"WONDERFUL CURES Hajc been performed in this city, ainl throughout the country. MEDICATED SAllSPARILLA. KING a concentrated fluid extract ci Sarspa- rilla. COmbiilPil with ntW vnwliMn Ttriwt nuu.il renucrs u as a medicine of great utility in the ??ra ? "w dhcases arising from the Impurities of ...I. . ." " " ------- ' K.iuij irora inuiscrcuons anil impnidcncics m .III!, and constitntinnfil ill b5'-11! injU(Jicio3 uso of mercury,' nrscnie, bark, or" (i n ouun, iiimii nivaiuauic remedy lor all ' 1 Rheumatic Affections, General Debility, Ulcerous -forcs, White Swellings, Diseases of the Liver and own, Ulcerated sore throat. Ulcer oftho Nose, Ca. i ' Uc, J'10 .(istaw3 oftho Bones, Scrofula or King's .n, Lirsijieias or oi. Anthony's Fire, and all un pleasant and dangerous affections consequent to i'"iu, xiucas venereal, sc, l,r ? cItual has this medicine been in the cure o 13 TariOUS diseases for ivhirh it U nvnmnimiliiil. (hut 5'iH :!- .. .. . " f P.5. 3 "r superceding nil other preparations of Sarspa S nlla, Panacea &c It is now crnnloved lm has been introduced by them into many hospitals, luiuiiuritB, etc. inrougnoui tno united States. It is a nrcDarallon of PTMtrr fiirnrrlTi finnan. fluently of greater efficacy) than any other extract iuw niuue, is aiso mucu cneapcr, ttcing but ono dol lar per bottle; which is sufficient to mako ono Gal lon of Syrup of Sarsparilla, and is bought by dif- uiuygisw ior mat purpose. Numerous certificates have lwrn published from time to time, but in consequence of ii . 0.ft'lem the most incredulous can bo convinced of i"U Kicai t'xncnse BIICnillniT nmVKnanr.r nil MixntirVM ;ui "in Bujitiiorcnicacy oi ur. Licidy's medicated Sars parilla, by callinrr at " Leidv's Hivilfh nmnnrmm No. 191, JTorth second stree, below Vine, sign of uiu uumcn uagic ana serpents, where certificates and references can be given toliundreds of instances oi me most remarkable cures ever performed .by any medicine. Prepared only and sold Wholesale and Retail at UJr. i.cidys. Health Emporium, 2d street, below vine, in o, 191, ALSO SOLD BY D. S. TOBIAS. Dloomsburg, June 2,-1838. The Victory Won, i- i nil mng, itohoub, and expensive experi- L'.-iii VI. xjvniv lias Ulsenvirpil n tnpthrvl whereby the virtue of the Sarsuparilla is extracted, I so ss to tie formed into Pills without tkltrov'intr its tf icaet. " " Innumerable attemnts havn Inn m-nln in nnm.- Spusn mis important object, but all failed. It is im portant, becauso the Sarsaparilla, as a medicine, in all diseases to which mankind is eubicet is nrnrlurf. Uve of more real good, than the whole catalogue of jiiiLuiiiiiu in use. Ask all respectable nhv What is the most effectual purifier of tho blood, and the mo3t popular medicine used!" they will tinswer Unanimously, Uaraapprilla. What better TCcom mendatftii can be asked i DR. LEIDY'S SJJISAPARILLA Oil JiLo'oD PILLi, Price, Twenty-five Cents a Box. They must surely command a Preference, for thrv Rare not composed of Sarsaparilla alone, but contain. B'jj'in a concentrated 8tate, in the form of a pill, tho, , Muura ui uic (inucipai ingrcuicnis contained in the (, compound fluid, extracts, syrups, and other prcpara lotions of Sarsapanlla. i iney aro highly recommended by numerous phy sicians, and others, (see directions around each bot- in Rheumatic Affections, CIce-oussorcs of thanose throat and body. Scaly Eruptions and blotches of the skin. Dry and watery pimples and pestules of the face and body. Tetter and ringworms. Swellings and hardening of the glands of the neck, in the groins, breast. &c. cnroluia Erysipelas, Jaundice, Heartburn Diseases of thoLiver.skin nones and glands. Pain of the sides, along the back and spina o vcr tho region of Ihc heart and stomach. Itnward fevers, bad taste in the moOth.foul breath t'latulcncv. Indiueslion. 'V'our eructations and add Stomach Coughs, Liver complaint. 1 1 itics of the stomach. ' Want of appetite, Waterbrash, ij-lind all tho whole train of diseases resulting from , mpurity of the blood, constitutional diseases nro- 'l...1 1... ... ... .l : i- jui-cu uj .iitviiuij. ui viuzi uuuuruis, or mo conse quence of Syphilh , Lucd Venereal, &c. t or convenience of taking, ai well as making but mall bulk,' being in flat siiuaro boxes, convenient for carrying in the pocket or for travelling nurnoses. Ihey must bo preferable to all other preparations of h ,, sarsanarina. IoalthEmporium, 2nd near Vine strcet.Philadolphia, For sale by D. S. TOBIAS. . TO DELINQUENTS. HE Books and Accounts of John S. Ingram have been placed in my hands for collection. VfipeTsoiis indebted to liim fqr subscriptions to the obs, aro renuosted to make payment to the undnr- Bgncd before, the first of July next, as after that itc, I am instructed to institute lesal proccodintrs cr iuc couecuon oi mo same. UHAJUiEJS KAIILER. 1 f t . r ' n nnr the handsome 23AES OZEi, , DPVniT .1,J.1A ttfiA 1 1 ...!,L J Ltd OI lOKfl. inr MAIrt nt Tobias's Health Emporium. MILLINERS', fill you be sa kind as to look at this J I IUTH Glue; Flake White; Oxalic Acid, ior saie a me iicaim Emporium by d. s. toMas. NTAIICIL Snuff Beans, Sand Paperol nl kinds, pSpiritsTerpcntine, Cocoa iireparod Chocolate fr sick people A frch supply for sale at the Health jmporium in HJooinaburg, by , i). B. TOBIAS. EROUKIAL Ointment, Sulphur do. Simula do, Pcrcipedato do. Bed, Octrin do. Tartar inetic do. and all other kinds Of Ointments, for io aiuieiieaiui emporium, oy D. S. TOBIAS, in Moomsburg. ihnwv.n ininnrivn b i .. r. M ter craekers, for Sulo ty v. o. TUU1A5S, m JJloomsburg, HfiW SADDLERY. The Subscriber OUJ.D rcspectrituv inform the citi ZCns of lllnnmiliiirir mwl that ho lias removed liis shop from Murket street, to Main street, in p. building bclong- 'B io Anurcw ivtilin, nearly opposite Esquiro Kahlcr's office, wherojic will bo nappy to ' wait upon all persons who may iuvour mm witn a call in His linoofbusi ncss. . iCTSADDLEfe, BRIDLES and HAR INLsbS, mado and repaired at tho shortest nonce anu on the most reasonable terms. ALEXANDER HITTER. Bloomsburg, April 21, 1838. . TJIE SATURDAY CHRONICLE Is the Largest, Best and Cheajicst Fumihi umuopupLr w me unucu mates. TllU PHILADELPHIA SATURDAY CHRONICLE. Tho usefulness and celebrity of which nrn fnllv and extensively established in cverv tinrt n( tlm Union, having recently received valuable additions to Us columns, in tho contributions of several of the most eminent American wfitcrs will now become moro popular and interesting than ever, not only in the variety, but also in tho high literary charac ter of its contents. In stylltng their wccklymamrnoth fchect, tho largest, best, and cheapest family newspaper Hie preprictors respectfuly submit that tho Saturday KBiui; id (Hiuiisiicii on me laigcst sized paper, mill wirtfnine lti mlnmn. A1.!nn.. ! . 1 . it vu..v.,.d rm tumuiijo, uuuy IXilH(.tI JU Small iypu, ana increiore embracing mora useful and civ tertaining matter than any other of tho weekly pa pers that am published". With reference to its be ing tho iikst of tho weeklies, they appeal to tho luvurauiii juagmciii oi meir numerous readers, from Maine- to Red. River; and from tho Atlantic to the llocky Mountains: and as for the declaration thnt if is the cheapest ! they invito their subscribers to compare tno quantity, varjety and superiority of uieir ictlcr-prcss, with the contents of any other weekly sheet m lUq United States. They ft-cl con fident that public opinion will decide in their favor. General Contents of the Chronicle, Tales and Essays on Literarv.Scicntifie and Mr. ml subjects Sketches of History and Biography Reviews of new publications Poctrv: oriuinnl !inI selected Lyceum Department Sunday Readings Useful Uecines Ncwh in n 1Mihili T s.... Reading City affairs Forcien VarieticH Snirii nf I. i v. :i . n ti 1 1 . , . J. mo iauv i fuss j-nccs uurreni .larket lnnn Almanac List of Marriaces and Di-nth s.tn. rics fiom the Classic Writers Popular statistics of the World Ladies' "Department Original Com- muiiicauuns irom some oi mo best writers of I'hiu delphia and elsewhere Medical Lectures Science and Art Agricuituro and Rural Economy Popu lar superstitions Curious Customs aud Manners European und Domestic correspondence Arti cles on Music, the Drama, and ntlipr Varieties, amusing incidents, &c. and a circfuliy r.r..jTt,(Ui,i,lal, ii uwb oi me uav. oth I' orcign and Domestic. During tho two last years tho niiblisliprc hnr paid for original contributions, premiums, corrcs-' pondencc, &c. more th?n And a still larger 6um will bo cxncniWi. fur cim. ilar purposes, during the puWication oftho succeed ing volumes. EUROPEAN CORRESPONDENCE. Besides tho regular series of letters frnm nn in. telligcnt travelling correspondent in Great Britain,' uw.rlyu4uU.wfiuaUl.rs-oiicaay Ticnn nniiiicn. cd. wo are now presenting our readers with a week ly correspondence from England, Francs iy Italy, from tho pen of our partner, Mr. B. Matthias, who is now on a tour through those countifcs. Wo in vito attention to this prominent featurn nf liif Satur day Chronicle, as containing valuable and highly tcy'J'he Third Volume of the Chrnni- 'cle will commence on Saturday, May 19. TERMS. For a single copy ono year, S2 kin Six copies for 10 00 Ur tlireo copies for fj 00 For six months in advance l 00 (rt"SmaU notes on all solvent banks, received at par in payment ot subscriptions. Address (postpaid) MATTHIAS & TAYLOR, Publishers, Philadelphia, Office No. 83 south second street. Ort'Specirncn numbers, if ordered post paid, will db sent to any part oi tno united State. iLadics look ai this. Silk do. Paper do. Gilt cut do. plain do. Ladies' Hooks & Eves. Ncedlo ra ses, nu Kiniis oi omening llottles, very handsome; uroast mis, bar lings, Finger rings, Pomatum, bnull Boxes, Hair Brushes, Pocket combs. Lead rencus, wacii and red; lor mile at TOBIAS' Health Emporium. UNITED STATES' MAGAZINE, DEMOCRATIC REVIEW, ruBiisiiEO at w-isuiNiiTax ci-rr, ut iakotuee AMU O'SULLIVAV, Table of Contents of No. 7, June, 1838. ouigi.val t'Arais, 1. The Resumption of Specie Payment 2, Cotteii. (Third and concluding Article.) The luiuuwu uuu iuaimiuciure or I oreign Uountrios 3. Bunker's Hill. 4. Linos. Written on seeing a Bust of tho lato Ed. ward Livingston. a. ltoeolleclionof Eastern Travel. By J. 8. Burk. Ingham hsq., lo. il Approaching the Island of oyone. assoun. "e7.irat'AKioiiaii,orEIepIiantiiia. 0. The Death of Napoleon, From tho Ration of illJlliUUI. 7 .Th.e Alter of Faihion By the Author of tho "Dutchman's. Fireside," "Westward Ho!"&c. 8. Song. Beneath the Bright Moon.cVc- 9. Political Portraits with Pen and Pencil. No. 7, John Forsyth. . With an ctehlng on copper, by Fenderich, after tho ljfe. ' IP. The Festival of Adon1. From Iho fifteontlt Idyll of Theocritus. 11. Literary Proiierly. 12. What is Poetry. 13. TJjji PolitioBl drfsi, Huiorv of tho Jtacont'rnsiimwt inn Itl flirt Carta- dat-Part 1 and S, fTrl his number contains onpliiiriilrn.! n,l rr.,.- four jage. ?1ILT Book Boxes, VJJf Beads, Fancy do. Waxes, Gilt Thimbles, New rad& AND GREAT THE subscribers respectfully inform their cus tomcrs and tho public generally, that, they uuvu jusi received nuu nro now opening at llio ji jarge ana uioicc Assortment oj OTW GOOBS, bciuciui ram care, anu tuiwuie ior ilia wagon; wpicli in addition to their formar. stock, pretcnts to the T .-.1. 1. ..... . , - . k consumer, as largo a variety, as can be found in any of tho country stores. Thoii prosent stock embraces almost every article in uemanu in me market, in tno DRY G06h LINE. , They have also an extensive Atsortmcnt Queens Ware Gr,.iss CKMR WARE ; Fish, Sail, Iron, Steel, Faints, Drugs, Dye Stuffs, Ac. &c. be. A 11 of which they offer to sell very low for Lash, or m exchange for Country Produce. Ji UP Ell T A 13 All TON. Bloomsburg, May 12, 1838. - 3 NEW JOODS. f BJ'HIE subscribers have just received, nt their old H establishment, in Dlooinsbunr, a now and general assortment of Goods, laid in ith great care and suitable for tho present and approachimr sea sons ; which, with their furmcr block, they Hatter uwmscivcs, presents as various a cnoico oj noodsas can be had in any part of the country, and which hey aro disposed to part with at the lowest price for Cash or in exchange for Country Produce. Their Stock of consists of all varieties of the rnanufacturies of Silk, tiax, Lotton,and Wool, and their numerous com binations, in England, France and America. .Superfine,' l?inc, Common, and Coarse Cloths, Casslmcrs and Hattlnctts ; Cotton , Goods from the Coarsest to , the Finest texture; a-, tnong the latter an as sortment of French Chintz, cs, Muslins and Calicoes of new and superb patems, Silks and Silk Vestings, atiaipii, Jiandkerchiejs, yc, Irish linens, dressed and tmdrcscd, French J.aumzjiildl brown Hollands. ' Groceries & liquors, Sugar, Coffee, Chocolate, Tea, Spices of all kinds, f-everal kinds and qualities of Brandy, SpiriU),Rum, wnuuey, wine and Molasses. Knives and Forks, Cutlery, Saddlcry,.Coach and Wagon mountings and trimmings. Bcythes, Mil and cut saws, I oola lor ulacksnutlis, Shoema kers, Saddlers, Tailors, Carpenters and other me chanics. CJOBTA- ,GI,ASS AND CrocJfcry Ware, Cedar Ware. WSKJCOWJUVJt OTHER liJISMCVTS, and a thousand and ono other urticlos which It is mpossiblc separately to mention. Paints, Brags aisd Bye HivAlh. IRON MD STEETL of all kinds and qualities of foreign nnd domestic manulacture. Dont throw away good bargains by neglecting to can on WILLIAM McRELVYfy Co. Bloomsburg, May 12, 1838. 3 FPwITIT AHD GATOXES. AISONS, all kinds of Candles, Rock candy, i all kind of Nuts, Oranges, Figs, -Prunes, Le mons, etc. ace. &c. tor sale by D. S. TOBIAS. Evans' Cammomile Pills, Waranted to be genuine. Anderson's Pills, & all other kinds of Pills. Fly Stone, to kill Flics with, Fish Seed, to catch fish with, TRUSSES. Spunges, for salo at ,(i TOBIAS' Health Emporium. OUSHING POWDER, to clean and nnl nil kind of Metal, and Horso P itn fit tlt.i Mtann T.., ! .. 1)U 1 . D. S. TOBIAS. 07'ASIf for boiling, soap, Gum Elastic Shoo uiacx, ami norsc l.snoeu, lor sale by D. S. TOUIAS' firugg IT arehouse in Bloomsburg BRAND JjKMI'S PIlCilLS, D.'fe. TOBIAS, Agent. ORANGE VILLE, liloom Township, Columbia County, Pa. TUB subscriber embraces -this opportunity to inform his friends and tho public in gen eral, that ho has taken tho house formerly occupied by JACOB BOMBOV. Ho invites his friends from Orangcvillc, and travellers, to honor him with llicir custom, and assures them that no pains shal uu Bjiareu io maKO uieir stay at His house as ogrcca Ull- Utt fUSSlUlC. HIS BAR, Shall at all times bo supplied with tho Host nnd Choicest Liquors, and Tables shall bo larded with all the delicacies the .market affords his sta bles shall bo cloan and airy, and on attentive hostler will at all times bo " ready and willing to tako caro oi uio norses. a variety ol Hie latost and most in teresting npwspapers shall bo procured to wait the pleasure of his customers, In short nothing shall be loft undone to deserve a liberal sbaro of the public patronage. SAAIUEL RICKER. Orangcvillc, April 28, 1838. BERNARD RUPERT, TAEL03&. "AS just received tho Spring Fashions from I Philadelphia, and is ready to make all kinds oi garments in tho newest and most fashionablo - style. Bloomsburg, May C, 1838. AND EXCHANGE. ERV respectfully informs his friends and -the public, that he has always on band, at his Li very Stable in Bloomsburg, for the purposes of Hire. Horses, Sulkies, GIGS, WAGONS, AND SLEIGHS. which ho will feel ratified to kren In rM.llnpea fur tho accommodation of customers. J crsonal application can bo mado at his residence, when every means will be used to rmnb-r isfaction to those who may give him a call. IN UAH 8. PREN TIS. Bloomsburg, May 20, 1838, 1 ALARATUS, Glauber Salts, Epsom salts, for ) sale at tho Cheap Health Emporium. ail ffinsDnsr To hc Distressed & Afflicted! TOBIAS'S HEALTH EMPORIUM And Family Drug JFarehousc. HEALTH, "The poor man's riches the rich man's bliss.' THE subscriber would respectfully announce to his friends and the public that he has opened a Kcncral assortment of Drugs & Medicines, at his Drug and Chemical Storo in llloomsliurg, and that he will bo happy to aupply the wants of thoso who may givo uuu a call. A'nnjj, his as sortment are : Alcohal, . . Mustard Muriate of Tin Maco Nippcl Shields lo Shells Opodeldoc licjuul do Steers Pills German Guinino - Radix Calcicum ', do Senega Snake do Squills Resin plaster Steel Powder Stodcn bitters Stone yellow do rotten do black Sand paper sordto Solution of tin Spt, Eathcr Sulph. do Niter, Eathcr do HarUliorno Vials all kinds Wafers red and black Krcpsoto Window Glass all sorts Whiting Sapdet Salts Cologne Water Black' Ivcry Aqua Amonia, Aqua pepper, Arsenic white do. yellow vmonatfo Agarrie , Aqua Pot lis Bluo Mass Block Tin Barley pealed Borax Uronzo whito do yellow. Carb Ammonia Cinnamon Cochineal Crab's eyes Cloves Draggon's blood Ginger Gum Awsafortida do. Opium do. Aloes do. Arabic . do Barbadocs Aloes Camphor Gum Copal do Myrrh Horse Lanco Isinglass Russia Lamp black ALSO. Allspice, Black Pepper, lied Pepper, Iron Host. D. S. TOBIAS. Bloomburg, May 19, 1838. ll.Ufa bMAIJ'Z, White Frostincr. Irnlnn.l juoss lor consumptivo People: Seu'ars. Com. mou, Spanish and Half Spanish; and a thousand her articlos too tedious to mention, for sale a TOBIAS' Health Emporium. Swaims Panacea, . For salo at ... Tobiai' Health Emporium. White Dtitlkm Mulberry, FOR SALE AT Tojit.is Hii.ii.Tit r.nvoniujT, IN BLOOMSBURG. RANGE Mineral, Prussian Blue, Rose Pink, null j.utm, oucar 01 Lead. Ktnnn V, ni Stone Rotten, Umber, VcniUon Rod, Vcrmilian, Ca-7- )ial VnHiuh, AVhito lead dry, Whito Load in kegs, iis'i Losin, for salo uncommon cheap, at 1 obias' Drugg Store, Bloomsburg. IL of btonu White, do. red, black, sweet, Cos tor and all 0 her kinds of Oils, for sal at Tobias's Health Emporium. 1TOJJE GOAL. Jfm7 fl' a wanlUy of 't U B. FISHER. HloomAur Miy 30.' AND ' Thresiiing Machine MANUFACTORY. rrpiIE subscribers respectfully inform the public JL , " general, that they lmo erected tbn ,i J mentioned establishment for all kinds of V IROXT GASIHGS, a i i i . 3 ... .,iutr, nn niso to .ucmtratturc TITItrflir - ill jit a :i ii ii JUWSU J'OW'littH t nil II nfn-tl.1. .1.- :.. make oftho bestnf materials, and in tho most wolt rablera"d XVi" di,1,S00f n't , ' ' J'-H. MAUS & Co Bloomsburg, May 19, 1338, , GOWSTTSffPTIOkT. EADER, if you haven cough or cold bcW3ta BA their consequences. Colds gencrallv ,k Juco imperceptibly, nnd ' nuinuato themscl VP-I Z Z U , ,iv?m!yl' Anally settling Un0, tue luiics. and end no- in mn...n b la A WOIU) TO. PAttENTsJ. How often is vnntl, .1..... ...t. , cd by tho consumption, and folloucd to tZ. fiv nnmnta ..flirt :.. . 4 Who nrn ! ., " h'KCJ premature death, in neglecting to remedy coId i. exisUng in childhood, fooktagpon tf.S "trifl " anccnons and not attracting their notice unW ho destroyer has commenced its work and mado . uw .. v ..M.v,wuo iJiaiuJ;CCS occur which i i provo tho In manhood colds do not progress so rapidly 7s iiyo f however, in both youth and manhood Z S tcmlen to, and not regarded ps trilling off. fon nrf it is a delusive Idea il.nt .t . ofthousands. , - . wo mca Dr. BECHTER'S PULMONARY PPESEll VAT1VE, (Price Fifty cents per Bottle ' Is an invaluable nrenaralinn. ,i;....t i... lor and celebrated German physic wl Si IS ployed it upwards of lift v t',., t.s. .. .. a c.m in Gcrmany, ,hrougI,out vS i during that time most extensively and successfuMy employed in Coughs-Colds, Cataarhs; AShn 2 Whooping Coughs, Spitting, of Blood, Pain of life Breast and S idea, nl n(T.iin. r. w r ... , ' , ui me urciist and Lungs and arrest of-approaching Consumption. MUch may bo said in nmisn r 2 f ad.7rtising being too expensive, eve-' ZTf yridm "Mlc foun.l in all i sef- ynm Fanj,nS,!h. lli,ect!ons- Upwards of 7UU0 boltlpfl u-nrn ur. U T.. Ill ......... a . .ti.. 4 uiiuuvipiifa aione dur ing tho last winter, a convincing prdof of its efficacy or so large a quantity would never have been fold. i rcpaicu.andwid Wholesale an'd Retail at Dr. I.cidy s Health Emnor nm. 01 j..i. v:..- No. 191. ALSO, SOL?) BY D. S- TOBIAS, Axcnt. ... 5(1 10tS . - Bloomsburg, Mav xO, 183d. Iy5. PEMONITARY HINTS A1 IMPORTANT WFOltAfArmv SSLADLR, did you ever see aconiirmed Dvs vL peptic, and lean, his sufferings! Ifnot suf lice . U, say he is a pac, thin and ghast y JookW object, his I,fo apparently hanging by 0 thread I o is miscrabloand unhappy, his'sufrerhigs fad&bt Aro you touch troubled with flatui.ncr, cui.c--ness, sour eructations arising from your stomach, occasional wint of appetite, waterbiash, a bad tasto in your moutfi.pr foul breath, pain or a heaviness at your stomach, sickness after eating, headache, dis gust nt your once favorite food, &c. If you aro much troubled with any of the foregoing symptoms, bring beforo you tho picturo of tho Dyspeptic, and hiving resolved to remedy the conscqncnces, im mediately procure Ai'-Lcidy'sTomcbAnli-DyspcplicCordial A nevrr fallingand efficacious remedy for DYSPEPSIA Oil INDIGESTION, And the whokMram of affections resulting from dis- cases of the Liver, Stomach and Intestines. Tho above medicino is warranted free from mer cury or other minora! prfparalion3; it is composed entirely of Nogctables, safe and easy to take, being very pleasant to tho taste. It may bo safely admin istcred to young nnd old, requiring but moderate re strictions m diet only. Numerous testimonials have been from timo to imo published; its reputation is so well known, fur tlier comment upon its virtues is unnecessary, uf Uco it to say, it ius seveu tmlku r.y a sinoix instance, further recommendations accompany tho directions around each bottle. (JjPricc One Dollar per bottle. Prepared and sold Wholesale and Retail at Dr. No 191 LmPoriu'n 2d street, below Vine, Also Sold by D. S. TOBIAS, Agent. Bloomsburg, May 20. lyr, PER LEAF, For sale at Tobias' Drugg Store in liloombttrg. LOOK I1E11E, jp DYERS AND PAINTER, If you want to But CHEAP. AM Wood, ground; Chrom. Green; Drop Lafce Fustic; Logwood; Madder; Spanish Brown, for sale nt Tobias' Tf'arehousein Bloomsburg. LOOK OUT SUA IIP ! I ONE better in tho known world, fnr tho cheap Ware House, by TOBIAS in Bloomsburg. rYi:its open Yoirt eyes. ENGAL Indiito: Rnanish do. .BLlVitriali While do. for sale cheap and good, at the Bloomsburg Ware House, by n. S. TOBIAS. ,13 YE WATER & EYE SATVE HICH I can recommend to any body, for sale at Tobias's Health Emporium. LAOK INK, Red Ink, Bue Ink, Durable Ink, for solo ut tho ciwp Healtl), Enpor,iuin,,by f). S. TOBIAS.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers