LUCUIBM DBHOORAT EDITED BY IXVI h. TATB, moriUETOn, I In tho Houso of Konresontativo.i. nn -uira uonniitutionai Laws EDITORIAL INKLINGS. A aucoEasruii Institution. Tho j VlS'iyg JjUlfUf'tf - nr intt rnjoj aih.iw BLOOMSBURG, PENN'A : Saturday Morning, Dec. 26, 1QG3. SEonETAtiY Wotlcs wants 142,000,000 to run tho Navy for the next year. Titr. Ladies ofDmvillo will havoontor tninihonts, during the Holidays, for tbo bcncGt of the Soldiers, Wednesday, tho resolution of Mr. Cox, of 1 " uon 1 lias sorao verJ" 80n,l , Ohio, came up as follows u,u J"0" ""u" " JJeioW, That tho President of tho "PI1" l,ralK,h of Congress admitting Hm United States be rcspoolfully and urgently Senators from Western Virginia, and tho requested to take immediato steps for tho Hougo ol lloprcscnativca in the cato of tho Kcbango of Buoh of our prisoners as ara Maryland members, elected under tho la- land that ho bo requested to communicate nou, or rnthcr .lamo) mil.tary order to this Houso on tliooorrcsponuonoe in tno Ul uu War Department with relercnue to tno x i , pliamrn nf nriRnnnrs. 'in nml a - i " v ----- . .. , n Instead of permitting tho question to bo ; Jn ulter disregard of tho Constitution and n"u u,c " """""" taken ou this' resolution, which contcnipal-1 in0 laws, cannot but bo observed -with sor- Tm: ''right of suffrage," under tho Ad- led simply tho refcuing of our soldiers lan- row by nil who appreciate what Law is as ministration, is tho right of suffering guishing in Southern prisons from misory n protector of society. Tho Senators from tyranny, conscription, shoddy, fraud, etc. f1 TTOT? P 1? 1 HI 'PT 1? T T A "M" ' nn death, nna" ascertaining from tho ofli-1 Western Virginia uro thoro flatly in viola- i All wars arc evils and contrary to 'tbo VJIjUIvVJIj D, 1V1 Li LiJjJjAiN i cj(lj com.Sp0ndenco the truo reasons for ' tion of tho Constitution, and yet but livo divine law. Hence Christians should ( Buhlccttaiho iiMiion o ' "'"on"n'' tho refusal of tho administration to roleaso Sunatora uttered a protest ogains this. Wo preach and advooato pcaco. tlicm by csonango, iur. .uovejoy, adou- nre glatt to sco tno urst voto ot tuo auio , Lewis Jamison, of Williamsport Pa., tion, of Illinois, offered a substitute, not end accomplished Senator Huckalew, from a government lumber contractor, has been ; only covering up the remissness of tho ad- Pennsylvania, on tho side of tho Constitu- scnt to tho Old Capitol, for frruds. &c. This Shows Wliero ho Will bo fonnd. . n.nnnnr.,ent anlrltnr. nnmnl .Inlmann. A Noblo Purposo AND TI1E (ROntOUS UESUI.T Thero aro as many roads to fame and prouauiy no lunuuimu ... iu -uuu..; fortuno nfi thcro were gateway., to ancient successful, or which is established o. a Thibcs. Your ambitious warrior isfor ' mom pormanont basis, and gives promise oarvlng his way with tho sabrc- Ynur as- of greater uselulnoss, than tho Iron City for mancciivrinir hli way Commorcial Collcgo of this o'ly. The n i SPECIAL W0TICE3 " Onr Oomtltutton cnard It ever! Oar Rlorlous Union )ioJ It dear I Onr Btarry Flag forsake It never I Tin prond Catieasslan our onljr peerl TOn PUES1DENT IN 186, by subtlety and conBUinuiatc art j but thero ' unusual facilities .here afforded, the fupo i ono broad grand path to tho goal, along' rior qualifications of tho Principal, who, I l,lnli nothing baso can travel. It is tho besides being tipriijlit gentleman, aro also course it obsorves.'b'oth in tho Son- Senator Uuckalow, has beon placed on i pnth Mt npaf t for tho mBrfll of taicnt) cu. CXp?rionood Teachers and practical busi I relation to elections hold . tte Standing Committee 'on Indian Affairs' . crgy j mA nMa pUrp0S0 and, though ful , nosa men, offer a combination of advanla NO PAPER NEXT WEEK. In order that all hands employed in this offico. may enjoy a brief rcspito from their 'ministration in tho premises, but actually t;on, r,1nii,. labnr. nnd bava tho onDortunitv 1 applauding it for tho crultf policy whioh Every word from him sinco his election, ',in4 ,,,, ,.,., R!str iIuvb imnrison. of participating in tho Christmas and Now l11'1"!"8, our captured soldiers as prisoners ;niarks bim the fearless defender of his uient in Ncw Orleans.for calling President r ' f , ,. at Richmond and elsewhere, a he sub- ( couutry .and tho well furnished statesman. r. ..n.i,,i , tnn Yeara', wo shall next week issue 8tUut aBscdb yoto of 94 to 73, and ' The proceedings in tho House, in the case ' L,Di,ln ! , J . u. no nnI.TTMmA Democuat." Printers Ut. r-' ,ni.,iin , t-ilU,!. Tlmfnl. L .1 .1 at.ij ,.i,.!n ,!, . ' ln Secretary of War, in his annual - - ' " ' lllli WUiW a k LUVJIUUVII i . w ...waw. 1 ill liii: LI I l i Y 1 M U U UJVH" vivm IJWII Iiiu 1IWIIU . . . . . - ... , . , -.1 i , i, : i ... , c i t . i. . i :,, report says ti at 100.0UU men havo b;en vs aud O ntmcnt, who would novcr oth- tn1 lV.miin1.nnf ilin lfttiff vonr. Willi hilt InwincT u in Riihttitiiln nf Jlr. Lnvninv. (l...t n t.ia niniiinntnim linnr. lliprn will r ' H' uu wimi"w M a J I . b i J i f,n cinon tlm pnnunniinntiinnt nftlip. : !, i.,,f!.,1 lrnl... 'IM.n which leaves our prisoners to starve and rot bo a majority in Congress who will hesi- " . . , "" . . J ' ' of obstacles, it contains nono which all great man cannot surmount. Thi" fact haB been exemplified in inuumcrabl instances, but in few moro foroiblo than lu tho car eer of Dootor Ilolloway, of London. For tweuty-fivo years ho may bo said to have been climbing "The tcep whore Fami proud lomplo Mn afar." scattering blessings at every step. lie ap pears to havo reached tho summit at last. Tho staff upon which ho has leaned in his ascont has boeii advertising, aud by its aid has not only realized a world-wide celebrity and a splendid fortuno, but has boun enabled to familiarize millions of tho sick with tho healing properties of his gos nowlicro surpassod, if equaled, in tho country. Look out for Counterfoil ! not only of bank bill?, but of everything truly valu able. We understand that oven the Indis pensable articles known as ''Family Dye Colors'' aro not an exception to this rule. Tho imitations, jliko all counterfeits, tiro utterly worthless, lteinoniber that Howe and Slovens' Family Dyo Colors aro the original, tho only valuable and uscfu thing of tho kind. Of lhl City. Im uniUufctclljr dnenrornl In hit ram blnn'lon for ths trrnlincnl df Dum inln en nfih. SrenteM r.imcilles tint ha. fver hem tlvan to .nr. cruiit iiutnanltyi lie lin Ifrntoil nithlii thn pott two ymn soiiii'llilnf over nlnn tlKiu.nnil to In hl nil' vnto practice, many nf nhlrh limt ileflcil the iklll t? eminent phyitclatu III Ciirnpo America, and In every rno In r Urn tiieillrlnc worn taken afM,nlln to illrcftlnnii, they linvo innilf n perfccl c re Many of the nliovo rate n-eto of ovor livcipy venri rtan Hlrir IIiiko nlm nn-trmililoil Willi Dypeptia woulit iu well to call nltlm Dnctnr'i, nli'nc. i ivc ynn yj. vice fri'C. l'crorm nt irillitaHcu fan rniinii t dy I itt,r u'-puiiiMii hid r, ... .i ... i. . i.r. ,v ifiiaii ir 'autum phi lip In n iciiri' parknee Willi full dlructluna, U lent bt cipre.a nn tli r.rl.t r.f Hit llnllaiii. N. II Iii ' II piupm whrra th i r.ljja-p has not bseomt chtonlc, Dr. Willi in'. Iyipepil PiMi ari all Hut h ri-'iiiirn. pum ny nnii mi mi) r 'I'MJU "I wilt' llol nf Aifilre.a Dr. iX. L Wliliarl. I'lill.nlnliiMi. mn ittpkla toJgtr, lire. t!l, lHI)3-i:iif, littlo cessation from daily labor, and it is meet that thov should - look forward, at and Udlo lslo prisons i - tato at any behest ol party. If Kcpubli- least onco a year, to tbo holidoy-wcek'. with plcasnrablo anticipations. Our offioo, however, will be open ot all business hours to meet our friends, re ceipt for mouoy nnd exocuto all kinds of job-work, with neatness and dispatoh. Our next issuo will bo on Saturday tho Oth of January, 1804. In tho mean time wo tender to all our friends and patrons a merry Christmas and a happy Now Year. n m . i rr I i r . 1 1 ..! . ... ! 1 1. Ilcsolvcd. That this House ahnrovo of r-ans will not shrink back from tho in i'ita J TUB Secretary ot tno ireaury un.oriuMuic.y iut-ir nuu i.-g.on, nave tho constant, statcsmanliko and humane rv proccediucs in these olcctions.what wil rceomnionded tho iucrcato or tho tax on , good couso to rcjoico that so wido u pub Senator Buckalew's first principal vote in the United States Senato,on Its ro cent organization, was ono of whioh his constituency my feel proud. It was against tho admission to scats upon tho floor of tho bogus Senators from Wcstorn Virginia. This protonded municipality has no legal existence ; was created in violation of all Law and Const. lutions, is n nulity, and henco Senator Ii. has only dono bia duty and honored bis trust by opposing its pre tensions to power and position. "Sinex," in the last Republican, pub lishes an elaborate article, tbo gift of which charges us with advocating Slavery. In this "Sinex'.' is as much mistaken as be was when ho delivered his famous no-party speach last fall, before tho Bloomsburg pis Loyal League. We seldom reply to anonymous tcriblers, but deem it proper to say, that whilst all pur early predjudiccs havo been against Slavery, wo today re gard ic as a much less cursa upon the coun try than the evils of Abolitionism. v . . . r .1. - .1 -- -.' i auoru m iuo uiuiUirauu.. to BUu.y uu , f ? cxoliane of our prisoners now in tho hands . . of the rebels, and that it is hereby' reccom- monded that such efforts b continued to secure an exchange of all 'our prisoners now in Southorn ptisons. Liuooln's Last Joke. Wo havo read a great many of Clio Pres ident's "last" jokes, but tho last ono eclip ses all tho others. It is his plah for recon structing tho State. governments in the so. ceded States and bringing them back into tho Union. IIo pledges himself to tho Southern pooplo not to object to their re suming their status as States under their old constitutions and laws existing prior to the rebellion, provided they will tako an oath to ignore tboso constitutions and laws so far as they relate to tho negro, aud ac cept his proclamations and the laws -of Congress in lieu tboieof. That is, ho pro poses to the Southern people, who ha"ve been educated all their lives to look upon and treat the African as an inferior and a slave, to chango (heir opinion so as to co incide with bis own, to treat tbo negro as a freeman and an equal, in short, to be. come Abolitionists and support him and his measures, as the only terms upon which he can consent to give them State govern ment and permit them to re-enter the Union. This is his last joko, at whioh, wero it not too eorious for mirth, everybody would laugh. im ' distilled liquors to 00 cents. It i believed Perhaps a groafor violation of tho prin- a Washington that tho recommendation ciplooffrco elections was never seen in this, or any other country ,than these cases of Delaware and Maryland members of i. ...i ,.i win uu uuupvtu. rrf ,y An exchange asks, whether wo aro in tho ninth or nineteenth century. Wo wero Congress just admitted t.) seats in that 'in tbo nineteenth, but this administration Amalqamted ! We learn that the two abolition machines of Montour county, known as tho ''Danville Democrat," and 'Montour American, "have been bought out by a Mr. Bailev, of Chester county, by whom they are to b6 united and conducted as ono newspa'per concern. We aro tho gainer by the arraugement, as hereafter wo shall only bo taxed one paper, instead of two as heretofore, for tho Exchange Messrs. Cook, and Brower, havo our cspO' cml consideration in their' retirement from the Editorial profession, and as wo un derstand that "The Government" has ta ken them into its keeping by appoin tments to" luorativo offices wo wish them good times and fat takes generally. body. Yet tho radical journals aro actu ally claiming their election, in the way i was dono, as a credit for this administra tion, a mark of its vigilance and an atone moot for gravo sins of omission. But thcro is nothing ncw in this ; for tho samo disregard of principle is sctu along tho whole courso of fanaticism. It has had moro regard for law,as such, as it wont on striking at slavery, than General Sobcnck had for frep elections when ho issued his ukases as to voliug in the cage of the Del aware and Marylaud representatives. The proceedings of Congrcs look as though, oven iu so flagrant a ease as this, tno demands oi party wero ticinea to tri umph over tho claim of the oath to sup port tho Constitution aud tbo laws ; and they serve to remind us of tbo servile obediouce with which the members of Par liament responded to the demands of the ministers, in tbo reigu of Georgo the Third. Tbon tho measures which the lib eral would now agree were not only insane, but of the blunders that rose to c.imcs passod by tho overwhelming majorities ; wbilo the voice of lruh, oven though it came in the divine eloquence of a Burke or a Chatham, produced no effect Tub Cnisia. This is ono of tho best weekly Democratic papers now publish ed, and has an enormous circulation. It i no half-way. and milk and water ,con csrn, bat it is published and edited by Ex- Governor Sam. Medary who always talks tight oat in cchool. It is published in quarto form ou the best paper, and when bound will mako a good book. For a record for future reference, it scarcely has nn equal. If any of our numerous readers ilesirc a western paper, wo can fully rec ommend Medary 'a "Orieia" published at Columbus Ohio. Terms: 82 per year:' 31 for six mouths : and SO cents for threo months. Addrsss-Ohio. The SoLDitns' Friend 1 Hon. Chab. Denison, Democratic Momber of Congress from tho Luzarno. District, "thoman who licked Grow," last week offered a reso lution iu Congress, tncreasing tho pay of tbo Soldiers in the Army, per month, to Tniniy Dollars. For this righteous measuro every Democrat in Congress voted, but it was voted down by tho Itcpublican Abolitionists. The samo day, Mr. W'ash burn, ono'of Lincoln's (Illinois Heprescn tatives, who, had talked and voted against paying tho poor soldiers even one dollar per day, introduced and passed a bill pay ing tho Clerks at tho Capitol FOUR DOL LARS per day, and that only for about six hours' work, each day. Who aro tho Soldiers' Friends t Mme. Demouest has sont us her New York Quarterly Mirror of Fashion for tho winter, ending in February. It is a work that no lady should bo without and in short wd cannot conceive bow they can. "It contains all tho latost fashions, with full sizo patrons accompanying each number which aro moro than worth tho price of subscription. Send and get it. Single copios25o or one dollar a year, with a val uablo premium. No. 437 Broadway New York. -S. Medary, Columbus Important Announcement. The editor of the Venango. 'Spectator,' who is generally sound on the goose and turkey questons, makes tho following de liborato and well. considered announce ment : ''We havo carefully examined all the or dors from the offico of tho Provost Mar shal of tho United States, aud Stanton's manifestos for tho last six months, and find nothing in either to provont any sub scribes from furnishing au editor with a turkey lor Christmas. Wo stato this tact for tbo benefit of printers at larco, and without any foul motives." This will be glorious news to, farmers and poulterers. All they wanted was a chance to do the fair thing in a fowl way ; and now tht the legality of the thing has been so cleaily demonstrated, wo hope to hear of tho hearts and hen coops of edi tors overflowing between this and Nov; Year's day. Quory: Wouldn't the giv ing of turkies aud other birds to Demo cratic editors bo considered by tho ''gov ernment" as ''furnishing aid and comfort to tho enemy T" is fast knocking us back jnto the ninth. The rebel govcrnmont talks of paying tho soldiers liberally after tho war. Its liberality reminds us of the poor fellow's will : "I havo nothing, I owe everybody, tbo rst I givo to tho poor." The Army of tho Potomac has finally gouo into winter quarters aud undor'a gen eral order, furloughs will "from this time forth be granted to officers aud men, who by their good conduct havo deserved them.' stampede of horses late took place at Camp Stoueman below Washington oity which resulted in one thousaud of tho nui tuals boiug drowned in thu Potomac They cost the government 5145 a head. That's nothing. A lr Mr. Lincoln is tho government he must be a very poor man by this time, for no poor wayfarer in the deepest, darkest wilderness of tho world, was ever robbed as the government baa been for tho past thruo years. A llepublican paper wauts to know "what relation do tbo Democrats really suppose Mr. Lincoln bears to the govern ment?" Well,wo should say about tbo i . . . i same relation tuai a eiown Hears to a circus. Jeremiah Spencer, who, it is stated, was tho last survivor of tho Wyoming Massacre, died at Now Hartford, Conn., on the 22nd ult , at tho age of ninety-lour years. A Dernocratio contemporary says Abe Lincoln is determined to bo a can'didato for succession to the Presidential chair, aud that he will doubtless arrest and im prison all who attempt to run against bim on the charge of trying to everthrotv"tbe Government'," Tunnu has been a groat amount of sim ple larceny committed in neighboring towns this Wiuter. Wo would adviso our citizens to be on the alert. A good watch prevents harm. Hang a thief when he is young and ho will not steal when he is old licity has been given to tho virtues of his Pills through tbo columns of the Amciican press ; for, if wo arc rightly in formed, thoy havo cured nnd are now r.uiing moro cases of his distressing complaint than all other medicines combined. Wo hear, too, of cures of scrofula and other external disor ders by tho Ointment, whioh, if thoy wore not vouched for by tho best authorities, wc should pronounce incredible. These mod ioincs'sccm to do what no other advertised medicines hato over dono before fulfdl the promises of the advertisement, N. '. "Police Gazette:1 Next) Qt&ucrtiscmcnlB. LUMBER FOR SALE. A lot nt bowed n(id,sawod Tinibm, nlila for tiulldlnn a llrme nr llariT 50" X 2 wlih Jolcu mill rafters, will he blil cheap on application 'at mis onicG, "tc " kwj. j.v. MIR OONFKSSIONS AND HXPE. ninvrr. or a xmivoim inva-md. imi.,. for tho benefit mnl m n cuillmi to yuiinn nun, him nllii'ri. hn iniror frmn Norvou Debility, Cntly D"cnr nii4 their kltxlicl nllmiMit- nippljliiittlriiiiimuorji,.f' cure, lly mm who n:i rnr-tl hlinii lf nfior bi'lm n via tin, or inOfiliecil runliili-iico In iiicillcnl humbug inj 'iiui-,vi j, . r, ii.,ub, nK , mifti-iiiiKi IlirCCieO eilTfi.Op, maio cwpioi inoy dj nun iii inn nullinr, v NA'I'll Wit. lUi'MIn r-. . ncdr-ril, Klnf lounty, NcivVi,rlt Junuory 2, lEGD-Iy. Uniformity nlTrlcea I A Now Fcntura In lliuiin... livery una Ills "Mil t'fil"itnm ! JONTS Ar rn. nris. Cri'icntOuiil'iico Ululhlm titoro. Nu. BUI Mrini.i,. nbnve Slith, rhlMiltlphla, in niiiiiiinn 10 iinvum inn lamest, mot varie.lnnl fashionable cluck nr Clothins In Philadelphia tnnlcet. prcisly for tit.HI rain, have coiialltutml cvriy IU hln nvvn saleinan. hv havfrm inarlcul In aimr. mm attlclont the very loir-Jut Mien it can bo iohi fur latlity raiMiit ponibly vary-4ll must bin almu. I lie iion.u nre will npuiikt-il nu I piepariSanit gttt palm taken with the lnaklns: no that nl.cnnbiiv wit!. ilni full nmnraiica nl (rating a pirnl mini' atthe very loH'i'nt price. .Mmi, Hlarise t 'i If -f pi "-etf n la ouhmj nf ths lull-si style nnd hesi (pialltlci, which ni. he main m urui;., in mu iuom i.tNtoiiauiu ana iicfi ui.iunct, J3 per cent, bt'lmv priici. uonicn.utr 1110 i.rcicini, in ti ci Bit feb.ire sum Una 804. JOM.rl .t CO, Darino Act of Fikaoy. Tho steamer Cbosapcakc, of tho Cromwell line, bound from New York to Portland, on hor regu 1 rtrip, with a largo oargo, valued 8180,000, was taken possesion of on Mon i day morning, of last week, by a party ofl I .i.i ..r.,i,..l i... .i '1 1CUUI3 UUIUUGlJIIg ilUUUb SlbUUM, WI11J 1VU1V apparently unarmed and inoffensive pas senger.1. Tho oaptain was put in irons, the second engineer shot' dead, nnd thrown overboard, and some others of tho officers wounded. The astonished pasengcrs wero then notified that thry wero prisoners of war to the (Jonfederato States of America. This extraordinary proceeding took placo about twenty-one miles northeast of Capo Cod. Tho captured officers and crow, to gether with tho pasngo!,J, were landed by the daring pirates at Partridge Island, and tho steamer then started off to sea- When last seen sho was lying along-side another vofsel, apparently taking in coal, aud it was thought that (die would mako for Washington, N. C, and cudcavor to run tho blockado. Quite a fleetof Union vossflIs,both ffoin Porthucl and from Ncw York havo started off. in puriuit of the Chesapeake. PUBLIC SALE Ol Valuable Personal Property bi exnoseil to sale, by Public Vendue, nt the VV renldencu ofihi u icraisuml. In Bcntt towinhln. uoimnui.l luumy, L unit a., im-u. i,i(,:it crutfci; uu S'llurdaij, January )th, 18GU, Thi folloivlnf .'escribed artlclci nfpirsinal prop:r.y , iz. Two Horses, and a two year Colt, Two Cows and two young ditto,! UO head of Sheep,'' two lirccding Sown and Lighteeu .shoals, Ono Carnngo, tsulkcy, One tivo-horxe Wngnn nnl a two home Slcl, una l'an nlnii Mill (rrnlick make,) una S enjh, l!orn fch'iler, I'lotVn. I'nirows, Cultivator, double ecu nf N anfc;- Ilaruers, double ictt of Silver iimunteil Carriage Har ness, two pair only-nets a lot of S ed Potato 'i, l.'ut litijr lloz, mnl running I't'iui s generally, lu,tcluiir willi n variety ol other articles too nuineruji lu lu.nt tion. IT?" tiala to commence nt 10 a'rl ick, a ni . when at tendance will b.i givnn and conditions mak Known, by Fcon township. Doc. an, ItW. mmARTB P1WE II COBDSAL CuMMt'S CITIP.J eoxtU.vrTotx.LUii iti Disxjie. A CARD. TO CDN'SUM PTtVU ThMinderi'gnfdhivlnt b(n restored to health In a few week', nysvery timH temedv. ufKr havinz (UilT.-.l s.'teiu tears Mlli k vcre luni ntlertlon, and that dr.Md dlseau. consump. tion- is aiuioii. u m.iio UnonMi to hlifillu'.v.iiilfi.riu the nunns "! cure. To all wno desire II. ho win send a copy ef the pt. sctlpllon used, free of chnnji'! with ths directions fi.t preparlnit anil usin tna same, wlncli they will fiaj a sure cure for colisuintition. itslhina. Lronrtiitl. l The only object of the lu lending tha pti- srripiion is to uen -oi iiw uniiciau, ami sprenu lnlruik tion which hoconcclveu tone invaluable ani' he Imui vvery aufTerw-r will try his reniejy, o it m, coittlnci noiiung, anu may provu a uiut.iuj. I'.iilln wishliiit the presciiutlon will nlctsa addisii l!cv. I'lnVAUll A. WILSON, WllllaiiKbutth, Pept. 35, lBha -4m IUiiks County, New oil, A disgraceful Sight. On Tuesday tho 8th inat. a most shame ful scene occurred in this place. A young man and his mother were escorted through town' chained together attended by two or three able bodied men from 6no of North ern counties who stopped along as if thoy wero proud of their position men that ought themselves to havo been restrained of their liberty for committing such an outrage. Just think for a moment ! Wuat 1,Abe" Costs Ui. At a recent interview with a delegation of war howling clergymen, Mr, Lincoln admitted that he was "no prophet." That is true enough ho is certainly no prophet to his country whatevor bo may bo to tbo cause of old Oormombor of Congress, lion. Charles . Satan and old John Brown. Lincoln has Denison, takes his plaeo naturally with costLig cont thrco tbou8arjd miilion3 of the most extreme and bittor Copporboad 1 . .. , .... ... ... . opponents o tho, Administration, and has dollars and a millloB of lives and tuo 0Dd already given votss for which ho may yet s not yet. What a scourgo to humanity be sorry. Fortunately ho injures nobody that bo was ovor born. but himself as tho loyal men in Congress aro iu a large umjuriry. Record of the Times, Win. P. Miner thus writes of Hon. Chas- A TJargian for Students. Wo havo on hand and will soil at rcduood Driccs.'Schollarshins.on almost nuv of tho Denison. For tho foitliful discharge of his , njyijer Colleges and Seminaries of the constitutional obligation, Mr. Donison, is ' Couutry. Young men desiring to finish denounced as a "Oopporhead," by tho to-, lhoir Oolleijiato Eduoation, should call un- Failed. The effort of tho President to .colonize 500 persons of color on the Southwest coast of llayli has' proved a failure. -( Though unusual precaution was taken to convey theso people to 'their des tinatiou, many of them diod of disease, while others fled to moro desirable local ities. An inquiry into the facts of the case will be instituted. iV. Y, Tribune, Woll, you may tako all tho preoaution you ploase, and you may institute all the enquiries possible, every attempt to colo nize your brcthcrn of color will provo a failure. It has beon so in overy instance and will continue so to be. Chuiuiur a mother and eon together and MoOleman was once a citizen of the j somiiug niem to jail in that condition until United States, but now resides in tho I , . . , l,,,. i "Jnrsoya" TJVioafyteai paper. I s " Yes in tbo "holv land," but he will "' "lum u"uus" luu sllCL, U1 likely have a little business in Washington ' " lu UI .iu.pUri,on.-- i it urn vyuuiu nui, tiuuit uruuiuiud uu gunty I r i mi :,!.. ti .. ui uuui", i iuc uiiuiu uuuaium lb ,b VUIU- mondable act to btual a blind dog's dinner i l ,i ... .1.- .l r.. l. 1.H...1 T UIIU IlliJIl 310I1U IIIU uog lOl - UUlIlg UIU1U. LU our opiniou, no train of circumstances can soon ; and will livo iu the whito houso. Old Abo lias a few moro rails to Illiuois. split in Oun Govcrnmont larnl cost ono dollar an aero ou an average, and champagne two dollars a bottle. Many a man dies landless who during his lite has swallowed a fcrtilo township, trees and all. So n young man who smokes cigars and tobacco j to tbo amount of one dollar a week, wastes a farm of fifty acres each yoar, whioh in a short time would bo worth a thousan'd by its moro riso iu value- Tub sole great objects of this war aro the restoration of tbo uuity of tho nation, justify such an outrage. Wo care not what tho offences may have been, they do not excuse tho oilicors in tho least. Thoy aro not bound to inflict punishment until after trial and conviction, tho law implies iunooenoo uutil tho party is fouud guilty. West Branch Democrat, TAS Is the Vital Principle of llie l inn Tm. Obtained hv a ltcrullar nrocesn in the distillsiinn ir tho tar, by which its highest medicinal pmprrllfs are i retained. 1 It is tho medicine that cure a when ell others have failed. s Have yon a rough 1 Have you Sore Throai 1 Have' you any 'if tho pMiuonitury symptoms of that most taiai iiKCnsc, lounimpiiiin ( Thnsu wno should bu warned by these symptom" gen erally think lichtly of them until it is too late. 1'rnm this fact, perhaps more than any other, ariies the sad prevalence and fatality of (lU.'asu which sweeps in tn-i grave ni ii'nsi one.siwn oi luaiu a viaima. hut nro il.s symptoms i It usually begins with a short, dry cough, which soen becomes habitual, but for soma time nothing is rats id except a frothy mucus. Thu breathing ia Miinewhat dilficult, and upon slight exercise much hurtied. A sense of tightness and oppression as the chst i3 often frit. As the iliiease advances tho patient h-coines Uiiu in 1 1 . s 1 1 Is afilktid with losa of uppetite, great laugnr, indolence, and dejection nf spirits; nnd may rnntiuu.- inihis state fer a cousi lerable leuglli of time, thai it is voiy readily nfferted by slight exposure or fatigue if these eccur, thecoush bcromes niore trou blesome, and is attended with ripsctoration, which Is mo.t rnmo'is nnd I'r jc vcrv parlv iti thn iiinriiiii'-. Ii 'is lometimes streaked Willi blood, At this slagu night. swtats usually si't in, nnd in some cases a prnniso bio-ding of the lungs may also occur. I'nin in some pnrt ortho chest it felt, and often n dllficully of lying upon one or tho other side, without severe fits of couching or a pence of fullness or suffocation, Is ex pcrienced. Tho pulse becomes full, hard, and frequent the hectic flush tines tho checks, and the dire malady is fast hastening to its cloie. Yon now nsk. "Is theie a cure!" Consumption has been and can be cured by thi uao of my TAUOoauui., even in apparently hopeless rases. This ussTtion 1 make with tho ability to present thi most complete videnco nftlu- truth, fipaco will not admit of inygiviitg the contents of the many thousands of toi-Unioni'iln to its value, wDtich l havo been and ar.i receiving fioiu men and women of untuestinnahlo worth and reputation I have had a number of these rerlillcute.i printed in circuit foriuwhich I will si-mi you iree on application Whether you now determine to try the medicine or-uot, ssnd for Ihu circular. After years of study and experiment, I ofl'er this, b.'li :viug it to he ll.o best remody for nil pulmonary and bronchial diseases, If you cannot bu lungful d by tno uso ot in i.orunn, i believe youar) bejuinl nil carlhyald. Vet ifthuo aro better niralo necnts, I earnestly advise their uso, I holiest remeilins, the best cure, are needed by those aliliciod with thi3 rtis. case, lieleving this to h,i the best, 1 ask you to try it. Many, iiotnnly of the n-'onle. but nhvsicians of eivrv school and practice, are daily asking ino, "Whit is the principle nr cause of your success in tlie tiealinent of i uimoimry .Aiiisuiiipuou r- ,ny answer is tuis: Tho imigoration of the digestive orguns-th.- strcng. thenilig of the debilitated system Ihu purification nn 1 enrichment of the blood, must expel from thi sy.t m tho corruption whiili scrofula breeds. While this is elected by tho powerful alterative (changing from dis caso to health) properties of I he Tar Cordial, its heal. ' ing and renovating principle is also nctine unnn the' irriated surf.iees of the Iuiil's and thront, peiieirating ach dcteasod part, rolieiing. subduini: mil imaiin i and restoring a lieJlthful tendency. I,ct thi, two told nower. tlie healing and the slienethouine. minium, i act. in cnnjuucliou with Nature's constant recuperative j ieiii!'.'iii-y. uiiu inn jiiuieill is savcu, ii ne lias not too long (kla)cd u remrt to the menus of cure. The fine Treo Tar Cordial will euro nmuln. Rnr.i Throat, and Urea t llronchitis, Asthma, Croup. Ilnun. i ing l.'nuph, Ilipiheri.i. and is also au excellent remedy 1 for discuses of lliol.idneys, nuil leinale complainls. iiuwari; or couNTnr.FF.iTfi. As this cold blasts of winter striko us lot us remember that tbo striko the contra bands as tbo ohilla of death, by reasou of tho preservation of tho cont.titution.aud tho ' "'eir having porno from a warmer climate, ry Miner, Mr. Dentson has voted to give tho Soldiers 830 por month, to appoint commissioners to settle our national diffi culties, and to oompol tho President,to use due diligenco to effect an cavJy exchango on us before, selecting their location. will bo to their advantage It The Prcsidont wants tho South to Bwear to support his abolition and emancipation of all our poor Soldiers now suffering in 1 proclamation ns a condition for coming Kebol Prisons, for noithor of which votes, j back into tho Union, nnd tbo war is to wo thing, ho will ovor " bo sorry," but Vf'o s bo waged until thoy aro forced to do it. aro ''eorry" to soy, ond record tho fact If thoy would swear to support the Oonsti with Bhame, that all theso, and many oth-' tution thoy could not corao. Now what is er equally humano propositions, were the war for I promptly voted down, in the prosont Con- j Z". , , cms by the very canting abolitsoni.ts, ' Mr. Joseph LiLiEY,has our thanks for Mr. Miner pronounces "the loyal men in a mess of excellent Cm,; Corn , which he r..... -ml i, t. ara Tna larrro hod preserved last August, in bait Pickle, I. RUm ....h blatant hvno-' which is now as groon and dclioious at rilMjv ItJ ... ------ : il f tritoi t Parson 13rownlow, who has been trav oling through tbo Northern States boasting of his bravery aud patriotism and collect ing money to start a newspaper at Knox- villc, Teiui., has given the world ample ovidiyice of his cowardice, When the rebels under Longstroet invested Knox villo, instead of staying to defend tho city ho took to bis heels and left others to fight and defend his properly. supremacy of tho laws of tho couutry. Gtn, Geo. B, McCletlan. , The Evening Post oalls upon tho Loyal Lcaguo, whioh it eays has organizations in every school district in the State, to im mediately set to work and raiso the quota on tho lato call of the President. Fivo and the scantiness of their oo vcrinc. Sun plios aro needed now as winter is setting in. Licveianu Meaaer. 'Pliosn nrn wnnla fif. tn lr InQpritinrl nn the conservative standard in tho comiugl Xes ana 1110 coia blasts "inter Presidential election, and hoewbo holds strike hundreds and thousand of poor aloft tho standard bearing this inscription,1 white peoplo, as tho chills of death." In or an equivalent ono, will lead tho con sorvativo hosts to victory, Mark tho pro diction ! Louisville Journal, tho garrets and damp eallars of largo cities aro huddled together thousands ofshivoring half famibhed men, womeu and cliildreu, some of thorn wives and children of men who have saoriOoed their lives in thiscruel war," but tbo Leader has no words of sym pathy or appeal in their behalf. They aro ,, C.,.t,, .!.. .,.', nn. ... L.. . . , -1- . t ulut IHIIMICI V , IVntli, J.11UV uii;u oil will avo excited tho righteous indignation of conflot of tbo clergy throughout tho wholo-land, hut 6i10Ut busannas as rank-after ratik of bravo now tho President may violato what they men ao swept away in tho field of battlo, The Theatre Goinq Piiesident. It was announced by telegraph a few days sinco thi? tho President had so far recov ered as to bo enabled to visit tbo Thoatre nightly. The time was when it would recruits in cverv school, district, tho Post oal1 ,uo laws of morality, aud set the Con- ""'1 a lor tho negro. 'Oh.Liborty, what ' ' .1-- -v.. i crimes aro committed in t tov iiiuno " calculates, will relievo tho Stato of the draft. Wo second that motion. sti tu tion at defiance. Yet scarcely a per- i son can be found among them who does! not approvo ot all no does, wo may ex- Carlisle Vqluntcer, CROUP. Krtr IIvrx, D.-c. II ltt. Having htan taught tint uioiliciuei, in order to lia valuable, l.nnl otlgiuats with runic particular ficully or school, wo considered patent meillrlu r, (u call d ( a humbug, until after luting our beloved child Willi Croup, we wcra forced by th- sulferiug of another, frr.n. tha sime lUsraae. and the advice nf to try Cue's Cough llalsain. Little IMJio had cone. and. tlinugh wt loved him, we. would net call him Irom his quiet rot, to share the snrron of this uul'ri ndly world Hut Wilue is ther no remedy for the ( We found It h Coc'i Cough llalsnni. It relieve! him in ubu'll twenty minutes, to our great Joy, and the surprise of oth-ti. V cannot be hired to dispinsu with tni prinltx lies. ing. and we are glad to learn that .Mr. 1,03 his made arrangements with parties, whereby it may til rtiins more extensively snown. lu vlowof thiilJt 1111 say to every parent, when your child is aulT ririf with Croup, give this llalsaui. give it freely. If we nil nr I believe It to nu ins sen remedy icr you. wo ceriiiiiiy would nut ray it. Truly yours. I'.liWARIl OWIN'UIiU MI.HCY (i WINEUL. Tor tale by Dru;sl(ts everyrvhere. U. U. CLA1IU, U CO , Proprietors. Niw lUvir, Court, JSee adrfrtircmcnt in another column. Ileeembn 12, lr.i,3-:'t. I M POlt I'AN'l' TO i,AUH:S. Da. IIarviv's PiKua Tills hao never et failed iu removing dilheultii ant. Ing Jioin obstrKciton . or stoppage of nature, or iu re storing the system to petletl health whan sUiTiirni frmnhpiiiel ,lf cti-iis, Prolapsus, .I'teii, the Whitss. or other wrnknrta nf ths Ulerinu Urgaas, Th2 I'llls rre perfectly hr.r, nl-ss on thi crnstituti ui and mayba ta!i 11 by tli j luont dclii'.ite fi'inal 1 without cauiing 1,11 Ireis - the -anu time th y act ike a 4-lrinu by slrui'th' ening invigorating and restoring Ih n)v in tu a tu ai thv coiiilitlnn, au I by b linging oil the monthly prrlol w ilh r 'gularii) , 110 matter irom wlut causa- t.ei at. striicliou may ans2. The shot, Id. tinvvnv t, I'oT bs tak 11 cluringthe first three or four month, of pr.', thoujli safe nt any oth.'r time, ai.inisiani.ia'o woulJ b the result. I ach box eentain? fll rill', price 91 Da. llrtltVUV'.-Tlll'.ATlHnon liinascsr.f enal'.i. l'n Miatiry, .Miscairliigu, Pairunu st, ft rllity 1 1 j n 0 du:tlou inidnbuscs of nature, and emphatically Vn l.a lies' Privalo Medical A lvisr. a pamphl 't of r,4 pages. s"nt tree to o iy address, t-lxciu, required tn pay lost-ue. 'I I11 Tills and book will be sent by mall wh-n!!ili(J. JturJly s.altd. and prep lid, by J. I.KVAN M I).. Ocnrral Agent. No. 1G Cedar it., Mvv York IC "old by all the principal drusjiili. HiT-mber W. lS6:i ly. I A FOUTUSl-: P0 Aiili I r. 1 t (i r. rttjt u n on wo.Mr.Ni. IV" O hunilrig. but an enlinly new tiling. Only thi's i-t moi.tlH in this couoto I No clap-trup oparat u a gull the public, but a genuine in, m uiaKing ib.tig read llo circutsr if instruction once only, and yuav-ill uuder-tnnd it perfectly A I a, y li 11 - Jmt nrlit'O ine that she la iiiakiu' as hih a- l,V"iity dollars sums clays! fiviup insirudiens in this nit. 'J'iiou anils of' rsaro making m-mey rapidly nt it No p-isnn uto to b'J urfed to patronise it, ft is a thins 'hat tak thnn itnylbini; ever b foro offered. Von .an bakee money with it homo r abroad on steamboat r cailri nd carsj and in the country or city. You ni I be lidllhcl iu pnrsuini.' it, not only because it will J 1 1 i a Inii'lsinue income, but also in r.onsVeiii,.nc.i of th iffn oral aduiirntiou which it elicits. It 1. pretty ui.ich ail profit, "A mere Inlle is neccisarytu start with. There is scarcely one person out Of thou an, 14 who ever pays any attenuouto advertisements of thu i(l I SailKiu- they nre humbug Consequently thuc l.'1 do Rud for instructions will have a broaililcl 1 tu ma):: mone) in. There is a class nf persons in this v.11 ', wtiotlilnl; tint because they have been hur.i!i,igcd cat of a dollar or so, that ov. rj thins that is advertised is a humbug, ('oustqueiitly they try nnunirc. Tito penea who succeeds is ihu one that heeps on trying uaiu he hits ornithine, that piys him. This art coat lie. one thousand drllars, and I cjp-'t ' o in. ikn money out uf it and all w ho p iroliasa tin 't of mu will do the same, tine Hollar sent to me will insure the prompt return of a car l f iiistruitious 1:1 ine art, i tie money win ne ri inrn u 10 inooneicii' isOdil. W.M.'I I.ll T. l lNSl.IiV. No. 1 Par Plate, New Yoik Oct. Si, IS03-3mo. )ELL'S SPHCIF1C PILLS Wail i ) RiNTin m all CisES Can ha telle Jon' Nrv r fall to cure! Uo nm nauseate I Are speedv lu a tini' No ch.ini;a of di'l required I llo not inurl' ic i,!l husinu.K nursuitsl Can be used without del it. on ' Tho eenuino has tlw namo of the nrnnrlttor nnd UtftS ards ol '.'UIKures llm past mom 1 some . f thera Pino tree blown iu thu bottle. All others nro .noriim very severe cases. Over line Hundred physlni'.u. Havo PllICE i irTT CtXTS AXn OSC llOLUR FKR HotTIS. Prepared only by thu proprietor. . m. li. U ..HSJIAKT, No. 10 NoiiTit Sncb.sD St., PIIILAUELPIJIA, PA. Far Sale by all Druggists, December 10, lSOn-Gui. Auditoi's Notice. In thi Orphan)' Court for the County of ColumUai r.t- laic nr joitn .watrmn, tale 0 icott UvcnMp, deems tJ. A 1.1. persons Interested will tako noti-o ihat tho un dersisnid a mini mo 1 Auditor be the nrui,.,,,' 1-..,, of Columbia county, to make distribution of the balance In the hands of fc'unmel 11. Anderson, admiuistrator of John Anderson, deceased, will meet the parties at his Illoounburi', on Wednesday, the '.'Oih day of January, A, I)., lMil, nt 10 o'cloik, A. ,M for the pur pose of his oppointnu nt. when ami where all persons inti roftednro requested to present their claims ur bj debarred from coming lu for a aharo of such ass' n. IHoomsbure, Ilic. 10, 15C.1-4WJI. ' " ''"JuViVcr. Auditor's Notjco. la the notttr rf the atteunt tf John Stale and John K, Orett, assignees of Ettas ('trillion, ef'thoriinrir, 1:1 the county if Columlia, 'l'HIl creditors of llhaa Wertman, niuna!! other per X ions Interi'SluJ, will taku notice thai 1; II. I.iiiin has been nppnlnted by th Court of Common Pleas of 111s .ouuiy 01 n.iiiuuiia, auuiior.' in make dUtlibutinn of tho balanco in thu hanJa of John Slaley nnd John II Qrotz, nssiBiiees of Ihiaa Werluiau, The auditor hereby sivos notlt6 that Uu will ntlund at his otlicc, in IllBonisburn oil Thursdav, the '2M day .of January. A. II., leil-l. for thu nuriioio or nttcndiiiL' in iim . r ,i his appnlntmciil. when and wlwro all persona iniores ted in tho ii,ld fund can attend if they think proper, uud present their claims, or bo debarred front idmliiir lu lurusuaruoi 1110 luiiu, 1;, , J,l'Ivp,;, IlloomsburE, Dec, 19, l6C:i-lwS. Auditor. when growing in th Corn-field. It is stated that steps by Congress at an early dale for out of service a largo number of major and sua his proclamation to that effcot, Abo bxigadior generals. I about forty will b thus viosded out from respoud in a hearty amen ' ths army. Latkaivanna Rtgisttr, Death op an Editou. J. K Calhoun ' Auditor's Hotlce. lu the matter of the administration, account of Benjamin liomboy and Isaac Ifagutr, Administrators of Isaac Wagner, late of llemlocK toicnlhip, Columbia cont'j de- Take y the died at his residence in Kittaoing, of tv- '"i. thereof, A... ittj tnmako duiribmion of the . ! e .. ..... p.. balance, in tho hands of tin. ,, pilOlU lever, 011 IIIO Ottl instant. ItO Was thehelrS of .did deceased, will attend to ;tho Tautics of used them ill their practice, and nil speak well 01 th ir etneacy, nuil approve of their oouipo-itinn. wliti h i entirely vetretable, and harmless oil the system. Iluu dreds of certillcates tan be shown Uell's Specidc Pills aro tho 1 ricinnl and only senuln 1 Hpecllk Pill. They are adapted for male anJ fjuials old or youiif;. and ilia only ruiab.o remedy t '"rdf'cti 11 permanent and speedy cur w in nil cases of fpi ruii torrhea, or Seminal Wcukness, with nil Its train of evils, such as I'rsthral aud Vaginal Uls'linrs a, f.l t thu Whites. Nightly or Involuntary Ihnii-ious In r tlnuance, (leuital liebilily and Irritability, Imnot Wcaknera or Loss of power, Nerviom Helnlity. i nllof whulinri-ca priiKipally from Sexual Lxcesies r tfelf. huse, nr soino constitutional dcruuituuicnt, aiu incapacitates lii i mlfirer frori fulfillint' tho duties of uintrleil life' In all sexual diseases us GnnonlMS Cliet. and ritrictures. and iu Ui'eaies of the Plaudit and Kidneys, they act nsncharm! Ttli fiicxpen onced by takinita single bos. a ml by nil Ihu principal ilrujtsista. Trio S They will be sent h. mail, securely e al it, anJ ten- fidentully, ou receipt of the money, by j. iinvtv. m n. Ko. 70 Cedar St., Now Yor Consultlns Phyiictan for tin treatment of Seminal, Urinary. Bexuul, and Nervous Ihsenscs. lm will send, free luull, the fullowiiij; valuable work, in iul uil eiiveli'iio : Tin 1'ipiietii THorssNO-l-n. OI'.LI.'t) Til"' ATI li on elfMiusc, Premature fecay, Iti'iioteiicn and ef power, riexual Diseases, Bemlual Wenknesi, Mflmr nuiissions. (ien.itui Debility, &c c., a pamphlet of I paces, emit. lining ioipertaut advice tu tho millet, t. an ' which should ba rend by every suff'rer. at tho ine.i of euro iu U10 severest statfe Is plainly set fuilh l' stninps required 10 pay postago, Deeeuiber 12, ICIU-ly, ADM INISTKATOR S NOT I CE. Estate of Chatlcs Goodman, dee'd, ETTEltS of administration on th ci- .slntfl of Chnrles nnoilinnli. Intu nf brinrcr.' k WP Coluinbia county, deceaiud, havu been grunt id by tin llcsiilerof said county to thu the tindersljned nil" " sides in Iho tame towutliip i nil periihns havlns tlJln " agnlnit tho ostntu nf thn ilicoilent nre requested tu fre aentlhcm to tlio ndmlnlrtrntor nt his ri'iiJ'-'iice witn out delay, and all persoiiB Indebtcil to mako psjinJin tin, aro to bo taken pect theatres to bo attached to churohas. in , Esq , editor of tho Arrastroug Democrat, 'ro the heirs of said Isaac Wanner, dece asui , tu alo for mustering a short time. If the Prcsidont should is- and formerly a member of tho Lcgiilaturofrpffi afttt?U ii is eaiimaieti mar, mionism, inciuii.g uieigy aim iaiiy,woum nian of amiablo disnosition and consid. "Pi,uJ.,.,!,".e,!lUJI '.lU 01,C8 "' 'ninburs, mi Tiiatur' 1 , . 11 - . , , .'." 'm " w. "".'mil J 1 .T. 11 , I50S, ni IUO CIOlK. eranle intelligonoo. a sound laWyor and ' thu (orcnoou, when ond wbcro you win uiiend if . ' you think Pinner. W umiit lilocmiDtiif. Pc 15. 1563 -4H-63 vigoroui writer. w. vlllT. Jueuei- furthwttl lee. 1, I8C3 HAMUr.I, CwSJ iiouNnicii,"' SAM.. sciiooi.ASHU's roit rittsburali Coiumerrinl Collejo. Ilinshnuipllit " " Criltonden'a " I'lillado.rhta. PlralLon, Uryunt tc Co., ! Thei f crips, aru iiininnunti nf 815 and S51 ana i' aito much cash, by thu Student on eutringiilber "fla" above Colleees. Younuiiidii deiiring to obtain a nnui' ui Colleglata Eiluiatlon, will hoie euttagood ipccum inn by ipplying nt thi effita ofiho Kcv i uet mumfiu nrvo"?
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers