V jBSSr'sDcpaVt'tucnt.f The State of the Cropu. Hon. Isaac Newton, commissioner of of the Agriculture, authorize the follow Ing itatoracot na to the condition of tho nrona on tho 1st day of8ptomber. rv.,, nml Hbv. The wbct Wheat, Oats anu 11 "J - 1 .... ..AilifiAnbl itivurv crop nas reccivcu uu f.om the weather since his report ot last' month, but Iho qurilty of the cropa U ntai , good especially in tho Western state., j where it was effected by blight and rust,, n . V,v the wet weather during bar-, -u -.-. . . . test. Of tho Old Wlieal on liauu iukio i ...nnn.l.fttn Ihn hands not as much m was supposed tn uio nanus of tho Airmors, for muoh of it was brought ( in Julv and Aucust, in tho Extern and ( iu uuijf " b t, i ruin Middle States. 1 here Was DUl lllllO a 1 nny time during tho latter part ofthe sum- roar. , , ne Tha oats crop received no great asai oi . injury from the wet weather, and it may bo regarded as one ofthe largest oats orops , ever raised in this country. The Injury to tho hay in the West U Tery great; in the East it rsccived but littlo damogo from tho wet weather. Gen erally the quality is good, except in tho 8tates of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and Mis souri. Corn This crop, owing to the contin ued heat and moisture of the weather, lias -eicaped material injury. On account of its weedy condition iu the West, it may be rrgtrd id as the greatest crop yet raised in the loyal States. Tobacco. Its condition was favorable, lh weather helping ii very much ; but, as reported last month, tho amount planted r II It much ICBS tuan last jcar, cspuKinuj "i the largest tobacco-producing States. Sorghum. Like tlie corn crop, it is ex cellent. Buckwheat. If not injured by a pre- mature o u crop b--. Potatoes. In many looalitics there Wtro indications of tbo rot, and in 80m0 . . ;;rn,1 U Jt places tho Crop Was mucn injurcu uy u. TIlO COmb'ined rot and moist Weather sioCO . , the 1st ol September occasions apprehon-j elon that ihis disease may prove very in - . t.i .(:lt ,l,o viotil mnv he nood. jurious. But still the jield may nc goou, as tho amount planted wan so mucn greater i than usual. Hops In all the Stales, rxcept Now! York, tho hop has ripened well : but in that State it bas sustained au injury of 4.1 lOths from ice. The crop is, therefore,! injured seriously, lor in 1860 New York . . Ml? produced nine and three-quarter ol tne sievcn million uusucio somen t". whole country. Roots. Tbcss were never better, Fattening Hogs Evcrv StltO returns a decrease in the number of fattening hogf. The general decrease is about one tenth of last Year. So I'ar as tria return? V?ro nublUhcd of the number' IQB rciurus mi iuuii.Ui v. packed, last year, in tho West it Was 2,i .. . Wi, (u, u vuuiu ueur.uau .. mr - r .1. .T.-hh. ew IhlO IT- n 1 1 1 1 1 be 242 277 Tho letters accompanying " ' . .. . i the returns of correspondents indicate tnat ., i .rnillor than tbo hogs are jourger and smaller tnan usual, but in good condition. Preserving Fruit by Cold. A fruit dealer of Philadelphia named , , , , . . Hellings, who has a store along tho wharf, ii now building and fitting up a fruit pre-1 eerting establishment near China wharf, in j Bristol township. By tho proms u-cd I fruit is preserved from decay, not by heat, hut by cold. Tho building or apartment I ,7 . . , , I used 1SJ50 COnstruClCll tUat a large qiian- j ntu nf tec ia Itenl willtin civer which a Ctlf- tily ot ice ll uepi wiuun.over wniciiacui , rent of air continually paSSCS, Tho fruit' , , , , , , , i . ll kept 011 Shelves or drawers open to IHO OOOI air. The tcmperaturo is kept down - I to tho uniform standard of about 34 do-' , . is,. t ,a I grC6S ttOOVC 2?r0 'LUt IHO uegriOi auotu ihp frpfzin noilit The result i" that erecn ' the ireezing point. iue result l. Ul B " , fruit of all kinds may bn kept for mouth ..... I ( ilh.Hl ,nji, hn A.nn nn-ir nrft.no. n. I nnuvu, ojjwu.usj. - - j - - o l pine apples, &o.f are kept in this manner uutil the arrival of favorable time for put ting them into market. Tha establish rnent of Mr. Hellings will be so located as to command easy tran'-portion by railroad or canal to New York and Philadelphia. It i said tlt Sechel pears, pefectly frcth m j. r 1 r j can bo had in April by keeping them in n ,, . , . . ,, , COld apartment SUCh as this. 1 lie advill- tacOS of BUch a contrivance to extensive . . . dealers 111 fruit are very OOVIOUS, -Lite' .t . I - -J!-l 1 ' Knowieage mat sucu a moae is aireauy in ujo iu some localities will bo a new idea to mgst of our readers. Almost any one can try it on a small scale, providetl tbo requiiito amount of ice can be obtained. Au experiment of this kind w.is tried eomo years tince tbo Philadelphia by two Bucks county men. They succeeded well in keeping tho fruit, but the demands for oomumption out of season was not so great at they expected, aud the transaction wan not very proOtable. Now, however, the rich must be ratiGed at every cost noth ing is luxurious or cxpenbivo to find a ready purchaser. A living frog was found in a bed of bird blue olay, twentythreo feet be low the surface of tho ground, iu Leioestor Massachusetts, The heat of the sun warmed the dormant creature, and bo, hr-pred a? ay In the tnott lirely manner, HBLMBOIJyS A rdllvii fpewlfie ncros-dy for rtlteaacs of tho Madder, Kidneys, Gravel nnd llropslcot Awolllnta. rvl. tA.lllni lt.M thA nntrrraaf iluzctatlrm. anil I ixeUM the bt,frtnt Into healthy actlon.bywhlcu tha CJ watcryorc alearcous depositions, and Ml onnatnral en- . 'J laracmeDtnroredoce'1,owtllMrilntniUnniniE4Uci, i. .i .... Mnm.nhiiittM HELMDOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU, for weakness arising from F.tcoiu, Habits of l)lsslpe E , ladtacrcllon. attended with the following . ' oympiomst J-JjJSfMrt yj- dimness of vision, $x h0 J.osj of I'owcr, rJIfllcnlty of Wreathing, Trembling, Wakefulness, Pain In tho Uaek, Flashlnj of tho Cody, Eruptions of tho faca, universal Lassitude, rallld Countenance. m ,. .ii. . .. t.i ... , 1 1. v.. n. einoinvariably removes), Boon follow- t FATUITY, EriLEPTIO FITS, &e., I lflononf wMch th0 pftU,nl WiJ plt0 mo Mn M7 , Iheyarooot freqoentlr followoa bjr Uios "dltetnl dlv , c&Kt'" ixsastty akp coxscmptiox? 1 Many aroawaro of tho came of thrlrinlTcrlng, tint nono wm eonfosa. Tho records of tho ln&Mio asylorns and tha wtapxu,it ' The Cinatltntlon. once affoctod by organic weakneM, eqnlrei tho aid of modlclno tostrensthen andlnvlsorato (hoiy8,cmiWhlchuELMDOLD'8nxTR.cTOP nucnu tavarlably dooa, A trial will conTlncO tho moat eoepttcaU In many arcllon) peculiar to Femalee, tho Extcmct Crcnc 1 nscqcaled by nny other romedy, and for all complaints Incident to tho rex, or la tho DECLIKE OR CH-iVNOE of life. Bus BTJIPTOM9 ADOTB. tSP" No Family should bo without It. Take no Balaam, Morcwy. or unpleutDl nadlelrx for unpleasant and rtangcrona diseases. HELHBOLD'S EXTRACT BUGiiU Cures Secret Slsoasea IU nil lODir .IUII IKIIU ClllUMI,llnovi uuvuwh,. v, tUat, CO InoonTonlence. and yo EXroSUItE. j .USE HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU : rorall affections and dlcae of thoso organs, whether 1 ESIBTISO IS MALE Oil FEMALE. rromwbatevercansoorlglnatlng.andnomattcrhowlons i atandlnj Dlaeascs of theso orgaiu requlro tho eld ota j dloretlc. HELHBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU . ia tho Groat Diuretic. ' And It Is certain to havo tho desUod offect tn all ducaeca j,,,,,,, BLOOD! BLOOD! BLOOD! HcjlmbolcVs p LU I D EXTRACT SARS AP AR1LLA, i For purifying tho Blood, removing all chronic constltu i tloaal diseases arising frora an lnipuro atato of tho ElooJ, and tho only reliable and effectual Luown remedy for tho cure of Scrofula. Scald Head. Salt Rhcnm. Tolna and swellings of tbo Eones, Ulcerations or tno -jnroai ona Legs, Blotches, rimplca on tho race, Tetter, Erysipelas, i.iTB iiifiienpB. I'lmnies on ma ia and au scaly Eruptions, of tho skin AWD BBATTfiPYrxo tots coairmsiox. NOT A FEW of tho worst disorders that afflict niarAiad orlse fi cm Iho .nmmHnii flint nemmnlatn. In Umltlnnrl. nf nil thn rlts. covorlcs that have occn made to purgo It out, nono can onnst tn nfTeet TTer.nor.n'fl f?OMinrvn TlTTRArrp ns Rin. oaual In oflcct lIcumotD'a Comtound Extract o t Sab. ,irARILr-i. It cleanses and rcnoyatc. tho Blood, Instills thovlgoror health into tho 6ystem, and purges out tbo humors which mako disease. It stimulates the healthy fanctlons of tho body, and cspcla tho disorders that erow and rankle In tho blood. Such a remedy that could bo rcUciloatillllong teca eongnt forar,anow.fortho first llrao tha public bava ono on irhlch they can depend. Oar space hero docs not admit of certificates to show Its eh'ects, but tho trial of a single bottle, will shsw to tho sick that It uas lis virtues surpassing anyioing incy ubyc over laucii Two tablcspoontful of tbo Extract of Sorsaparllla added ton nlnt of water Is caualto tho IJaboi Diet Drink, and one bottle Is fully equal ton gallon of tho Eyrop of Bursa- partlla, or tho dacoctlon as usually made. , HELMBOLD'S ROSE WASH, An excellent Lotion for dlscasca arlalcs frora habits of dissipation, nscd In connection with the Extracts Buchu 4 Barsaparllla, in such diseases as rocommendod. Evl- I Uenee of th, m0it r,,p0MlUe cn4 tcUaMo ctacter vm ; accompany the medicines. Also explicit directions for ' nse, Uh hundrtdi of thouand living witnesses, end np. I vuitot M,000 unsolicited certificates and recommenda- ,orr letters, many of which are from tbo hlgbost sources, j , w UUUI. IWI.,U. , J.JBII.Ua,Vlli,J UII.U, PL. IvflUICll , 1 U, The Proprietor has rover resorted to their pnbllcaUon In tho newspapcrn ho docs not do this from tbo fact tbot his uttdesrank as Standard rrcparatlons, and do not need to be propped np by certificates. of Medicine, like the Doric Column, sliouU stand slmple.puro, majestic, having Fact for It. basis, TnnntlAn fft. Ifi tilllnr. r,A Truth nlftn. fn If rr.ll.1 r-- --, ' - My Extract Eartaporilla Is a Clood rurlfler ; my Extract Dacha Is a Diuretic, and v. Ill act es sccb In all rates. Doth aro prepared oa pnrcly aclcntiao prlnclplcs-to l. "Vh0 f0" """"f"""0''''11" that ( can be made. Arcadynndconcluslvotestwlllboacom. r-t'oo of their properuea with those eot forth in tbo roi. lowlnsvforks: . Seo Dispensatory of tho rnltedEtatw. BeelTofeaaorDswEi' valuable works on tha rracllco i ofrbystc. 6eo remarks m&do by tho celebrated Dr. Physic, Ehlla, Bee remarks made by Dr. i:i nn.uit McDowell, cele brated Physician and Member of tbo Iloyal College of Surgeons, Ireland, and pabllshcd In tho TraosacUotucf tho Elne and Queen's Joarn-1. Eco Medlco-Chlrurglcal Review, published by Borj'jr Iuteiis, Fellow of tho Iloyal Collego of Kurgeons, TsATEriSi 6eo moat of Lbs lato standard works oa Medicine, BOLD UT ALL Dr.TJOOlSTS EYERi' W1JEKR. Address letters for Information, la confidence, to H. T. HELMBOLD, Ohemiat. PRINOIPAL DEPOT" Helmbold's Urug and Obemlcal Warehouse, Ho. m BE0ADV7AY, NEW YORK, &Bd Helmbold's Medical Dapot. Ho. 101 SOOTH TENTH ST., PHILADELPHIA. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. ASK TOlt HELMBOIaD'H! TAKE NO OTHER I April 16,1805. ly. LATEST ARRIVAL, sOroccries, Fruit, Molai-se, and vari oua other aitl:!ea of Meiehan dl. lusi .ats.v.d ' ' HUSJVON'9 BTOP.E Eleo.r.iburg, 9,pt 11,11(1. vJmmwMaa s BARGAINS 1 BARGAINS! IP YOU WANT TO BUY jlf I Vl AWn Si TT Mi Fill ' 1 11 nau UJ 1W ITIUIA tfg i'a a zfl; IK Vv to Ar sV; , GOTO I Creasy' s Store, in Light Street, Ta. ; Who Keep all KitUs of CALICO, MUSLINS, SILKS, GINGHAM, FLANNELS, CARPETS, HOSIERY, 1 SHAWLS, KCaay-inaUe OlOltling, Sugars Molasses. Syrups, coffcc9, Teas, Pish, Salt, Bacon, Hams, Lard, Tobacco, sgars, Hats, Boot", Caps, Shoes, I)ruc3, Oils, Paints, &c.,Sc, In addition to our Inrffe attiek of Dry noodi. wo have I a latge and full niaortment of Ready Mode Clothing inr kii'ii uuii uu,. iTGAi which wo rn ueicrinio'Mi in I tell cheaper than can be bought elaewhere. Call and I 1." i 0',our,eJ I They nlao keep a fine naaorvine nt of DRUG: and , .iiriuiui.'VKa, in auppiy tne aoaenca urn regeiar urug DlUfU in llglll nirt :Pl, which will uc careiury enni , pound. d ami aultably directed for the accomodation or their rititmnu.ai. 1 H. W. CREASY, & Co. 1 Light Street, April 39. ICtiS. ONE PRICE CLOTHING. JONES7 01, 1) L'BTAOI.ISIIIJO a a' : prick C! r raT'T-TTNrj T-TOITSR i U U A 1 t I' VJ il V U U JJ 604 Market Street, (Above Sixth.) PHILADELPHIA. At JONES' Crracent One Trico Clothing Store, tho lowr.t aelllng price ia marked in plain ficurca on each article, and never varied. All buy alike, whether Judge nr lint The atock ia gotten up in a superior man. ner, eiprmaly for retail salea. Those wnnilng n cood aubtantia! and fanhiouabie arlUU, ahould not (all to JOiVKS; 00 i Market Street, One Price iS'iorc, May 13, lgOS.-ly WYOMING Insurance Company, wiiiKna-DAnrtE. penna. CAPITAL AXI) sSuFuFs, - $150, ASSETS. fitoek not called In, Hi I In receivable, $53,000 40,000 W.IWO 0,000 U. f.S -V0 Honda, Temporary and call loans 103 shares Wyoming Hank Stock, 213 shares First National IlaliK hi Wllka-llarr., ,0 shares Second National Unnk at Wilkes. llarre 4i aharea Wilkes. llarre Uridgu Stock, Ileal Estate, ...... Judgments, . .... Due from Agents and others, - Cash in hand and in Hank 6,li0 5.000 ".mill S.5S0 1,510 10; 7.SU O. M. IIOLLENIIACK, JOHN REICH ARD. BMUEI. WADHAM3. CIIARI.hS DORUANCE, H. II. I, AUDI'.. L, D. SHOEMAKER. II. M. IIOYT, t). :ullinu. ivh, s. ross, CHAKLH-i A MINER. SIEVVART PIERCE, II .11 UAliDlNG. ti. M IIOLLENIIACK, I'rtstdlnt. I.. Ii. sMIUEYJ AKEK, Virs Vrei'l. R. C. SMITH. SecntiARV. F. f!RiJWN, Agent. March 15, IS i, uusbiirz. Pa. k ! I s 'l t Hotel, AAA V- A A J A.S, l CII KST1" V T STRE ET, Opposite Old Independence Hall, 1 PHILADELPHIA. S. M. HEULINGS, Proprietor. Wm. II. Hkulinos, 7rrA- .May S7, liOS. Urn Eagle Hotel, - wwihwytt M , iftv JxJA. AAUSTa 'I'lIL undcrsicnud havioc ooenctl .1 nul n He house, in Rohrsburg, Columbia Count kcown as tho EAGLE HOTEL, Atrnniineca tn his friends and the public generally tlml ho wi II be happy at all times to administer to their entertainment. Custom solicited. Cive him a cull and you will not regret it. WILLIAM EDGAR. Rohnburg, July 8, leX5 BELL 6c ALLAB CH, Proprietors. CORNER OF TH1R D S'l)- PENESYL VAN1A A V WASHINGTON, D, C: T)pnfripRS. Blinrlli pqa Ai riTtnt-vV, tJKalul'aai ""uuubbh u uaidirn, Treated with the utmost surccss by Dr. J. ISAACS ?.c"l',",' ,',',"A.Alui,I' ,(r"rm"'l; ,of Leden, Hollaed, , ''s'9 ' . f '"Vi'J in' Wr!, 1 cV""""al' fr""' l J", ffi". ' A. ?uidta '''KviSS .. .1 .... i' 1 ,c ," .V ti accompany their patients. as he has no sern t m hi. praelice. ARTIFICIAL EYErt inserted without pain No rharge made for examination, July la, letB. l-.'m IsOO,TEIS(JIi:$sl 'J'lio iifxt tprm of this Inmiiution will ' S beein on WEDNESIIAV. Ai'nltH'P ii-.tii . isiw The reglar prrcea of tuition range from 35,50 to v v ..in, ,. . icvuii ii win, muu paiu at or uc ore the middle of His term. I I he usual extra changos will be mado for Oerinan i nnd Irench.and tho various Ornamental Uranrhes. It isextreuielv liuiinrtaul that Ike ounil. win, .lull ' attend the Hchnol should he iireseot m ih, h,..ini,in ofthe term, or as soon after as possiblu, in order lo si.ri legmany wiin uie class In all cases tuition , will bo ihurged fm ihu tvu. tesm, unless otherwise , hyspeci.il previous ttgreemcnt. I The Principal I as had au experience nr years in , teaching the Languuges and lligor .Mathcniatic. as well as the various brairehcs of a substantial English Kuumiiuii, aim w in spare no cnorts to secure rapid i "M tnoroiign progress lo his nupils. , UUV. II. ItlNKEK A. M. Principal. .Ob SUMPTION, CATARRH, AN) IJRONVlims CAN RE CURED. A ALUABLE treatino on 1 IlO nalurc c of Consumption and its various stages, lltonchil- , Is, Catarrh, ic, price iu Cents, iii -luding postage, and simple, prescriptions which have cured thnusauls, will prescriptions winch have cured tliousands, will . free of charge, to any one applying. It will u but little, and may be tho means of saving re. dend an addreaaed envelope and atarap to ue rent. ! cost you your life- Send an addreaaed envelope and stamp DR, J. BRYAN, j j Consulting Physician, j Brodwoy, NY , And you will rncsiveitby return oi mail, July 15, 165. ! fi. v. iHtii:sii.vciB, Justice of the Peace, Licensed Convtyan- , Setivcntr, eye OPEiaE- ItKAVrcn VAT.I.P.V PA. ..'.""".".'"'"S.."? '""'" " I atten , I70;ar, , Mcttgsgei. Leasts, Hands. Nells fee 7 Charges "ieett, May t. nh. 3m I BLANKS. Deeds, or traces BOND?, Marriage Certificates for Ministers of the Onspri Si Justiocs of tho i Peon'. SCHOOL ORDERS Jt ARTICLES OP AGEEEM riNTS. LEGAL BLANKS t Summons' ftiibpocnc s, EXECUTIONS. IBCAtUFIOAS A I 0A1'IA8K3. WARRANTS &. tOMAHTMENTS. NotcB : Common, Single, Double, and Aon-Kz ith 0Tcry other kind of Blanks, for sale at ttio ollico ot tho OOLUMBIADEMOCRAT. Proclaim Hit immutable principles of Btmocracij Ihruughout thr. land. THE WEEKLY Patriot and Union, ron thi: Campaign of 1805. rl UIE political campaign jti.U opened in 1 1'cniujlv.inla It destined tn ba olio of great im porlancc. and to have a powerful Influence upon the i future of tho countryat large. In a great mcanuro it win ueieriuinc uio guucrnaiorini corneal 01 iouu, aim iiiive mi 11111111:111:1; u pun mn ii ciiuviiiiiii cii-ciiuii iwu eara incrcaiier. inn mnrc iioponani. u win prouaoiy I determine t!io rkolrc ofthe next U, f. Henat ir Iromthia 1 Irtate, and thua atl'ect the legialntlon of Uengreaaanil the restoration of pence to nil the land, It In, there i fore, ofvital importniica that every eioitiun .hould be I made by every local organization lie put tn work, but i very honorablo meana ahould he adoptod tn ut ir up the apathetic and lukewarm' nnd to make new votea by converanlion. It can only bo through the immutu ' ble and golden principles of Democracy that the conn I try can be redeemad from the thraldom of f.inatictun, I degradation nnd taxation. Uutalde the nomocracy Ihernare noprlndptca. Th" rule of action ofthe op. poailion la ever changing one thing tu-Uay soino, i thing rlae lo nmrrow, It it held to ccthcr merely by M.n. .,1.... llin Ii. ,n, n.l ...r.- . ... ..ill.' '"B " modem, ali-montha political triek nf negro auf- fraeo To defeat this, and all other .rbi iiim nfllin frace To defeat this, and all other scheme, ofthe Abolltinii'Shnddy hnrdca who livu only tn plunder and tyranhizcilct every Ucmocrat arouac and gird on the rusty nrmor of his fathers Iu Democracy of Washing ton, of Jefferson, of Jncksun ; nu t mariii to battle and to victory 1 THE WEEKLY PATRIOT S,- UNION. As the Central organ of tho Democratic party tha Weekly I'atiuot xxd U.M ik has acquired a lurge and more diffused circulation than any other Democratic Journal in the Stata, It has Heretofore orcupicd au in fluential position ns an auic ami inuusirlous woraer In the causa of Democracy, and s friends say lint it still conllnurs to be a valuable organ to I he pally, It ia not for U9, huwevir. to pue our own work. If we have been faithful to tho cause of the party and the I country wc noun every iieinocrai win iiuikc ll nil tu- jeet In extend our Held of operational by adding to our llti oi feiiuscunc... 'B nui: t:very goou ueiuoirui who reads this will send his mine anil Si SO for a ropy tor one yar. Ifihisisloo much for those who nie very poor let all aucc send us fifty cents each, and re. ccive the Weekly Patriot and Union for the campaign. uo loiiuwmg arc mu lemur single cples, per annum, S SO " " all mouths 1 SO Clubs often or more tu one addrcta, t ou DURING THE CAMPAIGN. Single copiea, SOcta. Cluba of ten or mnrc to one addreaa 4brta. All orders should ho addressed to the PArr.ioT and Union, H-.trrisburg, Pa. Sept. 1C, 1K.S. Purify the !$.Food. THE GREATEST .11 EDli'INE OF THE AGB A sure antidote for sickness, and a refuge fiom Sorrow, Fain and Disease. "byak's Life Pills. ENTIRELY VEGETABLE. They are adni ittJ lo be thi Best Family Medicine' tor general use. Purifying Hie lllond nnd cleasniii; the system from all impurity Bryan's Life Pills to regulate the Btomaih, Liver and Hillary H.crs tious which is the chief rause of nervotfiiess Ohi.li ncss, Dimness of Sight, Headache, Pick Stomach and other Kindred coinplulnts. Hundreds of Certificate can be Shown. They have been Used by thousands with success, Bryan's Life Pills Aro adapted for all Ages & Constitutions, They aro composed nf Hie active principle, nf Herbs and Hoots culled from our fields and forests. They are mild but certain iu their operation-producing neither crumps, griping pains or sickness. They maybe taken by all ages, sexes or condition without fear. Bryant's Lifo Pills, Cure Headaolie. Bryant's Lifo Pills, Cure Sick Stomach. Rryant's Life Pills, Cure Giddiness. Bryant's Lifo Pills, Purify the Blood. A Box of Bryan's Liru Pills will cost BUT TWENTY FIVE CENTS. They will accomplish faithfully all that is represented 'I hey are clezutitly nut tin bv the nrnnneinr. uhn Wile I hit litf tHitnr nf It H V A VC PITl.Mitn!if iimpihij a medicine long and favorably knon'n to tho A tncrican Ifynuwish tobuy DRYAN'3 I.ll'E PILLS and ran. not get them of your druggist, dont lake any other, but scud Twenty Five t-'ents Iu a letter to the nronrie- tor, and you will get them by return of mall, post paid Address UK. J. BRYAN, 70 Cedar Street, N, Y Box 5079, Bold bv Hrcogisj Ocnprai.it. EMDA8. IIARNES lc CO., N. Y. Wholesale Agent. July IS, IcSCS. February ll, ItM.-y 18G5. I'hiladelnliia & Erie ' I805- This great liuu traverses the Northern and North, west comities of Pennsylvania to the city of Erie, on Uaau L.IIC. ... It has been leased by the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, and ia operated by them ........ a i ... ., i. ... , ' Till! Or FASSCriaSK TKA1SS AT MOaTllCUBCRLArlD LEAVE kASTH'AUU. Erie Mail Train. 1 30 P. M. 3 00 A. M. 11 S5 P M 10 Si A M Erie Espreia Train, Llmirn Express Train, Eliniru.MailTrain. Tyrone Accoiiimolaiioi,. i to r ji LEWIS WESTWARD. Eric Mail Train. t 01 A M S 40 I' M 5 30 A M 3 :ts P M i iu a m Erin Express Train, Elmira Eipresa Train Elinirj Mail Train, Tyrone Accommodation, rasaenccra Cars run throurh on the Erin Mu, una ' Eipiess Trains without ciianus both wa) s batwecn PlillaJi;lphlaand Erie. uuw vim iv cu..i;i;nci.N Leave New Ynrk at7.00 P.M. arrive at ErleS.IO A. M. l'c'v1!.JJ,le M l''?1, ttrrlvu 1,1 New Vork PJ, noun. Ln-'nf,(; of Cars between Erin and New Vork. !:","",' n nigni i rains lor infnriiialion respecting Passenger business, p plyotthe Cor. ,10th and Market His. Philadelphia, . Anil for I reight businessof the Company's Agents. ti. II. Kingston, Jr., Cor,l3ih and Market Sts., Pin I 'a J. W. Reynolds, Erie. William llrown, Agent N. C. R: It., Ualtimnrc. II. II. Houston. Gen'l. Freicht Aet . Philadelphia. li, VV. Ovvinncr. ficn'l.Tickel Agt. Philadelphia, A, J.. TYLER, ficn'I.Sup't. Williainapurt, October 7, 1665. J. II. 11 ARM AN, Agent. i RUPERT. PA 17011 8ALF. nr. MORO PHILLIPS Superior PII0S. V PA ATE OF LIME. Warranted Superior to any iiiAiiuiaciurcu, For aale at Manufacturers Prices, Rupeit, July W, Ro5-3mo, BLANKS I BLANKS! Of orery descnptioo, for sale Keep Xovr JJ,ye fPTTlCI 1F A rT I H N r , A I 11 , J XXX KJ .K J J XX J SliOiSD ARRIVAL . ! OF NEW GOODS. HAa enlarRed and (treally Improved Ills Htnre Iloom 1 and Hocked It with a large ami luiierlnf Stock of , IMM, and WlNTUIt UOOIIH, which will be old ni low a at any omrr iaiiinnieni in inccuuniry, aliens at 10, 18, U0 and 25 cents. Muslins, Rkachcd and Union at 25,28 up to 48 cents. linKSfl OOODB of every ahade, quality andprlte; a full linn of Donicillc Goocli, 7la ! t'lKcki, h'trlpen, TlcK,l,lnncn and Cotton TaMe Diaper, (llnclinnii, Nankeem, fcc , A.C. A good mipply of l.ndloK Bhoea and (laltura new mock ot urns ami vnp. mi nuiii iiiur.ini aim MMiiigu ui iiuisi All Wool Ingrain and ( ollngc Carpels a apirniiid article luat opened mid tor tale, A frcaheiipply of Groceries and Spices, a new lot of CADAR AND WILLOW WARE. MACKUKAIi by the quarter, half and whole barrel No. I and medium and lntge. Alan, a laige and aplcndid aaiortmcnt of new dealgna. Alan, n new lot of TUUNKH and Oil Cloth Satchels. , Ilavitig bought thcae gooda before the late rlae, I am preparltn .all low.eliiap aa the cheap, al lor fiiih or 1 country produce. VB 8TUDVTO PLEASK Dloomjburg, Jan. 7, !ti3. Lackawauiia & Uioomsburg ltiiilio.nl. , - TWO DAILY TRAINS, -a. ON AND AI'TKR. JIOVDAY. JUNE ISth, 1RCJ, PASSENCHIl TRAIN WILL RUN AS FOE LOW'S : LEAVj: NORTH WARD, Leave Northumberland, f.liOA.M. S 00 P.M. Danville, MO S 40 " Rupert, . . 9.'J2 O.iU Uioomsburg IU.IS 0.50 Hrrwick, . 10115 7.30 Shlrkshlnny. ll.lo H.I3 ' Kington. . . 12.1J P. M. ii.lS Arrive at tfcrnnlnn, . l.So 10,'JS New York S sn ' Philadelphia G30 III! A YE SOUTHWARD. Leave Srrnnton, . . tibnAM 4 MP. M " Kingston . ".Oil i 30 " llerwick, . U.35 "311 ' ll'ooinaburg 9 0S f,2W " Rupert, . . 0 35 8.3.1 Danvilln, . . 10 00 9.15 Arrive ut Northumberland, In Id Iu en " ilarrlsburg, I.UOP.M. l.-ii W.shiiigtou, . H.05 10,35 " Philadelphia. 5.40 SOO The shortest and most direct route to the wcstnm! the nil region 1 ITS Trillin nf the Philadelphia and Urle Railroad leave Nurthnmbeitand eveiy morning for Erie, arriv ing there the afternoon of the same day to connert w ith trains for UulTalo. Cleveland, Chicago, with 'all points wert.nnd counerllng al Corry with all trains on the Oil Creek Railroad, New and elegunt sleeping cars accompany the night trains each way between Northumberland nnd Haiti mure, uiid Northumberland and Philadelphia. II. A. FONDA, Supt. Kingston, Jii ic 17. ISM. Baker & Confectioner 'PIIE undesigned has always on hand and for sale. 1 FKErt., 1IREAD, CAKES, PIEri nnd French and Domestic onfec- tions in g.e,t and splendid iriety j Nuts. FruiU.nnd every. thing usually toand iu a hrst class coulVct.nnery store. He would rail especial atleiilioii to his newly re. ccived stoik of II( :K l.Kli VHIIIT AMI! .TI.'T.T.II.' & . . ' U .&AJV.. . i 1 f IJ .Jilt. ,. . . i Having recently IllltU up a Ul'W and f'lpir-ilit n' 1 . . . . . sen cussjATa saIsOik. on the first floor, two d.iors w-el of U)er A- .Mover's ; nrug store, lie i prep -r. 1 m wan upon ma many cits ,:i- tiream as cheap as Hie ' Hall-. Parties, ami Picnics , lomers wiin nrsi c,;is i I l,....nl. ll ...ill ....... If ,. ui, i -. iv,.,i... ..,. v a... i .... .hi.. 15. 11. STOHINKK. Kloonj-burg, April -'! I -t"..i. NOTICE. rpiIE undcr.iigmd being a regularly li j I ten-ed AUCTIONEER. Hereby offi rs bis si rvires as such tn all who may feel di'pused to givi! him a rail, lfts I ug experience i,i iiim onsiiieas, niii vnauie nun 10 ftuuer sausiacitim pi Lis m.liiiinrs. All person, desiring o y servie. . w III pleas, inform me lo that etfect before tui y n.lvertise. IK AM 1)1, Kl! Post-nllice address . ll"hrliirg.Co!umliih c"unty, P,l Jackson lownship Ian--.' I. Ifn5 i Stove i&Tinware hoi! THE undersell informs the public in I - I .i s. r 1 general thai ho has np-ned a NEW 'I IN SHOP In Iho building firnerly occupied by P. 8. Jloyrr, nn' door below the Columbia Democrat Olhee, on Main Street Uioomsburg. w In re he mil make nil kinds i Tin-Ware and Repaiiing, in good stylo and or, modnr ate terms. STOVES of all kinds and qualities for ss'r or fur. "lined order. Ksyuouoiry produce tuKon autl pub ic cuioin rcsppctlully solicncu. JACOB METZ. Jr. Htnmnltirc. April IH. lRn.l v SADUl.Elli! AND rT Harness Skip i ! ) n-i,I)E Ulldfrsirrilod, rf Spt'Olfuliy iuforilld I J. ir 1' , ,r, 1 1 .h , it re.r.rallklr,, ;i,r re. of all kinds of SADDLERY AND 11 A UN E Si, In thuold Store House ol flen .McDovvill, nrtl nut i cor to Ent's rJtore, in Light Sturt. w tvr" I"j will inanufui.ture HAIIDLIW. IIRIULES, IIA'tNUSd i.. , toord'r and on moderate term-.. Or- Repairing ot all kinds, eicruted on iliortno ir and in gooJ s'lc i Country nilnluee aksn in rn h.in.n fur n-nrk nml nnhllr .,i..,n ,....,U. i ' ELLIS I. . Light Sttec;, June 3, lbu5 ERr.B NEW CIL'IIR FACTORY. .. ....nnnoioeen .MnAlnirv, In III. rilfiml, n 'I'liu . J' . - a the Dubllc.thalhu has opened a I NEW CHAIR I'ACiTUu i, dor all kinds uf f 5,Wfe aPJl HilM'r. nfihehe.i kind, latest stvle. and at moderate prices. Give him a call Couutry produce taken in exchange fl'rL'"!""- JAMES CAUM AN. Uioomsburg. July 2t, 1S63. JA OB L AD 0 MU DEALER IN E.NOLIHII, SwISl AND AMERICAN JEWELRY, SILVER WARE, &a. 018 Market Street, corner of Decatur, PlJILADELPIlIA. Dealer in American, English und His Walihcs, making n speciality of th ' celebrated Ajukicak Watiii, which lie would recommend lo all wanting a good time keeper, nan will be sold at the lowest prices ami aro the cheapest and best for the price. March I. lrC5. ly. SniOLASHH'S FOR SALE. llinghainpliii 11 " Crittenden's Philadelphia. I Theso Scrips, are iuiimnunts nfSISanil $..0 and an u''l VV finfms lmvvtt.-c. .it. """OT '"ht't. Vocal v usic will be' a ,u,U j i.suiuuch rash, by the Student on enlriiigeither oftlie I ' UUUJJb, BONNE I S AND ""'' fj" tho benefit of tbu whole School , 1 ... , , , .' , "o uu men ue siring luoti tain a hmsh ' A It IM' If IT t t 1,'l nti'i'tio , iiV ...i,. . , , " """" S'v 11 in any or tne lis 1 d ! ! ed Collegutn Educstioii, wl here lind a good ancculs . I II lUiAJj MjOtV ERb, ful llr.incliea, aud in Inslrumeulal Music nt tliia nWn l rp'rlnjiil Ihc othce olthe NO. .'57 North Third Slrfpl Pliiln'il " nrms liberal attUISOlOOel Miy I IfeJ COLUMHM HLMOCIIAT v.'..a. "irrfl, 1IH U, Ll CNORA J LTaTIIXt 0heap Groccry store! jILSO uais, vafb ah !!) IflMIEiindcrMRnodhatrcraorcdhlellalnr.'ICnpPinM I -t P 1 Evan' ol1 '". 1,1 ,llll,lon 10 I SPRING AND SUMMER iM Hats ttllil OaiJS CONFECTION A RIBS, Oil ACKERS MoIbs.os, Btar, ' UOI1CC. jlcus, Tobacco Snuffy Cigars, Spices, Dried Fruit, Butter, n.i !i t.... Parlor and Hand Lamps, BOOlCSt "Writing Paper & lull. Hardware and Ccdarware, Pocket Knives, Combs, tJ'C, O'C't )'c 1 Together with a variety or article generally kept In a Huire. Al.o-A Pne lotof KllH,M0ll0i:r.O3nt Lminna to whlchhc Invitee tho at anllon of Hhocmakera and the pnblle, JOiliV K. CIKTOV. DlVomaliiirg. May IS. tf.CS 'PUB un.ti-rsigsioit . an' t'natv!y entiiird In t '' I J. UiiHrrUrkhtL' lusinsas. and Xesps couitiintly on hn.ld nd for sal,i at his Watrrooms, a large assortment of r'INISIiliD ggggp uunUNo, lly which he is enabled to nil orders on prc-entntimi Atrn Keeps a good Horse iid Henrse, nml will at al limes be ready to attend 1'unerels, SIMON 0. P1IIVE. llnonibi'rg, J.inu.ir) I-5'J IMl'OHI'ANL' IU LA DIED. h n t i i t v j m. laioi mt the ino itiCitliblc aint pop'il.ir remedy vvvt Knnwn fur till iiiecjutM ol till' Irin.iitj 9vx I itcy nave iircn tttctl i ini..-ii.Ki oi ine leiiiai,.' sva i m-v n.ive oren useo i many thousand case, with unfailing succiss-uud ay be relied on in every ruse for hsch th-y n le- tuny cuiiiuieiitluil, uml i-artiutiiar ly iu alt c;.ai'? urini; froti. Obsfruttion or Stoppage of Nature no maitt r fritiu hat c.iu.'j it it rt (.' Th-y itrr cir.ic tual In n rtnrinir t" litjatili .nil Uu nrc sulfurinc from Vi okiifin aurj U tiility, I'lcrt'iu tJULliarrn, Vtjrm,i ni'R! &:c . Vc.. anil llif'y ACT LIKE A Oil ARM! in strengt'iennig and rcitorlug the a) stum. Thousands of ladies win .iv siillVrcd lor jears ami tri.nl tiirinos , other remedies in v i him a renewal of their i:a to i nml slreiicth wholly to i,. -"Ifieae) of I 1) 1 1 A If ' !' V'S If I' .,' A I.V I'll.l.R UlX llfllu 1,1 fl 1 n. .iljc. JllsJsO. 1 'lluynre perfectly hirmless ,n thu system, ;na hn Inki-ii at any time with pel f.i.t s,ifet ; liol durum Hie j early slagas of Pregnane) th ) -liould not bv Utken. , ' - - .e, ' V,,,o " u 'k e. an, lit iiiltrwii F ,e hot c,.nf.ii . ml J !',. i i n' ri'"' r..iui but contains mi pit . Irofi'iK , -., .m.v, ruiio JJU. 1UIIH Til o UlilPi. t'liitiO, . I A temedy for special emes, f.mr degrees stronger I thin the .,hnvc ; Prim tu Dollars per box ' A prn ate l.'ireular to , miles with fine unatonit al engraviofs, sent In.s on reieipt oldimti.d envelop.- jun.u.tp ' L l '11 11115 IIUIICU Pill M t J - 1 f nr. MIU iiinlilvt'U idfiitot pitti .ri lliLMi ynnrUnt- f'L '" m 1 ""' "i.prniupb-.l will ni-oi, Miiur, nr- oin tif; 1 1 ti r i w " hlUK Hit Oltl T T tiC'IC III rl. thejiun iii.iko a lurgtr prolil on hit emb'se the ,"u"") '"'""'"' " I im. j i)ui . , fONSLI.'l ING ill.-irAN. aV. 412 itrou-iit'iiy, Anr York. w Im will tak p nil risk if prupoilv dir'-rteo, nnd i;ll send tin' Pills, seeursd Iro.ii ohserv ilin. b rcluiu mail. Post Paid. iJLl.D IIY Dltl.lllllt-TB IJENKHAl.LY. DEM AS BARVKi U rn V,w Ynaa, V hoi, .ulc Ageiils. July 15. .V I : 1 J. r. lint. MMV V i.t m-v ,-4 ' R W 1 I Ii If 11 f 'V ll Ii I- i x lJ ' l J U I l l I.t WHOLESALE AND RETAIL THK iiiiilcri'fciifM uutil iMtnru ih tr fri-tiil .iinl th pul'lic rri(-'r;il v.tliat liirv li;i m t;ikti Hit .ui.i.1 t'ur mrrly oci'iiph'tiy n. . Iln?fiihtt()t iu thf Hxpli.utt Itinlfljiit;, nil M.1111 ftii-ct, in r-lunnir-btlrr, (Jure lie liUr- Jtt rfti'ivtin .tifuil itiiit nl 1,',ib1 iTIfli'illt'W, B'.'lilllN, ViU, 1 B wsas.s... V . I Willi h will Im sold on m.idi Ian tris tm read) p-tv ' Aln, NOTfONH generally of over variety, Vvrtund si.e. i Physieinns' presrrtpilors laiefulli rmnrHiuiided, at all nines and mi short h.uici'. t " ronl'ei tioin.'iy of th. t'.t seletlions. and Ho'la Water m svasoii i A share of the public, ruclmn is reaper tfully so Kited. I MY I'll A- MOVER Uioomsburg. April II. lef.l . JVflUSS'llB WAJsL IMI'tiBi JUST received ,t uuw ifsoitmcnl ofwootl stlc of WALL PAPER, INCLUDlNi; ItOll- JJIVJALMJ AaM) L'l'sll.UMj I'AI'flU, and a general larieiv of materia! in Ins lins, iilncl, will be f.und on tho'Flltrir Fi.OOtl iiiiint,iitn v run of l.ut.'s Drug Slur- . Iu toe Rupert lllocl., wb.r- ill ' Persons wishing goods in his lin will ln.atMiJ.d to . person ni uu limes. 6 Paper Hanging executed lo order and best Btylc, at fhort notiuc. . E J. THORN F OS. R 1 00111 jt ti', .ifil2l lM.' ly Exchange Wolei, Public Sijuuie, H'tbs-Hi ic. Inn'a. TU,': "'.'Siipd, Laving pu.L-hnsnl iho slock uf tin, well knnvvii limn, (fmnitrly kept by Mnlnr Puterhao-hi of II I v,.i . ...i.,ujiw i . it i.tii'iir. IU ll .10 liuins ai l be soared in inn nl It. au... i In render satisfaction tn all i;ie.t. i The table and (liuluir will always h supplied with il,.. ' best the market ntlords f.'ood itahliug far hor.ts.unj , otlentive ostlera Also, Livery alliuhed. Iho eichaage i elllgibly .Ituatr-d on the Public ' " ""W,")nvv'r ou c"""! to town, please (all. ... . . A W. EGKROTII , " ini-iiarre, July is, l-t,j National Foundry. BI.OO.MSBUKG, COLUMBIA CO., PA. r HE subscriber, prupm or of the above named r. e,rfJ'.e ",tt,""l"""t. " " Prepared lorecettw (III ItlllUS 01 iTf acllllirrv, piitlerns, A . . . . I II I II l IQII I Ullllliril'i.. Ilia oAUnsiveldcilitlcs and practical workmen war- itiutt him in tree ving the largest rontrnc on ih. most rea.ouablo terms: ron""" Hie caSiH",';"'" 0f kU"U " 111 be ,ak,m ' "chanvf f, . hi '"'"",""' s iwa.eu near lllo l.ntkawan. 1 Uioomsburg Railroad Depot. ...... PETER IIILLMYER Uleumsburg, Kept. U, 1603. JOHN C. YEAfJKI! MAN! FACTURElt A WHOLESALE DEALER N rColleiies. Illast I'liruares, Stmionnrv llnvinea Mills iK' f'eption audenterlninment of invelera v TIIHESHINO MACUlNty, &c! '" "i'P'"cd to favnr it with I IsVi r c ti Jtoils II I He is alto nrepured to make Ki III Oil fill at... apared iiuptprnsa in nrenaiiin. ,h p.... ..,'.. V... .. p'ow.iroiia, and everything usuallv .nude f.'.V nfl'!. "n. '" Hher shall iherc'l'r au mm l-l A rli r 1 Tv.1 " Lehigh fit!lc Powa-e F f H neeni . n..' Jfh and liloldof CniU. fun ne illgo,irrn'i'(p In I! tho )'temaii'l rer.ne tlio ruirllW . i Imnl fluid m tiM,, M tnllk.l.ttttc!' nndnf. utlh Mid eainbliihlng oh?Ui ami vigor, nt'vovs iDno h Mii.ui'owunii i.ik" only iiieilirinei I,it.i. Vj.pnlenledln I'iniice, Kr.i- s' I, ' T"rinti' r.niT III) 1 HI. AH.1 .I..I i A.I lulttud ,y i,lt "l hi iiu tirifrti.UA i. i ..,-.1 I... 1 tl.i.-nt. P.nlVd... ..r i . nis, alio iiivuiuku "j -ui .."i.E,Ui inr. im oorlal College for Acr.ciilli.rro nl I'nrln, a ml now n,.n ufiiciiirciby c (I.iiIiindu, nrof am A a,i..i m ii. l.rli 3h i;ounty, rcnnfyivnnifti ah iiiiffi.,.. of tho rUouMCh'. Illoo.l, I.imu and ni. ri. .pir ""'!,"!",!!.!" WLl'J and one orlw.)tablcpooiinilnweik. laorir,MU4 Xu , di..... - yVti'TOwnl crrectunllvov.tronio nil 111. ulMlaelet hlcli nit' f prevent the cipelllng of woriiit, are plenannt to ! v and nlao one of the moat ugrernlilo purgalivre I thltdren. Ho confident l the Inventor of the nccf.l ol lila laborioiia atmllei, Hi tin; p iuioiogicitl cnmpi linn nflhls nrrnatRtlnii, Hint h. fuinlshes evorv sik Hated phj'lclnn, with a written prescription, an an'., era Iu materia mcdica, THE UNION ROACH. II AT, MICE AND ANTS' TERMINATOR, a n pnwder fnr the line exl.iiuluallon ef all V.i: mi ni ill never chriuge w llh ag. and tlltimle. nnd inj-d prelrrable to the old Phosphorous Paste, wr.b h hi i ens Iu a short time, making it wo.-lhtcss, for diiti, Hons and pattlculata aee the small hllU In the 1,'U.u. Zj" On. hundred and thlrly-snvcn (ireinlni.j ha. been awarded In these celcbrnted prcpuralluui, up ii i.lclober '.".I, leTil. RutAt.A Hotir. are the wholesal. Agenta In rttJl't iniOl.USALK . RHV.'JIL. For sale by W Erasinii?, tolo Agunt f Ulonmsbiirg. fhnrples", Cataw Isaa. I,. II. Ic J, Shoemaker, Ruck (loin. Master & Rru.. tlillillltl. C. Ptestnn, P.ohrsburg. Stewart t Sloan, Urangevllla. Ilenderahotl, Uluousburg, t . Fowler. Epy. Creasy U Co.. Light Stroet Law ic Spangler, l.im. Ill'lje. Ilonninn, i Owen and Mlllor, Daiwlci. Dll Tunler, Fnwleraville. Af All orders for Columbit CJuctj will be addidsscd to W. ERASMUS. Whulnsalc Ag.tit, tlliuiuirhuig 0. 0. HIKNUK. Nnvctntwr 19, IMI - 13m. :Nos. !, 11, IS, l, 17 Cou'i tluntlt St . NEAR IIROADIVAY. NEW YORK CIT This old iistulili'heil mid fnturlte resort "( l.io lb, ' ncss Commanily has bomi reeeiill redttod, ana Is m i piste In eertliing that can loinltti r to ttiu coiiifoii, . its patrons Ladies and families are apcially anj i n. ' fully yruvidid fur. j It I- centrally located In the bu lifts part ot thi Ut; and is contiguous to the principal linea i.f atoiuibuni, ! cars, omnibusses ferries, Ate. ........ i. i, ii .i . . . lilt! K'niuu , nil u i s U'luut irj iiiiii oi my utll'tf ilutfl m country. Ample accommodations are ollerod for uptiard ol I - , " ., . . , i ,, .. . ! l" "J ''"l . V ."r.' .,"!':",:'n'' ,""J ""' ' "" "J" lhrt VU',7ln.l,lo.t,. '., !'''!, ,.,. K guo-is. D. D. WINL'IIEtflEK. r,, TIIO.-l. D. IVINtTIErJTEH NKWfiMiNIJ.Ufi I he unclersignt'd , emirful for m' image r.spnrlfiilly inf , it,, Tr.iv.lllni I, geii-r.iiiy.il, , , j,,,, liroenreJ 'j.'" new. b-aoiirul ami e.in,rfo!, ' , Phoenix Ci mpany Coach ?L "' '' T:"" " nnw emble to rnnvi, m .0 ..,'?"' ",-lte- ''ri" '"' comr.irtMil, ,. ." ' "' "r" ",n'' " 't 'll Road Depot patJoni," ' ""'lr """rui Um lU '"'"' " I 3 " FAME :'WEN ri. ,.,,. von u 'in: 1 ''""ni'leirr J.m isrv 7, I -fii New Grown "tiTrt MOHK PIJESH WOODS. (Pormrrlij Eiusmas' old Sia.fJ o,i 1. Street, Ulwrnsbui g, 'THE undersigned has iu5t ren.iv. J5. good stork of FALL AMI Wl.M EIi Duy ,oo:i. ot ell k a. Mi n a lP, - CALF AOT Ml?) KODT.. Ih. la... , ,1,,. L ... . --0'Tf .lllll Children.' Sho-. . .";""""' " r " n rini'lF. 'A Fresh Lot of Grocer loy, "" "o s. sntn ns dJCIMRsf... T.', I iC( 1 h. "ujarH, j Guile. Sii''oi, 1 . Tobaccti, S.nrn, (.',m,ir.. u , ' flTftn . I.,.' Vf.. fVc , .to PEED AND PKOVISItiNS 'ZZZWZ;:: "- h . M'UhVn;;rrut;Vs!S-l 'ml ,"''""" '" IiENRY GIG Ell II nnin ,tc. )r o 1P),, v'"-' N K W 6 TO li H A Jfl K AVC, oTl "Qll'KS.W.SS AMlSilitLL ntOMIS' SfAizly'" .; RlccirllyrnnaT.l.r7icMj.- ( . .. ... . .. !v 'Ol'irins Ills MteilJs hii.I h. ..w . . . f,. ;V, ,''hiP. receive share 1' V, U "":'.1'.''"'1' "!!' tiusis that hit r. ;, 'M'"1 " HI'iS them thn lui o im,- , huuuhaAB,'.; aul' 11 "'"firinrrprite. DliY.VoVs:,,,,,,'' 'a'1-" liKOCI.KII'S, rif H QiEENriw tnn. WlJOIH-AWAttC. EOoia, SHOES, aud caretinltv ,..nk . ..i . HATrJ. I A. V . ... .. 'I'noni Tariety nr LADIES DRESci GOOf tESci GOODS, ...... , ,r " .l .Tit.V..i tC . Sc which lis ni,: soli b, r,10ll,, ni ,,,?,, '?.'. . . "t?K'm) P,0,mre. soncnilr t.k,' , ' I"'0-" Boucrany taken In eiclunvi-' I 0I..I ,!,. J 7. lir.iymUW TEniV,Jl(j. M'ATBJS H'ION JKOTISffi." am, wo .Market Street, Phtladeph1(1, THIS H.ltfisloeal,l n. lh. ...... J. ."n.i the resp.tucls .laee, of Tit persons vi,ni - hl-es by rn,. perJo alM,, r" ' will, thn, patr,jnjsi. Hmr.,J,IUU,H ,,r0,',' sisHimes- Ham T'lKS'th, l'1' """'"'"wn and centrally I. a li d House, the LxriuMiE Hutal, situate on II, Street, in I lloo.nsburg, ln,inedialely"ii"Q,i,c the CViu . ,d the public iii general vnai nis House is now in - '."I. ...ll'llll. lllll IlIM 11.1,1 1 , ..... ... ... , "" 1,uu, U i""ciuus nnd Vnioy,," '"'"i""" Inratiun. on enjoy, an cirun Omnibt.sea , tin at all time, between the T.x ', c ' ' Vjaous I-, Rot,,! I,..,,,,,,, iiywl.irj, ., ' -.... m nun una- to i;;ori ttie t'nrs. V'l 11 l.'fiiivc WAV 1. MO. IvOUjSh. Y School will open its noxt Ter- The v. k Hi I Ml fi Al I pMrnVlttr f- Feb. J.I, l"l,'j. s ' " ' s J 1 iHiitihiiro inn 11 Imo
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