COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. iSSC - BLOOMSBURG, PENN'A. " Saturday Morning, Jan. 1G, 10G4. As wego to press on Friday morn iog, thero aro favornblo indications of iloighing. OnDKita havo been iisued by tho War Department postponing tho draft until tho 10th of February. fierTho Motho'disl denomination of this place, havo purchased tho Brick building, owned by Mr3. Fanny Weaveb., on Koch otroct, for a parsonage. ligfOutof tho lato draft, 100 mon wcro procured from Tho District, including substitutes ; 787 paid commutation ; 800 wcro exempted, and somu two hundred tailed to report. "SiANtf by tho government, tho only lopooftho Union,'' says tho llrpublicm Blind by the Union, the only hopo of tho government, say wo. That's tho diffcr onoo. BSTlUa Ice John, two weeks ago, said - lato pnnts no paper this week, and adds who cares. ' Lvcry body cares, we , .ay. All honest democrat, Jo. Tl i 1 :, , . "' yoblors, shoddy patriots and abol t on ' . 1 , u""uuu a.iiuu.u.o UiJ nub, ii3 SUfJ 111113 UTOIU CX posuro, CS?" llev. J. It. Shanafelt, who was dtiven from a Baptist church in Northum berland county, for preachiug negro and politics, lias located in I'lttiton, whoro ho will liavo a now barren. new ot labor to make : fifiTTIon. Gno. D. Jackson, ono of our Momborof the II. of 11., offered on Mon day last, tho following among Bills in Place. Mr. JACKSON, an act relative to tho unhealed and seated lands for taxable pur poses in tho county of Columbia. CeSJrThe Susquehanna River, haa been closed for lomo weeks past, and teams oroas upon the Ico. This is quite conve nient for our eitizens when teaming, and a large saying in the heavy item of Toll. Nature's bridge, is not only a beautiful structure, but Is also a sourco of economy, Hre ! Mr. IIknky Klcim's house, in Uloomsburg, caught firo on last Tuesday. It originated from his Smoke House, whioh was burned, with his Kitchen and tho roof of his dwelling house, which in psrt is used for a Grocery Storo. Mr. K. was compelled to set out his goods, and wo larn with regret, that a portion of thorn were stolen. Shame ! shame 1 1 member of DSSr Richard W. Ecoekt, the Band, countctcd with tho 112th Rcg't. Pcnn'a. Artillery, paid us a brief visit ou Wednesday last, Richard is as "gay and happy" as ever, soldioring it appears does not affect nor decrease his merry W.iys. lie left our office whistling ono of bis old tuaes, RAILnoAn I'kECTION. TllO nt tho election of Rloomsburg R. R. tho Lackawanna and Co., at Kingston, on Monday last : President, E. McNVil; Directors, Wm. Swetland, Wm. 0. Reynolds, Joseph II. Seranton, Samuel lloyt, TI103. F. Ather ton, Win. li. Dodgu, Moses Taylor, John I. Blair, John Brisbin, D. (5. Dicisbach, Henderson Gaylord, G. 31. Ilolleubauk. James S. McNincit, Eq. our lato County Troasuror, having served out his second term, has retired. Ho was a competent accountant and faithful officor. Higher boners await Mr. 3IcNinch. Daniel 3IoIIenry, Esq., the newly elected Treasurer, has entered upon his official duties. Ho is an ardent young democrat a sample business man and will no doubt mako a most efficient officer. Wo predict lor him a brilliant political career. JKD" A spirited revival is now being held in tho Luthern Church of this place. Tho pastor, Rev. Dmu, labors indtis tiiously in tho good work of assisting iu oouvsrting souls. Wo hope tho meetings may continue in doing good, and that a friendly and no-partyism spirit may pro rail in so saored a temple, as tho worship ing placo of tho living Ood. Had other churches in Bloomsburg, maintained their integrity in this way, by not teaching partyism and patriotism of their way of thinking, by elder3 and smaller lights to their audionccs, iho labor of a month in conducting meetings, would havo resulted in more good than in converting so few precious souls. Tho meetings conduotcd by Rev. Scott, of tho Baptist denomina tion of this placo, which resulted in the esperinco of religion and baptisiius , ol over ihirK- nersons. shows tho workiuus of God. I . , . it. r (Tirmiffli tho liistrumcntalitv of a servant O " who laithfullv expounds tho word of God,, without evincing that hatred and ill-will, as entertained and preached by many ol !, clcrrsir nf Mii section of COUntrV. to a ' b J n..i sf ibsls M.oeirn fnr inf nriniiiino' end uv b-i - e ---- .n.s!.ln Run t! ttifint? antafTonist "l"v-""JS - " , to them. Acain we roneat, llev. oeott, lias . , . . . , , . aceompl shod rauoh good by his upright , , . . , , . T , conduct and christian deportment in tno town of Bloomkburg His works should be . eTomulated by other clergy, if 2ieat E0011 ,.,.. J " I deHrCcJ. SESsmiiK.-.Tlio Ohntnborsburg lleios itory, hits tbo nail on tlio head in (bo fol lowing : It hit, boon tbo custom of nil as. tsooiations nnd Individunla to impose upon country editors tho publication of resolu tions, obituary notices, ndvcrtlsemonts of benevolent enterprises, and various othor articles ol limited or Individual interest, without charge Wo liavo dono quilo our sbaro of that sort of work. If associations consider it duo to tlccoascd members to pass resolutions testilying to their virtues and condoling tith their' relatives, they must houct forth consider it duo to publish ers to pay for thorn ; and if Htorary.sehool and other asjociations cannot oxist without gratuitous printing, thoy must bo loo slightly prizod to promiso substantial ben efit to their members. Until wo find teachers who teach gratis, butohcrs who famish steaks and roasts without charge j lawyers who counsel without fees, farmors who donate their wood nnd produce, &o., Wo must decline being iu tho list of prin ters who print without compensation. True Democracy. Wc acknowledge no man m a democrat who is not a firm and consistent friand of tho Union. Do- tiiriKrnn.t ..inn... IT.,.',... !.,. ., t. 1)1 1. ,nonna . ,. Vf , , ... T 10 pcrpolU(Uioil of Umon Mfn ... 1 t , P T. . . d mh?M Do".0.r"t,c pin, aim tuo tcacliings ol all our creat . mi P .... . b men. Tho first thing that a true Democrat learns is to lovo tho Uuion and the Con stitution, and when he deserts those noble mediums, ho has no further riht to claim to bo n Democrat. Jeff. Davis is no Dem ocrat, any more than lion Wado or ''Z" (M.'.iwll er arc. Democracy embraces ihe whole country, not a poition of it: it teaches unity, uot sectionalism : it insnircs respect for laws and constitutional liboity, anu Knows uo sucn despotic Pcutimcnts as aro contained in the delusive phrascu 'military necessity ," "trar power." "no right to oppose an administration," and other liko coinages from the abolition dis union mint iliie Obs"rcer. Januahy Fr,owi:ns It seems strange to read tha account ol New Orleans pa pers eoiidcrning the beauty and abund ance of the flowers which adorn the gard 0113 of that city just now. The Picayuno of tho Olh ult. nays: ''Were a North erner suddenly tran'latad here, with no knowledgo that ho was going south in- ftead of north, ho would imagine himself to havo slept till June, and then to havo awoke in iho Garden of Edou Flow sweet tho fragrance they shed upon tho air. If there aro uo other reasons for loving .this sunny land of ours, it is enough that here our roses arc indeed perpetual, p.nd tho year begins and ends in bloom. It is tho laud of the evergreen the chosen home of the queen of flowers." New CoujJTERrcrr. The following is ! ' a description of a new and dangerous countorleit ?5 bill on the Union 15-tnk of Philadelphia. Vignette, eagle ; rijht cen tre fouialo .'landing with her left hand on the base of a column ; 5 acro both ends Union Rank iu red, CAUUFULI.Y CortP.nCTKD WEULLY. 1 WHEAT, per bushel. 1 III! Ill'TI'UB. 30 ! nvt;. i tu i:s. . '.'5 COltN', " 1 UU l'l I TATOI'.!. t.U IIUCKWA1HT, m.o III! HID Al'l'LEH, 15') I'Ltil'lt per bid. Pun IIA.Mri . 1J CLOVr.!!-1!.!:!) I. Si) IIACON, 111 , r'LAXHIXll. tl hi HAY by the ton. SU Oil i IIUlKWlll'.AT I'lour. 1 10 ClllCKLNd, per pair. M MARPJAGES. '"" " In Newmcdia, on (ho 7th inst., hy Reu-1 ben Pahringer, Esq., Mr. Sulsaluus P. llowKit, soldier of tha Army of tho Po tomac, to 3Iiss 31a n y E. Bulkui:, of this placo DEATHt3. In Blooiusburg, January 7 1601, 3Irs. 3lAftY 3IU.MBV, aged 78 years. In Bloounburg, on the Oth of Januarv, 18(31, 31rs. 3Iauia, wlfu of Jes.-e Shoe maker, aged 38 yuara. In Benton, on the -lth of January, 31r. JbLtJ.ui iv link, agcu 01 years. In Hiititsbury, Ohio, on tho 29th of Dec. lSlil), 3Ira. Penina Ellen, wifo of Dr. D. 11. Durnsif, and grand-daughter of Hon. Stephen Baldy, of Oatawassa, aged 17 years, 5 months and 121 days. RECEIPTS FOR DECEMBER TO THE COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT, :o: Tho following payments havo been made to tho Columbia Dcmoctdt office, during the month of December, 1601) : r.s. of Ilj'j. Dayman 5' 001 f tephen lluttnn, J 11. Petiuinytuu, I nV P.. al J. Kicks. Wm. Dsloiig. S 5J A. C. Itabb, New Columbus Ac'dy. - UU J. J. Ilruuer, Us, .1 7,', d 2u 5il 3d Si 1 SU :i SU ou J I t 1 -o 1 .10 U oil lion. 1). L. Chapin I (iu Miss .Mary il.uly jutlge uooiis, John J. .Mcllenry, Isaiah Crevelin J, II II llogart, Jacob L. Cniey, Charles Piiill, C. V. Vnplo, Wm. Hageiibuch, II. .11. ritevetis, John lliuuer. 1 fiu, Joseph lleurv, 'J OU Augustus Li'erhart, -' bo, John Henry, ou, Joseph llagerinan, 8 UO, Joseph l.illey, 5 u J. 1,. lleadle, .Maj. Wm. II. Kooni, Jr 1 lluu. Peter Cut, III 00 1 On Hs. Jo.iah llagenbucli I 7; OU Hs.of Ale-iii .Marr. 11 do Joseph Ikeler ! IU (ieo. Weaver. J's'l- l 111! a in i v 7 on Ei, of Clias. (inodman ti 00 Aaron fiuith, Ciilenll ,-1,'Lkcr. III) Tliuiuns Lewis. .Mrs. N. Dnriibadi, A. II llartman, Jacob Hand. Jacob llrow n, , George llpldlemaii, 1 T.I JjcoIi llyerly. Csi, I UU Ullslt.l u. iiniinins, H 73 l o. John (.. 1'rei zc, 7' a Co suiniel K, Alberisou, ; '-' Oh' K. II. ."uydi r, : 1 fill tlilas llod.ou. '. a no '.' no 4 30 1 110 1 75 juhu tcm 1 73 J. K Lvans, ,M. D : uu ti, i'. rscinuiier, ' I lull I. 1 1 ) im r u i lis it')-t i rciiuiiiK i'(i:mrt t.nMhuiur.i:. u ou( wiiiiam .Motoiii'r. I "i tl tt I'rt 11 lIV II... t.vlll. I" I'IIIj 1 h, cnrnoii'son, i 5uitev.'r..A.isiiiirrui, i jo m'!lcu',oc S fS'w.Se. !?n Jg? ft! n'en'r'y mcSer. ' Lewis Lckroat. 1 7.;! (leorgo Vlillesiiie, 50 1 '.'3 ii no ou 3 UO 4 00 Hauiuel Hnyiler, .llliuini iv .linoru ureveinig, ' Jeso Coleinnii, Csq. l. in. iviu. r. aicuriue, S Wt Samuel Stettler. 1 U3 . c.casy 4; llro, JllV L'liok" k. Cll 10 Wit Dame 1H. Yanderslice, .2 73 1 Ul 10 00 10 00 of 1'rk. Mclludj. W(ieorjn li. Kin hen, David iieumn, W. Wirt Co. iiugi. 11. Mciiride, J. S. McNint h,, comui. of I'.nn'a. i:nVs n'ribciiis. I., o (). Wi.hart. 1 SSiH. II. lie Wolf. L.e.., 1 OlK Join s KV'lll,'!, I HI Jones Webster, 3 S;j Jfliu Ulleiikirk, Ell 111 eb, A. M lePnws, 3 74J HuviJ Chairsr, n i:i( l.nnr. lEIlndcs. 4 S3 10 OlS V 30 1 73 :i on 1 73 7 Silt Win. Mlder, (Scott.) immci iiagenbuch. 5 oofts. Wm..MensinEci, linn Jnlin McKeynoJiJsJ IliA. B. Ueeler to Co, Jersmnh Hep-njufk, 1 00) Joust Lilies, : eo 7 no PRESIDENTIAL YEAR. TUB PLAIN DEALER. FOIL 1804. .... j'UH I Ivontj'-two years the Plain Doalor fias never missed a publltntion dny-ntid has fo.p,hl It) vvny against nil oppotltlnn until It has gam. ii n imionni rirciiini on nml a tint onn rcnutnt on. I mm Main tn C'lllirorlllil Ihn I'll in llptilnr i. knnivn and rcnil I nml It never vn. In o pooil n conrfltloii, iii ciiiiunriiy, ur in uoilf r piucK. politically, to nglit II10 onttlo. of llemocriicv. llmi imw. Wn nonitt nn..pnt nur ariuunl t-miiplitnunts to tlio People, nll.l ask n Con tlnusnco nf tliclr ImiK nml llbcrnl pntronngc. No ci i".-inu en.ui ir- puruu 10 iiirko mo 11.1111 iiciucr ina Debt Family Paper in the Went. Wo nli nl 1 labor cnrnotly for tin hicccm uf tho Damn. crntlc fatty tin J II. principles', believing that in lliclr nicr.eiu ilcpctnli tlio futuro wellnro of tlio country, Armllltl'IIR'llt. tllll'n I1n1.ll niniti. ff.r n Vntv ll.i.ll.ln Ovlliiiler l're, lui iuiiln in tu work uir our larRo cill .un hi 1. m.i iu fl'iiii ny me ciiriy iran' III iiildltlou to tlio llirt'K Ildltors employed, wo havo iieciired tlio pniinl.n nf rniitritintium from f oinc of our Icndiim hnlll nil l.rilillrl.1 mul lltn.n.v ...h. Jctts i 11I1.0, ('orropondoiit. In tho Ariny-tlio Eastern uiue -111 a.iit t.ako Citynud Europe. Ilelng meiiibcra of tho Ammlateii Pren of the United Plate., w c kliall bo ablo to fiirnlih early and ri'liablo Tvlcirruple lleportj of t'lovel.ind, Iluir.ilo, New York and Clilcii;". I!. pedal nttentlon will bo paid to tlio Literary Do pnrtini'iit, cUhig inch week ti Hclect 'J'nle, original cniitrlbiitlnii. of I'nelry, All.ccll.iny, fcc. la short wu shall mako u coiupletu Kcwsiiaper Jicconl of Uacli M'ock. To ndapt our prices to the times, nnd to bring the Dialer Mithin tho reach of tvery reader, wu liavo adopted the Tollowiiig, Terms lor the Weekly. Single I'opy, per year, 81 SO t!luba of Ten, per copy. I S3 Clubs of Thirty, 1 l Tu each getter up of Club nf Ton, olio extra. To cadi gctt.r up uf Club of Thirty, one-copy of Trl'iieekly. Tri-Weekly. Single Copy, por year, $3 Jii Uluus of Ten, 3 UU Daily. Single, copy, per ysar, $7 00 OR GO CENTS PER MONTH. Wo hopo nil Democrats will aid u in civing the pa- per n wide circulation. Now is tho time to bestir yourselves preparatory to tho licit Presidential cam pnlgn. tic ii .1 for sainplo copies. Address. J. S, SrriPHIiVsiOV. January IS, lfiil 3w, Cleveland, Ohio. FEBRUARY COURT. Court Proclamation WliniWAS, tlm llov. William Klwrm, President Judge of the Court nf Oyer nml Terminer mid (Sen iral J.ul D. lhvry, t'mirt nf Uitarter Hesions nf tho lVuc" and l.'.iurt of t'.uiimnn l'loai and Orphan's Onurt, in tho aotli Jii' District, composed nl the counties nf Columbia. Sullivan ami Wynininir, mi.) the lion. John ,M'll"yiinlds.V!it.'p!n n llili!y.As30Ci.iteJu.lgesnfCulum. bia cnuntyjiaie Issued their prcci'pt.liearin; date the "lb day of Dee., iu tin year fif nur Lord ono thMt!titid eight hundred uud siMy.tlireetiu.l to me directed for holding a Court of Oyer nnd Terminer and (leneral Jail delivery, (lenernl Quarter Sessions nf the Peace, Common l'less and Orphau'D Court, in I'.loomsburi:. iu tbo county if Columbia, on tho first Monday, (being the Hi day id IVbruarV next, tn continue one week. Notice Is hereby given, to the Coroner, the Justices of the Peace nnd Constables of tho said uiubi'i that they bo thou and there iu their proper per sous lit IU n'cloi k in the forenoon of said day with their reuirdi, i :i i'i t -1 1 i hih nn I other ri'iiieiiibratici' In do those Ihiuga wliu Inn their i, Dices appertain to b"i.'uue. And UiOfO that art Imiiud bv leiocuizaiice. to against the prison. 'rs that urJ ur may be iu the J. ill of M10 muni ol Lniuinlii.'i tu tie tlicn auu tticrq to proe i ute tliuiu as shall be just. Jurors are re'pii'sti'il to bo lniiiclttal lit then attenilaiicc, agreeably tn their notices. I a- i Dated at llloninsburK, the tth day nf Dec. j i,. f. iii iu.1 enr ei our one tiinusan.i rutin C s--v S hundred nnd sixty three, and in the eishty- eiijlith year of tho liidepcn.lence of tin: Tinted States of Amenta. ( Uim iu 'nn: I'naanii'.Einn. ) JO.IAII II. l'L'RMAN, sSlieritf. Mheriirs Office, liluoinsburi, Jan. 1, let!!. GRAND JURORS. llloom Mathew Wynkoop, John Hrueler. Itc'Jltnll ?-.llllil'l 11. Kline, Itellhfll CibbollS. llrrirerecK-An Henry, Jnme Adams 'entro lleiijamiu 1'onler, Tillman I). trausc, Lewis Deiternh. I'lf hlnzcreek - b'.imuel r.der.ian. 1'rniiUlin Jnhn Law rnieo. Ileniii'ik Jam.- Uniit. (ieorrjc Uussel. Jackmii .Miitlie w Mcllenry, l.ocust.Marli Williams, Glo. Fcn.termahor, Henry IlelHi.'. iHount Pleasant -Andrew Ikclsr. Atadison Jim Dolluiaii. lir.uif.'i'-Aln-es ilvrilt. t!iibatloaf .'Kilty C. lless, Aliuas CU. TRAVERSE JURORS. liloom Peter llillir.cyer, Caleb llartmi. Jr Henry (J. Phillips, Lei i L. Tate, Jacob It. Omul, lleiijamiu 1'. llartiii.iu. lli..i:eli of Ilerwick Jerehiiah S. Handers. lleaier-Jno. Iloals, liri.ircreek VVtu. Lauion, thinner Deitcrich. Ceiitr I'rederlck Hageiibuch. C'atawissa Jacob Klstter. rrauklln Christian Probst. Jos. Klstlcr. ti ree a ood Sai.i net Roga 1 1. llcinloik-.-Niuri Oiil, Jes.e Ohl, Ccorge llartman, Jaelcjou Win, RntibttM, Lonist Uenj. Wagii'-r, I'eter Ilclwig, sen., Lucas r.'ihriiigcr, .Mnlliti t'hriti:.'i Wolf, Ueorjo llrown, I' l-'lllltll, Stephen P'n, .Madison Lluis llogart. Abraham II. Swisher. Mount Piea-.uit -.luhii Itippcnsteel. .Moiituiir Lli. is ll'iterii'li. liraug' John Snyder, Aimer Welsh. Ab Dildir.e. Utott Hu-lun ll.diisou, J.uob 'Peru linger fji)!iriis5j NOTICE is hereby give.) to all legatees creditors and other persons intcri'slcil'ln Iho i'stat"s nf the respi etne detedenls and minors, that the li.llowiug ndiuiiiiMr'itmii ami nceoiiuis have been tiled in ihe iliiiec uf the liegisteruf Columbia e. unity, and w ill be pres uted tor continuation ami at l.iwaiiee to the Orphans' I'ouit, to bo held at HIhoum burMn tlio county nioresaiil. on Wi diiesdny, tlm llrd day ul Tebruary, lelil, at u'llotk in the uncruooti of said day. 1. Account of William Miller, Executor of Lliiabetli .Milk-r, lato of .Mount Pleasant Township, deceased 'I. Account of Rcubon Swank, adminis trator with will niriuiud, ef Jacob iiwauk, late of Ueaver t'owtiship, deceased, 3. l-ir.-t and final acoount of Joseph Correll, (iuardian of Hitah 1',. U'liueuight nmv ilec',1 , minor child of Ceo. Whttjiiiglit late nf town ship deceased, 1. First and final account of Hudson Owen, ndministrator of I'eier shiner, late of lltrnick 111 rongli, deceased. 5. Account of Benjamin Yoho, Guard ian of Maria fry, minor child of Aaron Try of .Mifflin township, deceased. C. Account of Robert Stiff administra tor of Kob-'rl Ileyward, late of llloonisburg. deccas5d, 7. Final account ol Giduou Nuss, ad- miuistratnr fs den. nen, of Jacob Nitss, late of .Mnlhll township, deceased. 8. Final account of William Suydor, (Iuardian of '! hi'o.lore Palmer, now deceased, minor child of '1 bourns Palmer, lato of llloom lowuship, de'd, 0. Account ol I'ctor Jleinbach, adiii r of Jonathan Try, lato of Montour township, deceased. 10. Aocount ot Aaron jJusgrovc. ailm r. of Hiram KesUr. lato of Creoiiwoed township, dee'd, 11 Account of'l.ovi Wrights, adminis trator of Joseph Heller, late of Madisun twp., dee'd. IU. Account of Elizabeth York, admin istratrix of Gideon York, lato of Jackson twp., dee'd. 111. Account o!' John Rcinbold, Lowis Heinbold, S.iinitel Ueinbold and William II. Iteiubnld, iltecutiirs of Cornelius Ueinbold, late of Locust muli sh p, deceased. 14. Seetuid and filial account of Jackson Thomas, adin'r. of Caleb Thomas, lato of .Madi.on tuwnship, deceased. 1 T. Assnniit. nf Wil mm linli l nnn nf Ilin adml'iilstrator.,. M, n,, cum fstaniento aune.o of Linn, Into of Hemlock township, deceased. Account of . I acksun J UOUUIS, ailln r. of Andrew Shoemaker, late of Madison twp., dee'd. 17 Annniinr. n Win. )rn shun h. (innrd . Ian of Christiana. Polly. Sarah mid Lewis, minor children uf the said Guardian by Ins llrst wife, 18. Account of John Nuss, executor of JoliiiKlingermaii, late of .Main township, deceased. JOHN (. ritEE'.E, llsgntsr, Illoonisburc, January U, led!. Public Vendue! VSTlUi bo exposed to public sale at tho t T residence of tlio subscriber in Irankliu town- ship, Columbia county Fridut the 5th day of February, 180-1, Tbo folltiwiug vnluablo descrlced property, to-ivit Ten I; lead of Cattle, Two Sheep onn two hnrso Wnf on, ono new top-ltuggj ' ono Sled, one Sleigh, new sett of Yanke. Harness, oiu sett of lead Harness, ono sett of siuglo Harness, Plews Harrows, ono Patent liny Hake, together with other articles ton numerous lonieetiou, L" Sale to commoner at III o'clock, a, nt of said day, when terms and conditions will bo made know n. ' NOAH CKITES. JAMES K. EYER, Aurtloitw. rrk1ia towsrtlp, Januirf V, UU, SPECIAL NOTICES Hoatctter's Bitters Have rerrlvod the warmest encomiums from the press MiJ ncuiilo thriiuiilioiit Hi t'lilnn fin n vntunlili! tnnio lor luucure oi iiysp"i'"ia i laitiiuncr, v. oiisiitaiitiii,nii(l general nervous debility. iUiiunot be npprimrknit. J-very ilny now 'm.h ofils great rir.-ct nro chronicled bruah our irluc pal pubi c J'irnal. V h'la l riotli. for tho cute nf llysp"pl.i, Platulotice, Cotistipntlnti.nnd cincrlcnco when urine this valuable .ncrldc " " V .5 ........ .no ; '""' tone, its miro and vigorous action iipnii n di. ordered stomach, and tho clransliig nf tho entlru liuinan body sliimld recommend it to n' I clasaiis of our coinniunlty. Him aiivi:uiisi:ui:nt. for rale by Druggists nml dealers centrally, January U, lent, 1 tit. PIIH CONFESSIONS AND EXPlf. X IlIRNOIJ 01' A NT.KVOttrt INVAI.III.-rubllrlipil for tho benefit nnd ns n caullnn to young mrn, niid others, who mirer from Ncrvou. Ileblllly, l:nrly Decny, anil their klndted nilmciit-supplyiugtliu means of self. cure, lly une who na. cured himself tiller being a vie tlm of luisplaceil ronfldeiico In moillenl hiinibiig nnd ijuarkcry. lly .'nrloslng n pn.t.palil directed euvolonu, tlnglo copies may b" had nl the nuthor. pi a in i.mi.i. ,ii ai 1 ,1111, i.m.. lb'ilford, Kings county, New-Vork, , lC3-ly. January SI Uniformity olPrleos I A New rcaturc In llusslncss livery nni his own H.ilesnnnl JONIIS It of the UresuntOnorrlru Clothing Htore, No, "01 .Markctstrect nbmo rliitli, riiitadelphij, In addition to having tho largest, most varied and fudilnutibtu slock of Clothing In i'hilaiklphln, made ex pressly for retail sale., liavo constituted every ono his own s.ilemiiii, by having marked in ngures, on each article nt the very low est nrlcu It can be sold for so they , annul .....iiiiy uij. nil must ill inu. Tho goods nro well sponged and prepared and great 1 paiiistnkcn with the, making so that nil run buy with I ihefull assiirancii of getting a good article lit the very 1 lowest price. Also, 11 largo stork t.f piccn goods unhand of lliu latest style nml best qualities, which will ho made to order, In tho most fashionable uud bcr-t manner, S3 per cent, below tredlt prices. , 1 Kcmombcr the Crescent, In Mutkct above Sixth street ! o 8(11. JUNHrJ U CO. I CUMJIOMCATED. MUVON.1RT cosiV.vrroix.canDLE viscisn. A CARD. TO COVStJMrTIVi:J The tinderslRnedliavInc; been restored to health In a lew Weeks, by ft very simple remedy, nflur lnvpig suirered several jears lib u so vera lung allcLtion, and that dread disease, cousump lion- is oiulini" tu tu.iko known to IiisfelluW'SUlTerers the means of eiiru, To all who desire it, he will send a copy at the pro scription used, free of charge! with the illrertioin, for preparing nnd using tho same, which they w ill tlnd a sine eure for consumption, nsthma, bronchitis, ;c The only object nt tho advertiser iu sending the pre- Bei ii'.iii ii is in ueiieui inu iiiiiieieti, lino spreau iiuuriu rVer I ', ir 11 ill trull . r,i Vk i, ' hi 91'' 1 . . . . . . . . . . i . . . . .. ..... .:J ini.iu.i, .inn .1.4.J i,. u uius-iiii;, i .irtiea wisiung tuo prescriuiiou win picaso auuress l!ev. LDWAItU A. WIL'oO.V, Wlllianiburgh, Fept. "d, 1pU3-1iii Kings County, New ork. lMI'OHTAVT TO LADIK3.-DR. IIarvpVs I'cmalk 1'ius have never yet failed ill reiuoving dllliciiltla oris, lug fiom obstrHcllou, or stoppago of nature, or in re storing the sytcm to perfeit health when sulfuring from piiiiil AllVctiens, Prnlapsui, Uteri, the Whites, or other weakness uf the Uterine Organs, Tlio Pills arc perfectly hariub's. on Ihe constitution, and may bu taken by Iho most delicate female w ithout causing dis tressthe utiio time they ait like u charm by strength cuing, invigorating mid restoring the system to .1 Ileal tliv coudltlo'i, and by bringing on the monthly period with regularity, no matter from what causes the ob may aric. Tho should, lioweier, NOT bo taken during the first three or four luniiih. uf pregnancy, tliiiiifli safe ut any other time, as miscarriage would bo tho r.'sult. Hach bin ennt.iins en nil., price SI. lilt. llAllVnV'nTKI'.ATIsnou Diseases of I'emales. l'reennncy, .Mjscarrliige. I'arrenness, Sterility. Uepru. iluclion. nn.labuses uf nature, nnd emphatically the Ladies' Private .Medical Adviser, a pampliUt of til pages, sent free to any address. 6ix c ults reuireu to pay postage. The I'ill sand book will be scntby mail when desired, securely ivalcd. and prepaid, by J. II11YAN. .M. D.. (leneral Agent, n. "r, Cedar St., New York. ITT" Fold by all the principal drugtists. December 1.'. lfu.l-ly. A FOUTVNti imi MA, 1 i: 1 t ii 1: ik.m i: n on wo menu JO liuuibiig. but an entirely new thing. Only three IX iiionthi iu this country I Nn clap-trap n,cratinu to gull t tie public, but a genuine mime) making thing I i . .I u in.i i nr.i.iir i nsiiuei inn uiin: mil) , nun j oa i in under. land it perfectly. A Lady ha Just wnlleii lo we that she is making a. hih a- twenty dollars some d:i)s giving instructions iu this att. Thoiwiuds of soldiers are making money rapidly at it. Xo person lire to bo urged to patrniuc it. It ii a thing that takes intttlr anything ewr In foro ollcrcd. You can bake.' motley w ith it home or abroad on bteambnats or eailrnad cars, and Iu tho country or city. Yo'i will bo hdllseil in pursuing it. net only because it will ield u IriuiNoiue iurome, but also in conseipieucc of the gen. oral admiration winch it elnits. It is pretty lunch all profit. A lueio tritle is necessary to start with. Thero is scarcely ono person out of thousands who ever pays any utleutioujto advertisement., uf tins kind .Sinking they are humbugs. CniLuqurntly those wlio do scud for iii.trurlious w ill liavo .1 broad "lield to make money in. There U a class of persons in this world wito think tint because tl.ey have been huiubiiged nut nf a dollar or so, that everything thai is advertised is a humbug. Con.e.i'ieuily lliey try nomore. The person who suceeeils is the one keeps tut trying until he lilts something tint pays iiiiu. Till', art ro-t it)', ono thousand dollars, and I expect o make motley nut of it nod nil who ptinh.tse the ait of mo will do Ihe same, One llotlar sent to me will insure the prompt return of a card of in-tru(tions iu the an. The money will be returned tu tbo.e not sal islied. WAIILIt T.TIVriLLY, No, 1 Park Place, New York. Oct. 21, 1503-31110. 5ELL'S SPECIFIC I'lLI.S War- i t I'.ami o in all C.S..S Can bo relied on ! Never tail to cure' Ilo not nauseate I Are speedv in aitionl No eh.ingo of ili'-t re-juired I Ilo not niti rfere wilh leisinc-s puismts' Can be used without detection I I'pwards of '.'00 i ures the past mouth some of them ery severe cases. On r one hundred physniaiis have ii.e, I them iu their practice, nnd all speak well ofth, ir eliii acy, and appruve nf their ,-oiiiposiliou, whnh Is entirely fgt,i.-ibe. und harmless on the system. Hun dred of cctttncite- can be shown. Hull's stpecific Pills are the original and only genuine Hpecitic Pill. They are adapted fur male and female, old ur young, und the only reii.ib.o remedy for eiftctiug a permanent and speedy uirv in all cases of stperiua turrhea, or eininal We.ikm s, with all Us train of exils, siilIi as IVthr.i! ami Vaginal Discharges, Gleet, the Whites. Mghtly or Involuntary llinls-iniis. Incon tuniaiice, Geinif.l Debility and Irritability. Impotence, Weakness or Loss of Power, Ncrwuus llebility, ,'cc, allof whliliarises principally IromSexiial Lieessesor Sell'-'blue, or sumo constitutional derangement, and incapacitates th" .ull'jier from I'ullilling tho duties of married life- lu all scjtual diseases, as (.ouurrlit a, Gleit. and Strictures, and in Instates of ihu llladder and Kidue s. they act asucharml Kehcf is experi enced by laknig a single box, isoul by all ihe principal druggists. Price 31 They wilt be sent Uj mail, securely sealed, and con fideutially, on receipt of tho money, bv J, IIIIYAN, M. I). No. 70 Cedar tit., New York. Consulting Physician fur the treatment of .Seminal, Urinary. Sexual, and Nervous diseases, who will send, tree lu all, the following valuable work, in scal ed eneloie : Tub ririiL-rn Tuocssn-Hn. HULL'S TltljATIHIl on belf-Abuse, Pri'iii.ituru ffecay, lmpoteiico mul loss of poer, Sexual Hiseases.r-ciiiinal Weakness, Nightly Ihuissious, Genital ileblllly, &c.,&c.,a pnuililelof 04 pages, coiitaiuiug luipwriant advice in the alllicted, ami Mhnh should bureadby every tull'Mrer, ns tbo means of eure in the seicre-t stages is plainly set forth. Two stamps leqnired lo pay postjge. December ID, IciiJ-ly, Auditor's Notice. a ris Orphans' Court for tht County of Columbii; E tctc of John .liiiltrsim, tate vf Scott towHshtp, dtttasij, ALL persons interested will take notice tint the un dersigned appointed Auditor by the Orphans' Court of Columbia county, to make distribution oftho Inlanc in Ihu hands of Hamuli II, Anderson, administrator of jniiu niiiicrson. ueceused, will meet the names at his i. lilee, iu llloonisburg, on Wednesday, tho '.'Oth day of January, ,. Ii., Irui, at IU o'clock, A. it., fur tho pur pose nf his oppoiutmeiit, hen and where all persons interested aro rcpictlcd tu present their claims or bi debarred from coming Iu for a share of suih as-ets, II. L LllTLU. Uloomsbttrg, Ilec. l'J, le03 4w S3. .imfiUr. Auditor's Notico. in the nattir of the anount of John Staley and Jtn JT, (Irot:, assignees of IJtat )l'ertman, of Jthorsburg, in the couutt vf Columhta. r J " 1 1 K creditors of Ilhas Wortrnan, and Jail other j.e r .1 sons interested, will take notice that II. II. I.illle has been ntiomuti'd bv 111 Court of Common 1'len. of the ( ounty ot Columbia, auditor, to mako distribution X. 'Jii ;!Ur,o,ha,l'hrmeud,a. hl.mce.'m :uuiburg mi Tlmrsil.iv, tho 'Jlst day uf January, A. 1L, lfti4, for Ihu purpo.B of unending to the duties o( u' nppninuiieui. wnuii anu wnre ini persons nueres ted in ihu said fund can attend If they think proper auu present ineir nanus, or no uesarteu u from coming iu tora share of the fund, E, II. LITTLE, I Auditor. llloonisburg, Dec. I'd, I6C3 )w?J. Auditor's Notice. Iu the natter ef the administration. aecounl ef Itinjamin Itoitboy and Isaac ll'ogncr, Jdmlnistrators of Isaac Wagner, late of Uciitock township, Ctluralia county di ceased. T.lee'I Orphans' Court of Coluiiibin county, at Iho December term, thereof, A. II., leOJ to make distribution of tho balance in tliu hands of tho AiUuluislrnlors, among the heirs uf said deceased, will attend In Ihe duties uf his appointment at his unco in lltouiiishurg, on Satur day thu 2'ld day uf January. A. D , HiiJ, at Id o'clock, in the forenoon, when and where you will nltrud if you think proper. W. WHIT, lllsoinsbarg, Dsc. It), lcG3-4iSS. Auditor, ESTIvAY. CAME to the premises of ike subscriber, in Pish. inccreek luwusliip, Columbia county, on tho Third day of December. Icb.1, an old cow or nntneii color, with short tall. Tho own. r Is requested to prove prop erly, pay charges nnd tako him away otherwise she will btdisposod of according to the directions of th liw, J0UF7 B, UBVUY. SIIHktf II, 18M-Sir DR. WISHARFS PINE TREE TAR CORDIAL Is Uic Vital Prlnclplo of tlm I'luo Tret. Obtained by n peculiar process In the distillation nf the tar, by which its highest medicinal properties ars retained, It is the medicine that cure when alt ethers liavo f.llcd. A Remedy Tor C'nnsnmiilion. I am constantly terelrlne such cctllflcatei a. the following. HIIAI) IT I , 1 Da. WistiAiiT-Dcar Blrt-t had a very dreadfit rough nnd soru throat for one yoar. nnd my whole sys tem was fast giving way, nnd I wns prostrated on my bed with but little hope of recovering. My disease 1 bullied the power of nil tnediciiirs. nnd In a short II1110 , 1 must havo gone to my grave, but thank (lod, my ilnngh ! ter-iu law w nil I it not rest until !.',' went to ) nur store, I No, In N, Hecond fitted, and related my case to you, purchased tine holllo of your Pino Trco Tar Cordial, and 1 rontuicncrd to tiso It, nnd In ono week I wns 1 much belter, nnd nftcr using three bottles I nm perfectly , well, 11 wonder to nil my friends, for they nil nrmiosn. eed me past cure. Publish my enso if you think proper. ItSItkCCi MlUlLTOt, Nn, 1331 Wyllu street, Philadelphia. 'Kiw Cordial. an i ni' allium: cunn rou iironciiitib. Mr. WnD says: Dr WisiiAitr. riirl-Ihad Ilroncliitis Inflamnllon of . the Ming. tlinttiiess of llrealh, nnd Palpitation of tho llenrt In Iheir worst forms; I had been treated by ser. I'tal of the mo't eminent physicians Iu Philadelphia, but they could not stop tho rapid course of my disen.o. i uud I had despaired uf ctcry being restored to health, , I was truly on tho verge of the gruvr. Vour I'inoTreo Tar Cordial was highly rei omiiieudeilto tuo bya friend; 1 1 tried It, nnd am thankful to gay that, after using four liirge, und one small bottle, 1 was restored tn perfect I health. You can give refereme to my house. Nn. PCS N seconn Mrcct, or in my omee oi iteceivcr of taxes from 0 A. M. to '.' P, M corner of Chestnut ami Sixth streets. Jou Waks. 1JLE12DING OF THE LUNGS. ntiAD tmi: roi.i.owiNOt Mr. WisttinT, Blr I return you my grateful thanks for the discovery you have made iu making a mcdii-ina that will cure liitlaaiatinn nf tho I.ungs an.l Liver Complaint. When 1 commenced to use your I'inoTreo Tar Cordial 1 wns, to all appearances, near mygravo. I nan necii inr a icnpui oi lime spitting iitouu, ami nut i i t i nivs iwiiiii in 'Mi iiiiiriiiiiiii tiui i t in ......I.I 1 tl n..,tt I Mi i,1...l.l... I ployed I wn) protiou need inn p nst curei but my sister i,au iiseit yuur ritio i leo jar w Cordial, which did her so nm c Ii guod that she prevailed on in", ns a last resort tn try It : nnd thank Ood, I enmmenced to use it, I have taken twelve boltlea and am perfectly cured, nnd nm rcauy nnu wining tuai any person mat is sick riinuiii call on inc. and 1 will tell them what your Cordial has done for mo. All my friends nnd neighbors we re utterly astonished nt my speedy return to health, for they had seen me vomit blond in a clnttt d state, frequently. Publish my ca-e, for I want every person tint Is r Mf- cristas I wns. to kdow of your Invaluable medicine, i Kespertfiilly, Jniti YtnDiv. Crase Street, six doors above Uichnicu'd street, Phil. ' adelphi.1. I The Tine Tree Tar Cordial will euro Coiiph, Sore Throat, and llrca-t Ilroncliitis, Asthma, Croup. Hoop, tug Cnusli, Diptht ria, mid Is nisu an excellent remedy for dis.-uscs of the kidneys, and female complaints. i iinwAnr. oi' couNTinimTd The genuine lias th name of the proprietor nnd a pine treebluwn in the bottle. All others aro spurious imitations. I'll ice Firnr Cists and Oj.e Dollar rert flontJ. Prepared only by the proprietor, I hr. L. l i). U ISUAllT, i No. 10 NottTii Second St., I PHILADELPHIA, PA. For Sale by all J)iU;isls. December ID, l;(i;l-Uiu. ADMIN 1STRATU K S NOTIUE Eslale. of Elius t'uilcr, dcc'tl, Lr.TTKKM nf administration nn the Ustito of Ellas I'ealer.l.itL ol'I'ishingcreek twp. Columbia co.,rfrcV., haiebeen granted by Ihu ltegisler of Columbia co.,to the uiiib rsigued ; all persons having claiuis against the es tate nf the decedent aro rcpu-.ted tupreseul tliemlo the undersigned, nt 1 1. residence tu said township, without delay, and all persons indebted tu make pa) meat f'urtliwilh. JACOtl I'LAI.C!:, .Wm'r, on. 3i. itra-fiw sj. AD3HN1STRATORS' NOTICE. .'sl'Uc or Phincas Sit'cr, ilcc'tl. S ETTEKS of aduiiuUtration on the j llstate of Phineai filler, lato of II. niton tun., C.diiiitbri rr.uiuy, dicc.icd, have been granted by the Itegi-tcr nf Columbia county to Ihe undersigned ; all persons having (biiiiis ng.tiiKl Iho estate of the dece dent itru requested to present them toiho adiuinistr.itnr alius residence nt said township, without delay, and all persons indebted to make paineiit forthwith. JOHN . IlLltillLINi:, Adm'r, Nov. H, 13113-Cw. i! mi. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. Estate of Charles GooiIdmh, tlcc'd. (ETTERS of administration on the cs state of Charles Goodman, lato of llnarcrsek tw p., Columbia county, deriased, havo been granted by the Kegi-t'Tof said tniinty to the tbo undersigned who re sides iu the ..'line ti.wii.lup ; all per. on. having claims asainst the estatu of the decedent nro requested to pre sent them to the administrator at his resilience with out delay, and all persons indebted tu make payment forthwith. PA MULL lIAOCNIILCIl.jJiinV. Ilec. M, 13-r,SJ Prices Reduced! has ronlied tn try the merits ofan exclusively CASH or I1EAIIY PAY IICHNKtirf, und hence has determin ed to sell I'fl'his stock of Goods at REDUCED PRICES, LAMEri AND VI-HI'.ft CAPS. GLOVES. NCH1AS, MIOErJ, HOOTS, AMI GE.VHItAL VAUIETY Ol' GOODS AT A ISAIIOAI.V. f Call and see his list of prncs, Country Pro duce wanted. lloomsburg, Jan. 'J, lulil. DIUECT ritOM THE INDIAN COUNTllV, FIVE THOUSAND ROBES, 3 Which he will ssll. WIUiLUSALi: or RETAIL, nt VL11Y LOW PK1CHS. Also, HOUSE IILA.NKETS, very low T. W. ,M TTSOV. iOi .Market St, 1st door above l'nurth, South side, Philadelphia, Not. II, 1863-3. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Win, Mcnsinucr, Sr. thccasetl. rETTEUS Testamentary on the estate of William J .Meiisiiiger, Sr., late nf .Milllin tw p, Columbia co . deceased, have been granted by the llecisler of Wills, &e., tn tho uiiders igued a so residing iu said tuiviKhip, u'l persons having (laiiiis against the estate of the de cedent aro reqiio.ti'il to pres. nt tln in to the Executor at hi. residence iu said township, without delay, uud all persons indebted tu mako payuisiit mriliiwth. WILLIAM MLNSI.NGEIl, Jr., L'lirmor. January!'. kUI-iiw $ 9, DRAFT. PARENTS making elections of SOUS, must liavu new papers prepared, and presented previous to the dratt. lly orders j is at received, old elecliuns will notdo. No oilier class of persons need report before the draft. W. WIRT CO. , l'irst ilner below Sloan's Sturo, llloonisburg. Jan. V, lebl. CLOTHING No. 20'J North Second Street, l'hil'a. CONSTANTLY on hand a foil nsirtmciit of Heady nindo .Men and Hoy's Clothing and Gents Furnish ing; Goods, ut Wholesale and ltelail. January P, letll. Urn, THE BR AFT. PAPERS necessary in all claims or causes of exemption from the coming Draft will be piotnplly und cart-fully prci nred by 1 Jill. II ALL P. EVEItLY. Otlice, 2nd door west nf tho Court House Illuoiiisburi;. January U, IMJ3. 3vv. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Peter less, dee'd. IETrnitSof ndministratiou on the Eslato of Peter J Hess, late of ugatloaf twp., Columbiu rn., dee'd. have been granted by the Register of Columbia co., tu the undersigned ; nil persons having claims against tlm estate of tho decedent nro requested to present them to tha Administrator at his residence iu said town -ship-without delay, and all persons indebted to mako payuieiit forthwith, HENRY CHESS, Adnfr. I Nov 7, Bra (iw $i oo. LUM13ER FOR SALE. A lot nt heaved and sawed Timber, suit able for buildinc a House or Uarn SO x 24 with Joieartnil rrri, wtlfss nil s.wp on pplisitin tl wis vast. wn, wr, ssnv, w, '. ' m,i'J.!.,Sl".m.KE.m. M.m,KJ.. .M.lil.l. II I Will P .".. l 1. mffmmm' Wot Alcoholic! POSTSCRIPT! A HIGHLY CONOhNTRATED A PURE TOXIC. DOCTOR IIOPFLAND'S GERMAN BlOTBRSSJXf.T:t! runrAitao ur DR. 0. 31. JAOKSON, Philadelphia, Pa. WILL effectually euro Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Chronic or Nervous Debility, Diseases if tha Kidnejs. and nil diseases arising from a disor dered Liver or titolnach, such ns Constipa tion, Inward Piles, fulness nf lllood to the Head, Acidity of the Btomacli Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust for food, I'iiIiii-ss (ifwilghtin tha atoiuach. Hour rructatlnns, Sinking or I'lutlering nt tho l it of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head, llur rlcd nnd Difficult llreitlilnc, riiittermg nt th Heart, Choking or Bulfoeating Sensations when inn l.l..- ....n... Illi.,i,n..i.r Vl.lnn lift., n, IV.K. ' bjl'oru Ihe sight, l'evcr nnd Dull I'.tlti In the Hi ml. Deficiency of Perspiration, Yellowness of therikln and llycs, I'llu In tho Bide, Hack, Chost Limb., Jtc, Sudden l'lushos ef tlrnt. Ilurning In th ricsh.Constatil Iiu Gglnlligsofcvil. & ilcpres.ion j oi spirits. And will positively prevent Yellow rover, nilliotn l'evcr, Ate. 'Ih.yc main no Alcohol or bad Whiskey. They will euro the above discusos in nlnety-nlno cases nut of n hunilred. Induced by the uiteuslvo alo and universal popu larity of lloufl.iud's (ieruian Hitters, (purely vegeta ble,) hosts of Ignorant (limits and imscrrlpulcns nil venturers, hale opened upon sulTeriiitr; humanity the flood gates of Nostrums In the slnipu of poor whiskey, Wlely compounded with ltijiirinus drug), and chris tened Toulrs. litomnthics nnd Hitters. I.'cwurc of the iniiuuiurablu array of Alcohol!) prep paralinu's in plclliorit bottles and big bellied kegs, un der the modest appellation of Hitters ; which instead of rutin;, only aggravate disease, and U&vu tits disap pointed aulfer in despair. IIOOI'LAND'S GERMAN 1RTTERS ! Arc not a now and nntrled article, but have stood .he test uf fifteen years trial by the American public: und their reputation and talc, aro not rivalled by tiny preparation. 1 he proprietors lnro thousands of Utlars fsoin tho nitat eminent GtXUCYMUN. LAWYl'.lt-J. PHYSICIANS, CiTI'KNS, Testifying of their own personal knowledge, to tha beuellcial cil'ects and medical vlttucs of tbess Hitters. Do peu vent something to itrtufthtit yont Jto you leant a good appttiiel Do you uant to lutld up your ConitiltUon t J)o you near tofcelvtlil lio you Kant to get rid of nirvoninrii I Do you teant energy ? J)c you tennt tottetp veil? Jto you Kant a brisk nnd vigorous ftclini' 7 If joudo, use HOOi'LANll'ii (ILP.NAN HITrEP.!). From lieo. J, Xeicton Itroirn, D. )., 1'ditor of t As JJni elopedia of Jtcligtous Knoieledge. Although not disposed to favor or recommend Patent .Medicines in general, through distrust of their ingre dients and etlVcts ; I y. t know of no sull'icieut reasons why n man may not testify to tho benefit he believes himself tn have received Iroiuanv Simula nrenaration. in the hope that he may thus contribute to the benefit of outers. ldo this the more readily in re-aid tn Ilooflind's Gorman Hitters, prepared by Ur. C, VI. Jackson, of this city, because I was prejudiced against tl.eui for many, under he impression that they weru chiefly nil al'oliolie mixture. I am Indibted to tnv friend Itnlien fhocinakor, Esq., for tho removal if this prejudice by proper le-nn, anu i,r einour.-icenieiii in iry luein, win n sulferiug from great and long continued debility. Tho us of three bottles of thesu Hitters, at the beginning of the present year, was fullow.d by evident relief, and restoration to a degree of bodily and L.ental vigor which I hud not fell for six month, before, and had al most despaired uf regaining. I therefore thank God and ley frledd for directing me tn the use nf them. J. NUWTUN UUOVV.V. Philadelphia, Juno S3, lcCl. PARTICULAR NOTICE. There are many prrj.hrationt told under the name of hitters, put nt quart bottles, conptunded of the cheapest iraisAry or common rum, costing from 'JO to 40 cents per gallon, the taste disguised by Anise or Coriander Aad. This class of Hitters hai caused and will continue to ituse, as long as they can bo sold, hundreds to die the death of the drunkard lly their use the system is kept continually under Ihe influence of tlcoholic stim ulants cf Hie worst kind, tho desire for Liquor Is crea ted and kept up, and th.) result is nil the horrors at tendant iipiiu a drunkard's life and death. lor those who desire and will haven Liquor Hitters, we publish the following receipt. Get one bottle of lluutiamrs German Hitters ami mix Willi three quarts of Blind br indv or wbi.kei' nml the reault wit l.e h t un arati i i w"l ul cac el ei he i iatk l. ai d M c, t mu all the virtues of lloofl.iud's lliltersincnnueitiou Willi a good article of Liquor, at a much less prici than these inferior preparations will cust you. ATTENTIONSOIiDIERS I AND THE rr.IENES OP 30LDIEit3. We call Attention tn all having relations or friends in Hie army tu the fact thai "IIDOl'LANH'S German Hitler." will cure nine-tenths of the diseases induced by axposiires and privations incident to camp life. In the lists, pnlilishcd inmost dally in the newspapers, on the arrival ol tho sick, it vfill be noticed that a very large proportion arc vutlcring debility. Every case of that kind tan be readily cured by'H German Hitlers. Diseases resulting from disorders of the i i gcstive organs are speedily rcffioved. Wo have no hesitation in stating that, if tlie.. Hitters were freely used muting our soldiers, hundreds of lives might be saved that otherwise will be lost. Wc (all particular attention to the following remark able and well authenticated cure of one of the nation's heroes, w hose life, to use his own language, "Ills, been saved by the Hitters." I'HiLinBLrntA, Af.gust 23, 1FC2. .Messrs. Jene J.y J'l-mis. Well, gentlemen, your Hoof. land's German Hitlers has saved my life. There is no Mistake in this. It i. vouched for by numbers of my comrades some of vvhose names arc nppended, and who were fully cogiii.-tut of nil the circumstances of my ra-o. I urn. and have been for the last lour years, .i member of Sherman's celebrated battery, uud under tliu immediate cuiiuiiand of (,'apt It, II. Ayres. Through the vxposiirc uitcmtaui ttpuii my ar-mrnus unite", t was attacketl in November last vvitli intlumiiiation of the lungs, and was fnr seventy-twudays in the hospital, I was then removed from tho White llouae, and sent tu Ibis illy on bu.ird Iho Steamer "bla.e of .Maine," frmnwhich i landed on the --th of June, Mince that lime I have been about as low as any one could bo and still retain n spark nf vitality. I'tirnwcek or'tiior" I was scarcely able tu swallow an) thing, and :f I did force n morsel down, it was immediately thrown up again. 1 could not even kef pa glass nf water on my stomach, Lifuco'ihi not last under these circumstance. : and. tie- rordiiigly, the physicians who had been working faith fully, 1 1 1 i,u l: li unsuccessfully, to rescue me from the grn.p of lb.' dread Archer, frankly told me theyiniild do no mine for me, and advised mo to see ti clergyman, and make such disposition of my limited funds as best suited me. An acquaintance who vi-iited me ut the hospital. .Mr, I'rederuk steinbrou, of Sixth below Ardi Street, advised me, as u forlorn hope, to try your Hit ters, and kindly procured u bottle. Prom tho time I commenced taking the in the gloomy shadow of i eath receded, and I am now, thank God for it, getting better. Tboiigli I Have taken out two imlties, I nave gnineil i ten iiouuds, and I feel sanguine or being iierinitte.l rejniii '"' 'f" 'ImiKhter, Iron, vvhoin 1 liuvohei to nrd uothiugfor eighteen mouths: for, gentlemen, lam n lnval Virginian, from the vicinity of front Itnyal. To vour valuable Kilters I owu the ci rlaiuty of life wnich I lias taken thu plare of vague fears to your Hiltern will 1 owe the glorious privilege of again clasping to ' ,t,v l.n.ti,,, I . ii-ltn nr.. tl.eirp.t If, tin, ill l,C.. Very truly yours, ISAAC HA LONE. Wo fully concur in the truth of tho above statement as we had despaired of seeing our comrade, .Mr. Wa I lone, restored tn health ,,,l, f'.l.ll..l.-,-fe let V.w Vrtrlr llnlln.w Geoigo A. Ackley, Co, C 1 1 ill .Maine, Lewis Cheualier, I'M New York, I. E. Spenrcr, 1st Artillery, Mattery P. J. II. I'asewcll, Co, II, 3d Vermont, Henry H. Jerome, Co. II, do. Henry T. MacDonnld, Cn, C, nth Maine, Juhu P, Ward, Co. I'..,5th .Maine, Hernial! Koch, Co. Il.,7!d New York, Nathaniel II. Thomas, Co. P., H.'.tli Penn., Andrew J. Kimball, Co, A 3d Veruiutit, John Jenkins, Co, II., lUUlh l'enn. BEWARE OF "COUNTERFEITS, Seo lliat tfio signature of "C. M, JACKSON," ii on the Whiter of each bottle. 1'ItlCE I'Ell UOTTLE T3 CENTS, OR II ALP DOZ, POR $1 00. Should vour nearest druggist not have the article. do not be put oil" by any of tho iutiixicitilig. prepara tions that may bn otfercd in its place, hut send to us, and wu will lorwnrd, securely packed, by express. Principal Office und Manufactory, No. Arch Street. Jone & Evans, (Successors to U, Ju. JAUIvbUiN cc Uo.,) nnnnninimno PROPRIETORS, EJ- FOR B M.E by Drugjlits ill Ultltn H svrtf towu la IU UnJtxd Btuis. Tho Latent Nows. Hon. Ciiarlk( 11, Duckai-ew, Senator from PennsylraniA, offcroti a resolution on Thursdajr in tho Souale, directing the printing uf 0,000 copies of Gen. Model- 'Inn's Report, Tor tbo ui& of the Senate Maj, IlntM Caukrok, Son of Gen . j Hon. J.Woods Dbown, of Northum jbcrland oo., has been elected Presidont of tho Now National Uank, looated at Milton. Tub Hemoobatic State Oonvkntion, has been recommended to bo held on Thursday tho 24th of Maroh, in Phila delphia. The Dhmociiatio National Oonvem tio.v, is proposed to bo held upon tho 4th of next July, in tho City of Ohiaogo. Uur btato benato, was ujt yot organ- iied, by tho election of n Speakor, on Thursday, and wo hopo orory doinoocat will maintain his integrity. .Senator Wilson, a fanatio from Mafsa. ! oliQSctn, haa offered a resolution expelling Senator Davis, (an old lino whig) from Kentucky, for daring to exposo tho cor ruptions of tho Administration, W havo nothing late, or of irnportanco, from the Scat of War. Maryland U. S. Senator. Hon. Thomas Ilolliday nicks was oleo tod, on Friday last, United States Senator,, by tho Maryland Legislature, in plaon of Mr. I'carcc. This election ia considered' a triumph ovor Hon. Henry AVintor Da vis, whose candidato was Judgo Spenoo. AVo shall venture no plaudit until wo eco how tho new Senator conducts himolf nt Washington. Ilo is said to bo somcwbaJ conservative. OP TUB Brave Soldiors and Sailors. EOLJ OWAY'S PILLS. AND OINTMENT. All wliohavu Trierids and llel.itives In the Array or Nnvy fliould taku ipeoiairarn that they bo amply sup plied w iih these Pills and Ointment; nnd where th brave Pn'diers and Sailor, havo neglected to providt' themsclveswith them, no better present can bo sea theirt'hy their l'rietids. Thej' l.nvo been proved to b the Sn'dier'sndver failing frieiul in tllu hour of need, COUGHS AND COL03 AtTLCTINO TKOOl'rJ. AVllrtio sp6odly relieved nnd clfettualiy cured b? using tlicse admirable medicines, and by paying proper, attention to tliu Directions which are attached to cucfc l'ot or Hox, KICK IlHAnACIir.S AND WANT OP At" LTITE, INCIIIHN PAL TO SOLUILIta. Those feeling which so sadden us usually arise frox trouble or annoyances, obstructed peispiration, or eat ing nid drinking whatever is umvholusome, thus dis turbing the healthful action of the liver and stomaclr These organs must be relieved, if you desire tube well 'I lie Pill, taken according tu the printed insrtuctlons, will quickly produce n healthy action in both liver nn J stomach, and, as a natural consequence, a clear head and good appetite. WEAKNESS Oil Ur.llIl.lTY INDUCED nY OVEQ I'ATIOUE Will soon disappear by the useoftheso InvaluabU, 1 ""' co""ec "in uicniy acquire ouiiiuoiiu.' strength. Never let tho llowels be either conflned or I U1"1'"-v Br,ed "I'0"' " may oiii tlrnnge, that Hoi- -''"'' ? recommended for Dysentery 1'ins, ami uio coiuier win quicMy ncqutro auniuuna.- nnd l'lux. many persons supposing that they would increase the relaxation. This is a great mistake, fur these. Pills will correct the liver and sumach, uud thus remove all the acrid humors from the system, This mediciuo will give tone uud vigor to the ivltnlti organic system, however deranged, whiU health and strength follow ns a matter of course. Nothing will slop tho re laxation of the Howe s so sure as this famous mcdl cine. VOLUNTEERS, ATTENTION I INDISCUETION3 OS YOUTH. Sores and Ulcers, Dlotthes and Swellings, can wltk ceitniuty be radically cured, iflhc Pills arc taken night nml mnrnliif;, and Ointment be freely used us staled ia the printed instructions. If treated lu any other man lier, they dry ur in cue part to break out in another Whereas thi Cititment w ill remove the humors from the sy.tcin, mid leave the Patient a vigorous mid healthy man. It will require a little perseverance in had ca ses to insure n lasting curb. POR WOUNDS EITHER OCCASIONED 11Y THU UAYONET. SA11UH. OR THE UULLET, SOSES OR URUISES, To which every Soldier and Sailor nro liable, then nro no tuedines so safe, eure, and i mivcnient, as llol low-ay's Pills uud Ointment. 'I ho wounded nnd almost dying sulferer might have his wotituts dressed homo, diatcly. if he would only provide himself with this iiiatclilesa Ointiucnt, which should be thrust irttntlu wound nnd smeared all round it, then covered with a piece nfliueu from his knapsack and compressed with u handkerchief, Talking, night and morning, Cor 8 Pills, tn cool the svstcm and Prevent iitllamalion. Every Soldier's Kunpsaik and Seaman's Chest shout j be pruvided with these valuable Remedies. CAUTION! None nro yCnuino unless tho words "lloiloways, New York and London "aro discernabla us a Water-mark in every leaf of tho book of directions around each pot or box ; the same may plainly soen Uy holding the leaf to the light. A haudsoiuo reward will be given to anyone rendering such Information as may lead lo tne detection of iiny party or parties counter feiting the medicines or vending thu same, knowing tliem ttsbe spurious. . ,Sold at manufactory ot Professor llolloway, 60 Miadcii Lime, New York, nml bv' all resoeeiiibTn limn. istsand Dealers iu Medicine, throughout tho civiiicd world, in boxes at 25 cents, nml 31 each, rjj l here is considerable saving by taken thu largsr gUcs, IS. H. Directions for tho guidance of imtient. in fv disorder aro allixed to inch box. l.-" Dealers u my well known medicines rnnb.iv. Show Cards, Circulars, fcc, fcent free of expense, by aJdressiin; TIIii.VIasi llm.l.i a v 60 .M.iiiim Lank, N'lw-Yor.r. Vic. 12, l?o3.-ly. Juno 20, leuU. Of this City, Im undauntedly discovered In his e am bination for tho treatment of Dyspepsia one ofth greatest remedies tint has ever been given to Bur ning humanity. Hollas treated within tho past two years something over nine thousand cases in his pri vate practice, many uf which had delicti the .kill ef eminent physicians in Europe ar.d America, and in every cast) where the medicines were taken according to directions, they havo itiadu n perfect cure. .Many of the above cases were of ovur twenty ears standing. '1 hose who nro troubled with Dyspepsia wculd da well lo call lit tho Doctor's olhro. lit) gives you ad vice free. Persons at n distance c.iu consult by letter describing the symptoms Dr.'s treatment put up iu a, secure package with full directions, is ssut by express on the receipt cf Six Hollars, N. II In nil cases where the disease lias not become chronic, J)r. Wihart's Dyspepsia Pills nro all that is required. Hcnt by mail on the receipt of Ono Dollar. Address Dr. I.. U. U. Wisliart, Phll.ide'phla.-J'aH-dtlphia Ledger, Ilec. Ill, lrta-Gui. The (iraxi Anicriciu Tea I'uiupauy. No. 51 Vesuy Stkeet, 1WW-YORK. HAS created a new era in Ihe history of wholesaleini Teas in this country. They havo introduced their selections of Teas and sold tliu in at not over 'I IVO CUNTS per pound above cost, never deviating from the one price asked ; believing this will he attractive to th. many who havo heretofore been paying enormous pro fits. Parties can order Teas and willJu, served by usat well as though they camo themselves, being sure lo get 1 original packages, true weights and tares, and the Teat ' nru warranted as represented. Our rules List is new ready. December 3, Ipoj- 3w ELI 1IOLDEN weo INVITES tho attention of every reader of yjtriy. 1 this pnper, which includes many thousind .rtnr ins out patrons anu ocquaitnaiices-TO uis . ttiSUiauniuually large and beautiful vntity of American and imported watches, ri.nrtta rttid elegant dasigns of JEwELUY, 611(91 Strt, , i kli lloi.DEN. 708 Marko Sro, PUILADBLPIIU Hsrsk 41IH-W i 31
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers