EDITED BY LEVI U TATD, rnCinUETOIti DLOOMSDURG, PENN'A : I Saturday Morning, Jan. 10. 106-1. ' ' " Our Oomtltntlon nnard II ctmI Onr etortoni Union hold It dear ! Onr l til Htarrr riaB foraako II never) Tli ptond Oaucaaalan onr onljr pgerl ron president in IBM, J GEORGE B, M'CLELLAN (..u.lh.aec,.,on,r,h, N..nconT,nn.) General McClellan's Report. In advance of tho publication of tho He- port of Gen. McOlcllan of tho campaigns , 1U8,tei1 10 appoint thrco commissioners on tho Peninsula and in Maryland, recent-1 J?1'0.51'?'1 b? empowered to open ncgotia . , . ii. . i lions with tho authorities at luchmond, to ly made to Congress wo lay before the , the ond tbat tll!s l,l00dy, destructive and readers of tho Columbia Democrat, a ey- inhuman war shall ceaso, and tho Union nopsij of it mado by a correspondent of tho bo restored upon terms- of fratornity and New York Commercial Advertiser. It eon tains a letter from Gen. McClellan to President Linooln giving his views iu rela tion to the proper moans of conducting tho vmr that will bo read with deep interest by overy true patriot. His many friends cannot but admire his boldness in speak iDg so plaidy upon so important a topio at that particular juncture of public affairs. It exhibits him not as a military man only but as a statesman, and had his counsel prevailed over that of tho radicals, wc cannot but believe that tho war would havo boon ended long ere this. Every admirer of this patriotio General will feci proud of him after perusing this letter. 5STOur recoipts were cnoouraging for December. It is gratifying to record tho Morality and promptitudo with which our friends and customers respond to tho emer gencies in support of the Press. Wo hope many very many, moro will sec tho im portance of early paying their dues to the Columbia Democrat," Iu this connection, it may bo proper hcra to state, that with the opening of the nest volume, it is our intention to make some important arrangements and valua ble improvements in tho futuro conduct of tho Columbia Democrat. Its position as the organ of tlio Democracy of Columbia county demands this and tho liberal pat ronage awarded it, will fully justify the inoreased expenditure. Wo intend to do our duty, in all the material efforts of a faithful journalist, to maintain and perpet uate the well-established character of this old organ of the Doraocraey, and wo trust our friends, in tho futuro as in tho past, will not be wanting in liberality or patri otism. Tho highest reward of a public servant is tho approbation of his constituency. Tho samo is applicable, to the labors of an Editor. Let this always be evinced, by unmistakeablo evidence of tho favor of thoo for whom wo labor, and not only will unremitting toil be sweetened, and vmbition cnoouragod, but in a much great er degree will usefulness bo enhanced and inoreased. The History of the Tory Party in the United States. "Wo design laying before tho readers of tho Columbia Democrat, in our next is sue a suocint History of tho.Tory Party, in the United States, compiled from the Private Papers and Letters of tho Fathert of tho Republic, through which tho Fed eral or Tory Party is traced from 1774, to tho days of the Linooln Despotism. It is a record of thrilling interest and remark able truthfulness. Wo invite to its care ful consideration tho close attention of Dr. Pee John, and all his "loyal" co-laborers who are the lineal decendants of tho Old Tory Party. Intolerance and Impudence. Dr. John is growing intolerably insolent because ho has not been removed from the Post Offico at Bloomsburg. Moro than half of the Republicans and nearly all the Democrats have petitioned for his removal ! A fellow who can boast of his position, in defiance of the expressed will of two-thirds of tho people who transact business at the offico, must indcod havo a largo share of presumption. Arrest of a Provost Marshal. We learn from tho Lycoming Gazette, that on Wednesday last, Judgo Advooato Turner, another officer and guard, arrived in Williamsport, and soon after arrested Capt.f W. W. WniTE, Provost Marshal of that District) and conveyed him to Washington. The oharges against Marshal White were not mado public Was ha "disloyal?" The Sullivan County Democrat, says that on Now Year's morning, Miss Clara Pott3, aged about 15 years, seen a large Buck in front of her Father's residence, noar Hills Grove, Sullivan county, when sho took down her Father's rifle and shot it dead. JBST Tho "National Democrat," is tho title of a new and neat German publi cation commenced at Harrisburg. E. Stephan, Esq., Editor and Proprietor. Wo wish muoh euoceas to.tho "National Democrat." JD5J-Dr. Fet John has not yot returned our "Gold Spectacles." Wo aro in want w of them very much, as wo intend to follow Dioby suggests another Thanksgiving, bjm dowdy and faithfully expose hid der- beoauso our President has not been dis- ilfction, Hi ha3 biWor tlieH ota, cnco Proposition. I A few days ago in tlio Hougo o( Hep- I rtaentativos, lion. ITkunando Wooo, of New York, offered the following pream ble and resolution, which was laid on tho tablo,without debaiaby a volo of 08 to HO. WliEnnAs, tho President in his mctsago, ddivcrad to this IlnlUn nn I tin Dili inainnt. and in his recommendation to tho people l? n"1emb.le P!aocs r wor8J,P ?nd give thanks to God lor recent viotones, nlmmq tllflt lllrt TTninn ..nlian Una rrnineil important and substantial advantages-, and whercasnyiow of theso triumphant is . no longer bonoath our dignity, nor danger- ous to our safety, to evinoo a cenoroits S?E!?ii?rjb0l?in8.a ?,roat. nnd PT Vrp0rlunity to ret"" to OS -.without imposmc uton thorn derradinc and destructive oonditions ; thoroforo, a w i - U U iicsowcu, 'mat tlio i'rosiUont bo re equality under tho Constitution Every Republican mombcr voted to lay tho resolution on tho table. Tho vote, howover i3 full of significance. It shows that a largo minority of tho prosent Con gress aro desirous that tho bloody strife, which has for moro than thrco years par alyzed the arm of tho best government on earth, and scattered death and destruction all around, should cease. And the man who docs not rejoice at this gleam of re turning peace, in tho groat council of the nation, lacks that patriotism which is no cessary to make a good citizen. This is but the beginning of tho end. The whole country is tired of this fratrici dal war, and the sooner it ends closes honorably tho better it will bo for tho nation, and the moro honorable for hu inanity. Let tho mass of tho people tako tho mat ter in hand, and resolve that the men who are getting money, and placo, and power out of tho war, Bhall no longer con trol the nation to its eternal injury. Then the men in Congress who now turn a deaf car to all peace propositions, will gladly listen to those who placed them in their present positions, and consent that wo may onco more havo a Union, and that tho country may bo prosperous and happy. The Dead Lock in the Senate. There is a little history bearing on this quostion. A somowhat similar oaso oc curred in 1854. when the Senate stood 17 Domoorata to 10 Opposition. Mr. Buck alow, who was elected a member, having been sent by tho Presideut to South Ainoriua as a bearer of dispatches, failed to reach homo in timu for the meeting of mo legislature, l ins tied the senate. But subsequently tho death of a Democratio membor gave the majority to tho opposi tion in the oontinucd absence, of Mr. Buck alew, Nevertheless aDeraoorat,Mr. Wm. M. Ileister, of Berks couuty was chosen Speaker by tho vote of Mr. Dursic, oppo sition of Alleghony, who correctly decidod that tho Democrats wero entitled to this offico by the popular will as declared at tho preceding eleotion. Why can't tho Democrats be as honest aa wo wero in 1854? Smut Machine. Dr. Joiin, wilfully perverts tho Record. In tho first placo, nothing of the kind, to which ho refers, occurrod in 1854. It was tn 1855. Iu the second placo, when tho Senate met in 1855, it was composed of 31 mem bers. Mr. Foulkrod was dead and Mr. Buckalcw was absent, Leaving 15 Dom ocrats and 15 Know-nothings, with Mr. Dausie, an old lino Whig, whom these follows had just defeated for Canal Com missionor, because he was born iu Scot land. In return for their know-nothing treason, Mr. Darsio refused to coalesco with them, and Senator Huistkk, aDem oorat was elected Speaker of tho Senate. -Tho "Smut Machine," of last week, meanly intimated, that tho Commissioners had rejused to re-appoint Col. Freeze as Counsel; Then sneakingly added, ho would doubtless accept the offioial crumbs. And all this attempt at defamation, when all decent peoplo hero well know, that as Col. F. had just entered upon tho dis charge of his new duties, as Register and Itccordor, ho had dcolincd the appoint ment of Counsel to tho Board of Commis sioners. Dr. John's abuso, with all re spectable peoplo, is their highost commen dation. IWaHIon. David B. MoNTaoMERT,Stato Senator, has our thanks for an early copy of tho Pennsylvania School Report, 1803. Hon. George D. JaoKsos, H. of R,, has favored us with a Paraphlot copj, of Auditor General Slonker's Report of tho Finanoes of Pennsylvania, for tho yoar ending 30th of November 1863. Hon. John.G. Ellis, II. of R., has fa vored us with a copy of tho Annual Sohool Report 1803. The Philadelphia Press continues its slandorous assaults on General McClollan. Tho vipers gnaws a file. Tho timo will come when the oonduotorof tho Prtss will. bend tho supple hinges of his kneo to Mc Clellan, as ho has to Pierce and Lincoln, and did at first to Ruohanan, until ho found the latter know him to well to trust him in any important position, jftS-llis oxeellenoy, Governor Cortin, has our thanks for a pamphlet oopy of his Annual Messaeo JLguni by tfes rasll-p'or, Davis' MoBBago. The despondent lono which is said to pervade tho message of tho President of tho Southern Confederacy has inflated into exultation tho hopes of many of our cotomporarics, that thero will bo a speedy termination of tho war in tho ultcr pros tration of the South. Wo confess that wo cannot roflcctingly participate in those glad some provisions. Tho mossago is to all appearances, candid and truthful, furnish ing iu detail a full account of all tho dis asters roccntly incurred by tho South, but exhibiting no faltering of spirit, as to tho chances of ultimate success. In tho Revolutionary war, when Wash ington's army was reduced to tho fraction of a brigade, and despair depressed tho massos in every section of tho country, ho oontinucd still hopeful, and declared, if beaten in tho open country of tho plains, , i . t e e , ho could retiro into tuo fustness or the mountains and still continue fho contest. Such, we conccivo, tho spirit .cxhibtcd in tho messago of Jeff Davis. Its candor and calmness indicate, that in his opinion at loast tho South is as yet unconquerable. This faot it intimates in conjunction with tho statcmoBt of tho hopelessness of for eign intervention, assistance or oven sym pathy. But in spito of tho resolvo, apparcut through tho whole message, of maintaining' the conflict, wo could indulgo in hopes of ! peace and conciliation, could tho Prcsi-! dent hero be persuaded to annul his proo lamatious of confiscation and cmancipa tion. The Governor's Message. The annual mcssago of Governor Cur tin was delivered von tho 7th inst. It sets out with a statement of our financial af fairs, and informs the reader that the Stato debt has, during the fiscal year,) been reduced 8951,017 04. Tho dobt due on the 1st of December 1803 is S39, 40G,59G 78. Tho receipts during tho year were something over four and a quar tcr millions of dollars, but no statement is givon of the amount of current expenses. Ho recommends tho payment of tho inter est on tlio State debt in current funds in stead of gold. This will not bo relished ! ""mo", 01 Q0"Brs rca,,zea ,n cniuta by theso holding Stato bonds, and espe- tions from the draft, and which, according ciallv tho foreign creditors. Manvoftho to law, should have been opplied to tho recommendations seem iudir-mns. Tin rn. commends a revision of the revenue laws and tho equalization of the taxes. He adverts to the haste ot which legislation is done at the close of the session and tho bad results likely to occur therc-from. lie favors volunteering instead of the draft and states that 277,409 men havo been given to tho general and special ser-1 vioe of tho war. Rcferenco is had to the ! invasion of our Stato and tho measures I mutatioa niony "ad already been paid taken to avert its consequence. The pub- i out whcther PPly, or legally, ho would lio arc informed that largo sums aro due nofc ni" to decide." This is an in the Commonwealth for unpatented lands, I terestinS revelation, truly. Twelve mil and recommends that it be collected. His j lions of dolla" of a ,nilitai7 fund gone, allusion to tho ornhans of volunteer nr. and tho Military Committee of the House verv anoronriato. and measures should hn I taken to provide for them promptly. Tho suffering condition all ages and sexes of j the Eastern Tcnncssoc should bo heeded. A Magnificent Scheme. Senator Howo, of Wisconsin, has sub- milted a joint resolution empowering tho President to call out One Million of vol-, untcers, tor ninety days, for tho express purpo.o of marching itraight through tho rebellious States, and liberating tho UnionJ soldiers hold as prisoners of war. Theso , he located the central route of tho Pacific troops the President is requested to placo Railroad in favor of Council Rluffs and under command of General Grant. Why Omaha City. It now tnrns out that ho not place them under tho immediate com-1 is quit0 iargoiv interested in land spocula mandof'Old Abo" himself, or, if his du-1 tion9 ;n tbe latter place being tho owner tios are too pressing, of General Greeley, , of a oonsidorablc amount of land, whioh or Governor Andrews, of Massachusetts ! tho location of the road will, of ooursc,vcrv Il.lt. ll il.! . 1 - - . . ' 1 ' iiu meat.- wonuiM wore going to maue tho roads swarm with volunteers to crush tho rebellion, in oase Lincoln would issuo an emancipation proclamation. It is a magnificent sohemo, and looks really as though Senator Howe was about "taking vigorous measures to prosecute the war'' iato Africa. Go in, gcntlcrnon summon all your ''loyal leaguos." While the Army of tho Potomae is inugly fixed in Winter quarters, you go and fin ish up the job. "Wo-re conilnit, TatSf r Abraham, Ten timid red thousand mora." Tho "Constitutional Union." Tho Constitutional Union is published daily and weekly, at Washington city, by Thomas R. Florence. Tho prico of the daily per year tho single copy, is 88 twenty-fivo copios mailed to one address, S150, or 80 per copy. Tho prico of the weekly per yoar. to single subscribers, is 82 ; two copies, 83,00 ; ten copies, to ono address, 015 SO ; fifty copies, to ono ad dress, 875, &c Tho Constitutional Union is tho only Democratio paper published in Washington it in conducted with spirit beards tho lion in his den and Mr. Floronco wants ''ono hundred and fifty thousand subscribers !" Address, Thos. 13. Floronco, aOO E street, Washington D. 0. From the Army of tho Potomac. Nothing of intorest is transpiring in the Army of tho Potomao, tho soldiers being engaged principally in endeavoring to keep warm. Three inches of snow fell on Mon day night. Gcnoral Moado Has returned to tho permanent command of tho army. It is rumored that Doctor Lotterman,mod ioal iespoctor, and General Hunt, chief of fcrtilory, are to be removed. Senator Clymcr'a Remarks. I After tho 10th ballot, on Wednesday,! Uiva. Mr. Clymkr mado tho following remarks! Wendell Philips, the indicator of tho temporato, dignified and strictly true polloy of tho administration, usually an proposing n compromise by which an or- tioipating it but a few weeka, thus appriies conization could havo heon immediately us of what wo may expect during tho on- effected, nud giving the Speaker to tho ! Abolitionists : "It isporfcotly cvidont.flir, that as this Scuato is now constituted it will bo im- ioaiuiu 10 uuect an orL'iimziiuoii. no aro likely to remain Intra at this rato till .... . . . . doc days. That is neither dosirahlo on iuu ouuiu ui jiuisuuui uuuvi uiguui: vr puu- lio policy. No men oun li. more anxious than tho Senators with ut un I have the honor to net politically m bringing this Btato of affairs to somo amicable conclu- ion. Wo aro prepared therefore, sir to say to this Scnato deliberately that for the purposo of effecting an organisation, and in order that tho legislation of tho .1 - f .... 1 ..!.. ..1. 1 K" T'l'tAr''180 tC' i der to the other side of this chamber as a Lnm,irnm,n r n,n riirfinnliif. i,virit,r, t,n. . .. ...... .U,..u .1. ..W WVOUUf. Hill M.ll.U Ullll Iweon us, this arrangement: That they black, but between tho oligarchy that owns shall solcct first, any offico within tho gilt tho soil and tho people that rango below of this Senate, wu to select tho socond, herded black and whito in ono promiscu they tho third, and so on lo tho end of tho our vassalage, Tho negro has uovor heard list. Wo make this offer, trusting that its of power except as associated with land, fairnoss will commend it to tho judgement , That Confiscation Act is a jewel of Con of this Senate, as it certainly will com- gressional polioy." mend itself to tho judgement of.tho people , 'fl.cn our foreign policy receives his al oft us State. Wo aro hero 10 to 10 on 4 .. .,n , ,,, , . . ,1,;,, flnr ,, - f ... r . f . , e teutiou. i ho warning of Washington tins iloor. It is no fault of this sido of . ,, ,. ,,f ... 6 , tho chamber that such a state or affairs ngmnst "entangling alliances" 11 to be oxists. It is truo. if wo are to believe tho whistled down by the wind, and wo aro to organs of the Republican party, if wo aro to holicvo Senators on this floor and offi- c" f M .?f' tb,at W,Lil is resigned weeks ago. If theso statements , Our tax-payers will perceive and enjoy aio truo, that gentleman is no longer a the encouraging prospect afforded them by member of tho Sonato of Pennsylvania. j tho following delightful little piece of boast And I hold that it was tho duty of those ; BR wMoh may prove to bo as fearfully who controlled tho affairs of this Senate who' 1 , .. , ; rn.D . 1 .i....i i , truo as it now seems bombastio : tion, and to have had his successor here ; and if wo cfl'eot no organization under present circumstances the responsibility must lio upon them. "Now, sir, for tho sako of arriving at a just and amioablo arrangement, we have offered the proposition I havo stated. I trust that for tho sako of the interests of this State, tho proposition will bo accept ed." TwEr.vu Million op Dollahs Unaccounted for. It camo out in a recent Congressional debate that the twelvo ;ii: .p i.n i. i procuration of substitutes, havo been ox ponded by Scorctary Stanton, and nobody seems to know how or for what 1 He aski an appropriation of twonty millions to ex pond in bountios, and on inquiry being made as to what had beoomo of the twelve millions paid in, Mr. Garfield (Radical,) from tho Military Committeo, a Major General in the sorvice, and lato Chief of Gcncral Kosecrans' staff, said tho "com of Representatives will not undertake to say whother il )las beon expended cither, ",eSal,y or properly!" Hero is business for a Smelling Committee. Speculation or Old Ane. It appears that tho President is laying something by for a rainy day, and in tho pursuit of that , Jaudabl6 undertaking, is uding the tagca of ,lia official po5i,ion. advan tages of his official po An in- : stanCQ of tllis lately come to our knowledge, that is vouched for as truo. Il win bo remembered that a few weoks aco much enhance, and should one-half of the expectations of tho other land holders of tho place be realized, will in tho end, net him a muoh larger amount than ho will derivo from his wholo four years' salary. Honest Old Abe I Sunday Mercury. Tub Rounties Continueo. The House of Representatives havo passed tho j joint resolution reported by the Committee on Military Affairs, extending the pay - ment of bounties heretofore allowed vol- unteers from tho 5th of January until the tho 1st of March. Thero is no doubt of tho Senate promptly approving the same, ! and as this action has bcon taken upon tho recommendation of the President himself, wo m!v as OD0Q ucgin to act upon the ' ,natter as a fixed fact, viz: that all men 1 enlisting uetoro 1st ot Alarolt will rcceivo I tbe-large government bounties as heretofore. Districts having a desiro to full up their quotas now havo an opportunity to do so. Thu New York Herald gives him up -hear it: Wo abandon 'Honest Old ' P0?" t0 B,riko out tl,e clauso cmPtion Abe, as a hopeless case. We havo puffed - ""I?, BOnS ,f widoffS' fatLo" of niothcilcss him, we havo praised him, and havo fren c, so as to except no ono but helped him in eveiy way, hue can get no udf 8 f FoUml and Stato Gour,s' AU good out of him. maleporsons from twenty to forty-five , 'years of age, oxcopt judges, aro liablo to On account of the enormous amount of' , No s"b1littltf03 ar? bo allowed, , . . , , , drafted men being forced to go or pay work to bo previously done, General Mc threo hundred dollars. Clellan's report cannot ba issued for sov- - eral weeks yet, as thero aro to bo twonty ! A Sad Wkeok. Tho gifted George D. maps engraved for it, Prentice, it is said, has becomo a common J.HE ueycrsmmn, an anio paper pub- lished at Westchester, is responsible for tho following first-rate notice of Got. Cur- tin : A cotcraporary wants to know what Andy Curtin will do if thoy put an m t . j ., extra tax of sixty cents per gallon whiskey I Do f swallow it of eoure.''4 Wo aro Led by a MadmanHoar , uing year tho South, first baptised in lire and blood, is to be given up to tho no- Bro! l(I am to bo tho fool to no legal tonus tuo iiavo lo no lawyer s precedents. , Tho nation ha. robbed four m.llions of, a toroi.n letter sas icw peop.o... io ... It ...(. .mh men nnd their ancestors for seventy years an. I 1t -1.1 I I ..!! ".. . . ivo luigm nuvu uuuu coiiicuicu ouco 10 have olutohed them, homeless, poor and naked, from tho jaws of the lion; but we luve ground that lion to powder, and tothe slave belongs the land he has redeemed. This nation owes to tho negro not merely freedom, but land and education, Ap- plausc. It is a debt which will dirgraco us before the world if wo do not nay it f ' U th f'fi 'T"3 f T?' IU, knows what land moans. Tho division at iim Nnmi. i. nnt imtwnnn i.n i.si unite with all sorts of peoplo in every kind of joint stock war partnership against -'all the world and the rest of mankind." 'Rut if Franco plants the germs of ar istocraoy and thrones on the soil of tho American continent, my answer to hor is, this reeonstructed Union, holding out its right hand, with fifty millions of dollars for Garibaldi, saying, take possesMon of Homo; and one hundred millions for the republio of Paris, saying, make Napo leon sit uneasy; and one hundred for Ger many, saying, make kings tramblo I would answer Napoleon with his own weap ons. If Europe leaves America to repub licanism, well. If sho interferes, we inter fere (applause) and tho right hand of our resistanco is clasped brotherhood with the radicals of Europe, to upset every tbrouo on tho continent, (applause.) That is foreign policy. Now look South." The Democratic Party not Dead. The Springfield (Majs.) Republican is one of tho fow Administration papers that s not entirely blinded by fanaticism. Here is an cxtraot from its editorial columns, in which there is more truth and sense than you can find in the Now York Tribune in a whole year : "Thero is a general jubilation in the Republican papers over the assumed death of the Democratic party. They had bet ter not take mat tor granted. A party that has just thrown moro votes than ever be fore in evory State except Massachusetts, and has been beaten only by tho most extraordinary efforts, can hardly be conbidored quite dead. The msral of the political situation of the Re publican leaders is, that they havo no such excess of strength as To make it safo for them to bo reckless or dofiaut as to moans or measures ; that they are Btill on trial before tho American peoplo, as to their ability and integrity in the conduct of the government ; and that they can only hope to obtain a renew lease of power by de monstrating that tiioy can and will use it for the general welfare, rather than for private and partisan ends. United States Mist. The total gold coinage at the U. S. Mint for tho year 1882 was 82,817,082. mostly iu double 1 rut i eagies. mo biivcr coinage in tuo same timo was 83110,000, mostly in half dollars. Of cents thero were coined during tho year 54,300,000, being over 4,500,000 per month, and yet so soaroe are they in cir culation that it is difficult to Gnd enough to chaugc a five-cout note, Tho question has often been asked, What becomes of the million of pins made daily ? and with as much reason it may bo put, What bo comes of all the cents, tho moro especially as they aro known to bo worth less than their face value ? The Democracy of Hartford were glo- , riously triumphant in their election for town officers on Monday a week. The ! vote for Doniooracy, whito supremacy ,and ( the glorious old Union of our fathers, was ( 2,008; for Abolition, negro equality and . universal amalgamation, 1,749 ; majority for righteousneis, 319. This is only 30 Icbs majority, and at a town election nt that, than was given for that model Dem- ocrat, Thomas 11, boymour, last spring, Connecticut keeps her eyo on tho polar star for safety. A New louscrintioii Act. During tho recess of Congress, Senator Wilson has prepared a series of amend- ' nicnts to tho Conscription Act. Ho pro- drunkard. Tho Loui6villo Journal long . - . since passed Irom Ins control, both fiuan- cially und cditorilly. His intorest has boen transferred to his wifo, and personal fiionds havo purchased him a homestead out ol rcspcot to his talents and former in- on.dustry I Prentica denies the yarn EDITORIAL INKLINGS. Tim farmers in Hungary aro said to bo Btarving. Small-Pox Is prevalnnt among tho Union prisoners at Dauville,8aystho Rebel papors. Heaven help tho poor follows. . . . ... . , . ' uenevo tnai tnc next, summer wm u. and go without a Europeau war. Tnc Washington Chronicle expresses tho confidont belief that Qon. Meado willj not bo removed from the command of tho Army oflho Potomac. A high life wedding latoly took plnoe at Richmond. A grandson of John Ty ler and a sister of Jeff. Davis wero tho parties, iNTEr.Lion.vcn has been received by tho government to tho effect that tho condition of the Union prisoners in Richmond has latoly been very much improved. A proposition to repeal me amy on pa- . .... . ., i .... i por is before tho Ways and Meania Com mitteo. It has moro friends than tho sim ilar moasuro had last session, The Democratic mctnbors of Congross havo passed in caucus a resolution in favor of paying the soldiers in gold and silver, instead of paper money. JtSiyMr, Rowden, ono of tho bo called Senators from Wost Virginia, died of small pox, at Washington, on Saturday. He probably caught it of Old Abo. Tun Us ios. There is but one Union. Thorc never has been but ono Union tho Union under tho Constitution. Ho who takes violent measures against that is a traitor. A Western editor was lately shot in an affray. Luckily, tho ball camo against a bundle of unpaid account's in his pocket. Gunpowdct couldn't get through that nohow. It is now discovered that pictures may bo photographed on steel, and an engra ving thus obtained will give fivo thousand copies. Illustrated books will now bo tho rule rather than tho exception. How xueMonuy Goes. A son ofcx Scnator Cameron has just, after two year's service, been placed on the retired list as an army paymastor, with a salary of two thousand dollars a year for life ! Tue Louisville Journal thinks it does very little good to hold public meetings and pass resolutions in favor of the war. All the resolutions we need aro the reso lutions of individuals to go into the war. "The Lottehy of L'eatii." This is the titlo and designation by whioh refer ence is made to tho oonscription law, iu a resolution introduced in Congress by the Hon. Mr. Ancona, of Ponnsylvauia. "The Lottery of Death," is apt and suggostive ! The fiuo statue of Liberty recently crectoJ on tho domo of tlio capitol, was washed with au acid which caused oxida tion, produoing a bronzo or mulatto color. The only wonder is that they didn't paint it black. Ik Mr. Lincoln is tho Government he must he a very poor man by this time for no poor wayfarer, in the deepest and dark est wildurucss of the world, was ever rob bed as the Government has been for tho past three years. The saddost picture of tho times is a man forging his own chains by i-houling for tho Republican party. Every man who does it, is putting the shackles of des potism upon his own and his children's limbs, unless the better sense of better men can defeat him in his efforts. It has been decidod by the Provost Marshal Gonoral, that every citizen who has paid the three hundred dollars commu tation feo shall receivo the same credit therofor as if ho had furnished a substitute aud is ex honerated from military Forvice for tho timo for which he was drafted, wit : for three years. Fon.VKY says, "tho wretches who cry poaco ought to bo crucified." That would bo nothing new, for moro than eighteen huudrcd years ago Christ was crucified for preaching peaeobyjust such another ia of scoundrels as you arc. Dayton Emjrirc. Tremendous efforts have beon made in tho strong Republican looalitics of Phil adelphia, Lancaster, Chester, Allegheny. &. . , C., to raise money enough to huy off all their drafted men. Call you that nractio- Call you that practio ing what you proach 1 Liko Artcmus Ward, theso men would sacrificed all their wives relatives on tho altar of their own skins. The World of tho 7th ea rs ; Tho Tres idcntial ball was opened in tho House yefiterday by Air. Arnold, of Illinois, who trotted out "Honest Old Abe" as a candidate for ro-elcctiou. As might be expected, tho nominee was urged uot so muoh on tho ground that ho could rcstoro the Union ns that ho could complete tho abolition of slavery. Mr. Arnold spoke buncombe to empty benohes. Illness op Chief Justice Taney. Itogor II. Taney, Chief Justico of tho Supremo Court of tho Unitod Statos, still continued lying dangerous ill at his resid ence in Washington City. His physiciaus at ono timo despaired of saving him, but 1 nt tho latost acoounts ho was bottor. but not out of danger. A severe oatarrh adds to tho sorious oharaster of tho disease Chiel Justice Taney is about cighty-sevon years of ago, and his mental facultios aro said to beporfeotly clear sud sound. ORANGEVILLE NORMAL SCHOOL, AND AC; AD E M Y . Prof. II. D. Walker, Principe Mr, H if W.tl.. 1 Misb M. 13, Lazauui u ... w. if Ull Cii 11.. HP HE next Term of this Institution will I umm, mdviiav. n. JI . : ,r M ptf of n , Tockii yfa- .rj. i All. Ilnird nnr iaiilr fni Alllll In I) Mi ' B-ftrfiftib Of MILUB WII.LIAMM. unnfOfillo, ;nn, 10, 1801. Boc'y TruitMt, LIQUOR LICENSES. OrilCl OP Till (.'LIltK Of Till Ol'AtlTtn SlIHOIl or Cou'mhu Cuukly, I'snmyltami, i HLoimiBo iui, January iu, leii. NOTICE is hereby given that tho fol lowing puiotu litivu nip.l In I 111 r offico npt,, tium tn kcop Jiutcl. or to toll ll'iuot by tuo qunrl. with' or without other inorclmnillzo, tt tlio elacui uanied and that tlio application will ho pruuiituil tu u,. Court of (lunrtcr tfcinlmu nf Columbia tountT, on Miiiiilay, tlio ltt Jay of 1'cbruary, at 11 o'clock, l'. u,4 Hiram Smothers, Hotel, Berwick. Thoodoro Howell, jJ),B jf ' jgsE bcott tvp. Greenwood two du. E COLEMAN, Clerk O. B. .npttlAL LIST, FEB. TERM. 1804. n ' j. l rtiltlp U'lnteriteen vi Vntontlno WinteritMn j Henry uonsti uenrtte kiii )', jr. 3 Jacob lljer vi Abruliam Klu, H Abrnliani Ktata t'J Jacob llyer 5 Jacob V. H. Hewitt, (uo) tj Samuel 1. nttl. 6 UIJMi McMurtrlc, ot nl i CliriitUu Wolf. 7 John II llnwiiiau I'.o.vi Leonard 1) Iluintt. 8 Louisa Unwell 11 Llizahclli Dallui. tl Jiicnli llarili vi l'i tor Jaiobv. 10 Jacob Motul t-f Tilmaii Nnijle, ' II licoreo I luetic", ut Hi vi J V CrUwrll. l at, l'i llavlil Ki-lnlmlil tl Mlclmel Urorcr. ; 111 ltuaii'l I' Htulfor ti William lkrk-r. I 14 Ki'bccra Vnnilcralico rt l.orrfi llodi'on. I 15 Win. K. l.xiici-ruercer'iLt til vi Cliriitlin Wolf n tl ' 10 II I' Soyliort i lloiibun Nicely, I 17 II f Kciiilianl .V Uru vt Hlln. U Udtr. ic ii.'iiiii'i i .irt'y vc tiariz cc i;iii, 1'J Joseph I' Long it Isaac 1) 1'atton S3 Joauph ilnrtuiunv lliubii i.lm. Ml Kcbi'crn Tranmio ts U'llllain Tramun, Hi Jacob MYrwIllcRU n Tlioinas Merudlth, U.I Jncob Duck, I'.i'r.n Johfu lluck. St I) II llugart ct nl ti William Ucnnlion ct al. !!." Mlt'liael Sliurlilnn, vi TatricU Craliaiu, Ado'r. 20 VVilion Acer vt Juncpli 1'. Long 37 David AchiMibacli t John Warden. ii Ivettur J t'uui imc ri II lii lehard, tl al. '.'J John Uiggcr n Itichard 11. Jleiincli. jiwsl: culuman, Prtiiin . rRoTiioxiTiiir'n Orrrii, I Uloomikurg, January Iti. JSC- . j PUBLIC SALE, OP VALUABLE IB A3, ESTATE IN puratianca of nn ordor or tlia Orpban'a Court of .Montour county, un 4 Saturday, the Gth day of Fcbiuari 1604, nt 10 o'clock III the forenoon. lit A S'l UTI.EIt. Eieautor &c, of Jcon simii.tii, Into of UVat Hemlock. 111 uU county, deceased, will oipnai to aalo, !y Public Van, due, nt the iuhlic house of Baiuual Iteinbloy, iu Jem J town, n certain TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND, Situate In the tmv nslii ( of Mndikon, county of Colum. liia ond Statu of t'eiiim, Ivauia, hounded nn I ilcunlisj ui follows, viz : ilegluiiig at a port In laud of J. I'.yei, north Ally one nud .1 Half degrees ot S i.'J perch to a, post, thence hy lauda nfheirs of John (linden, dne'd , nn I Jitmert Eyer, Kouth 'Mi degrees na,t, 7ii 1 purctua lo n pobt south 3Jt degree east CO perche- to a post, tnenco oy minis 01 iicirs 01 jonn uitigics ana liaic Mc, lltide, south 511 degrees west, 45 5 perches to u post, thence hy lauds of Samuel Hcmloy, north 3il neit 1.10.1 perciics to tue beginning, couuimiig 43 Acres 128 Perches of Land, Aout one half tlureof cleared !7 Late thu estate of aai I deceased, altuata laths township of Madison and rounty aforeiaul i;i.'u;ul. u. tiu l l.KU, Clatk, JJautills, January B, led!. Conditions o? Sale. Ten per cent of tlw purchase money to tie nald dorrs on the day of wile. Two thirds of the purchase money, less Jen per teM to be paid on cotin'ruiatioti of the sale. uue mini 01 tnc purcnas? money to lie paid iminoii ately after the ih atli of Hannah teller w iihT of said decL'dent, Willi interest from the confirmation of tks Bale, interest to he paid to said widow yearly. The ileal to he given on payment of two-thirds cf the purchasi! money and securing tho balvicu bv baui and inotlgairc. t'ossi'fesiou to lie (jtven on payment of tw'othirds of purch.ue immuy. lltA STtll LUll, KutuHr. January lit, IKdl ts. PROSPECTUS FOR 10G4. Journal of Commerce. rpiIE Proprietors or the New York I JOURNAL OP UO.MVmtCi: tu their i'roincctua far the year I8lM, tay'" Wo h. Iicve Hi , t we publish The IS EST us well us the CIIEAPEH'I paper in the Country. The 1'arnif r. the Mechanic, til! I'riuYialnnal Man, men of nil employments, and the families of iach anJ all of them find no Taper to well suited to their wants Thia flit, together uilh our well known principles on matters of public policy, is rapidly cxleiidluB our cir culation. We belong to nn party. Wo are Independent -nol neutral. Wu i ipress nurown opinions, not tho opin ions, uot the opinion of any chihs or body. Wo publish a paper iu wliiih wu- aeelc to Rive th TltUTII. Our Comuo'rcial UeportN, our MarKels, our Political and Ceucral ews are carefully freed Irani s-uatioii character, and wo seek to make the paper Thos rwoirrny in every particular. Wo know that in all manors pertaining to commerce, trade, and (tu-ral Hews no other e urpasscB un. We oppose with energy every enemy of the Union, and we therefore oppose the Abolitionists ami all who are allied with Ihuni. it the muit ifnueoroua mill in the tomiiiunity. As Christian patriuts wo oppose that infidelity whiih I now endangering Church and Stoti-, reducing the religion of men to ha a mero aid nf ttu political machine hy w huh radical politicians h pe to achieve ollice nud spoils. 1'laco the Journal of Commerce in every house in your neighborhood. You cannot do a better work tlun this. In tho year 1:01 the country wi 1 pass tbroujhl anuther crisis. The .'resident ;il Ivlcclion is nt hand. The circulation of papers like the Journal cf Com merce ought lo he largely iucrc.-med with refcrwnro to this coming election. Our priucjplea lire thu principles of Unity and Prosperity, the only principles on vthien TUE UNION AND TUB CONSTITUTION CAN KE SAVED AND MADE 4TROXU. Let those who appreciate the nccccaitits of the coun try, the importance of .ouiid instruction for the young, tho vital necessity of ren.-tiiig tho cliVrt. which UAH 1UA1. IM'll)i;i,ITV is making to debase thu men of tho nation, and those who believe with us that the only aafetyof our great republic is in thu Right Education of the People, circulate CO.VSUIt VATIVU newspapers like ours. Ho hnto abundant evldunce iu our own swelling subscrip tion lists, that radicalism is loslug its hold on the intel ligent people of America. I'or.N'ows, fur Instruction, for ;ood Morals, Sound 1 roiuicni aeutliuents, lor a stoady of American Iristnu- J tioua, Take, Head, and Uslp to Circulata tha Journal of ""'"'"'TOTnrr ir nnrmTmr Tho Terms of Subscription to tho Woekly Journal of Commerce, mo as follows : WEEKLY, In advance, nnu year. 8l 9 " a copies to ono address. 3 W) " S copies to ono address. H u" " IU copies lo olio address, 15 "5 " IU copies to one nddiess, . Vi 00 (Addiliohal copies lajno rate,) " 1 copy, six mouth IU E7" All cluba often or more, if the address Is writ ten on each paper, will pay $1 5U each copy. for uaca. club of 'i'J nn extra copy in the anno k'Jndls will be yircn to Ihc person sending tho money, DAILY EDITIONS. LAUGH DAILY, in advance, one yrnr. 510 CO " tu iiioiilhs, in advance, S "S " end of cacli six months, J 40 " fur ono mouth. . 1 1 0 DAILY JUNIOK, in advance, one year. f. 00 six months, in advance, 3 Hi " ti copies, ono address, il 00 " 5 copies, ono address, 57 00 (Additional copiea same rate.) o to nes, one uuuress, sj w Address, ntlJlE, h'lONE. HALE li IIAIXUCK, January 10, ldtil, 3w. New York City, r. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE. THE Ileal Estato formerly owned by Elias JfejK Wcrlmnn in ltnhrabiirg. Columbia couuty, is si i a., is ouereu at rrivuto naie, consiiiiug ot i i iwot ramu uwoiiluga und a rramo otoru House, with the nuscssarjr outbuildings, all in god order, E7" Terms Easy. Tor further information loitlis of Hnmucl Achcnbuck, Oraugeiillo, I'a. January U, 1601. 3in. BLANK SI BLANKS! 1 Of overy detorij tlen, for snl at tl-5'fa'5
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers