4 W i , 1 . ill . 4 . mm. '4 I lime wiriitiitii the, Alter nf Cml, eternal Inutility to every form of Tyranny over the Mlml of Mail." Th.iina JulTtiriiiri . WEBB, I EU,m31SIIlT!G. COLUMinA CJOl .ATV, PA. HATUUDAV, IJUCHMIIKlt 10, ISKi. A umber 115 Yo'i.sju' X. TiH' rii sblTOK AND lIMURIEf OK. ' rrcsidcnCi fttessagc. J'illtiit'-cilizriii c ' I Iw ,i urn e and (J iht: II nine nf I.'rjn fienlulivn: In resuming yniir I tliiiis ih i lit1 sen ire iii tin' " opie, I' H a MiJJ' rl i'i' I UI :illiUuiltl. lli .i dun.- has hern no peii.nl :n nur ji.i-.i IllMITV, W hell .'ill lilt' fll'lllt his III II. Moil' prOspclltV llU'tf III I'll S.I lull) lil'lclopnl K.iii r v.mr I it-t session no :dil.' 1 1 . 1 - i i - inn, h is viriu-il our run mil ; i 1 1 t-r i n ! j heal:h li is pro allt (I; lm,.il no-i- li-sciown j ril ilic inl n' tin' lni-U.Mnlni.Uii an I labor In; Mil its In aindies is receiving an ample 1 u aril, while edura'.iuii, science ami the arts- i f r i 1 1 1 1 1 v i-iil iriiln; llie means nl surl.nl happiness. 'Tin' (ri y i c ss) ill 1 1 ii r country her career ol grealne.-is, iml tiiil v l:i t ' ini ex en-inn i'i nt.r teiriiortal lion's and the rapid lio'ruase ol mir population, lint in re aouicis ni l wealth, it-id hi the happy cumli timi nl our people, lit t thou I example !ii llin history ni nations. As the widoi)', strength, ami b icli 'cncr ot' our liee institutions ;i;e. enfihhd, cikj day a, his, I res!) motlvts 'o cniilcnlinelil, am! (if I'll lUCI'tltUCS to i itriiiiisn). O ir (.li'vmil inn! snii'cre ackmi'vici'iinieii aie tlutt In the UT'iCi'ttid Uiver i I' a;i for the nmnht-rl fas t .' tj s 1 1 1 1 1 -t which our be. loved omnry enj . It i a s.j'iici: i.i hn,'li ft ili-firliou tn k:iu' Uiat the ri'U:i.-ns nfthe L'iii.i iI Stales "tit are nf die i.msi ami 'Li'e rd.ir.irti r. Sin ertely atl.irheil to the uliry nl ii are, nml) ad'ip'etl ami sti ailily purMif l hy llin im eminent, 1 liavu anxiously ilnsirtd to e.ilu vaie 'iiil rliiTish frirmlshi ami coin uu-rrr with every l'mi.:ii I'own. The f , s i it n. hatiits ol' the Ameriraii iru!e are Luiu iiiU lo me inainuiiuine of such inieri) j'.ihu.iI Imr iiiouy. lo adheiin.' in lliis is3 policy, a iu limimry aii'l par an.oiint iluiy o'nionsly ( ousiiils in the pruiiTtion ol our ti.r.i'oial m lercsn i ti n eneio k h'tii nl or en rili'i', am! our nation il honor IVoin rcnoih. Tm'sc nui.'i be in liniained ai any Imzird. They a liini of ii i eoinpr iinise or uej.'leri, ami must he uri-jpiiliiusly ami eonsianiiy yiiirii eil. In ihi-ir tiijilirii v i i 1 1 r ,i 1 1 , 1 1 , i'nl i-inn and eiinfliei with foreiijii I'ovvm :ii.iy mmic limes Ir'i'ouii' ii'Mi'oidi h. Such Ins liri-ii our srrupiiliius Hillirrem-e to the ilirl .K-s m j.iHti.'e, in all our fureiir i mn-i i-niise-, tint tiniiiilh steaililv and r - t i 1 1 V a. Ivam ivy in pio-piTiiy ami piMvrr, we h-ne rvni n.. j'ist iMinr oi ruin,)', ti'ii of my tiiio.t, a lii liave enj Vf I the hlrs-imj't (i'eii't: f i, uj.)-tf III in t'tiriy years. I''fo n policy s,i narjtid to humanity, and mi salutary in il fTcrts upon our political s mt in, w e slionli) neter he induced oluntarily in th p nl. Tiir v xis'ii.c war wrh '-exieo was neith- fr desired nor fiU'CS. O.i il " "3 ni uk e d by the United!. I'onir-iry, 3ii hoti'irabl'.' II. A f t i I ..ml ui.io- im'aiis were resnrtn! in avfrt years of embiranct: ol iiggi a;i.n (llPliSell wrongs nil inn i larl, .M X t'o, II. man, :t n. of every priueipht ol jns'.ice reyogm."'-.! t civilir. d n lions, coinmem e.l In.siilioe.-,' im: thus, by her own ai I, forced dm r up ., us. Long b' loiit ii.'t advance of our aim-. ID Ihe left I) ink ol ibe ltm (irai dc, we I, n amide cans'' of war ag dust .I.-xh'": ami b n I: o ii.n irmiiil S.atcs ri'ioried n this is r ii-n I we utiillit have app:: d. d lo tint who!..' cm iz il woibl for Ihc jas'ic of "lir eau-e. I deem it in ba my du v lo present t ) you ui ihe presi in occasion, n io densctl view of ihe iijoro s we h.'tl tii' tmeil, .! the riiirs which led to ibe w:,r: nd ! r- rirou ress sim'i' IIS ' i . Ml 'Il ' II '-f 'II I t I MS I ' ' . .... i . rem dried the more t.'" ' -s h v i-c,' oi-i- m i ; misapprehensions w iicli h ive i i s'l-nc ex tr.-it predion . 0 its ' i io iii a 01 true -n i' j.rK T. I I r " ar .i i- in i ii .'i Iici h ri ires'-U'eo a- n,iil and minece irv. ami ;,s oil'' ol a .' nr.. -Jinn on ..nr 0 .rt upon a Wf.,k at.. I in- i 1' ..r.) l IM i I'll IV . ' 1 . 1 1 l I '.I. i... n .0" ' ' - , . . , .. ..... I . fi,U rial' i d liv I ill Ii w, one m-i-u - an l ex'Pniiiveiv eir; ulan d mil only at lmm Iml h ive been -id ll.rona'io it VrXI I If. nin ni ii'- nml '.hi' whole ttoi . i, A en morn nieaiiS i oilid not have b !rn-ed oonr iji' the. enemy Mid prmrirl the War ,1, .., i., ...!.-. ii-ilc ami id lit r.' to U.eir ( I U to U.eir I'nilllorl. . . . . viol tlios 'Jiv' il.em '..nl am It is I smiil'-i' id national ppd" and (-Xn't i ti in. tint ih-' ii"' i bo-!y "I our people h .i thrown nn s n h nbt it b s in the w iy ol do (invf rr.t'i.-'nl in prosi i-mntL' die war Min-r- IlioV. hot liaie shonn II. e ni -eli f s I i in- em- iiienl' V p'lirioil.'. ami re.i.iy io vomica i Ilieir n otinti v s Inuior ai d inn rr-'s a :n,y sacr-fi'-e. I I"' alacntv am. nnp -rii-h- ncss w i :h hii-h our voiillileer lorei- . .! iii the I'n Id on tl"-ir (inin'rv dl. i r o v i in it oiih their p itrioiisin,hi;t iheir del i in V imi. in dial rin r r-lise IS ji-Sl. I'll.: wto-.-js iihl.-h we have full, 'ed f,-on Mexico :ilmo-l i n r since she became mi ii -dependent I'ower.aml the p i'n nt eml'inm t with whirh we have barn' h''n. ire wnh .nit a paiobel m bir'.my of modi rn civil-;;-.! 4 : 1 1 1 : e . Them is. reason in hi In if i It" I hi re i ron i) s had I i'C :i i"Oi nl and .,.s'.i d in ihe li-st im-t.jm pri -i in ,.',,i ...i. .-imi iivoii io. ( 'or n r ,i n nuss iinh im "dt)rala.csi' Ip.ctrs.nli eV.ruiif-:-! the ifii"tr.iiii.n i f unothcr, innil at last Mexico in muni in aiirilinie lo ('.ikiu3 ami inui'- ri ii.ii mi inn inrt a forbearance w lm li war In- nl!-.-ii ti'i; ol uii)t;ii:iiiiiiiity tuiJ nl a hh rrieiliftc in jnisiive li it. tit! I y relaiioiir nil a si,-, i i ii'iiihlie. S, i. ily li.nl Me xieo achieved lier imlc-,,t-i, ill lire, Uiirh thti Unllt-i! tSta's, uin ti r Iii it mi. mil.' l!in tiallnlH to IiekllKW'Icili. 1 1 1 1 1 i ll.i K HliMII' he I'l iiiiiirnced the by'dtem d insiii niiaiii'ii, which the hus ever tinci I. I )i,c i t.izi'iis ni).igi-d ir. l irtl'n r.'iii.iu ti i' w tre iiiiprisiineil, ilieir w srets, i-.z il, ami i.tir ll instilled in her porit. li in .tiry us warned, the lawless teiznr. ,ml i-i !. li -1' itt. m (if our mrichani vrjistlr I nn! il.itr r.i j.iis was a ready rcsourn; anil 'il lo arm niiW.-h ihrir numoses il hecaiii' i i nr.'iH-.iiy in iaiptisun Iheowmrs, captions. .ind ci r w s. ii ..a done. It u 1 1 rs sup1 tmmIi n rnliif in .Viwn'o in rapid Hurci-sM.)", dm till thcie u.i mi change in this mho-mi "I lejii 1-d.idi'ii. J'liu govtriiinciil ol lite l;ni irdSi iti-. in nle repeated reclamations on el.idl Ol a.-, i ii.zeiis.biit iliese were an wir d hv lie v on'ia.'i'S l'roiiiisttn nf redies? na.lii by Mex'.ro in the most solemn forms a. ic . i.-ipniifil or eiaded. The lies anO nc .rils i. ihc D.-parlment of Stale cunliii .om liisivr. pr.iols of iiiiuh rous la w less aei? , j-r j t f ri if 1 1 iipmi t ho p,-oper:y ami perso.'.' of urn emz -ns ny M'Xico, and of wa'tlui' i 'if ul s lo ii. ir iiitionai (l.ii. The inieipofi lion of our oiernHicnt I.) ohlain tfilrts was Hi,' tin ami ajjaiii invoki d, tiudi.-r piictlin- sianres which no nniion ntii'lii to dioreytird li was lioj.td that ihese cnnr-ior-s wmild -asn, and ih it Mexico would be restrained' iv the law s win li regulate the conduct o! 'U III, -d lUlll.'IIS in . I, ... r nt,.ii...nran 1 1 . .n:li odo r aittr ihe treaty of niiiiiy, com- ni'ieii and n.ii i,tion of lite lillli of April, ISOI, was ruin liided btlween die two re liuliltr-i Iml this lioie soon proved lo he vain. 'I'lie e.'iir-e of seizure and emili'ca n. ni of ihe prnjii-riy ol our eiiizcns; ihe vij ia'ioti of iheir persons and ihe insulia li) out iI-h.' pursued hy Mexico previous to tlu; utiii' wi re . icely suspemleJ for even a ':rie p-ri'id, alihongh the ireaty so c euly ! li its ihe rit'hts and duiieH of the respec. ti vh p ittii s ih .I ii is inipofsible lo niistimler sinul nr m si.ilv.' them. In less than sevei ve. o- afmr In- ruiiclusinii of llril treaty eu. ji-.eviin.'. s had ln'i'oinc so intoh raule thai u lot opiui'in n I'lestdenl Jackson, lli(') h'Oi'.l he no Imii r endured. I'i In iii.'sr-aiM' i'i (Jntigrtss, in I-'i briiary I 'ill?, he pri' utri! (hem to 111" cout.li'i i ini nf ih t hoilv, and declared that ' l'!u i.'iii'ih ol t : n since s . m of the ii jurie. n.Hf hem "miii nitieil, ihe repealed an I l;tl iv iilina "pji ir iimns for redress, the wanlui. li nam r nf -.one of ;hu iiutiages up n Un iropr-r and p. i - ins ol out ei'.i. 'iis, tipui hi: olo c(s Il .g of the L'niied Si.in's. indep -udi'iii nl i.-i'fiil instills Ii) this govern- nr-'ii an ! p ople by Oie laie i x r un dniaiy M.'Xicin iiiini-ier, would jusiily in be eye of all n i i m i i'tue liale wat.' In a spint o' .imlne-s and l ulu arauee, bowrver, In- re--o iii iii u. Id i. piisuls as a inikler in i.le il red es-. Mr ','l-ir-.! h-H warsli'iuld not be us.-t i- ,r-ii.. ( ;,-jn-t ami generous n i toii- . t i ! i n ' in t'o-ii stiengtb lorirjuins coin- li d, il ii r an lie honorably avuiih it,' am' ulib-d, 'it has oee urred to in e that, eoi.i-'nl rnia the pr -tiit i mharrassed coit'iition ni ii n coimti v , w.' should act w r.h both wi I on ami in ',b r i t in, by givin j to M. xiei me uiofi' o; p'l.-'.u nitv It) alone lor the pan rl..r 've t-,r irdress iiitoouroAii Ii itnls. I'll ai'. o.l a. I uii-i oiiccpiion on the p- ri nl M'-Mi -i. as -a'. I; in to protect our own na n.'ii d chai ..-ii i Irom n pioar.li, opporliniit--1. (.n il i e a n ii .( i 1 1 ihe 'i vowed ile.-i.; o act1 'ii; pi i , i ;. r 1 1 1 1 i'i '.o like i til ill'- ill 'ill sal'sl ic- I "' o n -o ii.l m 'I be obtained on a repe'.i oi rn' lor il iUc-ii "i in t i i ,. ' I'o ih.s i u I I le.-iinimcud ill d an act he M---e l iiinh-.r z i'U reprisals, and ihe us he n ,v d l.o-. e id die IJ idled Sl.le, bv II. i i'',M . utuit, ar n.,-1 Mexico, to eiilnrce then i the i vriil nl a refusal by the ,Mt Xtcai i. iv, -ii i.eni, to cine lo an a.nirable a.lpist .ne, it ..; ihe oi t." m in eontrovrisv hetwei l ,m op. ni amol . r demand ihtrcof, inadi with Mexico in, Id prob ihly have b( ( n lon( ,om no bo ii, I ..ne of our vessels ol w..r onVinee mlj-is ed ami ihe ixisiu g war ban , ie eo i-l id Mi X ico.' beeil avert' d. (.iii.i,ii'ci s ..I limb Homes olCuiiKniii.'i'j Maunamiiiiiy and modf ra'ioii on our par odnch ihi- iiM'ss'iie of this President was(onlv h d the llVel to coinplica'e this - (id r.lerr' il, lun -.,-tained his news of tin , ll -ii I lies, and I ( l.ler an ainichb' sclth llieii' Ii .r i -t' f ol t' w rungs winch we had sul - red Ini'ii Mi x"' 01 oh. I denial. d I , and rccoiiniiendi d ihai r r..,lr,..c ..I, ..i.l.l I ,:oh i ore am io ii I : i a war or re pi isals. I'I c t;.oinnnoe oil I'liieigti Relations o: ,e S.-n.le. in their reyorl, say: 'Al r - odi !e in n l. should prompt pisno i' n l.i-t d hv d e Mexican goverii'i en-.. ' ni i V an, e .1 li oi n a i ii in a o oi mm i c ,1 i i .di iiaiinns nut only lr tin i:in ,ml 01..1.1 ...tnill with w b rh w f fhal , I . : , 1 .. . , . I ,ve ,,.i d lull oil- a HS'tr repuoiir, mil he in . t nv Im li will ib.er. io.'. pel us ei ! k r. di' s ,.r our w roni;s, eill.t r I )' ai Hi ,1 wnr i r hv I' dti' I e pi ' ' i .. io in .i i m i on m I a!s The sidpel w il: i lore I'oi'gress, he nr. xi session al ibe in I- c i ., I am iii, i i 1 . . i n . : ii'i'l the rem .niin f .- t but di-l such inrannes w ill I t - i a 1 1 1 1 1 ' i i . .. . - num i iliatel v adctiu d as may be iKirssary to m-Van- the la no. of tl.c eou.try, insure amplo reparation to our n jured citi zens.' The Coniiniticii on Foreign AlTiirs of die ilouse of KeprtneniMivi's made a hhiiiI.ii ecouiiiiendalioii. n iheir report, ihe liilly concur with ihe I'lt'snlmi thai ampli aiise exisis for inking redress mm our owe mid, and believe that ve should be juMdi til ill the opinion of oilier li iinn.s toi laklne inch siep. yui ihry ate wining m ny tin xpertmenl ff anoiher dema d. tmu.'ointlii must solemn I'mai. upon lb'' ju;ice id tin Mexican govt inu.i-nl, ln.loic an y furil. pioceedlnys ft iii adopted. No difference of opinion upon lie sub led is lielii vt ,1 I., luie existed in Uonjjn s it dial lime. The Iixt'f uH'f ami l.egisla t.ve tlcpiii imenis com i.ned; and yet sue I Vis been oik lorbear itic, and ih sun to pre- cite peace Willi Mexico, thai the v.umi;.. of whicli we then complained, am! whnl ave lisn lo tbcsi! scleiini priieeedinc'. Do only remain timt'dres'-td to tiiiah.aj ,htu ad- lional eausi s oi ' eompdairit, ol an aa.irva led cbaraeler, lnvf; ever since been accuimi lalini'. Sln.itly after ilirse proepcdirg. a speci-i nesseilger was despilehed lo Mexico, I. nake (iml deniaml for ledrcs-i and on tin wentieth of July. lH!i7. ibe demam! wj uade. The leply of the MiXicati g-jvein-limit bote date on the twi i.ty ninili ol tin ia.ne inonih. ami eoniaitinl assurance ol tin anxious wish' nf toe Mexican gnvrmiiieiii not lo delay ihe moment ol ih it final ami ijtutahlc iiiljus'.meni which is to leniiinaii the t-xistihi! dilliriiltips lie: wee ii the iwu I'Dvernuit ni-).' that 'iiotbii'if shati'd he li lt undone w Inch may contribute lo ibe sub- I pr Is w , i ( i i a v P s o s (t r I . ill .-1 V tiiyaeo me mention ol the American u overnmt'iit thai ho '.Mexiean yovcriinienl would adooi, a", he onlv guides fur iis coiidocl, the daincsij ,c enu:,, htween be Mi . r can and A principles of public right, the sacred obli'H ' ,L. c u c' n.uiissioi.eis, amotli nl c lions imposed by initriiniional la, ami ibe'0 imjn,ns weny-s .c nouai.d om religious fail!) of irealies,' and thai w, alt v ;,,), t,, al,, y .ie dollars am: T reason ami tisii.' may uuac ii:pii.wn ..i ii i ".... t'acn i ;nu win i.r ii.iiil. The nssuranre was further given, ilia' the decision of t'ie Mexican governuienl Up on each cause of rorr.plaini, lor which re dress had been demanded, should be eom uiinicaied lo the govei nuien I nl the l.'niied laics by llie Mexican miiustcr at Haah inti)n. I'heso solemn asstn ances, in unswer h nir deuiamr lor redress, wrre disregarded ii v making idem, however. Mexico chum- (erllier di 1 i) i President Van Itiirci,. n 'us 'annual message lo Uonefsss ol into oi December, I SliT, slate.8, lh-t, 'adhoiiL'b ih. ireer mniiber' of our ileii.ainls (oi n (in s rid 'many of ibem nggravaieii c .si s id pei- . . i ....... i . siinai wrongs, naie net n km ror ii .ns i e ore ibe Mexican iioveiumi-ni. and some i . he eansi s of coinplaint, ami those ( I lb no- idlciisive eharacli r, in mil ' u ol lii-im lia.e siuiplc, iinii sail: laetnry repms, u is lily, 'ililnn a I'ihv diss p..-l thai ir v spe ilic commuiiicati m in answer lo i ur la lem it.tl, made live months at!, has In i. i-i rived Ii diii llie .Mexican inn i-ier ' am .in.l 'lor not o'tc id our public complaints 'ias stiltsfai lion been oll'ered l!i-'l bul oi.i f lln' eases of persii.tal wrong l. 's been la-.-nrablv eouidtn d, And that hut I ur can s if both ilesr riplions, out ol ail fhcn' forma. !y presented, ami earmsily pressid, ban is ye', been decided upt-B h) the .'i xu al i'ovi rnli'i tii. rres.diiii 'an ilnren, l iliciii g i!-at i' wool I be vain to make any Innber ii'.ninp t.i obtain r dress hy ibe onltii.ry tioiii .vi'liin li e powi r of llie I'.xi cunir, ci muni iiiralt i! this opii: n o lo ('imwies-s, in l'.e ines.'ae refernn! to, in which he said. (). i eareliil and i!i V. era'.e ( Xaiiiinainni (I tin eonteu'.',' ('ol the em n sjoimh nee w uli tl i M "Xt an go ve i n "i'i-nl ) 'am! con- u'l i o i! tl i ni it ni nnl' - i etil. It has bl d b the AI .xi' pain'n! n mm ru th. iy io re- one 1 1 1 V n Hail) ih c a.s n now s I a n i . - lo III - lo di cule i p.. i 'res-, lo w lonn ii I ehii'gs the lime, the mode, and the mi". snip id n -.Ires-.' Had ilie linitril Stales at llml Hint H.lnpled con. pu soi y measuri s, and lakel rediess into iheir hands, mu- il i III rti ; in ml tin in the more i -niti iirassin. I m. - ti; - h mcasurts ol ridiess under suni.ai ' or.lVOC .llllllS. ClOlllllltPJ hi' Mil ' (f till' I H I i-l I ii I nations 01 l.urojie, ooe i"ii promptly resorted Iii bv :he linind S.aiij .hi In t be iloiibli.l. The naliooa! I ouci mil ihe preservation of the national eharae i r ihroi nhoul the woild as well a our nut .oil. . t , i.t-i. ..ii.l ilf i.rolerlioii i!i,i In nio . i .. . i i i i . . . , i ii ( tnriis. would II ive. temli nil sucll i J ... . I ........ -.10 1. Ii.l. I, is . i I i , f t, on .resm i iinii-p" ii-""-v. ... ... .. H'jeinlized moi.ni in 'iindtin lions has n si nifil w limn so i ro i a in.u mi nnnn u anion attacks upon the homr id its llag ami me proptriy ami immi.i oi ns i i.... h i:. had al thai lim-e bun Lome by the I'm. led I'la f fn in the M Xican '.ii-horitn s am, people. Itul M( Mi n w as a usit c ri pnbln . . i . . i o on ihe -Noi th American coniini.nl oi copy ar.dii.'g a le.ntory contiguous to our own, am wan in a fueble and dis. railed eoiiduioni and ihese cnnsidcratioiis, it is presuniedi indue- ed (Jongri ss to forbear still longer. i i ..r . . i. : i....u ihe evuil bos proved, oi iiiiieimi'ny i)"n'l;0t mt t'ie rejiaiaiion which we ;e nanded, and which asso justly due. I'he netoiiamin, alter more than a J e: lelav. MM) ted in Mie ccnvtoiKiii il ihe llin (.(" A.'inl, 1 8 :i 9 , lot tin adpismien il liie e aims ol Hit cil Z.-ns id llie U 'V. I A nu lie i upon itte tovernnicnt ol lb M x ean lenuhl'C.' The joint bo.iid nl .(jiiiiDis-'ioiif r? ciealcd by thin convfi; ,'ioh o t xnmiiie and dteide upon heat 1 1 i "a was m or uniiiZ'.'il ui.il In month ,J Auti'.', 1 S 1 0 , and under In nis ( he convenion hey weie o ciriiin e heir ! ti ' i'S wiliiu eigbeen nioi iis li oin ha une. Foiu of lie eiB,bet n monbs were consumed 10 piclimifiary dUcusfion on tVi vcjioiis ami dialaoiy poins taised b lus ;itx Can comiiiiss oi.eis: and it was .10 ur.ii tUo in o,.;i of 1). ciiibtr, KSdO, in hey eoinn," nc ! be r,Tiiiiiii''ioi d he claims of our ctti.Ji s upon Me x co. Four ei n inonlis only remained j i pfuiiinp and di cide upon these nu- lit roils km (I cornplicaed ctscs. In lo rnonh of l' bnarv IS 12, Ihe eimii the comim-Mon t.rpire;l, Itaving, man) ( lainis undisposed of lor war cl me. I'he (liiiiifi w bich weie allowed by m board, and by he umpire auhorizid b) he c n ve r .on j d cide in cafe cf (lis- Vif..kel ct.us Theie wi i e pending before ibe uui pie whin ihe t e-minission expired aih dit oualrl ''Irs w Inch bail hceiit xaminii ii.l aw.irdid by llie American commis sionns, ai il had not been alltuvi tl by be Mix can romiii ssioi ti s, omounlim ii nine hundred and I v eny "eigbl ibou ed six hundred and I w miy-K ven tlol ii- tV eighly-f-ihl eenis.opon which lo lul not di cide, aliening, thai his anlltcn ) had t ii 5 V 1 Willi Ihe lirminalion (0 la joint commission, llisides thts. l.-iiiis, the i e weie oiht'snl Anipiicai ii z ns iirnnoiiiing to tbite millitii i I..- luiidird ftnd Ihiity six ibousint L,b' bii.)di(d and tlnr) -sevr n dcllai I mi ii ve cents vt men nan m ( n snumitici 0 tin Ixiii i l, and upon which liny bai 01 iirno lo t.ifidi Itfoie lien !ina i 'j ti, r tin nt. The sum of two m l irns Iwen'y-six I (oisand one I imili 1 1! ai d tli Hy n in til! us and six y iihi itnls which bar h'tn awaidtd lo the clatman's, was y irniiilated and ukc, tail t il d Id due h M i x ;co, i. In in which il.' r e pi old be ,n i me, end wl.ithshe was In. nml ti p .) i.ecoi du g, lo the It l ots nl iie ror uiiiion. S. khi id er :h filial btur it M is inn unl had In ( o made, II r Mi x can ei.( 1 1 menl B-k(d 'or a posi imi o f nt nl ihe in i 1, a lit g in v 1 1 i.me ( f no k rg jia) o.l it w i ohl be inccn- ve in ni In fiifckc ibo ' y ;i;i rd al 'be j imi- s ipol iied. In the sj-ii it nl lot In I j.i n U i r . 1 1 r 1 1 s 'f.waidsa visier re ul.-l e. I w hi (di MeX ( u has K)l(lg I-1 Ih' (I , ' I.I jU. S ales ,n ujoly (unplud wi h In i I t(nt st. A pircr d con vr niion wni ncroiding :y ( tun llnii d h'-twetn the two gtvrrn un i ts t n 1 1 ;.0 h ( f J,.i uai j , 1M3. whnh I) i'i . ii its lie iltdaiis, dial 'ili.t ..( iv arraigin inl is per ml in'o fm le acrcminr i'atnri nl .Mixiro.' 15y le 1 1 1 ins id tins con vt i hen, n I the in en si dti- mi the awan's which lin' hi t n made in I ivi r ol il t fl-nn. nil's ini 'er the convi ui ton ol lln llh(IA.li' IH. if, was lo be p.id lo Ibim on lln .'0 b cl Apnl, li-ll, ami '.be pmieipa I the snid aw.iirls, and 'he ni titsl nc niti g ilnitoi ,' w.s siipiiivxl in ;t.i I in fiie it ai', in win.il ins'ulun n's vt i)' 'I ree nioi.ihs.' instr-an ui ihhimh uihhi nn jiny, ijn, uniur me peculiar cn m nands, a new iiej"li-tioii was eriU'.Hl nances cunnec'tri with llu m, lim bet n o) .it, with fair pi tun ism on the art of asfun.ed by ibe Uoiied Sidles aid !. M. x in, bui with t lie teal purpose, as charged lo the claimai Iml they it wnl.siai.il t.g 'Ins rn w f ot vi-n -; ci 'd, has alf rdt d e o in Ii miiiih ion was ( n e ed in'o by if tpn si of. Mi x mi: cil z- ns in M' x ro. W dm' an po ii, and lor ihe in cse ol it-ln ving Ik r causs i l war againsl Mi xieo loi u o Imi from t in b? r i ass nit ni, the r U rin.nis ha ve he I r i k iig ( u' of bi-siiliiies. llu' ( t ' i only leceivi d ihe M ten si due on hp ihcn we foi hoie 'o la ke icdnss n.tn ( m i() h ( I Apt il. If- 11, and ll.f e tf ihe'cwn bands, until .Mi xmo hert If hi c-rm wen'y n.sia't tin nls. A: ugh 1 1 c ihe ag 1 1 ssi r I.) in vd 1 1 g c or so-1 in ho" pay maul of ihe siur thus I rj Utnl, ai cl nl amy and sladdiog ihe blood d ( tn unfesiedl) ('' h) Mrx . o io ( ur cil i-cit Z'-ns. 7er.s as 'ml' i.ni'v fi arf in wlc i'g dj Si: r 1 1 fie the grave C-'ifeS cf rron ar' ui oi Ir ',:s jni) wioi'tf. w is st c ut f (I t l.io: on 1 be tri ol tiitf.nitd S eo ------ c hv in a1 v , 'he ( M'g3linn ol w lite h Me ever held sacitd by til j'lsl naiions, j el Mexico has viulalcJ tl u tbUniDcngjge- menl by fdiling i.d ifu (, lotn.ki ihe p) maul. The two iiiftaloif fits due in .A pnl ami f . r. . . . hic fciill due by Mexico. Uui i Ins nol allot which we hale just e line ol of complaint. To provide a it mti1) Im ilie claimants whose caen wue noi iU eideil by lliejoini cumm.s-ion umlii the cotniiioii tf April ih ibvo'l. lSdy, it was expressly td:pui.j:t d U) In s-xth aiiicle of ihe ronveniion of n.. :U)H nf J.niiaiy, 18-13, thai 'a i. w cm. -veniion shall beeuieaed into fur itn s -i lenient nf all claims ol the govt r tnm m ind Cltiz ns of the U. S. ngainsi ihe it public ol Mexico which iv.it no li . .l.y decided by the laie rommisskm, whnh 'ii el i ii the City of Washington, anil o; ill claims ol Ihe government oud citi zens of Mexico agninst the Uui ni Slali?. In conformity with this f tipul-tion , a ihird convention was concluded ph.: .igned at II e city olMtx:co on the I'M. d JSot tmbi r, IS 13, by ihe ph nipou n niiits of Ihe two govtintiif nts.by which provision w-ui made for ascertaining ami paying ihese claims. In J.nuaiy.lSl J. Ins eonven'ien was raiified by 'he Sen- le of the UniiedSlates with two anir nil- menls, nl which Were manilrs'ly i e a onahlu in iheir chaiBClei UotJU efeiefice lo the amendments pM.pose o i be guvei nmcnl ol Mexico, the saiiie.") Ivania oi Vn giuia tin dec t ur own con- 'nvasioiis: u.lliculltes and delays wuc inttiposed which have so long mtiki.i be policy ol that govenimt i I low tds the Unilcd Slaies. I' h.s I in even yet decided wlieiher ii wrim or would nol accede lo tin m, 1 bough ibe subject has been tej t , : c 1 1 pressed upon its considerdlion. Mexico has thus violated a 'coin ume ihe faith of treaties, by fiiln g . i i t fusing lo cany into fit ci ihe sx h m icle ol can vent ion of J musiy, 18 1 J. Such is the history of ihe moig ve have suffeicd and paiitnll) tnduie. rom Mexico through a long sennas o veais. So fjr from ifijrding lea-ona de salisfidion lor Ihs n juiies ai d in nils we had borne, a g'tai aggr avaiun I 111' in consists in Ihe fad ihatwb l be Uniiid Siaips onxius 'o pnsnt i good undpislandiiig W'llhMiXico, hav. been cons'anily, bui vainh, unploypi in set kit'g if ditss lor past wrongs, m i' uiipgjes vvt ro cons'anily orcninr-v w hit h have continued to ir crease oin atises of complaint and lo nvell ibe a i nr id of (.(ir de mands. ht'c- the ci iz'.ns ( f lb. V. SiaU . wire conducing a lawltil coimntK. -vith M'Xico under the gu.i;nttc t.f r rea'y of 'ami'y, con.rr.eice ami n-n '!-- lion,' many of them have si.fJ r i he ii juries which would lute its.i. rem open war. This liea'), insltad i : (loiiling pioiecnon lo our tnti; n-, !....-! .een llie inemis af invitii g tin in n ' he pi rt! of MtX-co thai tin y mt;ni I . ; isilny have hftn in numerous i..- . r ., plundered of iheir propt 1 1) ; i d . o ni iv t d ( f ibeir pi rsonal libei iy i; n - Ian d insist on their rigbis. Il,-'i I inlaw lul se'ZUi e of Amr ncan prop r n il the violation t f peisonal lib. r ur c 1 1 ' Z r' n , to say noilnrg nf tin i n -u! i -o ot'i 11 g which have remind n. h polls ol .Mexico, 'aken place en the h'.i ' a, ihev w nti Id i In n. st 1 1 es Im l e cor.stitti'rd a stale ef actual wnr liCimn he t o ci (jnii if s. In so Im g stifb iii g M xieo 1 1 i ii ! i . 0' r most solemn lies')' nhligalioi.-,; hi'. dti (or ritidtis nf U.eir piopcn, ami n pi sini tin ir p.t'son w ithtnit il,,i.ii.e hi in to) rtdiess. W( half (a i ' t ii t (i p. i I. I in one of ibe firs! ai d I igln si ii i.t i w I n It t vt r) tn 1 1 nin i n i nw e ni i's n z ns, and the ( onsi ijin i i I . I.m lli.il II.KiV ol I hi III I. ale t-ttn It.' Inmas'atp ol ifll it i eeto Im l i'i'" The picuil iitiit- nl Ao"i n d .sh-ih i iiiln in ooitri al1 h' o h i iii in insult i ml ii jiny i " "n ! . , , atiiml Mtxico cus( whnh u sin lot g hi loi e ihe annt xutiop of Ttxas lo t xsn niizm sold eti and ou that day wa ihe Ameiicau L'tiionr anJ j el iiiimaUdacliKVtd by tlain the tnemorabla tif.o.'y b7 ih love of pe. c ,and maftnsninK.u' ;ihiiiIi rlion, we did not idepi tliesa 'o.Mirt s ol irdieiis which, untie, gucli e n imistanres are the jusnlifU ittoM of -1 joi ed nations. T' e aiiin xaiion of T xs lo the Uni ted S ales (ons i llted no jtisi pause of nf fence io Mexico. The nrettxi that it plnl so is w In ly ioronsisieni nud in ccon- lahle wnh wtll suthemicaied f.ipm i inn i ecud wnh ihe K tolutinn hy v Inch I'i x is becme ind jpeude(it of Mexico. Thai ibis may he ihe more muufesi, n ma) be proper m adveil lo Hip c uies u.'l to H e hisiorv of the nrincinal evt ou ' I, nl ihi levoluliou. T. xas consiiuited a portion of the eni en nt province of Louisiana, eetled IO the Hull, d Stair s by Fiance in Ihe yeaiT80J In ilipyt-iii Hl'J, ihe Uoittd S'ates by e Fundi treaty, ceded io Spain all fiat 1 1 Li.iisiana nv i ' h i n Ihe iiteni l" nits nl Ti Xis; and Mexico by ihe n-vo-ti ion which separated her from Sptin, ml lendeied her an indeppndenl iiaiion -in cetdtd to Ihe rghia of llie mo her ounhy o cr this lei itorj . In ihe year ISii-t, M'X.co eslahllsh daf.d rtl consiiuiion, under wlicti he M- XiCall lepuhliC was composed ( f a numbei o Sovereign Stais, Ponleder ted i(igihrr in a fedeial lloion similar in oin uwii.i'.cli lliot S ates hid iisown XeftjiiVP, legislator' j and j.'id ical y, and in all, tjXi'ipi ltdeial puipoe, w;s at) luili pendent i l the geni fal govtinn.eni , ojai .'1 thm of 'be oiliei S'aies, as is I'enn- - ilotinn. I exm and (oahui?, united and lornrd one of ibese Mi xic.m Slates;. The Siaie consliluiion whirh Ihey a licp'ed, and which was appinved by be M X C.in Conlt llelapy , tsS'Tlfd dial iley tv'ip 'fire and in.lt pt mien! of I ho o'lti .Mexican IJni't d Si .it s, and of -mi) oiht r lower mid di nnuion w hal- oe vt i and proclaimed lie great pini ei)le ol lti inn n I belly, that 'the eov leii.giity ol ihe Suie resides oi ignl y and . ssenli.dly in the general nnisi .1 ihe individuals who compose it.' To he g'Hirim.'iii under ihis cons'iinlion well as io thai under ibe federal con li'ul or, the pccple ol Ttjs owid&i e- mnr p. A'ji.igranli fftm fu e:g' cotin'r'es, in Ind rtg llii Uuiinl S.a'e-, w el e invio d ') Ihe Colun Ziiion laws i f iht S ate hi ( d Ihe ft ilt'i al govt 1 1. nun I ) seitle n I'i xis. Advaiiiageous i rms wne'U r.-d ti induce ibern io leave iheir own i in t y and btcoine Mexican cinzees. This int 1 j i ion was at eepied hy mai y i'(uriilz '.s, in ihe fiidfnhh ih-H n ln ir on in tv home iht-y would ba g' vr-iifd by laws Piiapti (I by lep'ies, i allies t h-c ltd by iheiiist Ives, and that hen litis, I beily and pioperty ivmild j ),(.' p: tdi. ( leo by const ti' ioimI giiir.Kiierg I nil 'sin liar I o those w hirh liny had le H.Lni !'.,'.-ni a g. it er unit ni ibus ort!tn z-'d 'hey ,1 i : con 1 1 1 j. d ii. 1 1 llu. e.-r 1S35, wbm a ! ...! nildary .iv.lii-ion lin.kc uui in tha 1 . ... i . . . i . i ny ot iM- x cn, wtnen einneiy suoven--d the i( (I. i n I Mids'ate const nu I ions, and placed a m htaiy ihcialor 81 Ihe Jtesd of he tovi n mem. liv a su (-(ping decree of a Corgri's-j si.hs. nit ni lo the will nf ihe dictator, to -i v.-i d Suite I'ollsntulloiis weie hbolished, ,i.,l the Staiis ibeiiisi vi a cmiverud ii to on re di partinei is ol the Central CJoter .... . r -f 'i. fin. I I e people oi i exas wtremiwii lii gtosidri.it in tins usurpation. Kisi anee to Slleli lymilV lieeaint' tl It fl diny 1 1 x s w as full) absolved I rum ad tdleg tire to ibe Ccniral (loveritmeni of iMexuo n io il.p iiioniriit dial (Jovemmenl had thi-l- Ind Iiur sttie coristhuiiuii, and in its pi"tj -nl s'i'ti'i d an :iibiir..ry and d'. spotic Uti. i al (iiiti rumen'. Such wete the principal causes of lie rt.-x.in it volution. I hc people ol Inn i once dt leiutii.ed upon ti sisianre, and ii. v l-i tints. Ill the midst ol the important io' i xi i Vina f vents, howi ur d.ey did no .noi to pla. e iheir hbi rlirs upon a M i-urn .ml f i' r ii i i t loum-'a ion. I hey elected itn.'irs i n timtveniioii. w it , in tha iiimnli of Man h. I 30, issued a b.rmal de P, i. in ni ib.-.i ibeir 'pnliiical ri nnecii. n i nil itf Mixic.n nation loicui emli J ml d el ll'l p( i.plf ol l iXisihi Him i imi-. - l ull a I-rtc, Sovi-rf mil, and Iniif .t",i.ci,t A', pid hr. it i-il are fully investtd Willi all lie imhs and altiibtiln w I j Ii piopirly nelonii lo i ii il pi mh nl nan ins.' Tiny l -o nl- pied lor iheir got eri.n. cM a libtial epniilim n i nns'itiiimn. Ahooi the same lime R.n.ia Anna ilun tin dirtami ol Mi-in i , ir. v idcd Texas w i.'i a i unit r'iis ai in h.r the run ere ol SLbdii- wi In r 1 1 1' I" , and nil'i'ini i t'Ltdieine tg ibis mbiir; 'i ; i d def pntie govi rnnieiil. O.l ihe 'ilM i I A: til. t he wes tr.et by ihs
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers