AN ACT yConCtrhinX Vlt kemoval of the Seal 1...L r Cnhnnhia Cnuntu. of Justice , .from Danville to JDluomsburg. , . , , .1 o , I. .. . . . a t n l a.. ... 1 h Ilia Nana. a anil .,- .1.1 ... l. -..C.,1.. mnmimj ik ....... cwuoii ..... -j House of.KepresentatiYc. f the Commonwealth of tsnfiavivflinik in llfneiTnl AaxeinblV met. anil It U kl... l..ik.nil,nr.lnf ihrt Thnt it shall and may be lawful foi the Qualllled Vo- prepared for thereccplion thtieof, and fiom thence- pl1' of their meelltirr to cast tip all J In ter who have Keslded In Columbia Coun- forth the 8eat of Justice in and for the county of vniea reccivei) in the difTerent eleetion (lis ty for at LK.1ST MX C.lil!S UAH -ff WWWB .'.j,,',i npr1tnrr thf nrrl Gnim " ' , .1 Efcrfyw, to vote at such e lection ijipon , the ouention ofltie removal of their Seat of Juotice from l)anill. to said county, in the man- fre held atZtonvillcmAVfor said county, w" ci.suaii ne nieu in tne omre o trie clerk nor wiu Those in favor of Kemoval ehallbekept and held at Dlonmsbuig in the build- of ' t0,fl (if quarter essions and tlie other hatl vole a written or printed ticket libelled, ingj erected for their accommodation as aforesaid, in the offiee of the Commissi. uiers of said "SEAT OF" JUSTICE," end containing the Hep.. 4. It shull be lawful for the citizens of county of Columbia. word ''FOR BLOOMHMJRO," aud those op. Bloomsburg to obtain subscriptions from any per- Si c 11 It shall be the duty of the Shrr foml to Removal, shall vote i written or print- i0I1 0r persons willing to suUcribe any moi.ev or iflr ,-,,;,, gai(, f Coum,li;li , caus, ed ticket labelled as aforerfRid, and containing tho materials for the erection of such public buildings . ... . ; . , . , ... words" FOR DANVlLLI;'Mhe.aidtiekeUtobe.9Broprviuodforinthesecond8eetionof.hi1;;1ctl,s,,, to be pub.wned Hi nt least three deposited in a box which shall be provided for that and in default of the payment ol the onnie, the newspapers published in said roiint) ; fnral purpose at each and eveiy of the election polls of county ('onimii"(ioiier are hereby empowcicd to least mire in every week lor sixty days im said county, and the returns of said election shall cause suits to be brought in tho nameof the county mediately preceding ihe next general elei be made in the same manner by the Roturn Judges t., enforce the recovery of the same, and when col- j0lli 4ni' sri ,,e ,av 0f , flection asm the cite of the election of Mcmbe.s of the leded to be applied towards defraying the expenses , , ;, A.-m.,lM r,.l if nn lha niplincr of the KetUrll nfklirh lull lilltifrn. . I l,..l.i .l,all...M.r ikatamsinritv of the votes hsve ben given in favor of Blooir.sburg, then tho following scstions of this act shall be of full force and effect; but if it shall appear that a majority of votes have been givon against Bloomsburg, then the following section.of this ict.h.11 be null void Bsc. 2. That if a majority of the voters of caid ,.,, of rnlumWa. oualif.ed as aforesaid, voting on said question of Rsmoval, shall decide in the manner provided in the fust section of this act in favor of the Removal of the Seat of Justice of said county to the town-of Bloonnburg, tho ciliif ns of Bloomsburg in said county shall Meet, or cause to be elected, I iuiih iv .m KXPEAME, within three years from and after such ehtion,i'n the town of iloonnburg, suitable building of BRICK or 8fO'E, of the MOST APPROVED PLAN,' for a Court Houi'.e and Pilson, and different eilices for the safe keeping of the county records, under the diicclion of the Ceunty Coremirtioncrs, who are authorised tore- ceive a eonveyance for such lot or lots 01" ground the use of such County buildings, not LEtHi than OMR ACRE. In 'fee siniplo clear of all in- 'Ciimbrances, ioftlie use of the county of Columbia, , iha k.iil.linv in bn eractt J on such lot 01 lots of ground thus conveyed, nu ine loun i.ou.t, .. . .i.i y-, .it : and otherpoblie buildings and real estate on wlncU they are erreted er is appuitenant thereto, st Ihe j u . f n.KH:il . ... U....V.,, AranlA.1 Bint fnnrm. mi to fris inhabitants of Mahoning township, with fall authority to sell and dispose of the same to the IQVfll r. LdlviiiT. mrv l.ciru, best aJvantea,e,nd thatsomuch ot tne proceeds 01 said m, is nei-essary to refuni to the citizens of r....IIU vrtslavarimaunt of ronnev thev mav have UBU'IIIW ' J J Aflnl. Mr tnfor the origmal construction of tae public 1 .. .. 1.1. tV - ... 1.1. KhILIIkm t said town. nd the purchase of Ihe lots ol ground on which they tre erected, shall be re- I .Um A elianw snd the hslanre to be intotbsCoBnTrtif ' vy fur county rnirnoece. .1 of tFmiicc. Assembly, TMMA A. FUNSTOM. JProthonoUtry, JACOB EYEKLLY. Megister and Mccorder CIHIAllfilLES CfolTOIEIHL. TTreaswver, MAMJLW28 W. MANN. (Commissioner. JPETEM ENrJT. WILLIAM (DQIL, Prwided No disposition or sale of such public building liall be maile until Hie court House and public building! a. Uloomsburg shull be completed, aim mo jjuuui, iu.u. .iU ic meic- , , 8r.c. 3. That so soon as the public buildings .re completed according to the provision, of this ci,iiw wuuhui..u..c. a ..,.u., aud.iiall t.e punished u sudi in uccordlec ofthe.oraeinxbe Uun of Common I'leas of k,.,I ,,, pi0visin the Heventh section of hi county, and said Court being satisfied thitbuid o I..I...II 1, ih. .lmv nfvr i.l t buildings are fully completed according to llie true T?t t'TZ ul UCiB ulauc , , , ,,,,.,, UIC ommwsiuiicra yonenu o. u..i county sunn mere- unon cause tho prisoners, if any there confined in "ib o.u orison, w uo .... , i ...u .,c, and the public paper, and reeonh then remammg in th nn i ir nflwn nt llunvilln. tr hn sntt'Iv driin. a.l.J i kll.V.n an Q. nfarsal.l t,nih Columbia shall cease to be at Danville, ai.d the UII U vnn.n.,,,1 afl Civixl of llto tmiri, ..f ,,, , . . ., , , , r liloomsburg. ... the said county and the pu he of- ficcs heretofore kent.aiid the courts of jusl co hereto Hvr. F If .,v nerson or ncrsons .bull v.He n.i tho question of removal of the scat of justice ol mid county of Columbia, et tho electiou authorized to be held by virtue of this act not duly qualilicd to vote in acjordance with the first section of this act, or sh .11 vote out of his or their proper distiict, or hIh.11 voto mere than once on said question, bo or thev .0 offemlinu- nnon conviction thereof before the proper court of quarter sessions of said county, shall be subject to the penalty provided for in the general election laws of this Commonwealth. Hue. 6. If any judge or inspector of the election .mhorircJ to be held by virtue of this act, sUll knowingly or wuiuny Mjrtv inu a inaru qualified t vole on tbo question of Removal of ll.c seat of justice in said county in accordance the with Criisection of this act, or shall receive the voic oi penon not quulilied to vote as aforesaid on said question, he or they so offending, upon comic-lion hereof before the proper court of quarter seniors (said county, shall forfeit and pay for the use of ij couuty for every such offence, a sum not less than three hundred or more than six hundred dolr lurs at the discretion of the court, and shall Undergo nn imprisonment In the juil of said county for a nerin.l of not lecj than twelve inuliths or more than two yearn. 81c. 7. If any Judge, inspector or cleik of the election authorized to be held by virtue of this act -1,1. nri.T.ilIu miunAimt up m! m 1 1 T-ilawtv li. fii.iiitn. imu vi.iiuii, hiisviiuiii, onwn ,.,it., u,,u ,,uuuu- ently add up and return the votes received upon the question otoreea'.J, or shall keen afulse tally paper. or sball be guilty ol any liaud in the discharge ol Ins duties, every person so offending upon tonvic linn ilmrnnf in lb Dinner rniirt of mntlnr ot.l-u.. I I " i - ' "" of Mid county, shall be subjeet to the same fine and ... . . 1 . 1 ncnsltv s sre lmiK;;d upon deHtwucrit iu.lL'eii or nuprctors by the general election laws of this Com- 'nwmwetilh. Sic. 8. It stall bt (He duty of t!?e Jccs an I, ingncctors conducting the election authorized to b held v viruo of this art to num. .1... l be egj,y anj distinctly ict opposite, the na'ie ol cvery citizen wlio Hhalt vote on the question of the of the sent of justice ns iiforcsaid, on the ,niv ,,. ,,,, - i,:,.., ,,; ,,, h1iiM ,, P..;Qlm,, aiJ(J my w;lfl, 0III;stiiun 60 ,0 J0 ihM U jcemcj , pector and clerk conducting the eleetion aufhoi ' ' ' "' " (in addi- . , the oat I or afliimation be s nowrenii re bv , , ,..,.- ... nBtrl nr .mrmnljn n,,,, l.n i,.,i i r.,:,.,r..n .....! ;., ..,. ijniivniiy miu I'liimuiiy .uiiiiiy iii hcii ii-suru . . . J .J . J y. Wllh ,le provisions and requirements of this act. , ( Hhaj bfi , (, f , ... J fl 1 1 It 1 j P S Of fiUl( COUnlV, St tllC limfi and tricts on '.lie question of the Removal of lilt . . I i- - I tin i J OK'I l main, ant. oii.lll IlldltU Oil. (;crlir1(,illes s,l0wi, , reM)U one , . , , ! . . wll,cl' 8,la'1 ''e 1,1 ,,ie tiermatl langliace, of 8!) ael ,0 00 posletl ill handbill form, in ill' most public place nearest the eleetion poll in every election disiriel in said eonntv and llie reasonable expense of aneh ptihlicatioi' , b 5 , b , , f c , ,. . ' . . vulul" biaby or,lcr8 tJrawr' 111 ,,ie ll5ual way- fc'EC' Somurhoflhe existing Ibwf of this Common wealth as are altered or supplied by this art, be and the same ire herebv repealed; and aim the art of Astern b, ' e(J , Uh j(n(, , pmUM nn acl : . , . - , . 10 "ie 'lpn f" Mechanics ar.d olherj. "P0" buildings, is hereby repealed so far Bf it relates to the building lo be erected in pursuance of this ael. FINDLEY PATTITIiSON, 8pcsker oftho House of Representatives. WILLI M 1 WILCOX, Speaker of thi Senate, Apirovr.-3 the twenty-fourth day of February, ot(a tbnUMund aipht hundre.l. an,Vfnrt tii-a. FR.tNCl" H. SUUNK. . m SPIKES; Sec. iirJ. issuui 'f ( RI011.9 burg 11- B(. Vo ILL keep constantly on sortuicnt of hand, a large VAIT g mIIvFSi AND IKON . Ss-JIVIj -1 which thV will sell bv WHOLESAI b and RE - ) , , , 1 rAIL.-ona 011 at gooa term e ur"c"" - j. .n.yWiiiAit AipirhnntA omit can lit elewhtri purchmetl. Meichnnts and olhors, find il to their Interest liutU of ornin received in psvinci.t. to call- ll JOSEPH PAXTON, PamniKT PROCLAKATIOIT mmmm WIIERKAS, by an cl of ihe General Assembly of the Commonwealth of l'enn ylvania entitled 'An act relaline to election ol tim Commontveslth, passed the 2d day of July. A. D. 1839,' in mnde ihe duly ol die SherifTof every county to givs public notice of such election to be liolden, and and make known, in such notice wlial of ficeri are to be elected: Therefore 1. iiiam Di:iii High Sheriff of the county of Columbia. do make known, by this advettismenl, to the h lectors of said county of Columbia, lhat a GENERAL ELECTION will be held in the aaid county on Tuesday the MM Jay of October next. at the seveial distucts thereof, as follows to wit: Bloom township, at the house of Charles Uoebler, uloomsburrr iJriarcieek townslip, at the town-house in uerwicic. lyatawissa township, at the house of 6iacy Marjorem, in tho township of Cat awissa. Centre township, at the house of John Ileus Uerry township, at the house of Jacob Seidel, in said township. nailing creek township, at the House of Uaniel feeler, in said township. franklin township, at the school house-, near the limine of John said town ship. Greenwood township, at tne house now occupied by John Lemon. Hemlock township, at the Buckhorn, Jackson the house of Joshua Savage in said township, Jiiberly township, at ihe house o IIu'h McElrath: in said ownship limestone township, (a separate elsction isirict) at ihe Union School House, in laid township. iUahoninir township, at the Court House in Danville. Mifiin township, at the house of John ohn Keller, jr: in said township. Madison township, at Ine house now oc cupied by John Wel'iver, in Jerseytown. Mount Pleasant township, at the house of Frederick Miller, in said township. Monlcur township, at the house of Leon ard Lazarus, in said township. Main township, at the house cf lsnal. Shuman. Roaring creek township, at the lionse now occupied bv V il- x easrer. in sanl own3hip. Orange the house of Isaac C. Johnson, in Ihe town of OrangeyiH Sngarloaf townsliip, at the hnnse E. Colt The district composed of lhat part ol Mifllin towns-hip, laid off fur a new town ... : 1 .....I .) - 1 , . imp, .u ue caneu -l axion, wtucii, ny an id of Assembly, passed first day ol April. 1639, was established into a separate election district, at the hotisj of idam Michael, in the said district. Valley township, l the house now oc rtipied by John Hans, in said township. At which time and plat e are In be elected by the freeman of the county of Columbia. One Person, fur Assembly, One Person. for Commissioner of Columbia county, One person, for County Treasurer. One person, for Auditor, 0e Person, for Prolhonalurv and Clerk of the Several, Coiiris, Oj?e Person, . for Register & Recorder. One J'erson, for Canal Commissioner. And aL.) in pnriiitiiirs ol an act of the Legislature, approved the 2-lih day of Ftb- ruatv, lolo entitled an acl concerning iht Removal of the Seal of Justice of C.iliimb'a oiiniy, from l);rn ille of l)looniburg, in vote lor or aoauitt the Kemoval ol shii) Seal ol Justice, (see said acl, hs pub.isiit'u in another rulumn of this paper.) Jn pursuance of an act ol the Assembly ol the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, i' 11 ueu 'An sci relating to iite elections oi ihis Commonwealth' paused ihe 2d day ol July A. D. 1839. iSoltce t j hereby given That every person, except justices ol die peace who yhall hold any ofiice of sp pointmenl of profit or trust under the gov ernment of the United States or of thit State, or of any city or incorporated dis irici, whether a commiy.iititied cllicer oi therwise a subordinate c-flirer or a?cnt. who is or shall be employed under the Ie? islative. execuiivo or judiciary deportment of this State or of the Uniled Stales, or ol any eity or incorporated district, and oko every member of Congress, and ofthe&init Legislature, and of ihe ssleci or common council of any city, or commissioners ol any mcoporated district, is, by law, ntcap able of holdinr or exercising at the same lime, the cilice or appointment! of Judje. inspector, nr C-lerk, ol this Common wealth nd thai no inspeclor.Jud.'e or other officer of any such election, ahall be eligible to an) office lo be ihen voted for.' And the said Act of Assembly, er tilled an Act relating to ihe elections of ihiJ " " , r. . , WUIV 4l Lo nmnnwealth,' passed Julv 2d: 1839 furf her nrovil es ns follows to wii . I'hat the lnspeetorand Judges elm. en as aforesa'd shall meet at ihe resufciive ocft appointed for holding the election jn ihe Vstrlcl to whioh they respectively belong, 'nfort 9 o'lock in the morning on the 2d Tuesday of October 11 each and evenf year, and each of sail Inspectors, shall appoint one clerk wh. hall be a qualified voter of such district. 'in case ihe peieon who shall have n eived the second highest number of lb .oies for Inspoctnr shall not attend on th.' lay of any election the pcison who uhal lave recered ihe second higheHi number ol votes forjudge at tho next preceilinjr elect don shall act as Inspector in bin plae. tun in case the pemon who shall have receive) the second highest number of voles for In pector ahull not attend, ihe person clei-ui 4 Judge shall appoint an Inspector in hi place, and in case the person elected . judge shall not attend then the Inrpertm wno receive llie highest number ot vote shall appoint a Judge in hi. place, and any vacancy shall continue in the board for the space of one hour after the time fixed by law for the opening cf the election, tin- qualified voters of ihe township, ward oi district for which such officer shall havt been elected, present at the place of elec lion shall elect one of their number to fir such vacancy. .t.-i. hi . 1. 1. 11 stiai. oe ins uutr 01 saitl 8P6'f-ors respectively, at llie place of hold mg every general, special, nr tnwnshii election, during the whole timo tho said election is kept open for the purpose of giving information to the inspector anil judge hcn called on, in relation lo the i nhi of any person assessed by thsm to voto at such election, or such other matter- in relation lo the assessment of voters a: the said inspectors or juiJje or either o them, shall from lime to lime require. no person snail ue permuted i vote at any election as aforesaid other than a while freeman ttf the age of twenty-one years oi more, who shall have resided in this stall at toast one year, and in tho election dis irici wnere ne oners to voto at least ten cays immediately preceding such election, and within two years paid a stale or county lax, which shall have been assessed a't leas ten days before election. Rut a citizen ol the United StateB whe had previously been h qualified voier of this slate and removed there from and returned, and who sh-ill have resided in the eleci'on district and paid taxes as aforesaid, shall be en tilled to vole, after residing in this slate six months, Pro vided, Thai the white freemen citizens ol the United Stales, between the ages ol twenty-one and twenty-two. and havinc resided in ihis stale ONE YEAR, and in the election district TEN DAYS, as afore iha-ll bo entitled to vote, although they .shall not have paid taxes. 'IHo person shall be admitted lo vote whose name is not contained in this list ol isxabla inhabitants lurnislied by ihe com tiiis6ionerf as aforesiid unless, l-'irsi -he produces a receipt for tho payment within iwo ycarsi of a state or county lax, assess ed agreeably lo the constitution, and give satii;!actnry evidence, either on his own oath or affirmation, or an oath and s. Hi r nr n tion of another, that he has paid such lax or on failure to produce a receipt, shall rna!;e oath lo ihe payment thereof, of See andif he claims a right lo vote by being in elector between the ages of twenty one Hid tweniy-iwi yeass, he shall depose on lath or 6fliinilion,lh''.t he has lesided in the state st least one year, next beW his application, and make such proof 0! residence in the district as is required by this act, and t'zal tie docs verily belive, from the accounis given him, that he is of the cgi afoiesaid, and give such other evidence an is required by this art. Whereupon the name of ihe person so admitted to vote. hal! btf inserted in the'alphabeticsl list h . 1. : . 1 .... .' 1 1.1c in-ipeciorn, hiki a nolo made oppnsre thereto by vriiin", the word lux' if he shah be admitted lo vote by reason (f havii-g paid a tax, or the word 'sge'if he '(.lionld be nilmiiled 10 vote on account ol his ag, an in either case, tlie reason of such vine shall bo called out to the clerks who shall Ilia lie the like notes kept by them. 'In all cases whera the name of the per ion dunning lo vote is not found on the lis furnished by the coiiiuiinpjotu-r. and asse. ors, or hie right in vole whether iotm, i . - . i . . nereon or not is i.l.jecteu to liv auy n-i;,iii. ed citizen, il shall he Ihe duty ol I be ' p. lectors to examine sin h tier-ow i n h ; io his qnalifii altoiiS. Mill if he cl .i.i i. n .ave resided vvilhiu the sisie ln .r f, or more, In-) om.!i tdiall he. Hi. unit .hereof, but he shall riiafie prci.l In at U ; me competent wnne.s, who mIihII he ; qualified elector, lhat he has reiide.l wahii lie district for more than ten davs nr xt iniinediaiely proceeding said election, aiu also himself swear thsl his bonaflde res-i ii-i'tn in (HnsoancB oi nig inwiai calilli", Is within the tlirtrict and that he did nm remove into said district, for tho nuno-.e of voting tnercin. L-ery person qualified as aforcea; i! who shall mnke due proof if required of his residence and payment ol laxe s,as aforesaid, -lull be admitted io vote in the district ii. which be slmll reside. 'If any person shall piev.--. 'or aliempi or prevent any (iffiiro! ah elsrtiona under ihis acl I'mr. I.oltlin stish tleciions, o; une ui iiiirdicn ouy vioierce any tiutccr.or snai interrupt or improperly interfere with him n the exerution of his duly, or shall block up or auempi to oiocr up ine . window or the avenue i.i any window where the same nav beholden or shall riotously disturb the peace at such election, or shall use or practice any intimidating ihfeate, force or violence with designs lo influence nnduly or overawe any election, or lo prevent him from voting or lo restrain the freedom of choice. such person on conviction shall be fined in any sum not exceeding five him dsed dollars, aid he imprisoned for any time not lets ihsn one nor mrrfl limn (we'lvel months. Ai.difil shull te shown to ihe court ft'heie tbe trial vf such t fiance shall 'e had. that the penion so offewi'foj i', " t resident of ihe city, ward disiri.'tw ' hip where the saiif off rice wn t T niiied, Bnd not entiileJ r voto itSli. 'n hen on ronviction, he ei.icnf o'pay 1 fine not leas than one hundred nci't tire than one tlioncnnd dollars, sit) 'it imprisoned noi less ilun six months nut nnre lhan Iwt years. 'If any person or persons shnl make snye 'iet nr wajj-er upon, the renut of any eloctii.m vithin, his (Viiiinnnwealth or shall offer 11 nuke any such bet or wagr, either by -erh-. proi-Uiiniiiion thereof or by ny wnu ten or printed advertisements, challenge ott 'VH-.'ir. upon i:otivii:tion iheienf her or ihey shall furleii and pay three limes the amount, -0 he. 1 nr off. red to be bet. 'II any person shall vote at more than, ne election district or oiherwise fraudu lently vote' more than once or. the same day r shall fraudulently fold and deliver to lite inspectors uy tickets together, with ihe in 'tut '.0 illegally vote or shall vote the same it i! any h).l! advise or procure a other so ol do, he or ihey so offending shall on ron viction be fir. v' in any sum not less than lifty nor more than five hundred dollars, )tid be imprisoned or any tenn not less than ihreo normorVihan twelve months. If any person not qualified lo vote in ihis commonwealth agreeably to law (ex 'epl ihe sons of qualified citizens shall appear at any place of election for ihe pur pose of issnir.g tickets, or of influencing the citizens qualified to vote, he shall on con 'iction, forfeit and pay any sum not exceed ing one hundred dollars for every such of fence and be imprisonment for any term not exceeding three monil s The Judges are lo make their returns for die eouniy of Columbia al ihe Court House In Danville on Friday the 17th day of Ou tober, A.'D. 184.". God sive the Commonwealth IRAM DERIt: Sheriff. EiiKRiFr s Office; Danville, September, 201843. Cabinet Malting- f rjTIIi" suhfcriliei rcnpectfii!l informs the pub JJ lie that he lies taki n the shop lately occupied by B. 8. Hay-hurst, at tho lower end of Mutkel itrcet lilooiiKsburg- where lie intends carry-inn on the business in all its branches, and solicits a shaie of thy pntronagu of the j.ublic. In connection with the above business, he offers his .-cruets a i nn UNDERTAKER. He will always be to make COFFINS for the sanio prices hereloforc -hnrged In lilo.'mshurg, and hr.viir; supplied himself wih a good 11 KA ho will uttcn-,1 with it ut the Funeral without any extia charge, JOHN BITTERS. M,iy,iO 1815 dm 3 Chair rianufactoy, Til C subscriber continue lo carry on the CHAIR .ANUFACT0;vhO business at the old stand of !! & 8. Ilnprn htich, where he will be ready at all limes to furnish Fancy & VV im'fur Chaiis, Set tees, Uosion Rocking Chairs &c, of cvirv csrription, which may be called for. at horl notice and on the most reasonable terms, lie will also execute House, Im w n & Ornamental ('aiming, aud House 1'apering, in a superior manner, rrom Ins experience in ihe business, and his facilities of manufacturing Ihe various articles of his line, I e Halters himself that he shall be able lo furnish as good work. and upon as reasonable terms as can be done in lite country, all of which he w ill of lor CASH or COUNTRY PKonucn N. R- Orders from a distance will be strictly ai.d punctually attended lo. H IIACLWDL'CII. Bloon sburg, Dec. 30, 1813 Brandrcth's Pills. EAD nml innlcr.-tnml ! The time will coma when the medicine, Brandieth 'ills, will I e il'i'iicuilt'd ns they ought uii.l descne; it will bo iliideibiiiiid that Dr. I'.ioikIii ii Ikis the slrougeu cliims upon ihe nl lie. It is true thut eieiv in. I i -iI tiiil w. lio n.i.k(S a Iii .1 of ihe Uinrclrelli J ills ...iicc.le lb. in to be the I l nn ilicire tlx v cm. r useil. 'I iiev are i...!.-. .1 a n i t ti . c . r i.lvct V. l-i. h I. .'ie is mi mi- ;,.k.- I v n I'l.n i.:e ... M Ill li.liS IS I ;-M. !(,; .!. li. i. ! t ". II (,f j tl eri I e i, re iii'.i.r, th 1 .ti - III.- "'i.liic us i l -i in i- . lii-y ell'.- . . lit-, ii.M- w !.,. i.a : 1; i ..Mi .1 II I" M . i.. I) U: I'iil - ol i '. ... .1 t l.f-i ta. t 11m .- II, e I'.r II,. i-l .v.i l li '' .irit-ii-y ul ,n. I li. i i nn i,( ,:.i! : i .-. I i fi' ( I. (,'!.. tms tl.i. l..Hi.l..l.L II I 'inns where I i. -nn- si.i il Viih. ah e ,'ives in diore ie. e ihea.lliil yellow li ver was t.rt vmt- i. IK, A lew doc t.iktu iu.ineiliii I) upon llie in.- In Hull li -nn rei'i'iM-d into Iht i.'eii, w i.'i lii.l most ce. tain to picent any mnleriul ine. ineii i,re. And cl nosiii.- of tiiis d-c.-)ilfu eoidcniic is there, s i liiwnir m.-iliniK' as the Bi'enJrelh Fills. J,e liie.liiiiie bu ui,iv.'r.-,jllv u.e,l in thif lisense, mid no loss of l.lnod allowed, mid few, ..ry lew, would be its victims. !o il is w ith, nth) r liseases. Asi t nature with this all in.iiorrant medicine to remo.e bid huniois finm the Mu.iJ, nid do not r.'iort l.. h:i!l h.ive u cry , bleeding or inerrurv. nidwji ;.i scuicitv nl'iiTs(..s itllielud The Jeathciod tiib.: the in:. w '.. , ,-omc liialu.l-e: ii.c.l I, i ii in- over w.iiil. wo mc llje lords, ate not odlicled with chronie maladies; neither Kbouri ve he if it were not for our prioe whic-h nvainn. Use the mcdiLinc wl.iih harmonizes with her, which tnildlv but orpl ri.. moves nil the imi.ii.ilies 0f the blood.w hich filrengtb ciis the yut reduces those of too full habit te a healthy standard. Let uje again my that cvery depurtment of tho manufacture of Br.ndrelh i'il! is persooslly eaperinteuded ly mo, and that eier box with my three labels uoon it but bs rlir i. onto hue the beneficial effect dfJinbeJ if -. according to tbe directions aceoanpsnv'ng, A li E W I a. Wasbingtor Robert M'Ksy. Jerteytowii I,, ii A. T.'igVf. Danville E. B.Reynolds Si Q. C'att.wifse-C. (J. Brobst. Blooidshutif J. R. Mover. Limestone Babbit Ar 'M'Ninch. Buckhorn ,V..G. Shoemaker. . Lin e Ridge Low A Thouinrop. fcrwick-J W iiile. Ma 8, 1848 ly- S. i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers