mm ml ECMfli Br COLUMBIA DBHOORAT. Jplui U. Freeze, Local Editor, SATURDAY MORHIIIO, MAIKJII 29, 1882. miwr.iiiu'u Jrs'ij.uiwiji.,F,t3ajii m..Tcini jy- A, counterfeit C3 note on tho Dluo Hill Dank, Mill, In circulation, :oi (Counterfeit ones on tlio runners' Bonk of Head- hays, mada thslr appearance. :o: HrSomo very nppoalta poetical reflection! will bo found on tho outside of our paper. . 101 ' tT7"Tlio Farmers' nnd Mechanic's Dank ofllniton.has IfiueJnW rivc and Tens. Tho plates aro said to bo ery?protty. -!o:- EJVo call attention to tho vory nblo (pocch of Hon, Chntics1? Ulddlo uiclnbr of Coiisrcsa from I'hll Jllolpbla ii published on tho first page. 'W !0! JtTlFerionj arc liorcby notified tint they must Immo. dlatclyprocnro, fllo and advcrtlso their Petitions fur .TavPiVLUefuas. No time Is to bo lost. The law Is Imperative m :oi- Mh rebel SllJell Is rusticating at tho "top of lha liCflpJTri Tarls, and Mason has had an introduction to tha British Parliament through tha member from Gal warMr, Gregory ,tCncnnct,of the Herald, In vlovr of tho tax onncvvj papers, suggests to tho publishers of tho World, Tri ilinerind 7VnM--aIl abolition papers published In New Yotk'litoconsolidato their thrco establishments under hslltlB of "tho World, tho Plosh, and tho Devil." a . :o: 'ffS-.Amongtho nngllsh pensions granted during tho !ast'tvll vear. were. Ally pounds to n daughter of DouoFass Jerrold: ono hundred pounds to two sisters of , thallato Mrs. Jameson i ono hundred pounds to Miss ! .i..i..rr.i,n r,M , nml itiw t.oiindu """""-J i u....,. f .... , , toibo widow itenfrej. of the lato ccKbratcd botanist, Prof, :o:- JET We obiorvc that our old friend A. W. llate(, Ese5 has takfn charge of tho "Houtheni iligtsi" uelAlr, Harford Co, Maryland. In his salutatory ho says : 'Politically, we hold with Ihe doctrines of tho Demo ' cratlc pariv, believing now, a wo h.uo over dona that n lnn,.i Ailiniiilflrntlon of tho (inverlimelit, unon tho i principles of that party, aro tho surett guarantee of our prosperity and success as a nation. Oodey's Lady's Book for April la fully equal to "its former issues, and that is about thu highest pral'5 ,'wexan bestow. It lias In many respects, become a household necessity, much the e.nuo asn baby, and can't riioffine without, Comes somcuhat oftcner s alwayo '.welcoma, and is Just as necessary to keep pcaco in the -fsmlly. :o: "jjlO" A correspondent of tho London 7'ir, speaking pfbdul Mcdjld, pays that Is n matter if history that n Bultau of tho Oitoi.iati rnco has beni legally married 'icotha dayscf Ilajuzot tho Great. On his capture 'Jbyrlmur, after tho battle of Angora, tho Sultana was .treated with gross insult, and to guard against tho shad yffif a chance of such ndUgraco rciurriug. :)5 inmate of.tho seraglio lias for mora than 403 years been a legit. imafe wlfo, according toMussolman luw. :o:- Spurlus Bills. Bank of CmtforJCoimty.Mi'al. JvlUiTpa. lOaltiitcd.fromSs-vigni'lte, buck and flvo 'JdeMjUnder a tree! Ismalo and chickenj on right. JjiSiiank of Damillo, Pa Is, spurious -M'gnotto, nn en 'gljpojsed on frnme, man each oido j brig and Ion right' 'female fording wigle cn loft. jgSEoj'umbiu Bank,, nltcred-vlgnctto nn cagls 5pol8cd on a shield, car s, &c; untight ond, a girl glean iigsnd figure lj uu left fHinalo seated near grain, liold "'Snjjncald,aiid stais nnd stripes. ;W :o: JA-With every issue of a Piiiii inorthly Detector froinja doien to twonty now louiitcrfoits aro added to tlwnlreaJy i-nnrinotis lit. This is tlio Itarvoft of those acswjdrols i and than l.'gislallvo boilisswho have au ,'tliprhcil thu isauo ofsmall iiuteh have playeil into the hands of the conntcu. iter. Oiif, mo and .aioo years ngoygolu and sliver were plenty. Who toes c gold iiol larnowf whore is it? not luteii but hoarded ; whilo tho people are curbed with currency iiivdo of rags ami paper and proml.c-j to pay. No more Benton Mint Drops no more democrutiu currency i but government ' inSlieoplc told toths doinon of pap'-r Money. O tern- puril'O nurvi' p'Jml't; X 'S' 'r,uc,,I s't'tjgla la onco begun, nnd tliacltizcns 'ofonc reciion oftbo country aia arrayed inarmsaguinet , Jbosc of the doubtful t.ouiliet,let the battle result ailt'nsy, there ttlll bo nn end of tho Union, and with it f'' U' ''0i'c of rrctJ,lln' 'rh victory of tho in- jureit -would not ntcuro to thiin tho blos.tngs of Libtrtv: -It nniild avenge their wrongs, but lin y would tlicuikclves sSr in the lomn.on ruin. Tho Cuustitutlon cannot bo -r-Ti , , . , . . tniaintained, nor tin Union preserved, in opposition to public feeling by the morn cotrcive powers confided to ,75ovcrniuont.''--.J;t,jrcia Jzcksoh, in Ml Vertical Sir"" " l!C5" Those Xaii'as "Freedom Shrickcrs" aro a sweet eftojtJo. o. patriots. Chiirlos Rolinton, tho Cover 'nor.of that sovereignty of negro worshipners. has lust frJeenJnipsached by thu State Assembly, on chargo of JIdi Lano nnd Gov. Robinson and this impeachment bus. incis la tlio work oT the former. Kansas seems tube I hopelessly given up to tho sway of thoco two factions, Agood "portion of nil that is diahouest, disgiuting mid viloThai scttlad in that miserable abortion of a State. Itstwo1 doughty Generals, Lauc and Pomeroy, are fit representatives of such u soveroignty in thu rodcral SenatcJOsMdiA Courier. ;f. !0! Wt-t)- jgTho Tourth No, of "The riillobaiion" is received .but tno 2d. and 3d Nos. liavo strayed beyond our reach. VVesh'all bo greatly obliged for duplicates. Wo earnest ly advise all lovers of books, all hunters ufler rarecuri ousBions, all who can enjoy n literary anocdoto, all whpare curious us to the origin and other urcaua of boWmaklng.nll who relish tho titbits of tho lives of distinguished literary men mid womeu.a'l who aro dc sirqujof seeing, who in the world of letters stole from w;honiwbat Pope filched from somo fmguttcii scribbler and made, Ills own and hundreds of olhor iuoer things slii tljo'ilierary world, to gtttho "Phllobilillon." S-'.uu yearGeo. P. Plillcs U Co 51 Nassau Street, N: Y. :o: K75coVrcsponi!ent of (he Piitfburg "Garetto"gives til! fultowlm; remedv I'nr Dlnlherla a diseasa nlilrh.wa hstas w rcgrcfJcTlearii, prevails to n considerable extent in somo 'porlloiigoftlte County; "t noVico.ln tho "Evening Gazette," of Tib I3lh, salt recommended fordlsoases of the throat, &c. Tor thasakoof suffering liuuianity.I tend youth.) following prescription ror the cure of Jjipthcria, which I have not known lo fall in u single case: ' .On the first symptoms of thediseuse, to wit. bead ncli7ffT8r,soreiiebS and onlargsinent of tho, take a full dose uf castor oil, ur any good pills jGjrglo tli lUro'atf freiucnlly strong salt water! keep it small Plejeo of gum camphor In the mouth put a tea spoonfulf the best English carbonate ofsmla in a small turubler.fullof soft water, uud when well dlssnlved.tako 'a tea-spoonful every hour i keep tho bonds healthy by repeatlnj! portions of light purgatives." M.C.O0MU.M.U. B7" Mrsilaria E. Ilornbcck, widow of the l;to Hon. John W.''Hornbeik, and who has held Iho position of Postjlistres s nt Allentow'ii, wubellcvo, under several administrations, has been removod. ami Tilfrtnnait 'Gooojfpreient County Superintendent of Common Bcjjtwltjfjofi, Lclilgli County, appolntod in her place. MrsJJlernJicck Is n crippled and very deserving lady wo Jari tnldhq depend edupon the profits of her ollko for upeorUKjVe are aware that Allciitown contains some "raoan fcllowsbutdld ot suppose that they would bo jUr.gallout,nnil heartless enough to assist In bringing bout sjlcb u d "npllation. .'10 democrat says tha' PjeridenTilncoln told Mrs. Ili at a personal interview 'lat"ptlnji "that she should return homo and rest as" "surodlliat ilio would not bo rdmoyed-that women "were nopji' U.elana that ho remembered her do .s-"o-l huj!bi!jl w H tho ocitirrcnco of his dentil, etc., and.jbjUio very small business for poll. I'Uflaus to aik her removal " Lincoln nnd Ilornbcck Congress together, and were then members of ins sasMvarty RM! .ronoeryoiiiiobiaioiiiiids. une aerrotary of Slate and rn friv,V7?rJ KWrnrf.. ,-rjv fiM fl n .thtrvudltornrenuo under Imjeachn.ent for the same J . ,-1? V JA'f'r, cTfmeB A deadly foud cxUts between the par.Uuna of Bl ,?MM.eM MAllllIAGES On lha 5tlt lust., bv llev Franklin Ocarlinrt. Mr. LtovnT. Siiarplus of Bloomiburi, to Mils Mittic V, WAooxitLttn, of ScHnigrove, On tho 4th Inst., by tho same, Mr, Vt. Trpn, to Mill Ermku OREiiriAcit, both of Columbia county In lilooinilmrfj by llcv. J. R, Pimm on tho 13th Inst., Mr. W. II. 'Iudpj of Plilckililany, l.ujcrno co, to Allss Minata llAOiAxof this place, Also by tho iamo on tho ICtli lint,, Mr. Joim IIirrtN stric to Miss Mary Uatiumhe MeucK all of Ml Pleas ant Col, co., Pa On IhePth Inst., atTcvvnhlll, by UcV. II Wadsvvorth, Mr. GeohueW Iritm, of Fnlrmount, to Miss Jam! VotiNd of Huntlugdoii, Luzerne county Pa. DEATHS. In Pino township, Columbia co., on tho 13th Inst., Jlto. CuAiMono, aged 20 years and 4 months. In Espy, on Saturday, tho Eth Inst., Mr, Crnvs Bartox aged about GO years. In Shamoklti.mi tin Cth Init., Mrs, LtcmnA 11. Yooko ivifiofj, Wclmer Young, formerly of this place, aged ) y'.ir, 3 nionlhs and 2J days. Blio was Interred at the cemetery at this place. REVIEW OF THE MARKET. corrected weekly. WHEAT. HYI. COltN(old) conNiiiow) oats;..... buckwheat.. Si laici.ovunsEED. i $4 so . 14 M . 12 HI . 50 HU'lTKIl . )(i(JH 50 TALLOW.. LAUD. POTATO 133 . RECEIPTS FOR FEBRUARY SO THE COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. Tho follovving aro tho receipts tq tho office of tho OoiiUMMA Democrat, during tho mouth of February, 1802 : Columbia Coutitv. C12 SO.John ilruner. 75 143 50 03 1 00 4 81 10 (10 Mward llartmau. .1 4i win. euaiK'r, !i SU A. I Crawford, 1 10.Pi.tor Uriiglcr, 2 OOSamuel llrugler, 1 50 1'red'k. Egmiot, 4 UOlColumbia Uoumy, tfmuutl Preas, Henry U. lin'orr, Lambert Porslng, Charles Michael, Ji'Se Coleman, Ilovart. I wifiumiii iioimey, 1 70 Hon. Anrnn Hess, 1 Mtoil. i. V. Ureswcll, 1 WiJackson Cuorgo. 1 SOjllilw. It. Albertson, 4 Od iieg, k Hoc. Oilicu 5 Ui) Isaac M Wilklson, 1 damucl Stctler, 'J 511 r.linn llirtcrlck. Esn.. 1 00 N.'illian Domboy, 1 75 Thohias Dallinmi. 4 (10 '.cbiilon S. Koliblns Lnmqii. I.sq. iioijcii ii. Artnur, 10 Hon, Clou, ii, Tutton, 2 00 C, rronctloltl, M. L). 1 1'ower & l.ono, S ua 2 oo 1 12 lion. J. Honrv Askliu, 1 Uil'jnliti O. Uuick, Kicluii.Ui.ii J,. Wtlulit, 4 iKl.iliruiu lliltenliuiiiler. Jacob DclMOtt, Est. 75 tl. V. ArnmtrollL' 1 S5 J oil li j, BiinriK, 1'roderick Dorr, 1 1 it v I il Brown, Jr , II. I). Ilitti;il)cnder, Eur Laubach, 2 3 Uat. ofUuo. P. Miller, 1 75'Hvid Jones, 1 5o;jolip Kruslcr, il 50 fleo. I,. Sboomaker, 1 5U'Jo;iah I'urmiiu, Es. 1 1 73 1 31 50 5 00 (J 1 1 a r I c a Klingmau, JJciv SisJuciliscmcnis. WE M BHJ& jXcittly, cheaply and cxpsditwitiiy prin ted at the office of the Oolumria Democrat. NOTICE. NOTICr, is hereby given that Lafnyrttn Erwin, con vine. I nt iha Inut Pobruarr SseFinnof Co'.uinbiu county of iliaaniv on which Conviction ho win sentenced to Ilia i:.istnrii IVnilcnnlirv for t tit! term nf thirteen mouths. Iiilmxt. ,n ,.il',. nn .'innllriitlnn tn Ilia r.I,llonfV tho f?..t.rtpnrip ATtlin f -,!-,, n, in tvonltli Imp n n.iril.ill EAt'AYElTE ERWIN. March 22, 1S05. 2w. NOTICE. A T.T. Itnranun t,linvllir. tllptllMOlvf.A Itidflitcil tn the nn JA (Icrsigncd on book account or otlicrwisc, aro licrtby nullum to come ami scuic h i ny mo isi "i .inrn, icuj, or tni'ir accounts ill be put in tho bauds of proper oOl cers lor tollectlou. 1 miiit nuvu my accounts sciucu Mill Creek Woolen 1'actory. 1 Mount Pleasant, March 13, ltUJ-3'.. OEOBOE VANCE ADM INISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Samuel Siu!lsy deceased. iYlOTICEis herchygivonthatlettcriofadmliiiftratiou LN on tho cstntu ot bnniuol Him tz, lato ol bucar loaf township, i.'nliimliin rounty, dcreasi'd, havo boon crantcd hv tho Bcistur ofaaid onunlv to tlio undersiu'ii- i oil, who rosiiios in llontou tiiwiirhiii I oluii.liin co. All ' persons Laving claims or demands ngaimtth'i Oit.Tt : of , tuu iiocoiiout aro rCM'Ji'blou to iiret-cni lusiii nr m-iiic- i mont, and thuru indobtil to mako liuymont without ilu lav. t..-iiui.i u. anui.i. I .March 15, 1802-Ct. Mu'r, ADMIMSTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of William Mis, deceased. 7C OTICE is hereby givrn that litters of ailuiinist.a 1 turn on tlio estate uf William Ellis.lato of Madison towiuliip, Columbia county, ilocoascd huvo Imth graiitid liy ilui Itcgisturof said county to Andrew Ellis of .Mo'ituur (.'utility, and John D. Ell is of Columbia coun ty ; nil permits having claims or demands nguinttthe rstato of tlio tli'coit-nt arc ro'iurcted tn present tjiein fur settlement, and tboso iudcltod to make payment without delay. ANllltEW ELLIS. JOHN D.El.Lla. 5Iarrh 15, 1?C2.C: Mmr's. tliuico VvgLtablo ticpils by illail 21) Varli ties for ft I CO I Our , 13 Vurietjo" for i'-' OD J Solection , w l5 "-', l''osu w .? rc;-,!'1'' ul " ,l,,s,I;"'?a opportunity to tool tho ouality ol our lexetublcbeeJj, v. huh no uro conl. lent Will roniiuiu faiorablv Willi ' any oll'.rud in this' countiy, wo irtv" propaicd small ' I'?1 kl;t9' "hichv.ill bo sent by ii.ail pSt-i,aid, at the , tdiovo prices. Ncuc but tlio most Uesirablo vuiuttes will no included. To frritnt ulsupiioiiHuicnt, nt tcish it dhliiittly !! dcrstood that rim, Jleins und CVrn are vot included in tho J.sii rachoitei, on uceoaniof their iceight. A. IIOllNEMANl Voruailles, Woodford Co., Ky, Bj- Send for a Description Catalogue. March 13, ldW.-3m. tliu fullowini; nrices: Id varieties selcetod from those priced at Scents per paper SO 50 21 varieties selected fiom thosonrlccd at 10 cents per paper 1 00 5 varieties selected from thoso priced at 10 cents per pspor 0 50 12 varieties selected from thoso nriced at 10 cents per paiier 1 00 2 varieties selected from those priced at 23 cents per paper 0 30 5 varieties selected fiumjthoso priced nt 25 cents per paper 1 00 . COLLECTIONS OP Pl.OWEIt SEED3. Persons desiiing us to mnku their selection,, may rc- iy u(H'ii unr pruning ouiy lliiisu tvui'iinn roau iiiost sliony and dvsliuble, mid of easy cultivation, Wo lu. Hove that our cxporlcuce will onahle us to mako selec Hons, largo or small, that cannot fall lu givu entire sat lsiactiuu. 100 Packets Annuals, Biennials and Perennials, fovorlto kinds $5 00 50 Packets Annuals, Biennials and Perennials, favorite kinds 2 50 23 Packets Annuals, best ossc-rfed 1 00 11 Packets Annuals, best assorted 50 20 Packets, New and Bare Annuals 2 00 Cholcu Collection nf Ornamental Grasses 1 Co " '" ufl'.virliuting Plowcrs 100 " " of Alpino or Hock Plants 1 00 " " Climbing Plants, Annual and Perennial 1 00 Choiou Collection of Greenhouse Plant Sceib 2 00 " " Ornamental Leaved Plants 100 A.illOUNEMAN. Florist k Clecdinan. Vors.iillcs WVodford Co.. Kv. U Box Ell: IT Send for n ilescriptivo Cutaloguo. March 15, ltftW. 3ni. ' WANTED. At McCov'aStoroln Jcrscvtotvn for Fortress Monroe Livo Calve, at Itcts per pound, on Monday's ; mid drc; sod Poultry nt 7 & rt 1 ts. Live Poultry at 0 k "rts j good fresh Putter at rt cts. in small rolls of 2 to 3 lbs : Just ror. from Philadelphia ami New York u largo assortment U ail hllius 01 gouug. , guutt urtioio ut jiuj. itiuiabagu at 00 cts, per gallon. Hw. IIOUSE FOR SALI2. Aninvcaldo I'kamk Hot'su, will be sold cheap, on ap plication to the undrsigncd, LP.VI L. TATE. niooiaburg, July 13, 1(01, Printer, JJookbimlcr & lilankbook M AN U FACT U-R E R ; WlIOLCSil-E AND IlETAlI. DEAIEB IN PniNTI.N'G, WBITING AND WBAPriNG PArEBS. AUtNT roil THE CATAWIISA PArEn MILLS, Main Street, first doorbelnw the Public Bpuaro, WILKESRARRE, PA. Nov. 23, If 01-12111, N OTIC K. ALL persons knowing themselves in any wise In debt cd to Iho subscriber ar hereby notified that all accounts must be speeuiiy cioseu up, or in -y win ua put in urn hands of proper officers for collection, t have my acrounls setiled, come forward, settle tipaudsuva cotts, E. MBNPCNIIALL, Jen 11, lCCC To fXifroy Rats, Roaches, kc. ' Destroy Mice, Moles, and Ants To Destroy llcd-llngs. To Dettroy MntlHln Purs, Cloths, lit. To Destroy- Mosquitoes and Fleas. To Destroy Insects on Plants and fowls. To Desr'oy Insects on Animals, kv 7b Dettroy Every form nnd species Or Vermin. TIIU "ONLY INPALLIBLH REMEDIES KNOWN." Ccstroyca Instantly EVE11Y FORM AND SPECIES OF Those Preparations (unlike all others) .no "1'rco from Poisons." "Not dangerous to the human family." "Ratsdonot tlio on the premises." "They como out of their holm to die." "They aro the only lufnlllublo remodies known." "i years and established in Now York City." t7ev. by tho Cily Post Oltico. litJ by tlio City I'rUuiis and ftatlon IIojsob. UScJ by lh City St.'aincrs, Ships, &c. I Used by tlio City Ho'pltnls, .Miim-lloiitcs, fee. Used by the City IIutels-'Astor'-'SL Nlcholas,'&c. Ustd by tlio Hoarding House, Ate. &r. Used by mora than OJ.OJU rrlvtts Fmnilji-s. Uy Seo ono or two Hpcimuiis is everywhere sajd'ly thu paopla Editors Donlers, &c. HOUHEiniEPEUS-tronbled with vurmiii nuod ho so no longer, If thoy its3 "CoJrAU's" Eilcriiiinutiirs, Wo wo navn unon it to our satlsiaction, and irn uax costs S' wo would linvo it, Wo liavo tried pt.lsous, but they firctod nothing j but "CosrAn's" artldo' knocks tho breath outof liitts, Mice, Uoachos, nml lJod-lliiga,iultk-or than wo can writo il. It Is in great doiuniid'all over tho country. .Vnlfna 0 llaxttte. MORE flRAINand provisions aro destroy,! annually in Oraut County by vermin, than would pay for tons of .this Rnt nnd Insert Killer. Lancaster ttl'itAltcrrJd. HENRY U. COtlTrtR W ore selling your prepara tions rapidly. Wherever they have been used, Rats Mice, Roaches and Vermin distippiar rapidly Eciur. 4; SiocrrEn, Druggists, Windsor, Md. "CpstarV Eat Hoaeh, k.o. Exterminator, OoStar'B" 'CostarV Bcd-Bug Exterminator. Costar's" "Cottar's" Electric Powder, for Insects, t:e. is 25c. ADe. and S 1 .till lioxis, lloaai.Ks Asn Uiasks, $5 SUosfur I'lantatious, Ships, Boats, Hotels, &c kc. O AOTI ON II I To prevent tlio public from being iin noiCd unon by Injurious and Highly PtruUiuus Imitation n new label has b-en prepared, tearing u Jacjimile of the Proprietor s signature. Lxamlito cucli hot, boillc, nrflisk cnrel'ullv before purchasing, and taka nothing but "COSTAR'S." 7" Stld Eectytch'rcby All Wholusalo Druggists in the largo cities. Jfoine of thu Wholesale Asreuls iu Apw York ,:ilv, Bit 0 lie 1 1 11 llrothcrs& Co Harral, fiisloy k Kliclioit Bush, Gnlo k Kobinsun .11 Wurd,Cloo A; Co McKisson k Itobbins I) ri Itarnes k Co l'CWulls&Uu E:ir.ell,-,MarshfiCardiicr Hall, Dixon 4c Co 11 A l'aliuestook, Hull Co A I! U Sauda &Co Wlu-tler k Hart J.tlUOb .3 AbplUvVull. Alnrgan k Allen Hall, Kuckil&Co Thiiiims Full jr d oivis ( on rail l ux: AND Ol'HLlW. I'liilaili'liiliiii I'a TWDyott&Co j Itobort Shoemaker fc Co u .1 r.tnue.ioci; s co 1 renin, Kichards & Co AND OTHEB3. AND BY Drug Uts. Grocers, Storekeepers and Itotallers general ly in all Country Towns V illages in tha AT FA. sold uy r. M. Ma&enlnich VsW J. R, Moyer, E. P. LutE. And by the DrtiggMs, Ftorekecpotsnnd Rtlailarsgen- coun try Dealers can order as not ro. &c is d '."irml 'irr wim1 for I leW-M C clvl ii reducetlV 1C0. Circular, giving rCUUved l rices to UJ'iUx 11 LOblAU. cructed, il frame House a now barn and outbiilldlngs.i P tlncipal Depot No, 513 llrondvvayrOppositt the Et 1 The (.state of tho said John Uraham in the siid nrem Nicholas Hotel. Nw York, , iies. JACOUEYBuLY, March 15, IMi-Cm. ' I Bearlntcrnk, Fb, 15, l5J,-t Frath jr Special Noticus. $2JI EMPLOYMENT' t$75l AOF.NTfl WANTPDI Wo will pay from 82.1 tii$6 per month, mid hl expen ses, tnartivo Agents, nr glvo a commission. Particulars sonlfroo. Address llniu Hmvino MAcninic Company, 11, JAMLH, Ocnernl Agent, Milan, Ohio. Aug. II, 1601.-12U1, Jt ABBIOMABIiB OLOT'llIIIC run FALL. Tho old.catnbllshod ' WHITE HALL CLOTIIINO IlAZAAtl, at tho southwest corner of POOUTIl AND m'ABKET STltEETS. Is now prepared with a FULL STOCK OP FASHIONABLE BEADY MADE CLOTIII(l I'OIt.I'ALL ANII WINI Ilit Wl.AIl. nt prices which rhnlleitgn competition. Particular nttejitlou given to Cu-tomcr Work, Ofllccrs J Uniforms, also Hoina Ouarils' truite, tc. WHITE II VLL CLOI'llINO BAZAAR. " Houthtt est corner of FOURTH AMD MARKET STREETS. PETER 8. LEVICIf, Proprietor. Wov. 16, 1601. (May 1, 18oi-12m ) Bv" THOMAS W. MATTSON, Recelv 1 tho PrlM Mcilnl nt tho Woild's Pair In London 1M1, mr'J'llUNKS CARPET BA(1H, Hoots, shoes and Uums. Croat Induce, nipfits aro now nflVn-irtb purchasers of tho nliovo ortl ties, litii Is much tho largest -.lock of trunks. Carpet Dae, Vallces, tic, in nillaili'lihiii very Cheap lorrasn No. 4Ui Jl.trKot titrect, ono door iioovo-4tn, awm txac Uniformity of Prices I A Now feature In Business Every ono Ln own Salesman 1 JONES CO. of tlio Ciosont Ono Prlco Clothing Sfore, No. 104 Market strco- aiiovo Bixtu, t'uiiaiicipuia. In addition to' baying tho largest, most viu d and faahlonnlilo stuck of Clothing in l'liiladclphia, liiai. . ex pressly for r( tall sales,, liavo constituted every ono his own salesman, hy having marked in figures, nn i.i h nr tlclo nt tholvory liiwcrt price it can bo sold for oo they cannot nos-ioiv varv n II must uuv allko. i no goons aro wen spongcu nnu prepared, nnu great pains taken with thu making sothat nil can buy ulllitl.o full aisuiaurc of getting it good artlclo at tho very low est t rice. Also, a largo stock of piece goods on hand, of thu latent ttylo nnd best dualities, which will be Umdo to order, lu mo mint fashionable und best manner, 25 per cent., below crcditprlccs, Remember tko Crescent, lu Market, abovn sixth Street Nj.SUi. JONl.S&CO. MiUTAnvUKironMs There Is, perhaps, no depart ment of military business in which thero Inis been "a more marked improvement than in the clothing of sol tllors. Not many years vincu oincers nml privatum wore clad in gariiieiits which were almost nkiii-lfirltt. Tpoy wore loitth'r stock", which wero worthy of tho nam'!, tor they kept the wi 'ir r in trlbul.ttlnn j while lliolr pinlded breasts uud tight sleeveB luadu volition n mattor ofgroat illTiculiy. During tho prcMint war, such of ftur luu. teers ns pro-'tire their iinifor.iis nt thu Brown Stono Clothing nalloriliickbill k Wilson, Xo. lita anil 005 Clieslnut street, abnvo Sixth .'hlladelphla, obtain clo thing that ic p 'rfictly easy, u!).-l;inll,il anil bocnmii.g. Tho firm named have gnnu largely into the .f making Military Clothing, nml their facilities eiiallo them to fill' tl.u largest urdor in tho shortosl possUle time. Sept. 21, 1801 WAS WE- Maple Sugar and Molasses, w allied at this cfllc. Mso-llrnin, Prodiice,&c.,wblch"ur friends will oblige its uy iiciivoriui; as utiuiti inu i.tiuiiy, iiiiiwiiusiuu,, iug thu absence of thu Edilur. Keep tlio machine mov ing. ... March e, l:bj. Boat asid Tcasjt for sale. A Canal Boat with two Horses, and entire running order, will be sold low and on reasonable terms. Apply to JOHN G. I'UEE.E. uiuo,:isuurg, marcii e, icuj. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. THE undersigned, appointed an Auditor bv the Or phan's Court of Columbia county to distribute the bal ance in the hands of lioubcn Miller, Executor of John Linden, Into uf llriarcreek Tuwiishin in the mid coiintv decease J, to and umniig the creditors and others entitled according to law; will moot the p.trtios lntcreiLid fur the purpose of his appointment on Saturday, April 3th leu., at 111s oiucu 111 inooiiisoiirg. ai iu o uocit, a, .VI., when and where all person shavlngrlatiu. are requested to present lliein or ba forover debarred from coming in tor u snare 01 saiu mnu, JOHN G, rilECZE, Bloom&biirg, March 3th 1EC2. jlvditor, MAKRIAGE. ITS LOVES AND IIATP.P. 'ISwV sorrow and augers, liopes uud fears, rcgro's "nu Joys; .vi.v.Niioiiu.nmv mat.nuvr restored! tl:e nature, treatment and radical cure of sper' matorrhwa nr seminal wmkness; involuntary imisa' ions, sexual debility and Imucdiiuciits lo marriage Kru orally ; nervotisiii3, rniisuuiptior,, fit, mci'tal and phv :ical lucnpauiy, resulting irom Hl.l.," .Mll.'Hi;-uro lu, ly explained iu the JIAliltlAGC UUIDE. by WM, YOL'N(J,.VI. D. This most extraordinary book should be iu tha bauds nf every young person- contemplating marriage, and eevry man or woman who desires tu Hunt the mi".l"r of their ofisnr 112 to their drouim tan ces. Every pain, disease and ache incidental to joulh, maturity and old ago, is fully explained ; every pn.-tlf la of knutvlodge that uliould be known is hero given. IlitJ full uf eugi.iv ins. lu fact, it discloses secrets that ev ery 0110 should know ; still it is n book that must be Uekod up. mid not lio about thu house It will hi cnt tn any one on th re dpi of twenty live cunts in hpccla or postage stamps. Address lilt. WM. VOI.'NG, No. I1G Sl'KUCE Street, above Fourth. Philadelphia. IL" AFFLICTED AND UM'OKTUNATE, no matter what may to your disease, bufo.-i! you place yourself uu dcr tho earn ouuy of the notorious fiiacA native or fnriign win advertize in (bis or tiny other paper, gel 11 copy of Dr. Young's book, ncd rrcd it carefully. It will be the means uf caving you many a dollar, your health, and possibly your life. Dlt, VOU.NO van be consulted cn any of the dleave doatribed iu his publication, nt his oilicc, No. 410 HI'lttfCE Street, above Fourth, Fliiladclshm. Ollice hours from Mto 3, daily. March H, ldW Kin. Public Sale OF VALUABLE REAL E S TA TE, IN VUrsucjice nf on order of the Orphans' Court 0 1 omnium crmtiiy, on Saturday the '20th day of Maich inst., at 10 o'eliKd: In the forenoon, Iteubcn l'ahringer and Jonas Adiuiuistrators kc, of (Jcorgo Fetter iii'tu H. n. 1 no of Locust township in s lid county, do ceu.od, will expose to sale, by Public Vendue, upon the promisee, a certain 3? R A S 5f 5? & A 'M in l.ocuil township adjoining lauds of John Bui lig rfen'r. Mark Williams, Charles Pettcrmau, Michael Dower, Mordecai Perry ilcceasod. Micliael tinj tier. Ceo, IVttennan, Jr. Harinan Yost, 11. 11. Fox, Samuel Muurs and others containing about ONE 11UNDUED AND SIXTV-KEVEN ACHES, about filty acres of which is woodland, whereon are erected a LrlUUIS PIIAUUS I)WKL!-It'G IIOHSIi, BANK BAllN.CIDEll EOUaC, and other out BuilJings and a largo Apple Orchard. Al30,ono other lot of land situate in samu tnwiisbir ndiidnlui' lands of Bobort Wntklns, James Ht-kms"" Sainiiel Alcnrs and John Ueiubold, coiilauuiig twenty llvu acres more or less all woodlind. Late the Estate of said doconsed, situate in the town ship of Locust und county aforesaid. JACOB EYEItLY, llloom.burg, March 8, 1802. Clerk. Terms of Sale made known on day ofrkilo. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. 11I."U of Iciac Wagner, deceased. t OTICi: Is hereby given that letters of adiiunietra. s lion on the Obtain of I,tau Wajnt r. lato of Hemlock township, Columbia county, deceased, have boon grant- ou uy tu-uoguier 01 sain couiiiy to ikuuc vvugucr ot Hemlock township and Boiijaiulii Bomboy ol I'.looui tawutliln Columbia co. All ncrsons havim.' claims or demands against tho ettatc of tlio decendcut ore roptestad to present them fur seltleinent, and those tiidtuteii 10 uiaae payment wiinoui ueiay. BENJAJI1V BOM HOY lfl,AC WACNUIt March 1, 16G3-CW. Aimr. Opposite Ike Court Jfouseand ncit door to Democrat Office Tho undersigned, respectfully informs his friends and cusiomcrs tuui no uas upeneu AXF.WBAllBER SHOP la Court Home Alley, next door below the Office o' the C iliitnbia Democrat, where he will be happy to vvai, upon all customers, and from long experience aud itrie attention to business, ho liopcsto merit and receive a liberal sharo of fiublic patronage. E7"A11 things hero "done In decency and in order," THOMAS BltOWN. Illoomsburg, March litiecs, ov VALUABLE HEAL ESTATE. In pursuanco of an order of the Court of Common Pleas or Columbia county, on Saturday, the eighth day of A'tarch next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, Henry Ilelwig nnd John Baijg cuuiuilttca of tho parson nud ctate of John (italiaiun iiiuauc ut ttoaringcrecK tovviisuip in uiu j county of Columbia nfuresaid i will exposo to sale by , public vendue upon tha premises tho undivided one i tilth part nud nlo Iho undivided ono fourth part of the undivided one Jll'th narl subleet to the life estate of Ma- ryHralumtheuioihertif the suld John (iruhain.of all that i ,, to(.,.n., .,, ., , ,i18 ,0Wnililii oritnarinir. I ' "k ""'"'"'l ''X land. of.MUhael Fodorolr, j-jijai, Horn, William Yocum and Elijah Vorum, con. t.lfilnir nhnut clulit acre, tuuto or loj. on vv h f II aro lUl US II AR111VA L OF- FAIL AM IVINTBR! f HEiindcrslgnpil, grateful for pat patronage, respect j fully liifoi'inshiscuitumcrs nnd Ilia publlcg cnornlly UiathahasJiiH reri-ivcd from tho Eottcu.o cities, til largest and most select stock of FALL AND WINTER That lists yit lio-n opened In Illoomrbiirff, tn which ho Invltm tlio nit ,n ion nf his friends, nnd nssurcs them that they are oMred for dalo M great bargains. Ills Stock comprises n larga assortment of OI'A'TLEMEN'a WEAltlNO APPAREL, LNlltMtllllt III ('AHItlfsNATif.K flnr.BM (VitTsi. lit nvnrv .tit. etlpll'-ni Pants, Vest,, Shirts, Cravats Stocks, Cotton Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Suspenders, &c GOLD WATCHES AND JEWEL11Y, Of every description, fine and cheap. N. H- Remember " .oif tnbe re't Chrop Emporium." can nnu see. No charge ror esamlng fJond. DAVID LOWENBEIlfr. Illooiiifburg, Fcptcmbor 2a, 1H01. (Juo JM!.) AMDROTYPE, PIIOTOOHAPH & MELAlNOmrE A 8& & 1 !Ei W AMRROTYFES, PHOTOGRAPHS, Melnlnotypes, tie.., taken In Chudy ns well as Clear Weather. Ambrotynes and Ibfidoneotvnos conled and i.iimrguii. milTIl DAJSYILLE, Dec. 21, 1MI. FA. CRITTENDEN'S .'IIM.IDKlPIII.Y OiUillimiAL. COLLEGE, I J E. corner nflth and Cliestnut Streets PHILADELPHIA. ; Tun IxsTm-rioN, which wa ctlablitkcd in ieil, nnd Is now consequently in tho cighternth near of its exist ence, numbers among its graduates, hundreds of the niostjiiccossfiil Merchants and Business Men of our Country, Tnm)iucoT nf tlio Institution Is solely to aflord young men facilities for thorough preparation for business. Tub BaANniESTumir,tro, Itook-keeptng, as applica ble lo tho various departments of tradoi I'cnmanship, both pi Jin and uriiitiimital ; Commercial lam, .Malhc milici, ' Xntiirailon Cinl Engineering, Drawing, I'hon ogarphy, and Modern lingnoga. TruHvsTcM or Ixsvni'CTios is psculiar t no classes or t lessons arc made tl'c of. b it each undent Is.tniiL'ht Individually, sottatho may enmntencent nuv time, and attend at whatovcr hours are mod convenient. Gataloocis nrelssueil arninafvaflar the 13th of Anrll containing nomas of the students for tha year, ami full particulars of terms, &c., and may be obtained at any time by addrusing Hie Principal. Iv Extensive AcroMMonvTiom, ltHe-tprrmt reputation nnd the lengthy ctpcrlentc of ihe Principal, this lnstitu tlouoil'ers facilities superior to any other iu the coun try, foryoung men wishing to prepare for business, and to obtain nt the samo time a mn.osii, trAicA will prove a recommendation for Hum them to any Mcrchan tile House. C7"CniTEnf:s's Series of Treatises on nooit-Kmr-isa. now nora wldelycirciilatedthan nny other work on the subject, are far sale at thu College. S. HODGES CUITPCNDEN, Morney-at-Law, PniNcirALt Jan. 25-1802 12m. BAUGh'S BONK FERTILIZERS. R AUG II AND SON, Manufacturers & Proprietors, Store, No. 20 South Wharves, R Ji W-BONE Super -Phosphate .of Lime- I.lttlo need be said to recommend this article its pe culiar merits ifs a vigorous und lasting manure having firmly eiit.'iblUhod it in the popular favor. Wu would fctate however, that not only I1.1v ingn continued enro to maintain its standard efficacy, we have'sougbt to ren der it inor.? immediate in its action, by the addition of a small quantity of best Peruvian Uuniio. We do not claim by this improvement, (which was made during the past year, and without publicly noting the fnct,)our Ltuptr-Phosphate Is rendered any more lasting in itsletf. eel, or in any way benefited, except in ensuring a quick er action on application. piuoe, $15 per 2000 lbs. cash. GROUND RAW HONES. This article h ground without any previous prepa ration, and contains all the organic matter of Ihe bonos It is warranted pure. price 835 per 2000 lbs. cash. C7 The above Manures can bo had of regular Deal ers or of ' llAUCH k dONS. No 20 South Wharves, Philadelphia. February 15, lSCJ3ui. TAMAQUA, PENN A. Passmgers dine hero on the passage of each Train. II. M. MERRICK, Propriitor. Tnmaiua, Jan -I, 1SC2. M 5 Q 0 B 33 9 S $2 MAT, S. E, corner Third and Dock Streets, PIULADICLPAIA. Hats made to order, of any Style or Quality at Shait Notice. January 1, 160J. (,m. rilAiklpliia & Rending Hail lioad. WINTER ARUANGEMENT ii'ussiug ueauinc; dtojyllelihin,atO,!;uaiidll A M, 12 noon, C;i, to Pottsvillo, at 10,50 A M, and 5,43 P M. WEST, TO LEBANON AND HAUltlSBUUR : Western express from New York, at 1,07 A M. Milil l'rains, at 10,55 A M, and 5.13 P M, On Htindayi,, iho Hnwn A M Train passing HcadinK, at O.'.'O A M, and Up Tram, ul 5,57 P M. lioth ju,5U A .vi nnu o.jj f ai. up Trains connect nt Port i -'liuton lur Tainaqua, Willianipport Emira, llnfi alo. Niagara and Canada. The 10,50 A JI, Trail on'y connects at Port Clinton for Wi kf'barro, SrMiiton'aud Pittsluu. Thu woitern express Talus connect ut Harrisburt; Willi Express Trains on Iho Pennsylvania Ballroad for l'ittthure. and nil noints West ; and the Mall Trains connect ut lliiriiidnirg for Luucastor, Chainherburg. Sunbury, vvjlll-tmspurt, lock liavou, Llmira and Hie Caliadas. Through First-Class Coupon Tickets, end Emigrant Tickets ut reduced fares, to all the principal points in . . IV-..-, I. ,.,,.1 IVnt, lh l,,,,.lu COJI ill 11 TATIO.N TICK UTS, Willi 23 Coupons, '.'3 per cent discount, between an; points ucsircu. MILE ACE TICKETS, (Jood for 2000 miles, between nil points, at 913 for Families nud Business Firm, and .So. mi Tickets, good fur the holder only, for threo months iu any Paimenger tram to l'hilaueipiu,i, ut ijiuoacli. school rjcason Tick ola nno-t bird lebs. ILT" Passengers will take Iho Express Tmic. West, at the uiA'ui, anu uu oilier trains, aiine t.uvv EK DEPOT, eu lbs of baggage allowec each passenger DC?" I'usseiigers are icmiesud t" pun hate theirTick- ets before entering the curs, us higher Fares Uurged if paid in cats. Up trains leave Hhiladelphiafor Reading Harrlsbtirg and Pottsvillo at d A M, 3,15 P M, und nt 4,30 P M, for Beading only. IO" Hvcuuion Tickets, good for one day, by 0,02 A, M. Accommodation Train to Philadelphia nnd return at S'J to each, (1. A. NICOL1.S, Ocntra 1 Superintendent. January 4, 1BC.2, PlUSIlKtJra ltUOTUEUS. WUOLF.SAIjE ' O B A O .0 O DEALER! r,o.i0 3,No.ivrii tiiiiid street Five dcoribelow Itnce, PHILADELPHIA NOTICE cf a Jiiiiice cf the Peace. If the few subscriptions remaining unpaid to the fund of iho ' Iron Cuards" nre not settlodon or before the first day of February l an instructed to commenco suit and com mult ioiiow is caca inui v mui esse. J MiChtui,illn J,r i&IBV BiOVH!CBa Ulh k WlwfMt m,immiiii; NEW PETER ENT HAS Just received from Philadelphia, nnd is note openlnirnt tho old stand Uto'yocciipled by Mnrfc tc Ent, n nplcndld assortment of merchandize) which wilt bo sold cheap for CASH OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. Ills stock consists of Ladles Dicss Goods choicest stylet and latott fashions. DRV (1001)3. flROCERIES. HARD-WARE. UUEENfi-WARE, CEDAR-WARE, HOLI-OW-WAJE, JItOX,- A'JtlU JIM) SVIKKS BOOTS AND SHOES, IIAT3 AND IJAI'H. READY MADE CLOTIIINO, &C. &C, In slmtl otery thing usually kept In n country store Tho patronage of did friends, and the public general, ty, Is respectfully solicited. Tho highest market price paid for country produce. PETER ENT. Light Street, Dec, 1 1, 1801. , " ' " " rAMfiVtY fif il'lulfc'. tit l MM Iff-tlME'. John Paroira. 713 ABCII Street, between 7th, nn a. em. Mrrntn. 1 ri Rin .tfAt o.ri rt,M,t1nht.i . fe: For Lailits Maes' andChildrcn't u-car. ', Ilnvina now inanutncturcd and In rture my usual largo nnd beautiful ns-, unlltiei, of Purs adopted tn tho cflin- In ir Fall and Winter f casonj, 1 would ' respectfully invite nn examltintlon of my (tnclt nnd prl- to ofir them ve'ry desirable inrliircmcnts. Alt ..... I'n.m li.nrn I, (in., film ...I. nn .1 Mn.Ul by experienced and competent hands, und as f io present monetary ttnnbles rendi-rit neeossary that I should dis poso of my goods nt very small ndvauco on cost. I nin satisfied that it will be tn thu interests of thoso ! how design purchasing, to give mo n call. i O" Ilccolleft. tho name, number nud street! John Parelrn,(New Fur More,) 7l9Arcli Btrcct, Philadelphia. uo,tuiuuor f, it;... NEW DUSINESS" FIRM." rTMIE undersigned respcctlully Inform their friends nnd tlm public generally, that they have entered in to co partnership, under the name, style and firm of MlLl.EB k I, In thu ilBercaialilc iSuiucs, In the "Old Arcade," In Bloomsbiirg, Columbia co., where-they Intend enrr ylng on tho bualnoss of oiki;. it a l, McRCiiiNmziKn, in nil Its diversified brandies and departments, and tn which they invito an extension of the public patronage, S. II MILLER, FltED'K C. EVER. Illoomsburg, May ll, 1501. tf. ' PROTECTION FROM LIGHTNING. rj'HE subscriber would Inform hli friends, that, lis is J now prepared to put up, on short notice, and in a scientific manner, the best vuitixji 1'oiXTEn umiTXi.w nous, at 12 cents per foot. All work warranted. E. B. BIDI.EM AN. Blonmsburg, May 21. 1BC0. Callaifissa Kali Road. PASS EEPEUT STATION. SOlfTHWAUb HOUND TilAINS. Philadelphia k N. Y. .Mail 10 jj A. M. " " Erpress 15,55 a.. M NORTHWAUB HOUND TBAINS. Elmirn Mail 3 41 P. M Niagra Express 10.15 P. M Lackawanna & Bloomsburg Railroad f-N AND A FT Kit NOVCM.25. 18(11, PAS3ENCEB J TUAl.N IAIN'S WILL RUN AS FOLLOWS: MOVING S O U T H. Freight 4 Passenger. 10.30 A.M 12,15 P 51 rassenger. 5 23 A. M, C30 8.32 8.10 0 15 lO.dO N O li T II 4.30 P. M. 5.10 5.45 5.57 8.00r.cave P.00 P. 51, Leava Scranton, " Kingston " ll'iiitmsbiirg " Itupcrt, " Danville. Arrive at Northumberland. .11 O V 1 N rs Leava NorthuinberlaRil, " Danville, " Rupert. " Itloomsburg " Kinctoii, 1.45 r. M 3.10 Arrive at Scrunlou, iV Passenger Train also leaves Kingston at 8.3 OA. M r Pcranton. to connect with' train for N'oiv VWli rt,.. turninir, leaves h'crar.ton on arrival of Train from Now vora ai -no r. ,ti. Tl.o Lackawanna and IHoomsburi? Railroad rnnnt. with the Delaware. Lackawanna and VVeRtir. Railroad at Scranton, for Now York arid Intermediate points eart i i unpen it councils vvitii me vaTlawifi.i Kailr6ad,for points botb can and west. At Northumberland it connects with Ike Philadelphia k Kriell. It. and N. O It. R. for points won and soutli. JOHN P. ll.SLEV, Sup-t J. C. Wells, Clcn'l Ticket .Ign Nov. 30, 1601. AD JIlNISTRATOlt'S NOTIOR Estate of Edward Albertson, dcccaseil. T LTTEUS of administration with tlio will annexed IU oil the IlbUlte of Ldward Albertson. lain of f.-rnxn. wood toniisbln, in Coliimbincoun"., dCceaEe.i havn been granted by the Register of Columbia county to lbs undersigned ; all ncrsons having claims ngairtel tlio ci tato uf the dcccnucnt are requested topreaent themto th Adin'r. at Ins residence in G.-ruuvood townjiiin. without delay, and all persons in'dcbtcd to innkopliy. 111011V 1UI lll.T till . ISAAC A. Dr.WITT, Mr. eumtcit: March I, i:02-6w. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Eitute of George P. MU'ur, deceased. rVTOTICE is hereby given that letters of Administra te Unit on thu estate uf Geurao P. Miller, latu of Cen tra township Columbia county, deceased, have been granted by the Register of said county to John Wolf, vvuoresiuu3 iu .viiiuiii lowitsntp. ah peri-ous Having claims or dcinauds against the enata of tho decedent aro reniestod to present them for sottleiHont. and those indebted to make payment vv Hhout delay JU11. VVUL.1-, Feb. 15, 18G2.-CW, adn'r A DM I N ISTll ATOE'3 NOT l.CE . Esta tc of Peter Applcgate, (bcea$cd. NOTICH is hereby given that letters nf Adnrnlttration on tho cstato of Peter Annlceato.lato of Jick-.on itvn Columbia couirty, have been grantedbylbelleg. ibtcrof said Ciiuntyto Joeliua itobblai, who res.des iu the same township. All persons hnvingclsims or de mands against tlni cstato of the decedent arc requested lo present them for settlement, and tlioso indebted to make payment'.vrtbout delay. rf;uu. jtuuiitein. Feb. 15, ISOi-f t. ' " Jliia'r. NATRONA jCOAL OIL! WAItP.AN'TUD NON EXPLOSlVIll and equal to any KIIU03nNR. WHV buy an explosive Oil, when a few cents mofT per gallon will furnish you with a perfect Q:l r Made onhjby , TA. SALT MANUrACTUniNC COMPANY, No. 127 Walnut Street, PIULADC LPI1IA. Feby.21., HdJ, I year. SAI'ONIFIErTs APONIFIER 1 ! Ey-TIIK FAMILY SOAP MAKCU All Kitchen Orease can be made intogood SOAP, ty imi SAPONll'IHlt! ttyDIULCTIOfS ACCOMPANYING EACH HON I SOAP is easily mado with it, as making a cup of cof lee .vianuiacturca omy uy me raieniecG. PA. SALT MANUFACTURING COMPANY. No 1!!7 Walnut fetrect PH1LADUI.PHIA. W. WIUT ESQ.1 NOW occupies the room up stairs in fiont in Mr. Unitngst's brick building, ou Main Ftreet below the American House. A must convenient office : where ha will ba happy at all times to see his friends and clients. illoomsburg, lov. u, icej. am. lOnposi tc Inaecnuencc Hall.) CHESTNUT STKi:UT.IIiri'WF.F.N FIFTH & SIXTH PHILADELPHIA. WYATT & IIEUI.INflfl, Preprirliirs. November 30, 1301. March 13, IB5r. IMPOR T A N T ! TO thoso whose Hubicrlptions are unuald to the fund cf the "IKON (lUAIIDS," that the Subscription paper will ho plated iu iho Lands of Esqultu Chemberliu on tlio llrst day of Jaiiuaiyncit nnd all persons in arrears will bo waited upon by Constable Coif, Uy eider of tfco Lonuoiiiee. WM, NEAL, Treasurer. Hlocmsbiitg. Dec.tV, 1501 tf. NOTICE TO LAND OWNERS. THE nndcrslgned, Trensuror of Culunilla. County, would give notico to all thoseowing htm tliulr taxesou unseated binds, for Iho years IbOO and 1WU, that they inuitcnme forward and pay the same, between lliljanj the flri-tof April, oiherwisa tliilond will be sdvenued and sold. A word to tho wise li sufficient ir, JAB, S. M'NINCII Tieasurer's Office, ) TVisivrir, BUomiburj, Feb. Iff, lass, j Mm mmWwMfMmm NEWS FROM GENERAL I3URNSIDE. Capture of Ncidicrn, North Qarollnn A Large number of Cannon 'taken A Hard fought brittle Untied Bt-ites Losi, 00 A'rViVi and 400 Hounded. Baltimore, March 18.Tho ftenmor Commo'dro arrived here this morning, di- rcot ironi Ueueral JJurnsido'a Exredition. j She briuga thu announcement of the jenpturo of Newbern, North Carolina, nnd iu acicat ot tlio robots there, with tho of a largo number of armiorj, at tor 1 bltrcl fotl"bt battle. UlW l03S at INliViborn 7,1S about 00 klll- ett anil 400 WOUUcled. Our men displayed great bravory. It is reported that 000 rebel prisoners WCT0 OaptlirGU, Somo Of the! PCDOTtS . , . r make Oltr 10F3 frOIll GO to 00 killed, and - - . . ,' J 4M tO .100 tVOUntlCU. Early on Friday uiomiug tbo figh$ coinniciicctl. Our troops ndvancd along tlio country road running parallel vrith tho iNcuso rivor, but a mile or ttfo in tho roar. Tho road was skirted on iho wost side by tho railroad nnd a donso fivramp, All aloDg tha rivor sido were a lorjos cf battorioa, which were taken by our troops ono after another, after somo bloody hand to-hand contents. Qu? troops Tfero divi ded into three bvigados, under tho coin maud ot'Gctis. Komio, Foster, and Parka. Wo advanced gradually, tho enemy de scrtiag their gun., until wo reached , line of earthworks extending acroso tho road from the rivpr to swanlp on tho West, a distanc4 of somo two miles. In front of iheso works th rsbeh had felled a largo number of trees, forming au almost impenetrable obat'.iB. Here the rebels were rallied, and niads for a whilo a desperate stand. Our brave fellows fought until all their ammunition was spent, when an order to ehargo bayonets was given, and tho works were finally taked at the point of tho bay onct, the euomy fliug like frightened 6hccp, leaving everything behind them. ' In their retreat they burnt tho bridges communicating with the town, ove.o both the country roads, and tho railroad. Ac they had trains of ears in their rear, jusf aoross tho tbridse's,' fchov wcra of nnnran able to carry off their wounded aud dead. Look lo your Interests FRESH ARRIVAL ' OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS, AT MILLER & EYER'S. THn subsi-ribors have Just returned from ihe Cil? With another large and select assortinet of ' Fit!! mu Wiutee diuods, purchased nt Pliilntlelphia, nt tho lowest figure, ant which ihey aro dttcrmined to 8ll on as moderate terms as run bo procured elsewhere in Cloomsburg. Tho:r stock comprises - - , , r iid:ei' diu..s goods, ef cLoic-st i-Jjlea nnd latest fnhio. VltV OUODS, .1A-D OHOCEHIEC, liHnmr.inr. ciueexwari:, C ED All H'.lllE, HOLLOW WAEli IROX, X.WjS, HOOTS SHOES ' ItJtTS i; CAPS, Sic , l;e ee In short cverytbin'giHiially l.opt in country Iterit to h hli h they invite tho public generally. ) Tho Highest price paidfor'country produce. Bioo,bu, MraTO. H. MULLIGAN, OF ALL KINDS OF W & W liSll AND " if MANUFACTURER OF JEWELRY, Nc. iu uNorih S:cond Street, ABOVK WILLOW. PHILADELPHIA. Not. 18, 1551. NEW JEWELRY STORE. TIIH undersigned, respectfully informs the citiaons oi" r.loomsburg, and the public geiierilly. that he has es tablished a new Store, on Main Street, lioomsburg, la .Mrs. Lcacock's lluilding, wheru be offers for gale, oc modernte terms, n large aisoilmetit of CLOCKS, WA TCHES tj- JEWEL R Y Or every sart, nnd size and description. His stock of Jewelry is complete, including every I vmiLiv r,i lies null t.Kimi ihfii n .upfi.niAn a. . Chains. l.O' bets. Hreastnins. Fincer.riiics. nie..&Li to the examinatlcu of which he invitesths public genej. an. '7Strb-t allcntion clvnnlo repairing Clocks, Watct. es, and Jetvclry, and all work warranted, WM, li. PllAKE. Bloomsbiirg, -May -1, 161 if. VUMAV, SAli!S or VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. In puisuanco of an order of tha Orphans' Court ofO. lumbucou.ity, on Saturday tjic ath day cf March nest, at 10 o'clock in tha forenoon. TVillian Shults. tit Isaachf r Titnian, Adnuniiirators of John C. Kinney, lata of viaitisou township, in said county, dictated, will expose lo jiu3, by I'uhlie Vendue, upon the premUsi, t certain .Messuage, tenement und Til A V T OF LAND, United in Madison Townrlnp, aforesaid, bounded by lands i f Daniel Snyder, dee'd. .Marshall and Jacob Glr. ton, Fr, dcrlik Werklielier, Zubulon Unbbins, MKhasl INwk and Iiaacber Tiluau. oaaaluina EIOflTY-FlVO A CUES A.N'D ONE IlUNDltF.b AND FIFTY BIX PEU. CUES wbcfuon nrc erected alarge FUAiHlSUUDbg AM) L'iMi I1AHX, with lbs elht .-out-buildings, spring' of water, and goad orchard. &c.. I Lato the l.stateofsnlJ deceased, situated in the tows. luip ci jiauisou auti county aiureiniu. Jac ,b Eyerly. Cerk. Terms of sale t-npercut of one fourth of the pur. i base money on day of sale ; one fourth loss the ten per cent, ou thu confirmation of tale, and the balance In oae year from confirmation with intun st from confirmation, Illoomiburg, Feb. 15, IMS Its. 6 RlfENWOOD SEMINARY. rplIE Spring term of this Institution vlll ceraoieas JLon Monday, April, tlio 18G2. The Principal will be assisted by aids instructors, and as ample laciljlies ill ba offered to qualify students for teiii bing, for business or for it mora eitenilva couras in literature, a liberal share of patronage is again tolii tied. ' Pupils who do not come from home, or are not put under tho charge of near relatives, must board at the Uiiuinary and bo subject to the regulations thereof. They must provide thsir own lowelsund have each ar ticle of clothing distinctly marked, unveu weens ceiisiiiuto a quarter, ana mere will ht vacation of abaut six vvtek in midsummer. Hoarding, washing and tuition, vvith furntshsd rooms will bo $'.15,00 per quarter, oue-hslf payable in ad- vance. Tuition alone, In common branches, s no , do ine uJIsg advanced algebra and niLihs- matt s, e,e do Inlilir Grrman, or Frtncb, eitra, isj Tor further psrliculaii address wm nunoiss.rrijitiiisi niiiviiu. ci w , rs rs , n.s. 1 i , '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers