) ingerous tyorf On the 4i!i, a coup lc ul John Bolls, from Canada, paid a vinii (o OjJt'nuluijfli, dressed in on ordinar) sudors gib, and after louriing about for h liillt', MS. elided ID ihn l(t') uf ihe lioi'ru pole, hihI lowered ibe isiar-spangled ban ner,' No miner ws the outrage discov ered limn the crowd nude a rnoh fur them h it it were only prevented from exotiiiu enmmsry justice by il eir prompt arreHt A fur tiling carried belote a innis'raie. they were allowed to depail on conditbns that t'je flag be immediately replaced. I!) ll a assistance of fil ers this ivm doiH m ithouulclay, and ihey iiiado good then escape from the ex'-itcd crowd. Maine U. S, Senator. The Lrgisla 1 n re of Maine lias succeeded in rleriing Janes W Bndbury. of Augusts, S. Senator from thai State, Tn California Exprdlion. YiUeew liiniilred mi n havfi recently been eniistn in New York fur ihe Caiil'ornra expediion under Col. Stevenson. Randolph's Manumitted Slaves, 7'U cirjtrtH of .Mercer eotiniy Ohio refused d allow ihri three hundred slaves halongini; ii the late John Randolph In scale in tha eouiitv. '1'hey were forced to leave twenty-four liours mid those having then in charge conveyed them bark twenty tnilcr nd al last tales were encamped in the woods. DIED Ir.Rlnom township on the 10 h insl Mr Marv Eli.kn. np;ed 28 wife of Mr JolmK Girton, and daughter of the 'ale J o i nit MrClure, Esq. Oc the Nth 'nst, Jane PrI'Cii.la jd 4 months, only child of Mt. JohnK-Girton' NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, ) all legatees, creditors anil other persons in tcrcted in tlio estates nf tho ri'Ki)ccti"C dp- cedents anil minors, that the adniinWialion and Ruardian accounts oftho said estates havo been filed in the office of the Register of the county of Co lumbia, and will l presented for confirmation run allowance to the Orphan's Court to he held al Danville in and for tho county aforesaid on Wednesday, Ihe 19A day of August, next, at 2 o'clock, P. M. 1 The final account of Samuel Mcngas ad miui tratcr of the estate of John Robcriult, late of Limestone township, deceased. 2 The account of llnnry Miller, ndniinislrntni of the estate nf Jocoh Hodcubergcr lalo of Hoa' ingcrock township dereaaed. 3 The account of Samuel V. Lowry, adminis trator of the estate of Elizabeth Lowry late uf Der ry township deceased. i The account of John Recce, Executor and fliche Mather, cxrrutrix of the l ist will and tostn tii'Jnt of Kohcrt Mather late of Greenwood town ship deceased. 5 The account of Thomas fiendcM and Jacob hitler, executors of the last will and testament of John Dec field late of Derry township deceased 0 The account of Samuel Melei k, adminict a tor of the estate of John Bright late uf Uloom town ahin deceased. 7 The first and final account of Joseph Brnhsl, administrator drhonis non with the will annexed ot the estate of Frederick Loreinan lute of Caltawissa township deceased. 8 'J he account of Jane Titmnn the surviving administrator wiih the will annexed of the estate of Abraham Titinau late of Greenwood township dereasi d. 0 The second account of John Brown jr. ad ministrator of the estate of Charles Millei late ol'i of Mifllin township deceased. 10 The account of K. B. Brown executor nf tnn. Inst will and testament nf Hiram Reynolds lute of Mifflin township deceased. 1 1 The account of Reuben Fahrimjor, admin. Htrator of the estate of F.lizaheth Wagoner laic of lioaringrreek township deceased. 12 The account of Reuben Fahiinger, admin istrator of the estate ol Jonathan Kline late of Roar ingfieek township decease 1. 13 The a' count of John It. ,1iiycr, a.lministta t r of the estate of Josiah MeClutc Lite of bloom townshin deceased 1) The account of Obed Rvrrett, adm'mitrat a of the estate of Benjamin Boons late of Bloom townihip d-ceosed. 15 The account if Samuel Vorks. adm'nisttn tor debonc non with the will annexed of (he cstrti offiencral Dnnicl Montgomery lute of Muhoninp town-tup uecoflscd 1(1 The flc .ount of John Douty, odininiairu'oi xviih the will onnexed of the c tote of Will tin Uurvev late of Lihertt township deceased CIlARLKS CONNER Jiigmtcr. Rkiiiktcr s Of.FicE, Danville, July 15, 1810 JPmMtc eslc n pursuance of an Order of the Orp'ians Court Columbia county, on Monday, the 10A day oj August next at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, Samuel Kisne ( Juardian of the Minor children of William Adams late nf Madison township, in said county ricrca-ed will expose to sale by public vrnduo upon the . ' . ..... n..j t-. premises, a certain iraci ui uuu suuaio in uetry lownhip, Columbia county aforesaid, adjninine lands of fhomas Adams, and land formerly of John Adams now Peter Mustier & others contain ing about ICMS Acres 9 more ot lees, about 25 acies of whi.-h is cleared Und-but no buiblinR thereon late the estate of. said deceased, situate in tho township of errv anl county aforesaid. JACOB RYEBLY, Cak Dsu'i'.'.e Miy 2'fth, HIC. '1 HE WARM WEATHER. The sudden changes of ihe weather, du ring this season of me year, exhibit a nios luiirliil tllVi'i on tin; liu.iMo sysiem, debili Mini); and prosirsliiiij it. I'liu stomach umi bowels tieciKiio ilriaiiged, giving timely no nee to all, who are inclined to give alien Hon to ihe warning voice ol nature. Ai suiti limes 'J i) ne's I5ai minaiive' never lails lo all' ml iinrni'dia'.e relict, checkup die iIischsh and ri sioring the paitent to vig oi mis health, Moilie:s e.mnol be loo c.iu turns widi tlit ir chililrt'ii during this mouth and ihe in ci it t h lolhivting, and in the carlicsi binges of this eummvr disease, whethei irom teetliin, ojipressive heal or other can vt tliey should ai once resort :o this nevei lailing icinedy. lliliic!r"ils of eerdlicates Irom rt Sieci,il)e persons in tins city are in possession of ihe proprietor ready to exhib it In all who may desire to see iIihiii at his office, No, 8 Soiiili Third street, adul phia. LIFE ! LIFE!! LIFE!!! 'All that a man hadi will he nive for hi life,' so we find re corded in the most ancient and best i f books, but hb we see thousands dting aroiiud us with Oonsumpiion (rMip (Joiigh Asiluna Ilnmohiiis Spittine Blood mil other 'uluionary afTei tioiis wn ate led to douhl the corrrctnetg id' the aho-e as--erliou especially since il is s i ell known hat a renniii irmidy ro.iV bo nbiaiuid 'iieli al ways arrests those disea-CJ. Dr JAYNKVS EXI'EC I'OUaN T nev r iins 10 give reiiei, anil eifes ali r ecr ilher iiieans have filled. Ti tian he am ias been proved in thousands of insl.iuees a bete it has rO'ei ied radical cures, nln-r the patient hoil been given Uj) h) all his dieiid Hid physicians. ESTABLISH M EXT. 0. C. KdULER Ul-l.U respectfully inform his friends and the public generally, lhat helms iust re civeu ami o enen on mn comer ol Main arid I'.a stieets in Bloomsbuig, Ihe largest, best and cheap- si assorimeni oi Ueadv Made Gi.othi.vg, ever offered in this neighborhood, which hn vi! sell from 10 to 20 per cent, cheaper than ihe cheap est. Hisstock is goiaad selected with g'ruf ca'c, made of the best and n ntt fashions' le material" iind in the most workmanlike nianmir and slvle embracing ci'cry grade, eo'or and price tthidi will mt either tho taa'c or economy o( pur.hase:s. J will sell Tweed suck frock t( dress touts frnn&A 00 to ' Ob Summer and ertittm clulli du " H7 ( i 7;, Linen and g!nrli'iiu dn 1 '.'." to 1 00 Buck und French casMinere I'anls '.i "t: lo 4 70 alliniX dn 1 ?-) In 3 2.1 '! to i .10 2 50 :j 7f) 1 fit) ti, 2 .10 Drilling and ifnmhoon do utin and silk veils wamdutvn und Murudc vests Besides n pond n'sortmctit of Stocks, Cravats Handkerchief.v, Collars, blurts; ,c. allofubicb be public are invited lo rail aid examine for ibi-m- Ives belore purchasiiig elsewhere if Ihcy viish to et a gooij o.ir-.'aln ami welt suited. July 11, Id 10 I'Jif Scqucstriilor's Talc. By virtue of a writ of ftpqupgiratinn lo ne directed will be exposed 10 nuhhc sale. at the Court House in Danvillr. on SftK(ri. the fast dau i f rjuitst, nex'. at one o'clock, P. m The defendants i!e estate in the undivided one seventh part I one liiiirlreil acres ol l and, situate in n n 1 i n tj township. Columbia county, Where in is erecini 1 S'nxi: nnrrsr $m li'rA v n v i 1 1 1 a r v ViKi2 i'i oilier nut huildiiu's. iiout 8IJ acres of ihe land is cleared anil an pp'e orchard on the same. Said land ad joining lands of )r Majill. Montour Iron ompany, A- Montt'ompiy mil J din Seel,. f rs heirs, and is snl pet to 1 1( h devise and hequesls of Issi'ielle ('raz r widow under lie will of Diniid I'iZ'ir. eii. dece:ied Seized taker, in exeeniion and to he sold a he propertv v( (Jeoirjrn W. Holland. I It A J DEI? 11, Sequestrator. Danville, July !), 181(1. Jayne' s Rrpctorunt. T is undoubt (lly the m.isl vr,lu:i!de, (as it is deeidedU the niosl popn'ar) mulieitie 1 f its kinil.eiTt- oitrnduced in this Slate 7'he demand for t has been constant and inereasin;!, from tie nine 11 was nisi oneie.l lor sa'e here lo he present li np; numerous tesiimonials ol ts great word, and usefuliM'SP, Irom tciv uany of our citizers. miht be produced. 'oi s trial will sati.-fv all. that it is a speed urefcr Coughs, Colds. Influenzi. Ainma lloarsenca, Spiting of Bioorl, and all kinds f Pnlmonarv A iTcciious Bangor (Me.J Daily ll'hic. OVVEL AJ SIMlRI COt11M..MNT M) CL'RK NO I'AV Dr. Jaj ne, N. 8 h South 'I'hiid S'rrrt " vi'linsr 10 poaraotfe that his CARM1N- I IV;nLSAM will cure Di irr! ... Cholics. Cramps, fJripiec Pain, Cholera Morbus, Stitnmer Compl.nni, and other de rangements of the Stomach ami Bowels, in uineti -nine rases ont of a hundred, and m ess than h If ihe lime il ran be effected by any other means. Il Is extremely pleasnnl, and children are fond of it. Ins eri iallv ss effectual f,,r adults as children, and when the directions are followed, and a cure is not effected, the money will be cheerfully rt turned Price 25 -nd 50 cent a bottde. CIIAItTTOS it. mxKALinv Attorney at Law. Office South ship nf Alain st. Market rTW!LL ATTEND COURTS IN THE COUNTIES AND LUZERNE. OF COLUMBIA NOTICE hereby qivel) lo the suhacriliers of Stuck to th ValtuwUm liridtre Cummin u, that a Hcamd oij lliaii liutuliiient ul live dollars each, is re pnrnd to bo paid lo the Trousurer en or before the Ut of August and 1st of fppleri ber respectively lly Unlur ul the IJoar.l, U. I' LA UK, Treasurer, July 1, 1811! BOOTS AND SHOES CHEAPER than ever. fTTHK subscriber very re.'pccrully informs the J public flial he has hand and is coi.slant' Iv.Maiuitacturinij, icuftrs and SlHtr. of all kinds which he will sell al the following lo prices. (Jknti.e.mkn's Wkah. Mnroccn or Calf Skin Hoots $1 00 Coa 'se JIjo's : o Coarse or Eine Shots I 75 Miner's Shoes Morocco aiipprrs S2 to 87 I.apits Weak. Mornrco or Ca f SUn I. net Hools 1 50 'I'ltirk &Ae Frenrti I'irs I 'l' Pumps Spriii"i or Freihh 1 i Oilier kinds of Slippers 75 rents to I 00 i. B.'Fhe ulmio are all of.myou n Manufacture and arc wrrrmted lo stand. 1 have also on hand a large stock of Katkhn mapk Moots and Shoks, hich I will sill at hin.i! I piot'its. Country Merchants ami others who buy ly the dozen, aie invited to call and 1 vanillic my good as I will sell to such at a large reduction. fXj-Remember the place al the J7vHr II 001 and KllOIi is I OKI., lower cnd.ul Mam-streel loomsburg. W RUSSELL July 4 18-10 PUBLIC SALE. FT X pursuance cfan crdorof the Oiphan's Court J. ol Columbia county, on Thursday the 3i duy cf 1vgusl ie.xt at 10 o'clock, in the forenoon, Caleb Thomat nl mill istrntor, iVc. ul' Samuel Moore, late of Aad son township in said coun y deceased, will expose 0 sale by I'uhlie Veuihie iinon the Diimiscs, a cer- 1111 IKU. l OF l,M) situated in said town- hip, 7 ui'h's from liloomsburg tho county scat am 1 miles from Dauiille, adjoining lands of John Memcr John Jleller und others containing .33 JlQl trict measure. w.so- 1 certain Messuage anil T met r 1. ami unjoining me aoovc containing 119 -At jos 15 Tciflios, and allowance on whi-h are encted 1 I I il - line.', , UliiSiikt Miami; kak.n )ai 1 IS and a i.ar(;i: oitciiAitn. , of the best of fruit la'e the estate of said deceased JACOB EYKItLY Clerk- Janvillc June 27 1SIC. lilts 'Jj'The Democrat and Argus, Huston will give the above three insertions and fmward their bill to I'aleb Thomas, Fsip Jersej town or to this oli'n e lor payment. GEOROK G. WALLER, Attorney at Law, Hl.0OMSBUKO, Eoi.UMUlA CotjNTV. I'a Ojpcc on Market a few doors abate Main Street J.f ORF.aOS QL'ESVO.X SE Y'Yl.ED .' (SEN. ARISTA DEFEATED ! ! ! HEX Wiy.Olt IX M.i1)OH.iS otilil innv he the most uitcre.-,linj topics 0' aiwrsation, had not omph-lrd bis NEW STOKIO Ihe south west comer ot .Market Smiare unit moved into i' with a large and general ussortmei.t of D R U SS-M E DIC I N ES-D V EST U FFS -PA I N I S-0 1 LS- U I Mil ) W (; L ss 'UTTY-COFi:CTK)NARIE,s TOYS, fee. fee. $-r. but such .eiii(r the fai l, the other mic-lions are en oieiy 10-1 simn 01 anu lie is rapidly disposine- ot his slock at reduced pines. In addiiion tihi oilier business he has on h and 111 extensive assortment of UEADV y,M)K rLOTHIXC; ill every desi 1 iotion, which he is selling as low at lliev can he pureh ased in the county. lie invites a tn KiV(. hi,,, call Ms he is deter irime.l tosull 011 the luost leisonuLle terms; war cr no wat ! J Hue :H).- 10 PUBLIC SALE Bj N pursuan-e of an order of the Orphjri's Court al 01 voiumi'ia county on Satutday the U5A day of 7'v aext at ten o'clock in tbc forenoon Jonish Furmsn Administiatnr, &c. of I'oter Valk late of Fishing creek township in said county deceased, will ex pose to sale by Public Vendue unon thepremiset. a certain TIC1CT OF C.I AD situate in Fish- oi;creek township in said county, s 'j lining lands of'dward Actlenry- Philip A pplernen Daniel .Vmith-Joseph Fultner and others, containing about 1 r7ff pi f abou' 5f) acres of which 1R cleared. Tiiere is on the premises a Jin ,mjt Frame TfniiHO onp nnJ nno l,n!f i,. .9.. f L ----- . ,v,- (jC0"m"m Orel I ;.aid decease, ft-VMlVA r'es hich a Fiamo Lam and an r,!, late the e.-tate nf shiirSfVainscnvk and emmtv sf.iresid. JACOB EYEKLY. Clerk. Uj!iillo May 13, lf'IG-lU X 0 T I C E. THE I'nited StattssnJ Mexico are now atWur and thousands ol ficeimii aie volunteering their services, to subi u the Mubboro spoil of Mexico hut tho subshribur Icing one of those, whoso ser vices would nut be accepted on account ol his infir mities he has rented a room on Main htrect,neuil opposite Alhiight & Meugels store, as a n a k n 1: it s 11 0 p. Old armed himself with razors and shears, to wait upon th we who are so foitunule as to bs accepted !iy the goveinment belore their dtps1 ture.lle will ilsu hold himself in reudiiicNs to serve those who prefer staying al home. Rhsois iShedrs imdM'cis- sors, repaired and put in order at short notice sud warranted. JOSIA3 F. BEIT. Wlootnsburg, June 2 I S I G Public Sale In pursuance nf an ordtr of ihe Orphans' court ol Columbia eoontv, on ' Thursday the second day of July next, 1 10 o'clock in me loierioon. JOHN HEA LER. Administrator, Lk. of ABRAHAM HEALER, late of Fishmi'crcek loan shin 11 said county, deceased, will expose to sale by I'.ibjii' Vendue, upon die premises, 1 certain loi or piece o( land, siitiaie in the township of Fishiogereek, in Columbia nunty, bounded as follows, viz hegtnnincl 11 a post iiiruce soiun 111 1 y tour negro. S . - . I . . 1 rr . , tist seventy pen lies lo a corner Ihenee loriti thirty"six degrees eusi sixteen perches o a black oak coiner -ihenee north lifiv- I'otir degrees .west seventy perches to a pnsi oreer ibsttce south ihitiysix degrees as l sixteen perches lo ihe nlace of Let? in- tinff, coniainniir 1 Acires- tricl measure, tdjoininff lands ff John Spayd ami lands of John Bastion, (fee. late the estate of said dpepased situato in ihe ownship of FiBhtngrreek and county afore aid. JACOB EYERLY, ( led Danville, May 27, 18(0 7 (Tt 'The above sale stands adintinnl to Thurs day the 23d dy of July iris', iwo o'ulock in the uf teruuen at the same place. JOHN DEALER .Jdoinilratre. July 2; 1 ti 16, From ihe Norriilgework c)i mrnal. We publish the billowing, us amor.2 ihe many evidences which we aie constants receivinf.r nf (he inceasin? popularity of Dr. avne s txpectotani. We have no mien st in 'piifliitji' it an v further than we have a 1 site li promoie ihe health and happiness 1 our lel.Dwcif'situies, who are wasting a- way with it, ose complaints, for which ibis iH iIicine is an ahsolure remedy. And in ailing the aitenlion of ihe public to i;, we feel that we are in the faithful dischargs ol nir duly. New Portland, Nov A, 1812. - T 1 ... . . 1 -. '. ,ii. i ran, oir; 1 wisti you 10 send me bottles . f ,1 ivne's Expectorant, rind in this onneeiion. would sav, lhat I deem it an nvaluable medicine, and an article that no amily should be without for a single day, have used it lor two sears in mv (ainilv. mil have always found it a quirk' and rlli tent remedy for lii'luness of die lungs, pro iieetl nv Ions protracted colds, which pro luce the thorl hacking couch, ihe preinoni- "r n loiisupmliiHiti which 11 so frequent- leiminales in this climate. II properly ml seasonably adminisienil, it willtflectu ll break up the most violent fevets, si reqm ntly consequent npoi. ihem. I would oust cheerfully recommend this me Seine lo he public in all cases of tint nature, as in valuable JOHN IL WEBSTER. CHOLICS and FliE'ITJXU of L F.iTS. Evrry mother should nave Javnc's Car initiative. It is ihe vrrv lhiui ihcy neeiij for their children, :,s it iinmcdiately cures thr I .holic. and alias s all iiritation of the stout u'.li and bow els. The above .1edicine ate fjr sale s' tho 8'ore of JOHN R. MOYER, I'loomshtirg, Fasljlie SaleJ In pursuance of anOrder of il.e Orphans' Court ol Columbia county, on Saturday, the 1 9 day of August next al 10 o'clock, A. M John Di nerich, Ad minisiralor, fcc. of John Bow vrr, laie ol Montour township, in said eimnv, ilcceat-i ed, will be exposed lo sale by Puhlte Ven due, upon the premises, a certain Tract ol Lain, situate in Montour. Colombia conn; ii'joininj; IjihSs of John Richards, and I'c tci Pleacher on the Ivim, .1 din Dei'ern h ind Joseph Fry on the North, (le r(j,-H if ly on the wpsl, and Joseph M uiser on the south, coniaiiiing Wl Acres nil allowances, s great pottlnn of which i" cleared and in a good state of cultivation, here is on tha premises a two stiry frame house, a Bank Barn a stream of water pas ses through the farm a good spring covered, W OST btcween Cattawi-sa and Jorseytown.oi. vith a atone spring house near ihe door of ' tLi 'he 7h of June tn-'. a he dwelling house a number out houses.! )' O C K L BOOK, a good apple orchard wnh chm. e fruit 0,1 'fonMimn? nine.sen d,!l,r, m hmk notes iw, die premises also a suffineni quantity of nv,,i(, n 'them on the Wesi n.a.uh, and the first rale meadow for the farm, late the Es- other on thr ,Vu iiiehoin,i HanK.the r in ': r . late of saitl deceased, siliiale in the town- Hinnll Holes with some oidcs ia it, i:; -.vloel. m jlon r.( Montour and in'V sfores-d. name is mentioned, am! th.' mili.e of tl.-n '. - ' JACOB EYERLY, S:erk Danville May 27 l H 4 ti. HLANKS!'. BLANKS!! I OR SALE AT Till." OFFICE. nojrouoiiEaoN! lUiUy tV Htmlt nli.ili OAVE just received and are now opening i splendid assortment of new, cheap and bish o.iutdu PKI.NCJ AND SUMMER GOODS, selected with great chro as to price und quality, comprising Superfine Ciothi and Cassimeres, Twieu Cloth and Fancy Cassiineres for (ji:nlleme,t's wear. I'elvel, Sjtin and Fancy Ve stings. Ladies' Dress Goods, sin h as Cashmeres, De Laines. Ilalzoriiies.f.ainis Crape de .antes, Cinhoms, C'.f i cocs, Muslins, fyc eye and Braid SracEonhcts fy Ttinaings fn fact a general and well seleclo 1 assorliiicl.' of DUV GOODS, GL()( KLII- v ;. LIQUORS, II.RV.:j; Q U K ION j V A RK&I10L LO W A I ; I All of which Ihcy are anxious lo a ell . hrao f,, . ll or 111 exchaiiL'O lor C 1 I""" ,MV 30 OF new and beautiful pullerns, just recrived a tho Mew .Store. ' L B RUPERT. way ou 5 .11 10 LATEST ARRIVAL vmm 3if,xsco. ; mm of extermixjitiox AGAINST HIGH PRICES, Carried into Africa. New $md rjTVn subscriber takes occasion to announce ti to old patrons, and as many new ones as wish to bttv cheaper than ever or any where else, tliaihe has just opetiej at his old stand in M ute street, a totally NEIV ,1X1) IMSIIIOXJELE ASSORTMENT OF Comprising a lull and careful seloetion of Clinhani- Mutislin do Lams, Heinees, French T.uwns ami I'niils.uiull.cainliric undiiaired Mus lins, Police, tsilk and Ciunbric llandlicrchiefi ii'id ,vhaw!s. Cloths, t.'asiiincres. Twei-ds, !S,iin and fancv Vet ings, I'aulaloon SMilf., ti imlihinns. .V101, mcr Cloths, Cravatv, Slocks, 'J'ies, ttft Ac, &c. xQUnt'l J'avicly if Groceries, Liquors, Quccnsxvaro and Hardware. To an cxaniinatbn of wliieh tin- sub-c-iriv re -;('(? : uny 10 ires tne atti-iiinni el purclta.-a'rs :tini elicia Delore .-. 101 11111; et.-ewiieie as liele. Is a;,urtii thai he can satisly the ini-t l,i:.lijiinn and ecoiio mica!. GEOb'G E WE VER. liloomsburg, May 2S. 110. tj lf'& I'of'M) of Klioul'1 r. I i"t received ll the A rcade Store. ALBRIGHT L MENGAL. -Vay 30 TJIS nARUKI.S .No 1 and 2 of first (j.islin ?,!ACKIOIir.L' j't received the Al'.CADE Store. ALBRIGHT & MENGAL .Vav 7 L a s t n t r 1 r 1;. f , T. nu.iini knowiiiR the'iiselvrs indebted ti A tha :-tae ef JACDH PAKR, rleeerned lad -I .Wad aou 1 oivn,,nip, arc iifreny nolttied that un 'ePs their sccoiima are settled bef ip the 1 5lh ins' bey wdl be placed in tho hands of a Justice fo. oll.v.tiou, and all peraous ha"inK rhims aie ir pojird to riresent theni iinmediniely , as we are u.xious to havo Ihn husincm closscd. r.ldZAHB TH PAKK.-rldmirntratrir, WASHLVGTO.N PARK, AHmiiust'stor. wriil.T, in be bi'li. Anv 'make kncivn to ih, i' hi ir - ' crit where it may be had. -aal ward. HENT.V IM-X. lutic ia hi 'I. GEORGE J. PF0UT3, rii)siciaii NFOIIMS the public that he has locale J htm- ,-e!i,l LIGHTSiniOET, ind ti .'ide.a lu.s i'r I'e.iiiJinl set vices to all w hg m ij 1.1I. i.j.oi, nun. Jui.eO, Itl-lU 9lf ClfAKLIOS K.UILIOH, JUSTICE OF THE I'EACE, A XI) OWF,YAiLTJi:, BLOOMSBURC, COL. CO., Cilice, corner of Hast and Main-streets. T ie S iiseribers being deiermined no; 1 b- outdone by their neighbors, either in nee or waikmausliip, have put down tho nee of .,se Shoeing from date, to 1) K DOLL R, I). 'iievinu ih.y can save th' T' ":ves b, 1 ! o'ij. SAN FEE & SILVER TIU.,. July I, IHiQ. ,; uixs.'iTu.rrori's xoice. e .,'.- , GUREOCX fJO..IHf lt':i nf Jiioiii town ', , dree TJiHlf.'E is hercliy irivoii tl.,,t h.i' '' islriitiijn on t'.r ,V : ,,; ' , , 1 .ve Ii:',mi granted to I' ' 'e ' iwusliip. All pers-. ; 1 .-. ire luoetiy notilici t all t!i )s hav in" ., . ; ., lit t'uon pntpcrlv 'o.' .' ' THO.1 ilduiuHSl it July, 4 1310-011 f.IST OF LETTER.. Reinaining 111 ihn Post-nfline '.. Pa. June ,'iOth, IS Hi John D. H' ckwiili-John (J. ... Chatnberlin-.Vrs Ann Dole- aiiil-Jacnh Eekerd-Jcsse IL.- avid Kei fT--(;ii arles ,jic.iu ,' loore-Lo .vis R. Obouni-Fif" i; .,.... W 111. Su ani y-J.ickson Nor-o.-pier Sdi.c; -John W aitich-James Walker, J. K. MOYER P. M. LIST OF LETTERS" Remaining in the Post ifli.e, al CiH, wissi, on ilia quarter ending Jii;. , 30" h, ma, Milton Uoonc-Z.bi Bi. (J-.I rr.b CI vill jf.-M .halis Evnes Mr. l'iy J ,'.).-. Gntun-John Gulinc-MaVoIni G jihi- SimU'.'l Il'jgainj-Jriinps F. ILjyne.-. I-rtiC Ilendi ick'-Charlev KiliuDan o K -lr hn 'f-Daniel Knitile-JospphKuii lo -AhratiiLillid-Ausi n Pio.-Julin Si'hr -Herman Van Vlerk 2-Ju- Wttkcl Hiory Y0I10 Cr'har'tie YeMrr. PAUL, K.15ALDY P. M. Hails and Spiii?s. (Pj5 IVI.tj.-i ot iails und Spiki'sjiHt receivw and fur bale at the .N ew .S'lnrc ol L. li. ULI'KliT. June fitli TAIvE NOTICE TlfT I have ptiieluised of Pet.'r K -n-WAIitJtJN and have left the same in bis . -ion dicing my pleasure and forbid ;!)" : ikiii- it from him by purchase or othei w,s.' .. !: ut my C iii.-ent. josmj s.w.vc;::. Suyi-louf, -tunc 3:, 1310 li AD.VIXIS THATOR'S iYOTICE- l'ie Edute of ISAAC KI.IXE late ot'Or. angn township, decastd NOTICE is herebv t'iven that leiters nf ulniiiiistr.itiou on the above mrn'.ioiied V.t iate have litis tlay bepti granted to the sub iciibers. All pt rsuiis imlebtetl to said rs. ate are hereby notified to mike iminndi ite payment, and ail those havino rl.iinis aro eiiuested to presonl them properly bullion ticatoil, to MARY KLINE. Administmriy, Hi RAM R KLINE. V.lmii.tsirainr, Oranirti township, .May 20, 1 S J 6 fl - ti S"N pursu anco c.f an order of the Orphans' Court tg of Columbia county, on Saturday, the fast day if Aiut vrxt. it If) o'i lo, k In tin.' forenoon, Marshall Mine n.ikci ami John Chnsti an. AJiiiiuiata itoo- cv-e, .,f lacib Welliver late of .l.idinii inn'n- hip, in s..ii nunty, deceased ivill be exposed to sale In Pul.bi; Vendue upon the premises; a certain Tract of Land 'ilualo in Madison tovaiuliip, Columbia C;)iir:,y -1 ri I . i I . i 11 or s r tlieiP'ib.iuU adjoining land, of John Her! b'r din . Valent'oe Christian, John Uillhinier, John b'i. l'inn ind J 'bii Cluiatian, Uion the premises there is a Tr7 I.IKi lllll'is.:, Cl '"'!tS a'"1 "lle half s cries hiijli, A l.oo fHN. i'ifi'r-Vi'-t ASMA1.L APl'I.U OUCiUKU, ind alioulJsO acreii of cleared lanj, Ilia lemui niitj lent is well timbered with Pir.e and Oak. 'J hem a stream of warer running tin mm h the property, .'apxhleofruimiu; a s.i v mill, lato the, cstatn uf tnt lerea-eil, situate in Madiaun tovvusliip in said CJUti ty afu.esaid. JACCB EYERLY, Clerk Danville, Vay ;m, lS!G-tJw7 I : f. a't ,vi . inil.;c. Ai'il' in. 1 uiiiiv, HAuniA.N & l.va; d. Caltawis.-a, May, I S I i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers