THE COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. "TJIUTII -WITHOUT FEAIl - a - - ZTZ-JjZ s.iTuniA jujy: 30, 1838. VI: -x at- r DEMOCRATIC NOMINATION FOR G.OVERNOR : T GEN. DAVID R. PORTER, (OP 1IUNT1NOD0N COUNTY.) Wq aro requested to mention, that the STORES, in this village, will bo closed at 12 o'clock, on Urn FOURTH OF JULY, and wjll hot be. again opened during tho af ternoon and evening of that day. ; SClf thq vriter of a Note, which, wo re ceived through the Post Office, will give us , a personal intcrviow,. his request will bo cheerfully complied w.ith. , Wq dp npt like to. act in buch cascs, without a known au thority. v Schuylkill County J-Jrcct. i The Federal Shinplaster papers havo he'en mlblishimr. for a Week or two, what they call certificates of declination of some tho democratic delegation from ScUylkill countv. to the 4th of July convention at Harrisburg. But the Pottsville Emporium jiises theso ccrtificatd )ial;crs entirely up, , as by a statement in that paper, it appears: that the most of the names were obtained either through misrepresentation, or with out thoconscnt of the alledgcd signers. They assertiqver their signatures, that they go for Gen. Porter, and .are decidedly op posed to, the, re-election of Joo Ritner, the whic bank , candidate. This is what we .should ftall poor comfortv., W,o, would ad vise these whig certificate Maker's to be more careful in future, for although, .they may, now and then, ,l cotcI?a democrat in their stnnplasior net, yet ho wont stay a cotched" any how they can fix it. The wings nave asserted ovo? and over attain, that the National Government Was bankrupt, and would soon have to borrow money to keep its wheels in motion. To show what grounds theyhavc forfthe, assertion',' and how much regard they -liavo for tha, ttiithfJ'wo give the following statement of flic resources ofthe Treasury as they now actually exist : ' Amount deposited with the States , , 1( ... . . $'28,006,006 Due on Custom House bonds) &c. 15,000,000 43,000,000 Amount of Treasury Notes in circulation, 4,800,307 Leaving an actual surplus, al- vi though unavailable, of 38,199v092, , So much for whig veracity. It. will be remembered, too, that these funds .were placed in their present situation through their .(dvocacy, and if they are unavailable, ,it is "their .( fault', and not that of the demo cratic party. . . Jttore Steamboat Explosion', and 'immense Lost cf&VCS. ( Wo had hardly recovered from the .shock (occasioned by tho biirsthic-i of steamboat boilers on tho Ohio and Mississippi, before arp.again saluted with the news o the explosion of a.stcarriboat on, the Allan tic coast, and tho destruction, .of l0 lives n,rd the burning of another on Lake Erie with the loss of about 59 more., jThe heart rending accounts of both we publish in this paper. Wp again enquire, why ,will not Congress take the subject in hand ,thcy alone possess the power of adopting soine ceneral plan by which all could be governed. That these explosions are most Jy caused by carelessness and rccklcssnesi of consequences of the commander, there cannot be a ques.lipn, yet Congress can let month, after .month pass in politica squabbles, without cvjii( barely adverting to the cause Of theso disasters, much less .making any, attempt to preserve tho lives of their fellow citizens from being sacrificed by tho mercenary owners or commanders o ,of steamboats, who, .either, for the sako o gain, or a littlo eclat, will endanger the lives of thousands. James K. PauUtina, Esq. has been ap pointed Secretary .of the Navy, in the room of Mahlon Dickorsoii resigned. As oVcry thing relating b the Canadas is interesting to oui leaders, we liaVe made largq extracts from our exchange papers in relation "to the troubles in that quarter. Wc also publish an account of" Bill Johnson," which cannot fail of being read with inter est, as ho appears destined to. play a con spicuous part in the future history of iho uanacia insurrection,'. . . ; At a meeting of tho Committee of Ar rangements, held at, -the house of Daniel Uross, on Saturday, evening, tiuu inst. l;r. llamsey was the chair, :and U. Fisher appointed Secretary, When the following arrangements were made for the Celebration Of tlie ensui)ig 4th of July : Resolved That the Rev. Mr. Toby be invucu 10 ucuvcrnn oration ohuib occasion, Resolved That Wm; G, Hurley. Esq he requbstedto road the Declaration of Inde pendence. - ; ' , jcesoiveai nai tno.ciierey oi ine miter- ent churches' in bloom bo invited to attend and assist in tho exercises of the day. ' i Jicsolvcil That Henry Webb bo Mat. tial of tho dayywith powers of appointing assistants, nnu o making-nhe general ar rangements for the Procession. ,i ... . Resolved nlhat all Revolutionary Sol dicrs of this and the neighboring counties, be, and they are hereby invited' to.attciid a3 cuests and participate in the festivities of tlio-.tiay: - 1 Resolved J hat tho Oration bo delivered in the Presbyterian Church, and that the citizens meet at an early hour at the house of Charles Docbler, for the purnoso of forming the procession. Jlesolved lhat these proceedings bo published. - - ' - . J. KAiMofci i , l resilient, C. B. Fisher, Secretary. Order of the Day. Tho Meeting House will be opened At half-past tert o clock, A. M. for the admis sion of Ladies only. Thr nrnp.nsslnn in hp fnrmnd nt thn hnnsh of 6. Doebler ,al-ll o'clock in the follow-! ing order viz ;. MARTIAL '.Music. ' MILITARY. .... Citizens generally, two by two. Revolutionary oi.eiers. CLERGY. , . . Orator of tile Day, and Reader of the Dec laration ol Independence. COMMirTliB OF ARItANGEMENTS. Assistant Mattals. Tho same order will be observed in re turning frdm the meeting house after the services. , . . , . 11. "VEBB, Martial ' CONGRESS? At the last accounts from Washington, the Sub Treasury Bill ,,was still under discus sion. Congress had agreed to adjourn i tho -0 ih of July, , To the Editor of the Columbia Democrat. Sir One of tho objects within tho legit imate province, as well as desire doubtless, of your press, to promote, is the advantage of the 'pleasant village in which it is located. Here are interests which are of a strictly village 'character, those, in which tlie com munity, as such, arc concerned. To secure Ihcrri, it is as requisite to com mit them to a proper superintendence, as that individual affairs, to bo prosperous, should bo taken caro of. , , , ( i. This makes it npcossa'ry. lhat proper per son's be raised up and clothed with authori ty, to whom these public village interests may B6 cqnimitted, arid by whom tliey may be managed. ... , . , i What are more particularly in view in the present article, arc the tepairs ,of the streets and alleys-and preserving theni in a s'tato of cleanliness. . , . Lot the fapt bo homo in mind, thaMtho main road, ond.twp branches running but a short distance through the town, make up tho extent of highway,, subject to repair by tho supervisor; and these repairs arc all that Bloomilburg- receives in. consideration of the road taxes levied upotiHs inhabitants, Further; it- is not- ftilown by the writer', that there is in this industrious, thriving and generally healthy village; , single pcrsort receiving benefit from tho taxes levied for tho poor. . If so, all . raised within, are ex pended without the town limits . , -u'' Were an arrangement; then; to be tnadc, by whiclt taxes denied, should also bo a plicd within 'our town ;. if our alleys, as well as out principal road, cduld bo kept in repair ; if some attention could bo,bcslowcd iipon tho place to beautify and adorn it, by persons whoso public duty it should bo ; then its inhabitants, it is thought, would certainly find tho ultimate advantage, in tho attraction of new residents, tho consequent increase of busincs3,)9nd.tlie necessary de mand for, and erection of, new buildings by Which tho town would bo adorned and enlarged of course. And is not the suggestion worth ''some thing that it would brighten still more the" prospect of attaining iho object so much at jiearl, tho, establishment of tho scat of Jus tice, in wliat would then be. still more than now, the tcautiful and delightful town o(- Bloomsburg ?,, . ' . , 1 Tho dbjcct3 proposed, .may bo accom plished, by incorporating the town. There is a law, it is bchev,ed,4riot repealed, author izing an application to tho County Court, who, with the concurrence of the Grand Ju ry, are empowered , io grant charters to tQwns. Who. then will sign a petition? Juno 27, 1838. The " Spirit ofttic Times," is the title of a democratic daily penny paper just com menced publication in the city of Phil" adclphia.v It3 atticlcs are written withspir it and abili,tyt and it-bids fair to be an abjio auxilliary in the cause of. democracy and tho election of David R: Porter. Wc. wish the publishers all tho succq'38 'their well con. ducted journal, and tho cause they advocate) so richly merits. . THE GREAT FRESHET. Sinco the account in another column was in typo, we learn, that Ihc Canal from Hunting don to Ilollidaysburg, is rendered Unnaviga- ble. Almost every lock is more or less in jured. It is estimated by two of the Canal Commissioners who have been along the line since the flood, that it will cost $500, 000 to make the necessary repairs. Tho British Queen,.an immense steam ship, intended to carry goods and pas'sen gcis between London and New York, was launched on liuirsday, from the ..dockyard of Messrs. .Curling, Young, . and Co. the builders, at.Limehousc. She belongs to the brttisli and American Steam Navigation Company, and is one of the largest ships m the world; her length, it is. said,, exceed that of any vessel in thp British Navy, by 30 feet.- She has a'ccommodatian for 290 passengers.- Spectator. Several of the steamboats at Pittsburg and Wheeling are having affixed to their boilers Raub's patent safety valves an in vention which is believed to be a perfect saieguard against explosion. ,i?o66ery.--Thirty seven watches were stolen Irom the watch maker shop ol Mr, liawrence risner joi tins uorougn on Wednesday night last, Ihc.'thjef or thieves having obtained entrance through the back door. Several persona Were arrested for' examination owing the contradictory ciorins oi a yoting'otacK vagaoona wnu is atuwuiuu .Borough nnin i1"1 iwh'tns now under 'commiimcnt for-attcmpting to rob Ihe wag- on-toi ivirfc,iiiaion, a jewwen vve are; pleased to s'fate that ,tli0 watches have been recovere'd, tho thief having concealed ihom in Mr. Simpson's mauure heap. The for mer journeyman of Mr. Fisher has been committed on suspicion, as well from his own declarations as from the fact that all the icafJwatches were stolen. Our next Court will probably discover his guilt innocence, x t- i- or Since the foregoing was in type tlic lliicf;! has made Ins escape Irom custody., Pottsville Emporium Ourang Outang. The; Female Odrang Outang at Boston is ono of the three brought from Borneo, the other two having died on the passago. t The eldest i a male, aged 3, and which.'diedj'treatcd tins surviving or ypungest as.a child, and the actions of the. latter corresponded'. They slept on each others' arms, and tho parent frequently car essed and kissed its more youthful compan ion. 'The latter coughs, 'cries and laughs Jikp-an infant of three-Qr four years', handles its cup to drink and its knife and fork;, and makes its bed, dresses itself,- &o ,-as a hu man creature. .The preservation, of it's life is imputed tor the accidental discovery of its penchant forflCsh, iipon . which it fed .and gr'ew fat. The eating qf 'meat seems to correspond to the cannibalism of sqmc of thp tribes in the interior of Africa a peculi arity of taste notwo bejicye.hitkcrto. known to- belong to- tlto' family of the Ourang Outang, which was thought graminivorous though its tcfih aro so 'nearly human, that there is nOrcasoh why in cold latitudes At least it should not be quite as carnivorous a3 an Anglo-Saxon. The fact has elicited controversy in some of tho , newspapers. Tho eating of frcsli meat, cliickens, &c was alsd a prdttctiori, probably, against the scurvy.'which animals' of diminishad vital energy must bo most liable to N. Y. Star. Trio Norfolk Beacon, of Friday says: "The steamer Colombia, Captain Mitchell brought , down yesterday from Washiuglon, Iho remainder . of the chain Cables for the U. S. ship Pennsylvania. There aro three 2 in.cji, and each 150 fathom in length, and weigh 141,025 lbs. The moving swivel, detached from the cables, was also brought dowri, and delights in the weight of 2,281 lbs. Capt. Mitchell speak3 well of tho ca bles, and acknowledges that he never had a more quiet passenger. Jin Jlncienl Coin. An antique coin lias i been discovered at Wallingford, Connecti cut, with the inscription "Masachvsets in:" oh one side, and on the other "Now Eng land 1002.' This was the well known "pine" trqe. (shilling'.' of that time, It was this coin which Charles pointed to ang rily and askqij thO; ya"nk'co commissioners how they dared-to coin money, :and ,dc- manumg wnai irec u was. upon ,mc lace of it; they answered willrtlieir native readi ness and ingenuily, "Iho tree which saved your royal majesty," THTNER ECONOMY. Tho b'ublic car is dinned by the constant boast ol Kilncr s economy andrelorm." Wo Have olten asked in what does his ccnoiny and reform consist? What expenditures has ho curtaildd? what abuses restrained? w e got no answer. His Incnds have not a woid to say. -The -public may learn what is his claim to the credit of economv and reform when it "hears, that the canal commissioners aro increasing the number of officers, .superintendents-,' foremen, bos ses, hands, &c. &c.,-pn all Jho .'canal and railrqads in the state, to an unheard of de rce.,".Thoy are paying old disputed claims with, little ot no 'examination, and rean- poinling,all the officers whom their immc-1 If.. . -. .' 1 i rrti ' I' uiaio preupecssors turncu out. i ncy aro making peaoc all round with those whoso friendship they can cither retain or purchase preparing to make vigorous war on all who.' do not yield. Anti-Uitner contractors, are marked in the black list for ruin. .In a short time wo shall give particulars on this- head, and show, , the true- character of Ritner- cc.pnomyand reform to be synonymous with waste and corruption. keystone, Bcalkbij Lightning: Wc learn thattho dwelling house. oT Mr. Irving of Lincoln, was struok by -lightning during the violent thunderstorm yesterday afternoon and set on fire, but was coon extinguished. David S. Stratum, yas killed instantly.. The- child escaped unhurt. A colt near the house was also killed. Isaac Reed,1 of Lexington,. lost two valuable cows, being killed by lightning.- Prentice Child, of Waltharru lost ono. cow from the same cause. Boston Journal. Caplam-M. C. Perry has boon ordered by the Navy Department to proceed to Europe for the purpose of instituting inqui ries into, and examining the iccent im- provemnts in steam machinery as applied to navigation. He will take passage in the Great Western on her next trip from New York to Bristol. DYMENIAL,. MARRIED In Briar Creek on Thursday the: 28th inst. by thp Rev. Mr. Drake, Mr. Archibald lieivru Jr. ot 11 loom Township, to miss Amelia daughter of Mr. Joseph Eck, of the foimer place, MILITARY . 'FOURTH OF JULY. "711 II liieeUng-of- uJ,ci nitjin bom- of ' Hier Blomsbiirg Artillery, held at the house of Charles Doebler on the evening of the 23d June it was, Resolved that said Company would meet at tho house of C. Doebler on the 4th day of July next, at 10 o'clock, A. M. in uni form so far as it can be procured. Attention ! THE WASHINGTON GUARDS ARE commanded to meet at the house of Daniel Gross, in Bloomsburg, ht-10, o'clock, A.M. precisely, on Wednesday,1 the-4th of July next, in complete military array, for parade and drill. After tho exercise of 'the day,nnd previous to joining' their fellow 'citizens in thn rnTiintTtnN" nn election for a first Lieutenant in the room of If. W. Thornton, removed from the state, will be held. A general attendance is requested. By order of tho Captain. HUGH THOMPSON, O. S. Bloom, Juno 25, 1838. ' j Bloonisburg Rangers ! OU aie hereby commanded to meet in Blooms burg, on Wednesday tha 4th day. of July next, at 10 o'clock AiM. at tho houso 6f O. Doehleu, for company oxc.rciso and drill ; each man to be in full uniform, and provided with tho necessary rounds fdr firih'g. Yoit aro also invited tj participate in tho festivities of the day. Per order of tho Captain, DANIEL ROAT O. Scr. Bloomsburg, Jiino 1C, 1838. I wish to inform G. Bomboy that I think ho has enough to do to keep himself and son Thorruis from lying without rfccUsing 'his neighbors of doing so, without any just causu, although ,they may suspect that an OUTLINE was taken from my shop with out liberty. ' ' L. LICHT. Bloomsburg, June'30, 138, '' ' Dr. H. SMITH, -.-SUKGEORf DENTIST, AS returned to Bloomsburg, and ean be found at DANIEL SNYDERS Hotel. Ho has a good assortment of wliich in most cases ho can insert without pain, and in all caws with but , very' little. Horemovba trio gangreri'o from decayed teeth, and plugs up the cavi tics, 'which prevents ! art' extension' of decay. Ho also removes the Tartar which collects on Iho'suj face cf tho Teeth, causing what is commonly called the scurvy of tho gums; and is known by tho gum bleeding easy and wasting away after the tartar is removed tho teeth appear while, and the gums bo como healthy and sound. Teeth extracted? old rooU taken out; and indeed all operations in dental surge ry performed in a neat, careful,, and scientific man nr. Bloomiburg, Juno 23d,1833. t hei ely pronounce Lu Jwlck Lcielit & tuWic EiA until he substantiates tho slanderous report Whi4 no nas asscucii against my son Thomas Uotnboy, Bloomsburg Jun'e,ldth 1.838. O. I10MBOY. ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. ETTERS of Admihi'stralion bavins bci A granted upon the estate, of Abraham Klin jlcc'd. of Pishing Creek township,, Columbia coui iyi au persons lnticutcu to sam estate, are rcquc! u-u iu jjiuku imineuiaio iJaymcni, ana, ?ui persoij Himng uemanus against said estate must preset them to the subscribers, duly attested, o: bo barrq vittujuing io law. JOHN KLINE, ,v . MATTHIAS KLINE, w , Executors. Fjshing Creek, Juno 23, 1838. , v CASH UP! . A LL thoso, indebted for POSTAGE in Bloomsburg office are earnestly requested aH solemnly warned to pay up .their dues beforq tE first of July. Thoso- who neglect this notice mtf looic out lor breakers ahead, "jmd may never expe to bo trusted asain. BERNARD RUPERT, P. M. Bloomsburg Post Offlcc, ? ' Juno 12th, 1838. $ J Bridge Builders, j THE Commissioners of Columbia coul ty will enter into contracts with the lowei and best "bidders for building tho followinj Bridges in safd county as follows, A Bridd to be built across tho South branch of Roa) ing Urcek,ncar Christian IIartley's,and wi be let at the house of Snmnnl A Hrndv, i Uatawissa,on Friday ,tho 20th day of Jim) materials, , to wit.-- Strong stone abutmen and wirig w'alls1, surmounted with a woodi brace superstructure of 50 feet span, and ue covcrcu wiin a sningie rooi. Ihe other ljridge to bb built across Brit Creek,near Bowman's mill. It is proposq to take bids for building this Bridge onl plans, the Commissioners to have the rig of selecting and building on either plan al't tho biddings are closed; , . 'First for building a Stone Brill with two arches, forty-five feet long betwec the abutments one about eighteen feet' Second For building a Wood' Brace Bridge with stone abutter: with uiiicient wing walls. y,. ,. , The siiDefstruc'ture lo be. fortv-fivo fc long bo-covercdrwith a shingle rooi The letting of, this, bridge will be on S! turday 'the 30th day of June inst. at Bov man's mills in Briar Creek township. is proposed to close the receipt of propos.j at 12 o'clock M on the respective days' the above lettlngs', JDDINGS BARCLAY, CORNELIUS CLACKNE '..M'.- JOSEPH BROBST. Commissioners office Danville Juno 12. 1838.. - tAND AMEKICATM COURIER. TllC-lalw-oiiJ-axpan tc bos toi ycd. upon this per havo already gained us a large list of col try subscribers; and we shall spare neither, time, boror money in making it tho most interesting j per in tho Union. Wo aro now engaged in pro ring some beautiful designs, and it is our intent! to produce one, two or more, every week, as se as our suuscripuon iisisnan nave so increased as warrant us in incurring tho expense of cngravin They will bedono on wood by ono of the finest e gravers in the city, ' ' ' , rj. In.point of local intelligence, scientific essa;' literary articles and general ncw3, our paper is ready acknowledged equal to, as in size it exect any now issued in the United States, As a fami newspaper, wc never have and never shall insert! to.its columns an article or a sentiment, that sh, call a blush upon tho check of beauty. Humor, v and pleasure, may always be found, and of the mc enticing nature, without swerving from modes; and deriding morals or religion, and of such a ci shall ours be. , . . t , , Behides embracing all thai we havo rtatcd abo our paper -will contain . a Bank Note Tabic a. d: ,j i-i.. r i I JIIU iiUijuib, iutiii.ii;u ,ii.ujvijr. iru iiujn. yi i 'menus in uic country win assist us in extendi our circulation, that wc may at once commence o intended improvements. 4 ' 1 Teums;- Four dollars per annum, payable in i vanco. .... . - ' No orders attended to unless the money is rem' toil, tlrtat tiniil. nt n rhv rpfprMi mvpyi. i Post Masters throughout tho Union, and in t. r.inr1nc. nrn mmmelivl flea tlmti. tn(lliAli.n in tain-Us subscribers, and we will send 'them a pa gratis. 4 . ., . s J Wo wish to establish agencies in country towi? apll persons wishing to act for us, will havo t kindness to drop us a line (post paid) tothatcflt with a city reference; and wc will enter into rangemcnts with them at once. They will find c terms exceedingly liberal. New Yprk,.t838. v , , .. Oun'Exciu.vHE List. Wc w:sh to eschar with' our democratic cotomporarie?, generally thr out tho country ; and shall feci obliged if those y lw.n will, lufinm vn nnw nTrbnnrrn will nnnnnt this in their columns. It is our determination wfej Iho blessing of Heaven to fight a.good fight for y ambitious to stand well armed, and with a fullqu cr in die ranks of its champions. Our daily paj (, will be sent in exchange, for another daily, 'and t weekly, which is tho largest in the Union, foi weekly. A concerted action among tho democre press is most dcsirablo and would accomplish p BRICJBLS BRICK! F a good'quality, by 10-100-1000 or innnn fresh burnt, and laying nt tho Canal For sale by HENRY WELLS Bloomsburg, June S, 1838. LEIDY'S M.13BIC1NE FOR'SME BY D. S. TOBIAS, Agen Bloomsburg, Juno 23, 1836,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers