Farmer's Department. The Planting of an Applo Tree. HY V CUI.LEN UUYANT, Com?, let ui plant the npple trae I Cleave the toiijh grcchiwori1 with tht ipa.le' Wide let It. hollow bed ba mi id ; Them gently Uy the mots, Mid then 81ft the dark mold with kindly cafe, And ptest It ocr them tenderly! A. round the sleeping lafant'a feci. We lofily fold theeradcl .htet : So plant the apple tree. What plant we In the apple tree I Budi which the breath or lummer days tJhall lengthen Into leafy .prays ! Houghs, whro the tlirmh with crimson bmit Shall haunt nnd sing and hide hit ncit, We plant upon ths sunny lea A shadow for the moontlde hour. A shelter from the summer shower, When e plant the apple iter. What plant tv In the npplo tree I Rweets Torn hundred flowery spring.', To load the May wind's restless wings, When, from tho orchard row, ho pours Its fragrance through our open doors i A world of blossoms fur til) bee ! Tlowers for the sick girl's client ruom; Tor tho glad Infant springs of bloom We plant with the apple tree. What plant wo in the apple tree t Fruits that shall swell iti sunny June, And redden in the August noun, And drop, as gentle airs coino by. That fan the blue 6epteinbir sky; While children, wild with noisy glee, Hull scent their fragrance as they p.iss. Anil search for them the tufted grass At the foot of the apple tree. EARLY SOWING. A few bright, warm day,such aj always occur tho latter part of April, nro uiunlly fi.iffioicDtto britii; on nu attaclt of the plant- tng fever, llie garden uuiaibo plowftl or epaded, beds laid off, and in go tho beets, carrots, naraiiips, turnip;. cU:. Thev , , , , , , , ., " and n cold bed, the soil id Tricked over . , ' tucui uy repeatcu raius, unu many oi tuo ICOds Tot OUttlght, OP the slander cerilH a . i . .ii ., . lull tO lilt tllC heavy toil pressing Upon them. It is far better to leave eowin'' It i3 far better to leave eowin;; ' most seeds until the ground is dry nnd war.'n. A few of the hardy suits, tueh aa early peas, potatoes, onions, lattice, to matoes, radishes, tpinach, sali(y, etc, may Ire put in during tho month of April, but May luth h nufficitntlv early i'or the generality of iho seeds. 'I hey will then come up quickly and grow rapidly ; every one knows that a quick growu vegetable is far better than cne which has taken a whole season to mature. ISccts for late fall and winter use dohest when sown from the first to tho middle of Juue. FU11TIIEPJNG THE w ORK OP THE GARDEN. Many small jobs may bo done now to lessen the labor of the garden when the busy time comes ou. Pea stakes and I can poles should be procured whenever nevd ed. Get them sharpened at the ends tht are to be set in the g'trden ; keep them tin 'der'sover-, and tliey will lust I ... i iu"(,-r i S!t Ill's iA c,i.,M-t ii ,itnl,i.rl.ii,.-. .u.- i-ri"i", i&c,. should also be got in readinosi forufo when needed, ai well :i3 Lin. ,11 i.'ninn n . S t ; slicks for smaller flowers. Theto may ho irom tlie tliickucss oi a gousn quill to that of a largo man's thumb, They nre most easily made from pine and cedar shingles. Jn making (Item r-have off the roughness -and sbuipeu the strongest end lo a. point to stick Into the ground. Sort them into differont sizes, tia them iuto hunches of two or three dozrn each autl lty .theni . e . . , , aw-iy 1Q a Ott or Oilier 1ry place to be' m 1 . l I ready when needed. Mu.y per.-.o.n who have fine taste about thirir flowers, paint , . , ,, , , , the sticks green. 1 hat fan be easily done when they are urado ; evi ti the dahlia sticks are paiuttd, uud look ornamental, when first put to tlie flower, until thu plants cover them. Thus a small amount of labor tends greatly to beautify the gar den. TREE- PLANTING .Hare you never heard of the student who, ua ueivg ioiu mai, iuc crow wuiliu Bomctimies live a huudred jeari, bought a young crow to try ths exper'niunt " Ye, indeed, we havo heard of him tho iiony is excellent anil of D. Jolim-on 's growl 'about the frighiful interval between the seed and tho timber? Still, wo jay, plant trees. They who plant at once, in stead of whstiug their breath in sellUh oruiplaiuts of the ehottucw of life, find' '"v-1" "IUV.U Hut whether sooner thau they expected. VOU HVC to SCU.the IliatUlity of VOUr tret J J 1 Or not. 00 tieilCTOleiH eHOUtrtl to Maut tor , posterity. Iransmit til VOUC children tlio r . . . . . . ioheiitanco of rural beauty received from beauty your fathers, grcutly autjiiurjted. By all means tdaiit, and plant well, and the ro suit will ovcipay tho libur. And let not your labor end with plauting, Feed your irees from year lo year with generous food and guard ihein from injury. And in tie words (sligbllv altered,) of an old plan ter 'What OV may you lavo in ect- D" i Uu. vj uj ;u ""'u """"n p . I I -1 . the S'dOCCSS Ol your lUOOrS Willie you Jive. and in leaving behind you. to your heirs or suoocsfors, a work that, ninny years after i .i i n l ., iS . your death, Shull record your lOVe to your uMialrv ! And then rather, when vnn ocviury i auu men ..1.11V. . sum vuu COIIBiUer tldWMlOrta Utile vouriro lSJIKOIV to last." If you have country liomes to emballuli, bo content with sinij 1 city. Komcmber that a great cstalishun'iit is a great care, aud tho proprietor is apt to be come a olavo to it. Lei your dwolliug pla ces bo marked with wliat planters cull "repose." Make them tho abodes of com fort and rcfinod enjoyment, places which afford you ngrfca,blo occupation, but not oppress vou wiih cate DR. WSSHAFST'S PME TREE Is llie Vital Principle of llin 1 iuc Trci: CMnlncd by tt peculiar process In the distillation of the tar. by whlih It. rct-ilned. rugne.i mcuicinai properties are It Is the medicine that cum when all others hare failed. j A (irent Hrmtdy fur CoasnnipMon. ' t am censtantly receiving such certificates as ths I following. HEAD ITI I Have ynn a t'uughl Hare you 3oro Throat t Hare you nny 'f the prsinonltory tyinptom. of that most fatal disease. Consumption I ; ( Those w no iliou'd bo warned by these symptom" gen- ! irally think lightly of them until It Is ton lute, from this fact, perhaps more thnn nny other, tlio sad prevalence mid fatality of ill.tia.j which sweeps to the ctavu at Lait one slth of Death's victims. , i hat itro its symptoms I . . i It usually begins with a thort, dry couch, which soon becomes habitual, but for soma time nothing is rals"d except n frothy mucus. The brtnthtng la somewhat difficult, nnd upon slight exercise much hurried. A ense of tightness nnd oppression as the chest Is often . felt. As the ilisenso advances the patient becomes thin In hVh Is afflicted with loss of nppctlt', great 1 laugor, Indolence, and direction of spirits! and may contlnu In this state for a considerable length of time, thai It is very readily affected by slight .xposuro or tatlgue If Mie.r- occur, the cough hocoiues niori' trou blesome, and Is nttcuded with expectoration, which Is , most copious and frca very early in tho morning. It is .ntntiiines streaked with blood. At this staiM night-1 sweats usually set in. and ill somo case, n protusn bleeding of the lungs may nls-i occur, ruin In somo j pari ot tho ciiesi is i ic i. ami one, n i iuc my oi tyi ig . coughing or n sence of fullness or suffocation, Is ex perienced. The pulsi becomes full, hard, ami frequent the hectic flush tinges thu cheeks, and tin' dire malady is fast hastening to its close. L'onsmiiptlnn has been and can he cured by tho use of Von now nsK. "l mere u cur.- ( i mv TarCohoial. even in nnrarantlv boneless cncs. I This assertion 1 make with the ability to present the i most complete evidence fthe truth, rjpneo will not admit of my giving thecouteuts of the many thousands of testimonials to Its value, which 1 have been and uin receiving from men and women or unquestionable worth and reputation I have h id u number nf these ' certlticates printed lu circuit- form wliirli I will send j nil tree on application Wheth -r you mm- determine in try the medicine or net, send for tho circular. Alter years i f study and experiment, InlKr tills medicine, h- llcvlnglt to In! tho best remedy tor nil pulmonary nnd bronchial disease.. If vu:i cannot o i benefitted by tli.5 use tl'thj Tar (.'ordlal, I b licve you ar.i b.-yondnfl I'.ilthynld. Yet If there atJ b 'Iter uiratt agents, I I earnestly advise their use. 'Ihuliest remedies, the li"st care. lire needed bv lliuse ntllicled with this ills eae. I nlevlng this to be the best, I ask ynu to try It. Many, not only of the people, hut physician ol every $$$Jn " it oiivis llie treatiuetil of The iuviiroratinn nf the digestive organs ths streng thening of the dcbliltat' d system-the purlHe.ithtn and enrichment of the blood, must expel Irom III sv.teiu the rorrupti n which scrofula breeds. Wliil- this in ill'eited ! tlu piiHcrl'ul uiterutlve (changing from ill. ease to health' properties of llie Tar Loriliiil, iti heal-; r'Hov..inu principle is ai muted Mirfjccsot' tin- lunge .m l tu tinh dee.ised part, rolieviii'.', s Iiil- .ii. il r'Hov..tiiu principle is also nctiug upon til throet. i.enetratiui; siibluing Intliumtion I ami restoring n healthful tendency. Li t till.,ln art in conjunction lth Nntiire's constant recuperative uinloJiey, and the patient is savjd, if h has not too long delated u retort to the menus of cure. .1... I.,.. Inn 'illjl tit. . , .....itll'll.. til ncwAttn or coi-NjcnrciTd J tie genuine nas mi name ni uie prnprttior nnu pine tree blown in Inc bottle. All others uro spurious imitation'. fmcK fisiY (Jksts ANn One Housr per Hoitlk. Trepared mly by the proprit-tnr. !r. L. U HISHAUT, No. 10 Nohtii Seoox-d St., PIIlLADELPfllA, PA. Fr Safe by ull Dinggists. Uesember 19, IS(13-l)m EVANS & WATSON- :?ALAMADi;il SArnH, ttIV ' ti Souih I'ewrrA , liavi- issortinent r.l fiie alamander h'afe.". iron doors, for banks nod g "I ' ilnrM trnii alintlnr J trnti nil .swsd? makes of lucks to any made m lite t-'nited States Frre.vv""' one Jiri. .Ill cane out nrAt; fita cor I Tlie Salamander bates ot Philadelphia against thi worm. , EVANS k WATSON, have hud the surcn demostralion in the following en , tilirnte that.thcir m.iuufaeturo of S.ilamaudi r Safes lia9 at length fully warranted the representations iihkh have been made of them ns rendering an undoubted security , against the tcrritii: dement. ' Philadelphia April 12. .Vmjm f.'rans Sr ll'ilion: Ocntlenien It ntl'nrds u. the hlt-liest sntlf.ii'inm tu state to you, that o vum M th-very protecliv iuilitiis of tuo of tlu Hiilamaudrr, Safes which ive i ureh ised t f you some five month since mo saved a laree purtn n ot jewelry, ami all our books, &c, i xpixcd to the ealairinous, lire ui Rausteatl place on the nmrnine nf the nth mi.. vv nen e reiKct (rial in. se sales were loeateu in the fourth story oftlie building we occupied nnd that they fill subsequently intoa hi an m'burnliiB ruins, here the vast concentration of the heat caufed the brass plates to l,"?,!,1:"! ciirity iitriirdi d by your kill,' We "ball Hike ere.'it pleasure in receinrnendlnp th':in '. rl"'np,8I(;'ji.a"r. liance a!!aiu-t fire IMMOXo &. Itllll., Jetcllcr, IT?'Tlicv liav. si'iie purchased ui large S.ife.i. (August V! July SU, lev.'. 555 i C-.Bv, Comtlandt Street 'Nos 9, 11, 13, 15, 17 NIJAR IIROADWAY, NEW VtlltK t:i'l'V. This i)l.l-Lt.ililifli.-il and favorite resort of the Itusi iif.s I'niiimuuit) has been recently refill, d, anil is com plete ill everything tint can miui.ti-r to the comforts ot its patrons Ladies and f.imilieii are specially and tare fully proiided fur. It i centrally Incite il in the bu ines" pjrt of the city, an 1 i CJ'iliguuus to the principal lines i f steauilmiiis. t.un, iiiniiiiinii:. i-iir., oil:. In cuus.tpiencu of the pressure caused by the Rebel I' i'i. IHtl. II. I, U illt?ll ('tllUet ll l ( Une ,h)Uar a. d 1.lfUj ( enls per Da; 'Hie tubh-is amply supplied 'itii an the luiurie.'ot the season, and is eipial to that ol any oilier hotel in the ' country. .tinnu i,'ii.ii.wu,(iiiie, u. k IHI..I-1. iu tijiwiir'i oi svu guests. Ujr- Hi, nut believe runners li.icknieu, and others w ho ma) tay-'tnu western Hotel is lull. D. D. WIMCIILSTCIl. Prnnnetor THUS. D. WlXCIJLSTf.i:. Feb. 13. le-iM. THE ORLWP WOllLI.'-i r'AllTf.XlllUmijN llllU IX l.UNDO.V li-.1l. I'lIOS. W. iMATTSON Wn nvvar lftl thf IViro McJ- ni tor hi' luptTiorit uvtra.l cmiipttilUMit) in Hu- Un.ti"! Mattja i'or liu iniro cjuviUx , .f.A,mu He being the inventor and VVfJW4SM5?Si"' Maiiur.iclurerofCla.tictetl -'-Jfl Spring m Id Solo l.eaihorand solid Itiveted Iron Trame Travelling Trunks, Valises. Lad cs Hat liases. I arpet Rags. Leather ll.igs, Umlirellns and lloliby Hoys' !igs, Propellers, Whei Iberruw s, tc , which he is prepared to sell at the inuet i-ia.vufai turiug price. Thu nnu.! eiteniire Trunk and Carpet Hag Manufactur er in Philiiilcli hi i. I0J JIAItKlJT BTItniJT. one door abeve fourth, ,r. South ide, l'HILADULPIIIA. CSales room on the timt floor. lLTriink neatly repair d or eirhangail for new cues. L'ull and see. an we sell very cheap fur ca.h. J ov. 1 1. Itr,3 -lanio. J'illlA 'U(JllV'i r-f,frnprittorof this well-known ami centrally Iocs 1 ted llousi, the Lit iumik Hiiii.l, Miuutu on Aim, Street, in Rln.iiu.buri;. imiiieViiitelv toosiie thn I'nli,,. biiit'.iiiiuy Court House. respecllully iVforms Ins friemls autl the publi' in general, that his House is now in or uerioriia-reei.piionmun-nioriainiimiit(itiravelc may feel disposed lo fuvor it w itli their custom, parei! no expt-me in prepanng the LxniAMiE, eiilirlaiiiinent of his guests, neilhi r shilllhere em vvhii Ho lias for the sh ttl I hern lit- tun. thing wanting (on tu part) to minister to their personal comfort. His Iioiisu is spacious anil enjoys an uxcelltiii business location. LO Omnibuses run at all times between llie llicliange Hotel mm I Ii u various Rjil Ro.ul Depot,., by which Iruv elurs will bo pleasantly conveyed to mid from thu re tpective Stutioiiii in due time to meut.tho Cars. WAI. I1..KOONH. llloomsburg, July 7, lSdU. TINWARE & STOVE SHOP. Till! undersigned respectfully Informs his old friend and customers, that he has purchased his brothers uteres! in thu above e stahtisliiiieiit.uiiiliho rom-em nils nereniier ne conuueteu .y iniuseireiclusively. . Delias Just reciived and offers for sale .s-t "u J"--. itsi ,i i. ami (iiicrt) lor Dull, llie nir-; JXrZ numl moat extensive assortment of FANCY o i it t i.d ever iniritiiticeii i uu ii is arsii. Ills stock consists of a complete assortment of he bf'1 '"oK"!? nnu Parnr novc in tlie market, tngetii. er with Stovfiiimres of every description. Oven and Uox Stoves, Radiators, Cylindnr Stoves, Cnit Iron Air. Tit'l'l tves, t'annnn Stoves, &c., etc. Stovepipe nnd .1., .., . ., . ., .... ..,, ,,,-,.,, .., ..v,..j :. aii sinus 01 repairing done, ns usual, 011 short notice. lui liatrouaifu of old friend, and new eastern. rs tu. pectfully elicited. A. il. UU.'L'ltT. Blcomsburg, ,Vavember3d 1EC0. tf. JOHN 0. YEAGER, MANur.L-i'uacrt u wholesale dealkr in RA.T8, CAPy, STRAW GOODS, 150NNEIS AND ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, No 2.V7 NorHi Third Street. J.'hila'd ".iiitT"..''T,J,y '';'.-s.2i7sy MOVHD to .Ve i' AJu,.';:?. iA, 8'rftt, Philadelphia, fT!3'?wei9l and n largo as 'JA'A'rfiof v! Thief iironfti to rrrr t nil rani Tirn iilr-rni ninnminMiniimiiinri rrrr IFKBEIVUS & Rt&BATHVES or tiii: Bravo Soldiorn and Sailors. IIOLJ (WAY'S PILLS. AND OINTMENT. All whn have friends and Relatives In the Army or Navy should take es-pctlulcarn that they henmply sup plied with Ihesn Tills nnd Ointment ; nnd where the bravo Bn'.llcrs and Pallors liavo neglected to provide themselves with them, nn better present can lie sen thorn by their friends. They have been proved to bo the tVdlcr's never failing friend in the hour nf need, COUIIIS AND COLDS AtTI'.CTINO TItOOl'rf, win ne speiniiy rt-iieveti nnu ciicciiiauy cureti ny using theso ndinlrable lueillcinea. and by paying proper I olicntinn to I lie Directions which arc attarncu in eain Pot or Hog, 1 HICK III'.AD V.PIIRS AND WANT OF AP UTITt, 1 incidenialto soldiers, j 'Ihoso fertlng which so sadden us usually arlefrom (rouble or annoyances. iibtriittod peisplrntiou, or eat ing mid ilrlnking w hatevc r Is miwhulesonie, thus ills. . tiirliing the lienlihful action of tin liver and stomach These organs must be relieved, if J on desire to be well j 'I hu Pill, taken nccordins to the minted Insrtuctioiis, will quickly produce a healthy nction In both liver nnd slniii'icn. nnu, ns u natural consequence, a cieur ueau alll Bood nppetltu. WHAKNE: OR Dr.RH.ITY INDUCED IlV OVER rATiour Will soon disappear by the nscof lliese Invaluaiile Tilts, and tho Soldier will quickly acquire additional strength. Never lit the Howe's ba cither confined or il it il ii I v ncleil upon, n may seem strange, mat uoi Imvnv's Tills should be recommended fur Dysentery nnd I'lux. many persons supposing that they would ltii-r.'.ip tin-relaxation. This Is n treat mistake, for th"se fill, will correct the liver ami sMimioli, and thus remove nil the acrid humor') t'loiii the system. This medicine w i!l give tone titid vigor to llie lielu organic system, however deranged, vvliiln health and strength lollow ns a mutter of course. Nothing will slop tho re laxation of tho UoU0' so suru us this famous medi cine. VOMJNTUnitS, ATTENTION' 1 INDISCRHTIOXJ Of VOUTII. Pores and I'lcers, lilntches and Swellings, can with certainty ho radically cured, if the fills nre taken night and ii iiriiing, nnu winuneni n.i ireeiy useu ns siateu 111 tho printed Instrui'loii'. If treated in nny thcr iiinn- iter, lit iij " ii ' iiihiiii. i"uii.uii ii . ii. iiiiii.iiui u hereas thl .iiitment will remove the humurs from the sy teni, leave tlio l'ati' lit n vigorous and healthy man. It will require a little perseverance in bud ca si s tu insure n I fling cure. I'Olt WOUNDS lllTHLIt OOCAHIONIlt) IU Till! IIAVOSIIT UAIIUI.. OR llll': UULIXT. ftOSlIS OU llltl'lri:!, To which every Pnldicr and r'ntirr are Ihble, there arc no ui 'times mi sat sure, and couveni lit, n Hid n,u'.i)' l'ill mid Uiiilineiit. ' he Wuiio lil .'in. I uliiiont dying suili-rei might liavo liiswouncts dre.sed iinme I . if lu woull only provide himself with this matchless l 'iiitment, which -hould be thrut into the wi-uiiu nii'l sm-nr.-il all rounu it, tipn covereu witn a pii ci-of linen from his knnpsa' k and compressed with handkerchief 'I Hiking-, night and iii'iruing, It or e l Ills- l" coin llie sysiein nnu i reveni iiiiijiiiiuion. Ilveiy Soldier's Kunpsack and Seaman's Chest nhoulit he provided w Itli these valuable Remedies. CAUTION! None nre t-euulnu unless tho words "llnlloways, New Yorknud Loudon " nre djscernable I as n v nter-iuiirk in every leaf of tho book of direction-, arouiiit eiicli pot orbtiv ; the same may plainly seen by Induing the leaf to thu light. A liandsoiut- reward will be given to any unit rendering such Information as may lead to the detection of any putty or parties counter feiting the medicines or vending the same, knowing theiu to b" spurious. , Sold at manufactory ot Professor Holluwny, 80 .MlaJeu Lane, New York, and by all respectable Drug irlaiid Dealers ill .Medicine, throughout tho civilzod wo.dd. ii7" llolloway's Tills nnd Ointment are now retailed nu ing to tin- liiuh prices of Drugs, &c, at :W cents, TU cent, and SI, III per llox or l'ot. ej''lherols considerable aving by taken the larger I'.-i'irecuons lor llie guiiianco oi patients in every oMitriier lire aiiixeu in fain uin. A- ii.'ilierii in lli .eu i.uut.ii iiivuiLlue-t i.i,ii inivu Show L'ltrds, Circulars, &c., sent free of expense, by udilresslng TIKIMVB HOLI.OWAY, tu M.iuks Lakk. Ncw-Ynmc. II 'C ti!. lPCH.-ly. (June 20, leu:!. GlaTON'S !Cheap Grocery Store. ALSO 1 Hi: iiiidtrsi'-ne,) linvinir buuelit out the Grocery o I David Stroun, has reniovt-il his Hat and Cap Store up to t-iroui 's old stand, where in addition to a supe rior assortment of FALL alXD WINTER 1 hits aud Caps, US CONPKCTIONAHIES, CllACKEItS, i.Io'a-K's, Sitcar, Cofl'eo, Teas, 'JViIihccOj Snuff, Cigar.', Spiecs, Dried Fruit, Butter, Coal Gil, Drugs, Parlor and Hand Lamps. Books, "Writing Paper &Iuk. Ilantivtire uutl LriioriC'tic, Fd-U Knives, Combs, cj'C, 4l-(: Together Si ilh a variety of articles generally kept in a ! tSion. Al.o-A Hue lot of KID-, MOIlOi.f.OS and Lmsnsto ' u huh he invites the at eutiiin of Shoemakers .mil the public. JOHN K GIRTON'. , llluoui.biirg, Dec. J, lfta ISGi. - - - - i PHILADELPHIA & ERIE I ,n a t . ii o ,a 53 This great line traverses the Northern and N'orili--.vest i nuutics of I'eKUs.vlvnuia to the lity nf Lne.otl i.uku line. II has been leoi-eil by th feii'isi Ivania Railroad I l.'onipany, and uiiiler their iinspieLs is living rapidly' opened throughout its entire length. It is ii" in iise for Passenger and freight business fnuii llnrri-biirg to Lmporiiiiii. (1!'.5 rn i In on the Last r ru Division, and from Shcilicld to Krie 7d uul.-s) on the Wetli rn Divi.ion. I TtMK (if eiSMlNOEK 1RV1N3 AT NOmilUMBFBr.ANl). 1 Mail Train leaves, Last 11 3J ,V. M, i llxprcis Train " " 10 57 f. SI. Mail " " West .1 -i-i " f.vpress " " " 7 18 A. M. 1 Curs run thri.ugh witiioit ciiimii both ways on these trains Inlwieu Philiidelphia itud Lock Haven, uud t ilaltlmore and l.oik Haven. New and elegant Sleep-' lug Cars nccoiupauing the llvpret-s Tram both ways betwei n VVilltanii-port and it.iltiiiiore, uud Williams pi.rt ami I'hiladi Ipiiia. for iiifiirinatiiiii respeetiiig f.-msenger business, ap ' plvntlhe S. II. Cor. Illh ami .Marlttt Sts. , ...I I'... I--.....!., I.ll,l,,i.j,nr tli.i 1-iiir.l.n,.,.-., Amilll. I H. IS. King.tou, Jr . Cor. I'.lth and .Market Sts., I'lul'.i J. iv . U. jnoliN. I'.rie. J AI. Drill. Agent .V it: It., Ilallimore. ' II II. Houston. Cen'l. freight Agt , Philadelphia, Lewis !.- Hnupt. fien'l.Tn ki t Agt fhiladelplnii, ' Joseph D. Potts, (iell'l. .VlaUllger.WllllUlllbpoit, lVbruary 13. Itf'i I FOR I ALL .1- WINTER. rVV. stibscribtT hnr. just rccivotl u lot JL llozcry Trimmings aim ,-vciv unous, tucii as & Li LP il y 3 o ALSO: ', HULLS. STAYS. I tJATCIir.I.t.. 1101)1' rSKIISTtf. ruitrvioMi'.s, i AM) HT'ir.It NOTIONS.. " Wheeler k Wilson s riiiwing Machines fur sale. Also Sunday I'lhool Hunks and till, I. -s. i Also-.Mrs Allen'. Hair lleslorer w Inch ill give to gray its natural color. A. 11. W'llllll. Next Door below Court House. llloomsburg. Nor. 14, lcn:i. , " "l3Ld0JISRURti SKYIJGlITj ( iclurc Gallery. rpill! undersigned informs th- ntizens of lllnoin, X and iieigbborhoud. that he has lakf u tho large room at Hie Liihauge llliik, evteiidlug oyer Harney Mohner Hakery'i nnd ilia llimsnoio where he has put in a l.-iri.e Skvliet t. It it. onlv liv Hkl llelil lhnt enoil nir. i tur- s ran hell (en especially gionp. wherocuch person , can ho take. J ist ns well a. .eparate. j llehasgon tu loiiciderablo i ipeii.o to make his cs t iMuliinent llrsl class one, ami lie lli-reforu solicits a liberal patro igu tocuable Him, tn constantly intrudiicu tint mode 1 impriivenii lit. of thu uii. CO" t'o'in -y produce taken in Exchange for plrtures HENIIY UOsSENBTOCK. j lllnoiiifuurg, Nov. 23 lfCL Nov, U "32 j ELI II OLDEN INVITES tho ntttntion of every render of this miner, which includes tnunv thousand .of his iild patrons and ni'pi.ilntances-To his I unusually large and beautiful variiv of AMEIUCAN nnd I.Ml'OHTLI) WA'l clIEfl, CLOCKS and elegant designs of JEwELltV. Silver vVnru.&c, HU 1I0LDEN. 709 Jlarkr Sroo, PIIILADELl'IIIA Vf.rrs IHCK llu I I BARGAINS ! BARGAINS! IF YOU WANT TO JIUST Fall & Winter Goods, GO TO Creasy's SIoit, In Uplit Street, Pa. Who Kccpt ull of CALICO, ! MUSIjINS, SILKS, GINGHAM, FLANNELS, CARPETS IlOf- iMlY, SIIAtVLS, Rcady-Mado Clothing o,, ollgarS) Molif-RCS, ISyrupa, Coffees, Teas, lush, Salt, Bacon, Hams, Lard, Tobacco, Separs, Hats, JJoot", Cnps, Slioen, Drugs, Oils, Paints, &c.,&e. In nildltion to our large itock of Dry Clnods, we have a large and full assortment of Ready Made Clothing lor Vien nnd Hoys wear which wo nre determined to sell cheaper thin can he bought elsewhere, fall and Bee, and judge for yourselves, II. W.URCA8YL CO. Light Street, Nov. 7. lfH!3. NEW MMffiiiT! THE pcoplo of the county of Columbia arc respectfully, Informed that tho undersigned has fo, sale, ut the JtECOROFll'S OFFICE, in iiLooMsiiuuo. tiii: nr.sT and cnnAMPT ASSORT MUST OP To ho found anyuhero in tho County, consisting nf Note. Letter, Local nnd Cup Paper, fens, Holders, Pencils, Ink and Lnvclop is ; .4..VO NEW AND SECOND-HAND DOOKS, t'ompriiug lllstnry Poetry, l'ictlnn.Tlie olngy and th" rlutislcs, of ltnlin'H Lnndon" tiubllc.ition. from which selcclions can he made, and Hooks furnished to order ; by special iirrnngcni'-nt with New York Agents. BOOKS, DOUUMKXTS, PAMPHLETS . and Speeches ; nnd copies of the United States, nnl , tflate c'uiitlllullnii', in arious styles, nlniivs on hand. JUIIN U. ITtBUZI'.. Illooinibiirg, Nov. T, 18C3 ' THE 1EW GiJoCiiKY STo E." I MOKE FKESII GOODS. Just 'ccciueilnt Erasmus' New Siorc. Molasses, Sugars, Teas Coffee, llice, ' Spices, MaTS and Oaps Fibb, Salt, Tobacco, SegarSi Candies, Tlazcus, FEED AND POVrsI'NS. Together with a great variety of notions and elcetc ras, too niiuierous to meniioii. C7"lluttor, f.L'gs, Meat and piodue generally taken ! in eiclinugi! for goods. a. u, i;i;.vs3.viu3. Ploorusbiirg. May 0. Ist3, FHESll JIRFUVAL OK mv ,fr vwxm m A T Miller's Store. rpiin stthsenber ha" Jut returned Troiii llie t ities 1 w all another large and select a;sirtmel of j FA LLA SI) 1 1 IN TF.Il GOOD S, j purrliaifil nt I'liilnilelpliln, at the hnvret fliruro, an.l "Vk ct.iniiri'e "ruJ clsew"cr'! "' mo'e- m. L.nuir.' inr.m, of clioic. st stvles and latest iVIii.iu. atMiM, ,ixn onoci:nir.n, iiiitm'ii k it UKF.vir.iti :. cr.itJiii;, nou.oir imkk io.v, .Y.1I1.S, hoots .- i0.i. HATS If CAPS, &.C., iS'C, Iii short everything; usuilly kept In country Stores to u hit h he unite the publl' eener.illy. Thu Highest price paid for country produce. S II. MILLER. rilonnisbiirg, Oit 21, 1?C'J. NEW ARK1VA L. " Fall & Winter GogiLs J- Evans' ii 1! RLOOMSUURG, PENN. LATEST SYLES CAEAP GOODS 'Pill; undersigned respectfully informs Ins friend I and the public generally, that he lias just received from the Laslern titles, u largo asMirttiuiit of being til" best assortment ever (.tiered in this market Also a compleli! assortment of Hoys Clothing. In fact everything in thu Clothing Line for those who prefer to leave their measures, u perf t lit giuraiiteed. and nothing hut the best workmaiiihlp allowed at this es He also keeps on hand u large assort inuil of HOO'lS AND SHOES. HATS AND CARS, together with a variety of lurtioiis. 17" LA I.I. AND SLL' I'OR VOURSf.i f. 0 A. J. LVANS. Illooinsburg, Nov. 21. IrCI. Nattonai Foundry. IH.O0.MSI)UKG,(;0LUMHIA CO., PA, 'lMI5 fiihfcrih -r prnpn- tor cf tho abnvc nanicil ex. 1 tii c I v t'ftitljlittliiuciit, ik nuiv prepared tu receive orutTf for iVil Kinds of illacliiticry, for Co'leiie.. Illast I'uriiarcs, Stationary Engines, Mills Tllltl.HlllMi iMACIUM H. &U . &U. He is nlso prepared to iimKo stoves, all sue. and pitterus, plow -irons, and ever) thing usually made in In. t-i lass I'oiinilrii's His eitcnsivu l.n iiities ami prarticnl ivnrkmeu, war j : nit it 1 in in receiving thu largest luatracts uu the most reasonable terms. IT-' (iruiu of all kinds will be taken in exc!i:ine for castimis. i: yThis ettabllshnicnt is lnca.ed near the l.aikauan ua X- llloomsburg Hepot I'EI'Ell lill.l..MEVi:it lllannitliiirg, r?ept. IV, lfb. KH' JKHSLV l.M)S FOR SALE, ALrtO, GARDEN AND FRUIT FARMS, Suituhle for (.rapes, 1'iatlies, Pears. Itaspberrles, Plrewlierries, llliit kberries, (.'urn nt, tc., of I. i.'i.l, IU na 'JU in res eaeli, ai thu following prices for the present, via: '.'u acres tor $'.'00, IU acres for SHU, S acres for i'-O, ','i ai res for S IU. 1 acre fur $M. Payable by ouo dollar u week. Also, good Craubiiry land.., uud village lots in Clu-ai-wood. sV5 by Ion fei t, at 310 each, payable by una dot lar u week. The above 'mil and In mis . are situnte a i.'lie.'itwooil, Washington tnwnslilp, llurlington county New Jersey. I'or further information, apply, with 1 o Htamp, for a circular, to II. i'KANKI.IN CLAIIK, No. po Cedar Street, New Vork. N. V. Jununry 17, l'u3. sniooiiAsiiiFs foVsIlu. rittihurgli C'uiumorclal College. Itiiighumptiii " Critteiiden's I'hilailolpliiu, Hiratlou, llryant ft Co 'J'hosa t-cripa, are in iiiiinuiiU of ?I3 and $S'i and are is so much rash, byihu .Student on entriiigi Hlicr oftliu ubovo Colleges. Young miln desiring tiiubtulu a finish ed Collegium IMucalion, will here find a good cpecula tloo by applvmgat the niTirc of the Vuv f 1st! OJ,VMHIA IlCMOCKAl', At A. LOTlAd EDFO Another Call. MV MURE MEN WANTED 1 revolution in high friges. LJllWE MUUVAL OF Pal! & Winter Goods AT PETEll ENT'S STOKE, ky i.uuiT sTiir.r.r, coimmdii cotmr. r.i, T 1 AH Just received from f hllndelphla, and Is i now U llie old stand latc'y occupied by Marts & lint, n splendid ns.ortmcnt of which will bo sold cheap lor CAf'H OU 0OUNT11Y PUODUOE HI, stocKcon.lst.of Ladle, Dress OooJ, choicest style. and latest fashions Uahcos, Muslins, Ginghams, Flannels, Carpets, Shawls, Hosiery, Silks, READY MADE OLOTHTNG. Cassimcrcs. Satinets, . Cottonadcs, Kentucky Jeans, Thread, kv. Groceries, Quecnswarc, Ccditrvvaro, Hard wave, Mediisines, Drugs, Oils, t Paints, DOOTS & SHOES, HATS k. CAPS. In shnrv cery thing nxmliy kept in a country store The patronage of old friends, ami the public general ly, is rcapccttully so'lclti'd. Tlio highest market price paid fur country produce. fl'.l'int I1NT. Light Ftreet, Nov. T. IfCJ. j' -tf'V ' " ..-..-i.--"iff ... ? . ... i, ,'. ui'i.rtV- I. (in , Kffluf n"llf. iiuderslgn.-ir Ii nrn extensively cngsged In tti1' I J ITn.UrtaUns Biistnvts, nnd ku ps constantly on hind nd for sale at his Wnrcrooun, a largo iitsnrtiiu-iit fi FINISH ED. 7 COFFINS, ! Ry which he is enabled totTTl orders on presentation Ai.t-n Keep , i good Hearse, uud will at nl tunes be ready lo attend fuucrels. SIMON C. smvn. : tlnnnibirg, Januari leSS ' First Great Arrival." ' OF PALL &M I KR GOODS !i The undersign' d. Ins. jusi re,ili-iii!ied Ins Sinn i lltu-c in Orangeville, Willi u wi-ll-.clei.U-d ai-.rnliiieiit j FALL & WINTER COO S j foiiFisMii; m part ot' t'liiiti, Silk?, "utlin, rj!ni-j an i IADika' 1'ani v IlKts- (Ioiiih. g. in r.illv , from l-i t , jt tfUihl 1'rinls (Vnin I .'j Xo2 ?, I READY MA I) i'. CUTHIXG.! I'ats, Roots Shoes AUck. rcl Jlulaasses. Sugar . 1 Bait. GROCritirS GrifKIlAI.'.Y. With all other artiles. usual y kept in couuiij Si re., touhitli he invito tl inly utti utinii of old mil lew customers. Having b.-eu ut th -I'lty in thu r'ght line 1 bought low and piid e.ish - he will he able to enni tie Willi llu-be-l, mid sell fur small profits and pri M't pay. His frieiidn nr. invited tu pop ill mid sen 'he 1 lights. UMflilTZ. , Oranct ville, Vov . , 1 .1. , 'Eri. Wil- 7' EWAND UONI) HANDSA1 J. 1 for sale c (ap. nt New Voik ham Stri-Lt, New Vork. 6. A G11F.GG. SIZC AND 1'ItlUf.S Of l.ll.l ID'S I'IRi: l'ROOf S U'f.S OUTS 11) V.: neioliT. winrii, 21 2il inriit. 2U 21 21 24 21 21 nn-rit. Ii 12 12 1:1 ll 15 No. i No. 2 No. n No. 4 No, 5 No. .TJ .'id -III t!i 111 111 -1XSIV .':- iihout. i.'imii, No. 1 17 II No. 2 Xo. .1 No. I No .7 No. il No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. -I o, 5 No. tl. November 1 1. m 21 21 111 i:ij l.i H 21 21 .-iU Hi) I'll III) 711 UU 1-3 01) Jim nu llj uu lar.n. Grecnwoo S Seminary,!nii, jj.vj co.v.mfmcijii. sonoor. t on jiutji n:xt:s. T. M. rOTTS, PiitsciiMl. .VuikmcIkj. Hook Kuftug and .Yatural fi.tttntt$, J. D. PATi'ON, A. M , FJocntiOH. Li'.traturt.anil .Inrlent and Jlodtm IjinUar;ei. 'I'lm Scholastic year is divided into four 'pinners of eleven weeks each, commencing as follow s : (in the set-nitd Monday in August, the tlrst .Monday in November the third Monday in January, and tlie ccnind .Monday in April. THE EXPr.NHKS Per quarter for llnnrding innl Tuition In English, range Irom $JJ ill) lo t'll . Languages, .Music uud Draw ing are ixtra. 1E7- I'or Circulars or further partieulftis, address thu Principal at Mil. I, VII, 1,11, CUl.UMUIA CO., I'A. , October :i, imki ly. II 0 W E R, SURGEON DENTIST. r.rsI'r.CTl'ULLV offers Ins profe.i, iunul services to tlu ladies and gentle men nf I'dooiuihiirg mid virinit) , Hois nrenared tnatiindto all thn inriinirt operations ill the lino of Ills profession, and is provided with the Inlet Improved VOHCKLMft TKKTH ; which will he inserted un gold, plutina, silver m.l rubber base tolookwell as thu natural teeth I Mineral plale and block teeth manufactured nnd nil operations on teeth, carefully ami properly nlti inled to. Itesideuco and office u few doors ubovu the Court House, same tide. Uloom.burg, June II. lr('i.1, ii o .E. k. ;k A, U P. :i I'rinttr, iitiokhiuilei' t: liankleok AI A NU FA C TUR E R VVllOLlSlLc .Nil ltui.'..l. HllLI.R IX IT.INTINO, Willi l.i'i di.l WItAlTINO PAl'EKS .0ST IOVIIIIiCAT.WI.SA MILLS. Main rJiret t, first dnor below thu Piiblie rinuare, WILKESIJARRE, I'A. Nov, 2.1, lelll-l'.'m. A. C. PAUL. PAUL . U. TI10MFS0K. & THOMPSON, WHOLESALE fdSjgCg HEALEUS IN No. 43 Nouk ll'iiuves, PHILADELPHIA. try n v tt e r, oheebk, Nov M lf(3-ia.i HAMS fcc ,rn 3i II. c. rrillS IN'STITUTICV Is under llie sole inanigcnient ! nnd ilimtlon of frof, D. W. I...wiu, . I.g frli.. clpaltiftho ..w, m.niuMrox co.MMr.nmt. comimi.. Ths course of Instruction embrace, nil the re pi iltcj of i thorn nil Practical business edi cation, and has hee i lati'lv extended by the Introduction of an Aclii it !;uVlnel..or;". the Htudent regular routine nt business """""":",,'' ". ' and faiulliarlncd by means ol u store, (in wlilc 1 1 llin J" t , nf lne , selling goods I, c r le.i J" , H,lt.,,.,lt,)'Bn, lluslness tHllcer.. v s. il k. ' j ' lp nllll io,,it, Rnil-lliudinBand ititf fo.t Oinrc, Telegraph, Ke., . mi v ever nrcseiited lotho public, and reds limy business, nnd having .had many years x frc" unt"r" iheV.ho Tvill l..rn'. I . .. , . I... (t., 1,1, HI,. I I PUCK' PFIUI h1 ' i r. . i rrinii!tTit ni nil I Olfll III IIIilMJ iinini'ifci. - nn I who may place themselves under his cli irgo, rV.XM-ilXsltl l't in this essential 'branch of a bMrV.'L,",na)'nTha r'. nVe,. otTers bolter facilities to tho learner- T ho ttpenccrian system will bo taught In all Its v,i r j u II e most skillful masters of '''""rhXVelTlghesl VViltine froin this Institution have- received the niunesi !? '-'',!.,Lh .w'i.b;r' ?: II' .mm :;u Address i). W. LljWI.I.L. Prlmlpn- I mvelf Commercial College. llinghainlon. I'linghnlntnn. S" V (. I r. ' ' ICc" . . . ,,ifl .,, oi tlold fens, with bolder r, , . ii in., tt i in iirti it n. i ii in ii i inn -! lino, pcriet-i vi"ii.i 'nii- r,.....,. - i,ii,i.i.". i n - , in .nit. 1 l.e and case, warraiitou lor one jenj v v, unt. frepol charge lo any one ti" tho above address. Oclobej 3. Ir-W-ly. FAMILY DYV COLORS. tlt.iric. Dauk IIU'E, I.hiiit lltl'l'i I'm Mil Hi MAorxr. VI Annus Or, .sin, f INK, 1'l'llPI.B. lillVAl, I'l'ltPl.l!, rJAr.Mov, HoillILT, r-Lvu, niio, (,'LJRIT llROWN, Dakk lntimN, LrniiT IlitowK. ."M-tK llROWX. L'lllllSOS. Dime Uraci, I.II1KT IIKVD, Dakk (iaetM, lautiT OattK, YtLLOlV. for Dying Filk, Woolen nnd Mivetl (!ood, Hhawls Scarf", Dre-ses, llllibons. (Doves, I ntiiu Is Hats, feathers, Kid (ilove, ChlUri i.'s Clothing iniil nil Minis Wearing Ayparel, S- ST!.G OK 8? PB': ri!M'. -a IV r 23 cents ynu can order us i.iany roods ns would iilhernise cost fivo tiini'S that nun. Various shade, can be produced from the same Dye. Tile proce H slniplo. and anv one inn use the ilye Mill) perfect sue- ci... . Iiircctions in mtglisli, 1 rencu aim .i rinau, mniie-i i arh pneK.'ige. for further information in Dyeing, :mJ giving a p'r f.-ct knouleJee liat color" are best adapted to djo , over others, (with many vniiu.lili' rei ipes i piirin ne I Howe fc Stephens' Treaties on Dyeing .mil Coloring - Sent by mail on receipt of pure III cents. I .MantifaLtiiied Ly lluWf. te rtl'KM'.Nt,. I ill II IlKOMtWW I ttsioy. CTM'or sale bv Druggists and Dealer generally, ieci iiilier la, isnil -liinos. , A:: In P;m-.i Put up IP 2"ie. 5'le nu. I $I.0J lit I'oHli f Si 1 i.l.k !s 1 II li 5 1 M s ur iinieis, I'llli'ii IIISUIIIIIOIi.. c - Hu y inf.illibli- renn-ili kiintMi." - free Irnlii . ' "V t d.,:i-.i r m to ttie fun. an fnnilly ' Rats eonio out uf th - - r h-'I'-i in i -. ' tjm Jol,l Wholesal.t 1-4 all large riti ... i Sold liv rill llrugci ts it Retail. rs even where. "vr" '"! Ri.' iaEM!' nl we-rihl -s imitation C3r" S -e t'tnt Cfitt vl-.'s" i is on t.uli l'..x. Cnt- tl". aii-l 1 l.tsk, hef- rj y i huv. If Atldrs IIIAHV It nw.vlt IC" I'Rivttp.t 4v-.' ilitoviiwiy, N. V. K7 Sold by all IMi ilesalu ,mil R.l. il Origgnts ri I'-lo'inisluir, p.t. fi I r.iarv Ii, m 1 cm. LacIviUtiiiiiia & Rlii(;ir.b:ir ! nij roasl fS AM) J TRAINS AfT It JV 1. l-ri. I'ASif.XGKIt WILL UI.'X AS IV, ,l OH. 5 M I) V I N C S u IJ T il. f'.ls.-ICl'1'C l.( jve iscrantnii. - -i 21 r m. " Killgstnii " It ooiushtirg " Rupert. D.illl'llle, vrrivc at Xorl lumberl.iu I, M ti V I K C, ,l.t V 5.7 X u IU' II Leav : , Niirtliiimli.-il.iad, MM A. I. Kt'l V.-ii l'aiiville, " R.iptnt .... I - i litouisbiirj- I " Klllgslllll, .... ' Vrrlve at St rautoii. .... frtigliliV I'as-iiiigir lean- flti'iiusliiii 12.12 f.'l . HI.!.') A. Passengers tisiug the v,ni ,'iaiu ss.i-ill con lit 1 1 with 1 the l'. press train Irom .' Ili'.l. .-nil nig at Harrisburg ' nt 2.1u A. M., lialtimore 7 .ml A. VI , and at 1'hil.i.lelp'n i nl 7 lid A M. 'fin: M.iil Irani tioin Xorliiiiuibi-il.iu I I -avert IIUDIf dintely ,llli r Hie llxpress tr.llll Ir'Uil II. ir. ri.b'irg and U.ilt'niior.-, al.iw'iug I'.i-sens'i-r.s liining I'hilailell In i at 111. HI 1. VI. to i .-.nil poiuta on llii- during til t iicm Inreuoou. ' New aud t li-gaut Sleeping car accompany the uieht Ir iiiis i.-.ii'li way it iwiien Ni'ith niihi-rl.iii .1 and Haiti iituru. and Noilliuiubt-rland ami I'hilailelpliri. II. A. fiiNDA. Suit ! J. C.Wells. c7rn- W't itt liiugstoii, Jauuar) .11), l.-nl, i. r. ivcn. i. n. movi j New Drug Stoiil, ; WHOLESALE AND RETAIL rpilf. undersigiieil would iul'orn' their friends and tint -I public geneially. that they Iniie taken the sl.iii.l for meily occupied by On. AI. Iliiguhiiili, iu III - Uu h lfm il.nliliug, mi Al.tiu treet, in lilooiiieburr, wlieru lie lus tovuss,'aiGitsi, just reieivt-n a inn nuppiy Ol U'huh w ill be sold on moderate terms for ready pay. Also. NOTIONS gent rally, of iv. ry variety, sort and si.-. Physicians' prescriptions carefully compounded, at all time., and on short notice. E" Conf. ctioneiy of tho best selections, uuiUoda Water in season. Lf A share of Hie public cuitoiii is respectfully so. Kited. KYElt U .MOYEIl. llloomsburg, April 11, I6CX Exchange Hotel. LUE 100, R. S, JONCS.J No. 7? Dock Street, next door to the l'o.t Office, I'hiluilulphia. rpiils well known est.iblisliiiu-ut maintains its usual J celebrity, and its well siiowu riiuiiatiou of bourn , the be it HOTEL ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN rVhall bo sustained, llooni may be had at ull hour. pr night, i7 cents, per we, k, fj it), per niniilh, u llin llaraiid Luting llepaitineiiis urn fiirnished wilk the best of ever tiling the innrket urn produce. i (.'AMU, FRUIT, VE(J ETAIsl.ES, and delicacies uf every iliino may bo had at u iiinnii! c. nolice. r V1'1!',' '" ls co""' aml upwards, and may bo had from o A. M. till 1-Jatiiiglit, (.'enileineiuiiay reit as.ured ttiat no oxpeiisu will bu spared to render this Hotel a model one. J. OTTENKIRK, I'ropr. March 7. lS03-3in, ' v !)v:c3imJE -30TEL, public sqiKinE, iiit.hi:n-iuiiiii:. .. rriic undersigned, having taken this will-known eland (lorinerly of .Major ruterbaugli), resi.eufully solli -its the liatroii.ige of Hie iiiblii-, No pains will bo spared ill any of its depart incuts, tn render satiifniiioii id all guest. Tlie TAULE and the tlAlt will always bo .upplied Willi thu 1IEST TEE MAIIKET AI'FOUDi. ITT- Hood r-'tnhliiig for Horses and ulteiiilvu Ilosllrrs llie "Lxthangn" is eligibly situated on tlm pu,iit S'pmre, und has ihercfnro pceuliur iidvantnti-s toper, sons iiltciidiug Court or doing buiiiiust In the pn die oilices. Charges moderate. N. U, Whenever )ou conic In town, please call. Wllki's-Uarre, Nor. 15. Ie02! "' J' VAVLH THOMAS RROWN, limber. DLOOMBIIL'KO roi.l .MIHA CO I'A. floop in Oouil House AIIh th. H., orit Knr.iub: 14. IbW, Wm CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTERS. pnwerCtl Trinic. erred! "f f til n-y in disea rrrrtlvo nnd nltrilve u.e nf llie STOMAHI, 1.IVUK AM) R0VEL5. .res Dyspepsia, Liver 'nmplii'iit. 'I- kL'cJi'; 1e"'-' ifi'iiiiiLr. lit i vi'iiniii i i " " . ,tlpallun. I ollc, l.iteniiitteut F.'ver.. t r'U-ips uni Hniisms. anil a I imipiaini' ni rtex. arising iriiui i.uuiiy whether inherent in the syst'iu r produced by speciui ciuto.. Noiitmo that Is not wholesome, genial nnd r'tnry live in Its nature enters Into tkr ronipof Itlnn oflllw. Tl.TTr.ll'H HIOMAUII HITTKIIrt. 'I IHs popular pt' li.iration tontanis no inineral of nny kind, no ilend y botanical element ; no fiery exeit mt i It'll It isu eoiulu ni Ion ofilhe oxtrart of rnrt balsiiinlc Ileitis and plints wllhthe purest and mlldesl of till ilitra-ivu slim- "'it '"'well to It forearmeil ngain-t disea'O nnd, i, far as tin' human stem ran l.o proteitcd In human meant ngain-t iniladl eugeii ! red bv nu iiiik ludi soine at luo.iilier . iinii'ire vuit-r and other external cau-i s, llilii' L l'Tl'.R' llflTLR may hu relied on us u rufc- 8 'in lictriit" Inf -sted with J-Vrrr amtfne, it has been fiiuiiil infallible n n preveulive and Irresistible ns n and thousands who resort tu It under nppre. pension nriinattai'li,ei.capethe conrge ; nnd lliotisivid. Ihi neglect touvnil theiii'elves i it" prntertlu lues In n lvnnce, nm cured by n m ry brief cnur e o this marvi Inns iiiliie. I'ev. r n-nl Ague p.itieuts, .,,',.,. i,.i tu uhh mi 1 ii i it n fur month" In vnin, il"- ti' f.iiilv sitiriited it!i that I'aiiu'erous nlka'oi I, nr net unfit 'lUetitly r.'tnr din health uituiii a lew u.iys by the use of MO-Ti.TI'l li'S IIITTLMI I he wi ilk ftiinincli is rupid'v invigorated and the np pi lit - resiored v tins nurjeubli) runic, and hence it works wondeis"iii eat s f lii'pep.ia and in less ton. liruied forms of indlgetiou. Ailing ns a gonll" and piilnli-Ks apperl-nt, us will a upon tin liver, it als-i Ilivlirnbiy lelleves ine , u-ifuji.iiinii rui,-tiiiiiuLvii u, j.,, , urtinii ft til- nig' 'live nnu seen uvu organs, IVriiin. of habit hub e A" rrollj Jlllnckt. Low- nos of wein and til' f 'r-"i'"r. f'ud prompt and perm ineiit relief from the I ltte s The tentnnoiiy on this pniiit is iiio.t coiicl siv.-, and from ' otn sex . 'I'h.-.ignny of llilli'is i old: is immediately ea uaired by a siiuli- dose of th - stimulant, and by oua ly resorting to It, tlu ri turn of tlie t.oinp!aiiil m.ij be pie V etiti'd Vs .i ceiieral Ton e, IIOSTUTTLR'S IIITTf.R' pro tlueet-tl'.'ils whieh must bu i-iperieiiied or w itncsetl le-i'ore Hi qii b- lullv n.precl.ited In rai a of Con r 1 1 i 1 i i m 1 1 w aku-'-s, i .-eio.iture iln-.iv ami tlcbrlty .m l iiei repitude ansiitir Irnlii old use. It exerci.M's tin- rlei -tiii iniliiencD I it the i mi, ale ci nt .tages ofali t'is'aes tt operates as a delightful invUer.inl. When the pow ers ol nature nr.- relavd. it operates to re nifoifu and r -e-tiilill-h them. I nst. hut not h.,-t, it the mils safe tiliuuli'iit, b dug riian i no lured Irom sound and Innocu ous material. mid entirtly free from the mid cl'itneiils pi-s"iit niiire or Its in all the uriiln.ity tonics and stoHhii hies nf th d.n . n f.iuiily nu ilh nu hi- b"eti so universally, and it iii.i b Irnlv .1 lil.-d. tlnrtetll'j popular it ti Hie lutein gem i". Hi, In nl Hie coiniiiuiiii) , ns UU.-'l L n'njlt S llIITl.lir'. frepired by HOS iF.TTER cS: SMITH. i ii'tsiiuRoi!. r. K7tfol I byall Druggists, Urncers and tlurikrepr tvervw hi re Nnveniii -r 21, 13 "-3 ly. Gt'.nuiiio Piepaiaiions. compoi'xd ft.t'Mi i::;rinnf nrriif. rri- tive. .i.i d sp i Ific in-iely ii r ui-ea-.s of the ni.ii.ikr. I. i liit-y's. ilravt I. an., tlr- p-u-,1 ..w.-ilint-' 'i'liis lui'ilii in - int r"aet. tin p t..t-r nl iiiirs-iinTi . r-int evi ite the ab-t ilients into h- nilii r.ui ui l y unit h iln W.i ri or Cult ar -mis depn. iti'Uis. cut all riiniiiral I'.iil.n ireiiit iiieiit. sre rcdaced, rf vvttl at p.-in .ndin- II. in ill ri. -:o: HKLMBOLD S EXTRACT DUCHI'. Tor Aepk'irR? artinc rmrn inli.ts if pi Fip;iti'n. i:.rl Inlifcrt.U of Abus-f. ,miii tl. fulNm m;r i-y inptotm w I n 1 1 pfii'iliiiii to t.xcrtifin. I.o. of prtw p( J.)t.i ot ff(inu, fllrtcu)) ol Vr, I'alc N rvi'rt. 'I r- f.liimir. Hi rnn uf Hin'.ic'. I':. in in tin . atlt. I nivi-rsii. I.! il'i if f,f tii! Miiv u'ar iy-uui. If) t ll.'MHlf. Ut Upl inn sen t;r V,:, IlrjiiCkti ftt tht Hkn. V :itiiUi of .Uu I'&tlv, I'.tiii.i 1 -Tit p nniloiii--. n iillowi-t) (o rr-1 "ti ,u(i thin nit. ilit in irv.iii.iM 1 1 inovt lolinw Irironsiv. l'vnirv. t'lM-irn I nr. tit oruj i.f tin fi tti-' I'.Uh'iii in,.) r uir' Wlnuaiay l lint ih v itrj nut frcnut'iiilv ful'tmnil U UlUi.' 'lin t'll I'M'-ll-fr "lASAMl'V AMI I'nr.'fil'MPTinv Many ;ir" awnr" ! I'H' rntih of their nufi t-ini. hut iiriiii ill foiilVn; tin r r.t ! -f th lnm A') Imih-i Alnl iiiflitiH'lt' !y 'l.'nili!. by Oiinir.ititiij h.-ar ii:i V u ilmt to llu truth i.f tin- a.MTtim Tin on i-ii tut i on cure i tTrtti'it u itli iTSaui' ciiI;ih, riiir"st lhi .mi tf Mt'ttium-tn htrrniillK'it Jial liuif oj;itc tin- ystoiM. nliich llfluihiilii'H xi rati hiiih'i ia .iri il'ly Jo.-. A ill com i.u Uiv iuo.i kki lf4 FEMALES FF.MALIiS In many affections peculiar to females the llitrant IIiil-Ii'i is uuei!i illetl b) any otht r remedy, as in i h a rosis or It it-n 1 i ii n . iir-'gui.irily. paiiifuiucrH, or Hup pressnui of t'listouiary Lv ai nations, ulet rated or sur rhous tt.ile of tu lilerus, Leuilmrrhu-.i or Whiles. fn rilily. uud f.r .ill ipl.iiul ineident lotliesei. ull' th -r arising from indiscretion habils of dit.lp tlou. or in the DEI I.lNh Oil CIl.AMJE OF UVK T.keno mot' ftiilsnii Mercury, or unplasvnt Medl rim s for unpleasant and d'liigi'rnu oiseases llelm bold's lUtr.Kt lliiihuaiid Improved I'.us.i Wash cure, secret diseases in all th ir singe.. At litlli- expt use, I iule or no change in dn t .Nu inconvenience, an no exposure. It causes -i friqueni deire an I gives strength tn I ri until, thereby removing nti-liui Iiiuh, preveining an I curing rtrii'tun s of the L'rcthra, all. tying pain nnil ni ft.imuiarioii, so freiueiit m tlm ilussnl diseases, ami cvpelliug aM poi sonoiis, diseased ami woruout maltt r. 'I'lio'isands upon ihniisautN who have liien the Vic tiitu ol 'pitirks. ami w lio have paid heavy fees tu he cured in a limit tune, huvu inun.l they wfie ilfceni'd and tlr.ltlie -l-nirsilN " h is by ib iisi- f "powerl'il astringent ' net u lined up in me .ytnm, to bn ak oat in an iigiavuted form, uud perhap. after marriage, :o:- t'.e Helii. hold's Eitiarl llin hu for nil arTettions an I diseases of the l.'rln iry Orcuiis, u nether existing in .Main '.n l 1'emaK Irom w Intel er cnu.e origiiiutiug .tin', uu mailer of how long it,iiidnig. I'iseases of thi'su Organ r'"uiri s llie aid of a Iinir ttie, 1 1 fl il's Extruct lliicliu is llin Ureal luimiii , ami isci rlilii to liavu de.ired eiftCt in all for whiili it is rectiiuiiiendsil. Evidence of .ho ui itl reliable .nnl ii'spnnslblo oiiix, aitir will accompaii) the iiieilu me. I'rice !?l m Dutllc, or 0 for. $5. delivered to sny address, securely packed from oluii valion Describe simptnuis III all biiiiiiuuiiiiatioii.. Lures guaraiileed, aiH leu gralis. Addre.s Ictto'fc lor iiilormation to II. II. IIELMIIOLH. Ciui. IU4 Houth Teiillist , below I lit. si nut. i'lul. IIELVIIIOLHrt .V.ira liiyoU HELHIlOl.H'ri ;rij,' and Cismir.; ll'rfoii,. Sjl IlKoiimiv, .Niw- VntCK. Itewaro of Counterfeit and unprlni iph il dealer j ivhuciitleuvnr to dispose "of their own" and' nth 'i ' nrtiiles on tlu reputation attained hy llelmhuld's (Jen iiine I'rep.riitious, Extract iiuihu, Extract S.r.aparllK, Improved Uoia Wash, ffOR SALE B Y All Diuggists Evorywhoro ASK rort IIELMBoniVP TAlir NO OTHEK tut out tho tdwtti.ainent and ifinlfnr n An I avoid impniitinn d exrnsui. So. 51 j '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers