I 1 VI iH ' COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. -nrr- ,r I ' i ''"'-'I I ! , I have worn upon the Altar of God, cicrnnl hostility to ccry form of Tyranny over the Blind of Man." Thomas Jefferson-. PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY JOHN S. INGRAM AND FRANKLIN S. MILLS. Volume Iv BL'OOMSBUMG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1837 Number 35. , A NAME IN Tim SAND, nr jtiss obvLii. Alone I walked tho ocran strand, A pearly shell was in niy liaml ; I stooped and wrotoupon the sand TVty name, the year, the day. As onward from the spot I passed, One lingering look fcliind 1 cant'' A w'avncaniu rolling high and fast, , , And washed my lines uwUy.'' . And bo, mcthoiight, 'twill shortly bn Willi every mark oi earth from nio I A wave of dark ohlivinu's ca Will sweep aer'ota the pla'ec Where I havo trod the sandy (.hOro Of time, and liecn to be no intre ; .Of me, my name, the name I bore,' ' ;To leave no track nor truce And yet, with Him who count? the Band, And holds thu walcnl in his hand, I know a lusting record stands Inscribed againsl My nani'c, Of all this mortal part lias wrought. Of all this thinking soul has thought, And from these (lectins monnilts caught; For glory, or for shame. -It Prom the Knickerbocker Magazine. TUB IlTjUXDEItBIl. being a few passages in the life of short-sighed man. Or all the evils to which mankind are subject, there is none more pitiable in its victim than an ordinary limitation of vision. alas ! am one of those unfortunate individ uals, whose nose U doomed tU be 4 spectacle bestrid during my mortal existence, and Vvho can discrn no object, unless it lie thrust into my very face. This, it may readily be imagined, is at all times disagreeable, but particularly so when the article in question is obnoxious to the senses. O ye bipeds of oculars unimpaired ! ye all-seeing gentry! little do yc know the thousand evils that daily accumulate upon our devoted heads, and .sometimes shoulders I Little do yc ken tho numerous faux pas that wo of the limited vision are almost constantly pushed into, to tho imminent jeopardy of "our moral and physical sense, as men of feeling. My misfortunes commenced from infancy yea from my veriest infancy and have continued up to this day. with a frequency and regularity as astonishing as unfortunate My mother has often tphl me, thrft 'when a baby, I would make a dozen ineffectual at tempts to gain her breast j and my first cs says in the art of walking, have been mem orialized, by a multiplicity of scars, occa sioned by violent contact with chairs, tables and other articles of domestic usefulness As a boy, I was still more deserving of com miseration. Iti fact, my misfortunes seem cd to accumulate with' my crowth. The delicacies of the dinner table were invaria' bly appropriated by my brothers and sisters before ! could bo made conscious of thei presence ; and if I failed to examine closoly every particle upon the prongs of tny fork or in the concave of my spoon, I might in advertently swallow a red pepper for a sau sage!, or masticate a quantity of horsc-rad isli for as much sugar pr Sago cheese. My good old .aunt, pitying my situation, resolv ed to bettor it, and for this purpose puroha scd mo a pair of spectacles, the first I had worn. For a time I prot on very well, in tho way of eating comfortable dinners ; bu this fortune was too good to last long. My nfiji.ctionate brethren and sisters contrived to abstract my glasses. In vain I replaced ihem. They wcro continually stolen ; and T was nverv dav compelled to partake of - - - J J A what they in tho fulness of their stomachs thought proper to leave me. In duo seab'pn, I was ushered into tho so lar system of society; bull had notrevolv ed a month upon my own axis, among the planets snd sattelijcs of the beau ceil, boforo they all complained that I passed them in my dirunal transits without a smile or bow of recognition, and unanimously concluded to eject mo from their sphere, I deprecated their displeasure, acknowledged tho imper fection of my vision, and was again ad mitted into their j;ircles. I now resolved to speak to every one I passed ; ' and then' thought I, in the fondness of imagination, thero will bo no mistake 1' I put my reso lution at once in practice, and for a while things went swimingly on ; but at length the "same result Was the consequence. ' "What havo I done, noiv?' asked t of a friend : ' why am I ocwm thrust without the palo of society I' The reason is, simply,' said he, gazing about to seo that no one observed him peaking to so proscribed a being as I, 'that people arc not willing to meet on terms of sociability and equality a man who claims the acquaintance of every loafer, male or fc- ale, he may chance to meet. At Trinity Church, last Sunday, you oflercd your arm to a chambor-lnaid ; and you were yestcr- lay observed by a party of ladies in the act of making a profound bow to three of the most notorious courtezans in town.' 1 Good God 1' exclaimed I, ' is it possi ble?' These were not tho only bad effects of my politeness. A great six-foot whisker ando charged mo with the heinous crime of nsulting his sister, by speaking to her without tho previous formality of an intro duction ; and it was with the greatest diffi culty that I could persuado the fellow to re frain from hbrse-whippincr nic a thine which he had fully resolved upon, and which nothing but my humblo apologies, and labored explanations, joined to the en treaties of one or two of my personal friends, ddterrcd him from putting into practice. ' Happier,' thought I, far happier, had I been born blind, for then I should at least have avoided the tissue of blunders into which I hourly stumbledi My life has been one continued series of getting into scrapes n the worst way, and getting out of them the best way I could. Why am I coupled with such a destiny ? I am one of the gen tlest and most tnoilcnsivc of mankind, and yet the sulkiest blackguard abont town en counters not half the difficulties which fall to my luU' Such were my musings, as I passed down Broadway such my rcllections when my dug as I thought, but alas! it was another's rushed bctwccli my legs, and nearly trip ped me up. Although naturally, or rather commonly, a good-natured man, I was not at that precise moment, as the reader may imagine, in my smoothest mood. The cur rent of my mind had been agitated by more than one circumstance that day, and the lit tie dog rendered me absolutely angry. With an exclamation of wrath, I-gavo this member of the canine race a kick, which sent him howling to the opposite side of the street. Sarc,' said a lall, swatthy, Frenchified, looking personage, bowing until his mus taches brushed my nose, ' You av', by 1111 ! kick my dog ! What for you 'av' done dis for, eh?' My dear Sir,' exclaimed I, terribly dis composed, 'I beg ten thousand pardons. I really thought it was my own dog.' h, you to'ought it was your dog, eh?' No, sare, it is my little dog dat you av kick!' - Sir, I am exceedingly sorry I mistook him for my own dog. I assnro you, I thought it was my own dog, at the time.' IJy Gar, Sare, dey is not resemblance dero ; dc one dog is of do white, and do odoi dog is of the black color. Beside, Sarc, dc one 'av' got do car vcr' wide, and do oder ver' short; do one 'av' got de tail vcr' much, and do oder'av' lose ho tail ver' much !' But, Sit, I am near-sighted J my eyes aro impaired ; I could not distinguish be tween the dogs.' Tho foreigntir looked steadily in my face for a moment ; but perceiving nothing thero but truth, his countenance became calm, and comparatively pleasant. You av-'. den, Monsieur, de vision not . i ... very far, ell?' I assented. Ah ! den dat is all do apology which I demand:' and, with a graceful adieu, he passed on. How fortunate for me,' soliliquizod I, that ho was a Frenchman I Had ho been nnn nf mv own countrymen, I should no doubt have figured in the gutter.' Strange, strange people, these Americans! They pun ish an offence first, and inquire into its causes and effects afterward; My apology would havo been laughed at by a Yankee. They havo generally so much in View themselves that they cannot appreciate the difficulties of ono whoso vision is riot as extensive as their 'own. 'Alas 1' sighed I, pausing, and wiping tho classes of my spectacles, who ever pitied a near-sighted man 1' It Was nearly sunset. The benches and avenues of the Battery were thronged with human beings. The rich, the poor, tho yourigi the old, the gay, the dignified, the ily and the beautiful the merchant, the artizan, the statesman andTthc philoso pher the near-sighted and the far-sighted all recreated themselves here, promena ding or sitting, thinking or talking, as their several inclination prompted j for no matter how different the tastes and pursuits of men may be, they all coincide in tho admiration of nature. How glorious how magnificent 1' ejac ulated a pale, middle-aged man, extending his right hand toward tho Jersey shore. Yon purple cloud, so chastely lipped with glowing silver, sails slowly and gracefully along ; and lo ! the topmost leaves of all yonder forrcsl seem gilded and burnished o'er a thousand times.' That 'cro chap is cylhcr crazy, or he 's pool,' said a loafer to a very disreputable looking individual, who accompanied him. 'I guess he 's a poetj Sam,' said the oth er, in reply: them 'ere fellers is always crazy.' The bay,' resumed the pale, middle- aged man, 'looks like a purple mirror, and yon fairy islands so many emerald spots' up on its surface. The monuments of man's industry, too, serve to glorify the scene and Nature and Art stand hmd-in-hand, smiling complacently upon their splendid representatives.' Interested by the poetry of this descrip1 lion I looked forth upon all this space of beauty, but saw nothing, excepta dim con glomeialion of hazy coloring. Never be fore had I experienced so painful a sense of my misfortune. I grew dizzy and sick at heart, and wheeling about, sought my way homeward, full of the bitterest reflections. n omnibus was just on the eve of depar ture '; and mistaking the inscription of 'Bow cry and the Battery' for ' Broadway and Blcecker Street,' I jumped in, and was whirled some two miles and a half out of my proper way, before I was made acquain ted with my error. I now resolved to ildopt a new course. 'Am I not,' asked I of myself, jtho author of many of my own misfortunes ? Surely, my errors are chiefly caused by my impa tience and impetuosity. I am too hasty. I will endeavor to be more moderate. I will examine before I proceed, and remove the difficulties lhat may occur in my way. In a word, I will be Snore discreet in all things.' On the following, dajI dined with a friend at ono of tho most fashionable hotels of the cjty, and was for a whilei as I thought, extremely lucky, having as yet made but ana faux pas, which was merely the drink ing of a glass of brandy for as much wine a mistake, by the way, which might havo occurred to almost any ono. A tremendously-stout gentleman from Mississippi was seated on my left. This individual had just cleared his plalo of a large quantity of roast beef, andwas engaged in gazing omin ously at a lobster, his shut right hand, in the mean time resting upon tho table. Un fortunately for myself, at this particular juncture, I happened to stand in need of a piece of bread, and raising my eyo in search of the necessary article, I mistook his clen ched fist for a loaf. Taking up iny fork very deliberately, I hlched up tho sleeve of my coat, and plunged the sharp steel in strument into tho fleshy part of tho man's hand. With a noise between a roar and a growl, tho victim jumped upon his feet, knocking down the gontleman who sat next him, and up-setting a waiter who was hur rying along with a largo supply of custards. I, of course, jumped up too, freightened, as may well bo supposed, almost to death, and attempted to explain matters ; but scarcely had I opened my mouth for the purpose, when I was floored by a tremen dous blow from the wounded limb, directly in rriy face. .No sooner had the avenger knocked me down, than ho unsheathed a huge glittering Bowie knife, and advanced to annihilate me altogether. Words cannot portray the horror of my emotions. I had seen the fellow carve a pig a few moments before, and had myself admired his dexter ity m the proceeding. The company, however, intoifercd be tween the Mississipian and my destruction. My friends made known the imperfection of my vision, and the man of the far west became satisfied. I was bourn to bed, near ly senseless, and have not yet recovered from the effects of that adventure, although my physician is one of the most learned and efficient in the city. He is an English' man ; and when I related to him the occur rencc; he "shook his head, saying ': Terrible chaps, these fellows from Mis sissippi ; 'orrible beings ! Wonder he did'nt cut ydur 'cd off, haltogethcr 1' B OUR COUNTRY lnl88T. The following elegant article is from the chaste and glowing imagination of Doct T. N. Caulkiris, editor of the Coldwater Observ. What will this Union be fifty years fiom this day? The cloud by day, the pillar of fire by night, for the world to follow in their march of civilization and refinement! Tho dawn of 1887 will dawn upon this na tion doubled in extent, with Michigan and towa as the centre of civilization, and the unbegotten States of Oregon. Macedon Columbia,and Pacificus, stretchingaong the ocean, called tho Pacific states, with anoth cr tier of the sisterhood lying along th Rocky Mountains, known by tho name of the middle or mountain States, What now are known as tho western, will then receive the appellation of the eastern Stales while the western will be those bordering on tho Pacific ocean. Fiftv millions of freemen will look' upori the light of that morn, anil glory in tlie name, yielded by France, of the " Great Nation" Splen id cities will then exist where now the Indian, tho lord of the dark forest around him lies down upon his copper face, drea ming of the happy hunting grounds of his fathers, with whom must soon dwell the whole human race. On that day a mere handful will be found lingering on the bof ders of the great deep that must at length engulph them.' Where will then be the capitol of Michigan? In some inland city, near her centre, will its columns rise in magnificence and splendor. Branches of the University of Michigan will then be flourishing and imparting their cheering in fluence in every county throughout the State. Each county will havo its temple of liberty, whoso altar is the printing press, and each lown lis temple of worship and its numerous schools, tho nurseries of free dom, instructed by well taught teachers, at fifty dollars a month. Then perhaps tho schoolmaslcr will be esteemed equal to the cook on board a sleamboat a happy epoch in tho march of human improvement. Where then will be the capital of this U nion? Possibly in the Valley ot tho Missis sippi St. Louis may be the favored spot, or even tho unbroken wilderness still far ther west. And where, alas, will then be tho present citizens of our great Itopublic? Then will "Each in his narrow cell forever Hid, Therudo forefathers of the hamlet sleep." Tho present dwelcrs of tho earth will then have ceased their bustle btlt little space will bo held by them, and anew race of men 6ur children and oiir chil dren's children will then manage the ma chinery of tho world. The above is the language of prophecy, but that of rational deduction from aknowl edgo of tho past and present. Even tho boldest flights of the imagination, fifty years ago, could scarcely have been equal to tho reality at' tho present hour. And may Heaven permit us to coutinue our glo rious career till all tho nations of the cailh become even as we are. newspapers; The Hon. Judge L'ongs'treet says-i 'small is tho sura required to patronize a newspaper, and amply is the patron remu nerated. I care not how humblo and un pretending is the Gazette he takes. It is next to impossible to fill a sheet fifty two times a year without having something that is worth the subscription price. Every parent whose son is offfrom him at school, should be supplied with a news paper. I well remember what a marked difference there was between those of my s.-.hoolmatcs who had, and those who had not access to newspapers. Olh'cr things equal, the first was always decidedly su perior to the last, in debate and composition at least. The reason is plain; they had command of more fact3. A newspaper is a history of current events as well as copi ous and mtercstmcr miscellany, which youth will pcrsuo with delight when they will read nothing else." "A father of an interesting family, near Detroit, not long Bince, stopped the only" newspaper which ho had ever allowed him self or family, and solely on "the ground that ho could not afford tho expense. This man chews up fourteen dollars and sixty cents worth of tobacce every year. Corn. Everett's Address, -Old Letters. What a world of thoughts and feelings arise in pursuing old letters! What lessons do we read in the silliest of them, and in others what beauty, whal charms, what magical illusion wraps the J senses in brief enchantment ! But it is brief indeed. Absence, estrangement death, tho three great enemies, of moral tics, start up to break tho spell. The let ters of those who arc dead, how wonder ful. We seem to live and breathe in their society. The wiiters once, perhaps, li ved with us iti the communion of friend ship, in the flames of passion, in the whirld of pleasure; in tho same career, in short, of earthly joys, earthly follies; aiid earthly infirmities. We seem again to retrace those paths together but are suddenly ar rested by the knowledge that there lies a vast gulf between us and them. The hands" which traced those characters aro moulded ing in the tombs, eaten by worms, or alrea dy turned to dust. Loiters from those we dnco Ibved, wha perhaps are still living, but rio longer living for us; it may bo we grew tired of them; or tho separation may havo arisen from mutual imperfections in character. Still the letters recall times and seasons when it was otherwise, and wo look upon onr selves out of- ourselvesi as it were, with much melancholy interest. That identity of tho person, and that estrangement of tho spirit, who can painl it? There is still a third class" of old idlers' on which tho heart delights to expatiate those Of the still living, but the absent Oh! what do they now afford of delight? They havo the whole witchery of beauty, lovo, and truth in them, without one speck' or flaw lo lower the tone of that enchantment they contain. An Insolvent. A Peruvian, who was deeply involved in debt, was walking the streets with a very melancholy air; one of his acquaintance asked him why he was d sorrowful ? Alas ! said he, I am in a state of insolvency 1 Well, said his friend, if1 that is tho case, it is not you, but your creoV itors, who ought to wear a wofut cduittf nance. An Irishman who recently wddtxmt rtb bit shooting, observing a jackaea jwepin over a hedge immediately Tereled his ptcac. exclaiming, OclvbytliepowisrsV that msm bit tho father of all rabbit
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers