IE! rwff I have mvoiii upon th Alter of (iml, rternat Inutility tu every form of Tyranny over tlie Mind of M.iii.' Thorny Jcffe-iiion II. WEBB, EIMTOIS AND PKOPBJIETOU. Volume A. ISLOOMSIIUUC, COIAFMHIA UOLXTY, PA. SATURDAY, JUlA' 25, 1810. iViimhcr I I, OFFICE OF THE DEMOCKAT. South sidk of Mais, a rtw noons he low Makkft-stiiklt, yic roA UMiuji hi: mom at wiiiic published rven Saturday morning, at II (I )), I. .IK per annum payavli hulf yearly in advance, vr Two Dolluis ttjl'l ( entn,ij not pfHtt in t tun Hit y fin. iVo subscription will betoken font shorter period thunvi.e Months: nor run ili.non tinunnce. permit ted, until all arrearages are dmrhfirgiM. Jl DV Ell TISEMEXS not exceeding a Muui e, will be, conspicuously inserted at One. Dollar for the first three insertions and Twenty-five cents for every svbse jurnt nsertion. 10'.'' liberal disroun made to those, who advertise by the year Lit ITERS addressed on busmes,iiiusl be. post paid. capture: and krcapture. BY CAROLINE r. CRNK. How magnificent was the foliage of those ptaml old wood, with the light of a warm Hcpiember inn shining on the dense mass ed of living green! From branch to branch of the spreading live oak, htiri( fesloons of thfi soft gray moss, garlanding nnd adorn ing the strong and sturdy branches, like tir amy lending grare to manhood. The magnolia towering to the height of a bun dled feel, spread out its splendid leaves ol a deep and glossy green, and from ila open ing crimson rones, suspended by delicate thread like filaments, hung its coral sccdo, found as berries. Among the darker foli age glowed tho scarlet beiries of dogwood, like gleaming fire. Mure and there stood a cluster of tho graceful palmetto, with i i Mraighllall stem, nnd ns drooping fin-like leaves. (lay plumagnd parrots flitted a rnong tho branches, and the mocking-bird filled the air with its sweet and vaiir.d nnd wondeifiil music. Tlnongh all this ind ucts and magnificence, and lavish wealth (if beauty, a 1 1 1 lie parly of travellers wound their way cautiously onward. In advance of tho party was a gentleman about thiily years of agp, dignified and graceful, wiili an air of chivalric courtesy that well be came his noble countenance. He wan mounted on a spirited gray charger, of a form that promised spfed and fire, but be seemed gentle and generous. By the side of tho gentleman, who by the by, was arm ed wiih pistols, and whoso sword hung by bis side, from an embroidered belt, rode a young and fair lady, on a small ii, active jennet, and close behind thorn wsa a serv ing man on a stout brown horse bearing be hind him a fine little boy ol some five cum mers old, whose eager gze now followed the parrots, will) their blue and red plumage now sought the darling sqninel, or the wild fox squirrel, ss it stole away from sighted cvor and anon uttered loud exclamations of delight, which were checked by his attend ant, There was an unusual silliness and si lence in this group of traveller', and an anxious look on their countenances, thai bespoke some uncommon motive for re pressing the natural flow of ronveisaiion and remaik which is usual among a party, especially when passing thiough pleasant places. V'he gentleman in advanco spoke in tho lowest tone, and kept a waiy eye a bout him. If we can only pass a mile farther, Ma bel, we may defy our onsmies, but there i a nnriow pass beyond, where lies our great est danger.' Oh my dear Fhilip,' said Mabel, in a tiembling voice, 'what perilous limes are these, when we must pass wi'h such can lion, where we have been used to rida so fearlessly. Ha, Sylvia! what do you see? and Mabd stroked the arching neck of Let jennet, whose ears were laid back on her Graceful head. A deer bounded acres the open pith and was lost in a moment in the thicket, and n black vultuiti rose from a tall hickory tiee nnd flapped iis wings over the tnvellcri a: il sailed w,y 'I alway shudder when I see tlr.t bird Philip,' said Mabil, gloomily. 'Ii i- to me Inld of evil OfllCll 'Nonsense, Mabel, I minlil as well look lor evil, because yonder timid lure is jptcd ing across our path ''hat was couriered ominous in an cicnt limes,' answered Mabtl, faintly smil ing. My dearest wc should rise above- tin superstition of old day. iVeantinie, then is enough in reality to make us ihoughilii m vurnul, Our Stale not only invaded by but even in possession oi a foreign foe, oui capital city roiiplettly in their power, oui hopes from the ariivol of this Count O'Ks ining, at the best precarious. Unwise am impolitic if not weak ami imbecile, be gave Cieneral I'rcvnst all he asked a day's con sideration ere he replied to the siiwinmu to sorrri. iter, and look at li e result! lie fore the close of tliM day, cichi htittdrei' men from Beaufort have reinforced hi weakness and lie sends his difimireto tit is unwiiry I)'.slaing, who should not havi iTtr. him an lioui for consideraiion,' But General Liiicolu is surelv brave am! wise also.' 'Yes, truly, but nevertheless, in uniai with the French Count, fear his wisdotr will not have a fail field If he had the sole command, it might be different. A rii' len his forces re hardly adequate to the poorSiate is strong in heaii ut weak in rrsmiio-s. liui we ate ap proaching our mosi dangerous We mrist use canti. in here, or we may all bi taken prisoners.' The signal was given to hall, and 1 1 it It Arthur having been transferred to the can of another servant, Jtrob was sent forward to reronnoitio. .'fter ruling a short die tancc he dismounted, nntl fastening bo horse, wenl on wiih exlieme caution, and careiully cx.iinicicil the roau before him. I wa a narrow ptismtgi:, llirougli a thicl ijiowtli of woods, beyond wbirh Uv an o pening and a clearer and wider road, am I'lirther bejond some billy or rising ground I'licre was no sound, and nothing to b it'en iriji'caling the appearance of an ene- ii y - AH u as still ai.d peaceful. His eyi :ould not penetrate the thickets on eiihei side, bui yet il was not improbable that ai Hiieniy would lie in wait fur them. Hav- ng complied lm survey he rtlurned will :arc anil i nution. The I title Kronp anxiously awaited lo return, while i'lulip Arundtl gave his in. structions as lo tlieir proreedirgs. What news Jacob? Is all nleur?' 'I have seen nmhing master and all look? fjir but in the f.iiresi nky rises tbe blai-kci- loud. 'The thicket is r I sp and main ought find covert there. Nevertheless, I heard no one' lie it an it will tlide lies our vay nnd we must on. i ou Jacob lake ibe I will lead. Mabel, dearest keep lose by Ailhiir. Maiion, come to the side of yoiu n isircss Silence all, and keep a steady rein. Onward!' The liitle party rod on in perfect still ness, even .'rthtir was silent, oppressed by the evident aiixieiv of those around him. I'he tread of die hor-ies' hoofs was hardly tieaid, the lurl was so sofi and sinouih. No sound but the harsh cry of llifl parrots hrokt on the ear. As Arundel eno rged from ihc thicket an exulting smile playeil over hi 'oiinlcnance. In an instant more ihai smile changed. Aft armed bjnd ol 'iwrntv men or more sprung up like magic refon Ins way. A harah voice cried, 'fcureru!ei yourselves prisoneis or dit!' Arundel cast s glance around him; armed men were before and behind. He war brave as a lion, and had be Lee-n alon would have perhaps, had the rasbners to have bid defiance lo the challenge, and ti have till his way through. Resislancu now might cost the Iivik dear r than bis own. The odda were sou fear fully ajainbt Mm. With a proud ir.dignan lan.'-e towards the ene.riy, he ssid to iht-ir .omm.inding ofTieer, 'I yield from regsrd tc thoc who ire w ith me; were 1 alone, r wpre other" i -e. A-moii do not wiir cn women or cMl Ircn vou will b 'our'eou-' io these ladies and ibn bj .' 'We Pre iml to be dii'laied lo l v imk pi joiiCi ?. said die offi'-cr, with n low, malij'- In.inl f xj'ic siuii. Wel.iiuw y jo, sii; Jin know you well enough to take go;id caie of vou. Dismount.' 'I'he indignant blood crimsoned Arno ld's countenance at the insulting manner tl the petty tyrant lie half drew Yh iwoid, but tudcnce restrained him. lie ustorcd it lo its sheath, and dismounted in silence. In a few moments tie was m lisarmed, and oh, ignominy ! he was landcufl'ed by die uninanntily villains. 'Is this the conduct of liiuish soidicis?' said he bitterly. Silence, or I will strike you with my word?' The proud blood of Arundel boiled in his veins like fire. He bit his lip till the blom -iprmig; the i flint to be silent almost choke'i linn. I'he rest of the prisoncts were soon dis- rrncd, and luiid-ciifTed. PhIo as death. Mabel looked on the scene, dreading evert moment lo see her husband put lo death be ore her. With some slight regard for cour- esy, Mabel was suffered to retain her jen net but Marion and Arthur wire compelled to walk with the rest. In this manner they were matched lo w ir 1 a British fort which lay at no very Jieat distance, there to be mbjected to the tiers of its commander. The British ofli- er mounted on Arundel's horse, led the wy J iie nohle sininal seemed to leel the rhaiiga audio hale lusiider, fur he -u'on became fierce and unmanageable. The broinl soldier ruined his sides nil the blood owed. Arundel's clenched hand am aBiiiiiL' eye snowiu ins leeiinns. I lie ifKiii.rouj steed rtaicd imj atiei'ily , the sol Iter with an oath struck nnd wounded him with his swuid. Tb charger reared a if m, und so violently bs to throw his n- ler. 'Brave Bayard! nobly done!' said Arun lei, as Bayard galloped off at foil speed, v 1 1 1 1 o the f nr gcd officei snatched a musket from a soldier and fired after him a harmless hot. Bayard's good sited, rcticd not nil ht reaehf-d his master' e'.able With all the pe'ty spite of a low and lit tie spirit, the Britibh officer suljucied bis prisoners loevery annoyance he could inflict upon the in and ss AuindtTs baughiy rpuii chafed xmler bis treatment he almost wind ed hu bad fought bis way ihrough his cue ntes. iMabel rode along in silence lea'iog rst if she spoKe somo new indignity wiglu io oflired for many instances of wanton brutality lowan's liiioflendirg women anil htldren hadotcurr ed bill lately. Linle Ar ifiur trudged on foot with Marion every lit. do while asking why Jacob didn'i inke him ip lo ride am) what those bad Sol tiers had lone to his papa. And in this guise the .irisouers were conducted to the Biinsl uirt. 'Why do yon feel so anxious brother? Them's no one here knows me. I shaM be- i i n to lliinli you are not glad to see me you teem lo wish me away so much ' And the dark eyes of the speaker sliono wiili a met ry light as he rpnke. 'By the honor of a soldiei, you wrong me broihei Joseph; but how can I see you here, and know thai if you wero discovered to be a- a ' 'A Uobt'l, Thomas,' said Joseph smil ing. 'No, a soldior of the American army, yours would be a short shrift and a ciionr cord, nd the bouh of the nearest oal would bear ibe weight of a spy, as they would call you, brother.' 'I cry your mercy, Thomas, don't slain me by such horrible visions. Certainly I should be in a worse slate of suspense thai I have ever beer, before. Bui seriously, ti please you, Thomas, I will go to-day, thi readies, as I think our general will sooi have need of mo. Mjf raytr for ns both, dinr brother, is that te may never meet ir batile. 'I praj not Cod forbid that we should si. fd each other blood. I'.ouM ih i! c nt. would becone true to your King, ii?ar Jc- epb' 'AnJ i that you would ha true io your country ' Niy broiler. "' both belinct? otiisslvcf nnhi -,r,l 3,'l ,ur-rii)g la nU vmh sl 1'" b.t. I' Ti'i' i it , ,(?( less.' Ml never will, I am suie. I bolievo:lhat reigned hero was deep and lisnrjuil. m deed, we have more regard for ecl,Ii seemed though the lovely spot were other, if possibU. And there was much truth in this assertion, for each would have given ins light hard to have convened the other, sod even now Joseph lifted hi? life for lh sake of seeingThomss, whom lie had loved most tendul1 from a child They were different in appearance, in tempi rament and in opinion, hut theii ove never changed. They sat for a few moments, the lines of thought deepening on Thomas' pale am) thin countenance, and I hi light somewhat dimmed in Joseph's bright merry eye. pnsently Thomas rose. 'Come Joseph, ' said he, then n e some prisoners just brought in; will you go and look at them?' 'Il will he a sad sht to me brother, bull will go, though I can do no good. ?nd the two brothers slowly ap proached the little group, who stood wailing the commander's oiders. Joseph's eye took tho whole protip it a glance. AiundH, still hand cuthic like the rea', retained his proud hi fir ing. H? had derTmidm) tu have the fetteu taken from all, and io be treated s gentleman should be treated by gentlemen hni this was not hllowed Liltle Wilbur sal beside his mother, one it ibe suliiiers having provided hrr a sea', and leanirg on her bosom was weeping hiittily. Jacob was the only personate among them hi.- keen eye was furtively watching every prrr;", Bi,,! taking notice of tiVtiy thir. As Joseph looked earnestly at him, gleam of iottlligenca shot trom hie daik grey eye, which Joseph immrdi- ilely M'spocded lo by pulling his fingi-i n his lips, as if carelessly and sec i lenily. Slight as the motion was, n was tiiidr istoid, snd acted upon. Ttii' Mile play was unnoticed by the g'M' or eci'tinentls on duty. As Josepl ivas slill gazing with deep interest oi ho lovely Mabel, who ever press" the weeping Arthur close lo her side, vord came from Ihe commandant that 'he prifloners must be taken to Savan lah diffcily, wiih a guard of ten men. Poor Mabel could hardly restrain h(i 'ears at this b:ttr news, sod lo add to heir misfjrtnoeH, they were all to g' m foot and still hand culfn), for it seemed Ihe considered ih'im as important prisoners. Onethinn only give them s Ittllo comfort. Tin brutal officer was not to take charge oi hem, but in bis place was a mild look ng young moo, who suemed to be hu' uanely disposd towards them; and of eied lliem mtne refieshmenl, which ihey declined however. yoseph liirocd asvay from ihe pi isoners. his heart grew even siddri 4iid sadder, and he thought lo himsell 'I shall rei (airily die, if I don't do Homelbir.g for iheso unfortunate people Poor lady! so young so beautiful md in such Vila hands! I mu lo eonieihin, or I shan't live long. I 'han't bear h.' fnd he walked lowl) nd ihoughifully awsy. In ha'f ai lour aftei wards Joseph and T'homa- Uuiy hsd taken a soleinn sod ahVelioii- te leave of each other, hardly hoping o meet agiin, perhaps for years. The ann wj slowly descending ihi .ves'em sUy anJ ti' Man'iog csair lOl-iOil through ihe Irres, ami y ii jo-Men bars on the rch giecn thai hoi- eicd a Itt'lc spiirg whosr; bright wit- ersevcr hwcllif.l i'p t'cth and s-pjiklinc. mil wtU.'g !!: jfa iTfuinl ii. fork)' t).)sin one peri. vet fftt !. u nee: he old tiees, ami nr " inol- ir ri'ij I . r, prir p(lS -,o(l l.r ili'lll liJ'Vtr? ",'UfA- i'i . ih- abandoned by msn, she yielded to the it was Jacob who look ihat po.ition by rule of fsiriesi and wood- nymph. The the treeWnhoti' moving a mucle of his soft nnirmer of the waleis. the lustlifig'face, though inwardly stanled, Jacob of the oak and hickory leaves, and tlielconlrived to elide his fettered hands to oo! waving of Ihe Paliiieio, iho nih nig of Ihe dark pines, and the low hum of ike wild bee?, all disposed to languor md delicious enjoyment. lint had you pasjed a few paces from the spring side md entered a lit'le deeper in the wooJ : nd looked behind the enormous trunk of a lofty Liriodendron, you would 'iave seen a countenance full of sorrow, of anxiety, and expectation. leaning 'gainst Ihe trunk, and listening rarnesl y io every sound thai brtk the dill ness of the woods, unarmed and alonr ftoou our Inenu Joseph, awaiting the arrival of the prisoners, and an'iei paling, wiih reason, that the company would hall at ibis tpring. H hd,or. parting from his brother, taken s short cut through Ili9 woods, and arrived a' he ppot about an hour before. At length the sound ol approaching steps wag audible to his ken ear, prac- lired to detect the ftigiH?st noise. The sounds became more audible; the siepr drew nesrer and nearer. Cauiiotisly and stealingly Joseph drew nearer the pring. ptill keeping in the shelter ol the lree.Securing a favorable position he watched ihe movements of the ml dier, ?s they marched llinii prisoners into Ihe small opening Jicnbsatdow wiih his back against a large tre c rise by which eiht of the soldiei stacked iheir guns. Tho other tw mounted guard over the captives, nhi were seated at n linle distance from ih spring. W-ary wiih the toil of a lonj; m.ich, ihe delicate Mabel eccutomu 0 every luxury, toiH endeavored look cheerfu'l, that her husband m;b 001 be more distressed on her account Poor Arthur, ihe mooieiit he sal down 'aid bis head on his mother's lap an fell asleep, overcome with heal and ngue. Marion iiundel, with c m i) liieespd !ip and haughty calmness, re yarded the soldiers, who, sfiz-d then canteens, dipped thrm into ihn eon vvaiers, snd drank freely of tlm pleas nit draught. Joseph, ni"B.uim wa obliged lo make a delour in order tc i-scipe the notice of ibe guaid, am while stealing along, he uocauiiously caught iiis foot in a pioj cting 0 i , md stumbling, fell, wiih a slight eras) ufficieni, however, lo cause one ol hp guards to turn towards the spot. fortunately Joseph was concealed fi on ihcir view, and he lay as el ii I as possi I". 'Why don't you fire, Davy!' sail he other guard, hushing 'May L you'll shoot s dtei .' I cannot afLrd io waste my powder it's gelling low, besides I n-ight get !ir?d at myself for breaking ordt i s. Oth- UIWisC 1 wrilHU line S llir sno', iui . , i , , i - .. i . . . . i . hero's no gsme laws hero. Ilo'Viyer hat wan'i a deei, I'm ctris.ti. 'I'll bel you a pound it wis though.' I'll fan shot if I make such a b-t S tf, lor I've but live pence, to live ci tor s monlti.' Wrll whatever it was. deer or fox l has gone by h i tune, llow 1 o ; hey re drinking. 1 should think thfy veie 1 r i n k i 4 old Jamaiky, by i he way hey bury their iu-scs in 'b:ir catrtens. However I'm lo no- I utrt Ivi my luninati., uaatmc .u..-o u.w... ' Poo' fellow? Thj knew not SiO w ; 'T he plan u gcod rry friend. Y"U ocar the lime w.i uhen they rlioti! i'pie rur deliverer. We act Uf.der your '-(nt the mystriy of the thicket. -orders. li" ah'il we ; wv). Jocph ciejit along ibe giond a"boi My duty wss done v bcu I rrscucd d'r.;iice ihc-n risirgcaui;i'usiy,':e ftcleonijou arid yordtr '-dies from ptiomin. hci.oodheliir:dti,e tree aaiun-which'; u h-d,, eid Ji-seph. 'I tiyga uy leaned -ifah. ly the rttskei. lie drew ::1 it jro r-b'fom hi p'xh'-t . Uirfc, "pe.. with txlremo caution slipped it slcng till it touched Jacob's knee. Well that - the knife, and in n instant his fetters were were cui,he was freclHs spiang iiot to his fee', he did not sir for an inatsnt, but then moved ca'efully with in teach of ihe mucke's. Joseph hsd watched every niotemenl, snd al the same instill when acob rose, snd snatched a gun, he also laid Irs hand on ins. 13olh aimed, snd fired, and tho iivj gU3rda fell one dead and Me other mot tally wcunded. Io en insiani moro two o her muskets were levelled al (ha soldiers wh: were rushing forward to seize their armt utiering a loud cry tf surprise w 1 1 h a uexierou.-i motion oi his foot, Jacob tossed the koifd withia r.oh of A.uniit,!n s mom in ne too was free, and with a musliwt in hand 'Suitndcr yc-urselvs, rtecue or ro rescue cried Joseph to '.he is'.OMsVd roup. Their arms wcrp btyund ilitir control. Toe fight would be de."pirs:e hould 'hey attempt it unarmed. To ba shot dow i flying was f-r from cg'eea hie, and with smothered curst, il u eight Boldicrs surrendered tu lhe:r Uta prisoners, and were bound like lii'm. You treacht rous villain!' said one of hem to Jj.eph, who was immediately reeogrrzul 'I su'pected you were a spy it Ihe. Fort. I wjs a fool not to t?ll my uspte'ons.' 'lamindebltd to youi pvlitcnrss,' s 'id Joseph, bowing sarcastically.' ' will endeavor iu reiuro ihu obliga; Mori.' 'Il 1 once gpt back to ihe For', I'll iave your hypocritical brother hauge'd jr an accomplice.' 'S I'.r.ce, wretch ur ycu may tcvir eiurn or never hova occasion to lepc.t , our co war ijly tb r i , And by the met acing glance of ihosn iry eyes the man quailed and was si ent. Mabel, Arthur and Marion, were, ithtrH logctlur full of wonder ami ;raliiude. A deep groui fio.1i ihe ivoutideJ man al ooco drew Mabel ti bis si te, though sSuddering ai the y spectacle of the dead end dyng ty ing side by on the gieen sard, over w hose emooih velvet flawed their lin.srn life blood. 'Water war.i!' fainlly murmured ihe soldier. Mabel poured a few drops into his pan lied moti'h, he revived a liille, o ppiitil hisl'st glzh geyes, and glared widly rouud. Sit king back ha moltLr- ed insudibly. Two words alon. e, til I Mabel distinguished ---My Mary IMuth- . ... i ..- ei: a troan, a airuggii, nj an wb over. M bel, weeping, threw heisi'f into he arms of her husband. 'V. t us go a Way from Ibis place, pspa,' said Ariluu, sobbing, What slmll ivs d.'i With thj poor iVIiuwis nil!' t'iA Jacob, alter a few rr.o nfii'!". I. Vrfjubl thrgeroits to stay lon r ci i lj Ij bnry them, if we had proper n'i tifperits, said Arundel, ihoogMful. y.' '1: wercuncbrislnu io leave them itn a a ti y are.' '.Sir,' fnid Jussph, "beto is a borov reo ih'I far liom riere, which i hold jrouch hero fid ti up. ff iiittit.!"' ' t'c hndi.' 1
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