AND BLOOMSBURG GENERAL ADVERTISER,. LEVI L. TATE, ) Editor, I'nblishcr & Proiridor. 5 YOL. XL--NO. 28. MMJL1I1II1H uixiuvuiun. rublislicd every Saturday Morning, ty LEVI L. TATE, Tn BloomBburg, Columbia Co., Office. Jn the iictufJrick Jluildiitg, oju posilctht Exchange, by sile of the Court House," Democratic Head Quarters.'' Tf.RU3 OP SUBSCRIPTION. 81,00 In ailvaneo, for one copy, for etx month) 1,75 In ailvanoa, for ono copy, ono joftr. 2,(10 If not pitlil within tho flrttthrco monthi. 2,25 If not paid within tho first six months, 2.50 If not p a I . t within tho yonr. 117" No subs jrlptlon taken for loss than six months, nml no paper ilisoontlnod until all nrroarngcssuall tiivo hconpahl. ID Ordinary mlrortlsomonts In.'crlcil and Job work executed at tho established prices. BALTI$10Kti LOCK .UOS JPITAJL. DOCTOR JOHNSON, npiIE founder of this Celebrated Insti I lullon.oiTiri ilw inoctccrlain, op'-tdy, nml only i Hrctnnl remedy In tlm world Tor ellrrn for filM-m, Ftriciurrp, dentinal wnckiictm, ln J n h In Mm l.oltm, .(.ViiAtilutioiinl Dottliiy. Imjiotincy, Wciiknem or tho Hack nml Limits, A(1ctlo us of the Kliitifyg, litlp Un ion of ihn Hrnrl, Diitpcpela, Nitvoiir Irri lability. DiBcaxo ot Hits Hind, 'l liroiit, Rune rr Skin, mj I all ilmie serious ami niMunthnly Disorders nrli ine,from tho destructive liatntit of Vnuili, which dent rnjt. hoth body and tiiittil The so secret nml solitary irnriicrs, are more fa ml to their victims than the hour nf the 6yriH p iliu nvtrincrs Ulyufcs, ItUgliling their moat brilliant hopes of anticipations, rendering iiiurriflc, &c , iiuponniblc. Marriage, Married pcrsnrii, or Voun .Men tontcipplatlng mar rlagn, Jjeing awaro of weakness, organic de jiifity, (Icfonnitlf ir,. Klumlil fmmfilfutcly consult Dr Jotinfion.und bo rrsturrd to per fact hralHi, lie who pi. cos hi nice If under the care of Dr. John stoii may religiously confide in hi honor as a gentle- ;uen, and coimili'iitW rely upon hi sKillasfphysiclau Organic Weakness nnmediatrly cured and full vigor restored. This, disiMsu Is the penalty most rrfiuenly paid by thino who have liecoiue.the vlrtim of improper I ndti t jrtincies. Vniing persona ur top apt to comiifil ox, fwtB from not hcing a, ware of-Uio dreadful rnnseiicne' .that may eiiPM". Now, wlio that uniterstamli the sub. Jrct will pre ten J to deny that the nower of procrca mm ts lmt sooner Iiy Uiqjo falling into Improper liuhitsth tn by t h n priiilent. Uc-Miles being deprived of tlif pleasure ol Invililiy offspring, the most so r long .inl destructive Kymplom lo both body and mimr urine, The system Je.come riennged; (tin jthysiral 1 an I mint'tl powers wcjikencd, nervous ddilliiy, (fyi- ' (i.'pU, tialpilatioti oft no bear I .indigestion, u wanting of til'! f'auift ronjli RyiiiitnmRofcoiisiiiiiplioii fee,' tJOHiCn No. 7 HUTU I'RKUKBILKSTBrBI.HCVtlldoOrS; fro mi ll'illimort) rtri vi, Hist hM. up tin- Kteps. Ho funicular inotivirvin thoNAMUuud iNUMBLJU. or 'vim wilt iiiiRtako 1J i l,cc A Cure arranicit,vr no Vkargt Malct n from Qe fo Wfl Dag', NO MtilltiUltY Oil NAUril.OUrt DUUCS UtJCt). I),rt Johnston, .MomliT of I hi Itoyil College nf Hurgfun. London Cri'diiitclrom one ofthu must rmiueut eellcfn n the Unit'Ml rtla'r, and the grp.ilpr part ol whor lilt bus l it spent in the first llopltala of l.ouilou J'uris.I hi I i-l Iplnu and i-Ikp where, has eilceftl st'ii" of tho most .i4fniiMii in:; cure th it wri! ever known ; many troub I 1 with riiuiiu in the head and eats wkm nslup, t"il nervn'lniimH being aliirmfd t nidib-n iiniiiuts. stl luitlif ilnes, uith fre;utnt b.UKl'iMg, attrudi'il S'lmi'tMiies U ilerangeoieiif u( miuiltt recun-d im mi'di-itily. A Certain disease, , Wli"n he tingiiidi nnd impriiricnt votnry of plra. sum Hud-i i'! h iri iin'iilfit tint orf of thin piiinhil t-eae, il ton ofiiMi Pnppens that an lllllini'il kmik' of stiatiiii . nr dre id ul ln on iy, dnrrs him fn m niply. nm in iiiihb h fr,nm eiliir.Hitm mid rfspi-ctability ( in il mil iM'frieji. Ijii'm del tying tlJV1-'1 coiS-tiiutHMi'i tyintito.tM oil hi horrid dieueiiiiks Ihei raipe;iranre, such is tili'iimied Bore th mat, itisi-ased nose, iioriurnal P-ihiN i ii tin anil limbs, illume ss of sia IK, deafness,, ,noiesiu inn sk yi jioms, ,31111 tirms, uinun1 on me le-td 1 inj, anil extn-metii's, nrogresaini! with frightful rfipi ill t V , till (it list the pujjile of the month or the bu 1111 of (he utter (',itl in ,auit,U-e y ietim of this nv fnl becomes n tiorrid obji rt of Vomif if ration, till il aih puts n period to his drc.nfiilNUlleriugj,'ii dinuhiuilo that hour no wht'iire no Iraveler (rt'liirn." To mici thereforo Dr. Julmfloii pled'es liiMUfit i" iireservH (In must rnvinl.ible sccrecv. and f nuu his etteusive proU" the firsi Hospitals of L.iiropif nun inerir:i, ne run raujuienuy rernmnii'nii n vafe uudsf.sivdy cure to tho uiifortunale,vir)jiii pi this norrni uisuase. Take particular Notice, Dr I. a il tresses alf)i3sc uhn have Injured item sii'vi'J Ii v nnvat'iand iiunroiier indu!ciiiires. Thsi' .ire son.c of Hn; iiad and inelinrliolv Affects produced by early habits of youth, vix Wnaknesa of the II ick and Itiuibs, rain 111 the Hrau. Iiimnepsol Ht;1it.Loss of Muscular I'o.wer. ralpiintion of the Heart. Dvsnejirin. Nervous IrrutibiHtv. Derail cement of the Digestive Functions, Gene rn I Debility, syniptois jL'i "oiiiiiiuinin , q-c. .Mr.MI'Aht.V Tlie. fearful pffi fls nnmi the mind nrn much to bedrcaded, Doss of Mciunry, Ooiihuion of -I-ras, li'Mrc4ion nf tliu pirts, livil rriiioiugs, A veriinnof doclety, Timilyc., are some ofihecvils proituceil, Thiiusands of persons of nil ages ran now judge what is tlii cameof their declining health t.oofing lielr vigor, becoming wra. pale and einarnteil, hav in n singular nppearance about the vyes.coitjjh and s)inp tOIIlS Ol UOIIBUUipilOU. l)t Johnston's Invigorating Remedy for Or same Weakness, lly this greal nnd linporiant remedy, weakucisorthe orRTiisnro speedily cured, and lull vigor nsloicd, iM.n.iuiniUnrilin nmii( nt-rvilUS .Hid debilitated. U llil hvl ist .iJI hope, huve been immediately relieved. All MiipeiHiiieuis io fiiarrngn.i'iiy"ir'ii mruiaini-iw ii n pi i inn. ricvnus I mi-tlii I it v. Tremblings n ml en It, or eiluiuniouotihe luunt icirfulkind, speedily cured by Doctor Jounstoii Young Men Wholiivelnliirediboinaekes bv a certain nncllce indulged in when nlnne a habit frepienily learned from evil companions, or nlschnol the effects nf winch are ulchtly felt, even when tuleep.nnd If not cured render uurrUve linpoisible, ami destroys ,boih miud aid body, shouldapply iminediately Wlnt ti pity that a voiuiB man, the hope of his roun try.aihlthu darling of His parents, should be. snatched from nit prospects nnd enjoymclitsiiflile.bythflfnnse. lutnres of dttviatlng from the natltofuuiure, nnd In .In tt:iii in a certain serrct habit, Such parson before contemplating Marriage , should reflect thnl a sound mind and hotly are lhe mns necessary rciuisllies tn promote couuubial liqppiness In,l...l. withniil I heap Ilia iuurncv through llfell4!CO,m tl weary piljr image, the iiru.rcct hourly darken, lo Hid tilled wilhthn melancholy reflection lhalthe happiness tlie liltml Ul'Comen .nauowou win, uuiuu m.u ornnoihrrhccomcH biiniiieiitviiii our own Ofl'IUi: NO. 7 BOUT 1 1 I'll nilUlllUJC ST..laitlii".W PUKOIOAh Ol r.ltATlDNS l-uuruitai uu. edlatclveither personally or by teller. 8KIN ItldUAsr.S St"ni;ilII,Y CURED. tn. Cf....r,-c la Olrangers, Tho mtny thousands cured alibis institution wltll'n tlie last IS ycira.nnd the numerous important Hurcirnl u ii t ai ... r-,i nreven( vou.but arnivim Cpciatlon. performed by llr. Johnston, witnessed by lhe repurlerapl the papers aim many oiner person. .po lices nl'whicli have appeared again nnd nsaln bemro the dublie, beside. Ills ulainllnj as a Bentlemanof cha rade rami responsibility, aa sufficient guarantee to tho afflicted. Take Notice. N. It. Tlierenro so ninny Ignorant and worthiest fluucks advertising iheinselve. I'hyricians. ruining the health olthe ulreidy uullcted, lhal Dr.. Johnston dccm.ilnecefsary tosay, especially tn those unac quainted Willi his reputation. thaltii. credential, and ill ploniainl ways hang in hli oHlce. contain a iio.ttijo ttamn for tho icply, IfTAKC WO I II E. Allien!. m- "-' -i-.. IIHV.III .fill .tiuarly 7 18.17. DBNTIS T K Y. J2I- (&'. ISIOWSIEo SlIUCEOX DN TIST. lllJOOMSIlUlin, COMJMHIA CO., Reside nee. llr. I llr irk biillilinri below Martin nll (ton on Main btrtet llUfll'F.OTttll.LY ofTjrt hi. ,mfe.slonal services IV Intl.u iJ.lii. und ginlUliicn of lllooinbulB aud viclniiy lln la prepared m olli nd In . n'l lhe virions opetsiiom In Dcnimry, and Ii provided the la letl imiiroted Porcelain Teeth, Which will be luseiled on pivot or gold plate, lo look of tooth rowpp. . w aj . on hm I Juno J1 1P57 -ov J, '. BLOOMSBUJ&Q, COLUMBIA PROCLAMATION. WW I3IIEAS, by tbo laws of tbis Gom Is undo the duly ol the SherlrT of every county to Rivo notice of tho general elections, bv publication In one or more newspapers of the coun ty, at least twenty days before the election," and to unutnerata therein " the officers lo lie elected, and in " designate tho place nt which the election la lobe held." Therefore, I, BTDI'IHIN II. MILUllt, High BhMifT of (Jntninbla count v. do hereby make known and proclaim lo tho nunliflid eleetorn of Columbia county, that n fJUNHli A( Dl.r.CTlOX will be held throughout said county, on TUUfcJDAY, the Til I It TJjUNTII DAY OP OUTOiir.R.being the second Tues day in said month, nt the several district! within the county lo wit i Denton tnwrthlp,flt the home of Kz kiel Cote, Heaver township, nt the hMise-dfChrlstian.Hhuman. Illonni township, ntthe Court JiotHr, Uloomsburg, Itrlarcreek towuflitp, at Hie Ti(w,n Uouie, lterwick, Cntawlisn township, nt the house, of the lato Btacy Slagerman. Catawlssa. Centre townshif), at the house ofjercmlnh )!(. dre'd. Flhhingcreektownsh In, at the house or Abraham Kline, now occupied by William Long. (Jreenwond townihipi ntthe l.ouceof Joscpli ft, ration. Hemlock township, nl the Jluck Norn loeut township at tlic.houFe of David RelnboM, riaukllu Claj ton's School llnusc. MifHin township at the house ol John Keller. Madison town ship, at Hie house of Jno Wtl liver, dee'd, Mountplcasant township, at llio house of Yilham llulchinson, Montour the house of John Kiel ards. t.ow occupied by William llollingfhead. Main township at the house ol Isaae Yetter, Roaringr,riek townsliip, at the hoiine of (J. W.Jlrii bn;i, now occupied by Franklin Bhumati. Orange tnwi(Bhip, at the house ol Teltr V. Kline, Orangevillc. Tine township at the liouse of Albert Hunter. Hiigarloaf,tqwUt)fp. at "'Q house of Allnns Colo Hrntt township, at thehouse of Hnocli llowH, Ufpy'n. Cnnvnchanriowns'iinlnt the house of F It Wnllurlh. Jiiekeqn.townsuin, ol.lhe house olJodiua Savage, scvernl districts shall be opened between the hours ol 11 ik in r lie r niricirii it 11 iiiu tictiiun 111 uie iuiu a nnu in o'ciock in ine inrcnoon, ouu tuan continue open without interruption or adjournment, until 7 o'e lock in 1 tie evening, v, hen the (mil slin II be closed. The oCiers lobe elected at the time nnd place afore said, are A ftOVIIRNOU, TWO JUDODH OP Tim BUrRCMU COURT, A CANAD COMMlSSIONiiK, A mum 11 mi or coNaitc&s. A ftTATIl HCN TliR, TWO M I.MllHItH OF AFSnMIlhV. A COUNTY COMMISSION Hit. ON'iT 1T.UHON F(Mt I'UOTIIONOTARY. CLHRK OP TUP. COURT OF UUAKTlJJt Hl'.SHIONV, OF TIIH OUP UPHAN'S COURT, AND .OF Til C COURT .OF OVKR AND TCUMINi; oni: rr.uoN for iu.cistur and rixordhr, A COUNTY TRIIAt?URl It, ' 1 A CqUNTA.' AUDITOR, iiid tl." said rite Hon of Is held In purpunnce if n writ din clfd by (lie C- vernur o iln Cfttniiioiiwt'alili of Pen ns) Ivan in. therein it in di netfd lint Irrjiu"! n vacancy lm happened m m rrprceiit.ilion of this Unite in I lie IIoijsh ul 11 rp resent .ilivrs of til-' United Hiiles, in Cinse'iui nee t( tlie Ura th of John O MonuiiMihY, Hs'., i tctil n me tuber rresstonnl District, rnmpns'd o Hie coiintii'snl Co of t heTweiilv r l Hit (Jiincresst iroiu 1 1 1 in fit in Jon iiiiiii.i, i.ii7.erne. Ainniour nuiitkvjnming, uini lilieu 11. Miller High Hherlll ol Columbiii cnimly. elml I tiiM or cause to be held, iuaiich lowtit-hip, nl the tinifunu ni imp pi.tecii niuresiin', nn ciciion (or r iion. Ing n Ueur(;Benl&iivi) of tlil Couniiuiiweulih in lhe lloiisi'tyf 'lepr'uriiutiiites tf )in United Stales, to hll tbenen ncy nloref.nd. Ami, wiH-rens, I nave m-rn turret-' nyine imvertior tn civi notice that n Joint lesiilntinn, ntoiiosinii cert "in nmi-ndmeuls to tin-Consl ilut iru ol Hi Is Com tnrtv raliD tins been pureed to iiy a umjoMiy ot the men. tiffs e'rcti it In enru 1 1 huso of the I,iiRlature, at tw o fiirrtsfive terms ol the fame, nml it is provided hy the Coe fiittulion that any nn 'iidmeut so ngrieil upon, sh-ill be ubiuiiid to.Uie people for iheir np mtal o rj pnti . i ni'tno re, i ir jrimsn ui njtciiuiiiiiiijj nut pensnof the cit)r.ens if,thi Coiniuonweiilth l figard Ihrrto, I.Hfphrn II M;ilrr, II iyli Sheriff of Colund.j.i connlv do give notice and proc nun to the oualinVd r lectors "f snid county, llint nnli,riioii wiPbe held in enrh of Hut lonhils. wnrds fi ml ni I nets t tier' In, on Hie Hl'.roND TUi:8ll4Y OF OITOISKR A. D. l?7. lor lb purpose n lUTtdliift upon the adoption or rejoftiun nf tho said iimendnii nts, ft nny of them; thich snid election hnll be held M the places and opt-ned and ringed alUie lime at and wiihlu.uhirli trie Central UlecHnns nt 'his Commonueallh ore held, opened nnd e'osed . nnd il shall b thu duly ot tho iJuduesliifnoctn-B nnd Clrrkaof each ol said town SJl tp s. j nros n Hu i)iii(in in ii-icoi-iiv foiu ore tinn. ilfki't either written or nrlulcd.o r t aril v writ- tentand j-arlly printed Iroin cliizene duly qualified In deposit litem in ahoi or boxes to b" for that purpose provided by lhe proper officers ; which tirkcts shut I be rest" C.lvety t.iiwtiii ,: nummr- a , i i mi nu tnent,'' fticond Auicndnieiit," "Third Aiiifiiduieni,' And M 1 on tih AineiK titeni." and llioie u no oro t.iorn Mito Raid Auiendinent,Qr any of them, iiuv.cxpreas their ilesirr bv volitie each as nianv si tinrntr written or printed, or tmrtly written or printed ballot or lickets. ronlnlniiift on Urn inside thereof the words For tln Amendment," and thnsu who are opposed to surh Amendments, or any Qf lnein.,may exprtss their oppoiition by votiii!! each ns many separate written or prlnfd hallo's or tickets containing on the inside thereof the words. "Against the Amendments." And fintlirr.,1 to hi-rebv cive notice, direct and ( rncinim, that the elfcllon on the raid proposed mcndineuti, shall be openbl and Llosed nl His same time. and in all respects be conducted, as the Ceneral elections of this Commonwealth are now condtifted, an well ni respects the mialifHations of voters, Hie limp nnd manner ol making returns, as in all other particulars. Il is further directed tnot the meetings of tho return IikIpp. nL the Ciiiirl Hnustt In Illouinelmrtr. to rn.iku out the re ne r a I returns, fhall he on the llrbl Trld-ty ? lic it ce din ir tho Reneni) (lection, wlnrli will be the six teenth day ol October. The Cungretsionnl return Judges f f thft Twelfth Pis tr'ict, roniposed of the counties of Columbia, Luzerne, Montour and Wvoini nc. w ill meet at the Court House, in Uloonisburp, on TUlirtDAY, Hie Twentieth day of October next, lo make out rctur a for member or ton 'llio 6inatori'il return Judire. of the- Thirteenlh Senatorial Di&lriel. comnn.ed of the rountlev of ftiyilpr. Xnrthurnbrrland. Monlo.ur, nml Counila, will nieel at tho Court Mouse, in the borough of Hnubury. in, the rnunly of Northumberland oiiTuTHDaY IhnTwenjI. ith t'uy of October next, to make ou; returni i&r Btalo Senator. Tlie return Juilce. of till. Tlenrcscnlnlive 'Pistrirt rnnmntp,! nf lhe eoiintie. of tVviioil ns. Kulll i a n . Co. Inmlim and Montour, shall meet nt lhe (Joint II.iu.h. in itiecounly of Ooliimhia.nn 'I Hli?UA Y the Twentieth day of Oclnber next, to mate out return. fnr lilnnilinr. of A.aemblv. pjv,. J1(iiro thia pcry per.on.picptlng justice, of Hie And in anil iiy uic salil act. i am luriiier iiirrcieu, io pcnci. WHO .Ijcil iiumi any umce or iii,iiiiiiiuvi, in profit or trust uiiler tho GovernmBnt of the United Stales, or of this Slate, or of nny city or intorporuted 1 district , whether a commissioned nliicfr or otherwise. , au,ordinalo ofll , nfllrer or ULM'lil. w hn is. or Fhall be fin i .,inv.l ti inter , 10 Iriiifc all ve. or eiecullve. or mulctary dep.niinenlnfthlU'l.ile.orolanyincorporaliddnl.rict, , ali also that every member ol t'ontress.nriil of the select or, common council nfopy I'lly.corniiiit.lnncri ofnuy incorpirated district. Is, bylaw, incapable of 'hold,,, or oxeicisme at lhe same lime, lhe office or nmiointmentof juileo. Inspector or clerk ofany election ' ol this rominnnweallli, mid lhal no Inipeclnr juusc pr anv officer of any ruch election eligible to any Ofllco than lo be voted for. Given miliar my hindaud seal, at my officeln llloonn. ours, .hi. 31.. day of Auitu.., A. Oft. , Moomsburg.Sepl 3, 1857 Shirif. rpiIE RKV. C. S. UUltNBTT, whle I laboring ns a .Missionary in Southern Asia, ilis covViod a implo and crtalu cure lor Ciniipll, pi, IlronMln. CetAJ, Culil., Arrtew JiWUy . nnd all jiupurilles of lhe Ulead; also, all easy and tirecliliil liiodeorinliallnglhe(frify. Actuated by ndenreto bon.fl Ins su.frerinB.rellnwa.he Jill cheerfu ly send the Heelpo (free) io such ni disire it, Willi lull and explicit dlrecllonsfor preparing and suceetkliilly using th.M.d.cme, Add,c... , 8. n(Jrtr,CTT, 831 Uroadway, N- Y. L'ity. August l,lS27Cni C'uliiiubus OI&lo and Female Academy , J on Monday, lhe .Id day of August nexl. The In ri Mil! Pourtb Term nfthls Institution will commence stiliilion having been in successful operation since List Uciober, under the charge of,rrn. .Anderson, ii. l'rnicipal, with compeient and reliable asslslunls. and lias been utll patronized hy students from abroad The es of llurks. Lehigh. Carbon and Columbia, having furnished a good portion of the School, besides severul from the. far est ,Iio. have attended llio rxj- An Opening Address, will ho delivered on the .l.u .I ,l r..i.,,,,niirf ihenl. at 3 o'clock. I1 HI. i 1 ' TRUSTEES. New, Columbus, July 23. 1S57 "To hold jmd trim the torch (JDrtjgtual Jpoctrji. WRITTCK FOR TUS COLUMDlA JiKKOCRiT. by a. j. nAtim, Rwcet as tho lender flowers That deck the meadow fenec Fresh us the April shiners Thit-psli their Innocence. Free ni tlje voiro of pf-onday, That's wafted on the breeze fllad as the w$;e6rri3 blue Jay Thot singsnmong Ihe trees. ,Dep ns the Tunning streamlet, That to the tyer, flows, Fmooili ni the little1 f cnfict Tliit in the oriliard e'l,Vt9 Mild as the doves Hint try Tp.avoid Hie pointed gun Still as the butler fly.,, J That bnnters In the sun. ' i ' '.. ' Cool ns n shady grove Whose perfumes ne'er depurl Bo is Ihn vti'.tc ofilovc, That whispers to the heart. rkUadc?rhla,Stit. 4, IM7. ' .. oil' wuwn. HRTTM FOR THE COU'MEtA DEMOCRAT A KEVEEIE. by p. ir. r. Tho curfew toll. IIjc knell of janlngdoy." ''The ftound,aflbc churcli-gntrg holl Tliee vtillie. and rqkfl pever heard." Wo are' seated near tho window, watch ing the fading beauties of tbo day of rest' All naluro fccms to bo governed by the great command "Sis days shalt thou la bor," tsB earth, air and sea aro wrapt in dreamy repose. Nut a leaf is rustled by tho gentle btccze, not an iniort chants jts matin hymn, tho evening orison of the feathered bonctcr is hushed in thu (trove. Hut harV I I borne on the wind, conies faintly to tho " r ear, tho joyful ring of tho " old church bell." Could wo but lopk iDto the hcatt and record tho different emotions called forth by its pool, how varied, how interest ing would bo tho record. To tho christiap, it speaks of a dying Saviour, of sins foi L'ivcn, of the wild;to come, and ho histens to meet " two or three who are assembled together in His name," To the sinner, it peaks tho vengoanco of an offended Cod It tells him, iu language, not to bo misun derstood, that he is drawing nearer to the confines of a hell that is yawning t) receive h'm. To many, it conveys ,uo meaning thoy heed not its call, perhaps scarcely hear its solemn summons. But now the pcoplo aro wending their way to tho varinus sanctuaries of tho Lord. 1 et us, in imagination, .enter each church, and bond n listening car to tho words of wisdom surely wo aro members of tho samo great body. Wo wrship ono God. tWo acknowledge ono Kedoomcr. Wo look fur tho nsurrcction of thu body, and tbe'lifo overlaying. If this bo tho facts and wo think n"no will deny it, Why do wo hoar hurled from tho saercd desk, tbe anathema of one branch of this great con federacy against their brethren ? Why is not tho hand of christian fellowship ex tended to every ono? Is tho gospel not frcoto all? Kvcn tho themo for tho even ing's meditation. "Christ dud for all," Epeaks.the bouudlessness of- tho proviion. If in hoavon wo commemorate tho mfliir- ings of the baviour, will any bo excluded ? Will different forms of worship diviilo the spirits of tho redeemed ? Alas, wo feir, after all efforts to sproad tho gospel, that too much uncharitabloncss pervades tho human heart. We aro not willin to accord to our brother tho privilege wo claim for ourselves. That of worshipping God as our conrcieiico dictates. There is too little of tho fpirit of the founder of our faith manifested, oven by thoso who profess to be governed by his teachings. Uut tho solemn benediction has been pronounced, and slowly tho assembled multitudo pass from tho " tomplo of tho Slost Ilinh." Lost in fanciful reveries, nnd in contemplation of tho goodness, tho mercy aud iho lovo of God, wo remember uaught, savo tho impressive wordsr"Ctrc'i died far all." Hash ATTESirr at Suicide. On Suudtiy last a young married woman, named Elizabeth Taylor attempted suicido by jumping from a ferry boat into iho Dclawaro at Philadelphia, Several persons were ready to jump after her, but seeing that her 'dress, a silk one, wjth plenty of hoops beneath it bore her up, they awaited ! tho action of tho engineer, who instantly backed tho boat and in a fow minutes sho was brought on board tho boat, considerably wot, but not tho loast. injured. tQ? " What's to keep old maids from despairing I" " Pairing," ' of Truth and Wave it o'er COUNTY, PA., SATUHJM.f, SEPTEMBER 19, 18$. COLUMBIA DMIOCMT, " liBVI L. TATE, EOlTDll. SL00MSSUS6, SEPT. 49 THE MEMORIAL or PROFESSOR 3ll.i.JiVjA33, AND THE REPLY OP PRESIDENT BUCHANAN. "WAsiusaiox, Sept. 2. The following is the memorial of l'rot". .Silliman and fortyvtwo ocrs, of Connec ticut, addressed ,to his Kxcclloney, James Buchanan, President of tho United States : "Thcupdersigncd, citizens of the United f,... , , f... r r scales, ami electors q; , uic otato ot uon necticut, respcctluliy oner to your iuxcel- ' .uuujr, u.u. uumu..... U .uuua- mental principle of tho Constitution of tho , , , , A , the timo I entered upon my official duties, is, that the people shall mako their own n , , , ' . .. , Congress had rccogti'zqd the l.cgislaturo laws, and elect their own rulers. Wo see in differcnt fom3 nd J j onJct. with grief, if not M.t . astomshment, that nCntSi ThoDol at0 clectC(1 to tll0 HouFO Governor lker of Kansas, openly rep-! of llcprcsontalivcS( utJ(cr a Territorial resents and proclaims that the President aW( ha( just completed his term of service of the United .Stf tests cmploying.through tfj0 day proviou3 to my inauguration. him an army, one purpose or which is to I , faot1 f()una tho Govornmont of Kanga3 force tho people of Kansas .to obey laws as we)1 cstabli3licd as lliat of aDy otbcr not their own nor, of the United States, but , -pgrritory laws is notorious and established j UmW 'thoEO circumstanec3i wIl3t wa3 upon evidence that they never made and my dutyJ Was u not to BuaU;n ,his rulers they never elected. We represent, ' Gl)VCtnmcnt. to protcct it from tho violence therefore, by tho foregoing, your Excellency j Qf lawlcs, mon wj.Q weru dctcrmincd to is held up and .proclaimed, to the great . rulo or ruin. to prevent ufrom bcing over. derogation of our National character, as'turued bvforco: in tho lanL-uao of tho violating iu its most essential particular ! tho soli-inn oath which the President has I I..HUU io support, mo v.onstuutu ot tins Union. Wc call attention further to tho 1 facl tUat J'our Kxccl!eney is in like manner I .11 .... . il !.. -II .1 It ticiu up to mission, to on ihuukiuu, auu io all poaeiity, in tho attitude of levying , w.r ngainst a portion of the United States, j by employing arms in Kansas to uphold a , body of m, n and a code ol enactments I purporting to bo legislative, but which oovcr had tho election nor sapction, nor consents the prqplo.of tho Territ.ry, , Wo earnestly represent to your Kxcclloney, ; that we have also taken the oath, to obey tho, and your Excellency j may be assured that wo shall not refrain , from the prayer, that tho Almighty God ill .make your Administration an example of justice aud beneficence, and with His 1 terrible majesty protect our pcoplo and our Cohstituthij:." the rnr.siDKNT's rcpi.y. Washington City, ) August 15th, 1857. i Genii EMtx : On my rccent rcturu to this city, nfter a fortnight's absence, your memorial, without date, was placed in my hands, through the agency ol Sir. Horatio Kiiij;, of tho Post Offico Department, to whom it had been entrusted. From tho disfinguished source from whence it pro ceeds, as well as its peculiar character, I havo deemed jt proper to depart from my general rulo in'such cases, and to give it an answer. You first assert that "Tho fundamental nrincinlo of I ho Constitution of tho United States, and of our political institutions, is1 that thoeoplo shall make their own laws, nnd elect their own rulers." You then express your grief aud astonishment that I should havo violated this principle, and through Governor Walker. -havo employed tof all grievances, undertook to crea,to an an army, "ono of tho purposes of which , independent .Government for thomsclvcs. is to forco 'ho pocplo of Kansas to" obey , Had lbj3 attempt proved successful, it laws, not their own, nor of tho United I would, of course, havo subverted tho exist States, but laws, which it is notorious and jng Government, prescribed and recognized established upon evidence, they never mado, by Congress, and substituted a revolution- and rulers thoy never elected." And as a corollary from tho loregoing, you represent that I am "openly held up, and proclaimed to tho great derogolion of our National character, as violating in its most essential particular, lhe solemn oath which tho Pro - sident has taken to support tho Constitution of this Union." These are heavy charges, proceeding frnm rrnnMninnn of character, and if well founded ought to cousign my uamo to infamy. But in proportion to their gravity, common justico, to say nnth- ing of Christian charity, required that only in general terras, requiring tho pro before making thoin you should havo clear- ( seuco of a military force in Kansas, Tho ly ascert'Jinod that they wero well founded. Congress of tho United States has most If not, thoy will rebound with withering condemnation upon thoir author. Havo you performed this preliminary toward tho man who, however unworthy, is tho Chief Magistrate, of your country ? If so, cither you or l are laboring unuer a strange uo '-iri j"". it will present a mcmorablo examplo of tbo truth that political prejudicojs blind, oven to tho existence of the plainest and most palpable historical facts, the darkened" . To llioso fatta, let us rofcr, When I entered upon thoidutios of tho Presidential Ullico, on tho 4th of March last, wliat was tho condition nf Kansas! This Territory had been organized under an Act of Congress, passed tho 30 h of May, 1851, and tho Government in nil its branches was in full operation, A n r . .r ., : . Chief Justice, two Associate Justices, a Marshal and District Attorney, had boen 11 a.conrodcr.,tioii.of sovereign btatcs ao- W33 a constinl proof of the Chtistian re appointed by my predecessor, by and' with , a new territory at the expense of jigion. Often tho si m'pfc; .request' f6f a tho advico and consent of tho Senate, nnd ( tuc'r common blood and treasure, surely young lidy will ;ecp a young man rom wore all engaged jn discharging their ro-, ono.sct of the partners can Lave no rjght j doing wrong. We havd tnbwn'tbis tube spectivo duties. A code of latys had been , to e'xcluu'o the other from its enjoyment by tho ca"so very frequently; and young men enacted by (ho ,I'crritorIal, Legislature, prohibiting hem from taking Into it what-1 havo been kept from breaking the Sabbath, and tho. Judiciary woro employed in ex- , n'oundinf. and cnrrvinT tlirsn laws into in-L, ,l,llLLt. I T O, J O ' j Tf n:in (rn 4t,n. n ir proviously arisoll( rcspeclillff ,Uo clcction of n)orabor t0 lli0 Territorial Logisl.turc, ' and f j , . u B t 1 1 Constitution, to Take care that the laws bo faitbfuny executed " j. f . , purn0S0i ana this alone. that I ordered a military force to Kansas, roijiifaiiu.'aidiiiff tho Civil Maui ' ;s,rat0 tQ carry tho jawf, int0 csccution Tho condition of tbo Territory at tho time, n.lich i Dccd Ilot portr8y ro(:(orcd this prccau,;otl actually nccessary, ln tbig gnt0 of affairsl wou,d j ncl'bave bc0H ju9lly condemned) bad i cft ,boMar. sn ad other officers. of a like character, in)p ,teut) tQ 9!(.ocu(o tbe proccgs anJ judg. montg of a Court ofj-u6lIcC) cstabHsbcd by 0 or tLo Territorial Legislature, uudcr itjixpress authority nd thus have aufrored ,ho )VcrDmenl itsclf to bccomo i au objoct ontompt ; , biect ot' contomnt in tho oves of tho ' coplc , And yot tb;3 is whut- you dcs!g. dalo a3 forcing "tho people of Kansas ti obey laws, not their own, nor of the United States." And for doing which, you have denounced mb as having violated my oath. I ask, what elso could I havo done, or ought I to havo done ? Would you havo ' desired that I should abaLdon tho Terri- I lorial Government, sanctioned as it has been, by Congress, to illegal violence, and thus renew tho fcenc3 of civil war and bloodshed, which every patriot had de plored I This would indeed havo been to violato my oath of oflice, and to Gx a dam ning blot ou tho character of ,my Admin istration. 1 most cheerfully admit that tho necessity for sendiug a military force to Kansas, to aid in the execution of the civil law, reflects n rrm1it nnnn Mm nlinraclnr nf nnr nnnntrv. But let tho blame Ml upon the heads of 1 tho guilty. vW.honc6 did this necessity arise? A portion of tho people of Kan. i BaS unwilling to trust to tho ballol-box, tbo i certain American rc remedy for the redress ary government in its stead. This was usurpation of. tho samo character as it WOuld Lo for a portion of tho people of Connecticut to undertake to establish a ! separate government within its own limits, 1 for tho purposo of redressing nnygrievanco, real or imaginary, of which they might have complained against tho legitimate f government. Such a principle, if carried into nrnnttiion. wm.1.1 .Ustrnv nil Wl authority and produco universal anarchy, j I ought to specify moro particularly a ' condition of affairs which I have embraced wisely declared it to bo tho true intent and j meatiiug of this act tho act organizing tho , territory was not to;lcgislato slavory into any territory or Stato, nor to cxcludo it herefrom, but to lcavo the pcoplo thereof - pertcetly tree to torm ana regulate their u,u lusuiuuuua .u muii unu .,, subject only to tho Constitution cf tho United States. As a natural conscqucnco, ; Congress has also pi escribed' by tho samo act, that when tho Territory of Kausns shrill Lo adml tod as a State, it shall bo admitted into tho Union with or without slavery, ns ineir constitution may prcrcnuo at tho tir?o of their admission, Slavery existed at, that period, and still oxist3 iu Kansas, under tho Constitution of tho United States. This point has at last boon finally decided, by tho highest tribu-' nul Vnnwii tn nnr Inwfl TTntp if. pmtlil nrnr lvo been seriously doubted is a mystery. ' soever is rceognizou (io uo property uy tuo. common constitution. But when the, people. tno uonajtac rcsiucnts ot sucu territory I .1 lL t 'C?.l''n i't..L At nrocecd to framo a Stato Constitution, then it is thrir right lo deqdo the important question lor themselves, whether they will Cjntinuo to modify or abolish slavery. To them and to them alono docs this question belong, freo from all foreign interference. In tho opinion of, tho Territorial Legislature of Kansas, the. timo had arrived for entering the Union, aiid thoy accordingly passed a law to (ilcot delegates', for tbo purpose of framiog a Elate Constitution. This law was fair and just in its provisions. It conferred the right of suffrage on every bona fide inhabitant of tbo Territory, and for tho purpose of preventing fiaud and tho intrusion of citizens of near or distant States, tnostpropcrly confined this .right to thoso who had resided therein three months previous to tho election, Hore -frus a fair opportunity presented for all qualified resident citizens' of tho territory, to what everorganization thoy might have prerously belonged, to participate in the election, and, to express their opinions at the ballot box on the question of slavery, lint numbers ot lawless men still continued to resist the regular territorial government. They re fusod to bo cither registered or to vote, and members of tho Convcntiop were elected legally and properly without their intcrven tion. '1 ho Convention will soon assemble to porform tho solemn duty of framing o Constitution for themselves and their po3 tcrity, and ,in the state of incipient rebel lion, which still exists in Kansas, it is my imperative duty to employ tho troops of tho United States. Should this bccomo necessary in defending tho Convention against violence, while framing a Constitu tion, and iu protecting tho bonaftdc iahabi tants qualified to voto under the provisions of this instrument, in tho freo exercise of the right of suffrago when it shall bo submit ted to them for their approbation or rejection, I have entire confidence in Governor Walker, that tho troops will not be employed, except to resist acutal aggression, or in the execution of tho laws ; and this, not until tho powers of the Civil Magistrate shall prove unavailing. Following tho wise example of Mr. Madison towards tho Ilartfnrd Convention, illegal anddangcrous combinations, such as ,that of tho Topeka Convention, will not be disturbed, unless they shall attempt to porform soino act which will bring thorn into actutl collision with tho Constitution and tho laws. In j that event, they shall be resisted and put down by tho whole power of tho Govern ment. In performing this duty, I havo the approbation of my own concieuce, jand as I humbly trust, of my God. I thank you for the assurance that you will not refrain fron prajcr that the Al mighty God will make my Administration an cxamplo of justice and beneficence. You can greatly assist mo in arriving at this blossed consummation, by excrtin? your 1DUCDC0 a a.iaying .no exis tng sccuonai excitement on tho subjost of slavery, which 1,as bc,cn rroductivo of much evil and l'u T" ! """;"'. ." I jnS Jts obJcct' would ruin the tjavo as well 1 a.3. ho ,U,at cr' 'lws wonW b SIno F'r'W- vcry day of my life, I I cUow ...adequate I ,a to perform the , dutl.03 fm station, without eontinu- I ,ue luu Bul'l'u" ul luu "".no i roviucnco, Yet placing my trust in Him, and in Him alono, 1 entertain a good hopo that Ho will euaho me to do equal justico to all portions of the .Unioc, and I bus rondormo an humblo instrument in restoring peace and ljarmony amoug tho pcoplo of the several States. Yours, very rssjieotfully, JAMES. BUCHANAN. Sfiy Iho lirankhn Democrat bhvi; tli-il widow xatD3 who was rccent,y ,ricd iu that county for selling liquor, made some pcrtiucnt remarks to tbo justico, at tho conciusion 0f which tho fervently irayed ' tbat b-13 (.Honor mi"ht never livo to seo his wif0-n poor wia0w,and obli-cd to sell rum to support her children." ' TERMS: I iicJ)(cUar & Scvciiti-jOvc c(s,in aGvance. YPL. XXI. A word to young Ladies. Wo beHavrtht ft' young lidy,ly lior constant, rocsistant, Uhnslian example, may exert an untold power. You do not know tho respect, tho almost worship, which young jnen, no matter how wioked they may bo themselves, pay to a consistent Christian hdy, bo sbo young or old. A . . .1 - 1 .! i v.l-..l ;n the same house 'tb Um', tint her life from arinking, from chewing, just becauso a lady whom they rcspeqted, and for whom thoy had an affection, requested it. Andrews' Last. Dr. Andrews, the inventor cf tic Self-Generating Safety Lamp, 13 a bit of a wag. Ue got off tho following shocking conundrum on Satur- day last, and then left.immcdiatoly for tho country, tearing arrest : ."Why was Winchcll, tho drollerist, when .performing Ins comicalities before tho ouauors at Lebanon, Jiko my lamps in tho iapds of careless Irish girls ?" "Cause ho could'nt get up an explosion any how 1" t&" 'Grandpa, were do people get their fashions from ?' .'From .Philadelphia,' 'Well, where do tho Philadelphia pcoplo get them ?' 'From England,' 'Ah ! and where do tho English get tliem from t' 'From Franco.' 'But whero do tho French get them from ?' 'Why right straight from the Devil now stop your noise.' J5Sy In & little town on the upper Mis sissippi river, a clergyman married a young couple, and after the ceremony was over, wished tho brido a pleasant journey down tho stream of life. "Hope so," she said innocently ; "but I'vo hoard that there is a great deal of fever on tho river now, and I hopo wo shan't ketch none of it on tho way down.!' IS?- During tho many anniversaries in tho city the following dialogue was over heard betwoon-two newsboys : ."1 say, Jim, what s the meaning of so Imany rninistors being hero altogether?" ''Why," answered Jim, scornfully, "they always meets onco a year to exchange sermons with each otbcr.'' T An honest Hibernian, trundling along a handcart containing all. his move ables, was accosted witb,,'Wcll, Patrick, ye aro moving again, I sec,' 'Faith, I am,' he replied ; Hho times are so hard, it's a dalo chapcr hiring hand carts than paying rints.' JCSS" A youpg clergyman having buried tbreo wives, a"lidy asked him how bo happened to bo so unlucky. ".Madam," replied he, "I know that thoy could not live without contradiction, so I let them have their own way." BSy At the close of a teachers' instituto down cast, tho principal of tho academy iu M., being requested to make a few re marks, rose and spoke as follows ; "Ladies and gentlemen in tbe language of (hesitating) I forgot what his naino was (still hesitating) and also what be said 1" 'In short, ladies, and gentlemen,' said an overpowered orator, "I can only say I bcgloavo to add I desire to assure you that I wish I had a window in my bosom, tbat you might see tho emotion of my heart' Vulgar boy from tho gallery 'Won't a pane in your stomaoh do this time?' S& An Irishman remarked to his companion, on observing a lady pass 'Pat, did you ever see so thin a woman as that beforo?1 'Thin,' replied tho other, 'bothcrasbun, I seen a woman as thin as two of her put togothor, I havo.' 1ST A HE Biu-JiK, A. queer looking customer inserted his bead into an auction room, and gravely inquired 'Can I bid, sir?' 'Certainly,' said tho auctioneer. . 'Well, then,' spid the wag, I bid you goodnight..', , S" Nonsense scnsoNhntJiappcns to differ from our own.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers