COMA 1)1 LEVI L. TATJSi EDITon. i ii i n i i hi nm in ' J DKJlOCUATielirATU NO3ILAT10XS. GEN. port. aovBKSon. WM. F. PACKER, or tYixiMmi county BLEEDING KANSAS!!! After sovcral ringings of iho Conrt COURT PK00EE1MGS. Tlio.Oouuty Cpuvontion. j Tho manifesto J in regard to llio Mr. Buoliauau'a Lottor. . . . i . i ui uu u. . Tlio iwcrdst manucstoil 111 recaru to llio Tlio Washinnton Union ol llio M inst. . ..,.. . . mi I l-t l iir.. i t l icr.T . . - . " ' 1I6USODCU oa uijuigut oi aimrt.i, JnoomsDurg. Dccuuur rcsuU of tlio County and District iiomina- gives tlio follornDg piiraSrat)li : , afcffof thow persons who Hot ago, I Court mot-, Hon. Warren J. Woodward tion3 jast Monday, w,as Hticlf .a very "Wo bavobccnVcqucslcifbyMr. Horatio would have icotned to listen io Mr, Con- and Associates cm tbo Bcnfb. Uifficiont Guarantee that tho best men would King to say that ho was not 'only totally . . 9 . .. t.- r.. I -r 1 I T...1!i...l . . I.. l...t l. I.J.I .1!..l.l.t grcssmau .urnw, maKingnpooeucs m in-vr i uoni, of nants-to icdoyornor Wilmo, lazily J Fornicai! and vory listessly climbed tlio Court Ilouso Com. steps, and occupied as much of the scats as assault and ton CANAii-coMMtesKrtrat, NIMR.OD. STRICKLAND, ion jiroaE3 or Tire surnxME couur, WILIAM S THONG, cf tm tocsTV. JAjJIES THOMPSOTSU Of ERIE COCKTY. possiblo in order to, make, tbo Court room seem nearly half full. It is not necessary to give a description of the speech of tbo Honorable Qol.tlcman. -T.h6se.ef our read' ors who wcro last fall bored with Kansas speeches ait nauseam, and beard tbo "nijj -VS. IOHn Mau-iuu.tuuim, bo Selected bv -tllO IclOMtOB, for tllO SOVCral 'H"u;"'l HIV. "IU DiiBa.i. Ion and llatardy. ,.. n,.,n i. aii1 foil. Th. . sllsP,cl ""BCtor dt tip communi- , v. Tri,i Tn,i!.imtii . . . cation irom I'rorcssor oil hlnan anci others vs. Mm. Uougbton-Indictmcnt,' hlig).e(jom, Ja convention, which. ' i ,i, Prr.,',Wi iivm it', ,A Mm battery, i rue uiu. Com. v?. Houghton Indictment, ition tnd bastardy, Truo bill. fornl cation Com. vs. Wm. Strutbcrs Selling liquor without a license Coin. vs. E.lijia atruthprs-t-pclling liquor without Tiiiosiise. '- Several other hills, for various small offepscs and misdemeanors, ramu beforo with such intenso feelings, passed off so through tbo mail from a person unknown nuictlr, lnnpily.'ind tatUfactorily, When1'0 him, accompanied by a respectful noto llho nominntiopswcro once announced, there '" " lolivcrcu Premiums, ,." , - ,.' . tbo President ; and that ho accordingly was no gruinblmg and no apparent dia is-1 BCnt it) togolllor ,vith ;,, not(J) t, tho-fy..;-.,,,,., faction. Kven tlio defeated candidates, ' President's nrivoto secretary, stat'tiie in a i second best ' ...I. .... .! 1 -I-.. A .1 l.r .., ,, llest pair Drall COLUMBIA COUNTY AGRlCULTUlMfj SOOIl'LT, 'vVIUj nor.p TllEfu qECO.Nh AAt, EXWJB1TI0J3AT ON THURSDAY & FRIDAY, Octobor 2 & 23, 1857. Premiums, io bo Awarded as fujlov: no, i-iiynsi;s. gcjliflrsei 4 Ptl ll iilnlocatrla6''h0"c'J O thry will Ira vinrcleil lu picceJ la Lunln.n. ' ill. ?i'm?,"Ci"i'. i1!1'!,' ,i inS t-'",u t:!'"'ar oflno dlllrcnl fmnultPe 11 I ?I0. io-n.OWINU M.Ml Bot r'pwin0, rrftnnl liriiitf Int.! tn tin kiii ( wnrknipn ii'mI ,li:lpllne il li u m. .iiirt tvii ui or III'! Walk, m hell lis IM" . i u pli Sil lii it - - , , UiiiSmltlen Jucnli Dtmol M' Miillvc n lhf.ui, Kiln ' or J lMnciPtk, aAil Mimli iilullnl llinioii lrtCI!j,TlO,MtV l'lil;iUMn L'omriiiueo. IdViwn liuclic m Dcnu u, AIIiiiit I ui al hiJjarliar, yiiom.n 11 .J:vn ut .lUepinv 110,1, L, l, aoiu, icr i iij.iuipan. uu vi)l. bl lift.' , J IXhTllClUTlO.NH "Ili UOMMIT'l'lir..-) 1. Tlnfioiii'iiiltlMt will hfivis tl oilUtmiluuatviio. , r Inwllliol.l llinl'icmluml II llluiijUilunxlilliii, , ,,, wmtliy u prum luni, y. 'llio citjiitulieo on Iflflcrclloiinry priiiiluin tvlil mvdM audi iiri iiiiiiiiia ns lliey may tlilnk iiro.v , uu atilclca not pruviilcil lor In the eci,nal tlie,hu 3 Tim inumUt'M 01 llio vuriuud OaininHl' Lg, I II hiaku u a point la boon the ground aa enily us pnrstl 011 tint sutoiitl tiny not l&ur llinn 10 o'clock, tit tu.lcli f,u. inir nuiiis win uo cuiiiii iioui lliusiunu. ni,ij i ger question'1 discussed in all its pertinent and impertinent bowing, can have, by re calling those ooeasions, a perfect knowlodgo tbo -Orand Jury, wcro passed upon and 1 of tlio late aitempt. Wo are told that it bills found j but in every instance wcro ,is the same speech ho mado in Danville, 1 continued, or disposed of without ooming m r ' ( nyl ! .InnU l.y llinV,T. tirfnrn tbn traVCrSO JUry. At tllO nCXt UEMQl'ltATlC tOBMY WtMlJi-lTIOAS. jU(ce .and conned bv rote by Lis pet , term tbcro will therefore bo considerable ru ie """ v " " " j mi a wm i uiiuj in nil 11 ii iiiMir i I'll u r i n m. i n ri v m tioatt in. mm r-r v . . , vt nccun i?,ccoV '.UCB.1. .. 1 iiot.lUcrlliaiiUu'cloik. 'i'lioprniiiuiui wiiilirliuuiiUu 1 reconciled to ihcir fato ; nud nil of them of tho contents ot tlio package dc.cru.lned to supportthoticko. just formed, sillimaTin a card initio N. S-JdW" fttS&SZV& ?iS I utaSt,.,, ia warmlv nml to tli bpit of their abilities ro"-ssor Ollliman, in a caru in;liio ik. (jomujitten -JoUn K, Eve., of greenwood. Venlah by lOu'clwlc.n. iu..nnJ .11 1 o'clock? n Hit: com. warmiy aim 10 410 utm 01 tiicir uuiiivtoa. y.. Tribune tlca'incsto occtlnu tbo "bad Htmloelt. Henry II. MtSck. of Scotl, It. U. inlltowill litoecod luoininlns.tiiiil imnt.l thb pudilun,., T ia . c.,!.:t n l.l en ' l,n ' ' I irtnur. or II loom, and 1.1 IQi K line, or rcoll. I 11-nil munis ciuiuiwu niiisl remjln on tin,,, J member, It is. not protondetl by any body, that tbcro was anything now in his speech, even FOB, ASSEMBLY, PETER EDIT, of Columbia Co. JOHN V. SMITH, of Wyomixq Co,. ion I'RoinoNo.i'AnY, JACOB :EKHLY, o( Bloom Townslilp. rou nEQisiEU Atrt) uecobdkh, llAMtli LEE. of Bloom TowusUp. tpa. COMMISSIONEU, ELIAS P1ETEHH K, of jtfautoitr typ., I'OR IREASUIllsn, .JAMES Si3tIcX.i1ji, ofvCatawlssa twp,, roU AUDITOIl, JOHN R. J0I1E, of WiytlA Township. criminal business from tho present appear ance of tho Dcckct. Ten or eleven causes' on tbo .civil lis.t wcro disposed of by' trial, fcttlomont, or FOB CONOKESS, Jolm Mcltovuokls, Esq. rittVrti Miit iteJi7 e tin cenirmtmictrSirtMi. ) ' on tho ''nigger Kansas question j," and as to st-4o politics, tbo courso and position of judgment, Wilmot ,ppon the great questions, of tho S.troup ct al vs. Kuport ct al. This was day: his old position as freo trader, and an action on on ctro'leaso. Tho defence 1 bis nqw ono as tbo cau'illdato of tho tariff , was, interference by tho PUT., and the great j men; and various other sons poinb jn his difficulty of driving tho mino. Thoro wcro 1 case, Grow avoided ai bo would thdplaguc. two actions on tho Covenant in both of Political Prospects in Fonnsyl vania. Only about three weeks remain until tho titizens of Pennsylvania will bo called -upon to select four gentlemen to fill oxaltod and important positions in tho several ilepariments of Stato govoMoicot. And althojh wo are so closo upon .tho election -day, there is yet but little feeling and no es-itcment. To a oalm and impartial observer of tho political heavens, these signs aro ominous.' Last Tall tho wholo American peoplo wcro, agitajcel, a?d no day passed without mass meetings, stump 'cloquenco, and tioisy demonstrations. Questions in which tho peoplo felt a deep .interest or cmagincd they did iwere fully discussed, times without number, in all minner of ways, iul all emagionablo jilaces. Newspapers tcem,cd with argu ment, sophistry, 6atiro, ridicule and non vScnse. Appeals wcro then to the leart3 and consciences, tho pockets and the policy of all. The principles for which eeh jarty contended iW.cjro shouted ,Jind Kun;, iterated and reiterated, uotil the hills echoed and tho air groaned with them. They were printed and painted, so that all who could hear, sec, feci, or snjell, undor .etood tbo issue in al their varied forms. After all this, .-they walked up to "iho ,baj,(ct l,os, and in their solemn majesty .mode a bold and emphatic declaration of ibo principles by which they wished to bo governed, Tbelr verdict was recorded, and to it tbcro is no exception or appeal, .and no newrial can bo granted, for no sufficient reasons can bo given. To ask .it, is to impeach tho honesty or tho' judg ment of the great jury. So ho cas'o now stands. No new issue has been raised, and tho people having definitely settled ll thP ,oVl rncs, sco no cccation for agitating themselves. '.'I'Jio DcmocrtU aro sanguine, and.tho Republicans hopeless, and hence -we marchion to Ihcelection day without a :ufdc to disturb tbo quiet content of the 'masses. It is true, aTliltfc spasmodic emotion n'.ay bo ccn in a few localities. Hut this is only tho contortions and writbings of Itcpublieanism'u death struggle. Wilmot .13 on his pilgrimago reciting his stereotyped declamation abot hh i.roviso. and bis far fetched joke about (ur national coin. But J10 csmcs and goes, unnoticed, unheeded. I iko 9, pet bio thrown in a smooth sea, his -harangues cau;o a temporary ruffle, and soon all is calm again, and no traoo is left qto mark where be has been. I7aileliurst3 running a clcso contest with Wilmot, with a fair prospect of making It neck, and" neck with him. For ihe last few weeks Araerieanissn has been struggling up through tbo rubbish with which Repub licanism had oovcred it; it comes from its gravo with the damp smell upon its garmcnbi,and enters boldly into tho strugglo wllh the party to which in was lately united by near and tender ties. It is a family quarrel, and wo. say let them light it aut. All ran lid men conccdo tho certainty of tho election of tho Democratic ticket ; aud tho only question is, which is to bo tho reigning clement of . opposition Kcpubli--canifcin or Nnow-Nothingisra I Wo will wjtch tho coutest.with tho utmost.iadiiTer .coco 03 tor tho result. lie did not attempt to csplain it or defend it, as either consistent or honorable; nor did he show tho old whigs, upon whit principles of integcrity, or consistoy, or jesuitism, they could support David Wilmot. His own course, ho did not daro to re view, nor could ho have squared his speech on this oeeasion, with ouo mado in tho Houso of Representatives, May 27, 1852, from which tho following is an cxtra'-t: 11 which tho Plaintiff recovered a Judgment, Weaver and Hurley for Plffi. Clark and Buekalow for Dcfts. Catharine. Tanner vs. D. W.cavcr. Actionfor a broach of -promise of niarri igo, The evidence consi-tcd in the fact of a courtship, running about ono, year and a half, and spmo letters, at intervals, some what vaguo and;indeOnito in their jihraso- olocy. 'i'ho Court charged tho jury, how Tim Doinoomlin Variv ia Min mrtv nf ever, that tsWllc all tho facts of tho caSO the Umon, being tho party or the (Jonstiiu-Mtito consideration, there was strong pre ion; .Undor its administratis and the t sumpti0n of a contract of marriago ; ant policy or its measures, in tiiroo score years and ten. this Republic, .from a tottering infant ha3 become tho .giant ,cf the, world. Tho country nccus no new party, specially to savo tho Union. For, if cvor the political parties ot tlio country snail bo organized solely with roforeneo to men's views of tbo .institution ot lmman slavery, it uill;tc tlio most fearful day the Republic ever saw." Wo commend tho aboAto sentiments to tho attention of Sir. Grow. It is barely fivo years sinco they w&ro u torcd, and ho is now endeavoring to crush, but by tho blesiing of God, it cannot bo done, that samo party of tho Union and tho Constitu tion; and to Keep alivo in this country, a party, ''organized solely with roferonco to men' views of tho institution of human slavery 1 1" Thus becoming a traitor to his party, to the principles he professed, and to tho doctrines ho so 'lately promulgated. It is enough let him go. . Mi'. Buchanan's Letter. Wo invito particular attentiqn to itho manly letter of-.President Buchanan, in rply to tho S-illiman Pronunciamcnto, published 011 tho hrstpago of this Columbia Democrat. It is a scortchine rohuko to Massachusetts Abolition-dictation, and a glorious vindication of tho National Con stitution. Rca.d it attentively, and than prcscrvo it carefully, for tho edification of unborn generations. It embodies tho simplo sentiments and prescribes tho plain 'duties of a Democratic Constitvtional President, not of a faction, but of tho great mass of tho AMERICAN FREEMEN. sumption of a contract of marriago ; ami that attentions so long continued and so regular, wcro not to bo tolerated on any other supposition. Tho current of deci. sions is to that point. The jury found a verdict for Plff. for 500 00, Jjcidy and Comly for Plaintiff, Frcqzo and Clark for Defendant, Adam Gablo -vs. Tho Adm. of Engel Fox, deo'd. This was an action to recover ;pay for earo and attention bestowed on tho deceased, during his last illness, and for time to fight ainan is beforo tho nomination, that is tbo right of every frcoman ; but after a pirty endorsement thero i-bould bo no mutiny in tbo camp. Wo wcro glad, wo say, therefore, to obsorvo that every putlio reports his connection wiih tho "forty parson" correspondence havo assigned, him. lie says ho knew nothing of' tho memorial "until it was presented to him for his signature," whcji h,o .actuated, ns wo aro 11.. ,.nl..l r-b""""-) U1QI1 tvvui. Jiuiiiu t nu iuu rubiiuu iiuiiiuau tu..,-i- .. ,,111 1 i IninjVi hT ft cthi.iI nFnnmnllunnr.A'lnililn, put the ticket just nominated at least 1 1Ut q cJ foow Iiitcon hunurcu aneau ot anytmng ciso in r r en. 1 , .1 1 r 11 ' , citizens." Professor Silhman believes that tuo lie ' ovcry "Amorican citizou'' has '-'a right to John McYKrfnis, Lsq., an old, well t Jngt a Mt of h(j mont known, and respected citizen of alum na ir Wg couutr wb5cb Lo dBBppr0vc8, and county, was named ns tho choieo of this ho nlso bolicV03 it y tIrao t0 disc.lai.r. any coui.iv ioi oBUE.v , pv u patt hl lll0 el.igtn of tbat .ncmorittl. . CAT) nctntill,3yr5&iinward3nosl lien Jiloustn . .1 no i!oUlcircr,l lle&l Fnl Rlnltr 1 111 o.l K,.., llestyoke-lijbii.a ycflri IHsl'utill rolf under nun uiiuurit j on !M Den -.1 lien so nest lioifcr call IJet Jlilrli Cow IID 2,1 hi , t .. .a 'jo (Joninilttno Nenl M'Ony, of Mnillnon. tlcn U'onvcr. liirtir.l tn tin ftlilliltfir. lllilehM ill il'tlvlui fllrfri, .1 1X0- 3-Oautiuh, All nrlielesrxliililUU. whether elil,lc9 toSyears l thl ot nut,inusi (ercriecitdus inivunj pri rity .tuiii.tmy . . . fierson delected lit iiuilulniii'' or injurins Unlit lvill eti nnderlyrloo iclt wltlmicoidliij to l.iw. ' ill ' 1 on . .. '50 t!in H'.i.ri . or lilotmsbiilir, Daniel Kreiitii.ol t'atavvissa, Andrew l'rcas ami Jacob Mill, orCentn. fortuuato as to sccuro tlio District nomina tion, will bo elected by a very hdudsomo majority. Ho has lived all tho years of a long lifo in tho District, knows its wants and its wishes, .is pcrsonly ncqainted with a largo HU)nb,cr of ftis' .oqnstitucncy, and this endorsement. of ins courso and his life, is very just as well as very gratifying. 'Fm Senator, in tho District compuscd ThcNimcsof 'MfJiuchanan's Preceptors. Jt appoars that tho forty gentlemen, cbiofly of Now Haven, who saw fit to adviso the President of .tho United States ii'iw ho should conduct his administration ou tho Kansas question, .aid, who took occasion to charge Mr.lluchauan with purjury in having violated his official oath, aro alumni of of tho counties of Columbia, Montour, Yalo Collogc, who put their heads together, Northumberland atd Snyder, no person j on tho occasion of tbo )ito annual exorcises was named or indicated. of YnloCollccc, and succeeded in producing Peteii Ent, Esq., waa nominated for the rounrkablo .memorial to tho President the Legislature, tijusttribute to his straight which .wo havo to-day placed beforo our forward, patriotic, and Democratic course , readers. Tho names of tho tigners of tho last winter. Ilia nomination will no doubt moinorial-arcfn- bo confirmed -by tho District, and his tlce-: Nath'l. W. Tayltr, tion is beyond question. I Theo. 1). Woolsoy, Jacob Eyebta- yraa nominated for jb j""-' j, Prothonotary. Tbcro is no uso in telling! j u ' uuuouy lu iitt-J eumurj iiiijiiuug uuuub.jijj V,X)lakO, SO A II M.tlrtn i.Hrrrt r,i, rnit. ..illllitn. nntl Itrt lnvnn ., 1 OU by tbecoinetltur itill lriilt,vcetnbl(i'.lUavr,tti: , must ne inugron in ui inn cnniieiiDr'. una nu iiinnuiac lured nrttcUs tnuBt tiavcleen inlidnby I tie rriliin t,l(,rff, Kvery competitur lor i.reuiiitinis n.ust be n resideii i of Coluinblacnunty. lint persona Iroin oilier Couiilien may ImViMllQ prlvllegf ol br Infills art ties on exlnuilloii, on tliopayinentorati entrance leqol Tilly Cents. sriHMAi. Noracn. Tint n hi ou nt reqni red for meinlierilitp In'tlie S'tfltiy. i nBi.. i,ii ti i --y - . ,, is rirTT iwLKis. ju muuee a e.iuerai co-oiicratmii 1.1 CenTtB i. t TtVi . . 1 1, v. . J' "'rf,001,1' ''" ,lt!" , ' l'L-ltu oflho l.olo county. Iliu Society HA ii.lie.l Cenlte, and Mlthuel 0. Vuiice, ofOtnl,tui n Ulla,ii, 0) Oertlncati snort plaud Hum Iiiiii llio ImliIv SO. 4 3IVINJ1. 1 of Ibe following named ptrsonsln the dlirerent purls ol nertlluar 1 (o'llesl lirie,'Oormoro, I tliu Oounly, l,o nro auilioilrcd to i crnnt ibtm 1.,'iurli Silliest 511 2 lo 10 if tcltaoW 1 DO ns may pay tlieliilllnlou lee Into Ihelr linnds, lu wit lert TOW 1 00 Sit host Sll "7 '".""'. lunuii, Miniiitniius i uniuij uviiiuii, ii.l best llest fat I'iff Hist Rurk d best - llcalSICtt'o Ehcep no. a-Biii'.er. 1 00 Heat'n Fat Weathers 1 00 60 Ed bed JO 1 HO Hetp7 lamia, tin'rl)M no uu kii uegi ou 60 llest riS.nol liver Hum 1 (IU "'i line 111 imuiu, iiui. nayis , filial, imj, rfi mi I(i0"dbe.t 50 lm-r; Ceiilio; (llil.erl II. Totvieri ri.tilnpfieili, ii.. . iv... n... ..r r... .....a.1 I... i..i. . flenrv llitteniieni Lr : l iaiiKltn. u. l . , ortiKr l iiieen Keeen.ol Oentru, '1 bonra. M'lleliry. ol Oiaiigo, Jns-pll I 1l,"iB'a", ' I"'"!". J""?, 'I'";"','," Slousor,oriiontour,anJ Ilcnry Ilollin iiliiuu, ul Cita. Jj'k'on, 'iheoiloie tfmlilij Uitust fwwd ItrlnU I.!: .vi,Ha 611111111, Win. I., nruun .Muiilnur, llllos lieitilcK, ' t,o -unin 1 Maine, (leorpe 6hun,nu; Miulison, Ilculien Wii(in , - . . , .. . .. . Mount lMentant, J II. VlMidenllce s Orancc, licou-u Btstr.ewfouiidUndl)o 50 v. l-ott i Pino, Jalnci MnsleM ! Runlinscm lt, Pamui l Mieplicrd Dog - - - - 50 jk . a,iKnrleaf, Ahilnw l.aubiuii j tcoll, 'lhon.ns A ""ft ." j " .." "! t'tovllnit.undlli.eulseofiliel'risiilent C.iiiiiiiltia?. itrr llltlniFy.c.r, 1 bonus Dal Iman Olid This Oeltllli nip not only li lir lllliles ll.c ll I.lV.lloone, all of iilooni. I number crihu (.VIii(Uliii County Ajr.eullural Sotitij. NO. 0 roUI.lHV. f.iroueytur bulllei, titles liiiiibclliini! fiimlly to ntli i d Best palr.ShniipliaW n llest pair Ducks JO the Fnlr wjlbduteatrn tl.nisos. nnd Juilher MIM' s Im.i UuitlJeone. 60 'i-nrkets ;v n .livileBo ,.1,( su.l. urlie.les on ilnl lllon as Cochin Cbiua 50 (ii.,,, Jo lniay i.liuoiO,.llipumiiy fuilher puyuiiul ci. Ilurknti; 5U tlio J5lli ol October, ijiosu not i mnriicli,i it tinn tn r Committee HHa C. l'nler, of r"colli Bltli II. How. mau. ol llriarcreeki.-ind Alfred Howell, of OraiiK'i. no. 7 okai.v axii GiiAFd si:i:D. "Old Unclo Jake." You know bim Dan"ikl L:-;u was nominatc(l for Ilogiator nnd Koofirder. He has mndo a careful, attentive, and competent officer, and had several months previously ; by tho Plaintiff, I no oppos,it;,)n for ti,0 nomination who had l'ox in lus houso anil took earo of him. For some part of ibo time,' Deft, proved a contract ; for the remainder, it was a qucstinn of fair and reasonable, com. pensation. Tho .Plaintiffs claim was, for balance duo 82-17 j tho jury gave him 81 '1"., Clark and Daldy for Plff. Krcczo and Comly for Deft. Jonathan Mastcller vs Stephen IMdy. This was an action or' assumpsit for build ing a stable on Deft'a lot, and which ho afterwards agreed, to pay,for. Verdict for tho P1JT. for 877 30. .qiark aud .Ifrcezu for Plff. lialdy for Deft. James Ralston vs. Tho Adins. of James Ralston, Jr. This was an action by tho Plff, to recover compensation for tho main- tainanco of Italston, Jr., during tho spacu Eli Ives, 11. SHliniap,,Jr., Noah Parlor, Tho.A. Thaihcr, J. A. Davenport, Worlh'n. Hooker, Philos Hlako, 13. K Poster, Bijas Dietebick, a farmer of Montour tnwnshin. was selected as tho candidate for n.,.. n.,..:oii, tt u n nr.-.mnt i 0. S. I.yinati, V VUlll V .UUUI lUlilllWllbl V " w...., . , ... ... , ' John A. DUke, j-cjiablo, and enorgetio man, oojncs of good , Wm jj. llussoij( old German extraction, is a largo tax-payc,. , , Skinner, himself, and will therefore look out for the ( Uor.icc' llusbnell, inlnvt nf tlin nlliprs. tilt IS tho kind of i John Uoyd, a ...uu to bo entrusted with our eounty SV5Sk.MOI,, unauciai anuirs, an noncsi, iioru worKingi David Smith, James P. liabeqek, Q. A. Calhoun, li. 11. Gibcit, Leonard Dac'on, II. 0. Kingsley, li. Sillimau, Hdwurd.C!, .Hqrrick, nimrlestlvfts, Wm. P. Kuitis, Jr. Alex. C.', Josiah W. fiibbs, Allred Walker, James lirowster, Stephen G. Hubbard, llawlcy Olmsteadj Seagrcvo W. Magill, Amns Townsend, Timothy Dwight, J. II awes, l'avid M. Smith. farmer; aud will niako a sound nnd con-l VM1 ( c servativo member of rqr prc-cnt very' A vVU U vctilXJliHtill-J, cxecllent board. Dcel llilllnl ol While Wheal do Mcdltcraneiili do llyn r to Corn tlLrs du .dp (Gourd) (VellOM) (While) 8 110 S HO I I (10 . 5,1 1 lu thiil dst). will uu reii ni leil tonbidi. by tbn rut' s, Im.iIi lor i utriiMri or liilietes and ndiuUsioli loth'' lulrtlut slmll bu adopted at lliut tune, I'AI.IIMON JtllCi, Puiu'll Bloomsburg. I'a., Sept.. lVth lti7. DEDICATIO.iM. da ItO Uttlfl dp ,Jlnctilirai llO l UK tit1 1 (IlOVfl S'M'll (to t.tii!Ji(.l Tijii'iiliv Wm CdtiiinftlL'o. tJenr-'e Ytial.Df Alontoiir. Jjiiich Hm iiiijtl.Ol llnmlock, Jolm Hurl in in. of C'jilriwjjKfi, Hci-ho Alt Htk, tX Itrtflrcrcck, nml Aluriii'ica Iticksuf C'ntrii no. 6-juulvv am) uui nu rnurr, wiNiia, c. UeM 1 tmnlit l Win IT AtMii -Hot bucliet Fnlt Apples UfBt rnccioion IVnm tin riunis - do ttulnet-K - - - - do f''rurilieir.c yf Gnipeo -iJl'I'L-'v of illifcftfnt kindd oiiV'"l petk nf Dlinl Aifjilpg - dn do riacfies II est 4 'uarti Dried Cjierric dn il Ictonc0 - It. H t iiinrt Drivd HurkfllmkH - it) OT. M ATTII llVV'ri lU'ANiim.lOAL I.TJTIIIIItAN r0 O 'MUItCII, nt llloomiliurf.', ColitjnM.i ro'iniy, r.i , ,1) 1 will (irriirnlt d to tlio Wo r nf i hu 'J'iIukc tied, iO (Ood nilthiij) on f(TN l A V , I lio jih nrKriitMtirWt. 1 uu IHvIni Scrvic-'it may ! (xiHtteil uu l?atnrihy or 111113 proMHid, K'TVicpd mi btiiHiay tu connnviicu al hi ii c io" k 1 a. u t pnrMi'ry. cvfrai niinisirre irum 11 di r-t.mco hm t'XfircUd tn tic pr uMit, arid prcarli r 11 tli nccnFonr J lie inL'tnlH'iif religion gcncrollv, aro itwi led tu ;ntcnd. C. A. BUAIIUCTTH. Muoiiistnju Sept lft7 fattar. riiinpl Curmit WIhb - - ill 4'ouiiiiittrn. Jtilui A Funl'ui,nf ilajijon, lieu bun Umloy, ot Hemlock, nnd AHurt Ilunicr. ol I'jne. NO. D-ViifillTAULKS. 1 H'tbiiHli iMcrrrr rutoot .i0 Hitut 0070 n Oiurota dn ciiiinon 50 lli'r-t dozen t'iirnui ps lii'fl I tuifhcl nwet t " 50 ll;t i iMistii'l Oiiluun ll"tt Miiupl'j (! Qim 5u It put :t Bqnaslicfl do Vt'aH 5tlllfrtt Hnmidi; Ctifrv Ilefl ) ill 7. h'(U Calitiftgo 5U 1U ii I'crk ToiiintOi-o il omr ij mi vrint irrij iusis tviiit Columbia Conntij tlipubhcan pjean rupy r FXLTA"Rll I V Al. . ' tla (D ? !rJ u aa fl5 ij ' rnlin uiiilfKipiinl. gratcfij l!r p.tft pittrttiMis r ) 'X! p peel fully 111 f rui4 his ci rftn'M'T' mid tin 1' tn cur's, tnc loryesi nnn mom tfH n unit 1 01 WALL AN I) WINTE11 (JLOTIITNi:, Ilrnl rmit l,nk James S..McNich, of Catawitsi town. I AP & K LS.'A QQMS & irS..G d.: n i,ii:s3ns. iiuruky t i.i.ovn, be8 jente t in ouij,, ,,uo jm. 111 uviuiuU.uU w....v . nL ,orm lhc Btbdirlbers or the ui uniMinrit .Mnp utu.'n 'mil Jelly 10 Treasurer. lie is a young tman f fine j XiWltf iKM ,ZWZ!uSSi TWul": 'a .character, competent and responsible. He , ZuX,. !,e,,:"er''!.";'.r'V,,rTn,:i;d '';" '''r";' , ,has a rcputatiou yet to make, and wo can B0Ubtclr,"maV'i"ll aitepuuu. a ti.o y.1 , cur's, inc larresi nnn mom ri pun ni That Ins yrt been opened in lltoiiii1.iirjf. In ttl.tih invites llio nifoitiiu 01 ins iriij'i nun ii'vures li i n ilmt llievnri. ofleiiit lor su i- nl ftreiit b.ue.tin .. Hi i.l fcloik comprises n, large liK.orlui lit or j" Oehtleiuen's Wearing Appind, n LVinsittiuir or PAsiiio.vAiir.i: ih:i:-t) coit to 1 ever ; I'.nitr Vw-ls. Huirl. . .11. ' in i blocks, t.'otton tl iiiilktirhii fi.,a .f,, 111.,, i . . u. Host'.' I'mupLiiia 5l)ll.l S.iniple Chinrsu Cir.1.1 H'., ntnl hii.l.11 llest dozen Heals .-,0 S.lpir C11110 SO UOhl II UU.IIIi ami jiinay, llest 1 butli Turnips .',0 Ofrrry iKstllplloii.tfii.e nnd t it. up t,'oiiiuil(t..e.J, Deltrirk.nrMonlnllr, Samuel Ctk.orl N- II "Uutvht.,, t (.; ,.; ' Hour ingcicek, and Julin llnrner, or LocuM. (Call and feu. No t hull',! for , .ainiuiiu "" NO. I0-IIO.Ui: AND IU1IU- I'UOl.UCTa. ,,,,,, An. 5... II7 ' ' llo,t Ilutler, 1 pound and liet sfeciuieu I'm ales 30 . uimnrd JO iln 1'rorrieH 11 K'PA 'PI.' Al ! 11 Mil 1 1 . I' 1 1 1 I. l'Vlllltl l..... t'..l n I'k.r.n .... 11 1,. . i 1,; ... 'J i.. 4 U W ' . J ti'. u.m,. .....ii Bv. ..... ...-B. ..i,irv t. 1','ir 1111 ,rr .HI less than 10 Iln. All llest J.irrtirniueil Honey .'o llest Lout Wltettt Urt-ad SO llest rtample lloueyt.'ouil. do lli. Hreud .'.tl not Ie., than 5 lbs. in IU bt Hpoiuo L'ako Ml llest rureil llam all llest Pound Cako .10 Uort haiuple Hard rnni SO tin roltBoup SO 1 safely predict that ago will not givo tho .ot.J.0 monius,.uriug wntcii umo m3 umer Ho to th(J promiscs of youlh Kcpcmm a; 1113 nouso, wnere uo uicu. y unoxccptionnblc. 1 uo jury.iiiuugiit iuo prouusucitucr tut plied or expressed, not sufficiently proved to maintain tho action, and found for tho Deft. Wirt and Frcczo for Mff. Clark and Baldy for Deft. Court adjourned on Friday evening. Tho following is tlio report of tho Grand Jury as presented on Wednesday : 7b the Honorable the Judges of the Court of Quarter Sessions of 'thc'Peacc in and jor vus Loumy oj oiumviu: Tho Grand Inquest of ibo Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, inquiring for tho body of tho County of Columbi?, rcspcotfully KE I'OltT : That they have ..examined the public buildings belonging to tho said county and, find them in good condition, tbo iail-parlicularly being neat and clean. Wo would respectfully recommend tho Commissioners of tho county .to appropriate S100 of tlio county funds for tho purchaso of a Clock to bo put in tho Uclfry or Stceplo of tho Court Houso provided tho citizens of Uloomsburg satisfy them that they will pay the balance of eaid purchaso money of said Clock. Wo would also recommend that tho Supervisors of Qrango township, bo nolincu as soon as can bo, to open ana mako a road which is already laid out, Ho is every ,illooiiibiiri;.r3epi in, US' PUUL10 SALK JBl Valuable Real Estate. John K, Yohe, of MifHin township, is chosen fur Uountv Auditor, is well known aud very highly respected , joim kiiuo, decatcd, win, on Saturday, me xuit, clay of uctoier meat. At 10 o'clock tliu nrei-nses. ot Coluii.bia, jit the l.ilu ri siileucu of the eatd decedent. Ihorollotwng Ileal Catule. viz: Tgle. Mlss.'urv rainier, l'iiezo,;s. itnd A Mud. Valuablo -"Kear&'statti, Mrs. M. J3arton, offers to sell at Public Sale, on tho Oth of October next, 03 will bo soon by refcring to tbo advertising columns of tho Columbia Demoirat, a valuablo iract of Laud, located in North umberland county, containing 271 acres. John II. llctlcr, Esq, offers to-scll a largo plantation, as tho proporty of Peter Harlockcr, on -.the 3d, of October, situate in Mifflin township, Columbia co., with all tho improvements, containing. 128 acren, William Ncal, Esq., Executor of tho Estato of Wcsly Roat, deceased, also offers for aalo, on tho 3d of Ootober, a very desirable farm and plantaticn, situated in Hemlock twp., Columbia co,, .with iron oro and tho improvements, containing 120 ( leading from Matthew M'Dowell s b'urnaco acres. around tho hill t't Stony Brook, All of which is respectfully submitted this Utliday or September, A. I). Ibfi7. OHAKLES KAHL15R, in tho neighborhood j and (ho voto shows tho estimation in which tho nomiuco is bald. Wo havo spoken briefly cf cacli man for want of room ; and wo take great plcasuro in endorsing this ticket, individually and collectively. Wo know it will bo triumph antly elected, and wo know it ought to bo. Berwick Gazette. NO. 11-11,, IU AJ,J. lIOlMEIlpl.n MANUl'ACTL'lti: Ben pieco (Jlolh, S yd. llM pair f-iiion Shtcta Sll or moru SCO do 1'iloiv Casus SO llest (luill 1 no lleit Mbl.-t Sll llest Couutcrpaina 1 uu llest Under Sbiit SU llest 1'nlr lll.nukf I 1 (10 llest pair Vmli llosc SO llest damplu Carpet 5 do Mittens -3 yards nnd inotu 1 CO do Cloves SU llest Coverlet 1 t'O TllO family T)V virtue of tin.ordct of tho Orphans' Court if Co. pert of lllooi'n. JIrs Jmnr-a ll.i'stm, ol Iroiulnie, Jlrs. . , I 13 lumbla sou my. Isaac K. KlKkbuum, lixecutur of I'eter Km, of Li 'III Ulreet, lijj .Miss Iturriet llanilull. ol Centre NO. 12-1,illir.S' WORK AND I'r.OWlSHH. in the forenoon, expose to public sale. on . Uesl runcy Tul.le Cover SOUesI display !rnd W'ork So ill tint township of llentun, in the eounty ' do Chair Cover 5(1 dn t!r.illiel Work 51 ll DJllipiu Btuiup ur ..i ikl'llHIIg on Vnsn .Mat SO dn Kmbroi.lery SO Best Wiirt Cellars and do Natural riov.cra 50 uosoma 50 ilo Artncial A TRACT OF LAND, Tha west end, ol tin; firm adjoining lands of Jacob on tlie toulli, tlio rs of John Kl:nc. deeens-'d, uu the eoat and north,' and Samuel Uhonc on lhc west, con talum; Forty-TIiTco Acres and tFivo Penjlies, Moit of which is tlmtcr laml. A $fn branch of Kavcpcreek run ilnciugh AijWKSKfc. tl.e lanil.audn coo.l Saw Mill N hi the iniiiii'iiiato vicinity. Tlicsoil is i.a (it txrellent nuality, and th'j land, aftel being rkared, will bo Wfll adipU'd to lintiing I-ut.i the ftstalo of John Kline, ot llenloii toivntlilpt i uoiutubiu couiHy,ucccan:u. 11 unto u livp,IpTpt 19, 133751 IACOD UYUKI.Y, do Wai Fruit. &.c. 20 Uommiltop. Mm. Wm. GnmlrKli. fllrs. I. w. Ilnrl man.Mrn. Morrl Vim Hiihklrk. Alr. Morri Bloau, ana JJn i. v, m Keivy, an 01 iiioum no. i3-rr.auR. Best Papiplo Wheat Pkur, 0 I tit. or uioro J 00 lo nyc 50 !o lluc'twlical 6U do Corn " 50 Ciimniitlec Joim i.scti. of rinc.uacob Mcllck Jr., of Scott, nnd J, K, riliat plots , of Lauwiega NO. H-AlUCULTUHAh IMI'IXMUNTB. PLAIN NOTICE, G want all who know tliemulves indebted to us llest Corn 1'lauler Best l'low '.'d best llest Cultivator l CI belt Ucrt llnrrow llest Colli.r llesl Hide Hill Ploiv Isaao K. KrialjbauDi., Hsccutir of John Klinc,(lcccascil, offers for salo',011 Saturday tho 2'lth of tli'tobor. a Tract of Laud, Foreman. aituato in iJlcuton .twn.. Columbia co.. partly improved and part in timber, con- -UOUD10 xragoay &UlCiao ana A SaILOH .'l'ollTUHED TO DEATH. It SCCU13 singuhrthatas civilization advances, and the Jight of Christianity is spreading over heretofore darkened lands, wo lnvo, in tho very heart of civilized socieiy, ...!!., ...1. ..,,. I,.,,,.l,i4n ;ctin. XT nuii.iiiij.cui.ii UI.I.J1.... yy . . . ., of sll inoi.llu lle.l ll, llnke in flin 1'lnnliah Courts latplv. Such hartloES 1 flandinj. to call and nay by H o'JCili or ihls month, us .llest Drain Cnulln .tu rn i Implements SuO a. j at that llnte wo;ospect tn gn where tbey want t,vsJ , Coinuiittce Jinlah lioon.., of Uloom, w cruelty acscrvca tlio severest punisnmcni known to Jho law. Tho following aro the facts : A sailor named Rcso shipped in the Martha Jano, an English vessel. Ho had no sooner scl hU foot on board than 2 00 llest Thrash'u Vaclilno2 00 1 1)0 licst .Separator &. Huav.' I no iiiniier 1 no 50 li't (InystrawCutter 100 1 tiollestCorn Hheller IUU 1 U) llest l'aiiuii!. Mill llio 1 bO Ileal BlUiiip .Macbiun lull 1 OOUcsl it most iiuineioua 1 no collection or Agncul i'ui. II . Wood- in. of Iltrwick. and 1.1 ins Ueilrirh, of Alontour. I NO. 15-H'AGONS ANU CAIIKIAUUB. nest 2 liorso IVoboii 'J UO Sd best ' 1 CO lid best I ! llest Open lu:?y I 111 . Il,.iiii,n,.n.iln.n .J UI 11,.-. KI..I..I, - lull Tllli AIT1.U HAUVli3i',.W l7 HAH AllUIVUU, '.',1 best I 00 llest 2 horso Hb.d t (lit you wish to mako moocy, please your eus , llest 1 horse cartiaou a uu imi sprnntiruck uaponi uu nnn save canvassinc acents (w no can '"'" . .... ... ...u.......,, .-uiuu. Il.l- JU I IV MIHTW.IN llloomiburg, Hcpti2, 16J7 COUNTRY SIKRCIIANTSI .rii A NDIf 1 S. loincri a . make, one, two, nnd even, three Jiuudred dollars per, ho became subicct to tho most cruel treat- l,.P?'?.1"S !" "?rt"" .r?.,..n. -aJ." 1 r 4 I tV". ,u.t u.fcn. .1, p.,,, f ui, vu Mt.rf.lU "til. tain'1113 43 acres. , Stato Agricultural Pair. ,Yo again call tho attention of our friends to tbo call in another column, for tho 7th Annual Exhibition of -tho Pennsylvania Stalo AgriculturalSocicty..IUatobo held at Poivclton, WcsttFhiladclphiarooin;ncn tin;; on Tuesday, the 20th instant and will terminate on tho t'd of October, Wo trust our country friends, who prido in- tho Ag- ijriculturaUhonor, -giowih and prosperity of -.this old Coiutaonwealtb, will avail them, selves of tho opportunity of witpessfng this ,noblc Mid magnificent Exhibition. I-Tho stockholders of tho CatasarfUa Rank, Pa., on Monday, Sept., 7. elected Eli J. Saoger,of Alletttown President, and.' Geo. W. Jlammersley, of ticrmantown, Cashier. 'I'ho new institution expects to commence business during tbo cording week. Its.capitlis S400,000. .'ho stock holders of tbo Pottstown Rank on Wednes day, organized , and will commence business in a fow wccfcs. it2r James II, Fitzsimmons, of Pottevillo, was robbed of Jewelry, &o,, to tho amount of 81,100t4u,.fow days sinco byhis son, who huAbccm arrested. . UST Ex-Governor Rigler of California baa gone, to Chiliios American Minister. EST 'i'ho annualiStato election inMino took placo on Monday, the 14th inst. .Jca.Dccayjug.I'otatoqs and 'Kcpubli. diiimi,' Extraordinary Death from Fright aud ExcitomopJ. Canton, Rradford county, Pa., Septem ber 12. W. H. Grccnmnn, Esq., a lawyer fit this place, committed suicido to-day by cutting his throat, while laboring under a fit of delirium treraeps. Mr. Spaulding, tho proprietor of tho Uantoa,LIotcl, fell in a fit on seeing Mr. Grcenman's corpse,, and died immediately. TJjcro is tho greatest excitement prcyailiug hero, as tho parlies wcro,widcly known and respected, Messrs. IIAZLEIIURST, PAQK ER AND AYIItMOT, candidafes for Governor ; Pollock "present Governor; Iiitnor, Johnson and Portor. Ex-Govcrnors, havo been appointed committee 011 Jmnu tt tho approaching. Stato Fair. Lx. Wilmot should ho mado chairman of that Committee, as. bail a first-rato judgo ot gammon at least his speeches would lcjd ono so to belie vo. Mrs, Cunningluim admitted to Bail. Mrs. Ctinniogham of New York uiiitcd to baiLiu tho sum.of $S,0V0, Kisnur, nf .Madison, and Isaac Kridel-, ol litiarcrttk. NO. 10-MANUrACTUrtHII AltTlCI.IM ment Uo was UogpU Uaily by l.s master K&SWZ ! B S?.-5s? liK.Jarne.. anu irst anu seconu mates : a inasiiu uoc '.:.".; ''.. 1 ul ' Bincio pcii no was set upon him, which toro his flesh, ; sin iron bolt was put across his mouth, .and his hands chained behind his back to tho deck, ho was rolled in an empty cask, and. i a i.pis, or other rtmt. the .working qualities of iic.thtubbiue iio - ' ' whicli have proved so eseellent and navantaceous to llest I ilos Fuiilv Clnits hung by tho neck for Several moments. . the comuiunliy, that tho inanura.ctnrrs. Messrs. Bar. 1 liest urea, Coal - n it. r; t 1 t il.o nn.n.i:i.ln .".V ."..iir.''. . ' . " . l Veal LUUtU liUilllV IIUI. UJl UUU IU ittO liuibutuiu , niiiir tii.ii. nun " lilil.iun iiiavtuuua. , - , , PUATT'S Al'l'l.n Blticr.llinado to accompany the tortures, 1 ho tlirCC Officers, IlOWCVCr. lUVO , I'arer. was patented in IBSO Ii is 11 small ncntly con. ... ,. 1,1 , . 1 slructcd machine, and Ilka its companion, the rarer, nut. u&iutjuu juautu , tuu iimu uvtw uivmj uoca most excellent wont, cutiini,', in about live sec TION! IMII: I'INSYIV,VI, STATU AGItlfUlnJUAl. X SUUIUTV ttlllhiilil IU HUVr.N'Tll ANNUA!, KXHIMTIOV. At rtiilrii-lplihi, fl'.im'iiun (iro tiuN,) if ulliflUiMi iiu.1 built of Hcjitf m f-r and 1-t an'f (tl Ll9 ol October 1)4 t. Tf,v licit il rliriinti oti t'ltvfi'K 7'T Um niilifrt'O tifl-sdactf lur h'oc I;, nilllti f,itinshil ly iln Uniltfi.i'1 iurnnn-". Tliit Hfuk tt rntry will lo Hpoh nt fliHmlrlpliia on un.I alter llio 111 fl'Ttciutinr Aug I?, tttrrartj. BLQQMSUUKG 1500T AM) SIJOK nplltt unihrlsnpil rfrptctl'nlty infunn tlie rnhri. 1. of lilof.iiuLur-j nml llio nuLlic in L'ncru. Ilmt lii ha o."iiuit n Hoot and Shoe 12staUi$hmciL Lu ill" whif ImlMhif . on ftiiu utitfct. nlxive U1'4 ; Wtlaon'a Hjlicr'. WllLTu till ills coil"(.!iil li nit ii.iiul ,n Urge ilmor imvt (r JJooL, bliocs, G inters, tvo., And will ninku ii wotlt lo orilcr on h it nuttri tll4 lure flsiiertftice hiMtie lnmiiirM, Unil (.'('"nu'riit J-niv-inlge ol Uiu aiitio, tho poj.M. will cn'alil liu.i m ronder sallrrnrluui lo nil liN uisloiricni, m.. fluj.ill iccuitjlum (utrotide wliicli Jio liopcif if tticnt, , rt 1IKMIV K1XI.M. llloointtlHin;, Mfly 0, V37, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Jawh Kitss, dte'd. F-ETTEltS of Administration on the llslale of Jacob Nim, lu- of Miilhn twnslil.i, C.luinbia county dereiMd, have been granted by thu Uecister ol Coliiuibla rnunlv, to ibe unilersi;ned. win resides in ajidlitHiu low nshlp. in Columbia county , nil pcripiis h.iviiij; claims 1 gainst the tslatu ol tin decerient ar reiueted 111 pre.cut tlicni tu tbo Allium Isl rntiir willio.'it ilday, nnd all petrous jinlihtcd' to nuke payment forthwith, rcTi;R miss. Sept 3, ISST-Ct MM'r so doing jou will And no trouble in oiderinu aud sell- ' lst .j rKrHklN'. n5l.l,.,l " lojalaverylarteproJitien.twolilyorcvcnaliundrcd ""st f. k,"c ,1, . " dor.en inarllines during the season. t Uet "fi" ' , .ril.., ,,.,,.r IMIATI'W Al'rr.K.l' pator.led in IfiJJ.- Jo ' ISolo L"l le'r . liatioa a loorc hea I or kuiru carrier so urransed ns to ir,.r r. !.. readils aillilil itselt to Ilia inaaualllies of.lhe sur'nea ' n.... ' ! "J. ''al"" " a uu 1 uu 1 so 1 oo 1,00 1 mi 1 CO 1 uu 1 in .V) 1 uo 1 uo su ui 1 00 ao convicted, aud sentenced to bo hung, though tho jury had tho extraordinary obtuscness to recommend tho wretches to tbo morcy of tho Court. a.Aoronaut. IIazleto.v, Pa., Sept., 12, Mr. Charles ('VYiiomado an ascoosion in tho balloon "Old lAmorica," from Tamaqua, this afternoon, taking tho placo of his fdlhcr, tho well- known aeronaut, Mr, John Wiso ; tho'i latter declining to mako tho. ascent himself on account of tho iuciCaicnoy of gas sup plied ,by tho works of that town. Tho balloon camo down in tho pines nf Luzcrno county, aud landed in a trco a totjl wrcqk Tbo aorouaut was uninjured, and arrived hero a.foot this ovcuing. A ViQTOKy I 'I'ho Republicans aro drcarrrli'dato for Governor in Vermont ! verily, 'tho Dujchjiayc. taken Holland !" onds, uach apple into twenty. twoeiual jiatls, leaving, without waste, only a small core 10 bn teinovcd. A child can readily work cither rarer or II icer at u speed orabout Ihren bushels per hour. llCI'Allt rlllCC UP UACH gl .',0. All orders by t.1.1 1 1 or niherwtse should, tp uiitl. prompt aitenlion, be uddrcsied p c. it. rnATT. Cl? Sanson) st.. riiiiadelpbsa, I'a. Sept 15,1827-31 . LIST OF LKTTBIt3rfroalnef in lha I'osl onicn.t Dloaoiebtirs, li., Q,urter eitding Auiasl r0ih,lti7, llBomnirr Adam tlirldj;eeorie neuuow tvra llacon HoDllnuia Woirnell Uebecca I Ifcvls Isaaa ' llssex Uatsel rreeland J O Orauimes JonaliiaD Mill EH M llaber. Jaliit Klinti : AO Kij Ucorsa M 3 Loirj;, CcorzQ Lervis II Lumlit,rd Trank McUrJdo M . rtxolin tlltharl I'aiirlda Julio A ttinilll John foudet Win I" Hhstrer ftt.lerlfk Biiuiir. u r Tuinblinson r n IViltonUl, WelibrrBlmon Worlliliijtou Win Wuj Cnicr Weriniun Henry J Ilichard nriirnh) "WlCrtil . 4l(U i Miller lb-mare )il uVreraoiiscallineror Ihe above tetters win i.leam sy they are udvcrtitcd, I'ltlMl" UNAKOST, r. II, HOWARD EXl'RKSS COMPANY. U.est pair TliickAToola - - du Callfakiii Hoots do Ladies' Kid Bhoca Couimittee. 0. I', rorlusr. or Trunklin, 1. Ilenver, 01 L,uiuwiBsa,just-pii vouuer, 01 uenire. JOsrtui Lorrell. .ol Hemlock, and Joseph Hicks, or Uriarrrrek. NO. 17-MANUFACTUrtni) AIlTlllLEa. Cd Dieitton. , .. llest Ciiurn - - - -Ileal Cheenarresi - . - llest Wnthlag Machine nest Sausege. Cutter llest display of Cooper Ware - Mam. T tt.i.n I1..I..I. - Heal 3 Com Baskets Hcst 3 IIriuI lla.kols WOOD WAN T li 1)1 pitOI'OSAI.S will be rrrelved by M. W. Jackson X Kq., orilerwick, for the de'lvery of good, ' Dry, Hard Woo-l, Ffit Lefotnotlve use, on tho linn of the Lnckawannn nod Hlonmshurg Itallron'l,at Kerwick nnd l"sii)towii. in lols of ono liuudrt'd cords and upwards, ' Prepotent will stato the kinds c. wood Inr sale, nnd prices, Ul'd when it can In dclitered. Mr. Jaeksmi will luniitli nny turther iiiformutlon tin thesublTt. 1 F. J. LliAVIiNWOIlTII, BeplS, lfc'7-31 injitrlntrndrat. NOTICM. NOTICE ia Iiercby git en tint nil application will be made al the nell session ot the Lcgislature'Ll 1'ennsylvaniii. for the inrnrpnrn.ion ol n ll.iul(, with the usual privileges, 10 be rnllud 'Tim llloomju'ri: Hank," with 11 rapilal of two liiimlrcd tlioutlind tml lura. and to be located in Ihe lown of ltljomibiif, Cohniibia county I'n, WJI. SWIIKlt, B. C. BIIIVll. Cl'IIRAIM 1". I.I.TZ, A. o. Jlr.NCII, JAcoii cviiii; rnrcit'.a, I'LIAU IHIliTltlCK, lIuK-Msaiao, JuueS7klf27 H, MIfN'linN'II A A. J. RVANrl, ' I. W, IIAItT,VAN, J. RAMSIiV.'" A. J, rtLOAt;, H II. AllTlltm. WM. llOL'ISO.N. Heat liee lllva Ileal l'ailor 8lov llekt Conklns Stuve and TrUntuirL;a Hast GrttMett Vnrltly Tin Wars .nesVSpe'eiirren Wood ajtrt Iron lnee 'Host Cam inr Uarn nnd Field Use llest t doa Unrn Urooois - -lien sample 1 doz Unck do rjs Metal - . , rommlliee, Juhn Kvifer, f Catatfissaj JaeobKos. lenbodnr.oriVankllu, and Iram Uerr. of Jackson. NO, lS-MANUrACTUlttU AU'fHJltUa. 04 truisa. MAP OF LOO.MSRURG. MCSSlta. II mtlXV & I.t.OVI), Cmi Ktrtatm, n tsyors and Jl)ip (uUtikm, are now lii this pi., ror the purposo nt niakint n thoroughly curivet ft. I'LIITV MAI', allowing Hie Ciound l'mn 01 n. , lluilding. tho slzoand shape of rath i.ot, with t.t. ers uaius or fnitinls nrlnieii tliHr..,,,, t'.,,r...i . auj ii.isxeu, ojiu iiiiNiuiru on uaiivni, mid llt-lli rs 1 tn) . coinplele. I'ric? pel copy $3. pat able oil deli t try 110 I"' Map, " j io' Tluyarn also prepared to niato Surveys and !, riu ui.via.uu tiui 01 riirnis, Willi conieuis r:i. 1 IU 1 UD SO S SU f 00 !(1U) I, Oil WA II II and deliver packafes en 111011110. of the Host S pouutU Rugar,froni China. SurarCano vt,ln,,.m nt,,.. .Ut, tiMi.tmn nftlintr Mtmrnn In ..,l i'u. .. vtiiin.....A.. a i-..,.i.n i,nLi....i.r I it.., . ... '.'.... f.T . J O - I llrullB. Ml.lbu m..l lllll nrn I 1 1. . 1 .. .1 limits. NuleH and ItilU nroiui.llv roll, elo.l Tilncipdi Office, Uu cnesiuiu sum. orders fur i Comis delivered, and oo'ds colitcted irac of cbarcc, 1'hllJdelphia, AugiJ9,l$7-y 'r ' ' Ucstnnd largest variety of Dental Work , do do Marble do do do IMe 'iols dO Itll Irft.,, IV... Comniitiee.)r. a r. lleller, of Oieenvood, Dr. II II tot, of Lorust, Dr. J. A. Wilson, nf llerwick, Dr Jnslah Hinllh.or Bcolt.and llr.J.K Uobkina ol fata wtssa, ' NO. IJ-COMKSTIC 8U(MRS, &c. SO Ittsl 0,ijirlHiu.p Ironi ChiunS, 0 SO uo uo atapju si) Conyuttec Martin Unpen, oflllooio, Win. Fisher, r James Ke.tar, or t)wtt..Jtrs.,Thoma(l Cru. vetlngitifBcott, and Mr. John IC CtOlr.of llloout, nnd Intcrtod lio rroii, ot nnyiaiin within n i liloonisbiirg, July -.1, 1SS7. EAGLK FOUNDRY, RL00MS1JUR(J . Stoves anil Tiuwarr. fJ(ir. subscriber hiving erected n Inrn new br, k J 1'oundryand M.iclii.ic ci.nn, in puce of tlio ., ,i prepared to uinke r.'l kinds r , ,i nmj at tb latslst prict a. l'lowa eousUiully on I .guil 'I bo su i Toil c""" "as also rcuiov'il ni 1 to rnep irom jimn . ' jio the I'oundryloi.wii-iulio Ims nictod a buihli,. ',", aliogether foraiovi. and Tinware f, Tlin Co'.klua Stoves, .insist ol the WM IT.r QacODIC. ItAtili i WK, funk. .in. TneUrAiii-oii k'idvcs ,aii '.mi,, ,,,, n,,, t.v 'CSvitlNIIUIt STOVU, i., All Inn.- i,f .,us mado to order lllooiniliir,., Aptil II "a. .m. itupuin'. Tl'iwsre and tlhn.son v.innfarnrwFltir en &; o Ulreet below Ruien's tiotc,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers