Coal ttnb tuntbcr. CRAB. W. ABBOTT JAIL M. HITTEh, Union Street, near Lehigh Valley Depot, Altentotori RITTER & ABBOTT, =I Rash, Doors, Outside Blinds, Inside Blinds, Mould lags, Brackets Balusters, Pickets, Stair Rail ings, Window Frames, Door Frames, He. SCROLL SAWING TURNING. PLANING, MATCHING FLOORING ad RnIPPING DONE AT THE SHOE TEAT NOTICE. ALSO, STAIR BUILDING done nud BAND BAILING made to order. Having now bed almost Areyearn' ponnennlon of the NUL refurninhod It al moat wholly with new nod improv ed machinery, and having none but experienced work men, we areprepared to defy competition from at home and abroad, both In price and workmauldiln. Do yon con . ..plate building / Call at oar Factory and satisfy your.elf with A pontoon! examination. Drawlogn for bniblingn, bracken., patterns, for orna mental work, moron.. for Fnction. can bn neon at all times by calling at oar °Mee. Any Information to the builder Watched cheerfully and freely, by calling at the Manu factory, on [ - Ilion treet, at the Jordan Bridge, Allen town, Pa.. or by let ter (brooch the Pont office. au( S- l y] BITTER & ABBOTT. A TILISMILT H OTTO. 11. K. OTTO. 0. W. WiLLII F LBER r, OTTO 4: MILLER, MA? OPACTIIRERS AND DEALERS IN LUMBER, WILLIAMSPORT, PA WILL ON CANAL WEST OP MAYNARD STREET OFFICE AT TIIE MILL W 7 CRANE Aava. .1 Ant 70-1 y Sputa . leo. SPECTACLES I SPECTACLES I I EYE GLASSES, Ste. • ei tlrrAn c. a . rl;, , , , rrge4e o a4sLrt .. m . er of all kinds of CHAS. S. AIASSEY'S, NO. 23 EAST HAMILTON STREET , • ALLENTOWN, PA Having devoted a greet deal of care and attention to the Spectacle bustersa for these last few years, I find that my businees In that Una ha. Increased,o inn..ll that I have de termined to matte It a SPECIALTY. There I, no article etannfactured in which there in AO touch deception prac ticed a. then is in Spectacle Glasses. Knowing that the public have been frequently he tuba var.! try. parties pre tending to ha ve a superior article of Glasses. and charging exerlttant mires f..r, them, thereby trouncing open thane 's..Wsage infirmities of age..l have taken pains to se lect a large and complete assortment of the finest and best Glasses ever manufactured. thus affording all persons so n ahie seding 8110CtIlCiel. an opportunity of pureintelng al fall, prices. Pommes having any IllEticulty In being salted elsewhere will do well to give MU evil, as I feel eonfidrat that no one wi ll fall to be molted. Rethereber the 51d stand, No. East Hamilton etreet, uppoelte the Ger ntanßefottned Church, Allentown. Pa. Judi ZI• • 68 tf Boot • illaiters. JOHN H. LENT Z. JOHN HAROLD, AVM. H. WEINBIIEIMER JR. JOHN E. ENTZ SUCCESSORS TO YOUNG & LEN'I'Z. The firm or Young At Lentz was alzsolvod by mottial consent on Fehrusry 19th. 1572 Mr. Young retiring. Wm.. H. Wolneheiiher and John Seabold, Jr., having token his place. The new firm holes to have tho contionance of the Patronage , . liberal') bestowed upon Om old firm. They will use their utmost endeavors to ace qumotlato their patrons with prams (neon nod turolsh BOOTS AND SHOES .f the best mako ar nod will nl ways hove on band a lure. as 'truant of the moot desirable style. , salted to the s a hie a •etlun. . . The firm of Young St Lentz having been dtseolved. all parties Indebted to them ore requeitted to mnko settlement between this date snot April let next. The hooka will re nnin at the old stand. Either of the old partnere is azt thorized to mho to liquidation. feb 13rp. •(nabs. LeBIAISTRE do ItOSN, 212 North Eighth Street, Phila. Ey lotifinlor tht•monlros to aspecial lion of goods and doing ler'. trade are able to buy add bell cheaper than those who a morn general way. riot a thing de sirable le wanting to rimko up the most thurough stock of WHITE GOODS, .• All sorts of Laces, sod at this season a epecialtv sada of IM=l by the palr, and curtain lace by the yard. Tho choice. ■lock of Veattbalo Lorca to bo found. Oar 2700 p:oces, repro:looting tnoro thOn C yards HAMBURG EDGINGS AND INSERTINGS All select patteror and button-bolo edged. Blue tacking and blur tucking caublii.illoun mad ■olely fur their own rater. WHOLESALE AND . HETAH =EI TO THE P ÜBI IC REMOVAL. uUR NEW STORE GUTH & KERN, DEALERS IN DRY GOODS WOULD most reepoctfully call the attention of their Mende, customore, nod the Public gouarally, to the fact that they heyojcist removed to their newly uud elegantly lilted up ST0111; BUILDINO,one dour west of their form er locatlon,and Immediately adjoining the First National Dunk, being the building formerly occupied by Schrelbr Bros . where they propose to continue el DRY. GOODS BUSINESS la all Its varied branchee. They have the finest, best and cheapest stock or 000D8 ever offered to the public, embracing everything•that the riddle colt wleh. They Would eepeelally invite the attention of all to their dna seeortment of LADIES' DRESS GOODS This department they gather themselves to ho the Mutt ever offered M the public of Allentown and vicinity. for style. quality nod cheat - Mese..goods of the moot approved patterns, tic.. consisting of Black and Fancy Silks, Block and Fancy Silk Poplins Black and Fancy Mohair. Black and Fancy Alpacas, Black sod Colored Striped Battings, Bla ck.Bom basin., Black Australian Crane, Black Pop• line, Black Velveteens, Silk Velvet, Sat in Stliped :Versailles Cloth, Satin Striped Lorne Robes, Ellk Strip. ed Mohalt, Silk Figured Sul. tans, Brocade Japanesh Silks, Brocade Pop• line, Serge Wool 012/1 iholati Wool Plaide. Cord and Colored Velveteens, Eng limb, and French Chintz., phoa Poplins. Plaid, Motu., Plaid Nainsookn..llroche, Millet, lie- • lona, Saratoga, Viallia, Long Braivili. Ni agara and ,Watervliet Long and Square SHAWLS, In GREAT VARIETY. rgrCA LL and SEE. As they are buying strictly for cash. the! clatter the. Delves that they can 01 . 4 /treat lodpeetOeuti to Ray •lshlog to buy good Goods at reasoualde They only ank the to giro theto's call soil exato , , toe their stock, nud compare prices nod quality. They defy compotitiou. Thankful for favors, they willa•deavur to merit a eenthinance of the patrollig° of their old customers, well as of all new comers. 11111.1.11 OUT dol4•Jm d CONSHOHOCKEN BOILER. AND COIL WORKS JOHN WOOD, J.R. n•avrsaronae or FLUE AND CYLINDER BOILL'ES, RATH AND 82 . .EAM VIROULATLNO BOILERS. All kinds of. Wrought Iron Colls,Tnyelre for lilast Fur. oup met e SinolclStacks,Ulast lipeu,lr.m Wheel. B barrow.. and everything In the oiler and Sheet Iron line. Also. all kindaof Iron amd Steel Fur50.1(.. , ..1 Blacksmith work, Miners' Tools of all kinds, suchen ‘Vitein Dunne's, ream, Drilla. Malets, Sledges, &o. Hawing a Steam limn nor and met of lentil of all kinds and 0111.1 workmen., I dollar myself that I Can turn 4,0 i pork with promptness and dispatch, all of which will he warranted to be r rot-clans. Patching Bolton, and repairing generally, etrials- al. ended to. %Dr 17 \ HARTMAN WASTE PAPER DEPOT. The Highest Cash Price Paid For Old Newspapers Old Blink Books Of description. And Ledgers, Waste Paper, That are all written over. 0! .01 kW,. 0 d Pamphlets, &o. qr. 1107. i, 1.4t101110 • CANII•8 800011T..' • "laments from Country Dealers solicited. r trw LIAHTMA24, 011 Jayne et., Phllara JOSEPH MILLER it CO: BANKING HOUSE . Fogc4ville, Lehigh County, Penny MONBYS received on depoolt, and 6 per coot. Intereot allowed on all some remaining slx months. over. For ahortec periods special rates will Ito paid. Sreenters, Administrators, Trustees, Assignees, Treasurers, Taz•Collectors sod other ou,todiana of public or private mooeyn, are °Pared liberal rale* of interent •• . . • rulers, 111nrchante.Laborern aid all who bate money at out on Internet for a long or abort period will and Inn.ltutlon on agreeable and advantageous one In Ida to do engines,. , . Moony clopoeltedin Vile Institution IS SAFE AND WELL SECURED. ttlg . a.mTuk'.a-d—rla=viLNEß, FRANK J. SLOUD (t.pr343m w MILLEBSTOWN SAVING BANK MILLERSTOWN, LEHIGH COUNTY. Tbla Ithititrition will hnopened on or before the lat day of April. Money will be taken nn deprodt at ail tlinca and in any Emma from ona dollartipwardn, for which SIX PER CENT. INTEREST per annnm will hopald. Deposits may ho withdrawn at any time Also, mole, oanod out on l'avorablo terms. JAMES WEILER, President fItAIIKLIN SHINER, Ca J. F, M. Bhiffert, (leery Ludwig, Frederick C. Y °bet. ChrieW 1 K. Henninger, David Donner, Willi, f. , 9.tliday. lenne Oriebel, , ri Meer. g. linnet.. Horatio T. Hearer:, Benjamin .1. Selo mover. Jamex Sing master roar Ig.tim A LEI:STOW:A SAVINGS INSTITI. A - A. TIM Organized as "Dimes Saving indittition," NO. 58 EAST HAMILTON ST., (NEARLT OPPONTE THE All ERICAN R0T61.0 PA YS SIX PER CENT. INTEREST FOR MONEY ON DEPOSIT. This Institution. the oldest Saving Dank to Eastern ?sonar Ivaphi, has bean in continuousan d . elticrillill o * P EW TkiiinnTroen"tn'oannoy 2r "t o in n " e " yeatnd opoclul rates of interest for shorter periods. Vl—All deposits of looney will he hold strictly conk dentiaL &motors, Administrators, Trustees, Assignees, Treasurers, Tax Collators, and other custodians of priblic or private MO neye , are of fered liberal rates of Interest. • . . . . Fanners, Merehants, Laborers, and all who hare money to put on Interest fora long or short period will And oar Institution an agreeablo and advantageous (mein which to do business. Wo especially invite LADIIIB to Intellect their banking btlminess with um. MARRIED WOMEN and MINORS hare special privi leges granted by our charter—having fut. power to trans- act business with as In their own nano.. Money deposited with this In stitntion IS SAFE AND WELL SECURED, by a Capital stock and enrpion money entity of over SIXTY THOUSAND DOLLARS. and d,lilloo, the Board of Trontees have, an required by t barter, given bonds ender the snpervision of the Court in the num of FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS, which bonds ore reen tered to and bold by the Court of Common Pleas of thin county for the wearily of deponitorn. Our Iron Vaults are of the moat secure and extennive kind known In thin country, an a personal lunnection will show, and to which we Invite our friends and customer+. We refer to lilt. b.tiort.R that safe Burglar Proot Venns complete the safety and reliability of o good Saving Bank. WILLIAM H. AMEX, President. CHRISTIAN FREW, Vice Prenident. • ' REUBEN STABLER, Cashier. TarSTRES! William H. Alney, Charles S Bush, Christian Fret:, John D. Stile, F. S. Hammitt., Benj. .1. Ilitgeubuch, • George Brulist, Samuel Sell, Nathan I'eter. inn 12qf MZIMEiZMUI Located nt the corner of nonillion street and Church alley, in Lion Hall, second story, opposite the German Reformed Church, In the City of Allentown. is organised and ready forlinsinese, ft oft! pay .SIX ;4 r cent. In• terest on all deposits errept butanese depart's. for tiny period of time, to be calculated froni the dute of deposit. To secure which, the Trnstee. of the 11.littllit011 have filed .in the Court of Common New. of Lehigh County, undef .the direction of the Court. a bond In the note of Twenty-Bee Thousand Dollars, conditioned for the faith ful keeping and appropriation of all such Mlter S of money an shall be platted in charge of sold FRANKLIN SAVINOS BANK, whether as depoalts,•or shares of stock. which bond may be enlarged by the Court wheaever It may he deemed necessary In addition to this. the Act of Incorporation makes the Stockholders persona lig liable to the depositors doli• Die the amount of the Capital Stork of the Bank, which la fifty thousand dollars, with liberty to increase it to one hundred and Ofty thousand dollars. These provisions will make it a very desirable and cafe place of deposit. Besides, it may he proper to state that the deposits will be kept In one of the safest and beet proteeted rail/4 in thin city. Arrangrmento will be mode to furnish drafts on the cities Of New York and Philadelphia S. A. BRIDUIES, President IJ. W. WILSON. Vice President J. E. ZIMMERMAN. Cashier. Trtaders : DanMl 11. Miller, S. A. Bridges, John ?When, J. W William Baer, J. E. Zimmerman D. Crelts, Peter Gross, Edwin Zimmerman. mar 30 THE ERIN SAVINGS RANH OF WM. L. YOHN NORTH SEVEV7B ST., ABOVE LULEA ALLENTOW:g, PA. This bank has been mai:dished for the purpose of carry• log on a general Bunking linsioess. And to offer to Os community a SECUItE INVESTMENT for their money at home, at the same rate of Interact that it would command In New York or New Jersey. MONEY LOANED OUT ON 0001) SECURITY gri — Gold, Silver and Government Bonds bought and sold. Drafts drawn on the prinolpal cities of the United States la goon to null Purchase.. Collection, node on all accessible polnts, and proceed. promptly remitted at correct rotes. topanne., Merchants, Laborers and ell w Le leas mune, pot out on Interest for a long or abort period will Sod this lustitution no agreeable and at! v.m tugoon.. one In which to do boniest, Interest allowed ou deposits at the following rates, SEVEN DER CENT. for coo leer. SIX DER CENT, If I,ft toe thirty dote and under on. year. ggilrßevento ntnmps NO Lt. Han 20 din WILMINGTON AND READING RAILROAD SEVEN PER CENT. BONDS, FREE OF TAXES We are aft ring • the Ftoenod Mortgage liontlA of this AT 85 AND ACCRUED INTEREST, = I,ooos, 500 s and 100 s And east be REGISTERED free or expense. The coal, miscellaneous freights and pa...loser business are con stantly Ineleaslug Tho 11.11.10.• (or - t (101 Jllolltlla fi ceding ,p.e.oliqr 1, IF% over the S•tt (10) month. ending Saptember I, 1871. scat Vci,s2-1 91. Bonds, Pamphlets and Information can be out turd of DE HAVEN & BRO., Fiscal Agents of the United Natal, 40 SOUTH T H lILD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. STOCKS BOUGHT AND SOLD GREAT ATTRACTION 1 NEW FIRM! NEW GOODS! CLOTHING ! CLOTH I GRAND BPRI.NO AND SUMMER OPENING.. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES T. OSNIUN & CO., Successors to & ONmein BARGAINS GREAT CLOTHING EMPORIUM IN WEIMER'S BUIL NO. 605 HAMILTON STREET, •I.I.UNTOWN, PA. We would Inform the citizens of Allentown and the rut. rounding country 'bed WO WV prepared Wit h a tura° utuen of goods for FALL AND WINTER WEAR, and offer them to the public •t reanonahle To thee who hay their Chohlog ready•nottle. they ore prepared t offer BARCIA ETROH. KERN. Jaa9l-3m w WHOLE SUITS MADE TO (;RDERI COATS, PANTS AND VESTS I=ll3 CLOTHING, CLOTHS AND CASHMERES Is larger than It has Iw•n before, and an Woad In cell a •ery SMALL I'ItrIFITS, and g'•n our on boaters ale bean At of our lox• purchases. • oat tinuntitlen and earlotlon of NECK PIES. CUFFS, COLLARS, A,. oyeryth'ng in the line of GENT'S FUItNISIIING GOODS MEN'S, YOUTHS', BOYS' laud CHILDREN S READY-MADE CLOTHING (101:STANTLY ON HAND. , Don't tome the plan, Nu• GM 11.11Itoo hereel, third door ahoy° sixth stroot. T. Oinmet. JACoo 11. ficIXOLG , MARTIN Lint • star 2A • t A PROFITABLE BUSINESS! LICIIIT EQUAL TO OAS, ATONE-F.IOIITH Till: COST! Canuot be arslodat. .1% - n chimney or *vie* urea. MEN desiring PROFITABLE ittNlNEed gen encore the EXCLUSIVE MONT teethe rode or Dtit'lTT'S PAT ENT CARBON DAB LIGHT BURNERS AND OIL. for COUNTIES or STATES. Write for lotortnation or call on • M. B. DY017,. No. 114 BOUTII SECOND ET. PHILA. N. 11;--011URCHES furnbital with. CHANDELIERS and LAMl'df every description. ..6 nor cent. cheaper tban M any ot her entabliehment In tho country. intarl3-11mw • THE LEHIGH REGISTER, ALLENTOWN, WEDNESDAX„ UCTOBER'I6, 1872. /financial. CEI I= ON COMMISSION Clothiug, MEE I=l WE ENTREAT YOU ALL PREPARE ! PREPARF ! ! FOR THE FALL AND WINTER CAMPAIGN' Now Open in g, AT TH . :: i - Mammout - . Stores OP E. S. SHINER, Si; CO., NO. 705 All 707 HAMILTON STREET, ALLENTOWN. OUR BUSINESS INCREASING! FULLY PREPARED TO MEET DEMANDS ! AN U ND E MARE FAT THAT WE HAVE THE BEST ASSORTMENT OF LADIES' DRESS GOODS, UNPARALLELED IN THIS CITY AND VALLEY. ADS 0 7 SHAWLSISACKS FANCY SACKINGS, WA TER PROOF CLOTH, PLAIN AND FANCY COLORS, SILK VELVET AND VELVETEENS, WOOLENS FOR MEN, YOUTH & BOYS' SUITS. DOMESTIC GOODS OF EVERY POSSIBLE DESCRIPTICY:. BOTH STORES CROWDED TO INSPECT OUR IMMENSE STOCK! ALL SIGNIFY THEIR UTTER ASTONISHMENT AT OUR LOW PRICES, standing invitation to all. Call, examine and be convine.d. tvrThankful for past favors. [Sept. stf. TREMENDOU --,TOCK OF LUMI3ER! GREAT PREPARATIONs TIIE F.t LL TRADE AT THP, A ,L 1 NTONV N LIT BER Y ARDS W. R. TR EX E R & BRO.. Corner of Tenth and Hamilton Streets, All, Mott n Pit "BLIT 1 SIGN!" ALL LUMBER OF SUPERIOR QUALITY We have on hand all kinds of White Pine Boards, White and Yellow Pine Flooring, Spruce Flooring, superior lot of Southera Yellow Pine Step Boards. all ki.ids of fleinlock Boards, White :Ind Yel -1o w Pine • Scantling, Rough and Dressed Sidings, I leinlock Joists and Scantlings, all lengths and i,ices, Fence Boards and Rails, Roofing Lath, I=MMEI Fence Posts, all kinds of Shin files, Sc. , &c. Persons in need of lumber for large buildings will find it greatly to lair advantn,:e to call, being constantly ready to fill orders for all kinds of lumber te,ed in large buildings upon the most favorable terms, and at the shortest notice. Every article belonging to a flrst•clnss lumber yard is constantly kept on band. Thankful for past •favors, we Invite our Monds to call and inspect our s tock. Respectfully, W. R. TREXLER S BRO. GRO V I4', R & 11 X IC. 1 , 74 It' , 7 - 4 • L'LASTIO LOK-vrITGII FAMILY SEIVING MARIN 1 . .1. 1 . n.broU'cry 1 , 1 • rortiefflur antotioo h• de nt, .• xdu•Ovr ; - • i ; 5 , ,.,_,.... ; .„_. rind from oil who ntoire • For Braiding .., - C ''. ; Are ellexeelnai Kr Quilling . ...,,,, : s7 - ',..:•7, - ,, ;,—,--,... , ., ,!. • , %._.,... Are Dominance : -.:... ,::• • ::....- - •• ;•,' I , AS I , DURABLE For Hemming .Are Silveri , r il \ 1 .. '', / , AND TYPllOrlin For Tucking 1 . : A r.. lomppronel.abl , '4 1- ,, ' '‘ ' For Gathering $ i . Are UnaUrpnaauf Shuttle Sewing Machines • For Stitching ': • ! . ( I. : ' Arc Fannies, _ For Cording ' k in ANT 116•ACII or 1 ~ ' Are locomparnbir f • 1 1'9. ,'(- For Felling :I. .... . . Are Admirable •• "A ~0;,... 3latinfaeturing 't Tug II E -T IN LI:AL I ' ,- 7 ~.14 0 7 ,- _ ;.-, ~•:• fr . t • , . on _ .. --.. .,...7.p-.-:., ,, ,:,. , _ .u. Sly'. t•hutilo Stitch 1 ' l ' 4-1-: -.-.',....!,';' . ! ' ' , 1...4 . . . - FAMILY - . Sow in g Machines , For•Manufaeturlog. SEWING. To on NEW STYLE, Which possess unmistakable advanloqes over the NOISY and CUMBROUt styles ,o • bey makers. s CA.LI, 4.1a1) P.X.ANIIN.E. J. F. WIREBACK, Agent. • F ' 'CE AND SALESROOM, opposite Lierman Ileforcoml qurcii, may &ail, No. 629 Hamilton Street, Allentown, Pa. A LLEN TO NV N Rolling Mill Co., THAYER, ERDMAN, WILSON & CO., Maricitactrrars D( STEAM. ENGINES AND BOILERS, BRINE CASTINGS, RAILROAD TURN TAPLF,S, MILL GEARING, SHAVING, Furnace, Rolling Alit{ and Mining Work &c., &c., ,te N. 11.—All work guaraftleed •od delivery promrt L. H. GROSS, Sup't njimobto.2m w 3 A 'HANDSOME MOUSTACHE! 1 NIMIATACII E PROP. Sr. CROIX'S FREUCII CCU. W 111/IKE/IR POUNII t the Or pit HAIR GROWER. stoup° AMIE. will pr. , du e • loud tot 111011 , T•CHE W !USK ERB. ..r ,‘ lII,KERS Ull the smoothest flee.. Plea.aut to use. Knot to our address on ""IP" kill, CHERIST. 'ENT!! And CHESTNUT NM, PII I LA. H B. Co[. T la ZI-Ir 11 BE SURE AND LOOK FOR THE COME -n i nt = .l T Palings, Dt ge, relauffor 1110 Errlug und 1 n n I w d6 ll l h , tud debll-1 Eared.. Addreur,lloWAßD AtidlOCl ATKIN. In. Crdth Ninth stroot, Ithiladelpbli. Is. AND 1 01lateljea anti 363eIrp. BAII4EYB4O Lthestnut 8c 12th Sts., opL A DELpt i l k 3ewelers anti Silversmiths. FINE &ATCIIES, FREfiCil C BRONZES, P L AT ED WANE, laualitv Guaranteeb. 'Boobs sent by Express on approval. w may 10 —ly pitite K. PoTAUFFER, WATC I:ES AND JEWELRY, No. HS NORTH SECOND ST.,con.or QrAIIRT, FRILL. 14 ,„t• At ossortmeot ot Watchee, Jewelry. Silver and Plnted Were constantly nn hand. Sir Repairing or Watches and Jewelry prom ptly tended to. ap 17 FELLER 41:: BROTHER, NO. 27 WEST lIAMILTON ST., I= CLOCKS: well regulated and warranted. All alter and prices, (Torn fa upwards. A larger womrtment of - GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES than can he found In any other 'aura In the city. JEWELRY OF ALREL KINDS, SILVER WA !fever y dent Option. • trarWatcoes repaired on Short Notice. WATCHES, JEWELRY, • SILVER AND PLATED WARE, CHARLES S. MASSEY'S, No. M Eant Hamilton street, oppmillo the German He formed Church. Juni received from Now York and Phil adelphia, nil the latest alpine GOLD WATCHES Ito has tholariest and beet assortment of CI old Watch nod at lower prices than eau be found elsewhere. SILVER WATCHES Ile has n larger and hotter samortmont of Silver slatoke than non be purchneed anywhere else. GOLD JEWELRY. Ho has the largest nod bent annurtmoot of ❑1 kind. o Gold Jewelry. GILT AND PLATED JEWELRY. Ile has a larger and bettor assortment or all kinds 0(01 and Plated Jewelry than can be bond elsewhere. SILVER AND PLATED WARE. 'Helms is splendid assortment of Silver and Plated Were Any person desiring goods In this hue eon not fall to b suited. CLOCKS. A larger assortment than at any other establlshmeat MELODEONS. kill in fgpl w en or d l i g. annortment of Prince's Melodeons, ths o ACCORDEONS. A splendid asnortment of all kinds of Accordeons. Ills establishment bon lately boon fitted up, and Is sow second to none In Now York and Philadelphia. and ahead of anythintroubtide the largo cutlet , . He ban a larger stock of fashionable goods in his lino than all others in Lehigh county combined. To convince yourselves of the. above nod see ifor tljc 'Ladies MRS. GELDIN'S • Ladies' Trimming Store, ALLENTOWN. PA. The trade at thin old sad well known estabilehtneal lo constantly increaaing. owing to the fact amt row nooDs are-being constantly received of the LATEST STYLES and alwaya imitable to the wants of her nutnerens cute. mere. People should always go where they are sore to be nutted at low figures. 'ante ATTENTION, LADIES! REAL WHITBY, JET JEWELRY, FRENCH JET AND VULCANITE JEWELRY. FINE PLATED JEIVELR Plata and Vienna 'Enna. flair Plos,Fancy Leather Goad Fancy Ornament, Fancy !taxa.. Denim Dresalng Cage Toilet Good,. U broil/km in Silk. Olaghant nod Alpac All gun, au nod superior In quality and ...awDIXONait-tin, nric. 11. ain3-w] N . 21 South Eighth Street. rhllada - Ti7rkiiil4 NTELI., 1313 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, 1111. ITCYlfild from l'Arle the latest Sprieg POLONAISE BUSTLES AND CORSETS. La Victorian Kangwoo A Nina. BUSTLE SKIRTS for train and promenade dream°, Darla Werly St Children's Coreols.all et popular Trio's. In, 20 ly w I TEMPLE OF FASHION. ESTABLISHED 1027. 11S. M. A. BINDER, 11111. N. AV. (OR. IlTit 4: CHESTNUT STS., PHIL...DELHI! A, Impos 1.. r and Denigoer of • Paris and Lodnon NovoDies, Elegantly Trimmed Paper Pattern , of Latent and mall reinarte Style., fur Ladl. a' and Children . , Pr as Ladle... Deere Trimmings, /teal nod .Itultatlon Laass, 01.. ten. Eau, Ilablme, Tier, ler.eil Jewelry, Fa.] Goode. Goode. PEEeS AND CLOAK MARINI; In the most taste ful and el. g tot to .nuer. Perfeef System of DRESS RUT TI10) Tought. strut rouctositty In fulfillment of orders. PAPER PAT WHOLE, A LE AND lIETAIL mhl2.3mw 8200'0 PER ANNUM CAN BE MADE IN BELLINO THE N W H EEL E W LSO N' SEWING MACHINE. A few actl•e, reliable lin•I ...II men of good tablt• •ad addrers. arantril to do•Iraldo territory at proaent cinncogy pled. WllgOl a fornialied ; ticurity r qul•ad. gond toy Information. or call on PETERSON & CARPENTER, Oen'l Agt's, 914 CHESTNUT STREET, PRILADEPEII• J W. ALTHOUSE, Agent, rl4 •troat, • ESTADLISHED IN 150. Fancy Dyeing Eninbiliihnient, J. IV, JONES, No. 42 Yorfh Frond Street, PNlndefpl4l. Pa. DVE dllke. Woolen sod Fancy o , ods of ever/ d.eerlp. Don. 'floor snoerl nip of Dyeing Ladles' and 0,,,,,,entg le widely known. Crape and Merino Chnwls dyed the town lull - Ilan and plain ealore Crape and Morino nh.wln ileauaoo to loon like new. Alen, (metal -men's apparel. and Curtains, cleansed or re. dyed. Kid Glovra cleansed or tired to look like new. ”..Cl4ll nod look et our work I atom going olerWkere• ninth office. eon. Ninth and Vino eta. lapr3-2mw FALL OPENING OF DRY GOODS. J. M. HAFLEIGH & CO lios CHESTNUT ST., 11111.ADELPSIA, Here now corn STIJICEI3I IN ALL TIIE NkW NUMMI. DRAP D'ALMAS • AND DRAP IA ALL THE NEW SLIADES. MERINOS AND CASHMERES IN ALL THE NEW COLORS. A'N W TEXTURES IN ALL COLORS. BLACK SILKS. In GREAT bargains. - BLACK SILK VELVETS, al lowest prleas. New Styles in Ladies Suits & Sacks 1 , 1 " MOURNING GOODS $n grpat yarloty. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS OFFERED or. 3r. TO COUNTRY TRADE, • PEcIAL TEA ERN' EX ANI INA. 1.7 CH TION. _eeds) examinations fur (faction will be held on BAT. TIRD•Y 8, th•TWit , TY•FIiteiT•ndTWENTY.BIOIITII d its of Bepternher, '872, at o'clock. A. al, et the Court House (In V e Cleand Jury room,) at Alhottown, Pa. All bourbon. who hove taken c•uoo)it to lolit•h county. 0.4 wore nut examined by the undereign, .1, and do oat hold certificates tnat will exempt them trout examination are requested to be present and he exsmin.d on one of the above named dere. J. 0. KNAUSS. 211 1 / 7 21w Chiimpt. go. fliebicinal. ZND • •,„ t , ZND 1. ••,•'w , , • tid t= go 0 , 1 1, t mt rmg it 1-€ c.) Plo „ . oar' t -4 • • x NEW DRUG STOKE I take the pleanore of Informing my numerous friends and the public In general that I have uomed :1 0 • new Drag Store at NO. 7115 HAMILTON STREET, mid filled It with a coverall" selected etotk of Pure Drugs and Medicines PATENT MEDICINES, COAL OIL, nna r; e i t; Irplya CO A L OIL ',AMPS Choler Perfumery and toilet artlelea t las (be fl oral Ex tract. fur handkerchief and bathing. Hair .o,la, Holr In rigoratora tand Hair Dyed. An Innumerable onsurtmen of Tollat Soaps for wading. sharing and orating oil. fo or paint. Tooth Braid:leo and Hair Bruits. of all &rale •nd priers. Pucka{ Hooka, Altionta. Pass Books. Parer and Poop Pooket Katie. and Razor., • tame variety of LI, bon goalie] and Germ. Plan Hooka and Tastiest. In abort everything that can be expeatatt In a First-Class City Drug Store, AID AT The Very Lowest Market Rates WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. rtrrsicume. PRESCRIPTIONS will hen specialty Ind will he Clod day or night with the greate.t punctual ty an I ammo?. Phystelan• end 6turisk•spers supplied with everything WI nay line Si the lowed market rile.. `` Having had e■. mien. slam ensh ildhood in th• bulu I Mal confident that Iso re s •II who may fa•or we with a mll. to Moir milisfattlost. E. W. DANOWSKY. Dr. WM. DANOWSKY, lakes MN opportunity to thank hie untsoronn friend.. for part favor. apd will b•At tb• DIUKSIIO. of hi. 40 n to wait on ail who may daalrp his qiedloal RE,V4iIMBER Ti!H PLACE, 735 HAMILTON STREET, !Munch line nth and Eighth lan2l. LARGEST STOCK t • DRAT INDUCEMENTS To bay MI your forolture tc =irgest foralturo store lo GEORGE W. HEIMBACII 732 HAMILTON BT., ALLENTOWN. 71.• trot have recently S tat ri N; T ßA c ti MR b Ag i4 I . q.ATE• telaied their farlillie• for • NW Soil 00,404 tb• oily. II • NLEGANT PUNNITURN le maaafeetared In their eum establishment, idrh i e h grar I . e ' Ne r t=t. " 24l4e ." Sro l i; " • of their stock wilt suovioce balm of tee ad• Tv"" of from them f RITTI E'S (i•oren W. 11_“1 ae ;12100 , b PATENT SPRING BED. aad are sole agents fur t et miperlor bed. Call and see It. Remember The Mammoth Glass Front. AGENTS quicK !or Too will miss shots.. of terrlto. la n rusk for it) on DI 0 LEWIS' lain and gre r aleal ti t=t OUR DIGESTION, or. MY JOLLY FRIEND'S SECRET. It Is by odds the most taking and salable book 'ln Ile gold. I Ills on a vitally imoortant sulkiest. 2ltls by emerlios's must popular writer on health. 3lt to for lb. miss. lb. and handsomest book ever sold by book. an d Aim*, tkft people ors.-ssor for such II book. and w i lt kris you iffuripir II Ig lbem. Write for terms,•ka teen' OEO. MACLEAN; Publisher. oovlbll w 733 Ilansom Striet. Philsdell TIDE ILLUSTRATED PRIt ENO. LOOIIMIL .1013BIRL le oyez; respect a itirat• Clue Mugu 100. Its article, are the higbeat intereat to all. It teach.. What we are and h tomato the moat of nominee. The information lien false on the Lawn of Life and Ilealth la well worth the wire of the Magazine to ezery fatally. It le pohllshoal at IMISO a goer. ,By n eptroial amtagesent we are enabled to oh, the Phreno oalsai Journal as • Pretionm•for flee now enb•crliamr. to the MINION HIGINTIIR, or will faral.d LIIII.I 11[(111.• zoo and Phrenological Journal together for w. We commend the Jouroal to all who want stlalgallne. Address all Wore to ROBT. IR Biaglaaa. Ya .'..::... . . 1, '. ~ , • • l. .• .4.-11 • ...:. 1!.f...., 4:: ; , 7 • ':;;•;• - t.. ,'..' OATA • FOOB AtIQUA ANDatu M LLE R.B.R. R. On and a th•Cataaang tioe with the iga t Pena. It Crates Went r JUNE THIRD, ISM Pasnearer Trnl an & Fognle•Ille Railroad will ran la CO i Lehigh Lehtgb & Samluelknuon &Mond, Is rallnarn:— STATIONS. 15 el 27 7as 33 7CD 11 715 IA 791 65 791 06 798 % 7N s4o 701 •Fla[ Sta. The tnorologtrein we.LI lea•ea Catannonna on am arrival of the L It. H. Paarenger Irain froin Eamon, hot. e- Sem and Allot town, and eonnarte at Albania with a train qt the Kant Penneylvanin H. It. for Head Ina, Pottevillo, laorriabura and Philadelphia and also with a train for Ilientewn, Bethlahron and Pardon. • . . . The morning train Bantam:karats at Alhnt ll a win,, stains . on E. P. R. R. from Harrisburg, Pottsville h. oiling nod Allentown and at Cataaanqua with train on the Lehigh Valley Railroad for Rauch Chunk. Wilkesbarro, Baran 'on, Philadelphia and New York. The 115 P M train Went connects at Alhnrtis with trains on the East Penn. Railroad for Rending, Pottsville. liar riebnrg, Philadelphia, Allentown, Bethlehem. Wanton. and New York I arrive In Philadelphia via Rending at 115 p. m. The Evening train East leaven Alborlis on the arrival of a train from Allentown and era train making connec tions at Reading with trains from Philadelphia, Harris onrg, Pottsville. Ac. and .000011.1 milk localll.lll.Pßel train on the L. V. It. ft. at cateeandon fer Allentown, Bethlehem nod Ea.tou, llokoodanqua and Coplay. Persons wishing to go to Allentown con take rho morn ing train West to Alburtis, arrive at Allentown 915 a to. tnd return by a train on the Pant Penney tranin Railroad, leaving Allentown nt 453 p. m. . . . @MEM LEIVIG WALLEV&ITTET ^- RAILROAD. • “ a.:* • f7!" * .i2 . 4 SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. Leave Allentown for New York. via Central Railroad of New Jeroey. at 3A:•, 615, nod 8 15 3 M. nod 12 01, 1216', ACP. Rod 6 50 p. m. For Now York, alx Morn , & EPIIO2 Rstilroadott 665 0 , and 6 16 a m, and 1221, 1216.. 6 tr. nod 6lq p m. For fdanooka Chuok and Reit:More at 8 15a to, Ind 61d• p m. For Lambertville nod Trenton ale 1.5 n to, nod IR 01 ood ifolpm. For Easton at 466*, 6 15, 6 11 and 10 10 a in; 1201. 1211•. 810, 5 4U'. to 50,7 and 828 p m. For Philadelphia, vhf North l'ono Railroad of 6 15.815 a m, rad 1201, Ito% andB29 it to. Fur Washingtoo, D. C . at 816 sio DI ono S 23 Pm. For Cottonton. St Foolo,ili, It. It, 11a auo 12 20 p m. For Coplay •t 14 a v.v. 4°l, 821 nod 821 p In. For Mauch Chunk a dl 1047 a tn. 1220,134 nod 824 p tn. For Wllkeobarre dl . .itstonott 644 nod 1047 a In, 12 23, 434 pm. For Waverly, 0 . otto Elmira. Auburn and Buffalo, It 10 17 a m (Express :raltijand 12 21 P• M. For Ilarleton at Aland 10 47 a nt. and 131 p m. Fur Audearled • 10 47 a tn. • For Mahanoy (i• ut 6 44 nod 10 17 a to, sod 134 p CO• For Mt. Carmel 614 sod to 17 a m. Ttalns with a et titan from East Penn Sanction. • 11. EITANI• Y GOODWIN, Anti't Don't Aup't. R. 11. SAYRE 609'6 St ELM IVORTII PENNSYL-gagx A-N VANIA RAILROAD. BUMMER ARRANOEBIENT.I Paegengere for Philadelphia take Lehigh Valley R. R trains panning Allentown at 6 1.5 and 615 a. to, 12 01, (4 8 28 p. to., and arrive to Philadelphia at 8 t 5, 10 41 a to, 115, 821 and 10 3,1 p. tn. Alto Lehigh and Pinioinnhanna Railroad mina at 813 a. tn.. 824. 546 and 8 IA p. tn. arrive in Philadelphia at 10 45 a in., 1.5, sp, 877 and 1030p.m. LOCAL SCHEDULE. Mx Through Trains Daily. Sundays Bxeopted humane.- mains leave the dotiot Nortborent corner Berk. isd Atnerlenn «eta. Philadelphia, - For Allentown lit 830 mad 48 a. tn. 2 Pl. 3 31, 4Or and 4 , 111 ro. Palitee ear+ re LAS, 831.. to. train For Doylestown at 840 a. m., 2 40 and 1 3n p m. Tor Fort Washington at / 44 and 11 a in, 8 and 11 30 p tn. Tor Abington at 7 .. m.. 130, and 330 p. m. For Lansdale at 0 30 p. m. Leave Bethlehem at 090, 800 a. El.. 1213, 3 3.2, 0 10 and 8 10 Q. m. • Dorlealowo at 7VO m., 913 and 500 p. m. •• Laued•le let 605 a. m. Ch 7•• Fort Wad:lllsBton at 843, 10 30 a. m....ed 2lb and u, •- Abl•gtou •1 715 • m N , 215 and 245 p. m. 4Th SUDAYS. Lea,' Bethlehem 'or Phlled!iplita et I . IXI p. to. 6 45.. 44. I"'"w h n eem at P 30 4. M. L et" b ` d4l ° ''fo";Doeyle - uin q faith/P. to l'are—Allentown to Pelleaelpll4, 4180. lELLIS CLARK. Age R EADING IiALIL-W i ct r-" ROAD. SUMMER ARRANGEBIIINT. THURSDAY. AUGUST 'l, 1872 Trains leave Harrisourg for New York as fellows: at 600, 810 a. tn., and 200 p. m., connecting with similar trains on Pennaylvania Railroad, and arriving at New York at' 1110, 550 and 9 40 p. tn. respectively. Returning leave New York at 901 a. tu., 12 u. 5 noon and 600 p. fn.; • Philadelphia at 730, 850 a, in. and 5:10 p. m Leave Harrisburg for Reading, Pottsville, Tamaqua, kftnersville. Ashland, Shalookin. Allentown, and Phlin• lelphia at SOU and 810 a. m., 2 00 and 405 0. m., stopping t Lebanon and principal way stations ,• the 405 p m, train conaecting for Philadelphia, Pol la v ills and Colum bia only. For Potts•llln, Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad leave Harris • burg at 54r p. tn. East Pennsylvania Railroad trains leave Reading for Allentown, Esaton and New York at 7 CO, 1040, a. in , and 405 p co. Returning, leave New York at 9W 12(5 noon and 600 p. tn., and Allentown at 726 a. tn., 12 25 noon, 215, 4 35 and 935 p. m. Way Passenger Train 1 Philadelphia at 7 30 a. ca., connecting with similar train on Bast Penna. Railroad; returning leave Reading at ti p m., slapping at all sta tion.. Lame Tetleyllle at OSO aad 9CO •. n. , arid 230 D. 112 Herndon at 1000 a. in. tiba mak In at 640 'and 11 15 a. tn.. &Aland at 700 a. and 12 49 D. tn.. Mahanoy City at 701 a. m. and 1 p. m.. Tamaqua at 833 a. in. and 210 p o m. forPhiladolptda. 2ew York. Reading. Harrisburg, Leave Pottsville via 6chuylklll and Snaquehannit. Rail. road at 815 a. m. for Harrisburg. and 1145 at. tn. for. Pine gi ova and Tremont. Potts•ille accommodation Train leaven Pottsville at 531 a. m. . passe. Reading •t 701 a. m.. arriving at Philadel. Wit at SAla. m. Returning. leaven Philadelphia at S IS ro. Reading at 7 40 p. m.. arriving at Polltl• Wl , ' St . •R:1 p. m. • . . Pottstown Accommodation Train loaves Por.alown at tt,or olus, Pirtl•delphiu Rua Oroea. at 430 Columbia Railroad Train.. laa•e Roadloo at 7 X a In awl 151, to for r.phrotn. Litis, Laucasior, CUlninblo, alc , v.. Icir.ll7K ',pro lop cagier at, 8 111 a at, awl 3 25 p 111, nod Columbia as 8 .5 a 111, aud 3 15 p Pr.tlmro , n lin ilrocil Tricia a ye I'rlkinmsm Ju triton •t 7 36, 8 6.1 a in. 2al tad 6 4.1 p ul. Rottirutug, leave Ororlll La. on d 15 n in. 12 35 and 1. Si p m. C 'Luxe, ag with trash. on Reading Railroad. -.4• Pickering Valley Railroad !raise leave Ptient Sculls et 91d a In, 3 bland 750 p ; .otitruttig leave ors at 16 35 a m, 1411 noon, and ISt p connecting with similar trains on Heading Rath-Enid. Colebrookilule Railroad Maus learn Pottstown at fi in and 12), it 25. 7 15 p nit returning leave Mount Pleasant at 6170, 3 au (31.1.111 T.saud 3 21 p tn. connect ing with train. on Heading It, R. Chester Valley Railroad Trains leave Bridgeport at :7 •In and 710 and 69.1 p to; returning, leave D at •66a tn 12 30 and 5 411 p to, connecting with sitiiiiat trains on Rending Hallyuad.. Un doudays: leave New 1 ork at 6(X) p m, PhlladelPhia at 1300 am and 313 p Oho SW ain train running duly 4. Reading), leave Potlnville at SOO n an, 11:trrInhurg at Sin) m and 200 p to, Allentown at 4 35 433,,,) 931 p to, Head lust of 715 a m and 1151 put (or Ilarri• 7 , a m lot New York, 77i , en tor Alleutown and at 04 in told Sinef Philadelphia. Commutation, 5111enge, Som on, School and Es rural, o Slcketo, tb and from all po, 41ed rawer. Baggage checked through int : IOP Coro lame poond WOO wed eam Pagammer. J. O.OTEN, mug! In) .4ent. Arty. )I.lc4'r, All. LEN TO IV N I'ASSEN G ESC It.t I I.• WAY. TIME TABLE nn oat after MONDA Y, RINK 3. 1872 car. will wen to all train. on the Lehigh '. :Way mud Lent;et ....I ;No-, aanna, Ploladolphts at Reading Meet Penn Junction) Railroad., and to the Allentown Furnace, leaving .010. ..ion. {ll.llllOO and Ninth eroota, as follows: For L. Y. L. & 13. IL Penn. Furnace. Leave Fur A 31 A. M. A. M. A. M. A M. 045 7.45 850 980 1001 6 114 le 19 8 40 11 21 II 81 745 11 03 . 11 157 9 41 P. M. P. IL 10 10 1 10 1 50 11 35 P.M. P. M. e 500 980 11 137 765 140 000 080 P.M. M. 800 810 700 710 3 5 15 11 10 314 740 931 --- 6 - 1) Pay Day. &Yaturd'. 7 10 ON 7411 .• 840 99) The above !tannin to all the paasenger trains on the above rend.. FARE TEN CENTS. Children under ten year. of an, Flys Cent.. Y 011 Can. Buy Everything You Want I SCHOOL BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS, COPY BOOKS, SLATES, PENCILS, end every thlneyour children ueo In the eehool et the B TEN BOOK STORE, OF LEISENRING, TREXLER & CO., 631 Hamilton Street. • The Livit ia a o ri r 4 nCliretritoEwsrli"" A. H. FHANCISOUS & CO., 513 MARKET STREET We have °pencil for the FALL TRADE. tho !Angela sod Lett aesorted Stock of PHILADELPHIA CARPETS, Table, Stair and Floor GU Cloths, Window Mader u „? Chain. Copan Yarn %t -om,: w a ddi ng, Twines, jr4s, (hocks, Yonking Cilassei, limey Baskets, ..Broorns. Baskets, Beickets„Brush es, Clothes- %+ ringer:, Wooden and hullo,: Ware in the United States. Our lank locrealie In bobbin. enables lie to non at low Price. and fßruliili tlto IRO quality or O. ode. • • SOLE ApENTs FOE THE CELEBRATED AMERICAN WASHER, PRICE $5.80. THE MOST PERPSOT AND SUCCESSFUL WASHER ByglimApg, ACE NT$ WANTED FOR THE AMERICAN WASH RR fu of pads of . ihe Slate. spyi3icor D. "LIUCKENDACII. A Nc r -• NET AT LAW, (formerly practised In CArl. Jaunty). Omee. Ilamllten street. 11000Oli flour, pew y unpaid' the Court House , Allentown , Pa. May be stn• gaited in the German languor, Itailroabo. 0s 00 0000. , and sBo{ P. II Train, CATASAHQUA, 067 'MPLE'S. 048 *JORDAN BRIDGE. 9 :t9 HUMPS, 9 34 WALBEAT'S, 031 CHAPMAN'S. 010 THILELERTOWN. 007 BREINHISVILLE. 8 08 •SPRINO CREEK. a 47 AL-11014.718. 8.17 =1 C. W. CHAPMAN, Sum. end Engineer. Tralis for Phllsdelphla I= profezzional (turbo. ViDWIN ALBRIGHT, ATTORNEY / I AT T,AW, eight drone above toe Court Donee, AL , LENTO.WN Lehigh county . Pe. , tett:WM.lY Er C. HUNNBERGER ATTORNEY . LA. • AT LAW. Romovo.l to tn., Poet Office bnlldleti eocoud door, ALLENTOWN PA. low 71-1/ • • RLINK 4 BALDWIN, ATTORNEY'S AND COITNRELLORFI AT LAW, Allentown, P. Moe. No. ttlEtt..t Hamilton toren. C. M. Itrior. P. A R. BALDWIN 659 (A 5 44 649 1591 RA 6 IS FJ. MORE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, • ALLENTOW.N, PA. Pelts, N 0.50 Baal Ilamlllon otroct. aft - Caa Lo ...tailed to Gannon. Jan 14 'IE4IIRGE 11. REP I", ATTORNEY , 014 . AT LAW. °lnce with lion. John D. Men, Allen low u. Pa GEORGE R. WILSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. NS Hamilton P Wet. notirly oppo Rite the Court Mp, Allentown. Collections promptly made lu Lehlgh and Northampton counties Vr, Olt KIS L. I{ A 1.7 FN. VICO K. A.T.A. NEI AT LAW. Office, oectind door of at. Find National Book ALLENTOWN, PA. Collection. tondo In Leht.h end odiolulog counties. Cao be commit.. nate Eottliett end Women langnegen .ep WIT Dn• C. H. GULDIN, SURGEON DENTIST. Mee, over Mrs. M. A. 0. fininlln • Trimming Store, Eget Hamilton street, Allentown Pa. TI J LAW SHOVER, ATTORNEY AT /1-4 LAW AND JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, MI I;LERB- TOWN, 1,1:111611 CO., PA. Particular etteutlun paid to =B==== ELIAS MERTZ, ALDERMAN, SURVEYOR AND CONVEYANCER AGENT FOlt THE SALE OF HEAL ESTATE, Sr. West Hamilton 6t. Allentown. Pi% WII. a. YOUNG. JR.. (WiTEKNoWLTON. SMITE 11: SCALES.) ATTORNEY AT LAW, uoorn, .11, 15. 46 and 17. No. 11.16 Wnehlogloo Street, Chl June TWIN O. BOWMAN, ATTORNEY tl AN I) CtItINSELLON AT LAW, Itutun 0, Ws. nut street, Philadelphia. . mar 1-17 rIIIIO3IAS R. METZGAR, ATTOR. NEY AT LAW, ALLENTOWN, l'A. Office, No. 62 Eat Ilatoillon street. may '219-'to fIEORGE B. WHALE ATTORNEY N_, AT LAW. Office, Find door above Lim Alley, AL LENTOWN, l'A. may TJ•6m TAM E. s. DEERE, AT'Eut RN El' A ND COUNSELLOR AT LAW.. cone door of M. J. Kra mor'“ et, re, oppow to the Eagle Irotol, Allentown, Pn. war 17-Ir EDWARD HARVEY, TTOPNEY AT LAW. Office, with Hun. Samuel A. Bridges, ALLENTOWN, PA. may TOIIN RUPP, ATTORNEY AT LAW. tfi oak., N.E Corner 6th nod Hamilton Streets ALLEN. - TOWN. PA may 1-ly ADAM WOOLEVER, ATTORm r.l AT LAW. Mace. opposite the Court Muse, AL LENTOWN PA. may 1-17 WWA II GLACE, ATTORNEII AT LAW. CATASAUOUA, LEII . IOII COUNTY may lU4y PENNA. RCLAY HA M ERSLY,ATTORN EY • AT LAW CATASAUQUA PA. jem 14-'6841 earprt3 anti Oil Clot RICA AND ELEGANT k 2 Alt E . S, OIL CLOTHS, &C C. FOULK NO. 19 S. SECOND ST., PIIILA., (Fltbt Carpet Store below Market, Esat Invites attention to his shiondßi asitorlinent of importer: aud American CARPETS. ‘chich trill its POW at von 411111 n adVanee. ailOdrl warranted as represented so Os all can Loy with couthltmce and satisfaction. CARPETS I CABPETRI ALSO, OIL CLOTHS, AND MATTINGS, WINDOW SIIADES, &C., G. B. SNYDER & CO., 31 SOUTH SECOND ST., PIIILADA., West Sitio, below Market N. B.—A liberal Victnent to Church," and Clergy Merl aptl7.3ww cos xec sin .41 , Aeasaut pEELTs.-: taix e 0 0 0 00 0 elAets: Or Sugar-Coated, Concontratad, foot and Herbal Juice, Antl-EIIIIous Granules. TIIE "LITTLE GIANT' , CATHARTIC, or Multuin In Parvo Physic. Tire novelty of modern Medical. Chemical and Phan Innen( ical Science. No use of any longer taking the large. repulsive and nauseous pills, composed of cheap, crude, and bulky ingredients, when we can by 4 n careful application of chemical science extract all the cathartic and other medicinal properties from the most valuable roots and herbs, and concentrate them Into a inlunte Granule, stettreely larger than a inavtard seed that can ha readily swallowed by those of the moat sonsitivo shim:mho and fastidious tastes. Each little Purgative relict represents, Inn most concentrated form. no much cathartic power 113 Is embodied In any of the largo pills found Inc sale In the drug shape. From their Iroodorfill cathartic pea or, in proportion to their size, people who have not tried them are apt to suppose tint they ato harsh or dntotic In effect, hut Filth I s not at all Ills case, the different aGtive medicinal principles of which they are composed being FO harmonized and modified, ono by the (others, riel to produce a meat Meartillit iig and therms yet gently and kindly opera. tang cathartic. . . $5OO Reward to hereby offered by the propels., tor of these Pellets, to any chemist who, upon an nlyels, will find in them any Calomel or other furt l l4l r mercury or any other mineral poison, tieing entirely vegetable, re partiCtllar tato is required while using them, They operate without disturbance. to the constitution. diet, or oc cupation, Vol . Jaundice, Headache Con. palpation, Impure I Pain n the Shoulders, Tightness of the Chest. Dia xi neer, Sour Eructations of the Stow. act,, Bad taste In Mouth, Bilious attacks, Pain In region of Kidneys. Internal Fever, flouted feeling about Sto.nach, Hush of Blood to Head, High. Colored Urine, Unsociability nod Gloomy Forebodinge, take Dr. Pierce 's Pleasant Purgative. Policia. In explana= lion of the remedial power of my Purgative Poltetal over so great a variety of diseases, I wish to ray that their action upon the animal crones my is universal, not a gland' or 'tug° escaping their ealiatiVO lattprems. Age does not impair them; their ettgar•coating and being anclosed in glass bottles preserve their virtues unim paired for any length of limo, in any climate, no that they are always fresh and reliable. which is not the case with the pills found in the drug_storea, put up to cheap wood or poste-board boxes.' Recollect that for all diseases where a Laxative, A lterative or Purgative is Indicated, these little Pellets will glee the most perfect satinfactiori foal! who use them. They aro ;told by all enterprlslum Druggists at 25 cents a bottle, •, Do not allow any drugglet to Indueo you to talfg anything el. that ho may ray Is Just an gbod as pay Pellet a because Ile makea it larger prof:1101f that which tkilAeccontotToTel;js cents fAro a i n tr a d z. n e a i l sot them m no4 a re a fply urn ;uall from PIERCE, dr. D., Prop , r, BUFFALO, N. T.I y l wstf REMOVAL! RRMOVAL! S. R. Engelman & Bros CIHNA STORE. HAS BEE N REMOVED TO No. 740 HAMILTON STREEP, (Walker's Old Stand,) ALLENTOWN, PA PECIA 1, AMUNCEM.ENT FOR TEM SPRINa TRADE. =BM Pi 1 !!!! EMI:3:1 TABLE WARE, Vases, Cologne Sets, Figures, Smoking Sets. Mantle Ornaments, Anti FANCY A ItTI(11,1: 4 , eve r offored to ILI. city,togeth or with. Wite;,.Of "F • FINE CUT GIJASS W 4413. I=lll3 CHRISTY at ROCAP, WIIOI.I,ALE 1.E.41.1,1113 AND flu CPIIIO Of FRESH AND SALT OYSTPIEI, 308 South Delaware Avenue PIIILADELMA All who mar 1,0 kind en 0.1 1,,, rotor as with their pal. maim wit. teco prom p t and loan.••11sto attenlino. • iloplog thnt otir effort. to plen•e will noel with the approval of 1.1 pub:lr, tie vollcit n trial. DEOIME (11111IDTY. 14 • Ar R ROW... lorto.l/1 with J R. Taohltid.Foitnerly with B'. Ford eepll.2mw bleidUrrY. T. Lumberd. MEM MEM J.O. B. likTintrt W. F. Umcsa. •opt4smw
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