COLOMBIA DEMOCRAT, Husbands, Sons nod Brothers oro serving gtUurday Morning, Apr. 2, 1004.'.aekl a ,oro Decca8a;y or Mh jfl Cr Potersoa'f Ladies National Mag azine is hero of April. 1'rioo $'i 00 per year. OSr The blus birds, the robbiu and other little songsters are looking about umong tlio trees. Daniel MuIIl'.miv, Kpq., Treasurer of Coliiwbiii co., will publish Treasurer's Sale of" Unseated Linda, iu the next Col iimbiu Demount, C& The fund which the friends of Mr. Vullatidighatn.iu Ohio nro raiting for htm, iu his unlawful and shameful exile, now ntnnuuu to SM.OOO. nS- March cauio Iu With u fnow torni !t,..t .... ..ill. ....... !.... C.1if..!.. aim unui uu. .11.11 ..,. uiua iUioiijiii once moro, tho old proverb which never .vm true ; and obtained its currency situ, jily iu the alliteration oT tlic "Lion" and lie uiii'o. " ( C5T Col. Froexs bus just received a now cotikigcmcut of valuable boul;, among whit h are "MiiOlollaiis Life and Reports" -'Shcplntd's Constitution!.! IVxt Hook" and Hitliop Hopkins long looked for 'Viaw of Slavery." tSr The Atlantic Monthly for April I out, anil is' very good one in mauy ie- bpcutj. It h SJi'.ad with ability, and most nf its irtielea are utrongly writted ; though we do not ofiun iijrce wiih its couelut'ious. 'l'ieknof and Fielda,i sion, S3 00. Maple Sitsar, Wu ot o! very Que M.U'i.U have obtainad a "'Ua.Ut, tn&uufao turod this Jpriuj, ii r-hipa ot Coluuibin, l)avid Lewii, liave tiie northeiu ton'ii Mcrbrs. Jnhn and nade near or quito I UOt) Ibd, eaeh. Mr. li. J. Mcllenry, to learn, Um ma le suimi I 'JHO lbs. tfir Col. John (Jr. Prciati. ol Columbia, and Moj. Win. M i'i.itt, of Wyoming co., wero tho rpieaentutivu Dolegutes, and liou. llunry C. Eywr, of Snyder co.,ilio Senatorial Delegate i'ftiiii l liii lUprosent t!vu and Senatorial Distr'u t in iLe Liu Domcici aliu St.ite i onvfiitiun. Sizr Dr. Juliti does nut eviii attempt to c-t.ibli'h the truth of lii latfl ri'pnrlcd t'.iulnguu liMlttict u in t. r. ' Ho iiiMiuf.i ''Uiiiouui'iu eiured ii for and tin Far-pur-pro W j'oie of kgain hivin.; t ie plu.ixuro "f tii'Uiiniiii' tliu "Fsruicrs i tior:: tit." rhonld tliink llii. y.iuic a; wete well iiih pl.ied out. the Doctor Jlo.'tl Ci'itiHRis. E.iorn llii,wr.i.iJ,I'( ) Mm geiiiltii'.aiily pnpi i t r of iIih E pjr Hotel, l.un lakcu iho piiiieipal Hottl in 'oliamotin, Noilhuiniieilaiid eo. Mf. Jt) nai'ii D, .Maiu uhani:, late of ilm Hoti'i iu Wasliingtontillc, Montour eo., tui-ecedi Mr. Howell, at Eipjtown. We wi.-lilioih ycniUmeu sure e.- iu ''keeping a Hotel." tb&-Kh::ta an'-i I), legates: lion P.UU, LkiDY, ol Montnur eounly, its iho Elector lor the Thineei'lli Dtriet, auit our lellow- (iiliE"ll, Dayid LowuNiiiuto, Esq , of cul- linilia, and Jul. ,JoilN V. MuAN.,of Brad- j - . . ... ... I lor.., are tho OA: locates to the Chicago Denioeratis Ndt'anul convention. Cood n'loi'iioii". 'J'licy are all worthy ineu and bound Democrat!). I avul. The Editor nf the ".Swit.t Ma chute " hai (utled to uiiike good his charge a week ago, of tho faUity of Liueoln's Port Koyl "Mullatto Manufactory." Again us then, we defy him to adduot.' the f:ility of its pull:catinn, and ajain wo p'edjji' our honor, if furnished, to chcui fully f;ive ii publii'y. Like tilt- Ch;ii alti of tko lieg imeut in "hieli the siity-fotir heroiuos got the example of nihcc'ic nation" the Due tor alio, i compellod to own, chat tho "reporl is lumuuLblr true" Tub silly boast of thu ?f,;;ii&fcin,about iti victory at tlio lute EIretion, in Bloom towQihip, i simply lidioulouu. Df. John ,-oucht ta havo aid, that thev the aboli- tioncrs e.uried this township by about 'one huudrcd uifjority, this Spring; wherc- no, their majority, on former ooaisi im, r has far cxt'cedtd ?w i uu-ndiied. Dr. fhow woultl it bo, to tell your reader the -truth, which ig, that sinco you located in - IlUiomsburg, you hnvo veiy uo-rly tics - troyed tho ''Illack Republican Party." - New Book. I'iihop Hopkins has itsued his Ion;; ex quoted book, being "A teriptural EocleM and Historical vioiv of iSlnvery, Tfroni tin Days of tho Patrianh Abraham to tho nineteenth century " It is certainly iho ablest expoiition wo havo it't had on tho subject, and will bo .-eagerly read by all classes, ; It is fcr Bale by Col. Preero, t 81 00 'per copy. Poyment of the Militia. A resolution has passrd tho IIuusu nf IU'propC'ntiv3, requiating tlio Governor to infnrui that body what l' ,s uocu J0110 rclntion 'to the pavinent of tlio militia call led out in 1802. We hopo tho Governor f-vfill respond at onco, and lot thu pcuplo IkiU'W what has bocoino of tho money up Mironriattd bv the lat LtiL'Ularluru for tlio payuioutof the gallant State defoudtn,. H'ho SO promptly rUl'POIldcd to his Oall.1 l ' 1 . Thoy nro nuxoua lor information nn tho 3'il'joct Lerw-k U'ft'e. fcw boxos of HOLLO WAY 3 PILLS k OINTMENT. They lusuro hoalth evon under tho exposures of a sol dirr'slife. Only U0 cents a box or pot. ' , i Good Advice. j Hat only what is proper food ; Drink only that which does you good ; Spend only what you cm afford I Lend ouly what will bo rctorrd ; Then you will have no oausu to a;ij I was a fool on yesterday. BmaDtiiiiuatfjiHii,iflaitmi!tcv lBIL2)!Ca3!BlUBiB aSlAiaHiEIT CAUUl'ULliY COUKKOTED WULKLY. WIIIIAT, pirhualicl. 4., 1 85 1 15 75 8 Oil H 5U hut run. i:u(;b. rorA'iviiM, dkiiid atpli:, IIA.My IIACON, HAY liy tlio Inn. no SO tu 1 u li in 11 1 I,, ' ' corn, IIUCKWAIJAT, I'l.MUIt per Mil. oi.ovi:udi.i:n, i hi;i;ii .VI an uu 1 , uuckwulat riour. 4 uu UlllUUi.VS, per pal r. IIS ?C! vp-anr- SPECIAL NOTICES Sr. NO OTllL'ltl-niX'IlAN'sl Hl'UOIPlU I'tl.l. 010 tlld Ollly Itcllablo llemcdv l'nr nil II Lmhi.. i,r j Uu sJ.'lMliial, I'riiimy unci Nervous rystems. Try nnu box, nnd lie cured. 0.T. I'OI.LAU lloX. din' box I will perfect a euro, ur money refunded. H,ni ,j irrtl on receipt or pnc3, J AUKS . IIHTI.IIlt, Hlalioii I), HIMu llouso, .. . . .. Xsw York, General Agsrit. Mutch 13, lfci!4.-3m. -- . .. ........ .. iuu visii to k n nir.'.n ? ' - w I.ISII Ql'nciPIO 1'II.LScurs, IhIcmHiM :w dnj. Hie wort cnics or .r.UVOUtNi;riS, linpotcnry, Pre tuuturo lltcny, Seminal Wcakneaa, liiaanlty. nnd all I'rin.iry. S.'mil, nud Nervous Ain.cllntia, no ituitii.r friim wiiat cuo produced. I'rlcc.Onii Dullar per box. tSjiit.iiustpulJ, by mail, on receipt or nn order. Ail Uree, JAM hi) 0. IIUTLIIlt, ftulluii 1), IliLlj llnu.e, . , .... . Nuiv York. March 10. lf-Ct-5in. r WAi.l.Oir two or thrjo hnahoa N nf"llichi," k T.Hilo llitlsri," "!iarsa;uri!l.i." ".Vervoua Aul. dote," c, &c, nnd niter you nte aaliailod with thd result, then try one box of Dl.lj IKIUTOK IIUI.'II. A.Vd llN'tJ I.trill ril'i:i;il'ii: PlLU-n'iJ h-j ruKtored to li.'iillli un.t i i;;,ir iu leas thai, thirty day.. They ur e purely vegetable, pleaaant to takis prompt and unlit -wry in their eirecta on thu brukonduwn and h it tern I coiielltuliou. Did and young inn into Hum u ith n I. viititigc. Iinpnrted nnd Mild iu tin I'nit.'d .-t,iti.s only h- jah. h. in; ii, mi. ' Station 1), lliiile lloua.-, uw York, (ieneral A(.'-iiU I'. H.-A t,o.x n.'iit to nil' n,liirM u:i icclp .' prico - hirh la line pom free. March IJ, istil. Jm. Unifsnnlly m Prices I A llyniPncoa!-A ,ev IViiture in lluaalu. i;very nn.' C.'roKjiitOii .'1'iiee ciutiiiiig store, ni. iiii Marke'tsiii'it above iiiMh, i'lnladell.hi.i," lu ad litinii to h.ivi.ii! iho l.ireen, mo.t viri"ilnnd fa.hi.m.ililo atuik nft'ltitliiiiff in rhil.idelplil.i inmli. c x. ror retail aalo have coualiluii',1 every uno tila h ii a ili'inau, by having marked in iH'itri" e.ioli nrtlcleat the veiylmmst piice It can be hoI.i f. r .ot.'niy ruiMol pn.aiily mry -..ill must buy alike. 'I he vno. is nruui'll aponjed no I piepar ' and (.Tent piiiui taken with tho in ikinir n.i that ullcmihuv mHi tin- t"n 1 1 iuuraiiia ol cettuu " P"o ' iirtirl-nt the vi ry lmven price. AImi u lar.'.' stock pf pii pe m la mi liau I of the Inl.'Hl alyleaud I., rt .pialiti. a, uliuh wi 1 be In order, in lli i ia-lN.ui.l,lu and b"l maiiner, -'.-, p.'r cut, Ii. I..w er. nit pri. i a. it 'nieu,b..r Uu t.'retcvnt, in :ui!..'Witmvn Pisih siret u -'il- Jiai.s u ru. ; Important lo Married Ladina I THULY A JLESSLNO ! t III e.'ii :. sima i,r iii.Mii. in ,inv Ii,y who will jii I in h'.i i.ui.i ami aiblrorf. iiir.'ti"ii .'low ! pi llil til.' Uitn.lil.! of rilil.ll.,.li!l' ; i,m, i,i,, i i h u e p. rl 1 1 y Ii .tltliy an. I li.-.-i I liildren i ula i mi.' utu-1 ii.iiv no I IJU'liIlT JNT M,i.'itl.r, thu only 'iy ,.,,r. puro .ui.i Miie rem nu.-a ev r tiiai:tivi'r"ii. .iiy iinjcii in iiiaKiug uu a.iovjuIIrls to mduioiv la In I '.I my rjiu ica. Ailuppn MAH.Vtii: llI'M'.VTAl'X. M 1). Kb it, 'in -2:n. ;s; llfiij.lwiiy, ' : YuikLity rU'. ilOM'KS.SlONS? AND EXPE- l. l!lUNl'i:ol'A;:itVuL'r) INVAI.Kl. Piildi.hM for the ben -fit an I n t'i ),.iiui; inr'u, a.ij nlli. ri, Uin , nit jr Iroiu .Nurtuu. Hi bilny. I!aily II 'cav, MM Hi' ir kin.ii. 'il .liliiieut MipplJ im; th ; lileiuid i.fti ( riire. Hy mi.' ho ilk nirij ln.ii.elf nil' r Ueim; .1 ic tini "f ini.placed roiill.leuca in meiliral huinli'ii; nn I 'I'i'ulii'ry. Ily . nelnsiitir u p.ut-pai.l iliricud i i,v. p.i, rni!lj cpien may h 1 had uf tli" a'llbnr. NAI'lUVIi: .MA VI' .Mil. I) '.Ifrrd, Iiifj county, Nun-Virk, Januiry 21, lsr.J ly. Ki'.vi M.ns' ri:.i,i:s:i rr.M.M.i ('j. that S.if , I'I 'i.i-ani Item 'dy liioii nc Rl.y ' llill.l) S n.VI'UAI.'l' Ht't.-tll'. fi.rail n.n . eut t'i tin -x io family linild be witlmi.t a, nud liou.! lull h.u unco tri mi by Ib.'ni. It i um-1 ; IIY VOUMi ..') lil.U, In the decline or plunge of InV, In.'f'ire nud iifti r Mnr riiiuo duiini: au'l nl'ler I'onli.i.iiueut. In sir. nslli-n t !, ' Neives, rertore N.itur.' to Hi proiier il.iunt'l, ;unl in I vlaorat'i thii bniUt-u Uow u (Ji'tiitiluU ni'.from whatuver ' tmtaj (irr.'i.iBlin. urfi; so .v.oni: wourui.iyd ni.Ld i im:k IIIJI.MIMl.ti'S CXI'ltACT nuciin. Hi'O AdvritKi'iojiit in nnother inluiuu ri'iud i'or a. en out, nn.i Dr. Horlacher's Pamphlet, is ai.wmiY i:o'1)i:mm:ii isy tiiT: niiu.i: ci.. r. i imiiiui i'r;:i ii v i id; c.jXiTt'i'L nux of Tin: UNITHI) dl'ATUd I 'IMIIW in the title o :t nei.t. little Pain- t phlet on the nbove a uljei t. by 1)11. J M OU ll'ill I.KL'liUll, of New llerlm. Lomu Couiiiy, I'n., contain OS :IJ null Miiiti-ii iMg.1, iu Uugliiliand lierinan, uni for al j ,it thl. oni, e. It contain!, a wi.t amount of uacful inforitatluii. I'rieo IU Cent,, per copy. March I ctj t . J in. DRB WIS HART Of thu City, Ini undoubtedly discover 'd in biuaiion for tho treatment of Uyppi' one of Hi" .'reiUct r.'iindie'i tint hH ever lieou yiven to buff ering humanity: Ho li.ii treated within the past two jearii mnii-jililii over nine thousand i-nui't in his pri vato pratticu. many of whuh had deiied Hm hkitl of eminent phyi'i ins in Kurope u..d Aineriea. and in every rtuo wli'Tn Hi i lueJii'iuen were t.iKeii ncc'irdiui' to dire, lintiH, tliey liav.. nude a perfoit c to. .Many of the above eaeii were of ovur tvveuly y-'ar-i litiniliui:. 'Iliojo who arelroubl'd with ll)pppp.i would ilo w ell to call at Ilia lloetor's olUio. Ilo (tiveii you ail vico free. I'er-ous at a iligtaueo can coiiMilt byhttir describing Hi i iiyiuptouid. Ilr'str 'atineul put up in u .eciire package with full iTi'.ections, is .enl by expie.s on tho receipt of r5i Dollam. X. It In "II where Uu ili...:;e han n. l become chrome, Ur. U'l.hart'. Iyipep.i i 1'ilU nro all that i reipured. Sent by Ki.ul on tho receipt of Ouu llol'ar AilitnH nr. I,. U. I.'. Wislurl, l'lill.nle'iihla.-iVi'.'a' iWp.iia UJgir, Dec. V.; liioll-Cm. I.MI'OUTANT TO I.AMCd.-llK. IIakviv's rtsrtt I'ai.s have never yet failed i u removing ilillicultis arm' lug from ,;b.trHctiou,or stoppage of natuii. or in re storing thu ayficiii to perfect health when eiltreriu.' from Hpiunl A lf'Ct i ,m h. I'roiaptui, I'leri, tho Wlnlei, or other wi nkueaH of thu Uterine Organn, Tho l'ill. aru perfectly harmteH't on tho cnnslttiuion, and may bo taken by the ino.t delieatu tV.ualu w about ilin-tre.-i - tlio sani'i tinin they m.t liken iji.irm by utri'iigtli' lung, iuvigoratiuj and ro.torlu Hie ,.ytem to a heal th)' condition, nnd by bringing on the monthly period w lih regularity, uu mailer I rum what caines tho oh. siruttiou may uriie. 'ilin fhoiild, however, KOT In) lakeu duriuii tho first three or lour mouihi of prrgiianry, though k.H'o nl any otlur time, as iniMurringo would bo the refult. I nch but cenuiin m 'ill', price l. Illt. IIAItVllV'rTlir.ATlrii:ou' of . emalci', I'rinnaiicy. .Misrairuigi". Ilairennem, Menlity, Uiprn. ductlon nml iibimcs of naHif. U'ld I'mph.itically the Ladies' Private .Medical Adiiser. u pumjilikt of i.l pagpr. ti'iit I'ro to any uddre.'j. fix cints repiirod to pay pottage. Thu I'tlUnuil book Hill boePiitbymuil wluii desired securely sialed. and prepaid, by J. IIKYAM. .M. I General tccnt, No. Til t' rt.. N'twYmk. fC Foldhy all tho principal drugfiiits. Dereiubcr li, lSii:i-ly. lit o 'm :s b. x? aAra, rilntiT, & Handbook M A NU FA C TU R E R ; IVlIOLEMlE iSII lli. HI. Ill-jam IN TIIINTING, Willi ).... . ) WUATI'l.VG I'ATKHS AOEKT roRTIIK rjlT-lWISSA I'Sl-EU MIU.S. Main tJtrei t, tlrst dnoi Ulow the t'ublip Hpunts, WILKESliAlUtE, 1A. Nov. 5.1, 18u1-1Shi. )HQT0GIIAP1I ALBUMS. I",u (Hirerfiit H)lc, hut n.oilnii;n in jiu I iiy, nud lolling at vry low prices, fiend for .1 ( ntalogut Bnv. lvm-is'icn, f W t or Vourth and Kr, K v m rn fm TiiiLMiKi.riii than IMBORTANTtoFEWAIES --.-rt li' ks.' KTSTSC- - Ml V. -4HV DOTH MAIUUEI) AND SINGLE. Oldest Regulator for Femalos. im. ciir.p.dim.wal'r.MAM: fii.t.a poi i,rT.h,'?w,i? "!lo!"i "' pain, nil .iUturhai.. r?J,,.i,!. I'.rloi"o 'lchari'o, whether nrlilng from re I S , 1 n tlml """"'Paiiydlincult or linmodur. ?.?.ia v rV, " ""i",'0,!1'0,"! enfu n"'1 "'"""o Hi, i k ni, 1 .Ji t 1' ?ICl! Hl'K'llclie.l'nl.Ulo til-. l.lllOt, .p... 1 V l"'l'"ilion orthu llenrl, Nervou. 'In- ,.. Hl'''"i-UroHni Sleep, nnd oilier mi. 1, .V. r 1 iIii'toim ofTecta of im cu:.d. 1 Mor U, nr V hltci, tli,.y ,.r..ti 11 ,peo,lv euro. Unvr Iimii uscil over n Qiintlcr of 11 Centurv. Tlier V.'"'1 "." ""'y "ri iinB of rciietvlnit Inter. f.ipti-' iiieintnialion, lint l.n lies mint lit'nr in mm, I, tlisro N one roiullljoii or tlio remain nvKlem In wliltli tlm 1'illM .nniiot he tnken u'ltln.'ii produchm n t'trnllnr rc.ult 'I'lio rondlllnn rnf.'irail to la I'reBimiicy 7 . M''"!"',"'. rt'icli U tlio Irrutlmiblu leu- .ency cftlic iiiudlclim to rentore the ntxual functlonj to n normal coudillnu tlmt even tho rcprndnp tlve now. er of nature cnuiiui redst it. Thjy eaunoliloii.inii In "11 tllltUI XI UJf t mi. i;"3 i'iimai.i: pm.i.s. are me only Sluill'lno tint vr.rrii d nn.i m,,in r.,.,u. luvu rill'-il upon for many yenrt.or can rely upon now. , l.i'U nr.! nl I mlll Ii.ii. I 'I'L...- . f ..... .1 ' 1HI9 uiriii me inieai 1 ri'ii'iiution ever nut rnrunr.i. ,i. i......n.ii.., , I'urdbtont s.iccesi. l)l)'T lli: m:ui; Yl'.l). Tnku tula ndvi'ttliieiuuiit to yojr llruggin. nml tell him Hut ' "" '" rename i ema u .".leuittiu Illth.lUltrlil .1..1. n ,; ,V' :; ,' :::f ! niit.SU I i ..... j i i,.ii.iiii Dior Invu received ivu received, nnd are now rcclvliii tho tan. CI1. l''.n. l"'"t fiiiini'iu I'ltyslrlans Iu America n , ,, 11 1 BU!l ll)'w "Hi' cli lln,-tho prico l)n.' ulhir per llox, contninin from M to iiO l'Mla. I Ilia M'lil l,v liinfl. hriiiniitlv. I... ...... ii... ...i... to the 1'riiprli'lnra. or an nuthorized Agent, In currant funda, Hold by llrunnlaH cenerully. IIUi'llINUS & HII.I.YUIl Proprietors. CI LV.Iar Ktrftt. .New York. Ujp- ooiu in ijioomaiiurif. by llycr tc, .Muyer, nnd C. P l.utz. I'eb. '.'7, It-.ii4. ly. First Spring Arrival POlt IQli-l. V7AWT 00SS AT TUE HIUUT PIUUKS, IF OA I, I, AT J. J. B ROWER'S STOIt E. u'nr.iiK you wii.i. run Muslins tit, L'O, 'Jo, !), !)8 ami -JO cents. H'1-im.i it- Clucks at. W, il8. -IU SO els. UuhcOCS at 10, 19, 'Zil Iturl (3 CClltS. Atiirr.'ca?! Frciuh Difuinrs, 25 to .10 Dtuinrs, 25 O'outl line Alpuncus if- .tithes ojicra Cloths ALSO, Carpcta! Carpets ! I Carpet3 I ! I a nt nan lot or GROCERIES A .NEW STOCK Ol' (JUEEXSWAllE, Aii.1 all th rtr. tera'a u-ually kept. Call and Examine. i;i".)unlnirs. I'ibruary C, l-TI. PRIVATE SALE or VahiiibSc KeaJ Estate. rrnr-: Fubscrilur olfi'iH to -oil at private i J caJp, A I'ltAi.'T ol' l.NI), bituate In Juckfoa i'i .using., '.ui uu, m i cimiiiiv, 1.1 , emu aiuina SIXTY 'ACRES, I'ifty r' of whii'h i'uprin ".!, and in n hivli trJe orriilll.ation, tlm 1,-ui.iiuiler luiiood, ciilaiuiug u l.irh'u 'pinmity of good rail tiiub.'r. ALSO; : FIFTY ACRES OF LAND, Pit unlti in l't:i tr ivtiahip, county af.irt gai 1, whe recti u creeled a giio.l I l'UAMH DWELLING HOUSE, i with tin' necef.ary nut bnil'liiiEii nml a yoiticj thrive. Orchard. Ten iresnf tn :h i.- i le.ired, i nd Hi t : l ilaui:" ell ti inb.' red. A treaio of uat'r ruu throneh tin- premisji, miking it a derjiruble site for Iho erection I of a Saw Mill. I n ',- Th. nbnv prop rly ill he ntnl cheap nnd on I ir.y rouilitioiiK, I'n rlli'-r iufuriiiuli:i tan be obtuiuid I'yi.ppliioa in Hi pab-crilur. I Jon?: i; , Jarkson Hep., Mar li l.i. IrtU.-tf. AUCTIONEER. 11 It) uiidrri-igncd iuform-i his Iriptidg nnd I'.'llmv-ritiz 'ii IhroiiJbout thia ami tfin n.l. oitig i" Mill.- that he i a r-'KH-.trly liceiiped aiirlnuievr uiidoi llio Lmtjd tflatea Lana, is piepareO to cry nil AucrxOlT Having hid several ye.nn ,'.,iuienc.' iu the biisdnem. h.i tt titers him.-i.'ir thai li will hi able to giro falls facli'iu to nil who employ him. JACOIt Sliri.lIAUT. Dmville, Jan, CD, l!-CI. Coopertiry. " ADJI IN 1ST U ATO IP'y-N O'V I JE. Estate, oj Joh'i Brown, Sr., tUc'd. I KTTi:it.- nl' adtiiiiiiklralion oil the IMnto of Jobs 1 thrown, r'r.. lote of .MHIliu tw p.. (.oliimbia rn.. ilee'H. have bel li gi.mted by tlu Itegis-ter of IJoluinbia ro., to the undersigned ; nil persons bnvinj again. t tho (it. tie of thu decedent nr.' r,"piete.l to pres Mlt thelll to the AdminUlratoi nt iii-i roideiiC'i in taidliiwi hip without delay, .ud all pcriiim indebted to make payment forthwith. Gl'.'l. Hi; llltOU'.V, A'lmr'f. .'.Inrch 5, lSlit. I'.w. $i uu Dissolution of Partncrnhip. 1 XTO'J'ICl1! is hereby given, that iho part- 1.A norsbip hurctoforo exi.-ting between the i uhjeri burs, iu the Mt'KCiinii.i. Ili'siNks., in Jerejtown. Col iiiobia roanlv, wan ili.eolveil by mutual cuipuut oh tho Itllh of IVhruary, IpU. Tin liookH of the lapi ilrui, will i c ii in 1 11 ii Uu tL-tore. in the baniij of William Kianu r for .Jltlement Tho Mercaulile 1:10.1111'... w ill h 1 oiitinui'd nl tho old Stand, by Conrad Kiaimr, l'"r w hoin 11 cuiiiiuuauru of public (ufliwi m r vpertfully policitu.l. I'UM.AII KliHA Ulllt, WILLIAM KKUANiUil. Jcrneyiowu, IV-bruury ill, I-f.4. " A D IM I N I S ' I'll A T O II S f NO T 10 15?" I.'stite. of Sumucl ff'uuich, deed. El IE US of aduiinislration on thu J Liitato of Saniiii'l Wnniei.'. lato of lie m'oik Inn . Columbia county, ileraued, been framed by the lli'gi-ler of i.'oltiaibia co nity to the uuder.igned ; nil prr.ous having rlaiina against tho ettato of tlu di ce ilout nro re'pierled to present Hieui to Iho udiiiinistralor nt his resilience in llekiluck. without delay, mid all persons indebted to make payment forthwith. WILfO.N WANIWI, Adm'r. , Mn nli IU, ItOI-CwSJ 1 "1l7LiWuY; STRAW GOODS, IV UVUIIV VAfllKTV, of Hi' laie.t importation.-!, nud of tho ino.t fakhiouaalus ttjlea. OUU SXIIAIV Dni'AllT.MILST, Will rompriso every variety of llonnets, Hats and Trimming tn be found in that lino ; of thu laWst uud most approved shapes and stjlis. h'uliciliiiy un eaily call, I remain Voiirs, liospetifiiily, II. VJ AUD Nos. 11)3. 103 & 1U7 Norlh BIJOJNO r?ts ThilaiUlphls. Murih If, lrlil.-tw. ADM IN 1ST J AT O II S NOT I0E . Estate of Ueore. Adam Welch, dca,t, a ll'TlXltd nl nduiinistratioii nn life Ksiato of Grnrgo 5-, Adams, late nfConyngliaui twp. IVIumbl.l t - .dee'd., havebeeu grantnd hy the Iti glster of Culiliubiii Co.. to Ihu undersigned ; all persons having claims araintl Ihu es tate of tho decedent uro ri"iiostcd topreseut lliemto the undersigned, ut I is residence in said township, without delay, und nil persons judobtcd to make pay. iiiuul fuiihwith. IIUN'UV GAUI.Ii AduTr. March 5, ISflj.-Cw ?2. i L EAT HE It 1 LEA I'll Kit 1 1 fpllUiinih rsigncd would uunoiinco, that he has on band I ntlii" llatiiudGiip Ihnporiiim, on .Main Ht lllooius. h irg. no asMiitmentof diilercnt kind ofleath r, stub us line calf skins, morocco, (red andiiiacK)und linings all rf which Im will sell cheaper than can ho had ultuwheia III this market. Cull uud ixumiiie lliupi for yoursel ves. JOIIN1C GlltTON. Ulnomshttrz, May CI, IPG?, DLANKS! 1JLANKS! 1 Of every dc-rription, for sale "at this office JP7: i Wot Alroholic A 11IMILY CONOt'.NTRATED !ri y. m to vi x v-i A l'URli VOX 10. DOOTOH IIOFPLAaNDS GERMAN BITTERS nr DH. C. M. JACKSON, Pliiladclphia, Po. WII.l, effectually euro I.lvcr Cnuiplalnt, llypop(D, Jaundice, Chronic nr Nervous MHilllty, I)Ii uboii of thu Kiilnryr, ami nil dlteiiaej nrirtog from u illmr. dcrcil l.lver ur ttouiuch, .iirli lit (.'iintllp.1 llon, Inward l'llaii, ruliiena of lllood to Hit. Ilciid.Arlillt) of Ilia Ktoninch NniKen, llckrtli.ini. Olhuunt fur I'ood, I'lillM'ns of Htlirlit in the tHimuch. Hour r,ructallonr.Hluklni!iir riiilteilunlthe I It if Hip titoiiiach, tmllinnliiR ofilie Head, 1 1 u r tied nnd Dllllrull llri'.itliiug. I'luttcriii lit tho Ili'ntt.Choklnij or Huiropatins p'ensallniu when Inn l)iutf putturi', UIiiiui'. of Vlfioii, Dnta or Wcln liefnru tlio night, l'over nml Dull I'.ilu in the Head, llcflclenry of retFpirntinn, Yi'llowiirri ofthotikin nnd HycK, I IVIn in tho Hlile, ll.ick. rhcat l.iinb., be, Huddcii 1'ln plie d ef Hi nt. Ilurnlui! In tho 1 rierh.l'oiiiitaiit lm , :L':lnliieirfell, & iIeprvHi.nti , ofFplrin. find will po'ltlvely prctnt Yellow I'evcr. IIIIIioim I'evcr. fcc. 'Ih y c 11I11I11 tin Alcnlml or had Wliiikpy, 'I'll at. ...Ill ..,,....., I, - . . ' 3r Had Whiikey. In 111 11 cly -ill im ...vj ..... ....,u ,uu uu.j.u msi-uni p.nnn. outof n luiinli-pil. 1 . Induced hy tlio uxteinive ah! nnd popu. ' 'nrity of llootland's Corinaii lllltera, (purely veci'ta- , ""n '"" " nuunmi uuiimi nun unacrupii cn ni It.n.t ,.... I... .... r. n.l . . . rf . . t .. . ' , "i c iiiik iiiiiiiniiii nr.- i I "O'ld Kate, of Nostrum. In tho ahnpu nf poor whiskey, ,". "iv-' ' ".,Ij.,,,iin' "1 1 ,','h,-T "V,, u , "IJ','!!i.. ,1,UB"' "lul chr'- ' Ilewaro nr the iniiuiniirablo nri.iv nt Alpobnii-, nmn. paratloim iu jilulhnrlr bottles nnd big bclllod kcas, un ilcr tho modest uppellation of Hitters; whiih In. tend of curing, ouly nggravatu disease, uud Ijuvu Hie dlap. pointed siiircr in despair. IIOOFLAND'S GERMAN DITTEIIS! Arc not a now nnd nntrled nrtlcla, but have .tood hu tiiKt of filtccn years Iriul hy t In American public', nnd their reputation uud rale, are not rivalled by unv similar preparation. v ' Iho proprietors liavu thousands of letters funm tho must eminent CLUltOVMBV. LAtVVint-t. rilV?ICIAd, A11I OITIZUN?, Tejlifjlng nf their own personal knowledge, to tho beneficial clfccts mid incdical irtues orthesu IllileVi. Jloyou vmt lontthlng tn ttrcngthen yaat Do you uunt a goad apjntllcl Do Jon vant w build 111 yvur Conilltutien ! , Ilo yon vml lo fed trtlif i lo yon vant tonl rid of ncrtouai,ciit '. Do you vant energy 1 )c you wnnt toslcri lecll? I ho you vtintti brhk and vlnoiOHtifeclitipl If joudo, uso IIOOI'LANII'S MUlliVAN' IHTlT.Ili. ' From Ilcr. ,. Xeu-ton Brum, I). J)., I'dltor of the I'.ney clopedia of lieligtoui Knowledge. Althoimh not dl.pof ed to favor or recommend Patent Mi'dn iru n in general. Ihrnuglr dUtriKt of their fngre dli iils nnd cirects I yet know of no niinci 'nt reason's why a man may not testily to thu benefit he belieies himself to havo rtcelved I'roiiinnv simple preparation In iho hope that hu may thus contribute tolhe luuelit of others. I do this Iho uioru rea lily in regard to lloull aid's (eruiaii Haters, prepared by Ur. O, .11. Jackson, of this city, beca.iso I w.n prejudiced ucainsl H.em for lu my yci'.rs, under In; iuiprussinii that tliey were chietly nn ulinholie mixture. I um indebted to mi rnend Itobert hoemak(r, llxp, for the removal of this prejudice by proper testi, nnd for cn.ouragi'inent to try thi m, whi n suireringfrnm great nml long continued ili.bilay. 'Ihu u.u of three bottles of the Hitters, at the beginning of the present yi-nr. was follow. d hy ci lent reliel, and restoration to a degree of bodily and mental vigor w hirli I had not IV 1 1 for n V mouihi bi fore, and had nl most despaired of 1,'galning. I therefore tnank God and my friend fur directing inu to tho use of thnm. . J- MIU' IOX IIUOIV.V. I hlladelphia, June 'JJ, 1501. PARTICULAlt NOTICE. Them are many prijmrMons told under the nant of lliltis. ,mt in iuart Utiles, tompounded of tha cUnncit tehifkc'J or common run. cotlnir frun. -JO m .in r Iftillon, the InslcJItfutaiil liy jiniac or Coriander feed. . hip . i.isp in ,iiirs causeu nnu will cnulluuo to caiise. m long ns they can bo ndd, hundred, to die Iho death of th j drunkard liy their ilo Hid system is kept c.iiitinuully under the inll.ienc.' of ulcohiilie slim ill.inti ol i ho worst kin.l, thedesiro for Lupior Is cren ted nud kept up, and th,) result is nil thu horrors at lumlaut upon drunkard's life nnd diath. I'or llio.e whodesire und w ill have a Liquor Illtt'r.. 1 we publish thu following reci ipt. Get -one buttle of lloiilliiurl's GLrmau Hitlers and mix with three quirti of good brandy vr whi.key. nn.i the result will be n preparation that will far c.vecl in muiliral virtues mi l nnu e.c, lleiici; unv of ihu uunjeroUf Li'iunr lliiterf in tlu market, ur.d will cost much lesj. Vou will havo nil Hut irtues of lloon.ind's Hitlers in connection with u good nriiclo of Li'pior. at n miuli less price ttiuu Ih.'sa iaferior pr.'Jiar.itions wnl coat jou. j ATTENTION SOLDIERS I AND TIIU IMlICNCa Of 80Ll)Ii:S. U i' call intention to nil having relnlion) or friends in the army to thu fact that IKIIU'LAMI'S German Hut ts" will euro nine-tenth.) of tlio din uses induced by u.nsnre3 nnd privatum incident to camp life. In the Iiits. pnhlMied iiiip.ost daily iu Hi- newspapers, on the nrrivnl or tho tick, it will be noticed that n very large proportion aru Mill'ernig debility, livery case of that kind ran be readily cured by Ilooll tnd'u German Hitters. Diseases resulting troin disorders of Hu, 1 1 gestivo organs uru speedily reiliuvuil. Wo have no hesitation in staling trnt, if these Uat"rs were freely tt-eil nmong our soldiers, hundr 'ds of lues might lu fuveil thul otherwise will In lost. i We call particular attention to tha following rcuiirk iilih'aii.l well uuthenlu ated cure of ouo of tin nation's h -roes, whoso life, to uso his own language, "his been , saved by the Hitler." I'na.incu'1114. August S.I, i-T,2. .1i,ijm..j)icj7;icii.-Well, gentlemen, jour Hoof land's Gi riiiaii nitler-. has saved my life. There is un mistake in this. It is vouched for by numbers ,,r my comrades sumo of whine names nre nppi iidnil, nnd who wurcrfuliy cogui.ant of all the circumstances of my enve. I noi, and have been for-thi) last lour years, a ineuili 'r of ShoSniaii's celebrated battery, einl under I the immediate command of i;,tpc It, II Ayres. Through I the sxposuro attendant upon my nr loroiLidutiui, I wi;s 1 ultacked In November last Willi iiillummatiou of tha lungs, and iuis tor seienty-twodavs in tho hospital, I was then removed frniii the White House, and sent in mis niy on uoaru in,) r'ieau:cr "tsta,u of Jlnlno iroin ivuii ii i lauueu on the ttn of Juno. tinio I h.ivo been .about ns low asuiiy one could bo and still retain a snark of vita tv. I'or a week oro, on, i I was scaicUy able to Bwnllow anything, and if I dhll force a morsel down, it was immediately thrown up1 I could tiotcvcii koi pn gluts of water on my stomach, Life could not last under these circumstances ; and, nr. lordingly, the physii'laus who had been working (ailh fully, though unsuccessfully, to resctio 1110 from thu grasp of th t dread Archer, frankly told mo they could doiiunioic fir me, and ndvised r.u to soo n clergyman, uud m.tku null disposition of my limited funds as best suited me. An urpiuiulauce who vi.-itid mo ut thu huspital,.Mr. I'rederul; Steinbrnn, of Sixth below Arrh Streit. advised me. ns a forlorn hope, to try your Hit ter", uud kindly prucured a bottle, l'roni thu titno I commenced taking them the gloomy shadow of i cath receded, uud I am nuiv, thank God tor it, getting better. Though I havu taken but two bullies. I liavu gained leu pounds, nnd I feel sanguine of beiiirr oeriniiii il i, rijoiii my nif" nnd daughter, from whom i havo hoard ) ur ,,u,,i, ,u,ti;,i uniiiiiiB, iur, seiiliemeii, l am (1 loal Virginian, from Hi 1 icinily of Trout ltoynl. To your valuablu Hitters I one the certainty, f life wnlrh has taken tho plnpo of vague fear. to your Itinera w ill I owe Uu glorious privilegu or again clasping to my bosom tkoso who nre dearest tn mu in life. Very truly yours, ISAAC IIALUNR. Wo fully concur In the truth of thu ubovo statement ujy.oliitj ilipuiicl of seeing our comradu, Mr. .Mu lonc, restored to health John C'uddlehack, 1st Now Yotk Ilaltery. Gcoigo A. AcMej, Co. C llth Maine, Lewis Cheualiur, lUd Now Vork, 1. ll. Pponcur, 1st Artillery, T.altery F. J. II. rasowell, Co II, 3d Vermont, Henry II. Joromo, Co. II. do. Ileury T. MiicDiiiiittd, I'n U., tith Mains, John l". Ward, Co, K.,3th Maine, Herman ICoch. Co. II.,7-.',I Now Vork, Nathaniel II. Thomas, Co. 1, H.'ith 1'ciin., A nd re v J, Kimball, Co, A., :td Vermont. John Jenkins, Co. II.. lUtith 1'tnu. 11KWAHE OF CU UNTF.RFEl TS. Sou that tho tigiiaturu nf "C. M. JACKSON," It on the WhaH'jii or each boltlu, riiici: rt'it HOTTLr, tj cr.NT8, Oil UAH' doz. rouji 00. Hhould your nearest druggist not havo tho article, do not hi) put otr by any of tha intoxicating prepara tions tlmt may bo iifTered in its place, hut send to us, and wo will torwnrd, securely packed, by ciproii. Principal Office und Manufactory , No. tliii Avch gtrcut. Jones & Evans. (Successors to 0, M. JACKSON k Co.,) PROPRIETORS, rrr roa a.l,r, by iica(ti ind Heilrrs In cvetf wi In iBsnJc'ileJ'tm PrtobsrSI lM-l?iio, INTERNATIONAL CHAIN Of COMMERCIAL COLLEGES, .Eslablifhcd in he follow ina dies : PHILADELPHIA? ff.ll.CL'UMl:iiri'll AMI l.'lll arvtli' btq Titw York Cj, lhnohhjns Albavj Troy Providence, J'ortanl, JJurlfan'i, J)ur-! lington, Newark, Ilojtcsttv. fluTalo. : Toronto, Ctcvdaml, Detroit, ChimSo MiltliauklC ami 67. LOUIS. 'flirniieh tl,5otiP,l nd .,p,i.i . i- .11 Tlirnimh theoretical nnd Inaftnrtin,, In .11 hranchin tiiitnlnliir to u flulflud l.Miitatlou, Thu I hlladi lphla Uolli'ife stand flriit iu the Stats, tiolh In pnlnt of reputation nud local ndviiiitnilea' Tho point nlmed nl (a, to place L'ommerclnl IMucatlon where It liclotiB Jn tho front rnnk or uncflil InMruc. tlori. I'n I lila coil, u moat tlioniujli rotirac of liualnPia trnlnlni! Undopti'il nml intcfnlly viifurcuil, under tho pcrannnl niperllon of compiled! l'rofu.iors Iu tin vatlnua ilt'iirliiiunlj, 'J ho inurt pcifeit (jilum of prutllcnl training ever devlard h.ia teen put in opera tion, ii lid la Biiiceaafully rairied out, nlfiinliiut In atuil. cut udvnulegea audi n have hitherto leeu mntldi'r.d poaaildo only In loiiiii'rtlnii with Hie loumlng-hoine. VOer Uicouilns prolirlen t iu thn fi leneu of Account., rcniiiaiii'hli, Couiuiorcliil Culculatliiiia nod I nw, Uu Undent la ndvanred to tho I'rnctluil Iiipittmnit.ulieio ho liecoincs nil actual llnuk-kecper nud .Mrrchalit , iina. sea llirouxli the lUllVrrnt llousea! ncla In turn naTellir tnahler, Icariu tho iluliea nnd ri'fioulliillica of inch ollici', nml lii'rninca tliornuiihly inrnrini'il, iiotn'ilv In thu lorma which me in unlveiail Ua", hut In iiiati.i"". ini! the nir.ilra of hurineaa with n)leiii nnd ili apalch. i; holiirshipf laaiied nt niie point, nro cood, for un uiiMuilleil period, In tho Mglriuun Collcgua c pllilia IhiM'thaln" Dlplomiia aro awnriloil to thofo only who fulfill the ptrarrllied courau of tudy. und paba tho ruiuislto ex Ulliitllltlritl. C l'nr fill I partlculaMn'intfor n circular. (ililreaa Jill Y ANT, bTUATI'ON & CO., 1'. h. Ill, 1FC3. Oit Iri, leiW . I'im. a. rem Hon. Wr.oon McOandless, Judge of Iho United Btntii Circuit Court, l'res iileiit. Corner I'enh nnd St. t.'lnlr Hireet, I'lTTrfllUllGII. I'A TIIU I. AUGUST. CIIA1T.ST AND IIUST. $35.00 pnys foru fn 1 t-'ouuncrclal Course. IS- No etni iharces f, Manufacturers. Ktonmhont, lliillroad uud Hank llnnk-h'eepiug. .Minlsters'snns at half price, students enter and re flew nt any time. 'I his liDlilutlun Is conluctodhy p.tperienccd Tench ers uud practical Accountants, who prepare young men for active business, nl tha least expense uud thotte-l time, for the most lucintivo uud rcspousild.) situiiiiuiis. Diplomas granted for nn lit only, lleuro the liniver.i.l prelVrcncu for graJuates uf this eollege, by buiucs m.ii. I'rof. A. CO WLI1V, tho hcr-t IVnmnn In tho llniun, who holds the largest number of fir.l pre.nitims, and over nil competitors, tenehes rapid hu.iui ss wriliug, CiRofLAus ooatniiiing fu I informalion bent ar.. on M'ldlc.itiuh to the l'rinripnl. JI.Mvl,"?' &UV1TII. IVImlpals. C7 Attend wkeru the funs und Clerks of lliisiiiess Men nnd Hankers gruduale. April III, Inbi-ly. April . 1H'3. FRESH A UN IV A 1. fill, ARB WITH GQ01 ifiw g;Si'lE,lIJs'S', EVERYBODY I 5III5 iiiider-igiied, grateful for past pntinnage. repec ! S fully informs hlscii-tumcrs and th.- publicgeuerally ! that hi) hasjii.t received from the L'astcrno cities, th ,' .,,y,-S. II1IU llll'Sl SC'ILCl S.OCK Ol Fall and Winter I hat has y.t been opaned iu Hloomsburg, tn which he in itus the iittcniion of his friends, and insures them thai they nro oll'ered for salu nl great bargains. Ills Mock comprises u largu assortment of i GUN'J'I.L.MUN'S WHAIilNG Al'i'AIini,, Oonsistiii,' ol i'asiuonadle tlucss Coits, of every dns criptioii! Pants, Vests, Shirts, Cravats Sticks, Cotton HaudKorchiefs, Gloves, Suspenders, &c. Uold Watches aud Jewelry. Of every description, nnd cheap. ' . N. U. IliMut'iulicr " Loirenbeijr'n Cheap y.m.'ioriun.' cull and tee. No charge for exalning Goods. ,. . DAVID LOWUNIinilG illoouisburg, lVh. 13. 13U4. tJuu.i mjj , . Budjlcr g ousct IIAIUUSUUHG, PA. rplllB old c.t.ibllsbid House ia uudergon 1 ott-nilie Jt improvi'mmenls. nnd le cii tlioroutlilv ri'iiovated nnd r (illed. It is pleusantlv located in Hie b.irt ol tho Cily In easy ncctss to the Stale Cnpitol und l ublic (;rounds. I ILy" Tor thP iicromjno.lntiou of our guests. r,p hive recently commeiiri'd tn run Conch to nud from the I Itnilroad. In Ibis manner unplessiint di lay iu leniing I the Dejiol Tor the Hotel r.111 he nvoidsd. and murli i laors tinic afforded cucsti I'or ui.als whvii leUTiag th. 1 Uoiise. 1 Intending that the HIIRIILnn IIOL'SH ihall ho reilly a hoiuediKo resort for the Firm ger nnd traveler we rt epectl'ully so ml aciiiIil.usiKi f no- r.u lie pulrotiiri. Olio. I. I.OI.THN. OcU 'J, IrW. Proprietor. TOWN PROPERTY PRIVATE SALE. TIIT. Iinjersijm.'il oir.Ts, at Private t'ah'. H o valua ble property, known ns tin) UL'TI li'P III.OCK. simate on thu corner .if .Main nud .Market streets, IMooms burg This property will hu sold together or sep.iral.:,! into lots lo suit purchasers Persons wishing to hay good businuss sae.iuro re'pn'steil to uxumiiiu this prn U'rty. for particulars iU'puro of Hi i undersigned, ru tiding in Jl'oonijt.urg. I'.. Mi!NDL?YU.Ll Hloomsburg, Jun 3U, Ir'i'.l If. $225. SEVEN OCTAVE 5-225. ROSEWOOD PIANO -FORTES. CinovEsrnnN & Co.. li)0 Uroudway, N.V. TyilW. IINLAUGKI) Bi'ALU l'lA.VO.rOBTKf. with l ..,u luie.t i inn rnt.'i) nutit j Thirty years' experience with unruly increas.'d f.ip. lilies for innnufactiiring ablu t: to b-II for CASH nt inu riDovo uuiH'iauy low price, uiir liistruiiieiits re. coived the hlghesi .iward nt the World's l'nlr, and for five successive years at Uu Aiuericau Institute. War. ranted fiv years. Ttasts et uisi:. Call or s'Ulfor descriptive circular. .March 3, lel'J 3m FRIO ES K ED UC ED I has ri'si licd tn try Hid msrits of ur. ciclii'lrcly f'APIl or IIUADV TAV UL'tHNIMH, und hence has determln cd to sell olflns stock of Goods ut REDUCED PRICES, I LADIES AM) UfSIW CATrf. HI.OVIH. NrillA? CilltlKd, IIOOTri, AMI GLNKUAL VAKIUTV Ol' GOODS AT A II AUG A IN. (Ty Gall and seo Ins list uf pries. Country Pro duco wanted. Ills.insl.iirg, Jan. fl, It-ill. I'lllOIlMCTll & IIUOTIIKUM. WHOLnpALE TOBACCO DEAL E It ? AO. 105, SOUTH TlllltU STUEIOT 1'lvc donriboluiv Hare. riiii.Anr.i.i'iiiA STILZ & HAl'.TLIiY, Consolidation Hank tlullding, 320 North Third Street between Vine ,j Callowhill, T II I L A I) C I. t II I A, Jut) SO, tfC3-ly. 'E. IK!, X i A T T O 11 N E Y A T L A W , OLOOMsnvtia, pji. Omen In Court Ally, formerly occupied by Cfiar's rinpLn Lul. Hlnomsburs, Dee. I, lfS'.i. ' I PETER YOIIE & SON. . M AVIi recently opoiipil a HOOT AND BHOF, SllOr 1 1 in LIGHT HTIIUKT, Columbia county, Pu and v proparod to do thu best work on the shortest notice tr at Us lowest, (live lliem call. I Axil rf. If3. A LOGAN G1UM, ' Attorney and Counsellor at .aiv, 1 LA'l'OUTri, ai'l.LIVAN CO.J-A "i?" Military ipd other rtaisn pronH-tli .t'sTrJui to feftsrUI I'M SUMMMIl AUUANO 13 M ENT, in II AT TIIIINK I.INI'. MOM Tim NOUTit AND nliln. Niuv York, ltendlnir. U N'nrthwcit fur I'iilndelnlilo, Nuiv York, roimviiii', iPtmniiii. iiicni'itrn, i;annn,it.c.,s.e. Trnim leave llntfU'-iirc for I'hilailctptiiii. New Yn,k llcA.lioir, l'ottrlllu and all Inlcrinodiato statlont, nt 6 a, in., nnu 3 p. in. New York eipti-n Iravcn llarrlnliurg,, ni,iiii lit new t ,11 n ill i, .1.) itiu p 11 11 It inwr iiiuu. Fare from liar ric lnirir 1 To Now York 8 ISi to ' PA lik n i l 1 11 nn t '! BO Itntititpn I uiko. IhroiiEli, licturnlnit, lenvo New York at 0 n m., I2nnnn, and 7 r. m., (I'ittfhuri; llxproei). Lenvo l'lillailclphia attj.15 n. in., nnu , n in. 'ZXZuXT'nln'" l'''''eriby tli.i;ntnivlsallnilrondpavoTi n"Jfl'.l.1'.!"" VA '-' '3 P l'Mla Jtlphin, No HlcepliiKrar In tho New York rxpromtrnln,throug)i ntnivlssa Itnilrond iPavoTamfiiiin n u.. lor 1'uiiaucinuiu. fteiv vorK uud nil Wnv I'riinls. Trains lenvo I'cttavHln nt 0.IS n. in., nml C.3(l p, ki for riiiladclphin, llarrliburg nnd Nuiv York. An Accommodation passenger train leoves Ileailing nt O.DO a . iu , nnd returns from Philadelphia nt .Veil p.m. 13 All tho nhnvo trains run dally, HunilayiicJC"ptel, A Sunday train leaves t'ottsvlllu nt 7,30 n, in., und riilladclphln lit 3,1.1 p. In, I'ommutatloii, mlli'agi', srnsnn, nnd excursion tickets at reduced rates to and from nil points. G. A. NinoM.a, General Supertntivdent, 'mHTlTsPEiTlEib PILLS WaiT- .1 ) KANTiiD ir all CABKs-Cnti ho relied nn I Never fail In cure I Ilo not naiiscnto I Aro specdv III nctlonl Norhnngu of diit re'iuiniil I Do not Interfere with husinvn pursuits I Can bn used without detection I Upwards of end rures tho jiast tnnnth- souin r ttinn very severe cases. Ovi r unehuiidred physicians have used theni iu their practico, nnd nil speak will i.f th. ir i tiloicy, nnd upprnvu of their composition, which Is entirely vegetable, uud linrmh ss An the system. Hun ilreds of cPltlllnites can h; shown Hell's Spi cule Tills are Ihu original nud only genuine Hpcclflc l'ill. Tin y uru ndnntod for male and female, old or young, ard tho wily reliab.o remedy for cirecting a permanent uud spued) turv lu nil uf Hpi ruia torrhea, or Sumlnal Weakness, with nil lis train of evils, such ns I'rethral and Vaginal Uncharges, Gleet, the Whites. Mghtly or iHvoluntnry llmissious. Iiicon, tinuaiice, llenltnl liihillly uud Irritability, Impotcuce, Weakness or Loss or Tower, Ncrilous Debility, &c f,lir whttli nrlns principally from foxual Liccssesur Hi'lf- bnsu, or soino coiistllutiolial di riingemcnt, nnd Incapacitates Hm nifT rer from fullllling the duties of inatrl.'d life' lu nil sexual dlseuses, us Gonorrhea. Gleet, nnd Mrict'iros. nnd lu Diseases of Iho llladdcr nnd Kldncis, iliey net us n charm 1 KtlLf is ciperi- oocuil by taking a siiiRla box, Houl by nit the principal druggists. Trice?1 They will bo scut bj mail, securely sealed, uud ion. fide ntlilly, tin rce ipt uf Hu money, by J. 11HVAN, M. D. No 70 Cedar tit., New Vutk. Cmsiltlnz Tl)ysinn fcr Hn treatment of Heiuinul, Urinary. Hexuil. mid Nerinus Diseases, who will send, free lo nil. the following valuable noil,, in seal id envelop,; : Tim nviiMn tuoi-sam.-dr. iit.lis tucatisl: on Sclf-Ahue. Treuiuluru I ecuy, Imputeiici' nud loss or power, Sexual Diseases, tf. iniunl Weakness, Mghtly Ihuissioiw. i. 'iliui D.ihiliiy, ic,, &r.,n pumplilct of lit pages, containing Important udiice tn the aClicted, and whiiji should lureadby every sulTTcr. us tho mentis if cure in the severest ilages is plainly tet forth Two stumps lu'illreil to pay pn.taj,,.., her 12, led i - ly. MUtTH iEM'UiVL KAIMiAV. Summer Time Tahle. TWO TiiAI.VH DA1LV to nud from the North nn I West Hr.niih of the r-UilUthaiilin, i;iinlru, nud nil uf Nurtluru Ni w York ON nnd niter Monday, April '-Mih liO:rth" Tasscnrer Train, or the North Central b'nliwnv will nrrne nt nud depart Iroin iiuntiury, lluirisburg, nml liiiltlmore ns follows, vi, . s o i: t it w Attn Mali Train leaies Suitbury dally (except f unihty) " leaves llarrisburg. " 'nrrlve. in r.nllimure, Uxjiress Train leaves Sunbury daily (except fuliday.) " leives llarrisburg (, xcept Mou.l.iv,) ' urrlvcs at Haitian, ro dally (ex cept .Moiiilnv.i llarrisburg AccotntnoJaiioii leuves' Harris burg. lil.U) a. m. I IS p m. sm ' 11.07 p. m, S 00 a. m. 0.13 0.39 N O It T II W A It D. Moil Train leaves llallluioru daily (except Sunday.) " leave. llarrisburg ' an jves nt riuubury Express Tiaius llaltlmore daily, " nrrlves at llarrisbiirir. n.13 n. in. 1.1.1 p. Us. 4.(11 " UI5 " 1.33 a m " l.uicsllnrrisburg('pt.Mnnduv) wo " nrrives lit Huali.irv. " s I'or further information upply ut the Ollire. .... 1. N. LullAIlUY.Supl. llarrieburg.Aug.e, 18(13. 18C1 !6(1. PHILADELPHIA EIUE " ;u a x & :a oi jl n u This grera lirio traverses tho 1,'nrthefn nnd North-' rrest counties of Tcmieylvuhi.i lo Ihu city of Line, on 1 l.n. i; i,iie, It has been leased by tha Tcn'isvlvania llailrond (i,tniifinv Pltil mi. i, i. s. L. I. .-'..! It- otieiied IhroUL'houi as eiitiro length t j. 'ir'ii o is "tin; ttlHilitv li is iiu.v In Uso I'or l'.iseeiiger hihI Treight hueliiPS!i from llarrisburg to lhnpofium, ( !J miles) on the i:ast- m Division, nnd from tihellield lo Lne ."d miles) on tho Western Division, TIMK OF I'ASsUNOKk TIU1JI at joUTllL'un'jat.i'ip. .Mail Train leaves. Hist tl Jj ,. .M. r.xpiess Train " " JO 37- V. M. .Mail " " West S 4' " llipri'.s 7 id A. JI. Cars run through without ciixufn birth ways on thesj trains Intweei) Thiladelpla.i mid Lock Haven, and llallimorii t-Hd Lpik Iluven. New uud elegiut tSlcep. ing Cars nccniupmiisu! th,- Utpross Train both was between Will .ini.port und Haltiiiiori), i.nd Williams pott nud'lphia. I'or information respecting T.issetiger business, np plv at the S. 11. Cor. I 111) nud Market Hi.. A id I'or Treighl busiuessof tho Company's Agents B. II. Kingston, Jr , Cor. 13th und Market Sts., ThU'a J. . Uiinolls, I'.rie. J .11. Drill. Agunt N. C. It' II., Hnltimor". II. II. llousion. Gen'l. l'reight Aat . Thiladelphla, Lew). I. Hoapt. Gen'l. Tn ket Agt Philadelphia. Joseph I). l'olls, Gen'l. .Miinager.Williuiusport. I'i bruury IS, Ii'i4 Fourth & Arch Sts. I'lIILADELI'iriA, . Ann oru.N'iNo ron string, ihu, ini) prs. 8L I'aiuy ?ILKtf, ,'il) pes. India t'llkB. SI. 1.1 1 " t.ood Illack " Von " Ordered Tluln fllks. 4 I LVONrf Hlark Silk Vi:i,Vi:i', Hroivn SILKa, ,d. 5, d, 3, ii, I per yard. Wink Jil 5, 4, :i. a, I. per yard, .Moiro Ami ; lies, nil colors .M ug n i lici-ot G reu-id i ul"i. Miiirin tlr.-nt Organdies. Ilichest I'llIS'TZLri and Ti:itt;AL( Mpring Shuwls New lluuschnld Hlnplu GO'lDa. General assortment ul'.Muti'e Wear ! March S lehl. Sin. NEW JEKSEV Lii)S FOR SALE, ALSO, GARDEN AND FRUIT FARMS, Stiilutilo for Grapes, Teaches, Tcnre. Itucpherrlus, ,.lreivberriPS, Hlackbcrrii s, Ciirii nl., if., of I. '.'J i, IU oi '.'0 acres inih, iu Iho following prices fertile prc.cnt. via : I'll acres tor .M(I, 10 ucros foreilll.5 acres for Si,tl, '.'j acres fur Old, I ucru for glo. Tuyublo hyoitu dollar n week. Also, good Craubiiry lands, and village Ints iu Cheat, wood. :!5 by lll'i feet, nt SHI each, payable by ono did Iur a Week. 'The above luiiil uud lurm. nre situnlp n i 'hi atwood, Washington tow nship, lltirliligton couiiiy Now Jersey, for further iiil'oriiintion, upply, vuih T. o Stsiuti. foru circular, to!ANKI.IN CI.AHK. No. I (i Cedar Ptreot, Xew Vork, N. Y. Jp.nunry 1", I "03. SI'OA'E AND TIN-WARE SHOP. , 't 111! undersigned would inform tho citizeusof I JWj I liloomsbiirg and vicinity, that he lusjiist re ,c'f'S oil i d nud infers for sale one of the moslexteiisivu I ZH' assortments of COOKING and I'ANi'V STOVLS ever introduced into this market. Thu Christopher CI ilinliuj, James Itobhnud Globe tire among tho first class , rooking Stoves, all of whiih an- airtight and gas burin r His Parlor -tnves uro handsome and thu assortment i rled. AL-50-Tartlciilar attention I j paid to Tin-Wan nud llousu Spouting, uputi short notice. All kinds o ' muurliii! will bo done with neatness and despatch ; Country produce tukon in eichnngc for work. THlLll' o. ,moyi:u. 1 lllonmrburg. May 10, leliS. National Hotel. (Lato White SwonA RACE STREET, AliOVX Til 1Kb l'liii.Anici.r'iiiA 1). C. KIEGIUST" PuoiniETon. Formerly from Eaple Hotel Lebanon, Pa JOS. IIOUtiU.M, Chirk, .March 'Jll, leCU ICni. SlmaicauB otcl. ( Opposite Inaeencxenic Hall,) ciiusTNUTSTiir.UT.iiivrwr.r.N Pimi& sixth piiiLAnF.LruiJi. W V ATT it IIKIILINGfl. Proprietor i, Novtmber 30, IHftl. f Mnteh 13. IH5 F. 0. HARRISON, M D. WOULD resnectftilly Inform the citizens of I'lonms. burg, und vicinity, that hu continues tho practise, ol MKUKI.VU AV HVHOV.HY. nd solicits a shuro of public patronage Ornc, nn Main Street fiist home bi-,-w ihetuut lloui, lllnPMihurg. rsbruiir 3, I6J5 1( r, um ii i iim.i-i PKOSPECTUS OF Tho Pliiadelphia Age 10G4. TIIU ONLY tlUMOCnATIO DAILY JOl'nWAt. t'LT I.ISIIUU IN THK.ADIILTIIIA tiii: union, tiii: constitution, and tut nN r-OIlCCMENT Or TIIE LAU'f) ' THE DAILY AGE, which ndvoentos thu principles und policy of tho Dim ocrutlc patty, It issued every mornlnf, (Sundays ox. cepl.d.l nnd coutaiiii the i.aikst TxixoRAniifl xiws from nil parts of tho woild with cnrerully prepared uillcles on t'ovoriiincnt, Tolltlcs, Trade, flnauic, c. , nnd prompt editorial coniiiicnts on tho questions an d nir.ilr. i'f tho day MarkeJ report". Trlcos Cnrtetit Hlock (lu.lilloiis .Murine Intelligence, It, porls ol i ud lie (latlii'iliigs, 1'orelgH and Uoifo'sllc t'otr -spoiiii uc l.eial lleports, Tlnulrtcal Criticisms, Ituvicws of Literature. Art and Music. Agricultural .Matter., nmt discussions uf wjiatevor subject is of giuatnl interest nud Importance, THE WEEKY AGE Is n enmpteto rninpedlum of tho Nsws or tut W.-tt, mid eoiitnlus the chief editorials, the prlrcs rutrcnt nud innrket repiirls, stock nuesllons rorreipondcncu hlid general news inattors published lu tlio Daii.v Aoe. It also i oNrAlxs a oar.A r vakili v ns miirii mittl-h.. roiidoriiig it in all respects n llrst.rainlly journal, pur tlciilnrly adapted to the Tolltleaii, thu Alirchaiil I hi Turn er, thu iilechanic. Hie I.ltumrv man. nud nllili... ses of render. It has, In fact, every charactcrliti if a LIVi: NIIWHi'AI'nil. fitted for the I'ouiillnp Hon. Hip Work-shup, th runner's I'ltcsldo, nnd ih j o in., at liinJer, TErtMS. . Daily. U HfKIY Onu year, ly mill, el (M Hlx Month". I IU Three .Months, . t;,i Clubs of IU. 17 All " VII 311 (si tilth nn r.Mra r.opy hrit j for KPlling up tho club, Olid year, by .Moll, 81 00 Hit .Months. . 4 UU three .Months. U 0J Tor liny nerlnd loss tbnn three mouth", at th" r to of H"Vciity.l)'o cell's per mouth. T.iyiu.nt renuircd Invariable In A.lrunp,, si,,.rii. copies of the Dailr nnd Woeklv will i,p ursil. any u.Mrcss, on uppllcition. Tha Tubllihers or The Ago could easily till tht lt columns wilh th" tinsoughl nnd most lih'ral cninloeii. il.itions ot tlu pru" throujhifut tlu country ib'it th r prefer It should .1,10,1 nil, ,,,,.11, ,r ,,,. ,ln ,,. public ciiiiniouru, well known and estaidlshod. Th y I" llevc It hits ncouirud tul" repnt.-i'lon by Uu randi r. fenrlesslioss nud Independence with which It has Ie n conducted. Hi run uh limes of cxtj i.inlliuiry confusloii ofideas uu public subjects, nml latterly of almost un. ixeinmplud public trial. Ilistioiv, nud will b. , ns heretofore, the supporter of truly national prlnclpl s, opposed ulike to iiiilieilisui and I'jii itlclsin in every rurm, nud deiuted to tho maiuteliaucir of giud cuvein meiit, I iw and order. Tlu Tubllihers of T.'u Agu conclve tint Ii Huis renders peculiar seivlces and litis peculiar claims lip on all men by whom its principles uro valued, and who hy th. proper means, louk to promote uud si.euru tou l.'ontlilutional restoration of th Union. Thesu cdn best shw their seii.o of the untiring efforts of t ,j publishers, in bjialfol- till, grcul nud iinparnllolpii iii'i-e, by earnestly susliiiiiing this paper in nil Its business relations Address l L U SS J R E N N E It fi WELSH, No. 4J0 (.'lltai'Mlil' HTIIUKT, .March W, lefiL TIIILADKLTIU . JOW llEADi'. GEN. RlcCLELLAN'S REPORT. Tlu Authurluod GoverHiiieiil Copy. SUS'T TO TIIU WAU Dtl'AUl'.MKNT nv G EN ER AL McCLELI.AN. and luiudiim iiy oi!Di:n or conohrfs, II I'I'll K'llI, I,L, I. , I, ........ '... I 111 JS Lli 1.11, Cl.lll I ICA J U. " War Dcnartment. "Aillutuiit.GenernTs Office, "v ASItlNOlns. December e-J. Hl.1. "I certify that tho uhovu is u true coov oftbe nrlelusl report on flic lu this oilko. II. D. ToW8KM). ' A6litant'AilJutaut Gonerul." CO.MPLHTn IN ONU volu.mi:. With Mnps nd Hans of tho Defences i Yorktown and Approaches to it during tho Sicre of April &'C-, itehel Works and iSaitlc-TiplJ nt illiatasburg. IIATTLI5 OT GAINHSS MILL. HATTI.i: OT JIAI.VnitN HILL, HA'lTLi: OF AlKCIIANlC'SVn.LK, DATTLB or TU11K.LIIUHGB. THIS "EI3VIJN DAYS" IIATTI.G," etc., etc., ct. PRICE 50 CUNTS, "This I'suc of tho Ucport Is not un r.bcthn-servlng document, but nn exact copy of the original, taken froui the rerords nt Washington," Palttr'an Frets. "Toihoso who desiru n cheap edition of tho Hcporl wo can recommend this edition." .V 1'. Daiy .Vers. AN lIDI'l ION IN CLOTH. WITH S lXlll. TollTllAlT. PRICE SI Tor eile by nil llooksellers and Newsnun. Tublishcd at the orricu or tiii: ltniuiLLtoN ut.coud. So 411 liroadway. New Vurk City. ID t'oplss sontfreo by mall un reci lpt of tho pitco, Slarcli 111, Iriti4 St. i . . . ... LatliaVl'f.tlUa iV (IIO U IllSUUrfT ilnilrOfid. ON AND AITHIl JAN 1". l.fil. TASHENGKU TT.AINd WILL RUN AS rtSLI.OWU. aol"BU MOVING r! O U T II. VatieMiter. Iv-vii Mrsntun, - - . - 4 r V " Kingston ijtt " li oomibur; .... h.'JjJ " Unpen Mi " Danville u.u Ar;tT9 at Nurt'jumberlnnit, VU MOVING NORTH Leivu Northtimbvrlnd, . . . e.tift , j " Hanrille e.J " Itupeit " lllnom.burr .... 0.33 " Klng.ton is.ij i y Arrive at Scrnuton 1,3,) rrcight Tflssenger kaves lllootosburg, 10.IS A. M Tasstugerj taMng the v.-iil Titan .South conned with the Lrpress train Irom Norlh'd, arriving at llarrisburg nl 'J.:m A. M llulliinure T.lil) A. ,M nud at Tlaladi lphi.i at 7.1IU A. V. Thu .Mail train from Nortl iberlaud leaves ijr.ruudiately after the I'.xpress train from liar risburg uud Hallimor,', allowing Passengers lenvlng Thiladelpla.i al I0.IU T. ,M. to reath points 011 thu road during the uuxt forenoon. Now mid elegant Sleeping cars urcompany the nluhl j Ir.ilns each way between Northuiuherland and Haiti iuoru. nun iuiiiumoeri.iuii ami rinmuclphl-i. II. A l'ONDA. ftpi .'. O. Wells. i?7 VHtu direst Mnjiiiiti, Jp.nuary 3D, I-14. t. r. lie. L n. HOT) ) iV ew Drug Stork. .WHOLESALE AND HE TAIL qilir. undersigned would jnforu' iluir fri-nd. and thj X public genernlly.tliat they have laken the stand for 1'ierly occupied by Geo. ,11. Hugentiuch, in the Uichange ll.iilding, on .Main street, iu lllooiusbur, whfru ho has Just received, n full supply of erEts, iT2i'dicisse, PaJnts, i8s, Ej.'itnjiy, tfizc , Which will ha sold on moderate t nos for readv piy. Also, NOTIONS generally, of evury varictv, soitauj lire. Thrsiciatis' nrcsrriotlon. nil times und ml .hurt notice. IL-(.'oufeclioueiy of the best lelicttons, mid r'ods U tiler iu season. r..f A thato of tho publls custom Is respcctflillT -Idled. HVUtt k JIOYIia, I'dooni.burg. April II Green woo'. : 3ennar'. R.VaiJSU. CLASSICAL 4X1) CCiM.VKttri.1L S VfOOA tuit uorii skxi:s. T..I.I. POTTS, I'atscipji. Atmi(ir. L'cot Keeping anS .Vatarul .'sleep. J. S. FATTON, A, M , Klosutto. literature, and Jineientani Jilodtn fangvcfet . Tho S'holastic year is divided into four quarters of eleven weeks eaih. commencing as follows . on tha si-rond .Monday in August.thutirl Monday in November the Hard .Monday in Januiry, uud tho second Monday in AprT. TUB r.XTHNSCS Ter quart, r l'"j- lionrding i.nd Tuition In Cnglith, lanpn from J.'i uu lit $II yu. Languages, Jlusio und Draw I ng are i Mr. i , J for I'lrPiil.irs ur further particulars, addren the Trlniipal nt ,M I LLVII. ,;, Cot.L'.MIIIA CO., TA October 3, IftiU ly. EKCHAWfiE U01EU puil o sqiMni:, mLi;i:s-uj3Ktt:, pj" rlititn-'crslgncd, havingtakonthl. wt-ll-known stsuil (formetly of .Major Tuti'tlsiugh), rifpecU'uHy rolw its the pnlron.igo of the public. Nn pains will Im spared In nny nf Its psrtmnirti, render Bnti.l'.utiun in alt guest. TltoTAUI.K nJ tho I! A It will always hu supplied Willi the IIK3T THU .MARKKT ArfOIiDf. 37" Good r'la'bllimfor Horses and attentive Hostlers. Tho "I'.nch.iiici-" is eligibly situated nn the Publls d'pniro, and has therefore peiuliur advantages toper ions ntlctidltig Coutl or doing huiincis In tha public olhees. Charges moderate. N. II, Wlnuover you cooio to town, please sail. ....... .. u- J' VAPLK. Wllkecliarro. Nov. IS 1684! A T'rENTION I " 1. 7V .ILL 1170.1 M.17 COXCF.HX, The undersigned being u rcgulatlyllcemml Auction ecr," horrby oifers his services us such, lo all who may feel disposed tn clvo him a cull, llii fte( eip. tieuco in Hiu btitlueis, will enablu hlnto render satis, faction id li customers, At thu snwutinio ho Cautions all Auctioneers, "not lici'iised," from fullnwitig slid calling, us Ihu flnu lUed hy tin- United States will ' surely bo imposed, and Hie law earned out tu Hi full extent All petions dPMttng to obtain my sen let i, will pie ie inform me to thai elfeit hcfoielHry mlvcrtlie J D Clfl" A vno.trs. I la r't til Np- Ml
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers