KDITRD BY LUVI I, TATE, rnorMETOH. BLOOMSBURG, PA. SATURDAY MORNING, MARCH 82, 166a. TUB NATIOHAI PLATFORM I PURPOSESoFtiTe WAR! Wilmot's Lottor. Bond tbo nblo and noblo letter of Hon. D. Wilmot to tho great New Yoik meeting, published in another column, No bettor, abler no truer man Bits in tho United States Senate. Wo aro glad to sco that his health is improving. Vol, co, Republitah. In that lottor Wilmot says : "I heartily npprovo of tho objects of tho meeting as sot forth in tho call." Now ono of tho objects of the meeting was to declare that cortain States had Icon "recently overturned and wholly subvortcd as members of tho Federal Union" upon which proposition tho "call" was based, Now with that proposition Wilmot agrees tho States ho thinks aro out of tho Union and aro to bo ro-admittcd when Cotureso CO-TOSErS, BY A VfcTI NKARLY rMAMMOCJ, I'AISID tttt hjttOIVINO XnoLLTlOX, Wltltll EXPRESSES THE VOICK Of Tut NatiOm and u tub troe standard or tnTAtTV : "That tho proicnt deplorable civil war lia been fnriAl itniMt Ihn pintntrv hi flin ill.iinlonlftta nf the Pouthf in statct, now 111 BrimnsaliiKt tho CoiifHtiitloiint gccS fit that tho V aro 110 lonccr of tho Government, and In arms ntound tho Un-pltal j thnt In , , , , . tlili National crecrecncy,.Coiijtrc". banlslilnR all foci- UllltCU States, but liavO bCCOlllO territories. Inj of niorf patslon or retentroetit. mil recollect only . ' ill duty to tiro whole country i that thit var inot teagtd ami that WO aro absolved lroill all COnstl on Mffmiirtlii anv trlrit (pprtttion.er for any pur- . .. , . , ,. poll if conquest or tulyvgaiion orfurpoteof oeertkreulnp lltlO(al ODllgauOUS 10 thOHl vrlnlerftrtngtalththeriihUor'.tlabtithedinttitutiontofX . . . T, , T those Slant, tut to tlrfeitd and maintain the evprtmacy of the Constitution, and ti preserve the Union, ttith the dig nity, equality, andrightt of the teveral Statu unimpaired ; and that at toon at thtte objects art accomplished the v.ar tught to cease." rntitM.a'inigTTWwi1iH'miiiULjftiiift'm'iilt"WJ. iaa The Tonnage-Tax Question. Tho House of Representatives, at Har- Against Davy and tho Doctor wo will quoto tho republioan authority of Post Master General Blair, who says, in a let ter sent to tho samo "great Now York meeting." "This is, in substance,what thoconfodo- risburg, has passed a bill to repeal tho act , rates themselves claim, and tho fact that of last session which repealed tho Tonnage-, eccission is maintained by the authors of Tax upon tho Pennsylvania Railroad Com- this call, for a different purpose, does not pany. Tho effect of this bill, if it becomes inako it iuoro constitutional, or prevent a law, will bo to restore tho taxes already thorn from being actual aiders and abettors diverted from tho Treasury, and to leave of the covfetltraies." tho corporation subject to taxation upon So Davy is a "secessionist" and an "ni tonnage in future, asstipulated in its char- dcr and abettor of tho confederates," and tcr or act of incorporation. This just Dr. John is holding his hat. There's a measuro passed tho House, after full do- picture for you, drawn by authority-.- How bato, by a vote of 70 to 28 (more than two very unfortunato the Dr. is in his pets. thirds in its favor,) and has been sent to J Fremont and Cummings, and Cameron the feonate lor its consideration and action, anil Uurtin r - '.ivy What will bo its fortune in that body is uncertain : Nor is it known whether tho Gov. nor will sign tho bill if sent to him or hia approval. Tho heavy vote in favor of this bill in to C oral McClollan. His Thr.ing and Patriotic Address hia Soldicts. publish to-day one of tho most soul- the H-'ias correctly represents public thrilling proclamations over issued by a pinion in tho Stato, and is encouraging , n ilitary lead yr. Thoro is the "clang of io all who desiro that Justico and honesty . resounding arms" m every word. In ovcry gIu control the action of tho State Gov . t la accordance, with publio cx ; oct-ju, and from their own convictions of Cv y, it? two Rcrdf-ectatives from this A..k. .ci wapportcd tho bill throughout all tuo ;Jrceeedings upon it, and recorded Iheir votes in its.favor upon final passage. ItiPbe hoped that Mr. Round, our Senator, will also act with duo fidelity to ais constituents by supporting the bilL SOT The Editor of tho Pennsylvania Telegraph bestows upon U3 tho compliment of his abuse, for our article of last week in review of tho recent special message of tho President,and .concludes that wc should be consulted hereafter by tho Cabinet at Wash ington. We ajjreo with him in opinion upon seutenco arc i, ho bugle notes of tho war riors cliai, , anil in tuo concludinc phrases fho clear trumpet tonesof victory I General McOlellan has exhibited all tho characteristics of truo heroism, in being able to withstand tho ignoraut and male volent attacks mado on him by designing demagogues. Ho is ready now, and his acts will speak for him, and will cover with defeat his rebel as well as his domes- iio foes. Onward is now tho word from McClcllan, and Victory will be tho result 1 First op Ai-ril Changes. Subscri bers to tho Democrat, who intend to change their places of residenco on or about the 1st of April, will plcasogivo us timely notice thereof, always stating tho place this latter point, although modesty woulbW'-0J, as wull as the place to which they iave prevented us from originating tho sug gestion 1 Were wo consulted we should ad t'iso an utter and lasting abandonment by ihat Cabinet of all Republican heresies, and a substitution by it, in practice, of tho principles of the Constitution of the United States in place of tho dogmas of the Ohi---': Platform ! By its voluntary and c jipleto abandonment of northern sec . nalism in connection with tho putting ""own of southern sectionalism by foroo,tho ..-ion and renewed prosperity of tho coun y would doubtless bo best secured and - Just and truo Union men have cause to jjico and applaud. The Editor of tho Telegraph takes spc- "1 offence at our pointing out tho unoon rUutionality of buying up, exporting and upporting negroes, at thecxposso of tho United States. We aro awaro that con .itutional principles are not in much fa' '-or, under Republican rulo, citlfer at liar--isburg or Washington, and that tho Tcl rgrp,supportcd by tho patronage of both 'ho State andEedoral Governments, is not likely to bo critical upon its employers, r.or tolerant toward those who bold them to account, Rut so long a3 a constitution iin force not abrogated nor supcrsedod, t ad obedience to it sanotioned by official oaths we must bo permitted to insist up u its observance, and to point out and do unco any proposed departure from it in w administration of Government. CuftVEYou General. A correspon- rcmovo. 11ns will enable us to continue the delivery of their papen,cithcr by mail or by our carrier, without interruption. Peterson's Magazine for April, 82,00 a year is a most capital number. Tho illustrations and pattcru!,are very fino and valuable, and no doubt of great uso in a family. It is about tho cheapest Mag aziuo going. UNION DEMOCRATIC CAUCUS NOMINEES. Supervisors Pinup Ever, Rio hard Plumer, Elijah Siiutt. School Directors Leonard B. Rupert, John G. Freeze. Poor Overseers Dr. Georoe Ycst, Jacob DEirrENiiAcn. Constables- Martin 0. Woodward, Jacob Beidlesian. Judge of Election Hiram C. Hower. Inspector George-Weaver. Assessor Leonard B. Rupert. Auditor Jons K. Girton. Tho abovo named gentlemen aro tho regular Union Democratic Caucus Nomi nees, asking for .tho support of tho voters of Bloom township at tho ballot box on Friday next. It is not ncccBary that wo should speak separately of any of these gonilcmon as they aro well known to tho citizens of our township; and if elected, wo aro au'horized to say, thoy will perform all tho duties of their respective offices, which in many instances has not been done heretofore. It is highly necessary that thcro should be a reform in many of our Three Days' KaiUo at Tea llidgc, Ar kansas. Official Report of General Curtis, Reb els commence the attack, Able Strategy o the U, S, Dirccs, The Kntmij ci plelely routed by u Charge of Jifantiy. Heavy Losses on both sides. Sr. Louis, March 11. Tho following is tho official report of Oon. C'urtin, of ho battle of Pea Ridgo, in the mountains of Arkansas : Headquarters of the Army of the South--tvestj Pka IUdge, Ark., March 0. General On Thursday, tho Oth instant tho enemy commenced an attack on my right, assailing and following rear guard of tho detachment under Gen. Siegol, to my main linos on Sugar Crock Hollow, but ceased firing when ho mot my rein forcomouts about four o'clock, F. M. During tho night I became convinced thot ho had moved on so as to attack my right or rear. Thercforo, early on tho 7th I ordered a ohango of front to tho right on my right, which thus becoming my loft still rested on Sugar Orcck Hollow. This brought my lino across Pea Ridgo, with my new right resting on thread of Cross Timber Hollow, which Js$io' head of Big Sugar Creek.-iiitetf'-rdercd an advance of cavalry and Itght artillery, under Col. Ostcrhaus, with orders to attack and break what wc supposed would bo tho reinforced line of tho enemy. This movement was iu progress when tho enemy, at 1 1 o'clock A. M., commenced an attaok upon my right. Tho fight continued warmly at theso points during the day, the enemy having gained tho point hold iu command by Col. Carr, at Gross Timber Hollow, but were entirely repulsed with tho fall of tho rebel commander, McCullough, in tho center, by tho forces under Col. Jeff. C. Davis, of Missouri. The plan of attack on the center was gallantly carried forward by Col. Ostcr haus, who was immediately sustained and superceded by Col1 Davis' entire division, supported also by Gen. Sicgel's command, which had remained till near tho closo of tho day on tho left. Col. Carr's division held the right under a galling and continuous fire all day. In tho evening, tho firing having entire ly ceased in tho center, and the right be ing now on the left, I reinforced tho right by a portion of tho second division, under Gen. Asboth. Bcforo tho day closed I was convineed that the enemy had concen trated his main force to the right; there fore I commenced another change of, front forward, so as to faco the enemy where he had deployed on my right flank in strong position. Tho chango had been partly ef fected, but was fully in progress, when, at suuriso on tho 8th, my right and center re newed firing, which was immediately an swered by tho enemy with renewed ener gy, along tho extent of his lino. My left, under Gen. Sicgcl, moved close A i to the lulls occupied by tho enemy, dnv j i. ... .... , . ing him trom tho heights auu advancing steadily toward tho head of tho Hollows. 1 immediately ordered the center and right wing forward, tho right wing turning the icft of tho enemy and cross-firing in his center. The final position placed tho eu- omy in the aro of a circle. A charge of Infantry, extending throughout tho wholo lino, completely routed the entire rebel forco, which retired in complete confusion, but rathor safely, through tho deep, im- passablo defiles to Cross Timbers. Our loss was heavy. That of the ene my can never bo ascertained, for tho lcad are scattered over a largo field. Their wounded, too, may, many cf them scngor, who arrived hero at thrco o'clock this morning, reports that tho battlo at Poa Ridgo lasted from Thursday lnomlng till Saturday evening, and that, our loss was about 4(50 killed and wounded. Tho rebel loss was about 1000 killed aud wounded, and 1000 taken prisoners. I Among tho latter was Col. Moltea, of an Arkansas Rogimout. Tho attack on our forces was made from tho north and west our army boing com pletely Biirroundcd. Generals, Van Dorn, Price, McCull ough, and Mcintosh woro present, with 25,000 men. McCullough and Mcintosh nro reported to havo been mortally wounded. Tho Monitor and Merrimac. OFl'IOIAIi DISPATCH. Washington, March 10, Tho following dispatch from Capt. Marston has been re ceived : U. 5, STtAMcti Roanoke, I Hampton lluuda, March V, left;, j To Hon Gideoty Welles, Soorotary of tho Navy. I ha.vo tho honor to inform you that yesterday, at 1 o'clock, onoof tho look-out vcsels reported by signal that tho enemy was eoming out. I immediately ordered the Minnesota to get under way, and as soon as thlf-two tugs appointed to tow this vessel cama alongside, I slipped our cables.""" ' The Merrimaojwas soon discovered pass ing out by Sowcll's Point( standing up towards Nowport News, accompanied by several small gunboats. Every exertion was mado by us to get all tho speed on tho Roanoke that tho two tugs wore capable of giving her ; but in consequenco of cur bad stcc.age, wo did not get ahead as rapidly as wo desired to do. .The Mcrrimao wont up and immediately attacked the Congress and Cumberland, but particularly tho latter ship, which was hid from Us by the land. When about seven or eight fliilcs from Fortress Mon roe, the Minnosota grounded. Wo Con tinued to stand on, and when wo .camo in sight of tho Cumberland, wo saw that she had careened over, apparntly full of water. Tho cjiemy who had been joined by two or three steamers from James river now j devoted themselves exclusively to tho Con- cress : out sue Deinir asrounu. coum mum but fivo puns to bear on them, and at ten 'lroni J'ou t of tho Philadelphia Evening Journal ;.aks strongly in favor of tho nomination v d election, this fall, of Col, Levi L. , x atEj to the offico of Surveyor General of local matters, and the only .way to accora -3 Commonwealth. Wo have had a ;por- j plish that object is to give tho abovo ticket i ,isl aouaintanco with tho Col., says tho your cntiro and hearty support. Tho tick . . rcheuer Jefersonian, for jnany years etis unexceptionable formed of men pos . , and would esteem it highly to havo I sessing charrctefs unimpeached and qual pportunity of casting our ballot for , ification3 unquestioned. It ought-to sue tbo coming fall. Ho is .now a yigilant ' ceed. Star of the North. 3eotativo of tho peoplo of Harrisburg perish. Tho foe is scattered in all directions, but I think his main forco has returned to tho Boston Mountains. Gon. Siegcl fol lows tho enemy toward Kothsvillo, whero my cavalry is pursuing him toward the mountains, scouring tho country, bringing in prisoners, and tryiug to find the rebel Major General Van Dorn, who had conr mand of tho entiro forco of tho enemy at this battlo at Pea Ridgo. I have not, as yet, statements of the dead and wounded, so as to justify a re port ; but I will refer you to a dispatch which I will forward very soon. Tho oftiocrs aud soldiers under my Tho Army of tho Potomac. ADDRES8 01' OEN. Jt'oiiEMAN TO HIS S01i DIEUS, lttatiqwarttr of th Armyaflhi Pttomat, ) Fairfax 0, II. Vs., March 11, 1P0U. j Soldiers of the Army of the Potomac ; For a long tiino havo 1 kept you iuaotivo, but not without a purposo( You wero to bo disciplined, armed and instructed. Tho formidablo artillery you now havo, had to bo created. Other armies woro to move and accomplish certain results. I hold you back, that you might givo tho death-blow to tho rebellion that has dis- i .!.! 1 11(1 ruuicu una uuuu nappy country. j.iiu puv tionco' you havo shown, and vour confl donco in your general, aro worth a dozen victories. Theso preliminary results nro now ac complished. I feel that the patient labors of many months have, produced their fruit. Tho Army of tho Potomac is now a real army magnificent iu material, admirable in disciplino and instruction, excellently equipped and armed. Your commaudori aro all that I could wish. Tho moment for notion has arrived, and I know that I can trust in you to save our country. As I rido through ypur ranks, I sco in your faces tho sure prcstigo of victory; I feel that you will do what ovcrc I ask of you. Tho period of inaction has passed. I will bring you faco to faco with tho reb els, and only pray that God may defend tho right. In whatever direction you may move fiowover sirango iny actions may appear to you over bear in mind that my fate is linked with yoursJjiiul.tliait all I do is to bring you whor'6 I know you wish to be on tho decisive battle field. It is my bus iness to place you there. I am to watch over you as a parent over his children, aud you know that your Ueueral loves you from tho depths of his hoart. It shall be my care, as it has over been, to gain success with tho least possible loss, but I know that, if it is necessary, you will willingly follow mo to our graves for our righteous cause. God smiles upon us. Victory attends us. Act i woulu not have you to thtnlf 'hat our aim is to be attained without a manly htruKslo. I will not disuiso it You have brave foes to en Notos from Harrisburg. JJY TUB EDITOR. Whcr6 they came from arid what they havs done. Wc present below a toblo showing tho State of which each member of tho Logislaturo, is a native, and his trade, nrofession or occupation. Wd Real Estato Dealer, 1 Merchant and 1 Jowellor, Tho oldest man in tho Senate ia Dr. Crawford of Mifflin, being 03 ; tho youngest is 20, Messrs. Bound and Grat both being set down at that ago, Iu tho Houso, thoro aro 23 Lawyers, 20 Farmers, 0 physicians, 10 Merchants, tt Lumber Merchants, 1 Tavoru and Storo. would givo tho ago also, but wo find' that OBi""i 1 ' V " uuor, i ono hundred and thirty men display quite Lumberman, 1 Cuttle Dealer, 1 Innkeeper, as much vanity about telling their ages, as M". 1 Architect, Z Clerk,, 2 hi. ..n, n-mW nf nnnmmcd ladies of tor3 J Shoemakers, 2 Surveyor-, 0 Car- uncertain ago would do. To gratify this vanity wo must disappoint tho curious on this point : SENATE. WHERE Dors, Pcnna. it (( it 4 NAMts. Mr. Benson, Boughtor, Bound, Olymor, Council, Crawford, Donavauu, Fullor, Glatz, Hamilton, Ilicstand, Imbrio, Irish Johnson, Ketch am, Kinsey, Lambertou, Landon, Lawrence, Lowry, M'Cluro, Meredith, Mott, Nichols, Penuoy, Rcilly, Kobinson, Scrnll, Smith, Mcutg'y., Smith, Phila., Stein, Wharton, minutes bcforo four o'clock, wo had the counter focmoiWell worthy of tho steel that you will uso so well. I shall demand of you great, heroic exertions rapid and long marches desperate combats priva tions, perhaps. Weillsharo all theso mortification of scoiug her haul down her flag. I continued to stand on till wo fouud ourselves iu three and a half fathoms 0f , t,ous. licrlial'3- Vu wstnr. nnil wnrn nti lm orniincl .nsfovn ' tOMtllCr, and wllCU this Sad war il OVOr Finding that we could go no further I or- j w0 wHl alt rcturn ( our h0lncs and fce! dercd ono of our tucs to tow us round, and tUttt wc oan ask no '"S" U0ll0r Uiaa tu0 as soon as tho Roanoke's head was pointed ' ProuU consciousness that wc hclonjjou to down tho bay and I found eho was afloat tlie Anu.y 01 tUo A'otoniac again, I directed the tugs to go to tho ass-! istaneo of the Minnesota, under the hope' that with the two others whicja had ac companied her, they would be able to get her off. But up to tho time I now write, they have not succeeded in doing so. At five o clock, tho frigate St. Law rence, in tow of the Cambridge, passed us, and not long aftoi she also grounded, but by tho aid of tho Cambridge she was) got afloat again, but being unable to render any assistanco to the Minnesota, came down the harbor. In passing the battories at Sowcll's L'oint, both going and returning, tho rebels opened their firo on us, which was return ed from our pivot guns ; but tho range was too great for them, while tho enomy,s shot fell far beyond us. Ono shot wont through our foresail, cutting away two cf our shrouds, and several shells burst over aud near tho ship, tcatteriug tho frag,, mcnts on the deck. Between seven .and eight o'clock, wo' discovered the rebels had fact fire to the Congress, and she continued to bum until ono o'clock, when sho blew up, This was a melancholy satisfaction to mo for as she had fallen into tho hands of the cnomy, it was far better to have her destroyed than that bho should bo employed against us at some future day. It was tho impression of my officers that tho rebels hoisted tho French flag. I heard that tho Monitor had arrived, aud toon aftor Lieut. Commanding Worden came on board, and I immediately order ed him to go up to tho Minnesota, hoping Geo. B. MrCr,i:Li.AN, Major General Commanding. Appointments. The following aro tho appointments made by tho Baltimoro conference of the Metho dist Episcopal Church, for Northumber land District : Hcv. T M Kccso, Presiding Elder Williauisnort. 1st chargo. A E Gibson 2d charge, K. Hcukl Moutoursvillo, S Shanuou Muucy, A G Dill, D A Iscuberg Milton Station, - R E Wilson ' .'' Circuit, F Gearhart, II C Pardoe Loweisburg, E J Gray Mifflinburg, A. Hartman Middleburg, J. W. Buckley Northumberland, A. 11. lleily Sunbury. A. M. Croighton, B. F. Stevens vjaiiawissa, ui. t vjiussiuivunaju. u crs, Ashlandj Danville, Bloomsbnrg Statiou, Espy and Light Street Jerseytown, Jcansvillo, Beaver Meadows, Wluto Haven, . : staunch Democratic Columbia, aud Mud uako a faithful officer. vv. piiuEvGiiNERAii. Hon. Richard bn L. Waian-r, of Philadelphia has been -M'ly ta"cd among others as tho 11 noer..':a Piiudidnlo for llin nnminnlinTi ' Auditox General of Pennsylvania. Mr, Uition prevented us from paying him that " . ' i. .inf. nnl a rv nn,i m,n attention which ho desorves at tho hands as? Cor., Levj L. Tate, editor of tho Columbia Democrat, at Bloomsburg, and a member of tho present Legislature paid our town a visit on Saturday week, and, during his stay, honored tho Compiler cs stablishmcnt with a call. Severe indispo- command, havo displayed such unusual . tuat sh0 wouiti bc abl0 to keep off an at gallantry , that I hardly daro to make a ' taok ou .tj10 Minnesota till wo eot her afloat This morning, tho Mcrrimao re- distinction. I must, however, namo tho commanders of tho divisions; General Asboth, who was wounded in tho arm in this gallant effort to reinforce tho right ; Colonel and Acting Brigadier General Davis, who commandeftho center, when McCullough fell, ou tho 7th, and pressed forward tho center on tho 8th ; Colonel, and Aoting Brigadipr Genoral Carr, who is also wounded in tho arm, aud was under the continuous firo of tho cn&my during tho two hardest days of the 8tru:'glo. Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Ohio and Mis souri may proudly sharo tho honor of tho victory which tho gallant heroes won over the co mbinod forces of Van Dora, Prio and McCullough, at Pea Ridgo, in tho ti . ... ... ,1. , i O-l .-.4 democrat, but has had largo expe S veteran , jnountains of Aakansas. I have tho hon "-co as a financier and Legislator. Ho . l".u ul4UtlU aV l aH Sl00, Devor or to bo, .General, your Borvant, the Democratic nominee thrco years "uo "IS"1 or r" i, when tho current was adverso to our lino of dutv ' but Bhould Uo bo flbl to ty and the fortune of tho country, and como cBain wo hoP lo wiU do B0 wlcn ppcars now eminently proper that thoy a11 maui 6La11 bo mado- A Sood D-om" uldalikovindicatothoirmenandraeas- ocratio Editor and a Bood mooratio ,3 Legislator, Col, Tats may bo classed among - . tho State's roost useful citizens. May wo "MT Newborn, tho capital of Crayon Co, always havo plenty such, particularly in 0., is said to havo been capturod by tha times of dishonesty and fanaticism, like -rcsido Ezpsditigfi. tljo preesnt Gettysburg Compiler, Bamuetj It. Curtis, Brigadier General Commanding. FUR I HER PARTICULARS. Inderal Loss 450 Killed and I Pounded- Rebel Locs 1000 Killed and 'Wounded and 1000 Prisoners The Enemifs I Force 25,000 lien McCollough and I Gen, Mcintosh Mortally Woundld, Springfield, "Mo,, March 10. Spo ' cial to the St Louin Republican.;! Ack A. M . Kcster J. II. C. Soak D. 0. John S. Ayesloy l'rice Ij. ulc&ver B. P. King John Lloyd D C Monroe Berwick, A. M Barnilz, W 0. llessor, Bloomingdale, J. W Ilouguawout, ki Schwartz. Orangcvillo, Thomas luitcucl Seminary. Wm. H Dill and Thomas i aro I'ro- fessor, and members of mlhamsport Quartorly Conference. I II Torrcnco Secretary Pennsylvania Riblo Society and member, Danville Quar terly Meeting Conference. J G MeKeeshan, President Dickinson OCCITATIOX. Lawyer, i. !' it Real Es.Dcal Physician. Clerk. Physician. Farmor. it Editor. Lawyor. it Hall, Speaker. ti .( (( a Ohio, Pcnna. N. Jersey, Pcnna. Blacksmith. Lawyer. Planner. Miller. Lawyer, it Farmer. Carpenter. Lawyer. .. Ireland, Contractor. Ohio, Lawyor. h armor. Merchant, Lawyer. Jewcljor. Lawyer. enna. (t t( ti HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. N'AMtS. Mr. Abbott Alexander Armstrong, Bauks Barron Bates Beaver Beobo Uigham IJIaucliard BJUs Boileau Brown, Mcrcor " Brown, North'd." Occupation. Gentleman. Lontr ctor. Lawyor. Law. & Far. Farmer. New York, Physician. Merchant. Where IIorm Mass. Peuna, u u it pontcrs and Builders, 1 Bank Not? Piu. tor, 1 Raftsman, 1 Dentist, 1 Cabinet Ma kor, 1 Iron Master, 3 Editors, 2 Bankers 1 Insuranco Agent, 1 Laborer, 1 Uarnosj Maker, 1 Clorgyman, and 2 gentlemen. Tho oldest man in tho House, i Mr Peters of Lancaster, who is 70 ; H;e' youngest is Mr. Quigloy of Phila., who ij 20. Tho avcrago ago of tho nfWmbors 0f tho House, is -10 yoars, and tho avcrago ago of Senators, 30. In Religion, there is a groat variety being in tho House, 2 Baptists, 21 lrcJ. bytorians, 2 Congrcgatiotuilhts, 0 Episco. pal Methodists, 5 Episcopalians, 3 Friends (or Quakers,) 2 Uuitod Presbyterians, 0 Catholics, 0 German Reformed, 1 Disciple, 1 Protestant Methodist, 4 Luthoriam i 1 Reform Presbyterian, 1 Church God, (Win brcnarian,) I Freo Thinker, 1 Christian and 31 making no profession. Iu tho Senate, there aro 3 IJpjjjopal. ians, 1 Unitarian, 5 Presbyterian, I Uni. ted Presbyterian, I Friend, 3 Jlethotluta, 1 Catholic, 1 German Reform, 1 Dutch Rolbrm and 14 who make no profession, Of tho members of the Houso, 70 aro natives of Pennsylvania, 1 of Massachus etts, 7 of Now York, 2 of Ohio, 3 of Con necticut, 1 of Maryland, 1 of Rhode Island 1 of Ireland, 1 of England,' and 1 of Now Jersey, Of tho Senate, 20 aro natives of Pnn- sylvania, 2 of Ohio, 1 of New Jersey, and of Ireland. In both Houses there arc 05 Professors ot religion, and 33 make no profession and, according to theso stic3, it tdiould bo a remarkably holi est, upright, auu pious assembly. Chester County Times, k Ponna. Ohio Conn. Peuna. Busby Caldwell Cessna. Chatham Cochran Cowaa Craig Crane Dell ono Dennis Divius Pcnna. ( .it A. Now York, Pcnna. Conn., Pcnna. R. I., Penna. Farmer. Lawyer. Lum. Mor. physician. Farmer. Mer. & Ed. Lawyer. Tav. & Store Dyer. Lawyer, i. t Pr Si Ed. Lumb'in.'in La -yer. Cattle Deal Lawyer. Farmer. Donley, Green, 11 Donnelly, Phila., Irckud, Innkeeper Penna, ti Now York, Ponna. u Dougherty WytujolU Earioy Elliot Fox Frecland, Gamblo Gaskill Graham Grant Greeubauk Gross Hall Happcr Henry Ilesi Hooffer Hoover Hopkins, Phila." llutouinan Josephs Kaiuo Kennedy Kline Labar Ichmaii, Liohtcjiwjillucr" it it Machinist. Lawyer. I'hysician. Architect. P ysieian. Farmer. Builder. Clerk. Merchant. Farmer. Lawyer. Physician- Farmer, ti Printer. Cordwa'nr Surveyor. Farmor. Carpenter. i''armer. again. newed tho attack on tho Minnesota, but sho found, no doubt greatly to her sur prise, a new opponet in tho Monitor. TJio contest has been going on during tho most of tho day between theso two armored ves sels, and most beautifully has tho little Monitor sustained herself, showing herself ccdablo of groat endurance. I have not recieved uny official accounts of tho loss of tho Oougrcss and Cumberland but no doubt shall them soon, when thoy will bo transmitted to you. I should do injustico to tho Military De partment, did I not inform yon that ovcry assistanco was freely tendored to us. Thoy spnt fivo of their tugs to tho relief, of tho Minnesota, and offered all the .aid in their power. I would also bog Icavo to Bay that Captain Poor, of tho Ordanco Department, kindly volunteered to do duty temporarily aboard this ship, aud from whom 'I havo rcoievod much assistance, Your abedisnt John Marston, Captain and Senior O.flioor. eorvaut jSpTho lowest prico offered for any at' Funeral or Ruv. Ibaiaii Baiii.. Tho funeral of Rev. I. Baiil, of this place, on Sunday morning last, was the largest wo havo ovor witnessod. Wo did not have tho pleasure of an acquaintance with the deceased, but learn that he was of a genial disposition and loved and respected by all who knew him. Tho Bloomsburg Repub lican says cvcrybodytknow'and likcd"par- son BaiiIi." It is doubtful whether thoro is a clergyman in tho State who has married so many couplo as he. Wo understand that tho number excoed nineteen hundred somo wccKs uctoro his ucath. Alius ovor thirty-eight hundred persons can dato tho period of their happiness or wo won't say it, for who that is married isn't hap py? from tho time thoy stood up bcforo Parson BaiiIi Wo bclicvo it ia generally admitted that thoro novor wero so mauy peoplo in Berwick, at ono timo, before A special train brought a largo number from Danville, GoUwissa, Bloomsburg, and other points ou tho route. Tho Odd Fellows and .tho Masonic fraternity of which Socictios iio was a valued and worthy member, turned out in procession. Tho burial ecrcmonie3 wero conducted by Chris. ICnapp, of Bloomsburg, in nccord auco with tho Masonio ritual. Impressive sermons woro delivered, both in Gorman and I'jnL'Ush by Rovs. Wocnor. of Uon mv substitute in Riohmond is S50. and tho 1 nnni.n.v. t ,t t n n: V Mos- bigbet 8600.. ( pf Bloomsburg Bwu'ick Gazette, M'Clollau M'Coy M'Collough M'Mackin M Alauus Mooro Myers Neiman Pershing Peters Pottoigcr Quigley Ramsey Rex Rhoads Rittor Ross, Luzorno " linsu. Mifflin Rowland Russell Ryon Schrook Scott Sollers Shannon Smith, Chostor," Smith, rhiln., N.J. Pcnna. u tt (( (t it it it it I tt it N.'Y. Punna, it ti it ic ti Rlrftnn Tate Thompson Tracy Tutton Twitoholl Vinoont Wakoliold Warner Wei d nor Wildoy Williams Wimloy Windlo, Wolf Worloy iioglcr N. Y. Penna,, it En?., N. Y., Penna. it ii it ii it ii u Ohio. Pcnna. BankNPr. Jjawyer. Farmer; Surveyor, Raftman, Farmer, f. Dentist. Merchant. Lawyer. Cab. M'kr. Builder, ti Iron Mast. Editor. Lawyor. Far & Mil. Farmer. Clerk. Farmer, it l5ankor. Ins. Ag't. Farmer.. Laborer. Merchaut. Harn.Mkr. Lawyer, Morchaot. Lawyor. Editor. Lawyer, it Merchant. Lawyer, Printer. Shoemk'r. Far it Ban Lawyor. Mcrohant. Lawyor. .Clergyman h armer, Shoemaker Merchant. Lawyor. Physician. Tup. Right to Pensions. To correct misapprehensions about tho right to pen sions, tho Attorney Goneral has decided : I'irst, Volunteers called into service un der the act ol 22d July, 1801, authorizing the President, to call out 600 000 mtn, who may bc wounded or otherwise dib bled in tho service aro not within t'ue pro. visions of the acts of the 29th January 1813, and 2d August, 1813, but aro onti tied to tho beuefits of the act of lfltb March, 1802. Second, WidowJ and orphans of volun teers called out under tho aet of tho 2vM of July, 1H.01, who die or are killed m service, aro not entitled to- bencliu of t'jj act of the 4th cf July, ItfUO. Thl if I. No adequate provision soemt K be made by existing laud for widows a ml orphans of volunteers. Fourth. The militia called out and nun torcd jnto service, under the Pratideiit'i Proclamation of the lflth April, 1801, who may have been doubled ia tho m--vice, are entitled to to tho puiniotu u lowed by tho second section of tho act tf the 2d August, 1813. The REnni, Fliout nio.M Ni:w )I.o rid. The rebel flight from New JMnl gives Gen. Pope complete command or tb Mississippi River below Island No. 10 and compels its abandonment. The next rtbi defensive position is Randolph, Fort Pil low, sixty miles above Memphis, tflncli cannot resist long. Memphis is espectei to capitulate this week, aud Now Orltici as soon as ,the news cf the fall of Mempbii is received. The Loyalty or thu Erif'or'1 CnuRcit of Maryland UalW March 15.-Bishop Whittingham, of lis Protestant Episcopal Church of Marjl"! aud tho District of Columbia, has trans mitted to all the.clcrgymcir of that Churct in parochial charge in, tho District for uss on all ocoasious of publio worship withis eight days following tho Sunday after Ti9 rcccint of his letter, a Prayer of lo" giving for tho late victories of the uatil arms. Valuaiile Documents FochT.-A1 Manassas, the 3ccret agents of this crnmcnt succacdcd in securing, at tin lj!' headquarters of Gcnorals Bcaurfg!1 ljl Johnston, a largo .number of dou in rcfcrcnco in tho numerical fori) M condition of the rebel army. ' , To Destroy Rats, Roaches, Ac To Destroy Mice, Moles, andAoU To Dcstrey BeU-lSugs Moths iu Furs.ClotHJvr' Mosquitoes and I'lM' ( Insect3on Plants iH'f'1, Insects on AnimaU, W; Every form and -sr5Cl" To Destroy- To Destroy To Destroy -To Destroy To Destroy- of Vermin. CSS Sco "Costar's" advertisement this papor for tho destruction antuM"'-' termination of all forms and n't"1 ;' Vermin. . m- Sold in Bloomsburg Pa.byJ'' Rowo, .Speaker. By this table it appears that ate there nvo 10 Lawyers, 2 I Farmors, 1 Editor, 1 Blaeksmith er, I Carpenter, I Contractor, 1 Clerk, 4'iiyBieian. M Bi p( Lut T Mt Haogcns Cn'Uud by the Druggists Groeera and SW Lum Deal. . keepers generally. jtaor- xno lots tu tyuuu, ,, AUiWilUUL. I in Mm !3n. 'missing in lueuieruauii a jjng f in tho ben- ....!,.. t-iJ nA?.l nt? U " hyslotans, 0 nfr,nii rftrf. w fiftoon hundr.fl 1 , 1 Mill- eventeon. Thia Bn'cado nnmben 1 1 thousand men,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers