Ely agel2ill), (giobter. XOBT. lIIBDELL. J a ALLENTOWN PA., OCT. • 10, 18 2 Fon PRESIDENT, Gen. ULYSSES S. GRANT OF ILLINOIS FOR VICE PRESIDENT, Hon. HENRY WILSON, OF MASSACHUSETTS. HOW NOT TO DO IT The poor, sick, defeated Liberals of the Now York Tribune are busy figuring out how many electoral votes will be cast for the old white hat and coat. All of their tables con" lain New York, which will give 30,000 for Grant; New Jersey, which will give 3,000 for Grant ; North Carolina, which will give 20,000 for Grant ; Connecticut, good for 1,500 for Grant, and Missouri, which, to Bay the best of them, is doubtful. In this way, with Indiana thrown in, they elect Horace Greeley. There is one reason why the people will no longer rely upon Liberal estimates, and that .is because the Liberals have deceived them once too often. They were to carry North Carolina, but it went Republican ; they were to gain in Vermont, but that State rolled tip its usual Republican majority ; they were sure of Maine, but even the Pine Tree State gave 10,000 Republican majority ; they build. ed all their hopes upon Pennsylvania—they could carry it by 30,000, and surely by 20,000 In spite of all the frauds the Radicals could commit, but the Keystone decided the Presi• &Mini fight with a majority of 35,000; Grea ley, himself, told his friends Ohio and Penn sylvania were sure to decide the contest in his fever ; but now he doesn't want them. Thus trill it be with New York and New Jer sey. He wants them now now, but after the November election, the Tribune will cast their friendship aside and say the old man can still live at Chappaqua without them. They say the victories in these States we have carried go for nothing : they were all— North Carolina, Vermont, Maine, Pennsylva nia, Ohio, Nebraska, Oregon,New Hampshire and Connecticut—carried by the immense power of the Administration and the corrupt use of immense sums of money. We deny that—it was the immense power of the people —but even were it so, even if we could carry all the States we have named in the manner charged by Greeley's organ, what is to pre vent us front carrying New York, New Jet.' sey, or any States we want, to elect Grant? The Republican party intends to carry them, and it intends to carry them fairly. It will overcome Tanimany's Reformed Sinner game In New York, this year, as it did last. It has gone before the people in the far East, in the Middle States, in the South, and in the fat west, and the verdict of the Masses has been "Well done, good and faithful servant I" It has tested the opinions of all localities, and the opinions are the same. The Liberal party tea fraud—its tnaipulators, including old Hor ace, are dangerous and mischievous—and therefore the people have decided in the States which have thus tar voted that Grant shall be President four years more. Not only that, • but that Greeley shall not receive the electoral vote of a s'ngle State that stood true" to, the Union during the war. FRAUDS Horace Greeley stuffed more ballot loxes with Hartranft votes than any other man. Ile not only did that, but is a repeater. Where's the District Attorney I He ought to be arrest ed. Ile started in the business at Lancasteroin at Pittsburgh he did such work that it was no or•'^ ovotent in Alleghany county,but (xi( to 0.. ioioughout the State. • Many a sold it r, by his remarks, his threats, his definition of his position upon secession; was driven into the Republican ranks. At Cincinnati, where IL. was invited to address a cjn.partizan ass nll - he could not even help repeating and perjuring himself upon the secession question. He ,drove more men into our ranks by his spot. ogy,at Jeffersonville, Ind., for being an eman cipationist. When hd came back to Anent. wn he met a Democracy and Liheralily 111,1 h a d fixed up 2,200 majority in Lehigh. Ile talked fraud, when he knew he was a fraud hitnsi.ll; he wanted us to bury our hatchets, while brandishing Ilia own above our hcuds. Those 2,200 were frightened, and they shrank away to 1,500. At Easton he told us a Tariff was a humbug—that we did not want such a silly thing—and if he had only stayed in the State a week longer, we should have polled 00,000 insjority for llartranft. What we did do, was all Oxeeley's fault. WILLIAM H. SEW A RD 1)E.111). The telegraph has brought us the news of the decease of William B. Seward, who, us Lin coln's Secretary of State, proved hfinseli the greatest diplomat and statesman of his day. We need not recur in detail to the public acts of his official career, nor to the chain of events by which his ambition, unfortunately, led him Into measures which Pirfeited his popularity and lost him the affections of the American people. lie was a man of extraordinary abil ity, bound less ambition, and a thirst for science in all the departments of leaning, which could not be satisfied. His public acts arc recorded, and will speak for themselves to all posterity, His private' life was blatneless. W illiam Henry Seward, the son of Dr. Sam uel S. Seward, for seventeen years a County Judge, and a ma❑ of more than ordinary busi nees ability and practical phllantbrophy, was born at Florida, Orange county, New York, cn the 16th of May, 1801. Be died on Thurs day, October 1011, 1872, at his residence in Auburn, New York, in. the Pad year of his life. By profession he was a lawyer of distill. guiebed rib lily, but entering politics and prow _ tug surer f ii , i lta abandoned his profession, and his later years, before and alter his trip around the world, were given to literary labors. MK man who carries that giant Engliah mind all by himself—that huge brain—is spoiling for a vote. tie can't wait. He's changed hi:tinted, and 1.19 W he wants one bad. He "wouldn't give ten ceuta for a vote" six months ago—but now, now he sees the impor tance of a vote. If he could have voted—that majority for Hartranft would have been squelched. There Is no knowing what such a vote, dmeted by such a mind, would not have done ! Wic tender our warmest congratulations to Hon. James B. Biery, our newly elected Memb e r of Cmgress. Mr. fiery is a Henry Clay Tariff man, and Is the best friend of the laboring mao this District has ever had. Be. 'ldes that, lie Is one of our hardest workers in the Republican cause, and his election is a most deserved tribute to his usefulness to the party, his firm integrity and (Inc moral char acter. Tun News refers feelingly to the "cursing" crowds who serenaded the Liberals "on elec. lion night. The Liberals themselves iudulg• ed in such curses loud and deep, that their echoes no doubt sounded to them like curses coming home to roost. We tender our heart felt sympathies and wish them a pleasant voy age. On, BUT rut ARE sicK 1 The Liberals, we mean, including their Daily Trombone And their daily organ presents a more crest fallen appearance than Frank Haines' rooster lis smile Is ghastly. Tnn vote of Phi!adelphla Is 12,000 less than In 1808. Where are Wow fraudulent *los 1' Soma fool is writing letters to the Tribune showing how frauds were committed In Phila delphia. Alex. McClure is no doubt the man, but who Is fool enough to believe him ? The correspondent ; says It would be useless to prosecute, because the Courts, the Juries and all the power of the State and the Nation is In the hands of the corrupt Radicals. With the same plausibility we might get up a chop• ter of frauds in this city. We might say for instance, that a young man, after going to vote in the Second Ward, went over to the Fifth Ward, and voted. Whether his name was on the registry in the Fifth Ward, too, we have not been informed. It is unnecessa ry to say he voted for Buckalew. A colored man offered to vote there, but he was black ; they couldn't take him. AnOther mau was considered a 1040 voter as long as lie was a Liberal, but when it was known lie was a Ilartranft man, lila vote was rejected on the plea that he wits n resident of another State, because he once went to New Jersey to do a job of work, leaving his family in Allentown. We might say more, but who would believe such things agaidst the Reliable. Reformers? The Republicans, though, must be perfect outlaws. Look at the heavy gains they made in some of the strong Democratic districts in spite of Democratic Inspectors and Judges ! Tait News believes that the Fifty first New York took Antietam Bridge, because Horace Greeley said so. The truth Is that Gen. Hart. rants, with the Fifty•first Pennsylvania, stormed the bridge and carried it, and Gen. Hartranft was the first man on the bridge. Fifteen minutes after the rebels were put in retreat, the Finy•first New York came up, and they have the honor, in Greeley's American Conflict, of having taken the bridge. But such is Grecleyisnt ! HARTRANFT WAS " REBUKED" IN HIS OWN . COUNTY.—RUCkfIieW ' S majority in Montgom• cry county is 33. The people of Montgomery have known General Oil Creek Ilartranft for " many, many years."—News. The News is conspicuous for its ignorance of politics. If its editor bud arrived in this country sooner he might have been present when "Old Reliable" carried Montgomery by 1,600. liven as late as 1869, Packer had 1084 majority In that county, and last year Mc, CandieSs carried it by 761. Hartranft reduced this to 03, which looks as though he had gime popularity at home. In 1869 the Democrats carried Columbia county by 1869 .majority, but this year Buckalew carried it by only 1716. That's the rebuke Buckalew got in his own county. THE DIFFERENCE Montgomery county gives I Fort ran ft a majority, a gain of nearly a thousand over 186 S. The people of Montgomery know,their gallant General, and their vote on Tuesdav most be accepted as the strongest rebuke his villitiers could receive. How is it in Columbia, the home of the wild Bufklew ? Columbia gives him a smaller majority than ever before'? Can the Liberals see it? FORWARD! Ilepublicans,we have gained an overwhelm. ing victory. We have one more battle to eight before the contest is over. Make the next election decisive. Let it be the death of Liberalism and Democracy. We ..can carry this city by 300 majority. Sehuylailt c.iunty promises to give 1500 for Grant. Let us carry Lehigh county , and do our share towards mak ing Grant's majority in Pennsylvania over 100,000. We can do it it we but IVOR us do our whole duly 311t1 make Pennsylvania thy• banner S!/1 IP. "NE 1'111111:1C Cll,llllB EleCtOr:ll Vole.: ill the 51)11theril Sautes and npnn this eXpiet.4 t build up a p mrrfol Lib NI putty. —not this year--but in the dished rtitoro. No party, %vlioA.• in 0.0 stroll 41:1 ;•.1 11.1 united S.tutlt, cut ovdr rille this coot. • try. But suc't is Groeleyk.n ! t) Ell ()CHATS BO t: The Demorats say their Inca re bon4ht . in Philadelphia-11 that be so it shows what kind of stud they are made of—pelt seems to be all they want—•no bouht a great many more might he bought jost now. WHEN the news from Pennsylvania reached Now York, gold fell to a premium TIIRLCE AND A HALF' per cent. lower than it has been for II week past. Does this not show what the businessmen, mechanics, farmers an I lib ire es huve nt stake in this Election? HOUND TO PRINT IT, ANTRoW I —One of the wood cuts prepared to celebrate the itueltalew victory, was printed in Thurdasys News, just to show the Rads what kind of a rod was in ticket for them. 'Nu Democrat is edited by an American citizen, who knows the meaning of electi•ma and like a good citizen b nrs to the verdict 01 the people. : How diLL.T4ut The Frantic ling• lishman. TILE STATE The following Is a corrected table or the vote in the State by counties. As lor as re ceived the official vote is given. In some cases we have been furnished with the lull vote ; in others only the Majorities ate given Those marked (*) are not official Mujorttles. fintu• Bl . l2ttod tou. le, 5-14 Adams, Allegheny, 3759 0022 A rnalrong, 371 966 ilea ve r,.. ...... ........... 469 *725 Bedford, Berke,. - 5531 Blair 510 Brad ford ..... 2670 Bucks 41 Butler, 207 Cumbria,.. . 735 Cameron, GO - 231 42 3255 - 2555 Carbon,. Centre,. Chester, EME:E=M:I EEO IMEEtI Clearfleld, MEE COILITIIbiII, ...... ....... 1776 Crawford,. 059 -- Cumberland, 467 Haupli In, ........... ..... 1249 Debi wate,.... ........ .. 1007 -- Erie,. 1324 .2200 Fayette,. ............... 943 - Forest,.... ............ ... , b 4.1 .50 Franklin, 395 373 Fulton, 337 797 Greene,......... ........... 1478 Huntingdon, 751. Indiana, 2184 J. &min,— . 81 Juniata . _ 353 Laneabter, 4095 Lawrence, 1141 Leban0n,........... ..... 1280 Lubin I), 1215 __,.. Luzerue,... 1485 — l,yerimlng, 385 -- N1eKean,..,.... ....... .... 159 .100 Mereer, 816 ' -9, 5 Mifflin, 80 1786 Monroe, 1858 Montgomery, 761 Montour -- 340 Northittnoton,. ' 2854 Noithumbetland,..... 261 Perry, - 10 Philadelphia,— ..... ... 0519 Pike, ............. ........... 761 Potter, 56.; 8(41'1) . 1h:11i, 1208 Snyder, 764 Somerset, 1189 5u111van,................. 300 BuFnuebanna,... ...... 109 s --. Tiogn . 1872 Union, 681 Venaugo, 568 • Wa rreu, 501 -- Wariblugton, — 84 Wayne, 315 Weetmoroland, • 1325 Wyoming, 105 York, 1.405 The Majority riO (Sr Is about 3e:0001 THE LEHIGH REGISTER, ALLENTOWN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 16,1872. THE VERDICT The People Say !'Not Guilty." 36,000 MAJORITY. 2 500 Expr cted for BUckalew in Lehigh County. 11'E GIVE THEM 1,500 Haftrallft's Slailderers Spolchod! THE CORRUPTIONIST McCLURE POLL I ICA LLY DEAD. Andrew Curtin Again Ilis Own County Spurns Him FORNEY'S " DUCK" EFFEC- TUALLY COOKED. No Senatorial Chair for THOSE $55,000 HIS LAST SPEC. Billingfelt Billed for Sail, River POOR OLD HORACE. The Biggest Beat He Ever Ra'sed Pennsylvania Take No Stock in the White fiat and Coat. "This is the People's Fight GREELEY'S SOUTHERN LOVERS DON'T LIKE IT The Lost Cause Buried Deeper. THE BL ODY COMM FILLED KITH LIBERALS. The Solders' Answer to Greeley's Pittsburgh Speech. Pennsylvania Right to be, Republican. . A A.EN I OWN LIBER tli DHUN ON SOOTHING S HU P. THE PENITENTIARY" SHEET COMES BAUK TO SMALL TYPE. What its Editor kuiyffs about Filailm How about that lainoranclum i Munioratiduni. 36,000 AFTER ()ctober Election.) Gormans,lrishmen,Catholics "Know-Nothing"about Buchalow. THE NEWS CARRIED TO HIRAII THAT TIDAL WAVE OHIO ALL RIGHT BIERY t:LEcrvo TO CONGRESS BY 2,517 PLURAWY. In - J. Jlnl•rrhl•+n. Hart. Ilack. ruufr. I 270 VENM•VLVANIA Bartranft'a -majority In the State Is about 30,000, and the Supreme Judge aid Congress. men.at Large will have considerably more. We have elected I«;enty•three out of the twen. ty -seven Congressmen, a gain of three al large, and seven in the Districts. The State Senate will liars 4 Republican majority of three and the House of Representatives will he very largely Republican, with probably a majority of twenty two. Allegheny, where great disaffections were reported, gives a ma jority of 9022, and Lancaster gives 4,710, where the Liberals did not allow us more than 2,000. (..beter, also depended up - n by the Litr•rull for great things, roils up 2,855. Bucttalew was to carry Bradford, but there Hartranft got a majority of 3,007. It is really too bad 1 liven Lucerne, estimated In Liberal tables ut 7000 Democratic, • gives Bueltalew only 1,923. - Fortliatnpton was depended upon for 4,000 but she only gave them 3,341. These iew instances will explain flow pberalp built up their hopes and why they lost so . much money on the result. ME -100 U '143 4434 72' U 5658 3UU El 42 2444 2633 37 -- xl4OO 2014 203. 2110 3626 000 - 4170 014 2327 -- 4332 21,36 x5OO *l5OO 8214 2684 *282 2413 2247 1352 173 J 4710 - 3920 1705 4287 2424 5355 64 , 5 1823 408 Ohio elects her Republican State ticket, in cluding Congressmen-at-Large, by 16,000 majority. Twelve Republican Congressmen, seven Democratic and one biberal are elected. Horace Greeley, in his Speeches assured the people that Ohio would give him and his par ty very heavy majorities ; "'but perhaps that was a mistake." 1765 *2200 "21 '376 ie23 3241 4314 4363 "260 611270 45541 246 1134 "133 Indiana elects Hendricks (Dein) for Gov ernOr by 837 ndority, and three out of her eleven District Congressmen arc Denuicrats. This is considered an overwhelming Demo. cratic victory I It is the Itiod'they generally get and it unquestionably a "big thing" for Democrats. The Republicans carried both Congressmen-at Large and the balance of the State ticket. The Republican majority lin the Congressmen loots 111)180 and we shall get 10,000 for. President Grant. OM 504 .410 1b0.2 •.312 NI :1128 -- •7uU 656 3173 2333 So - *BOO - 89 - 230 - 1700 NEBRASKA. Nebraska also voted on last Tuesday and gave II "Republican majority of 5,000. Sick. John 01110. INDIANA. THE SHIP OF STATE sails bravely o❑ with the Republican party, true and tried, at the helm. The old Coon gets the better of the Rooster again, . 4 414 t . s, ( 1 14 te!tc , ' qfr e W. 7 . 7 " 10; ; • ; • 'r•! • g • \ • • and we have elected Gen. JOHN F. H NRTRAN PT to the Guberna torial chair of Pennsylvania by a thundering majority; which bespeaks a majority in this state for Gen. Grant of 100,000. This Rooster crow to-day, and boiled owl or crow _ . Is as btl t„, l, or sielc Th e littl e the Salt Ri YA, A ,t; • - ct, 2 :4tlZ •• Tlitk - • s :o' • zi; "; • = 'N7t :At; belong to Mr. T. Einineni, of the Daily News, who has be n grunt ing like a silly pig t - - 2 • • over inAtters with which he had no right to meddle. ,Sarnbo is honest and pays tacos, and is a citizen under protection of our good Republican Flag. . ? ....,...lir# *., • ' 1...:1 , r 7: 4 ,j...., . ".t.i44.1 / : , fee •; . 4 . ...C...:• " 1. ' 0 1.4.11111Pre . .3=l I; ' l ' -. ' - 4 1 1 ..' ', 44 , 'V , # II He is proud of his country, T. F EllllllOlB trio -S to Ating , N with his vonelnous poll, and slan ders the bravest goneral the world ever saw, ULYSSES S. GRANT, and tried to prove the next Governor of Pennsylvania a thief and an em- be4ler [glass houses.] If he does not Alia I.lp . his villainous abuse the rank and file 11 , vill drum him out of tow❑ to the utie of the Rogue's March. HIP ! HIP ! HURRAH ! For Republican Gains Everywhere and the suppression of slanderers and villifiers. MARKETS PHILADELPHIA, October 11.—Dc Haven & Bro., Brokers, No. 40 South Third Street gl"e the following quotations up to 3 o'clock to-day : Buying. Belling. New U. B. s'a of 1881 110 110 k U.B. 6's of 'Bl 116% 116% ,I 62, not called ...... ..... 115% 115% 62, Ist call 113% It 62,' 2d Ca 11........ ...... ...115 " 62, 3d Call 115 1 4' 64 11.5% 115% .. 65 .................. ........... 115% 1.6 65, new 114% 114% st 67 114% 114% tt 68 114% 114% 6's 1040 a 108 108% SO year 6 per cont. Currency 111% 112% Gold 112% 113 Sliver. .......... ....... ................... ..... —lOB 110 Union Pacific Ist M. ......... ....... .... 87% 88 Central PaclOc ft.R 90% 00% Union Pacific L. Grant 8....... ......... 75% 76;,< Allentown Produce Market. Corrected Daily Ou Weinsustmer 'Newhard a Oa Wheat Flour, par bbl 60 CO -sellito Wheat, per boahal 11 00 1+1.71.1 Rye as a 70 oat 4S• • Flanmed I t2/0 •. Ttreethlieed, perk:m.l ' 4 CD Clover g eed, 6 00 Wheat Flour, per . owt 100 paylae aye Cor n Meal, '' 375 '• A OP Butter, per pound 25 • •r.te • Gard, '' .... • . 10 ' Tallow " .............. ....... . .... $ Bag', per do[. 25 Potato.,per 6.1.1.. w 70 Dried Apples, per Ineh•l Dried Peach.. " Zberial Noticto. OR HEMORRHOIDS! INTER .," NA... EXTERNAL, BLINO, BLEEDINO ARD ITCHING. Perfectly and Permanently CURED by AR NO fiIITION, (No Deloot(on from Business.) without hunger. Caustics or fnetruments, by WM. A. McCANDLASS, M. D., . NO. 2001 ARCO STREET, PHILADA., Who eau niter von to our WOO canes cored. We desire to coy to thrift° allitcted. there Ie pealtlvoly no deceyr(oos he tho core 01 00.0 DIBEAII6I2I. It matters not how long or 101“ , oruerehy you have bean affllclerl. we can our. Yon. Wo ale° cur. Ftstula. Fidenre Prolapses. Stricture. and Ulceration of the lower bowel. Rove treated three clig• rases no a eyed° nu for twenty years. Ifeb2l-(lmte Tr,.- 5 , q11E GREAT CAUSE OF HUMAN MIS— u EllY.—Jast Publielied. in n healed Envelope Prlee six cents. Lecture on the Nature. Treatment. and Mllen' Cure of Seminal Weakness or Spermaturrhme, Ittdacd by Belt Alms, leyolentory Emissions. Impotency. berrou• Do and Impediments to Marriage generally ' • Con sumption. Ephopsy. nod ; Mental and Ehysleal In• cayncliy. Sc —By ROB .1 CULTERWELL. M. D., an thor of the ••Orenn hook.'' &c. •...• • • . • . The Worldironowned author. In this adererableiLes tore, clearly prover from till own expllllB.s that the awful consequences of noif•Aboae may• he efeetnelty ra• moved without tueilicioe, and without da•geronii col operations. bouglim. Instrumento, ring., or cordials. p hinting out a mode of cure at once certain uhd effectual, lip which every sufferer. no inatter what hi• condition oho , be , may cure himself cheaply, privately and radi o illy. This lecture will prove a boon to ttionesmir and thousand , receipt el •10 emits, or two re”lftg , Molllpg, by addle 111 , nous nailer seal. ton plain e velope, to any addrere.uu Ina 1110 piihltilwrri alio. DR. I ULVERWEI.I..• . •Marei•c. °nide." prima tel cams. address the Iluloi•lier, Cl l BB J. C. & CO 127 Bowery. 18‘.‘r York. Pont Iloz 4.18 .18 017.72.1)44. TN+ 'r Hll ('411 . 1t r 4)1 , CUM 11411 i j_ PLEA. 11F 1.E11117/1 CoitsTr. oF T 01, 3.71 10 the p.m.. er V NV. 1 .V••• • •r. a 4 11 1Ylua for the lue.o 1. Wein ef The 31.10 .110; cr. by•yrinu chursh• ..p...hr .672.. 0 .11, . .•1 „r . 1.0 k 1101.10 n. 110. O. ye 1/1.1, 011,. With .il• 1 11. Of b. I I' 41 , "Th.` M. 0! rl.l Ple`t.l)YEnEl..{l I , IIU C I ol • o.:k i• "11 •um 'i.e....xi lb, pr.. 11111.41, 11,1 6.0.1, ;Ire ." 0 6' 1; e c l ' 4..lt i t . . r ...:l ' . '" r n a 1 " „ .1 h o: RI the It....rva f.. .1 hr . k . .res 111.1 .10. • no. 0.1.1 .1•0 ~'xl Et obIE rittbeiVlLE bid CE I , Ebb,. tk• remoult,d mod I"wo " rb S 1/11 1' 11 1 1; C R . , ur Pro•ll...t. T. While,x lily hand 01,11 of ,xlll Court 1 11 x, 1:181 day of 5e11..10.1. r. A (I 11.7 1 , J li. RILLINGEIL P.othuuot•ry. PbtilliONOTAilY ~r rier. Soot. 11, '72 b bEW 707 .707 K ITC II EN NV A LES, TOILET WARES, TABLE, A R ES, FANCY WA RES, In All Varieties, xt Lowest Prices TYNDALE & MITUIIELL, 707 CHESTNUT STREET, PIIIIADELPIIII. CHINA, AND CROCK ERN" 7 0 7 • octo-9niV4iw ADM I NS TR ATOR'i SALE OP VALUABLE REAL ESTATE! Leone (rent the -orphaoa' Court or l ifo'cl`o h ..".lll ° `l'l7,;g . wllt bo cold at public onto, of Wednesday, Ootober 30th, 1872, O now re Al”olotit C .01y. situate in ekloto of tor l II ow no of kpr n. Auld, coonly or Bockc nforonsid, to wan No. I.—A VALUABLE ?ABM, coutalolog 131 Acres and 104 Perches • nf splendid form land, bounded by lands of Joho Hoop!, David W. II se. Joseph Puny. Aaron Sterner Aug other. The In , proveme• t• roo•Ist nr a double Two•wrirµy sill fir. W iiqusq. go.id tonant • nitro largo stoo Elar PO or peak Wogon OHO nod earring. , house, pry crl4: pig at.. hod other nuibuildiuga. all io good condition'. this farm lapeovidtd with a pl.' Dui kilo, and coolsiou a rpleo• did on lot; haustab.e body o very superior DM. atone. The farm Linda are divided lot" etioveuwat gelds by good mid rob Untied o •11. Alpo, ao orchard of Ore grafted you if APPLE TREES, with o g cud variety 0 other fruit (re., etrellul of deer wet or MAVIS thrangh the promiess• This arm In In high sta ef tall'•stion, and in very vela Menu account of the I. s si O li 110111 OF Oltig which been dmarovered and ground into ' , mut In a mill on the prammes, and fOoOOOl/0 , 1 to Make aunt of the hest Tho lands al-1 ro supposed to forimitla a largo of oundlior IRON Of; wlitchboitik lb close pgd.,- tatty to several large IrMa Work. !Uqld add warn is the v.lao ut {hie proprly. No. trdot of WOMAAND, situate In the joule tun. neldp.lo.l.llll Iwo rolls. from 41,10g1 .Wee ma1011)11 Sutures and 137 tmt ellen of superior timber. olly Coeslunt. bounded by lands of ...ter °rube. tittionol Beichet. braha wo rthy John Dion and John 110110. This t r ac els wal the atta person. who may desire to hove tonbar lands. and If desired will be disposed of In lots of live end ten acres. as It May snit • 'lent Pereyn wishing If, slow 11,e Nom oaU r. residiug lieranta. dr ohou thn tand..ralgoed, nt lilt livery stan.es, tat the Clot of Ilentowk Condltiorm ma to know.. on day.of male by sop lidtsw ELL W. tiTUOICERT. Administrator. LINDEN FEMALE SEDINARY. DOYLESTOWN, PA. • ThA AchulAAtle)okr beghl no WEONESDAY, SEP TESII3B,B PoPKTII. 1672 Vor C.lnlogues •PPIT to o NRY 11. ciolloll. A. t Prha • olpals ItEr. LEVI V. SIIEIP. A. f Trikeet: fq . . 8, U. Auf.frows,_l). I) ,0. P. Jimeo, M. o.,Mitlmrd E. 4.. N. 4.; jAmno, Q.. Le.. h.q.. thirlla I.Abb, A. J. Lame. Loula wgrih- Ausou hlerrdlgh. AndrnM bcoll, Trum• kuvrer. ljy3l2inw THE IMPROVED FLORENCE. • The Ilene Heavinß Mar Mien Itlnd.?. The -O Machine that mites Four dliforecit Stitches r The only Weblee that tnteue the coda of Saliba& I The only Machine that will move the work in any direction deeire4 1 1111,1 the anti/ Maohine that hal a eolT•adiqetive tension. Thew , advatitaaea citohloed awl"; tit• AO n 9 t i eniri d oP4V2ltt ' v a Vlt_rvltrAi t t " f r p ; vetiver sere reader It t o [0.•1 ....iniute t . h dur:uslmuu mut Fanally Hewing Machine in the World. Good Agenfe wanted in every County. E. J. KRAUSS, Agent, 623 HAMILTON STREET, ALLEPTO apr24-1011r3 Nebi qtr , trtioettunto. nOmweNTowN J.) FIMIALE COLLEOR.—Thriroub Inotroction. Flealooland b•antlfnl location. One of the moat carefelly roodocted Rad beat acintained 111041..0.as in the Mate. Par term •l•., addrou Rev. JOHN R. BROEILRT, Ph. D. AGENTS WANTED FOR CODUINOI CHILD'S COMMENTATOR ON THE BIBLE, forte HOME CIRCLF. 1.300 wool. 20D Ewe vlaute. The beet eotorprion of tb• year tor "Copia. Ryer , famOv will have it. Nothing likr ft onto published ►or etrenlnra adder.. D• sexism & CO., 37 P..rk Now, New Tort. AGENTRWARII'ED—For HARRIET BIiF. , IIIEB Si OWE'S awnyedin book with Uwe, (11 the estwildatem aod leAlog meo of all parfl.s. Steel Pariraffe.s.lto Mti day raplolly_and raptly needs. rll.. and pre. l'articttlate free. WOWTIIINOTON. DUSTIN & CO., Dartford. Ct. GUARANTEED BONDS Payable In New York City, for ails at prima that will pay noon 12 per rout no tb• Inyestm•nt MUNICIPAL BONDS of the highest ,rude always on hand. Tilo3. P. ELLIS & CO., Bstik•ri, H Pine St., New York. Crumbs of Comfort! • Crumbs of Comfort! Crumbs of Comfort! STOVE GLOSS . UNPARALLELED SUCCESS! Over Twenty-four Thousand Gross Bold in Less than Nine Months. It Makes a Stove Shine Like Burnished Silver I ASK YOUR STOREKEEPER FOR IT If b• don't hays It go to Iho nPxt kora; hot don't he Imnlbuggod Into buying or using any of the old polishes whoa you con got CRUMBS OF COMFORT AT TIIE SAME PRICE. Or Ez i r i s h W i t r f :11 . 4) tall Dealer to Slates haa H. A BARTLETT & CO., Manufaet're, PHILADELPHIA, PA. ASTHMA. The enhecribere ere alsonfecturer'a Agent, for R. W • Reed's celebrated ASTHMA RELIEF. the beet remedy for Asthma yet discovered. Indent relief guaranteed or Durchese money refunded. Thn medicine le not tip in three AV% welch retail for 250.. 000; and $l. Pare ton remitting prise will have the medicine rent free by mall Also sample, pent free to •ny who desire. EMILIO° A, TULLIiit At CO., Rome, N. Y. ARE YOU GOING TO PAINT ? THE AVERILL CHEMICAL PAINT bu proved Heel( to be the HANDSOMESi m AIp .A pm,& ,, R s e . RLE RITZ. Sample inrd of beentlfal colors and rarommeadallons from owners of the Cno,l re,ldaneee In Ike country fer• &Wed free by a I dealer., or by AVERILL CIIEMICAL PAINT CO., 82 BonLitco BLIP, NW YORE, Or, C1,11Va1.040, 01110. DEATH! BAD B;EArl' H Millions of yooog nod old people (boll. •62,0 are br tared dolly with di...3rd .rod Stomach Blood. boort. Irlror Kidnea •, TIC m. , • Acne, no. hen loch d balpitation nlO dines,. drove. no orolrgy. droner...lc h. ihou• ,ii gravel. weak bock, oonoliroitlon, piles. b•• ral.gion•ly comournd our tIOLD11:1 PACK/101a, !favor fall If .1.. r frog for el. Drillfib• your eat.. Circular free. Add iss CITY INFIRMARY, Youngstown, 0. BARLOW'S INDR•O BLUF. Is the ehotebeat Rad halal article!. the market for BLOM. Curies. the geeelne ha. both Barlow'. and W Inner- Dle• eagle on the Weed, and nal on at Wlltherger'• rug Stare, No. 213 North Second Bt.,•Thilede Iphla S. W1LT016103211, Proprietor. For •.l. by Droill.t. and aroma A A GENTS WANTED.—At ente mac more moony at work for as that at anything elm Bad ness light and permanent. Partwnlare fro., O. Bru• go k Co., Finn Art PeiblUhers, Portland. Hale, AGENITM WAINTED.—SAIDI pl•• meat free by mall. with terms to eltpar r day. Twneolly.ly •ew sys•. 0•1•101 e alc-ff22. tt•l a, flair. •tbly.se K. H. WHITE, Newark. N. I. OUR NEW GOODS I BN'BITIAIL bOT‘' NV HA DFIR I ,III•WLO.OPL 16el. BLANICErIa 1.1.AN:121. 4 . .. All in g ••rloi*, ja l t•••ii, aoll ..J for r•le al •raito p . üb' 1. rev,' cLf•,IIy v1.,1 to tc4 ni otr al etc so pl. ,ntch .• I g 730 11 Ali ILI ON 8 REST .I.n 41' UlllOCYlli Li. I ha•. I . 114,41 1 . 07 -* .a" , W..iPAVArC4.4.4erract. GO TO PUILA DELI'II A int NE 1 . 01(K. TO Bt.; CA. It PETS, WHEN 1 U CAN ()Er THEM AS GOOD AS 4ND CHEAP IN yOUlt OWN CITY AT THE WELL STOCKED CARPET STORE S. G. KERR, •E 2 lIANIILTON STREET, WINDOW SHADES & HOLLANDS, ♦LL COLORS, PLAIN ♦ND GILT, A las assortment of Nair arid Beautiful Patterns ALSO, . MATS and RUGS or eTery description, MATTINGS, DRVGGETS, &C SAMUEL G• KERR'S CARPET WAREROVSE, lin HAMILTON STREET, ALLESTOWN. PA. FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, GLASS, A L L WIDfEIB, RUGS FOR STOVES, All Sizes, TOT TABLE AND STAIR CLOTHS, MEMI 632 HAMILTON STRELT SPECIAL NOTICE ] Our rmulern r.lll L. gleid to laarx or Ihr armisturtilr atolurilltio. of • ROOKHILL & WILSON, (The ram.. Phllattlelris Clothim.) JAR ELMOAMP, MILO+, 4 YABIIIONABLE Fall and Winter Uldthing, Unequaled In Wenn., history. READY-MADE GARMENTS For Men, Youths ? and Bolsi yinizre, zAmuzus, •nd CICOSOMY CODIDINED SUITS TO ORDER. cusTomE.R pErititryi NT. 2:gc:ifio,rimt:s7o,..:;:;....gurn write fur nqmplea Lod ROCKLIILL & 'WILSON, 603 & 005 CHESTNUT ST., PHILA. POLITICAL CAMPAIGN. ORA NT 45 WILSON, 111, OREELEY 47. BROWN, & CAMPAIGN M ;. CAPS! cc'ps,v rapes & Torohes. 719 :CBES Transparencies & Banners. Wlth portraits or soy &sloe for all parties, sn El o ilk %a ll oW• lug rlia l let i ltra i Xo o f f tarat3 ' .... ° 1 b1 7 1 4 . 1 papar i stattoo r ti. Fire Wea he.. 4e. Camp.. Awed out at Wm Lowest Rates NVM. F. DAMPAION DEPOT, 49 South Third • St., Philadelphia. jy3) BEND MR CIRCULAR.' tSmw BM ja great variety, it =1 OF 1872 Bold BUT NEVERTHELESS TRUE AND RELIABLE FACTS MAMMOTH STORES E. S. SHIMER & CO., 705 AND 707 HAMILTON STREET, ALLENTOWN, PA CAR Oil Cloths, Window Shades, Curtain Laces, &c., cheaper than anywhere else Itt t 1 City and VAlley. LARGEST CARPET HALL, LARD EST STOCK. I,A RG EST ASSORTMENT, AT ASTONISH] NO LOW IMES concnnence decline in Ho,! CALL, EX A 3,11 NE AND BE CONVINCED! Thankful for past favors KR,AMER'S POLE RAISING! urrah N. J. KRAMEWS Corner Store The 01(1 0oTn.;11 , alWays true Co its principles in selling Goods way down in price UNFURL THE FLAG FOR THE FALL AND WINTER CAMPAIGN OF 1872 Call Now on hand an unusually large and attractive steak c,f LAPIES', MEN'S and BOYS' WEAR, which cannot be surpassed in the Valley. Latest Novelties, I cordially invite all to inspect my stock hefore purchasing elsewhere, NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS DAVY & HUNT, • GREAT WESTERN JR , Carriage & llarnos9 %,av BAZAAR. • 1311,1313, 1315 and 1317 Market 'Street, PIMA DELPIIt A. Falling and Shlftlog-Top llogglea from Wien:W. Oermantowo I Shillioir Beats) from $7O to am Rockaway! Meath. Trimmed e from SO , to OM. Deartoma, No Top Buggies, Jagger sod Butouess We goal from 00 to *(AS. Sfini. [lamella from $l5 (a $75 par rat. Don (0 Hynes. from 12.5 to VS Per sob. 111.1111.1, Whip & lb! Item' Meet% Afghans and evely• thlug appertaßilorto the hualoaaa eunsPy low pices, mottp Is •.(16. riper than the Cheapt .' Illmo call Woof purcliaalog elaewheTe. faugli•Clutv WATSON'S CELEBRATED FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF ..:' '' •"•' • ' .;- 1 . ! SAFES. , ...,J /1 ESTABLISHED IN 1848, • TUE OLDEST li'AfE 4IOUSE IN PIIILADEL Ylll4 . Moonily Bala with lasi tes boon , . a darauteed Free from ea usimess. Also from 1 5 to 20 vs, Cent. lower thou o'her makers. Please send for Circular and Price last. T. Weellfi h eOl.l, Late of Evans h Waimea. il'acturers, No. Me. Fourth Bt. Philadelphia. M. S. YOUNG & CO., Agents, .nist.usr, ALLENTOWN. Ass.ertions THAT AT THE ME YOU CAN BUY E s WE PROVE WORDS BY ACTIONS! urrah I FOR AND 18731 &See! Qualities and Price. MILITARY CLOTHING. GEO, EVANS & CO,, (Lekte . EVANS a LEECH.) 0, 915 MARKET- STREET, PHIL A D H LPHIA. Fire Companies and Brass Bands UN IFORMED With RELIABLE (loom, at low pikes, Sapapirs !goods and Photouroph of must Poo nu SECOND-lIAND ZOUAVE UNIFORMS In go,lc , inditlon. for male very cheep. EIT3-3MW LEIVIVI4 RI N TRUSS will positively mill the word CANCiII of IMMURE. Hard Rubber stud ell ollbor k lode ur names, abon/eer Braces, buppartere, El•ht C Belt+ nod /St akin[., 811111 V PS de, Bow- I.en end Club IF OA lawn/nen/a eel luildcally made, , ete., cousteutly on baud sod /made to older. LADIES WAITED UPON IN PRIVATE hr biro. LORI, botviorrt:bor th e place. No. IB.NORTH NINTH BT .. ru Elora alma guktt. rlallae Cie IS We [aut3l-d&w 3, KRAMER A quantity or
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