li lt olumu. INCREASING YOUR. SOIL. By deepening tho cultivation of yout Boil you add to its quantity. Thus, hav ing your soil eight inolics deep, where bo foro you had it only four inches, you double its capacity, somowliat as though you hod two acres now wlioro you had on ly ono before Did you oicr think of this ? Eight inches of cultivated soil has doublod the Btrongth of four. This is a now way of inoreasing your land not now to our best farmers, who understand all this and honeo they cultivate deep, not deep at onco, but gradually, each year a little deeper, or at cvory plowing. Plowing nlono makes tho soil mellow, has a won derful effect, even without manuro ; but manure, it must he rcmcmborcd. is tho main rolianco always. In deepening your soil judgmout'is re. quired. Not too much of tho raw sub soil must bo brought up at a tirao, unless it 13 rich, thon plow deep. In clay soils, little at a tiuio is tho truo theory. Cut off half an inch of clay, moro or less, at each plowing. Thin, thrown up to tho action of $he elements, will bo reduced to powder and it at onco goes to work drawing strength from tho atmosphcro clear profit, you cc ; it has tho effect of plaster. Then it is a manuro itself. These heavy clay beds aro valuable beds of manuro. As they aro generally sproad out with your soil, you need only to adjust your olcvis pin to manuro your ground. But this must only bo done when tho supor-soil is thoroughly friable, in good cultivated or der ! Too much clay brought up will stiffen youn soil ; and air and heat and rairi ore kept out ; and thvs it remains stiff, cold, stuburn soil on which little or nothing can he grown. Grass is tho only thing that stands the least chanco. Valley Farmer, THE FARM AS A MANUFACTORY. . It ought to bo so regarded. Tho soil should bo looked upon as being the same relation to the agriculturist tiiat any raw material does to tho manufacturer of that specific article. Ii is the stock from which it is to be wrought out tho marketable product. What is put on tho soil in tho shape of seed, fertilizers aud lnbor,should always be regarded, togcthor with tho in tcrest on tho money invested in the land, as to make up the cost of the pro duct of the article manufactured from tho soil. And tho farmer should know precisely whal this cost is and it should govorn the prico at whicn he sells has , produce. Now this is a very simplo and self-evident proposition. It has been of ten repeated ; and yet it has got to be told a great many thousand times more before the mass of farmers will appreciate its im portance, judging by the ratio of their pro gress in this matter in tho past. Wo re fer to it now, and so often, believe it is emphatically tho basis of success in agri culture as in manufactures, And wo in tend to repeat it uutil our readers who do businofs hap-hazard and fail, shall under stand how to go to work to find tho leak that is sinking tho ship. Dollar Newspiper. FARMER'S ECONOMY. Farmers talk a great deal nboitl econo my. I know one man who will go three miles out of his waj, over a had road to savo a few cents at the toll gate. Anoth er, who is so ecouomical of black-smith expenses, that instead of getting a tiro set the right time, will make it do a week or two longer, and some dark night will bo found gropiDg his way homo, with throe wheels and a rail to his wagon, while a horse or two nro unable to leavo tho etablo on acconnt of lamenesB, resulting from a misunderstonding of tho word economy, as applied to tho shoeing of horses. Ma ny a man Is so economical in tho matter of boards for barn, stable and sheds that he builds them every year of corn, and hay. This may bo considered stnngo building materials, but what I state is true. If an nnimal is exposed to tho storm and oold of winter, it will take one half the food he consumes to keep it as warm as it would be naturally in a good confortable stable the other half will just keep it along. So the half of the grain and hay is used for making a stable expensive building materials but this is not tha ccon '"b s s"i" in on S.-UUU omy, however, that I would reccomend.nor , that Will nay heavy war expenses. jiuiuo nciv jornvr, 8ALTING STALK. Probably we do not know all the uso of salt in the animal eoonomy ; but a few are obriouo, It acts beDi'ficinlly upon tho liv er, yields a supply of 6oda to tlio bile,and gives increased nutritive power to food. It acts a. a vermifuge, keeping tho bowels , ofstooltfree from worms, and gives in- j creased tono to tho stomach. It tOnds to , prevent rot in sheep, As to the amount! and tlmo of giving it 'farmers disagree. Gome aro accustomed to aalt their stock regularly onco a week, others keep it by ' ,?,.. , , I. 1 I all their etook all the time. f rannct s -of SUIIKNCK'S nJMION.C SIRUP WILL CURB CONSUMPTION. SCIIENCK'S PUI.MONtO SYRUr Witt CURE CONSUMPTION BCIIENCK'S PULMONIC SYRUr UII.I. CURE CONSUMPTION. BCIICNCK'S PULMONIC SYRUP WILL ( CUB 0 0 N S U M T T I 0 N. bciiunck's si:a weed TONIC WILL iche D Y S P E P S I A. eciiUNCK'fl sua weed tonio will cuns DYSl'El'SI A. echenok's s"eaveed TONIC will cent: DYSl'El'SI A. BCIIENCK'S SEA WEED TONIC will ceim D Y Sl'KPSI A. FCHENCK'S MANDRAKE FILLS WILL C'tJKR LIYEll COMPLAINTS. BCIIENCK'S MANDRAKE, I'll.t.fl WILL CURE LIVER COMPLAINTS. sciihnck's mandrake pills WILL iniE LIVER COMPLAINTS. SCIIENCK'S JIANDUAKE FILLS WILL tTRE LIVER COMPLAINTS. .. . .., . , . nil J. II, SCIIDNCK has n large suit of .room, at No 32 llond Street New York, w hero ho can bo found every nrcss Hoods at this establishment, ns 1 will prcsen. to Tuesday, from 9a. m. tn 3 p. in,, nnd nt No. 3D North every I.ady customer, w hn inny deslro It, ono of Mad fc'ixth Street, Philadelphia, I'n , every Saturday. nine Demurest' latest sleevu patterns, fall and sco iik fticsiii.iiiju mi pny iii mi-mtiui'p ui inn I'ouis, or nil examination of the Lungs will do well to call on him as above. Ho makes no charge for ndvlec, but for a thorough examination with the Kespironicter his . mm nm in-huh units, j i.i-iini iuivi';t price is Man, persons nro afraid to have their lungs examlm en ny nr. bciicbck lor tear iner win no lounu incurable nnd by that means it is put nil' until it is ton late. How inuih better it would bi tu know their condition at mice ns by abundance of evidence, Dr.S. hns shown sunicient rertillcntes in this city that ho lias cured advanced stages of Consumption. Dr. Hrhonrh's Prinrlnril Ofl'irn l TMn. tin tfnrtli Sixth street, Philadelphia, wlioro letters for advice should bo dircctol. I'rico oflbo riilinonlc Syrun .ind Sea 'ccd Tonic each 81 prr bottle, or S3 tho half dozen. Mandrako l'ills. 5 cent" tier box. MY Tor sale by nil Druegists and Storekeepers. October 3, ie03.-3m. FAMILY DYE COLORS. llLACK, IlAHK IlLVE, 1.1U11T III VB, French IIlie, Claret Hiiowk, I)ni IIp.oun, Lrour IIrown. Snltf llitowM, Criskov, Dark Iirad, I.kikt Drao, Dark Orkkh, LlClIT iiRELN, iMxarNTA. Maroov. ORANOk, I'lXK, l'L'RPLE, UOVAL" l'lRfLD, MAL.MOX, Scarlet, Slaie, Solferino, Violet, Yellow. l or Dying Silk, Woolen nnd .Mixed Coods, Shawls, Scarfs, Dresses, Ribbons. Gloves, I'onncts Hats, Feathers, Kid Cloves, Children's Clothing and nil kinds of Wearing Ayparcl. CSfA SATI.V6 OF 80 PER OUST. Tor j cents you can order ns many goods as would otherwise cost five times that sum. Various shadss can be produced from tho same Dye. The process is simplo. and any ono can use tho yjyo with perfect suc cess. Directions in English. French and riprmnn !no,,l nr each package. tor lurtller information In llvpiiiir. mid irivmir n mr. feet knowledge what colors nro bast mlnntBrTtn .ivn 1 over others, (with many valuable recipes.) purchase i lloive & Ktpphens'Treatios on Dyeing aud Coloring. Sent by mail on receipt of piice, 111 conts. I .uaiiumciuruu oy nuivj; fli rJiVl.ft, 2ii0 IlnoADWAV. Rostov. K7I or sale by Druggists and Dealers generally, .December 12, iS03-tiinos. THE pOOplo of tllO COUntv of Columbia are rrspectfully, informed tha't the undersigned I has fo. sale, nt the ".in IIS. IUI DUII, IIBCORDER'S OFFICE, IN BLOOJISDURC, THE REST AND CHEAPEST ASSORTMENT OF TMOT!BY I To bo found anywhere in tho County, consisting nf Note, Lciter, Legal and Cap Paper, Pens, Holders, Pencils, Ink and Envelopes; jlLiiO I NEW AND SECOND.IIAND BOOKS, ! 3-783? o7o7yaKoSic xAjei A la is. I - . . 5SiSii of noln,sl t.'naoiFpublicntlons. from ! Which selertions can bo mndo. nnd Itnoks rnrniklipil in order; by special arrangement with New York Agents. 1 nnn.tnskTiRn m miDfi JUlL.iTU.Vfjaia X.R.HJ BOOKS,DOCUMENTS,PA3IPHLETS l$buX'. c",rac,s " l"e 1 und Speeches; and copies of the United States, and tCCrainof nil kinds will bo taken in exchange for j State Constitution", in t arious styles, always on hand. cntl- JOHN C. FREEZE US" This establishment is loca.ed near the Lackawau Uloomsburg, Nov. 7, 1SG3 ' 1 na .y l!looiuburg Railroad Depot.' I - - - 1 J. P. EYIiR. I n. MOVI 1 . New Drug Store, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL rpiin undersigned would infnrtr their friends and the s-puuue geiieraiiy.tna incrly occupied by Geo, Dilllding. on Alain stro public geiiernlly.that they Have taken tho stand for- ny occ linen nv uco. Ai. un'ren men. iu t in . n...i.ii .. ,.- " . ' .I," i uiiiuiiiir on iwuiii siruei, in liiooiiisuurL', wucrc lie lias Jutt rctcivua u full supply of HfyHS'ti, fflidicaties, E'.!iufi, mils, Which will ho sold on moderato terms for ready pay. initf,.iuiiu,,o Kvuiruny, oi every variety, sort and size. t'lirsicians nrescrintlons cirpfnilv all times nnd on thon notice. iy Confectionciy of the best selections, and Soda liter in season. ., t" A sliaio of tho public custom is respectfully so licited. EVER & MOVER. Uloomsburg, April 11, 18C3. 13L00MSBURG SKYLIGHT, Picture Gallery. THE undersigned informs the citizens of nioom. and neighborhood, that ho has takr n the large room nt tho Exchange lllock, extending over Karney fctoiiner llakcry, and the llookstoro where he has put in alnrgoSklif' t, It is only by 8k) light that good pic tures can boti len especially groups where each person ran bo takerj ist as wi ll as separate, Hehasgon to considerable expense to make his es tablishuieiit first class one, und ho therefore solicits a liberal patro rge loanable him, Inconstantly introduce - tlio mode i improvements nf tho art. E7"Co'in )' producu taken in Exchange for picture! HENIiV ROSENSTOCK Rloomtburg, Nov. 23 1FGL Nov. li 'S2 n. 0. HOWE R. SUROEON DENTIST, RESPECTFULLY nfTiir. hi. r,rne... lonal services to tlio Indies and gentle men of l.looimburg mid vicinity. Hois I'lij'.ic" is uiitim iii an inn varloii X'XX sm-""'d ru"b" : lumiun-tii us ino natural leein 'VtfS House same side f i W al,0Ve "10 Lou" STILZ & HARTLEY, Consolidation Uankllullding, 320 North Third Strut between Vine f Callowhill, . PHILADELPHIA. June 20, ie03-ly. WALtWi' jUOTEE,, LIGI1T STREET, Columbia couuty, Pr T'Aiffl&TC '" "SZl uSSK i for man nnd t.att T'I n 0t l"1U"', '" ta!' n ,rt- n , . J""" ,e63: ' ' Wffi Q&fil<iil i3LrJ(LlLro THOMAS DROWN, Burbir. . , hloomsuurg, columiiia co pa. noV i Oourt Houks Allsy, neat the Vmnrtl Ottice. Nevsmbtt m, km. I" All 1 OOMEONEI COME ALL? 1 J. J. BROWER WILL expose to salo every day this Fall nm! winter. (Sundays excepted,) n largo and well selected atioitmont of American French ami English (Jootls, Just from the Eastern markets, t'lmn Djoss flnods nro tho Intent fashion, such ns Cnshincro Merinos, l'uto MoMnlr Silk Finish, Alpaccas of till shades. DELAINS nt 1H, 22, 25, Ul and 3fl cts. CALICOES from 18 to 25 conts. SHAWLS all wool,, long & square, nt prices to suit purchasers. NUBIAS AND WOOL HOODS nr every itrscmrrtoN, Cloths, Oassimera and Jenns, for Men and Hoys wear, rhrnp. Dadlos' Collnri, Cuffs, Sleeves, llcuil Nets, nm! dress trimmings. Hlcached and Unbleanhcd Muslins, will be soldnt a ery small advance. Ilosiory, Gloves, Embroidering Braids, & small wares in great variety, Linen Cntpct Chain aud cotton yarn. Bool and Shoes, Ladles' gaiters, toilet slippers, children's gaiters and shoes, and n largo stock to select from nt nil price. Trunks mill nil cloth satchels, (luccnswnre nml Hardware. & O a B K 32 E g , TOBACCO AND SE GARS, ntlow price, nnd In fact nlmost everything In my lino that mny lie cnlled for, ns I have purchased n ninth lar ger stock of goods than usual, nnd nm determined to I sen mem nt very small proms, inr rcauy pay. i Lulleiwlll And It In Ihelr ndvnntaso to buy their mo.titrror oi l asliion, jus piiiinsiicii, wiiii mil anu reiiiiu'o description oi utc laiesi i arm iasiiious. Uloomsburg, Sept. SO. It 03. E. & II. T. ANTHONY, MANUTACTUR ERS OFPIIOTOOnAPIIIC M A T E RIALS, 501 Broadway, New York I Our Catnloguo now cmbrnres considerably over four thousand different subjects (to hich nilditious arc con- tinually being made) of Portraits of I'.nilnent ' tun rl- cans, etc., vi : ii! Mnjor-Keiierala. I'JU llrig .tli-nernl .V.I Colonels, 81 l.lPiit.-l.'oloiiels. 01 other Officers, M) Nnvy Olliceis. j.'j Mate-men, K' Divines, Jin humors, 30 Aitifts, 1J siage. 4iS rroininrnt Women, 147 From incut Foreign Fortralts. 2,000 Oipicl nf Worlis of Art, Including reproductions of the mot cplcbrntcd Hngra viligs, I'aiutiiigs, Statues, kc. Catalogues sent on re ceipt nf stamp. An order for ono dozen pictures front our Catalogue will bo tilled on receipt uf $1.60, and sent by mall, free. PnOTOGUAPIlic ALBUMS, Of these wo manulartiire a great variety, ranging In price from AO cents to $.0 each.' Our Albums have the reputation of being superior ill beauty and durability to any others. The smaller kinds ran bo sent sufcly by mail at a postngo of six cents per m. The more expensive can be sent by ex press. tVe also keep a lar'o assortment of Pterescopes nnd Fteroscopli views. Our Catalogue of these will lit sent to anv nddre.s nit reeeiut of stanin. 11. & II. T Anthony, Manufacturers of I'hotogrnphio .Materials 501 llroadwny, New York Friends or relatives of prominent military men will comer n lavor uy sending us ineir iihcnesses to copy. They will bo kept caicfully nnd returned uninjured. Fino Albums made to order for congregations to pre sent to their l'.tstor, or for other pnrposes, with suita ble Inscriptions, &c. August ltC3-0ni. THE CHEAT WORLD'S r'AIR EXIIIUITION HELD IN LONDON lf5. TIIOS. W. MATTSON Was awarded the I'rlzo .Mod- fr I''9 superiority overall competitions in the United States for his Improvements. Travelling Tniims, MMMtt. lie being the Inventor and sS?S5KfSs3SS I .tinuuiaciiircroi Elastic sieei - Spring so'.Id Sole Leatlierund solid Riveted Ironrrame ! Travelling Trunks, Valises, Ladles Hat Uascs, Carpet ! Rags. Leather Hags, Umbrellas, nnd Hobby Horses, . Uovs' Oigs. Pronellers. Wbeelberrows. he... which bo is prepared to sell at the lowest Innnufac1iiriii7 price. Tlimnstxte.islroTrutikniiilCorpctUngMiiiiufiictur; er,i! ti''i'.'lSlRl'.'i' . . n ., '' 40J .MAIiUUT STREET, one door nbevo Fourth, Un.i.l. bI.Iu llllll A IlI-I.IMl I A Sonth side. PHILADELl'IIIA. (T7Sales room on the first floor. OyTrnnks neatly repaired or exchangod for new cries. Call and see. as wo sell very cheap for cash. ov, j, iro.i .jynto. National Fottndry. BLOOMSUUKG, COLUMBIA CO.. PA. '"PRE subscriber, proprietor of the above named ex- Jive establishment, isno.v prepared to receive A" Kls of ftlachliiciy, filr Pnllpfipft. ni.qat I-'n rnnpnu. SlnlinnnrV T!(ifinpK. Mill a TIIRESIIINO MACHINES &U . UC. tfe is nlso nrenarpd to make Slovos. nil siznn nml patterns, plow -irons, and everything usually made in nrM'Ciass i oiniorii's nig extensive t.uiliiies and practical workmen, war- : llWl.Jb 1I11JU.11L.1 L.U l!Iomsburg, Sept. 12, 1E03. Exchange Hotel, LITE COI., It. D. JONES, No. 77 Dock Street, next door to the Post Office, Philadelphia. . ..... ........ riin, wen Known esino inuueni n maintains its usual 1 .tni..u i i... .....n - - ' V , ' the best HOTEL ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN enan no sustained. omn may bo had at all hourt pr night, 117 cents ; per week. 42 50, per month, Sift Tho liar nml Eating Departments at a furnished with tho best of everything tlio market ran produce. GAME, FRUIT, VEGETABLES, and delicacies of every clime may be had at a iiionie t'i. notice. MenU at 12 cents nnd upwards, and may bo had from 5 A. .M. till 12 nt night, t.'entlcuien may rett assured that no expense will be spared to render this llutcl a model ono, J. OTTENKIRK, Propr. March 7. ISC3-3m. KtiH.AN8 HOTEL, PUBLIC &QUMIE, HJLKKS-lMKni:, PA. q'iiEun''erslgneii, having taken this well-known stand X (formerly of .Major Puterbaugh), respectfully solij its tlio pstronecu nfihe public. No pains will bo spared in any of its departments, to render satisfaction to all gue.t. Tho TAULE aud tho liAR will always bo supplied tviih the REST THE MARKET AFFORDS. Vy flood 'tabling for Horses nud nttentlvo Hostlers. Tho "Exchange" is eligibly situated on tho 1'ubltt Square, und has therefore pc uliar advantages to per sons attending Court or doing business in the public offices. Charges moderate, N. 11. Whenever you como to town, please call. 11. J, VAPLE. Wilkes-Barre. Nov. IS. 1EG2! KK.V JtittSttY LV,DS FOK SALE, ALSO, GARDEN AND FRUIT FARMS, Suitublo for Crapes, Peaches, Pears, Raspberries, Strewbcrries, lllackbcrries, Currents, &c. tT I. 215. Xr- XX for 810' 1 e f0f byono dollar a week x 'f.r a wcck ,VW nb,,v" lnn'1 u'"1 nre situate a Now Jersey. Tor further Information, apply, with & j, muiii,i, iui u tircuiur. t'i U. FRANKLIN f'LARIJ, No. 00 Cedar Street, New Vork, X. V. January 17, 1-U3. STOVE AND TIN-WARE SHOP. ever introduced into tills market. The Christopher Ci iiiiiuusi guiiiuB ,vuuu nun t.iuou uro among iiiu nrsl tlas ' cooking Stovcs.nlliOf which nro uir-tlghtandgusburnui Ills Parlor stoves are handsome und tho assortment vi ried. ALSO -Particular nttcntioii is paid to Tin-Wan nud Hnuso Spouting, 'upon sliort notice. All kinds o repairing will bo done with neatness und despatch -tO" Country produce taken in exchange for work. I'HILIP S. MOVER. Uloomsburg. Mny 10, 1602. Ulaoison M fyomt, M. & T. I'. wat.-o:. LIVERY STAUI. K ATTJKBED, Bojm Bocjoira St, Hetwiih Nakxit & Arh, l'Htr,. Kb? TJi loK, ftsV3 j 1 i HI. undersigned would inform tho citijemor ,ftl ' Itlooui.burg and vicinity, that lie liasjun 0 aej)til civedanil oilers for salo one of tlio mosteiteiisive assortments of COURINGand FAN' V STiire. THIS INSTITUTION Is under the i mnnngeinent nnd direction of Prof. I). W. Lown i so long Prin cipal of the ULWlMMrOtf COMMKIIC1A1. f ' t.KOr.. The course nf Instruction embrnces lie requisites of n thorough practical business etb ion, nml has been lately txtpitded by tho Intrndudi of nn Artml llilslness Course, In which tho Ptudrti ugage In the regular routine ol business tinusnrli exeniplllb'd nnd. fninillarltPd by tnennn ol n stor in which the ncdioi lutinrtt of buying ltd selling ds Is carried on by each Student.) a islussaOl' -. vintll inks of Issue nml Deposit. ! Iln.idingn.i -IPnnt-lloallng Post Oinre, Telegraph .tc. Tho Proprietor has spar it notlm xpenso In ma king this Courso the most thorough mi pomplete of any evi'r preaenti'd ta tha public, mid leels fully as sured Hint lifter having been liluisplfengnged In actual business, nnd Imvlng had many years' experience lit teaching the .( uco of Accounts, and being aided by n full and clllrei nt rnma of tpurlinra. ho will bo en- bled to mnku th i.ougli nnd successful grauuatea of nil who may place themselves under his charge, rr..YMsiXsiii pi In this essential branch of n huslnss education no College 'offers hotter facilities to tho learner. Tho Spcnccrlan system will lis taught In nil Its varieties by the most skillful masters of tho nrl. Specimens of Writing from this Institution hnvn received the highest encomiums frrnii the press. For general Information, terms, &c.. nddress forCoL lego .Monthly, which will bo mailed freej ror speci mens of Penmanship, enclose two three cent stamps. Address D. W LnWIILI., Principal. Lowell's Commercial College, llliiabnmloii, N. Y, T. 8. One of lilttcr 4c Duncan's No. 1 highly finished fine, perfect point, quill spring (fold Pens, with holder nnd cnsoi warranted for one yenr nnd to suit, w III be sant free of charge to any ono who will remit S3,."0 to the nbovo address. OctnbpJ 3, 18KI ly. NAllO.V'AL COMttEt.UAL :0UM,i:S LOCATED IN PHILADELPHIA. S.E. CCRi:R7Tfl and chestnut STS.. iVcitf York City, Brooklyn, Alb 'nn, Troy livffalo. Detroit, (livdand, Chicago, ami .Si'. Louii nnok.keoplng, Penmanship, Commercial Arlthmetl. Coiiiuieriinl Law, Tonus, Correspondence, &c., piact callv lauglit. 'I lieso Colleges being under the samp jeneral nndlo ral innnageiiiPiit, anil urillln; in each tho ndvnntage of all. olTi'r greaterfaellitles fur Imparling Inslrutr ' 1 I In n mi v oilier similar Institution in the country. A Shntarhip issued by any one Isgoml In nil foi n unlimited time. The Philadelphia College has Iippii recently cnlaf, nnd refurnished In n superior manner, and is nowfl I largest nnd most prosperous Commercial Institution It1 the Slate. Ilrynnt fc Ptrntton's sprles of Text Rooks, cmbrnc Ilonk-kceplng, Commercial Arithmetic, and Comnier Law. for sale, nnd sent by mall. Ky" For full particulars send for a circular. October IS, lbbSlSin. rT,IlE underslgni'ins ntso extensively ongagpit in the i UnilrrtnLhiL' Vvtincss, and keeps constantly on band nil for rale at his Wnrcrooms, n large assortment of FINISHED COFFINS, lly which lie is enabled t" fill orders on presentation Also Keeps a good Horse and llparso, and will at al limes be rendy to attend Funerels. SIMON C. SIIIVE. niooinsbi'rg, January 23. 1859 FRESH A li I! IV A L -roii- EVERYBODY f HE undersigned, grateful for past patronage, respec H fully informs his custiiinurs nnd th' publicgcncrullv that he has Jim received from the Easierne citie, til largest nud most select stock nf . Fall and Winter 1' w$ t rfv iff 1$ . 5 r-i" ?. 1 That has yjt been opened in Rloomsbiirg, tu which he invites tlio attention of his friend, and assures them that they an- offered for sain at groat bargains". His i Stock comprises a large assortment of i GENTLEMEN'S WEARING APPAREL, Conriftiug oi t'juiioNAUi.isDKissCmTs, of every des i ription; I'ants, Vests, Shirts, Cravats Stocks, Cotton , Handkerchiefs, Cloves, Suspenders, kc. GOLD WATCHES i .JKWiLllY, Of every description, fine aud cheap. N. I!. Renieinber " Loicinbcrg'a Chtnp Emporium.' call and see. No charge for exaniing Goods, DAVID LOWENIIERO Illoomsbu rg, August 23. 1EC3. (June lfj!i j First Great Arrival. OF in (. The undersigned, has, Just replenished Ins Slorn Hou.o in Oraugeville, with ii well-selected n-ssrolineiit FALL & WINTER GOO" S Consisting in part of Cloths, Silks, Mu.tlns. (".ssl niere.Gingli.iins, Calieoiis, Shanl., Ilo.ieiies, Carp is Mid Lauim' Famv Hacs- Good-, geuerallv, from u; n, TScts und Prints from IJj to'.'.icts. KMDl h; iJLO'llllXG. SaVt11"' Uoo,8& Shoes 1t.ckerel Molaasses, Sugar &; GROOmiES GENERALLY. With all ntnor tirlilcs. usual y kept in country St les, to nlncli he invites tha early utteutiou of old nnd tow custumers. Having been at I lie. City in the right ime -bought low and paid cash-he will be able to emu cto with ihebe.t, nud ell fur sinaU prcllts nnd pre tpt pay. His friends nro invited to pop in and see the 6lglltS, . i ww riii'pr "isi'-ia iiiu. 'sov ,,ieoj J. Blonmsburs, Columbia County Penna. SILASDODSON, Proiirlelor ' akesBleasUreiniinnoonrhi-to ti, ,.ii.. ...... I hnstaken and thoroughly rctltted tlio Forks Hotel icriueriy occupied ny Hubert llngenhiich, lllodnsbur", nud is prepared to accomodate travellers, teamsters oruvers nuu uoaruers. Ii: tablu uill bpsupplied with best products llio niurkets nil'ord, and Ills liar will bo' coiutantly furnished with the choicest liquors, t,v"A Inrgn nndconiinodioii- stable, lias been erected , wil i n ccnvrnieiit stublu attached Attentivo ostlers III always be in iittcndanco, and In trusts his iHdiglug utttiiliou lo customers ill seiii'elnm a liberal sharoef patinnagu: ' looap burg " . S"v 1 ' -pllE Ulldelslgli . , , n J nun cu.lmiier-. ili.i. . Im. im,,!,, In I frin hi biuih ,s com irii nils merest in Hie abiiv stub'isliui. ui .u. Mi lurealter be coinlui led lit him.ell viinsie .. Hp lias Just rei'i'iveo and oilers for snln. tli Inr.i .t??fl est and most extensive nsMirtmeiit of FANCY nHVB S 'P 1 1 V I' U i.i'i.p liilri..lii.,..l l ,.i , . it "'?. '"ck C,,,1"ll,, "f a complete assortment of .... ... r. . ,.,.nl,in uni, paimr siovcs in int- marKei, togeth er with Htott-1 mures of ever) description, tltcu mid liox Stoves, Radiators, t.'jliudar Stoves, Cast Iron Air Tivht stoves, Cannon Blovos, Ace, &c. Stovepipe mid Ti'innre constantly on hand mid iiinuufnclured to order. All kinds of lepairlng iIoiih, u. tuual, un tlioit.notiic. Tlw patronage of old friends and new customers re. pettrully solicited. A. M. RUPERT, liloniiisbiiig. November 3d ISCO. if. RLA.NKS! BLANKS! I i Of avery disruption, for sah at niisoffies i Another Call. 300.000 MORE MEN WANTED I INVOLUTION IN HIGH I'llWISS. . LJllWli ARRIVAL OF Fall & Winter Goods, AT PETER ENT'S STORE, ix i.ianr srnv.r.v, coi.vmma wwxit, m, HAS Just rerelvcd front Philndolpliln, anil is now opi'iilngjtt tho old stand htniy occupied by .Marl. k F.nti a splendid assortment nCf which wilt be sold cheap for CAsII OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. Ills stockconslstsof LadloaDicis floods choicestslylea and latest fashions Calicos, Muslins, Qinglinms, Flannels, Carpets, Shawls, Hosiery, .Silks, READY MADE CLOTHING. Casiimcros, Satinets, Cottonadcs, Kontucky Jeans, Thread, Sco. Groceries, Qticcnswarc, C.eilarwnro, Hardware, Medicines, Drugs, Oils, Paints, ROOTS ac SHOES. HATS & CAPS. In short t,?ory thine itifliy kept in n country store The patronage of old friends, nml the public general, ly, Is respeitl'iilly so iciled. The highest market price paid for country produce, PETER ENT. Light Street, Nov. 7. 1803. BARGAINS ! BARGAINS! IF YOU WANT TO 13UY B7,S3 &r Witim lnfils. GO TO Crcasy's Storp, in Light Street, Pa. TFio Keeps all Kinds of CALICO, MUSLINS, SILKS, GINGHAM, FLANNELS, CARPETS, HOSIERY, Lleady-Mado Clothing Sugars, . Mola.isos, Syrups, ColTees, Teas, Fish, Suit, Bacon, ll.iin.s, Lard, Tobacco, F'nrs, Hats', Boot1', Caps, ' Shoes, Drug?, Oils, Paints Ac., &0. In addition tn ourlargp 6tocK of Dry Clooits, we have n large and full assortment of Rendy .Made t'lnihing for pit und Hoys wrar which we nro determined to sell cheaper Hun can he bought cUuwherc. Call nnd see, nud judge for yourselves. H. W. CREASY & CO. Light Street. Nov. ? lffl.1. 'i tlK W.W UHoCEIlY SToRIJ. MORE FRESH OOOD8. Just received at Erasmus' New Store. Molassps, Sugars, Teas Codec, Rico, Spices, T3 AND G'xiPS, Fish Salt, Tobacco Sogars, Candies, Razcns, FEED AND PROVISIONS. Together with a great-variety of notionsand ctcito ras, ton nuiiierous'to mention, By Puller, F.ggs, Sleat and produce generally taken in exchange for gouds, A. R, ERASMUS. Uloomsburg, May 0, IKS, FRESH ARRIVAL OF fall & mm mi A T , Miller's Store. HE subs' riber hns Just returned from tho Cities t uith another large and select assortmet of FA LL AND li 1 NT Ell GOODS, purchased at Philadelphia, at the lowest figure, nn.i wlii, h they nm determine! to sell on ns moderate tonus ns i an he procured elsewhere ill Uloomsburg. His stoi It comprises uwu- inn '4- anons, of choir' st styles nnd Intast fashion. vni; aniiDs, -ixn ouockhies, ii nmr iik, Cr.D.IR H'AIE, liULLOW IVAUE max, AVJis, ltuor.i if .siiohs IMTS CAPS, &c , .Vc Jfc, Iii short everything usually kept In country Stores to whii h he imite the puldir generally Tho Highest price paid fur country produce, S II. MILLER. Uloomsburg. Oct. 24, lcC3. rplllS old cstublitlivd House hasundergoiid ejttcnslvn n.,,. "-" "" "into" nu i uonc ttT" I'i or the nccominodation of our pocsts. wn linen recently commenced to run a Conch to mid from tho Railroad. In this manner unpleasant hi lay in leaing the Depot loi tho Hotel will be utoided. anil much iiiore intioallorded guests for meals when leaving thu Home. Intending that the ilHEIILER HOUSE shall bo really a bonie-like resort for the stranger und traveler wu re spcctlully si. im n conliiiuaiin if Hie pu He pnlroniige. OEO j. UOLTON, Oct. 3, lfra Proprietor. ft AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERO I A N 'J' IlLOOMSIIUIiO. COLUMEIA CO., I K7"PAitTicui.ii ATTl;.l0NOltNoATI: tu September 3, 180.1-3in. P. 0. HARRISON, M WOULD rospcctrully inform the citizen burg, mid vicinity, that lie coutinuoathso . .MEIUCIXF. AXJ) SUlKiEUr, nil solicits It fc iaro Of llllblle nntrniinu,. ""pVtfA. Wimiif. ECONOMY IS WEALTH CURE YOUR COUGH P01U3 CENTS The beat an t cheapest Household remedy in the tf'orld. MADAME ZADOO POUTER'S EOT CDQJ riGH EEfiB!SID7 madamf. zadoo pcr. TEll'H C'urnllvo llnlanin Is warrnnl to the i! all rase Whoonlnj nml nil affections of llio throat and l.ilugs, Mndamo Zadoc porter's llnlsam Is prepared with nil the renulsito rklll, from n cemblnntloii of Ilia bostrem telle the vcgetubln kinadnm affords. It t rpinodlnl quail- ties nro bared on lis nowpr to nsslst tlio healthy circil latioii nf the blood, through the Lung. It is not n vio lent remedy, but cintilleiit warming, enreblng and elf ectlvei enn be taken Ii- thi oldest person or tho young est CIS SIM. Mndam'ndnc Porttr's hal- sain has been In uso by tho nnlille for over 18 years, and hnsncoriredlts present sain Imply by being recninmeii. led bj those whn have used It to their afflicted friends ,., -,lrt ,irt,,i f,..nil..., llalsam Is sold nt n price which bring it In tlio reach iiiiiiiii.inii .,1 II 1 1 ii iiii; ..ihi.h i "nil . ii, .in. i. of evorv one tn kceii It convenient for use, The time ly use ofn alnglo bottlo will prove to bo wurlh lt)U times lis cost, NOTICE. Save your money! Do not be persuaded tn purchase articles lit Is to ?1 which do not contain the virtues ofn 1.1 cent bottle of Madnino Porter's Cu rative llatsain, thpcost of iiiaiiiifacturing which Is us great, as nlmost any other medlcliin; and tho very low prece at which It Issolil, makes the profit to the sell, er nppiu 'lilly small, nnd iliiprinelpnleil ilenler wl' sninelinie.s ruinuimciidolhi'rmediclnes nil whichthclr profits nro larger, unless Hie customers insist upon linvliif Mnitnina Poller's nud none other. Ask 0)1 Mndnnin Porter' Curative lliilnui. prico Elcenls, nml n Inrge bottles nt 5.1 tn"Jt, nnd take no other. (C7"Sold by nil Druggists nnd Slorekecperent 13 cts. fti. l in larger hollies in '.'.1 rents, HALL & RUCKLE, Pr prlctors, New York. Jnnu.iry SI. IEKI. f For a Medicine that will Cure couairs, ikm.ui:yzji. ncuuxo ixTiir.riuto.iT mioopixn-covnir, on nr.ur.n: cox si.ui'Tin: couojm, quick. is SOFS COUGH BALSAM, Over Five Thousand Hollies have been sJld In itsnnlno town, and not n single In stance of its failure is known, We have, in our possession, any quantity of rcrt I II eaten, Foinc of them Irnnt emiiieut phyrlrians, who have used it I u their practice, nud civil it thu iire-emi- , tienre over m:y oilier tompouiiil, It duos dot dry up a I rout; Ii . but loosens it, so us to I'liablo the patient to ex , pettortte freely. Two nr three, doses will invariably i-llrn lb kliiii-In tbn tlirnnt. A linll li.tll I i I. is ..fimi couipletily cured tin, most STUUUORN COUGH, nnd jet. though it is so cure nud speedy in its operation it is perfectly harmless, being purely vegetable. It is very aerecaldo lo tho taste, nnd may he aiiuiiuistered to children of nuy age. IN CASES OF CROUP we lll guarantee n cure, if taken in ennsnn. No fnuiii) should be nilhout it. It is within tho reach of nil, the. price being ONLY 25 CENTS. And if an Investment nnd thorough trial iIops not "back up" tho above statement, 'ho money w ill bo re. fiindi'd, Wo say Ihiskuowiiig its merits, und feel con fident thnt.imo trial will secure for it n liiiuio lit every house' old. l)onotnste away with Coughing, when so small ' and others. ! .Most I o it ut(. ( mi hi, 'I'liiii'iu in euro you. it may no uau oi nuy re olt A Jj, specltible Druggist in town, who will furnirli you wit's u iii.unii u, gtiiiiiiiij Liriiiiriii:M u, curoKll lias lliuuu C. ;. CLARIC it CO.. Proprietors, Nuw Havkn, Cr. rO" At wholesale, by Johnston, Hollnwnv&L'iitvdcn, 2.1 North Sixth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. i'or sale by Druggists in city, couutry.and everywhere, Sept. 2 i, lel)3 Out NEW ARRIVAL. Fall & Winter Goods At A. J. Evans' miMi mmmtwa. ULOOMSBURG, PENIS7. LATEST S Y LE S CAE A P GO'ODS 1 rpllf; iimlprsigiied respectfully informs his friends I nnd the public generally, that he has Just received i from the Eailftn cities, u inrge iisMirtmeiit of ' being the best assortment over oiri red in this market. , Also a complete assortment of lioys Clothing. In fait ever j thing in the Clothing Lino I'or those who prefer In leave tlinir mi'nsnres. a perfect lit guaranteed, end 1 nothing hut the best workniniitdiip allowed at this es tablishment. Ho nUo keeps on hand a large nsurt incut of 1 BOOTS AND SHOES. .HATS AND CAPS, together with a vnrietv of notions. I CyC A LL AND OLE FOR VOLT.SE'l.F. A. J. EVANS. I liloomrbiirg, Nov. 21, 1EC3. AT1) SECOND HAND SAFES INI For ham Si reel, New Vtrk. I S. A. O I? EGG. S1ZL AND PRICES OI l.ll.IIE'S FIRE PUOOl B M'ES O U T SID 11: lIKIOIIr. WIDTH No. 4 21 i No. 'J ' Sil i;j o. 3 33 j No. I 31 !s No, 5 31 31 No. 0 40 31 IXSID r.: i ni HtiniiT. 17 IDs 21 tl 1 21 31 WIDTH, II 131 13 lrl 21 21 No. 1 Nn. a No. 3 No. 4 No 5 No. 0 Dcrnt. 12 12 12 13 II IS rnicn. .. ?.-,u 00 . t;o ou 71) (l'l . FJ (10 . 100 III) , 115 03 No. l No. 2 No, 3 No. 4 No. .1 No. li November 14, 1MB. Grceiiwoo'j Seminary. EXCiLISH, CL.1SSIC.1f. AXJ) COMMMCIAL SCHOOL FOR liOTJJ SF.XF.S. T.s M, TOTTS, PnixciPAt,, .Mathematics. Book Kitplug and Xatural Science). J. B. PArTOII, A. M, Elocution, Literature, and. Indent ani. Modern languages. The Scholattie yenr is divided into four quarter of I'lcvcn nci'Ki pucii. couimencing ns follows : Un tlio second Monday in August, the ilrst .Monday in November he third Monday in January, and the second .Monday in April. THE I'.XPFAREa Per quarter far Hoarding nud Tuition in EnglWi, range from J.i (into .31 03. Languages, Music mid Draw, ing urn extra tC7 For Circulars or further particulars, address the Principal at MILLV1I.LE, COLU.MIIIA CO., PA. October 3, IH!3 ly. ROSE MONT CEMETRY. "Time is Money, B.iiii i.iun uuer a piucunt an rial ! then aro tou least pre- P reiiio so pet. your mlml being in n distracted stale.vou n us ih, iy gji a nail shapo or bad siio lotas good and desirable one. Rosumouiit Cemelry tonipany oilers u great many nice located lots for sale : and now whilst "j nro iii ii c ii 1 1 1 1 is ino li mo to select n lot and put it iu order, by calling on tlio undersigned you '"'""""'Paniedto tliegroiiiid.i.'xaiiiiiiotheui und as sertuui the cost llo.nn,sbuig,Sep,.ie.!eK!lTMAf'' Tr""""r- & 6 HIKiSIH Attorney at Law., Ilazleton, Luzerne co., Fa, JRI? T",,0' J"hn Wulls, Lewisburg, Pa. J f ."el nas"1pr0"; .'"'"I'''-''" of Lonisbutg Ibink, jllnK JOHN 0. YEAOER, MANUFACTURER it WHOLESALE DEALER IN fcHATS, CAPS, STRAW GOODS, RONNETS AND ARTIFIOIAL-PLOWERS, No. 807 North Third Street, Phila'd. gOLDIKRL IN THE ARMY i AND OUR TEOPLE AT HOME Aro now offered an npnortiiluty by which they e.'n (.t, lain n HOOD AND lUlUIILIlWtE.'lCK nt ri A lowflguro. Our Watches nro Warrautsd to keen tin,, ,ono year, nnd the buyer la nllowod tha privilege i,i I'xninitintion before payment I requited, "-"i Improved Duplex In lull Ruby Actions.. A first tin,. Hunting Tima.plecn nr silver over which u .elcclro-flno plated 18 k. gold, most durably wrougi , link III t in II, intlnn .,, Pn, , .1... i.' ''"'"J1"' . . ......... r.. .....,b, .ii,,, ,i rnni hi lis over ntrered fiir traders mid speculator!. Kiiiineers pinlgrants.nud persons travelling, will find them ".' perlor to liny other , alteration .ii cll.natn will not f. leit lhPlrnciurncy. Price, pacl.od In good shape and good rnuiilng order, only gji, ,,r case ol tl for S'iio SILVER DIIUIILI! TMII1 HUNTIXt! I.l'.vi'n'a j Ileal duality Silver Cases, nvor whieli plated Jo k. gold, timlinr lo our Improved Dunli'v.nnri I sillier or ill lt,tPi inrivnitw.iil ivl!. i.e..... . ' .' p .... ,i ... i. . : In timing horses, etc ; lint Four Indexes for Washinc. on iiiiuwri-eiiwicii tune, sweep eerou. . nnd nil tbn improvement. All in nil, lak'lng its b-aii ir", faultless iippearanco nnd Its superior movement , consideration, wo regard It as decidedly tho then iiiVt nrllclo ol the kind in the market. Price, In g. ml in , tilug order, 81.1, or case nfli fur SjiOi). i.u. i''y in nuvuiite, imt w forward cither of them to resiions do mrHo.. .. . i i thelnyal Slates Willi bill pivnblo to ixnressmai ubpn . 'ho goods nre delivered, giving the bujer Ilia mlVil.'pc. 1 of examination, mill. If not satisfactory tho wi ti i '. i.ii . berelurni'd nt our expense. ' " I The express companies refuse making rrdlonlnn soldiers and other parlies In tho illiloyal Slates eon : R.'"ui'iilly nil such orders must bo nccoinnaiiled bv ti, rash tn Insure ntli.ntlnn IV L .. .I...I noiiars oil I dollars on cither watch when the payment I , u iipuiiclioii t nwr ,,. , ... -i fotwi.ri' ", '" :""LB' ",01R' V.VTf !? f.l' . I'X.Y.W.V" " pcuso Plnnd Mllroad St opposlteClty Hank, l'rotiiUnce, R. I. October 21, l!'C3-4mn. THE GREAT MaEtBlKB&ffil m'A liII3jsgv .11 VERSEV STREET, NEW U)l!K; Since Its nrganlA-itlnn, has crentad n new era In ib history of wholesnlllng Teas IliH.lsenunirr'J c have introduced their selcctinn, r T ' ' " nro selling Hi m nt not titer two cent. nY Cents) per pound above cost, nccr de. t iating Iroiu the one price ns..ed. Another periilinilly of thu t'niiipiny is that their Tp Tarter not only ileMites bis tttuu to tho si lrrt on ,',i their Tisn ns to -pialiiy, valuo and paninihir nvp foriiarllcu'nrlocalilli's ofcounlry, bul lie lu lps tbp'iv-i buyer to ilioo-u out nrthelr enormous Hock such Tea's as nro best ndopted to Ills particular wants, nnd not only tills but points nut to htm the best bar-ains It is easy to sen tin iiKulciilnble adtaiiiagc n Tea Iliiyor has in this establishment ovi'r nil others ll'h.i is unjiidgl' ofTeu or the .Market, Ifhls'tlme Is Mdii.ibln helms all the hrncllts ofn will orguulz .,1 ,," leui of doing business of Imineiisi! cnnti., of the Judge meiit ofa profi'Sfiimal 'Feu Taster, nud taj knoHledcu of siinerlor sph'sman. h This ciiahh s all '1'i'a buyers-no matt-r if they are thousands of miles from this market toniirphise on as good larnis hrro k' 111" N-w Vork un'rcbanls Parties can ordtr 'Peas and will hi sorvrd by us s, well ns though they eaun' themselves, being sure ta n original p ick.mi s true ui ishlsnnd tares ; and theTpas aro atrauiiul as represniiii il, wp I -ue u i'rico I I t pf tho Company's Teas, which will b.j sent toall who order it i comprising llyson. Voting IJynon, Imperial Gun. powder Twavkay ami Shin. OOLOMJ, SOUCHONG, ORANGE & IIVSON PEKOE. Japan 'lVa of cvi'jy dpcn'plioii, colored ami tmcolor ed. Thin hut liaseaeh kind of Tim divided into fuur Clarses, uniiieiy j Cargo, hijli Cargo. I'lnp, ever! one may iiiidorstand from description and the prices nnnmpd tint (ho Company arc determined to uuder'ell the wbole'i'OA trade. We guarantee tnsplt all our Inas at not over two cents ( tlJ ci'iits) per pound above cost. Iii'lii vliig this to he nltructivi' to the ninny who have hentuforu b-en paying cuorionis piofils. Ut. EAT AMERICAN TE COMPANY, tMpoRiKns st, jouiinn, r"' r'1 Vt'ey Street, Now Vork. Sept. 12, lrf3-.'hno. EVANS .t WATSON- fl'.-l. MJW.'A ri.'),rt.UJ.J; r.l.,1.M.1lll l SAFES. II II. KW7eA .MOVED to Xo. III,w,a Fourth V-AftSJ? stores, iron i-hutters Iron sash, all 'K'JtiZ:tT.' innkco of locks equal to any made in the UnitPd Platen. Fire Safe in tntr. Jirs. tcnttt in LTonil cniiilition. '.111 came out rigM; uith re Tim Salamander Sifes world. nt Philadelphia against th. EVANS & WATf-'ON, have had the surest ilpinitralion in tho follonin" ri tillcalp thai Ihi'ir inauuf.irture ors.ilair.auib'r Sali"s 'hit, at length fnlli w.irranti'd tho rppirseiitallons which hat h.'pii innde of tlipin ns ri'iidering nn uudoulited s"curity uguiiist th" terrific clement. Philadelphia April 11. lf.Vi. j1(.srs Kraut Walton: Guntl 'lueii -ll nllonls ns the IiisIipsI satisfaitiou to stnti- lo yon, that ohiii- P) the very prolpdivp'iualiti's if to of lb- Salamaiirtcr, Safes which we purthaspil of you some llvo mnnlh since wo snvi il n large porlinn i.fjpu, Irv, and all our hooks. Ice., p.vpo-i'il lo thu lalamiiioiis.ilri in RaiiMutd place en Hip morning i.fthe lllh lust.. When e ri'llut rhat Hips" saf's were located in the fourth sory of iIip building wj 'on n i 1 an, I that thev fell subsequently intim In np nr burning ruins, Hhere the vast concenliatlnii of Hie ii .at uii,. u Hi,- (..s plates in melt, we cannot but regard the prev ri.iilo't of their Mil liable contents its most emit inung proof of the grtut s curity nflnrded by your saleu. Wo shall tulie preat pleasure in rpp.oinm"ni!iii!'tUi;3 T, men of hio-iness us a sur- reliance againt lire.' GI'.ORGE W. SIMMONS Ac IIIIO.. .VtcVt). CTr" 1 hey haw since purchased his large Safe . Jilly2li. IM,.'. Atisul'.M J'i . im. PHILADELPHIA k ERIE tu.V '--u , 3 ''-- Tills greet line traverses tlio Northern and North west couniieK of Pennsylvania to the tin of Erie, on Lake Erie. It lias b.'cii lensed by the Pcnnsvlvaiiia Railroad Company, nud under llieir auspiees i lejlng laptilly oppiii'd tliroughont its entire leujih. It is now in iim' lor i'.is icugi r and Freight businpi s from llarriileirg to F.iiiporiiiin, (1!5 nulesion theEnni i ru Division, mid from Miellield tol.'rie Tiiniih soii the Werteru Divisiiiu. rtMP Ol 'k-s.nllt TntlNS AT NOK'l 111M aKP LAMI. Mail Traiii leans, nan . M. Eprem Train " " n p. sj .Mail " " West I 47 " I'.tpns t; 13 A.M. t'nrs run through with uitsir both ways on thess trains bitwcen Pltlladelphia nnd Loi !t Haven and lialliuiore and Lot k Haven. New and i h gnut Slapp ing Cars nrcninpaniiig the Evpress Train ho'h ways between VVillinmsp"rl and il.iliimure, and Williams. port and Philadelphia. ' i'or information respecting Passi nger luisineis, r.p ply at the S. E. (.'or. Mill nud .Market Ms. And for Freight busiuessiif Hie 1,'ninp mv's Agents : S. It, Kingston, Jr , for. 131 h nud Market' Sts., Phil a- J. t . Retnolds, Erie. J M. Drill. Agent N. 0. n: R Unltlmore. II. II. Houston, Gcu'l, Freight Agt . I'hilad' Iphia, Lewis L- Houpt, Gen'l. 'Picket Agt. Philadelphia. Joseph I, Potts, Gen'l. .Manager,, October 31, 1M13. Nos, 0, 1 1, 13, t r. i y rt it ti Oi i ,11, to, in, ii uuiu wuuui otr ccr, NEAR imOAUAY, NEW VORE C1TV. 1 This olibeii'ibli'-hed nnd favorite resort of tho IIiipI 1 noss Coniinunity has been recently rulilted. and is pom iele in pt or) thing that can minister to the cimioit of Us patrons Ladies and families nro specially nud care fully provided for. It i- ccnlrally located in the bit iucss part of the city, nnd is coniignoiis to the principal lines U' steamboats, cur.,, ouiuibusses ferrios. fcc. " lu cnnrcqiienco of the pressure caused by the Rebel nun, prices uavo neeii reuueeu to One Dollar aid 1-illU Cents nrr Dmi , iVJ u , P. , 'J' 'Die table Is amply supplied with all the luxuries of the season, and is equal to that of any other hotel in tha country. Ample accommodations are offered for upward of 4C0 Bursts. iy Do not believe runners. Iinckmcn, nnd others wh may say "the Western Hotel is full." D. D. WINCHESTER, Proprietor. TIIOS. I). WINCHESTER. Feb. l.T,lbt.2. '1 it fit 1. 1 7 mjirrvi "treei, to iiiooinsourg, immcniiiteiy -piioslle the loiuiii "la t.o Count v Court House, rcsncctful v ln'forms his friends nun tlio piililic 111 general, lhat his House is now nt nr tier for tile reception and entci tain nient of travelers who tuny feel disposed to favor it with their custom. He lias spared no expenso in prepaiiiu; tin. Em iisnoe. for the entertainment of his guests, neither shall there be any thing wanting u Ills part; to minister to their personal comtort. Ills house is spacious and enjoys an excellent business location. By Omnibuses run nt all timed between tho Exchange Hotel and the various It-ul Depots, hy which trav elers will ho pleasantly ronieyed tu mid from tho rm epective Stations In due time to meet tlio Cats. W.M. II. KOONS. Illoouisbur", July 7, Ic'fiO. JLh JilNDS OP STOCK FOR THE !H & 0 tD & V &, Photograph Albums, Card Pictures, Cold Pens, An J Hlbles nud Pra.ter Hooks, tic, ic. Call and look at our Stuck, or scud your orders ny mail. WM. . PEIIUV. Ilnngsruir., 8. W. Cor. Fourth nud bare, Nov. II, iel-3m PHILADELl'll! M0IIIW7 VE30M H0US, Second Stictl, above Arch, PHILADELl'IIIA. A F III..MII, I'RDPRIETOI! lele nr Sun JUvti 1iH,Hr1 t, it 3, lsi3. ej II ueil cccording pn.i i,,,,.,, nPi.i. ,..m Vip..;,.'''" ,"V..PI' llredion. tncuroiit ,,,nvei.ient. Iinnrov,,.! ...VVi'. :."'" "J"?l,u i.'oiich, coids, .,,.,!.. , ;, ;;' ,- ;v "in, nm I'nimli. A.llmm :' .J ' ... . . . . ' uu vai'iji it'll n gpucrnl nn ?'l t-F.frJ iSirS "dn large assorlniPnt of.l'itn wMmmM ,Tl1 "fl"""f Salamander S.,f,s. Wilrt&ilf.i&iZlSz.'l I'n, iron doors, lor hanks nn.i 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers