V iii COLUMBIA If Join. G. Freeze; J-oc. Editor, fijArtOH 8, 1BS2. LUMXJ Jjff Vcnduo Bim, and n ih"' "inunj, JM executed wjtfi ncitn.a "1V " w,w vr m iiiu giucc 01 lue mov y?Thc Knapsack publnin r cn,P E4w'. Tea- vnuijutTUf vy HID JUCUUfU 'ft nd Bheldon T. Gibbs, Is o r a neat anu s-r-.... '.i .;ol CTThe Dr. has taken) u ulng th County Coin- .talsiloneri and associate Mttt, .Reason They give ilra'no printing I He did not this year liaye "a very esilifactory Interview" "9. trl'l thsiri. ine Mas lath'ry IPS A meeting of the ti foc railc Auociation win be i iieldat its reading room,omVdn9dayEvenlng,Marcli l.lbat I pan 7 o'clock Members are earnestly re. .tjuosted to be in attendar .promptly. Important bn ln will bo considered &. 0- E?"Tlia Philadelphia rnuirer of yesterday sayethat AWitcrfglt (Ivu dollar if te United States Treasury oti have been nut In flretlMlon. In the genuine the titer!' ''U. B." arc printed on tho breast of the figure of America, but omitted Itftw counterreit. f-!0! OT Mrs. Lydla Janejrifon, a well known poetess, ilong a resident of Fennljlvsala, died at her resldcnco jiearVldrlen, MlchlganlUit weak, Slio was a native Jit Middletown, Conncdicul. A collection of the l'ooms. ttatiav and essays of airs Pleraon would bo a very a c tceptable volume. I AtC7- Mr Oeo. !. Shoemil". we aroauthorlied to say. will have an extensive Vtadua at his Hotel, in Buck ilorn, on Thursday the f'ali'of.JIarch. 11. P. Former, Auctioneer. A little a. tvetytblng and a good deal more will be offered or!'1 acca,lon and aold at great bargains. -JtCT We hoped we shou'i receive "Tho PhlloblbUon'. ofjhich wa spoke soinnntiaagoregularlyinexchangc; but the publlihcrs hay enly (ho first number. Our exchanges speak ' iil6jbT, and wo would very gladly notice 111 monll . dvent. Ceo. P. Thllea k. Co. NoJl Nassau St. N, V.t'.OO pjfr annum -:o: flC? Andy Johnson)):. Inen assigned the proud po- iSltion of Military Govcincr of Vtnncssco, anilthe work ' .f organizing a provirioil government for that State, un. Vtir the civil governmeaitlisll l.o reorganized. He will Jbe nominated by the rt'dent a Brigadier-General fqr "this purpose, and prpiecd imaiediately to tho noble work of restoring hli.vu State to thu Union, jD7 Dr. John Is of opinion that the bills passed by Col. Tata are not of much Importance, and are only two at that. A friend suliiiu that is more than tho Ur mill over get through) and that whether of importance ;j or not, they are lawaWed for by his constituents, and ' 'of InnorLiiice to thlra. 11 would case tho Dr. very ffnudi if he could bepuituaded of their utter useless- 4--- ifllC7"Tfce Dr. is of tbi oplnhn ttat r. copy of the F,t- 'pvhUcan nun to "our boja ' iu tho army would be gladly (r welcomed. That asjit may b we would suggest to : the Dr. lhat lie mall llis iaua iu which he advocates jitbe arming of the nifcjeu. and standing them up along Tilde of "our boya" toflilit. Which is saying to them iu ,. ao iuan' words, thai uVy oro'not pble to lick the South without the help ofib8nigge,s. JCT The luvestiiitlr.iiH of the Congtcssional coin Tnittec appear to jranklo liko thorns in tho aides lof 1 some of tho gjcal men of the nation. I.ai-tnight IjMarch 4th, an altercalum occurred at Willard'a Hotel ifbetween the late Stmtury of War, Gen, Cameron, and .Mr. Van Wycfc, Chalmilii of the Congressional Com mlttec. The I ato Sfd'tJ y was h t ur.d tlKU-ric, and ' wanted a pretext lb nliip h) Chairman of the commit ; but the lutternai c- j'., and declined politely, but firmly, to ae en'd that favor to hU very urgent usaail ant, who was ohMiodriKlnntly to subside, without a iijui over ice griunauo' iniiicteu oy tne committee , 1'hilcdelphln Ertning Journal. o; C7 The retired H'lthf of the Bi.-u ick c7a:el( insisls inai mere was naivir oetwecii us nnu tiierelorx no nc Xeslty to mako plul. We admit it. Wo are glad to (say that always ptrsaally, politically mid editorially ' jrta were frieiids.f Utt .ve deCincd it right to explain to j'lhlm orally, what ve aid his successor through the (Vcmocrat. It wuia: reed, on all bauds, that the Qz-.rtlt J' re0lrcd enly tbej itt nlioo which Mr Tate gave to it in ftio stun, to keen It illy up.totj:o.best,prjper iu tho re. Ilon; nnd If it tvpi .a spicy during the last few inonths 'it was for lack of mention, not for wunt of ability. Wo jhsar it said In a Win.'r that a now publishing project I ou foot, In whlih td is am6ug tho first. We wish it success, nnd wcjlaoW ,t v. Ill succeed if he brings to its ..conduct and apptuauct. tho tact and ability which lie i midoucdly pontine, !jp ,0, - uncer ouf tilrsiaphlc heart will be found a ey iopiisoftL. counc3jin.i tax bill Tho man who vu - ted for rtrcnchdnnt ird reform for a change, and to And where nil tlloraorley went, will soon begin to have ai idsa on tho suti'et. And that idea will be more tho- roughly pressed oath-ir minds when tliey reflect tha, Wllions of their hard earnings go to mako up tho mil Jllns stolen by tnelfrucrons, tho Cuinmlngsiis the Frc TOonu, the Morjang thu Woods, tho I.cihs, tho Matte- ' ions and other ''prmlnent Republicans." We drink rysWts iri'fAoKS iiLr, that these men may roll In weaitn. , No man would ct to paying his share of tho legit. (mate costs of the ita it' ought to bo paid promptly and cheerfully i but if t i tax payers ever get a chance at rndncnt republicans," Cod help tnese iteming) p fthem. ii T'-t-:o:- Z3 Recent act.d Injho Illinois Constitutional Con mention, furnishes joiullglit on this question. That bpjly had befordit jnamrcdment to.the V. 8. ConstitU' 'tlon, agreed onlalnioit unaiumoiuly, by the last Con gress, and Bubii ttcd to the aevorat States Ji'No aniendn nt sLnll be Hindu to the Constitution Is Congress, the power to abolish or in, :y 6iate, Willi thn domestic institutions ivftlcli willgiv 'tirfcre, within .'thereof, Includ ; that of persons held to labor or scr- fiee by the laulof said fitate IJTlie propositi a Ltfom tlio Illinois Convention was Ito ratify niulM.sent to this amendment; and it wat JSdoptad by aViie of S'.i to 23 tho Democrats voting for hfy tnrfl-ipj,Wctt voths againit it, WFh'i voie!,)fili fox itself so clearly and plainly, to JiljjUnpreJudi.etl tilndr, that any comment from us Is Jniirely uniicetlsry. I ' 1 1f Kg" SlmJcCahcron, th late falUilcss Sccrctaty of Wart-haviagijun eon(i,m..(i ns Minlstcrto Russia.now IndJnoiaj to visit tho court of' the Czai, Slt Intrljiitif tor a seatM'the United States Senate oy;ptocurlUhe;nwiuimcnt of Wiliuot to some posi- Mroinieiui that if ho ) the place. 14' J ' A'" eitaln that ho will not Icavo tlio country .rfJL'S'''' u i.loii wjille thero Is a dollar iu the na yionaltrcasi . IthrSVach of him or his friends. He uitta upon tb, r ucoofiin old man to his son, when he 'ta4d'S''Joht ljjjlngoui iu tho world; thee must Joney.iuHni5,i Ku Uhonestly if theo canj but UV"9 mvi git money any how." nrt nayni htbtilIlayeKal ami political luminary, tho CAaai 'tMV '"VlLil. Java treason is "tlio lowest of cflmet." if il itAililnr .'111 currlt 1,1a Iniv hnnke. ho SSr PJobaV' ? Hru that treason Is 6ne of tho highest I'Mldltor ovlrtently doix'tknow much about ;IiHI '"f n to alieu upon to uennoit.no wouiu 'WW'y ay'i caVon consists iu being s bemoerat a oringiAe raiistitutlon," Loyalty, In his opln ,ln, aonaisti fc tjinr a Black Republican and idling iuo,coj tmmkfSKacancy in mat nouj ,ylyania taVfe'd bylimseir. It Is certain ,bas fixed hHrjJ0iTnJ?S it. ho will ourchasi y3a! m a Wiltirnkaminsnt. Tliu nurchaso of linen pntlMs.-?Il,,,.w1B,,( ,v,n government money, is alio a BsM-if V V. ..1 ,.ini ic ii.ui,, i V'-WrsoVlarJinij a letter of introduction to Jell'. Davls.hnafc. ,J .....i.i i.r-.. a,l I WlaiUft tin fJtt .,,) , mil nfn Taw millions, uhltn y itjiMii.' wify Why Democrats are Chosen. Why. sir, says a corrspondont of tho Pittsburg Post, has tho President been .compelled to take men that arc or havo been Domoorats to head Poparfmonts or to lead tho Union nmilesl I will toll you. jluo iJomooratio creed, is a broau and bo- noficODt ono . tho men rrmn.il in tUt fnifl, nro taught, with tlio first inhalation of pol tioalknowjcdgo, that thoy are not to think exclusively for a State, or a scotlon or & jelnss, or a sect ; their visiou must 'rest, with comprehensive intorost, on a whole continent, and all that it contains or may contain under tho Providence of Qod, and tho cnoi gctfo effort of Alan. Your scctl tonal sectarian, politician pannot do thip. Would not Oharlos Summer or Burlingama have been glad to tako tho placo that 131air or Cameron got ? No ono oan doubt it for a moment. Yet Cameron, (oorrupt apd vile as ho was and is,) and Blair, narrow and vindictivo as he is, woro each proforrcd to an original Republican i. . a ' for a cabinet placo, becouse Mr. Lincoln n -i iii i will Ktint? thnf.nnv nnn trim hnri nui hnn n llnni.i 1, I I , i thing of tho habits and tho scionco of gov ernment. Seward, an original Whig K. N. Republican, was taken bceauso ho had been a rival to Lincoln fqr the Prcsidenpy. Docs any ono suppose that no Repub lican could have been found to take chargo of tho War Department, when Stanton, 4 ' ' uu iiiia uuvur ouuii kuowu m pontics, as anything but a Democrat, was put in charCC of it ? Whv. Greelv or Weed, or o ' ' wuy, "fLtiy, or iitxu, ui WllkmSOn, or VVatsOll Webb, would lmVO Kiuuiy uiuicuuu IIIU prize' II Wlllltn lllUlr . .it luuuu. juui, otiimuu was appoiutcu, tie cause, having been reared a Democrat, as a matter of course, he knew "how to ,do it." Was George I?. McClellan, the Dcnio crat, made Oommandcr-in chief, bcccucse ho had been a Democrat ? No one can think so. It was he had proved himself fitted to command, and has given further proofs since his advancement. General Phelps or General J. II. Lapo, would ' doutlcss have accepted the position, but Mr. Lincoln could do better, and he took a Democrat who knew "how to do it" We have seen Logan and McClernand, i Ucmocratic Uongrcssmau, resign tneir seats whc made Brigadiers. Lincoln knew them as life long political enemies, but he appointed them because he could not find better nor braver men; not bo cause ho loved them nor because they wero Demxjcrts. As an instructive example of the general unfitness for great affairs, coupled with inordinate love pf place which marks the Whig. Know Nothing, Republican school of politics, take (as ono of many) tho in dances of Senator Wilson of JIasiJeiiu ectts. Ho was early ap pointod to n millitary command but still held on to his civil position. Doth tho bump3 of acqmiitivo ness and combativeness seem to have troubled hip sapent head to gratify '-he first,thc salary of two places did somethiug the last was harder jto satjfy. He had been making sad havoc with tho American vernacular (ouco King's English) for many years, he then longed to smite the rebels with tho sword, but hero he mado a mistake to lead armies was not his voca tion ho returned from tho battl'i field, he rcniiwed his savage warfare on the Eng lish language and on tho American Con stitution, and in that ungracious employ ment hi is still doing all that in liim lies. 'I'he truth is, the Democrats know how ( to serve and save their country their proud and cxaltod political education en ables them to do this, and they must be called on, as they always have been, when their country is in peril, either from do mestio or foreign violence. Tho grand old party stood as a wall of adamant between tho raging fanaticcs North and South, be ioro wo came to blows with tho latter. Now that "blows and revenge" aro the watchwords, it again presents its breast as a bulwark to preserve tho Constitution tho Democrats will coutinuo to strugglo for the maintananco of the Constitution and laws and fof tho restoration of tho Union. Shall thoy have the aid of conservative Republicans. I pray you, Mr. Editor, reform your practices altogether, in this matter, and mako nomoro complaints euch as the ox tract at tho begining of this article contains. Do you think that Gon. Butler was appoint ed from Massachusetts because ho was a Democrat! Or that Gen. Dix was select ed from New York bocauso ho was a Domccari ? or that no Republican in thoso States yearned for thoso places ? It is preposterous to conclude that this was tho oato. Oh, no, theso Generels, and Mr. Stanton and Generals McClellan, Logan aud MoOlernand, woro taken bc eauso thoy were tho men for.tho hour and deserving thau any liepublica aspirants, Thoy have and still havo tho confidence of tho country, as tho lamented Douglas expressed it, they "understand the truo principles of govenment." Thoso prinql ples thoy will maintain and thoso princi ples, let us trust, will, by tho blcsBiug of Ileavcn, 'finally triumph. A. B. nHrr"""'T7"Tr' rtiSaTaTaCTSWimiWlfcfc;IMaaa If SSI MARRIAGES. On the Cth Inst., by the Rev. Wm. J, Ever, Air, Divin FiiutiiN, to Miss EmuvCScibekt, both of Maine tnp. In lllooinibiirg.ou tlief tUli int.. by tlio Rev. J. A Rus seil.ULTi.tin riMini, of lierks county, nnd'Mlis Eliza ucm' Clark, 01 Montour county, ' iwi uTtrsn'niaj s ri'i iii Ms a DEATHS. In lleach Groie, ou tho 2Iit ult,, Mrs. Elmira Uicxs, aged about 30) can. llvr disease wai Coniuinption. Special Notices. $al DMPIiOVMBNTI '$741 AGENTS WANTED! VVa will nav from 825 tn 475 ncr month, and all exnen- soi, to active .gcnis, or givo a commission Particulars f enurco. an a.l.lMla flrn-tn Miiili rv,wav II I fS r'n...f A..'ni atn?n ni,in ,'0MrA,,v u iSff fon ' " ' I . M, lUfli.-iiiin. JAMK Aug, pASHIONABE 0 L O I II I H O V Ahlf. The old-established WHITK IIALIi CLOTIIINO HAZAAR, nt the southwest comer of f OURTI1 AND MAKKCT 8TKEGTS. Is now prepared with a fui.1. stock op FAsmoNAnr.n nr.ADY madd CLOTIIINO FOR FAI.I. AND WINTDH WEAK, at prices which challengo competition. Particular attention given tn Customer Work, Officers Uniforms, also Home Guards' Buita.&c. WIIITB HALIi Cl.OTIHNn nAZAAU. Southwest corner of roURTIl AMD MARKF.T STREETS. TGTCR 8. LEVICIf, Proprietor. Nov. 10, 1801. (May 1, 1801-Piin.) K7 THOMAS W. MATTSON. Received tho Prize' Mcdnl nt the World's Fair In London 1M1, for TRUNKS CARPET I1AOS, Iloota, iliooa and Gums. Orcnt Induce menta are now offerod to purchasers of tho oboenrtl. ina -riiia la t.Kth tim Inracat slock of trunks. CKrn.-t naes, v.niccs.&c, m Philadelphia very cheap for imb tio. 402 Market Street, ono door nliovo 4th, i'oula tidt . Uniformity of Prices l-A New Feature in Kuslnoss r. . .... i.,. tnvi.u .r Croscnt Ono Pricu Clothing Store, No. S '4 Mnrketstree nhovo Sixth. riillnileUilila. Iii addition tn having tho largest, most varied and fahionab!a stock of Clothing in Philadelphia, lnado ex pressly for retail i.nlos have constituted every nno his un salesman, by having marked in figures, on ench ar tlclo at the5vcry lowest prlcelj can bo old for tio they cannot poslbly vary all must boy nkc. Tho goods nro well sponged nnd prepared, nnd great pains taken with thu making so that nil cnn.buy with the fullnssurunroof getting n good nrtldo ntlho very low est price AIo, a largo stock of pleco goods on hand, of the latent stvlo and best ouulltlcs, which will bil made to order, In tko mot fashionablu mid heat maimer, 25 per cent., below credit price-. ,., Romoiiilicr the Crescent, In Mnrkct, above Sixth St rout SOI. JONUS t CO. i,.,T.nv trs-irnLMS. There In. ticrhans. no denart mcnt of military 'buiiliei.s'iii whlrli there has been n llloro mritC( liilnruvosncnt tlinn lit tho clotliltisr nf isol- dlors. Not many ycoi.sinco olHcers and l-rfvatos wero woro irainer siocKs.wniuiwiruwuriiij ojiiio nan they kept tlin wearer In tribulation ; while tlicii pi added breasts and tight Sleeves luailo volition a matter of great difficulty. Diuing'tho present war, such of qur yi.Iun tccrs as pro-mrc their uniforms at thu llruwii Ktono Clothing Ilnll of Hockhlll fe Wilson, Nos. Un:i and Ous Chestnut street, above Sitth .'hlladclphia. obtain (In thlnL' that la nerfoct'y easy, subitnntial and liecniiiing The linn named havn gone JgoIy into tho business of making Military Clothing, nun tneir t.iciiitics cnaiiie tliumto fill tho largest ordor In tho aliurtuat possible time. Si.pt. 21, 1801 RECEIPTS FOR FEBRUARY SO THE COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT The following are tho receipts to the offico Of tho (JOTiUMMA DEMOCRAT, aunjl tho month of February, 1802 : Columbia County, $12 50 John llruner, .5 3 45 Wm. ShalTjr, 4 45 2 5ll;A. I Crawford, 50 Edward llarlman, fjXyDFUnn'rr 1 lu'Peter Urugler, iii 2 01) Samuel Urugler, 1 00 1 .lujFrud'k. Ejlinur, 4 20 4 OO.Columbia County, 10,00 I SOriauiu.l Ri-inloy, 1 00 1 75 'Ion. Aaron Hess, 1 75 1 1)0 Col. J. V. Crcswcll, 4 Ul) 1 75 Jackson George, 75 1 50 Udw. U. Albertson, 1 75 4 DO tug. ft Roc. oineu lO 75 5 DO Isaac M WJlkJaoii, a 00 1 '.'5 ,nmi':l Stotler. 1 73 Charles Michael, Jesse Colemau, I.I i llocart. Nathan llomboy, lliomas llallmon, .cbulon S. Hobblns, Wm. 1. anion, I1. Robert 11. Arthur, Hon. Geo. S. Tutton, C. Frolieiield, JI. I). Power & Hone, lion. J. Henry Asklna, 2 Su.Ulias Dieterlck, Esq., 2 UJ 4'OU John O. Uuick, 2 00 4 no'lliram lliit.'nbender, 1 12 "5 D. W. Armstrong. 1 25 1. "5 r..i. nf Geo. P. Miller. I 75 Richardson 1.. WrigJU, Jacob Ucmott, Es t. " John J. Shank, Frederick Derr. 1 75 David Jones, 1 '5 1 SOlJohr Kreslor, I 31 2 50'Geo. I.. Shoemaker, 5i) 1 50!Josiali Furniun, Esq. 5 00 i David Brown, Jr., II. D. llittmibeudcr, Em' Luuliach, CliarU-s Kllugaan, W- A fit ff Maple SU3or nnd Alolasses, wanted nt this office. Also-Orain, Produce,4tc.,whlch our friends will oblige us by dalUcriniJ an usiiul for tho family, iiutnitlistdiiu- ing tne ayeuco oi mu mhiui. iwvv uiav.i. ing. "" .iarcn n, icu.. 15 oaf- ami Tcuyn fin Stale. A Canal liout withtno Jlorsea. uud entire fUKrctun running order, n 111 Uj sold law uud on rcnbonablb terms. Apply to JOHN O. FREEZE. llluoinsburg, Marih f, 1S0-2. AUDITOR'S NOTIOH. THE underjigned, appointed an Auditor by the Or phan' Court of Columbia county to distribute, the bal ance in tile hands of Reuben .Miller. Hxeculfir of John Linden, lata of ilrilircrcek Ton iiship in the. said county deceased, to and among tho creditors and others entitled according to law ; will meet the parlies interoatud for tho purpose of ins umiointiiieiit on Saturday, April 5th Irti.', ut Ins oillco in lilaoniabiirg, at III o'clock, A. M when and where all persons having claim" tire ri"i iutel to preienl them or bu forever debarred from com, ng in fur a share of eatd fund, JOHN G. FREEZE. Uloomsliurg, Marti; 3l!l lcM. .-Jujiror, , MAKKIAG-E. ITS LOVE3AND I1ATU9, sorrows mid ungt-rs, hopes and fears, regrets ,85- and Joys; MANHOOD, how lost, how restored; the nature, treatment and radical curc of spar inatoriLuia or bciuiual weakness; involuntary emot ions, sexual debility and impediment-! to' mnrnago gen erally ; nervousness, consumption, tits, mental and j Ii) steal incapacity, resulting from SELF-AHUSE-oru tut. ly explained in thn MARRIAGE GUIDE, by WM. YOUNG, .11. D. This must uxtraordlnurybook should be iu the hau'da of every young person contemplating marriage, and covry man or woman who tlcrires to limit the number At their oll'.pring to'thSIr ciroumtau ccs. Every pain, disease uud ache incidental tu juuth, ui'iiuritv and old aire, is fullv oxnlaiued : every narticlu of knowledge that should be known Is here given. Itis full of engravings. Iu fact, it discloses secrets that ev ery ono should know ; still it is n book that must lie locked up. nnd not lie about the house. It will bo aunt to nny ono on the recipt of twenty tlvecanta in specie or postago ftamps. Addri'as lilt. WM. YOUNG, No. 410 SPRUCE Sircet, nbovo Fourth. Phlliulrlphin. E7- AFFLICTED AND UNFORTUNATE, no matter what may bo j our discard, bedim you placo yourself un der tho care of any of the notorious (Ju.ie native or foreign who advertiz in this or any other paper, gt a copy of Dr. Young's book, aud read It carefully. It will be tho means of raving youmany a dollar, your health, nnd possibly your life. Dll. YUUNU can be consulted on any of tho diseases described in his publication, at his oltice, No. 410 Bl'RUCE Htreet, above Fourth, Philadelphia. Oilicu hours (run 0 to 3, dally. March 8, 1SG2-I2m. Public Sale OF VALUABLE REAL IN pursuance nf an order of th E S TA TE. Orphans' Court of 1 oiuinoia county, 011 - Saturduy the 20th day of March inst., nt 10 o'clock jn tho forenoon, Reuben Fahringer and Jonas Fcttejm'uii Administrators &c, of George Filter. mnnUwii. Into of LocU(t' towushiii In said county, de ceased, will expose 10 bale, by Public Vcnduo, upon the premises, a cbitaln ' W 2 iA, CS A K P t situate in Locust township adjoluing lands of John llel lig Bon'r. .Mark Williams, Charles Fettermau, .Michael llowcr, Mordecai Perry dece.iscd, Michael Snyder. Geo. Fetterman, Jr. Ilnrman Voit, H, H. t cx, Sawusl Mears and others containing about ONE HUNDRED ANO SIXTY-SEVEN ACRES, about fifty acres of which Is woodland, whereon are erected n LAlttiE FRA3IK 1MVULUNG HOUSli, BANK 11 A UN, CIDER HOUSE, and other out Buildings end a largo Apple Orchard. Also.oue other lot of land situato in eaino township ailtnininn Inn.U uf Robert Walkius. James llumuhrey, Samuel Kiciirs and John Relnbnld, containing twenty fivo acres more or less All woodland. Lnto the Estate of said deccused, sltua'.o in tho town ship of Locust and'couiuy aforesaid. ' lllnnmulnirir. Marrh 8. lPfiJ. Clerk. Terms of Sale made known on doy ofSale, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Eitate of Isaac Wagner, deceased, ,vl OTfun Is hercbv clvcn that letters of admlnistra l Hon on Ilia oatuto of Isaac Wagner, latu of Hemlock township, Columbia county, deceased, havo been grant. cd by tho Register of said county to Isaac Wagner ol Hemlock township uud rk'iilaiuin llomboy ol Ulnoni township CPlumbia co. ' All persuns having claims or demands against tho estate of the decendent arc rcnwcsUd tu present tlieui for settlement, und thoso indebted to make payment without delay. UENJAMINBOMHOY ISAAC WAO.VEIt March USO.-Ow Unr SIaTEMENT OJ the Fimnqa of the County of Cclumv bin Pa,,, from the fitst day of'Januanj, 1801, to the first day of January, 1802. ' I """"" I"'' elected III ituic nnu aujusi mo puniic X Accounts of Columbia county have oiamlned the "me from the 1st day of January, ldil, to tl, 1st day f jan,,y. nn, respiclfully lay beforn the Honor. noic llic jungiia ni i.outf ci L'ciinmou l'ca, llic fol- 1 lowing statement nnd repotl, agrccsMy to the SJd Sec imn oi ine "aci oi uin ucijcrai Assemoiy ot tins Unni. momveami, passed the 411, day of April. A. I)., ld:U," JOHN A. FU.VSTON, Treasurer of Columbia county. In account wjll) snjd county: Jan, 1601, To taxes outstanding, 971 1.1 37 dn do cash IK Trcsurcr's hands !2U35,48 Jan. 7th, To cash of J. J, KorUr, land redeemed, 3,77 Feb, 5th, Tn cash of S. K llcadley.land redeemed 40,14 Feb. 0, To cash of Wi Cole, old Iron, 11,18 Feb. u, To cash of J. Unlbraith, land redeemed, 32,17 June, Ain't of Co. tax ass'd lor 1801, Men, 18 do do State tax nss'd for leiil, tjlul,09 do Am't cash ree'd from military ass'd t80l, 71,08 Oct. Tn ti n day assessment, 5,43 Nov. 12, To cash of A. Lllley, J. r on sale of annstray, 3,12 Nov. 12, To cash received for use of Court Room, 6,00 lice. IB, line rem on Note ors. Ncyhard, adm'rof 11. (layman, dee'd. 10,73 Dec. To Nolo of II. Ilayman's adm'r To interest ul til same, 211,21 11? 10001,00 an. Rj- nin'toutst.uidlngfor letl and provlous ycnr. ' ' lly oxoiinratlonsVllowed collectors 87225,03 !M3,5 8MI.87 lly cninmlss ns, do do Uv orders reileemcd. 0131,70 3o0.00 20,03 lly Treasurer's com on HOOO.OO, lly balance on the. abatement a per Auditor Oanl's Report, dated Mar. Sth, 1801,' lly am't of State tax paid Slate Treasurer Ju ly villi, lGljl, By cash in hands of Trcas. due co., e290,13 421,03 82000), 00 Assessors pay, spring assessment, $140,89 do ao tricniel usscssuiuut, S7C'J,92 AGRICULTURAL BOC1ETV Am't paid County Agr. Society, S100.U) AUDITORS AND CLERIC Am't paid Auditors and Clerk, Am't paid W. Wirt for auditing, rrothonotary'a and Register's act's 40,50 12,50 353,00 8110,00 S'J7,C3 11RIUGE AND ROAD VIEVyS. Am't paid sundiy persons, BLANK noQKs). Am't paij sundry persons, LI k. books, BOARD OF RELIEF. Am't paid Rosanna t-hafor, do ElUnbeth Sniethurs, do Mrs, Kate Mahoney, do Margaret MiCirr, do AJary J. Thoruta;i, do JJrs. Patterson, "' do Mrs. Dlehl, '' do Mrs, Taylor, do Mis. Fowler. do Mrs. Alary Jane Manning, do Airs. Et.k, dn Rosalinda Warner, 10,00 10,011 111.00 5,00 5,00 S.tiO 5,0'J S.UU 3.01) 3, lit) 5,0) 5,0(1 5.IW V,0i) on carau Simons, Paid S. DalJy 4c J. Evans, Hoard of Relief, 8-0,00 COMMONWEALTH COSTS. Amount paid sundry persons, S300.23 CONSTAI1LES' RETURNS. Amount paid at the several courts, SJS, COURT CRIER. '30 Am't paid court crier during the year, $51,00 CLUAN1NO COURT HOUSE. P'd Ann Long, cleaning court house, 817,00 COUNTY BUILDINGS. Amount paid for repairs done to county buildings during the year, 3113,09 JURORS WAGES AND MILEAGE. Paid Jurors at the several court, PRINTING, Wm, 11, Jncnby, Levi L. 'l ate, A. 11. Tutu, Falciuou' John, 8353,515 SIM.flD (-. i . Li. ; TJ.'J'I 3'.i,5U 6301,41 SI5S.02 rE.VITCN'TI AR Y. Paid Eastern Bute Penitentiary, " PROI'IIO.VOTARY. Paid Jacob Eycrly, ' 8ICI,;8 I POSTAGE. Amount paidPuleinon John, ROAD DAMAUES. Paid William Cole, demon, 61.m j I 115,00 I du Jano -heep, Mudiuon, do do do do do do do do dn do do do do do Mrs M. Uarton, James r'ankuy, cott, John Melick, do Peter .Melick, do Jacob ijtutbr'a heirs, Madison, Wtjly Itovvmau, Orange, Jacob Ash, II. niton, Aaron Kcsu-r, Jr., Ml. Pleasant, John dniith P.enton, nenni.4 rurvi, i;iuuui, GrfMs Sc. Kuhn, do' Mi'iilien Kuhn, do Jnlln'lVatH, Greenwood, Mrs.d.' A. petrikin, Uluoin, 9715.00! BRIDGE REPAIRS. Amount paid John Em on Contract, do David Kavuge, Sl'XI.OO I uia.M :!lti,0b' $149,50 URIDGE REPAIRS. Aint. paid sundry persons for repairs, COMMISSIONERS AND CLERK. Georgu Miller, Joseph R. Pultun, William I.lnion, Charles II. lies, Robert C. Fruit, Cleri. mi.uu 1711,50 1 13,50 I 400,00 S'Ji.'6,50 COMMISSIONERS' ATTORNEY. Amount paid John G, Fr.'cze. Att'y. UlSl'itli'" ATTOuNEY. Amount paid E ii nil'. List Attorney, bLN-ri.Lt EXPENSES, spring I ctio.i s A.iiiju, ".'lie. rs' etc, riiuclui .ectliiil. Ujuerai -1-cU'J.r, eo.oo 97,00 j(H,05 45l,3 S 1 154,1 1 3180,97 FOX AND WIL!) CAT SCALPS Amount paid sundry persons, FUEL. Amount paid for coat aud wood, INCIDENTAL. Amount paid sundry persons, INSURANCE. Amount paid Lycoming Insuranco Co. INO.UF.STS. Ainonnt paid sundry persons for holding .In (tuuata during tho year, RKfJlSTCR Sc. HECOlfDER. Paid D. Lee, recording Trrnsurer Uond, do do for copying alphabet tu Mortgago Uook, SHERIFF'S niLL Amount paid nho Snyder for conveying Clark Price ot. nl. to 'Penitentiary Paid John Snyder board Scr., for ptisonois. Paid J. II, ('urmati for boarding prisoners, Stt. p 18,33 37,01 $J5,77 $33,01 85 00 SO.Oj eisi.oo 3I5.H3 'Jil.00 S653.73 SOD 1.27 75,00 SURVCYOR. Paid Solomon Noyhnrd for Surveying, and making map for county, ' Paid P. W. Shsfer, survuying county lino be. tween Columbia and Schuylkill counties $GG9,W STATE ROAD AND COUNTY LINE. Paid James Masters running State road through Pino township, 'aid Georgo Mack et, ul. running county line between Columbia Si Luienie, TIP-STAFFS, Amount paid at tho several courts, TAXES REFUNDED. Amount of road and poor taxes returned to townihips, ' Amount to John IlonJ, 3138,03 Whole amount of ordors Issued 1801, Deduct amount of taxes refunded, 80005,00 13d.'Jd Expenditures for tho year 1801 5150,02 .We, the undersigned Auditors of the county of Col. unibia being duly elected to adjust and settle the ac counts of thu Treasurer and Conuaissioncrs, have carefully exaniinod tho accounts and vouchers of tho same, from tho first day of January, A. D, 1801, to tho first day of January, A. D. Icii'J, do certify that wo find them i-orroct as set forth in tho foregoing statement, and that wo find u balance duo Columbia county at FOUR llUXDUUl) M'U TII'KATi-OJVE DOLLARS THURR COTS, from John A. Funston, Treasurer of said county. Given under our hands this seventh day of January, A.D.iaiiJ. GCORGE M. HOWELL. ) rn,,niy, ins n. Ksirrr.i . . JOHN F. FOWLER, Attest Damiel Lfk, Clerk. Auditors. We, the undersigned Commissioners' rf Columbia county, do certify that tho foregoiug isaenrrset state, ment of tho accounts 'of said county lor tho year 11, lH ,.,ll,iinnu ti'lieroilClva Itn en lil t mi llto ttil nur hands ,hl ,evont, jay of January A. D. IH6V. " JOSEPH It. PATTON, j Commissioners WILLIAM I.AMON. V of 'CHARLES II. 1IES3, ) Columbia co. ' Approved by tho Couit, Februaty 4lli WI. " STEPHEN 11ALDY, j Associate JOHN McRliVNOLDB. ) Jud(e), Corumisnonsri'Omca, j D!rjnub'jr. I cbtuity , KM I 51,50 I 30,00 I 9S1.30 31,00 S13S,fki 33 - FRESH ARK IV A L -OF- -row " ' FALL AND WINT111!!hS 1 HE undersigned, grateful for past patronage, rcspcel fully inform liiscustuiitcra and the iiubllrcencmll that he lias Just received from tho Eaitcrna cities, tfi largest and most select stock of FALL AND WINTDU J5 That has yal been opened tn nioomsburg, In which ho invnea ino attention or nis iricniis, nnd assures them that they are offi-rotl fur snlo' at great bargains, His Btock comprlscii a largu ussortinent of OENTI.EMliN'B WEARINO APPARUf.. Consisting ol FiftiiosAiii.ii Drus Coats, nf'cycry des. crlpjlon Taints, Vests, Hhlrts, Crnvats Stocks, Cotton Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Uuspcndcrs, &c. GOLD WATCHES AND JEWELKY, Qf every description, fine and cheap. n. u. Kt-mciiirier " i.tiWtnotrg'K uienp r.msrian," call and sec. No chargo for unmlng Oooda. DAVID LOWENRKRO. Dloonulufg, Boptcnibcr 23, lHill. (luo 109 ) x ll IT fl I7?nwrfr.NimnrMf'r- I Uo IFo Lb!M .3UJuiU!rJ(Jj-'il 1 ArmHOTVPr Tittrvmn n APtr l. mt-t linnrvDi. AMBuOTYPEi FIIOTOGuArii c MELAIIIOrYFE 'jf'l 4S ?3f, 5s?3, 5t?J tffil I fti rl Em &i jSjl iflST rm i A i i A m tt v c- u iT"r7niriA t. a uttcs AvlBltOTYPES, PIIOTOQ-RAI'IIS, Alelninntvne. kc . taken In rlrnrfv na uli rii-.t .lieininoiypes, ace, lanen 111 OlOllrly as Well US l.ler Weather. Ainuroiypca ami Daguerreotypes copied and Enlarged. HORTIl DANVILLE, TA. Dec. 21, 1801. CRITTENDEN'S PUILilDELriHiV tOJlillERt'IAL. COLLEGE, iV. E. comer, of fifr and Clicslnut Streets PHILADELPHIA. Till" I.isTiTt'T.nv, which was ealabiuhed in 1R4, ahd is now consC'Mcntly in thu elgktmnth fear of its exist ence, numbers liuiong its graduates, hundroda of the mostsucccssfiil Merchants 'ind llusiness Men' of our Country, TnnOnjccrrof tho Institution is solely to afford young men facilities for thorough' preparation for buslnnss. The llnvNtiiEsTAUoiiTarc, Huok-ieeplng, ni applica ble to tho various departments of trado; Vennniiahif, (jolliplllilHiiluriiaiiwlil.il; Conimt'Ctcl law, .Muthe. malice, Mtclgatlon Civil Engineering, VraiAng, .on ogarphy, and Jlhdtrn Lingnogcs. TrE Svstk or Ixstrcctiox is peculiar ! no classes or set lessons aro mado uu or, but each student Is taught Individually, so that ho may commence at any lime, and attend at whatever huurs aro most convenient. Catammi-ej siroissucd annually after the 15th of April containing nanus of the student! for tho year, and full particulars of trlm. Sec, niid may bj obtained at any time by nddresing thu Principal, In Crrus-fiVE Accomvooitions, vidc-spreai reputation and tho lengthy nptrltnic of ihe l'rlueipal, this Institu tion offers facilities superior toany other In th6 coun try, for young men wishing to prepare fur businc, and to obtain nt tho s4me liino a divloma', irhich trill prove a recommendation tot them them to any Merchau tile House. C7"CRiTrNDi!M'sScrica of Treatises on Rook-Keep-ixo. imw iioro widely circulated thin nny other work on the subject, aro lor sale at thu College. S. II0DGE3 CRITTENDEN, Attorney.at-Late, Principal. Jan. 53-l?C2 13m. BAUGH'S BONE FERTILIZERS. B AUG II AND SONS, Manufacturers & Proprietors, Store, No. 20 South IWiarves, ' P5EIfaA5$Oji'Jlfl2&. R A V-B O NE A Super -Phosphate of Lime. 50,011 1 Little need be said to rccomnind this article its ne 40,011 collar merits as a vigorous aud lasting manure having 10,00 llrmly established it in tho popular favor. Wo would 10,00 Hate however, that not only hat ing a continued enro to !,00 . maintain its standard eflicHcy, wc havo sought to rcn m,t)0 der it more immediate in its action, by tho addition of a 7,00 small uuanlity of best Peruvian Guailo. We' do not 75,00 claim by this jmprove'iuent, (whirly was mado during 'J5.00 tho past year, and uithoet publuly noting the fact,)our S5.00 Super-Phosphate i rendered any morn lasting iu it-letf. 10.00 cut, or In any wur benefited, except in i nsuring a o,uick 0,(i0 4r action on application'. i'liiCE, 45 per 2000 lbs. CASH. GROUND RAW BONES. This article is ground without anv previous pre pa ration, and contains all the organic mutter of the bones t is wjrrdiucu pure. price 835 per 2000 lbs. cash. K5" The above Manures can be had of regular Deal en or of RAUG1I Sc. SONS. No SO South VMiarves, Philadelphia. February 15, 1602 3ni. Q3S3Q1T0S SMS EKDTtSlUj T AM AQUA, PENN'A. Pasaeueers dine here on tho passage of each Train. ' Jl'.J!. MERRICK, Proprittor. Tamaqua, Jan 4, 1S02. BNiiTIITABLK $2 I3AT, S, E, corner Third and Dock Streets, PIULADELPA1A. Hats made to order, of nny Stylo or Quality at Short rioiic.o, January 4, 1662. 0m, I'll Add nl! ia fi Reading Hail Road. WINTER ' ARRANGEMENT iiKCTtVTtEf 0F PASSENGER TRAINS Noyeiuber 4. 1C01, (I'assing ucaning) Doivnto Philadelphia, at o.iiO uud 11 A M, 12 nuon, and 4 P M. Up, to Pottsville, at 10,50 A M, and 5,13 P M. WEST, TO LUUANON AND IIARRISUUUG Western F.iprcss froci New York, nt 1)7 A M. Mail rruins. ar 10,55 A M. and'5,-15 P M.- On Sundays, tha Down A M Tain pas. log Heading, at U.-JO A M, and Up Train, at 5,57 P M. lloth 10,50 A M and 5,43 P M, up Trains connect at Port Clinton for T auia-jua, WV..unupoit 'nnra, buff alo. Niarriirn and Canada. r The 10,50 A W, Train only connects at Port Clinton fat Wllkesbarro. Seranton and PlttrUon. Tlio Western Express Trains connect at liarrisburg with Express Trains on the Pennsylvania' Railroad for Pittsburg, and all points West; and the Mall Trains connect ut liarrisburg for Lancaster, Chtuibertburg, Suiibury, Williumsport. Lock Haven, Elihira and tha fnn.'lltllR. ' Through First-Class Coupon Ticketc, and Emigrant Tickets at reuueeu I ares, to an tne principal pouus in the Norm anu ivcti, nun mu wauuuaa. COMMUTATION TICKET?, With 2d Coupons, 23 percent dijeount, between any points desired, M1LEACE TICKlJTp, Cnod for 2000 miles, between all points, at S 15 for Families and llusiness Finn, nnd Season Tickets, good for tho holder only, for three months, in any Passenger train to Philadelphia, ut 340 aoch, tchool Se tts one-third less in- Pnajcneers will tako the ExnrcfaTrain West, at tho ui'l'f.K utirui , aim an oner jaius, amic i.u EU D fc.ru 1, bOlba of baggage allowce eaclt passenger y Passengers nro requested to -purcluso thoir Tick ets beforo entering the cars, us higher Fares charged if paid in cui, ' Urftrafris leavo Hhlladclphiafor Reading liarrisburg and FottBVille at 8 A M, 3,15 P M, und at 4,30 P M, for UcadiUR only, .-.,. (jy Excursion Tlrlitts, good for ono day, by 0,02 A, III, Accommodation Tialn to Philadelphia and return at $2 80 tacit. O, A. NICOLLS, (7(a,(rn Ji'ujierinftrnZenf. January I, 1B62 FlUSUMtljril cb 1JUOT1112HS. 'wUOIiESAIjE T O B A ,0 C O DEALERS 105, NORTH THIHD ST11BET Five door sbelow Rate, PIIILADELPIIIA NOTICE of a Justice of the Peace, rctha fnu' aiiliarhiiinna reiualnlnr iin'isld to th fund of the 11 Iron Guilds" uru not settled on u.-before lln day of February t m instructed to cgmingnce suit smi i,j, . iA,,, u . CSIts tnuit IVIIV-. ;nntiii(i'; --. J M Chsmbnliii I V NEW Ml h WINTER GOODS PETER- ENT m rhiiaiieiphia. and it now (Wml lalatv rirnnl(l hv Mnrlx It Mm. a snlcndld assortment bf merchandize, which will bo sold cheap fol '' CASH OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. Ilia stock consists of Ladies Dross Ocods choicest stylti and latest fashions. DRV 000113. GROCERIES. HARD-WARE, aOEENB-WARE, CEDAR-WARE, HOLI.oly.WARE. inox, JMir,$ jxn spikks r HOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND' OAIS. READY MADE CLOTIIINO,' &C. &C. In short every thing usually kept in n country store Tlio patronage of uld friends, and tho public general ly, Is respectfully solicited. Tho highest market price paid for country produce. ' r PETER ENT. Light Street, Dee. 14, l?fil. John Fareira. 718 ARCH Street, betwpci) 7th, an b eiu, rireeis. tl.au of BiB Market Street rttftdetpfita.) I Mr-oKi lr St ,M ANorim'nf k or, and n...r.n ... ,UK.nri.ANVivrma For IMiet Shut' and CMldrtn't trtar. llnvlna linuf tnan,,lflft((r((l nnil lh ..... ,...,,.f l.nn And Iwr,..!!1..! soitmrnt of nil tho arlous styles and ''SftiV1 qualities of Furs, adopted tu tho com Ijf"' InL' Fall and Winter Seasons. 1 would respectfully In vita tin examination of mystock and pri cos from those intending to purchase, as I am enabled toorrer them very desirable Inducement. my ' "uvt "-" piircnnscu mr can, anu iimaa i,y -.I1..ri.Crti nn,l comnetcnt hands, and as tho nressnt innnltnry Irubc render it necessary that I should dls- posuofmy goods nt Very small advanco on coir. 1 ""l""5'' Iat " "i" 10 1110 interests of those how design purchasing, to fj(yc mo a call. Ujr-Hecoiieci, ino name, numiicr aim sircet: Jonn p..l,ivltf fur HlnreA7lel An4i Stri.nl. Phllndelrthln. , -J" ;,"' , igoi-Slr ' ' NEW BUSINESS 1711111. rIMIE undersigned respectfully Inform their friends v and the public generally, that they havo entered In to co partnership, under the name, style aud llnu of MILLER & EV ER In the Itfcrciintile fSiuincss, In the "Old Arcade," in Illoomsburg, Columbia Co., whrruthey Intend enrr ying on thu business of otiz kal MtnciiAsuiziNo, In all Its diversified branches and departments, and tn which they Invito an extension of the public patronage. ' ' C. II. MILLER, FRED.'XC. EYER. Uloomsb'jrg.Mayll, lBOL-tf. PROTECTION PROM LIGHTNING. cplIE subscriber would Inform his friends, that Iu i .1 now iireparcd to put up, on short notice, and in i scientific manner, the best VLATIXA 1'OI.YTKD l.tOllTXAn IIOVS, nt 13! cents per foot. All work warranted. E. U. UIDLEM AN. Rlooinsburg, May 21, 1800. Cailiuvissa Rail Road. PASS UUl'EllT STATION. SOUTHWARD HOUND TRAINS. Philadelphia & N. Y. .Mail 10 55 A. M. " " Express 12.25 A. SI NORTHWARD liOUND TRAINS. Elmlra Mail 3.41 p. jj N?agra Express 10.15 p. M Lackawanna & lilooiusuurg Railroad f&k -13? fcM'ftgSSa bivggyvd ON AND AFTKR NOVEM.S5, led, PASSENGER J 'i TRAINS WILL RUN AS FOLLOWS: MOVING BOUT It. Freight Passenger. 10.30 A. M rossenger. 5 23 A.M. 0 30 ' e.40 9 15 10 00 NORTH 4 30 T. JI, 5.IO 5.15 5 57 8.00 Leave 9.00 P. M, Leave fieranieis, Kingu Illoomsburg Rupert. Danville, P.I3 P M Arrive at Northumberland, 31 O V 1 ,1 II Leavo NnrUiumbcrlaid, li-mvillc, RupSrt. Illoomaburg Kiuaflon, 1.45 r. 3.10 Arrive at Seranton, r Passenger Train alsnlcaves Kincston ot P.3 OA. M for Seranton, to connect with train for Now York. Re turning, leaves Seranton 011 arrival of Train from New York ut 4.10 r. i. Tho Lackawanna and Rloomsbura Railroad connects ith the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad at Scrnntnn, for Now York and intermediate points cart .vt unpen 11 connect wun tne laiuwjssaiujiro.ia.ior points botli e.m and west. At Northumberland it connects with the Philadelphia & ErieR. R.andNiC Ii. E.for points west and south, " juii.n 1: u.aua , aup't J C. Wells, Gta'I Ticket AJn ' Noy. 30. ltMl. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Edward Albertson, deceased, LETTEtS of administration with 1I10 will annexed on Hie Etiaic of Edward Albertson, Icto of Green- ttnoJ township, iu Columbliieomitv. deceased have been granted by the Register of Columbia county to the iindcraigued ; all persons having claims against tho es tate of tho decendent nro requested to present them to the Adm'r. nt his residence in Oroenwood townshin. without delay, and all persons indebted tu make psy llium lortutviiii. ISAAC A. HEWITT. Adnt run testl March 1, 13!W-0w. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of George P. Milltr, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that letters of Administra tion 011 the estate of Gcorso P. Miller, late of Cen tre tau nel.jp Columbia 'county, deceased, have been granted ny-inu uegisier 01 sam counjy 10 jonn von, who Asides in Mitfiin townshin, Alt rersons having claims or demands against thu e statu of tho decedent ato requested to presuut thorn tor settlement, ami those indebted to miKc payment without delay juii.-s wui.r , Fct, 13, ISO'.'.-CV. adm'r ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Peter Applegate, deceased. .TOTICE is hereby giventhatlcttors of Administration IN on the estate ol'l'cter Applegatv.lato of Jackson twp Columbia county, deceased, liavu been grunted by theReg inter of said County ,to Joshua Rubbius, who resides in tho same township. Ad persons ImVing claims or de mands ualust the cstato of the decedent arc requested topresont them for settlement, and those indebted to mane payment ivimoui uciuy. JOSHUA P.OliniNS. Feb. 15, 16G2-f't. v- " '.tin'r, NATRONA COAL OILl WARRANTED NON EXPLOSIVE! and equal toany KEROSENE. WHY buy an explosivu Oil, when a few cents mora per gallon will furbish you wiii, a perfect Oil I Made, only by ' PA.SAI.T .MANUFACTURING COMPANY, No. 127 Walnut Street, PlliLADliLrillA. rtby.SJ., latiJ, I year. SAPONmERTsTONIFIER 1 ! LOTIIE FAMILY SOAP MAJiCli .3 All Kitchen Grease can be made intogood SOAP, by using BAPON1F1ERI D-DIRECTIONS ACCOMPANYING EACH BOX I SOAP Is catily made with it, ns uiaking a cup of cof fee Manufactured uuly by tho Patentees. I'A. SALT MANUFACTURING: COMPANY. No 127 Walnut Street PHILADELPHIA, W. WI.HT ESQ.' NOW occupies the room up stairs in front In Mr Unaugst'a brick building, on Slain Street below tho American Home. A most conycnieiu'oilice ; where lis will bu happy ut all times to see his friends and clients, liloomsuurg, Nov, 11, ieoi,-3m, 2lmcticau (Opvosi te. Inuecnaencc Hall,) CHESTNUT STRr.ET.ltF.TWEEN FIFTH It SIXTH, puiL.inEi.rniA. W Y ATT at IIEUL1NGS, Pepriefors. November 30, l?ol IMurch 13, IH56, IMPORTANT! TO thoso whose Subscriptions arc unpaid to tha fund afihu "IRON GUARDS." that tho Subscription paucr will be placed in tht hands bf ESquira Cln-mbeiliu on the first day of January next and alliiersons in arrs&is 'will be waited upon Ly Constablotiofi. lly ordsr of ti Coniinittt, WM. NEAL, Tresis rr, Bloomiburg, Dce,23, 1801-tf, NOTICE TO LAND OWNERS. THE undersigned, Treasurer of Columbia County, ,..M oivu notice to all those owing him their taxes On .. e ,l,n um.j 191.(1 nnl lHlll. thnt Ihrtv I .... . : ........... i n.,.t;.k a.. i.n,vtxt..r thi. 1 i," " i Vt f l r' r.1 ' "h i l . .; ,"iT first and .old. A ttord in ilio wuc is sunidenl &.C, i , i -1-ra.nurcr s C'fncc Jrtu, a. .ii'NirsUii Trtutrt' iv:.T. vi. i-i i u;. Bill" m fllTlff.il (:niliirmatinll 01 I IIP Rl'.iriinlnn j'i u..', I.. A' Cl,.. -r.,-.l' i. 'or Columbus, lias bfcpg (ccclycd by iiic urpariiutui. JEFFERSON DAVIS' CABINET. A Richmond paper ?ays that the follow ing will, jn all probability coustjtuto lio Cabinet of President DaviB i J. P. Benjamin, of Louisiana, Secretary of State. Gonr ral Lee, Sccrelaryof Wrr. Brigadier fecusralQcorgo W. Randolph, of Vrginia, Secretary of Nary, 0. Gh iMcmminger, of South Carolina, Secretary of Treasury.' Mr. Henry, M. 0. of Icntupky, Pot master Ocnural. Ilerschcl V. Johnson, of Goorrria, At; , tOmOy General Tax BiU. Wasiiihotox. March 3. The following is an abstract of tha tax bill reported to.day It provides for tho appointment by tho Precldont of a commissioner of internal rovehirc, with n ralftVy ofPyi thousand dollars per nnnum.his office to be in the trea sury Department, with n suitable number of clerks. The country Is to be divided, as the President may direct, Intocnnvcuiciitcollectiondistrlct's, with anna, scssorand collector, appointed by tho President, for rncli district, who shall havo power to appoint meh dep uties us nuiy uo necessary. The bill provides for a tujt rn splritous liquors of (If teen cctlts pergnllon. Ale and porter one dollar per bar nl, Stem or'lcaf tobacco tbreu cents per round, to ad,1 when manufactured, five centj, and on cigars live, ted and twenty certs per pound i according to value. Orl lard and Hnscvd oil, burning fluid, und coal oil, flvscts: per gallon. ReGneit coal oil ten cents per gallon. Gas per thousand feet, twcaly-fivo cents. Hank nolo paper flvo cents per pound. Prlnlln;pnpcr thrca mills rer pound, i-'onp flvo mills per pound, 'Kolo leather ono rent per pound. Upper leather one-half cent per pound Flour ten esnts per barrel. All other manufactures threo per centum ad valorem. On railroad passengers two mills per mile of travel. Communication tickets three per cent. Steamboat travel one mill per mile Oiniilbus.es, ferry boats, and horso railroads, three per cent, on gross receipts from passengers. Advertisements five per cent, on amount of receipts annually. For tho usa of carriages, annually, from ono to ten do'larA according to value. Gjldyvatches brie dolhr.- Silver watches fifty cents. Gold pldlu fifty cents tier tables twenty dollars, on slaughtered cattle fifty cciiis each. Hogs ten cents each, thecp live cents each. Licenses For bankers, one hundred dollars ; auction curs, twenty dollar; wholesale dealers, fifty dollars; retail dealers in liquors, twenty dollars; retail dealers in goods, ten dollars; pawnbrokers, fifty dollars; recti fiers, one hundred dollars j brewers, fifty dollars. Hotels, inns and taverns, graduated according to rental, from five to two hundred dollars. Commercial brokers, fifty cJolUrs ; other brokers, twenty dollars.! Theaters, dno hundred dollar's. Circuses, fifty dollars. Bowling s. leys, flvo dollars ench alley. Wholesale peddler, fifty dollars ; other peddlers from fitn to twenty dollar.1 Coal Oil distillers, twenty dollsra. Incomethroe per com, on nil over six hundred dollars, deducting the In. coma derived from dividends, etc., which aro taxed sep arately. Railroad bonds and dividends of banks and savings Institutions, three per cent, Pavments of all salaries nf oScera in the civil, military orhav.il aorvicu or thn United Stdtes, including Senators and Member Bf Congress, three pejrenflt. LegacleA end distributive shares of personal 'propetly of deceased fersdns, from onu to five per cent., according to tho degrdes of rela tionship, and stamp dittieJ on' all' kinds of legal and commercial papers, all patent medicines, telegraphic messages, and all goods by express. uuiitv. rnver mate turce cents -ncr cuncc. ciiuarn Look to your interests! FRESH ARRIVAL pF FALij AND WINTER GOOD, AT MILIAR & EYER'So THE subscribers hove Just returned from Ihe City With another large nnd select assoitmet of 1 F.ill and Whiter iAoodx, purchased at Philadelphia, at the lowest figure, an which they nro determined to sell on asmodorata terms as can bo procured elsewhere in Bloomsburg. Thsii siock comprises .r lilE' llltl'.SS GOODS, tt cnoicrvt atytes and latest fashion. DHY OOODS, AXD aliOCLHlF.IS. ' ' UAHDW.IRK Q.UF.EAH1RK, CEDAR H'ARl', HOLLOW WARE 1FO.Y, XAILIi, ROOTS Sr SJIOF.S jiats 4- airs. tc , 4-c, 4c In ehart everything usually kept in country Stores; to which they invite the public generally. ' The Highest price paid for country produce. .... MILLER St. EYER. Bloomsburg, May 11, 1S6I. 1 ' - H. MULLIGAN, IMPORTER OF ALL KINDS OF 1 AND MANUFACTURER OF JEWELRY, No, 444 North Stcond Street, ABOVE WILLOW. PHILADEI.PHI.1, Nov. 16, IKI. NEW JEWELRY STORE. THE undersigned, respectfully informs the citizens of llloonibburg,' and thu public generally, that he has es tablished a new Htnr'e, on Main Street, Illoomsburg, la Mrs.'Lcceock's Euilding, whero he oilers for .ale, on moderate terms, a largo asadrtmcnt of 1 CLOCKS, WA TCHES tf- JEWEL R Y Of every sort, and siio nnd description. His stock of Jewelry is complete, including every variety of Ladies and Gentlemen's Mcdalions, j Chains. Lockets, llreastpins. Finger-rings. clc.J tn tho examination of which he invites the public gener ally. Ls Strict attention givon to repairing Clocks, Watch es, and Jewelry, and all work warranted. WM. D. DRAKE. Bloomsburg, May 4, 1601 tf. l'UBLIC SALli op VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. In pursuance of an order of the Orphans'Court of Co lumbia county, or. Saturday tlie 15fi day of March next, at 18 o'clock in tha forenoon, Willian Bbultz, and Isaachcr Titman, Adminiatratnrs'of John C. Kinney', lata of Madison touu.hlp, in said c'oun'.y. deceased, will expose to sale, by Public Vendue, upoiiliio premises, L certain Messuagu, tenement and -f Til A C T OF LAND, sitnatcd in Madison Township, aforesaid, bounded by lands of Daniel Snyder, dec'tJ. .Marshall und Jacob Gil ton, Frederick Wcrkhciscr, Zebulon Robbins, Michael Hank and Isaachcr Titman. containing EIGHTY-FIVE A CUES AND ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY SIX PER CHES wliueon are erected ulargu FUAMi: UOII.SE AND CAXk BARN, with the other out-bu!Id;iigp, srit(n of water, and good orchard, &c.,' Iito thu Estate of said deceased, situated in tho town ship of Madison und County aforesaid. Jacob Eyerly, Clerk Torms of sale ten per reat. of one fourth of the pur rhaso money on day of sale ; one fourth less the ten per cent, on the con Urination 'of sale, and the balance in one year from continuation with interest from confirmation '-Btoomsburg, Feb. 15, 18U2-4U. SB-Lie SALE VALUA1JLF REAL ESTATE. m tiuisnancc'nf an order of tha Court of Common Pleas of Columbia county, on Saturday, the eighth day cf March next, at 10 o'clock In the fmcnoon. Hcr.ry Helwig and John Rarig committee nf the person and estate of John Graham a lunatic of Roanugcroek township in tha county of Columbia nfnrc.aid ; wid expose to sale tiy public venuuo upon ino premises tne unaiviiieu onu tilth part and also the undivided one fourth patt of tha undivided nno fifth part subjoct to tha life cstuto of Ma. ry Graham the mother of the said John arahain.of all that certain tract of land situats in thn townchip of Roaring creek aforesaid, bounded by lauds of Michael Federotf, Elijah Horn, William Yocum uud Elijah Yocum, con tainlug about eight acres more or less on which ara erected, a frame House n now barn and outbuildings. Thocstatuof thu said John Graham in tho said prem- JAUUU UV1HU.V Roaringcrcek, Feb. 15, I&53. t Prsth'y Opposite the Court Ihvuani it Ml door to Dl'nctrSt Oxes. Tho uiidvrtlgurd, respectfully luforms his frisuds and cu.toiue.-i tl'.ut ho has opened A XEW BARBER SHOP In Court Ilousa Alley, next door Celow ths Office of .1 n..l.,.,tl. 1 , . I.u ...III l ti--n.,,n wal tllU CUIUIIIUIU .'Cllluciat, ..u,,d n , uu u.yrj - .. ml 1 ii noti all customers, and fron lo i,. etnreitc . aun Sine, d sue men to biismcss. he hopes to inerit and r.celve Hj' All things hsro done i decency and in nrder 1 iiiu.had u.v4n n Plt- bur? Ur'li Iii 0J 4V
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers