KTMAKB WAY FOR THE. fTTVlE subscribers take this method of inform H ini their t'i U'riiU mill th8 public s"1 :,"v that ihcy aro now opening the second supply i (i.io.ls. to whic h limy wimlJ moil respect- fullv invite I hi atloiition of those win are in want of New una Cheap Goods, cmnsiing in ai t ol Cloths, Cassirncrtii,Siiltiitts$' ratings of American, 'rcneh and English Fu!rii-M. Coaling and Pantaloons Stuff, . -v nine not article ofTweo.l Cloth ami Csssi jjiimcs, Anuria Cassimercs. Drilling: Csmbooiis Vo. Cotton Pantaloon Muffs of every variety tn J of the nuiBt desirable styles. PRINTS! PRINTS!! .-mpiif'mg every vaiicty of stylo ami prices from (j to 25 centa. DRESS GOODS. Nw s'vle of Frevh I.iwih. a splendid a'ttelo of new stylo M'iuUuc deMane anj summer Cushiutncs I'mhiimi ic 6IIALWS, among't which may beiound a rnn.Lome articlo n litia'jj I'Kkuicj MoU:,laito and Thibet chiwls WHITE GOODS. Birred, striped and p'am Jaconets and Cambric Mucins. Lute, Muslins, bonk, mull anJ bwias Mulir, Eiskou Lawn, curtain Mittlm, &.C. Brown ("id Bleached Muslins from C to ISA cPiiU per yard, bloaehcj and un- lleacued Table Diaper, cotton Usmabury, in. Together with a full aa.ortment of Gr ceriet, Spices, IPtrdwaoe and Cut Icry, Queen ware. Drugs, Boots and Slices, and in fact every articlo usually kept in Country Stores. Tie public generally ere invited to call and cx amino their itock beUe purc-iing elsewhere.. Thankful fot po-t fttvot, (hay Citcr th.u-.eulvoc "by strict attention to business to merit tha patron sat; of a generous public, A. B. KNADB Si Co Mao 53. CTZ.T:, -kAll kind of Lumber, Grain and !.,.:- , Pnuliirit taken in Exchania fur Goods. OF AT THE Aw TJTST received at tho Arcade Store, in addition to the foruaor stock, a large and extensive as oitmcnt of DKY GOODS, GROCERIES. HARD WARE AND CROCKERY, comprising almost every article that may be wanted fi.liiv lor Ladies' and Uonlleruen's Dredsea or fir iainiliea use. All of which will I mld at the un usual low prices for which the Sltre u to i'aniou.!. WANTED ALL kinds of Lumber and Country Product in cuuangu for Uiio;1. AElilUGIlT i MENGAL. May 30 A Puperior article of No. 1 and 2 UIAC'EI ililSiL, by the Harrcl or Hall flancl, at the Cheap Light-Street New .Store. A. 11. KN AMI & Co. LIST OF TRAVERSE JURORS. J it gust Ttmjor 18-1G. Ii'o.mi IinfuR K Ilophins Samuel Boon i!ti .irtreek John Freas L';rrv Joseph Levprs Daniel Cox J.ilm l)f rr J j h ii Su ncr "ijhiniiercek Zacanah Rofs Abraham R .1.1)108 Grcr nwnoil Jacoli Coo! llemli.c!; James Roal Carsiuel Diug'rr VauijIi Ret'fa J.il ( it Uubrri Jon'.gomcry Frederick W.w J dm Moore M j 1 n r. i r it Mil hiud Sanders Sirrel Flu.Tei An!!ull John Cilllici.Tl fin. h.'iae Demur .Wifil.ii Jieliaf I Kitttnliouae John Crec- y j". J ih: Crown MoIi! Mir George II Wil'im r.Joiin'.ploasonl Joseph Long Teter Omoti jr. Aar.m Kes'.er Orar;'e Godfrey Klir.e lar';n ner.de: lioaringeretk -John Ceir Jnn Ro t3orUmf Rolen Cairpbcll Wil!ia:n S. ;lci!'lfrhail Valley-Soif ph Maus Jacob D, 1aua Di-n jjiuin Mcrriharai LIST OF GRAND JURORS, Fur August Term 18 IC. Cattnuipsa Clmtrs Hariman Centre Reniimin llui;hid !.f ii Aikrmn j; )erry V.'i'li.ict S Clsik ThoinuB Rohim-n iicniunl K'i-pfl Fiibing.-rek Daniel Smith Satnuil Ciiv 1 i II r sin. fli pen woiul William Albcrlsou Jsckenn Jact'b Turner .i-rtty Lennurd Si nunan R.-hrrt Iluiln Mahoniri"0. W. ShaB William Leisin tini I). V. Alwoud William Cook Dai ?h I'ton I air'-? .ilrn Mifl'n Mdtshall G. Kinney Daniel I'iiu hold Mnitifiir Pr'-'r Iiupr-rt O-anceU ilium U hi'.e Pi ler Aclnbach Eoaiiootttek Adam G.bls 7TT3 L.Ka 4a 0 MILE. Tim milnerihcr off. rs for le hi a house ' w M va m m 1 liinate.l on tin? corner of Main mid East-streets i,t Jloomiliur, Columbia Cuuly. l'a. It in wcl .ileiilitid fot the lot V ion loi a i nunc Mouse o Stoie.heiiig ( '"'I fi''"1 MtiH'trrtt, 2l l Xifaion Iuist-Hiint, .,,.1 ili, r.v.,1 lendiml to llic lllo..ini.Snrir Hail jail r... i .,, ...nu'u Kiirmifi-M. 'I'liia Lot inwell eal- oil'ited for ImiUiiiK upon hiirft-.-lrccl ih w.-II as on Main, and being niluated in tiie centre of the Iron H.-don of Columbia County, i well wormy mi ut:ention of the capiialits. For any information rejecting tne conuiuonH en quite of . KAliLEK- Elcom-iburg, Oecembei "0 I..1TES7 JlRRllWL BY TIIE ALBRIGHT ft MENGAL. AT THE W TTA VK just received by tbe Rail Road and a"' S U no.v opening, a splendid B-dortmciil ul Spring and Gummsr NEW GIMP'S, which, having been selected with (;reitt care, tnej o.u and will sell m low, if ii.ji a liulu lower, than thev can he purchaicd elsewhere in the eouti ly. Aiu'jng their a-wwrtmcut may Lo found ii. ihu DRY GOODS LINE, A uplendid assortment of nevv and fashionable 'r'.uU of new figures, (Jiiihani i; a now ulylu ol loss ov.'l bir .ee uud ntiier Uerane; ; taner anil IjI.icK. and while Lawns, Gingham Lawns, Lvlanri. if all colons and quality , black and blue black diess 6'ilkii; black ailk Sergo Alluparen. damnak tummer $1 inn, damask honk .Vnsliu, puise twist and Bteel iieads and rings of assorted color, la.lioi mid geii tlenicnskid gloves, mohair Gloves and mils, white nainbric Handkerchiefs; Indies silk points, black, 'xindatina and 11 ig silk 7.irn!lte rchii:(', cotton Handvcrchiefs of every description, while and fan cy ailk Handkerchiefs, Shawls of all kind., in sh-rri Ootton and Linen Goods of every description for l.adica' wear, bilk, Cotton nn I Worsted Hjso for men and w nmch Ladies' shell coinbi. (r.iadc!Hlln uf all cn!orn and .juality, Sattinetts Cassimeies, fancy nununer Casbimcies, x quarter coat Tvveud, Nnnkiiit, f-hecks, black .Sa'.tin am', other summer Vesting cf ovoiy description: fancy Sejrfa aid Cravala of nil rpialil'es bleached nm! unbleached Muilins, I'mbrelaia mi4 larasols, l.es, horn and palm Uaf llatj. A quantity ol caiptt iug. Crrcccrics. Lump and brown uxar, Mulrs-ies, t'nfT.-e, Tea. of all kinds, Ginger; Alpice J'i'ppv.r,N jtini'K &c. Har oiip, l'andles,coare mid fineiSall, snerin ami lish Oil, ar. assortment of tin' best quality of LIQUORS, JranJv, Gin, Rum, U'ir.cli, &c. pu-( hii;ed ex presvly to supply Tavern keepcm, who ftie pnitie ularly rrqueeted to call find examine quality ami prieen beline pur. basing elsewhere. A plenum assorimiiu oi QUE ENS WARE, by the Tea Set or piece to suit eujtouicr.i. HARDWARE,' Cons! iting in part of knives end folks, butts and rewn; eimldus, auurs, chi;.,tN, saws, tea uml other kettles, 4c. &c. and an a.-i-oitmeut of TIN WAKE. AI.o an cssortment of HATS AND CAPS. In fnct .!'CV ran furnish their ni't.iinrrswith ev ery article usually kept in couuipy shoe, and lab f; trrniincd to di bunne-s nil t, trey can an.l wii; . . .. . r .1 t '.. . in ike it me inicieoi oi tnu j.cnpie to irauewnn them (rj ' Lv fnbrr and at' kind? of conn hy produce tuLen in payment for Goods. Ap.il lt-5!tf CHEAP CONFECTIONARY AND V A U I ET Y ES TA LISI1 M I'lN T. fZlIP. auV'Scrihcr hua just received a fresh cup 1 l'0'"f i'cnfi cluiiicry, Sec. ccnsiutiiig f Candies of various kinds. And old.' Hunch tt'ain.'f ( xuicior ipmlUtj , Uvrdraux Prunes, f.ng'inh Currants, Tins, Ycsi Ortmett anil l.tuumt. IJurrinz, Su es ami ll'iiltr duik ers, Enghih H'ulnuls, 1 itbtrt JJmonds, Cream Nut Nuts. &.c. irJlI.Xfil a,:d Slit: Kit STIXL just re reivid and lor sale at ihc Niw f-lore. L. U. Iii li.liT. The f c.l s-ri! crs respectfully inform the public that tfl i'V have c.imnieiiced the TAILORING LUSINESS in 151orr.:r.lunr, in the '..'ihlinfr, lately otrnpio.l bv Unucli llowi l; in Ma.krt street V.hero they uilcuil i-nrrying it on in ullili various briiuehes. II living hail some rxpericiice in lln; hu-iuess, lin y fl it'i t '.lieuisi Ives ibal liiej shall be alile In do all the v ink intruded to tin in in as fashionable r.ud woikinaii iikc linini.ci, si'il ;is expe.litioin.lv ; us ran l eiloi.i i l any other t.bp in the eou..iy. 'J l.ev, llien I'oie. n.k a rb'- e cfnuWic piti.'nje, at leat, they v.'i.b lo be tiu J. D. WH.soN, A.T. L ELAND. Ar.nl 1, lS15-v!y50 CANCCRS, W ARTS, CORNS, be T1IIJ iulucriber infannt the ptiblir, that he is ililo to cuio all IsiinU of C'uni'ir and .Tinlicato Wail mid iJonnwiih very little pain and in n It.nl tiuio. 11" ri'lern lo nevcrnl HMi,cetalili eill- ,, in hU i.oigh,.o.h I, ,.,!, a Samuel lles H illiuin Kile an I other, il. it has Im imi iiee('lul i several MMan.v. ad U not huuiliiwins ih in o,i fie.i.inillv the e ine uin ini .iiia. U II.) w ar- aau certain cine in any ca,u he uuJuiUikes or no pay. dj-Wiirts, ,Ve. on cat tie md otlwr nnimnU are. wu cureo ny ine Munscuner who ieiiic in .vioiiur I'l.Mi-iiut toiviiiiliip on tho iii nil roal li-aillnir Iron) , I v e lo It UniKiurL-.ab.iMl IA in e from 'ic, - nil; Miller 1 uveru where prnoun are invited lo call. JOHN ALE. May 30, 1810-1)8 I.AOIEE BON. NATS. HEAD DRESS' A iiilemlid ainorlment of I,mne ionnet, A Heal U.ei, VrtiuVial Flowem, Kibbom, &c veiy cheap, at llio Light-Sreet New tSnie by A. 11. KNAHIi V NOTir?. E.9 hereby given tliHttbe cop artnersl.ip heretofoie eiiting under the linn of Urobst and Hantee H Iniolved and the aee.'ouiil ol'snid linn tu"e been Hiigued to the obncribijr, who alone, ia authorized lo collect the aau.e. ' ISAAC S A NT EE. Maich 13 13-16, nusTiXG roiv Dim. Ufa of C!l:t.tiiiJ Iovdt'i ol the be-i quality, just received by W.'.I. MiKELVY i Co lie cember 5 CIIAULKS li. niJCKALKW Allarncv ai l.:uy, Office Suut.'i side of Main st. bc'ou Mmhet H'7'WII,L ATTEND COURTS IN THE COUNTIES OF COLUMBIA AND LUZERNE. 0 f'R subscriber respectfully informs the public 1 that he nas opene.l a sliop, on T.a.n-strect, icurlv onpo"ite Glavtou'M Tavern, in llluomsburir, where ho inlen ! rarrviog oi the above buairiese. ill alt its various lirnnr.hos. TIN I'M RE, f overv dpucrip'iou, will ho kept on hand for sale at WII0LE3ALK or II ETA 1 1.. SHEET IRON Manufactured into nnv form required, STOVE PIPES, of all siz?s kept constantly on ham'. Stove Cuioli ed to order. Hcir.g ('etermioed to do bukiprs in the ilvlil wav, ho reqests all lo ca'l up in him before th-'y purchase c'sewhcie, as he W'il fjin'th nil articles in his lino aj cheap t they cati re purchased in tlio county. September JO, 13-l3-ly-2 Chair i&anufaciory THE eubseriher eoniinues lo rarry on he CHAIR ;rNUFACTORlNO Sii'iness at ilie old stand of R- A: .J- llnprn 'inch, where he will he ready at nil limes Id furnish Faiiev Sz W indsi i (.'hairs. Set ire, IV'sinn RoekinL' fhsiirs ti', of ev.'r .'srnpiion, which mav he called for, in -hurl noii.'P ;md on the inoi rea-onabh lerms. He w tM :t!sn execnie Mouse, Siin S; Jrninienial I'ainiinu, and House Pnperinc, in n superior manner, From his experience in the hu-mess.and his faeilitieo of manuf urtnripj the varinn? articlrs rif his line, lie fl itters liiinel' lh;n he shall ho able in furnish a I!"01' work, and iinon a reasonable temis as ean he done in the ennntrv, till of w hich he w ill diM"e of for CASH or COUNTRY PRODUCE N. Pi' Orders from a distance will be f.iriclly ar.d ptineluallv nitei'd. d m. IV IIACENBUCIL Lust year (.'nlmrihii Conntv, on four w eiks notice, colli eted iiikI i .id nier into lite State Treasury THE W HOLE iimouni of 1 1 ' i Slate Tax, mid received us oui pei s niinn for her inmpinc ss, : ih duetioe of 5 per cenl. iiinoiiiiiinL' to C,r)3 I 00. The same i (Ti r is ?i!ain renew ed, ajid ('nluiiihi . Couniv may il.ia j ear i hur.i a dcductiiKi ol ?GS(I 00 The tame peersMiv for prnmpinefa nnd enerf y exist now as lbep4 The honor ol . tir Coiiiiiioiuvral'li is in H: ks, rod imtliirj; l ul e neipeiie eeiion on the pirl ef Tex ( Y 'ectors and Tex iVerseaii fee ho Suii finm diFfrsee, The Tax Collect. id' ihc si veral lnwnihiS in ('uliin.hia eoeniy fur the yen 1810 are hereby requeued to pro ceed forthwith tied e.illert aiid piv over inn ihe (Jirnnty Treanry, nn or before ihi twenty fifih day uf July next, ike who'e a iiitmiii of State Ttx charged in their icfpee .ie lliij lieatifl. By u;der of d.e C'Trimiosicprt!", H. MENDUNIJALL, Clerk. OnMr.tPM .srns' Orricn, ) Danville, May 20 1810. N. B. Tmse ('olleetrrs fur years 1HI3 md 1811. who are otill in arrears, arc hire- iioiified; iliat ut less the whole ainoutil i l' thrir Dup'ieaies is eeided iifT, on or hefjrol he lsidavof Julv nrxi. ihev uillhe nrJ .1.1 -.1 ....... 1 1 1 .1 1 cci'iieo Hg .him Hcciiriiin 111 i.iu rt. i s 11 u,o Cdieeiijif; for tin! e r IR15 ;ire n quested 1,1 settle nn the arrears t.f l! 1 ir I)u 'ilict, Uv tl. tlae id .In! v ni vt 'I'i..-. I.,u ran: uf Taxes I .id ibis 1 ear fr Caieiv per . 1 , - I rcses and tbeexira Hl'er,, which ihe v.iiD.uy w in in 1 . : i,., iv incur 111 i.iiniiiiifc' IniitpeH, tenners it ansolniciv necessary that all Taxeu due from foraiei vcari he i - nme - Jiatcly paid ever OUR MOTTO.NOT TO BEOUTDONE nr iri.-BHiTiivn ivriniMinrvi' !y MautCC A: SU VCI'tllOj' II. .' i1111i.,i..i,ifil hnvnnr luknn Dim yhim fim,r 0 ,.tipi,.t by MarMial Kilvr, thorn. e , . , mMi . rpUully MlU.n- ll,P (Mlhll,! ll.Hl '"' mli'liil In carry on the ali.ivft bi alich (il bunttrns uml will at ut J limey he ready to ilo work a lutli! uinter and rlicaprr iliaii any ilr eglahl wlitlieni ill tin) place, 'and they ft i, ,: ,.,;., . i, - ; ,, , " 1 ' v " l' I'" . All liiiuls of country pioduce t.iktn in ' bJi hnnge fur work & the ready not refund! I M A RS II A L S L V E K i ll 0 It N . BloomBuurg- Feb, 21,1840- I I ' IMSSUI.U I ION. THE rnparinerrsliip hrrelofi-re existing under thu firm nl ' Armairung & llugw. in , , , ; i " " -"'""is i coiment JiaulveJ E. ARMSTRONG. 1'. HUGHES. Nov. 1 1845. 3IAKULI. YA15D. i nr. Iiueineig will be rnntinueil ly the uh( r.her at ihr old stand: where inavl be had at nil limen. l(,vrriinv'ik. n t n 't n n r ... .i i.iv citiiiv i o. i ijjjii- i t;io, TOMB-STONES, HEARTH J.I MBS, M.lNTLES.IVUh T STONES. MULLERS, &c. or si n y oilier wink in his line. He is also prepared to liirnisi U INDOW CATS and SILLS, DOOR SILLS and STEPS, etc either of Ma.lde, Lime or any kind til .Mone tlini can he procured in iln vicinity i J Having had 'lonnilerahle experience in the biiMiiesH, ne plnles Ins work Ii be executed in as hauduoiuc a style ae (ai be furiiislied Ironi any ynril either in the city or cuuntn ; and nn as reaM'iinhle lernu El'IIRAIM ARMSTRONG nioomshiug, Nov. 3, 1813. ly 23 IV VAN DK US LICK. m22JL3 M I 1 B-.'i VtVsl S4 lo JJL 9 E(JS leave to inform il.e public, thai he u piCji ired to attend in all u.e oper ations III (JellllSlry, Midi hi r 1 1 1 1 1 v 1 1 . u The Tartar and other Foreign Sub stances. From lite teeth, rendering them rlean, am! live piling and breath ?wetl mid healthy. The cavities f Decayed Tc th Will he ilreaee.l out and fillul with Gold or oilier toil; of the fincitl quality, -as Ine case mav require, whi."h will 'enerallv prevent lheir aching nr further decay, ami render them useful Iur yeatr; and in m .ny eases during life Tetth and Slumps vf Teeth Which have become useless ot troublesome will he extracted in ihe .ninsl can lul man ner, w ith the latest and beet improved in struments. Pom Rain Ttcth, Ofihf leil qualiiy and latest iniprovenieiil, will he iin-ened mi pivoi, or (in connec lion with iJr. Viiilerehamp, wnh whom he is in i it. rir bii in pla'e urik) on (.'old plaie. 'nun a i u (j I u lo.nh to a whole Ml, lo look is Ac II as ihe natural, and warranted to nisw er all the useful ami ornamental put post's iriii)o-cd by ihe ait. In short, every operation belonging lo tin profession, w ill h pelormed in il;e lies' naniier. with clini.-CM material, and at tin whortesl noiice- He then fore hnpis, h Mi id alicniK'ti to l ueini hS, to i lilain a .-Ii;ir of public pilrouane. Any prrsnt, or pei- uiirt nitl.iiigauy of the above npei aliuer !.erfi)riued, ate respectfully nqucMcd t( j,n him a call. N. B The pnl, lie are herehv I, forme i th it w e ihe subscribers have eniered into i -peeial I'artueiship relatinif only to pf.it work us ii is more convenient f..r each Ii litem! to the oth' r branehr 8 of the seiei.i .ii hia own aeeounl. A. VA I.LI'.RC H A M P. J. II VANDERSI.ICE. Mount Pleasant, Nov 8;h. 1815 3m. KIat!i:!:i:t;iiHSJitnl!nsIj2t:cnl 'J'lin Tubbc sro hereby r"FH?etfully informed that we hive lately entered into Copartnership in the al.ovc liii-ine.-s al ihc U i irk Mioji. I'.irineilv oc cupied by Muses l.'ulfinan, en Main-street. Lehnv tlio new stiiic, v.htrc we intend lo cany on ll.c aliove named business in all its branches. V.'e pledge uui:.c!'Cs that woik done lit this shop shall lie executed in as nr.it and wurkinnuhkc inauuii. and on as reasonable terms us can be done at any oilier shop in I ''is I ice. We then Tore hope hv t,irl attention to bu-ineoi, to mcrii and receive a due proportion ut" puM.c patnma,'e. M. fOF IM A N, S UROBST" April 2.r), iet6. N. B. SliCiF.lSG done r.l lit rr ducrd price of Mm: OoHill'- A',ir(.'i jri'fUa and quiili nlitrn our invito. UIJ I'ST 1 l XP.IV STflUR t 13 RUPERT, May 30 . , A DV. INKS I RATOR S NOIKL. .,...-. r . f - . it i' 1 1. i 1 1 . 1 . -s me. 1. viae cj iij'ji lute if pliwmdurg. jtUcranrJ. "tVTCITli'E is hcrebv emu that Letters ef Ad l( 1i1i11isira.il n on tl.i clove 11u1.l101.ed En - ile !''; u 10 liu' t'i'l',l''lltr- .A!l, 1 '"""focimeu. Having fttd u,i.-i ...t tl.ey will Ic ii, indebted lo said estate ore he.eby linlihiil to niel e constant rcdmess to lenv all V I n apply, lion) 1. mimuli:ilu ,,,j-lm,. 8I!J nil those having claims ,GL; PERSON to 'a MX HOlibE I.OAP- a,0 riqUeitcd lo present lium pronnly outhri.tiou - ted, to i .70 HN K. GROTZ. .Ihir ITS COURSE IS OXtMIlD. A n. r ' M Uuieat han been the demand lor r'oiitei'' '3 Olo.iauiunn or All lleiilinir liuliiuiii, B'iu II tnis litiven uch tieneral satiafai tion to tlio.e w ho ban xr ... lined it and become acquainted with ili viiliici thai it w Htntid prc-nninent an a remedy in Hi' eases oftha Lunira, and the testimony w hi. h hn been Uveu by uilV,rc.,t pcr.on. who have been cured by t ih altogether voluntary i ii their pint. I bey liac pi ven it in the hope that all whom iv find themselves 'in I'ceJ of tins remedy may apply iur it wiinout de lay. I Read the fullowiu. letter reciivcd Lorn the Rev Jr Wniincall, Taslor of !t .lude's Kpis. opal Free jl'hurch. Mr is. hr.s nut only ued 'he nieilicmi himself but has witnes-ed its elUrls in fccvciut very tryiii cases of disease. The letter will show las opinion of its virtues. liearSir: Uelieying it to lis hut an act of coin 'mon huinaniiy to tlio.e suiiering unuer me vauu '.Iiu.are .t Culiuhs, Lnl.ls, lloiir.ei.ess, v oiisuui , , .. , -., .i,,.,,. , tuf i. nud radical remi.ly. 1 lake pleasure in honing no ,ion, :mioiui, -ii i" - i -i . nnv lovour inv ilinilae nieilicmi i at.i u Ulnsa nniau or'All Healing L,haui. Uf its ttlicacy 1 ,-:ii, .iei,k first from my own expeiience. L'eini, subject from exposure more or I. sit to ihe vicUsi ,il.-u .if our climate to licquent attacks of i,fiu. n 7.a, lloaieness,ic.,I have always found itlo albnd uhn.ist iiislanlaiiiHHis.Hiid always by perseve-iinei in ils tu.c, et'.'eclual relief. To a paiticular fiienti ..fmino sullerini; severely ui rrr Atlhina, anil wh. had despaiicd til obtaining relief from any bumai .miiri'o uiioii mv recnmmeniialion was iiiiliicc.l I tl.e Dlosaonid" a tiiidand he pronounced the l'e. t ori'iluci d upon him a perfect el. aim ufi'nding him immediate and almost instantaneous reliel, li -n,,tlicr iiihlance I tecmiuuciidi d it to a b male tv;..,,,! far aih anied in Conmiiiplinr.. After the use ..f ihe firs: bottle her cough was entirely removed and her appetite and stienglh restored to sjch a a ... i.i iittoiiirh all who saw her- W ilh a lung cherished and fuinly c.-lublbhrd prejudice a "liust the thousand mid one specifies put birth ii ibese days as sovereign panaceas lor all disease, issurc vou that nothing thoit of my firm cuiiviclion uf ihe claims ol'youi n edieine to an origin so re .pectablc, and lo'the ( libels id it aa herein certified i.,it!i l.v mv own cxncricnce and obti rvatiou, I ...old nut have been induced thus to conic forward ,s n v :.i,em in its behalf. 1 have the honor to be sir, respectfully youis, R. C: fclll.V.LALL Have you a Cough, which is troublesome and has not yielded to an) ,,f Ihu lemedies hii!n oil have UteJ 1 ii Hot ended will) pain ii the tide, shortness of breath uiylit sweats! Da you Unite Blood when vou couch and find your ttrer.gth gradually failintr 1 You will tin. I thai these symptoms u not imu.cilv attended to will to. iiiinato in consumplioi ' ' ' . . ... . . . t I. I ...i... .! ., in .1 eratll. Are you irouotvu ni wui u.a'.,t,Bi,,t COIliplAll.t dthnta, which dopil'-esyou ol your te;t ot n:cht anU ren- deis lil'u burthi iisoine. Here is the Remedy. Remember ihc name and place whirc it ia to In obtainc and do not he put i ll mill any oinei. n has piodi.ced a cine in asilespcrnle ca-es as yot.r. ,i,ny npiaai lo be, and doubtless will pl.t lo flip hi in a "peedy numner llmse dilressin Hviiiptoms hieh fill your mind with gloomy forebodings ol die future. Bs Healing Properties hi not deceivo. The short dry cough is qui. kly ivere.unc and easy and healthy e.xpe, loiatiou lake ts place. Is pitting ot blood is Immediately check ,. inht sweats with pain m the side and chest. leUlily and diilicully of le eal'iinc; yield in a short iii.C. A i-l in i with all its drciilliil acconipunhiienl.- ut once n-lieved. 2Jro:u bins and in lacl all iht U-eases of the throat and I ung pive way before 'his remedy when all other means have failed. IVsoi.s may utleuiptto deceive you with some other lemcdy, pionuiini ii g it to be equally as good hut remember life is at stake, therefore Ee not Deceived. Theabovo medicine fot sale by the following agents. E. P. I.titz, Il'oonisburg. W. I Waller & Ce 'erwirk; A-J, Lazarus, Orangeville ; Levi Hi ll. Jersey town ; Herr A .McUiide. U kite Hall Caldv, CuttavMosa. 6ui:i Cabinet ware House. rM"IlE suh'cribo would ret ettl,lly iiifuini the H public, that he lias taken the sli ip lately or upied by Samuel Lilly, near iho upper end ol liiuonisburg, where bo is currying on the iii all ils various branches, and where he will he happy o wait upon all those who may fauir him with their custom. His Fumituie is wairaulcd In he made of good niateiial and durable, and he in U'lu'.'kce ,og on h.iud Sideboards. Secretaries, Bureaus, Wardrobes. Card Tables. Dining Tables. Breakfast Tables, ( 'u pbourds. SI a nds, 1 1 uh Sinr1. Bedsteads, Dough-troughs, Coffins, $c. and all kinds efwn.k in his line, which lie w i rtV opi.it ai reasonable leims as they can Lo punhasii in tl.e eollutv. liv litiiet at:enlion lo business he hopes to re ceive a shae of public ralruaaf e. ELI IH'.OWN. April C5, 1P15.- ly CATAWBSSA FSCKRY. r nilli inii'.i lecis . 'Tlll, snh-erihers mtorin lliepul lic rpnl tl.ey ' 1 i . . . hnve tslnli.l In il 11 I Ll.l. i hi li.e i:!il cuss ine. a bl.mt dbtame I (imv ihu nmtitb t.f Phliing' cuk. n.1.1 Jud-e Luptil's and preeuiul a Iii 1 f 1 - NKW 1 L 'l', 10 fivt long, ci.d law louls lei IIiU TEAM, without delay, and ution rcusonaOl tctmi. VOX A JIE'IZ. b 1 April 13-55 WAR! WMll AND O 9 Wm. DScKclvy Sc Co. A ' II just ifi eivej and no opening, one o the la't'cst and must exlcusive Mock li'iods ever liroiiithl into (bilumliia coiinly. 'J'hei; issunii.ent consists in pait of the lollnwing; LALILS1 U EAR. Ihregrt Jierrge Sen ft, Riilzorines. Pig- urea and jt ain J.iiiuen l.uwmt, Print nf ul ju ailies, paternt and prices. Si kJJirage and Cut tun Sliumli, I'aia soelten, Kid and Si k G 'wve.i, Sik and Cotton Hose, Piuket Hmulker' cfiift ell kind and a'most rt, thing e'se that I. adieu may wiin or, including a large assortment of BRAID AND STRAW DON NETS of a superior quality. GENTLEMEN'S WEAR. Cffiths, Casdn.C'S, Dresou ( assiiners: a new arti cle, Pantaloon stuffs, Tweeds, Gambrooiis; sum mer cloihs. satin nnd fancy Vesting, cravuts, scarls; lies and Vaiioiis other articles. Gentlemen end Ladies LOOTS and SHOES of evtiy description. GROCERIES AND LIQUORS. Molnsr.es. Loaf and Urown uars, Coffee, Teas, -tpiees. M'l. kcrel, coarse and line Halt, Lrandy, liuin, Wmes, Gin, eve. CROCKERY WARE, Assortment includes cvcri, article and quality that may bv culled for; HARDWARE. Spades, Shovels; Forks; Ilnm; Axes; Hand; Mil V oed an I cross cut bswt; rdig: Uutts; Screyvs; Locks, Knives and I'o ki, Uuttuns; Uuiklcs; iVe. WAGGON TIRE, Of all siz, Round, Vnr and Rtnil Irjn, Cast Steel, and a general dsmm tmeul of HOLLOW W'7RE. All of which will be sold a liule lower than the lowest; and all kinds of El'.UliE.H and TKU Dli'LH taken in payment. Aliy oU (j Jj.il c cf Gravity. A NEW TAILOHING-ESTi-BLSII-:!ElT7. THE snbscribcrs respectfully inform the citi zens of lllucmsbuig and vieinily, thai lliey have lo ca'ed theniselvis in 'J Imnitou's Miw f-lui, it? Main, two dnnrs Lcli.w the t',;r;,tr if Main uud Mar.ct streets, in lllooni.-l uig, where ibey will al ways be found r.n hand, ready to nccomn ndatii those who mav boor ihcm with a cull. Their woik will be ilciii in the latest and n.csl approved s'y h; fur nealucss uml clcgiinee in ihu business. f ruin their bu g expein lice in the biiMuess, ll.ev llallei themselves that lln ir woik will be done as ueiil as can be done elsewhere. All woik inliusltd n their eaie wiiiinl.lcd lo fit. C (ITT! fl u" tiie shoitest notice and .vairanlid lo lit ii properly made up. ELLIS & VAN BUSKIRK. Mav 2. liMO-M N "ll.C'OI.NTIiV PRODUCE, at thcn.oike price, will be taken ii exchange for woik ITcUy EVutlicrv .Valtc u I'incl-'ircl A IV lJ us this Imlds good in almost cveiy rrsjict the suh-cril cr wniild aain inloiin hisliicut' .inn the pul ,'i'. g nerully, dial he is still livn g nn occupying ti e Dl.D NJ'AMb on Main-ftitt 1, be twceii die 1 fllce of ('. Ii liuekalew nnd ihe JJIack smith sliup i f Muses (.'(llinnn, at which place ho may he found upon ti e sift nf poverty, picpmcd lo ilinw out the ibn i d rf 1 filictiuir He has just received the fit Latest Style v( t slioim for VUiyG tout tL'M.III It, and with llumhe tnnds pliih'Cii to accomniniiale his fiii nils, iusIo- iners nnd the public generally with goed substan tial tustvfils or 110 charge m de. ' li. Ul.T'ERT, TAH.OR," will Ic found upen a shingle stuck up above the door. .'Id'ois.iion free of all erpemr. He would al.-o infoim his friends that Wheat, l!yo, Oats, Coin and Potato) h vill be liil.tn in ex change for w oik done at his shi p, tnul a Imleif 'he pewff diticfvm, once in a while, will not como amiss. Call and five him a trial, MERNARD RUPERT. April 25, lS-lii 1 EXOCIf HOWELL. T A I JL () ! . RESPECTFULLY, informs the publie'that he Ha Removed his Shop lo Espytown, , t ',, ....... 1 I.. -. 1 . . c . w pere ne win ni'.vay si c rcsov, as neieioiorc, ia niiike any kind of cloihing, et ihe shortest iintico and in tiie l est and 11:0.-1 li.thi.iiablc sly le. 1 rum los Ions experience in the business', he fialler- himself thut he shall continue to give general ml islaclinli uml thereby ho es lo uceive share oflho ublie patrnnuge. j j''aiticubir attention paid to eliding. All kinds of counliy produce taken iu faynieiit i'oj woik. Espytcwn, May , 1846. tf3 na roilmmt rf HOLLOW WARE tin has Ket Us, Pols, iiolleia, lea Kctliis, piilers, t tiie L.rie.1, its, oc as" i-iugt- at;u mall Waggon Poxes, fiom ll.o Danville Ls'u Woikf, jest irceived ond lor solo ly IIEFLEY Si AJENDEMJALL. Dccen.lcr i!U liiite rfMICU.lBR WHITEN 1GI1T lr.'e i f Eniileik toicnalnp, decerned. ' ... ........ 1 . . ,- Li I 1 csli'ineniaij 011 ine i.sn.ic 01 .1:1- il.ael W hitiliigl t.h leol Hilnlccli lev. tisl.i;i l ulUllll'ia e.'Oll.y , iei..riu. ,iec ...li SO"""" u ihe si.b-crilei, n siding in Mat'iscn towiishi,, in -aid eeuiiiy. by ihc I egii lu of suid u enty ; i.U pertains lui'vil g ihiiins or lit 11 endi uynititt tl.e ' staio uf Testiitor. die letjUi slid 10 uil.e ibili, litwu without delay, and all ) risers ii.tit l ie d to said i s tatc arc uquirtd to make pavn enl fonhwilh lo JON REICIIARU, ixecutor of Mi.i.BclWbitrnight ol llnnlock 11 unship dtv Madid r. tov.mhir. May f,H16 0w3.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers