I have worn upon the Alter f ;!. eternal hostility ti evry form of Tyranny ovor the SlinJ of Man." Thoina J.Tnroo Iff, WEBB, EMf,TOS AND PROPRIBTOft Volume . OFFICE OF Til K DEMOCRAT .there would nol bn room fai her hay al thai lives close by, lives with his mother. John ,iir.. , M.,v itvr docks BitViid.lhai he had rail some of her h-v under lived half a mile from (l is brn. Where LOW MARKET'STKEtT. T!u cir.irMnr.1 DEMocn.qruiiiu published evert Saturday inominr, at T l'O DOl.ljlllS per annum pay.ddt half yearly in ndvunrt, or 7'wo Dollar Fifty Cents,if not paid within the year. Yo subscription will betaken for a shorter period than nix months; nor any diseon tiivmncp. vernuttel,until all arrearages are discharged. HI) I'KItrSK MUXS not trending a square will he conspicuously inserted ni )ic. I) dfttr for the first three insertion, an I I we.nty-fme cents for every subse quent nsertion. irf.-J liheral'disroun ma le. to those, mho advertise hv the year 'jyrrKRS addressed on bus iness,inust he post. paid. COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. J-tMUnY 30, -847. Trial of Jcsm Eiohm, Of Grenwaod township, Columbia conn '.'l)r 'lit murder of his brother Conn op Otkr and Ti.rmixf.ii. Before Judge Anthoxt und his A rnc'alt Oaks Tri-fDAY Mormno, Jan. ID, 1347. Commonwealth vs Jesse Vroorni Inflict- d for Murder. True Hill. The prisoner being arraigned, plead 'i;.tj guilty,' tnd fur trial put dims 'If upon Uif country, j Charles li. Hucimlkw, Ksq IWpmv Attorney ("Jencral, HinlCiGonan G VVam.kr, Esq. for tire Commonwealth i John (Junr er and Joiim C2 , Montoomkry Esq's, fur Prisoner. After a number of rhallei'grs the follow ing Jurors were sworn Martin AuAllisicr, Jonas Fall ringer. Ja cob Keynulil. W ilium Morgan, retcr it Missel, John Ziegler, Reuben Vori. (Mber Fowler. Samuel MnlnVy, Jesre Coleman. James AeNinch. IJarman Labor . Mr- Waller opened forCommonwealth: Ira Johnson, sworn. Jcwe ttnbins mid 1 were hauling cornstalks wenl over thai morning to Jesses, we went into torn fit I.) , we had part of a load on. I looked down in the field saw John Robi is and son trying lo catch their horses, After a short lime saw John and his son in barn yard, horses with them, we finished loading our stalks, drove to barn, or near tin barn, there was a pule fence. Jesse laid it down lo drive lhriiU;:h While we were there, John came- from below ihe bm and begin lo talk to me lvnit ihe horses, hen J"sse got fence down JfSi told me to drive in. As I drove in John wcni on up toward Jhs'p's .omj. When we went into biro Jexfe told me to go up on '.ho mow and he would pitch si . ke up tome. I got up and Jus.-e begn I" piich up the stalks. Afo-r ho had pucl.e.l op some, John cair.e to the door and s iid 'what are yon pitching them up there for' J.-sBe said 'there's where 1 ii.Khd lo pm theAi' John said -you re not going lo pu' them up there' Jesse says '1 will put them up there' John told him ha (J.'iseJ could ce some raiis and put them over thfl tliresli iog floor. Jesse said 'I'm not going to do ii' John sod il yo,i put them op there I'll tnrow mem right down atfam,' John then c'.tunh up mi he mow aiol stood where Jesse had been throwing the stalks. John svol 'now when you throw them up I'll throw them dovrn again,' Jesse told him 'to slant) buck or he'd knock him down with the fot John whistled at htm. Je se to!d him ag-i'o. to stand hick ! he'd knoek him down with lork.John whistled et him again. John th-'' euid he had some hay there ho wankd lo lake out. Jesse Snid he. did nol believe he had any hiy diere. II is mother came to the b im and asked John what business lo ll ,d with any ly Oieie. She said she thought if he had divided the hay right he would not have had any hay there. J.'sse allowed ho did'ul believe ho had either. John siid 'its none of your business for I've got lo keep you both any how.' Jesse called him 'an infernal rascal,' told John thai John had said he would'nt have any thing lo do with thai end of the barn. Jesse said ho had gone and got boards to fix that an oats slack ml put some of his hay in the same mow with heis. There ivere two pari to the mow, one p"it three fjet highei ihan the other John told n.e to get ovei on the highest pnrt aid we would put ihe sulks thero The two parts were separat ed by upright boards, Jifse called hnn ct interna. raera!,he'd (old an infernal lie uiioti nonie walnuts he had lei In Johnson havt thai John hud lol J him he'd sold thorn W Ale's gills. Jesse told John thai lie belong ed lo th B.ip'.ist.ihat he had beer dipped in lo the water snd if he did not do better that ho had done, he would never enter tin Kingdom of Heaven. Jesse ei'ltd him at irifcinal li-.r and a ilanined Imr Jisss gait! John had been used to haul away nil loose hoards about the barn, John said they hat went cut of the hind end of the o''en, Jcse said thtre had been a pro'.ty good door ! bv brn and thai had been taken away lohn sai I it had gone out of hind 2nd of it e )ven. We got s'Jks unloaded Jrsse threw ntalksto J-ilin anil John lo me on this lii'ii r part of tl.o mow. J.s:e got down em waggon end w,dkd ihe floor. II is mother came, Jeee had iho foil; in his hands she took it from him and s.arted toward the house with it. Js?e loht me lo aeli ihs Horses ami wtggoi out of barn lohn told mo the sina, 1 gol down and a kel ihe in out. John was still tip on thf' now. Jesse fctepped near the door anil aid now when you come down keep away Iroin me or you may get a scalp yet. II" repeated this 2 or 3 times, Jes3e walken in about miilnle of floor, John oltimb down in J slopped toward Jjste. As he did so Jesse turned toward the door from John. lohn said 'now Jess it you had a club,' Jess walked rig'it on out toward the dour loot and stooped down.Jrhn folio .vcil.Jes- jiickedupa club, Jul) r. Mncprd st IIogs tend, ar.d Jesse alruck him twiee, tuc blow wero as quick as he could trikn thorn, John si-iggeird in nnd fell on his back, ihe way he plank laid, I stpped in beiv;en them md said 'oh Jcsso you've killed j!:n' ft;r he strneli stepped kack and Suid 'keep nwy fr.im me, keep away from mn don t come al me again.' John when loi came to crept on hn Irinds and knees across the tjarn' and leaned ag'ii'isi the wir.d-onll still on t.ii hands and knees, h then crept the other wy aeros ihe floor snd ly down on he cornfodder. His mother eamo to door mill said must I be seared to t'ehlh wi b such miserable wiet:'lien,iook hold ol Jesi-e oy pantaloons and told him to come home. Jesse was on floor nc,r iho dour then, they sti.rfil to the house and just ai lhry got outside of ihe th'or, the club was thrown lown. I walked up In John and ad;ed il m w;.i hurt. He said he was'nl. Ills r.inilier eanu) v.-till Some'l.tni' to put round iis head: lie ilieln,td having it p"t on. she wenl bac k then lock the t ilth wiih her hc examined his head. John walked across he floor ami sat down on box near hogs head. He io'd me to feli h him his hat, 1 lid gn. lis asked rat if th-.t was hi h .'.l told him it was, he put the lint on. II" got op and begin to Inuk a.-ou.id, saw blood, jo asked where that blood camo from. 1 t , . l . I It !....! tolii turn u catn trom ll ; - ueno ii-i mo what had hm i Ins head. 1 to! J bin Jecse had mrnck it with a dub. I!u rkeL me where the club wa- 1 fbowed !. where the club Uid. lie started ot.t ni hil i ,. h heiiol Oil'. si.ooneiLl osl.ed lool n In , n r would ii--t gel i-.i and rt I ). ilrf Paid ! vonld not. Uo said hn could walk ho i,' icrorH the field. He star;.-1 home then ind drove oil' to Jfse"s ho, s ; While I whs io the mo v, 1 told Jr'KS. nol to gel into huc!i a j-.wi,,t,, i.ji j inn wll.ri fil .vis i.'.ii -ii i'ic.-s feel long three inches wide and io inches illicit I'heic wai a p;inier fl -w idf when he struck J'.hn, ll I.K.tl the i !oh in t.oUi ol Itts hands. They v:e l",.. together. Thrn w;.H blood IKl Ut the door. Jessi stooped bcfoie John did. Thai was the time when .esso picked the club up. There wns a einal! boy there eight years old. No body else wps about there- The place over John lived ho owned a small lol. Johi Urmed the place where this bnro was, hi had usrd it several years. Saw John aboil sundown same evening. II.) appeared l 'io poorly, ho was i.bed. He said nothinc m mo nor 1 io him. He sji.l nothing ex cept when they ssked him. 1 was 6enl fm i physician, etailid in iho afternocn, for I)r I'aike. The blows and doalh nil occurred in (Irecnwood township Columbia "county I'he strokes were 13th Nov. .,st, I think leiwcen 9 and 10 o'c.oek in forenoon. II bid next ifav in ill? nlierr.ooii. I he corn ind stalks belonged to Jul :i Ilohbir.s am. Jesse cut llie n up on sliarts. Jsse had mthiiiiT lo do with firming ihe place. John appeared to bo in nil ill humor. I'hey bolh wilkcd fast, h asnot like a tin. J jhn did not draw his fuls at hiio ltd no'.hiiig in his h indi when he ram, I own from ihe mow. J, din muda no ihreais hrt he wo'ild heal hi:n. CVois LxJinincJ.. Joiin was tho sUnt- st man (d the two an I was i.bla to handle esse pas, I siw nothing in the hogsheail bin h ll nl sliiff. ; was peihep-i throe fourths i,f an inch through a, top, the small en I, ,ior.'; know how long, il was lb? tistial sizr is far B3 I aw of il. At the 'ime John was struck be was standing by hoshoad his head le.ning forward, did not seo where I mi had his luiiiihi. I think t : its head w;i- rather over iho edge of hogshead whet murk, s oo'J ftuthesi in ih-j lj.,rn, J .in next to mn eidewise, Jei-pj fu ll est witt his face toward inc. As coon as John turn. down ho can e toward Jcsi.c, then Jessi turned, neither of litem bail snyihirg thei in ilieii hindi. John i ppr.irt'd to he in lin'.iioii when he sptko u Jess on floi.r Vo ' i c 0 ''j vfi f1' .Witfo.nf.fl'Wr direct I. leaninr over hogshead. I don't lino wl;al wood the ll iil was of. The club Jcse struck with I think w , .one, the s lin'.er thai flew otf w.is white, r.-s? did not (oilo-.v John sftrr uiril.tu him John said he was not much bort. I havo known Jeose Uubbuis ( veramce J M I ... !, . can rcmeujtier. J ewe is aimweu u u ..tnpoiihlii man amnn? hia neip'ihi'rs alt:- sirangers far as they know hnn Yip 1 ,hole of the mow where wn put tta ks wa. tvhsre t'Mv used to be. It was Jer-t sh'.ie r f stall s we were hauling in '.oat day Ie6i-e, his mother and Jo-eplt l obliiua liv oil loethcr soiiib liton. The mother is o'o pretty well in yens I was then at J'-r.-e- frcquei-.tiy, I suppose Jesse had lb;! m.ui ifcmenl ol hii mothers iifnirs Jesat! ?p peaied to bo in a woiuL'ifol paasion v. her no striiik John and all the lime Jess. Mepped hack :.s John cjute .'.a John lano to !i"ghheaii they wer,) in raadi ;i r-ub mher I think the club was a pice 3 of pui' ji!.itik Titc i.'owg wirj n wry short line after John came down liwaai q-iick a.--. . . . , i . . . ihp.y ciiiiU wn.:; across i:.e noor j. o.ood about tl'.e middle, of tii.t floor ' 'I11 loor wlrn ho spoke to John Jidtn ebiinb lown the logs at f id;' I In.d backed lb.- waggon o'.il !:f i''.'D .louti came umi n--., ohm Jesse Said lo J.du the words aboal J tiing i scalp yet J'sse had not!.i:ig in bis hand- ft ;.... r.t .,'.. I: u.- .a I...-' ill ll. !:l Cl! I III" i.i ' ,. j-. tin " i' - d floor The. ht'ti! head '.vis t!u.-o in lot ?ijrn-f il.o coor, 1! I (:r,,;nt)of,t':ca!lh.'Yia liog-'iead was ci niiicou heighih fiio ta was a bi le higher than the hothead, the staff pro- LV. Mussel Parke. MWvi.-Ahnut could have easily been srraiij;. d for a cbe. k-u though ') o'clock on S..iurday morning Mil. mow. jh(i(. of j( , Q Nov. list, I saw John Uobins al bis Crosex(tmiieil;l l0- ke.l fnr the hour. se wah lo ak5 there about half m where lhy pLl up iho s'al!, r.bo u; the hogshjaf1; I i , e r e wis o fi-il-slpffin it snd nothing else; I los'ttd fur ll.t? club, Inii' i-ooliJ not find it; Jhn robins !n ! rem ed tho farm, 1 l.vo about a n;';!a Irorr, th? hr.;is9 and bun, Jes-e did oot do any farming woi !; on the p!ic;I Ud not look for the blood, di.hi'i tvaot ! see it. tVof?-Examined -Tia wi.JowV lurrt of the p'rin w.is j;cr.er:ily pat in ihit end cf lha ba.n, whero tf.3 con. sla!!;s ioi,se. J la was in bf( Me was cluh around tn the bain and upp r si.N ireathifiR with difiieuliy. I fsaminrd of ihe barn, I WkeJ n0 tlw re (Nefoi .is head. On riRbuitle, over : he car il. n I upon the te.siple was a bru;se ;il w; J'm. Johnson, sia:irn: wis at ihr Cui sulersbly lurrt. fit d snd discolored bar n jusl I wo wee a afier iheburi.ld I had InriiKl blsrk. Ctuld rot discov- Uobins, I looked nn b rutin.! iIp? mow r lh.il thb lemporil tone was frictureil or rlrpiip-ed; Iheie u.ihl have been a fist'ip. On txurnining the bark pi r I of the hetd, 1 ihoujit t her e was o fl "hi dfprfssion of one cr two ii.clus l.u earn? lo '.h 3 conclusion lhat ihtrc'.va no fracture there. I felt cj wound ihrre. lie by upon hij bar!:. I put 0 few drops cf waior in his mouth, nru1 thought he would almost strangle. I ftl hn )u'.-p, if wn nren.ar. There were many people about ha honsn. I bought thoi he nun I c! io nnd would die I did nothing for him, I thr ujb.t hs '.vac bej end ni t, I cbservti od epismodie ictivns in mtiscli s ol' hatr.l.i. Cooiprf's- .on of iho brain, I b-lie it, wmiIiI pio luca tliu sympto.T.j !3 tvas cfilicied will . It wa9 my opinion tkft ha musi di fro?.'i comprt.'sir.n cfil.a- I rain. Surl, blows might produro it. I tbiuk i' t blows produced Iho co.7ip.css;o;i cf i!n brain in i!,..t c i3t. I staid tii, h dier. l)t. Scott cam? about ooor. II:; a;',-; c-i' v i ? I me tint we could do r.cihir.rr. :oiui '.r ibtt blo-.'s i.'pon the lt;.::ora. nay be nioie fai;,l ,ii.;n i-pon the ui. ' til bii s c' Iho l.u'!, 'i'iia inner ton. l Ihe s;;til! ni ,y br? hir.hf.-n, vvil.iout tl,' 1 lltpr tifir ! ; r," ; !u ' ci!, l)f, Ihu'A A'. ll:.'il, iwurn- I iouad ,! -'I.o ii.L.iiiii;s Dr, Parke h. - v "rbtisvpM. I..- i.iid, on his ii;;hl twmjile, Out wr.lion' dtprosion; there was soxo externa wfl'i'm Ihe pru'erior patl cf the head .era pu'; Jos. Jiobir? pnotl, brother, !ivc;3 b.'js wiili J,e mother. -J u 01 too!: :aro of ;:i3 c:..I womsiH share iftlu farming pio.-!i.,-e; Jesse is the ...... r . - p -i t -"'," " ll-3 ia;nil'.-; Jo,.:l wes p ren d;s! :;euier mso ihno 2?sp: tln-l fl.il-tlafT wsi C3;nracn itia-t, this h Jac ,b Mannon, n called Witness produced the hatJohn hd on a!. llie lime. I'liere was some blood 01 it. I got it l iho widow Itob;n's, (bin is ihe hat ha med to wear, my father fetched (he hat 'usi Sunday evening. ha Johnson, aain This lonkn lil3 J3I1Q Robin's hat he Itml on the dy hn was struck, I believe if lo ha Ih4 ime ha!, I picked it up and banded it 'o him at the time. Comajonwealtlt hera closed evidenca in chief. J. CoorEn, q. than opftnsd on part if 1 ha Dcft.in a few appropriate) r.mjika Delt: llisr. called Sabrin.i Robins, sxoorn: live.l with old Mr, Uobins, father of Julvt :ir, ese; in his lifotims. I hit .l a can vcrsation between the old man andJobu ibout the rent of Iii3 farm; grand lih r vaj to haca tin third of all the pram. Crandfslhe!- vas to hV3 half of tho barn l5"lin'l 't-- V.lf U I t u.. is id tv.r. f-.t!.nr, ,ir,,iHl, T I I "'& uu..i.n, krtJiivn oi;.'r.,i sir. 23 !;3 iv.-.a a boy of on: years ae; al.vay.i h-, vit ..i'?b!;cr, h a pcaceao.e ruan, c.;d b-?jrs a -rood uhai'scter in f,n( i-a!. . . 1 1 ... .... a,:unnc 1 nomas, svn:n;- saw John I.otKfis iho e::cr.o day be was iu.-i;'r , t r ,,. , , . . ' , 'iliJie; John never put anything ov i! hi.-: .isu.. ; ho was v;n nn I ;? bef : !' , . , . . . . ti;l djik. then weal heme for half ,. , . .. IJI cum I fuuo'I a biti se, '.vhich 1 fci', :.nrl d uvered a yielding softne.'s winch i b ' ..- veJ w.u a depres:n':-n of bo.u. A bt:on, .,.,1 . upo'i th-p.it prod'icad si;;na ol .iillviii:' in ihi piiirnt; 1 was ther,' in .bout 0113 o'clock 3. r3. " 'bat d.iy. 1 !elt him in th.; b I t o d "crihed. Unt rot 1.1.,!: t:.e mm co:;!d livr. I bJieva t't raus'Mif Ins ilcaih lo havo been thes. vour.ds on ''.:'. I.tad; '-ic!i es':n..l iir iuiics as th.m..' I (Xuiimed v.o;:lu pn;- ; uo.i a co.T.pi P s;-it'ri of lli hisiii. Coin ur c .1 of tiic brim is f;Ul ii;icit- ;uci 'tiliev 2d. Crois-RramiiiccL'titi ti'i v" ' bruid or grazed on I Its leinplc but no ,:ui. Cn.'l s.y wlH'iher t-li i ( wasbiu.ien ,t back of head. T.tcia v.- 1 verj videmoof a brur.e no buk of l!)0 bean If weird bavj bicn b.-.iwr if he Iv.d S.i'J open won adj. TUESDAY Ai' TCUNUON, ('niiMiiOiiwssl'h called, Jucji .'iunnou, .sivurn. l saw John tiubins ti.a ivfi.in; hs nctivul ihe in jur'; be ..ppcaicd to bo io "rest misei ,a liis Ik:.-'!, 1 !:.'.!: d t Iho btiii-ef.oiw was jos! jIjjVo tl..s rt.'.l'.t i . i.ao.l 11. c'.har (.0 i!.f bat.; p- .: r.is iitao; 0, how my I.e. 1 bur:-, me. ii I 'ti'-, snd then cj::ie beck aod s'ntd il ho died lha nej't d-y; ha pi lined ut his head end t-yt-?, ho eaid ie wjs bidly hurl, ha wf.j a.i ;;-,, hrdj l-j ivo. ld tj,et wc.l, l.'J 01 vet-', never.'' Counsel for fi isomer cd.j e'ed fo ic cuvii in i'V i'.et.cu ivi9 (!ei ! ri ion ol he n..",, in3iflinf5 that v,cro nnc n 1 njde tir.ilera behof of i'.ipendini; d.t.'o uiio.i' Co'jrt nvrriuled the objr ctiou.. Ho sa:,l ') hi. wife, that he want to ii:r iin.1 Jjol.'on (his son) should !;-t ( ha chihliM'i, ft r he coulda'i live co :ould.,:t bj wiih flier.', I Faw lb. .vou-ids on Ihe bek p.tM of l.u hi ad, 1 was cu1 open 2 or 0 in"';.'', am! on li' 1 . -. t letr-.'e lli.;re .. !ntts.v, (.lid I- . . i on) n black eye.it wi w' ""' '-'- i 1 w-s open cn bail; cf heatl; 't !oi,l:. il id. a.) v.'HU in tc tl m.r."ry,'if j i ked i:: l.r ' iis aims about, ha a2 i..'a,ii.)g '.hm a feu pieces cf stewed pcaci.-s. about or ! ai.H'es; lhry uffored hun fuo 1 'o r.: bu' Grnrnlfathcr tv9 10 have the partover ihe stable, and Jyhn thai oa tho o.her bide; and osch to have half tba over "dioot, I lived witli "randfiiher until his !(":i!i; ll; 3 old man had the whole timo ho ii;;J, that part cf the barn I said ba- over on. John ot.iinued j occupy his r.wn part as he- .01.-, I.o put iandljii.eii share over th': sloble, and whU it would.i't hold ho ptil in tba else!; eulcl doors, I re ;-!a:r,Pil uitb m nranlmniK.r Adorn list sprirg, John kept ilia griin and nay sep.irjtj up lo the time I loft, Jttso was a penceaV.!3 nan, I lived with him about IG yeais in tte saaio home, my gra.iJ i i'.hir Chi 3 years ago this wiDter.Jessa mo!; ora r.f i;ru!.c!i'.)olher ?hings, and nad corinol of l.ertnd of ib bam, n !,c:s. V' won hi '.!. Kama all the '. 'no 1 lived Ml md ;:f ihe liarti Lore, the stable v;s oa the !i ft tJ3 of .lie I. "to front the hmxn otr. L'.oss-Ezai'lhieil. Joh.i U;'ed tho hr.ff-s stable, John had a bun wheia it- lived, not a Isitje cna, i-d!;i':? smallj t:urs w-st 9 jdase fcr huises. Uu tod uf i!:'j ti-st'a ii taken t?i, snd lha mow 3 & j dov.i) 10 the fijor. This pait w:j taliea a'.v.iy nbcut 3je:rs sgt). It .- IJ or 4 years b.foru g.rsndfailiei 's dsalh ,!,ji toe coi.vaieation took p!acs balweeu . ...... . T ie rci'ustd, it v: ; 1 bc-l'i;'j mo ilm-'o iSit-tiiiin aodJ01.no. which t !iivo poen. 1 ;lS1,!,, it uns tl'.oa bilietvd 1L..1 !,, .0. 17 yeurs n.-t Jaae; J.s-u is my utl in .vou'd not url hiio. M l (I t Wt.i Ci ai.,1 r , . ! W O Jllllll uac-j diCiA.u.', ilium. j -sw it v m ,, . , .1 r ...tl. . t.;a mi,tt,ii,'i Ufiv tn il. itiiit lhalilfie IIOJI C0U1H II3VC lieen n xe.l lor B.am r J.hn had said when hauling IB hay that Here vn,re no ra.ls there. Jesse jet leil up-! did not e?Mm'.ne in ho:.'-he:ul o know if anything elso was in 1 ne-.cr n.ido any close examination of hngshet.il ihoul it, I never co ached r.ny for ilia club I have been so I could fro w tiers c.ih Ii ws not ihere .'.'n en.-ii' lawn mil of i:i'w ha b-ek !' tic mid lie of fbor Adm i ) v.i'.ki.:;; M .1 ' .si ind hog-head w:n wy'.kic,;; towi rdj '.be door The whole dcor p:o:?;i;.- wsa op on ' b baui floor wes wider ilmn d. door,t!;.-hoj.v ha ad stood in corner .esse was in i p sion all the lime till blows while ,obn wa thcie It was not a great while that .obni',l'" l.vilched and jaked Irs mh Be I was ihe.it? nil b- dii d, he i.u eat v.'.o i .tand co In.-, fotehead e.d t. is hie.:- I ) .pells, when he was nsked tjutstiuaj i.. madu ecu nin'-vei---; It? did nol talk ' wise; I did h.ct: for Uu tioa -boat tin m'.ddlu t i the iioxt week, but could nvo sa:: ii ; I saw bljed on lbs barn floi Ja'Uh'i'iJih:ion ,t:vjrn:-A s . w J on e ilobltta hbol - bens -il'ei he !-;::, j I tiu:.! a intle hi', and It. en saw hrn , no. it 2 bouts nfi'-r that abuui 1 i, lurk; 1 In: .1 taw him aiu in the trn. on; I was tht ie h.jiio ab( lit 4 1.' . .,,. 1; i;.b tit xt morning;, on the d y be ir.', I t-l ;d wrh him when i t . 1 ,n:, i saw a l.rm3 on bis ten'ple, liich looktd conjolei:.l.ly fwelled, Ihi- I. 1 ...w him be '-.s lying be- Otiid tl'-e '(..' "ii s bed, lie iNn no' tan , lie, lit l.'i i.e,.d Ol w.ei.i.is at that 'ime. ti,,. I, it 111 he Vftni'M1, hi: S-.i I la !t II I jd nboul hi sunn Cil uaO hli ii.at: ind eyes. CrosscruiuineJl h--'Vf t r.o.vo Je ,h Robins ever Miue be w .s rhtld, fir 1 . . c-.itir.'i t near the ede i f iho bam I'.oor; i got 3j character in tho neighD-i notu is ,i.-(.i'di-foil; from Urn house thai day jerally peae-ab.e, .Iso os st 3in when baubi.eo.n; I tov John Kob.i,Vho'..e heroic bin h, Jefe w? vei .... t. .:. . .1... i... I lr.... iI.h niil ivi,mn'i.'ii,neb il o-t reS"d . i.o I'jlii'.1 lb tie eal I-.' if l -..ill "'Viuili . . v.... , .. - - - ihouse. Toe iiltio bcy.ChnS. K. John-' iho enoiniot! the u?x' ..I y, herti.Mi I . l.. ...1....: ,.e .i.'t i,.. 1 .,.! in v,i Sits rvll ti bio 1. ci). who was ct ai 1 in- tun" u. .i j.iiiii, . - r( wonted h.;'. I I. II tllMW III d,.a beother i.i.d , . . 1. . ..1.. 1 ,:.,ki 1. . m. . .1 7.... i.u.u;,, , m nicws, steins 10 v, ut in 1 1 ... I .. ... ... I.n. , .1 ,i ,!., .. i:,n nan (if. .)t'(. lulrt lUS hlSOtJ, John had b wifo and six ehiltlien vve tl ,, , , , , H.u t. tr, 1,,1 f,f the ba .; i.u.i. c.it:.;i to uid '.on time in t ie , or t oftil-3 CC-aSoti,1!) jU'. OiO -vii) liuiii zoii-uimi ball i ricr J boards and sa'ul H2 wsnted Ihcm io cover h-s haymow .sot '. timi el' cr l. s brother John iimo ,otl h.-uied them Lt him, bis brother jjhn o!-Iu-d mo whether 1 Iiad any more I lold him I had none of the sam" h tiIl io said any ether leng h wo-ibl not doj s-ti.l ho wanted to &el 'he oii.er p rl ,!): bara i-( pail a d. all v u t e d rrpaif g. H" IV'1 ",1"J (loz " :;l l,l,wnic 10 said were too shot!. I p iss?.! lha i.m i:d ta.v the Siq 0 slabs on iho ham .ii ih:-'. ji .i I J. so claimed. I think it v.ij on lha west end of ihi barn, sia id i I'ne house il would bo on the right ,.. sidf of lha barn, 1 hove hnowa Jfss-j T'obins rfbout 3 yntrs. Ila is a .-.n c.i!hl; i .in. C;o i-Exanitud. John hauled only 1 i;.i!,l ehnr,-..'! JB.e ZO cunts for the b "i.Ja :.-gut. 1. ii not paid yet, It is ab-uta ,. ,., Je.'- from the plaeo I live ; D. fc. dunt.ivstb't pari of lb . or :s on iv bsnd fioai ihobo'tse. ,V:,':. ;.V6i;ii, ca'lcd ogam ., . . t j i . . ', ... !,.!.., I..,'i.l 1 tl.tii.l put stalks on lower pari ol mow nil Johni""' '",-' i " ' . . , . r r ,. ,-!, , . .t WMna floor in John' Le, then on highest-Jesse did not strike in- on his bed; over the bar,' floor .hereto p. isooer 9ene o b, v, y m.ch j, l a a vrM no floor John, with fork while piiching tip. jwese three or four j-olc. I.id mossj ih.sU.t.ied, the, tun ro.l.ng down h.y.n of ihe v
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers