convention at rbiladc'plua. ' Twenty Nw York soldiers, under eeutenco of iiuprisotiineut, with loss of pay allowances, for mutiny iu No. th Carolina, in July la.t, have juil been pardoned by llic President. Ai Hartford, Ct., on Cund.tv, B W RrHinr Inn, lri,lMt,i nf .1... n':. !....; .11 UUIIIUIU, Greeue late President of the v. suu WI-1IIIC1I' Ul r... i n , ulu iirur.iuec uumpauy, ill a lit 01 in an ty, murdered his wife aud then moita mot tally vtouuded himself Two trains collided on Friday on the Jirio railroad, ue.r Iiamapo, N. J. A. KcVl Mr oineyn, of the M. K. Lburohl Wa. kUr a,ud lwo ull,t:r paaaeu- a j j film n,iL.. i, ...:...! ...,1 I ... niUcu o.uers iroiu Wa.Umgou for the di.-chaigc of all the i.e- gro troop, iu l,ouifiana that can bo r-par- td. mm, T . , , , V ,i ""'PP' Legislature has pass- cd a bill iillowiLg ix Oiiv.nor Cla.ke hn Milury for the last two jcar of the rebell ion. -Provisional (iovercor Johnson, of Ginria adviet-s tlat fciiate to i laini the cotton capturetl by (.ieueral Shcrmau. General Grant ha1- recalled bis report from the Sicietury of War, in whose hands it Ii ri j been fur some days. The Agricultural Bureau's report nf the condition of the crops iu October is quite favorable Tho monthly statement of the public ' debt shows a reduction iu principle of four ,iii,n -.i , L, i..L c fnllr iiliinns Y..r. ii,n ,.vi.., -,r ,L gvtrnmdnt, in time ol peaci-. is ov.t two UIjd a Laf tllMuD r The Assno.iatml fro r-nrrnsnnn.lnnr 1 -. . at Washington iuiimatca that tho clerk ol ,lle Hoo.se has decided not to place on bio ron mc name oi any reprssentativc lioni o lately rebellious States. . -Immiouation -The numb- r of em- 1 ''"''"wniou arrived at the 1'ort ct Iw-w rl" uu ,US l lu mou,u 01 0'er wa as follows: from Ireland, 5,1)31; Gt-riuimy, H7-1 : other countries. 3.8711 linn nivim. im.l .rilism I1..- .1 t1 a total 01 1. 1, 01 a. Uurillg till! COrrcspoUU- 1112 inouiu iu icu-1 mo ii ii inner was bOO-sbowing an increase of 5,040, Champ Ferguson, who was csccutsi X' 1 11 ., , . , ,,. , iii iiuBUViu on mc uuin. met nu Unom vritlt firniDi; .merely fltwbing tltvj.lv pBrsju.-ing Ireoly upon the face, llu uiatlo I no ijoofoaaion, but ma.i.aiut-d that he was justified in all that ho had done The Gjvenor of Georgia requests the VaTsVe ofVdUde'.V.'''y Circulllr" ''arUU" Presidi-nt to allow tho feilt-ral troops to ' ' ' A. J. 1 1 a it t- r.it & co remain in iho Stato till oivil authority nov.ii. ieu5-3.o."'J l'"""l"n)' Nuw Xurk' shall bo (ul y established. ThU speaks well for tho "boys "in blue," but not bo JSl'idSe J.Ctttll-. welt for the "boys" iu black. -On tho 10 of September, tho anni- vcuuijr in njUAiiiJii niut'peuuuuco, lUO Emperor Maxiuiillian publiolv adopted 1 t ... . . r. . . . r . ..r M..: ...i , .. AUgUStUS HUrUlUO as HIS Heir to tUO tlirOUO M'Uth .oe..t The nbutmentt are ulready built, ex of Mexico. , "I't'illeriiijff.irulur tikt-ttbaca Pl.ni und rpu idea- F!OT? , ir.lnrnf. a,,. I. n f.l tl. jt .a us i. tuiu sMiui iu uLiuriu-i inr tbo he.roiiinsavs: Innnni-np., .Iirnllo IU tllO rich UUrls of Lhi- hair." A i-ritin O J -....w..w..ww W ,, , commenting on this passage says : "Sor-j ry to hear it i wo think it btauda a peril-, ous chance; of being combed out." Tho telegraph announces to the New' Orleans publio that Handcuff has been' eleettd Auditor Goueral of Penusylvauia. ! ?iyj.i..is , MARRIAGES. Tr. T 7 rr:,'.T'-', ! At tho house of the bride s father, m j Bloomsburg, Oct. SO, 1805, by ltov 11. llsoD P"tian Ii UN est, of Mod- tour township, and Elbie J. Howuns, ol Moomsburg. sm-;, DEATHS. in liloomaburg, Nov. C, 1805, Eliza- heth A. liOMnov, nife of Jacob Uoinboy, ageu io ycurs, 7 uioutha auu 1 dayd. Nnu&itocrliscmcnt -I I I LOOK HERE. .... -.. i.i .1 r ti ... Kiersons havliis claims iiKiiIiul Hie I'ftato or tho dece- UK Very lMatterillg MUpport hereto tcllt nte rciuested to present lln-iu lor Mlln mcnt and 1 I f,n civen t the late nnu of ia.mus h, mc KiNCiii k)Jjo..iiidMceitiieunderiiBi'cd to unicr up. " ,h" nollAhDIZlNG , ,, Tha tlc,m ,, h Bern an Injury I" hotli buyer uml seller, and llierelure .TA.lBiS HlciXlrVCJH ,,,ni io open on tbe lain day of t he muuih of rocmi.ir, iceo, m f- CS" 31 M THE MOST CO.UPliUTK AND KI.KO ANT STOCK OF TT1 " Kvor offered in this County ; consit- - .!,.. ,! ..li, r ctnln ,UK 01 3 '"""J T-"v - --r- 1 WSAnP FAillwY (ByylJlbj 1 GrocoriOi', Q,UOOUSWarC, iinrd- Ware, ! al)(j ai fQtU 0f articles kept in a country siorc; tube sold or in exchango for mm.. .. i.i.. i..,-i....a, ... i, nn...i.,nt...1 nt. ' l iiu iiwiu uu.-iu j- v.. tho -jstcm of pay as you go ; nnu at cneaper rates than niiyolber Imiisc. , It CjII and Judgo for yourselves. J. S. McNINCH. nv II, 1.',. Ke&LUer's Notices. "jVTO I' ICE is hereby given to all legatees, iTi'illtum and otli r ui'f.niH Inlereited In the es lutes of the rvsnvctltu dvu'deuts and minors, thaltli lutes oi uiu res leiu.u iietfiieiii. nun iiiinuis. ui.u nn f.iiiuwing Adminlslrtilinn a:..l Hit in Ian accounts havo been IlleJ Hi tlid iHt!.- s.rth-s Ill-gin -r of Columbia cm., tiffin. 1 county aloresaid, on Wsdoesday, Ih.i nth ol Dec. ISLj at o yiock. in luu mif niotni oi sau na. at O CIOCK. . . , i, iv . , ., 1. AcjouMt of 11 s nrv U.'ICIl 1111 1 lor, ono (if .vlllMi4lrator wll W1 ;., ur iieury iisicii.uiiier unof uj.ui-w ii . a-c.t 'J. First account of I bourn Crcv-j'ing, Aduir. of llrbtcca Crevellog lnt.j of tcoll twp . dec'U. 3. First ascount of John M Cbiiiubor- llu. Admr uf.S'oahd Prentiss, bli of .".inn town ship det'd. 1. Account of Abraham Wilner itdiur. of Joseph Witncr, lalu ol'lluarli!;tre. k iivp., dee'J. 6. I'irst .Hid (llial acooUIlt "f .J imei atl Horn an I I'liom is Matli-r. A loir, of Joseph IV Van Horn late ol l,'r..-emvuii 1 tup. ducM i ... . co , ,, ,.'. tJ Account ot a.imuul tirea.. ISICU I tor of I'ctur nekrote.lale ol Miillin tp., d--e .1, , . f I ,,.i, it.,,.,, ...I,,,, nf 7. Account 01 J.lOOb 1 e.ller, adllir. Of , Ellis Pealer, late of I'lslungrreck twp. decM. ! ., ... , 11 i ti i O. 1'irst account ill W.IVId, Abl am anil John Van Ilnrn. Cirs of CoiiieliiB Vn II. ir-i, I.i u of Hcml'iik twp. dce.M. c. . it i . e in. til '.). bei-oud ullll htial accailtit Ot I UII lp Miller. Admr. of Isji.ih rilium.i-i late of .Main tu-vn- ship. dee 'd. i , , , . ,-, . 1U. Account of Peter X OCUill. Il.Si'CUtOr if Robert T.iylor Ulo of l.ocusl tivp. d.-c-d. I 11. Final account ..I Josi-ph Crr-ll, Ciiardiau of Amos White, iljht minor c.ii1 J of iLiorgs ' Wlntmishl.dec'd. I 12. F,m and final account of .Geirgo I1;,' iViiul account ol Jamc, S. M'Nii.el, anil rn ran j.nn; .iiiinirs, .,111111.. u, ,- .in,, ni .... of Alain twp., di cM. II. Account of David Leo mid riiilo - mou N'eyhard, Adinrs. if llaiid Leo, Lite of Ceiitrv l p. Columbia to. tlec'd. l.j Aeco-jiH of J'tlin Neyhard and 1 Adam Itnal, Admr's of lleoj.imiu Klaus, lale of Or.uijo . twp,, d.c'd. lt Aci-otmt of Joiah Kline', Admr, o Elijah Ulmo of llinton. t p , i'i c'd. JOHN G. FuliliZU, ItcgUter. Illnoiiitburs, Nov, 4, lf'j.'i, ' ItVDOf'S' API'RAlXMEXTli. . Notice of Confirmalion. j '5 he following appraisini-iits nf real and personal pr.-pi.rly set up i rt to Widows of lleie. deulh have li.-tii. died loth.- tldice of the Ki-t,'iti-r of Cnliimlii.'i c-iulil). under llic Huh nf Curl. an. I vl,l ' be pre.i-iiu-d Inr ah.nlotu conllrio.itlioi, t. Iln . pll:il.s I null to be held 111 III ioiii.li.lri.', 10 and inr ialil c iiiut. on WI.IIM:.-D.V Till: oih IIAY ill', l-r.i'LMllLi:, A. II, lr.-j, at uli.. k in the nll.-r-noon of f..ud .lav ; unless ese.-.ti u In frnrh . oolirina Hons are pre ii-usly tiled , 1 1 ninth all pi-rMiu in leresled in said i.-sutes will Ma notice. 1. Wi.toM nf John Yiacr, sen., ol 1 ocil.t, filed "d Ao'.lrli i 2. V iduw of John Walter ofLociirt, filed 1 -1 111 A ig. I -IV5. 3. Widow of Win. Hoffman, of 11,-ntre, llled '.-Jd Aug. Ict).i. 1 4- Willow nf Henry I, union, of Ilrinrc eek, filed sMd .ug. lel)5 1 5. Widow of Archibald Pallemon, of Hreenwoo.l. . Illeil aitt Aug. 1-1,3 0. Widow of Wui E t'liannon, of S-colt fiieil 1st Sept. IcOS. 1 11 in ami lilii(!s. Heal iMucs, scan rius, ivatcn ueys. 7, W idow of (leorge Loiigenberger, of Jlsine, filed ' Also a .irn ty of Silvu- Ware, embracing (inblils. 41 ti Sept. l,-i,J. Cups, La-MrJ, Tea and tabl.) Spoons, Sc., Irom $') to B. Widow of tamiiel Parks, ug-irlaf, filed lc! I Is of tin. Si pi Itlki. I h - urtiel.-ii iu this stock are ot the neatest and !. Widow of .iiuiiioii Slroup. of.Madisoii filed -J I Rt most f.i.liionLblu clyles. Ceititlcales of all Ihe vari- Sept lens. oils articles ar-put in sealed envelopes and uiixed, 10. Wnlott of N. T. PcnniliBton uf I'isliinsireek, thus civiol' all a fair ch.iucn, and .cut hy nnil, as or filed IldUct. lrl'5 d-r d ; ami oo III i riceipt of the cirtifirate il is at 11, Widow of James W Kitchen, of Sngarlnaf, filled your nplion to s.-nd U VH HoLL.Mt an. I take the ar Huh Oct lens. tiile ii.imeil iu it, or not i or any other article in our l'J. Wnlow of I'auiel U Eut, of Scoll, filed 30tu Oct. list i.f .pi il value. Itbo. John' o. rni'.r..t:, Register's Oince. I lt.yi.ler. niooiusbur, Nov, II, lai'u, JEWELRY AT LOW PRICES! I"0,00Q Wnlchff, Cliains, Lockets, Murk, llracclels, nets ol Jewi lr, tiold Pens, tec. To be disposed or at ONH HOLLAIt each without re j eard tu wilue. not to be paid fur until you know Mint .U."1.?'."""" - 1011 Hold Huntinii Casa Watches each S'O lo Sl'-.-i 500 Silver Watches each JjJIIlo M t lU.Unll Cold Pens and Silvsr Case each S to i lO.Ooo ti-tts Ladies' Jewelry, (assorted) t-aoli ;i 10 1 And a lirfe aanrlmcul of Jen.-lry ol'g,i.ry .In- scriptlon for ladii s- ami p-nts' wear, vary mc iu val ue from $.1 to SJj each, The method ol ilitiiiisiiie nf - I cutiTii-ic.vit.s nanon;- uu akth li: and its 1 iS'oW 3'. ilress on receipt of Price, (luu Certiflrale ij cents. liv.MorSI. Itiero are no III. WK.-1. v,,i, , i ,.i i rI 'bo County Commissioners will receive ji rrnposals at Hie hou.o ofjnlin I, Hurst, in H'ub. luw ii, Columbia Co., ".".i.."'"'" '"'urs if lo A M. Al'UUU IV. Till: -Jd day of UKU. ami j r. .11 , uu b,v and d r. .11 , uu sj, next, fur building an Arch Covered Lrld-e, over , t'u-"'8"eek. near is. w p.irr's mhi. m rrankim lP- S.ild lirldeu to hub; fuel h, twi-eo nlnii nun van ne seen on uie uay and place of letting 1 - ssiuuers. It. C. FR1MT. .,. . L0,!""'.".,0,,,!'? "mc.c- i Work. lllooni-li.iii', Nov. II, leu. i NotiCC ill IMVOTCC jn tht Common 'leas of Columbia co'uny. Lucy Ann Mauqaiieita Teki'le, V,H f Hodeht Teeple. ) A nd now, to wit : Sept. 7, 1B05, an xX. alias Supojna in divoroo having been ftnmpd and Uetspondcnt not having been rounJ t,13 County, upon motion of John c. Vmzo, Attorney for Libellaut, Court gra nt a t'uIo upon Impendent to show why a Divoroo a vinculo Mat' monii should ll0t bo decreed in tho above Mated case, rolurnablo to the said Court of Common 1Mo 0, AIorjJay) Dc0i 4 18fJ5i SAMUEL SNYDEH. Sheriff: Hloomiburg, Nov. 11, 05 Ow. BLANKS I BLANKS! I Of every description, for ale at this offioo, Administrator's Notice. .i , T ottors Of Administration on ttlO CStatO lief VnUntlno lVliliinlght, lale of Hemlock town- BhTt?. Ooltimlila ro. ilfci-nacil, Imvu bom Rrimted by USliUV vi I tllLlllin. ii uianiiini., uci; u, tliD llcclsler if Columbia cn, to tin- undersigned nil J Iho.e Indi'blrd In tint ustalu will lunko InuncdUta w-""-" "iimou ivway, Nov. It, IPfll-Otv S:i. Adm'r. StiilOlsASIIIPS FOUSALS. 1 I llliutliatiiplln " Crlltr ndi'ii'a " Hirall Ilrvntit Cn . Iilladelplila, UunkrM.'ltv ItnliMM Cnll.-t j, ThcsH rVrips, am in amounts of SIS uml $.W and are Itt tssomufii rash, hy tin' Hlucli'iil on eniriniciincr oiiui- iiliova t;ollei;us. Youni! men di'slrliiK tooblaln n nnisn cd I'nlii'itinii-1 ;n i rn 1 1 win Mere iimingnou spucuiu Inn by applvlui; nt tho nillco of Hie Nov. ii iro. COI.II.MIIIA nt'.MOCIlAT." Est ray Otraycd ''lp residence of tho undor- yJ sinned, in KishltiKcreek township, Columbia Co., about tho middle- part of August, a REl) STEER, Two year, old lasl Pprlne. Any person riving In fnnnatlon concerning his whereabout! will bu liber alJ""wa,,lc'1' i.nvi nr.1s111.iNn, i,Miingercektwp..sv 1, ,t,5-3w. si 5u Lost, N Saturday last, betweou tho rcsi- dctiro of the undersigned, In Centre township, near SHoii) town, A. PASS BOOKs . . ....... .in I,.. ' i;nm!iiuing n pruuu.uijr -t , sir Meliiie, a ii wcrai rewaru win ue v" 'u luru of tne Hook und Note. .... JOIli UUL13U1I N-ov.5,TS-at.ei3o. 1-URIiIC SAL 12 VA LL'A HI.B HE A I. EST A TE 1 IN pnrstiaiioo of an otdor of the Orphans' Court of Columbia county, on - . .n i n r-s- Saturday, November 10, 1800, , .,,.!. T il. f,,.,i ndn-w Crevi llng nod 1"! ItZ" UZ Hry'K Orange tw p.. In said c.uniy, di c'd, will expose to rutillc M l.uue. on me prvniis.-., n eer , : . ,.....n..i ....i i,..,i .r l. hi J Mit nn.i. In tin, ton n.liltt of . Oralis. . adjoining land, ol John Slegarglo anil Jonn i Herring on the i.nr.li I 'r. 1) VV. .Montgomery and lllcloird Hun's heirs on the east, JeremUh llagenbuch (ii-n Held, rami IVler sit Hick on Hie south and U.111, lil Vanderelii u and Wo, Del -nit on the west. . , . (Jont'llltlfig 03 Acres, , ,, more o, less, on which ute trled a good TWO-STOHY 1VICLLIN(J HOUSE, , I irrn,,!. Ilnrn W-irrmi Snprl I 1 , ! S.,r,. i,r Wn.er near llieilimr. 1 li.rn is al jo on tho w e.t . nd or said proarly ' ami a half sloty 1 FRAMH IHVIH.I.INC IIOIISC I uli, , )nll l!lM1 11U, tltln rwatrr eonvn. , nl , , lniu-., i.lrj.e jmrt ol the preailses Is clear- ed. nu w l.lch I s a '"' ' " . nnrTtATn J'V .ULi.u yj in iui 11. u. The unrleared pari U well timbered, l..i.. tl... IM.n ild deceased, situate in the two. i,fi)rani,u .in.l r ity uforesaid JHSSH COI.IIMAN. The above proiierlv w ill b sold on re.isonnble terms :,.,, ,( ,n . ,lv ,,i..-,t lulu two farms, If necessary to SUt nurchujcrs. AVIHtCW Cltr.VP.l.tN'O (..,. c.VMUI.l, llli.Mtl, I Nov. 4, lera.-ts - - Admir.ist ator's Notice. t?,i,,lr nl' Inr h mil'! iefLdiCtl. A"'t "J " uuua, .lcuoc.. T of ad,,Hnitra.i.n on il.e tZrr A. Minn HUSKY, I 1,1 " n,,, umii. r slltueil. 1, ...loin o t ll.y . noo nu pi isnna ii" cit, uj to inako pn oi--ni lorlliwiili 1 aniiulu r-iiuiiiN. CII.MtLI.l4 HOA i'ti. L'n.ou tup., !-'chu Ikill cnini.y, Adiuinistratois. n.t. 2t, lH'6-i; 5." SPLKNDID BAUGAINS 1 All Sure of their Money's Worth. j V. FORSYTH 6c CO. j an and II Ann r-'ln-et. V. V. ll.ile 4i and 14 Nltsau j tilreel), oflur fur .ale the following iiugnidi etit List of Walrlics, Cliains, Jewelry, Kc. 1 !- i:cii Aiti ii'i.i; ovi: ihillaiu . Ami not lo bi. paid for nil you know ivh.it you are to l. ; 551 (!oldi Silier W.'ilclut.from 8liU to.?liil IKI eaib. iil La-lies' Cold Wati hes, X Oil each. ,'iUJ Ladies' ti--ui' Hilvcr Matches. !." ml eaih j .1.111111 Vest, Nei k .V (illlird Clllliof, S3 UII tn 1.1 IKI euill II,, II I', , , 1 1 11 I'll II II 1 1 1. 1 1 l- ., II ' II. "HI CU1 II li.nua I'l.nii Cli.isi-il, Weddini! rincs 511 to ouUeacli. ."i.Uiiu 1' ilifurriLi Diamond I'm. .ind llnnfs, a Oil to diuienih IU hfll set- L.idies' Jewelry. 5 00 to 15 UUeach IUUU.lC.dd Pen.. Silver .Mounted Holder , 400 to 5 (10 each. lOUuoCnl.l Pens, Silver Cases and Pencils. I UD to fl C6 each. Toeeilii-r Willi Itil.bnn Slides, lloeoin Studs, Sleeves llulloii ., Hold I'earils, llelt Duckies, llroothcs, (iuM Thiiohli-s. l.ar .Irops. 1 lilliircn-s i,ooh, .iiasmiic r 4TI .-. n n nnd TJenmilimo LiUL tliiii;cltco uu. xiouuuuuo. r-inirle Certificate, i3 cenU -, fivo Corlifirates, SI; ilen-ii. 3i ; ini.-iity.flvu w ilk premium uf Hold Pen, S3.T.'.; r. Ity Willi premium of Hold Pencil aud l'cii,$IU; nnehuiiilred itli premiuiii of Silver Watch, S-'di two huiiuri d Willi preiiiium of Cold Walch, $.0. CerliuV Lain niniiev enrloseil with order- Every Ictleri from whnti-vi-r eourcu, proiuptty ans,vercd. (ioo4s eiil by in. nl, carefully packed. All article not sail. factory can bo returned and exchanged, or the money tcfnmleil if wished. Thousands of dollars' worth of Walchoi sold to our customer during the nasi vear. All H.N'I'd wanted everywhere, ' Cerlllleate and Circular. Address, ceuu j tt-ins inr W riJRSVTII k CO.. 39 and 41 Ann Sited, New York. Nov. I, To 3m. ?lu a M. I' Ai'ls. BARGAINS ! BAKGA1N8! IF YOU WANT TO BUY Fall and Winter gjiOODS ! GO TO Crrasy's Store, in Light Street, Ta. IV hn h'rrn all Kin Is of ' V CALICO, MUSLINS, SILKS, GINGHAM, FLANNELS, CA11PETS, HOSIERY, SHAWLS, Ready-made Clothing, Sugars, Molasses, Syrups, coffees, Teas, Fish, Salt, Bacon, Hams, Lard, Tobacco, egfirs, Hats, Boot", Caps,. Shoos, Drugs, Oils, Paints. &0..&0. In addition tnour larso stock or Dry Onmls, wo have ! &utVSSlrX ,Le"',,yJ,.....?.,.,!.l"5 lor Alen and llov. wear wine), wo srn ,ip.,..,.ii,i,..i , sell rheaner Ih in cun bo bought elsewhere. Call nud ego. ami jnoge ior yuurseivcu tTT Tliev also keen u fine nstorinm m r nnttn j .n.. MEDICINE:), lo supply the absence ufn reeelar Ilrui: More- in l.iijlit ritrect, which will 18 carefully coin- WhrXt lets (ii.u.l.ieii Him si llllir l-llkloliK'I Ilclliriritl J1; i-o5 ' SHERIFF'S SALES. l7 virtue oi suvurui ivrtis oi voiiuiltoni 1 eiponai and levari facial, to me directed. Is- aued out of (lio Court or Ruin.iinti Picas of Coluintila cnunty, will ba ctpnaed In public sain, at the IJUUBT i. . .... liriOEMIIEri 18(13, at I o'tlock In the aneruoon of said day, the rullowinit real estate to wit . lit HU in I UlonmiburR, on .MOMIIA V. Till! 4TII or A certain trart or Int nt ffmntnl !innt I,, n,.. wood township, Columbia co.,cnntalnlui! TU.V AC11U4 mora nr less bounded hi follows ! ndloliiHii lands of Jacob llerrad, Isaac Dewlu, William .Mather, andoth. crs, v henoii arc srcclud n (Irlst Mill, n Story and a half 1 raum House, and t n Biables, with the apput' tmaiices, ALSO, One other lot of ground, situate India county and luwnsblp afote.ald. containing TWO ACIU'.B and enlylwn percliea moro or less, adjoining lands of u..,,,,.,, u.,u, ullu umcia, nun uit appuiien.iiiccj. ALSO, ' One other lot of ground situate In tha county and towutlilp nfo.-esotd, containing OMI! ACI1H more or 1 less, mljoinlng lands of Joseph It, I'attnn , Henry Stout, 1 llphralm Parks and sillers, whereon are erected a . story and a half I'raini! Ilnvllliig House, and Frania rilablc, with the appurtenances. I ALSO, I A Int of ground sltuatn in Hi 0 villaee of Itolirsburg, 1 (ircenwooil lownslilp, containing ON'K KOL'llTll i if 1 AN AI UK more or less, bounded by Inml late of tin defendant and others, with the appurtenances. ALSO, One other tot situate in the village of Itohr.hitrg, rn niul towmhip iiforcsald, containing r'OIITV TWO I'l.ltUll.rf, adjoining l imit of C k 10. (1. nickels, . n uerciin are rrec leu n story nnu a nail uweiiiug noun ! till. I frfllm, ntlllite Willi tliu .in, lut. . ii.o, . AL0, Ilohrsbuig, known a the 'burnt lot," containing 1'Olt- fln r.fli,.r In? ff nrmtml .1,1..., l ih. l1l.irrt nf .TV NIMi; I'lllUMIHsl mnru or less, bounded on the I west by Main street on Hie norln by Main (treet. on .l,'c uJ!i.r' '" '! .v."..'"' i:.!!!,"lj. .?!' uU1" br 0i D i ruuci'R i.uc, n lib the opnuitenauces. ALSO, One other lot .itunto in the village nfRolirsburg, co., mid townshlu nturesald, rnntaiulng tweuty-onn on J I one tenth perches, be same more or less, ndjoing lands ( of Hubert rloitl, and others, whereon are, erected a story and a lull' Irani housii and frame stablo. with the appurteiuuecs, I ALSO, township anTlenilil One other tract of land situate, part In Franklin l,)comlug county, and part in Madliiui 'uloinbia county, containing one hundred .in., ,i ...... ...... -7,-. ......, or less, .idjoiulng lands of John Toj. Margaret Mont goiu-TJ' t art, Philip oiiiik anil others, wiiereno aro -.l..,, house nnu frame barn. ,, rraaud one hundred nud forty pe rchen morti null ,..,, f iVil.un Afir. vizrii, tnKen in riecuu'iu anu io oo sum as iuj ALiSU, 1 h following de.rr lied real e.t.ite situate in tin t,mnhip ofhcolt, Iu ibe n.unly of (olUKibla, the first pit thereof containing I illy Acro-i aue nine purities oi 1 nd. more or leu, bounded niul desrribeil as follows n n,,, muli by l.ind of 1'iter MhHg and John Hut on tbeoiilh I.i land ol Annuel Jle lick, on the liast hi lmivna,s ttm street to Orange, ill audi, nth- e.ttiy laud ofJ. t hlle and oilier.," hero mi are erected a I'umuci'i a iri"t Mill, a i-tnjy frami .It. ..illm. linn.,., a frame ll.-iro. aveolld slnrv nvitllili'' '"'.!!?" a'"' '! . containing Si-vente. n ncies and Amr perch is, stri. t .-,.,,.. i.smiiilril and described .is m-:Oiitln north by I I of John V hite, on the et b l.iml f riamucl I. II. III-. TI,,, Tlnr.l tliernrsilmiieln the t.nin.hip .,r,l!ou.ii 1'n.ai.iiul. county ufur ...nd, containing four aiv el ty sii per. ho. morn or leni, b uoiled on the norm ,v bind ol J-hu White, on the south l.y laud of John Wlnle. ou the uiH by Inod of Peter e chug and John White, on Hie eu.t b lauds c f John U hito I The I'oorili lloreol being all tint Ihii story Train- Klnn- and su.re lluusi- nnd lot i.f grmunl, su.ulu in ichl tre. I. loiiuty aforesai.l. boiiiiiiril no Hie eal l,v' puldir ro.nl kaili.ig from l.lgbt direct to Draligeiiile. nu the weal by land lale of S.imui-I 1.. Ilittle, on m-i imrth bv mi nlli'V uml and on ibe south bi a lot n... I or l.ile nl Wi.i. Mlia.nion, ami I nnrl.s Miaunon. Ii n,j i 'Ol .o .1 in itifii.ui ,ii in-- i iiiiiue in i.i;oi r-irrei 'flielilt lug all ilint certain lot of ground situ, ! in Light .-'Ir-'i I al'iir-.nd, runt lining slitj feet frnn' Sraj, road Ii tiding Hum Light Sireet tuilruiige.illi on tn ,.,t ,y lud Inu-of rijni el II. tile, on the soiiih l,y aii.,a,,;i oiheoo, - t ' a I o f . AlblJ, All Unit certain tract r pii rn nf Inn. I silu.ili. in I Jark.ou t.p., Columbia county, ciiut.iiuiui- I'll'IY ,i niMinii allowances, uounneo ami ue.eriii il .is full hi in i it . on the iinrili ny lauds of tVilno It .1, erls and Silas MrHeury, on ihe south b l.io.i nl Is.ie. L" is and Ceo Hiirleoian, on th'! .-n9t by l.io.ls .,? H ii in in. 1 lin hells ami Hilwar-l .Vclleu.) ami oo Hi Wl'.l by land of Samuel llubells. Il tlerenli ate . r tl-.l a one ill i .1 half story frame dwelling house, a 11,4 stable. uith the appurtetiaio e. &i led. t iki n in i-xi ciiti in and lo l'J sold as Mn properly ol John Hubert. ALSO, A cert niii tnrt or piece f hitJ Niltinto in liunt tou iiflup (' I , to , roiitninini,' thrcu hiimlri il aiol li'tjr in r " m"ff or h-p. )!iniinlt. ami ilcwrrilieil ! l'tW On Hi w t ly l.uiit nf Juliii Itidcr. jiiW other "1,1111 north dy taml of Mr. tU: on the eat hy l.in l f ; Kictii-r nii'l 'Uln rc. fni 111' Moiith hj KtioN vf Jmin ill nu 1 1 mintI m '! lie rcoii is rrM t''il .1 Cli. irco.il I'.ir ii.nt:, toil li"UM nfiw null, ftoru hoiiHU, ix ilwfjltm loiiHcs b.irn anil Pi.thlc, iiUo ;i large bun an I itl lin lot idf on .inoiliur pirl "1 taid t'.irui, u till t Jo; t pnri imnci'H M-i.i o. itiKrn in pxi-i itiiuii anu to uo ttuJ a m prop:riy of ri.iuiut'f II, Iiciiiht. ALSO, AM Uia t cf rtnin nirxitinsr tenement ami tract of latoliii L'H-iift t p.. Coliunhi.t co , lonnleil Jintl iW . m rilif il as fullown . Ik'iiiiiiiii; at a white onk trm corner . thence aloitj l.nnl of Jarnb hllcr and Ktiii. nortli lliree "purtci ileprucs rutU eighty five perrhe tu a fimie, thence along land of ttuiijuinin Wngncr. cast thirty four pert lien to it htoto;. ihtncc h lutul of Fri'ilenck lclilec K?iitll thne irter iliurees west, fcvutil) eight prri h" an five li-nthim a klonc, from tlii nee along hunt of ttarui. I e , twviity nine dtgrtfj nest thirty hit per In h hilt' 1-if; lit ti nlhn tu u pui.1, tin nte Along lnml of Jncoti Mler. north filly mnu uinl ohl 'pmrter dejrecH west lo an apple, tree from thenm Mouth wpt eiyUt perrhc tu the plart) of Lr Kiiuu nt. con-ait'intf iweiil) livi! acres and forty onu perches, strict noaHure. t5tizd. t.iken In execution uud to be sold as tha property of CLarlea William ALSO, A c rlain tract or piroo of land, si t uaieinl'ine tonuship Columbia county, r.iutainiui; luenty one acres more or less, of unimproved laud hounded and desriibed as follows, lo wit : On the south by lands of lieed and ,t1a.l"rs. on Iho west by lands of tzrallunyaii on the noth byland-i of Huianui l llogail, ami on the cast by lauds of Jacob Chainborlin, Seized, taken in exoiiition ,tmi to be sold as Ilia property of William II, I hamberlin, ALSO, A certain lot of ground situate in tlm horoii(-h of lierwirk, bcinjr in from 20 feit, und IKI feet in depth, bounded and described as Mows, to wit on the soutli by Third Street, on the west by lot nf M W Jacksuu. on the north by an Alley, and tha east by Int of II II Davis on which are erected a iko (lory frame dneliiup house, with the appurtenances. Scizid, Liken iu execution and lo be sulil as IU property of Augustus gchnell. ALSO, A certain lot or piece of urounil tituato in the villace of Ceulralia. Columbia co bounded and described as follows : tin the south hy .lit. Carmel SlrccI, on the west hy lauds or Cairety, on tha north by lauds of Pain- k Leniiedy, and on Hie cast by an Alley, coiilainm 23 ft el iu front ami 125 feet deep, whereon is erected a slory and a half dncllim; house, slaughter huiiso and viable with the appurtenances. H.'Ui'.t, uk hi in execution and to Uo sold as thi properly of Jaob lline, SAMUEL HNVDK". Fhetitfi onico, KlicrirT. lllniMinl.ure. November 4, IP CI. ( Lost. T OST about the 1st of October infant. I n Prouiisary Note given lo me by John Kelclincr dated Bcpteiuber '11, lobo. for One Hundred Dollars, payable ono year AKTEIl DA'l'i:. The puldie urfl nereby cautinnod noi tnpurchase Hi sa.d Nolo, as Iho payment there oflias been stopped AllllAllAM HILL Cintie lp.,Oct. Ii8, IflSV Estray. CMAMEtotho roiidcneo of the under J nune.l.resldirg in Pratt Inunshlp, Columbia to uu or about Iheclbor IdofSrplunbcr List a WHITE HOG, weighing about ff) pounds, and nbiit 7 months old I'huowiier . requested to coma forward pmvn prop erty, pay chariies, andtaKu hlmnway ur he will bo ill posed of according to law DANIEL SNVDEK. Oct.2. I5G5.-3w.SI ad, C, B, Brock way, & it if oi m e v a ir ii a w i BouniiesJack-pay'ouBious.&ooollectod. Fpccinl attention paid to mailers nrisii'6 under lha In ll,rl nl II f. v.. n nl. l.nw. I tJ" OFFICE Fourth doc, below American Hotel. IILOO.l!UU, F Oct, 53, 16M LATEST ARRIVAL. fj-rooeries, Fruit, MM , . ,,d v.n- oils other ailirles f l r ii .a Lr. )u. le-n, . RLN IS ' rl' LC Flcom'liuii fscpi I ifcri
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers