JFatmcr"0 (Solmmu THE ORNAMENTATION OF CEM ETERIES, Wo quoto from the Gardeners'1 Chroni rea short articlo on this subject, inter. cting to ninny at this aau timo, when tho fairest nnd bnghtost of our land arc sleep ing so quietly, leaving only their graves to our lovo : "A correspondent has writton to aek our opinion upon tho following question, which nppcrs to bo daily becoming more worthy of consideration : 'Should como terlcs bo decorated with the gayest flowers that can bo obtained : or, would it not look far moro in character with tho plaeo to substitute trees, Bhrubs, and plants of a sober tint I "Now wo look Hpon this question as in volving considerations of pure tasto and feeling, upon which any person possessing those qualities is oapable of giving an opin ion ; wo thercforo should bo very glad to snow tho views of any of our correspond ODtS who have considered tho matter. wllile. ... , ' Without aS6UmiDlI tho airs of an 'arbiter , . fa u clegantiarum,' wo vanturo to express our- BUIVCB very ueciUCUiy 111 lavor Ot tbC Surilb3 ui tjuiuurc iiuc, anil arjainst tllO cauuV r . , IlOWeri. Ur poihaps We should like best , 01 ail 10 KCCp tUO general foaturCS of a . " , I Cemetery to BOmo extent SOUlbrc and fu- lieral, Whilo WO should wish tho tendcrestl .mi;.., j i .. ,, . ,, . , emotions to oe raised by tho sight of m diviilnnl rnroa 1.,1,iP..1I .1 I . (vu v..w.i.iuijf uuiuu lor, renaerea pleasing to tho eye, soothing to the mind, with a few siniplo wild flowers, and iragrant with primrose, violets, or swectbriar, tho saered lobor of somo fo-1 male hand, tho tribute of some lovincr ' i'ekcu hlv's:. ' t i o..i. a . . ,fa,CLiRtT linows, m-uik. oittu uowers 01 naiuro speal: lor 1 l,nm.t. !. ..11 if. ... . . uamstiiw i vuii mcir own taie. i But, perhaps, to confino ourselves to such as theso would bo imposing too narrow a limitation; Turcly thcro can bo no ob ject to tho presenco of any flowers that do not require tho continual labor of the gar dener and his men, provided that they arc not introduced into tho walks, or rang, cn in elaborate patorrcs, which would givo a notion of paid for work, and not bo sug gestive, as they manifestly should be, of an offering of affection, a labor of love. Among the flowers that would seem lo be most appropriate, one thinks of the modest enowdrop, peeping above ground ero tho winter is gone tho harbinger of spring, or the crocus expanding its beauteous flow ers on tha first cheering sunshiny day; Anemones, bright and hopeful ; bluo bells, tweet and elegant, hanging down their heads; the true old fuchsia cocoiner, with peuded spray, but not its vulgar 'improve ments.' All those are admissible, and our fnir readers will easily thing of a multi tude of others qu.te as appropriate. "It appears to us that the ondeavor lo harmonizo outward objects with our in ward feelings is a true mark of delicacy and refinement; and, on tho contrary, tho abrupt introducing of matters perfectly in congruous with onr framo of mind, over must be harsh and jarring to the sensitive. To 'rcjoieo witli them that do rejoice, aud weep with them that weep,' it is at onco a Christian maxim, and tho dictato of a warm and sympathising nature. To make cemeteries into a gay promenade would be as painful to tho feelings, and almost as much out of place as dancing at a funeral," SHOEING HORSES. "W. Jones, a veterinary surgeon of Lon don, gives the following simple rules for shoeing horses : "1st. After having taken off tho old shoe, shorten the too, and romove all tho dead and loose parts of tho hoof. Do not cut tho solo or pare tho frog, except when tbo feet has received an injury fron a nail or otherwise, when it must bo cutout. u2nd. Let tha sbe bo of equal thick" neBS, or rather thinned at tho heel. The ground and foot surfaoo should bo perfect ly lovel. Tho shoo should be light on the hcol. Too many nails aro objectionable, and theso should bo kept as far as possible from tho heels. "3d. For tho hind feet there is no ob jection to calking, though they aro of doubtful benefit. Horses travel better without them. Tho hind shoos aro mado thicker at the toes than at tho quarters, tho nails also can bo put closer to tho heels without causing inconvenience. "4th, Side clips should be avoidcd,they destroy the hoof; tho same is tbo case when tho nails are too closo together, Tho feet should never bo rasped, as it do otroys tho enamel of tho hoofs, reudcrs them brittle, and causes sandcrack, and consequently lameness. ''5th. Expansion is a fatal error which has led to many abuses in shoeing, such S3 pairing oil the solo and frog, rasping off, the hoof, etc Tho elasticity oftho foot, which is, howeve, very limitetl, exists onljr! in tho upper part of tho hoof, principally round the comet. On tlio lower part and the tor it is nil," To Staiw a Balky IIonsE. Fill Jus mouth with dirt or gravol from tho road and he'll go. Now don't laugh at this but - tryit, The plain philoiophy oftho thing U it gives him somethiugehc to think of. We have been it tried a hundrod timon and :t hse myer failed, s feciit;v(Ks mimic sviuii' WILL Ctlll CONSUMPTION. SCIIGNCK'B PULMONIC aYIHIP WILL tURK CONSUMPTION sciiBNCK'a pulmonic svnur WILL com OONSUMl'TIO N. BCItENCK'S PULMONIC BYRUP WILL It'RC OONSU MP T I ON.. SUIIENCK'S HHA WEED TONIO WILL CCHK D Y S P E P S I A. SCHE.NCK'S SEA WEED TONtC WILL Lvnu DYSPEPSIA. bciibn'oK'S s7iXvni:n tonic WILL COIIU DYSPEPSI A. BCIIENCK'S HUaTveED TONIC will cene DYSPEPSIA. FCIIENCK'S MANDP.AKE PILLS will toae LIVER COMPLAINTS. BCIIENCK'S MAN11RAUE 1'II.I.B will com LIVER COMPLAINTS. BCIIENCK'S MANDRAKE rit,L3 WILL CIRK LIVEll COMPLAINTS. SCIIENCK'3 .MANDRAKE PILLS WILL CURB LIVER COMPLAINTS. I ...,.. . , .. nil. J. II. SCHENCMiasn, largo suit of mom, nt No 32 Hond Street Now York, whore lie, can bo found every Tuesday, from n ii. m. to dp. m., and at No. 3J North Hizlli Street. I'll! adclllhla. Ph.. evcrv Siitnsil.iv. " kcP " ''"ee supply of medicines nt his room", winrataii bo ".in . " uiuiij. iiiuau msning num.: " nn examination of the Lungs will do well tocnll on , m ns above. Ho makes no charge for ndvice, but for prVcSriiuV csaml"a"" ""' Kpi'"'t' "i .Many persons arc mrnici to imvoiiiciriuiiBscainiri. .l I... 1. Li.KnlinL' r.. T..n IhnH .. Ill I.a ln I 1 !U"1 mat mean it n put on until it is ton late, now iiiuih better It would bo to know thcirconditiou at once, asbynbunilaiiceofevldence.IJr.S.hnsshownsumcicnt certificates in this city that ho lias cured advanced singes of Consumption. Dr. yehench's Principal Offlco la No. 3'J North Sixth street, Plilladclpliia, where lcttcra for advico should be Price of the I'ulnionic Byrup ,n.i Sen Weed Tonic each $1 per bottle, or .5 thu half dozen. .Mandraku puis, sa cents nr box. For snlo by nil DruggUts and Storekeepers. iitiouer J, icuj.-j FAMILY DYE COLORS. FAS? ljAIlK 'nim Mahf.vtji, iMAKOO.V. Oranuc, I'l.VK, I'Ulll'LP, Uovai. I'cnrtB, riALMO.V, SCAIILLT, hruwh, I.rollT llROHN. km'"1 imons. CRIHfOV, D.UUC IIRAD, I.1UKT 11IUU, 5-LATE, "OI.IORINO, t Violet. DARK l.ntl'N. I, lour Onti.v, Vcllov. TV,r iiuin sub- -ivnn?n.. n.i mi.. 1 , , , 1 Rarf? 1 i.bn L r,Cj G00rS' s'ia"l9 j 11,'.. Uf f V "JH, i-V Gl0y,is-,l'omict8 Hats, rea t hew, Kid (.loves, Children's Clothing and nil kinds of H earing Aypnrel. SST-ASAVIX6 OF 80 PER CEST For 23 cents you can order ns mnnv rrood wnniil ! othcruiso cost Ave times that sum. Various shades can be produced from tho sum Dye. The process is ' simple, nnd any one can tiso the Z)yo with perfect sue- I 1 Directions ill English, Trench nnd German, inside of j each package. , ,r.f"rt!"!' i"fornlio.n l' Vylog and giving a per-1 lectKiionicnio wnai colors aro nest adapted to dyo over others, (with many valuable recipes.) purcluso Ilowo & Htepliens- Treaties on Dyeing and Coloring.- Sent by mall on receipt of pjice, 10 cents. , tiunuiaciurea oy iiuwk c HTBvnNS. JIROABWAV, HoSIO.f cT'l or sale by Druggists and Dealers generally, December li!, 1803 linos, THE people of the county of Columbia are respectfully, informed that the undcrsigneJ has fu. sale, nt tbo ItECOI DKIVS CiPVirP J(l,L Ulx.lJJlx. O Ul'tJLl., IN 11LOOMSUUUO. 'I'll H 1111ST AND CHEAPEST ASSOUT.MENT OP ST&TI0I1EI Tobo found anywhere in the County, consisting of tXTd.lnr.deM :,,9 "0,'lors - NEW AND SECOND-HAND BOOKS, ;. Comprising History. Poetry, ficlioii.The- toBy,?.VoNwrV...- &L2cy , n , - . . ,V , ....., ..,..".' JVS.i.. if'., ,'!"b .lc!"n.6'. .fr,., order; by sp'rial arrangement with New York Afcnls. 9 EiTIWdES A'jTEO Trrrra l-vnirrMnxTmo omniiTnmn BOOKS, DOCUMENTS, PAMPHLETS and Speeches; and copies of the United Slate,, nnd State constitutions in , arious styles, always on Und. Bloomsburir Nov 7 1FM JOHN C 1KLLL. , iiioomsourg, lov. i, Ibo.i. jTpvcr. f. ,.. J "' J t New Drug Store, WHOLESALE AND HETAIL rpiiu uniiersigneu wotilil inrorio their friends nnd tho I X public gcnorally.Uiut they have taken the stand for- i uui'iiiit i.j- ,i.u. iiiiui:iiiiiii.ii, lu nil; IjXCII.lllgC lluilding, on .Main street, in Uloomsburir, uhcro ho has jmi receivcu a mil supply oi fireegis, Medicines, Paints, ails, JLiUIHllS, cVC , Which will bo sold on modcrato terms for ready pay. Also, NOTIONS generally, of every variety, tort and size. Physicians' prescriptions carefully compounded, at all times and on short notice. Confectionery uf tho best selections, and Sr'odn Water in sensou. ,. La" A share of tho public custom is respectfully so licited. L'YEIl li .MOVER. Cloomsburg, April 11, 180D. BLOOMSBUBG SKYLIGHT, Picture Gafleiy. Till! undersigned informs the citizens of Iiloom. and neighborhood, that ho lias taken tho largo room nt tho Exchange lllock, extending over.llorney Stoliner lidkery, and tho llookstoro where he lias put in nlargeSkylijll, It isonly by Pkylightthat good pic tares enii bet! xen especially groups wlieru each person can bo taker. ist ns well ns separate. Hohasgon to considerable expense tn inako his ca tablishmout first class one, and ho therefore solicits a liberal patro ige toenablo him, to constantly introduce thomoda 1 improvements of tho nrt. E?" Coin -y produce taken in Exchange for pictures I1ENUY UOSENSTOCK. Illoomsburg, Nov. 23 lPfll. Nov. 0 'i2 aJEIWISTKY. II. G. II 0 W E It, SUKGEON DBNTIST, IU'SrECTPULLY offers hi. iirof,,.. ioual services to tho ladies nud genlle. men or lilooiiisburg and vicinity, Ho is nrcnared to atU'iid to all tin, vfirimiu operations in the line of his profession, and is provided with tho latest improved VOKCKMIA TKF.TJt ; lilcli uill beinsertcil on eold. ulutina. iilvnr an. I mMuoin.., tolookivcll as tho natural teeth mineral pinto nnd block teuli Manufactured nnd nil operations on teeth, carefully nnd nronerlviiiii.nili.il in Itesidenco and oilicc u few doors nbovo tho Court jjousr, s,iiou siuo. iiloomsburg, JuuoO. UG3, STILZ & IIAR'I'LKY, f'niiunliilfitinn li.-itilf MnllHI nrr 320 North Third Street between Vine A Callowtill, June so, ifC3-iy. imuladelpiiia. LIGHT STREET, Columbia couuty, Fc rpIIE undersigned lias located at tho above name .1 hotel, formerly occupied by Peter Scliug, and solii its a share of public patronage. U7 (lood accommodations for man and beast. It bctt kind of liquors at ths bar. J. a. KICK, Proprietor, MSEft SMp THOMAS BROWN, Barber. ULooMBBona, columhia co i-a. ep in uovn uoui Alter- neii tne vtnorn oratf NsrimVrrH, l!M, GOME 0NE1 COME ALL ? 1 J. J BROWER WILL exposo to salo every day th'i3 I'm nnil Winter. (Pund.iys excepted,) n largo nriil well selected nssnitmont cC American French ;unl EtiRilsli (Jowls, Just from io Eastern tnfttkets. Flntn Dicss floods arn the Intent fashion, such ns Cashmcru Merinos, Tula Moknlr Bilk Finish, Alpoccns of nil shades. DE LA INS at 18, 22, .25, 1)1 and U5 cts. CALICOES from 18 to 25 cents. SHAWLS A Mi wooii, long & squaro, at prices to suit purchasers. NUBIAS AND WOOL HOODS or EVERY DESCnirtlOS. Cloths, Cassimers and Jeans, for Men and Hoys wenr, cheap. Dailies' Collars, Cuff, Blcovca, Head Net, mill dress trimmings. Hhachcd and Unbleached Muslius, will tic told nt n very s matl advance. Hosiery, Gloves, Embroidoring Braids, fe small wares in great variety. Liucn Carpet Chain and cotton yarn. Hoots and Shoes, Indies' (-niter s, toilet slippers, children's gaiters and shoes, mid n lama stork tt select from nt nil IirtccH. Trunks nnd nil clnlli satchels, tluccnsworo nnd Hardware, Sk K O. 3 ;K, X g , TOBACCO AND SEGARS, nt low tiriecf. nnd In fact utmost cvrrvthlnc in inv lino , that may ho called fur, an I havo purchased n much lar der Hock nf goods than usual, nnd hiii dctcrniiiicd to sen them nt very small prnnts.ior rc-auy pay. Ladies Mill llnd it tn their advantage to buy their Dross Hoods nt this cstnlilWimenl. n 1 will presen to every l.ndy customer, who may dosiro It, one of .Mad- ...... t,.,nrn-,'u I-.-.. .1 .n ..qui.,... nlt n.t.l ..... ihu .Mirror of Fashion, Just published, with lull mid rcnao'e ucfcri pnon ot mo latest raris lawions uioomsburg, Sept. Sii. im. -' jj & ji, rji ANTHONY, ji A NU I' ACTU U CR3 Of I'll OTOO U A I'll IU M A T C It 1 A 1. 8, 501 Broadway, New York. Our Cataloguo now embraces considerably over four inousauii iiiiierciiieuiijeci8i,iu ivuicn nuiiiiioiis urc con ituually being made) of Portraits of Hmlncut Amrrl cans. etc.. vir. : '.il.Mnlor-fieiicrals. I'.'U llrig (cucrali. 2S'J Colonels, 64 l.leut.-t'nloiicls, V(17 other" (JllicorB, CO Navy (Juicer, Cii MatcMucn, 127 Divines, 1 10 Authors, M) trusts, 11- ctagc, w rromincnt women, j 17 l'ruin incut l'oreign Portraits. 2,500 C.wiY.s of Worlcs of Art, Including reproductions of the most cclebrateil Hngra- vingg, runnings, oniiues, ate. catalogues soul on re. ccipt of staoii. An order for 0110 do.en pictures from our Catalogue will bo tilled on receipt ofSl.tl), and seni uy iiiau, ireo. k iniOTOGHAPinC ALBUMS. Ot these wo maniif.ictiire n great variety, ranging In 1M,.. limn tviup i ijuu r.iwi, Our Albums have the reputation of being superior in beauty nnd durability to any others. The smaller n ml 3 ran no sent saieiy hy mail nt 11 postage of six cents per oz. Tho more expensive can bo sent by ex press. IV'o aUo keep a lar;o assortment of Stcrescopes nnd Ftcrescoplc views. Our Catalogue of theso will ba sent to any aenrcs 011 receipt 01 stamp, u. tell. T Anthony. 'Maiuif.icturers of l'liotograpliic Alaterlals SOI llroadway, New York l'rlcnils or relatives of prominent military men will sent to nny af.ilre.'g 011 receipt of stamp. Jj. 11. T confer u favor by sending us their likenesses to copy, iney win oo Kepi caieiiiuy nnu rciuruco iiiiinjitrca. 1'iuo Albums made to order for congregations to pre. sent to their Pastor, or for other purposes, with suita. i,in (ncrrintinna. a ,. August ItC3-Um. T1IK (IIIUAT WORLD'S t'AIU EXHIBITION 11V.LV IN' LONDON lol miincs f " unnionv TllUb. W. iMAT loOi w. nwardn,l Ihn Prir.o Med. nu r Tils soneroritv over 'ill 'JCL-tl. J, 'it J utit i , u Kv4&? ttX ,"r 1 is iinrovei, eiits A W Wtf&V i iiiiprovtiiKiiis J&&yV,fjp Tr.ivelHna I "ling in, ciiii, i unit Maiiufneturornfi:inslii-tMl --iail f li i. i ... Spring solid Solo I.ealhcrand solid Uivcted Iron Trame .Uses, Ladies Hat Uases, Carpel Umbrellas nnd Hobby Horses, , Wlieclbcrruws. &c. which lie is prepared to sell nt tho lowest manufartiiiitor iriri. ;rhcmost ,.x ' 4U1 M AUKLT STIIEET, one door nbeve rouith, South side, l'llILADEI.l'IHA, 3Sals room on the lirst floor. i lG-'Tmnk neatly repaired or .'Xchaiigod for new ', ones. Call and see, or wo sell very cheap for cash. f.'ov. H, IflKI 13mo. I National FmTZryT BliOOAISIiUUG , COLUMBIA CO., PA. ;T"U subscriber proprietor of tho above named . older "fir0 t0"' All IUlltlS Of llaCllilUTy, I for Colleries.Illast Furnaces, Stationary Engines, Mills TIIKI'.SIIINT. .MACIIINL'S.fcO.. &C. He is also .ircnared to make Stove,, all slr.es and 'li'n,",',;!,""'' 5111,1 everj tiling usually made in "is extensive t.uililies and practlcnl uorkmen, war- jautthimiii reciving the largest contracts on the mo-t reasonable terms. 'j,"1"1 ki"j8 t0 takC" in CIchan!'e t0 I ,,ia establishment is lora.cd near tho Laokawan. ,m . niooiusburg Uallro.nl Depot, I'ETEIIDILLMEYEII. m.omsburg, Sept. 12. 18C3. - - .... . . , - Exchange Hotel, ft ATE COL, R. B. J0KCS, I No. 77 Dock Street, nest door to tltc Jt . in -i i i i - l 0 UUlCO, rllllailelpllia fPhis well known establi'hini'iit maintains its usual J. celebrity, aud its well known repuiatioii of bciiiy tho best HOTEL ON THE EUIIOPEAN PLAN Shall bo sustained. Itooms may bo had at nil hours par night, M7 cents j per week, $2 50, per month, SH. The liar and Eating Departments aro furnished Willi the best of everything the market can produce. GAME, FIIUIT, VEGETABLES, nnd delicacies of every cllino may be had nt n momo i' notice. Meals at 12 centB nnd upwards, and may bo had from 5 A. .M. till 2atniglit, Ucnllemen may rest assured that no expense will bo spared to render this Hotel n model one. J. OTTENKIltK, Propr. March 7, 13U3-3ni, E5MA5aSE HOTEL, PUBLIC SQUARE, WU.KES-BAUHE. l'.t. TiiKiin'Icrsigncd, having taken this well-known stand (formerly of Major Puterbaugh), respectfully mHi its tlio patronage of tlm public. No pains will bo spared in nny of its departments, to render rntisfattion to nil guest. Tho TAULE nud tho UAU will alwuys bo supplied with tho HGST THE MARKET AFFORDS. K7 Rood t-'tabling for Horses and nttcntlve llo.ilers. Tho "Eschango" is eligibly situated on tlm Public Square, and has therefore peculiar advantages to per sons attending Court or doing business in llio public allices. Charges moderate. N. I!. Wlicnover you como lo town, please call. II. J. YAPLE. Wilkes-narro, Nov. 15. 1SC2! KEW JEHSEY L.WDS FOU SALE, ALSO. GARDEN AND ERUIT FARMS, Suitable for Grapes, Peaches, Pears, liaspberrles, Strowborrlrs, Ulni kberries, Currents, ic, of I. '.'15, 10 oa ill) acres eaeh, at the following prices for tho present, via: '.'0 ncres tor P20U, 10 acres forSUU,3 acres for S'M, Hi acres for 3 10, 1 acre for i JO. l'a) ablo by ono dollar a week. AUo, good Cranbury lands, and village lots in Cheat wood. 22 by 100 feet, nt $10 each, payable by oua did lur n week. The above land nud luriiis. nre situate a Chcatwnod, Washington township, llurlingtnii county New Jersey. For futlhor information, upply, with P. O. Stamp, for a circular, to II. FRANKLIN CLAKK. No. SO Cedar Street, Xew York, N. Y. January 17, 103, STOVE AND TINMVARE SHOP. 'IllE unersiirncd would inform Iho ntiznn.nr I lllooiiiiburg and vicinity, that lie husjust o eived and oilers for sale one of Ihu mottcxtoiisivo assortments of COOKING unci FANCV STOVEr over introduced into this market, Tho Christopher (.'( iimbus, James ltobbaud Olobeuro among thu lirt el.is cookiug gtovos,all of which nro nir-tightandgosbiiruui III. Parlor stoves are handsome und the assortment tl ried. ALSO Particular attention is paid to Tin-Wan nud House Spouting, upon short notice, All kinds ot repairing will bo done with neatness and despatch. ItJ- uountry prouuru tuKt'ii in exchange for work. PHILIP S. .MOYEK, liloomsburi', May 10, ltfi2. iilaDtson Sg i)om, 51. & T. P.lA'ATSON L I VEll Y S TA 1) I. E A TTjhliED. nos.ru !Uciim Sr, Cmwiiiii Mihit 4. AHfH,l'a. KOT X), lIKr r pillB INSTITUTION Is under III solo mnnaj-oniont J nnu ulrccilon or lror, u, tv, L ,kll, so ions Prin cipal Of IllO m.wiMMrox coMMF.rici. : . cot.tv.ap.. Tho course of Instruction emlirm - nil tho requisites of n thorough practical business .uentlnu, nnd li.n been lately extended by the Intro.' ilotiofnn Actual lliis ines Con He, in which the Bin ut engages in llio n'Riilar routine nl business ttmu uons, vxemplillcd mill riiinl1l.irl7.eil by menus n n t' r-, (In which tho dttunl lutlntm of liiiyiiii; nnd eeiti J goods Is curried on by each Htudeiit.) nud Itiinlnoxp illeo-. viz: ll.-i nka of Issue nnd Deposit, llnll'lloailii aid Bteniu-lioatius l'ost Olllcc, Teternpli, &c, he, The Proprietor lias spared no' or expense In ma king this Course tho most thor. i nud complete of nny ever presented lo tho pulilp , , ud frits fully as sured Hint alter having been himself engajed In actual business, nud having hnd many years' experience nt teaching tlm fclnco of Aciuunts, ami being nlded by n full nnd ctlkclent coma of teacher., ha will ha on. bled to m.-ikii thorough and successful graduates of all who may pluco themselves under his charge, rr.MM.iwsiiii'! In this essential branch of a buslnss education no Collsgu on'ors better facilities lo tlm learner. The fipencerl.ni system will bo taught in all Its wirietles hy tlm most skillful masters of tho hit. Specimens of Writing from this Institution have received I lu highest encomiums from tho press. Tor general information, terms, tic, ndilreis for Col. lego .Monthly, which will bo mulled freoj ror speci mens of l'ciimnnship, rnelojc two three cent stamps. Address 1). V. M)T,I,1,, Principal. Lowell's Commercial College, r,lnghimiloii, N. Y. P. S. Ono of Hitler tc Uuncnii's No. 1 hijlily linlfhod fine, perfect point, ipilll spring (iold Pens, "I Hi holder iiml enso, wnrrnntod for nno year nnd to suit, will bo sent, free of charge to any one who will remit S'J, 50 to the nbovo nddress. Octobei 3, iw.'l ly. NATIONAL C03131EIIC1AL ;0LLi:ES LOCATED IN PHILADELPHIA, s.e. ccnxnnrni and chestnut sts., New Yorli City, Jfrnofdyn, Atbaii, Troy Buffalo. Detroit, C.lcv'iland, Chicago, and 6V. Lotus. flook.kooplng. Penmanship. Commercial Arlthmetit Commcrclnl Law, 1'orms, Correspondence, &c, piait cally taught. These Cullegcs bcjng under the same general audio, cnl lnanngcnient, and uniting lu each tho ndvniitago of nil. oirer greater facilities lor Imparting inslruai l than any other similar institution in the country. A Scholars hip issued by any oiiuisgojd in all fci n unlimited time. Tho Philadelphia Collogo has been rccenily cnlau nnd reHiriiished in n superior niaiiiicr, nud i, nowfl I largest and most prosperous Commercial Institution If the Stnto. Ilrynnt & Strntton's scries of Text Hooks, cmbrao Ilook.kci'ping, Commercial Arithmetic, and Commcr Law, forsnlo.nnd sent by mall. tCl'orfull particulars seudfor acircular, October If, le.ui2-.12m. aIII". underslgnt-iris ntso mtrnstvety engageiT the tJnilcrtnUnir Jlusinrss. nnd Uociisroimi.'iiitlv mi Imn.l nd for salo at liis Wnreroonis, n largo .isioriiiieut of FINISHED jg COFFINS, Hy which ho is enabled to till onle ri ml nroaPMl.'itinti ALSO Ki ens a L'Ood Horse nod Ifn.irwi,. nn,l will ,i! nl times be ready to attend l'linerels. SIMON C. SIUVE. niooiushorg, January l?i9 FILE HH A R It IV A A ri -i -ron- T HE undersigned, grateful for past patronage, resprc fully informs liNcutiimers nnd th" pobllcgiMierally that ho ha, just received from the Easteme cities, tli largebtund most select stock of Fall and W inter 2 That has yet been opened in rdoomsluirg, tn which he invites tho attention of Ills fricmls. .in, I .n. Hiem that tiiey nre ollcred for sale at great bargains. Ills , Stock comprises a large assortment of I GENTLEMEN'S WEARING APPAREL, Consisting oi i-'asiiionasi.k Dai:s Coais, of every des criptiun; Pants, Vests, .Shuts Cravats Sucks, Cotton Handkerchiefs, Cloves, Siiticuders, Uc. ! GOLD WATCHES I a ,n n JKWiLKY, Of every descriotion, fine nnd cheap. N. H. Ilemeiiiber " Loinenlcrg'a Cheap F.itiporitnn. cull and sec. No charge for examine (ioodi.. DAVID LOWI'.NIIEHO Uloomsburg, August 20. le'Ul. (June ld5i.) First Great Arrival. OF MIA & ll'IRTIR (ii Tho undersigned, has, just replenished his Ptoro Hon. oin Orangeville, with a well-selected asssrotmeiit FALL et WINTER CiOOHS t-onslsling in part of Cloths, Silks, .Muslins. Cnssl- u" 1i,i,';SJ'i'."1S' (",'!1C0C8;. ''"!. Ilo-leties, Carpets , nini i.Aiiits l ani v Dntsi (loons, generally, from 111 to , "Sctsund Prints from li toijets READY MADE CLOTHING. Hats, Uoot8i!c Shoes Mackerel Molaasscs, Sugar & Salt. OnOCEUIES GEIIErtALLY, itli all other arliles. usually kept in country ft ytet, to which he invites the early attention of old and low customers. Having been at tbo City in tho rigkt tmo bought low und paid cash-bo w ill ho-nhlc to com Klo with Hie best, and sell for small profits und prt'npl pay. His friends nru invited to pori in und see- the sights, . WM FltlTZ. Orangeville, Nov 7. 180.1. FORK'S II (I TIL, I Elonmsbttr", Columbia County, Pennu. SILAS DODSON, I'iItrielir. 'rakespleasurcinusinouniingto tho public that he .1 hastakei. and thoroughly relltted tho Forks Hotel formerly occupied by Unbelt llugenluuh, llloomsburs, nud I, prepared lo uccouiodnto travellers, teamsteri: drovers and boarders. II. s table will ho supplied with best products the markets all'ord, und his liar will be constantly luruislieu with tlio eholiest li'im.rs, i u.V-A lingo aiidcomiuodioiu stable has been ererted, 1 with a convenient stable attached Attentive ostlers i will always be in attendance, and ho trusts his obliging i ntlc-iitiuu to customers will secure him u llberul slime i f i pntiouugc: I lllooiucburg. Pa.. Nov. ill). 11-11 S. j TINWARE & ToVM SHOP. alllK undersigned respectfully informs his old friend 1 . nnil customers, that im has purchased his brotheis ' nterest in tlio nbovo establishment, ninlthe ruueeru wils ' hereafter bo conducted by himself encliLiivi'ly. tie nus just rcceiveil and oilers Tor sale, tho larg est nun most extensive assortment or J . N u V STOVEH uver introduced iilvi this market. His stock consists of n comnlcte nssoitmeut of lie best Cooking and parlor stoves in the- market, togeth er with ritovo Futures of every description, Oven nud Ihu flovcs, lladiators, t'ylindar Kloves, Cost Iron Air Tight stoves, ('aniicn ritoves, &c, &e. tltovepipo und Tinw are constantly on hand uud iiiauufactuted to order. All kinds uf repairing done, us usual, on short notice. Tho patronage of old friends and new customers re peetfully solicited, A. ,M. liUPEUT. Iiloomsburg. November 3d lPOO. tf. PETER YOHE & SON, HAVE recently opened a HOOT AM) SHOE SHOP in Ll(JHTHTJll:i:T, Culuiiibiaeounty,Pii.,aiidrittr prepared to do tha best work on the shortest uotlceQUt? at the lowest nrisri, (live Iksx a ssll, Ayrtl II, ins, ' "iti ti .-uL-'AiiiXv .m". Anotlier Call. MOltE MEN WANTED 1 DEVOLUTION IN HIGH rniciis, LJ1UGE ARRIVAL OF Fall & Winter Goods, AT PETEll ENT'S STOKE, ix uaitr urni'.r.v, cot.v.MiiM cavxrv, pji, TIAS Just received from Philndelplila, nnd is now J.'l oponlngjit the old stnnd lately occupied by Mattn k I'M, a splendid assort men t of m m &m &&s 33 1 1 w $ which will be sold cheap lor CAFH OK OOUNTllY PRODUCE. His stockconslslsof Ladles Dress Goods choicest styles and latest fashions Unlicoa, IMuslina, Ginghams, Flannels, Carpets, Shawls, Hosiery, Silks, HEADY HADE CLOTHING. Casbimcrcs, Satinets, Cottonadcs, Kentucky Jeans, Thread, &c. Groceries, Quconswaro, Ccdarwaro, Hardware, Medieiues, Drugs, Oils, Paints, &o, BOOTS Si SHOES, HATS & CAPS. In shon hvery thing ttsuntiy kept in n rountry storo Tlio patroungo of old friends, and tho public general ly, is respectfully solicited. Tho highest market price paid for country produce. PETER I1NT. Light Street, Nov. 7, 1?C3. BARGAINS IF YOU WANT TO BUY Fail & Winter Goods, GO TO I'reasy's storr, its Liglil Slroel, l'a. Who Keeps all Kinds of CALICO, MUSLINS, SILKS, GINGHAM, FLANNELS. CARPETS, HOSIERY, SHAWLS, Ready-Made Clothing Sugars, Molasses, Syrups, Coffees, Teas, Fish, Salt, Bacon, Hams, Lard, Tobacco, Sd'frnrs, Hats, Boot, Caps, Shoes, Drugs, Oils, Pnint?, &c.,&c. In addition to our large stork or Dry Oooits, wo have n large nnd toll assortment of Ready Made Clothing for Men nnd Hoys wear which wo nre ilrtcrmiiii'd to sell cheaper than can bo bought elsewhere. Call nud see, nnd Judge for yourselves. II. W. CREASY U CO. Light Street, Nov. 7. 1S03. THE XW GROCERY STo R. MOltE FRESH GOODS. Just received at Erasmus' New Store. Molasses, Sugars, Teas Coffco, llico, Spices, HaTs and Caps, Fish, Salt, Tobacco, Scgars, Candies, Bazens, FEED AND PROVISIONS. Together with a great vnriety uf notions anil etceto lastoo numerous to meiiiiini. OV Putter, Eggs, Meat and prodiuc generally taken ill exchange for goods, A. II, ERASMUS. Iiloomsburg, May tl, lcftf. FRESH ARRIVAL ov im V Miller's Store. rplin subscriber has just returned from Iho Cities J. with another Icrgo and select ussortmet of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, nmoliiiu.,.1 . HI. 11... ,1.1- 1.A ln 4 rt ... i wfilch they aro determined to sell on ns moderate , il-'rnis ns con be nroi-iir..,l ,.Ii.uh,-rii in iiinnn,.i,r in. mm it iiiiujirises utuiEit' niihss goods, ofchoici st styles and latest fashion, our aooiin. .ixo anocr.MF.s, n mnii'jini: (uf.f.xw.iue, CE0.1U WJ1HE, 1W1.WW WjlltE utox, x.m.s, boots .y shoes HATS .y CAPS, &c, iyc., .J-c, III short everything usually kept in rountry Stores to which In- invite llu- public generally. The Highest prieo paid for country produce. S. II. MILLER. Iiloomsburg. Oct. ii), 1PCJ. Jewelry and Silver-1 fare. rpIIE undersigned would respectfully invito vourat , I tentiun to his well sulecled stock of Fino (iod and i Pilver Watches Fino Hold Jewelry, of every kind ?' i"1, ! " 'wr pi . ...A's ,uWbV. Lath article r!- m.?.. . r ami vnrieiy oi siyics-comprising ait ofthe iiuwct und nud the oest un article is warranted S" Valrhes of Jowlrv carefllllv run niri-il nn,l ,m jviuc.iuii buaiaiue-eil. JACOIl IIAIM.EV. (Successors to StailllVr Ac liarlv. No. 022 .Makklt Br., I'uiL'i. aopt, .. looi .im. AND QENEItAL COMMISSION MERC I A NT IlLOOMSllUIIO, COLU.MIilA CO.l . E7"rUriCUI,All ATTtNltONOlVt.NKIr'ATl.MT Rl ITS.C0 rjepteinber ii, le'CIl 3m, JOHN G. YE ACER, ' MANUFACTUIIEK & WHOLESALE HEALER IN ?MA'i CAPS, STRAW GOODS, BONNETS AND ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, No. 207 North Third Stvcot, Phila'd. Nev , mi & WMi GOODS, A ' ECONOMY IS WEALTH.iQOIEItS IN THE AltMY CUBE YOUIl COUGH FORI!) CENTS , The best mvt cheapest Household remedy 771 Itto n onu, MADAME ZADOO rollTErt'S MAHAMl! ZADOO l'Clt. TEH'S Curative llalsam Is warranted If used eccordlng to Ihn directions, tn euro In all c.'i-is Coughs, Colds, Whooping I'oiigli, Asthiiin nnd nil Affections of tho throat and I.ilngs, Madame Zndnc porter's r.nlsam ! prepared with all tho requisite skill, from a cemblnntloii of the best rem edies tho vegetable kliindnm nffnrds, its remedial quail tics arc h.irod on lis power tn assist the healthy clrcil latino nf tliu blood, through tho I. outs. It is not n vio lent remedy, but otuolletit warming, searching nnd elf ectlvoi can he taken by tlm oiuesi person or llio young- est child, MndainZadoc Portf r's bal sam has been In use by thu 'While for over 18 yenrs, and 'ins ncorired Us present sain imply hy being recniiiliien. led by those uhn havo used it tn their nniittcd friends nud others. I Most Important. Mndamo Zadoc Porter's Curative llalsam Is sold nt n price which brings it in tho reach of every one to keep It convenient for Use. The time ly use nfn single bottlo will provo to bo worth IM) , times Its cost. NOTICIi. Save your money i no not be persuaileu to purrlinsu nrtlrles nt Is to $1 which do not contain the virtues of a 1.1 cent bottle ofMailanici Porter's Cu rntlvo llalsam, thocost ofinanufacliirlug which Is us great ns nlmo.t nny other medicine ; nnd thu very low preco nt which ft issolil, makes lit profit to tho sell ernppn.inlly smnll, and iinprinelpalcd dealers will soinellmes recommend other medicines on Inch their proiils aro larger, unless tho customers Insist upon having Madame Potter's nnd none other. Ask for Muiliiuio Potter's Curative llnlsnin. priru Elccnls, und n largo bottles nt S3 oeuts, and take no othori T?Sold by all Drugalitsand Storckeepercat 13cts. in. 1 in larger bottles nl '.'."i cents. HALL it UUCKLE, Pr pticlors, New Vork. JnniMry 21. lfcOJ. t Fou a Medicine that will Cure counm,JXFr.vr.vz.i,TicKuxa ixtiu:tiiuoat imoorixa-couaii, on nv.r.iv.i'F. cox suswm'i: couans,, .m ivivk .is DOE'S GOti&H SAiSAM. Over Five TIionsaiKiIlolllcs have been sold in its native town, and not u slnglo In stance of its failure is Know 1 1 . Wo have, in uur possession, any quantity of certifi cates, some of tlicui from eminent pliy.ici:iu, who have used it I a their practice, nud given it the pre-eminence over liny other i oiopouud. It docs dot ilrv Up n cough, but loosens it, so ns to enable the patient lo i -pectorato fret ly. Twonrtlirno doses will invariably cure tickling in the throat. A half bottle has often completely cured thu most SI'UBBOBN COUGH, nnd yet, though it Is so sure nnd speedy lu its operation it is perfectly harmless, being purely vegetable. It is very nareenblo to tho taste, and may be nnmiiiistored to children of any age. IN CASES OF CROUP wo Hill guarantee n cure, ir taken In season. No family shn,ild bu without it. It is within llio rcuch of all, tho price being ONLY 2.5 GENTS. And If an investment nud thorough trial does net "back up" Hie nbovo statement, ihu money will bo re funded. Wu sny this knowing its nifrlti, and feci con lidet.t that one trial will securu for it u homo in every hoiisclold. Ho not waste away with Coughing, when so small an investment will cure you. It may bo had of any re spectable druggist in town, who will furnish you with, a circular of genuine eertillcaies of cures it has made C. U. CLAKK & CO., Proprietors, Nkw Havfn, t.'r. C" At wholesale, by Johnston, Hollowavicl.'ow ilen, 53 North Sixth street, Philadi Iphia, l'a. 1'or sale by Drugglst-i in city, country, and cory where, Sept. '. ', lc?(j:i Oiu NEW ARRIVAL. Fall & Winter Goods At A. J. Evans' IlWiill! BLOOMSBURG, PENN. j LATEST SYLES CAKAP GOODS I fPIHi undersigned rospectfullv informs ins friends ! 1 and the public generally, tha't he has Just received iri'iu too j.iiMeru euies, a largo assortment ot HEW G7,QT:H:iHG.. being the bsst ni.ortmi nt ever ollVred in this niaiket. Also u coinpb Id nsMirtmeut of liuys Clothing, lu f.ut eerythini: in the I iollnng I.iuo "For tlnwo w ho prcf-r to leave their measures, a perfect tit guaranteed, ami nothing but the best wolkoinii-lilp alluwi-d nt thin es tablishment. Ho uKo Keeps on hand u largo ossurt i.ieut of BOO 'IS AND SHOES. HATS AND CAPS, together with a ariety of notions. LO" CALL AND SUE FOIl YOUIlSEl.F. A. J. EVANS. Jlloonubiirg, Nov. 21, I?G3. TU EW AND SECOND HAND SAFES, JLI For salo c enp. nt New Y'ork Safe Depot, 71 Wil liam Street, New Vnrk, i. A. Gil EGG. SIZE AND PltlCES OF LILUE'S F1UC SM'ES OUTSIDE: nnoiir. -'1 M .):) WIDTH, i , 2-1 Nn. No. No. No. No, No. 31 31 -1XSIOF.: iimour. wioTir, 17 ii FJS i:ij '-'i u i-'-J 18 '.'I 21 31 L'l Linn, i li l-J IS Fl 11 15 1 No. 1 No. a No. :i No. 4 No 5 No, li rnii-K. .. $50 00 . lOUU "0 00 . Ki 00 . 100 Oil . 115 00 No. 1 No. i! No. :t No. 1 No. S No. li November H, 1S03. Greenwood Seminary. Exazisir, cmssica.axo com.vchciai. school ! EOll BOTH SEXES. T.JM. TOTTS, Pkixcwal. Muthcmaiics. Book Kttpiug and Xutural Scicncci. J. D. PATTON, A. M , Elocution, Literature, avJ .4clcnt ani .'Jodcrn Languages, Tlio Sclwlattic year is divided into four luarters of eleven weeks each, luiumeiuloi' na fi.llmv : iin in,, I second Monday in August.the- lirst .Monday in November , ho third Monday in January, and tho second Monday April. I THE F.XI'FNHCS I Per 'piarter for Hoarding and Tuition In English, r.mgo from i I onto 31 no. Languages, Music aud Draw- ing am c.tra. ID--1 or Circulars nr further particulars, address tlio Principal ut .MIIiLVHiLE, COI.U.MUIA CO., PA. Oetuber :i, It-KI ly. Printer, liooltlnndcr & liaiikhook .17 A N U F A C T U R E R ,- WllOLLSM-E AND ItElA.t. DEAI.ln IN PP.1NTINO, Will 1 1.'. i WitAPPINO PAPEUS AdENT FOU II1K TATAW1SSA I'AI'EK MltUS. Slain ritreet, flrt door below thu Public fc'puarc, WlLICESUAItltE. PA. Nov. 23, loOl I'Jm, A. V. I'AfL. PAUL A. L. 'IIIOMI'SON. T II 0 M P S 0 N, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN No. 43 Noith Wharves, PHILADELPHIA. E7- llUTTEIt, OIIEEME, Nov. ll,1603-12mo. II A M S, &c. CD Attorney at Law, Hazkton, Luzerne eo., Ta, Itrrrcsit io lion, John Walls, Lewlsburg, Pa. William Cameron, President of thu l.cwisburg Dank. J. II. Packer, President ofthi) Notlhumberlalid Hank lllomnsburg. June 37. li-liU ly, BLANK S! BLANKS! I Of ovary dostaiption, for side ut this office BP and our teoplk at homi ftnW oh. lowdguro. Our Watches arc wnrr.intsd to k....p iu,j ono jpiir, and the buyer is nllowol tho prlvllcgool Improved Duplex in lull Ruby Actions, A first dais Hunting Tline.Ploco of silver material, Over Whli.li i electro-flnn plated 18 k. gold, luost durably wrougTIl making tho Imltnllnn so faultless that it cannot hi delected from the so'ld material by the most exncrl diced Judges ! ncldswill not effect it, London iinn'la iiiovemcnt Improved Duplex lu full ruby action, hm swcoi seconds, und Is not to be excelled lit general an pearuiirc, This Is decidedly une of the best articles ever nUVrcil for trailers! and speculators. Engineers emigrants, nnd persons travelling, will And them ii! perlor to liny ulhcr , nlterntlon of cllmnto will not af. feet their accuracy, Price, packed in good sliapo and good running order, only 83.1, ur caso of I! for SWD HILVI'.ll DOUI1LU 'J IMIi HUNTINO LEVERS, Host duality Silver Cases, over which electro. (lilo plated IS k. gold, similar to our Improved Duplex, and superior adjusted movements with "stop," t )0 j,,.. lu timing horses, etc J has I'our Indexes for Washing, ton nnd (Ireciiu Ich lime, sweep cecond. and nil tho Improvements, All in all, taking its beautiful and faultless nnncarniicn and Its sunerior iiuivrini,,,! i.,,.. consideration, wo regard It us decidedly the ihonpest nrtlrlo of the kind lu tho market. Price, in good run- "i "mer, o ,., ur caso oi o ior .ow, fly-We ask an pny in uilvniuo, but will forward rimer oi tiicni to rosponsinio parllas, to nny pntt of tholoynl Slates witli bill p.i iililc to ripressiunii when iho goods aro delivered, giving the buyer tha privilege, of i-xaiiiiiiiitliiii, atiil. IT not sattsfactoiy, tho untcli can be returned nt our expense, Tho express eompniilos rcfuso making collections on soldiers nud other parties In tho tliiloynl Ptntes, con sequeiilly nil such orders must bo accompanied by the cash tn Insure nllcntinii. Wo luakoa deduction of iwr. iluilnrs on either watch when tho payment is forvnri in advance. Money may ho sent by express at uur c pciise. TI10S. CAI'l'EllTV & CO., ' 03 and W Hroad Ut,, opposite City Hank, October 21, lPC3-J,no. Providence, It, I. THE GREAT Ads&uSMj visa obipamV 5I VEKSHV STHEI'.T, NinVMtliU; Since its organization, lias creat.ul u new eta in ths 1,1 alli.ll l,C (,' l..il..,lll,.. I.. .1.1 9 ... ...... ur...,,a ..nriil,! iiiiiiry iney liavo Introduced llicir selections of Teas, and urn selling them nt not o er two rents (Oi Cents) per pound tibovu cost, never do vitttiug Iroin the one price ashed. Another peculiarity oftho Company Is thatthclr Ten Taster not only devotes his llino to Iho reliction ot their Teas us to quality, value, nud particular stvlcs for particular l'icniitica nf country, but ho helps thu Tea buyer to i.huou out of their enormous stock biicIi Tens ii nru best ndoptcd to his particular wants, and not only this but points nut to him Iho best hatgaiiis, Itlsi nsy to seo Iho Incalculable advantage n Tea Buyer hn in this establish nt ovi r all others, If hois uojudgo nf'l'ea or Iho Markit, Ifhlstlme is vclualdo ho has nil the benefits nf n Wi ll organized sys- le f doing business of immense cnpitid, nfthojudge. loent ofu professional Ton Taster, and Iho knowledge of superior salesman. 0 This enables all Tea buyers-nn matter if they nro thousaiids of miles from this market to purchase on as good terms hero as tho New York merchants. Parlies can order Teas und will bo served by us as well iisthuugh they emtio themselves, being sure lo get original packages truo weights and tares j nud tho Teas nro Wurrnnlodas represented, we issue nl'rieo l.i.t of tho Coiupniiy's Teas, whiih will be seuttoull who order it; comprising Hyson, Voting Hyson, Imperial Gun- powder Twunkay and Skin. oolosi:, soucno.vci, oiian'oe & iivson pekoe. Japan Tea of evejy description, colored ami uncolor. cd. This list lias each kind of Ten iliudcd into four Classes, namely ; Cargo, high Cargo, l'ine, Finest Hint overi ono may understand from description nud tho prices annexed that tho Company nro determined to under-ellthe who!eTt:.i trade. Wo guarantee to sell nil our teai at not over two cents ( IIJ cents) per pound above cost, believing this to bo attractive to the many who havo heretofore been pain enormcitri profit. CHEAT AMEItlCAN TIM COMPANY, i-ipouTtni ash joiucns. 51 Vesey Street, Ner York. Pi pt. 1'.', lfOn-Hmo. c E VANS & WATSON- .ik'?';?SyijMS? SALAMANDER SAFES. Ill'- fc'i r.iMW aK3;w4 moved to ,v. iuha Fiurth in the United Ptntes. Fire bnfcg in onr fin. IsnM in ijcod rmutitian. Ml came tut right; uitk cur The Salamander Safes of Philadelphia against II world. EVANS & WATSON, have had the surest ilemiviratinn in the I'dlowiiig r . i lilicate that their iniiiiurarturi- id Salamander Sal'i hat nt length folly wnrranteiltl,.. representations wlmhloivi been made of them ns rendering an undoubted s. eunty against the terrilic element. Philadelphia April 12, 1P5M. ,Vrn,rs LrnnsS; Walton: tiintlemeii It nll'orils us t ie Iniibi t satisfaction m state to joii, that oing't,i the v-ry pri'teitive qiialitus oftwo of the SalniiisnJ.' r, afes which wv purih.ised i.f you soon- live mouth since wo saved n large porlimi of jewelry, nud nil our hoi U. etc., e.po-ed to tin- cnlaininous, lire in Ujiietead place on the morning oftlie liih nisi.. When we ri tb-it hat these safes were located in the fourth story of Hie building u-u nceupied an. I that they fell subsequently jniua hinp of biirning ruins, w hep- He vast conceiitrntloii of the h- at cnusi-d tin- lirass plal.-s i melt, we cannot but regard the pn-si rv.itii u nf their ,u liable contents if iimst emu ineing prui.f of the great a. curilj ii II or,;.-.: I,y your :ii. We shall InKi- great pli asure in reciMiiniemlinrj th(ir.i men of business ns n sun- n-lianci- ngaio-t (ire. , UllOimii l- SIMMONSAi I'l!').. JtktllM. rL-"lhe haw since purchased fix large Sal'eo. July 'M. ie'li-.'. August -.'U 1S'' 1903. PHILADELPHIA & ERIE 51 (A. Z, & h a o- (A, U s Tills great lino tr.nerses the Nnrtliern and North west counties of Pei.nsjlvania to thu ul of Lno, on Lake Frio. It lias been leased by the lVunsWrnniit ltnilroad .Mtwlt?TSS ""ii n largo assortment of Fiiu i'ir W ,Tlll,'l' l'f""r Salamander Safes. i'i's&ay I'", iron doors, fur banks an t rfSvKiiV1 f,"!'"fl' ''!" s,l""",",i""' sa.h, nil Hr-aVr '..--V7 i.iakufl of lucks equal to any ni,i Ki PltOOF Cooipuny, nud under Iheir nuspiei s is being rnunlly l opened throiie'hout its entire length. Ii is now in ii. o for Passenger and Freight business depth I from llnrrisburg to Emporium. (IPS mili-M on the Esst ., ' I em Division, und from Slnlheld luEriuiTsiullolun tlm We.li ru Hii Mon, TI.MP or I'.VSSONniilt CaelSS AT AOItTIIUMVItilLAilU. .Mail Tram h aves, East u 5:1 A. V. E.press Train " " u .-t p. M. .Mail " West I 17 " Express r, 1:1 A.M. Cars run through ivn n en esnr both ways on theso trains hi tween Philadelphia nnd Lock Haven, nnd llallimure and Lock llaveu. New and elegant Sleep ing Cms ni'c'impanilig tlio Express 'i'rain both was between Willininspurt mid ll.iltimnre, und Williams port and I'hitadelplil.i. For information respecting Passenger business, np ply nt Hie t. E. Cor. tills and .Market fts. And for Freight busiuessof the Cmnpany's Agents . II. King.tou. Jr , Cor. lath and .Market Sts., PhilV J. IV. Uo nolds, Erie. J .M. Drill, Agent N. C. P.:U., Ilalliinore. II. II. Houston, Cen'l. Freight Agt . Philadelphia, Lewis I,- lloupt, Cen'l. Ticket Agt. Philadelphia. Joseph II. Potts, Geifl. .Manager, Willi.nnspoit. October ill, lUtiX Nos. 0, 11, 15, 17 Courtl.indt Street, NEAR IIHOADWAY, NEW VOUK CITY. t ' This old-established und favorite resort of the Musi I ncss Coiumiiniiy has been rexenlly relltted, ami is com ' pleto ill every tiling that can minii-ler to tho comforts of its patrons Ladies und families are specially and tare fully provided for. 1 It is centrally located in tlio buiness part of the city, aud is contiguous to the principal lines of steamboats, ears, onmibussos ferries, ice. i , ' consequence ofthe pressure caused by tho Rebel lion, prices have been reduced to , 0C Dollar a d Hfttl Cents per Dan. : ,s nn.,.Iy u Pt.l il-.l i II. nil ui lu.nrles of the season, and is eipial to that ol nny other hotel in the couniry. Aiiiple accommodations nre otfered for upward of iQO guets. by Do not beilovo runners, hnckmen, and others who may say "tho Western Hotel is full." II. D. WINCHESTER, Froprklor TIIOS.D. WlNCHESTEIt. ' Feb. 15,ltfU'. WMx fPIVH Proprietor of this well, known und centrally lorn' X ted lloutu, tho EiiiUNut Hoiki,, situato on Mai. rlreet, In Iiloomsburg, iiiiuieJiatcly r-'iposite the Coluui i bia Couiily Court House", respectfully informs his friends I uud the public ut general, that his louse is now iu ur 1 der for the reception niidentertaiiimcut of travelers who I may feel disposed to favor it with tli.-ir custom, He has spared no expense in preparing llio Exuhmie, for Iho cnti rtiiliiment of Ills guests, neither shill there bo any thing wauling (on his part; tn minuter to their persona) comfort. His house is .spacious and enjoys an c-tccllent business location. Omnibuses run ntall times between Iho Eichaufa Hotel nud thu various Kill lload Depots, by which trav elers will be pleasantly enmoyed to ami from Ihu re spectiu' Stations in due time to inert the Cars. W.M. U. K00N8. Iiloomsburg, July 7. ISfiU- LL KINDS OF STOCK FOR THE 03 & a to & V 8 Photograph Albums, Card Pictures, (lold Pens, fla lliblos nnd Prayer Hooks. &c- A. c. Call and look as our Stock, or send your orders uy mail. WM. li. PEIIUY. IlooKssiim, H. W. Cor. Fourth and lias?. Nov. 11, lS03-3in PIIILADELI'III mourn vmm mosjse, Second Sltect, above Arch, PHILADELPHIA. A F I1LAIII, PF.OPUIETOH, Ude nf "iuif JI,UI$," .Htauiti CVe Oct, 3, Ml. '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers