see; EsessesRk'j I hn"e swnrnupan tTic Alter of Joil, eternal hostility ta evsry ftr of Tyranny ver the .ttlnil of iHa." Thomas Ji'Ttnon II. WEBBS, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. IILOOMKltlTllU, COLIUIIIIA CO I, XT V, IA. SATURDAY, JANUARY 23, 1817. Volume X. OFFICE OF THE DEAIUCKAf South side or Main, a rew doom bs LOW Market-btrkit. TEPJS : The Cll UMBM URMOCJiJITwiUlt PtWhit even Saturday morning, at Tlt'O DOLLARS per annum jxnablt half yearly in advance, or I iro Dollars Viflu Cents.if not paid within the vent. 1V0 subscription will be taken for a shorter period than six monins; nor any tuscon tinitrince pennitted,unlil all arrearages are. discharged. ADVEllTISEAIEXS not exceeding a square will Inconspicuously inserted at One Dollar for t lie. first tnree insertions aid Twenty-five cents for every subse quent nsertion. JO" A liberal disroun ma le to those who aivrtise by the year LETTERS addressed on busiiies,mml be post paid. TS ' 1 !XI THE SUSPENDED BROTHER Or, The Sign ol Digress, TR MRS. E. M. SEYMOUR. The formation of a new Lodge in the town of M in one of cur Wes tern State, wb quite sn important e vent in i'8 increasing historj .The beau tiful town had risen like migic on t lie borders of the lake. Enlrrjjr ine rind in dustry hid combined to beautify and a dorn it, and a spirit of enterprise and a hope of gain, had drawn together men from all parts of the Union. Social feelings were nourished; grangers met here and becme fiiends, and learned to love and trust each other. Such men in such a place are the very ones to be come devoted to Odd Fellowship, and flourishing Lodge was atrevly there, and row the formation of another was quits an interesting event, at least to Odd Fellows andOIJ Fellows' wives, and formed a theme of conversation in a email circle of ladies, who had met for a social chit chat at the house of Mrs. Hammond. 'No, no.' I shall never give my con sent to my husband' becoming an Oid Felhw,' excliimed Mr. Minor; it would be signing the death warrant of my happiness.' iNor I, either,' responded Mrs.Jones 'although my husband is txtiernely anxious to join them, and is cons'antly repealing to me the benefits that would result from it.' liontfi s' responded Mrs. Mino fneeiingly; 'what are a few dollars anil cents compared with the happiness of a whole family?' Tne b,m ft s might consi-t in the happiness of a whole family,' replied Mrs. Dinton, who till now had been a silent Istner. Can the estrangement of a mail's of- fec'ions from his fmily ad.! to then happiness?' inqiired Mis, Minor. Cdi) tho abue of that limo wbich ought to be spent in the bokom of hti f.tmily, adil to their happines?' coutinu .ed Mrs Divis. 1 cannot bH eve that either of thcsi' f fit cts would be the result of one's bp. coming an Odd Fellow, but rather tlx opposite,' said Mrs. Hammond. 'The tendency of Old Followship is certain ly to make men better teller hus bands, better fithers, and better nicm. bers of siciety.' I am sure, ii fils in i's design, then, replied Mrs. Minor, Tot it certainly ha been the c.use of a great many qumrk and murh unpleasant feeling between hubinda a. id wives.' 'It is not Odd Fellowship but the op position to 'H, that is the cause ofii.I 9m convinced,' said Mrs. Uanlon. 'Well, I think it is entirely urong foi t man to have any secrets which he can not reveal lo It is wife,-' purfurd Mi?. Jones, 'and a woman ought not tamely lo submit to tuch an ouirage of confidence.' I woman who loves her husband, if plied Mr. Danton, 'ought to hav. ,uflicienl roi'fvlence in him, to feel thi ne would he guilty of nothing dishonor ible either to himself or to his wife;inl .s for their secrets, I imagine that i hey weie revealed to us, we should h- ,urpri.ed at their I lllntess rather thai neir imporiiricr. Well, I do not believe in the neces ty nr utility of secret societies',' s,iid Mrs. Minor; 'surely their is ro necefs y for guarded rooms and bolv.d door" to dclbera'e on plans of benevolenn and chaiily if there oVycl is a gnm) .me, why not publish it fo the woild: 'Thfirown woiks )rsie tin m, tnd nilent onostentatioui (letds of charil) ind Jove, are their most thqufr.t de fendeis,' said Mn. Danton. 'Well. I do, not believe in that be levoTence which neglects one'i owi '.mily to administer to other?,' saidMis, l)ivi, 'and I sppak from sid experienr My husband, f-r jrars, Ums hanlly pr. nt an entire evening at home with his family, on account rf'fhe hurry o business yet since he has heroine Bn 0 Id Fellow, he minngrs to deva'e one vening every wptk with them.' 'And 1 doubt not, Mis Dris, in s- loing he belives I rmself accmpli.thing mnre good for his family than ho could in any other possible way ;' replied M s. Dinton. 'Fonuue is a fickle goddess, md uften deserts her . votaries in thi Inur of hetr greatest neel; snd thougl you may be unable now to image tli your will ever be lea promising than at present, )et an hou (if need may come to y hi, and asslanc' 'rnm an 0 Id Ftllnw's h-nlgo be nuiM rarinu.-lv received.' 'Yes' I have known many such in- -lances, ' said Mis. llimond, 'mid will your permission, Indies, 1 will relate story which may perhaps serve lore- move your ptejiidice ol the orfr. 01), ye,ih?y all exciaimed. TeUt it to ns.and we will try to be convinced. Mrs. 'li'mondj directing a meaning look lo Mrs. Dinton, commencd: I hid a dear friend, Ellen Clarion, she was a happy merry crc.t'iip, wpI n I iving he'irt as ever b ., a in a human ureas', and that heart wi,h its rich stnp of love, she bestowed upon one every way wot thy of her. I ) the eyes of E' en her lover had lui' one f.u't he w- in li I I I'ljliow: aim in uri i'jr-i .- ti". , i i t. m . . . .i : i . I . .t.. . ' 1. 1, t, . E'h-n had lo nne faul: In r pit't'j'idic hi 0 Id fellowship; bu' each tMi-ieil n iheir love to win the otl-.T to their owi view, and very little was i-aid upon tin iuhjft before their mnrig". I never saw a imre lovely couph han Il -nry .il.ley and E l-n Cl iynn vlin they H'timl up in the linle villaue hurch and plight-d to each oihir th-'ii vou'hful Iciv-md whHfi E'len b -i' n .11 adieu to go wi'h hT husband to h- ' itw homp, it seemed a 1 t'ie,nd light in her l;ap;y lait would iiev- r be bludtd by cughl of g'uom or sot Mr. Ahley had eslabli-hed hirim m Uos'on, where, by inclus'iy and e eonomy he hoped lo inereas-i hi Im f for1 ur.e ti a happy competence. Ti.r ideasanl little home hs had piovid-d foi lishiido, wis beautiful, anil renderec inor pleaant by In r m:inv linle at ..ingemen's, and the I thi of tier haj.-pj iac shed a h igt-in-s- uv. rail li:s home. The (ir-i c'o'i.l .In! s'u M nvpil tin f.Pfl rf l-Vlen A-I,'i v w;". tfn several werk:.flfr Hit 11 iii .i'i-tt', li-r lui-hinrl -aid loht i one f v ' im at ! n. 'My deal I hohf vp I ii.ii-t I- ave 00 I'm 1 the fust lime, this evening; you have held nu Mich a close captive, that I have entue- ly neglected my Lodge since our mar ly, j tu will not funly leave me iIoik, lo pas the evening in a Lodge oom? said E len, ei ioiily. 'My duty calls me llirre,' ifplied.was ardently attached to her husband; he husband, kinil),a du'y which I mVe not neghct-d since 1 became a member, uniil our marriage:, so you see hat your charms have mote power o er me than might ele.' 'llut it see ir.s they are now loosing thf ir power,' sid Flli-n. Oo! no, indeed; but I tru, Lden, vou would not wish me lo negh. ct a du- 'Surely nn, if I were convinced i was i du'y.' 'Oh! I had l.irgnt'en, Ivlen, that ymi nad a prejudice against our Older, so 1 will jay no more about it now, for I am sure IJci" convince you in short lime, that your pnpd cs are mispl-iced. I hall not he out (a t'i h)!!en, and be as -ured,' said he, smilirg. a he kinseil it, 'I shall g'!t in no mchief in h Lodgi room.' As soon as her husband had closed' the door. Ellen burst into tears of ming ed grief, d:s ipdoimment and anger She ihiI a sliona prejudice anainst Udd-l'el- owship; and inad of acting I ke a "iisiblo woman, and endeavoring to re move the piej'idice by lefl-cting that hrr husband would not be guility of any 1 ' . 1 1.1- !,;.,.. if .,,1 )'.,.. ! mng uisnonuiHo. .u ........... ttached to an ins'Hution ihat had au,h inworthy in i's objects or (Ksigtn, shs llowed herself to lcel thai he was ir-a ng her unkindly, i 1 thm leaving lirr, nd that there could be no'lm g good in ii institution whoso rue 11b-1 is wire nni llowud to reveal to oOieis iheir designs; nd by the lime her husbind had Mum d, she h oi f.-iily ma-lu up ler mind hat O ld F-I'owship wa, a n . ! 11: us' h vrong, end tint she would be over 0, t )0fd to it. Thus do women oftentime bring tin npp:ness upon ihemselvrs,by ilrteinun ng no', to bo convinced rd the iiu'li am, iropnely of that which would ie-u t ii their own b si interest, in ord-r 'n - fy a sick'y scniimoniaMy, or fostei ooltsh sensitiven' H-, whih' I if y !-o- iiy theii o-vn IVelings, that theins -Ivt- listrusl ilnt cor fi itnee, which they nc- on' Iheir husljind- of vinl.ting. 'U'veyou pi'sed die evining pleis ,ntl)?' inquired Ellen, lathir .rfrci-t' .ally,is hr husband ii-turncd tint even- '' 'Yes; our m-x'tinga arc always ple-s- oit,' icplied Mr. Ahl"y, 'and now,' mntined he smi'mg, 'I must se1 myse 10 'h btiaii e-t of m ,kint yni (he O ld Fellow'o friend; it will not be a html iaL will it, Eller.?' '11 ird r th in you imie.Cjl pi' su hp,' replied Ellen; '1 am sore 1 nev- 1 c-in lo e.oiiviiict'd that ihoso ac ions afitiihl. ivhtch are so carefully c -incenle I.' 'I assure yoii, Ellen, noilr-ng i' run eealed, wht:h it would Le ol the ha-' mporiauce to know.' 'Toen why conceal H.?' '1; is in cosiiy, lo cany out OJf plans .md avoid im)osition.' 'No, it is unnecessary to tell me tint; lleniy, so pray say no more about i'. 1 im sore we can ne ver aree upon that .iiiij-e.t.' 'Ii seems quite unnecessary and un- ultimate, that we should disagree re. plied lLnry, sadly. 'I am sure, Ellen, i' you had seen as 1 have the g"od e fleet- ol Odd Ftllowship, you would be its vm mest champion.' 'When I am convinced of us good e!- I'tcs, I will acknowledge it;' repliedEl. len. That was the fiisl unpleasant evening that had passed in the mariied life of my Iriend and h'. r husbaid, he was detplj grievtd that Ellin should bn strongly pit jodict il agaii.Ht an iinti'utioii which iie valued so highly , and Ellen really fell herself a slighted woman. 1 1 all o'her respert, my friend was a happy, cheerful and duroted wife. She and on no other subject were Ihey op posed, and her lice even cheerful a other times, was always cloudy whet Lodge night returned: and at thos imes she nevr fniled lo express t itrong opposition to the Older. Notwithstanding this, Mr. Ashley coi" tinued for several months to attend his Lodge punctually; but he cnuUI not end'Jn iheiT stormy seasons, and this, adJed to (In incieaaing pressure of li s business, caiisei' hiru 10 grow mora and more delinquent; hi neglected to pay his dues, and finally ab sented himself entirtdy fro in his Lodge. I was with feelings of real sorrow, thit he ii lime received ihc no'iee of his suspensim I'rom his Lodge, lie Ind been devotedl) itacheut.) ii, and hsd fell that should mis fortune at any t'ur.o attend li;m, he would be sure of if e same kindness and syippatli) which he had ever shown to others: but his vifa was a gi eat dual happier now, and thif- lie knew was iiwmnsequ ;nce of that ulncl, grieved him so much he lliertf rs endeavor ed to feel reconciled to it. Time-passed on and luriune which bud heretofore smiled or. biio, now bfgan in show a chanceful aspect, Business, ever fluctuating in this country, rcsulied in i veie losses U him-- misfortunes succcedeii eneli nlfier. mid le ileeiileil lo Ir.' .1 ' ' fi .j f . , .... w . . 1. 1 1..,. k- .,.,,1 ;..,...,......,.. 1. ;i; 1 1 (Older, and that in consequence ol his ncg- ed pleasingly to his view, and he deeiilcil!, ,. ,, , . , , f 1 " ' ilcct he was then and hid been for souk to remove dinner. 1 rue 10 woman n lurweo' uer onoy i s t. -1 . i. "..!i.. i . i . v. . . ... I - I nllietl, aiol lo' her Ini.-bii l! lo a lat.i of stranceis. Unforoiirre'v lleloctnoi hieh Mr As'dey I: ltd i'e idi d '.'pni1, prove I an on- t'l.oinbic one, both in ng'ird to foiiune a -i lie-ilili. 'I'iie irivrslmcnt of his money proved ai uif ivnrable on: ; he saw Ins little rneaiis dmini-hii'ig, his health too, s-emrd uni.'er ninii'g Jinl Ii-' h it tliat lie must seek a mon isvorahlo location, or pover.v und suknesf loiild reduce them to ansilme want. '1'lic leeidt-d fi.nlly to remove lo this p!;i'e, mo' n, out njniii thwir j mrney, hot Mr. As, lev -oiidiiued to groiv woisi, and vihei: tlo v .rrii'ed, he found him-elf eompleif ly tX" .au leu, and qoite nr.iihlo to m&ko any r,r rnrwmeni foi the fiiKiie, ' lint sli ill e do, Cilen?' lie exclaimed in distress, 'our means are almost emirc'x i a It lusted, and still 1 bid growing worse, ind you are worn out wnli f.iiigue at;i! riri. ' I'liiuk not of me,' replied Eilen, 'but 1 musi send for a plivsniiui for you.' 'No Lllen, wo ii-ivc aetind'y no mans nf paying birr, and 1 liojic to recover wnli i mi ( one.' ' must send for ore,' conliiiucd Fdlcn, and perhaps we s'ia!l in liim a liicdi';' so saying, she left the room, for Blie s-n Oial her hnsV.ind was in reality much worse Ftiligue and anxiety respecting tlieir condi ion, had en txci'ftd him, llinl ho as in !i 'il'rning fi ver. The kin,! Dr Evelyn s'on answered tin dl, and as he entered the room iili 1 lis benevolcii! f t .-c beamed so kind.y upni die sick man, that in his excited feelings In nivoluntar'ly gave the siyn of diftress, 'flit kind Dr. rushed forvvir ! and grasped his hand '"iih a rec ngnition so j-iyous thai ii 'iroughl a Hood of If uia in the cyea of ll i -irk man. Ellen was astonished. 'What mean 'his?' she inquired, 'surely, you arc no; ac i)inntcd.' 'Yes we are,' exclaimed the Dr. 'we ait 'Holders.' 'Brothers!' repealod Ellen, still moro as lonishcdi 'Yes, E'len,' said her husband, 'we have puled found a friend, for die Di. is an O h! Fellow.' And your wif is wondering how mi found cueh other nut,' said the Dr. 'ill it ii one of onr seciei.-,' smd he smi'ing, as hi turned to Ellen; 'Iml 1 most now pre senile fcr rny patient, fur he k indeed harr sick.' tfftcr giving particular directions in rc gard to the medicine, and requesting itmt t sounds very much like seeral ficti inL1 hia patier.l might be kepi perfecdy quiet, he stoiiiu thai I have read,' replied Alts, Mi rose lo leave, and said kindly to my friend, nor, 'if J knew it was real'y true, I might your husband needs constant cure thmiigh pcrlmps change ray opinion aomewha',' he night; you are too much hoisted to ''Veil, I u ill vouch for the nutb of e!I. vatch ith him 1 am now g onij lo the except ihe names, for I have told you tl Lodge, and will bring a couple of bro'.bers story as my friend has often told it to roe. to watch with him.' J'rs. Ashley must now spoak for herself Tv 1 1 0 n ftnil'r! nnl anmli a t n a AtiAHnnmo M A !i I ntf 1 1 ! ma a I iaa r1 HonltH ' . 1 I V II WWUIVJ IIUI rji-o, OUT OH I J l- ( C 1 17 niih surprise, and a thousand varying emu lions. 'Ellen, we shall indeed be C3red for now,' 'aid Mr. Ashley, as the Dr. left the room I feel that we shall rective kindness here, ullliouijli from being a suspended ineiiiher of the Order, I have no rightful claim l their assistance.' An unilefinable feeling thai s'le hud don' the Order injustice, now possess'-. Kiien nit she could give no uUernice lo it, ant! die begged her husband to couviocs liitnse ind keep peifecily calm. Anxiously did she watch every viiryi.-iy ihade cf his cuunicuance ilmi eveninj. and larnesily did hei thoughts riso for a bltss- ng upon him. Soon after nine, the Dr. re-entered die r Mini with two gentlemen, whom he intro- luced as brothcts who would v.atch will )t. .f.diley thai night, Again and again did A!u Ashley return me warm grasp ot a broiner s liana lien tiirning Dr. Evelyn, he said '1 must inw expLin to you my situHtinn.' lie hen told them of his former connection with f.oihrc in Boston, of his attachment to tin lime, a Fupendod member he had n - , .j. ;im!ne,s 'oay no more,' ihey replied, 'we all un derstand your feelings anil now you must endeavor to 0 to sleep,' Nouviilistaiidintr what had passed, Eller. -ould not d.el illii:a to leave lier husbani' ::i tl.c- h.luds of strangers through the- lti-;hl, nit when she saw their tendui kindness and .van hfulncss, sho retired lo e!ecp feehnj onfnlent that her husband was in faithfn 'ieepiog, and th it she could safely tiust bin while she slept. Day after day of lingering fevrr, did iht i n J Di, and some one of bis frit-nds cal md administer to iho r.nmforts of her bus band and every night did one or mon ivalch him and all was done in such a kiiw oid unobtrusive manner thai it complete!; von Ellen's he Art ar.d she confessed to he Dr. nil her former prejudice lo the 0. ler and that it was her opposition that unused ti r r husband to rrg'cet his Lodge 'Well, well' the doctor vvnn'd say 'yon oust now make amends and become the Odd Fellows' champion and make cmv cr's if these foolish women. Vhcy will all he ome Odd Fellows or Odd Fellows' urnics liv and bv. Dory at last rcco' ercd and the d l.r urst lilt ins room i)r. i,vetyn came id am; siid 'have come io givo )ou ;i little ride but fnst I wish you to cxtiitine lids j:ek .ige while 1 chut a little with your wile., 'l'hc li st pa pci Ei iuy opeor-d, wai alct .er and car-1 ftotii his ow n Loduo re-ii;stat mg t, i ill a inenihc r u lii.-h h ,d been pro-i-urt d itirough tho influence i f Di. Evelyn die mxl w is a reccij ted bill o! their land lord and ihe lal a loan from several of the roiher? who had so kinJiv attended bin. Isriiugh l)is Sickness. 'Jr. Ashley was c,,mphitely overcome nd grasping ihe D:'s hand he in vain mad hi -IF jrl to speak. Conic, coo: e,' snid the Dr. 'put on your lat and cloak and come ai d iaka a ride with ne I ivant to talk wnli yoo a Itli'e.' Tli i)r. then told him id s p! m wlu'eh bin iriends liud formed for him it was for him n embisco a favor die op;iorio!iity there ihin w9 lo enter n irt'fu.tb!e. hu-iuess. This is a flounshinii liuie io.vii ami 1 havo i,o Imihl you will lie s ncees-fid. ; '3 M.-iuccees-arv io a t!...i v., .' ..; b y c .lei-iiy embraci d siK-li a fv : ;r.)i itiiiity . and ihl he ugain hecai. e .m uve Old Feilow, nml (Men nnw aek oowiedt:ed herself (.onvmced of the good man "idi a s lery loll su e.Te.:t9 of OJd Ftlio .vship, and li. c inie a Add to tin se the fice I . . ioaious advocate and defendor of tli. Older m,' l0r",H) 'ake the r- .. t'- 'her . u . j i i , . ... ' hfvu a tudv of men indicative of the inil. And now ladie how do you ike irv ston-r', i " . 11. fuu ""e 0T) 'ilcet and hard U'tTr and severe sTtnJv inquired M 8. Hammond. fsttirdy rV(riof!rf!n. ' , I' J I . lUUttJ qi ioq tri i a (V H VU4II All lurnsd to Mis. Danton, in surprise, who confessed heiself the heioiue of the siory ar.d e:sured them of its truth; 'and you will not wonder now at my warm de fence of Odd Fellowship. have, 1 hope, lionet in some- measuie for my past injuea ice to tlie Order, and opposition to my litis- 'land's filings: and wbat say you ladies, to your husband's becoming Odd Fellows?' yi.'iac chid! become one,' exclaimed sev eral voicea at once, 'if I have any influence over Jiiin. Ii is unnecessary to add that the flourish ing h'.tle Lodge in M , receired at its next meeting several nev names as app!i- cants for membership, and 1 have sines heard that the wives of these new members make it their duty to see and know them selves, titat their husbands attend all thi tncrtingt of their Ledge and regularly pay their duct. A correspondent of iho Yoik Her dd, under t'.ie date of Dec 7, gives the fol lowing humorous description of the mem hers r f the U S. Senate, then presents in heir seate. Foriyonfl Senators present lo wit.- Mr- Allen, tall and straight as Old lick orv. Mr. Art her, just as tall.bul slightly slim ii er. Mr, Atchison, pretty much of the same sort. Mr. Atberlon, about ha'f tho Attitude. Mr. i-irrovr, a solid, substantial planter, Jllr. Hento'i, I am Sir Oracle Mi H-gby, who lus ihe leveretij 8p iftsraneo f a priest, ilr. Urcese who leoks like him not in die lea?t. Mr. Calhoun, tho eag'e-eyed. Mr. J- il. Clayton, the rcsurectiouisl of '13. Mr. Case, a heavy edition of Ben Frank in. Mr. Chalmers, a litile package neatly dorm up. Ah. Cilley, weallier beaten, like an olJ sa.lor. Alt. T, Clayton, the silent man. Mr (yolquit. the exhorter Mr. Corwin ths dark skinned wagoner. Mr,Crittenden,thfi blade with two edges Mr. Davis the man of the last word Mr. Dickir.on the antagonist of Webster. Ready for another light. Alt- Dix no man's adversary; but equal 0 th? best. Alt Emns with his figures glaring in Ids eye. Mr. Fairfield a hide of a d "peptic- we tear. Alt, Hnn ic2'nn deridedly stolid. Alt Jurnigau luokirg pretty well recu perated, Mr. Johnson of L., a very rood nainred man. Ah Lewis the powerful, and ;he ponder ous 510. Mr ilagnum the superb Mr Milllcr i quiei little black eyd prr snn:ge. Mr Peirce a hearty specirecn of a (josit 'onscie ive. Alt I'citiiybacker solemn s a copy of i'l'te Lstone. Mr Phelps f.king a little men muff Mr Sample reading over Uilpm's report on Oregon. Mr Sevier laughing and growipy .'.u msuhI. .Mr Sprihl with an eye tj business. Mr Sturgeon fixed s if for a nap. Mr T.irney looking around as if something was wrong. MrUpham satisfied no mallei how il goes. .1r Webster looming out like a thunder 1 loud. ut Westcott eyeing'ih' is if to say it w on't do Mr i s Mr Woodbridge a cle; -.( ieo in-'!. :e eldirly gentleman. Mr Yuleo pleasant a ! .,-,'.' r -. And ihere comes Mr Ji r ..- , I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers