iLllBIA BllOClUT.! A IiEM I'ATK, Is.OOAT. RDI'mit. Saturday Moruiug, Sop. 10, 1857 Divino soiviccs will bo held in Ulooms b.urg, to-morrow, (Sunday, Sept. 20tb) at Iho following Cburcbcs : Luthcrm ( hutch. Hov.E.A.SiiARitETTS. Sorvioo at oarly cnndlo-light tbis ovoniug, (Saturday,) in Ibo uo.w Ohurcli, on iMarR 'o street. To-morrow, Sunday,) at 10 o'clock, said ,Cbur,ch, will bo dedicated to tbo worship of Ood. Jipisegpal Chur.h.v,v, II. TuuaDrjE. Services t 104 o'clock, A. M.'and at early oanfllo-liglit in tno evening. Presbyterian Church. Huv. D. J. Wai i.en. Sorvlco at 10 o'clock, A. M. .German Reform. Hoy. W. GooliElCJl. Service at U o'clook, P. JI. Shthodisl Church. Servico at 10 .o'clock, A, M,, at tbo Court House; The water in tbo Susquehanna is .now lower than il ban been at any timo .during tbo past summer. iS- Mr. Hiram F. Eveii,tt, of Bqhlcu, Ju this county ha,a lately obtained a patent for an, improved Washing Alachino, which ;is well spoken of by thoso who hove tried .it. ffiy Wo nro gratilied to be enabled to miouucc, tha,t iho work of layiug tho 'J'raok,on tho Lac-kawanua and Hlonmsburg Hull Road, is progressing rapidly ; and that tho Kails aro now laid, on AU end, .from llupcrt almost to Bioouuburg. C- Mr, C. V. Buockway, our atten tive correspondent, at Beach Haven, in ,form.4 us, that a Gcrinau, bo.trding at Mr. Stcphoii Varuer's, on Sunday morning ,1 jf-t, in alteiiipling toswitjlowa largo pieco of Bcef-Stcak, was chpaked to death. car Wo aro indebted to tho kindness cf W. Wirt, Iiq., for tbo pro.-cntation of a vcry lino basket of Tomatoes. By tbo way, our friend, Mr. W., w "S, P." on Toma.oea, Btcontly bo s!ioweil,ua a Btem en which bo had grown 5 of iLcsc monstcra, weighing collectively, ,7 lbs. tfir JChis part of tho.eoiintry was troa't cd to a most glarions shower of rain, an Xliurcdity mornlrtg last, and overy tbjjig wts very much refreshed thereby. Tbcro has been no time, this summer when a raip was so greatly i.cediil. J ho ground wbi puebed, tho roadd dusty,' and tho fall! work of llio farmers niHering. God bo thanked for the yrnteful rsin. Wo ask . ttuiition to Iho "LU qf Pro initiuis," of the Columbia Agricultural ocicty, puhli-bud in atnitlisr column. is liop d that tbo competition ivill bo com- monsuraio with tho mcriu t.f tho cnterpiiso. ' Farmer let 111 have a "F.iir m is a Fair," , and lor this purpose, instigate your wives and daughters', wall everybody else, to piep ro for tho jpjmirchiug Fair. tzir Oh motion of Hon. C. H. Bucka lew, OllAlaEs M. Blaici it, Esq., of Blooms burg, tJclutnbia county, wis admiited to praitice luw in llio courts. plr. JJlakcr, is a gentleman ol fine legal tud literacy att. inuionts, and bad pre viously been admitted in tho upremo Court of Uliunis. gyOilocf our exchanges justly rn marks that tho'u win fail to road tbo ad vertisements in :i newspaper, often lose much moro than they imagine. Advertise ments aro printcd(,o;bcrcad just as much as any other item of news, and it is just j as essential to road them. Thoro is notanj. nrlrliinr.i.f nrtnt,.,! Uiol tl ,,nt ij nnco to some ono. Nothing f-neaks more clearly of a mt-ii's pro.sjiority io business, nrnstK-ritt, i li,innS,. than thcuiauucr in which ho advertises 85?" Wo are naturally inclined to tho eoothing inllueuco of ninsie, and, moreover 1 ,.wo believo a man who has no musio in his I soul is lit for treason, htratagem and spoils, I jxi . least ouo William Shakcsparo , says 1 something liko it. But tojiavo ones rest disturbed by such Hbominablocaterwauliii!' ' as some of our citizens are greeted with on I some occasions, is enough to inako a man' iirefer the brajing of jackasses, to Eucji a burioiMiue upon the divine n.rt. tar It is stated by those who profess to be on intimate ternn with Fai-hion, aud who scorn to bo posted up in royurd to her 1 jkuiumuai lorui-comiDgs, mat. ino laoies .intend to wear ,,'J'op-boots" as soon as cold and wet weather shall sot in ; it is evtu whispered in confidential ciro'cs that somo .of tho ninro adventurous fair ones will tually "go thoovcrhajiging tops," and that a society to bo called, "Tlio Tip Tops" is . 1, s ., r , , . ' ,i . ... .. luruiuti 10 iiromoio llio siaril- .vjig.paovcmont. Now wo consider tbis a good movo, and en,U !... W !.: .1.:. !.i ...... I ii.- i 1-...i i. ...... . . iuu iciiiuiu in nnuMj urain mis iqei oriffllia- .,ted deserves praiEO. It is a notorious fact, iL.s A . :., , . i . ui.l, Aiiiuiiuuu ..uuiuii uo a umss, OTO II) ' tho habit of wearing very thin bIiocs at all ssasocs of tho year and as n consen uonco tbo female form divjtao . has been .,AKrt,rt,l ...till r. r T ,i J iiniicitu nun vanciy o: mscasca mat i proceed from no other causo than tho ono meet our heavy expenses, by prompt pay :nctipcd, viz :-tbin shoes. Wo admire , menu, and thereby discharge an honorable , a jaunty littlo foot, and havo a weakness i obligation. Erptcially do wo request C?r aprelty gaiter,butnillwhat'WS it"dista,i subso.ibers, to do as many others it Iho fair citadel is shattered, nnd broken havo done, viz : to remit money by mail. when n proper ot(eniion tofoot gonr would ' atiur risk, as wo have never lost a dollar , , , v - , . , , . ... . prcciuuc tho possibility of coughs, coldd. in that way, and its receipt mil ho duly Aycr a Oiierry Pectoral and other uauie- oua arrangomcnts. hi Smrerlnnf Inwntl.Sn (Jrdmntii.i fin., mi (bo Oth ?ns.., by WV 1L Pcicrmiui, k'b,..,1 U TUvtu Viittt r Until. ' tk Ll ..mwm Tr, r .:"iatilofrDiifatlonwI.lthtanbemMo for the cute of Anciemnh 'IIoiin, of Davidson, Hujlivan r-t . ' uouniy. In llloomsburc, on tbo Istinbt,, bv ltcv. K. A. Sbarrctta, Qi:o. A. Beam, ol Her- Hjck, to OAltnUNK IIaOENBUCII, Of .Con- , tro townsbin. .Columbia co. 1 i,'!.i,i..i, ii ! C,i.t... In lUSllingCrcoK tOWnilllp, September, 8th bv Elder J. Sutton Mr PeIIIIY IjAV- 1 out, uy iiiutru. ouiiiin, nir, 1 ekuy iv . ENIIUUV. Of Yandalia, Miclllcan, and MlP3 i I KISCELLA ItATJEtl. rt it n 1 . 1 t nr n 11 . I On tbo 3d uisrt., byllov. Mr. Galloway, JUT. ,W ALTr.U bnlREr, to JllS3 51 AKTII A I A. InwiN, both of Olootficld county. DEATMS. jln Hlonmsburg, on Sunday morning, tbo 13th iust., James iji'iiAwiiniuaE, aged 60 years, 10 months, and 21 days. Near Jcrscytmvn, August 26lb, Mr. JollNATllAN AlosTELL nit, ill tbo CtUhycar ol Ins age. His disease p. lingering nature, bis end was peaceful and tbo largo con of people, that with sad hearts, fol lowed bis remains to the grave, show that bo wa3 beloved in lifo and lamented in death. In rishbagcrcck township, on the 27 ult, Samuel anil also on tbo 1st intt, Daniel, infanta of Peter and Catharine l'calcr, agcu 1 month aml 20 u.ys In Fishingtrcvk township, on tbo lDth' Jane, daughter o. Mrs arahRauff, aged, 3 rears. 2 months and 5 dars. I I J I 1U litpylOWl', On XUCSUay tllO btil ol September, John Willard; Son ofltcubeii i ii I ' iT,, .it ( ,i and Hcbicca IIces, aged I ycdr 2 monihs ami 1 1 Cays. '1 ho tender bud 1 how beautiful, Bifoie death's cold and chilling bla&t Had fonic, and nipp'd tbco in thy youth, Ere thou hnd'st timo to bloom. sCTaym-nirtragsaMan3KgraaitiimsjjaaaHMsaHFW l.ujcriio t'oitnly jBMiccratic Ticket. Tbo folloning gentlemen were nomina ted 011 Monday last, at Wilkesbarre, by tho Democratic Convention : ! For Henrcscntatives "P. (!. fiiltman. of CarboRdalc j Steuben Jenkics, ot Wyom ing j 8. G. Turner, of Plymouth. For Recorder. Richard llutehins, of Kingston. For Treasurer E. Taylor, of Wilkes barre. Por Reenter '! bos. M. Alberton, of Jackson. For Auditor. Stephen Wilkesbarre. For Commissioner John of MadU 11. A'nugban, of C; Dunning, E. Do.lph and 0. II. Gorman, wcro dec ted Oongies.jioiifjl Conferees, with iustrui; tions to gn for Col. Wiight. i& Jacoii Eyeiily, has been nomina ted as tho Democratic) candidate for I'ro Jt.thonotary in Columbit county, iiotnith- blanding ho lias held tbo ,ollicc for many years. The louder he holds the office tbo niiiru tbo people full disposed to keep him in. Of course bo's a very competent officer. -Huston Ar"Us. Are your Lungs Discasa', and would i you bo cured, do nut allow yourself to bo i experimental upon, but try a remedy that .. . . . IiasyJiOl'IrtltSclt worthy ol your COOUilCIICO. Wo refer to Dr. Wistar s llatsam of Wild Cltrrtl ' -r ri,i. ,e. e.i. 1X3 J.HO ciirjioriai t. oiiucncc pi.iuis District meets to-day at Danville. 'I.'hig action will fill our democratic; Ticket. Next week .v,-a shall open tho campaign in full earnest. carllo.v. J.Glancv Jo.Nas, of Reading, has our thanks for sundry publio docu- mcnts. . . CommiSSMICT of I'aMltS.- JoSEl'H U.T,I nn C1"!ncnt LilWJ'er f Kcl" tuck'' bcc" iPP'''ntod Comtmsnoncr of Patents. corrected weekly at hautman's store ... ' tin. i fi r.n jVg 'go fjQrn" " ""..! 00 Oats 40 Buckwheat, 75 J. utter J Kfc'6 Tallow 14 Lard 15 Potatoes CO Dried App'es. 00 u'' Hcans' .1 75 COUMlilA O'RAT. Tho following are tho receipts to the office ol tlio Columiiia Democrat, during tho mouth ot August, IB.iv Thomas Slack house, 3150 linn. II. M I'liller, 4 no i! nu ' nil '.HI (10 III (HI tf. Kllrlicn, lor I, Ii. in uu Julill unit i" Wm a case Andrew Preas, Ii' a un Joseph I-'us.ell, Caleb Pierce, Esu., U'nl. I.. Hopkins, Will. C .lluirk, Joicf h Hnyder, John A. Uuplon, I'eler Ent, Esq., Daniel Lee, Hi I.. l.i . lu no J.Treniblev. for Est. 7 J mes r McNmch, 1 IH1 1 C. Ilarnbart '"m Juhu lieifll, U' I Uuvid H llowrr, 1 '' Jacob llouer. .'I I'd 1 I'U 1 tit) 1 M J.(") C'5 1,4.1 .VS7 1 no 2 21 I 20 1 73 1(100 j oo a oo 711 75 175 1 73 1 0U 1 73 1 UO Est. fi ler ilurlaekcr. f IKJ A. A. HoutllViOilll, IV. Il'tieiibender, ii.'A Renialey. Henry Ale II. C. Di al, Ccn L Hliocni.ilcr, D. IV. AroifcUong, ac-bo'in ii'iak", i:Vi , u;c'obJar7y',')i's.., 1 'tiVi.T.'' 1 Walkin 1 lice 1 on I 3 75 I Ul 1 III! 1 00 I Ul fll . bilvertliorn, c. nuicnbrndcr. 111 00 Ceo. D. Jackson. Esq Allen & Needles, auu sou H.Hwan&Co K. I,', f'nneoast ic Co. Slephen Poke, Wni. Knnliisr, Joseph .Mouser, f rancil It. Snyder MaJ. Jno. Ciituinl'iss, Itlias J, Mell.nry, John Wnnlrk. Ar'.ih'rhain&cu, am J.H.ii:. L.Perol, 5 pa Pascal Morris it Cn io un T. W. Malison, 7 vJVee'ii' i'seEcr.. . II. I'. Hioilh'. c no 3 1)0 t! Uu) Joseih Robinus, y, w. 1'invlO U Co., u uu i'tner'ieiicK, Wo again thank our frionds for prompt payments. It is this that sustains tlio'Prcs? and onooura2C3 tho Editor. Wo ask . our . , . customora. everywhere to try to help U3 to ackuowlcdgqd by mm aud tlio payment , al 90 puUUhcd in tho Grfionliu Dctiiwat B-iii! rt HIGHLY CO.VCIINTHATIJI) . iAtbaot ,,0ciilJ.p.p.d...u, m therulesof Pj.armnry and Chemistry, nm! is lha best JHserises of the Bladder, Kidneys, Grovel, Dropsy1 Weaknesses. &et Head tho adverllsoruunl In another column. ueatfcit"lleii)bold'i Genuine Preparation." ., nm.M mm of am. katiwh- A,oni u,0 notleeatlo tlilne on eililtiltlon nl tno cmmi raico, mw tim eontniuiion of Ma ruu. from Ibo I.nboratorjr of Dr. J.O. Aisit, llio niitlior ( ' ' . ch r-eetoral. As it 11 wMeljr know" and valued Cherry ree orai. a. 1 , ,uhci proas regulations ol tlio Talaro to admit nnvniack medicines, this fact shows that Ills remedies 1 Inronot placed In that;catcjory by the autnoritics, dead wo Iiavo beroru Known inni ins chpwi "?" ". , , ,. , ,,, !BU.y t,i i,, , I'Hl i Bro licl.l in grent csllmallon 1.7 tho,e deeply learned In tlio healing ait, Trui llttormtr. JHart. rrji tiiomas w. matmon, nccei te ther-nza Medal at tlio World's I'.ilr In Iindjil, J85I, for TRUNKS, CAR.rET nAGS, Rootsshocs and Uniiu. (Irsatliidacetncntsnru now ofTurcd tn purchasers oftho abovoartlcles. Thtsls muehlholargosl itockoltrunks, Cnrpet Rags, Vallces.Ate., In Philadelphia very cheap, or caili. Manur.ictorlca: 130 Market Hired, B. w, r(Tiier,nnd Ki Market street, a. E. corneron'ourtli. H5-A COOJ. Rnrl.CCTION. "Tor every mllo that wo leovo the aurfiico of our earth, the tamperaturo falls flvo degrees. At fori? five ml'es' distance from the globo wo gTl beyond the atiutisiil'icre, mid enter, strictly speaking, into tho regions of spnce,uho?e temperature is '223 degrees btlow zeio, and here cold reigns in all parts. Tho gentleman who weni "otyonti me n'.' inosplicre,' nnd held tho thermometer in tho "regions of spaced lias r-inctt his return declarcd.that tho next coolest thing Is, a suit of those light, elegant and grace, ul summer cloles, which Iiavo rrndeied tin fashion nblo Emporium 'or Oranvlllo Hlnkes, No. COT, la'c SCO Chestnut strset, famous on this tcrritori .1 u lb, K3r WHITE TECTII, I'EIirO.Mr.n IIKK.Vl'tl A" D hwautifui. co.Mi-LEXioN-con bo ; ; .. .... i. ., - . , ,,.-,i i... i. ..v..... i, .tnn n.n ,,li,M n . QJI tuiiiv uiuut,,, t.uvn ujr i.p, a UJ, ....v.. - . Thousand I'uniKa" as n dllitnliie, w.uld not only TiioWko luromi" ill a Oitinme, iv.uia iioi nny n;'' " tttc"- t,,ul, avo, 1,10 !" " ", , tort Many prrons do hot know lliclr brealh Is bail, nnd (he put-jccl tt sotlcllratu tbnt thntr (rlcnila Vf nucr tueniion it. I'ruuro of coiintcrfclts. li't sure each bottle Is signed rnrRinoc 4. co., n y. 1 Wlt5TAR'S.BAI.8AM OF WILD CHERRY, The'gTcal rmtjyfor COXSVMr llOJf end nil dittant I pf IAS I'lilHifliwrw Organs, The greater thu valuo of uny discovery Ihe lilgher It Is held in the crtecm of the public, nnd so much In pro ' portion is that public liahlu lo be imposed upon by the ' spurious imllalions of Ignorant, designing rnd iliihou ' ell men. Now that this preparation is wall known tn be a ino-o certain cure tor Incipient' CONSUMPTION , I A STUM A, LIVER I O.MPI.A1NT, COUflllS, ERON CIIITIrf, nnd nil similar nll'eilions, thin any other Ircmt'ily known, there uru njund those so vitlaiuoutiy wicked os' to roncpet a rpuriiuj, lind'iH.rli''ps nxoiioii. ous mixture, und try to palm II off as tho gcnu'no l!l sa 111 . 7'ais iJIseauIlon dcaltrM and the Jivltlle gtutraUij, egaintl jiurehastiiff any other than that having the tcrllten tgtia ture rf 1 . 11UTTS en (As eittsids lerapfitr, l'ripnrcd only by Htm W. I' & Co.,Eostou, Mass., to whom alt orders Should bo udjrcsstd, and lor salelty'ihcir ngcnis. 111! WISE IN TIME lliiw many nro Ihcrn MlM, nmuted'wllli disease In an Inripicnl singe, delay from lime.lo timo h.ivlug rieoiirsc to some remedial ngent, which would ell'mually nrrodt the further proqrrs, of disuusl. ant ri.iJ: tliu systei.i impregu.iblc to its in sidious ntlncks It is unfortunately too trtn; thcru nro Hi ,uaiids lliio sink into nu early irave win ii-.i-. nl n trifling ex)iense tliey ,ixhl hivil lived tl a gonl oldn40. inhere bu reli iliee to bu plicil in m-n'iciue, and tboil'allu's nf well attested rases (sUbliall buyond tlio pofsiliil'ty nl a d iiibt, thu curn live pr'-rcrth's of any one piilieulir remedy, tin n Hurle) farsa p irilla is iiniichti,iuably the great?. t inejietne ever inlrod iced 10 an u flliel d cniiiunily . Il fiialu ii,u. therefore to use il, if Ml fli'in-g froui any lI Ihe i'lls whiiii ll h is Is.-i r to lttfM (ttatr0tcn V'riu ) UNIFORMITY 01' PHICElJI A Niw 1'ieai vt.e 11 IfestMKSi. I'-ccry one hie own Sdtumcnl jomh & co., Oftho Creseent One l'rlco Clothing Sloio. No. S00 JMikcl strert.atnvo Sixth, Yliiladelphla. In addition to licvlj ll.e Urgesl, moBt varied r.u.d isnionublo stock of1 "ciollili'g In Philadelphia, mndc ' S; reim sales, have connuntcd' every one .blsnwii salesman, by having marked lu figures, nu jenchnrtlile tho very Inwcsl prlcc'lt can be sold for P""?"y var.v-aiiiim.ii,uyniik 'i'10 Brf,'1'lre w,lt sponged andprepnred.and great 1 pains' taken with the uinking so that all can buy with iho full nsil rnnee nfei llin-. a nil nrllrle n Mm .,rv . " 1 lowest prico. Also, u largo slock' of piece goods on the latest sltleaud hast qualities, which will bo i wa lie tc order, in the most fashionable and best manner, Siper cent. below cridit prircs. Ro nciiibnr t'to CrasCLiit, in ilarket, above Sixth Street, No VUll. jovns co. 3-51,(100 REWARD WILL HE PAID FOR ANY .Medicine th it will excel I'R.VlTi: llUI'CIIEIl d MA RIO Oil. lor Ihe f.illowlii; diseases : Rheiiiiiallsin, Neuralglapinnl Aircctious, Cci tracted Joints, Clio lie Pains, Pains in the ldo or ItarV.IIoadaeho, Toolhache, Sprains Soro Throat, Cuts, Uruiscs, Hums, and all diseases of liirt Skin, Muscles and the Gland.. None genuine without ihe signature of "Pratj, Ic nutrhcr" ! ' enrh label. Princlpnt ninco,C01 Washing llronklyn, New York, Sold by O. M. II V- ; tn.ii. RUNRUCII, Druggist, Illoomsburg. Bl-Thn is tocertifyllial I have mado but ono appli cation of the Magic Oil on my fingers which have been drawn Iroiu contraction of tlio rordj, brought on by rheumnthnl. It was of seventeen months standing, and 1 annow cnlirdycurcd. 1 cheerfully ricomuiend it to all illliclcd likewise. J. M. riNllROOK, 7 Locuslpfmet, Harrisburg. At;iiffl, ,F57 V3 A CARD TO THE LADIi:S.-Dn. Dmov-n's Ootnici I'rfstii Pills arclnfallible in removing stoppage or irregularities rthe Menses. ,3'hosH Piilsaro nothing new, but hive been ured hy tho Eoclo for many years, luth in rrauee anl Ameri ca, willt uuparalleltd success In every case; and he is urged by many llinusand ladles who huve UFcdthein, lo inako tho Pills public, for the ailev ialloc of those sufniring fro.n nny itregularitii. whatever, lis well ns nprcventivu lo th wo ladies wlwso licaltli will not prrinil an increase i f family . I'rcgnnntejiialet, or Ihose supposing themselves so ure cautioned" aguinst using tiiese Pills, a.'iho prnprl etor ussumc. 'no resp,nsiblliiy after tho above ndoin. otherwise, Iheeo Pills ate rccom meniled. Direction, accompany each box, Trice 91, old wholesale' end rtnil,by OEOKGi: SI. IIAOENIIUL'II, Ceneral Agent, ltloonishiirg, Pa. lie will supply lhotrado at tlio proprietor's prices,, nnd luind the Pills to luJips eonfiJentlaUi) by mall on receipt ot Sjl thro Ii Ihe jllooinsburg Post CiPcu. ntlQK ONLY I MPriXCOTT & II UNTUR'S Clolliine Waro'iomo, Bonili Wtil conur of Fonrtli ami Mnrk'et ftreels, I'lul adelphij. Thaotly Ont PrUstQQthln Store i n .im erica' Caali pure In per o( Men's or hoy'a CU)tliing, at wholuiaioand retail, ran hfre, mnkn their selection , from ail Jmnieiue itockfof faaliionably cut and well made clothing, co( up. with a view to jido satliCaction loull.undat thu very lowest poiailile telling price a ; marked, n plain figures on every si mien t, all buy at I Iho s.imo price, nud whether they aro judges of good i r iuu, moy raunoi oo uccicvci. uuo unilorni low ' nrice toaik and tike. suitieverTkodv. wila iliu umnl moJaofnikms two price, and taking nit that can bi r,! a:;' ,sio, aiidn'.ise1uaiiyrfriain,iiiai,te1wouid have taken lH ' "X'lu.u and entawaii confidence in tho irudtf.L'iiTiNcor tc 1 co 1 unirormbciow prJrc oa mi tiie;rr,odfa (Vry muijh b low tho uaual rate.) and will novorvary ono cciit under any circumaiance. tTUALL AND PKCrjS . A I I'm Svilt, W.,1.4 snsnu sil 1's.ul'f It n .. I rVte.rl.rt 1 iidetpiiia A Valuable Farm 1 tt t.rfli t 11 O I T l.i . A 1 V.I,UI.U 0 iJJL" . W'ffi' TT .... J. .JJ.. ' 1 A ftiftTAiei TKAliT VV hi)t wllti Hie improvements, known otitic "Jon' Form.' HuMp. In RtiHinnkln tnwnhlo. Noriliumhrrlaiid conn I' iy, I'a i lyhu on Hhuniokin creek nud I lio Philadelphia nuil Sunbury ILillmau, about 7 mites iou!i til Danville, 8 wtf from iHntiliury, nml 10 miles from BlLimokin , and Trnterion, thus giving it a (mat ndvantniics of u , convenient nml good market ni that or any other sec- 1 linn M thu Hli In The Noriiiorn urntnl nniiro&u, now pwesstnij , with every prnfpeel of Its earlf tompldlon, will open , eoininunlcatlnn by railroad with i'lilladelplila and 1 r ,.... .1,,. . HarrlsLnre. TI10 farm contains , ir...1...1 .1 a..t.. n- A Tho improvements on said property nro a o HIileDlVI'.I.I.IMIIIOUHK.wilh coinforta urinz of eteellenl Water, n new Ituhk Kirn, and other necessary nutbullititigs To a person desiring n Injm tint must In create in value and make the most plea, sant of nnv in tho vnllcv. this airords an opportunity so doin olio red, XS" Terms mado known on Wis day of rate. M. IIARTOK. August 8, 187. PUULIO SALE 01" Valuable Real Estate. mllP. ,,,i,lnrisned. Rrn cuoroftho llsti lu of Weslev 1 Hoat, ditiuscd, will uflir at Public dlc,upon iho premises, on Saturday, the M of Octobrr next. At I o'clock, P Jl-.llio farm belonging In the said estate, si ttiuto in Hemlock township, Columbia county Ono Hundred nnd Twcnty-Fivo Acres and Tlurty-even Porebes, And Adjoining lauds or Hugh Mcllrlde, John McRfy Holds, 1'it'r Applcman Caleb llarton, Br., and Hyivrs ter I'urtell. 11 Is sltultn In Hie I Iron Ore Jteaion of IColumbil county, two miles Irom llloomsburg, nnd n..T,. t.,qi,ti, lr.,..,., A l.r.n.rl. ri'neliili'ck ni ek nn"si llirouch Iho premises, nnd Hie ivnol' l J nil is in a biihuoi cuiiivn-.,uu. improvements nro a large new Trunin 1MAjN1U IlUUSI'i, A iimv nml roinnod lous frame tenant iiome, a la'ge . new hank ham,n new wngon house, anil ollu-r nut' ,nii,.a entirely titw. I'osstnloii will be glvtn on i L.,.,1, t.irii building, entirely ihe 1st f Anrll. ms. I.OllOllIOnS Will Ut lUUUO (III 1 lli- lltly in Bliv, hy ivii,:,i.i r.A 1., IHoomsburg. .Inly M. 1B37. PUBLIC .SALE OP Valuable Real Estate. PURSUANT tn tti-n provMnna oftho 1fil will and to st n men 1 nf Vciht llurlockrr, late of Mifllin icwu lilp, L'olumbia'Xoiinty, i't'ccjn',1, tho iitidi-Mim cel. nxTuinr of iho iiftirt'Miild tlt-ci tte n I . will czporb to 1'ublic Sale. upon thQ pruuihep, on Sutunlarjy Octoltcr 3r, 1857, Tho fol lowing ilcscribcil Vnturh'a I teal. list ate, t : A FARM AND PLANTATION, PJtu.ilo in pai-J Mifllin townttilp, Cotiimhln roiiniy, iiiijiiiniiiK l.i n J on iliu u rt i r Ki'turul.ill , on lli'i foulli lioiiuddl liv tlio Norrpecli Mountuln on tin; cut l.y l.iinlfi of l.fvi Kikeinla'l, nnd on the north hy I a ltd j of nliahcih Luiz. routalitlng Ono Hundred and Twenty-Eight Acres, And allowance, whereon aro trtctud tho (ollor.l,.g iijiprotimcnwi Ji krone iJiccutng lions?. jj 11 ink ii, Spring Uou-m;, Corn Jnb. JUWeL VViiTcr ul thfi iloo. uilh ull othisr rci'i LjliiS'SjEJ silc com-tnfntcfii. About ono biiniU!d ncri'H of raid tract i improvpil nnd in n nuod etito of riiltivJition, some filiiucn arren of uhicli is t'xci (lent .Meadow. and the baUticq QV is rhoico tinilinr bind. 'Tf' Also A vrr larjro Orchard undnR'fnt varl-- cly ofselcet l'nilt Truci un tat I prcmisrs. moJL- p"5-B.nd rami will (o sold together, or in two pans, a nisiy i).j"t fini purciiasnm 0"Cnl to c"inmgnr nt 10 o'clock, A. M-, on said hiy, utioti iittc ud-iucu Hill bo civen and cnndltioi.i ' in.idc known, by I joiiv ii. unnxcit, r.xuutor. Mifllin I :.vp . Autttui II. Itfi7 N 15 W U UUUAOK LiSTAUhlSil MKMX ! h BLOOMSBUltG. Ia the Ne'w brick tlirco Story 0..rriagc i Factory, on Alain below Mnrkrt. fplin sn'rrilMir would rrppfttiTilly niinouiicu to rhr I JL ptiiiMc, ilia' .c i.asct'i'iiin'iict u inc 1 ri.NA?.?.. rJZSZSL in nil in I r.imJii3. lit) t nremrod to execute iillrrdcra n.l has ouli iml at rpsuiitiui.Hiortiiifi'it of finished work whith purchasuf3 w 1 1 Hindi l to tliulr ailvauiagu to exu li:II.O. " j;npAM.iNn, Wit) hod.iRo In tin most prompt and carrfnt manner and npoutcrufi wliichcinnot fill In uivcoalitfiriioii. rtl'UAViIUU)UH'A. WILSON. 1tlf.omLii rg, Arril 13."i. ' nh wTTuug STOuisr 4 nXCIlANOr. I1LOUK, MAIN STUCCT, lUoomsburpr. rplIIluiidiTsigiico woul dreitprrt fully in fnr ni his friend L and tin; p'llitif 'rnerrtlly, i hat lni has purch iiud Ur Ti''i t, Drusainl L'hemirnl Store, nnd jimi returned from thccily with iilargounil select mtifk.coiiiiUtiiit nl Fresh and J'ttre J)ntst Medici ncn.ClK'inirnl p.x round and wholeSiiiren, Palntr, OiU, Yarn h lie In e Hint a- Window (ilassof nil f ins, toji'tiier with ii roiiiplptpn&snrtineiii o Paint, 1 ootlt nno .Sli.ivins l(rucht'3,'ivbacco,fclegaT,I-ancjaoapB ,ahav ing Cream. 1 Purp Winp.s and Urandids, Fnr Med'cinal iie. nnallsh, rrmchand Amrimn Per- funif ry ; in sIij it,e very arlickkep thy Urucgiaa yene- r;my fO'Prffcriplir'nscarrfiiMjr.nnipouvded . N It Tho bcNTAi. pRnri'.-otiov, will lie continued as n Hint In Illoimj-ldirtf nnd I.tslit Street Ali'i.a full assortment ol the latent stylo Teeth. lor snic uy fil'.O. M. IIAGKNCUCII IHtiH'mrg. PilirnaryK ldj7 If IUST SPRING & SUMMER WE havo now receiving our Spring and Hummer Gooi'f, Ly llnirrnad at our new Ftand, rirthocornir'ol Mniifanil Mnrku streets. Thu stock coinpnen lull assortmcntof Dry Gpoils, .Csccerics, Hardware, Queen ware, C edir-icarc, IfoffoW'tvure, Lrugs Fh, Cml.'pkuter, lron.;tNailt, Hoots, Hhcc, Hats, Cups, AiC &r. ALSO UnAfiV MADH CI.OTIUNO, andin fac t every namcablc articlo iiKu.lly keptinn rnniitry riiorn Country produce taken in exrhnneefnrnndii II. V.k I.W. IIAUTMAN- nloomsburff. March tl, l57. GREAT ATTRACTION. JOHN HOMi, No. Ul North Second ttrcct cbovc Arch, Phi aikLia. v Imjwrtcr of Toys and Fancy Goods, Hal Dm I'irzcsl aortine ntt of Curiosities in Ihe city. Tuyt of all kinds, Pmiry lIiBkets.SmokePipps.Toliarrn Jinxes. Violins and utri ns. Harmonicas, Accordeons, nud n lirgc tariuly of ot her articles too numerous to mention. Hlorekeep-Tunnd others will pleafc call bclom pur ch'isii b vtcv hero 1 Aug V9, 1657 3ai HOOK-BINDING. CHAIll.nS PTAIH would respectfully inform the citi7cn ol liloniiHburt; anl vicinity, tlmt ho his luiely estjbliKl.i-d.inthiij t ice, a l-ook llindery j w!icro hn if prepared tr. do nil kind of work In his lllie, on tlm fliuriet not ire, nnd reasonable terms. Omc (u Citi lUauuiklturi;, near Ihulowereii'Iof thi town. . July IP. l?57-tt WALL l'APElll .WALL PAPER! W13 havn Jiut railroad, a epteudid as sortiuenlor WAM PAPlHt. wticli we intend tosellnt PhiLiddpItia priced from H cents to It?) cents nplero. Call und see, II. C. & 1, W HAftTMAlV. July 4, IP5?. ALEX. G. OATTKI.L & CO., ivnuwiiDixa jtri) co.v.v55o.v jicWATf, I? OR tiie sale of Grain, Flour, Penis,. Iron, Lumber, , &e., Nn. Mil North Wnmr street, Pliiladotphln. dGnodn forwtrded with rare, to at hiii1b nu the North llraueb, Schuylkill, Union, Pus-iuelianna and Junlatta Canals. it5 Salt, Player, Grindstones, Tor rale at tho bweat prices. AuffCO, lfc57 A. 0. C. Sc CO. TRIMMINGS AND ACTIONS, IANCY AUTICI.CH, n pood asnrlnient of Hosiriy . o the hunt mialilyi also, Gloves. Mitt, IIatkets, ('abas. Coinbri, Dress Trimming und fininj;?. Hewing Bilk, Thread, fee., &c., to bo had next door to Ihe Kxchance," AimuA n. wnuR. Hlooipsburg, hy 30, 1R57 NUW NO. a JIACMnttih J"! rcceivid nt HAUTMAN'S about on hundred neri.s nra elsarsd. Iho ln. -r, tables, corner cupboards, sofasi biaadfrtt tables, bed I stunloiis aim to pleaso tilth customers nnd tr nnM i. I,, unntiTlM i ..h.i ,.i wi.irl, i..&r. sieaus rnne scniiuui cntnmon enairs, Is llio lar est in ' general saiisiaction. '""Ven nil. and Is now c.vers'd nltl, eicellei,tk? ' etlloi. ofths eountry,. llo.wllj also keep a good, .. . II.W.Js W. N, tIRE BY , .. a i ' assort'neni oi MMisine glasses win r.incv nut nnrt cm. r.lehl H reel, ntll II. ie.i7 0 Alii NET WAUEU'oOMS. rrIH. uiiderirnpd rcfpeclfnlly invites ths nltntin L oriti.j Public to hit mlfliislve assortment1 ofCahi'mM Furniture nml Chair hicti ho will wiir runt lnbui'idj of good nnlcriuls and In n workman hkn maimer. At hli Htntijiiimcnti can always be found d rooiI nisotl mem w FASIIIUjNAI.Ije; J.UJlJ.TUUK, ! Willed ifpqilatln mvlcnml nnlili tn thni. or htl ndelphlaor New Voik cities, uminlai low prices, i lla liaa SOFAS, nf dlfTorrnt tvlei and prices, fromC in sjmi, invsnK. i.nnnKes wau 111M and Jlalioiony, iMrlor chairs, Itoekln nnrt ims) chairs, nana stools, tind a variety of upholstered word wlihl)res,lnondpar,)rl,.ireaus,sora.cnrd centre and nlcrtai.l.a.deinshus. chixlcnlers whatnots nndcomon drrs.and all kinds of fa.lilon.iMo work. Ills stock of innn frnincfl- He will tiliu fumith snrliiff t-jtr,.ai. filled many size of bendstead, vthli h are superior for, durability andcomtfortto anybed in ii.o. , ci.wu.n u, riiiivii. nioomslmrg April Slli, IM1 ' I HOVER'S LIQUID HAIR DYE II'IIIS HAIR DYE needs only a trial to nnllsfy nil nf .L Its perfection as a Dye, nnd tin fol lowing tcsth inoniaiirnin mat emincnl Aiialltici-nemtsi,rroiesor Ilooih.ortho U.H. Sllnl, will only lonfinu what thou- sands Iiavo previously borne lesliinony to. i iMoitraiorjtjer rrnciuai Lhtmmty. i St. Slepnen's Place, IHIadn. ( Rclnz well acaualntcd Willi I he snbstnnees cnonios ing Hover's' Llinid Hair Dye, I nm Fall sued that by following the simple directions given lor it. use, it kiii nut injure me nair or o Kin, out nut give a uaiu i ral and durable color to tho hair. JAAIRH C. I'.OUTli. Aug W, 1E57 Analytic CAciAUt, , HOVER'S WRITING INKS. TNCLUniNO HOVER'S n.UII) nnd IIUVER'rS IN- JL I)l:i.IIILi: INKH.aretonwellknnwiiand Introduced to reiiura any additional testimony of their chaMCtT. iiio saics nave nuen increasing sipee ineir nrrt iiit'o- luctlon, glvlugevldciice that the a-tlcles truly po'seis niilrer.'''"11 " fl"' M ur.icrs.ndoressed to the Maouf.ictory,?,o. 410 Race cr,nT Aim. iw-i, ,03m' y,X!ire. ESPYTOWN NEW STORE. Tlir.undcrPifiHd.liaviiipn.roibtfiltipttlHTinthn tn their fti-nd and thn puMic in pontrnl, that their 'rlnvt.0 i"nhi.C,ite,M hh,r'Pi VrySLi!! with " New Spring Goods. i Conprifing an cumi!vp nsporlnifiit of Cloih-i.Cnmi' 1 morel, Vcllng MiiBlina. I.lni. ntid rvJry otlwr ar ticle In the wmrfm lino.mclndiii? Iiinlw,irf. China , Earthen nud (lolluw wnrcn, Jroccri), Hugar,Tei a, Uoflln. Rici'. Mnloi-tf5.ptc.,ftc., with nil other art! clea ofcommcrco ai'aptcil to rointry nlorcs. ALSO-HEAD Y MA Mu CL O TIIJXG iTs-Ornln, fjii'iibfr. Provision,. I'rotlnce. ic. of all Kinds, taken in ci.I.atTgo for incrclmiH'iJC. II. I . UIJ1T.II Alil, 11 O. UltCVliMNU. llspytown. April 4, US7t Greenwood Semi.iai". iT5 1 11 VillO. CoJutllbin, Gf Pf ... AflVsriiMA'riO course of instrurtinn is given In all Hie llnglish branclns usually taught, -j im Prinelpal will bi assitted during Hie present year by 'P.M. eaperiiinccd, recently from inn i.auc.iivi r'.inny -turiiim rc.imii t vucaiiou 01 tcven wuohs will coiumcnco July lit, T11RMS, Tuition, fnr ir.iy pupils, 3T.50 to 81,60 per matter. iloardliiL,, Tuition Washlnz. Lichls. Ac . sau tier ,ii tiiri in ri-.-i n ii w .-:,., ,, itu-iiin 11, iiuviiiitu l',ircircula'r,calalogue,9rotlierpirlie.ilars,nd,lrcss ... WM. IJUItlli: Millvillo, April 1.1P57 Principal. REMOVAL. rp'in subcrfber having removed Ids Marble Yard 1 from near the Court lio tse, lo the ,S6uth west eor- ! tier of MAIN and MARKET streets, In Rupert's llow. I uhare he is prepared to furnish all kinds of , Marble Wvk, Vii: MONTJMCNT3, Cradlo lombs.inox Tombs, nnd 1 Head Stones of every description. Ills stork Is of the bct kind, ilia workmanship not surpassed ynuy in the country, and ut low nricis. Cull and judee for 1 yours , ives. VJ' He wl'l nNo fuiolsli T.lJ.Io and llurenit Tops, Maiitils f.r lio.uses, ll.iw Curses. Lmtliis, bit I Hills lorWitn'ows nud Doors, at a low figure. 1 i n.... li. i r.. Jt - .... , , i ot the same. i.n. i.i, i.rui.) iiui.u lur tuiiiiiiujuce ' ANTIIONV WITMAN. nioomshurff, AprlN. IE57. Cm - - LOOT AND SHOW MAK'TVn a. T11U iifidfjrsisiifd, t.nukl.i for the lit i ral n5S paironati withuhicli In; has 5cen l.iwird tor 7 KJ j,'iiufby(winild infoim Ills I rie imIk und, wcusuimeni, Mini hr rnntinues lo manufocluio Hcots and &hocst At hi old nnd wl-Knowt.8iand, on Mnln strei t, Mloonithurjj. in all their anous .tnd forins,iu good sty If a ml on mi derate terms. His Ion? experience In tho lutcinpj, nnd gpifral know ledge of ilw i-coptp of ColumLJii: ounty, ?iper - added ton tlxed determtrim ton td render siiildfaciioii toalll.i-niBiomera.Fhouldecurohlni increased pa tronnee which lie houea io 1111111. jAcnii f. Dinrnp.inx. nioomsburff, Mauh JO 1W7. " "COSTAIPS" HAT, ROAOII, &e., EX TEH MIN ATOll. 1 Pot up In COr J.!e .f.5c nnil Ql bnie1!. cosiAifd" nro i:xtiiumiv'i;ou. Put up jn 23 C .Wf , 75c . und St holtlet . "Co.-iTAU'a" cbwrrnic powunn ruu ants, iN?f:crrf. &c Put up In 2c. nnd -r0c. boxrs. Principal Depot. No ;w Itrnadway, New York, nnd soldliy Drnsjlt-ta nml Dealers rveryuhcre in tbo Unl tid Sinter, Otnadas, West Indies and South America. Aug S2. 1857 Im Hopkins' City Hotel, NO. NOilTII THIRD BTREET, ir Race street, formerly "K.10I.F. IfJlTJ.," PHILADELPHIA. ITIIU mulersined lias taken Hip nlmvc well-known House on n long audifjvorah u lease, and has rpn-ovat.-d and furniiljed it entirely anew, and in suth n btylonnd manner as will give 8tifavliou to all nho may ln'com-h, guest. Gciitlrmni who wiih can be furnished a room nnd supplied meai4at ititir plemtiirn. trnni n Lugo lUstaurJiituiid Haling fa loon niuc'ird.on tins Duro pciu plan," or nl the lioitj, table, at regular bourn us Ihcy mny desire. TnG?" IVie nfopriplor Hitlers himself t Tin I no lionfp in riiiindt Iphla fhill surpnFs the romfurt and u, ttuti jn winch mil lie found nl Ihe Ctty Hotel. 1 June fl, 1857. ' - A RETIRED PIIVSlCTfAN, YHAllfl OF AOR, haviiii! lost his father, two i O brothers, nauphter. son inliw, nepliews nnd ( nieces, bvthnt dira Iful disease. Cotst-MiTiov, nrd enf- iviinji V.1111 11 uuvgn J1IHII.LH, (nitrinuiru i.j viph iimi uasi lunies. iisvnt ami Jannn. w nere lie 1 icorrci r. ............... ... ...... . . - .... Uw,i,r,i.ii.iia,uiiiiiiiiin, Lonxmnption, n ei ous ik m 11 ty 0111I Asl iim 1 lliscnun was cured ly , he returned, run-d his rrla !;Vt. f'":J"'l"l tices, who iniiiritcil llio discusu. and 111 with hli Fon havo emnlovid it in their nrattice thousands of casei cuundcrcd hopeless hyotticrs. tor 1 no purpose 01 rescuing ns many 01 ms sutiering j fellow-beings as juMsiMe, he is sendint; the Uecipe to 1 nil who wish It for ihi cents : J of it to pry tho cost- ose, nnd the balance pruning. Addrei-s Hit IIUATPI, 101 rprins $t, opposite St. Mchulns lltlet, June 13, lc57. New York. POUTA11LE CIDER MILLS. KHAUfMt'S Patent, for Irind or horso power, Iho nest in usu WheebT's Horse Powers nth) Threli ers. Improved Grain Fans, Pennnck's Wheat Drill-) Cooppr's Mme nnd Guano Hpre.u'ers, iho most approved Hay and FoJder Cutters. Moti's lioilcrs, G'riudftoues ready hum;; with a general assortment of Agricultural and llortic ural Impleineiits. PASCHALIj MOIIUIR U CO., Implement and Heed tStore, H.'vcnih and Market bis., Philadelphia August 15, 1807 NEW CHOP" TURNIlrSEED. PUltPIXTop UutaRairii.PuiplQTop FUt.Kkirvins's Uiiinllnift. Yellow Aberdeen, IMIh's Hybnt'.WhiiH Norfo.k.Whim Flat, and other line varieties, wholesale and retail. PASCHAM MOnitlS tc CO., Iinpleiucnt nud Heed Store, Hrv-emh nnd Market us., Phllniiclphia. nugun is, 100.. . IIOKSE LINIMENT AND CATTLE! 7 OR salo nt tho offico of tho Columbia Democrat, AI.UO Deeds ,Ulanks, Stationery. Mnrriago Oct llilcalea, &C, Si.C . JbC. ' I'lllSIlflt'TH OillUOTIIl'ltS. WHOLESALE TOKAUCO Ii -G') A Ii 2. EC S Ny.l03,XOUTII Til I III) bTlllilHT 1'ivudoursteiuu Ruer, Pllll,.l;i:i,rillA J.iurtirav 1 U IK33. Spring and Summer GOODS." TUK undersigned respectfully inform their rusl'imers and the public ecnernlly, that th-y liavejii.t received at their new lirltk Ptore House', In j 1.1 ptil sireoi . n scicci ossnrii ivi 1 01 las lonauio Spring and Summer Goods. opnng ami omnmcr uoous. dlri'ei rroni tin linstcrn tuien. ronipristnr: nil ma - tlmis sale cllnn. 10 lin fouml In iJ.nintry jinrf, (Jnnl.tinj ol Cloths. Cassllnf'rr. llelnins, Ureses, 1 i:al,eovs,.c Tojether wltlin.l tlnds or Ureessoods Ai.rto-oKNTt.r.Mr.N'ft WEAit, or almobt , VUllY fl OUT AMI HTVt.l!. I,AUIr.8TAI.MA8IIIUliIIAB,IIAWt.S.Jtc. (Irocerles, Molasses, Husars, Teas, Coffee, Bplces, and in shnrt.everyttiinaln thuway of Merchandize. HEADY MADI. CI.OTIIINU, ol every description jy- irnn,ii, i.iiiis.o'iii.y r'l'iinn cc neir eivo Wg Self Care! I A BOON TO THE AVFLIOTED. I TV ERVOUS DIPOHDJJRS, Head and Mind Affection', I 1 Inrlplclil Cnnruinpl ion. Low Hpliils, Incapneny or Plndvor Labor. Premnturo Esliailstlon and III ricil llccnv or the Bislim, Lessol Memory. Iiidlges. nn, jrxuul IJeMlity uuil Involuntary Emission., riles. Disrnsts nr thu Kidney., and Orgms IhcrciUlh en. nrcttd,wlicllcr rcsiilllrg from liiiprudenee or nlher wine. .ire invariably nrit i,i rinnnniil v rure,l iiy nr. Cllvi av, ill's lamoun IIAIIICAI, IIUdEKERA'lOH, llm' fill I mrtlclllars of w htl-li. m It bout nrv imnin-i fl sionnl sicrcsy,vlll be milted gratis to any add r is. on receipt td u stamped envelope properly directed rrf l no sueei sslul restm. in tne i.iti len Hirs n ivn tiroved ll,l Remedy tn bo the ONLY l'.l ll.i: 1 1 A I, CllRl.etnnt tir the above complaints, ntut thedescrlji lion of it is given in so plain a iiuuncr, Hill every le is rlitibled to cui'.iiiiiMfr.i.rBUucnssruLLY&riiivArnLY. .luurin, poji pai 1 , ( ja ,a37 CHARLES J. C. KLIVE, Post Eoi No. litG. New Votlt City. ' Tr , CHEAP TOREi. SPRING AND sUMMblt OODS. ' TPnti uudLtsincd take plcnsur,' in an niiy. inaiuify ii:ivfjiistiPcoibu, ai inc i.inir uttigu tiiore a rhoier afiortirtcnt if finrW nml Sulnmpr ClnatU opring anu ouninicr uooa?, Gomprisill" every article Uatiullv liCpt It) ' iMty Pto" hhh Uvo Inn F.'.rrtl with caie. iami win oo soul atcryiowpi'uiorrfuiiypiii DM GOODS. rniisliilug or 11 Inrr.. vnrl'ty '-'Whs, Casjlmers, Delaines. Ilrn7.cs. Call oes, fee. try Country produccluken in exchnpgi fnr good.. Give us a cull. None need go av,ny ili'suiifieil. 0. At G. LOW. Luna Ridje, March 53, IM7 .NEW GOOBS. SPRING AND 'SUMMER OF 18C7. ' 1 H?."n.dZl??.c.d .n.l ff.r,.f"I,n.c.1: Jlrinda nnd custonieraln general, thai hi has rrmt liinnced business)!! Ills snaeious Nntv Storu llousE next door to Isaiah Hliuman's Hotel, nhcrohchas 1 just received, atuiisuppiy 01 spiiivp ivn vimMrp norm- j SJKIRG AM) fUil.Ml.R GCODj. comprising svery variety nf fashion, 'inalitvondslyle i usually kept In the best mores, tlroeeties.Uiiincewnri' ( iiaruwarn. I is I nans, l l'tls, t aps, t.ools, Chocs, eic, which will be snlil on oceommoo King Terms. t X3T Cram and p.nduro of nl I kiiidsvvuled. A a. ANJJKUWS. Ma n vil I... March 03, 1 BW. y .1 FilrlUCrS' DfllOl 311(1 I'laSlCr MH i 1..rn.' iiivin-inv ni" AT-Til i5 JUNCTION 01' York Jlvtnut, Cre.i.i and CtilhtchiU Sttetts, PHILA'DELl'lIIA. Wfi oiTcr a larpe ftotk ol Chemical Manijr"i nnd rtmllima at low prKe. and warranted to be C mum' amour wmcn win oc toui.d linn) tons N'o. 1 (3rtv rinneut Peruvian Guano. 101)0 tuns lie liura'i No. 1 riancrnhoKnhii'! ot I.itii', Till nhove Stamford nrliclia nrn. ench of thplr Kind. the ht-t't in ihewoildl Our Land Platei.mnniit.-if tured from j-elfCtPtl stone, is cclchralcd throughout the Union fur its purily nnd utrpnctli, vn iNvrrn onnnaa roR- Io Utirg't No. 1 dunrfphoiplinte ol I.imo. No, 1 Covcrumeni Peruv im tjttnno. French's linprovt-d Huperphophatc ol Liino. rrench v I'liiladelnhia Pmidrri. , No. 1 PhoMih ite Ouano, Piiilad'.i Co ') 1 Pletican puano. (i) , Ultra l.i satcr, Ordinnry r.nml Plateucl, rhomicnl Itoiie, Pure Pone Ihist, rich u.ino. Ground Charcoal. ' 'Wd C latins P I iter. lU.Odi) " Hydraulic Ccmrnt. S-Ot'O Trai Itomin OmeM. i MOD " Portia id (UngliBh) Ciincnt. I ALSO 1 Pentlil's PIater. Powdered Anthracite Coal In fbl? Htrreotypo P'.istr, Puwdrred ltittiniinoui Coal " Mnker'n do Ground Prow n titonu G'ouml Socp f?tono, White Find ' 1 'do. While M irlile, Ground Urickufor Painters, dj. Ulue .M.trldci, Chemicnt lion" tliift. - PHIINLII, P.ICIIARUS A. CO , 1 flVnni MilWiin 1 r.i rinrri Dennt. I'llILADni.I'lllA. Kept 13, le.'iT-Sci NEW TINWARE SHOP. main BTUunr, oprosiTHTtin nxciiANGn. i rpHH undermned rr?pr rtfully inrurms liid fricndi X nnd the puhlic geneiully, that he lu opined A Atit Tinware and Shctt I, on Fsta In I'll ;buililmy formerly occupied ftr that, pirpose 1 hi Josp!i Sliarplei's. whfre ho is pn pirtd lu conduct he I'Uiniefs in a'l i- various Lrunihi m. 1 'linwareaud spouting of all kinds mode to order on short noiirp anil nl muderaiy prices. Also-tSToVLri, of Mirious styles, cousluntly fur sail'. Ilcpiirinj done :o order in quick time. Cy Country produce taken in ch nuiiito fur wnrk. D. C. MIM.AKU. Illocnisburff. May lfl, 1857 y ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ' Estate of Giicon Yorks, dcSd, j T ETTEttS of Administration on the 1 Ustiiti of Gideon Yorks, late of J.icksru K.wnhip, Col iimt'i.t county, deceased. h..v breu granted by the 1 Ileeisttr ol Columbia count, to Kliznlicth Yorks, who I resi les iu said Jneksou towiihtp ; nil persons hnvinir, 1 claims nsaitut the et,ite of tho decedent aro r luegted to prtseul Ibem lu the Admiiiistralor withnnt delay, and till persons hidt bed to inako pnvmen' fortliwi'h. HlJ.ACCTIt YOKIH, Anpusl 15. 1357 Ct jHailiUtTattti. S. L. Prtiicoast &. Co. - ,Vi COMMISSION MERCHANTS. AND DEALERS IV - 777-0 t 1 Ttr rurrc Tt Arc ct r m r n j awriOiLo. ojlul. ire. 1 4 , 4 Udll tfllJItU). I II I lit -Ic 1 1 II 1 .1 , - - - - - TiSBK CiaiJAf BOOK STWitSJ. 1 Comer ol .5lli & Arch Slreol. Philadcl2hiu . Henderson & Co.? nooh'tELUMs ruausiwiis. TNVITE thoattcntion of all Persona Vis!- 1 JL ting Piuladilphn. whether on Il'jsiness 0" pleasure to their LUiraorduury Collection of Hooks upon ui bith, Jcrts, lIoukelh r, Country Dealer?, Tenchers, ritlir and privulu LMirarier, supplied with Hooks tJiallouary ut low est rails. C.G. HENDERSON & CO.. March. 7, ld57 Cml. POWDER! POWDER 1 1 a HIE iiuiierilgueil hiving associated together, under . llio linn and style of Fursel Sf Jacrthj, Will cniilnne the Oriarcrcck rowdcr llusines. In nil it. ceporiiiKnts. n. n. PDRSEr,, j. a JAL'OUV. Au? 10, 1?57 WILLIAJ1 J. 13EIDLEMAN, i . v vi . v fy. nUUlC UUU lijaiUCSS MAXUFACTtRlilt IHocnistmrr, Aug, 13, tH57. JOSEPH PUSSELL, -lyN MANUf AUTUREK 01' r!rCr-Um broil as and Parasols, Altho Did Hinnd. T.'O 2 NUIllll l'OURTIi STREET, Aug ot. w -3in riiv.iin:iruit ANas.oriiiiertui Lniikcllonerr. J.urlry, Perfume TiECSO.Vfl ulsp.m. I,n..ii.ti..n. . ,f. Heaps. Ila.r Oils, ft''. uiPtUvni&'X'vi .,. , - . . tl.AliK H Eoek Bloie. I , ,, ,, lllocinsbnr;, .May 30 1417 POSTSCIUPT. " " CongrCS3101ial COIjlOl'CO trnntinn . Vo co to Press on lri Wo go to Press on Friday .1 " ... .. Wllhout hoaricg the result of , . ' 1 ! Sionnl Uonferenae, HOW in ,'('.-M"n t kcsbarro. Up to 'Thursday, n n, .. CO ballots wcro bad sUndirg, " . Mcssra. MeRoynolus, Letdj, , n,. i.ittb. Can't hold tbo Prou. i, , Baco botwcenPlora TomjH' Brown DlcR. Alda:iv,"N, Y", 12 ; between Flora Temple aul .. took placobcro to-d.y, Fbua itgxU, i victur, winning three itraight bou . timo mado was : First heat, 2i.i. second heat, 2in. SOl-'Ja ; thiid l.j an'AN t'i co. s lotx;;ii a-eii'awj duilTmxt f.c- ailul I'Vixt Wdflfr Tb'H(ilt)wlrg flrlKMnf mil he dr.iWn fiv . Co,, Miiian rn of I'j ln 0 Jtii'Ji A- ' n in rh of th'lf "'ii Itir Ifk'rti AIJ(J Ij I'A, t.'ici' in jiiti hcnj-M.'-v. th' jr rrlnrhril Qtfim fl.Anfl r.i, To he ilMun in Hn city m Auuti.Gf( r i u I' tfaptttnili' r til, r- U'X!X?$Z r,U,mM on hrlurv av, Iff nle lii ir lHli, .. . Ul, 6, be drawn in tin citjr ot Angnstn. c , , .in .iiiir.'ii. x ptember Ji.ll , w THi I'LilfV uf StNUUB.Nl .Mi Ii e V tdtnl f'e.i' Hundred atd fnrti ' t Ncniy one Prize to etery' A'iHQ-'t AttGjnrrcKttr scrrr.vri ,M Kb UlUVtS LAU'll P ATII ItllAV l.fl 8FP-. I ' I 1'ri'ioof 4ll'!5li lUFii"-..'. 1 uun iv llM.'lHI 111 3.1.UU m. i.;cil in i.trji nu l.uf'O 511) la.11 APPROXIMAHON rils. 4 rrlica.t'JuliAvproii'li'j vj j(,u,,ti 4 " SOJ '30,trlM 4 " 2'0 ' .111.1' tl ' f 4 " J J5 " T '.' 1 4 1W) ' 5.C54 i 4 75 " S .M 4 ' CO " ifVI - JjOa " '.11 are 5195 Prize; fitr.ouiuir.p to WHULU ti uijih 510; HAI.Vt - ' . 1 li:h ' Plan oj the" Lotto- Tlio N'ltmb'rs tro in I t- 5J.00), enrLrj't v 1 Uhntu N'uiubei (fn 1 hu Tirkits pre t . slips nt paper, ure encircled Willi sun.. I 1 1 i tti . jl.uod in tiM wbrel. Tho (ifft 41j7 Prizes, riir.ituly pru ' . ' clcd, nie plutd 111 tntith r uhtrl. Thu whcols nro lh i revolved, un I n m tutu dmwn frni tltt. wlitt. t NuinlM . - . t 1 . t lime a Ftlze r raw 11 from the im'i i T Number and Prizedrawn out r.rn , x cd lo tho uudience, ttiiil (.jirurni 1' 1 11,1 sloner; the Priie In ing pUieit n, mi. t 11 drawn, 'lliis operation is ' Vtlzv t5,nre draw n out. jjpprotimatto'x Prtzxt The two pin- I two sucteeijins Ntti'i'irrs lo those dr.i 7 Prizes will bu ertitlni to tbo if 1 Prizes. For example: if Ticket No. 1 . souinij rri7.3, tiiape Tickets nuuiberf ' M 1 ll.'JSI, II i!5 will each becnlillfd to t 1 1 . No. 550 draws the $'.0,000 Prize those i 1 bvred5ia,5pJ, 551.552, wtllrnch be 1 t) , and 10 on ncLnrdinj io tlm nboe scIiPine Tl.n 3C0U Pn.,-s - t.f 52D will be tlcti n 1. fl lastlUureof thcNopl"r th.rtdtuw" U, 1 For L-xampio, U i)tr Numhcr !rav.i . . PrlzeJciidB witho 1, then nil tt.u ; tho Nuirbcr ends,' in I, wilt he intuit. 1 ' Nuniliir ends with No a then nil tin 't the Number mils in ii will be entititit 1 on 10 0. Certificate of Tjckapei willbc soldLH1! ' ' ln rates, which Is (he tr k : CerHicatecf Irkigeof 10 Whole Ticket do ily jq Hair du da do lOU'iarlrr do -o do 10 l.'jjjtnh do in otinniiiNG Ticiiiny on cmrn- c ,rvn Hficloe the moncj to our nldresitl'- . . ki orilpred, on recoipl nr uhirh tiny wil' t tin. 1 by first mail. Piirchawrscan havo lickc ..M any fi;uie thv may t'cFtgnn-c. Tho List of Drawn Nmnlx'r and Prls - in j to picrhnscrs nnmodiatelv nfter il !n I nrchiBers will ple writo thl r sJri tor i , 1 , 1 1 nm umce, i;oui iy auu ii Uemember that ei ry Prize is drawn 1 . . jc fu II without ih'diirtinh . All Prizes of SlouiJaiid'iiuder.rpiH)imH. 1 tii tho drawing-other Piiesnt :fie usual t ,1 1 o VJ. All communiratlons rtriftly ronfKbn'i Address oiders for TicLeu nr Cortiliru'- - n ft . S. iSWA K. CO fa Persona res i Jin 2 near MoiitHOmi ry . G.i,,caii Irivo Ihrir orders (illed. mi addresiiiji H. Swan Co., nt eiUirr t Hi . n s UTAHslof the nuinVrs that -ir t r w heel, with the amount ii the iri. i. entitled tn will be ( aUn -rv Ihe folfowim pnpera .Yew Orlr.f 'f ) ZUlrr, Chariceton tlr.titltird, it,. 1 JnlcJUfftncer, 'lVn4 H'cekt j1 J)n 1 - r JlIoritlttiT J-eif ? Utchmond Ditpzteh, ,r 1 - ' ami I'dHlditt (Mm ) Ciarhn August 15, lfcj? BLOOMSWJKG IJOOR ' .-)'. (few TIIE undersigned iS.-pcetruliv -tuathp rnntlnups the HUom '.it Stationaiy JUtabUshmcnt, Uti tt 111 1. .1 'n , husliund. Mijnr'nlt .J'-ir t , nt tho old ttami in the i;.icb.ijv l:u w,! llastof (he liirh.u Hotel, a'-dlun n.. r her rstablishtncnt v.iili a (hf,ie PtM ' . k nnd Stationary, x ;ijcpiritl a ho may giv-e U.f l . ;l ln In 1 tin , ,'jrw. The Rcstaurni.t Silca s. nt tin. hn 111" it t' f stilt I i -hmr ut, w II In loaliaued i' iisu ! 1 seniier, w 1 1 1" tii'i puMn a n mail im - Wflbthe fll 'lift 11C1RiUCi1 AD lilH'.r 1 1 -1 j -. r n MinrraN.rf.ira.tpirilla li..r. A a. t-plrd nid Pick l-d OV ter". Pickled ("., tTiie publi' ri-stoiu n n'pi imi'v .i c 1 Rom ' 1 : a Svri.Ciiot " ( , nioonnburjr.Mar '-'i I Is "'7 ikunks: pu.Mvs:. the r u ll'ill.'suiueit if; wriilu-llt nl :'.,'id Ilnl, ! I Prrpellry. I..aihrr an-i C... ... i iia j iC , &c., U TM 11 W. M i Celebrated London Pr.ze Minlftl, ! Spi.n,tfolid Hole I.i-atl.i r junk flm. NO. 40(1 .VARKia hTlUILt Pouth west rorner r4jur.I1 and Maiktt, A I ! I"! A I .-1 1' A I) MIN ISTn.VTOR"Nt " Eilutc of Conwlitn Raw Ids, 1 ETThJlS of AdmiiLstraiion JL J Estate of Ciruellii.. Ee 'ioLis. , i'. linvnship, C'oluniliii rotir ly, ",,-...,! prantcd hy tho I! sitter nt ( ' . Im i ,' undersigned, uliii midts In .aid f tn Columl'U ieii"tj ; all pirsons luviiii i tiie I'.wts of Hie deced. nt are r,,pi m sliein In uithout dilai ions indiMed to make payment Inrtlmii' BAMUI.I 11 3!yMTCl : :UmTi! SIIAHP IJOilOf M. person. Indelited to th flrra ol . .(lower. arc heriUy notilod lo 4 un saoiu and .avo cokt. IIART.IIAV A. Also, those hid, tiled tu th.- sii.cri'u , rcqu.&ted to call and .cttle P.T 1 I-spvtnwn. June C, IK'7-Sin e..u. oiiua," I ...... . anifaetarer and IHoteiatt Dealer 1 CEOAH, U0i)l) .1X1) UULOH i ii ut, m m CLOCKS. I.CXIKIN'R UI.AHMl's eorda CLDPHS, EltWIICS. WIMIOir BIIADL No. 180 Noith Till It I) ,Strc 1 . . " iust iehic the C I Aug S3. IrSI , . HMI ROJONDALE CE.MEN'I A,ril II 113"
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers