rfr in I bare wirnunii the Alter of Cnrl, eternal hnstllltv to every form of Tyranny ever the Mind of Man." Thomas Jemirson II. WEBB, EDKTOR AND PROPRIETOR. BP M ft Volume X. OFFICE OF Till DEMOCRAT I I h m.im. i ucuns nu wuuill siur. or LOW Maiuut-stkkkt. Tht CM ITMRHt DEMOCRAT will le px'd'n'iel every Saturday morning, at TWO DOLLARS per annum jiuyabh h df yearly in advance, or Two Dollun Fifty Cents,if not paid within the year. Sro subscription will bt takmfor a shorter period than uix month', nor any disron tinuanr.e. prrmitted,until all arrearages are dischars;fd. A t) VER T1SEMESS not exceeding a square, will be. conspicuously inserted at ()u Hollar for tnejirsi inreeinseriwny u i Twenty-five cents for every svbse nuent nsertion. ITTA liberal diseovn nu le to those, who a lvn tise by the year LETTERS addressed on business,must he post paid. "COri!MIvrDKM()i'IAT. DECEMBER 20, '.S4G. .- .1 '.. .1 1 .. V.J, :-!! LI.: SYNOPSIS OF TI1K SECRETARY OF T IE NAVY'S RA'l'ORT. The Mediu ranenn fqunlron baa not been con'inued dining tbe lasi year, but i projioiied to revive it at auon aa cir cumaiances will permit. The aislion of Mabon has been diaionlinued, at the earnest rr quest of lb Poi tugue6e Gov ernment, and measuris are in progress' for the removal of ihe public stores at ihjt place-Th Est India squadron, con sisiinj; of the Columbia 74 and (lie sloop Virvcenea, is sop)osed to have sailed for Japan and Kamscrutka in the monih ol My or June last, and lo have returned lo Macao, aboi.t this time. Thty will probably commence their homeward cruise, via the North Pacific, in January or Fehmry next. Orders were sent to Com. Middle in January I.imI, lo proceed to the West Coast of Mexico and assume the com mand of the squadron there, but no ac knowledgment ol ihem has been receiv. ed at inn Diriment. Tin Brazil sq'iAdron coni-ls of i he frig?t Columh.is Cum. Ricihie, and Ihe hr i c, ij'nbridg'', L;eut. Commanding Reniing'onj und-r Commodore Rose au. The African squadron cones' o' Ihe friaie Uoi'ed Suies, the sloop M -rion. brins Dolphin and Buxpr, and store "hip Sjutramp'on 86" guns in all. A full and inlere-ting narrative is pivni of the operations of th Pi'ific Kq .adron s'tic" th war, buth ConvSluii and Com. Smck'nn, anil copies are an nXH( of bi official reports rf tlipse officeis. The Squidron now consists of ihe Sivmnab, the Congress frigite',' the sloops Pnr'smou'h, Levant, Wa:rfn anil C)aoe, schr. Shirk, and store pliij E.ic The raz'e ImlepT.dence or. In r wy out wi'hCum. Shubrirk, w!io, on hi airiviil, will as-unie command 'l the Fqiia.lion, and the sloop Preble ha) sailed foi the same destination. The do ngs of thtllome Aquadron are plso fully narrated and copies are annex ed of the ffficial reports of Com. Coo nm in lefreuce to the blorkailr, the de gigns on Alvarado, the affair at Tobasro. and the taking ofTompico. Full jus tice is done to the Commodores ol both Ihfse scpn (irons, in whom ine contii- t . i dene ot th" oepariment seems uiijUai' ed. Ex'racls from ihe instructions under which they seed; show also a disposi tion on the part of the Government to evoiil all collision with Mexico, if pos sible. Tho vessels composing the na vy of Texas seem to have found unwor thy of repsi r, wiih the exception of the Aus'in, wnich is al Penaacola; Ihe oth ers have been ordered lo be sold. The estimate of Ihe department an foiled en ti e employment of 10 000 men, though no more than 8, GOO t jiow in service. Mitr.orry is a-k.l tc build f-it-T fea e'eambots to be ernplued in connection wilh our fquadroni IILOOMSIUTRG, COLUMHIA COL XT V, PA. SATURDAY, DKCEMUGR 20s 1840, The practicability of Ilia dry-d.ck al - ! i rvew Y oik is not ilotitiie.i. inn me woik in u.ce.1 upon the favorable afention of ., , , , . r, i i Congress. A dock at Fensacola la alhO rtcomnipnueii, ami omer ini )rov'ii'-...s . , . . , I I I . I . , ' to increase me tuiciency oi ine yai u . , , . thai place. The restrtc: ions of Mem- pnia vvoru adopted a; ine last session oi ... .i . . r Corfres removed. The exclusive employment of the na vb! officers ss naval storekeepers abroad is not thought to be wise, unit modi fication of Ihe law on the subject is re commended , TheNavalSchool is spoken of in tcrs of approbation, and the sime appi opri 4) ion is asked for it as whs had lasi year. A suitable notice is also given lo the ob- er valor", where valuable operations are 'legining to attract the attention they deserve. An addition to Ihe number of Assist ant Surgeons is very much desired, anrt the depailmtnl also recommends an in crease in the rank and file of the maiioe orps and in Ihe number ol warrant offi cers. The report concludes with sdvi ling that authority be given lo th"P.esi !f nt to appoint one out of five or six midshipmen at large, irrespective of lh. ulace of residence of the prs ns ap pointed, provisions might ihu b- mtdr lor cases of peculiar meni whirl ire now excluded. Nothing is said ii the repoit of the system of promotion. The Secretary confines himself to a faithful narrative of the d )iog of :hr Navy, with a few practical suggestion; uch as are mentioned above. His re port is a very interesting one. SYNOPSIS OF HIE W A It REPORT. Ii is chiefly occupied with a history ol ihe commencement and progress of iln Vlexic.an war operations, embracing the bai- les of Palo Alto, A'esaca lie la Palma, tlx ;liree day's conflict a'. Monterey, the lei ini tiation of the ai.nistice, the cnnqueal of iS.HU a Fe and the Califori.ias, etc. eic Satisfactory, though nut oflicial inform ion had been received of ihe taking of Muii rlua, but not of Chihuahua. Gen. Ivear ley's detachment was expected to read the Pacitii! ahaul the last of November. 1'he operations of Col. Fremont ami Coir.- modure Storkton, west of the Rocky Moun tains, are referred to with corrmcmlalinn. uihemic information but no ollkial repoit uad as yet been received. The military force of the United St;.Uf. lias been augmented from 7G10 lo 3D. 000. I'l.e duties of ihe department have been ar duous and f tnbai ratusing. The department o! Tamaulipas, on tin riijhi hank of the Rio Grande, or xiveul tiundied miles from its rnuuih, New Jeon, (-nahuila and Chihuahua have all in effect tteen w rested from ihe Cential government il lin. Qi.il tlif Mvieun ui. i hurl ! i ' both rivil nd military, displaced in Ne Mexico and ihe Californias, all in the short pace of seven mouths. The regular army created under ihe , if the I i-l si krion, when filled up, will o- mount to IG.9J8 officers and nu t , but n does not now exceed 10,300. The want of suere-s iu filling up the ranks is aitribu'a bio probably, lo ihe Urge number ol volnu- itetrs called out since the natsaire of the in I increasing the army. Ills impassible t. I :.. .t, I... ii icll what number of troops ihe exigencies o! ihe war my require. The tolunuers call- d out who have encountered the ene m have more than justified the high expedi tions formed of this drscrip'ioo of troops, but it is no disparagement of them to sa ihat a regulai lorce would he peiferred in a war lo be prosecuted in a foieign country. Considt rations of economy alto sre decid- edly in favor of troops being engaged lo serve during the war. The Perremry is must soliciiuus that this subject should re- ceive the early attention of Congress and that a bedy of iroops should be rai.-ed to uke it, e p ace ol .hose voiunieers wl.o will olaiiu discharge Bt the end of tlreii year's service. . f A pl3 fctroma?DJed by Gin. MarombVf&V fo yw-, in lVhs!f of my rAii:rywlra SI. 'XT J ".ijixSi in bis report in 18:17, in reference to reBi- MnRi..l &nA iJVu'ora it. annrntArl nf , " creiary. ami trie aueni.un u. ngrn. directed to ii. Ulirt" ,u " ... ishment of oflenoes cominitied by our . Pli'"i w. ...... .... . . troops and by persona connected with the ' A further increase of the regular army W recommended. The estimated appropriations for fortifi cations lor the next year is $495, GOO, in eluding their defence and ihe support of the sappers and miners and topographical en- jinners The present organization of the ordnance bureau is deemed inadequate. A deficiency exists in the medical staff of the army, A hisloiy is given of ihe operations ui mineral lands during the past year. The number of pension agencies is forty-four. exclusive of navy pensions, and the number of pensioners about twenty thousand. The independent treaatuy act romtem- plales the employment of officers therein named as pension agents, and renders it Souhtful wheihei iliosa hiiherio employed ire not ensponded. It is, therefore, recoin- nandd that authoiity be given lo continue. the present agents at a icasonable compen. uliori. Tlrr'y-four huudred and lliiriy-four In- bans have been removed from tho F.ast to;make no other promise thmi this: that the ho West of ihe Mississippi, since the last! wilf do their duty as t iiizn suhiicr.-; am! innnal renott. Nh treaties with udi.ins are rrfened to, and the solicitude of government pressed for the promotion of the welfare f he Indian tribe. COL RICHARD VI. Ji)llNSO'S i.V. V- Tell TO THE IMiKSlDENT. White Sulphur, Soott county, Ky. August 21, 18 15. Dear sir: We ate informed i.i every di rection, by rumor which seems entitled to tredit, that Mexico has declared war again' he United Stales 1 ! And 'or what? l!e- c.-iuse of the snnexaiiin of Texas I ! Fu ture age. will scarcely credit this folly am1 ank recklessness and inj isttce, when wt recoiled and connect wiili it thf late treat) tillered into by .Mpxico and some of ib. functionaries of Texas, by which Nh-xico a ;ieed to the indepen lence ol Tt-xaf, I iln ..tier would ledihO to become a pan id i'k United Slates, from which Texas IijiI beet separated, by a mysterious wain of s igaciu in sagacious men upwards of iwentv years ago- Thus Mexico withdrew her ess than shntlu i of a claim to Texas, wi,l' a proviso hostile to the United States, fur which she deserved our in lignaiion and our execration, if we did not Know thai sho was irted upon by Franco an l Great Ilritain, and, in her desperate condition, like a drown, ing man caHiing at straws, acted tlie auto maton of these great European powers V V 1 1 n l was it to Mexico, heih?r Texas be came a part of ihe United Slates, or remain ed independent? The United Slates bail lever wronged her, but bad coninved at in juries received from Mexico, oui of out sympathy for a power adjuient, which ex hibited some desire for liberty, and to imi. tato the United Sta'cs in her g'nnnns ami free institutions; and Mexico knows iIim .-the lias no stu b kind feeling in the bosoms ol the kings of foreign Siates, ex"rj't that which arises from a conviction of advanta ges in commerce, or a simdaiity of ki'iglv ;iower and institutions. Then it is mure than evident that our chuso is just no shadow ot donbi, ihank (Jod, remains upoi the most common mind, to the nghi be. mg on onrsids, and a mnsi wsnion viols of I'riends'iip and peace on the p'rl of Mex ico towards us. This is another proof fif ,ir,K.er s 'a;v tedj lo gatiffy lo us ihi ihe Uoitei) S'a ei can never enjoy tranquility, ptospr ri v, bap- 'piness and peace, so long ns we are sur- rounded by other nations not republics, and ihe color.it s of foreign States. This is oui condition Let us not grieve or repine, bu trust in that God who has given us ihe vie lory in two wars wih one of the mosi pow erlul nations of the earih. Jj war is u'e clnrtU agunt vs hy Mexico, in toal dire gaid of right, of justice, of friendship, I tho laws of nations, I now tender my ser ?.Kra '.L ji'.S jA-l"1.' JM'I'f!"L'i".LrL g3"L t jiljiiija yon represent, to your credit and honor. I flit tint wt h Ifl fltitnr tliP runlr urmv. I - II. r.. I I.. no. ..... . r..8..Kr .... ...u Uur...K .... war, embarrassed ss am in my privati ' 7 , I -- - ' ment and the management of my priva.i alT.iirs, so long as it may be our policy l. defend our soil bIoiio from the foieign inva. iter. These duties can be discharged with out my aid, with eaio anil without diflieulu hm if yon should feel it your duly lo pur sue the policy of carrying the war inio tin enemy's country, to plant our banner ai Santi Fe. Vera Crua, Mexico, or Califor nia, Bnd give liberty and atabdiiy to free governtneni, where disonKr and anarch now predominate, where no kindred spirii of freedom can animate liioso high officers who represent an oppressed people, and who may have precipitated iliem into a war to preserve the power which they seem pre 'ariuusly to hold; when that time shall ar rivu'and that policy shall be deitrmined on then I am ready lo raise a corpse of Ken tucky volunteers, of any number from on thousand to five ihous3tid cicn, to eeni twelvo months from the commencement ol muching orders, after organiziiiun, with t promise lo re-engage alter the expiration ol ihe year, if the honor and situation of tlx country should requite it men who will what God has alluiled fur man to do fur bis country, they will try to do! and if I atri a- ex-'giin spued lo rneet the enemies of my couuii y in battle, in a wor on our pari si just, and forced upon us by ignorance j am hiiion, foreign influence, and selfishness, 1 will try lo see the duties of ihe citizen sol dier handsomely, bravely, and gallantly per formed, to the honor of the corps, and tin benefit of oui country. Tho crisis has arrived; war, I sitpposci i declared. Vn know not who may be ti me bolto n of it. Our countiy will soon hi t unit, and iha voice of Treason will not ! 'i card in our land, The discordant not. t .f the press whether it was tweedle-dor. or tweedle.dce will be lust in the geuer dioui and huzzi of our country, for v i c t . i y for our federal Union, including the addi tional biilliant star of Texas. As a citizen, 1 thank you, and congiatu lite my country for ynur prompt action ii concentrating the naval and military forces of tho United Slates on the land and on I he sea, ready to meei our enemy. Accept this hasty letter, written in ttn minis and bustle of busy private life, frori one who wishes j on every blessing snc every honor which results (mm a faiihful discharge of your public duty to your coun try. Must lespectfuliy, R. M. JOHNSON. Col. Jamk K, Polk, President of tlio Untied Stales, City of Washington. Good Advice. Dow, Jr., in his sermon uf last we ek, gives the following very ex cellent advice to the young ladius of his llock: The buxim, bright-eyed, rosy cheeked, full-breasted, bouncing lass who can darn a stocking, mend trousers, mkt iier own frock", command a rciuiMnl ol po s uid keii'esi feed the pigs, chop ool, mill. O'.vs, wn.s'.le with the boys, and be a bdy witlul in 'rotnpiny,' is juBt the fort of a g:i I In n.e, and for any wenhy u.o.i to marry hut you. ye pining, m.ip.n, lulling, screwed up. wasp-waietedr putt -laced, r on sumption mortgaged, music-murdering, r.ov el-devourinj daughters of Fashion and Idle isss you are no w-ye f.t for inatrimoti) :rian a pullet is to look afttra farm) o! four ieen chickens The truth is, my dear giiU. yon want, generally speaking, more liberty and les iishioiiable resuainis inoie kitchen am .to parlor mor trg and les sola rr.on pudding and Irse piano more frankness, and less mock-modesty mure fcrralil.it. and less buttle. hjocen yourselves a IliiU eijoy morn Iib. r y, mid less rrair.iiii I , - Masnnoi breaihe ine pure t.nnu-p'i .c n nd,lrerdoin, and become so.inMng r.railv - luie y i.nd btaiLlu! us i;u 6"jd U nr.t.jie imigii. Use of a Nose. A good mory is tol.l 'f M. Eiri st ihe tim he was a pupil il Il.ydn. The latier challenged his oupil to compose a piece ol music which he could not play at sight, Mnzirl ac epfed the banter, and a rupper and a ihampign ware lo be thefoifeil. Every hing being arranged between the two composer?, Moaarl took his pen sod a sheet of paper, and in five minute dash ed oil a piece of music and much lo he suipr.se of Haydn, haoded il to hin 'ayit'g 'There is a piece of snu.ie, sir, whirl you cannol play, and I cau--you are ti jive the fiisl tria!.' Il.ydn smiled contemptuously at lh. visionary presumption ol I) i s pupil, an. rod placing the notes before him, sliuc!. 'he keys of tht instrument. Surprise. t iti simplicity, he dashed away until he reached the middle of ihe piece, wl.e. stopping all atonce, he exclaimed 'How's thip, Mczin how's thii-f Hrre my hands are fti etched out u both ends of the pianoand yet there i a middle key lo be touched! Nobody can play such music not even the com poser himself. Moziri smiled at ihe half excited in digestion and perplexity of tho greai masliV, and taking Ihe seat he had quit ed sliuck the inairument wilh such air )f self asturance that Il.ydn began lo think himself duped. Ruming along he simple passives, l8 carne lo thai ;mt which his teacher had pronounced impossible to Le played Mozart, as my body is sware, was favored, or it' least endowed with an ex.remely h ng nose a prodigious nosp, which in mod ro dialed, 'stuck out ahiul a feet.' Reachingl'he d.fficult passage,he str. tch . I ho h hands to ihe exlieme ends o' he piano, and leaning for vard hubbid lis nose against the middle keywhic! no body could p! 1' II ay il burst into an in moderate fi .1 hiugbter." and alier ackuow 1. dgii , the 'cor i.' dtclarnl ihat na'u-e had en- lowed Mizirl with a capacity for mus'r which he had never before discovered Deserters from the Jinny One ol he editors, of the New (Ji leans IJ;ci yune, who was nt ihe c piiualation o1 Monterey, speaks as follows of the de serters iccognized in iheMex cm rank: The rlesei tcrs we saw ouiselves a i hey inarched out in the i inks of tht nicmy,and more miserable wro'ch'S ti oo k bt' or a mere m;s"rlde corrp.'H) than that in which tbt uere fnnnr t would be difficult lo imaii e, o. iictl with in the wide world. On..- lV.1 'ow in particular, a worthless seined. t. named Riley, who ladderitd fnrn Capt. Morrill's compiny of ihe 3 1. !.. fin try, received a parsing saluie from his old comrades as he went out ol tin city, which ho will not forget in s twelvemonth. lie hul n'f sei led from ear Miiamors ecrly in the spring, hail uci'tedcd in reselling ihe Mexican luiff .nd was ?t onre taken into H.e aiti lery ni l made esptain of a gon. Hr; was ; ull, stalwur: frl.oa', jtiutt-r y worth l-s . Di.f , quirrelseme, el cow ra.liy wretch, and his riddance horn th company was even s n.a i e r t! rsjiicti. r'her than r grer. On ihe second day o' 'he evacuaiiori. sea'td tipur, the fi.?! ijuii as Ok cap'am, cio.e H e renega.le Rley. The deserte. vas ill at eaie, iiotwi.h-l an. ling his com lorlable seatj as ihe ec; Inn n pasec hrough the ihoroufcf .res which wen lined wiih the Auk -no. is, hul it wis no 'ill his eyecau.;!.! soma of his old corn fades ln.il the spirii ol il e n:c'i !:( vi.r.io him. The crppar y kr.f.v e wt'o pass out. a -il i a.j st-it'onei iu.iio- tn iear a b ii i trade, or po-i i '!! rj'.isi iii then cccfpiid by Col. Dun- tin, hi !o bist posit'iou ii&tn 'vh'ttrst' Clumber 0 n giv him a broadside of reproache , 'IMey, e desar in' thaTe, ain't j e a shamed of yerself?' said one of his for mer messmates, sn irishman, and one of the best soldiers in ihe company. The color entirely forsook the face of tho runaway. 'Whin ye de'aried why didn'i ye go smong dace nl white people and not be belpin' these bloody nsgers pack of heir varmin?' continustl the speaker, his comrades keeping up a run ning accompaniment ol groans& hisses. Phis was loo much. Riley jumpied from the gun, every limb trembling with abject fear.and ss h passed through he barricade the wrelch eupported his tottering knees by placing s hand on, the revolving wheels of the carriage. Not nntil the barricade was passed, am he was out of heiring of his former omrades, did he remount his gun, end even then, so utterly prostrate were all nis faculties he hsd scarcely strength to climber upon the carriage. Such was one of Ihe scenes we witnessed at the e- vacuatiou of Monte rey by ihe AJexicaris Other deserters were in iha iauk of tha -nemy - runaway negroes ss wellbut none cf ihem was as well known as was ihe 1 r ai lor It ley, not one of them re ctived such a blighting shower ol corn. emp', such a withering tornado of corn. The Dutchman's Dangeraus Qeete. "There guts the old Dutchman who had Ihe dangerous gpes. ' exclaimed fiiendinthe country the oiher day, calling our attention lo a Dutchman of the oldest '.school' who wbs walking owly a'oug the road. We aktd so explanation. Why, when the Yankee? fust begaj to se'tlu in here, he wgsj jirt e I one morning by 8 sljb-6ided speci- nen of 't-m, a he was picking up iha j.iills Ihat his geese had dropped, in there chattering morning waddles, by the edges of an oblong pond at ; he. roa.l- ide. Presently one of ihe gese stielch d out his long neck al iheyank'ej vho taried and ran as if a nia.J dog were at lis heels 'I dold eim, said ihe old Dutchman 'not lo be avraid dat da -;eese wouldn't hurl urn any; but do eese did lun after him dough, clear iver de hill a ways; and none of 'em wouldn't give up no rest any more, whenever he came along de street, f p'litve il y had pbbito ag'm Yankee. Meim GM ! n'o curious, d jugh, bel da geese always went away, and didn't come back any more!' the secret of that was, ihil the Yankee, who was so afraid of the Dutchman's geersa, had ihrown oui kernels of corn, among which was oro wi h a fishhook attached. Onca swallowed, the acgry goose was supi) .it tow ofier the flying fugitive. The Eldest JJaughht.Tht deport ineni cl ihe older children of the family is cf great importance lo the younger. Their ohedi T.ce or insubordination op- rrtl ek throughout the who'e circle. Ha"? pecialiy in the slalion of the eldest laughter of er.iin6r.ee. She drank tha he firnt drafi cf the mother's love. Sha ift'al'y enjoys much of hr council and. omp.inionship. In her absence, tha s naiurally viceroy. Let the mo'her t Is Hcjble pain? to form fur s correct nod-l ; io make her amiable, diliger,, h.mesiic, pious- t ustiog that the imag c f ihose vniurs msy leave impreior. in the soft, waxen heartsofihe uupi er onec, to whom she m-y.in tha t'rovidence of God, be cailtd to fill the, ,)Uce of ma'ernal guide. A -jewepaper is like a wife, because eve ;y man ouhi to Ijjve one of his own. A pettspjpsr ii ii like a wife, beceusa ry raiij i'a,dks Le a' ay UjrrOtv Hi Roigi
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers