!-i.i.Jif I have sworn upon tlio Altar of God, eternal hostility to every form of Tyranny over the Blind of Man." Thomas Jefferson. PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY II. WEBB. Volume II. felLOOkSBURG-, 'COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. SATURDAY, JUNE 16, 1838i Number 8 , OFFICE OF THE DEMOCRAT, Next door to Koiuson's Stage Ofi'ice. The COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT will be published every Saturday morning, at hTJVO DOLLARS per annum, payable half yearly in advance, or Two Dollars . Fifty Cents, if not paid within the year. No subscription will betaken for a shorter period than six months; nor any discon tinuance permitted, until all arrearages are discharged. AD VER TISEMENTS not exceeding a square will be conspicuously inserted at One Dollar for he first three insertions, and Ttvcnly-fivc cents for every subse quent nscrtion. tCfA liberal discount made to those who advertise by the year. LETTERS addressed on bUsinets, must be post paid. TO MY "WIFE. Pillow thy head Upon this heart. My own, my cherished wife 1 And lot us for one hour forget . Our dreary path of life : Then let mo kiss thy tears away, And hid remembrance (Ice back to tlio days of halcoyn youth, When all was hopo and glee. Fair wa3 the early promise love, Of our joy-freighted barko ; Sun lit, and lustrous too, the sldei Now all so dim and dark j Over a stormy sea, dear wife, Wo drove with shattered sail, But Iovo sits smiling at the helm, And mocks tho thrcat'ning gale, borne let mo part those clustering curls, And gazo upon thy brow; How many, many memories Sweep o'er my spirits nojv! .j How much uT happiifcffi Sift gncT- How much of hdpo and fear Breathe from each dear lov'd lineament, Most eloquently here! Thou gentle one! few joys remain To cheer our lonely lot ; Tho storm hath left our paradiso Willi but one sunny spot : Hallowed for'er wilt be that placo To hearts like thine aud mine; 'Tis whero our childish hands uprp'arcd Affection's earliest shrine. Then nestle closer to this breast My fond and faithful dove! Where, if not hero, should bo tho ark Of refuge for thy love Tho poor man's blessing and his curso Pertain aliko tome; For, shorn of worldly wealth, dear wife; Am I not rich in thee r T MISCELLANEOUS. lllochadc of Vie Inland of C'uracoa. BY THE AUTHOR Or "NELSOSrAX rtEMIXISCEXCIS, Early in tho picscnt century the Hon, John Murray was entrusted by tho vice-ad miral commanding in chief on the Jamaica station with his Majesty's frigatoLa Fortuno and two eightecn-gnn sloops, in addition to Ins own frtgato ha. rrancluso, ior tho pur poso of capturing (ho island of Curacoa, then a Dutch settlement, laying off the Spanish Main, and which tho commodoro pledged himself to subject to tho British crown in a given space of time. It was my good or ill fortuno (I have hardly made tip my mind which) to be first lieutenant of one of these sloops; The proclamation o blockade was made in tho Jamaica Gazettes and notice given, to brother Jonathan that any vessel found within a certain distance of the island would bo subject to capture; but this did not check tho philanthrophy of 'our Yankee friends, who could not brook the Idea of people being starved on compul sion, and very charitably used every means in their power to counteract our cruelty by sending- them provisions at five hundred per cent, increased cost. Commodore Murray, finding that the strictest blockade did not effect his purpose and that tho go vernor and garrison, With truo Dutch obsti nacy, choso to live on without showing the least symptom of surrendering to his Ma jesty's forces, now adopted the novel mode of landing a destroying party, from fifty to one hundred men, generally commanded by the first lieutenant of ono of the squadron, with orders to burn every thing . intended for human food, shoot , down all kinds of cattle, leaving the glorious stm to complete tho work of spoilation; and to cross the isjand in the most rapid manlier, by seizing all the horses in our line of march; and part of the squadron moved round to re-embark tho destroying party after having accom plished tho good they had been sent to do'. Tho Dutch boor of a governor could not see tlio humanity of these proceedings, and wilfully shut his eyes to the advantages, to bo gained in becoming part of the great British empire. Ho, with unparalleled im pudence denominated our gentle proceed ings, the acts of bucKanecrs, and informed our commodore that ho would hang up on Fort Amsterdam, as a pirate, every En glishman caught in those destroying par ties. The following night tho first lieutenant of La Fortune with his party of lambs, bo ng busily employed in this work of des truction, were surprised by the Dutch com modore, at the head of his flying camp, a bout one hundred men, selected from the crews of their frigates in the mole, and kept encamped in the centre of the island under this active commander, for tho ex press purpose now effected. Our party, only half their number, flew to their boats, leaving thirteen of their rear-guard prison ers, in tho hands of their exasperated ene my. As no doubt existcd-of Mynheer, the governor, tullilling his humane determina tion of making the innocent pay the penal ty of tho guilty, I was ordered aWay at mid night, with fifty men, under the guidance of a Dutch rencgado,. named .Horsier, to seize all tho principal men I could catch, to an swer with their lives for those of our cap turcd men. The first estate pointed out by that most exemplary traitor, Mynheer Hoi tit sica, was surrounucu uy our men, ami a seizure of ten horses offected, upon which we mounted tho officers and worthy guide, forming a small body of cavalry. The mas tor of the mansion, with his wife, wore do clared to be in tho town of Amsterdam. Tho house was of tho superior order; and the mate of the Fortttna, who most proba bly was seeking plunder, with great glee informed me, that in a small room he had discovered threo young ladies, daughtersof the owner, endeavoring to secret themselves,, With the utmost speed, knowing tho tender mercies of my lambs, (something like Col Kirk's) I hastened to save them, and found tho two younger sisters clinging to their el der one, apparently about seventeen, and all of them in my eye beautiful, half dres sed aiid frantic with terror. I saw some rudo ruffians around them, and ordered them to draw up outside of the house, in marching order, at tho same time desiring Mr. Smait, tho aforesaid mate, to put him self at their head. To this he demurred; and proposed tho ruin of those unfortunato innocents. With some difficulty I disarm cd the monster, and caused him to be bound to the back of ono of my mounted sailors. Tlio poor girls, who had fallen with fear at tho angry altercation and clashing of naked sabros, now crawled towards mo, and on their knees watered my hands witli their tears, bestowing many kisses on them. It is ono of the few good aud redeeming ac tions of my life, and to which I havo often in tho hour of peril, turned with pleasure, that I used my best endeavours to sootho the terrors of these pretty innocents, and lett them, as far as regarded us, hi security and comparative happiness. Horsica; whoso angry passions were roused by tlio escape of tho master, to whom I judged him no friend, advised, and in somo measure commanded mo to fire the houso and out-buildings; but m tho framo of mind I was then in, I would sooner havo burned myself, and with considerable plea sure, his ugly carcase, whoso visago would not havo disgraced tho devil, displaying all the bad passions supposed to originate in that important personage. ''Uosr your files end move forward in quick lime." And I with Horsica rode to the head of our cav alryj Ho advised a rapid movement on thcncxt,houscfalarge farm establishment, from which wo put in requisition twenty moro horses, with the respectable farmer and his two manly sons. Morning dawned, and displayed our gro tesque cavalry, for all the sailors had moun ted, and word not contemptible horsemen. Wo had eight Diltch prisoners and Smart, the mutineer, to guard, with the dread of a Dutch commodore and his flying camp. Horsica said, a burgomaster, highly respec ted and of great note, lay on our route to tho boats, and if we caught him tho lives of our captured seamen were safe. "Here is his mansion," pointing to a good looking louse not far distant, and we closed upon it at a hard gallop, Surround the house and let no one pass" called I to my mate; and with Horsica and two seamen rode through a very pretty garden to the eut door. To repeated raps from our pikes, an upper window opened, anu inc ncau oi a lcmate somewnat in a disordered state, was thrust out. To Ho risca's prccmptory demand for instant ad mission a scream of fright from the domoi- selle was our reply'. "Time presses," said Horsica, "force the door,? and a post was instantly torn from its situation and propelled witli great violence, as a batlering-ram, against it ; three sturdy blows bolts, bars and hinges gave way, and Horsica, with myself, and two orderlies burst into a good sized room or hall, the bottom of which was composed of handsome Dutch tiles. As wo had na ked sabres in our hands, with pistols in our belts, it was very natural that tho half-dress cd iWmcstics should fly in all directions; but Horsica intercepted an old woman in her flight, and on pain of instant death compel led her to point out her master's bed cham ber. Her exclamations and entreaties not to enter, were in some measure Judicious Horsica explained to mo that she said, her mastor, Mynheer (something) had brought homo a fair young brido from, Amsterdam only the previous evening, and urged upon us tho impropriety of entering tho bridal chamber. Call to him, Horsica," said I, "to come forth, and surrender himself." " And lose him for our pains," said the ruffian, as he threw himself with violence against tho door, that acknowledged his power by giving a free entrance. A tall genteel looking youth in the act of arming himself, met my view. Ho was a gitatcd and pale, dropped the sword ho was drawing, pointed one hand to tho bed, in which lay his bride, and raised tho other with an air of entreaty to Horsica. I caught a glimpse of a fair hand and arm, throwing the sheet over her face, as unablo to bear tho view of armed men in her bridal cham ber. To the young Dutchman's demand of what ho wanted, Horsica replied, "Him self, as hostago for the lives of thirteen En glish seamen, held by tho governor under senloncc of death according to his procla tion." "I am a non combatant," said tho youth 'and not answerable for tho governor's con duct." Horsica pointed to his military accoutri ments. "It is the militia merely to enforce order, and protect -us against our slaves. Horsica said fiercely, "This is trifling! Se euro him with tho other prisoners. . And as our stout orderlies proceed to bind his arms behind his back.his wifo conquering her sex's fears in tho extremity of distrcs.s threw herself at Horsica's feet. Ho rough ly repulsed her, and pointed to mo as nominal commander. I never yet could rnsiqt irnnlln woman's nleailinff OVO, and least of all then, that I saw this lovely girl at my feet, her light auburn tresses partly shading'thc beauty of her strongly agitaicti and heaving bosom, her blue eyes fixod on mino with such an imploring look oi an guish and entieating for mercyl I did not understand tho lauguago sho uttered, but tho soft voice in which it was conveyed went directly to my heart, while tho natu ral graco of her movements, graceful be causo they wero natural, her unaffected ter ror, conquered by her affection for her youthful lord, spoke eloquently without words. "Horsica," said I, in strong agitation, 'I cannot consent to the slaughter of this interesting creature's youthful husband." "And yet you will be tho murderer of thirteen of your countiymen. I will not accompany any other parly commanded by boy this business requires men. If this man is liberated, I shall instantly return to tho commodore, and tell him that the tears of women, aro estimated more than the lives of your comrades." This uttered in a harsh tone checked my romantic feelings, particularly as I was ful ly alive Io the importance of my prisoner Then, said I, "speak in a consoling tone to this afflicted girl. 0 that I could make he: understand me! Say, her husband is in no danger, and will be tenderly treated," and I took her fair hand to call her attention to Horsica. "What he said I know not; but the tone it was uttered in grated on my hearing, and produced a wild hysterical scream with a frantic movement to clasp her husband. Tho orderlies, who had bound the youth's arms, would haverepul scd her, had I not called out in a loud tone, "Monsters, dcsistl" and I hastened to un bind his arms with which he clasped his beautiful and youthful bride. "Oh, myn Godt," said Horsica, "the boy is mad! seize, and bind that prisoner to the stoutest man that rides, and draw mg near mo he hoarsely said, "Will you load your soul with tho murder of thirteen comrades, disobey vour orders and lose your commission for a woman?" I felt the good sense of this remark, tho' it grated harshly on the excited state of my mind, and I closed ray hand on my eyes to shut out this cruel scene. The devoted and affectionate girl was in an instant at my feet, embracing my knees, and watering my hands with her innocent tears, and I sham ermy manhood by letting mine fall upon her lovely head. Tho infernal hideous voice of Horsica, "All is ready," roused me to my duty, and as I tore myself from her grasp her maddening shrieks harrowed up every tender feeling in my heart, and pulling my hat over my eyes, I sprang up on my horse, and ordered a forward move ment in double quick time. We reached the boats, that had fortunately just touched the beach, in time to pievent the ficicc at- tackv of tho Dutch commodore's flying camp whose vanguard hove iu sight as our rear-guard rc-embarked. I threw myself into La Fortune's barge witli the prisoner, Smart, who came ashore in her as her of ficer, and now, with his arms bound, faced mo from tho bow of the boat. He main tained a dogged and sullen silence, which accorded well with my frame of mind. As Horsica had urged on mo the necessity of shootiinr the horses that had rendered us such good seivicc, and somo angry altorca' tion ensued, tho wliolo ot tlio prisoners went oft' to La Franchise in the commodore's barge, tho young burgomaster, looking pe culiarv mournful at parting with me, his only friend. Arrived on board the La For tune, Captain Vansittart inquired with great surprise the causo of his mates dogredation, and on my explaining his conduct, expros sed tho greatest horror and dctostation. Wait till wo set sail," for the signal was flying on board tho commdore, to hojst m the boats, and make all sail; "and I will teach him a lesson that ho shall longrcnjcm- ber, Sir. Evans," addressing his clerk, "disrato Mr. Smart to landsman," and to tho first lieutenant "When tho signal is oboyd turn tlio hands up for ' punishment, and 1 will give that monster live dozen." I afterwards hoard he punctually perform ed his promise. I begged for the jolly-boat to drop mo on board La Franchise, for I felt most anxious to interest tho commodoro for my young friend, tho burgomaster. This request was complied with, and I stepped on board La Franchise as she bore up for Fort Amsterdam having directed the Rein Deer, by signal, to cruize to windward of tho island. THE EXECUTION. So many years havo elapsed that memo- y's log docs not cpablo me to describe pre cisely tho person qf the Hon. John Murray, (whoso sister, Lady. Augusta, was married to his Royal IIighnes3 tho Duke of Sussex,) but I remember well, that on entering the cabin of La Franchise, a tall slender gentle man, much emaciated in person, and look ing in extreme ill health, rose from his easy chair, in which ho was rccliningin hisdres singgown, and with courtly addiess answer ed my, bow, saying, "You arc the officer, I presume, who commanded last night's party on shore.' I again bowed (affirmatively;) ho resumed his scat, and motioned me to take ono near him. . , "I am far from well," said he, "and very weak, which must be my apology for only seeming rudeness.'' This was unnecessary, for a rrtqrc finish ed gentlemen, with polished urbanity and suavity of manner, it had never been my good fortune to meet. , "From Horsica's report, I judged your feelings wore too susceptible for the irk some duly imposed on you." "I hope, Captain Murray," I rejoined, "that I carried your intentions hito execution ' in uiu musi luiu-jiu iHunuur auai r.iiuumaiiiii ces would permit. Horsica's advjee appear ed to me to spring from the disposition of a demon, and I feel assured, not only from your appearance, but from the high .charac ter for humanity you bearj that were you, sir, in my place, you would have acted in a similar planner." 1 ; He replied, "at your age I should, My remarks are far from intending to convey . T 11 ' any censure; on tne contrary, i nigmy ap prove of the feelings you evinced, and have? liberated the youngest of your prisoners, on his promise to put the burgomaster's and other letters in possession of the governor in two hours. I have also addressed him, with official information, that those, whom the fortune of war, has placed in my power, shall be hanged in sight of Fort Amstedam, at the hour of noon, that is, should but ono English prisoner suffer death in accor dance with the proclamation the governor had communicated to me." "0 sir! would that you had been pleased to have made the youthful burgomaslor the messenger, perhaps It might have saved from madness a lovely and most interesting, female. Had you witnessed the .agony of this picture of innocence and youthful beau ty, as with clasped hands and , streaming eyes she knelt at my feet, and with all the devoted and intense affection of woman's heart, implored for the safety of her youth ful husband. Capt. Murray," I pursued, "had tho world's welfare depended on his death, you would havo liberated him." , The commodore here leaned his faco on his hand, which prevented mo from reading his mild and benignant countenance; but I saw, from the excited state of his nerves displayed by his agitation, that he was strongly affected; and being warmed, I went on to state the unutteiable miseiy and agony of grief that sho was now suffering, conclu ding with the following appeal. 0 "Captain Marry ,1 havo porirayed what 1 have scon; but for your future peace of mind, and for your soul's sake, harm not that young nian'o life." ( ..( ,( The commodore raised his head with a slight look of surprise, sighed very heavily, and motioned mo to ring the bell Ho seemr ed near fainting, and his servant presented a restorative draught. lie again bowed to me, which' I construing into a dismissal, rose, and witli a low obeisance retired heartly glad that 1 was riot loaded with Xiq samo heavy responsibility that preyed so much on his susceptible mind. , , . . I found the squadron under a crowd of sail, standing for Fort Amsterdam, distance threoJcagues, with tho oxception of the Rein Deer, who had hauled her wind, and with tack, and half tack, took' short board
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