Farmers Dcpartmont. FACTS AHOUT APPLES. Yo liavo an old npptc troo which was revived by trimming and grafting it with Ualvvin soions fourteen years nco. It lias been greatly neglected, and was fast run ning to ruin when the work of renovation was commenced. Tho trimming and grafting proooss was not dono at oneo,but judiciouly continued throught three years. juuriDg una time mo swaru was dug up , and pulverized, nnd tho soil for a diameter ot twenty feet about the tree was manured and dressed two or three times with wood ! ashes, Tho manure was slightly dug in when applied, The now graft began to bear moderately the thrid year ; and grad ually increased, until in 1800 thoy gavo U3 seventeen barrels of npplcs. Iu 1801 thoy yielded only a peek or two, and the present vear. 1803. twenty one barrela. ! ' . , . , ,. I musk 01 wuicu wcro mcuium 3izcu,marKCi able apples 1 Another tree, which had scarce a sound limb upon it, was renova ted at the same lim?. This however, produceod tho Iluut Kusset apple, and did not need grafting. The dead wood was cut away, tho top thinned a liitlc, and a mound of good soil raised a foot in height about tho trunk. The grouud under tho branches was dressed with ashes and old composts, about every other year lor six year, lho tree commenced bear ing tho summer succeeding the care be stowed upon it, and has averaged about two barrels per 'year since. These apples were especially valuable, as it was the only ireo on tho place that furiiithed any fit for family use. By considerable pleasant care, and a moderate expense, wo have been enabled to gather this year about ono hundred and twenty five barrels of very fine apples, New England Farmer. MILDEW ON GRAPES. I noticed iu a latter i.-sue of tho Coun try Gentleman an arlielo headed "Mildew on Exotic Grapes." In a conversation tritl, f!, . i.. ... I i uumjii niuu jjinnvi, nt; sia- i.T . I T.. . . . . ieu mat; powuercu jimc, sprinKleu on grapes and leaves when mildewed, was a sure remedy and preventive. He stated that he had seen it tried in Germany as well as in this country, aud always with complete success. Out of a viuoyard of three thousand vines this season, I noticed but three on which the grapes mi'.dcwed, All of those which mildewed stood over drains which had become partially stop ped. Beneath two of them tho drain was opened, when the mildew gradually disap peared, These were the To-Kalon -and the only To Kalon which I ever saw mil dewed and tho other an Isabella. The drain being untouched, lhe grapes were entirely destroyed. A Catawba, standiug over the same drain, and not six feet from tho Isabella, was uninjured. In my opin ion the Catawba, is hardier than the Isa bella and the To Kalon hardier than cith er, never winter, liilli:.g, bearing every season large lino clusters of a delicious flavor keeps well, and ripens earlier than the Isabella. E. A. K-, King's Fer ry. Country Gentleman. How to Increase a Farm. Rev, S. King, in a recent address to the fanners of California rebukes what ho calls their ''lust for immenso ranches." He tells them that if they have fifty more, they hhould anuex tho fifty that lio beneath those that thoy already own, and gain their title to them by the use of a subsoil plow. This is good advico, applicablo in nil localities,. as a man had belter increase his estate by thorough culture, than by merely increasing its superficial area. Country Puddino. Mix the yolk of 3 eggs smoothly with three heaped table spoonsful of flour; thin tho hatter with new milk till it is of tho consiktcnoy of cream ; whisk the whites of the eggs sep arately, stir them into tho battor,and boil the pudding in a floured eloth or basin for an hour. Before it is served, cut the top , l.-.o !. t,.,.ii quickly in cross bars, pour over it a small -e i . l poi oi ruspuurry or Mru wuei ry juiiy or jam and send quickly to table. A Sure Cure For the Apple Hark j Louse. Say to the readers of tho Rural j that Petroleum (Seneca Oil,) will hill the apple bark louse. There is no fail or uncertainty in this remedy. Dont't forget it. Apply it now, as it will kill the new growth duiing summer. O. T. Hoiius, Randolph Pa. To Dry Sweet Apples. Bako as for the tablo. then drv iu a brick oven. Thev , i i i . i i -i i may be soaked, beatCCl, water UriCll away, and restored very nearly to tho condition of a fresh haked applo. Stewed in moro eyrup, they mako a much richer sauce than the common dried apples. ! POLIBU papers 6a'S that Count Joseph Gurowski, brother of Count Adam Gurow ..... ski, and ono of the leaders in tho Polish insurrection, has been taken prisoner and thrown into a dungeon in tho citadel of Warsaw. RisqwonMS A salve mado of hard' soap (called by some rosin soap) and gin ger, rubbed on ringworme, will kill them. Miller's Store. FRESH ARRIVAL or Spring & Summer Hilir. subscriber Inn Just returned from llio Cities X with nnnthcr large and select nisortntet of Siii'iiiir ami summer (slooris, purchased nt Philadelphia, nt tho lowest figure, and j which tlicy nro determined to sell on nsiuodcrato terms ! I as rnn In' procured elsewhere In Illoomiburg. Ills i stork comprises I ladies' noons, of choicest styles nnd latest rashlon. DllY auODS, AXU alWCF.IUF.S, ItHilHI'llir. (lUF.KX'HAnF, I cf.dar wahi:, iiui.i.vir nviitu mo.v, xau.s, jiuots sjiofm HATS 1( CAPS, A.e., eye., yc In short cvnrytlilnE usnntly kept In country Stores o wlili li lie Invito 1 lie public generally. The Highest price paid for country produce. CI Tt MIT t T.MJ nioomsburg, April 1?, ipox' E. k II. T. NTIIONY, M ANUFACTUII BUS 01' PIIOTOG U A 1' II I C M ATERI ALS, 501 Broadway , New York. CABD PH0T06EAPHS. Our Cntntnsue now embraces cnulder.ililv over four 1 thousunii different subjects (to ivhlcli nddltlnus nro con tinually ucing mane) ni rortraits ot i;niinctit vmrri I rnns. etc.. Iz : 72 .Mnlnr-GnnLr.ili. 1!U llllt! .Generats. Coluncls, el I.icut.-Unloncls. uo? other oincors, ui Nuvy Olliccrs, 52o Statesmen, 127 1)1 Iocs, 1111 Authors, :tu Arti'ts, 112 Stage, 4U l'romiiicu t Women, Hi Prom inent I'orcigu rortraits. 2,500 Gipie of Works of Art, Including reproductions of the m oft celebrated Engra-, vines, Paintings, Statues, &c. Catalogues sent on re. ' ceipt of stamp. An order fur onu dozen pictures from ' our Catalogue will be filled on receipt of 51.hU, nud sent by mail, free. photoghaT'iiio albums. I Of those we m.iHiifnrtiire n great variety, ranging in price from SO cents to each I Our Albuun have tho reputation of being superior in beamy and durability tu nny others. The smaller kinds can bo sent safely by mall nt a postage of six , cents per oz. '1 he more expensive can bo vent by cx-1 pri'ss. t'e also kocp a laro assortment of Stcrcscopcs nnd , Stercscopic views. Our Catalogue of these will In sent to nny luhlre-s on reeeipt of stamp. II. k II. T i Anthony, Manufacturers of Photographic .Materials I 501 Hroadwny, New York I friends or relatives of prominent military men will confer a favor by sending us their likenesses to copy, Th"y will bo kyit cnitfully nnd returned uninjured. Pino .Allium made to order for congregations to pre sent to their I'.istur, or for other purposes, with suita ble Inscriptions, kc. i August 2J, leU.'l-Giu. fm MANHOOD ol&lfey Uciv Lost! How Restored ! ! Just published In a sealed nnvelnpe : Trice 0 tts. A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment, and Unheal Curs of Spermatorrhoea or Seinlnnl Weakness, S.xuel Debility, Nervousness, nnd lnvoluiitarj Umis slun, Inducing Impoteucy, Consumption, an I .'Mental t'hysicul Debility, by Hubert J. Ciilverwoll, M. I). The important fact that tho awful consequences of self-nluMs may be effectually removed without internal mcuicincsor tne dangerous application ot cautucs.iu mcuicincsor ine oangtrous nppiicaiiou in caucucs, in- . ttruinents, medical bougies, and other empirical devi- ces, is liero clearly demonstrated, and tho entirely ntiv , and hiirhlv successful treatment ns adopted hv the eel lurateu .'minor, tuny uxpiameu, ny means oi wuirn every one is enabled to cure himself perfectly, nud nt I the least possible mst, therein- nvolding nil the ndver-1 tiscit riostrnms ot tnu day, -iiiit ledure will prove a uoou to luojeauds anu ttiousamiSi UIIAS. J. C. KMNn. k Co: 127 Ilroadway, New York, Tost Ollicn box, Aug, 15. leKI. Nov, 1, lfO'J.) JQHN 0. YE AG Ell, MANUTACTUltEll ic WHOLESALE DEALER IN SQUATS, CAPS, STRAW GOODS, BONNETS AND ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, No. 257 North Third Street, Phila'd. Nov. !W, ldCJ. GIBSON'S DEO NATIVE ESTA BM IIMEST, Mo, 125, South Eleventh Street near V; jint, Lliameled Glass, Fresco, Oil and Encaustic I'aintin John Gibson. January IS. Idtil 3m.. G, II. Giuos. 8 J& c, mWiWBM-&Ww Attorney at Law, BLOOMSBURG, PENN'A. Oyics : 11 the Exchange Hotel, Main it, Hfpfesr io lion. John Walls. Lew Uburz. Pa. William Cameron, President of tho Low isbutg llank. J. II. Packer, President of the Northumberland lianK llloonisburg, June -J", 1?U3. ly. ELI I10LDEN INVITU-s tho attention of every 1 this paper, which includes many reado thnus of his old patrons and aciualntanrea To UA& uiiujually large and beautiful varity AJIEr.ICAN and IMPORTED WA'ICIIES, CLOCKS and elegant designs of JEwELRY. Silver Ware,&c ELI HOLDEN. 708 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA nrch 7, 1EC3- 15m JAMES H. SMITH,'oirrai a.w wiwlesau: vi:a.i:ii I N BRANDIES, WINES, WHISKEYS, GINS, AND LlUUOItS, GENERALLY. A'o. 33 Walnut Hts , between 3t ij- 4th PHILADELPHIA C. II. 1IEN-UY, Traveling Agent and SaUsmun. K3 OnnF.ui UtsrecTriiLLT Souuim. N'nvfinheriiJ, Ifcb'.'.-y- 2lmciican otcL (Opposite Inufcnnenic Hall,) 0 11 ESTN UT STREET. 1! ET W E EN V I l"ll I & SIXTH, P111LAI) F.I.P1IIA. W Y ATT U II EIJ LINOS. Proprlitort. November 30, 1PC11. .Ylurth 13. lr!58 'LIGUI' & 1 Uhh 1, Columbia county, Fr rplin undersigned lias located ut tho above niiinrr 1 0.,, formerly occupied by Peter schug, and sour ' its a share of nubile natronaii'. i Gu0ll BceomtnoJatlui for man and beast, Hi beet kind of liuuors at tho bar. J. D. April II. 1503- RICE Proprietor. JOHN S. LEE ct CO., NnO, NORTH WHARVES, Philadelphia. EtOaH illABCIEitES AND SHIP CHANDLERS, Spun Cotton for Caulking, Ropes, Twines, Tar, Pitch, Oakum, llloiks, and Oars, fcc Augunt 4, leiiu- l.'in. BUNDS AND SIMDEb. BJ. WILLIAMS, No, 10 North Sixth street, Phlla- dc-lphia. manufacturer of Tu itian ISIiuds and Window Shades i C3 Th3 largest and finCFt assortment In the city, at tho lowest prices. Ulin.U painted and trimmed eWl iu new. rcioiu ciiuav iiiuuu uuu leiieieu. April L lcti3.-tni CHOLARSIIII'S FOR SA1.L'. Pitliburgh Conimerclul College, llinghaiuptin " " Crittenden's - Philadelphia. Siratton, llrvant k Co.. ' Thes Scrips, uro luainounti of SIS and 50 and nro s so much cash, by tho Student on i Hiring either ofth i 1 above Colleges. Young mdn desiring toobtuln a tluiih ca uonegiu e i., idlicatiun. will hero find n pond snccul.i tjon by applying ut the office ofthn Nov. J. left!, COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. FlllSIIJltmi & HIIOTUKKB. WHOLESALE TOBACCO DEAL ERf IsO.10S,NOnTII TIIIIIU STUEET Plve door ibelow Race, PHILADELPHIA BLA.NKSI BLANKS! ! Of every description, for sals at this office WeW rOOd$J FOR EVERY BODY. TERMS CASH OR PRODUCE. Jusl come tnC nnd V Krcnmer's Store, In Jcrcy lown, fa, where you willtlnd nil kinds of Dry floods t sucii ns Ladies Dress Goods, Prints, Muslius, Ginghams, , Flannels, Iloisory, fe'liawls ko, Groceries. Qnecnswarc, Hardware Ccdarwaro, Tin-ware, And Drugs. Fish, Meat, Salt, Flour, Tobacco, Scgars, Hats, Gaps, Hoots, & Shoos, IRON AND NAILS. In short, ever) tiling Hint Is generally Kept In a ceuu t ry store, ore. III sell you Roods nt f.ilr prices find toko nil No Hi II xc rou coods nt f.ilr n kinds of produce: ns pny such ns flutter. Eggs, (linln. Lumber. Shinnies. (Ink nlniik. mul In I net nnvthlntt that nny body else will buy and sill nscht up ns can lio sold In Ihc country. Wc will uotbe undersold by Jew or Gclllcs, Como then ono and all, judge for your selves. Uring your trade, but don't ask for trust. C & W KRHAMER. Jerseylown, Mny 3, lfcG3. THE NEW CUIOCHUY ST011E. I MORE FRESH GOODS. I Just 'cceived at Erasmus Hew Store. Mohisics, , Sugars, ' Teas, ! . Coffeo llico, i , S)ieos, I Iiarrs and Caps, Fish, Salt, Tobacco, Segars, Candies, Razens, FEED AND PROVISIONS. Together with a grent vnriety of notions nnd etcete ras, loo numerous to mention. C?llutter, V.ggt, ilent and produec generally taken in exchange for goods, A. 1), ERASMUS. nioomsburg, Slay 9- 18C3. First Great Arrival. errtiNG goods in oranoevii.i.i:. TIic undersigned, hn, Just replenished his Store lloiisciii Orangcvillc, with a wcll-telcited asssrotiuciit f SPRING k SUMMER GOODS Consisting in part of Cloths, Silks, Muslins, Cnssl mere, (iinghams, Calicoes, Shawls, llo.-lcries, Carpets and I.adu.s' 1'ani v Drkss Gooiu, generally, from K' tu 7 jets and Prints from li toilets. j i-,irir i r li nr A'nnTATn U H 71 I I V VI A ) H, ( ,( ) H IV l-r tt-lJi-L -L' Li UUU1UI1 U . Hats. Hoots & Shoes Mackerel Molaasses, Sugar A. Salt. GIlOCEltlES GENERALLY. With all other nrtlles. usually kept iu country St 'res, to w lilch he invites the early attention of old nnd lew customers. Ilaing been lit the Citv in the right iimo bought low nnd paid cash he will bo able to com icto with Uiehi"-t, mid sell for small profits nnd prc'-npt pay. Ills friends arc invited to pop in and sec tho sights. V.M 1 ltlT. Grangcville, May 2, lSC3.-3:u Latest btilo lowest prices. JUST Received a new assortment of latest stylos of J7 all Paper i ncluding Barriering, and Ceiling Pnner. nnd a central variety of material in his line, which will be found on tho SECOND I'l.OO iniuedl- ntely over tho store of .Mr. I. T Sharpless, entrance one oix.r ( u-i in i.uizes urug cioro hi me ituperi lllock, w here all persons wishing goods iu his line w 111 bo iiltcuucu to, iu person' ai at nil times. EST Pupcr llangina iccccutett to order and best style, at shon n'ticc. U. J, 1 ItUH.N IU nioonioburg. MnyD, 1EG3 -3m FORK'S HOTEL Boamsburg, Columbia County, Penna. 5L.IAS DODSON) Proprietor. rlikespleasure inannouiHing to the public that he J hnstaken nnd thoroughly refitted tho Porks Hotel fcruierly oecupied by llobert llagcnbiich, Uloomsliurg, nud is prepared In accomodate travellers, teamsters, drovers and boarders. IKs tablo will be supplied with bust products the markets atlord, and his Unr will be coiiktantly furnishd with the choicest li'iinrs, PTA large andcoiuniodioiiH stable has been erected, with a cenvenient stable attached. Attentive ostlers will alum a bo innttendnuce, and lie trusts his idili'-ins attention to customers will tecuruliiin u liberal share of pationage: Ulooiueburg, Pa...Vov.SD. 1602. j. r. i.vur.. L. n, Movea, N-EW Drug Store, WIIOLKSALE AND RETAIL rpHE undersisned w ould infuru- their friends nnd tin. X public generally, that they tinvp taken the stand for merly occupied by t.eo. .M. Ilageubtiui, iu tlie Exihaugu llmlding, on Main street, iu llluomsburt', wheru liu lias Just received a full 6itpply of Ds'ii, Mt diciiius, Painty mils, Lamps, &c , Which will be sold on moderate terms for ready pay. Also, NOTIONS generally, of every variety, Borland size. l'hysiciaiii,' preemptions carefully compounded, at all nines nud on short notice. Q" Confectionciy of the best selections, and Soda ater iu season. LT" A shaic of the public custom Is respectfully so liciled. EYER &. MOVER. Cloomsburg, April 11, leG3. SELECT St,'iraOjL. MISS ELEONORA J. LESCIIEU, WILL open a Select School in tho llascmcnt of the Reformed Chiirrli, iu llloom.burg, on .Mimilay, tho Tenth of Augut, It OH. Tlie School will be divided into throe classes, vt : PIlfMAltV- Including children Just commencing, price per (luartcr of 11 weeks, iJJ ou. .W.'MWIWMTV-J-Inctuding Heading, Writing, Spell ing, and those cnniliieneii.g (ieography, Crammar, aud Written and Mental Arithmetic, pricu per (luartcr. S'J Ull. (7.7(-Iucluding Reading, Writing, Spelling, Gram, mar, (Ieography, Hi. lory of the United Stales, and Written met . tlltal Arithmetic, SI Ik). Lessons iu the Ornamental branches, viz Italian and (irecinii Oil Painting, Drawing, Needlc-wn-k, etc., at extra charges. Persons wishing to hate Hair-Work done, mrh nu Hub mul Cuard Chains, Rings, er Ear-Drup--. euu lie acrommuuuie'ii. llloonisburg, Pa., Aug. 8, lrt)3-2m II. C. II O W E R, StTROEON DDNTIST. RP8PECTFUI.LY ins profess Itnial services to the Indies and gentle men of liloouuburg unci vicinity. He- is lirenared In utiini! lo all lim vnrioiiM operation) iu the line of his profession, nud is provided w nu ine laiesi improved ruiiL't.uilM Tt.Kru ; w liieh i will be inserted ou gold, plutiua, gilt cr nud rubber base tulookwell as tho miturul teelli Mineral pluto and block teeth luniiufnctiircd nud all operations on teeth, carefully and properly attended to, uvtiuciice uuu iiliieo u tew uuors ubuto tin.- Court House, same side. llloonisburg, Juno fi. 1SC3. STOVE AND7 TIN-WARE SHOP. 'IMIE undersigned would inform tho citlzeiuor I I llloonisburg nnd vicinity, that he haslust u cived and infers for sale one ol tlii'lnoslextenth u assortments uf COOKlNCand l'AM.'V STCIVIi ever introduced into this market. Tho Christopher Ci Ulnliiw, James Rnlihand (.lobe nro iimniig the first elas cooking Stoves, all of which nro uir-tightuudgus burner His Parlor stoves are liiuid.oino und the ussurtment vt ried. ALSO. Paiticular attention Is paid to Tin-Wan nud House Spouting, upon short notice. All kinds ol repairing will no done wjtli neulncss und despatch. K?" Country produce tuken in exchange fur wink, PHILIP S. MO YEP.. Utoontburg. Alay 10, lbu'.'. JOSEPH FUSSELL, .Manufacturer of .UMBRELLAS, SUN UMBREL LAS and PARASOLS, Nos. 2 & 4 N. 4th St., PHILA'D. March 7. lc-3m. i I $100 REWARD ! Foii a Mf.diojnk that WIT.t. Ouiie covam, IXFLVEY7.A, ri'vcitxa ixtjie tiihoat ivuoopixa-vovait, in cox- sv.MvniT. covahs, as quilicas Ovtr Fire Tliousauil Iloillns have been sld iu lis native town, nnd not n single In' ! stance of Its failure Is know i. We have, In our possesion, any quantity of certifi cates, somo of thcui from uilnent phy.lcinns, who have used It I n their prnctlc nnd given it the pre-eminence over any other lompn ind. It lines dot dry up u cougu, nut loosens it, so ns t - onnuic iiio pniicm in cx pcctorito freely. Two or tin . doses will invariably cure tickling In tho throat. A half bottle has often complctily cured tin. must SlUbliORN COUGH, nnd Jet. though It Is snsur md rpcedy In Its operation it is perfectly harmless, b' purely cgetable. Ills very agreeable to the Inti .i rid may bo uumlnlstcred to children of nny ago. IN OASES OF CROUP wo will guarantee n cure, If taken In scuson, Nu family shoithl be without it. It is within the reach of nil, tho price being ONLY 25 CENTS. And if nti Investment nnd thorough trial does not "back up'Mho nbuvu statement, lie money will bo re funded. Wo say this knowing its merits, mid feel rou nder t that one trial will sccuro for it u'homc in ev,ry housct old. Do not waste nunywlth Coughing, when so small an invest men t will euro you, It limy bn had of nny rc ipeetalilc druggist in town, who w III furnlth you with n circular of genuine certlllintes of cuies it has made O. O. CI, AUK tc CO., Proprh lurs, New lUvts, Ct. tU" At wholesnlc, by Jnlnutnn, llnllnway fcCowden, S3 North filth Street, Philadelphia. I'.i. l'or sale by Druggists in city, c ountry, nud every u hero, Bept.'.'l, IstiU-Cui r1',IIE undcrslgni-irii nrso cvtenslvciy ensaged In the J Uia-rtakinz lluslneis, and keeis constantly on hand nd for .Vie at his Wareroonts, a largo assortment of FINISHED COFFINS, Ily which lie is enabled to mi orders on presentation Also Keeps u good Horse and Hearse, and will at al times be ready to attend Puncrcls. gjl.MOX C. SI11VE. llloonisburg, January S'J. USO Nos. 0,11,13, 15, 17 Couitlandt Street, NEMl 11UOADWAY, NEU" YOP.K CITY. This old-etabllhed and favorite resort of lho!usi-l iicss Community lias been rccutly rehtted, and is com plete in everything that enn uiiHltter to the comforts of its patrons Ladies and families are specially and tare fully provided fur. It is centrally located in tho hit iness part of the city, and is contiguous tu the principal lines of steamboats, cars, omnibusscs ferries, &r. In cniK-cquenco of tho procure caUbCd by the Uebcl liou, prices have been reduced to One Dollar a d Fifty C cuts per Day, 'l ho table is amply supplied with all thu luxuries of the Eoasuu, and is equal to that ol'any other hotel In the country. Ample accommodations aro offered for upward of iQO gue.ts. Do nut believe runners. haekmen, and others w ho may say "the Western Hotel i full." D. D. WINCHESTER, Proprietor. TIIOS. D. WINCHESTER. Feb. 15, IM'.'. GREENWOOD SEMINA11Y. MiHville, Columbia County, Fenn'c, This well know h Fchool fur both sexes will open N()VE.viiii:lt :td, i(vj. Tho recent additions to the boildliurs: render ncciii. odatious for mori' than sixty hoarders. l liocourseot study will cmiiraco ttirco (irparlinop. the Normal, thu cicleiitific, and the Commercial. Tho Principal will benssir-ted by experienced lead ers, fully qualified fur their ropettivo position. Parents and others may rest as-uired that no eflotU will be spared to make the r-chool worthy of patmncp;t and that the welfare of the students, intellectually physically, and murnlly, will receivoourtoustautrai-o l'or uppticntiun, circulars or further particulars, at press the undersigned, ut .Milluilh' rnliiiiiliia county l i T. MAXWELL PO'ITS, JOHN II. PATTON, A..M., Principal. Millville. Ta., Sept. El, 1EC2. NEW JERSEY HM)S FOR SALU, ALSO, GARDEN AND FRUIT FARMS, Suitable for flrapes, reaclies, Pears, Raspberries, Strew berries, Illackbeirles, ('urn lit-, &.C., of I. i!i 5, 10 oa -JO acres each, :u lho following prices for the present, via: !M acres lor SidU. 10 acres forSII0,.'i acres for SU), i!i acres for S10, 1 aero for S-0. Payable by one dollar n week. Also, good Cranhury InncK and village lots in Cheat wood. 2.1 by loo feet, at $10 each, payable by ono dnl lur a week. Tho above land nnd farms, nro situate n i.'licntwnod, Washington township, llurlingtnn cou ut v New Jersey, l'or further information, apply, with" P.O Stamp, for a circular, to II. 1'ltANKLIN CLARK, No. DO Cedar Street, New York, N. Y. January 17, l-t.3. rpilE Proprietor of this well-know n and centrally lorn i ten House, niu i.uiiimu: ihiiki,, niuate nu anil, Street, iu lllootihurg, immedinlely -puosito the Coluui bi.i County Court lluuse.rcspecltuliy iAfonns his friends und thu public in general. Dial his House is now in or , dor for the reception uudeutertaiuiuiut uf travelers who may leel disposed to favor it with their iiislom. Ho lias spared lin e.ipeni-e in preputiug tlie Emiiimio, for tho entertainment of his guests, neither shall there he any. tliiiiL- wanting Ion his part) tn minister to their personal comfort. His house is spacious nud enjoys uu excellent , business location. In- Omnibuses run at all times between lho Exchange 1 Hotel and the various Rail Road Demits. In- which true. olers will be pleasantly contcyed to und from tho re. spcclive etatlous in duo time lo meet Ihu Cure. ; W.1I. II. KOO.NS. llloonisburg, July 7, 1600. Yii'wFAlii vims. I TMIE Rubscribcr has iust received a lot a Hosiery Trimmings and New Uoods. sucli as I 2 03 IP m V Hi S o ALSO: GLOVES, DOLLS. bTAYS. SATCI1ELL. I HOOP SKIRTS, I'OIIT.MOMES, AND OTHER NOTIONS. VJ Wheeler k. Wilson's Sawing Machines for sale. Also Sunday School Uooks und liihles. Also Mrs. Allen's Hair Restorer, whiih will give to gray its natural color. A. I). WEIin. Next Door below Couit Houeo. Illoonubiirg. Mny HO, leKI. TINWARE k STOVE SHOP. THE undersigned repeetfully Inforius his ud friend and customers, that ho has purchased his brothers merest in the ubovo establishment, uudtlio concern wils herialti-r bo conducted hy himself exclusively. lie lias JUst received unit oilers lur tale, the larg- est and most extensive ussoitineut of i'ANCY STOVES ever Introduced into this market. Ills tnck consists of n rnmulctc assortment of I he best Cooking nud parlor stoves in lhe market, togeih I i-r with Stovo l'ixturcs of i-vi rj .lescriptinn. Oven nud , ilox Stoves, Rndiulors, Cylindnr Stoves, Cast Iron Air , Tiglil stoves, Cnuuon Stoves, &c, Inc. Stowplpo ami I Tinware constauily on hand nnd manufactured order. ' All kinds of repairing done, us usual, on short notice. I The patronage of old friends nud new ciislnmurs re I peetfully solicited. A. M. RUPEIIT. tuoouiaburg, November Jd ipuu. ti. Priuter, liooldiindcr fc Kaukbook M A NU FA V TORE R ; WllOLtSALK AND Uli I.-.. I. DuxttU IN PRINTING, WRIUN'i i-1" WRAPPINn PAPERS AOtST lOll lltK CATAWISSX 1'Al't ll Mll.l.s. Main Street, first door below lho Public Spuure, WILKESBARRH, PA. Nov. 23, lEOl-lSm, M. k T. I.""WATSON LIVERY STABLE ATTACHED-. UOIlTll StCDMD Si. liETHtlH.VAHItT& Aden. Plllli Not 39, IMS. '-i'U'li;!-.ii- $5 I i m IF YOU WANT TO BUY YOUR Cheap Spring Goods, GO TO (rcasy's Store, in Llglii Sired, Pa. ALL KINDS OF GOODS CAL1COE, MUSLINS, SILKS, GINGHAM, FLANNELS, CARPETS, HOSIERY, SHAWLS lleady-Mtlo Clothing Sugars, Molasses, Syrups, Coffees, Teas, Fish, Salt, Bacon, Hams, Lard, Tobacco, Sfgars, Hats, Boot', Caps, Shoes, Drugs, Oils, Paints, &c., &o. In addition to our large stock of Dry Goods, wo huvo f largo and full assortment oflteady Jlndo Clothing aor ieu and Hoys wear which wo nro cktermlnod to sell cheaper th m can bo bought clsow hero. Cull and tec, ami Jndgo for yourselves. II. W.CUEASY t CO. Light Street, March I, leiiS. " L.Tl!GE A R III I 'A LOF New Spring& Summer AT PETER ENT'S STORE, .v r.iairr srnv.v.T, Columbia cauxrr, pa. AH Ju.-t received from Philadelphia, nnd is now mienlii" nt the old stand litn'v occupied by Martz Ic jut. a splendid assortment uf S3) which will bo sold cheap lor CAFII OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. Ills slockcunsNts of Ladies Dress Goods choicest styles and latest f.ikhious Calicos, Muslins, Ginghams, Flannels, Carpets, Shawls, Hosiery, Kilks, READY MADE CLOTHING. Casaimcrcs, Satinets, Cottonades, Kentucky Jeans, Thread, &c. Groceries, Quecnswaro, Ccdarwaro, Hardware, Medicines, Drugs, Oil?, Paints, Ac, BOOTS & SHOES. HATS Si CAPS. In short my thing uviMiy kept in n country store The patronage of old friends, and the public general ly, Is respectfully so juled. Tlie ini'iic.-i niarKct price pain lor country prouuec. PETER EXT. Light fMrect, .May SO, 18fi3. NATIONAL C0313IE..Q.1L COLLEGES LOCATED IN PHILADELPHIA , P. E. CORNER T I'll AND CHESTNUT STS., Niw York City, Brooklyn, Albany, Troy Buffalo. Detroit, Cleveland, Chicago, and St. Louis, (look. keeping, Penmanship, Commercial Anthinetii Commerrial Law, l'orms, Correspondence, &c, piuct cally taught, Tlieso Colleges being under the samo general and lo. cnl mauagemerit, nnd unitiiiL' in each tho advantage of alt, oil'er greater faeilitieh for imparting iiutruc i than nnv other similar institution in the country. A Selml.iriip issued by any ono isgojd in all fci li unlimited lime. Thu Philadelphia College has been recently'. and refurnished in a tuperior manner, niu' is now fl 1 largest and must prosperous Commercial Institution .1 Hie Slate. I!raut k. Stratton's series of Text Rooks, cmbrnc I'onk-kci ping, ('online rcinl Arithmetic, aud Comuiir Law. for sale, and sent by mail. y l'or full particulars sonJ for a circular. October It?, tso'J- lim. Hon. Wilson McOandlcss, Judge of Hie United Stntes Circuit Court, President. Corner Pctin and St. Clair Street, PITTSBURGH, PA THE LAIttiEST, OIIAPHS'T AND IIEST. $36.00 iays foru lu'l ('ouiuiercinl Course. H3- No extra iluigcs for Slanufuettirers. Mcamboat, and 1! ink Hook-Keeping. Ministers' sous ut half price Students enter and re view at any lime. 'I his Institution is conducted by experienced Teach ers and prartiral Accountants, who prepare young men for active business, nt tho lenst expense and shortest Iluut, for the mo.t lucrative und rcfponsildn lituatious. Diplomas granted for merit only, llenco the universal prifercncu for graduates of this college, by busiuess men. Prof. A. COWLEY, the best Penman in the Union, who holds tile largest number of lirtt premiums, und over all competitors, teaches rapid burners writing, l'or specimens of Peumniiship, and Cnlulnguo cou tuluing full information, nu lo.-e tuentv-Ilve lents to JENKINS SMITH, Principals. Hy Attend whero lho Sons und Clerks of llutiucss Men und Hunkers graduate, April I'd, letiS-ly. April -I, I8G3. EC ndiii 3:ii! SSoad. SUMMER ARRANGE 3d ENT. rtr.ET TRUNK LINE PIIOM THE NORTH AND V.T Nnrthwubt for Philadelphia, New York, Heading, Pottsville, Lebanon. Alleutown, Eastou. A.C., s.c. Truius leave llarriiburg for l'hilucli ttihia. Now York Reading. Pnltsvllle and all iuteriuediatu stations, ut S a. ui., nud '-! p. ui. New vx exptess leaves llarrisburg nt 2.15 a. ni arriving at New York at U 13 tho tame moriiiu". Pares from Dili rlshurg i Tu New York 35 15; tn Philadelphia $3 3J and f$i ("J. lhigguge checked thruuglt, lieturuiug, leave Now York at fi a in,, 12nonn, nnd 7 p. m (Pitttbiirg Express). Leave Philadelphia ut CIS u. 111., ajd 3.30 p 111. Sleeping cars in the New York express trnills.througk to and from Pittsburgh w uliuul change. Passengers by the Catawissa Railroad leave Tam.npia nt S.Sll 11 in., nud I! 15 p m fur Philadelphia, New York and nil Way Points. Trains lenvo I'otisvillo nt 9.15 n. 111., nud 2.30 p. 111,, fur Philadelphia, llarrisburg and New York. An Accommodation passenger train leoves Reading utU.UJa. m , and returns from PhiJadclphi.i al 5.00 p.m. ilj' All the above trams run daily, Sundaes excepted. A Sunday train leaves Poitsville tit 7,30 a. 111., and Philadelphia nt 3.15 p. 111, Cuimuulatlon, mileage, season, nnd excursion tickets at reduced rates lo uud from all points, (i. A. N1COLI.S, May 23, 1S03. (leneritt Superintendent, v.wmm'E HOTEL, P Ull L'C iquAiu:, II'JLKLS-JJAIUU:, PA, rpiiKtini'erilgiicd, having taken this vvell-knnwn stand .. iioriiu-riy ot aiaior ruicriiniigiii, rcmeclluliy sol Ij (foriiic-rlv of Malor PuterbnuL-hi. re.i.ectfollv.oll, its lhe pilrunngo ofiho public. Ihe pitronago of ihe I e'ltlmllltf ie ill hi 1 1, unv r,f ltd .lniir,,, w,, ... I rvii pains win no spnri'U iu any cu us render satisfaction lu all guest. ThuTAllI.E nud iho EAR vvillulwuys ho supplied with tho REST TUP, MARKET AIT'ORDS. K7" Good Stabling fur Horses and attentive Hostlers, Tho "Exchange" is eligibly situated on the Public S'piare, ami has therefore peculiar advantages lu per sons attending Cuurl or doing business in Ihe public offices. Charges moderate, N. tl. Whenever you come to town, pie ie call. li j YAPLE WHkn Dtrtt Nov U, 1563' IM Friends and Relatives. OP THE BBAVE SOLDIERS AWO SA3L0BS. I U0J LOWATS PILLS, I AND OINTMENT. I All who hat o friends nnd Relatives In tho Army or ttnvv .liiiuliltnko imieelnlriiro lliev bo nninly sun- piled with these Pills nnd Ointment I and where, the 1 bravo Koldlers and Sailors havo neglected tn nrovldo , Ihcinsulvrswith them, no belter present can bo sent I them by their l'rlciids. They havu been proved to be tho Soldier's never falling friend iu the Hour or need, comma and colds aitectino troops), Will ho speodly relieved and rflerlunlly cured by !,.., in r,n niliiiirnldp Inrdirillfs. and In' 1' ivllic IHUP'ir utientlnti tu thu Directions which urc attached tu each Pot or Ilox. SIC1C HEADACHES AND WANT OP AP ETITL, INC1DENPAL TO SOLDIERS. Ihoso feeling which so sadden us usually nrlsofrnm trouttic or aunoyanC''S, ou.irutieu pe'ippunuou, or i-ai In" ntul drinking whnteur is utiw holesonie, thus di,. . ili hmltliful in tlun uf the liter and stomach These organs must bo relieved, If Jon deslto to bp Will '1 he rills. niKon accoruing io mu prinifo iiisriuciiuiis, wilt milrklv urudiico a healthy action iu both liver ntul stomach, nnd, ns n unturnl conscUcMce, a clear head nud good appetite. WEAKNESS OR DKRII.ITY INDUCED 11Y OVER I'ATIUUE Will non dlsanncnr by tho nseoflheso Invaluable nn. mul itio Soldier will uulcklv nrnulro additional Btrcuulh. Never III tho llowcls bo t llhcr cnnlincd or uniliilv acted upon. It may seem strange, that llol- Inunv'a Pitts hou d bo recoinniended for llysentcry nnd l'lux, many persons supposing that Ihey would increase tlin ri l.ix.ilion, juts is a great mistaKc.ror these Pills will correct thu liver and stsmath, and Ihus -ri.r- i- .. t:,nvn tm . ti, l , .1 il ml reinnvu all lho ucriil nuniors irom too system. Tins medicine wl!l givu tone nud vigor loth.' whole organic system, hoHotor deranged, HhllJ lu-allli and strength lullow ob a matter of course. Nothing will stun the ro- Invatlon of lho How e s so sure tu this famous medi cine. VOLUNTEERS, ATTENTION I INDISCRETIONS OP YOUTH. Pores nnd Ulcers, lilotihcs nnd Swellings, can with certainty be radically cuicd, if the Pills iirctakeu nlalit nnd inoriiing, nud Ointment lei freely used ns stated In the printed Instruction'. If treated in any tlier imiu iar. they dry up 1 it cue pari Inbreak but iu H hi nns this will reluovo thu huinurs from the sy-tem, nud leave the Patient a vigorous uml healthy man. It w ill require u lilllo pirscvcratieo iu had ca. scs toiuurt1 n lasting cure. l'Oll WOUND.-! ElTIIEIl OCCASIOVP.D I1Y THE IIAYONET SAIIItl.. (lit Till: IIULLEP, tOdIM OR ISRUISEH, To which every S.ddier nnd Suitor nro liable, thero nro no inediiies so safe, sure, nud convenient, ns llol liivvay's Pills ami Ointuieut. '1 he woiimkd and almost dying sull'erer might havu his wound dressed Imme diately, if lio would oiilyproidu himself with this matihless Ointiucnt, w hicli should bo thrust into lho wcutid and smeared all louiid it, then entered with a piece of ltut-ii from his kuapsiu k and rompressed with u handkerchief. Talking, night and murnlug, 0 or B Pills, to cool the system and Prcvoul inllaiuatlon. Every Soldier's Knapsack and Semiian's L'h"st should no prov iiteil w itn tuese vaiuame ueiiieuies. CAUTION! Minn arc genuine uniesJ the wonts i "Ilolloways, New York and Loudon " aro ili-eern.'ilile lluallv ends her career, as a Water-mark lu every leaf of tho book of di ret lions j T T.,-,.m, ,,n. . n .t..,,.,... around each pot or box i lho same may plainly seen by 1 ,. , i'i-ouinj.. ui. V. 1111 LS. holding the leaf to tin liglit. A liandsniue reward will ( , 1 his dlease depends upon an inlhimaiion of mucous ho given to any ono rendering such inforinnlmn as may , lining ol t'.o vagina and womb. It is in all i uses nc lead to lim dttectinn of mi) tiartj or parlies icuiiiter- i companied by severe pain in the hack, uccross tlu felling the medicines or ending lho b.inu;, knowing ! bowels nud through tho hips. A tenspnouful of tho them to b - spurious Soldnt manufactory oi Professor Hollowny, 60 Mladcn Lane. New York, nud by all n-sneclnblo ii'cianie nrug- istsund Dealers iu Medicine, throughout tho civil.ed wo.-ld. in boxes ut '.'. cents, and SI each, UJ" J hero Is cuusidoruble saving by taken tho larger SIZ--S. N. II. Directions for the guidnnco of patients In every disorder aroallixed to each box, Juno '-Ml, lcbil, y. ECONOMY IS JVE A LT H CURE YOUR COUGH FOR 13 CENTS The Oat an I cheapest Household remedy n the I for Id, MADAME ZAUOC 1'ORTEIl's fT.rr.'-. a 3 rT(Titii'S 'P.T1 iTl.-riMTT-Ti'? madami: zaiioc pen- TEK'rf Curative is warranted If un-il ici ordliiff to the directions, li, cuie iu nil rases l'oU2h, Colds, Wlinopne' Cough, Asthma and ull ntl'ei'tions of tho throat aud Ldngs. Madame .nine porter's Pnlsam I- prepared with ull the requisite skill, from a rembinntiou of I In- be.treiu eiliesthe vegetable kiuadoni nll'ords, its remedial iali ties are bared on jis power to ui-eis! the healthy rircii latum at' tlie blood, through lhe I. ungs. It is not a vio lent remedy, but t-ni oilcnt , warming, searching nnd ell" eitivo; can bo taken by tin oldest poison or the young CKtehlld. MadamZn Inc Porti r's bal sam has been in use by tho public for over IS years, find has acorired its present sale imply by being recomtm-n. led by those w ho havo used it lo llieir utllictcd friends aud others. Mot Important. Madame Z.idoc Porter's Curative llnNaui Is sold at a pi Ice winch brings it iu tho reach of every one to keep it coiu'ciiieut for use. The time ly use of a single bottle villi prove to bo worth 100 times its cost. NOTICE. Save your money! Do not he persuaded to purchase articles at Is to 1 which do not i-outain tlin virtues ofa 13 cent bottle ofMalamo Porter's Cu rative llalsam. the cost of manufacturing which is ns great as almost any other medicine ; and the very low precc it which ft isgold, makes the profit to the sell er appa. nilly small, and iiuprlueipnleil dealer vvi'i soinelimes recommend other medicines on whichthr-ir piolits aro larger." unless Die customers iiiri-t upon linvinp Madame Porter's and none other. Ask for Madame Porter's Curative llalsam. pricn Elceuts, and 'n largo bottles nt -.1 oe-its, and take- no other. (C'Sold by nil Driiggi-tsund Storckecperc at Elds. n,.'l iulnrger bottles 111 -!5 cents. HAL', & RUCKLE, Pr prietors, New York. January 21, le03. C R I T T E N D E N ' S I'll IU 111. I'UA ((JMIERCIAL. COLLEGE, N. E. cornet nj 1th and Cheshmt Streets PHILADELPHIA. Tins Institi'tion, which wns established in 1811 nnd is now couscpietitly in the eighteenth year ( lis exist ence, numbers among its graduates, hundreds of the innstsuccessfiil Merehauts and lluslnesj Men of our Country. TitKOrurx'T of lho Institution is solely lo nlMrd young men facilities fur thorough preparulioufiir bitsliuss. Thu DnvMiiiH Tsiciitrnro, Hoot-keeping, ns np'jiilc.v hie to the various departments of trade; PenmanAiip, both plain and nruaiiutitjl ; Commercial laic, Mi' lit mullet, Xarigatton Cu ll Jlugiutcrlng, Drattlng, I Iwn ogorphij, and .Modern Language. TtkSvstkm ovInstri-ution Ispfcullar! nocl.issns or set lessons nro made ii'o of, but each student Is inught iiidiv idunlly, so that he may cnuituencont any time, and attend at whatever hours are most convenient. Cataiiiiues are issued annually nfler the 15th of April containing uniiias uf the students for thu year, and full particulars of term-1, kc . uud may bo obtained at any lime uy nuure-ui uu-1 uucipui. In Exiknsivi: ArrovtynDtunM, vlde-sprcad reputation nud the lengthy eiperienie of ihe, Principal, this Institu tion oilers facilities superior touuy oilier hi the riiuu try. for young men wisl ing to prepare fur business, nud toobtain ut tho same time a hii-i.o.mi, which vill proce a rccommtndalloii for them them lo any Merchan tile House. lT7Cniii.vnKS's 'crirs of Treatises on llooit-Ki:ri'. IM). now uoru widelyciriulatedlh.'in nny other work on the subject, nre fur sale ut the College. S. IIOIHIES CRITTENDEN, Attorncy-at-Law, Jan. 8J.ldOB ,. VarAhi Exclianc Hotel , LATE COL, U. 11. JONtS.J Dock Street, next door to the No, 77 Poit Office Philadelphia ''rhlii well known establishment maintains its usual 1 .1 celebrity, and its well known icpuiutioti of being the best ' irrviMM rvv rnTT-n i,TTi,An., . , . r . . xx-Ji-' x mu IVUJIUI I'JjAiV I fchall be suslniued. IIooiih may he had nt all hours- ' ' K ' l"'r mnntli, rjltr '.". 1'aruml l.nting Depailiiienls ure furnished will . 'u, unit lhe best of cvtrv the best ofcvtrj thing tin mark, t can produce. OA ME, FRUIT. VEGETABLES. nnd delicacies of every clime luuy be had ut a moiue ' notice if Weals at 12 cents and upwnnls. und mays bo had from uablu contenls as must coiihuciiil' proof of the gre at se A. M. till 12utliiibt. (.ViitlpM,,.,, ... ..--.I . nrltv ntl'oriled hi-vour s,it,.tf. 5 tlltlt 1IU exiiense Will liu Nll.'irpil In ,ii,lr, ihi. It...... model one, .T. OTTEN'KMtlv. Prrvnr March 7 lfM-cn 1 ooo fflkWIflTMlHTIIll ITHCS 0123 If IMs&MV FOR THE COWSTfTMTiOW AND Till! roit D I A B E T E S AND DISEASES OP THE Tttte nanitcroiil and Troublesome Dittistt, which havt thus far P.ethlcd the beat directed Treatment can bs Cmptctttg Controlled by the llF.MF.n'Mu leforcutl THIS CURATIVE properties of tho mcdii inc- dilect thomselvc? lotho nr. gaus of scrrellon, ntidhv so altering the condition of the stomach and liver Ihatthe starchy priiulplo oftlio food Is notcniitorted into sugar Buloiig as tho system:" is under the liilluemc of lho CONSTITUTION WATER, which give those organs time In recover their Kcnlihi tone and vli'or. Wo aro ablo to state th it tho CuiiMitti'f Hon Water has cured every case of Diabetes In which it has been given, STONE IN THE IlLADIirR, CALCULI'S, tlKAVEL' I1P.ICK DUST DEPOSIT. AND .MUCOUS Oil .MILKY DISCIIAISOEH Al'TER URINATING. Dlsi'iiscs occnrlug rroni onnnnd thonitiio rattan will bo entirely cured by the ('(institution Walor, Iftnken foi any length of timo. Tim doso should vary with tho severity of the clisense, from ticnty drops to a ten spoonful lliri'i; times u day, Iu water. Dunn-i thu n:,. sago of lho Calculus, tho p.ilu and itigent srmptoms should be combated with tho prop.v remedies, then suouiii followed upwilh the Constitution Water, us ubovo di. reited. DY9.MEN0P.I!AU:A, OR PAINI'ULL MENSTRUA TION, AND IN .MENORRHAGIA OR PROPUSE PLOWING, Doth cllfcases arlilng from n faulty secretion e.f luo menstrual fluid-In tho one case belngtoo little, nnd aceouipanied by severe pain j nud Hi. : otlicra tnnpro fusc sixrillnn, winch will bj speedily curud by tha Co'tstitiition Water. 1 hat disease known as I'AI LINO OP THE WO.Mn. which is thu result of n relaxation of tho ligaments of that organ, nud is known by a sense of h uit iuess nud dragging pains iu tho hack and sides, ntul ut times ac companied by sharp lac iiiatlng or shooting pains throunh lho parts, will, In till cnseii. b.-removed bv the modi, ine. There is another clas of s iiiptnmi nrl lug from 111 RITAI'ION OI'TIIE WO.MI!, which call Ncrvousiiess, whicii word covers up mm h ignorant e, nnd in tilur cases niilof ten tlie dm-tor does not really know w In titer tho symptoms are the iliseato, or tho di-icnsr thu symptoms. Wu rati only eniiim-ratu theni hero. 1 speak more particularly of t old I'ict, Palpita tion in the Heart, Itnpared .Memory, Wakefulness, I'l.i.h os of Heat Languor, Lassitude, and Djiiiliesa of Vision. SUPPItESSED MENSTRUATION. Which in tin- unmarried female is a constant recurring ilifiuse, and through neglect tha seeds ol more, grnvo and dangerous nialidios aro the result; nnd ns month alter luonlh passes without an elfoit In mil- madn tn sitt nature, tho sitppros-.ou b. euiues chrm ie, ihe pa tient gradually looses her appetite, tlu bowels aro const nated. u s it sweuta rum., mi ..,,,,1 ,.,.,i,... medicine may be taken ihrou times u day, with an in- I Joctlon ofa tablesponnful orth" tinvHrlme, mixed Willi ui'-n'i'ii'ii ,u " iie'i, inoriiing ,i ind evening. IRRITATION OP THE NECK OP THE IlEADDEIi. 1 INPLAMATION OP THE KIDNEVS AND CA j 'PARI! II OP THE UL ADDER, HI HANUURY AND llfP.NING OR PAINI'L'LUIIINA'ITNd. l'or tlieso diseases It Istrulyn sovoreign remedy, on I too inueli cannot he said 111 its praise A single does has been snow to rc live tho most urgent sypimus. Are yo-i troubled with that distressing p.iin in the small uftiie baeklilld lliiouli the hips ( A teasponnfu n day of Conslitulion uler willreli.v j joiilikeinajlc l'OR DYSPEPSIA, I It has no equal in rcllrvlng th Most, distressing snip linn. AKo. Ileadai In;. Ilenitbiiru, Acid Momuch Von, , itlng Pool, fcc. Taken lenspoonful after dliini r lh I dose- ill ull cases may be increased if desired, but .huuld lie uune giauu.iuy. PHYfiriAN.1 Pava long siiipe giveu uu tho ur td huihii. rnl,..i 11,1.1 Juniper iu the treatment ufili 'se di-eutes, iindunly use Iheuiifor want ofn belter remedy . j CONSTITUTION WATER lla proved itsell O'luallothe task that has devolved 1 upon it. i DIURETICS irritate and uieiieii ine Kidneys, niui by coiisl.tM e; toon lead toehrunii: U'.seiieraliOrt an J co lfirnKa dis ease. Read. Rca Hoad. DvNVii.t.K, Pn., Juno 2 IKiJ. Dr. Wm. H. CREnu JJaer tir , Iu I i h.iarv. I-. 1. t , was nlllicted w Ith tho sugar di.ibele.s.uud for liv 0 iiiouihs j ! passed more than two gallons of w at. r 10 iw.-ut, - four , hours. I was oh Iged lo get up us oil. 11 t 11 or twelve limes during thr liijdit, and in live mouths 1 ut, aleiut I titty pounds in wiiuth. Iliiriiing the luonlh 01 Ju , 1-01, 1 proeuied two bottles of Constitution Wait r ati I ' 111 twodays uflur using it I expert, uei'd relief, uud 1 Iter ! taking two bottles I wus riitir, I) cured, soon ult: : regaining my usual good In alth. S ours truly. I J. . L HE WITT. Huston Corners, N. Y., Dae. 27, lriCI, I Win. II. Gregg k Co.: (leuls: I freely give-you lib'-rly to make use of tin; follow nig eirtillciite of the valii" of Coustituiion Wa ter, vv Inch 1 can reccomm, ml 111 th highest maun ' r. My wife, who uns ntt.iel.ed with pain iu the shoiil ders, w hole length of the back, and 111 her limbs, w ith Palpitation uf lhe heart, attended with Fulling of lho Womb, Dysmeuoiihoea. and "Irritation of the Iliad iter," I call",! u physician, who utleuili'd her ill, out three mouths, w hen he left h, r wor e thiiu ho found her, I then . mploycd one of the Inn physicians I could llud, w ho attended her for nbout nine mouths and while she was under his euro she did not suffer ipute as till 1 1 1 pain ; In- finally gave In r up nud said ' her cnsOiivns lucuiable." Por, said he, ''the was such 11 cniiibiunlinu of complaints, that medicine given for ono operates dgaiust some other of her difficulties." About this Iimo she eouiiueriri-d tu use Con-ici en in Watkr, uud toour tiller nstonishnient. nlmost tho lirt dose seemed to have- tlieilsired ell'ect. amUlie kepi ou ioiproving rapidly tiAilcr its treatment, und now super inlea Is eii'irely he.- doiuoslic ulf.urs. Slu-has not ta ken a iy of Hid Cos nu won Wah-ii for about lour wi eki una wu lire happy to say that it has produced a perma nent cure. W.M. M. VAN IIP.NSCIIOTrN. Miu.ionu, Conn. Nov, 1!), ltd. I)R. W.M.ll.Giircia; l'ear Mr: I have for several jenrs been afflicted with that tooiiblesoineiind dangerous diseu o Gravl. which resisted nil remedies nud do, tors, until I look CoNainuTioNAi, Wa'iui, and you may he nt-suicd that I was pleased with the result. It has enllii ly cured m,-. nud ou may utuku any use uf my unmuyoii may see 111 iu regure lu the medicine, tu I I uv e c mire eoulUenee in its ctlicucy. Yours truly, POND SI RONiJ, THESE ARE PACTS ENOUGH Tln-re is nnclass ofdiseasrs that produco such ex hausting effects upon the human constitution ns Ilia lutes and diseases of the Kidneys. Illadderand Uriuu ry Passages, nud through a lalse modesty they ure uc-g-li cted until they aro snac'vaticed as to he In-ynud tho control of ordinary remedios, and wu present the CONSTITUTION WA'PER To th" public Willi lhe coiivii tlun I hat li has no equal in relieving Ihu class of diseases for which it has been found so eminently successful iticuriug ; uu.l wo trust that we shall be reaarded in our elfins in placing so valuable rei.eedy in a form to meet Ih i requirements of patient and physician, POll SALE UY ALL DRUGGISTS, PRICE $1, WM. II, GEORGE I'll,, Proprietor. Morgan & Allen, General Agenti, Nu. -Hi Cliff Kf, New -York, Sept 20. ISO.'. ;,,,. EVANS St WATSON- ititeiWF&I, ';r.V.'v'l'!'1 SA'r.H. up. KtPV.Jf',',JFffe K'Ooixh Fourth I'll liUij.,iii.itA Ulrcet. Philadtluhla. I,v n iJijm-eifc-gJ, ""run uoors, inr n.iitks uml ri'J-e.iiftf,--i:. 0""-, 'i"o souuerB iron kibu, uu JtiEU i -ftlKl. makes of locks equal to any made, III lho United Slates. Fue Safes in one fr). All came out tight ; icith ccr tents in pood condition. The Salamander Safes of Philadelphia against tin world. EVANS & WATf-ON, havo had the surest demostiaiioii in tho following cu tiflcnte that their ituiiiiifaiture of Salamander Hafes has at length fully warranted the representations which have been made of them ns rendering nn undoubted security ugaittbt the lerritlc clement. Philadelphia April 12. 1?51. Messrs hvans ,v IVatson: Gentlemen- It afford ui the highest satisfaction to state to you, that owing it tlie very protective ipialilles of two of tlu Salamander, Safes which we purchased of you some five month since wo inved a large portion of Jeuilry, and ull our bucks, kc, i xpoied lo the c nlatiiiuous, lire in Hutisteacl place on the morning of the llili in.t.. When we rellict (hit Hu so sufes vveto located in the fourth story of tlin building wj ocitnui d and that tin y fell subsequently into a heap of burning ruins, whore the vast cmicentrutlou of lho heal caused the brass plates to melt, wc cannot but regard Ihepri servatiou of their al Wu shall toko e-rent olensnr,. In r.. ,,,, II, , n llv ,r men of business us it sure riliunnuigalti.t lire GEORGE SIMMONS k .11110.. .W.' C7"'l'hey havi since pttrrhaiod large Sial'ii, Jul) M Irt'X i,e,i iri I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers