Yetigt (gegister. No piper discontinued until all arearagos are paid, except at the option of the publishers. Our subseribert who do not receive their papers regularly will comer—tr — favor upon us by sending word to this (ace: ' Subscribers about removing will please send us heir old address as well as the now. ATTENTION COUNTY COMMITTEE A meeting of tho Lehigh County Repu'fflean recutlYo Committee will be hold at the Central Club Rooms, corner Slxth and Ilimllton streets, Allentown, on Satnrlay after.loon next, at one o'clock, P. M. Let every member be present JOHN L. HOFFMAN, Free'dent R. CLAY Hem Emmy, socretarks JOHN J. LAWALL, Allentown, Flret Ward—Geo. Erdman,.l. Allen Trexler. Second Ward—ll. E. Rube, S. Mcnose. Third Nlard—Fred. Rohe, Fleury !Reitman. Fourth Ward—J. L. Hffman, Edward Rube. Fifth Ward —Dr. T. C. Yeauer, Samuel Culver. Sixth Ward—John Politer, Charles Weiss. Cataeauqua—R. C. Hamersly, R. A. Boyer. Ernaus—llenry From, Dr. A. P. Bteekel. Coplay—L. P. Levan, A. F. K. Kraut. M Illerstown—F. S. Buttner, J. Sinumauter. Slatington—D. McKenna, L:' Hughes. South Whitehall—Samuel Ritter, Thou. Yundt. Noah Whitehall— A.P. Barnet, A. W. DeLong Whitehall—Joe. MeFetrldee, Frank Hartman. Washington— Joshua Dorwart, Ben. Schlosser. llelde'berg—Wm. H. Ilunuicker . ' %V. K. Peter. Lynn—Dunlel Wertmuu, Lewis Moser. Lowhlll—Peter Werly, F. G. Peter. Woluenberg—David Bausch, Levl Werly. • Sellgbury—llarrhuon Boar., John L. Schreiber. Upper Macungie—Dr. 0. N. Isinsser, W Mink. Lower Macungie—Jas. IVeller,Val.W.Weaver. Upper Mllcord—Atubroue Schantz, Anthony Meehllng. Lower M Ilford—David Schuler, Chas. Sehoenly. Snucon—Chas. B. Weaver, Thos. Klemmer. Hanover—D. Tombler, Milton Kurtz. • New South Bethlehem District—John Walt,Le via J. Krause. IT would seem that all the boys who do not to to school, are selling' chestnuts. Tug old hen crows over its one chicken— indlana IT seems hardly credible that any ono who talks about love of country can be so base as to waste his time in hurrahing forofllce-seekers who despise him, while his poor wife and children gather their coal in dangerous localities and earn their bread by severe toll. That there are such miserable wretches about town, every careful tab- GEN. lIARTHANFT was enthusiastically re• server of men and things 13 well aware.— Radon Express. ceived by his friends In Harrisburg Thursday. Tan Moravian Historical Society will meet •t Nazareth, Wednesday, Oct. lath. AN exchange advertises for girls for cooking Most people prefer Chem raw. THE flies arc stiffening, and the music of the mosquito tine ceased. Wc have draped our picture of Andy Cur tin in mourning. Poxtrittlts.and apples arc the two artio!e3 of produce moat abundant this fall. PIIILADELPEIIA, °Metal, shows a majority of 20,487 for llartraoft. CuturruuTs arc selling at 15 cents a quart Last year the price was 85 cents. A GRICAT many members of the Young Mcn'e Buekolew Club voted for Hartranft. TUE barbers charge double price to shave Liberals, because their faces are so long. rim bentocrat gives up the State election honorably, The News, as might be expeeted,erles " (rand ! fraud !" Tue. coalition politicians now say that the Democrats who voted for Ilartranft were bought. Bosh ! TILE prettiest girl in Easton says that Gree ley ought to bo elected, and proposes after he Is to Illuminate her papa's residence. SOME of our Allentown Democrats and Lib erals giro Pennsylvania to Grant by seventy-Ilya thousand majority. The figure Is not high enough. ON Tuesday night a cannon bursted in Cat aaauqua, which was fired In honor of the tremeu dons returns. Fortunately no one was Injured. Wu regret lo announce that ,Mr. litirtholo ■tyw. EC/ b.lli ly hurt bt the exploaton taut wet k In 103 er antLBlnith'a at ooe quarry Is rapidly Ile .t hi% home at I(tir!ier,vlll, THE new N.ullilmplon c.oirt house office's vleele.l Tuesday, hressr?. Cope, Sloe hied, nden weld, and Frdenee!:, will lake lipid of the rulus 0.4: the 1.1...1 December. hits donr so will in tilr election is: ',Apt, that Het 1t t minty Itiliablicans ou4lit to tusks ,•It eticr lork).1 r.n the old Dotnoctacy of Heti:, at tha NOVVIII‘,CI . elect la x. A S grrism nett extract front the l'ress:— !, Nothing call tare ll.trtr.toft Cow. Ilitt over whelming defent Isar] certain its that the .111 11 ill rise on the morning of the Sib day of October. WEmitit's daily said the other day "IVe've got the R:ufical_• on the run now, let's keep them at it." :hose Itadie . als did ruu up tre mendous majorities, didn't they I THE last year has made a wonderful change In the peaceful character of our city, In the Firm: and Sixth Wards, where not half the arrests are made uow that were,elghteen months ago. Tug Lehigh Transportation Company have put a now boat on their route named " John Brown," in honor of the venerable Superbttendent of the Lehigh Can ii. Join.—On the day after the election some Joker found his way Into the office of J. Wittqlow Wood, Esq., Liberal, and draped a portrait of Horace Greeley, therein banging, with crape. A commin man voted In the Fourth Ward lan week amid the wildest. enthusiasm. Ills ticket was BLACK Republican. Two colored rotes were also polled in the Fifth Ward. Tug Daily News and the Liberals of Allen town have most grossly deceived the Democrats of Lehigh county, by overestinutlng their own strength. A. R. Ilonsm, of the nintzlown State Normal School, we learn, le a prominent aspirant for t h e posltion.of State Superintendent of Com mon Schools. By a new order In the Post•ofice Depart ment all lettere dropped In env office and for warded; If not prepaid fully, double the deficiency will Vie collected of the receiver of the letter. Tun Lehigh Valley senile two Republicans to Conzree , by this election Just past. Gen. Choi'. Albrigbt, of Mauch Chunk, rota Mr. Jas. Blcry, of Allooton. Tua retatteh made by a Democrat that he hoped thunder and lightning would strike the church members, because they did this work of electing Hartman, will be remembered to his dis credit. A aomn phalanx of fourteen votera marched to the Fourth Ward polls, last week, from the furniture eatablishment of Mr. George Heimbach, .nd voted {he straight Republican ticket. Gooi for the cabinet-makers. It , all good Americana go to Paris when they rite, as Oliver Wendell Holmes says they do, good Democrats ought to Dud eternal rest In Derks county. No can't accommodate any more In Le high, for we've begun to lean on the other side. SALE OP A VALUABLE PIIOPERTY.—Mr. B.Young, Real Estate Agent, sold Mr. Boas Bausman's property, at the south west corner of Walnut and Fifth streets, to General Robert Mc- Allister for nine thousand dollars. Wit have been Wormed that the Board of Trustees of Lafayette College, • Easton, loaned money to build Able's Opera House In order to have a proper place In which to hold their com mencements. THE Governor of. New Jersey tine offered a reward of five hundred dollars for tho apprehen sion and conviction of each of the persons who committed caber of the murders at the recent Pat tcnburg riot. Trtn Catholic Church of Phillipsburg has been partly torn down to permit the commence ment of the new building . which is to occupy the site. The new church will be the largest In this part of the country, and is to cost somewhere in the neighborhood of $lOO,OOO. THEODORE ORCIIEbTRA. friends In the country who admire the beet. of music and take pleasure lu the sweetest of sounds, are recommended to secure tickets for the concert of Theodore Thomas' Orchestra Company, In Al• lentown on the 80th of October. • Tui Liberal Republicans of Pennsylvania have failed to elect Duckalew for their Domocratle Mlles, and now the latter will not support Horace Greeley to any great extent.. Especially Will there be great indifference on the part of the Democrats of this county. • New JICIISEY lathe banner State of Preeby terlauteni. It has 237 churches, and 27.829 com municant& ; one church to every thirty-five miles, and one communicant to every twenty-four Inhab itants, and, on the average, four and a half corn• municants to every square mile. 'Mon Coogressmen•at-Largo hove thirty-file majority In Allentown. In Catasauqua they had 200 and In Copia) , 7, and In Salisbury the Demo cratic Congressmen-at-Large had 03—making a total gala In these districts of 140 over Hartran vote, and Indicating a majority of not much over 1200 In the county for the Democratic candidates. FOIL Trio LADIES.—Ladles who arc deal roue of renovating their black dresses of last sea son, whether of silk,eashmere or alpaca, can clean them bdautifully with borax dissolved in tepid wa ter. The preparations arc a teaspoonful of borax to one quart of water. Apply with a black wool en rag or nail brush. A LIBERAL (?) who of late left. the Repub. Ileao party, and who yesterday voted the straight Democratic ticket, said Wednesday, "Yes, llart milt Is eleeted,but it was done by the Methodists and mechanics of the State." Ile could not have paid the Methodists and mechanics a higher com pliment. DON'T SIIOOT TUE RAIIPITB. All act of Assembly, approved March 7, 1872, forbids the killing of rabbits " between the first day of Jan uary and the first day of November." We hear that parties are violating this law. Informers are entitled to $2.50 for every case they report to a Justice of the Peace. ON Wednesday the Young Men's flartranft Club paraded the streets, to show where they were In answer to an inquiry made by T. F. Emmons, who has established In this campaign a character for being a common vlllifler and slanderer of good men. The Young Men's Ilartranft Club have every reason to be proud of their Share In this say ing work. Talc Philharmonic Society held their first meeting of the season on Thursday evening last The following (dicers were elected for the ensuing year: President, E. F. Bleck ; Secretary and Treasurer, Jas. 11. Wolle ; Directors, Prof. Theo dore Wulie, Rob'l. Rau, and A. If. Lelbert The regular meetings for practice begin this week,and we hope soon to see Prof. Gruher'a baton raised before a delighted and lenca.—Moravfan. ACCEPTED.-Mr. Enoch Phillips, of MlAs lehem, for some years past employed in the works of the Bethlehem Iron Company, South Bethle hem, has accepted the position of Superintendent of the North Penn Iron Works, at Bingen, North ampton county. Mr. Phillips was some time since elected Chief Engineer of the Bethlehem Fire DO partment, and was well known ae a public-splrited and go ahead citizen. WEDNESDAY'S PARADE.—Captain Young's company, which was orgatilz:d In the Interests of Gen. John F. Hartranft's election, has witnessed the fulfillment of Its object ; and Wedni slay after noon the club paraded the streets in honor of the great victory, led by a large delegation of citizens and the City Cornet Band. The appearance and order of the men were admirable, and as usual elicited applause from all who looked upon its solid file and unsurpassed discipline. HEAVY LOADS.—John Kerdendall, of Eas ton, captain of 'int No. 6, N. Y. 8., lately took down the canal two of the heaviest loads of coal that have ever been shipped from, Mauch. Chunk. August 31st be took down a boot containing 112 tonsond on September, another, carrying 110 tone. floatorm 11-tinily think 75 tonna big load, and not a sin dl number of them were considerably sur prisel, it hen they he ird of such euortnatte loads us the carr ccine,N . r. —On Tl.iirsd y evening last, a Valli:: 111.111 1.111,1 Alf :e:1 Buchman, son of Mr. .111c1 Blic11111:s11, residing near Chetryville, was p dime 111 a rope mulched to the hokting box, In it chite gnarly, when the rope broke and struck 1111110.1 tile him into the quarry h., law, o here 1.11 a depth of about 35 fret. By the lIJI he ,n-twine I s break of the bones of his rlgl.t leg, and received several other lid arles. OUR IRON 1i1.7..A NESS. —The good quality of pig iron manufactured In the Lehigh Valley, Is, at the present demand for It, worth la the market SSG and :57 per lon, and at our estimate . there can rot he a single well-managed stack In the Salley, that Is not clearing now a profit of :10,000 per month. The tariff on Win has been reduced con siderably, though If the prosperity of the Iron trade demanthd it,the Republican party would Im mediately Increase It. • Acicuit received fewer votes in Lehigh county than we . thought he would. Bon. James S. Biery ra i n f,,r ahead of his ticket In this county, receiving the support of very many Democrats. Now we have a Congressman whom wo can trust without any hesitation,to look after the interests of our district. We've always been a little doubt ful heretofore,but the Republican party has cleared up the whole mutter, and elected a man who stands positively and above board on a tariff plank. NEW RestDENer..--Judge Longsker has purchased the three-cornered piece of property, opposite the place of Mr. Thos. Barber, on Union street, and will Immediately proceed to erect there on this fall a handsome residence. The lot runs down the shlehlll to the Jordan stream, and we hear that the Judge proposes to beautify the whole elope by laying It out In a garden or park. The price paid for the ground was $3500. And so we progress. TRH vote on Governor in Montgomery conuiy was as follows Hgrtranft, Bucks Jew, Majority for 13ucka1ew,............. ...... ........... ...... 33 In that county the, Republicans elected their whole county ticket, with 'the exception of one Assemblyman, Win. B. Roberts. A few yearsago the county was considered Irretrievably Demo cratic. nouort.—Tho Dodocrats aro growling at the Liberals for not doing better. As far as the following are concerned we believe they fulfilled their obligations and arc not to be blamed because the county did so badly : —Drs. W. J. Romig, Al vin P. Zenner, J. Winslow Wood, Col. Ilamersly, E. J. More, W. D. Luckenbach, Alderman Merle, Edward, Frank and James Deshler, Dr. Charles L. Martin. The trouble is they misrepresented their strength. ,CONVAIID AND BRAVO.—The Lancaster Ex press says that a female lecturer spoke her "piece," recently in Columbia. Mounting the platform she announced the title of her lecture, " Woman Is Coming"—when an old bachelor seized his but and beat a hasty retreat. He al ways was afraid of Woman, and would pop around the corner when he would see one com ing. But the rest of the audence remained In their seats, some brandishing pistols and long knives, and exclaiming " Let her come—we're not afrAld I" The Columbiana always were a brave people! THOMAS °RetiesTita.--The Thomas Orches tra is on its annual western tour at present and will come our way is lees than four weeks. We notice that various new attractions aro added to the programme, chief of which Is a new tenor singer. of whom we will take occasion to speak hereafter. By this visit Allentown receives quite a complimentary distinction over neighboring towns. The Orchestra performs In Pitts burgh ou the evening previous to coming here,and It was the original intention to go through from there to New York, but to break the length of the route the manager concluded to give one enter tainment on the way, and passing over cities like Harrisburg, Lancaster or Reading gave the pro fereuce to us. This speaks well for our city and Is lu accordance with the expresaions of satisfac lion with which Mr. Thomas and his party pre viously visited our city. Early next week the sale of tickets will Commence. - TEE LETIIGII . REGISTER, ALLENTOWN, WEDNESDA.Y, OCTOBER 16, 1872. Plums;At..—Joseph P. Gross, of Schneffits vlllo, sailed for Europe, oo the 12tb, on board the Oceanic, White Star Line. Ile expecte' to re main abroad about a year for study and eght seehig- • We hear that Miss Lizzie and Mr. John Hunt, of Catasanqua, In company with a considerable Party of friends from the North, propose to spend the coming winter in St. Augustine, Florida ; In the warm and delight/al climate of which Mae there is a strong attraction for those who have the time, to livo.through the cold month). PERSONAL. —Mr. Bartholomew, the man who was ao dangerously hurt by a premature ex ploalon'of a blast at Smith & Royer's quarryilate ly, is In a very critical condition. His life is die paired of, and this morning he was worse than ho .ppeared to be yesterday. The reaction,which pby McLane say is necessary to ensue after the shock of accidents of thin character, does not set la prop erly. Mr. Coleman, who was Injured at the same time arid died the next day, was burled Sunday week, hie remains being carried to the grave, fol lowed by a large concourse of relative's and friends. AN EVENT IN TUE WORLD OF FABEION.— The great Millinery opening of the season will take place on Tuesday and Wednesday, October 15th and 16th, at George W. Miles' elegant popular ea tabllahment, 928 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. A II the novelties In hats, flowers, ribbons, feathers, etc., will be on exhibition, and a floe display of trimmed bate and bonnets of the very latest and most desireable styles. Should the weather prove favorable, a large assemblage of ladles will doubt lam be attracted to this very popular millinery es tablishment. ACCIDENT.—Tuesday afternoon Mr. B. F. Busse met with a moot unfortunate and pain ful accident. He was engaged In painting the or namental work over the front door of Mr. henry Roth's residence on Eighth etreet,when the board upon which ho was sitting broke. no fell face downwards on the stone dqpr step and the scaf folding struck the back of his bead, Wang his Prompt medical aid was summoned, and this morning Mr. Busse was doing as well as could be expected. We do not apprehend danger to the gentleman's life. Tan MONRAL COAL AND IRON COMPANY.— We noticed the failure of this company some time ego. It will be remembered that the creditors met and were disposed to give an extension. The affairs of the company have been found to be In a worse condition than was at first supposed, and there does not seem to be any reaeonable hope that It. will ever get upon its feet again. Last week the United States' Marshal In Philadelphia Issued a warrant in bankruptcy against the co-vany. The total Indebtedness Is very heavy.—Mauch Chunk Gazette. How TO BPSFID Money.—First earn It. Having earned It by Industry and work, you will know Its value, and feel the pleasure of Investing where full value Is given. Don't buy what you do not want because It Is chtap, but purchase that which you can always nse—a snit of the Superfine Clothlog now being offered at lower prices than ever by BENNETT A: CO., TOWER HALL, No.Ms MARKET STREET, betweeu Fifth aad Sixth streets d oct 3.wedieat iw HRPORT of coal transported over the Lehigh Valley Railroad for week endiog October sth 1872, compared with same time last year: • /or Week. For Year. Total Wyoming—. ........ —.10,365 10 433,667 12 Hazleton 45,371 00 1,854,335 09 Upper Lehigh 33 17 2,848 14 Beaver Meadow 18,495 11 645,054 16 Mahanoy 8,266 15 317,775 12 Manch Chunk 5 05 2,499 04 Total Same time 1871 Increase Decrease,;;, TIIOIIAB' ORCHRSTRA.-07710g donbtlea to the political excitement of the last few months, a most notable event for Allentown has almost been lost eight of, namely the Ward concert by Theo• dote Thomas' Orchestra (or the 30th of this month. We aro happy to state the managers of this enterprise have been qulely working all along and will In a few days aunouucr;the open ing of ticket sales. No entertainment of partleu• lar merit has this season yet been offered to our C 1117.4416 and no doubt the people will be ready to lay aside politics for one evening and devote it to beariug the luspiring strains of Thomas' une qualled orchestra. " RNoursn and German in the People's Schools" In the title 'of an address dolivered by ittt. E. K. Brobst, of thin city, before the Penn State Teachers' Association, In Philadel. phla, on tie Slat day of August, 1872. Therein Mr. Brobst argues ably that German ought to be always taught In the schoole with the English,— never to the exclusion of the latter, but conjointly with It. ills views are those of a great many of the host people of the State, and the question is now op.n for discussion and decialon. We are of opinion that this effort of our fellow-townsman will have great weight in the matter. It exhibits profound learning and euggestsa great many pron. tical plane of operation. WOOLEN .MILLS.—If we ere correctly in formed, dull Easton has thrown away another op portunity of developing herself by the presence of manufactories In her midst. Mr. James Shinier, of this city, bad agreed to take his woolen mills from Freernansburg to Hanoi,' and would have done so if the parties with whom he bad arranged had not each wanted to have the site of the build ings on their own lands, and failed to affect a compromise. Now, we are told, the enterprise is to be established In Allentown out stock basis: Mr. James Stainer to bold forty per cent thereof, and Messrs. Henry and John Pretz to divide the remaining sixty per cent. equally between them. We do not know where the mills will be located, but urge that now, as we have a chance again of getting this industrial institution to form a part of our business Interest In Allentown; we do not let it slip. f. C EMENT PAVEREVIT.—WhOOVer panties by the two new residences on Union between 4th and the Jordan. will do well to notice the extensive experiment. that Is being made In front of them with cement pavements and steps. If the cement. hardens as it le anticipated it will, the pavement. will be of the moat desirable character ; but Vans frost gets to working under it and the pavement. bulges, at will be worthless. We await with In terest the operation of the frost and cold weather upon It, as it is a matter of great public Interest In our city. The cement cornea from limestone found In large quantities in this county, and we already have several manufactories; and If It. proves a good material for paving purposes In addition to Its other various uses, It Is destined to be an article or trade In largo demand throughout, the country. .... 8467 ABOUT LOCAL PArEns.—The New York Times says you might nearly as well forget your churches, your acadorales and schcol houses as to forget your local paper. It speaks to tea times the audience that your local minister does. It is read eagerly each week from beginning to end. It reaches you all, and if It has a lower spirit and less wisdom than a sermon, It has a thousand times better chance at you. Laying as it does on every table, In almost every bonao, you owe it to yourselves to rally liberally to Itasupport,ond ex act from It as able, high toned a character.os you do from any educator In your midst. It Is In no sense beneath notice and care—unless you your self are beneath notice and care—for It Is your representative. ludeed, in Its character, it is the consummation of the importance,interest and faro of you all. It is the aggregate of your own consequence, and - you cannot 'ignore It without miserably depreciating yourselves. ALuon A FATAL ACCIDENT AT 01:111COUNTY Pnisorf.—On Thursday morning last, almost a fatal accident occurred in the yard of our county prison. The Inspectors are having an Immense cistern excavated In the yard, which was then about ten feet deep. 4 horse attached to one of the carte balked as the driver was attempting to start him and commenced backlog towards tho.plt. The venerable Warden of the prison, Mr. Malone, was standing near end attempted to prevent the ,cart frOm going over the bank by pushing at the wheel, when the hot's, gave a sudden Jerk back wards and Malone, horse and cart want Into she pole. It was first thought that Mr. Malone WAS killed, but after he shook himself out, It was found that he was only bruised, and after expressing bit opinion of baulky horses In pretty vigorous lan guaue, hu was taken to his room and medical aid summoned. Ills escape from death was almost mlraculoas.—Easews Sofia rt. PItOPEETT BALl:—Reported by Alderman Marts i David Kemmerer sold a two-story tram , holes and lot of ground on thb south side of Draw street, to Annie M. Reinsmith, for 11200. Paul Ehret sold a two-story brick house and lot of ground on Gordon, between Tenn and sth-stn.. to Llewellyn 11. Mertz, for $1,550. Also, ono ad Joining, same dimension and price, to F. W. Folk roan. Also, ono to Tilghman Aluthard, name size, for $1,025. Dr. James Barnes sold to Dr. A. J.Lanbach the three-story brick, situated at the corner of Fifth Id Linden streets, for $7,000. Eredcrlck T. Yobst sold a tract of land In Nov Texas, this county, 7% Rom, to noury Ludirlcb, for $l,OOO. HORSES KILLED.—On Supday week four horses, belonging to Mr. Robert Odenwelder, a farmer residing on the Lehigh, near Glendon, jumped the fence of the lot In which they were roaming and walked upon the track of the Lehl.h and Basquehanna Railroad. While there the fast freight train came along, and the horses started on a run just ahead of the engine. Two of them were overtaken and Instantly killed, while the other two continued their coin.° up the track ; one of them while crossing an open bridge near Glendon became fastened in the cross pieces near the track and was considerably bruised, as was also the other horse, whirls was struck by the lo comotive. The loss to Mr. Odenweider will probably reach $4OO. The injured horses will recover. AMONG TUN SCGOOLB.—Thursday the first Class In the Female High School, In charge of the Principal, paid a visit to the Allentown Roiling MITI, Foundry and Machine Shops. These young ladies are at pros-nt engaged In studying that part of Natural Philosophy called Mechanics, which treats of the mechanical power and its applica tion to machinery. Not satisfied with mer.t book knowledge, they embraced this opportunity of acquiring a more thorough understand ing of the subject by. seeing the practical application or the princples of science. Their visit, which was unfortunately cut short,by the storm towards evening, was nevertheless very much enjoyed by them, both on account the pleas two It afforded them t witness the various opera tions at the works, and because of the instruction imparted In a manner at once demonstrative and delightful. The class speak very highly of the obliging manner of the employees and embrace this opportunity of txpressing their thanks to them for favors shown while passing through the works. . FATAL RAILROAD AcmoßNT.—Thursday even log, when the 8 o'clock North Penn Railroad train arrived at the Union Depot, a man named Daniel Fagan stepped from a car while It was in motion (going at the rate of less than 3 miles an hour) and slipped backward, falling along the platform and getting one of his legs and foot on. the track, one truck of the car passing over them, mashing leg and foot, the former lengthwise. Ile was car ried Into the baggage room of the North Penn Railroad Company, where the Injuries were found to be as above stated. lle was taken to Ills home in Redington In the 8:40 Lehigh Valley Railroad train, where ho died at 12 o'clock last night. He was sixty years of age. It appears that Fagan, in company with his son-In-law, had gone to Heller town to vote, and was returning home when the accident occurred which resulted In his death Is son-in-law also stepped from the train while in motion, and stumbled, but fell on the platform, receiving no injuries. This is another lesson for those persons who persist In alighting from mov ing cars ; but it Is hardly necessary for us to pre sent it as such,beeause a warning Is never, or very seldom heeded.—Bethiehem Times, Sept. Br/i. WINTER 15 00141N0.—Frosty, cheerless, tin welcome w Inter makee hie approach apace. Winds and etorme are in hie retinue, the piping whistle of a biting bleat hie herald. Ever unbidden and unwelcome, yet a steady visitor is he, forgetting not the date of isle return more than the stars for- 82,537 18 3,255,031 07 95,233 11 2,118,413 14 1,137,217 13 .1',695 18 get their places In the heavens. And again ho is coming—indeed, is almost at our door. While the son shone, the brooks murmured, the flowere bloomed In beauty, and the birds sang their sweet est melodlea, we thought but little of him, save, perhapa,to contrast him—stern, gloomy, repellant —with the bright maiden of the golden locks that . danced before us with the exuberance of a happy life—fair Summer. We thought but little of b'm then, but now are compelled to thirk. Absence le forgctfulluese ; approaching presence rememb rance; presenbe In experience. One step we have taken and had our careless forgetfulness. No.v web ICU our remembrance, and noun will have the experience. It In the wise man who Improves the moment and prepares for the days to come. So be ye wide and prepare for Winter, for the old man is almost at your door. HARD COAL ON PASSENGER LOCOMOTIVES. The use of hard coal on passenger engines Is about to become general, 'especially along the lines of those railroads where anthracite coal can be con veniently procured, at prices almost as low as soft or bituminous coals can be obtained. The obnox ious dirt and sulphurous smoke, which is a great annoyance to Summer tourists and travelers is general, will also be dispensed with ;when the hard coal engines aro brought Into general use. The Pennsylvania Central Railroad has now on trial, between this city and Altoona, the engine "Evan geline,"weighing 75,000 pounds,(ever thirty-three tons,) built at the Derano shops of the Lehigh Val ley Railroad. From Mr. Nicholas Shillinger, the ' engineer, we learned, yesterday evening, that the engine makes excellent time between this city and Altodna—taking the feet Ike In tow at 4:50 P. M., remitting AILOOR a at .9:05 P. 51., or four hours and fifteen minutes running time. The engine has a Ore box surface of 9) feet, and consumes about 4% tons of coal per trip. The tank being rather small, two stops aro necessarily made for water, (511111 in and Huntingdon), or at smut half-way point east of Iluntingdoa. We hare reason to suppose that the use of hard coil burning locomo tives will, In course of time, take the place of the smutty smoke and dirt producing engines fed with bituminous or semi-bituminous coale.—Lfarrieburg State journal. Torn" AT YOIRK—AN EXCITING SCENE —Reading's favorite "Topsy," has again come out victor, this time at York. Tho incidents con nected with the race made the occasion exceedingly exciting. The race took place on Friday last on the grounds of the York County Agricultural So ciety "Topsy" was being driven in a sulky by a youth named Flickinger, and on the last beat, the vehicle broke down, the driver was thrown out, and In attempting to gain a foothold was thrown a second time, but the third time he jumped upon the back of the mare, and won the race lu 2:10, amid tremendous applause and cheering. A cor respondent of the Baltimore Sun speaks of the race as follows :—The York county agricultural fair, which has been in progress for four days, closed to-day. The main feature was the races, which drew at least ten thousand people. The horse "Thomas" won the first race for a parse of $lOO. "Mollie White Cloud" won the second race, purse $lOO, and " Topsy" won the last and principal race for the purse of $250. During the last race, which was a trot, the sulky behind "Topsy" broke down, but the driver, a youth about seventeen years, from Reading, earned Benjamin Flickinger, leaped upin the back of the horse, and continued the race, winning In 2;40 amid deafening cheers.—Reading Times. CONGRESSMAN BIERY ELECTED BY 2,517 The vote stands : Biery, in Lehigh, " Montgomery. Witte, in Lehigh, " " Montgomery, Acker, in Lehigh, " " Montgomery, Majorities for Diary: over Witte, 2,517 ; over Acker,lo,l39. Biery's majority in Montgomery, over both Wittg and Acker, 75. cbtAnon hes been appo JAMES hi master or South Bethlehem, vire Sieger, resigned Mn. RANDALL, of the Catasauqua Dispatch, was formerly e.nployed on Forney's Press. No pastor has yet been chosen for the Fifth Street Lutheran Church. WE understand that Corporal William D. Luckenbach and other Liberal' of Allentown have bad Balt River ticket" sent them from Bethlehem. Tun Saturday evening ind Monday morn leg up and down trains on the L. V.ll. R. are eapeelally crowded with passengers. Tux Republican jolification and turn•out In Bethlehem on Saturday night wa• a grand affalr. Tag total vote of Allentown Indicates a f)op ulatlon of 16,740. This on an average of flee to each voter, which our last census showed to be correct. PEnsdNAL.--Rev. James A. Little, of llok endauqua, bee returned from ble vacation and re aumed hie duties again. THE II tenvr Tow MUM —Lower Macungie leads oil' with a total vote of 7.10; North White hall comes next with 704, followed by Upper Ban con with 701. THE Jordan Bridge is a crying and an out rageous shame, Inset lug t) the strangers who come to visit our . city, and a disgrace and Incon venience to ourselves. THE Rev. Mr. Earle, of the First Preebyte riau Church, Catasauqua, hoe almost Intircly recovered from his recent protracted Illness, and now attends regularly to the conduct of services In his church. TOE erection of the Bokendanqua Bridge has been postponed until spring, on account of tbe great scarelty of workmen. Only one proposal was sent In for the mason work, and the contractor was not able to give a specified time as to Its com pletion. . AT a meeting of the Central Republican Canipalun Club, bell on 8 tturduy evening, It Iva,. neholved, That Will. 11. Alney, E4q., be, and he Is hereby Invited by the Central Republican Cam• paign Club to deliver an address before the Club upon the report of the County Investigating Com juittee, at a time to be fixed by himself. WE do not know whether the Liberal Re publicans of Allentown have paid their rent and will retain possession of their club room or not. The furniture of the Liberal Republican head quarters In Philadelphia has been soil to satisfy the landlord. It may be that the Allentown Lib eral Club has disbanded already. To CELEBRATE TFIE VICTORY.—Tho Repub lican Executive Committee met on Saturday even. log last and resolved to celebrate the great victory of Tuesday last by a grand torch•ligbt procession, with are-works and a general Illumination. Some of the preliminary arrangements were agreed upon. The committee will meet this evening to complete the arrangements. Let there bo a full attendance of the committee and all others Inter ested. J. L. Harr/dux, Chairman. CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION- - The fol lowing le the vote fir Diitrict Delegatee to the Constitutional Convention : C. M. Runk, In Lehigh, " " Carbon, Total, Rimini Harvey, In Lehigh, " " Carbon, Total, charlah 11. Long, In Lehigh, ~., " In Crrbon, Total, Amos Riegel, In Carbon, 2,471 Messrs. Runk, Harvey and Long, being the three highest In thle Senatorial District, are elected. A. NEVI INSTITUTIOII.—TiIrOUgh the exer tions of Mr. Morgan Medlay, of the Empire Bank, the citizens reilding in the vicinity of the Court House bate been 'minced to subscribe sufficient funds to pay for the purchase and erection of a People's Drinking Fountain on If tmilton slreet, directly in front of the Court 11,use. It is a mat- ter In which Untie sub.cribing to the enterprise can feel great gratification, for we are ahead of most towns of our nine in thus humanely provid- Ing for the wants of Ma:human and brute creation, especially during lime hot era-ons ; and we contri bute our metal of gratitable to Mr. Miallar here with,for the part he has taken in mcomplitibing time new institution in this city. The Fountain Is of grey New lianiphire granit,, and to be surmounted by a large Iron vase or which %cid handsomely set off the whole struc u re. It Is to rest on Um eurtistogio or the iiave neut, inside hiviug drink fug colleen lences lor people, and untAde towards the area are to he a basin fur horses to drink from, and net r the level of the street two dog-lops. Tile ports of the faun Lain are all here and will be put into position and operation this week. Supplying a constant flow of our pure and unrivalled spring water, this Pub. lie Drinking Founttln will prove an ever present blessing to the city. The entire cost of the Foun tain will be $350, and It Is similar to the one In frost of the Court House ou Chestnut street, Phil adelphia. ' The stones were cut and provided by Itroder dr. Walsh, Second and Walnut streets, Philadelphia; the Iron rase or urn was cast at the foundry of Robert Wood Co., at Spring Garden street near Ridge Road, Philadelphia. LAYFASETTE COLLEGE ANTAI 1i9.--51 dissatisfaction exists among the,students on ac count of late Court rulings, by which 'they orb prevented voting here. Lant year's wholesale as ses-meat of tax was so badly relished by many of the voters that they have'takeu the precaution to be assessed at home A. large number of the classical Freshmen chose the Vulgate for their Latin study in preference to Livy. Prof: March has charge of them, and we have no doubt, under his guidance, the study will Prove both pleasant and profitable. The Juniors were offered elocu tion two days In the week as a substitute for Notes ou Mechanics, and a large number thought it well to accept. We are just now, as a college, embarrassed at our success. The number of stu ddents lately added to our number has been so great that there has not been a room of any pre tentious whatever that has not been taken, and still quite a number of students are compelled to room In private houses In the town and on the hill. Our Chapel has proved too small for the whole college to meet It, so a division was necessary,the and Freshmen meeting In it for prayers and the Seniors and Juniors using Jenks Mall. We are in hopes that the last of the present, or the beglunlng of the next term at the furthest, will sec ue In our new chapel, and that our col- loge's benevolent Wends will furnish the funds to pay for it, as it bee been built on faith.—ltentlily. OFFICIAL RETURNS Governor. JOUR F. HARTIILNYT Charles R. Buckulew. Auditor General. thattusos ALL' N..... William Hartley ...... .. Congreesmen-at•Large , LEkUEL TODD GLENN' W. dcortztm...., CIIABL6 , I Am&loin. Richard Vaux........ ...... Hendrick B. Wright James Hopkins...—. ...... Judge of Bnpreme Court Umissa Menouu James Thompson . Congress. itsso mks B. WERT 'llllam IL Wltti... ... : . ..... Ephraim L. Acker • Assembly. DENNIS MCGEE EDWINCARP........ ......... .. Boats Hausman Rob rt Steckel Prothonotary. Taos. C. BREINIO Jacob S. Dislinger Clerk of Orphans' Court. PAUL BALLIET . A. L. Rohe .. • Clerk Quarter Sessions . JOHN F. KREBS Joseph 'II uuter....... ..... Register. JOEL T. lIEWIZOG. ........ E. R. Newhard Coroner. DANIEL B. W00D........ A. V. Moser. ........ ..... Commissioner. Empires SIEGER...—. Jacob A. Lelby Director of the Poor. DAVID SCHULER .......• : Reuben Henninger.— Auditor. DANIEL 11. BASTIAN...---- J. Winslow Wood 5,428 8,488 13,916 6,360 1,839 11,390 203 3 574 ME Irated post 00VERROR John F. Thutr.oft Charles R. Btiekalew . - AUDITOR OLAIRAI. ftrrl•on.Allon Will/rani !MHZ.," JUDIIR or COVRT Irrs..• Nor. r.. .1,1711/8 Tlmmpfflan CONORRiR.-1T b•ROII Lr tun& Todd Oh, d W. Pelothold.E. , :;? ..— gt.."lnK t , hrixtit RoLord I've, iirradrirk it Wright Jnrnce I! Ronkfn• CoNone.. dm... R. lllorr 11 , 111frtin 11. With, E. L. Ark, AlOO. 31111. T Dnooln Mellen Edwin Moor Sen Hangronn Robert Steckel PitOTOONOTA It T. Tho Mil% C. R pittir .1,1,0 S. Di Iltngrr (Rotor or Ont./Int.' Coy or. Paul Iht het Augustus L. Rut, •. I. KIIR OP tic ACTOR S peso), d John It Keene Jost ph Jingler [(Romer or Wttoot. .100.1 T fl+••zo• Edmund R. Nrlnheird Canon 611 Daniel 13Wood Americus dine, . „ . COI . NTT COM VIRRION , R 'bleat,Lelby PIREVTO. OP THE POOR David bc.k tux , Reuben Henninger COUNTY AUDITOR. Danlnl Fl Bastion J. IVlnsfoto Wood TRLDITR.II or 1130 ACADEMT W1111...0 S. Young it.. vl.l A Tombkir lit J ,Saeger AVrett J. Nor! fn DISI.IIAT,2I At L•IltIlt. 11. StnreFlltth J. Otilloolnun Fell Horsy %VDUs! Wllllom I.IFF Dortholomn,v Hog!. N. McAllloler. %V lllam Divls Jomns N. Reynaldo bomonl E. DI nmick (Isom.. V. I.nwr..nco WllllOOl 11 ArioNtrong. ...... •. Dowd N. %Vhto• Witham O. Ably 301.0 0. W •Iltor Jsrsmtah N sifelnk IVO Dom J B.Frr • 0f....... Andrei , ' .1 Pnrrnein, William II mit h ..... Nohert .1 Lanthertnn eb-orge IV. Woo.lFnarif • .4n , frolo O Cur in James (lilt.. &mired in 11. (0013,10E1s Frnolaharem John I!. C.trovFoll 11 • Wimo le Corbett &timid I'. C. Dodd DINTRICT DRLY.O•TIDI. Chartom Rook Edward 11rtrrev Zachartah,ll ...... • .. AM.:114,T TO GONATIITTION For the etn,...dmeut. ..... ........ AtzAlma the Amondineat MBETINo.--On next Saturday night,the 19th Inst., a Republican rally will be held at the public house of Mr. Thomas Selslove, at Guth's Station. Hon. James B. Mary, S. A. Butz, D. B. Wood, Dr. T. C. Yeager, H. C. Ilunsberger and W.P. Snyder, Esqs., will make addresses. Now we have a Republican Congressman from this Congressional District, Montgomery county has elected Its entire Republican ticket, Lehigh county will be carried for Grant, and we must keep the district Republican. We can and will do It. 5,364 2,430 Address of the Republican County 7,794 HEADQUARTERS REPUBLICAN COUNTY COMMITTEE or Lroma Co., ' N 0.603 Hamilton St., Allentown, Pa. To the Republicans of the City of Allentown and Le- 6,669 2,430 9,099 high tourity Republicans of Lehigh I what has been done has been thoroughly and well done. All honor in due those who rallied to the support of the heroic Hartranft. The battle was fierce, prolonged and critical, yet by the harmonious and united ue- Lion the victory was splendidly won, and we have every reason to rejoice and mend berth the about to all cods of Ile earth. The heart of every trulon man should throb with delight and gratitude over so glorious and significant a victory. The battle was waged with no other weapon but calumny, slander and falsehood, an,l with such reckbseness quite unknown to the annals of political warfare, hoe been triutriphontly fought. You tiny,: signi fied your sollsfscilon of the preeeut regime of otTilr, In the Coininontreoltn,and have decided In in favor of it continuance of Ittipu . .lican troth., for the next Lb rev ye 1 Let the goad wort go on.. 6,668 2,423 0,091 Do nut lay down your armor until the hero of Appomattox It onee more phtee;l in the Preelden- lal chair. The wee sful and brilliant 3 dual,- rAtion of Oen. Grant is deibil ring of your toll con {dance, and it behoove: , every true Itopoblicau to mat - shall all Ills lorces and rally to the sapient of Graut and Wilson on the llret Tues.l .y of Novem ber. A noble, upright, gallant character, aml bright reputation are „o: the highs t attributes of man, and with theme our standard-bearer Is blessed. We rejoice over the discomfiture of our enemy, because It Is the triumph tit Right over Wrong, of Truth over Calumny.. Republicacs of Lehigh I I once more appeal to you, that by your united efforts you will see to that the guardianship of this great nation be once more placed in the bands of the hero of battles, and that by resolution oud action the voters 01 Lehigh will give an unequivocal endorsement 01 the beneficent blessings we arc enjoying under a Republican Administration. J. L. HOFFMAN, Chairman. TLLA P3ST-OFFICE-C. 0. C. MOEN IrtIBEI; LANCE, 711., AND JAMES R. RUNEY, ESQS., " 00 YOR" IT-TILE PEYSERT tiCANDAL-DANNES PRESENTATION—TEIC PARALIZ TO-NIGIIT—AO. • BETHLEHEEI, PA., Oct. 12, 1872. Mr. Editor r —Tog CHRONICLE bus had very lit tle correspondence from Bethlehem of late, and the question is frequently asked " What has become of the Bethlehem correspondent 1" There Is much that might have been written from this town, and If he has not already claimed space In to-day's CHRONICLE:, I crave it In his stead. Your space, as well us my time, however Is limited, and I ahal transmit to you fiteti(und what, appear to be Inas only, tearing the remainder for your regular cor respondent. Now that the success or the Republican party has been assured, our Alec-seekers are about and busy. The Bethlehem poet-office seems to be their especial obJect,and not less than a half-dozeu have coulldentlally slgnlfled their luteutlons to "go for" It. Amongst these are reported C. 0. C. Zlegen- fuss, of The Times, Wm. L. Lance, J-., James 11. Roney, and others, Esqs., al! staunch Republicans. On the other side we have B.F. Collroy, a Liberal; and It was at one time rumored that D. J. God sheik, Esq., senior editor of Tho Times, will be an applicant, but there la no truth In the statement, as Mr. Godshalk prefers his present occupation to that of postmaster. I am of opinion that the poet office, In consequence of the large number of ap• pllcants, will remain with Mr. Peysert, who has been at the head of It for the past several years. On Saturday evening last, the lady frleudsof the Total rote Total'Yote In city. la county. South Bethlehem Grant and Wilson Club presented to that organization a fine, Bilk thinner, bearing 6335 68U5 .1629 1719 upon It the presentment of the Goddess of Liberty and the words •' Her friends our friends ; her ent , mks our enemies." The presentation address was made by Miss Elizabeth Eynon, as follows:—" It Is my pleasant duty to-night to represent the ladies of this borough who favor Republican principles by presenting you with this banner. Feeling con fident that you will use your utmost endeavors that we may prove more than conquerors—both in the State and In the:Salton. And Your labor will tend to inspire you In your duties, as citizens, of this campaign, we will feel that the little we have done has not been done to vain." The banner was received, ou behalf of the Club, by Thomas Kidd; President, In a short address. Of course you have heard of the revert scandal. The Democrats have had It telegraphed ail over the country, and I was uklay shown a paper pub• fished at Alexandria, Va., to which the false state ment had been sent. It is unnecessary for me to tell you that the whole affdr was but a political game, calculated to do Mr. Peysert and his friends political injury, if that were possible. It is re ported to-day that the principal party engaged in the plot against our postmaster, has called on Mr.' Peysert to effect a settlement, offering to publish a aware statetnent in the papers to the effect that the charges against Mr. Peysert were false, and testate the object for which they were made. The result of the interview Is known by a few only, but hs generally supposed that Mr. Peysert w 111, with tbe aid of advent' of our wealthier citleeus, push the matter through to o close investigation, which mill develop more than was ever supposed to have been done, atid will bring before the public, as wrimivals, the names of men whose honesty and :good character our people have never had reason ,to.doubt. 000AMONAL. 1631 .1101 M4O sns 6442 6766 6766 6772 ...:1689 ....1674 .....1693 ....1663 -.1664 -.1664 6423 6785 .1664 1677 0129 0530 203 .1670 .1651 6308 551.11 6771 6470 .1687 .1747 1633 .153 S MOB 6703 .ices 543) 0716 1674 .11:439 El .1684 1640 5457 6733 -1673 _1661 ,AO4 67840 __~oas .._IBS7 E .._... _MO ---1623 i 6.153 1 Gass! . _ _._._.crass .__.__.._.iaua 5425 11483 .....1670 DISTRICTS Names of Candidata 296 211 710 463 311 6.1-103 3❑ 111 183 31 64 224 12 74 303 711t1 136 233 1.33 4 6 413 219-1666 162 78 81 94 El 213 367 153 256 310 2'4 27) 210 410 •133 B -1170 311 81 181 34 80 211 78 74 34 221 135 246 158 4:5 416 219-1673 162 78 81 11.5 81 3.)3 370 114 2&1 Sp TD 21 41 343 M 'll V 1 n 9 11 12 Fi -1:47 242 11 +54 43% 241- 136 T.B I'.o 414 411 249- , 4 211 217 457 'l4l 843-. 2234 211 487 118 Ffi-. 2 , •4 211 217 457 1131 F 6-. 241 . ..31 217 187 145 76-. :431 234 217 487 3.4 813 - 22; 211 7.11 4.7 '344 Si-. 2.6 211 217 447 147 81- ,11 2.7 487 147 4;-. 255 211 ZI7 487 445 FR 1541 .27) 2.7 1.7 4 48 86-. 2.46 211 2•7 1 , 7 10 81.. 2.11 231 217 457 115 32-. 2114 221 211 481 111 87-. 173; 92) 21.1 4 1 4 116 83-. IA 211 161 111 411 244-. I' l 4 241 154 411 4.3 212- 1 , 4 211 161 44• 45 244- .31 211 161 414 42'. 21 1 -. 131 241 1173 442 4 5 244- 131 241 1.1 411 424 212-. 111 21) 164 411 41.1 211, 131 244 186 11, 134 21 , -. 134 241 1111 441 424 24 , - 131 24 161 40 421 21 - 131 MS 161 441 4:3 211- 3.4 241 161 14 , 414 21)- 131 241 161 411 421 244- 1:11 2 . 5 123 111 43.5 241- 411 3sl 0 0 1 751 452 160 277 114 144 501 MI 291 8 72 561 OM 015 COO 533 703 4 , 37 313 184 415 IA 11790 4.3 1 2 1 8 Committee. Bethlehem Correspondence : 71, oi — rA CIC — llTh ;,7, F.P g. ".";'zial!:'lll4i EF " " aa E " • •••• : 41 • P. • t • 0 5Ri 31 3111 PE-1021 343 112 121 5/ 213 73 71 202 313. NI ILO 212 120 00 112 143 114 77 102 217 12345, 459 412 2.52-1719 173 81 al 10 92 X 0 377 130 218 341 421 454 431 320 237 380 2/13 243 111 143 75 6215 2114 220 711 11) 242 168 nr3 KI-ut3l 83.2 81 394 Si 61 211 75 1338 2i3 214 181 till 121 91 300 191 117 71 331 217 5014 4 0 44) 217-1707 194 8) 81 08 75 310 871 2)3 0 21 212 Ik4 2A 161 IS /11-1311 .211 2lll el 75 707 12/0 231 131 231 19 PI 303 191 113 78 31123 tun 151 411 745-14/7 149 72 8/ 94 90 371 393 115 333 311 113 417 03 333 137 292 332 213 119 131 74 0733 RI 726 214 131 241 163 491 911 91.1035 SI 187 33 81 212 75 74 191 222 2tl 178 274 121 91 5 , 3 147 un 77 301 291 5441 492 341 95-1074 301 85 184 34 II 211 7.5 74 7)3 • 72 1 212 174 274 121 91 313 101' 110 77 334 211 5132 .452 311 10,-114 , 3 4931 SI 181 74 ill 214 75 74 30 22! 261 178 271 121 91 31:1 187 110 77 :81121 1 • 5414 41% 4271 741-15 , 1 pin 74 81. gel 8) 737 Ira 21) 511 413 443 461 ill 337 277 24 1 111 11 73 8746 415 420 249-18:1 762 79 RI PS 91 5 30 0 381 0 132 2tl 311 413 454 443 14 319 58 739 304 271 241 111 11 4 1 73 6703 455 4.8 219-1004' 103 78 81 07 8) 3.77 590 152 230 311 414 418 471 338 261 3112 Zil 241 111 111 73 0772 217 =l. 211 397 27 aJ •LVI 2331 11* 211 II 1 6 V/ 161 1:41 343 101 . . 217 Z.ll 7.2 467 331 37-1673 363 113 167 33 81 310 71 74 313 IV 214 16l 276 1 7 1 01 311 164 110 77 327 216 8128 15 Zl2 167 411 411 213-1331 130 78 61 22 63 331 33/ 131 283 310 413 410 381 344 25 350 2112 740 7) 112 73 815) 4 7 1 1 - 13 74 33 1 6 1 4 43 13 12 25 281 214 211 413 "81 174-1837 ' 4 /11 In 34 60 2 167 74 TI 241 211 SOO 2 6 247 513 366 86.1747 344 81 161 33 C 3 19 76 74 212 VA 41 2113 126 43 441 211-14211 164 79 84 44 87 311 361 112 277 321 130 233 116 441 401 171-1521 153 61 8) 83 88 293 319 112 276 311 85-1 , 18 363 As 191 31 (11 212 71 71 :VTI 221 7:0-1651 IFI 79 81 94 88 313 6•i3 151 281 341 '✓rcl 2 1 721 4SS 134 141 11:1 431 430 85-16'4 311 84 181 34 31 213 7% 74 342 222 249-160 161 79 81 CO SO 312 369 154 235 eas .7911 2.12. 211 4111 314 19) 731 110 413 4:1 296 211 241 491 939 8.140 312 St 1 01 216 74 74 Y 1 22 143 230 131 413" 423 21a-16414 18) 3 2 313 81 84 84 87 301 367 3311 , 311 2 7P 11 731 434 s'lB 8-167.1 Nl2 35 131 55 03 215 75 71 301 . i2l 31 'al Ic3 4.52 1:.6 219-1661 163 78 81 95 58 335 867 152 2..15 340 ' 1 '2 2 4.1 ?A VI 78 214:161)7 ;'; 1 2 85 1 1, 1 Sri 5 7 61 552 265 233 •••351 217 4)3 911 R 4-1714 302 Si 193 M 62 230 77 74 907 935 139 232 152 412 412 219-1621 192 17 79 7d 54 236 347 192 293 2.13 513 81 131 31 111 2 1 4 73 74 3 3 4 222 351 RI 181 31 RR 214 RI 74 714 722 181 33 412. 91 84 308 370 212 2113 341 10' 74 82 33 84 5412 319 112 331 341 3.4 85 MI 34 ell 213 70 74 71 - 16 221 331 8) 2'l 34 61 213 73 74 216 223 364 85 WI 31 61 2.3 70 74 265 121 314 St 331 31 61 213 70 71 203 221 385 85 2.1 31 61 213 70 71 298 223 81 . 311 34 61 213 73 74 Mil 227 331 85 211 31 in 213 70 74 216 221 922 81 211 34 61 2 3 70 74 231 22) 331 151 331 34 01 211 TJ 71 216 223 312 85 371 34 01 213 TO 74 :93 221 3 4 8) 211 31 6. 213 70 74 201 MI 364 FS 221 34 61 2 70 74 296 20! 344 85 311 31 07 211 63 74 216 MA 41 2 , 1 33 61 213 70 74 2)6 221 78 In 96 80 3(31 363 153 ,253 313 101 78 81 DI t3lel 116 511 153 2111 311 10 8 RI 83 3 1 233 3n 141 75 RI 91 0) an 3.0 303 171 63 9(3 33; 167 74 81 90 RI .6 Dil 111 214 311 162 78 Fa 91 90 301 36. 151 268 337 13 , 74 81 91 F 0 391 19) 111 FS 333 161 78 Si al 90 355 301 151 79,8 In 162 78 83 85 DO 305 161 111 281 161 74. 81 Ps 91 345 301 153 284 131 10) 70 113 9.5 01 301 34 1 153 3 , 7 131 , 61 TR 61 95 941 316 361 1.11 234 111 161 7) al 01 90 301 381 127 248 171 1a) 78 83 , 95 9) 3.10 3eo 15) 238 333 273 221 271 471 317 81-- FRI SS 3 2 34 58 231' CO 73 231 218 13 WI 117 414 NI 81 81 PO &1 3r12 315 154 237 331 liB , 215 163 454 422 161 78 81 91 9) au 333 151 2)0 351 LADIES, MAKE A NOTE OF THIS! AUTUMN MILLINERY ! GRAND OPENING OF TRIMMED HATS & BONNETS., FRENCH FLOWERS & FEATHER, RIBBONS, SASHES, V ELVETS, SATINS, SILKS, ETC., ETC., ETC. ON TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY , OCTOBER 15 AND 16, FASHIONABLE MILLINERY EMPORIUM, 928 CHESTNUT STREET, (below Tenth,) PHILADELPHIA. act 10 deo+ BUSINESS NOTICES A LITE number of the New York Floancler coa lition the iollowIng: ' • • • • • Within the last year or two municipal bonds have grown very much In favor with prlynte Investors. Pre• •ton to that Stine they were prine,pall • taken by sayings hanks and toeurance co:tweeter , la the West money le 'cores, and the rotes of Internet high, In cooetaanen , e of .s• hien the bonds of the Woutern Statesteld better returns than thono or the older sad morn wealt hy Plates. No het• ter proof of their saty can LA given t an the facthat one of De oldest an d most ouccatesfol casings hon k s la New bailout' hue for Srkat twenty years I.•e.E•d sue Prioc , pai part of its means to this rises of es-urities, and ,b• y gore a+ their experusLco that they have nev•r lust a doit r Iry such in mammas. 1l . W. N. Cole? & C..., N0.:12 N.. 11 'areal. were the pioneers sad ars sow the lAad tug boost, to iht. bran, It of butane. to New York." Tit •tr ott•ertteement can he found In this nurobar of oar paper. 01116.1 re lora.. of the earring' of the Indianapolis, Hlo .inlugtou x Westeru Railway •12na , results as follows, eatemencing with data of its orating, (Mob. I, WU: Flrat ring month... at :he rata of 13. 141 N) per rolls par AT ONE O'CLOCK, P. M. Blea of Dnildings, 62 feet front by 63 feet deep. Wee of Lot, S 6 feet 3 10. front by 136 feet deep. Intla very dna proven/. altnated to cmer or th• w myr Jeta mo thriving m•nufae nring tle thn or with rnil and water communication In °Terry di rection by tbrae railroad. and one canal . ) km no anverior few comfort and conceit:nano baba parr c In every re• !peel. Call and nee dale Im•it re nud ma nosy. THOMAS 6. 'I Elt, It Admiaborniar. ..I.lllrll, rud AS menthe, at tbo rate of 94.73%4 , par e per N OTICE. teraim. I nera.ino. 42 17.110 per cent. I bled RIX 111041hB. at the tato or 0.3'2.03 per Mlle per Iherease. 21 43 10) pst Fourth six mouths. hicumpists. but )3 lassie of previous reaults may a .foly ostitoslrd al ibo role uf 117.132 For snoutu Prodout ludo:Attu u show ibsi tbs. ebtrurste will he tx.oetl.-d. Au extension of the I B. AW. Rend le now In Conroe f construction !rout Champaign, 111., to the Mlseleslt'Pl leer at Keokuk. It purees throagh a wealth/ and pop- toile country, whlat Imorm It a 'mai local bmlnese, ad being tho connecting link In a great Bart and West ruins line, It will have flora the start an nominally largo hrouch Luelaeea. The Londe are only Issued neon corm noted road, ant would aorta to he a entre ant reliable I. anneal. They aro edvertleed (or sale In our vapor. Old Things have Pond .licay.—Thls Is at least tro . of the old method of treating the long abused and omen ehtmed human h ,dy. It Is no huger cons doted wind to pat a'patlent to the torture la order to cure him of It diseaeo In which pain le already uodertulning the energies of his nyetem. True science ranges Itself on the sibs of neture. and endeavor,' to neelet her to her fight snaked disease. The la the province of ilmstetter's atom• ach ill tern, the most approved toile' ever advertised in this country. It may be recommauded as a fall medielne, par excellenee; for it le In the fail that billownese, d •• pepsin, and m•lnrione fevers are in/0011111Y prevalent. The frame, exhausted by'the heats of summer, to relaxed end feeble at Its close,and reeniree.wo may say demand.. nnlfinnl tweistance. Afford It that to need• •iooal ..ores of llosiater'n Stomach Bitters, and the evils referred to may be escaped. Throughout the far West and on the eteaming alluvial of the Southern river., all the varieties of periodical fever are probably rife to day. Fla I a (Tour e of liontetter'e Bittere horn onmmenced by the sufferers a month ago, f. e., before the unhealthy crayon set In, eeveo•elghthe of them would In all probe• Witty be In their newel health at the present time.. So much for want of foretaste. So moth fa , not keeping in the house, and uslog daily, the hest eafeguard against epidemic and endemic fevers. As Socks of Imp, store and 'mils tore %retrying to follow to the wake of the great American remedy, therefore be sure thet the article you boy 14 goanine and verified by the proper trademarks. The true article can only b obtalued In bottles, Dowse. of the spurious bitters sold by the gallon Or in keg. Dr. IL D. Longaker offers hie service to the fflicted, more especially to those suffering from Chronic Disease., lie wilt be glad to sae and tall' with them. It is his practice to plainly declare a disease incb under t a k e. believes it to be so. In those eases which he ho enaranteee to do all that can be done by unwearied at• tentiou and the application of experienced skill. gal ed by many years of practise to treating dissent, to Its earl. us and most malignant form. That his skill, has not boon exerted in vain, numerous certificate.. that may be lten at his oiflce, will testify. A few names are selected for pablication, which are known to °Risen. of thin county. No feeling of egotism prompt . their publicatios, but they are pohliatied rather as an •Idence that many who hero deemed thnselvee hopelessly &glinted have by a proper applicalleo of the resources of medical asionee, been restored to health and the enioyment of all It. ble.• .51mm elm. monee. Bethlehem. Cancer of the Lip. Face. Ely (Bev. illy), Allentown, Pa. Cancer of the " J c . n ...1. Johnson, Allentown. Skin Disease, billion°. Hassarnan, Hanover. Chronic Bronebills. Henry Ilabriel, Allentown. Deafness. Nat. 0. Yeager. Catimanqua. Tumors of the Head. Nathan Eberhard, Bethlehem. Cancer. Mrs. Bach, Tresiertown. Cancer. J a m es Jon, 13ethiehem. Pulmonary C•tarrh. Jm Mono. Bethlehem. Chronic Rheumatlem. Mrs../ 'lsmer, Sallsbnry. /Scrofula. • E. A. liarlacher , Philadelphia. Cancer Tumor. Mre. W. S. Mint/lob, Salisbury. Fem. and EDI. • le E. Lanark. Tornors'of the Head. Abraham Kistler, New Tripoli. Tumor of the Neck. Mr.. E. 11. filatlngton. Fern. Com. Mrs. E. Weindoul, - Frledensville. Cm:learnt the Breast. Catherine Miley. flentroville. Cancer side of the Face. John Levan. SlegfrimPs Bridge. Polyp. of the Nose. lire. Foglemman. Allentown. Cancer of the Broach. Thema!, lint. Ilokandanqua. Tumor. Mrs. D. Krebs. Mahanoy City. Ciminero( the Tate. F. J. Shoemaker. Seipstown. Tumor. Catharine ilareman, Weatherly. Cancer of the Nom The above persons may all he referred 10, or certificates may be lean at Dr. Lent alcar i • office. Sixth etreet, he. tenon Hamilton end Walnut. Allentown. Pa. 'NEW caber I JOHN FAREIRA. 714 ARCH BTREET, !diddle of tho Bloek, between 7th and 6th Ste., South Stu PHILADELPIIII, Importer and Miutofeselarer of FANCY FURS TOR LADIES' k CHILDREN'S WEAR. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Having imported a very litre and splendid assortment of ail the dlif,rent kinds of FURS from first hands is En• rope, would reapectfolly Invite the readers of this paper to call and examine the assortment of Panay Yam lam didertutned to sell at the lowest Cash prices. Alt Pura warranted No misrepresentations to effect sates. • Yllan ALTERED AND REPAIRED. WEDMORE THE STORE. MAUCH ST.. PIMA. octl6 3mw ADOINISTRATORW NOTICE. Not!co Is hereby given that the undersigned have t , A* N r N o A u t fl E et a te l3 r 6 s l o l f d adm enedt,r l t a ion aln Allentown Le h igh cauotyt therefore, all venous who are lndebtet to said e are requested to make payment within six weeks M it e! the dote hereof, and nosh who have any legal Malan eyebolt said estate will present them well authenticated for settlement within the above epeelfled time. sop Caw WILLIAIt 7. 11111,01111. Adm'r. EMI GEORGE W. MILES' Otmento. J. ISAAC, =I ; r-ii -. 2.1 3 J 1.•= 1 1 0 p, • t; ; . 179 711 in M 917 In 119 76 2m 217 51.0 179 TM 19.! 91 SU 291 117 M M 1241 9519 456 427 3:9 221 MI 273, Al 114 116 73 6771 01 431 SW 20 SW 279 212 ins 111 60 9179 192 274 5.21 01 lftl 117 77 311 06 416 427 367 338 214 323 233 241 DP 6l 111 74 WO 161 274 121 DI 310 13.1 113 77 3,13 5411 401 427 254 243 9)) MI 241 111 141 213 77 6710 181 274 121 91 313 191 112 77 MO 2M "All 411 43J 3 7J0.1 190 281 214 111 138 T.l 212 273 121 01 319 191 115 77 332 299) 2417 (11 243 25 389 233 241 111 !II 73 67.64 130 274 121 91 313 191 111 77 3111 211 5404 453 4•) 337 299 p) 25) 243 111 141 T 3 575) 2'o 275 1?-1 109 193 3113 5 3730 W 423 353 Z 311 7 333 114 21 2 337 222 73 121 0 0409 101 271 121.1113 911 123 110 72 3 2 211 51%3 411 411 357 213 173 281 211 113 141 7.1 6082 130 174 1 , 1 M 191 119 77 3 a 4423 CO 47) 311 319 319 390 281 241 111 141 219 73 6733 1111 274 1 4 1 92 913 127 114 77 311 210 9441 191 /74 121 II 913 144 IX 77 311 211 11144 ;51 421 319 217 340 2.41 2)3 111 111 71 971:1 411 4D 319 213 330 2.3 241 111 141 73 0741 168 DI 311 191 116 ' 76 342 215 5171 LS PI 311 193 114 76 3)1231 5971 152 PI 311 1 1 1 114 76 3)2 245 6436 193 DI 311 151 114 74 32 211 6471 118 DI 311 193 114 76 372 :.41 5471 106 S (i 91 311 191 114 76 3 ))1 211 34.13 VII 2 . 111 911 191 111 76 361 215 0161 158 - - PI 311 191 116 76 3': 211 5460 I'S 7.. 7 " II 311 1113 111 7.1 301 245 5470 163' • 91 311 193 111 74 3:2 211 114.20 158 91 311 193 11, 76 342 236 0471 154 PI 311 191 116 76 312 211 6171 116 DI 111 191 116 71 :412 211 Rill 156 91 111 191 11 1 76 312 211 5411 440 317 2r) 19) 81 244 111 11) 74 9740 141 337 211 410 VI 241 11) 14) 74 .6.17) 445 417 2 0 131 781 244 111) 141 71 0741 415 317 247 3 9 6 VI 241 11 11J 74 6711 141317 211 610 VI 211 111 140 74 9712 441 _,) 317 29) 53) 29) 241 116 13) 74 .741 441 3 1 317 21) 33) VI 241 110 14) 74 6741 441 -1 ), 311 II :191 242 1 41 131 14) 74 67.11 411 . 1 317 20) 331 231 214 114 141 74 6743 411 357 zei 310 281 211 11 14) 74 9743 441 317 211 1/0 291 241 110 141 71 '6711 411 :457 311 390 281 244 116 It) 74 6741 416 367 V) 3)0 211 241 110 74 6712 411 337 "a 3 330 1531 141 944 110 80 71 3733 173 291 117 En 951 172 111 7t3 77l 221 7154 443 431 317 VS 334 271 243 101 139 73 01 411 337 21d 387 271 243 110 133 73 6603 Administrator's Public Sale. Large Store and Dwelling House AT BRIDGEPORT, (OPPOSITE NORRISTOWN. PA..) On TUESDAY, OCTOBER 22d, 1E172, _ - THE FARMER)' UNION 1110 TV fol. FIRBIN4UiANCK COMPANY of Penneyir eta bare .oado tie Asvessinent No. N. and have ansoiso 13 ant- on each pied eters lino. dred dollars ou .he members of cold contra y. TIIO col. 1-ctor of the CORIPIL.i, will be pre.aut tile fullewt drys at the following pieces. horn 9 o'clock. A. M. to 4. o c.ock. P. M., to receive taxes:— November 1472. 4, At tho Pritdle More of David DiellA, Lynnville, Lehigh Cu. 5, " Jonas German. New Tripod, Lehigh Co. d, " Peter Miller. Ba•gergrille, 7. " Peter Keiser, dlatington, •• 8, " David Peter, Washington. 9, " David tioticub•ch. Trelchler,•llle. Lehigh Co 11, " Chart. Leinenberger Nallleuvdle, 12, " Dauber Wieldy, North Whitehall, 19. " John Koch, Jr . Egypt. 14, " Reuben beck. Kreider . ..v.lle' Northampion Co. 15 " David J Peter . ' Whitehall ntatiod • Lea h Co. F 18: " Janie. A. Yeager. Cedsrvllle 18. " Olathe. Derr. elegeravllle, 19, " Abraham Nett, •effs. 20, " Jacob Bather, Lowhill, 21. " Drobst,Bo.barlingovllle, Peter help. belpsvllle. Zt," Gideon Yoder, Trezlertown, 25. " F. Reichard. Rittersvale, 28. " Jesse Gruber. Salisbury. " rentiew Ald, isle M Appel,llalisb'Y 23, " Bonbon Schaffer, Limeport, " Deana Baatmen, ilosensack, 90, '' Charles Blamer, litilmaraville, •• December, 18.2. 2, •• Jam O. Schaffer, late 8. Knots, Berke Co. 3. "S. D. Scholl, late Markle% • 4. " Lyons.. late litidmao's, 5. Doti, Tormn. tl," Franklin Saliongh, Trezler'e, 0, " Iram Danner. aldleratown, Lehigh Count/. 10, •• Henry dimultwsiler, Ida (lorr'•. 11, " John Reedier. New Peru,, " D•vidD. Ilensloger, Alburtis 13. 's Jeftmlati Samovar, Emma, 14, " Henry math, Allentown, le, at bonne of .1. 13. 11...hmuyer, L. MIOIII4IO " 17, at public house of Wm. Hattog, WeillahltattwP. , BCIIMOYEtI. Collector. November. 1h73. 0, Al pub'le house of J. Wilt. Centre Volley. Lehigh CO 7, " F. Berger. Hellortown, Northampton Co. 11, " lease echelly. Fie omit 11111, Bock. Co. P. Cast el.•ltachlandtown. 11, •• H. O. Ablaut, hilif.ed b oora, 13. " Charles Antrum, elms:mho. g, 13, " Pond Barron.. oop«r•bura, I,hlith Co. 14. " A. 2d. 001alOger, Fairmount. Backe Co. The pol ay holders will please bring their palsies I. get toe receipt thereon. N 11 —All member.. neglecting to Pei thin ing on the abo•e perays. or within 3U day•. will be ch .rged an additional .rage for co lectoog he tat a•eucted them By order of the Board of Managers D. klatiTIAN, Frs•ident. BEISNYVILLIIYODISIt. gee.etary. Jong B zCEIIOIIIIt, Collector. 8•11/030 enrage. Amirante( Collectoi. CCM OPENING Ladles' Fall and Winter Cloaks, Suits and Costumes EVERY DAY. In ovary variety of style and m►tertal BLACK, COLORED& FANCY RILE-3MS. MOURNING SUITS, IMPORTEDCOSruarEs, VELVET CLOAKS AND COSTUM,BS, CLOT!, CLOAKS in Grerd BLACK SILKS CV rra.t LAD/NW UNDERWEAR •nd at The I th aa lo aaa weet t Stook to o ble ur Da line e me ver ehown Ole lily. e poeei. AG.NEW & ENGLISH, No. 839 CHESTNUT STREET, (Orvieto Continental Hotel. and) No. 29 South Ninth Street, PHILADELPHIA QM= J.EgAtowag 902 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILLDELPHIA, A few doom welt albs Couthentsl Hotel. EWELERS SILVERSMITHS. IMPOSTAILB OP Fine Watohes, Bronzes & Fancy Goods MODP.:RA.It PRICES FOR FIRST-CLASS GOODS, MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. , WITROUT DEVIATION PrOMPi s latelltiOn Well to eras , " fed7-ly El
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers