LUJtt I have sworn upon the Altar of C!od, ctcrnnl hostility to ccry form of Tyranny over the Mind of Man." Thomas JefTcrso PHINTED AND PUBLISHED BY JOHN S. INGRAM AND FRANKLIN S. MILLS. BIA Volume ff. OFFICE OF THE DEMOCRAT, Next dooh to Koiuson's Stack Oitice. The COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT will be published every Saturday morning, at TWO DOLLARS per annum, payable half yearly in advance, or Two Dollars Fifty Cents, if not paid ivithin the year'. No subscription will betaken for a shorter period than six months nor any discon tinuance permitted, until all arrearages arc discharged. ADVERTISEMENTS not exceeding a square will be conspicuously inserted at One Dollar for the first three insertions, and Twenty-five cents for every subse quent nserlion. CJA liberal discount made to (hose who advertise by the year. LETTERS addressed on business, 'must be post paid. T75RED5oBir TAKE NOTICE, that I have applied to the Judges of the Court oC Common Peas of Columhia county, for the benefit of the Insolvent laws of this Commonwealth, and that they have appointed Monday the lSlh day of January next for hearing mc land my creditors at the court house m Dan ville, when and where you may attend if you think proper. JOHN KINNARD. December 00, 1837. Notice to Collectors. HIE Collectors of 1830 aro hereby requested to pay oil their duplicates nt the next Janu ary Court', and tho collectors of 1837 are also re quested to pay tho half of the amount of Tax on their duplicates at the next January court. HUGH MeWlLLIAMS, Treasurer of Columbia county. December 23, 1837. 35-it PROCfrABKATION. rHERHAS, tho Honorable ELMS 1,13 WIS, President of tho Courts of Over and 1 er- jpincrand General Jail Delivery, Court of Quarter cessions ol tlio 1 cace, and Uourt ot Common 1 leas, nnd Orphan's Court, in tho eighth Judicial District, composed ot the counties fifiNorthumbcrlajid.Uiuon, Columbia and Lycoming ; and the Hon. William MoxTrioMEiir, and Leonard Kupkiit, Esquires, Associate Judges in Columbia county, havo issued their precept hearing date tho 2d day of December, in tho 3ear of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty-seven, and to mc directed for holding A Court of Oyer and Terminer and G il eal Jail Delivery, General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Common Fleas, and Orphan's Court, IN DAN ILLE, in tho county of Columbia, on the third M mday of January next, (being tho 15th day) and to continue two weeks, NOTICE is therefore hereby given to the Cor 'oncr, tho Justices of tho Peace, and Constables of tho said County of Columbia, that they bo then and there in their proper persons, at ten o'clock, in the forenoon of said day, with their records, inquisitions, und other remembrances, to do thoso things which to, their ofliccs appertain to bo done. And those who arc bound by recognizances to prosecute ugairist the prisoners that aro or may be in tho jail of said county of Columbia, are to bo then and there to proiccutc against them as shall bo just. Jurors aro requested to bo punctual in their attendance, a grccahly to their notices. Dated ot Danville, tho lfilh day of December, in tho year of our Lord one thousand eight hun dred and thirty-seven, nnd in the 03d year of the independence of tho Uiu'cd States of Amer ica. 1 WILLIAM KITCHEN, Sheriff. Sheriff's Ollicc, Damillc, Dec. IB, 1837. 5 35 4t The Estate of ADAM WELLIVER, late of Madison Township, Columbia county, deceased. HOTICE is hereby given, that Letters of Ad ministration havo been granted to tho sub scribers on said estate. Therefore all persons hav ing claims against said eslate, aro requested to pre sent them, and thoso indebted aro requested to make Immediato payment. t Cahl Thomas, Thomas Jl'clUver, November 17, 1837. Administrators FUR AND RUSSIA SATIN, iff y thdmtist durable materials, and finished in a 1 suncrior and fashionablo style, at from j32 'to i1 each, just received and for Palo at (ho More of"7 C.B. FISHBK, Bloomsburg, December 2, 1837. OYSTERS ! ! goncral supply of FRESH OYSTERS may nlwavs bo obtained during tho season, by ap plying at tho Refectory of tho subscriber in Blooms Imrg. JOHN R. MOVER, December 2, 1887. ADIBS Gum Fur Top Shoos, and superior A Men's do. of thobost riualllv. iust received & ram ji or salo at the now and cheap Btore of J. T, Musselman, Co, BliOOMSBUEG, COLUMBIA A STRAY SIU2EP T1 Bloom township, Columbia county, in Octo- neriast, A, Stray Sheep, J ho owner is requested to prove his property, pay charges and take it away, JOSEPH COLEMAN. December 23, 1837. 35-3t STRAIT SHEEP. AME to tho premises of tho subscriber in Mount Pleasant township, Columbia county, sometime in June last, TWO STRA7 SHEEP. Tho owner can havo his property by proving tho same and paying all charges. PETER OMAN. Dec. 23, 1837. 35-3t. HAul oi' .lurovs. GRAND JURORS, mn JANUAIIT TEItM 1838. Blooom Wm. llrown, Samuel Tloonc, JolmBit tenbrnder, Wm. M'Kclvy, Jacob Hess. Briar Creel: John Knorr, Amos E. Kitchen, Mohlon Hicks, Henry Brittain, Jacob Shelhaminer. Catawissa Jacob If ricch, Lewis Yetter, Ira Fox. Dcrry John F, Manville, William Bloc. Greenwood Win. Johnston Limestone John Gougcr. ,' Liberty Samuel Wilson. " Mifllin Jacob Gcarhart. Mahoning Samuel Gulick, Thos. Butler, Wm. Colt. Mount Pleasant John H. Vandcrslice. Rowing Crcok Asa T. John. TRAVERSE JURORS. rinsT WEEK, Bloom John Rcmlcy, John Wertman, Fredk. Swahy, John M. Chambcrlin, JolniHerriiig, Jona than Purscll, Joseph Brown, " 1 Briar Creek Groves Doan, Joseph Dills. Catawissa Moses Hartmau, Jacob Gcnsel, Hi ram Philips, John Shorplcss. Derry Jonathan Lodge, JcssoFunston, Wm. S. Davis, Robert McICce,ThomasFo.ster,Aid Holdron, Fihhing Creek John StUckcr, Daniel Peeler. Greenwood Henry Kitchen, John K. Eos. Hemlock Pctlcr Applcinau, s-enr. CalebBarton, William Girton, Esq, John Old, Esq. Daniel Wood side. Liberty John Mv Williams, John M'Mahan. Limestone David Dye, John Shearer. Mifllin Jacob Swebenheiser, Win. N. Brown. Mahoning Isaac Huh", Henry Sanders, John Patton, Abraham Robins. Madison Daniel Wcllivcr, Henry Crawford, Ja cob Sheep, Daniel Croniley, Uriah Mills, John Johnston. Mount Pleasant Lawrcnco Rood, William Kitchen. Sugarloaf John lkcllcr, Aloxanbor Colly. skconi) wi:jk; Bloom Robert Richard. Briar Creek Benjamin Hughes. Catawissa Jacob Martz, Abisha Thomas, Reu ben Stambach, John Zigler. Dcrry John Mendenhall, David Dcrr, Wm. M. Brcaily, Richard Knownover, Wm.,Oarhahaii, Jas Sheep, John Crawford, John Blee, Henry Dieflen bacher. Greenwood Simeon Kinney, Jeremiah Hayi cock. Hemlock David Rishcl. Limestone Wm. Montgomery, Joseph Fulton, Jacob Wagner, James Caldwell, John Smith, Win. Campbell, David Knownovor. Mahoning Gideon Mellon, Thomas Hayes, Samuel Yorks. Madison Win. IToldfon, Wm. Wcllivcr, Saml. AVilson, Jcsso Barber, Solomon Moycr, John Best. Roaring Creek James A. Fox, Henry Mctz. NOTICE S HEREBY GIVEN, to all legatees, creditors and other persons interested in tho Ebtatcs of tho respective decedents and minors Hereunto an nexed, that tho Administration and "Guardian ac counts of the said Estates, have been filed in tho of fice of tho Register of tho County of Columbia, and will bo piesentcd for confirmation and allow ance W tho Orphan's Court, to bo held at Danville, in and for tho county aforesaid, on Tuesday tho lGth day of January next, at 3 o'clock, P. M. 1st. Tho account of Gcorac W. DreUhbach, ad ministrator of tlio Estato of John Driesbach, late of Hemlock township, deceased. Sd. Tlio account of Reuben Blue and Robert Lyons, administrator of tho estate of Thomas Lyons lato of Liberty township, deceased. 3d. The account of Daniel Vcttcr, administrator of the estato of Hannah Cleaver, lato of Catawissa township, deceased. 4th. Tift account of John Mowrer, Guardian of William, Sarah, Joseph, Lcvina, and David Geigei , minor children of Daniel Geiger, lato of Cat awissa t jwnshiii. deceased. 5th, Tho account of Henry Knorr, Guatdian of Stephen and Debora Auchcnbach, minor children of Philip Auchcnbach, lato 01 uioom lownsuip, uu ceased. 0th; The account of Samuel Harman, Esq. ad-minii-trator with the w ill annexed of Cornelius Roy. nnlitu. Infh nf Mifllin township, deceased. Tim siinnlementarv and final rtccount of Henry Knorr, administrator of John Hess, lato of IJriar uretK lownsmp, uccuuseu. ALEX. UEST, Jtegxster. Register's Ofllcc, Danville, " Dfccmbcr 14, 1837. 5 35 4t JBT5LANKETS, of various sizes unu quaiiues and warranted afresh article, for salo at tho t 1 . !!!- nmv nml i-haan storo of . T. Musselman, Co. COUITY, PA; SATURDAY, JANUARY 6, 1837. 1TEW GOODS. Cheaper than Ever! The Subscriber Would beg leave to announce to the peo ple of Dloomsburganu vicinity, that he lias just received a splendid assortment of sea sonable BUY GOOjBS, Consisting of every variety of Cloths, Cassimercs and Satlinclls ; Flannels, and Canton Flannels, of even colour : Black, Rroivn and Green Mirinos, of every shade and quality ; and in Jact a full assortment of Drawer Common Goods, among which are an extensive supply of Groceries & Eiiquors, China, Glass and Quecns-ff'are, DRUGS AND MEDICINES, CEDAP. WAP.Eo Sperm. Refined and Common Limp Oil, IfiaraHVarCj Casthigs, & Iron. men's and women's BOOTS, SHOES & SLIPPERS, together with every variety of-mcrcluntlize which can meet the wants or please the fancy all which he will dispose of at the 'owest prices. " He returns his acknowledgments to cus tamers for their very liberal "support, and witli a firm determination to please through attention to business, lie solicits a continu ance of their calls and custom. (jf. All kind-) of country produce will bo taken in exchango lor goods. C. B. FISHER. Bloomsburg, Dec. 10, 1837. PUESLIC SAX.E. SN pursuance of an order of tho Orphans' Court of Columbia county, will be exposed to sale by public vendue, on Saturday, the sixth day nf 'Jan uary, next, the following property, lato the estato of Manillas Jieller, dec d, viz : a certain plantation or situate 111 Madison township, Columbia County containing 225 ACRES, or thereabouts, adjoining lanus 01 joiui vastine, Samuel Moore, Jonathan AlausetclIcrandJNancy Gmglcs, whereon is erected A FRAME HOUSE, SARUT & STABLE A IVaggon House, Spring House, and olher necessary buildings, among which is good Cider Press. About 100 acres aro cleared and 011 tho premises is a good Apple Orchard, &c. The Sale will commence ot 1 0 o'clock in tho forc nodn of said day, on the prcinipcs, when attendance will be given, and term3 made known by ADAM HELLER, Administrator. Bv the Coun-r, JAMES DONALDSON, Clerk. Danville, December 10, 1837. 34 4t HT3SW IS)S A&ASyc OULD again announce to their customers, and the public, that they havo just re ceived another iresli supply of embracing every variety of Dry Goods, Groceries Liquors, Hardware, &c. which they intend to bell at tho most reduced prices ot their new and cheap store in Bloomsburg. They invito .1 call from thoso who want choico articles at almost cost pri ces. December 9, 1837. TOYEI JUST received' and for salo at tho store of the subscriber, splendid assortment of WOOD UTO Kii'iS, both Plain and with Boilers. Also an ussorlmcnt of round and square Coat Stoves; of diflerent sizes. C. B. l-'ISHEH. Bloomsburg, Sept. 30, 1837. SJ2SW &i (BSHS&IP SSo THE subscriber would respectfully inform the public, that ho has taken the store recently occupied bv Mr. McDowell, in Orahgcvillc, and is now opening uud receiving from New York and Philadelphia, a splendid assortment of all kinds o which ho will dispose of at tho most reduced pricos for cash or country produce. Tho public aro invi ted to call andcxairuno for themselves. WILLIAM FAUX. Orangevillc, Oct. 7, 1837 INE, Brandy, Gin, Cordial, &c just re ceived, and ready for dolivcry to ouetomors at vory reduced prices, by J. T. Musselman, Co. Sopt. 30, 1037. "WOOD ! I AFE r CQRD OF GOOD WOOD will be taken in payment for subscriptions at tlio Of lico of tjio Columbia Democrat. New & cheap &oods7 at Tin: RUPERT & BARTON, (Successors to 13. II. Illggs,) RESPECTFULLY announce to their friends and the public, that they have pur chased from E. II. Biggs his interest in the store formerly kept by him, and that they nave just received an extensive and splen did assortment of Fall & Winter Goods, ivhich they arc now opening for the exa mination and accommodation of Customers, at the Ncio Store House, just constructed by Mr. Biggs, and opposite to Mr. Ilobi sons stage office. Their assortment is not only very extensive, but carefully selected to answer inc demands ol the neighbour hood! and although they wish notto rtrfuer- lisc their prices, yet they lccl confident that they have ticllcr goods, and will t-ell ciea- Hcrthan any store-in Bloomsburg. J heir now stock has been purchased at the manufacturers' establishments, at the very lowest prices, and consists of DPwY GOODS., SUCH AS Blue, Black, Brown, Invisible Greenland Fancy coloured Cloths, Cassimercs and Saltinctts ; Silks, Merinos, Ginghams, and Calicoes ; Linncns and Muslins ; Vcslings, Stocks, 3J si t 1 CO o In fine, tuey nave every tlung wlncli no cessitv or fancy may desire from a yard o tane to the finest article in Dry Goods, and from a needle to a stove in Hardware. Their stock of HARDWARE, IRON Ghin&t Glass, QUEENS WARE Groceries & Ijiqsiors. Oils, Salt and Fish, Hollow-ware, is more extensive and better selected than the same articles in any of the neigh bouring stores. Those who wish new, cheap, and good articles ol Merchandize, should call at the "Bloomsburg Arcade" either before or af ter oxaming elsewhere, and make their pur chases All kinds of Country Produce taken in payment at the highest market prices Bloomsburg, Nov. 18, 1837. F a superior quality, just received and for sale hy tho suhscnlicr. V. U. t-'ISilER. Bloomsburg, Aug. C, 1837. - Salt ! Salt ! ARRELS of Lake Salt, and a large JiO& quantity of Ground Alum Salt, just received, ami lor salo at tlio cheap store 01 J. T. Musselman, ' Co. Nov. 11, 1837. A ILL bo paid, but no addition al charges, for tho apprehen sion ana iic hery ot Iram liunter, an apprentice to the 'J'ailo rig business, who absquatulated from my employmnt on Sunday morning last, Said boy is about 10 years of age, fuir complexion, dork hair, and had on d dark brown now coat and pan taloons, Allporsons are cautioned against harbor ing or trusting said boy at their poril. BERNARD RUPERT. Blcomsburg, Dec. 8, 1837, The Estate of JOHN KITCHEN, late of Madison township, Columbia couri . ;, deceased. "T&TOTIOE is hd'oby given, that Letters Testa JSg mentory havo ben granted, to tho subscri bers on tho ost3to of said dscoaard. Therefore al persons having claims ugaintt said eslnte aro re quftol to present them, and those indebted aro re quested to make immediato payment'. . Nmeij Kitchen, Executrix, Ricltard Dtmott, Executor. Norombor 17, 1837. war .vex m-. -an mm w f w IRimlicr 87. AND EXCHANGE. TIi Siiljsr.vilirw VERY respectfully informs his friends and tho public, that he has always on hand, at his Li- "i uioomsourg, tor tho purposes ot Hire ir Exchange, a variety of Horses, Sulkies, GIGS, WAGONS, AND SLEIGHS. .vllicll he will feel rrratlfiml n Vc-r-n in rivifliiiecp fnr the accommodation of customers. 1 crsonal application can boniado at his residence', 'hen evcrv means will bn nerd In rrinW mtiri. cnt. isfaction to thoso who may give him a calf. NOAH S. PRENTIS. Bloomsburg, Npvcrnbor 4, 1837. INSURANCE AGAINST FIREi THE DELAWARE COUNTY Insurance Company; Capital authorised by Laxo, $250,000; CHARTER PERPETUAL. TfpHE public arc respectfully informed, that this ji company win mai:e insurance, eitiicr per. manrnt or limited, on property and effects of every description, against loss or damage by fire on the must reasoriauie iraiis, ai mcir oilice ill Lncstcr, Delaware county, Pennsylvania. Tbo citizens of Columbia county are hereby in formed, that insurances by tho above Company of every description of property, can l-e effected hy applying to tho undersigned agent, in Uattawissa The following aro tho annual Ratcsoflnsmanco on the 100, upon the most Common description of property, viz: Stone or Brick dialling , ( houses 30 to 40 cents Frame or. Log do. 00fo75 Brick or Stone barns, 50 to C2& " Frame or Log do: 75 to 100 " Brick or Stone Grist Mills, 'G2 to l'o'o Frame do'.' 75 to 100 Merchandize and furniture contained in hont cs', and grain mid utensils in mills and barns, in pro, ortion. Information can bo hsd by applying ti hcr personally, or by letter pott paid, to EZRA S. HAYHUR&T, Agent. "Cattawissa, September 30, 1837. JOHN S. INGRAM, PBRENDERS his professional services to theciti jy zcn.iof Columbia county. He will feel grate ful for business entrusted to his care. Office in tho sarno building with tho 'Columbia Democrat.' Bloomsburg, May, 1837 Piec03 of Assorted Merinos, double wedth and an assortment of Black Merinos, of a vc rv superior quality, just opened and for salo at tho New and Cheap Store of the subscribers in Blooms burg. J. T. MUSSELMAN, & Co. October 21, 18S7. AR IRON, Just received, and for talc at tbo now & cheap store of .. J. Musselman, y Co. November -1, 1837. F rjUR CAPS, just received, arid for salo at tho I new A: chean stnrn nf . T. Musselman, S- Co. Tl ifnSJfefSj Bushels of Flax-Sctd wanted, and thohighcFt price paid, hy T. Musselman, Co: September 2 CAMLET, for Cloaks, for sale vcrj' cheap ai tho new & cheap store of J. T. Musselman, S? Co Sept. 30, 1837. iETERSIIAM and Bearskin cloths, for Over coats, jut received and for sale by J. T. Musselman Co. Sept. 30, 1837. LANKET Shawls, and Ladies' Capes aiid Tippets, just opened at tho new & cheap stoic of , J. T. Musselman, Co: Sept. 30, 1837. N assortment of HARDWARE, just openc-d and lor sale at tho new cc cheap storo ot j. j JHussetman, y Co. Sept 30, 1837. W AD1ES FUR CAPES, just rocrived, and for $ A sale at tho new & chea"p storo of J. T. Musselman, & Co. Oct. M, 1837. g LEIGH WHIPS &, BBLt,S,just reccixed, and 2? for salo nl the new & cheap storo of J: T. Musselman, & Co. Oct. 11, 1637. CLOTHS, Cnftimercs, and Sattinctts, of ever colour and quality, just received at our her and chcup store, and now offered for ec at Citv prices; J. T. Musselman, Col Dee. a, 1837. ERINOS, Calicoes, Muelint, and Flinisls, nfnll dnH.-rintInna. nnd nt rninrVKl,l. twi .W I I , . J .u prices, just rocoived and for ule at tho new csd ehojp ttore of . T. Musselman, ij Co'. Dec. 0, 1837. I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers