ir-. In Mllon on ihi ' i.'(Ht nil., hy tin K v. F. R-rhruilT, M . Chiustain WtKBTLT, lo M ssCathamne Coiunek, li -in id Col. ci. , In lliipkinif illr, oi thiirsdav, October I In: D i), by die Kv, j am utst T. hi1 id, Mr. 1'amkl IlnwKR, jr. of Franklin, lo Mis I i.iAHKTii IIendkrhiot. daughtei of Mr. Michael lie mlcrslioi, of Montour, till ol Culii nhu Couniy. We ore requested lo announce DAVID CLARK, of Cattswigsa, as a candidate for tt e Legis lature at the e nsuing election. , COUNTY TREASURER. We are authorized to announce WILLIAM CilRTUN.'Eaq. of Hemlock township, aa a crndiilate fo the oflice of ' TRESURElf of Columbia couniy at the ensuing election. Sep, llih, 1815. 2l We are requested to Hitnotinre . JOHN STALUY. f Greenweod, at a Volunteer Candi date for the office of- COUNI'Y COMMISSIONER, at the next October Election, IVe are requested to announce WILLIAM IIIDLAY, pf Bloom township, aa a candidate for tin nffice of COUNTY COMMISSIONER, at the next October election. $ Teachers Wanted. The School Directors of Bloom School ZJislriet want to engage six or eight mule, utitl two or three female ToacliciB, fur the enduing winter, to com ' inence about ihe first of November. The Directors will meet at iloomslmrg on Saturday, the 25tA of October, at 4 clock in the afetrnnoii, to examine and select the candidalee. A pplicants must produce ' certificates of ubility and good moral character. By order of t4ic boiud II. Wi'.BU, Secretary. ' . Oct. 4 H15. gJ-NEW ESTvQBLISMENT.JED TIN and SIIHESTIRGN THE aubsctibor huving located himself in Rloiimsburir. is nronared to furnish all kind of wnre, und peifonn jII kinua of work in hi line of business, at cheap rates and at shoit notice He has furnished himself with a new alid splendid stock ot tools, imichinerv and nuiterials fr'inr I'll ilu delpb'a, and made a lare purchase of COAL and WOOD STOVES, of various nattems, to supply li d customer.-). II : will co nt.nU y keep on hai d, TIA IV.IUK of every description. STOI'ES, larrio variety, neatly and suba'an tialy liuished, togethor with Vll'E. SPOUTS for buildings.' COJL BUCKET, &c. &c. He respectfully soli,:its public patronage Mav iivj; been foroine ycara engaged in his business, ami havint; experienced as.-iistants, he feels eonli dontof eHtirfyirig all who may fuvor him with their custom. COUATHY JWUVIi.LVTS fupplicl on liberal terms. Call on the south aide of Miiii-slrcci, 3 doors , iclnw tho oflice i f the Columbia, democrat. October 11, 18-lft lyS5 S, E. CRAIG. i JPK.VG ffliirf SHEER STF.liL just re ceived and for alc at the .New Store. L.B.KLTRr. October II. 2i7 7 Mew J1HE aiibsceibera renectfully inlorm the pur lie, that they are now opening, at the stoic lately occupied by IS. H. 11100.9, on Maiil-strett, a laige and extensive assortment of FALL A NO WINTER imv hoods, Groceries, Hardware, CROCIiRKVWAtir.. Ji A R TH EN WARE AND LIQUORS; in fact, every article ususually kept in a country store. Among tbair assortment may fce louna f!uiene. of the newest patterns Silk, Cloths, Casciaieres Satiiiftis, Vest ing, Bleached and Brown Shirt mys, Olovpg and lIoe, Hand Jicffll.'tfa and Hhawl, t'aiilintrea. 4'15, . ihm wilh unit (f t as t" f.Br;" -bled, a sell, hem. quality a nop ' . cvcr hre been f- Ted in thi. vicinity, for Cash or Country Pro ' "dinaviug made arrangement, in the City for a coSnt ugpr.y. any, arttc.e in .c.r n. w c thev have not on banu.can ue iu.m- - Persons . requested U call and examine tlic. goods and prtc. Blosro haig.Oct- IL W6- NOTICE. wruiorlll T If'arnfd from rlfl Marv Brn, ( 6u e'loar, has cireolated a slander that I have aiused mrl attempted to kill ray wile, ana j. r! 0. 0. have likewise done the same turn?. Nn r,;f they have doua so, I pronoun? the story a faUhsod and slander, and stand ready to prove it r, at sny tics. 3 JIPEMIAH 8TILE6. JTOVE HPE for aide at the TVew Store. L.U. KITEUT. October II. The Estate of JONATHAN STllOUl fate vj Moutd I'leasenl township, uccius ed. TOTICE la hereby eivon that letters of admin ution on the above mentioned Estate iisva been irrantcd to the subscriber Jiving in Hem lock lownsnip. All vrmiis indt bti d toaald estate irehoieby notified to make immediate payment ind all thoae having claims are requested lo pre c(it litem properly authetilicHtcd lo ADAM STROIT, Am'r. October, tl, 1843. 6w25. , Columbia County tt. In the Orphans court of said count) Writ or Partition or valuation ol Hi' real estate of Samuel Siller, late of Hemlock township, in said count deceased, and lands valued, rule and . . . - ,.m Vf niiititu nf fVnvenr appear in said " " -v - -11 i .,, rr ...lose the said estate for next, arm o i i" - . ne valuation, " , . , , , . i I.I e..r ului'h Ihn aunt heirs not be ordered to i-o '". , u.J legal representees . 'I'll (i COURT. XAsi of L.ctltM-. ar FMMNING in the Post Office, nt Blooms BSbiirg.on thequa.ter ending Sept. 31IIU 1815 Wim Uechcr Klnor ',hlllf' . Hartholoniy CraiiHton Mrs. l.yuia nonius Simon Reedy Thorna Thatcher jr. Win. H. Williams Mri. T. Williauia Peter Culp K. B. Cummings uniunl Droombore Isaac Karuea Isaac Aabee James Younu .!.,bo M'Cuti -111111 Persona calling for letters on the above list will lease say they are advertised. JOHN II MOVER, U- P. NOTICE S hereby given that I h"Vp piirrhnxed t (ion stable salo as the propt 'y of Js""" Naniln, , t - . ...... . 1. ...... .1,11, tlll.LV one sorrel nore, iwu ui nam ,""- r1"-' one harrow, a double sled, live shoatn, une naddlli me calf, one inuiitle clock, and-liave lell Hie aauu in his posassion during my pleasure and loiuio anv person lukii'g tbeinaway o .her by purchase ui otherwioe, wilhout iny cunsent JAMBS DEW ITT October 4, 1815-25 1 1 NOTICE IfTS hereby given that I have "purchased at Con XL stable sale as the property of John N.itigli'.oiic n jy m ire unJ have lefi tho sa;mi in Ins during my pleasure, and turbid any person tukinu. it I'coin him cither by purchase or otlieiwii-c with out in v consent TH0M1S W YOUiNG Scptetuber 21, 181525 NOTICE S hereby given to (he rftockliolders in the com pany for erecting u Bridge over ti e Northeast lii'imcti of the river iSiisqiiehaumi bet ween the town 'of Ciltawis-m an 1 lm month of Fishing-reek tti ,t llie .liiiiujera have this day declared a dividend of ihite per cent, on the Slock of siud eoiupaiiy, for t!'o las) six months, which , will bitf( stockhoblrrs or their legal representatives, at ti e Treasurer's oflice, C'atlavvissa,ou or after ihe 15th inst. DAVID CLA UK, Treasurer, Treasurer's Oflice, Catlawissu, Oct 1, lb!5 JWJOUllXEI) SHERIFF'S S VLB. lIY virtue of a writ of ten. ex. lo me direct ed; will be exposed in public sale, at tin Conn II'Mikh in Danville, "ii Monday the uf .oveiiiber,l8l5 at 12 k'cIuck.M ' the followiM); pmperty to uz: A certain tract of land. situate in (irf.en- wood township, Columbia County conltnn nig- lit Acres, nore or Was annul LIU II I Y At. Kr.nol which ia cleared I -tml, Imuiided by Ixnda ol W in. M' Richard, Win. er, I'tiit Siattcn. t ml oihers. wliereon is erected i- iree two siorv BRICK IIOl'SE a mnab Log House, a Sw Mill, a(LaihMill, Clovet Vl'l', frame siabie am! uiher nut butlilirii;, wo apple orchards, w tth the app'irien;uiees Seized taken in execution and lo be soli! s the property of William Lemon. HUM DF.RR, Sheriff. Shkriff's Oh irn, Danville, ? Uciober 10th, 1815. I Li H i M FOR JUSTICKS AND CONSTABLES Priiied on a sheet for the purpose of Pus iijj ii) in their (Mfices. FOR SALE AT TIMS OFI'ICE yT The Li retitiirna Justice an din liable to have his bill of fees postod up in his office. -ALSO Blanks for CONSTABLE SALES. CHARLES Ii. HUCKALHW Attorney at Law. fJce 5oiiA side of Main-it. opposite Kycr $ 'Htfjlry'e Store, tr-T'WIl.L ATTEND COURTS IN rilE COUNTIES OF COLUMBIA AND LUZERNE. IX persons having unsettled accounts either ihn subscriber, or with the late firm ol 'mi" Nlrthorn ii Boone, whether the ballance be m bia favor or against him, are requested to comi forward and settle them immediately, that he may close his busii.css as won ao potaiblo, A word to the wise lo sufficient. .--ottjoov MARSHAL eitVERTHORN. feptrmbei Jf. -l New Stm. I II' S . will n. . 1fe..l-;;-'-,.,,,.-,.,'it'V.. -y a-"T ! . 1TEV GOCDS, NEW AH1IASCCMENTS. So humbug but Goods d wn to the low tit notch all through. rtriv. iil,criliflr bavini comoletcd his new H mnrH bouse, on Main ylreet near Mai kef" in tilooinsburi.and having slocked it with a slock ..f I'ltlirn new ooods. which were selected with ureal care in regard toslyleanu price, ne nauers hinisell that Ha can ottar iresn gouus, stvles.and ihein at lower prices than ha ever been offered in ibis place, and as the assortment consists of every thing for comtortanu adornment in ins Dry Goods, oeether with a general assortment ol Queewtwa'e (some new vyittjocnow . i if,.. Books. Hardware, leaer ware, ini tt'tre, Earthenware, Sulinn or Luke, ground, Fine J.'ubon and Dairy Suit, AW ino'nJfi'ckerultan(l ' Herring, Cavindinh. Inula ton Plug. Fine cat Si Smoking 'I abaci o, Candles Soap, Copper Ktllfs.Htci:, Ear Iron. . 1 ' ' .i :.i... ..II f .. MM, nil ,o..ii ..h iimnerous ui ner amcius, an .,'. lie sold ut a very small profit lor ready pay, and hf wmild rssnecll'u Iv Invito all peiaoi.a to can nu examine his gomls and prices, before purchasing. I'lio highest prices paid lor all ktnus ol coumry It, Ut ttui intt Bbiomsburg, Sept.. 30th, 1845. 22if. T'm .& Sheet riJlllU subjcriber respectfully informs the public H that he has opened a shop, on Main-street, nearly opposite (.'lav toll's Tavern, in llloomsburg, ,hi.r h carrviiiB on the above business. in kll its vurious branches. TIN IVJRE, f every description, will be kept oil hand for sale it WHOLESALE or RETAIL. SHEET IKON Manufactured iulo any form required, STOVE PIPES, f nil siz's kept constantly on ham1. Stoves finish- to order. Beir.c determined to do btisinesi in the right vay, be reicls all to call upon bun netore they mrchase elsewhete, as he will In i an articles ii his line as cheap as they can be purchased in he county. D. J. It ICE. September UO, 1845 lySS S hereby given to all persons not to piiiehasi three Notes of hand, for fifty dollars each, dated uly 31, 1H44. signed by Hie sunn'Mir ami mane ..vt,l. in Diiuiel .VaviiLf. one in one eai , one in two years, and the other three yearn fiomdue.-- Mso tluec other Noes ol blind, ngncd by the sul', l iber, for seventy-one and two third dollars each ited .lulv 4, 1811, made payable to .Moses .Sgvae one payable in one year, one in two years, and me ill three years Irnm dale, as mere was a uerep inn practiced in obtaining said notes, ail I then-hue lot having received a value for them I shall icl'use . i, i i... i a pay them unless com iciien nv nw. 1 J ....... . . . . i n lnri'ui.'ep I7I).ll. I IU'N lll.i". Franklin. Lycoming county, Sept it); 18452': PebMIc ale. ETN pursuance of an order ol the Urplian 6 uouri J of Columbia county, on . Saturday, the 8lh day of ntobecrnert, l ten o'clock in the forenoon, Aaron llei dcsliot', diiiioisialor, itc. ol U.ubara t'ri Z, late ol jloom township in said county, deceased, will expose w le by public vendue, upon the premises, a certain ,t)T r parcel of ground situate in llopkiusville. n said county being parts of InU uu nher C and 7 in lh plan of said t.m n. Of lot niin.bcr six.hcvcii !eet in breadth and one hundred and ninety-eight eet ill depth, and of ot number seven, htteeri let t n breadth and one humhed and Pint 1 -tight It ' 1 in depth, and bounded aa follows : Ik-ginning ai i post on .Main-iHieel and lot numbered six, llienct by the same south thirty-teven degrees west one hundred and ninety-eight feet to a back alley hence along said allty inulh firly tline ilcgrre.- ubt twenty-two perches to a po.-t nn lolnuiiun seven thence Ihrotiuh mid lot noilh thiity-si-vei legrees, ea.-t onu hundred and nicety cigll tect.h i post on main street thence iiuith lifly-ihrei decgrees, eajt 22 feet to tho placo uf beginniiH there iseicttcd on the premise A SMALL FRMC house. 71 Iuiai ilw, palate r.f said deceasril. situate in th' lownslnpof Bloom, and county afureacid. JACOB EYEKLY, Cift. Danville, 6ept. Ii 1845 Cabinet makins fJBUI E snbscrihei respectfully informs the pub Q lie that he has takt n the shop lately occupied by B. 8. Hayhnrst, at the lower end of Market street Iilonmsburg; where he. intends carrying on the shove business in all its blanches, and solicits a share of the patronage of the public, In connection with the above business, he ofTen hid services as an UNDERTAKER He will alwsys be ready to make COFFINS for the same prices beretolore barged hi Bloomsburg and having suppl:cd himself wih a good HCAK&b bo will attend wiib it at tho Funeral without any extra, cbargo. JOHN EITT Ma?,.0 1845 Om 8 mm TO TAX COLLECTORS AND TAX PAYERS n consequent ofa Ciiculur, lately Issued by the State Trcasjrer, directing hat the State i' must be mid 'into the State Treasu. I ...ii.ui ni i,f itiifu!.! l.i. Him tiri.,.lit flllil v. on or hefore the second Tuesday in January icxt, and that every couniy, falling to pay iti lOrtion of State luxes: , hall be, alter that tune barged atl uiteroil of rive per cent, on such irnuuut as shall remain unpaid, and payments from tho Stale Treasury, for school or olhe' pur poses wilhhelj. until such'balunce with ii terest i fully paid; wo are undec the necessity of requiring Ihe several Tax Collectors of Columbia ,'ounty In collect and pay ovei into the county Treasury, on or before Ihe Third Monday of November next ALL Ilia Slate 'Faxes for former years which still remain unpaid. The promptness with which our former Circular was responded to, both by Tax ('olleiitors and Tax I'ayera, by which the county Treasurer was enabled to pay into the State Treasury at that time required, the whole amount of Slato Tax due fmni this county, for the present year, induces us to believe, that Columbia coun v will nut. on the second Tuesday of January next, be found among the defaulters. lty o.-derof the Commissionem., K. MENDENHALL, Cleik. Commissione.s Oflice Danville, ? Seplembei 13. 1945. 5 SPECTACLES- AND GLASESJ fHl'FHE subscriber has just icccived a large hi H soitmentol bl'ECTACLES end SFf-1 - TACLE CLASSES, of the best quslity.ul bulb while and green, from No. O, upwards. ir Persona afllicted with sore ces, will find it to their advantaie to cull and get glasses fioin him as they may led assured of deiiving a great benefit t'lom their use 0. L. SIIL'LTZ. Lloumsburg, May 17, 13454 BLOOMSBUEO Cabinet varc House. f JJIHH sulucriber would respectfully inluiln ilu U iiublic. that hir has taken the ah p lately oc upicd by Samuel Lilly, near the upper eud of Ulooinshurg, where ho is carrying on the n all its various branches, and where he will b lannv o wait upon all thote who may favor him with their custom. His I urnituro is wiiiinuted t, ie made of good matonal and durable, and lie in cnth keeping on hand Sideboards. Secretaries, Bureaus. Wardrobes. Curd Tables. Dining Tables. Tubhs, Cupboards. SI a n ds, 1 1 Vs h Stands, Bedsteads, Duugh-trimgl.s, Cojfmx. be. ind all kinds of work in his line, which he will si I; ipnn as reasonable terms as they can La purchased ii the county. . 1 iy suict attention to business ho hopes to ie :eive a sluoe of public putionage. Ll.I LliOWN. April 25, 1846. ly 1 THAT well known Tavern S and, in Or aiiievili now occtipi ed bv William Edf ar. f'l' f U. he Loose. the bouse is a large two Srp atory (ran 'Bth large at..!. .mitt huililinif .;, In and slit'il mil one ami nan i , it acre of land, all in com! rdcr. Il is unnecessary to yiee any luibei cacriplion, the purchaser can view fn' niiniell A l'imkI ii' tie & easy term will tu Mveu.upon application to the Subscriber. PE'l'Eli MILLEU Orange lp. Sept. 18, 1815, J1 5. OUKMOTTU.NOTTOBEOU I'DONL. .VEW tJM(KMlTWIN(i r.STAHUSinil-.M. THE iiiideri(fited having taken the shop iriiitily ncnipuil by Marshal SiUettliurn. niosl respHCtollV intoruis tne ptiDlic lliai hey iiitentl In carry on the almvt hi audi ol . .. ii . i.i biinitess ami will al all limes oe reauy to uo work a liitle belter and chenper than nn ither eaiabliolintenl in the pla.:e, nil ihe) nope hy strict attention to business to merit largtf ponton oT the public patronage All kinds of coi.niry produce taken in jchnnge for work & the reaih not refused STEPHEN 'lift 0 1SA0 HA NT EE, Bloomsburg St pi, 10,1915 '21 RAX AWVY, FROM the Btihsfriber, aomf lime ago, an indentured bo named JAMES COLLI NS aged 10ears One cent, bu no charge, will oe paid upon iiBjtn mg returned to me, and all petsour ,re fui bid harboimg nr ituatiug him on m; iccouut, aa I shall refuse to pay any debts if his cuotruciiug. CEORCE JOHN. Williamsburg, Aug. 13, 1815 21 ADMINISTRATOR'S NO 1'ICE. The Estate of JOBS CREASY, lute rj Ct-ntre township deed- NOTICE is hereby given Ont letters nl dminisiration on '.he above mentioned Es iate, hae been granted to the subscriber, living in Uentre township. All person indebted to said estate are hei by iiniifirii o make immediate payment and all those laving claims are requested to present iheiu iiroper'y authentieated to ELI AS CKASY MARGARET CREASY. Administrators. Rloomsburn Artillory. The Members ol this Company; who have Swords and Belts, belonging to ihe Company! are required forthwith to drlivi lhera to either ol the Commissioned um ters. H. WEBB, Capt. '.rT'-:X catawirsa Hotel CAI'AWISSA COL. CO. I'A. ftFSACOB OYFU infotmi iravellera and his old customers and Iriends, that In . 'iH keeps the above II oiel. where he wil lie liappv lo wall upon those W)in lavnr hiin with iheir cuailiill. His house M lar(ff mil eommndinng, and well erranged in at rotnino(!ale his vuesis His table is alwavt provided wiih the choicest Viands the inn keiHran all'ord, and his Bar containa imin of the heat liquina that can lie found in tin section o country. Mis alanine are him unfile, and good ostlers are always in at tendance. Catawissa, July 12, 1845 2m. i The Hisht of Scnrtl. t7NEW ARRIVAL OPCH Ready Made Clothing. The subscriber has jual received a lari lasortnienl of READY MADE CLO I'll- INC, wlich will be aold aa chenp for Casl is tlmy can he purchased in the county, Call and examine for yourselves, as (hi ' Right of Soaicli' is guaranlied lo all. j. u. moyer; June 7. 1845. 7 ' FA1ZILY IMEDICINE3. Jd YNE'S UAlll TON I C. This Hair Tonic has produced beautiful Nev Hair in the heads of humheds who bad been bull loryears It also purifies the heudliom Dandrttl Cures diseases ol the scalp freerves llie Inn. from falling oil' or bscoiuiug puimatiently gray Jd YNE'S CARMINATIVE BAL SAM. IS a certain, safe and effectual remedy for Dy iilui v. Diarrhoea or looseness, cholera niurbus,sum mer coinpluinl, colic; griping pains; sourstouincb ick and nervous headach, hearlburn, wuterbrash .mill or aickners of tlto stomach; votnitiug; spitlitii upotlooJ alter ealmg anu aiso wuere ii pswi hrouuh ,0"! body unclianceU ; want ol appeuie ; etlcsaues and inability to sleep; wimd in the slo- uach and bowels; cramp; uervous tremors anil wilcbini:s; seasicknei-K; fainting, melancholy and owtie.s of spirits, fretting and crying of infanh ind fur all bowel affections and nervous diseases, Dr. Jd YNE'S TONIC VEIIM1FUCL Which is perfectly safe and so plcammt tha hildren will not refuse to take if It cll'cctuallt lestroy worms: neutralizes acidity or sourness u' he stomach increases appetite and acts us a gene al and ueriiunciil Tonic and is therefore exceed ingly beneficial in iu'ermiltent anilKcuiillcnt feveri nd indigestion; crc and is a certain und peruiaiiein cure for the fever and ague, DR. J A YNE'S SANATIVE PILLS. They may be taken at ail times am! it. most diseases In Inllaiiitnauuy, intermit taut, Remittent, Bilious, and every other form of Kever Jaundice and Liver Com plaint. For Dyspepsia they are really an in valuable article, gradually changing the Mtiaied secretion? of the stomach undlivei, and producing healthy action in those ini porlaut organs. They ate very valuahli or diseasea of the Skin, and lor what is e.nmmntilv called 'Imuuiitv of Ihe blood;' also for Female Complaints, Cosiiveneai Sie., and in fact every ditease where ' parinnt, Alterative, or Purgative Medicine iiuy In: requite J J A YNE'S EXPECTORANT. Il always cures Asthma two or ihrft large doses will cure the Croup or Hives Children, in from filwen minutes' to bp hours limn. Il immediately Mibdtifs tin violence of Hooping Cough, and fledg a sperdv cure. Hundreds who Km- beer 1'iveti up by their phyaieiana aa incui r.ihlf with 'Consumption,' have been reaiorcLt peifer I health, by it. In fart, as a remedy in Pulmonary Dis eases, no medicine- has ever obtained hiwher.or more deserved repuiation. ("Tlie above Medicine ore all lor side allho store of JUHN K. MUiP.K, Bloomsburg. 30 JOHN rSAXlKLtf, Harness, Saddle & Trunk manufacturer: RESPECTFI'LLY informs the public that hi has located himself in the sliop next dooi toNamuel Haeenbucha Chair Factory, .Vain street tfioomsbuig, Columbia county, where he will ca rj on theabovo bus nes in all its blanches. He wil keep conMaally on hand fine and coarse One and Two Horse liar nests, iforse Collars, Saddles, Bridles and Trunks eVr. of every description ; ind having had a long expe rience in the business, ho can furnish as good work ami at cheap as can bo purchased in llie county-fJj-All kinds of country produce taken in pay menl for work, at the market ptices. May tO, 18l5-bm3 II. F. IIAYIIUKST, WAGGON MAKER, HLOOMSBURG, J ESFECFTULLY informs tho publie thsi n ne tiaa px aier) nimsrn in me tnop isreiv occupied by ZIBA KL'GOLES, in MARKET- STKEUT, where he intends carrying on the abovi business in all its various blanches. I1KAVY WAGGONS built and repaired, aa well as one horse WAGGONS AND BUGGIES of every ascription, and all kinds of Countri Work, in his line, done at ishott notice and on tht most reasonable terms. rjj'Gond Lnmber and a'l kinds of Country Pro dure taken in payment for work, but Cath w ill no: bo refused. April5, lS4r.-6ru50 BLANKS! ! BLANKS! ! Blank EXECUTIONS am! SUMMONS just prinlL'd and for tale bis OiCce WW linViix, o-Tr.Ri.oi! Aivrar, irt'desae Dealers i Dili 4K)!dS, No. 01 Nurili Third, Street., Above Aich, Geo. W. Linvi'l; J Albert F Oste.loli,. J. J'HI.'.A, Joieph V. West. Aug, Oih-1815. L la UAL NOTICE, All persons interested will take notice, that an implication was made to tha j'ldie) ot ihe court of o uinan pleas, sitting at 'Danville' In and for Julumbia County at the term of August; A. I) I "45, by the tncuibera of the first I'resbyterian Church of iiloainsburg; in tho county of Colum bia; and State of fcnnsylvania, by a oominitiee duly elected hy them for that purpose, Ui acquire sue enjoy the pains and immunities ofa cor ;oration, by the name Style & Title of the '.first Presbyterian Church of Bloomsburg and if n uitTicient reason should be shown to the conttsry at the next term of the court to be held atUnnvilleafo Ci laid; ih'tl.iid Monday of November next, the said :ourt will then make a decree and declare; that the aerionsso associated shul! hy the name; Style it 1 itle; of 'the first 'reshylenan Church of Ulooms iurg' in the county ofColuinbia ufinesa'd, become uid be a corporation or body politic.agrncably to the Vet of Assembly in such case made nud provided JACOB EYERLY, hot. Danville Aug .23d, 1815 AD MINISTRY TOR S NO TICE. The Estate of THOMAS HAYCOCK ate o' Iishingcreek township deceased fcTOTICE is heeby given that letters of admin y istralion on (he alxve mentioned Estate iave been granted to the subscrilier. All persons ndebted to said estate are hereby notified to make mmediate pay lent; and all those having cluhns. ire requested lo present them properly authenlii ated to JOHN M. HAYCOCK. Adm'r, Rhorsburg, AugusiSO, 1 S4S 6wl9 ENOCH HOWELL. TAILO!!. RESPECI'FL'LLY. inform the public'tlmt he Ms moved into the building fiiimeily occupied by he 'Kojistur in Market street near Win. liclvy Co. storo where he will always bo ready to iijko any kind of clothing, nt the shi-tct uotico ind in the best and most fashionable ai vie. Frou lis lung experience in the bu luc-ra, he flatters limself thai ho sh ill continue to give general sat. sfactiun and thereby hopes to rctcie a share of tho lubhc patronage. jj aiticub.r attention paid to cutting. All kinds of country produce taken in payment oj woik. Uhiomsburg, Aug 9 131-V tf 111 "ma ii n ii ir y a hi)- The subscribers have established nt ihe ibove place, a new M Alt III. K I AM), mil will always be ready, al the aiiot lest lotiue, lo furnish lo ortLr, MONUMENTS', TOMB- 'TABLES, TOME-S TONES, I I EAR Til JAMBS', MANTLES. I'A A T STONES, MULDERS, Le. or any other work in their line. They ilso prepared to lurnisi WINDOW LAPS nd SILLS, DOOR SILLS and S TEPS, kc either of Ma.ble, Lime or any kind of stone that can be procured in I Lis vici.'.iiy. jr7 Having had "onstuerable experience) in ihe business, they pledge their work lu be executed in as lian lstiiiin a style as ran be furnished from Miy yard either in tho ity or eoun'.rv; arid on as roaonble terms. ARMSTRONli & HUGHES. Bloonisbtitg, Nov. 3, 1843. ly ZH N O T i V K . Estate of (leorgt Dcitcrhk, lute sf Bloom 'ownship dec'dt THE creditors of the estate. of George DeittiMck deceased, w ill take notice thai undersigned has been appointed an auditor 'iy the Orphans Court of Columbia Couniy, to adjust the rates and proportion of th risseis of said estate, to and among Ihe rc spective creditors, according to the order stablished by law, and (hat he will attend it the house of Charles IL De obli-r, in Bloomsburg on Monday, the 27 ill of Octo er next at 10 o'clock of said day, to pet form the duties ol his pppoiiilinent.w hi n tt where all persons'interested can aiund ii' hev 6ee proper. JAMES rLESANTS. September 5th. 1845. RIIORSBURG, COLUMBIA CO. Esubscribsr respectfully infirrms his fritntli and the public generally, that liaving com- leted his large and commodious n Rhorsburg, and fitted it i.p in good stylo, is now irepireil to rntortain travellers in the best manner, md he assures the public that no pains shall bu pared to give gt neral sati-faction. He hopes by loing so to merit and receive a share of the jia't onage of the puuhc, and invitejt all to give him a ill. .NICHOLAS KINDT. August 30, 1845 19tf S heieby given to all persons not to purchase a certain Note of hand given by me to Fndc:i Miller, dated Sept. 0, 1845, for the sum ol' il ve dollars, payable six months after; 'eceivr no consideration cad Mole, I slu i refuse lo pay the same. - - MICHAEL I!KNnri;SIit):T. Moh'tenr, Sept. 30, 1845 !W. NOTICE.. A I.L persons knowing thunsehvs in.h 1 - in jJ-J this subscribe!, are lequestud to evn.y fo.hiii iiud makepavment. . BARS HIDES. ivillbu taken in pavmeol as usuwl, -aud.reccitcd in exchange for LEATHER. I'll IMP CHKDSTMVX. UlooniSDUrrj, M.ty Ii, 1S4&J-4;.. . I I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers