Columbia Democrat. BLOOMSBURG, VA. .Saturday, October U, 18G, "d E MO CRATIC H ASS MEETING AT JElKYTOWN, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PENN'A. On THURSDAY, Oot, 8., 18G3. LhT EVERY MAN WHO IS WORTHY OP I'REEDOM OIVK ONE DAY TO HIS Rcniomhcr that iho prico of Liberty is Eternal Vigilanco. Pcoplo of Col umbia, ever faithful to your ancient and glorious Dotnocrntio Record, Rally in your Strength, nt Jcrsoytown, on Oct, eth, that on Elrction D;iy you may bo Omnipotent ngainst your Country's Foes. Tlio following gentlemen will address tlio Meeting. JOSEPH C. BUCI1E11, ESQ., of Lewis- burg, Union County, Pa. COL. WM. HIUNDLE, of Lycoming. HON. M. E. JACKSON, of Oolumbin. September 20, 1803 2vv. Crowded our. 'Vox populi's" com munication and tlio Report of tho Blooms burg Ft male Biblo Society aro 'crowded out of to-day's Democrat. A rush of .job-work and new Advertisements is tlio causo, They will bo heard next week. jOaDIs t possible that any Soldier can bo so foolish as to leavo the city without a 'tmpply of Holloy way's Ointment and Pills Whoever docs so will deeply regret it, 'These medicines aro the only certain cure for bowel complaints, Fevers, Soros and Scurvy. Only 125 co'.its per box or pot. Notice. Tho young Ladie's mite Aid Society, will hold a meeting on Wed nesday ovening, next,. Ost. 7th in tho Four Story Biiok building, on Main St., 'to furnish assistaneo to the poor sick and wounded Soldiers. Tho object is com 'mondablo. Let there be a general attend ance. 'Greenwood Seminary. Messrs, Potts AND Patton, advertise the Greenwood '(Millvillo.) Soaiinary, in this "Columbia Democrat." It ii an 'excellent literary Institution, and is said to be admirably 'conducted. Wo bespco.k for this Semin ary the confidence and support of our pco iplo and community. Tin: National Peht. The New York Tribune Bays, the 'war "has saddled us with a debt that will take bread fr iui the mouth of every laboring man's child for (generations and send millions hungry to bed" And yet the Tiibunc advocates a war policy which, if preserved in, will make iho war interminable. Another Draft. The Washington correspondent of Boston h'oral.l 'c'xprcsros tlio opinion tout tucro will be another draft immediately, and that Secretary Stanton will rcccomenil to Congress the abrogation of tho SHOO exemption clause. l3fSixhundied thousand Hncn icill be called immediate y ! Another Falsehood Nailed ! The Abolitionists aro busily engaged in report ing certain prominent Democrats as op posed to Judga Woodward, and among them the Hon, Jno. N. Conynqham, our President Judge. Wo aro authorised by Judgo Conyng liam to sta'to that, while his official posi tion precludes him from taking "an active 'part 'in politics, ho has been and is, a firm supporter of tho Democratic ticket,, and 'especially desirc3 the election of tho lion. Georoe W. Woodward. Wilkcsbarrc l.uzirne Union. Slick 'This ia Your lint ami Keep il TIllTC. BQy!'I dcclaro upon my responsibility as a Senator,that the liberties of this coun try aro in greater danger to-day from Iho corruptions, and from tho profligacy prac ticed 'in tho various departments of tlio Government, than they arc from the cnomv in the open field J. P. Hale, Republican Sucator from New Hampshire. "Tf thcso infernal falia'tics and Abolition ists over get the power iu their hands, thoy will ovorrido tho Constitution, set tlio Supremo Court a't defiance, ohango and Tnako laws to suit themselves, i,av vi olent IIAND3 ON THOSE WHO DIFFER. IN opinion, or dare question their fidelity, tind finally bankrupt tho country and del uge it with blood. Da.nieC Webster.. Lowell's Comercial College, IUngfuim 'o n, Wo ca)l attention to tho advertise ment of this Institution, in our columns. Prof. Lowell, with that cnorgy and en terprise which distinguishes him, is having his pleasant and commodious rooms newly littcd with business offices Store, Hank Ilailroad, Steamboat, Post Office, Tele .graph, &o., where tho studont has tho va lious branches of practical, every day business brought to his very door, and lu which, in a short time, ho may become proficient, thorougly cquipf ed for tho grca (school of life. Tho rooms aro carpeted throughout. Now is tho time to join tho College Onr business relations with Prof. Low ell have always been highly pleasant and satisfactory,nnd wo oan cordially commend him to tho tsonfidcuuo and paltotiagoof the public. Itinshamton Daily llcjutldkan. JJctt) &fcuctiscmcnt& mount VERNON HOUSE, accona attect, above Arch, PHILADELPHIA. a. r. niiAiti, proprietor. t.alt rf "turf House," Atlantlb City. I lt l tort . Vs tf lOUd, JLU JLUUUIIUICS. YVANTED.Twelvo Malo Tonol.ors ,""., to Inkn charge of tlio public selioota of Union township, Bchuylklir county, Tho. examination, will tako place at Risgtown, on Wednesday, tlio 31st dhv of October, I eG3, commencing nt Id o'clock, A. M, Thci Bchools will open on tho Hut Monday in November and conllnuo four montln. ' October 3,r303-3wt;n,OMA8 ESTltAY. Came into tho promises of tho under signed, residing In Locust township. 'Columbia county, (near Nifinldia.) about tho lOtli tf September dark nnmnr.r. nnu: sitpposeit to bo about flvo ycors'old. Tho charges and tako her away, or alio will Lo dlsposcil of is ru'iucBicu o prove pro george ditner. Locust twp., Oct. 3, l8G3--3n .DISSOLUTION OP PARTXGBSIIIP. TIP parlncrtlilp heretofore oiUtlng between O. W. - McK vynndJ.S.McNInch, In tlio manufacture of paper nt tntawlsun Mills, under tlio firm of C. W, Mc helyy & Co., Is t hi day dlsnolved by mutual consent. ino uusiiiiss ot mo lato nrni will bo settled hv n. v. .iicivcivy, nt uatawissa Aiiiin. C.W. McKCLVV&CO. THE uuderslBned, having purchased tho lntorat'of J. S. McNInch, in tho late firm of C W. McKelvy & Co., would Inform bis friends that he will contlnno tho manufacture of l'npcr, and purclusa lings, as licrcto forc. iind sollrlts a continuaiico ol tho patronage so llberall bostowed on tho lato firm. Catawlssa Mills, Oct. 3, 1803. ' W' McKtJLVYt DRAFT! DRiffl1!! Important to Persons liable to Draft in the counties of iradjord, Columbia, Sullivan, Montour J- Wyoming. Dojou wish to hrtvo 'yoirr Exemption Papers cor rectly made out bo you wish to obtain rcllnblo in formation in regard to your claims fur exemption I Do you wish to employ n experienced ipcrson to old In procuring your exemptions 1 If yon Jo, call on mo nt the (illlcc of Justice 1'ierco. in Troy, llradford county, I'o., on and uftcr Wednesday Hept, llith ieo.l. I shall havo the scrvlcis of Experienced Persons to assist mo, so that clalmnnts can have their business attended without nny delay, l barges moderate. " VV.PATIUCK. October 3, I6U3. IIAItlVlSBURG, PA. rplllS old cstnblislnd House hasundcrgond extenslvo X improvciiiments, and been thoroughly renovated and refitted. It is pleasantly located in the heart ot tho City in easy access to the Ktato Capitol and Public UroutnK E7" For tlio accommodation of our guests, we havo recently commenced to run a Conch to and from the Ilailroad. In this manner unpleasant delay in 'lenvihtr the Depot for tlio Hotel Will be avoided, and much more time nirurded guests for meals when leaving the IIouso. Intending that tho RUEIILEU HOUSE shall be really a liPine-liku resort for tho stranger and traveler wu ro spcctfully so'iclt acoiitinuanccoftiionubllc patronage. . ono. J. IJOI.TON, Oct- 3. '03. Proprietor. iSWEife 10 r iIIS INSTITUTION ls "ndcr the solo mamgemen i Tind direction of Prof. D. V. Luwell. so long Trill cipnloftho M.Wir.l.MTOX COMMF.RCUI. COlimF.. Tho course of Instruction embraces nil tho requisites of n thorough practical business education, and has been lately extended by the inoductlon of an Actual l!uincss Course, in which tho Student engages iu'lhc 'rrgutnr routine o( business tionsnrlions, cxemplllcd and familiarized by means nl a store, (In which tho actual btiainrs of buying and selling sood.H is carried on by each Student,) and lliisiness Olllces. viz : Hanks of Isgu,- anil Deposit, Knil'llo'ading and titcam-Uoating l'ot (Jllicc, Telegraph, ic. &c. " The Proprietor has spared notiineor expense In ma king tills Course tho most thorough ami complete of any ever presented tothe public, and feels fully as sured that after having been himself engaged in actual business, and having had many years' experience at teaching the fclnce of Accounts, and being aided by n full and elliccient corps of touchers, ho will be en bled to nuko thorough and successful graouates of all who may place themselves under his charge PF.JVM.1WS1II Pt In this essential branch of u busiuss education no Collsgu oll:rs belter facilities lo the learner. The Sprnccriau system will be taught in all its varieties by tho most skillful masters of the art. Specimens of Writing rrom tills Institution havo received the highest encomiums from the press. For general information, terms, kc, address for Col. lege Monthly, which will be mailed free; ror speci mens of Penmanship, enclose two three cent stamps. Address D. Wf LO'.VKI.L, Principal, 1 owell's Commercial College, liinglumtou, N.Y. P. S.-One of Hitter & Duncan's No. 1 liiehlv finished lino, perfect point, quill spriug'i.nld Pens, with holder and case, warranted for one year and to buH, will be sent, free of charge to any one who will remit $3,50 to mo aoovc nuuress. Octobci 3, Idlia-Jy. SCHKNCK'S VCLMiftlC SYKCP WILL CUKE OONSOMPT ION. SCHUNCK'S rUf.MONIO SVRUr WILL CURE CONSUMPTION SCIIENCK'a TULMONIC SYRUP WILL CURE CONSUMl'TIO N. SCIIEN'CK'S PULMONIC SYRUP WILL Ct'FE CONSUMl'TIO N. SCIIENCK'S SEA WEED TONIC WILL CUIUS DYSPEPSIA. SCIIBXCK'3'SEA WEED TONIC WILL CUKE D Y S P E P S I A. SCIIE.VCK'S SEAWEED TONIC will cune D Y S P E P S I A. BCN'E.N'CK'S b"eaVEED TONIC WIL'L CURE DYSPEPSIA. FCIIENCK'fl MANDRAKE TILLS WILL CURE LIVER COMPLAINTS. SCIIENCK'3 MANDRAKE PILLS WILL CURE LIVER COMPLAINTS. SCIIENCKy .MANDRAKE TILLS WILL CURE LIVER COMPLAINTS. ECIIKN'CK'S MANDRAKE TILLS WILL CURE LIVER COMPLAINTS. I)R J, II. SCI1ENCK has a largo suit of room, nt No 31 lloud Street New York, where he can be found every Tucsdny, from t)u, m. to 3 p. m., nnd nt No. 30 North t?tth Street, Philadelphia, P.i , every Saturday. Ilu keeps a largo supply of medicines nt his rooms, which can be hail ul all times, Thosu wishing advicu or nil examination of the Lungs will do well to call on lilin as above. Ilo makes no charge for advice, but for a thorough examination with the Uespirorhcler, his price is SI. Many persons nrc afraid to havo their lungs examin ed by Dr. ScheHck for fear they will bo found incurnblo and by Hut means it is put oil' until it is too late. How much belter it would ba to know their condition at once, as by abundance of evidence, Dr. S, has shown sufficient certificates in this city that ho has cured advanced stages of Consumption. Dr. Sdiench'a 1'rinripa! Ofllco is No. 39 North Siuh street, Philadelphia, wliero li tters for ndvicu thould bo directol. Prlco of tho Pulmonic Syrup ami Sua Weed Tonic each $1 per bottle, or $5 the half doicu, filaudraku 1 rum, cents per uux. I try For sale by all Druggists anJ Storekeepers, j October 3, ltjU3.-3m. K',tii'M:ilcIiuni A first rato Book Case and Secretary combined apply to J. U, FREEZE. I Hloomsburg, August 15, loOJ. FUBEirrayn list op TnB RiaiiTit ANNUAL EXHIBITION OF THE COLUMBIA COUNTY AGRICULTURAL, $ otf .ciiiihI cc.iwiq. ABSOGXATXGKT, WILL HR HELD AT ItLOOJISItlllttt, IA.k THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY, Oct. 15, 16, and 1 7. Class 1st. HOUSE), . Best pair draught horses, 8 00 2d do do do do 6 00 do do enrriago horses, 8 U0 2d do do do do 5 00 tb do do marcs, (1 00 2d do do do do 1 00 do Malttbh over four years old, 8 00 2d do do do do ft 00 do do hotwocn two and four years old, l 00 2d do do do do do 3 00 do brood tnaro with colt nt her side, both I exhibitor. 0 CO 2tl do do 2d do do do do 4 CO slnglocarrlogoliorso, 4 PO do do do '2 00 ! do do ninm. 3 00 ! do uu timing oou uoiwecn i ana j ycxrs, 4 uu do trinro do do do do 3 00 do horso do do 1 nnd 2 An 3 00 do mnto do do do do 2 00 . Jr do liorso 6r mnro colt under lOSnontlu. 3 00 1 2d do do do do do ' do 2 00 Exhibitors under this class will liaVo thcrr horses on tho ground by 10 o'clock on Friday morning, nt which tlrno tho judges will exnmlno thrm. Judoks Abner Welsh, Orangoj John I). Quick, Montour) Clinton Slcndenhnll, Franklin j Chas. Eck,Iloarlngcrcck,and Frooso Fowler, fifltrrcreelt. Class 2d. CATTLE. DUntlAM STOCK. Best Dull thrco years old nnd upwards, 0 00 2d do do do do do do 4 00 do do between two and tbrco years, 4 00 2d do do do do do 3 00 2 do do between ono and two years, 3 00 c do do do do do 2 00 d bull calf under ton months, 2 00 2d do do do do 1 00 do 'hclfor or cow Ijctwcen 2 and 3 years, 3 00 2d do do do do do 2 00 do do calf tinSor ten months old, 1 00 do cow, 5 00 2d do do 3 00 DrivdN Stock. Best buU'tbrco years old nnd upwards, fi 00 2d do do do do do 4 00 do do between two und thrco yoars, 4 00 2d do do do do do 3 00 do do do ono aud two yearn, 3 00 2d do do do do do 2 00 do do calf under ten months, 2 00 2d do do . do do I 00 do bet for or cow between 2 and 3 ycrtrs, 3 00 2d do do -lo do do 2 00 do do celf under ten months, 1 00 do cow, 5 00 2d do do 3 00 or.AnnD 'btoCti. Boat bull thrco years old and Upwards, 5 00 2d do do do do 3 00 do do between two or thrco 3 00 2d do do do do 2 00 do do do ono and two yoars, 2 00 2d do do do do 1 50 do do calf under 10 months, 1 SO 2d do do do do 1 00 do heifer or cow between 2 and 3 years, 2 00 2d do do do do do 1 SO do do calf under ten months, 1 00 do cow, 4 00 -Sd do do 2 00 NATIVK iTOCK. Best bull two years old nnd upwards, l2d do do do do oo 00 00 50 50 00 00 do do between ono and two years, 2d do do do do do do calf undor fen months, d do do do do do cow, 2d do do 2 00 1 50 1 50 1 00 do heifer or cow between 2 nnd 3 yoars, 2d do do do do do do do calf under ten months, OXKII fc.NI STBKRS. Best oxen owmd and worked by exhibit r,.' 00 2d do do do do do 3 00 do s'-ers belwetn'two and three years, 1 00 2d do do do do do 2 00 Tlio judges to oxaialno cattlow ill bo ready by 10 o'clock nn Friday morn hi''. KxMbiturj must hnvo their stock ready to receivo them. Judqks John Zancr, Contro ; l'cttibono, Orunjro : Henry JIolluiBhoinR Cntawissa : Vi m. Howell, Jit. l'loasant, and John IJctz, Hemlock. Class M.iIVIJT. T3esl bodr of 'tiny Ifccd. 2d 'do (b , Uo do breed sofr , 2d do do do do lot "pigs, 3 or moro, under S weeks, 2d do do do do do do display of fat hogs, 2 or morw, 2d do do do do do lot of stock hops, four or moro, 2d do do do do 8 00 2 '00 3 00 2 00 2 00 1 00 .1 00 2 00 .3 00 2 00 Joseph Juncus Conrad Biltcnbcndcr, Bloom Martz, Catawlssa.and John M. Bdrtbu, 'Hemlock. Class Ath. SHEEP. 3 00 2d do do fib 3d do ilo dt) do natko do 2d do do do do blooded ewe, 2 00 1 00 3 00 1 00 3 -03 do nntivo do 2 0 0 Juiioes Douglas Hugbos, Btcom ; Jos. Mou. scr, Montour, aud Francis Evan's, Ilribreroek. Class 5th. POULTRY. Best and larccit display of poultry, 3 00 2d do do do do 2 00 I do pair chickens, any breed, malo k fern. 1 0C j do do turlicys.nny brccd,malo & fcuialo, 1 00 j 2d do do do do do 50 j do do gecsc,nny breed, malo A female, 1 00 2d do do do do do 50 1 do do ducks do do I 00 do nnd largost display of tamo pigeons, 50 Judoks Sylvester l'ursell. Hemlock; Dr. 1. JI. Hoc, 6rccnwood, and Silas Edgar, Scott. 1 Class Gt7i.fGIlAiyAXD SEEDS. Best half bushel clover seed. '5 00 2d do do do do 1 flO do do do timothy seed, 2 00 2d do do do do 1 00 do bushel red whoat, 2 00 do do whlto wheat, 2 00 do do ltyo, X 00 do half bushel gourd soed corn, 1 00 do do do yellow do 1 00 do do do smoked do 1 00 do samplo swcot corn, six oars, SO do bushel oats, 1 00 do half bushel Uax-sced, 1 00 do bushel buckwheat, ' 1 00 Juiioes Jatacs Masters, Tino j Amos I'. Kcj- 'tor, Madison, and Solomon Shuman, Mnlno. CLASS 7-ve;etaiiles. 'BCst bushel Mercer Potatoes 1 00 . Princo Albert potatoes I Oil I'ield Turnips 1 Ml Ruta Ilagns 1 (ill llects '' Sweet Potatoes SU Uiiiona 5IJ Carrots '50 Tomatoes SO ,1 . 11 " ll Sugar llects 0 " 3 Heads Cabbago 50 ' (1 Parsnips 50 v in. 1. una utnns ou " nt. Sunn " acnrden Siuashes 50 ' 0 Field Pumpkins SO Largest Sweet Pumpkin 5(1 Jud;ei Andrew Kreas, Centre; Ell Mcndenhal., Denton ; aud Jackson Thomas, Madison. CLASS rl-IIOUSEHOLD MANUFACTURES. Rest 10 yards flannsl made on hand loom 81 00 2nd 10 ' Host 5 woolen cloth " " 10 enrpot 2nd 1U " Rest 10 yards plain linen " 10 " diaper " knit woolen stockings " " miftens " hoinomado shirt " silk quilt " cotton quilt 2nd " " pair woollen blankets " linen , beets .1 tflt.lA lfi,l 20 1 no 1 ou .10 l oo l oo so 50 I ou I oo I on 50 l ou 50 50 1 Judaea-. S. Wands, Orange, Mrs. Aaron iOOn, Scott ; and Mrs. Ellas Dislenck, .Montour. CLASS U-liOMESTlO MANUFACTURES. Rest loaf of bread 50 " pound caka " ginger cake 11 sample nrcsorvos I " fruit Jolly I " tomato preserves " cucumber pickles ' pickles of any kind " applo butter " peach butter " plumb butter " preserved pcailies mr.i hitnt ' roll butter. Iiot lass tlmn tfiren nnunils 1 00 SO 60 SO 50 2nd ' licit samplo ycns applo pie snmnlo nauiniro Judges Win, Shoemaker. Hemlock Airs Mat i las B.Applcinnii.l en and Mm. 11,11 Kl ns.Oranie i1 , , CLASS 10 nest knit nililt t'ANUY ARTICLES, i on 2nd " llOt'ktllt sonto'g " ' miblo " " Polish boots " " woolen undcrsloovos " large afglinii " small " Tidy Sd ' " knit shawl " " hood " Infant sacqne worstrcd cmbroldcrr " cotton " " sctlng eollar " specimen tclinr 50 0 SO 50 1 00 .13 1 00 SO 1 00 so AO 51) SO I 00 50 ' mall articles In knitting 11 crotchlngaslnfahta acmei.collau, iiHi,tc. 1 UO " worsted and cotton mats 5U 50 specimen bead worn " " shell work " " 'bur " " " leather " " " ban " " wax " " ," . penmanship " collection of dablis , " " artificial Mowers " " homo plants in bloom ", " dilcdgraskcs ' largest variety of flowers " snmplo nent sewing " ottoman or chnlr rover " drawing or painting " boquct of flowers " hanging basket J 00 I 00 1 no I 00 1 00 50 SO SO SO su SO so 1 00 1 00 so 50 'fancy pin cushion so Judaea fir. i:,.n v. I.n, n..n. . m. w ,i m-. Reynolds, Hemlock i Mrslsaac 3. Monroe, Catawis .tirs.B. v. uoon, liloom; and Mrs, John Conner, Centro, " , , OI.ASS 11-FLOUR. Ilcst samplo wheat flour SJ 00 uuckwlieut flour S 00 , " .'.V " 2 00 Jltdirt Will, rtnn.a M(l ' Bl.R.nnl . fn.l.,i. Kt dcnhall, Krankrini anil James I'rceW, liloom.' vi.naa i-j-htoves a. tin.ware. Ucst cooking stovo with furniture 8-2 00 " parlor stovo 2 ot) ' variety tin wrtro 3 00 Judntt .Mavberrv lluehea. Cntiin'lian UMIli-,., Schuyler, Orangoi niul Joseph Long, Greenwood. uunaa 1 1 rtC.uiuul.tUIlLi IJirLE.YfUVl'S. Ucst plow of ntiy pattern tjj 00 iiiresuiug macinno a 00 ' horso rnko 1 00 1 " llmo spreader 1 00 portable cider mill and pros! 1 PO " washing machine 1 00 " farm wagon a no ' " wheelbarrbiv jt) sicn so ' nollof 50 " clothes wringer 1 00 " clover biillcr . 1 on Judaea John Dcltcrick. Est Montour ! Patterson N. Moore, Hemlock ; und L'llis Uvns, Urecuwood. CLASS If U'AOO.VS & CARltlAOM. Ilcst top buggy S J 00 open i ou " two horse carriage il 00 " sleigh S 00 " sulky 2 00 Judgeu Ellas Deiterlck, .Montour township, Or. J. V Wilson, llerwick. and J (). Wint.ri.ti.iMi. Mltlliu township. ULASS S DENTSTHY. &o. l)e.t pel Ar'iticiiil tBBtU l 00 do Sawing Aluchino I 00 do Sample building brick 50 ilo Lot 'tterilimiwurtt l 00 Juiljes.- Dr. yimon Cotuer. Mmlison: Dr. Peter U. Kreeza, bloom, S. I.. Ueiile, Scott. Ul.ASS 16. UKST BBK HIVKS. Bet (lea Hive :i 00 ilo S viirm rJees ll 00 do Sample Honey "5lb '1 00 Jiuluea Hiram J. Keader, Franklin, Dan iel Snyder, Bloom; Iteubeu Uouiboy, Horn luck. CLASS 17. WINES AND LIQUOUS. '8e,t Quart Curronl Wine 1 00 do Blackberry t 00 do do Grape 1 00 do do Cherry 1 00 do do Kve Whinktiy 1 00 ilo do Culer 1 00 Jtitliies A Mutliout Blsom ; S. B Bow- mnn, uerwick; 11. A amiiii. aiaif ison: Win. T. Siiumaii, CatawUsa. CLASS 18 MANUFAC PUKED AUTI CI.ES. Bc&t display cabinet wor 2 00 tlo do Sin rtli 2 00 ilo Pair Fino Boots ' I on do 00 Cnurft , 1 (JO tin Set Witiilior Chairs 1 00 do do Spritm seat 1 00 do do Itncking Chair 1 00 do do Seilcc 1 (10 do do J doz Ccrn Brooms .R0 do do JS'el single hurne3 2 00 do do Doublo do 2 (10 do Two ciiles ole leather 1 00 do 2 do Upper 1 00 i'o 2 do Kips 1 00 do 2 do C.itf c-kins 1 ()0 do Sansagn .Miiclinm 1 00 t Judges John G. Nevis, Hemlock; I'arvin lylasiers, Benton, L'eier Traugh, Bnurereok. CLASS 19.-FKUIT. Best i Bushel winier apples 1 00 do i do Fall do I 10 do 4 do S anilaril peifrs 1 00 do 'li 'Dwarf po-u-i 50 do Sample dried apples SO do do 1'eaehes 50 do dn Cherries 50 Jinlaos Tlios. 1. Wolever, Mt Pleasant; John Smith, Madison ; Frar.k Siiumaii Bea vcr. CLASS 20. TRIAL OF HORSES. SPORTING LIST first mar. Best trolling mare, horse 01 gelding. lima not over -3 minutes S50 00 SECOND TROT. Best Iniiriim'mure, horse or -gelding, time not over 310 S'10 00 FARRIERS LIST. FIRST TROT. Best trotting mare, horse or a tiling S10 00 SF.COND THO V. lies-t trolliiir mare hori-e or "elding '"5 00 Any person competing 'for the S50 00 pretnium m'usi vpay So 00 ai tho Sihnd bu lore siurliug. Jiidges.Ca'tiper Rahn, Caliawissa; Jo'.in Frui., Jerseytown; S. L. Beitle, Light Stieel. RULKS AND REGULATIONS. Aiiicle 3d of iho Constitution requires every peiton to pay lo ihe aesocialion one dollar to conMhuiu membership, the iiao liee heretofore ha t eutt to buy a family lioko: on iaif duyn and havo their names recorded ul the lime. Every exhibitor U required to become a mombe'r of the ai-i-ouiation belore eiiienug his urni'le for exhibition, or competition. Miners can become exhibitors u hen their parent or guardian is a member 'P.... n.,1.1 ,.f .. j. Flio field of L'orjipeiition is open 10 all Peisons from other couniies can become exhibiiors npon the mine terms as citrzens of this county. All articles offered ft: compeiition must be ownod by tho cornpetiior. Froil, vege tables, (lower, &c, rnufi bo the growth of Ihe competitor, and all iiuiiinfiii'iineil nr- 50 tides must bo matin by the competitor. All ariii'lei, lor coiiipeiition rntist be 011 ihe (round by 12 o'clock M on 'I'huis. day lath, and remain there until 0 o'clock i. M. 011 Ffiday 16th. when ihey are a the disposal of the exhibitor. Shows, llyina horeos or Oilier amuse menu that tend to disir.icl the utteniion of viilorr will not bo allowed. Standi lor iho pale of refreshment tuui be obtained bv makiiu vplfcaiion 10 luV; l'resideut or Secretary 1 ,ha Assoi-iaiion. Nu licence will be ii.uited to Hands thai cell Kpirituous or muh 1 ijuors. Jndyes appoiuied to -ixamine the difTer ont classes will confer a favor on the Ao ciation by calling 61 Uie Secretary's otfico eaily 011 Friday m'orniig and obtain their int'tfuciions, '1'ickets to iho lair ecu be obtained of A. J, Sloan, Kliaa MenuVuhall, J. J. lirowor, II. C. & I. V. Harlmiiiis, Lloyd Sharpless, S. II. Miller, Hloom-burg Iron Co., Mo Kelvy Neal k Co., A. J. Uvaus, anil Itook Store. J II IKI.lilt, 1'retildont. I.. H. llupKar, SecrrMry. liluoinebtiry, Se,i. JU, 1893, TO THE ios Tlio following payments huvo been mado lo tho Columbia Danoaut office during tho month of September : Amos ReaSCr I'eter Bllclwli (13 00 John nilllnts. Jr., (100 .1 m Am. Shoo Tip Co., 50 1 M It II nrown.M. I) , .1 00 1 7S I'rof, It S lllngham .1 00 1 .10 Columbus Acadomy !i SO I Wl Judgo Knnns 1 t'O 1 00 James Edgar 3 S3 I 3 Itcv I) H Tobias 1 OO I CO nollclb Duntber 1 00 t 18' Hamiicl Everett in Franklin Rarig VVm Goodman Adam 1)11 Pamucl flngnrt John II Wilson Bamusl Itlinhy W L.Msck.llsi,., John KUtlcr John f Heller II DMellride Est of Isaac Wagner Hon John Koous Col J F Frank John Waiilch (Ico W Wolllver Est ofJer K Hess Henry Olger Richard Demon Wm Ash Lstof fol Eckroth Josiph lire Is Ii John II Metier Julin M Miller J J Iloacland Joslah It Sleeker liaac. Miller Daniel Binglry, Hr. Thomas Jones John.,1, Kline, WA Rllno James Lake, En., Peter Hower Wm II shoemaker J M Fry 4 00, Jacob Dills O'J 3 00 Daniel dense! I 00 I 7.5 Stephen l'ho 3 00 5 00 Valentine Krcsslcr 3 00 1 00 Robert 'KlUhcn 3 50 3 00 Es.of Gcrshainlllddlo 3 OO I SO M Moylcrt 3 00 5 00 lion VVm Coltey 3 00 1 Oil II W Tatrlck 1 00 ISO MO Latier 3 Ot) 1 75 John Simmons 3 50 3 00 Dr. II IIFleShuit 8 00 3 35 Greenwood Seminary 8 00 3 SO A II Illldius 1 35 3-50 Wm Graham I 00 1 1 uo Frederick Dcrr 3 -u 5 25 JerscytownDcmocrafy I 09 I 75 1 American Tea Co. 10 I'O I 75 1 I K McCollam 3 00 3 00 Esutt Glrton 1 00 1 75 1 Thomas Ryan 1 00 7 00l J I'Runyan 3 00 3 00 Wm J Nephew 50 1 75 Catharlno Bhofinakor 1 OO 150 IllnghaintonCoin.ColSO 00 75 Gardner k ilcmmings 5 00 4 00 John DUncr 1 00 Uloom Ueni. Meeting etSy-Thankful, friendsi for your support. Il is yours to sustain and ours to maintain a FHEE PKESS." Keep tho ball in mo tion and liberty will survive COMMUKICATKD. 'PVLMOXAHY COXSV.Yl'TOIX, CURABLE D1SEASV.. A CA11D. TO CONSUMPTIVES Thounderslgncd ImVIng been restored to health in a few weeks, by a Very simple remedy, nft:r having sufTercd several years with n so vero lung aflecllon, and that dread disease, consumption- Is anxious to make known to liUfcllow-sufturcrs the means of cure. To all who doilro it, he will send a copy of tho pre scription used, free of charge! with the directions for 1 preparing nnd using the same, which they will find a suro euro for consumption, asthma, bronchitis, &c ' Tho only object of the advertiser In sending tho pre j scrlptlon Is to benefit the afflicted, and spread informa tion which ho conceives to bo invaluable, mid he hopes every suflercr will try his remedy, as it w 111 cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing iho'prcscridtlnit will plcaso nddrcss Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, WllHanisburgh, Sept. 315, 1SU3.-4H1 Kings County, Jfew York, a 11 m m ii iwiwmwiTiwTinmiMnwiMMW Greenwood Seminary, A N E.VOL1SII, CLASSICAL AMD COMMERCIAL SCHOOL FOIl BOTH SEXES. T. M. POTTS, Principal, Mathematics. Book Keeping and Xatural Sciences. J. D, PATTON, A. M , Elocution, Literature, and. indent ani Modern Languages. The Scholastic year is divided Into four quarters of eleven weeks cacli. commencing ns miiirani-uiuiio first Monday in August, the first Monday in November, tne tiiiid .11 01:1 ay in January, nnu inu secunu munuay 'in April. THE EXPENSES Per quarter for Hoarding niul Tuition lu English, range from SJSI 00 to S31 00. Languages, Music and Draw ing ure extra. ICT- Frtr Circulars or further particulars, address tho Principal at MILLVii.UB, COLUMUIA CO., PA. October 3, 1CKI ly. GENERAL ELECTION PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, by tlio laws of this nCommonwealth, It is mado- "tho duty of tho Ehenffnf every county to give notice of tho general Elections, by publication in one 'Or more newspa pers of the county, nt lenstlwenty days beforo tho elec tion." and to enumerate therein "the olllcers to be elect ed," and tn "designate the place nt which thoclection is loue ueni. mcreioro, i, jusiwi i uu.iian iiign aner If of Columbia county, do hcreb'y mnku known and pro claim to tho qualified electors of Columbia county, that a Cenlral Ei.Ei.ri6':i Will Tio held on TUEri day. the THIRTEENTH DAY OF OCTOHElt, being the second Tuesday in said mo'ifih, at tlio "several dis tricts within the county, to wit: llcnton township, at the public houso of J. J. Stiles, in the town of llcnton Denver township, at lite house of Franklin L. Shuman. liloom township, nt the Court Mouse, Uloomsburg. Ilrlarcreek township, at the School House near Evan-s illc. lloroueh of Berwick, at tho Town House, in Berwick. Cattawlssa township, at the house of Wui. Shuman, in Cattawlssa, Centre township, nt tho bouse of Jeremiah Hess.dcc'd, Conyngliam township, nt tlio house of 11. It, Wasscr. risliingcreek twp , at tho house of llenj. McHeury. Franklin township, at Clayton's School House. fJreenwood township, nt tho house of Joseph R. Patton Hemlock township, at the Buck Horn, Jackson township, at tlio houso of Eeklel Colo, Locust township, at tlio house of J. L. Hurst, Slab town Mifflin township, at tho houso Cf John Keller. Madison twp., at the house of Samuel Itlniby. Mount Pleasant tho houso now occupied by Thomas Jones. Montour township, at the house of John Richards, now occupied by William llplllugshead. Alain township, nt tho huuso of John Al. Nuss Rnariugcrcek townbhip.attlic house formerly occupied by O. W. Drchbaih. Orango township, at the houso of Alexander Hughes, Orangevillc. Pine township, at the house of Albert Hunter. Sugarloaf township, att he house of Alinas Cole. Scott twp., at the huuso of Enoch Howell, Espy. It is further directed that the election of the said sev eral districts shall be opened between tho hours of 8 and 10 o'clock in tho forenoon, nnd shall continue, open with out interruption or adjournment, until 7 o'clock in tlio evening, when the'polls shall b closed. The othcers to be elected at tho time and places afore said, are ONE GOVERN'OH, ONE JUUGE OF THE SUPREME CCUItT, ONE SENATOR, TWO REPRESENTATIVES, ONE PROTUO.N'OTARV, ONE REGISTER &. RECORDER, ONE TREASURER, ONE COUNTY CO.M.MIS310NER, ONE COUN1Y AUDITOR, and ONE COUNTY CORONOR. It is further directed that the meetings of tho return Judges will bo held ut the Court House iu Bloomsburgto makeuul tho general election, which will he ou l'RI. DAY tho SIXTEENTH DAY of OCTOBER. The Judses of the Thirteenth Senatorial District shall mact at Ihe Court Hniiac, in tho Borough of Sun i bury, in the county of Northumberland, on Tuesday, 1 October Twentieth. i The return Judges of the Representative posed of the counties of Wyoming, Sullivan, Columbia and Alontour, sliafl meet at thu Court House, in Blooms burg, in the county of Cftlumbiii,. on TUESDAY, the, TWENTIETH DAY of OCTOBER next to make out returns for members of Assembly. , And iu and by tho said Act, 1 am further directed to eIvo notice that every iinrson, exceutius iusticcs of Iho oence, who shall hold any office or appointment of profit pr trust under the Government of the United States, or of this State, or of uny city or incorporated district, whether a commissioned othcer or otherwise a subordi nate utlicer or agent, wiiois, or shall bo employed under tlio legislative, ur executive, or iudicary department of mis aiaic, or oi any incorporateu uisirict, unit uiso mat every member of Congress, nnd of tho select dr common I council of any city, coiiimisnonc'is, iff'nny Incorporated uivniLi, is, laiv, iMtujiuuiu ui nuiuiug ut I'lcrilslllsT Ufc the suuiu time, tho ottlce or appointment of Judge, inspoc ,or or clerk of any election of this commonwealth, and atat uo inspector, Judgo Or any officer of any such elec tion shall bu eligible lo nuy oilicethau to be voted for. Given under my hand and 'seal, at my ollicc in Ulooms burg, this 17th day of Si-ptcinleT, A. I).. U03, J. II. FURMAN, Uloomsburg, Sept. 20, 1603 Sheriff. TEACHERS' EXAMINATIONS. rjillil b'iniuination of Teachers fur Columbia county, X will tako place at tho following times and places : Centre at I owlersvllle, September ','1 i Caiawisa at Cotauiisa, Sept. 2i ; Berwick llor. Sept. 23 j Alilllin at Alilllinvillc. Bept.'.'rt ; Beaver at .Michael's Schoolhouse, Sept. J ; .Maine nt Malnville, Sept. 30; Roaringcrcek at .iliuuio bciiooi nouic, uci, i , uunyugnam at Ceiilro v1llc, Oct. 'J : Locust ut Numi'lia, Hct.3; l'ranklin nt Clayton's School house, Oct. 5; Orange, at Oraugcville, Oct, 7; Fisblngcreek at Pealcr's School house, Oct, 8; Denton nt Benton, Oct, 0 ; Sugarloaf at Cole's School house, Oct. 10; Scott nt I. I.lit Street. Oct. ; Aludisoi, at Jcrseytown, On, 10; Hemlock at Buck Horn, Oi u20; Alontour at Dieterick's School house, Oct. '.'1; .Mount Pleasant at Jones' School house, Oct. Hi llnarcreek at I Alartz's School house, Oct. 23; Greenwood at ltohrs burg, Oct. 'M; Jackson at llerr's School house, Oct. i!7 ; Pine at'Warnsrsville. Oct. .HI The exercises at all the above places to commciico at ' 10 o'clock, A, M. 1 Teaihers will pleaso bu punctual in attendance. Di rectors are rcspcciiuuy rcnuesicu iuoe nriseut LIIlHI,L,a u il ARE LEY, Co. Suft Bloomtlfdrg, Sept. 1, 180.1. tUMJl UillJ 1 VJ J i'A 1 J UliUI J J. BR0WER WILL cxposo to snlo every day this Fall and Winter. (FundsyS etccptod,) torgo and well selected asso.tnient of American French nnd English (ioods, Just from tho Eastern markets. I'la'ih I), on Coos's aro the latest fssli on. 1 latest issiiion. such as caslimere Mirinos, Furs Moh air Bilk Finish. Alpsccas of all shkdcs DELAINS at 18, 22, 25, 31 and 80 cts. CALICOES from 18 lo 25 cents. SHAWLS alt, wool, long & square, at prices to suit purchasers. NU1UAS AND WOOL HOODS or r.vittr DEgcsmiox, Cloths, Cassimers and Jeans, for Men and lloys wear, cheap. Dailies' Collars, Cuffr, Floevcs, Dead Nets, and dress trimmings. Illcuchcd and Unblcar.licd Muslins, will be sold nt n very small advance. Hosiery, Gloves, Embroidering Braids, & small wares in great variety, Linen Carpet Chain aud cotton yarn. Eeols and Shoes, Ladles' gaiters, toilet slippers, children's gaiters and shoes, and n largo stock to select from at all prices. Trunks and nil cloth satchels, Quccnswara and Hardware, TOBACCO AND SUGARS, at low prices, and lu fact utmost everything In my line that may be called for, as I have pun based a miiih lar ger stock of gooifs than usual, and am determined to sell them nt very small profits, fur ready pay. Ladles will find It to their ndvantago to buy their Dress Goods at this establishment, as 1 will prcscn. lo cVcry Lady customer, who may ilcslro it, one or Mad nine Dcmorcsr latest slecvii pattern, Call and see the Mirror of Fashion, Just published, with lull and rcllab'o description of tlio latest Paris fashions. iiiuomsuurg, aept. uu. icti.i. THE GREAT 51 VEIIHEV SI llEET, NEW OltK; Biuco its orgnnlzotlon, has crcatad n now era In tho history ol uholesslling Teas in till country. Ihey have Introduced tin Ir H' of Teas, and rfrc aclling them n not over two cent ( 01 Cents) per pound above cost, never de viating from the one price a'sked. Another peculiarity of the Company is that their Tea Taster not only devotes bis time to tho selection of their Teas as tb quality, value, and particular styles for particular localities of country, but ho helps tho Tea buyer to cli"o-e out of their enormous Hock such Tens as arc best adopted to his particular wools, and not only this but points out tn him (he best bargains?7- It Is ensy to see the Incalculable advantage 11 Tea lluycr has in this establishment over all others, , If he is nojudgo ofTea or the .Market, ifhls time Is viluablo holms all tho benefits of a well organized sys tem of doing business of Immense ctipitol, of the Judge ment of a professional Ten Taster, and tho knowledge of superior salesman. This enables all Tea buyers-no m.atter'if Ihey nrc thousands of miles Iromtliis market to purchase onus good terms here as tho New, York merchants. Parties can order Teas urCd. will be served hv m n. well as though they cauiolhomcejcs, being sure to get original packages true weights and tares j and the Teas ore Warranted as represented, wo issuu al'ricoLI't of tho Company's Teas, Which win uo seui loan who uruer 11 ; comprising Hyson, Young ITyson, Imperial Gun " rioiudcr Twanliay and Skin. OOLONG, SOUCHONG, ORANGE 4c IIVSON PEKOE, Japan Tea ofevcjy descriiition, colored and unrolor cd, This list tins each kind of Tea divided into four Classes, namely; Cargo, high Cargo. Fine, finest that everi alio may understand from description and the prices annexed that the Company are dctcrini ncd to undersell tho wholoTizi trade. Wo guarnnteo toselt all our teas at not over two cents (Ul cents) per pound above cost, believing this iu ui: uiirii:iivu iu uiu many wuuuavc ncrclolurc Dccn paying enormous proms. CHEAT AMERICAN TEA COMPANY, IMl'ORTfcns sd JonsLP.s, No. 51 Vcsey Street, New York. Sept. 12, IEG3-3uio. FANCY FURS FANCV FURS'! John Farclra, 718 Arch Street, below 8th, outh side, Philadelphia. Importer, Manufacturer of nnd Ihinlnt- in nil 1..;,,,1 "T-iSi FA.WV FU1IS! 3J3ii$r for lLadics' and Children's wear. I wish to returh fnythanks to inv 'friends of Colum bia nud tho surrounding comities, for their vory liberal patronage extended to me during the last few years, and would sayto'tlieui that I now have in ktorc, of my own importation, and manufacture a vry extensive as sortment of all tho dilfereut kinds mil iunlltics nf i ancy 1 ens lor i.auic? anil i:iiuurcn, will oo worn during the Fall and inter seasons. Being the direct Importer of all my from En. I roue, and havine them all imiiiuf.icturcd under mv own i Supervision enables me to oiler my customers and tho punnc ii inucii nanusomer Tsci ru i urs lor tne same money. Ladies irlea'sc'clvs me a call before purchas ing I Please remember the name, number nnd street. JOHN FAREIllA, N'0. 718 Arch Strlet, Philadelphia. Sept. 12, ie03.-'3ino. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Estate of Uenneville K. Folic, dec' el. LETTERS nf administration on Hie Estnto of llehhc vlllo K. Folk.latc of llomlock twp Columbiaco.,(icc'(i., iiavcbccii granted by the Itogistcr of Coliimtiiaco.,to the undersigned; all persons having claim againsltlic es tato of tho decedent are requested topresent Ihcmla Iho timlcrsignc4, nt 1 is residence iu said township, without delay, unil all persons jiidobted to make pay mem forthwith, JACOB HARRIS, Adm'r. Aug. 23, IEG3-0W S'J. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Alexander Mcars,elcceased. LETTERSof Administration on the Estate ofAlcxau e'er -Menrs, late of l.ocutt township, Columbia coun ty, deceased, have been granted by thu Register of Co lumbia county, to the undersigned, residing in Locust township Columbia county, all persons having claims ngalust'tlie Estate of the decedent are repiesleii 'tb pre', sent triuin to tlio Administrators, without delay, and all persons 'indebted to make payment forthwith. PETER K. IIERBEIN, JOHN YEAGElt, Jr Aug. S3, 1803.-GW J2 00". Adm'rs. ADTlINISTlTA'rOR'S N"0 I I'OE. Estate oj Franklin Mcliride, elec'el. LETTERSof administration on the Estate of FrankHn Alcllride, lato of Hemlock tw p., Columbia cfi decld. haVc been granted by tho Register of Columbia CO., to the uiidcrslened ; all persons having claims HcainsttMo estntu of thu dCcdeut'are remiehted tofre'sent Ihtm to tho Administrators at their residence in said town ship without delay, and all persons indebted tb make payment forthwith, HUGH D.AIcBRlDE, Adm'r. August 8, JP03. I'm- 2 OU. ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. Estate ol 11. H. Holland, dee'd, LETTERS of administration on tho Estnto of II, II. Hogeland, liite of Locust twp , Columbia county, deceased, havo been gtanlcd by the Regi-tcr of Columbia county lo the undersigned ; alt persons havlng'claims against 'the estate of the dece dent are r.'iiested to present lb; in to ihe administrator lit his re.i.len'cu ill said township, without delay, and all persons indebted to make payment forthwith. P K. I1EUBE1N, Adm'r. Augint 8, TO-Ow. S3 00. UlsisOU 1 10X OF i'AlsTXERSIIU'. THE co partnership heretofore existing between tho undersigned, trading and .Merchandizing iu .Muiu vilb', Columbia county, under tnu firm of Ki igliiiril & Nuss, was dissMVcdon the 15th of June, lt?G'J, by niu ...'nl ..,....,.. t Tin, 11.,.. ba V...nd A.t...a (. .. '.,.1., Into firm, aro now in ilia bauds of Air. Keighard, in thu h'tore, for Innneitiiito seltieinent. All persons interes ted will please call and settle. G HO. P. REIGIIARD, CHARLES NUSS. AlnlHvllto, Aug, 8, 16G3-0W S3 Ou. TEACHERS WANTED. " APPLICATIONS will bo received by the Board cf School Directors, at tho Academy in Uloomsburg, for TEN (10) Teachers, for the Winter S.hools of Bloom District, oa Saturday, Sept, 'Jbth, Jt-tiS, at IU o'clock, A. M at which tiuic and place Iho loamy superintendent will meet examining applicants, tc, .. J. J. RltO W EU, i'tc'y. Bloomsburg, Sept. 19, 18G3. LAST NOTICE. I will ho in Jcrsoytown on tho Election day, October 13th. All persons indebted to my Father by Nolo or Book account, aro earnestly requested to meet me on that day and pay their respectivu dues. This notice will positively be the List. rodl'EU AlcCAY. Sopt 19, 1303. ESi'RAY. ft A ME to th: premises of tho undcrslcned. in Alnn. tour township, Columbia county, about ten weeks since, TEN SUEEP. Tho owner of said Pheep arc reuei tt'il lu enmu forwiiril. trnvo nronertr. or pay charces and tnko them nwnv. HENRY GiGER, Ocpt. 11, 1C63-SJI kv, bliss! OP 1 VALUABLE HEAL ESTATE. , THE subteiibsrs will offer at Public Psle, en the ntf rnlses, near lliebl's llotd, In EsitDuffslo township', Union county, P., on, Satuiiday, OoronER lOxn, 1803, t 10 o'clock, A. M onl-hiJf Ihi Intlrest in fk fniitl. tied farm of tha.lao Andrew IlsfsnbucJl, coitslning 160 ACRlES, Inoro or less, insitly limestone soil, cleared ill eiwpt Ing two or three seres, well Mined, and In good state of cultivation. The Improvements are n large km. TWO STORY BRICK HOUSE, A DANK BARN by-W frnt, logelher with nil tho newn ty outtuild- vii me pmiuperiaiin a rOUJV.G ORCHARD with rood fruit of all kinds. Persons wishing; Turihcr information, mar lnnulra n'r Hamucl l.andback, on the premises. If desired by either p-Vrly, tho wholofarm will be put ut, Tciims made known at sale, ANDREW C. IIAnENnUCIt, e . . ,r SAMUEL lIAaENIlUCII, Eept 13, IfM. F.itcutort. XCf l)cmtc'at. Illooinsburir. eonv ,br tvAAb ..t send bill to Lewisburg Chronicle. House and Lot FOR SAB-iE CIIEA.JL T'T' H'l',c"f"cd oK" i" ,0" " ptlvato sale, a de I sirable and nlcasant reslitcnro InrntwH in. tk. Street, Columbia co about i miles North of Blooms burg, on Mnln Street, and central In said Vfllsgo. There is erected upon said premises a good j FUA.UK DUELLIA'O H0IISt jtffi ! with a well flttcd ftore House attached, with MliUL an excellent well of water nt ihn rinnr. .1 and Iruit trees nnd all ntliur necr.stnrvfnr,vnniAnna 1- a high state of cuftlvntlon. Tlio flora House and stand are of tho first order, and present an excellent and eligible opening for the Mercantile buiin.'ss. The building has an open glass front, under handsome awn ing and encircled by thriving shade trees. . emu pruijiTiy w 111 uo soiu at n nargain, or exchanged for a small furm or other rcal 'estate. , . . ALFRED MOOD. Light Ptrcct, Aug. 9, 1803. National Foundry. BLOO.MSHURO, COLUMBIA CO., 1A. rllE subscriber, proprietor of tho above named ex. tensive establishment, la nnrii ti.onnraH In orders for . All Kinds or Machinery, for Collcries, Illast I'urnnces, Stationary Engines, Mills THRESHING MACHINES. &C. 40. He is also prepared to make Stoves, all sizes and patterns, plow-Irons, and everything usually made In tirst-class t oiiinlrles. Ills extensive facilities and practical workmen, war. jnntt him in recsivlng the largest contracts on the most rcnsnuablu terms. ID" drain of nil kinds will bo taken In exchange for castings. E3- Tills establishment Is near tho Lackawan na lilObinsburg Railroad depot. PETER BILLMEVER. Dlaomsburg, Sept. 12, I60J. WAX 6:H;i:.S-f Jcwciry and S'ilvc'r-tf'arc. ri'HE undersigned would respectfully invite your l 1 tclition tu his well selected stock of I'lne Gold nnd Silver Watches. Uno Gobi Jewelry, of every kind aud variety of styles-comprising all of the newest nnd most beautiful designs. Also. Solid Sliver Wnre, cqunl to Coin-nnd tho best make of Silver Plated Ware. Each article is warranted to be n represented. t7" Walches of Jonlry carefully repaired and rat isfuctlon guaranteed. JACOB HARLEV, (Successors to Htautn-r ft llarley,) No. G84 AIacket St., Puil'a. Sept, 5, 1S0.1 ,1m. ROSEMONT CEMETHY. "Time is Money." fl AS It not been fully demonstrated, tint il is great ful. 1J. IV towalt until vou haven friend dead. before vou j goto look after a place of iu rial ; t licit ore you lcal pro; will as likely get a bad shape or bad size lotas good and desirable one. Rnsemount Cenietry company offers a great many nice located lots for sale: and now whilst you and your family aroln health is tho time to select .1 iotaud put itju order, by calling on the undersigned you can be accompanied to the ground, examine them and as ecrtaln the cost, I. W. HART.MAN, Treasurer Blominsburg,Scpt.l2. ItiC3. 3 in AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT nLOOMSlllRG, COLU.MI.IA CO, I'A. E7"FARTICCLr. ATTENTION UiVCJC 1 0 PATFNT nIOIIT8.3 September 5, lGJ-3in. ADMINISTRATOirS NOTICE: Estate of Jenmi'ih A". Hess, decl, Letters of adminittrution do bonis non qu on the estate of Jeremiah K. Hess, late of Centre township, Columbia county, deceased, have been gran, ted by the Register of said county to the undersigned ; all persons having claim" against the estate of tho de cedent arc requested lo present them to Iho Adminis trators without delay, and all persons indebted to make payments forilmith. GEORGE K. II ESS, Centre, JOHN W. HEISER. Scott, Administrators da bononis non. Sopt. 12, ISra-GwS2 Agricultural Notice. ! w .1 THE, Horticultural aud. Mechanical Society will hold their Eighth Annual 1 Fair, on Thursday, Friday, & Saturday, THE 15th, lGtlifc '.7th DAYS OF OCTOBER, ief.3. on tlio grounds of the Society, near Bloomsburg, Pa. By order of the Executive Committee. L. B. RUPLll I', Secretary. Illflomsblflg,ept. 12, I8G3 ESTRAY. Come into the premises of tho un-j deriieneil. residiue in Locust township, , tuear iMiiueiiiu, nn or anouiiiietuii oi Aiigu.t.n stray Cpw, supposed to be about 'J years old, brindlc and while. The owner is requested to provo property, pay charges, nhd tako her away, or sha will bu dispuspd.of as the law directs. JOHN 11ILLIU. JR. Sept. IU. Idd3. 3w. $1 NOTICE. THE underiignud, respectfully ia forms his old friends and new customers, that hu will continue thu Mercantile Husiucss, . , , at the Old Stp.nd. in Jcrsrytoun, to which bo hits added A SELECT jmit'A- OF ATM'. OOODS. tnwhicli tho attention ofcustomeis and tho public is invited, J.N. MILLER. Jerieytnwn. Sept. 13, 1803 - 3ui. SAMUEL KNORR; ATT0B W BYAT"LAWf dLoomsburg, pa. AlrurARY Russisesj atiendeo to 1'ii'omptlt OFFKFiTn Chu'rt lloute Alley, under Democrat rji'cs itugust leujblil. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. 'IM1E partnership heretofore existing bstween the nil .1. derslgueil, ini rchaiidizing under the name and UtiH ot Miller If Swisher, ill Jersetnwii, was dissolved liy mutual consent uu mo iinoreepicmncr, icoj. tu per sons Indebted to tho late tirm w ill pie tse cell and set tle. The Uooks, Itc. will remain iu thu Sloro, for & Bhuit time fur settlement, . . . , J N AIILLnR, A. H WISE Ell. Jcrseytown, Sept. 13, 18G3-3n. tij : Li BRICK FOR SALE I TlIEuddersigpcd has on hand a lot of well Burned Brick of great variety for sale. All persons who wish gooauncK stioiim apply at once. rrM. .iir,.. ..... ii ROBERT B. ARTHUR. Bloomiburg, July, S3. 1803-31. TEACHERS WANTED TWO good School Teachers inCnnynghain township, Columbia county. None but thoso with gqod cer tificates need apply j to such good salaries w ill be paid Sthouls lo commence about tho first of September. J. J. llOAtil.AND, Suty; Conyngliam twp., Aug, 88, 1803-Sw $1 00. SPECIAL NOTI 'E. ALL persons indebted to the lata firm nf Miller Ever. .Merchants in Bloomsburg, are hereby notl. tied, that the Books Notes and Aicogutsi.f said flrlil aro in tho Hturn for collection, and, miul bj scttlsd btr the hrst of October w About respect to those concarnti. ' . ,lr l. MILLEU k EVM. Bloomiburg, Anguit IS, l!65 I'm t II
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