COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBUIta, PENN'A. Saturday Morning, Deo. 2 G ,"T. 0 G 3 . lirtv t'UnAlf T.ANtl'' nnvs nltnnllm, In a "Loyal Leaguer," of Sorcno, Columbia county, in to-days napor. , -Xrn ,! Hon. John McllBYNor.DS, slippo' bo upon mo ico, at, uis rcsiucnco in jjhck Horn, on t uesu.iy list, anil tirokto ono of . his Arms. ' ! fi2r Wo publish on first pago, a full Hit of "tlio diseases and ox-' cmptlng from tho draft," as approved by Marshal General Fry. i KEy Wo call attention to tho extensivo ialeof ncrronal nroncrtv. fffored on Sat- ordav. tho Olh of January next, advertised by Mr. Joseph LlLt.Y, in to-di.ys's 'Col-' nabia Democrat.' ! ty If wo weri to writo a "weather local" defcriptivo of tho past week, wn need use but tho ono word changeable. For a. few days it has boon bitter cold, with occasional snow Fqualls. SS!T Four females and ono rnalo weret110"1 n tho general crash that .will ensuo. immersed in tho Fishingercok, on Sunday' -- J Ust. A larl'o crow ' witucjsod tho cxor- fS?" A solemn duty , but one imperfeotly oiirs, which wcro conducted by ltcv. G. , V. Suott, pastor of tlic Haptist Chuteh. ST Our carrier Jim. ikwa us to re- about all tho liberty that tho citizen re mind hid patrons that ho will visit them loiQi j. tll0 privilege ofroadiug Domoeratie bright and early on Nw Year's morning pipeM aU(1 aboiilion taxtg. now long.ho rith Uii niiuual m.-.snge. IIu cxiccta to wi crijoy tho firat h imccrtaln nu lcago receive a liberal rcjpousu from his num-; of t.,0 ast wjj U0Tur bc j;iluruca. uut crous patrons, i Paul's Church, ' Sr The Ladies of St. Bloomsburg, gavo a Festival in Wilson's Ihrce-otory biick building, on Tuesday ml Wednesday cienings of thii week. '1 bey realized n coutidorable turn, which ii to bo expended in repairs to the church. j - fJ Who wou'.d bo without a pocket diary for tlio coining year, wheu thoy can bc procured no cheaply, and iu to great variety as they aro now furnished ? Our friend, Col John G. Freeze, has a fina assortment of them, nt bis office. Go and pu.'chtwo one. VST Many young persons aro iu a trr-, riblo dilemti.D ju-t now as to what to fcl-! - - i . . , ,T I 1 l Pl.- ct lor a uuitauio lli'uuay nrcsriu. nui prettiest and mosf neoeptablo gift wo 1 and at the meroy of their enemies. With Mi mid say would bo ono of those beautiful ' newspapers they can preserve their organ Photograph Albums, ut L T. Sharplcss' ! zation, and regain both their political gtoru. ascendancy aud their liberties. 7- 'I'ho I.oeal Sanate of tlfis plaoe is .one ol the permanuit institution.! ol tho tonu, It is well attended by both sexes.' W nro glad to see this oviiieneo of a dc tiro on the pan of our young people to improvo their minds and spend their leis ure hours in a manner which will both ples.Bc end instruct. ESS" Tlio Provost Marshall of tho vari-; ous districts hav.i received a circular from j the Provoit Marshal General, extending j the timo to hear applications from cxeiu- tition from the draft, on the ground of . nlienagu, Don-rcridtnce, unsuitableness of nge or manifeit permanent physical dis ability, to the Oth of January, 1604. j tiir Geohoe S Colemah, Adjutant of ( the Olh Regimeut Pcnn'a. Roscrvos, anil I on of Jtsso Coleman, Esq., Piotii'jnotary of Columbia county, in homo on furlough. Wo also notice, Geohoe S. Leb, ton of Dauiel Leo, Esq., a member of Captain I.Ic'Cluro's Corjpany. tstationed ot Fort Lincoln, near Wa-hington, iu town. v Thoy aro both good stldiors aud patriotic joorg Democrats. nsv 1 $ ' Dr. John, tnkr3 the. 'Democrat' to task, for holdiug out to publio gaze, the upcuting words of a 'fighting war clergy.' In order to shehl his friend, he suinouocos ihnt 'ho too prays for peace' Thu Duo. Imd better "tell thi.i to tho marines" a nobody would btdievo him that knovs Ids religious Eontimcnis. Tom Paino tho iufdel, would haunt tueh chaps with his spirit, did ho know his dis-ciples and sup porters talked of praying. CT Tho erason lor killing, putting up and salting down mammoth poikerj, has bean lor weeks, and is now going on here abouts on a largo sealo j anil those who bavo fostered, fed and fattened tho ho kind, aro busily engaged in storing away afcly Iho reward of their prudence and foresight. An obundaut supply of sans oges, serajplo, shoulders, hams and pud dings, ureata comfortable contemplations around our winter firesides. t3 Mr. RathduN, tho reputed Ticket Agent of tho L &. II. Railroad ''olTieoi at B oomsburtr. is. a remarkable samplo of efficiency and promptitude Ou last Mon day morning, sevoral Ladies repaired to tho Depot at about 8 o'clock, to meet tho train going South, and had tho satisfaction of standing out in tho cold, wljh mt the Fomblanco of sholtcr or fire tho office being locked up and bo waited until the Train arrived (at 9' o'clock,)- when tho hopeful Agent nUocamo along, bntalittlo too lalo to open tho oflico and tho passing crs had to enter tho Cars vuihout pro. furinir Tickets. If this is thu duty of an Agent, upon whoso motion tho welfare of the coinniuni-y is to largely dependent, to say nothing of tho interest ot the noau, then indeed am the times wofully joint. out of " Capt. 0. M., Provost Marshal of this district, Rays ho docs "not think tho names of thojo draftod last full will bo put iu tho whcol again." CSS" If any body has lound Col. Tatp'sIO . jivu.uiiiu3 no uig ui uiciil 10 liat)UMu' tllClll OVOT. Ha m&tlo blunders rjllmtrrli in irirLc'3 i!SU h0" t . ' "r'J0,,Mi""rcP""i yo'"ve'm. honest and hand them over, hut don't try 10 get, on, into iitncoln, witu a joke; as 520 in (iold is as good Tor a Democrat, as an Abolitionist. - I K&. uuttct Bnd cgrJf, have.bcon selling ' in Bloomaburg, during the week for 28 ccn(9 pcr ,b( Dnfl d()Zrn , pofk nt S8 por hundred, and nearlv all olline m-tinlm. nf CTCry ""ay 1130 nhout tho samo propor ll0n Those aro tho 'Vigils of tho times" and indicate that, within tho coming two 7T3 our laboring population must pans tluoue severe trials. Tho prices of all tbo necessaries of lifo will go higher and higher; thoro is no possibility that wagos can keep pace with them. Within that time this distended paper money bubble 1 1 JL will doubtless explode, and multitude of i laborers be thrown wholly out of employ discharged, devolves on Democrats, to staud by their papers. In tho general wreck of tiorsoual and political rinhts. whilo he retains the privilcgo of reading l'lc Papr i choice, ho owes it to him- sclr 10 editor, his party, and his eouniry, to give siien a paper a living sup poit. Without Government or otate pat- ! ronage, which ut tliis timo is immense, ( furuuhjng tho Abolition papsrs in many ! loenli'.iea, and especially in thU neighbor iiood with hundreds of dollars of work, crjatcd by tho drafts, and confronted by ', a secret organization, whoso only purpose .is to pull down the Demoeratio p'rty, and hunttd by tho paid minions of power, ' Democratic publisher.) have notiiing to rely upon but their owu energy and tho fidelity and liberality of their political friends. Without newspapers, the Demo- . I "l.rt ...ill...... vuuiu uu t.nuuuv an It is a fact which cannot be successfully controverted, that llcpublicans give a more zealous support to their party organs, tiau do Democrats. Juit as loug ao this statu of things continue, tho ballot box will bc powerless for our relief. The press is a potent cngiuo for shaping the opiuious of a people aud coutroliug tho destinies of a country; aud it would bo well il the democracy learns this fact in timo to savo their party and tho government. A new year is about to dawn upon us and it is a good time to rcnow your Demoeratio faith and labor for the great cause Send your names and show by your acts that vou still feel an interest in the work of your fathers, the promotiou of Democratic principles and measures, and tho perpotua tion of your libcrtiss. MARRIAGES. On the 17th, inst., at tho M. E. Parson- i I.., 1!,,., AT l I -r.., I,, I..r-c li. 1V0STENI1AUDE11, and lUisS i'.LIZAnETII UutiiEU, all of L.cuat twp., Col. co. , . t On the same day, at tho same place, by J i 1 J thesatni;, J. P. HooLAND,of Franklin twp., and Miss Mautiia R. IIur,6T,of Slabtowu, Col. co, RECEIPTS FOR NOVEMBEK TO THE COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. Tho following payments bavo been mado to the Cuiumhiu Dimociat office, during the mouth of November, 18G!J : 1) n Montgomery 817 00, Western Hotel li tlu Hon C R Huckalew 20 00 John F Fowler, Esq I 75 Charles '1 liomns 1 37 Unwell b llourku 3 en Win G Perry Esq li On Ilryantftr.ittentCo 15 00 Nntiouid Hi ti l Davi 1 R Randall Esq John digger Frederick Law bach Isaac Hess ThosCutlerty k Co Aineriran Tea Co Isaac Lutz Esq liiivid lVamz 8 CO James Wright Oil 0 00 Abraham Arwino 1 73 t'li Karklcy, Eeq 1 75 JH) Run 1 23 Dauiel Ketfer 12 00 Anna Young 10 eu Win MiNinch 2 OO Et of Dr A J flrass 2 00 5 00 t! 00 1 75 3 2.1 1 75 3 75 li Oil 2 00 2 37 S5 2 73 2 00 2 00 2 (I ) 1 12 1 73 4 oo 2 00 2 b2 5 Ui) Jl E Jackson, Esq rolonion Sterner. Esq B 00 Hudson Owen, Esq John Snyder filer. Esq 2 00 Frederick Nicely !-.iiiiui iteiuuiy list nf J Cuvonhovsn A II U'hilinoyur Jnseph Wise Jacob Delimit. Esq S G Kennedy. Esq Thomas I ais .Malhew Jlcllenry Richard Pluiuer Peter liodine Daniel l.eiby I lias I. Ilolwig I. A (Jernian. Esq Est of Sain'l Whary Jus. ih C .Si'iith Capt A G I tmrntrn Isaac llngeubuth Isaac K Dildino Ellas Dribelbis 50 John W Hunter 2 00 0 I. .Moore 60 Iraac Gulp 2 00 Et cf Daniel Zigler I 00 John F Dietterick 1 00 Hugh A Hjrtmau I 10 Jaci h I'arver, Jr 10 iu ProfC l arraud 7 00 lion W J voodward 1 50 D.inal Menclu li 0 1 Harris Hurtmnn 1 Su Sam'l W llnrtiuaii I nu Elias Giggi r 1 a no I is lid Iliiam iiiiieuiicnuer 2 UO VIolitilDlilurv L'olu 1 00 Henry Lazarus 2 00 1 75 Jehu llruner ' u' 1 oo! Rev Reuben Nelson 5 00 2 25 J. II. Pennington 1 00 (C7 Tho cold seasons usually bring leaurieeipti to tlio Printer. Wo havo reason, however, to thank our friends for reasonable payments, trusting they will remember that with enorinou-ly increased expenses, we must, tie. ccsratily require, at least, prompt payments to mcitcn- gngciucma Will those indebted, nnd llioso capeciniiy to w bout we have sent bills, bo jcst tsoeoii to remit tlio money. ESTKAY. CAME to tho premises of the subscriber, in Tish ingcreek loniikliiri. Columbia county, on the Third day of December, lel:i, AN OLD COW Or REDISH COLOR, Willi short tall. Th-' nwiur is relucted to prove prop erty, pay charges and take him away, otherwise she will badlBpu.ed of according to the direciiuns of tho JOHN 11. Ill.lsi. December 10, UC3-3w Caution- tfft v; N' ' u" r .; iv:u,.i i , m ..h ,i piirchnso ut ucetiaiu inaie, ii. n an....... she was represented to bo, and I am detenu lied no , pay it, nr any part Ihcreof, " ""'""'I'lllw'.v'r.. coiirio ef nw. M-tlt VANSlivKtr.- Vu;ai'ef twp., De 9, lit -3n-. G RTON'S Cheap Grocery Store. J1L80 n,T8 GAPS Ai' Sliom . ".'".n;1' ''"' Hliaving bought nut tin ir c rvo '"""""i1 " "i" ainnu win re ill a uuiion in n sups- llor nssuttnicnt nr FALL AM) WINTER ij Hals and Caps, fpf CONFECTION ARIES, CRACKERS, ji0nssca ' gu,ftr Coffee, Teas, Tobacco, Snuff, Cigars, Spices, Dried Fruit, Butter, Coal Oil, Drugs, l'arlor and Hand Lamps, Books, 'Writing Paper & Iuk. Hardware und Cednrwarc, Fckcl Knives, Comb;, .1 .(. .C. Together with varicly'of at.lcle, generally kept In. H,Ar,e,' , flnolotofKUM, I.ikinojIo invite, tho at emion .,,,.,. , .... or Shoemaker hii il Hio 1 moon.,i.rneC.a,,ef,3 '""KomTox.j WI3W I'lK WOOMS, FOR FALL f- irjJXTJSIl. rIPIII3 mbscriber has just received a lot uoiiery iriiuming iiu.l New unuda. audi aa SOS IPIH V.QiBfr , , A 1.80: ni.ovns, 1I0I.L3. b'l'AYS, SATCIint.T.. hoop, rouT.Mosir.s. , . AND OTlir.U NOTION'S. E7 IVheeler .t Wilson's a wlnsr Alnchliies for tale. AIo-Suiulay t-chuol Monho nud Dlbles. Alsii-.Mm. Allen's Hair lli slorer. which will give to Cray its natural colur. A. I). U'tlllll. NJt Door below Court llouao. niaoniaburs. Nor. 14, 1PM. Mouse mid JLoi FOR SALfi BHEAi. Tliriiinderslened oners iu sell at private ante, n do slrnlilo and pleasant rcalilenco Incati-d In Llcht Street, Colninlda co about 'JJ miles North of IHnnins- burK, on .llnin pirect, anil central in taid village. There in erected upon said premises a good 1'KAit.p; IHVKMjI-YU JiOiFSU, .-A' I III with a ivell.fittnd !-tnro House attached, with an excellent well of wuter at the .Innr. .-n,,i.. uiki nun irees anu nil niriiir necessary conveniences, iu a high state of cultU.ition. Tim Moro Huiisoond stand are of tho first order, and present an excellent and eligible opening for tho Mercantile business. The building tins an open 'lass front, under ii.indsomcann. inj! and encircled by Ihrlvinj sh ido trees. t'aid property will bu mid at a bargain, or exchanged for n small farm or other real estate. A I. THUD MOOD. Light ftreot. Atnj. 23, liC3. EXECUiOR'S NOTICE. Fit'ite of Cornel lis Fanliorn, ihc't!. r HTTKUS Testamentary on tho estate of Cornelius 1 Vauhnrn, late of Hemlock township, Columbia co., deceased, have been eraute.l by the Itegister of Vill, A.c., tu thu uuderslened residing iu Vjileynnd lleiulock tinnsliliis. All! (Linus a'.iiust tee es tate of the deccilcut aro renuesteil In pres.-nt them to tli.' Hiecutors at their resilience In sal I tuivusliip, without delay, and all persons indebt"il to make pay ment forthwith. II A VII) A. VAN'lllliiN. Valley.tou nship. iMnntnur co , AllltAII vl VAMIlilt.N. JOHN II VANHORN, Hemlock tn p., Columbia co. LiicMqti, Novembar 53. UM-ewJS. " ADMIN IS 111 ATRIX NOTICE: Ftiatc of Uauiel Zagler, tltc'tl, Letters of administration on tho Estate . of Daniel Zeijler, latu of .Mount Pleasant town, ship, Cntumhia county, deceased, have been gran ted by the Kcciflcr of said county to the undersigned ; all persons haviiu claim-, against tho estate nf the ile-CL-ilcul are requcsleil in present them to tlu Adminis tratrix without delay, and nllpersons indebted to n ako payments furilmith cvni rit. zr.ioi.riR. Jit rieasaijt, Nov. 23. ltl'ij-iiwsa Ailm'rx. ADMINIS riiATOU'y NO i ICE. EUatc of Peter Ileus, deti'ti. T ETTEUuf adiiiini.tratioii on tho INtatu of Peter I a Hess, late of twp., Columbia Co., dee'd. have been granted by tho UcgMcr of Columbia co , to the undersigned j all persons having claims against Hie cstatu cf the decedent nre requested to present them lo the AdmiuKlnitor ut his residence in mid town ship without delay, and all persons indebted to make payment forthwith. HENRY C. HES3, Adm'r. Nov. 7, FC3. 6w $2 00. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Estate of lit its I'cahr, dco'tt. 3r.TTBR3ofadiuiui"tration nu tlio Estate of Ellas .j Pealer, late of Fuhingcrei'k twp Columbia co.,i(ec',;., havcbeeii granted by the Register uf Columbia co.,tu the undi-rsigned ; all persons hn ing clalun against the es tate of the decedent are requested to present Ihemto the uuilersigne-t, at I is residence in said township, without delay, and all persons indebted tu make pay meut forthwith. JACOU FE.Ll:it,..Wm'r. Oct. 31. IHS3-GW S3. EXECUTOR'S iNOTICE. EUtitc ol S'tnutd Iftan, dc.easrd. JKTTUU3 Testamentary on tin estato of Samuel -J Whary, l ite of Locust township. Columbia county, ,ise', have lieeu grunted by the Register of ills. See., to llie uuilers ignud a "residing iu said tnwmhip. a'l persons Ini ing ilaiius agaiuit the estato of the de cedent are reque.ted In pre'iit tin-in to the Executor i ni III - resiiienci' iu sain low o-iiip, iiooui iilih,uuu all persons Indebted to make payment liirthniih. , r IfltIV t..,tn Nov.Sl, 1SC3-0WS2 ' ' ' ADMINISTRATE US' NOTICE. Est He of Fhinens Siller; dee'd, T ETTEltS of administration ou the I j Estate nt Phincas Siller, late of Benton twp., Columbia county, deceased, have been granted by the Regi ter of Columbia county to tha umlprigned ; till persons having claims against tile estate of the dece dent aro requested to presout them to the administrator nt his residence in said township, without delay, and all persons indebted to make payment forthwith. JOHN V . IIEISI1LINE, Adm'r. Nqv. 14, 1303-Ow. S2 00. Oyster Saloon. fjPIIE undersigned would announce lo J tu the public that he has refitted his SALOON, one door East ol his llakery, on Main Street, Hlonmjbtirg, !a., and is prepared to accommodate ooiu i.auies Ullll I, t llliniovii. ill. , ,iL-iiaii-u iiiitiirii lie is prepareu to turnirn . Uiisten, ivhuicsaie a nam. UV 'iTIE CAN OR OTHERWISE. I). STOHNER ninomiburg, Nov. 21, 130S- It. The Great American Tea Comiiauy. No. 51 Vesev Street, Mill'-VOU F. HAS created a now rrn In Iho history of tvholcs.ileing Tear in this country They Invo introduced their selections of Teas and sold them at not over 'I WO CENTS por pound above coat, never deviating from the ono nrico asked ; believing this will bo attracttvo to the '. many w hi have heretofore been paying innrinous pro- ills, i .trues Ian uruur ions ami ivin ou siT.uuuy usiu Well ns though they camo llienisulvcs, being sure lo ges original packages, true weights and tares , and Hie Tens nru warranted aa represented. Our I'mcu l.isr is new ready. December 5, 1603 3w. -fxs DIUECT mOM THE INDIAN JSv COUNTHY, Set FIVE THOUSAND ROBES, Which he will sell. WHOLESALE or RETAIL, trt VERY LOW PRICES. Alio, HORSE HLANKE'iy, very low T. W. MATTSON. 402 Market St, 1st door above Fourth, South side, Philadelpbla, Nov. 14, 1803-3. JAMES IMrORTl'M .1XD II. SMITH, WUOLESJlli: DK.U.EIi BRANDIES, WINES, WHISKEYS, GINS, AND I.IQUORH, GENERALLY. (Yo, U2o If'tUttul bis., belii'ten !! .) 4th PIllLADULt'HIA. C. R. III'.NUY, Traveling Agent und Salesman. lC-liiiutRs UisrccirtlLLV Souctttn. Kovninii-r ... ieo.. A. LOU AN UR1M, Attorney and Counsellor ut Law, LAPflRTE, SULLIVAN CO., PA. uy Military a,nd other claims ptomptly ttendd l Ocltktt 3I, Wi. HOSTJESTTER'S CELEBRATED 1 jo A puro find powerful Tonic, corrective and' alterative, of ttcmJoiful cfllency In diieaie of tho STOMAHl, LITER AND BOWELS. Carca Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Headache, (ieneral Debility, Nervousness, Depression nf Fplrlls, Cou itlpntlon, Colic, Intermittent l'evcrs, Cramps and Spasms, and all ( nmnlnlnts of either Sex, r.rlnlne from llodlly Weakness whether Inherent Iu the system er produced by special ciusoa. Nomina that Is not wholesome, rjenlnl and restor.v live in its nature enters into te composition ol inns. I TLTTIIll'S KTOMACII lU PTIlltS. This popular pro. narnllon contains no mineral of nny kind, no deadly biitanlcnl element! no fiery excitant I but it Isn couibf. na Ion oflhc extracts nf rare balsamic herbs nnd plants Willi thu purest and mildest uf nlldllTuslvo stliu- illenls. It la will to be forearmed nfralmt disenao, and, so far ' as tko human system can bo prelected by human means i aiainst maladii'S engendered by an unwholesome at mosphere, Inuiurn water nnd other external cui'i s, i IIOrfl'lVTTIin'd IIITTIiaa may bo relied on ns a rnfo , pjard. Ill UISUHIS lUiesieu Willi tivtr n7ivTirHC. Il inii.t't-n fonnd infiilllblo us a previoitivi! and Irresislible as n. remedy and thousand who resort tu it undr nppro. heusion nfanattnek, escape Iho senurKC ; and thousands who neL'lert to avail tliunisi'lves of iti iTfiitectlve 'itial- tiles In iiilinncc, lire cured by il v.-rv brief cour.) of tbia mareluu medirlne. rev. r ami Ague patients, after belli? pal Id with quinine for months iu vain, il" ill I'nlrlv satiiintcd Willi that I'anireronH nlkn'nid, nre not iinrrcquentl)' retored to hi tilt h wllhln a few duyn uvtneuae ni uusi e.i ri.u n nii ii.i.a. "The weak stomathls rnpidiy ln Igoratod and the ap petltJ rcslored bV this aprorablo Tonic, and hence it works wilndet in enses of I)i-pepla and in less con finned forms of Indijeslion. Action ns a trontlo and painless apperlent, as well as upon tpa Hvi r. it also Invariably relieves tho Constipation superliu.yced by Irregular action of the digestive and secretive organs. Persons nf feeolo habit llabla .VerrowJ .lltatks, low nut of Spirit! and FiU nf havuvor, rind" prompt and permanent relief from Iho timers. Thn testimony on Ibis point is most conclusive, and from botu sexes Thensouy of I'.illlus Colic Is immediately us-ua'jed by a single ili)e of tho stluiulant, nud by. occacion.illy resorting to it, the return of the complaint may bo pre vented As a general Tori'c, IIOSTllTTKH'P IHTTnp.S pro ducoelTects which must be experienced nr witnessed bi-foro they ran be fully appreciated In cares of Con stitutinnal wi nknes, premature decay and debl.ltyand decrepitude arising from old ago. It exerciseJ th dec tticiufluenco In the convnlo-cent stages of nil diseases it op.-ratos as a delightful Invlgerant. When the pow ers nt nature ar relaxed, it operates to re inforco and re-establish them. Last, but not lr.i't, It the mils Bnfu stlinulent, being manufactured from sound and innocu ous materials, and entirely free from thu arid ilomcnts present mere nr less In all the ordinaiy tonics and stnmnclilcsof tlio day. No family medirlne ha' been in uplversally, nnd it may be truly added, dcicrtedly popular w llh the Intelli gent portion of the community, us IIOsTLTTKIt'S UltTCKrf. Prepared by UOSTETTHH & SMITH, piTisiunifiit, vx. C7"SoId by all Druggists, Grocera and Storekeepers everywhere. . November 21, iaf.3-ly. HELM ISOLD'S Genuine Preparations. COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT HUCHU, a posl tive and specific yeiuoly lor diseases of thu bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, nnd dropsical wclling. This medicine increases the paw cr of digestion, and excite the absoibents into healthy action, by which tlio Watiry or t.'alcarjojs dpoiitiius, cud nil Unnatural EulargcineuicntJ nre reduced, as well its pain and in lUinution. IIELMDOLD'S EXTRACT I3UCIIU. Pa. lupnkn... nrlsine from Exsessei. habits of Dis sipation, Early Indiscretion of Abuses, attended nil It its.. f..l lint' in f uVmiltllMI4 'W llidi'posltion to Exertion, Loss of Power, LOSS 01 .lieiuory, uiuicuuy u uruuioiog, Weak Nerves, Trembling. Horror of Disease, l'aln In the Hack, Universal Las. Undo of tho Muscular System, Hot Hands. Eruptions on the Face, Dryness of the Skin. F.lushing of the Hody, Pallid Countenance. These symptoms, if allowed to go on which this mcdicino inv.iriuhly removes, soon follows IsirortNCY, Faii'iiy, RptLLprio Fitt, In ono of which thu Patient nu.y require Whocnu say that they tiro riot frequently followed by those - Direful Discuses." "INSANITY AND t ONSI'MPTION." Jinny are uwaru of the cause of their suffering, but none will confess tho records of the Insane Asylums! And intlnnclioly deaths by Consumption bear ample witness to the truth. f the nseition. The Cnnsiiiutiou oncu elected with organic weaknesi requires the aid of Medicine In strengthen and Invig-oj-ita the system, which llelinbod'n ' xtract Hiicliu in variably does. A trill will convince the most ckcptical. F KM ALES FEMALES. . I In many nffecllons peculiar to Females the Extract lluchu is unequalled by any other remedy, ns in Chin- , rosis or Itcleiilion, irregulanly. palnrulncss, or Sup. prussiou pf Cuttomary Evaluations, ulcerated or scir rhous stale of llri Uterus, LemliorrhtDi or Whiles, SteiiHty, nud for nil complaints incident to the c, whither urisiiig lroui indiscretion hubiis of dissipa tion, ur in the , . DECLINE OR CHANGE OF LITE. -:o:- Tskeno more nalsain Mercury, or unpleasant Medf clues for unpleasant and il.tngornii diseases Ilelm bold's Eitrait lluchu nnd Improved Rose Wash cures seiret diseases in nil thvir slages. At little expense, I. iille or nu ciioiigu iu diet. No inconvenience, an no exposure. It causes a frequent desire and gives trensth toi n nate thereby removing obstiuclinna, preventing anil wiring stricture of tlie Urethra, allaying pain and lit. II. iiniuiirion, so frequent in Hie class of diseases, aud expelling nil poisonous, diseased ami wornout matter. Thousands upon thousiuds wholuvu been Hie vie. tlins of quacks, nud who havo paid heavy fees tu be cured in n short time, have lound they were deceived and that the -POISON" has, by the use of 'powerful astringent" been dried up In tlio system, to brenk out in an aggravated form, and perhaps nfter marriage. -:o: I'so Ilolmbold's Extract lluchu for all aiT.-ctinna and diseases of the Urinary Organs, wnethcr existing In Main Feinnlc, from whatever cause originating and no matter or how lung tt.iuuing. I Diseases of tlieso Organs requires the aid of a Diur etic, ilelmbold's Extract lluchu is tho Grent Diuretic, and iscertiln to have desired el!'ct in nil Diseases for ' which it is recommended. , ,., , , Evidence of ,ho nnst reliable and responsible) cjiar- I acter will accompany the medicine. Price $! ior Dottle, or 0 for $5. Delivered to eny address, securely packed from obser vation Describa symptoms Iu ell bommunlcallons, Cures guaranteed, advice grails. Addreaa letters for information to . . IinLMI1n,.i). o.l. 10I South Tenlh-st , beli ' n sinul, Phila HEI..Milt)LD'S .Medxeal tiepi. IIELMIIOLD'S llrutt and Cm " ( Harekouie, 5J4 IIroai' i v, Nmv jolk. Hewore of Counterfeits and u , lucipled dealers who endeavor indispose "of their . ;n" nnd oilier nrticU-B on Hie reput itiou attained b. Ilelmlinld'a den. iiiuu Preparations. Extract Huchu, Luract Sursapanlla, Improved Roto Wash FOR SALE B Y All Druggists Everywhere. ask rou tiHXMuonn's. t tKr.No other, Cut out the Advertiaamcntnnd r-i I for it, An I avoid Imposition ami ipoiure., l63 y. Hon, WlUon McCandlcm, Judge, of tho United BUU Circuit Court, President. Cornel Penn and St. Unit Street, PITTSItUROIt, I'A Tilt: i.Aiior.'T. ciiapekt and iiust. $33.00 pays for it fil'l Commercial Course. fly No cxtrn rlmt ire for Manufacturers, Steamboat, Railroad nnil Hank Hook-Krcplr e. Mliilstofa'annaMhalfprlco. Students, enter, end re view nt any time. , 'I hi Institution la cotnluetftd l.y experienced Teach, era mid vrnrllcnl Accountants, who preparo yoiitig men for active business, nt the lenit picne ami Imrtu.t llnifi.fnr thg inntt hiri.itlvn mill tennuiinlbtii rltiintlona. lllptomna urnntcil fr iiietlt only, llcnro the universal lirrference for !tailunlc of tills college, by bmliie. men. ... I I'rof. A.COVI,l;V, tho Lett Penmmi In Him Union. who hold! the Inraot number of tint proailumi, nnd CiBoei,Aiia oo'itnlning full inlormailon sent rule on application to tho Principals Jl.NUIN'H c SMITH, Principals, i ITJ7" Attend wkcro the Puns nndClaiksof Ouslncil Jten nnd Hankers graduate. April III, lfbj-ly. April 4, l?i3, ' JUST PUUL1SIIHD. T A BPLEND10 MTr.r.L PLATH MEZZOTINT EN- UltAVINO OF " J Maj-Qon. Qcbrgo B. MoClollan, On the liuttlc-Ficld of Antictam. i Si or Picture Jill bt41 citci, ' 'plltS Original Painting tvnii mado' from llfo. to order J of the publisher, by the cell btated Artist, C, Bcni'i. stLr, lls'l. , (who Is thn only ouotho General ever ant tn) It represents him on his celebrated horse Daniel Web ster, (presented to hi m by the citizens of Cincinuatll.) taking nu observation of thn field, in Iho latter part of tho day, aa thu Ui dels wcr. falling hack, In the fere ground nro seen IIu desolations of tho battlo -broken guns shnttcrod trees, te. In the distance, amongst Iho amok nnd dust, aro atntT ofili ers, artillery, cavalry and ii'f.ilitry The whole picture is nn admirable composl. Hon, tinJ displays the raro genius of the 'Mist. piuuii or tiii: cnghavino. - Single copy, to one address, 8:1 HO Tivo enpiss " 3 On Three " " 0 00 Pent by mall post-palgV 3 Persons acting as Agents and ordering one copy at dollars i.m have subsequent ones at. two dollars each. Travelling Canvassers ordering largely, will be supplied on liberal tiruis Addrs JOHN DAINTY. Publisher. 1? South Sixth fct., Philadelphia. December 5. 1BC3. NOItTSi (E.NTKAL TTaiLUAY. Stmnticr Time Table. TWO TRAINS DAILY to and from tne North and West llranth f the Susquehanna, Elmira, nud alt tf Northern New York. ON and after Mondiy, April SU'.h IW.S'lh" Passenger Trains of the North Central Railway will arrive at and depnit from Sunbury, Ilarrlsburg. nud P.nltiinoio as follows, viz : SOUTHWARD. Jlall Train leaves Sunbury dally (except Sunday) 10.10 a. in. leaves Ilarrisburg, 1 13 p m. " arrives at Baltimore, 5.35 " Express Train leaves Sunbury dally (except Funday.) 11.07 p.m. leaves Ilarrlsburg ( xcepl Monday,) 3 00 a. m. " arrives nt Daltimnru daily (ex cept Monday,) CIS ' Ilarrlsburg Accommodation leaves' Ilarrls burg. 8.30 " N O T II W A R D. Mail Train leaves llaltiiunrn daily (except '."und.iy,) 0.15 a. in. ' leaves Ilarrlsburg 1.15 p. ni. " arrives at Sunbury. 4.M " Express Trains llalliinoro dally, " U.I5 " ' arrives at Ilarrlsburg, Libia, in. leaves llarriburg(exccpt Monday) 3 W ' " arrives at Sunbury, 5.3S " For further inforiiution npplv at the Otlice. "I. N. UuUARP.Y.Sjpt. Harrltburg, Aug. P, 1SC3. GEeiuiisjy E2ai! ES,oiul. S UMM P 11 All HANG EMENT. f-i RE T TRUNK L1NF. ntOM THE NORTH AND VT Northwe,t for Philadelphia, h'eiv Votk, Heading, Pottstille, Lebanon. Allentnwn, Eatton, tc., e. 'I'rMiim! Ilarrlsburg for Pbilailetnhia. New York Reading, Pnttsvllle and nil iutermcdiatij stations, at d a. iu., and 2 p. in. New Vorx exptess leaves Ilarrlsburg at 2.15 a. in., arriving at New York at 'J l' the same morning. Fares from Ilarrlsburg i To New York J.5 13 ; to Philadelphia, 53 3J and Si fell. K.iggago checked Uirough. ... Returning, leave New York at (j a m., Jannon, and . p. in., (Pittsburg Express). Leave Philadelphia at CIS a. in., and 3.::D p m. Sleeping rur iu tlie New York express trains.througt to nnd from Pittsburgh without change. Passengers by thu Catawissa Railroad leave Tamaqua at 8.50 a in., and 2 15 p in., for Philadtlphia, New Yotk and all Way Points. Trains leave Potlsville at 9.1.1 a. in., and 2.30 p. m for 1'hilnilclj.hln, H.irriaburg and New YorkT An Accommodation passenger train leovos Reading at'J a. in , nnd returns from Philadelphia ut 5.00 p.m. UJ- All the abuvn trains run daily, Sunday excelled. ASunduytrain leaves Pottsvillu at7.30 a.m., and rhlladelpbiaata.15 p. in. i oiamuutioiiy mileage, season, and excursion tickets ! at reduced rates to and from all points. ! G. A. N1COLI.S, General Superintendent. fJATTAWlSS'A Rail-Road COMPANY. ' w bUl'EUINTENDENT S OFFICE. Wim.-inisnort. "Anrll 10. 1J03. On nnd nfter Monday. 20th inst. Tassecger trains willp.iss It ii pert u follows;--Phila. Jlall, Pass Rupert 10 37 Arriving at rhila, at I'hiia i:Liro3 Pass Rupert 32.50 Arriungal Phila ut LS'i nud at Now York nt ''J. Niagara Express. Pass Rupett 10.-J arriving at IVIIIiaiiispo.t nt '.l '. Elinira Jlall pass Rupert nui. pin. am. pm, pm. pm u in, pm, nrr r ne at Vi 1 1 1 am r iniri ai pm. (Bigned) II. STANLEY OOODW1.V, lupt. si a & sr a & A sr a ,,; I'rlntes, Hnnkltititlct' & ilitnlibeok .17 A IV U F A U T U R R R ; Yiioli:salg Avn Ri:;..i. DniCca in PRINTING. WItln- ' ' WRAPPING rATERS auent ,oit 'in.: ciTiwissA rsi'ur. KILI.3. Main Sired, first dcorbflow Iho Public Spuars, WILKESBARRE, PA. Kev.9.1, 1S81 lm. A. n. T1IOMI-SON. PAUL & THOMPSON, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN iTo, 43 JSoiili ll'ltarvcs, PHILADELPHIA. Zy II U TT E Ii. CHEESE, HAMS, Nor, 14, lSliS- lOmo. ' tit. 3 GIBSON'S -! ig&i'fii V & Ifef i.,4J M'JHJ' A N D DHK.YTIVE KSTA 151,1 II ill BS'v, 125, Sonth FIcvcnth Street near VJ cat, II 0. fi'aafifliajiisivtiiii-BajiiiV Enameled Glass, Trceco, Oil and Encaustic Palntin Joiix Gmsov. G. II. Ginc.iN. January 12. ISOI -3m . LEATHER! LEATHER!! rpllE undersigned would announce, that ho haa f Jt hand J. at Ills llataud t'.iu Emporium, nn Main St., Hlonlin burg, un assortment of different kind of leather, sucii tine calf skins, morocco, (red and blacK)and linings all cf which he will sell cheaper than can be had elecwhcie in this market. Cull audcxemiue them for joursi'lvcs JOHNK. CHITON. Uloomsburg.Mny 24, ISOC. PIUSIIMtlTH it iticoTiiuns. WIIOLEAIiE TOBACCO 3) E A L E R p Ny.lOO.JIOltTIl TlUltD STKEET ' Five dnortbeluw Rure, PIIII.AD ELPHIA (Opposite ImieeaHcntt Hall,) CHESTNUT STKEI'.T.P.ETWnilN FIFTH & SIXTH, PMUlliEll'IIM. ,a W Y ATT it HEOLINOS, Proprietor $. Novcrnber 30, 1801. March 111. IH3S IIOTOGRAPII ALBU31S. 100 differeiit stvles, best assortment in tin City, and selling at very low prices. Send for a Catalogue, ,V. l. I.. 1 C ill. I . I imi-"-.-i S. W. Cor. Fourth und Usee, PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 14, l03-3m E, RH 7c X X-2 v ' A T T O R N E Y A LA W , ULOOMSUVlia, P.1. nflico in Cotitt Ally, furiucily occupied by Charles II Huckalew. Illnonisburg, Dec, 4, leS'J. BLANK.S! BL'ANKS! I I Of every description, for nale at this oflico A IIIQ HLY CONOh NTft ATFD A PURE TOJSIO. DOCTOH IIOFFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS mtPAKED nY r. T)l Q J JACKSON, Pllllftdolpliia, Pa. WILL fflWtunlty cute Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Chronic nr Nervous I'fbility, Disiasea cf tho l(lilncs, and nil dlseaies arising from a dlior dcred Liver or Stomach. such na Constipa tion, Inward Pilss, rmness of Hlooil tothe Itend,Acldlt of the Stomach Nauaea. Ilcnrlburn, Disgust for Food, Fulness nf weight In tha Stoiunrh. Hour r.iuctatlons.Hinklngnr I'lutleilngnl tho I II of the Stomach, Swimming of tlm Head. Hur tled nnd Hi lllr u It llrejlbing, Fluttering nt the Ileatt, Choking or Suifocntlng Sensations when Inn Iving tiusture, I'tmnes iu v miou, iinis nr ooa befuru the sight, l ever nnd Hull Pain the Head, Deficiency of Perspiration, Yellnwuetit of the Skin and tlycs, In rtin in the tiMe. Hack, uneat, Limbs, Aic.rJudden Flushes tf (lent, Hunting In tlio Flesh, I'otislniit Iiu nglningsnfcvH, & depression of spirits, And will positively provenl Vellow Tevsr. nillious Fever, -Vc 'I h y c main nn Alcohol or bnd Whlikey. They will cure the nbuvu diseasos In ninety nini cases outpf a hundred. Induced by the ext"nslve salo and universal popu larity of lloortanil's German Hitters, (purely vegeta ble,) host of liuorant Quarks and unscrupulcna ad venturers, have opened upon sunWing humanity the flood gates of No.trums iu thu shap nf poor whiskey, vilely compounded with Injurious drugs, and chris tened Tours. Iltnmarhles and Hitters. Iiewnrc nt the Innutunrahlu nrrny of Alcoholl prep pnratlons in plrth'uii bottLa and big bellied kegs, un iler the modest iippi'llatiun nf Hitters ; which Instead of euifng. only nggravntu (tise.iBO, und leave the disap pointed sufiVr in despair. nOOFLAND'y GERMAN BITTERS! Are not n new and nntrled nrtlrle, but have rtnnd he test of fifteen J ears trial by the American public, -. end their reputation and sale, are not rivalled by any similar preparation. Hie proprietors havo thousands cf Icttsti fanm the lnostcmluuiit CLERGYMEN, I . LAWYERS. PIIWICIAN8. C.TIZENJ. Testifying nf thslr nn personal knowledge, to Ilia benchclalelTccts aud medical virtues oftlieio Illtura. 1 Do iau leant tomtthlng to slrtigthm yovt Ho ycu vnnt a good appttilel , J)o you Kant lo bvitd op your Conititvtfo Do you utini to jtci uttu Ho yow rant to gel rid of ntrcortvtut Do you tfiint energy ? Dc you irnnt to steep veil t Do you want a irisk and rlgeroui feelhc ) If you do, use IIOori.ANU'S 0 UII. VAN HITTERS. rrora Ken. J. Xevton llrctn, D, D Fdltor cf tht Vmy elopedia of licligiou Knowledge, Although not disposed to favor or reconniend Patent Medicines in general, through, distru.t of their Ingre dients and elfects ; I yet know nf no sufilclent rcarous why n man may not testily to tbj.benefit ho believes Ii 1 in 'e 1 1 to have received from nny simple preparation, in the hope that be may thus contribute benefit of others. I ilo thin the more leadlly in regnid to Hpofland's sJermaTT Hitters, prepared by Dr. C, II. Jackson, rf this city, because I was prejudiced against tl.eni for many viers. uiitbir he imnrcssioii that thev weie chicfiv an nlioholie mixture. 1 am indebted to my fri mil Robert ehocmaker, Esq., for the removal uf this prejudico by )iroper tets. and for en ouragi'iiicnt to try llieni, when suffering from great and Ion? i entinued debility. 'J ho u., i ni three bottles i t tin Hitters, at tne neginniug i of the preeent year, was roilowu ny evident reilcl, I and restoration to 11 degree of bodily and mental vigor wjiicu I mid not Kit lor six inonins ueiore, anu uau ni most despaired of regaining. I bercfore thank God and my friend for directing me to the uso of them. J. NEW! ON I1110W.V. Philadelphia, Juno 2J. 1801. PARTICULAR NOTIf'E. There are manv vrep&rations fold under the name tf flitters, j'ut in Quart bottles, compounded of the cluapett vhUkty or covimon rum, tinting from o to 40 cents itr pullon, the taste disguised hy Jinise or Coriander beed mis riass n nuirrs huh ruusi'u iinti win rnniinuc to canst', us Imig ns they can bo sold, linrulrt'tl! to (Uu tho death of tlu tlrunkartl IU tlieir the ayteiM in kept continually umli-r tht; inllacncc nf ulcouolic stim tiUht-i of thu vtorst knul, t ht3 Uti r for Jiiitir is rrta ted ami Kept and tin rtMiilt h nil thu liorrnrs al tentlaiit upon a (Iruukanl't. I i T ami df.ttli. Vor tliiwi; who doiro nml w 111 h.ivc n t.lqitor Hitters, we publish tho fnllowiug receipt, (ict ono bottle of tinonann's itiiitTft qiki uii wiiii inrre quarn uf goml br.iudy or whUkey, iml the reetilt will be n preparation that will far excerin medical virtues and true exct'llenco any nf thu niiincroiiti Hi'iuor lii Ut; r-? iu the market, and will cobt much less. nu will havu all tho virtues of Ilnt.nafid's Uitl'.Ts iu conuevtion with n cood nrtifle of Lin iur, ul a much lusn nrica tliau thvso inferior prciiaratiuni wi.l cot ou. ATTENTION SOLDIERS! AND THE FRIENES OF SOLDIERS. We call attention lo nil ha'ving nlatiuns or friends in tho army to Hie f.ift that HC)OFl,ANIS Gernnii llitt-rs" will cure iiine-tentlis uf tiio diseases induced by uxposurcs nnd privaiion-. incident to camp life. In the lists, published nuuost daily in the newspapers, on the arrival if tho sick, it i-ill lis noticed that a very large proportijn are nifferiug debility. Every ease uf that kind can be readily cured by Hoollan.l'B German Hitters. Diseases resulting from disorders of the i i eeslivo organs nre speedily relfioved. We huve no hesitation iu stating that, if these Hitters were freely used among our soldiers, hundreds of lives might be saved that otherwise will bJ lost. We tall particular attention Iu the following remark nbb and well authenticated cure of one of the nation's heroes, whoso life, to use his oh n lanjuuge, "his been saved by the Hitters." PiiiLinviioit. Aiieust 2a. Ipf2. .Vesors. JoitesS; .'entts.-Weii. gentlemen, our Hoof land'H Girmau Hitters has saved my life. There is no mistake in tills. His volutin for by numbers of my comrades soma of whose names are appended, nud who were fully rogni.-int of all tli circuiustunc of my case. I aiu.uint li-ivo been for the last lour )cars. a member of Sherman's celebrated battery, and under the immediate cnuiinnud of Cipi R. II. A) res. Through thuixposuro attendant upon inynrdorous duties, I w as attacked in November last with iulleuiuiatioit of the lungs, and was for seventy-two days in tlm hospital. 1 was Hi 'it removed from the White House, and sent lo Ibis city on board Hie Strau'.cr "sta'e of Maine," frninwliirh I lauded on thu ti-tli of June. Since that lime 1 havo been about as low as any one could bo and still retain n spark of vitality. For a week or more I was scaicely able tu swallow anwhiiig, and if 1 did force a morsel down, it was immediately thrown up agnin, I could net even Kor pa glass of w liter on my stomach, Life could not Inst under these circumstances ; and, ac cordingly, tho physicians who bid luen working faith fully, though unsuccessfully, to rcsiuo me from the Smsp of til' dread Archer, iranaiy loin me lliey could nnd ,:iko sucl such diiposltion nf my lliniled funds as bnsi 111,'. .... , ... ... ...b,, suited me. An nciua ntanru who vi lted mo at tlie hospital. Mr. Frederick Steinbroii, nf. Sixth In low Arch ! Street, ndvlsod nu, as n forlorn hope, to try your bit ters, nnd kindly procured a bottle. Frnm tlio time 1 commenced taking them tlm gloomy tnaiiow ot leatn rcrcdeil. und I urn now, thank God for It, getting better, i Though I havo taken but two (jollies. I Havo gained ten pounds, und 1 feel sniigiiine or being permitted to rijnin my wife nnd dnughtur, from whom I liavo heard I nothiiiii for eighteen month.; for, gentlemen, lam li I loyal Virginian, from tho vicinity of Front Royal. To 1 our valuable Hitters I owe the certainty of life wnich 1 has taken tho plaeo of vague finrs-io your Hitters will I owe tlu glorious privilege uf again clasping to juy bosom tkoae who arc dearest to me iu lil'J. I Very truly yours, j If A AC IIALONE. i Vn c.iiu rnn.n, In the truth of tho above statement jna'wohad despaired of seeing our comrade, Mr. Mu- lone, restored to neniiu , . I John Cuddleb ick, 1st Vew York Uattory. Georgu A AcMoy, Co. c, I till Maine, Lewis Cheiiaiier, 02d New York, I. E. Spencer, 1st Artillery, Haltcry I. J. 11. Fasewell, Co II, 3d Vermont, Henry It. Jerome. Co. II. do. Henry T. MacDonald, i'o C, i th Maine, John I". Ward, Co. E.,5th Maine, Hernial! Koch, Co. II., 7Jd New York, Nathaniel II. Thomas, Co. F . p.Mh I'cnn., Andrew J. Kimball, Co. A., 3d Vermont, John Jenkins, Co. II.. lUGth Pmn. uewahe of "Counterfeits. See that tho slgnnturo of "C. M. JACKSON," is on the WKAt-rtR ofVacli bottle. PRICE PLR BOTTLE 75 CENTS. OR HAI.r DOZ. FOR St 00. Should rour nearest drusgi si not havo the article do not ba put off by any nf tho intoxicating prepara tions mat may mi uuerco ui Hi place, uui ai'iui to us, auu we will lurwiiru, securely pucnuu, uy eApruss, Printijtal Office und Manufuctury, No. a Arch Struct. JONE (Sufcessors to 0, & Evans, M. JACKSON et Co.,) PROPRIETORS. py FOR BALE by Druggists and Dealers in fiery town in the United States, titteaetll. IWJ-lJaio. Death of Qon, Mi0hael Corcoran. Fairax Court Ituutc, Dec , 22. Gen eral Michael Concoiutf died at eight nnd a tiulf o'clock this evening, from Injuruies received from a fall from hii horse. A Foftrcos Monroe dispatch esys tha eloniher Spaultling arrived fi dm Morohcod City N.C., o Friday night, bringing & re port that tho gunliosi Daylight had bean blown up by the explosion in her inngaziiiA of a shell from Fort Fisher, nud most ot tho officers nnd crew wore kilb d. Tlicticis no liens that can bo published from the Army of the Potomac, which is enjoying in quiet (heso pleasant December dys. Thoro is no present proiprct of n, change of commanders, sW!oBr!TrravKMiM"iKaii fc RBJLATSVIE OF THE Brave Soldioi s and Sailors. IIOLI.OWAY'S PILLS, AND OINTMENT. All who hive Friends and Relatives in the Arnij nr Navy 'houldtako nspei ia corn that they h" amply mp plied with these Pills nnd Ointment; nnd hi bniva SolJicrs and Sailors linvii ingl- ctej t,i provid theiuselve with them, tin belter prrseut can be ami them by their Friends. They have beu proved to bu the So'dler's never falling friend In the hour of need, COUGHS AND COLDS AFFECTING TROOPS, Wilms speedly relieved, and ctV.-itually cured by using these admirable medicines, and by paying proper ntientlon tu the Directions which aro attached to each: Pot or Uox. SICK HEAD lir.8 AND WANT OF AP ETITt. INCIDENTAL TO SOLDIERS. Those feeling which so saifden us usually ari'efrom trouble or annoyances. obtruited pe.splratlnn, or cat ing and drinking wlntevtr Is unwholesome, tlris. dis turbing the healibfiil action nf the liver and stomach -Thcso organs mint be relieved. lf)ou desire to bo well I he Pills, taken accordl.ig to the printed insrtuctlons, will quickly proilnci a healthy action Iu both liver and stomach, and, as a natural consequence, a clear huaJ and good appetite. . WEAKNESS OR DECH IVV INDUCED EY OVER FATIGUE Will soon dl-tippear by the useof these invaluahM Pills, and the Soldier will quickly iicquliu additional strength. Never let tho llimtij be cither confined or unduiy ncted upon. It may seem strung... Dial Hoi lowov's Pills should be recommended for Dysentery and Flux, many persons supposing that tn-y woum lncrcue the relaxation. This i a great mistake, for these Pills will correct the liver and st jmach, and thus remove all Hie ocri.l humors from the system. This i medicine wi!i gite tone nud vigor to tho whole omnia, system, however deranged, whili health and strength ' lulloiv ns a matter of course. Nothing will stop tho re laxation of thu Lowes so sure ui this fjiuoua uiedi- I tine. ! VOLUNTEERS, ATTENTION I INDISCRETIONS OP I YOUTH. I Soros and Ulcers, Ulitches aud Swellings, can with . reitnlnty Iu radically cured. If the Pills are taken night i and morning, and Ointment In freely used as stated in the printed itislruMlon'. it iri-ntcd in any- ther man- ncr. they dry u- .. cue part tobr-'ak out in another IMiereas thi ointment will remove the humors from the leave the Patient a vigorous Slid healthy man. It will require a little perscvirancc in bad ca sus toiiisuie a lasting cure. FOR WOUNDS EITHER OCCASIONED IIY Tim UAYONI1T. SAURC, OR THC HULI.ET, fcOSES OR IIRUISE3, To whlrh eVery Soldier and Salter are liable, there are no meiliucs su safe, sure, and convenient, ns Hol ; loway's Pills and Ointment. 'I be wounded and almost, dying sufferer might havo his wounds dressed' dlattly, if he would only provide himself with this matchless Ointment, which should be thrust into tlu I wound and smenrud all round it, then covered with a piece of linen from bis knapsack and compressed wiltr a handkerchief. Talking, night und morning, tiord Pills, to cool tbo system and Prevent sliilaiiiatlon. I lively Soldier's Knapsack and Seaman's Chest sho-jld uj prevtucti v. ltu tn:su vaiunino neineuius. CAUTION! Nono are genuine unless the words "llollowu.Vs, New Yurkand I.riudou " are discernnble as a Water-mark iu every leaf of the book of Uireitiona around each jint or box ; the same may plainly aeenh,y. holding tlie leaf to the light. A handsome toward will be given to anyone rendering such information ns ihny lead to the detection of an party or parlies couuUr feitiug tlie iiiediciues or vending tlie same, knowing them to be spurious. Suld at manufactory ot Professor Holtoway, 60 MlaJi'ii Lane. New Yotk, nnd by nil respectable ilrug istsnnd Dealers iu Medicine, throughout the clvlllrd wo.ld, lubotea atJ3 cents, nndSl each. UJ-I here is considerable saving by taken the larger sizes, N. Il.-Directinns for the gui lance of patients in every disorder nronlnxed to each box. L Dealers iu my well known medicines can havo Show Card., Circular., fcc, sent free of expense, by addressing THOMAS IIOLI.OWAY, 60 Maiocs Lake, New Yobs. Dec. 1-2. 1SC3.-1)-. June 20, lSbJ. HOLIDAY PRESENTS ! Magic Timo Ohservt rs. Helnff a Ituittintr or Open Face or lady's or Gflitsrsiti' Hatch Coubtncd. u-iti Patent 1 tig Improorntu amost Pleasing JvovclfJ lino of the prettiest, most convenient, nud decidedly tho best and ch'-npesl tune-piej:u lot g-neral nud rclia. .aide use en r otKitd. It has within it nud connect ,1 -u nil in machinery, Its own winning niiachmont ron iwriug a i;y euure.y iiuuecesiary. 'J iia casus ol nil Watch aro composed ot two metals, the iJiEcr b- tug linu 10 carat gold, it h ie tlu Improved ruby action lover movement, and is warranted uu accuint- tuns piece. Price, siipeibly engraved, perctsa of halfduzea f .01. Ojinpk- Watches, in neat moroeco boxes, $73. oilier U'atflies! First Class limiting TimeplcOs for accuracy cf matem-ent. bcaxttf of material, and, abort all. cheapness in priie. that icatclics must inturo universal cpiroba'.ion. An imitation s faullL'Ss tint it can hardly h. .letes ted by the must experienced judges The mat rial Im Ing of two metals, thi outer one lii?t quality M-rliug silver, while Um inner nueis Garni m Silver, it cannot be iccurtniz.-d by cultiui or ie-avy i-ntraving, mukitig ii not only in appearance, but iu durability, the b it re MUiibla ice of Solid sterling .Silver In nxi'lence. The snle of these Watches iu thd army isu sourc- of on5 -ruio.ij profit, nulling, as th y very rcadl.y ,e. a ii ml upwards. Aliiiiyhiindred dullura cm be ina.i Un nglj p ay day by any one c.f ordinary business J Xs A T WHOLESALE ONLY I In heavy hunting luses, beaulifully engraved, white rituuij dial, nnd i m y tut hands, in good running order, by tha half dozen, slid Sold uuly by tile casu of six 1 Upon receipt of two dol ars, us guarantee of good faith, w v.l'l send watches by cxprexs to nny pail of the loyal" States, collecting luMiiai of till on oc tvery. This t iisu res buyers ngcnirt fraud, giving tlum III tr watcues ueiore payiuatii Is required, a. .i.lor rs t the sole Importer. CAItVS WML ION. . ito. i--, Jeweler's tx luiue. Cor. Coitlandt St. and Uro.idwuy, New Yoik. Dareu.b'-r 5. lr-0'1 -lni. !S Si! H s1 , t-u Jewelry an-1 Silver. I fare, ptIE undersigned would r-ipectfully invite your st I tention to his well selected stick ot I'n. G.ildand ?ilvcr Watches. Fine Gold Jewelry, of every kind and variety of styles-roniptislug ail of the newest urn) most b.-autifu! dseigns. Also, ficill.l Silver Wart, equal to Coin -and the cut mabe of Silver Plated Ware. Each article Is warrant.'.! u be as represented. IE7 Watches of Jewlry carefully rep RlroJ tcj pat Isfaction guaranteed. JACOU HARLUV, (Succiainrs to KtsudVr it. Hailr.) No. tit Maiikci St.. I na . ?et, 5, ISK-Jm, ELI HOLDEV INVITES the attention of every reader of tbia paper, whu h include many thousand nf Ina nl.l tt.itr.iiid nn, I m nniilntt.neea sU&Sf unujually largo and beautiful, vuiity uf AMERICAN and IMPOilTEll WATCHES, CLOCKS und elegant designs of JEwELUY. Silver Wnro, k., ELI IIOLDEN. 70B Markc Srec, PHILADELPHIA March 41-03-Hni WATiOWAL H0TL, (Lato White SwanA RACE STREET, AF.OVti TUILD IMtXI.ADlut.l'IlIA. D. C. SIEGllISr" PnoruiETort. Formtrlifam Ente Hotel Lcbunon, Pa JOS. HOUSl'M. Ct-ERK, .March 29. l-iH-IBm. PETER YOUE.1!: SON. HAVE recently (pened a HOOT AM) SHOE SHCf. ill LIGHT STREET. Oolumbia county. Va . and M prepared lo do the best work on tlioshorteit aoceecc .' at the lovivtt teriir. thisr, a rail. Ajrril II, iri3. ,1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers